#maybe i could color him liek that sometime anyways lol
wave-man · 1 year
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hey its him
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knightofameris · 4 years
mango & orange green tea — hinata shouyou
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛: Neutral 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜: Boba shop AU :3c, female OC (little sister), i feel liek there’s second hand embarrassment in here (kinda), Hinata and you are like college age, sister is ~7?, HINTS TO TIMESKIP HINATA? BUT LIKE ONLY IN WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE LOL 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1.3𝚔
𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍: mango & green tea 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 MeetFresh  𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔!
⇽ 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘 ◜𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚜' 𝚋𝚘𝚋𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚙 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚞◞
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Your younger sister, Kumiko, pointed at the various shaved ice combinations on the menu, talking about how her and her friend’s parents brought their volleyball youth group out for a birthday celebration. Which made sense, the shaved ice options that they had were all large portions and you weren’t sure if you’d be able to finish it with her. But she was really craving it and you wanted to treat her out since you’ve come back from university.
Honestly, with how long your sister was taking to pick which shaved ice option she wanted, you were thankful that the cashier was so patient. And that there was no line.
“Oh! This one, the pudding and Q mochi milk! That one’s really good. What are you gonna get?” Kumiko asked, staring up at you with wide eyes. You knew she’d feel bad if you only went to get something for her. 
“Uhmm, I’m not sure, maybe a drink,” you stated, though it was more a question since there were also way too many drinks for you to choose from. 
“If you’d like a suggestion-” you glance up towards the orange-haired cashier who somehow never let his smile disappear “-the mango and orange green tea is pretty good!” 
You hum to yourself, staring down at the menu before settling in. It was kinda funny how he suggested something with orange considering his hair color. If you were close to him, you’d make some comment about that but you weren’t about to say that. 
“Yeah, I’ll try that then, along with the pudding and Q mochi milk shaved ice.” You smiled at him as you ruffled your sister’s hair. As he tapped in the order, your eyes brushed over his arms, almost alarmed that someone who was something akin to a ray of sunshine, could be as built as he was. Heat rushed up to your face as you looked away from his arms and up to his face instead, who at the same time met your eyes to tell you the price.
You quickly give him your card and he hands you a buzzer that tells you when your order is ready. 
“It’ll be out soon, thanks!” He grins and you can't help but smile back but before you know it, Kumiko’s already tugging you towards a table and grabbing the buzzer herself. 
Your sister continues to update you on what’s happened since you’ve been off to college and you listen intently, waiting patiently. It doesn’t take long for the buzzer to go off and Kumiko dashed to grab it. True to Hinata Shoyo’s word, as you figured out his name since it was printed on the receipt next to ‘Cashier.’ At least, you hope that was his name since you knew that sometimes coworkers would just use the same register with a different name. 
But it’d be kinda cute if that was his name, it did mean sun and his hair was bright orange and his smile might as well be as bright as the sun and the way he talked to you and your sister and his employees-
“Come on! The food’s here!!” Kumiko interrupted your thoughts, dashing towards her seat. You arched a brow at where the food (dessert, really) was and Hinata appeared, holding the tray. You flushed, embarrassed that he had to go out of his way to help. You really should have gotten the tray yourself but you had to get caught up on him. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you stand up and dash towards him, grabbing the tray out of his hands before giving him a slight bow. “Kumiko, why didn’t you call me over?” You send her a slight glare but Hinata’s laughter caught your attention instead. 
“It’s alright, I’m off the clock now!” He grinned. “Besides, Kumiko-chan reminds me of my little sister when she was her age.” 
“Hinata’s so cool! He watched Sailor Moon too!” She beamed as you went to set the tray down in front of her, the young girl impatiently dug into the shaved ice, even grabbing a bit of mochi to place into her smaller bowl. 
“Kumiko, you know you can’t talk to everyone about Sailor Moon that’s why I’m here,” you pouted jokingly. The spoon in your hand grabs the ice cream at the top to place in her bowl. “Also you should call him Hinata-san.”
“No it’s fine! You can just call me Hinata, I already told her that.” Hinata waved you off, to not let you worry anymore. Turning back to Hinata, you find that he’s holding your drink in his hand, already handing you it. Kumiko interrupts you, introducing you to Hinata for you.
“Sorry, I feel like such a bother, is there anyway I can make it up to you?” you ask sheepishly, grabbing the drink from him. Before he can answer, Kumiko does for you.
