herarcadewasteland · 23 days
A/N: This the small piece for the Wooyoung Bullet Point thing i made a little while back! I finally got it done and now you get it~
Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader ft. San
Warnings: meandom!wooyoung, slapping (thigh and face), degradation, unprotected sex (wrap it up), creampie technically, protected sex (good job), big dick!woosan, restraints, slightly sub!sannie, exhibitionism.
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The goal, for once, was not to piss off Wooyoung. Quite the opposite. All you wanted was a little bit of attention from him instead of having it all focused on the damn soccer game that Jongho had put on. It had started off slow that he had no idea it was even happening. Seeing you a little more slung over San than usual, your close relationship was nothing new to him because he was around the man so much himself. A few deliberate hand placements on the muscles of his arm when he made a dumb joke. It was harmless. At least to you. 
As soon as Wooyoung picked up on it, he was on his own plan. You wanted to be a brat and pretend to be more interested in his best friend than him? Your boyfriend? He could play at that game too. He ignored your attempts for his attention, your attitude growing bolder as you noticed Wooyoung not even sparing you a glance, a haughty smirk on his lips as he laughed with Jongho and Yeosang. Your actions towards San got more blatant, a blush covering the boys cheeks as you leaned against him, pressing your tits into his arm. Laughing louder at his jokes, swiping a drop of mayo from his lips when it spills out of the slider. Wooyoung was glancing your way more now, your eyes meeting a few times as his progressively held more danger. 
You knew you were in for it now but you were so far into your plan, you couldn't just back out of it and admit defeat. So you went in harder. Bumping your arm a little too hard into San to spill your drink all over his white shirt, your eyes going wide as you gasped and grabbed for napkins to dab at his shirt while you ran your hands across his broad chest. San muttered something under his breath and shook you off with a sheepish smile, telling you he could borrow a shirt from one of the boys as he scurried away. 
You huffed lightly, calling out another apology and turning to look at your boyfriend. His eyebrow was raised, hands folded neatly on his knee as he watched you. The look in his eye was past danger now. You were royally fucked. That didn’t stop you from continuing your antics the next week when you and your boyfriend invited San out to the mall for a day of shopping.
It had started slowly as it had the previous week. Small brushes of your hand against San’s ass, brushing your tits against him blatantly when Wooyoung was looking into a window display. Little did you know, Wooyoung knew what you were doing. He saw you in that same window display reflection brushing against his best friend. He saw it all and took note of it all, a smirk resting on his pretty lips while you flirted with San to get under his skin. 
He couldn’t say it wasn’t working, but it wasn’t working as well as you had hoped. You picked up on that fact slowly, building your tactics to make San flustered and your boyfriend mad. Your opportunity came in two forms. One of ketchup clinging desperately to San’s lower lip. You peeked a glance at Wooyoung, seeing him focused on his own hamburger, you took the chance.
“Ahh Sannie you made a mess!”, you cooed, seeing Wooyoung snap his head to you just as you reached across the table to swipe the offending condiment from his plush lip. 
Sitting back casually, you made eye contact with Wooyoung, his eyes holding a promise. You giggled at him and watched his eyes narrow, your finger quickly raising to your lips to suck the ketchup off of it. A throat clearing interrupted you, your eyes trailing over to the man across from you. Scanning the blush on Sans cheeks, you smiled happily, Wooyoung's hand finding a place on your thigh to squeeze it harshly. Your smile dropped enough for it to be casual, the hand on your thigh relaxing but staying in place as conversation picked up about one store or another. 
Your next opportunity came when you saw someone with the coolest jacket you had ever seen, your eyes lingering on them as they walked long enough for Wooyoung to take notice and follow your line of sight. He scoffed silently, tugging at your jacket to point at a window display with the shiniest dresses you had seen to date. With your attention successfully diverted, Wooyoungs’ hand on your lower back leads you into a separate store. Your thoughts were running wild with how to rile up your boyfriend even further when you realized, scanning through cute cardigans, that your tactics weren’t working properly. You would have to think harder.
You came up blank, your day at the mall going by peacefully until you tripped over your own feet while you were distracted by a window display. Your little trip up sent you face first into Sans solid chest, Wooyoung staring you down darkly as your hands pressed to Sans biceps to push yourself away. 
“I am so sorry Sannie! I don’t know how that happened!”, you sounded panicked, Wooyoungs’ eyes narrowing further.
San waved off your concerns easily, his hands patting your shoulders to console you as Wooyoung stared quietly. You turned to him shortly after, shaking your head, eyes holding a promise it wasn’t purposeful. Wooyoung wasn’t having it, his hand wrapping around yours as he pulls you closer to him.
“Let’s head home. We don’t need to be tripping over anything else.”, he chuckled, patting your head with his free hand.
You and San agreed, weaving through the people to get back out into the parking lot. Finding the car was slightly difficult, the distant beeping of the lock guiding the three of you in different directions until you found it, shouting for the boys as they found each other on the other side of the lot. You laughed at them while they jogged to the car, your face red as they huffed at you. Piling into the car, you started the drive back to the apartment, music blasting through the speakers as you all sang along, San’s dance movements small and precise in the small space. It sent you into a whole new round of laughter when he tried to do a kick jump in his seat. His head smacking the roof of the car with a thunk followed by the combined laughter of Wooyoung and yourself. The pout that graced Sans' pretty lips made you both coo, a blush coating his cheeks as he crossed his arms and stared out the window. 
The drive finished smoothly with some more karaoke after San was done his playful sulking, Wooyoung’s pokes to his side drawing him from it with giggles. Any giggles left you when you met your boyfriends eyes through the rear view mirror, the danger hiding in them setting your body on edge as you huffed a half laugh at something that San said, climbing out of the car with the two bags Wooyoung let you carry. You unlocked the front door quickly, Wooyoung urging you to go faster. Laughing, you opened the door and stepped aside, ushering the boys in. You closed the door behind you once they made it in in one piece. 
“Bags in the kitchen!”, you called after them, their footsteps fading slightly as they made their way to the kitchen.
Following them into the room, you landed a smack on Wooyoung’s ass as he bent over to look for a drink for San. His startled shout made you laugh with San, high-fiving him as you passed him to open a cupboard for a bag of chips to share. San stood awkwardly as you both moved around him, Wooyoung handing you a bowl for the chips after he pulled out the last case of beer he kept for when San was over at your place. 
“What did we decide on again?”, you turned to the boys once you were done emptying the bag into the bowl.
“Uhhh-“, San turned to Wooyoung who was opening three beers.
“Uh…”, he paused, tilting his head as he looked back at you and San, “I think it was The Avengers?”
You and San mirrored an “Ohhhh!” as you remembered the movie choice. Migrating to the living room, you observed the spots left on the couch until Wooyoung was tugging you down onto his lap. You scoffed lightly at his possessive action, San eyeing up the two of you slightly before he shrugged and focused on the screen. The movie went by without fault, snacks being passed around, cuddling into Wooyoung as he rested his chin on your shoulder… it was going so well… until you declared a bathroom break was needed and stood up from Wooyoung’s lap. You stretched with your arms above your head, a large yawn escaping you before you could stop, the boys focused on the exposed skin of your stomach.
One set of eyes leaving to watch the other’s unmoving gaze until he stood, Wooyoung placing a kiss on your head as he ushered you to the kitchen. San followed along blindly, clutching the empty bowl in his hands to drop it in the sink. Silence took over the room until you cleared your throat to interrupt your boyfriends one-sided staring contest with his best friend, slipping past them both when you were suddenly falling into San’s chest for the second time that day, your eyes widening as you pushed away from him quickly, his concern going unnoticed as you faced your boyfriend.
The smirk on his slightly chapped lips and the tsk that left them told you all you needed to know. You shook your head at him slightly and finished your journey to the washroom, doing your business quickly before nearly sprinting out of the door into a solid object. Staring up at Wooyoung, you shook your head again, hands on his chest as he watched you.
“I can’t believe you pushed me into him! It was an accident earlier! I promise-”
“Don’t think I don’t know your little games, pretty girl. I know exactly what you’re trying to get from me.”, he paused to whisper in your ear, sending chills down your spine, “All you had to do was ask.”
You don’t even get the chance to respond before he’s grasping your wrist and dragging you to your shared bedroom, a shout to San to come up in a few minutes following your stumbling steps. An affirmative, though hesitant, response from the boy hit your ears just as Wooyoung shoved you through the door. 
“Try again.”
“Wooyoung I swear to god-”
“Not bad but that was your last chance.”, his hands pushed between your shoulders til you tumbled onto the bed, his hands around your hips flipping you onto your back, “Address me properly or so help me…”
He leaned over you, eyes dark and piercing your soul as you whimpered under his gaze, “You’ll regret ever calling me anything other than Sir.”
You nodded quickly, small apologies tumbling from your lips as he disappeared into the closet, coming out with a locked box that was no longer locked. You realized at this moment you shouldn’t have even tried pleading your case. He wasn’t going to believe you anyways, and trying to bargain worsened your punishment. Seconds later, your hands cuffed to the headboard, Wooyoung back in the closet, San walked through the door. 
“What did you-”, he paused in the doorway, his eyes scanning your prone form and then the room for your boyfriend. 
Not finding him, the man looks at you in confusion, “Y/N? What-?”
You shushed him and beckoned him forwards, eyes desperate until Wooyoung appeared again with a happy look at seeing San. 
