#maybe wednesday
handsomegentlebutch · 11 months
The date went super well! She was sweet and funny and really easy to talk to. I'm gonna see her again Wednesday to grab some dinner. I wanted to kiss her so bad lmao but I fucking flubbed it. Stammered like a clown. She even blatantly said "I'm hitting on you" "if you want to go back to my place just say so" and I. Am such a chicken. I got so flustered. I alsmot don't want to see how pink my face is rn
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hangingslothcentral · 1 month
The song (labled as Mouth full of blood in the transcripts) at the end of SBR 1.21 gas burroed into my brain but i cant find it anywhere!
I even tried looking for maybe Wednesday's socials but they all look dead...
Is it unreleased or am i just missing something?
Maybe Wednesday hasn't reallly been an active thing independent of the shows I make since pre-pandemic. Like everything else in my shows, it's a project that I'm responsible for and this track is not currently available anywhere. I may release it at some point in the future!
--- Eira xxx
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luimagines · 1 year
This ask game is making me want to attack your blog like a cat attacks an automatic feeder. I know the good stuff's in there. Gimme it. Gimme it! GIVE ME IT!! GIVE ME IT!!!
That is... a purrfect mental image. I got the message loud and clear. 🤣
Just a send a word. I'll find my closest example.
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devilsskettle · 1 year
not seeing evil dead rises today either :( too tired and depressed and i just want to be so cozy and warm in bed and day drink before i have to deal with family tonight and work the rest of the week
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lostlegendaerie · 11 months
there's something deeply gutting about being a writer right now. watching studio execs brag about starving people like you out of your very house just to not pay you anything above the pennies you currently make. watching some people cheer over AO3 being targeted for a DDOS attack. the complete lack of profitability of writing commissions or writing in general in transformative spaces, especially in contrast to fanart. the pivot of so many social media platforms to be video and image based near-exclusively.
I don't know. it just makes me sad to know that the hobby that kept me alive while growing up homeschooled with dial-up internet and local antenna TV... is only ever gonna be a side job with minimal engagement. I know this site is good about supporting libraries and the concept of books but, do me a favor? Reach out to a writer friend you know. Leave a comment on your last five read stories on your favorite website.
Tell us you care.
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ravennazane · 2 years
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I wonder if Wednesday notices that Enid looks at her like the way that Gomez looks at Morticia, like
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spitinsideme · 1 month
wanted to mess around a bit with coloring and i madr it gay because .. wenclair .. is amazing ..
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Wednesday: This documentary is irritating. If you’re going to dissolve the flesh off of the skeleton to get rid of evidence, you have to pull the teeth out and destroy them too. Everyone knows this.
Yoko: Every time you talk it’s giving-
Bianca: Psychopath.
Ajax: Serial killer.
Xavier: Mafia boss.
Enid: Daddy.
Everyone: *staring at Enid*
Enid: I meant to say ‘delusional’…
Wednesday: If you’re going to say things like that in public, the least you could do is commit to it, you coward.
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sxphr · 3 months
Wednesday, raising an eyebrow: What are you up to Enid?
Enid: ...Nothing?
Wednesday, staring at Enid:
Enid, sweating:
Wednesday: I mean if you say-
Enid, cracking under the pressure: FINE. I brought more plushies. But d'you know what, I don't care. I love my plushies and there's nothing you can do about that.
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comicake · 2 years
The thing that annoys me about Tyler and Xavier is the fact that no matter how obvious it is that Wednesday just manipulating and using them they’re still so desperate for her attention. Is the scene where Wednesday telling Tyler that she will be terrible gf cause she’ll ignore him and make other stuff her priorities and he just doesn’t care about it supposed to be romantic or smth? Cause it was kinda pathetic. Like, have some self respect please. Wednesday is treating you very badly, why are you so okay with this?
Enid is the only one who actually addressed that issue and her words actually affect Wednesday.
It’s either a very weird written romantic storyline or the writers just decided to show that Wednesday relationship with Enid is clearly the best one
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obsob · 1 year
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here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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horror-lady00 · 6 months
Enid: Yoko, there's something VERY wrong with Wednesday!