“Come eat, the shaved ice is going to melt! Hinata, who’s your favorite Sailor Guardian?” Kumiko asked before going off about who her favorite was (it’s Sailor Jupiter). You glance over at Hinata sheepishly but he almost pays you no mind as he immediately sits down across from Kumiko. You’re sure to take the spot in between them on the side of the four-seated table.  
Honestly, part of you was surprised at how well Hinata was able to keep up with Kumiko’s conversation. Sometimes it felt like he was just as much a child as she was. With Hinata even giving her different anime recommendations she’d like (Like Cardcaptor Sakura) and how he’d describe things using sound effects. It felt easy and natural talking to him and your sister. You were just thankful that he was able to indulge in her obsession with Sailor Moon. 
After the three of you finished the shaved ice, since it was very obvious that you and Kumiko could not finish it and you insisted that he’d have some if he was sitting with them, Kumiko declared that she wanted to return the tray and bowls. So you let her, also being sure to keep a watchful eye on her. 
“I’m so sorry you got roped in like that,” you rub the back of your neck. 
“No, it’s alright! Really, I didn’t have anything to do. It was fun talking to you and Kumiko-chan.” Hinata reassured. “Plus, you let me have some of the shaved ice.” 
You chuckled, “It’s nothing, you’ve been more than helpful. A-plus customer service, but please if there’s anything I could do just let me know.” 
Hinata looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought before the light in his head went off. “You could stop by one of my volleyball games for support! Wait, here, put your number in my phone and I’ll text you everything.” He quickly takes out his phone to hand to you and you’re suddenly shocked at how you’re putting your number into this really cute guy’s phone. And this was honestly thanks to your sister.
“Hey, Hinata!” Kumiko skipped back to the table. “Can we talk about Sailor Moon more next time?” 
“Only if you come to my volleyball game!” 
Kumiko gasped, jumping excitedly. So much so that you had to grab her close to you before she could get in the way of any other MeetFresh patrons. 
“I play volleyball too! Did you hear that!” Kumiko asks, staring up at you with bright round eyes.
Hinata was sure to walk you and Kumiko back to your car, letting her further indulge him about what she liked about volleyball. At this point, Kumiko talked more to Hinata than you were able to, but the orange-haired boy was sure to give you glances, grateful for the fact that through your sister he was able to spend some time around you. 
Later that night as you’re settling into bed with the lights off and checking your phone one last time, before you truly went to sleep, your phone vibrated with a text. 
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[image id: from an unknown number and a series of text messages sent at 00:09 “Today was supper fun!!! Kumiko-chan’s super cute but I’d love to get to know her pretty sibling!! Oh wait it’s hinata! Sorry was that too forward?? 😖😖”]
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𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚢, 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗!
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beelsnack · 4 years
Hey there! Love your Writing!! Can I request Some HC/Drabbles on the brothers and Diavolo comforting a Mc(GN) That Struggles with Migraines? (Thank you in advance if you do!)
Aw, thanks Nonnie!
I get migraines pretty frequently, so I’m pretty sure I’ve got headcanons lined up already, lol.
Content Warning: Mild description of vomit. Nothing graphic, but migraines be nasty.
(Side note: I guess these are kind of a mix between headcanons and drabbles, huh? Maybe I should combine them. Drabcanons? Headrabbles? I kind of like headrabbles.)
Lucifer: They hadn’t come down for dinner.
Usually, if they were planning on skipping dinner, they let at least one of the brothers know. But nobody had heard a sound from them after they had finished up their classes at RAD, and they weren’t answering texts or calls.
Lucifer climbed up the stairs leading to the second floor, already formulating a lecture. Tardiness would not be tolerated, neither at RAD or at home, it would reflect poorly on Diavolo if the exchange student suddenly developed a habit of skipping out of obligations, how dare they make him worry - 
He was just about to knock on their door when he heard a soft noise from inside. It sounded like a whimper.
He stilled, pressing his ear against the wood of the door. There it was again. Definitely a whimper, longer this time, laced with pain. His heart seized at the sound, and without thinking he stepped inside.
The human had burrowed beneath their blankets and had pressed a pillow over their head.If it wasn’t for the lights strung up along their headboard, Lucifer would have just assumed the human hadn’t made their bed.
They whined again, spurring Lucifer in to action.
He called out their name. “What’s wrong?”
A pathetic whimper was his only response, and he swallowed down the lump of panic that was beginning to rise in his throat. He crossed the room in three big strides before kneeling beside their bed. There was a small gap between the blankets and pillow, and he could see the way their brow was furrowed, how their eyes were squeezed shut, the thin sheen of sweat that shined over their skin.