“Oh good! You made it just in time!”, the sound of fabric tearing made you wince as San gasped, turning away from your suddenly naked body, “Now now, Sannie. You were just looking at her skin so intently!”
He took measured steps to his best friend, grasping his chin and turning him in your direction as you squirmed against the sheets, “Now take. a. good. look.”
You whimpered at the heat of their gazes on your exposed skin, eyes begging with San until a stern look from Wooyoung had you intently focused on the blankets beneath you. 
“No, no. None of that. You don’t get to look at him. You did that enough today don’t you think? All over him just for my attention.”, he left San’s side to reach into his pocket, pulling out a handful of condoms that sealed your fate for the night, “That didn’t work like you wanted though, huh? Poor dumb little slut doesn’t get what she wants. How disappointing…”
He took a moment to set the condoms beside you mockingly, unbuckling his belt with precise motions that built tension in your core as you watched him, “For you.”
Everything happened in a blur after that. Wooyoungs’ belt being tied around your head, San being positioned in the desk chair at the end of the bed, Wooyoung stripping completely with a smirk on his face as he watches San squirm with his legs crossed. You whimpered around the belt as Wooyoung hovered above you, running his cock along your folds until you moaned with each brush of the head against your sensitive clit. You soon forgot about San with the pleasure clouding your mind, Wooyoung’s breathy groans in your ear ruining any thought of brattiness you had for the moment. Your mind cleared completely as he thrusted into you with one motion, each vein on his cock leaving you whining as you felt them drag against the wet walls of your cunt. Your moans only grew in volume as Wooyoung thrusted into you faster, deeper, reaching depths of you that you felt like only he could. His moans spurred you on to meet his thrusts until his hands slammed down on your hips to keep you still with a low grunt in your ear.
“I would suggest not moving, baby.”
You whined but nodded, drool dripping from around his belt between your teeth, soaking the material and leaving a trail on your skin that Wooyoung gathered with his fingers to bring down to your clit, rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves in fast circles. Your pussy clenching around him sending him to new heights with his best friend watching. You whined even louder, moans cutting off your breaths until you pleaded with Wooyoung through the belt, his raised eyebrow shooting a spark of arousal straight to your clit. The moan you let slip at that point was pornographic, San’s small grunts just reaching your ears as you tugged on the restraints keeping you from touching your boyfriend in the way you wanted. 
“What’s that, pet? You wanna say something?”
You nodded quickly, moving your hips slightly to get him to move faster as he tugged the belt from between your lips.
“Please!”, you panted for breath now that you could take proper ones, “Sannie! Untie-”
The sound registered before the feeling, the stinging of your cheek coinciding with the sound that echoed through the room. 
“What did you just say?”, Wooyoung stopped his thrusts abruptly, “Did my cocksleeve just call out for another man as I was fucking it? Nooo no, I must be mistaken.”
You inhaled sharply as you realized what you said, your lips parting as you started to stutter over your apology. Another slap cut you off, your head facing the wall with the force of it as you clenched around him. 
“I would suggest you repeat yourself right now, love. I don’t want to have to ask twice.”
“I-...I’m-... Sannie-”, you cut yourself off when Wooyoung raised his eyebrow, “I mean… I wasn’t-”
“Spit. It. Out.”, he accentuated each word with a thrust that had you grasping at the restraints around your wrists.
“Sannie! Untie me!”, you gasped out.
The silence in the room was suffocating as Wooyoung pulled out of you quickly, not giving you time to savor the sensations of him in your for the last moments.You whimpered at the emptiness in your core, clenching around nothing as you watched Wooyoung stand, his expression blank. 
“San. Come here.”
San moved quickly, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste to follow his best friend's orders. 
“Do you think my little slut deserves to be untied? Just so she can touch me?”, Wooyoung ran his hand along San’s broad chest as he stuttered for an answer, “She called for you, didn’t you hear? She wants your help.”
He pushes him towards the bed, “So help her.”
You share a slightly confused glance with San, watching Wooyoung stare the two of you down until he snapped his finger, making you jump slightly.
“Move faster. She clearly wants your help, Sannie~”
San nodded slowly and reached up to undo your restraints until Wooyoung's hands covered his, “No. Not like that.”
You and San shared properly confused glances now, eyes darting between each other and your boyfriend as he laughed mockingly, “Two dumb little pets. How fun!”
Wooyoung nearly dragged San onto the bed, ripping his clothes as he had yours, making you both gasp as he pushed him down onto you. The only indication of something happening was the slight brush of Wooyoung’s hand across your clit after the crinkling of the condom wrapper ceased. You and San whined in unison as suddenly he was pushing into you, your boyfriend's pretty hand on his hip telling you San wasn’t even in control of the situation. 
“You do know how to fuck, right?”, Wooyoung laughed as San frowned at the jab, his hips suddenly moving into yours much faster and with much more force behind them, “There we go. I knew you could fuck her right~”
You moaned at each thrust, hands grasping at air as Wooyoung laughed at you, landing a slap on your thigh as San fucked you with everything in him. His cock stretched you more than Wooyoungs’ did but you didn’t dare say anything to compliment the man in that moment, instead moaning loudly as you held eye contact with your lover. The smirk on his face and the hand stroking over his cock as he watched you be pounded into the mattress made you whimper, eyes rolling back as you felt San twitch inside you just enough to brush over that special spot. 
“Aweeee.”, Wooyoung cooed at your reaction, “Keep doing that Sannie. She loves it, look at her! Can barely even keep her whore mouth shut.”
“Maybe you should fill it then.”, San spoke up for the first time, shocking both of you until you nodded happily and opened your mouth for Wooyoung to slide into, moans escaping you still. 
“Good boy, Sannie. I knew you would have some great ideas somewhere in there!”, Wooyoung crawled up to kneel by your open mouth, giving you a small moment to savor his taste until he was thrusting into your mouth like he was fucking your pussy. 
San moaned out a small thank you that made Wooyoung laugh until he saw your expression change, San’s moans turning to a higher pitch as you tightened around him with your impending orgasm. 
“Is the poor baby gonna cum around my friends cock? Hm?”, he pulled out from your mouth, leaving your tongue chasing it pathetically as he laughed and leaned down to brush some hair behind your ear, “You don’t get to cum.”
San stopped at those words, pulling his own cock from you with a strangled moan. You whined at the loss of attention, Wooyoung’s look turning dark once more as he sat beside San between your spread legs. 
“You really thought you were going to cum after those little stunts you pulled today? Think again.”, he turned to San, pulling him into a kiss as he pulled the condom from his twitching cock.
You watched silently with pleading eyes as Wooyoung wrapped his hands around himself and San, tugging on their cocks quickly with just enough pressure that made San whine. His eyes met yours, both of you looking fucked out, and he tumbled over the edge, his cum landing in thick ropes over your abused pussy and Wooyoungs’ hand. Your boyfriend moaned at the sight, pushing his cock back into you just as he came, the warmth spreading through your body as you closed your eyes. 
“Gooood fucking girl. Taking my cum like a champ.”, you huffed out a playful breath at his choice of words, your pussy aching for release you knew would never come. 
The feeling of Wooyoung’s lips brushing over your ear startled you, your eyes snapping open to make eye contact with San as the boy flushed prettily at your attention, “Maybe next time, throw yourself on Hongjoong.”
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BESTIE!!!!!! You need hard hours? I gotchu!! Double penny with Woosan where they just like spit roast you babes if you think your walking tomorrow then I’m sorry to break it to you but… they give u so many highs you think you might pass out. But then the aftercare be so gentle and soft and there so sweet when they speak to you uwu 💖💖💖😩😩😩
OMFG RUBY!!!! you got me going 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 with this
Warnings: meandom! Woosan (soft doms at the end hehe), degradation, manhandling, blow job, unprotected sex, squirting, aftercare.
MeanDom! Woosan who are your boyfriends, are rough, harsh and get you passed out in the end from the intensity. But when they're frustrated though, it's a whole different world.
You would know you were screwed the moment they walk through the door and they almost pounce on you. Wooyoung pushes you into your bedroom, his hands wandering and groping your flesh harshly all while San follows behind with his hand unbuckling his black leather belt.
“You're gonna get ruined tonight babygirl” You hear San say behind your ear, before Wooyoung is pushing you down on the bed as he hovers over your body.
Neither of them give you mere seconds to think before, you're told to strip to nothing – which you do so without another thought. All while the two pairs of eyes stalk over your body.
San's hands sneak in between your hair strands in moments before he's stuffing his length inside your mouth. You almost forget to breath from how fastly his hips snap into your mouth, his head thrown back as he face fucks you.
You barely remind yourself to breathe from your nose, when your thighs are spread apart from behind and you moan around San when you feel a harsh slap on your ass. “Such a welcoming hole for us, aren't you nothing but a slut for us? A cockdumb bitch?” Tears form in your eyes from the degrading words – you felt humiliated and you loved it.
You gag around San as the result of Wooyoung slipping into you in a swift moment. His hands hold your legs open as far as humanly possible before his hips rut into you.
A low smirk tugs on both of their lips as their hawk eyes watch the way you fall apart on their cocks at the same time.
If you think it's over once they come, you're totally wrong. They would make you cum over and over, manhandling you into positions all for the convenience of them. They would know you reached your limit when your legs shake convulsively even under San's grip as you squirt all over his face. Your back would be against Wooyoung's chest who kept his hands busy with your godly breasts.
You mildly pass out for a few seconds with your brain completely hazy and flying in the clouds. You would barely be able to think about anything while the both of them run you a bubble bath. San would massage your sore body after Wooyoung washes you clean in the shower.