Yoko: Wrong as in Addams wrong orrr...
Enid: Wrong as in she said she LOVES me!
Enid: Six times! And it's only today! She calls me "My love" in languages I don't even know! She asks for hugs and cuddles! She... Says... NICE things about me!
Enid: She kissed me Yoko! As im romantically!! And she wasn't even sarcastic about it!!!
Enid, crying: I'm scared! I'm so fucking scared! I don't know what is going on with her..!
Yoko: Aren't you two married?
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abby-howard · 1 month
Top five reptiles.
1. Goanna, and yes it's because of Rescuers Down Under
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2. Green tree python, cuz they change color from when they're babies AND they are always sitting there like that
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3. Tuatara cuz they're the only remaining member of their whole clade, they're very special. Gotta include them as the underrepresented guys
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4. Alligator snapping turtle. This animal would kill me. On purpose!!
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5. Alligators. I fear them, I respect them, i dream of them nightly.
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slashmagpie · 9 months
Scar has had a day.
A fun day, certainly! He would never say that he didn’t have fun. That would be a lie, and Scar is not a liar. (A schemer, a swindler, yes, but a liar? Why, he’d never!) But several hours of running Decked Out, one near-death-experience after another, has him shaking all over. He’s sweating in places he didn’t even know he could sweat, and his heart is pounding even faster against his ribcage than the dungeon’s at max clank. 
But he had fun, and he’s achieved his goal of two new cards and a victory tome, so he’s about ready to head home to Scarland for some nice relaxing time—
There is something in the hallway with him.
The hair on the back of Scar’s neck prickles, and he can feel the ravager’s breath against his skin, a sudden rush of hot air in the otherwise frozen crypts. He feels his body freeze, lungs ceasing to function without permission, and he needs to run, needs to flee, he’s going to lose—
“You got lucky at the end there. When you were leaving? There was a ravager coming at you across the thing—”
“Oh gosh!” Scar stumbles backwards, heart in his throat, looking up at Tango as he approaches Scar and his shulker deck across the hall. His words spill out of him so fast he stumbles over the sounds, and Tango stops, staring, as Scar nearly keels over backwards from fright. “Jeez, Tango, oh my gosh, I thought you were a ravager, I’m a little still paranoid, it’s been a—a captivating day—”
Scar’s back hits the blackstone rim of the door behind him, and the sudden terror he’d felt at Tango’s presence suddenly vanishes, leaving him sagging against the wall. Tango blinks owlishly, looking around the dungeon like he’s missed something. 
“H-Hi? Do I…?” Tango looks down at himself, like he’s expecting to see something different, like he might suddenly be a beast with shaggy grey fur and deadly horns, and not a Tango in his frosty blue robes. A laugh wheezes its way out of Scar as the relief turns into an odd sort of dizziness. He feels a little sick. “Wow. Scar? You okay…?”
Scar pulls himself out of the corner, towards his friend, because Tango is his friend, and he’s just—he’s just Tango. Not a ravager, or any other kind of danger, just Tango, who’s spent the last thirteen months making this amazing game for all of the hermits, and who Scar is not scared of.
“Y-Y-You get heightened tension, right, when you play? It’s crazy, like—”
“You are on edge,” Tango tells him with a laugh, and Scar laughs along.
“I was on edge!” he agrees, opening his shulker once again so that he can avoid Tango’s gaze. There’s something about his eyes that are just—Scar doesn’t know. He’s not afraid of Tango. Why would he be afraid of Tango?
“Rarr,” Tango jokes, the worst ravager impression in the world, bearing his teeth and raising his hands like claws, and Scar does not jump. “And stuff.”
…Everything is fine, and normal, and Scar just needs—needs to go back to Scarland. And relax. Because his heart is beating too fast, and he’s played a lot of Decked Out, and he’s had a lot of fun, but he’s jumping at shadows, and at Tangos, and that—that simply won’t do.
(And he does not entertain the notion, not even a slightest bit, that maybe it’s not just him—that maybe there is something going on with Tango—because, really, it’s just Tango. Come on.) 