As though they could feel his gaze, they cracked open eye and managed to groan, “Too bright.”
Lucifer flicked his gaze over to the soft lights strung up along their headboard. They were so low that even he had a hard time seeing anything in detail. If they thought those were to bright...ah.
“A migraine, huh?”
He didn’t bother waiting for the human’s strained “Mhm,” before reaching behind the night stand where the outlet was. Suddenly, what little light there had been was gone, leaving only the slight glow from the hallway.
“Better?” he asked softly, gently reaching beneath the pillow to wipe their sweat-drenched hair away from their face. 
“...Yeah...” they sighed, the crease in their brow easing slightly. “Thank you...”
“Of course.” Their eyes were already beginning to slip closed as he stood. “I’ll get you some water and let you rest.”
He was pretty sure they had passed out before he finished speaking. Which is why he allowed himself the small indulgence of placing a kiss on their forehead before he left.
Mammon: It seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute, they were walking through the halls at RAD killing time until their next class. The next, they were crying out like they had been stabbed, falling to their knees and clutching their head.
Immediately, he was beside them. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
They were trying to respond, he could tell, but all that was coming out were short, staccato breaths that ended on a pained moan. He could see tears welling up in the corner of their eyes.
A crowd was beginning to form around them. Curious whispers and hushed gossiping echoed through the hall, and Mammon instinctively scratched his claws along the marble floor to attempt to keep his cool.
They had mentioned something like this before, hadn’t they? That sometimes they got these blinding headaches that left them completely incapacitated for at least the rest of the day? 
“Hey,” he took their face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs soothingly along their jaw. Damn all the demons that had gathered around them, he had his priorities. “It’s okay, I’m right here, I gotcha.” 
He vaguely remembered them saying something about light sensitivity. Honestly, this probably wasn’t going to do anything, but he plucked his sunglasses from where they were hung on his uniform and slipped them over their face. “I’m going to get you to the Student Council lounge, okay? Can you walk?”
After a few deep, shuddering breaths, they managed to stand. Mammon didn’t liek the way they were swaying on their feet, however, so, with a click on his tongue, he scooped them up bridal style. The buried their face against the column of his neck without complaint, and that was when he knew they were really in pain.
“Everything’s okay, your first man’s gonna take care of ya.”
Levi: It was obvious the human wasn’t feeling well. They had their right eye squeezed shut, just barely watching the anime through their left. Every time Luminous-chan started her transformation scene, they were cringe at the sudden flash. He swore he even heard them whimper a little bit.
“Why are you still here?” wait, no, that came out wrong. “I-I mean, like, if you feel sick or something, we can watch it later. You’re not even really paying attention!”
They winced at the volume of his voice, and Levi internally cursed himself. “Seriously, go lie down if you feel sick. I don’t want your normie germs.”
Another bright, intensely colorful scene started, and Levi belatedly realized that he probably should at least pause it. 
They slumped their head against the back of the couch. They seemed to relax just a little bit without the noise. “Being in your room helps.”
“Eh?” Levi looked at them incredulously. “Why would it help?”
“The blue lights don’t hurt as much, and it’s nice and cool in here.” they muttered. “But I can leave if you really want me to.”
“N-No!” this time, both of them winced at his volume.
“You can stay here.” his voice was barely above a whisper. “I’ll just...use my headphones or whatever. You take a nap.”
Satan: With all the things that can go wrong with the human body, the species should have died out a millennia ago.
They were currently holed up in their room, trying to stave off the throbbing headache with Excedrin and sheer willpower. Satan, feeling particularly useless, was doing what he did best - research.
Obviously there were no books on human medical conditions in the Devildom, so that had led him to the internet.
“Aura? Migraines can affect your vision?” he muttered to himself, scrolling down further. “They can cause nausea? ‘May last up to 72 hours?!’“ 
No wonder the human wanted to be left alone. He would be in a foul mood too.
Asmo: “You know, I’m usually thrilled when my partner wakes up looking like they spent the night tumbling around, but something tells me this wasn’t nearly as enjoyable.”
They were a hot mess. Their usually neat uniform was rumpled, and they hadn’t quite been able to get the last button done right. Harsh, almost bruise-like bags stood out against their skin, which had taken on a sickly pallor. 
Joking aside, Asmo didn’t like how the human looked. “What’s the matter, darling?”
They plopped down on Asmo’s bed next to him, letting him fuss with their hair. “I definitely feel a migraine coming on.”