Once completely conscious, you realise you were dressed in oversized comfortable clothes, laying down in between them. Your brain almost glitches from the change of their tone and their touches, which was as soft as cotton.
But you would rather do anything than change a thing about your dynamics.
You smile contently as they snuggle up to you, before drowsing off to sleep in the warmth of their hands.
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justaaveragereader · 7 months
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Pairing: JongSang x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: MeanDom!Jongho, MeanDom!Yeosang, Sub!Reader, Cum Eating, Oral (Giving and Receiving), Cum Play, CNC, Throat Fucking, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex (Please Dont😀), Primal Play, Masked Sex, Phone Sex, Reader Is Being Watched…, Three Sum, Spit Roasting, Choking With A Belt🤪, Restraints, Degradation, Name Calling (Whore, Slut..), If I Missed Anything👀👀…Lemme Know!
A/N: Can you believe we got one more slasher fic to go then Slashtober is over?!? I hope yall enjoyed these fics as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them. I couldn’t hold myself back on this one, I was trying to hold it till tomorrow but excitement got the best of me. I apologize for the person I became when I wrote this🤪🫣.
Slashtober Masterlist
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The last to move in was Kang Yeosang, and Choi Jongho, the quietest men out of the neighbors. Both resembling Gods, when they came into the neighborhood you couldn’t help but want to know their names. When the moving truck pulled into town, you and Wooyoung fought your way to the truck wanting to both introduce yourselves, getting an eye full of both men, in tank tops, sweating through them leaving very little to the imagination, your voice got caught in your throat. Wooyoung laughed and snickered saying how you embarrassed yourself while you reminded him that he literally almost leeched his body onto Yeosang and Jongho. Every morning you saw them you waved to them, knowing that they were the type of men who preferred being left alone. Yet you couldn’t possibly leave them without giving them some kind of polite gesture.
Your house was quiet Sunday night, deciding to call it a night early you got yourself tucked into bed, turning your phone on do not disturb. You let sleep take over your body. Not even 20 minutes into your peaceful slumber your phone came off of dnd, irritation lacing your mood, you picked up your phone to see who could be calling you, an unknown number? Not even bothering with it, laying your phone back down you tuck yourself back into bed. Your phone goes off again, and again. Getting fed up, you answer your phone.
“What?!” You yell out clearly annoyed that this number continued bothering you. You can hear breathing into the phone, rolling your eyes as you hang up. Placing your phone back down. When your phone goes off again. You answer it and hang up. Getting more irritated, throwing your covers off you make your way to your kitchen. Grabbing a glass of water when your phone lights up again, answering it but not speaking just yet. You can hear movement on the other line.
“What do you want?!” You say with an attitude lacing your tone. A deep chuckle makes you place your glass down. Putting your phone on speaker and placing it on the counter.
“I just wanted to see what you were doing baby.” A deep voice says, your eyes get big, slightly scared you go to hit the end button when the voice speaks up.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” The voice on the phone says, confusing you. When a hand wraps around your mouth, pulling your body effortlessly against his chest. You scream even though it is muffled by this person's gloved hand. As you are trying to peel this person's hand off of your mouth, you are trying to kick his legs, so you can get away from them. His other hand grabs your waist pulling you close to his body, hard cock rubbing against your ass cheeks. Closing your eyes tightly you jerk harder in his grasp. When a deep chuckle is heard through the phone once more.
“Go ahead and fuck her. I know the little bitch is wet.” Gripping your throat, Jongho bends you over the kitchen counter, his bricked cock nesting between your ass cheeks. Your face comes in contact with the cool surface of your kitchen counter. Your body doesn’t even put up a fight, automatically bending to the will of the big man behind you, while the person on the phone laughs hysterically in your ears. With a voice so deep you’ve swore you’ve heard it before, the husk to the voice, the grit of the voice, yet you can’t put a finger on it because the only thoughts that are swirling your mind is how easily you are being manhandled, and how much you are enjoying it.
Running his gloved fingers from your belly button to your clit, he puts pressure on it, causing your body to let out a mewl. The man behind you lets out a chuckle, you can hear him undoing his belt, sliding it around your wrists, securing it to the faucet. Pressing his body on your back, keeping you in place with his body weight. You struggle to breath, a quiet moan slips out, the struggle in which he’s causing you turns him on more and more.
“Is that what you want? You want a big bad guy to come and fuck you?” He grunts into your ear, bucking his hips between your ass cheeks. You can get a good feel of his length, and not only is he thick, he’s long. How could you not want this? Maybe Mingi was right, maybe it was time to admit you were just as fucked up as they were.
Dropping to his knees, he shimmies your pajama shorts down, giving your ass a harsh slap making you yelp.
“No panties? My god..” he groans out. Gripping your ass cheeks, he spread them, getting a clear view of your moist cunt. Rubbing his gloved hand through your lips, collecting your slick on his fingers. Popping them in his mouth he savors the taste of you on his tongue. Hiking his mask up he dives tongue first into your cunt. Strong hands gripping your ass cheeks spreading them even further so he can get a better taste of you. He’s eating you like he’s a starved man, like this is the first meal he’s had in a long time, like he’s trying to eat you alive. Slurping your clit, his gloved hand comes and plunges in your warm walls. Letting out a moan you try to reach your hand back, forgetting that you are tied to the faucet. You want to slow him down from eating you out as you don’t want to cum just yet. Removing his hand from your ass cheek he hikes your leg up, tucking his hand behind your knee. Making his access to your cunt easier, he dives back in. The tip of his soft nose constantly brushing ain’t your clit with he tongue fucks your hole. Gripping the belt you try to stabilize yourself. The deep voice from the phone speaks once more…
“Tell me how much you are enjoying him eating that pretty pussy.”
Biting your lip you let your head fall to the cool counter. Trying your best to stabilize yourself.
“I-I love it.” You choke out, with your leg still cocked in the air, gripping the belt tighter you feel your orgasm beginning. The way he has his mouth wrapped around your clit, with his fingers deep in your cunt you hear white noise. Letting out a loud cry your body jerks with each suck he sends to your throbbing clit. Pulling back with a smack of his lips he stands up placing a hand over your eyes while pulling your head to the side, he squishes your mouth open.
“Stick your tongue out.” Rolling your tongue out with your mouth wide open and eyes still covered letting your life lay in this man’s hands. He lays his tongue flat against yours, letting you taste yourself. Pulling back with his hands still covering your eyes he adjusts his mask. Grabbing your tied wrists he undoes the belt, shoving your body on to the closest wall near you both. Reaching back to grab the phone, you notice the call is still continuing, your pussy clenches around nothing knowing that the person on the other line was just listening to you getting your pussy ate. Pulling his pants down, he runs his throbbing cock between your folds, sliding between them collecting as much slick as he can. Sliding through your folds once more he slides smoothly into your warm cunt. Wrapping a hand around your throat so your head cocks back…
“Oh baby, I’m about to completely destroy you.”
Hiking his hips up harshly, you slide up the wall with each deep stroke he delivers. Each hard thrust feels like a punch to your gut. He’s practically sliding in and out of your stomach.
“Tell me what he’s doing to you.” A deep voice groans out, gripping his cock tightly giving it a slow pump, as he hears the constant slapping of your skin on Jonghos leather pants. Juices dripping down them.
“He-he’s fucking me so hard.” You pant out, your chest pressing harder and harder against the wall.
“What else baby?”
“He's so deep in my cunt I can feel him brush over my spot.” You cry out to the voice on the other side of the phone. Yeosang spreads his legs further, spitting slightly on his hand. He starts to pump his cock again, trying to find the rhythm at which Jongho is fucking you. You bounce up and down on his cock, your ass smacking his clothed muscular thighs. Tipping your head back , you are soaking in all the pleasure this man is giving you. He’s a man of sharp actions, a man of skill, he’s using your body like you are his own personal flesh light.
His large arm wraps around your throat, his elbow bumping the wall in front of him, squeezing tighter as he pounds into you from behind, his heavy breath is in your ears. He’s got you in a headlock.
“Fuck baby, you can take more can’t you?” He grits out, the other voice on the phone line agrees with him. Your eyes roll back, head smacking against his shoulder. While your hand is still trying to tightly wrap around his arm that is around your throat. Alarms are going off in your head that if this person wanted to squeeze a bit tighter he could possibly kill you, yet the way he’s pounding into your cunt, and has you pressed against this wall you can't think properly. Grabbing the phone in a better grip, he holds it to your ear once more.
“Is he fucking you good?” A deep voice breathes out, you can hear the fapping of the person on the other line. The thought of them jacking off to you getting fucked makes your legs shake along with the way you are getting used. Wrapping his arm tighter around your throat, he runs his thumb over the back of your neck.
“Answer him baby, don’t make him wait.”
Squeezing your eyes shut, your mouth hangs open, trying to get out any word you can so you can answer the person on the line.
“Y-Yessss..” you drag out the S, the overwhelming feeling of Jonghos thick cockhead constantly brushing against your cervix mixing with the husky sounds that are leaving the person on the phone line bring you over the edge. Choking out a loud gasp, your toes curl while your nails dig into Jonghos clothes arm. Head smacking into his shoulder once more. Speeding his hips up, he continues to abuse that spongy spot not giving you a chance to breath. Tears fill your eyes with how powerful his thrusts are, he’s fucking you into oblivion.