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cadmium-bear · 11 months
Enid: *Carrying a lot of things*
Wednesday: Enid, do you need a hand?
Enid: Oh, yes please. *moves all the stuff on one arm then holds Wednesday’s hand*
Wednesday: … This isn’t what I meant.
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bagdaddyb · 8 months
Self Centered
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Summary: Wednesday realizes just how self-centered she has been. (reader has powers connected to nature)
Pairing: fem!Reader x Wednesday
Warning: slight angst
AN: Love the Wednesday character. Cold emotionless cutoff while also sadistic mean and cruel
"No Wednesday."
Those were the words you'd muttered to the girl before disappearing into the crowd. No. Wednesday was almost unsure how to process it. Since she'd came to this school of miscreants there hadn't been a single person not willing to bend to her will and since you'd started.... whatever it is you have with Wednesday you'd never turned away from any of her desires. So what changed? By the time Wednesday has recovered from the blatant rejection you're long gone and she's left to do nothing but return to Ophelia hall. She goes over the whole interaction again, taking note of your slumped shoulders and baggy eyes. You weren't yourself today, honestly if Wednesday truly thought about it you hadn't been yourself for some time. How long had it been since your demeanor changed? You don't smile at her anymore, you never seek her attention. When was the last time she'd spoken to you before today? She's been so caught up trying to investigate her stalker that she's completely neglected other parts of her life. Entering her shared room she's unsurprised and slightly disappointed to see Enid laying in her bed speaking with Thing.
"I just don't think this color suits your skin tone, the lighter green would go much better."
Thing taps and signs in response causing Enid to gasp.
"You take that back."
Upon hearing the door close the blonde's attention is grabbed eyes locking with black ones.
"Hey Weds, how's the investigation? Did (Y/N) agree to head into the forest with you tonight?"
The ravenette says as she neatly deposits her things on her side of the room moving towards her desk chair to start her writing hour.
"I'm not surprised."
Enid lets out in response gaze moving back to the display of nail polishes she put out for Thing to choose from. This catches Wednesday's attention, turning in her chair she burns Enid with her glare.
"Why is that?"
"Well she literally almost died during your last 'investigation' when she was stabbed and said "I'm never helping you again Wednesday Addams" while I stitched her up."
Before she continues Enid lets out a sigh muttering she's gonna kill me under her breath before continuing.
"And I'm going to tell you this because you're my best friend, (Y/N) has been unhappy for some time. You treat her more like your minion than partner. You drag her along on these dangerous stunts where she almost always gets hurt yet you never put forth any effort into the relationship, the last few things she's agreed to have been purely because thats the only way she gets to spend time with you. She is tired of it all being one sided so you need to get your act together unless you want to loose this relationship you pretend to not care about."
As Enid speaks its like a light bulb pops above Wednesday's head, recalling past encounters, conversations, and arguments she now finds herself feeling conflicted over. Standing abruptly Wednesday leaves her room, completely disregarding Enid and her writing hour. She needed to find you. It was never her intention to use you, or was it? She'd been approaching this like she would approach anything else but she now realizes that in and of itself is the problem. This isn't anything else. As much as she will deny it she cares for you in a way that is completely foreign to her. Arriving at your dorm room she knocks three times. Waiting only thirty seconds before knocking again.
"I'm coming, I'm coming."
Wednesday bites back her snarky remarks when Bianca opens your shared dorm door. The siren does nothing to hide her disgusted face in turn.
"(Y/N) isn't here. She's always in the gardens during this time. Of course you'd know that if you cared about anyone other than yourself."