His fingers paused in their ministrations before beginning to massage gently at their scalp. “Poor thing, why are you even up?”
“Because Lucifer will flay me alive and use my pelt to decorate his office if I skip classes.” they shot back, and Asmo was glad to see they still had their snark even though they looked dead on their feet.
“Darling, it’s not skipping if your brain in trying to escape your skull.” he stood, running his long fingers through their hair one more time and quite enjoying how they leaned into the touch. “Now, let me take care of Lucifer, you get some rest.”
“Can I stay here?” they asked, rubbing at their temple. Asmo giggled.
“Well, I’m certainly not going to turn you away from my bed.” he flicked the lights off on his way out. “There’s an eye mask in the drawer next to the lube.”
Beelzebub: The two of them had a routine. Friday night, Beel would go to the gym, come home, and they would hang out in their room and watch so-bad-they’re-good horror movies until they fell asleep.
Since this was an every week thing, Beel didn’t even think to text them and tell them he was coming over. They usually left their door unlocked when they were home anyway.
There was no answer when he knocked, which seemed strange. They were usually here at this point. Maybe something had come up? But they would have let him know, surely. A frown tugged at his lips as he tested the doorknob. Unlocked.
Slowly, he opened the door, calling out to them. “Are you in here?”
A few seconds of silence ticked by. Beel was about to call again when he heard a gagging noise coming from their bathroom. He peered a little farther in and saw the light from the bathroom spilling into the room. They hadn’t even been able to close the door.
Concern washed over him, but he was pretty sure barging into the bathroom while they were sick wouldn’t help matters. He carefully shut the bedroom door behind him. “I’m coming in okay?”
“N-No, don’t -” another gag cut them off. Beel winced in sympathy as he entered the bathroom.
The sight made him want to cry. They were clinging onto the toilet, half slumped to the floor. Their pajama shorts were all twisted around, and Beel could see red marks from where the human had been kneeling against the floor tiles. Tears were streaming down their cheeks as they took deep breaths in an attempt to fight off the nausea.
Beel knelt down next to them, and they didn’t even have the energy to protest when he swept some of their sweaty hair out of their face. “Did you eat something bad?”
They shook their head, then squeezed their eyes shut. “No...it’s a migraine.”
Beel frowned. “I thought migraines were headaches.”
“They make you nauseated, too.” they muttered, reaching up to flush the contents of their stomach down the toilet. “Sorry, I should have let you know...”
He placed a large hand on their back and they sighed, letting his presence stabilize them. 
“It’s okay.” he said, rubbing small circles along their spine. “Isn’t there a drink that helps with upset stomachs?”
“Ginger ale.” they supplied, voice going a bit hoarse. “I’m pretty sure they don’t have it in the Devildom, though.”
“There might be some at that convenience store near The Fall. I could go check.” he stood up, almost instinctively reaching down to scoop them up before pausing. “Do you still feel sick?”
“No, it’s passing. I’m just super tired.” they reached out towards Beel, and he proceeded with the scooping.
“I won’t be long.” he promised as he deposited them on the bed.
“Don’t get distracted by all of the yummy snacks, okay?” they teased, and he smiled a little.
“I make no guarantees.”
Belphegor: He could practically see the irritation rolling off of them.
Movie night was always a garbage fire, but tonight was particularly bad. It had been nearly an hour and they were still arguing over what movie to watch, Mammon and Asmo had nearly come to blows, and Beel was sitting on his own island of pop cans and empty bags of popcorn.
Usually, they found the brothers’ antics amusing, but tonight, Belphegor saw murder in their eyes. And as much as he would delight in seeing his big brothers get fucking wrecked by a human, dealing with the cleanup would be a complete hassle.
“Are you feeling okay?” he leaned in to whisper. They blinked hard a few times, trying to clear their vision.
“I already felt like I was going to get a migraine,” they gritted their teeth as they spoke. “But this definitely isn’t helped.”
Belphie hummed in agreement. “Yeah, I can’t imagine it is. Think they’ll notice if we bow out?”
There was the sound of glass shattering as someone threw a couch pillow and either missed horrendously or hit precisely what they were aiming at. It was hard to tell.
“I think we’ll be fine.”
Chuckling, Belphie grabbed their hand and led them out of the living room. Of course the only one who saw them was Beel, and Belphie merely made a shushing gesture and nodded his head towards the staircase. The older twin nodded and went back to his munching without any fuss, bless his big, fluffy heart.