“Please pleas-please.” You hiccup out, the voice on the line coos at you.
“You can give us another can’t you? Be a good girl and give him another. Or matter of fact, maybe you wanna give me one.” He breathes heavily into the phone, you hear the line go dead, the person behind you slows his hips down. Slowly stroking into you, but with strokes so deep your body hikes up the wall with each thrust. Loosening his arm around your neck, he lets your body completely depend on the wall to hold you up. His hands come down to your hips, slamming you down harshly on his cock. Your face smushed against the cool wall, drool is pouring out of your lips. You are beyond gone at this rate. You are convinced with the last orgasm your bones have melted and turned into pudding.
Completely stopping his movements, he pulls you off of his cock. Cradling your body so you slowly slide down to the floor, your skin brushes the cool floor. Letting out a small hiss you turn over on your back, head thumping against the floor as you lay sprawled out. The mask man above you lets out a small chuckle, while he is masked you can hear the light chipper chuckle that leaves him. He stands over your body, thick legs on each side of you with his cock still standing strong and tall against his clothed stomach, wrapping his hand around his cock, he jerks off above you slowly. The moonlight catches onto his torso, he’s huge. His shoulders are broad, and his legs are thick, his hands are veiny and strong. No doubt he could choke you out with ease with them. You are still out of breath from your orgasm, your naked chest heaves up and down, with each exhale your breast jiggle slightly catching Jonghos eye.
Speeding his hand up to match the rhythm of your breathing he is close to his orgasm, hand beating his wet cock faster and faster. He's towering over you, looking down upon you. Under his mask his eyes are taking in your naked frame over and over again, the way your nipples pebble because of the cool breeze, the way your breasts jiggle with each breath, the way you look at him through clouded eyes, you are sin on a platter. You are the fruit of temptation and every single person in the neighborhood wanted their own bite.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Jongho pants out shooting his load over your naked body, you see his legs tense as he cums all over your laid out naked frame. His load hitting all over your chest, some landing on the bottom half of your face, some even landing on the kitchen floor. Tucking himself away in his pants he crouches down to be eye to eye with you. Gathering some of his cum off your chest, he taps your lips, painting his orgasm all over them, letting him do so you look at him with wide eyes. You’ve never been used so carelessly like this, like you are simply a throw away. Your pussy clenched around nothing, from his peripheral vision he can see your thighs clench. Shaking his head back and forth, he hands up, placing one of his black boots on your stomach, your body riddles with nerves.
“He's coming to find you in 10.” He speaks out, mask muffling his voice. Trying to come down from your orgasmic trance you blink rapidly trying to come back to reality.
“Who?” You whisper out. Rubbing your thighs together, moving his foot he kicks your thighs open. Placing the tip of his boot merrily inches away from your cum soaked cunt. He drags his eyes down your body before looking back up at you. Titling his head to the side, your body freezes with shock. With such a small gesture your nerves spike.
Trying to gather your body off the floor the best way you can, you scramble to get up, legs still feeling like over cooked noodles. You stand fully, taking off to any and everywhere in your house. Avoiding your bedroom, this time. You can hear that masked man counting down in your home.
“10…!….9!…8!…” as he’s counting you are still trying your best to find where to hide, opting to stick yourself in your hallway closet, quietly shutting it. You hear a change of voice counting you the count down, the same exact voice you heard over the phone. Yet you hear nobody enter or exit your home. Was he here the whole time?!
“7…! 6…!…5!…” you hear the heavy footsteps of the deep voice man making his way through your home. The sounds of his footsteps lead away from where you are. Your adrenaline is high, your chest is covered with sticky cum, while your ass naked running through your home. This isn’t how you expected to spend your Sunday night yet here you are. Your house gets eerily quiet, putting a hand over your mouth and nose to try to regulate your breathing. Not wanting to make too much noise to give away where you are.
“You know the most common places to hide in a home are the closets. Because I’m feeling nice, I’ll let you move to another location. I’ll even pause the counting.” His deep voice tells through the quiet home. The rasp in it bounces down the empty halls, settling right in your ear. Looking for anything in the closet to wear you find an oversized jacket, quietly sliding it on your body, you decide you are going to make a quiet run for it out of your home. Cracking the closet open quietly. You quickly dash to the front door, sprinting as quietly as possible with your hand still covering your mouth. As you get the door opened and unlocked you look over your shoulder making sure he’s not behind you, flinging the door open you turn and run right into the hard chest of the other masked man. His arms wrap tightly around your body, while a hand behind you wraps around the hand that’s covering your mouth. You feel a broad chest stand behind you. Crushing you between both masked men.
“Boo.” The one with the deepest voice says, clearly calculating your next move, your hand darts out to smack him, before you can even lift your hand he has it pinned to the broad man standing behind you.
“Wrong move baby.”
Throwing you hand back down, he grabs the zipper to the top of your coat, zipping it down slowly so your body is on display for him, his gloved hands come up and twist your nipple, your mouth lets out a loud gasp, while the moan is muffled behind your own hand, and Jonghos hand it still can be heard loudly. Jerking your body back against his own, Yeosang flicks his head to Jongho signaling him to move back so he can step in the house. He grabs your waist dragging your body back into the home. Lifting you off the ground like you are nothing but a paper weight to him.
“Trying to make a run for it, pretty girl?” Yeosang enters the home. Closing it behind him. Walking slowly, he inches his ways toward you, while he is not as wide as the man holding you, you can see how muscular he is, the man is built like a Greek God. Shaking your head from side to side, trying to convince him that you weren’t going to go anywhere.
“You know I do hate liars.” He grits out beneath his mask, nodding his head. Jongho removes his glove-covered hand from your mouth, your own hand drops from your mouth, your face is slick with spit, your chest is heaving.
“I sw-swe..” before you can even finish your sentence, Yeosang grips your face between his hands, squishing your cheeks together, cutting off your sentence. Letting out a deep breath behind the mask, he smacks his lips. His thumb drags over your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before letting it go. Both of his hands wander down to your throat, clutching it in a way you think he’s going to choke the life out of you, putting slight pressure on your neck. You let out a choked breath.
“Oh, we do have a slut on our hands.” He says through a chuckle. Gripping your throat a little tighter a quiet moan falls past your lips. Bringing his masked face closer to yours, your nose brushed against the plastic.
“Do you understand I could choke you out right here, and leave your pretty little limp body on this floor.” Biting your lip you nod your head, panting out onto the plastic that’s covering his face. His thumb pulls your bottom lip out from between your teeth.
“I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do with you…I could fuck you so hard all you’ll remember is the feeling of each orgasm I give you. Or I could fuck you with in a inch of your life, pretty girl.” His thumb runs over your bottom lip once more, heavy in thought of what he was going to do to you. Smacking his lips, he wraps his hands around your throat again, choking you.
“Because you lied to me, and tried to make a run for it. I think me and my friend here will fuck you with in an inch of your life.”
Tossing your body on the floor, you hit it with a thud, the jacket being a barrier between you and the cool floor.
Unbuckling his belt, he slides it off with one swift motion. The men separate the one with the deepest voice standing at the bottom of your feet while the other stands above your head. Kicking your legs open, you let your eyes travel over the other masked man. You notice he’s brick hard in his pants. You wonder if he ever got the chance to cum while he was listening in on you getting your pussy ate. Yeosang walks to the side of your body putting his boot under you back, kicking you over so you are on your stomach. Putting his boot on your back so you stay lowered on the ground. Jongho laughs sinisterly, lowering himself in a squat so he comes closer to your eyes. Gripping your head, he holds it up while Yeosang tosses the belt he pulled off earlier to him. Wrapping the belt around your neck, he gives it an experimental tug. A loud moan leaves your mouth. Clearly embarrassed by how turned on you are, you try to lower your head, clearly amused by your actions Jongho pulls on the belt yanking your head back up so you remain in eye contact with his mask.
“I don’t think I’ve ever fucked anyone sluttier then you. If only you could see yourself.”
Jongho says through a laugh, Yeosang makes his way to your lower half, kicking your legs open, he puts his boot right near your cunt, nudging it lightly. You close your eyes and try to bite back a moan.
“Oh my god!” Jongho says laughing, pulling the belt even higher so your body is slightly more off the ground. Yeosang nudges his boot against your cunt again, as if your body is on autopilot you grind your cunt on his boot trying to get as much stimulation as you can.
“She really is a slut. You know what you are, pretty girl?” Grabbing the belt tighter he brings his face closer to yours.
“You are a pretty hole for everyone to fuck, and for everyone to use.” Blinking at him with desire in your eyes, you can feel your slick leave your body and start to run on Yeosangs boot. You feel the heat of embarrassment prick your skin like a million needles. But you can’t ignore the fact of how turned on you are by his degrading words.
“Nothing to say huh?” Yeosang says while you continue to grind on the tip of his boot. Looking up at Jongho with big tear stained eyes, you open your mouth to say something but your head is empty of any thoughts. All your body screams is pleasure, pleasure, pleasure.
“What’s in that pretty head?” Yeosang says, bringing his boot against you to match your actions. Blinking at Jongho once more you bite your lip before answering.
“I-I wanna cum..” you whisper out thoughtlessly. While you can’t see it, you can feel the chill run through your blood. You know behind those masks both of them are smiling. Dropping to his knees and swiftly undoing his pants Yeosangs cock springs free, pulling your hips up so you are on all fours. Jongho lowers himself so it’s easier for you to suck his cock. Running his cock between your folds, he gathers all the arousal he can before roughly sliding into your cunt. Yeosang starts off at a slow but hard pace. Making sure you feel every thrust he’s delivering to you.