That is all the ravenette gets before the door is slammed in her face, Wednesday's eyebrows furrow as she turns on her heel. Just how self centered had she been? In her eight months of knowing you and five months of courting she'd learned little to nothing about you. Besides physical attributes and your general knowledge Wednesday never made an effort to get to know you better lazer focused on the hyde investigation then later her stalker you were always kept on the back burner. For the first time in her life guilt washes over her and it makes her bristle. Her feet move quickly towards the garden, entering she doesn't even have to look following your voice carrying through the flowers. Wednesday can't help the way her lips turn in disgust as she walks, the garden was to bright countless flowers planted aimlessly with no value yet she couldn't deny the health of the garden. Every flower in bloom properly watered and glowing. Coming around a corver she sees why observing you as you sang along the the music coming from your phone. You fingers were at work using your powers to meticulously grow different flowers and plants in healthy soil. You worked diligently so immersed in it that you fail to notice the brooding aura observing you. You fill the flower box you're working on with purple lillies a beautiful contrast to the blue bachelor buttons in the box next to it. Stepping back you observe your work humming in approval before turing to head to a different part of the garden. The moment you spin you freeze eyes meeting black ones you'd never once seen in the garden before. You are truly at a loss of words at the girls presence as she'd never once seeked your company and for a moment you consider pinching yourself. Surely this must be a dream.
"Wednesday? Ummmmm.... what are you doing here?"
"I came to apologize."
Okay now you were sure you were dreaming. You look around before pinching yourself.
"I must be living in the matrix."
You say before looking around again. Not sure if this is true reality. Silence envelopes both of you as Wednesday stares realizing she's never truly had to apologize. Especially not of her own volition. She's stumped on what to say or do but you don't wait long scoffing you begin to walk past the ravenette.
"If this is your way of apologizing spare me."
Wednesday stays quiet denying herself the mean and witty response knowing it wouldn't help her situation as she starts to form words in her brain she follows you past a dead section of the garden three planters tucked away in the middle of the garden that you don't even glance at as you continue foreward. Wednesday pauses for a moment taking in the uncared for section in contrast to the overly cared for garden before moving to quickly catch up with you.
"(Y/N) I apologize for my previous actions. As surprising as it may be I have not realized the fault until now. You are more than my pawn but I have failed to treat you as such. So I hope you can forgive me."
You merely hum in response not taking your eyes off the planter you stood infront of.
"Ok Wednesday."
You dig your figures in the soil trying to decide what would look best in the array of colors before you. Wednesday can tell her words have little affect and the fact that she may of already lost you causes her stomach to unsettle. Not easily detered she sticks around watching you mend the soil before speaking up again.
"That patch back there full of dead plants, why did you walk right past it? You seem very keen on keeping everything else in the garden grown and healthy."
You jump when she speaks honestly surprised that she was still there.
You hesitate before releasing a sigh and turning to face Wednesday.
"It was a patch of flowers I grew for you when we first began our relationship. I grew them in the beginning as a gift symbolizing the start of our bond. I was going to show them to you the first time I invited you to the garden but as your rejections grew harsher and the light of what our relationship truly was shined brighter..... I stopped caring for the flowers. Now the bushes are barren and dead yet still as symbolic as ever."
You release another sad sigh eyes dropping to the ground before turning back towards the soil.
"If you don't mind Wednesday I'd like to be alone. I'm sure you have more important matters to attend to."
More important. The words Wednesday used everytime you've invited her to the garden. Everytime you've asked to spend time together in Jericho. Everytime you've tried to have conversation about anything other than her current obsession. Everytime you tried to engage her in a subject or activity revolving around you. She'd made you feel unimportant.
"No I don't."
Wednesday pauses a moment unhappy with how unstable her voice sounded.
"While I have failed to prove it in the past you are the most important thing in my life. I...... care for you deeply and I do not wish for our relationship to be forgetten, barren, and dead. This is all new to me..... these feelings, this bond.... but I won't allow myself to be held back by my lack of knowledge. So I will sit here all night if I have to. Today, tomorrow, and the next if that is what it takes for you to forgive me."
Your vision becomes cloudy as tears form in your eyes, the once grey sky becoming dark with clouds and as the first drop falls so does your first tear. This was all you ever wanted, effort. Tears fall as your heart pounds in your chest after finally being showed you meant something to the Addams girl and if that wasn't enough the feeling of a hand wrapping around your forarm was.
"I'm sorry mon cher."
Another apology things that were unknown from Wednesday Addams coupled with physical contact something you'd never experienced from the girl.
"I forgive you."
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