Grabbing the belt around your neck, Jongho undoes his pants once more, shimmying them down his cock springs free smacking you across the lips. Running a hand over your head, he grips the back of it with his hand still tightly wrapped around the belt.
“Open your mouth pretty girl.” Letting your mouth fall open you try to relax your jaw as much as you can, with Yeosangs deep thrusts it’s hard to loosen your jaw because all you wanna do is bite down on your lip to hold in your moans from the pleasure he’s delivering to you. He easily slides his cock in your mouth, immediately hitting the back of your throat. As he hits the back of it Yeosang thrusts forward harshly, causing Jonghos cock to go even further down your throat. Letting out a gurgling noise Jongho reels his hips back, pistoning his hips in and out of your mouth, not caring about being delicate, they were using your body just for their pleasure. While Yeosang continues to slam up in your cunt, Jongho would power drive his cock down your throat. Creating a perfect bouncing effect between the two of them. Saliva pooled around your mouth, dripping on the floor, your arms were starting to get sore from being in the position, one hand goes to hold onto Jonghos strong thigh that is contracting every time he’s in your mouth. Just as both of their thrust begin to get sloppy. Yeosang reaches over, gripping the belt that’s around your throat, pulling it up so your head is held higher, while your throat tenses at the new angle you can’t help but let your eyes roll into the back of your skull.
“Where is that attitude you had when you answered the phone? Hm? Where is it?” Yeosang grits out through clenched teeth, tilting his head back as he is close to reaching his peak. Pulling the belt tighter, with each thrust up he pulls your body back down by the belt causing you to bounce up and take Jonghos cock further down your throat. Gurgling noises leave you, with your eyes full of unshed tears, you look up at Jongho, you see his head tilted back, clearly enjoying your warm, wet mouth on his cock. Pulling the belt once more you bounce harder on his cock, resulting in Yeosang dropping the belt, pulling his cock out and letting out a deep breath.
“Sit up on your knees.” He grits out quickly, wrapping his gloved hand around his cock, he stands up, Jongho slips out of your mouth, rising to his feet as well. Balancing your weight on your knees you look up at both of them sticking your tongue out, both of them let quickly stroke their cocks before cumming all over your face, some landing on your chest, some of it getting on your lower belly. You are painted in their cum, you happily accept their cum all over you, swallowing down their mixture that landed on your tongue. With their piercing gazes through the mask, they both look at each other before looking back at you tilting their heads to the side. A chill runs through your body.
“Run.” They both say at the same time, scraping your body off the floor once more. You make a dash for another hiding spot within your home.
As the boys gather around Wooyoungs computer they watch as your naked, cum covered body runs through your house frantically looking for a place to hide. While Jongho and Yeosang converse quietly amongst themselves. Turning around, Jongho locks eyes with the camera that is tucked away in your kitchen. Walking close to it, he lifts his mask smiling into it knowing that at least one of them is watching.
“Enjoy the show.” He whispers into the camera.
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Taglist: @araknoid @atinytinaa @k-hotchoisan @darkdayelixer @abby-grace @aurorasjoongie @tunaasan @jkookiejiminlvr @luckyblue98 @notevenheretbh1 @moonlightsora @raindropsondragons @park-simphwa @ro-written @hwajoongsang @certifiedmoa @pearltinyy @minniebinnie @solarstoy @frobin4ever @gvnwks @ethelia @jin-neck-shaft @nitarolls @jenthehobbityelf @gg-trini @tearfulsparks78 @10nantscompanion @moonm1st @oreoqueen @leehopehocarat @scuzmunkie @bangtan4everr @acetruepunk @s-unflowxr @rxnexxi @tenpesos @mixling-blog @helsnik @mrspettersen @mixtape-racha @realviviboss @mikaelless @queenoftrash97 @boomfrogg
Dividers and GIF @justaaveragereader
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atinycafe · 1 year
COMMON MASTERLIST — ateez blurbs
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collection of my blurbs under the cut ٩(๑ `︿´๑)۶
multiple members
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- longing for your owners!ot8!ateez, who had left hybrid!you alone at home, you reach for the phone seeking comfort. - hyungline!ateez headcanons about the first time u meet them - atz headcanons about reader being unusually silent when drunk - atz headcanons about reader hugging a pillow 2 sleep - atz headcanons about making out with them on a chase atlantic beat - atz headcanons on them using "tiny" during sex [nsfw]
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- biker!seonghwa vs bimbo!reader [suggestive] - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help)
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- a long-awaited reunion in hongjoong's creative studio leads to soft moment - hurt 2 comfort with hongjoong [light angst] - hongjoong and your first subdrop [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - primal play with predator!joong [nsfw] - soft sex w joong [nsfw]
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- during a late-night math session, you're visited by spiderman!yunho - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help) - yunho fucks your nightmare away [nsfw] - choking kink w yunho [nsfw] - some boxer!yunho timestamps
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- you admit something to vampire!yeosang [suggestive] - prince!yeosang rubs oil in your hair (cuz he loves brown girls) - yeosang and his oral fixation aka he loves boobies [nsfw]
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- babying and doing san's eyebrows - ceo!san leaves u alone in ur bed 4 a meeting - sangi taking care of sick you - phone sex with daddy!san [nsfw] - pregnant reader faints [slight angst] - emperor!san x empress!reader
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- mingi taking care of drunk you - sangi taking care of sick you (i have a thing 4 mingi taking care of me and i think it shows) - roommate!mingi is a big pervert [nsfw]
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- wooyoung playfully interrupts your asmr session, expressing his jealousy in a dramatic yet affectionate manner. - hybrid!wooyo plays a little game with you in your bathtub [nsfw] - overstimulation w meandom!woo [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - zombie au - zombie au pt 2
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- exbf!jongho misses u but u... miss him too? - jongho teases u
other groups
- spoonfuls of ice cream [brother's best friend!eunseok] - yandere school (+18) tropes [riize, atz, tbz, txt]
other works can be found here
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shinestarhwaa · 7 months
Hey Shine!!👋👋👋👋👋
Can you do Wooyoung + 11 + 31 + 53 from your smut prompt list, pretty please?
Hi darling! I sure can <3 I'm excited about this one so I hope u enjoy it! Xx
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Wooyoung x Fem reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Tags/warning: Enemies to lovers AU, Degrading kink, meandom!Wooyoung, unprotected sex, thigh riding, dirty talk, choking, namecalling (whore, slut, bitch cuz this man literally 'hates' u, he's an ass), squirting, pussyslapping, blowjob, bigdick!Wooyoung
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123
You and Wooyoung never really got along, everyone knew about that. Not getting along was actually an understatement. You couldn't stand the guy. You hated his witch laugh, you hated his cocky personality and you hated the way he wrapped everyone around his finger. It was annoying and now he was annoying you at your best friends' birthday party.
So, it was quite surprising that after a few drinks you took him into a dark room, pushed him against the wall and kissed him passionately. Wooyoung didn't even protest, in fact his hands were roaming your body only seconds later.
You whispered a few please and I beg you's into his ear as you pushed him down on what seemed to be a leather couch. You were sat on his lap, your crotch grinding against his flexing thigh.
"Well, well, well," he scoffed as he watched your silhouette ride his thigh in the dark, "you say you've always hated me but here you are making a mess on my thigh, right? I can feel your wetness through my fucking jeans," he grunted. This only spurred you on, making you grind on his thigh faster.
Moans got caught in your throat when you felt Wooyoung's hand wrap around it. "What a whore," he grunted as you kept grinding your clothed pussy on his thigh. Your panties were coated in your wetness and your dress rode up all the way to your hips.
Wooyoung squeezed his hand around your throat as he watched you while you were chasing your high. "You know who's thigh you're riding, right? Little slut," he smirked. "Y-Yes, Wooyoung!" You moaned out. You pulled the top of your dress down, breasts popping out right in front of his eyes. The dim light from the flickering lightbulb on the ceiling shone on your chest.
His hands reached out and his fingers grazed your nipples, pinching them, making you cry out. ''Oh, Wooyoung that feels so fucking good!'' You rode his thigh faster until you felt your body tremble and suddenly the man stopped your body, stopping you from orgasming. Your pussy was throbbing and you let out a whine as he pushed you down on the couch, yanking off your ruined underwear. Wooyoung took off your dress and you were pretty sure he ripped it a little.
You were left naked on that couch and suddenly Wooyoung's hand came across your pussy, slapping it forcefully, making you yelp. ''Fucking bitch,'' he grunted. He slapped your pussy repeatedly,nearly making wet spatters of arousal hitting him.
"Fuck!" You cried again as he slapped it once more. You heard him unbuckle his belt and his pants and shove them down. In the vague light you saw him discard all his clothes and reveal his toned body.
Suddenly he was on top and in front of you, hitting his cock against your cheek. Instantly you opened up and looked up at him as he slid his cock inside your mouth. "Such a filthy fucking mouth, you'd just swallow anyone's cock, wouldn't you?" He scoffed.
Wooyoung showed no mercy and just started to pound his cock into your throat, making you gag around his thick member. Tears formed in your eyes as you did your best to take him but he was so big, so big you could barely breathe.
"You just love my big cock, hm?" He panted out, his hand on your cheek. Tears flowed from your eyes as you choked on his dick but he showed no signs of stopping. "Whores like you need to be filled with cock at all times." Your lips were swollen and coated with your messy saliva, dripping down to your chin. Wooyoung's hips kept bucking into your mouth and you wondered how much more you could take before passing out.
You whined his name, muffled by the thrusting of his length in your mouth. The vibrations send chills down Wooyoung's spine, making him shiver and throw his head back. "F-Feels so good to use your body like this, you fucking love it huh? Bet you've been secretly wanting me all the time, hating me just for show but thinking about me as you fuck other guys."
Wooyoung pulled out of your mouth and you gasped for air, breathing heavily. "I'm gonna fucking make you mine," he grunted before pushing his cock into your pussy without warning. You whined loudly, the painful stretch hurting you, but Wooyoung didn't care, ramming his cock into you with an intense force.
The painful stretch became pleasure after a moment and soon enough you couldn't get enough. "Yes, please mark me, to be yours, make me yours," you moaned loudly, running your hands all over his body.
"I'm gonna fuck you until you're begging me to stop, Y/N, little bitch, gonna fuck that little cunt of yours until you're screaming and unable to walk."
You moaned over and over as his shaft stayed buried inside your warmth, hitting your g-spot repeatedly. You felt so full and you only wanted more, so you begged him. ''Please, more, please just give me more, stuff me full, fucking hell please Wooyoung stuff me full with your cum!''
Wooyoung chuckled dangerously as he kept rolling his hips into yours. His rhythm was merciless and had the couch creaking. Your nails dug into the flesh of his bum, making him moan. It's like you found a sensitive spot of him as it only got him to work faster. ''That's so fucking good!'' you moaned loudly.
''I bet it's fucking good, I'm gonna stuff you full with all my cum, gonna fuck you so full, you're gonna walk out of this place with a pussy full of cum, dripping down your thighs, slut.''
Soon enough your walls fluttered around his cock, finally reaching your high. You let out the most pornographic moans known to man as you squirted on his cock, coating your pelvisses with your juices and making Wooyoung unravel as well. His cock pulsated inside you before shooting his sperm inside you, filling you up to the brim. He groaned and let out a little whine, his eyes rolling back as he did so.
Wooyoung pulled out and panted heavily, watching the way his cum stuffed your cunt. ''Christ... that's so fucking hot,'' he breathed out. ''We're gonna do this again, okay? I'm gonna fuck you again, over and over.'' You nodded eagerly and reached for his cock. ''Stuff me, again, fuck me full, please.''
Your 'enemy' picked you up and seated you on what seemed to be a desk or a table, you couldn't even see it as the light from the lightbulb on the ceiling was getting weaker by the minute. What kind of crackhouse was this? You had no time to think about the lightbulb anymore as Wooyoung pushed his cock in again, making you moan out again.
The way he spread your cunt open felt so good you can't believe you ever hated him. Hate. Him. Ofcourse you still hate him, the fact that his cock was good didn't change that right? Wooyoung moved rapidly and smooth inside you, making him breathe heavier. He grunted and moaned out your name, and suddenly something changed.
You noticed how beautiful his voice was, how beautiful his moans were. His features were gorgeous and the way he held you felt so good. Why have you never noticed this before?
Your sinful moans gradually became louder the harder he was jackhammering into you. You wondered if the people outside could hear the sound of flesh smacking together. Your body squirmed in his embrace and the desk or table or whatever it was he fucked you on kept ramming into the wall with every thrust.
The lightbulb stopped working, leaving the room completely dark. This only made the scene much more erotic; it was like a blindfold. All you could do is feel Wooyoung and allow him to use your body as his personal fucktoy. His thrusts soon got desperate and his breathing was erratic. ''Your cunt is so good for me, such a little slut, aren't you? You're gonna let me take you like the naughty girl you are right? Fucking gonna pump you full, gonna cum so hard, so hard,'' he moaned.
Before you knew it he released inside you again, filling you up. You moaned loudly when you felt the pressure on your clit, sending you over the edge. Your body trembled and Wooyoung got you through your orgasm with his fingers on your sensitive bud. You panted loudly as he pulled out of you again. He kissed you firmly, lips moving against each other and it felt so needy, so desperate. So desperate for him. Something you never imagined to be. You always called him toxic; poison even. But if this was it, you'd let him poison you any day.
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tinyidle · 1 year
༻༻༻last day 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝗈𝗆𝗆𝗒!𝗆𝖺𝗒༺༺༺
Only Mine, My Darling - JWY
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one day i just thought, mommy wooyoung sounds nice. he can cook, he said that whomever becomes his partner will practically do nothing; that's traditional mommy material, right? plus, the way he'd fu- anyway, enjoy my first ever wooyoung fic!
wc: 2.4k
WARNING: smut, implied fluff, kind of kinky ngl (semi tw: slight cnc mentions it's just hair pulling dw consent is key!!), fwb with a twist, teasing, bdsm, light biting (not much), toy usage, fellatio, overstimulation, doggystyle, begging, praise, protected sex (we love it), mommy!wooyoung, soulmate!wooyoung, kind of meandom!wooyoung it was hard ngel, fem reader, subby reader (she gets nicknamed 'darling' and 'precious' almost simultaneously), aftercare implication, fiction
of all the partners you've ever had, none of them could compare to wooyoung. wooyoung is your best friend, your first friend, your first kiss, your first love, and your first time. you loved him and he loved you. you shared the same apartment, and frequently stayed in the same bed. you both even considered marrying one day, planning out your finances together and wedding rings. you were that down bad for each other.
what kept you two from actually calling yourselves an item, however, was your needs to date. you both loved dating other people: seeing new people and experiencing how others would be like for you two gave you a thrill. everybody knew that you were soulmates, even your partners and yourselves, but you couldn't give up the fun of dating just yet-- thus the weird yet sensical relationship you had going on with your best friend.
one thing was understood between you two: no sexual partners. 'romantic' partners, sure, but no shagging other people. not only was this for overall health reasons, but you guys knew that from the time you wrapped your arms around each other in more than a friendly way, you both knew that you had to have each other and only each other. sure, you had sex with other guys after and he with other girls, but it never felt as good as with each other. plus, wooyoung helped you understand your likes and dislikes, as well as kinks.
stepping into the apartment, you plopped yourself down on the couch, waiting patiently before you saw wooyoung come out the hallway. as he headed to the kitchen, you got up and kissed his cheek. "hello beautiful," you greeted as he hugged you before entering into the kitchen. his face turned bright red from your flirty greeting.
"hello to you too, my other half," he half-joked. after washing his hands and putting on plastic gloves and tying his apron, he started taking out ingredients for dinner. "how was your lunch date?"
thinking back to your previous event, you smiled. "it was amazing. he took me to this wonderful cafe place and he willingly paid for everything. he's funny and can listen very well."
wooyoung smiled as well while listening to you share your date details. he loved hearing about your dates because every time he'd ask it would be the same people you would get with. people who were similar, but not the same, as him. "did he ask to kiss?"
you shook your head, walking up to your friend before whispering in his ear teasingly, "he asked if im a virgin." the small groan that came out wooyoung's mouth signaled both jealousy and arousal. you loved riling him up, especially when you know how possessive he is of you when it came to your body and heart. after you got water form the fridge and went back to the couch, you began asking him questions. "how was your breakfast date, woo?"
the man, now seasoning the meat he was thoroughly preparing, sighed a happy sigh before he spoke. "she was beautiful. bright eyes, pretty lips, and she made me laugh a couple times."
as much as wooyoung liked hearing about the attributes of your dates, you also liked hearing about his. they always sounded like you, although you always got the better compliments. "did she kiss you? call you a nickname?" you further inquired as you opened your water bottle to drink.
chuckling lightly, wooyoung put the meat in a plastic bag and let it embrace the seasonings put onto it before turning to you with a small smirk. "she kissed my cheek and asked if she could call me daddy."
you almost choked on the water you were drinking, making sure to finish off what you had in your mouth before looking at wooyoung in shock. that's never happened before; the woman's freakier than you expected. "…and what did you say?"
his grin grew wider, "i said sure, but not to get too handsy, since i got someone at home." you let out a breath of relief. of course wooyoung wouldn't break the promise you two vowed to keep-- he was yours after all. "and what did you say to 'mr. virgin man'?" he sarcastically asked as he opened the bag to fully finish seasoning the meat he prepped.
putting your water bottle down as wooyoung discarded the soiled gloves and rewashed his hands, you went up to him and smirked yourself. "i told him that my best friend and current roommate took care of that for me, and that he was real good at dicking me down."
"you dirty girl," wooyoung playfully growled, pulling you towards him and smashing his lips onto yours. after a couple seconds of the passionate peck on the lips, he detached from you and whispered in your ear, "you know why i let that girl call me 'daddy', darling?" you nodded. "why?"
you smiled and looked at wooyoung straight in the eye. "because you're my mommy, and only i get to call you that," you giggled before gasping at the sudden grasp of your ass from your friend.
"that's right, precious," he said. "only you can call me mommy, and only i can touch you like this." wooyoung groped you all around, your body getting warm from his slightly calloused hands as he kissed your face and neck. when he lightly bit the space between your neck and collarbone, you let out an unexpected moan and threw your head back. "mmh, does my darling like mommy biting her?"
you nodded, already becoming too far gone to stand up properly. wooyoung noticed this and quickly lifted you up, carrying you to his room before laying you down with a kiss to the bite mark he left on you. "ill be back, okay darling? ill just put the rest of the food in the slow cooker."
"okay, mommy," you agreed. it probably took about thirty minutes, but it felt like hours to you. after five minutes of waiting, you decided to treat your lover and stripped bare for him, neatly folding up the clothes like he taught you. by minute ten you had on the fluffy 'mommy's precious darling' collar on your neck he bought as a present for you being a good girl for him, leaving the matching socks and toys you next to you on the bed. by minute fifteen you made sure to wipe up all the makeup you had on your face prior and sported a cherry lipgloss, knowing he liked you this way and that things might get messy if you had too much makeup on. twenty minutes have gone by and you were now on your hands and knees, patiently wiggling your ass to the door for your mommy to see.
by the time thirty minutes have come and gone, wooyoung went back to the room to see you. your face was turned to see him, but your head was resting on the pillow to the headboard. your knees propped your bottom up so that he could see how much his kisses and touches affected your cunt. just one bite and he had you wrapped his finger; all because you wanted to get wrapped around his cock.
smirking, the man slowly took off every garment of clothing he had on, cooing towards you as he did so. "my sweet, sweet darling," he doted, earning a mewl from you. "making sure to prepare herself for me. and to have this beautiful ass on display for me, even though you and i both know you want nothing more than for me to fuck your mouth. isn't that right, precious?"
you only mewled louder. "i want to suck your cock, mommy. can i please suck your cock?" the man chuckled at your begging and got on the bed, crawling to where you left a vibrator next to your side. one of his favorites. he took the pink-and-white toy and teasingly rubbed it around your slit, causing you to whimper before moaning at the feeling of it going in your needy center. wooyoung let you adjust to vibrator before grabbing the remote and turning it to level 3. you gasped before whining out. "ahh, fuck mommy. pleaseee," you pleaded as your lover kneaded your hip through the instant pleasure.
he knew how to play with you, and even though you acted extra good today, he wanted you to get the maximum amount of pleasure he could give. helping you lay forward on your stomach, wooyoung moved to your face and held his erect length to your awaiting lips. "you can suck now."
quietly cheering, you took him in your hands and sunk him into your mouth, humming around it from how it felt. the man moaned deeply, watching how enticed you were in taking him. you bobbed your head in a moderate pace, loving how the toy buzzed inside of you. coming up for air, you stroked him as his hand reached down to hold your cheek before tapping it.
"did mommy tell you to stop?" he asked, and your eyes widened as you realized that you might have disobeyed somehow. but it was just your mommy playing with you as he turned the level up on the vibrator from 3 to 4. your eyes fell to the back of your head as you felt yourself cumming on the spot, untouched. wooyoung tsked at the sight. "my precious darling didn't even ask for permission," he sighed as you were coming down from your high.
it took you a while before you found yourself nearly shrieking from the level being turned from 4 to 6. "mommy~" you whined, overstimulation stimulating your every nerves.
"can you make me cum, darling?" wooyoung asked you rather softly, a huge contrast to what he was putting you through. when he saw how you didn't answer and were whining from the slight pain of the vibrator inside, he reminded you, "all you have to do is say one word and it'll all be over." you both knew that with kinks comes proper consent, and even in some situations like this, you had to be safe enough to remember the safe word, which was 'peaches'.
but you wanted this-- you wanted to be ruined before he could even physically ruin you. "i can make you cum, mommy."
wooyoung smiled, knowing that he not only had the best lover in the world, but the best sub in the world. holding you securely by the hair to make sure your head didn't fall backwards, he slowly thrusted in and out your mouth, making sure that it was at a pace you looked comfortable with. overtime he moved faster, with you humming around him again. when you did a particularly harsh suck, wooyoung cursed before letting go into your mouth. you greedily took all you could while clenching onto the now dying toy.
"shit," he exclaimed, taking some time to breathe before helping you pull out the vibrator from your soaking, reddened core and turning it off. "you really know how to suck the soul out of me." you tiredly laughed as he fell on his back onto the mattress. you got up on all fours, looking at how sound and handsome you friend was.
you stayed in that position until deciding to ask whether or not you could go for another round. "please," you begged as you crawled up on top of him. "more."
wooyoung rested his hand on your cheek as you leaned in and nuzzled his neck while his eyes were closed from the dull bliss of his orgasm. "do you really need more, precious?" your answer was a gentle bite to the same spot on his neck that you rested your nose on. "oh," he lightly exclaimed, a bit taken aback by your subtle action. "you want mommy to be rough with you?"
you nodded, hugging him tightly. "i want mommy to make me feel like his," you expressed. with a smile on his face that you could tell was there, wooyoung brought himself up to get a condom by his nightstand and put in on. once he did, he went behind you and held your hips in place.
his hand took his re-erected self and rubbed it on your clenching core as you shuddered with anticipation. "now, mommy's going to make his darling feel good, okay?" you whispered a 'yes mommy', to which he hummed and slowly pushed himself inside you.
each inch deeper set you spiraling in your brain with esch thrust. you needed your mommy to give you your taste of heaven, and you were now getting it. it wasnt long before he began moving, soon picking up his speed as he quickly pushed himself all the way inside. you squealed as he held you still, hips flush to his pelvis, before going at a brutal pace.
you gave out a small cry every time wooyoung pounded you, making his fingers squeeze tight on your hips as he grunted from you squeezing him back. soon you were pushing against him, loving the harsh contact. in fact, your movements became almost uncontrollable, not wanting him to leave you without finishing this intense experience. "im going to cum again," you muttered. "can i please cum on your cock, mommy?"
wooyoung responded by slamming himself hard into you once again. he grabbed your hair, taking you by surprise as you winced at the tugging. however, wooyoung kept fucking you steadily, one hand on your hair as the other held your hip to where you and he connected. "is this okay, darling?"
you moaned out a 'yes mommy' at him as the small sting felt extremely pleasurable. you felt your orgasm coming in waves, and you needed it badly. "im gonna cum," you warned again. wooyoung only fucked you harder, your arms now flat on the bed while he lay on top of you, fucking you a bit slower but much deeper. you could feel him everywhere. "fuck, mommy, it feels too good. please let me cum. let your precious darling cum."
you subconsciously squeezed yourself tighter on wooyoung, causing the man to whimper. "fuck, precious. you can cum." as you did, your lover stuttered in his actions, only pressing himself against your ass one last time to release all that was in him into the condom.
slowly, wooyoung turned both you and he to your sides and pulled himself out of you. considering that he was semi-hard, the emptiness that you felt was chilling as you shuddered. "sorry," he apologized, kissing your shoulder as he rubbed your side, his chest pressed against your back. "i think if we take a shower than this will go away," wooyoung proposed, motioning to his length. "what do you say?"
you let out a satisfactory grin, slightly turning to him and replying, "only if we have a round two in the shower."
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justaaveragereader · 5 months
happy new year love!! hope everything is going well 🖤🖤
my dear fellow 2ho lover, could I possibly request like a mean dom jongho pretty please? I've seen dom jongho but always like a pleasure dom or just a little more dominant than the reader. I want like a super possessive, bossy dom. maybe like the reader is just being super bratty and teasing and jongho teases back until he reaches his limit and just snaps (all consensually of course)? pretty please?
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Happy New Year to you ass well my love🖤🖤!! Let me tell you how down bad for this request I was, I almost yelled so loud my roof almost caved in. Nothing I love more than a mean dom, especially meandom!Jongho?!? I got so carried away with this bc I just couldn’t contain the excitement bursting out of me, thank you for requesting this😭🖤 we need more meandom!Jongho👏🏼! I feel like I need a straight jacket after this💀. So hopefully I was able to do him justice🫡. Hope you enjoy babes🖤, okayyyythankyouuuloveeeyoutooobye😚.
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Pairing: MeanDom!Jongho x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: MeanDom!Jongho, Sub!Reader, Degradtion, Spit, Spanking, Choking, Humiliation, Possessive Jongho, Orgasm Denial, Name Calling (Brat..Whore..), Rough Sex, Mirror Sex, Fingers In Mouth, Unprotected Sex (Wrap It Up PLEASE), If I Missed Anything..Lemme Know👀
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You loved to play games with Jongho. Mostly the one where you tested his last nerve, and he’d completely fuck you into next week. He was a very gentle man, but beneath the surface there was always that hidden side that seemed to excite you. So here you were batting your eyelashes, with your hands placed upon Seonghwas upper arm, laughing at a joke that was shared amongst everyone. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jongho, gripping his glass tightly, as some girl at the bar made heart eyes at him.
Did this make you upset? Yes. Did it make you so upset you’d quit poking the bear and upsetting Jongho? No.
The girl lays her hand on Jonghos upper arm, he catches you side eyeing his current situation. Letting a small smirk grace his face, he shrugs the woman off softly. Shooting the rest of his drink down he makes his way dangerously slow towards you. A couple times you lose him in the crowd, turning your head fully trying to gage where he has gone when a warm hand is placed on your lower back. Startling you slightly, but his scent evades your senses, you automatically know who it is, your hand falls off of Seonghwas arm.
“What’s everyone laughing about over here?” Jongho says with his signature smirk on his face, before you even have time to get a sentence out, Wooyoung beats you to the punch, retelling the joke Seonghwa told the group. As his warm hand continues to rub slowly over your lower back, his thumb pokes out, rubbing small deep circles into your back. Letting out a smack of your lips you try to shimmy away, attempting to get closer to Seonghwa. Jonghos grip is so strong, you barely move an inch. Letting a wide smile grace his face, he kisses the side of your head, giving the impression that he’s not completely seething on the inside.
“You better watch your attitude, pretty girl.” He whispers so quietly only you hear. Letting your smile drop slightly, you can feel your body flush with heat.
“Everything okay Y/n?” Seonghwa asks, causing everyone’s eyes to float to you. Nodding your head, you let out a small squeak as you feel his thumb dig deeper into your back. A wave of arousal instantly flushes your panties, trying your best to put on a good performance. You nod, telling everyone you need something to drink from the bar, and how you and Jongho might wrap it up early due to the sudden wave of not feeling well.
Waving to everyone that you would step away to the restroom for a second, you look up and smile at Jongho. His hand drops from your waist, patting you lightly. You briskly make way to the restroom, immediately flinging yourself in the empty space. Grabbing paper towels, trying to pat down as much sweat from your neck that you can reach. You know this time you're in for a rude awakening with Jongho. Little did you know while you made way towards the restroom he was hot on your heels behind you.
“The only person who better be having you sweat like that is me, not Seonghwa hyung.”
Your body does a small shiver, refusing to move your eyes from looking straight in front of you, continuing to pat down your body to dry your skin, you smirk.
“Why? You worried I’m falling for hi-.” Before you can finish your sentence you are face down into the counter, paper towels flying towards the ground. He practically teleported to where you were. His hard cock digging into your clothed ass, his strong hand gripping your neck, keeping you in place. He moved so quick you barely had time to process what exactly just happened.
“What did I tell you about that attitude, hmm? Didn’t I tell you to watch it?”
Prying your mouth open with his thumb, you try your best to keep your mouth shut only to fail, due to his strength in the end. As soon as your mouth is open his thumb is pushing down on your tongue.
“You really want to act up tonight.” He wasn’t asking you, oh no, not at all. He was simply telling you that you were acting up tonight. Gathering a wad of spit in his mouth, your eyes twinkle with desire, with need, with lust. Letting the spit slowly drip out his mouth, just as it's about to come in contact with the side of your mouth, he swiftly moves back, letting the wad of spit land on the cold countertop in front of your eyes. Letting out a muffled whine, he adds more pressure to your tongue with his thumb.
“You're not even worth my spit.” He says through a chuckle, towering his large body over your backside, you can feel his heart thump quickly against your shoulders, you know he’s had enough of the show you put on tonight, and he’s anxious to completely destroy you.
“Maybe you should spit on that girl at the bar, she was practically begging for it.” You say through a breathy moan, an undertone of amusement. You weren’t done riling Jongho up yet. Hearing a low snarl rip from his throat, his hands swiftly hike up your dress, peeling your practically limp body off of the counter, and shoving you against the restroom door. He wanted everyone to hear what he was about to do to you. Shoving your panties down your leg, he stuffs them in your bra. One hand comes to grip the back of your neck once more, while he undoes his belt, letting his heavy cock fall from his slacks. You can feel his pre cum smear across your ass cheeks. Biting your lip you try your best to keep in a moan.
“Oh no, no. You are going to let everyone in this restaurant know just who you belong to.” He growls out, voice laced with anger. He had a point to prove to you, to Seonghwa, to everyone in the party. You were his and his only.
“I shouldn’t even be fucking you in here. I should bend you over a table and fuck you in front of everyone.”
A muffled moan leaves your throat, you can feel your folds get slick with arousal. If this was any other man you would’ve slapped them across the face, but this was Jongho. Your Jongho, and the thought of him having his way with you, showing everyone who you belonged to constantly only made you starve to be claimed by him in every way possible.
“Or maybe I should stuff your mouth full of my cock, leave your bratty mouth stuffed so all everyone can hear is how you suck me off. Show them that your bratty ass mouth can do more than give out slick remarks and flirtatious comments.”
He grits in your ear, tapping his hard cock against your entrance before he stuffs you full of him. Your eyes immediately roll to the back of your head. You feel the tip of his cock kiss your cervix deliciously. He just stands still, hips flushed against your ass, hand coming to swat the fat of your backside that jiggles with each slight movement he does. You can feel his cock throb hard in your cunt. Sliding a hand down his face, he looks up at the ceiling trying not to get too engulfed in the way your warm cunt flutters around him. Moving his hips slowly, he starts with a teasing small thrust, pulling out to where the tip is sitting in your entrance before slamming right back into you.
“You are lucky I’m obsessed with your bratty ass.” He hisses in your ear, hiking his hips up to make sure he’s deep in your cunt, his pelvis flush against your ass. His hand around your throat chokes you, leaving you breathless. Slow and deep thrusts knock the air out of your body with each thrust up.
“Because if I wasn’t, I’d treat you just like the trash you act like.” He spits harshly into your ear, your toes curl hearing him practically spit fire.
“Do you understand me? Or do you still want to put on a whore show for everyone?” Licking his lips, the thoughts of you prancing around, and entertaining another man that’s not him makes his stomach turn in knots. Halting his slow thrusts, he pulls out, grabbing your weak frame off of the door. You look like 8 days of rain, makeup smudged any, and everywhere, dress hiked up to your belly button, panties hanging out of your bra, your eyes are blown like heated glass. It was going to be a long night…
Manhandling your frame he’s getting ready to push you down on the counter, letting out a tisk he snatches your dress down so your breasts pop out, the cool air immediately nipping at the warm skin, you let out a whimper. Smacking your bare ass cheeks, he pushes you chest first on the counter. As your warm skin comes in contact with the cool countertop you let out a loud hiss. Smacking your ass roughly again, he jiggles the meat off your ass in his hands before bending his broad body over your barely clothes back.
“You do realize you are mine right?” He grits out, lining his tip up with your warm, dripping core.
“I practically own you.” In one smooth thrust he re-enters your dripping core. You bump your forehead against the cool tiles, letting out a loud moan that echoes in the empty bathroom.
“You are mine, and mine only.” He grits out, lifting his body off of your back, he lets one hand grip the back of your neck, your body easily melts against his. His hips that are pinned against your ass is what’s aiding you in being able to be kept upright. His hips start pounding into you ferociously. The impact is so strong it’s hiking your body up and down against the counter. Your nipples harden due to the coolness under you, enhancing the feeling you are having. Letting out a loud cry as his hand grips the back of your neck tighter. You can see in the reflection the sinister grin that is plastered across Jonghos face. Causing your cunt to clench on his heavy cock. His hips stutter at the sudden feeling, tossing his head back with the remaining smile on his face, his other hand comes up and grips your hip, pulling you down on his cock with each thrust up so he can get even deeper than he already is.
The sound of your loud, lewd moans fill the empty bathroom, along with the sound of wet skin slapping one another. Your arousal is so slick you feel it run down your inner thighs. You feel the slick covering your ass cheeks as you feel the contact of his skin against you with each thrust. His hand still tight on the back of your neck, he’s got you caged like a hungry tiger that refuses to let go. His hand moves from the back of your neck to the front of your throat. Lifting your body up so your flush against his clothed chest. You catch a glimpse of yourself, and you look like hell. Dried drool on the side of your face, your eyes are blown just as wide as Jonghos, and you know everyone knows, oh everyone knows that he’s in there fucking you into tomorrow.
“Look at yourself.” He says through a chuckle before continuing.
“You look like a whore. Go on, say it.” He says through that signature smirk, his eyes low with greed. He looks like a predator on the hunt, just waiting for you to satisfy his hunger. With one sharp thrust you scream out…
“I am a whore!”
As his hips speed up faster your body practically flops with each harsh thrust, gripping the bottom of his shirt, you feel your body heat up at the feeling of your orgasm beginning to crash through.
“Whose whore are you?”
“A little louder I don’t think I heard you?”
“I’m yours! Yours Jongho!” Just as you were right at the tipping point, he halts his hips, bending you back over the counter. Grabbing the front of your throat again so you are looking directly at him through the mirror. He wraps one hand around his cock, stroking himself to completion, warm cum shoots all over your ass cheeks. His grip on the front of your throat makes you remain forward so you have no choice but to look at him as he cums. Bitten lip between his teeth, his hips stutter in his hold. You let out a small whine, your lips part slightly, and droop with a frown.
Grabbing your discarded panties from the floor, he wipes his cock off, stuffing himself back into his pants. He wipes his cum off of your ass making sure to get his cum right where your pussy lips come in contact with the fabric. Stepping back, he holds your panties in his hands.
“Stand up, now.”
Gathering all the strength you can muster up, you stand, legs wobbly, you turn around. Adjusting your dress, making sure to cover your bare breast, and hiking it down to cover your ass.
“Put these back on.” Tossing you your panties, you bite your lip. Knowing to not disobey Jongho as you were already walking on thin ice with him. Just as you slide the wet material on you can hear the squish of his cum against your cunt, your body shutters. Trying to adjust yourself the best way you can. As he steps closer to you, your eyes never leave his own. Letting his warm fingers dance over your lower stomach he hikes the dress up once more, grabbing the soiled material, stuffing it between your pussy lips. You let out a quiet moan.
“Keep it there all night.” He places a light kiss on your temple before adjusting himself once more. As you turn to adjust your makeup, he halts your motion.
“Keep your makeup just like that. Since you wanna act like a brat, I’m going to make an example out of you.”
Nodding your head you bite your lip as he steps closer to you, spreading his legs so you are standing in between them even though you are the one leaning against the counter. His lips come dangerously close to your ear.
“We are going to go back to the party, and have a good time. I’m going to assume you’ve learned your place. Now put on that pretty smile, and head back out there.”
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