The human trudged after Belphie, already worn out. They walked past their room, so they assumed they were going to the twins’ room. But they passed that too. 
“Belphie, where are we going?”
He stopped them at the base of the attic stairs. “Someone will just barge in if we go to one of our rooms. Nobody will think about up here, though.”
If their head wasn’t pounding, they would have asked if Belphie was okay going back into the room that had basically been his prison cell for a year. But, their head was pounding, and they didn’t have the energy to question his logic. So up to the attic they went.
It was blissfully dark in the attic. Belphie yawned as he made his way over to the bed and flopped down.
“Come on, I think we both need a nap.”
“It’s late, isn’t this just going to bed at this point?” they wiggled into bed next to Belphie anyway, snuggling deeper into the blankets as he hugged them close.
“The human doth protest too much. Shut up and go to sleep.”
Diavolo: It was irrational, he knew. The human had a migraine, not the Black Death. But still, worry and uncertainty chased each other around his skull like rabid beasts until he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer looked shocked to see him as he entered. “Did we have a meeting for tonight?”
“No, no, don’t worry.” he grinned. “I heard our little human friend had to leave RAD early due to a migraine, and I wanted to see how they were feeling, is all.”
Lucifer raised one delicate eyebrow, and Diavolo knew he was blushing. He had grown rather attached to the human, probably more than he should have, considering the circumstances.
“They’re resting right now.” he nodded towards the stairs. “I’m not sure it would be wise to disturb them.”
“Disturb who?”
Both demons turned to look as the human came out of the hallway that led to the kitchen. Aside from their sleep-heavy eyes and the occasional roll of their neck, they looked just fine.
“Oh, Lord Diavolo!” they smiled.
“Well, you look much better than this afternoon.” he hoped the relief in his voice wasn’t too obvious. Based on the look Lucifer shot him, it was.
They nodded. “That medicine you gave me worked wonders! Better than anything I ever took in the human world. Thank you so much.”
“Think nothing of it.” his grin softened into something warm, something he knew was professionally inappropriate to feel towards a human exchange student. “I’m glad I could help.”
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olaf-likeswarmhugs · 4 years
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Part 1 || Chapter Three: October 28
A/N: So…how did Olaf end up in Swynlake?! The journey began months ago! Things sure are changing in the Icelandic Hollow, and the more they do, the more Olaf has to question.
In this chapter: Olaf prepares for his Arrival re-do ceremony and the boys miss each other.  @huldufolk-hjarn​
Sindri: i love you
Olaf: Sindri Olaf: I love you too
Sindri: i miss you a lot
Olaf: ah, me too Olaf: i was just thinking about you actually Olaf: i was making flower crowns for mums and wishing you were here so i coud make you one too
Sindri: remember when you told me once that i need to let my emotions out more
Olaf: Absolutely and I stand by it
Sindri: i think you're right Sindri: because sometimes i get these weird emotions out of nowhere and they feel super strong like right now i kind of want to cry
Olaf: do you want to facetime??? Olaf: i swear i know how to do it this time
Sindri: are you sure i think y ou almost broke your phone last time
Olaf: no i practiced!
Sindri: lol okay then
Olaf: i mean it
Sindri: okay let's facetime
Sindri: are you gonna start it
Olaf: sorry sorry it logged me out of my apple's id !
Sindri: oh no! Sindri: you know what's really nice Sindri: i can always count on you to make me smile Sindri: do you ever get sad olaf Sindri: like for no reason Sindri: i know you can get sad
Olaf: for no reason? Olaf: hm Olaf: i dont know if its sad Olaf: sometimes i feel very lost Olaf: it comes out of nowhere sometimes
Sindri: i want to hold your hand lol i'm having a rough time and there's no one to cuddle me Sindri: DID YOU DO YOUR TALENT THING
Olaf: iiiiiiits the upcoming full moon Olaf: so soon Olaf: im sure it will go fine!! Olaf: still nervous though Olaf: thas why i was thinking about making you a flower crown anyway Olaf: would it be weird Olaf: and i could wear it for you via proxy Olaf: or is that bad luck
Sindri: no i think you should! Sindri: and send pictures so i can Sindri: idk feel liek i'm there
Olaf: oh yeah Olaf: maybe i'll find my apple's id by then and mums can hold it Olaf: and u can live stream it
Sindri: oh true that would be breezy
Olaf: i dunno where i put my apple's id i didnt even know apples could have that
Sindri: i think it's just the log in you use when you set up your phone
Olaf: ohhhh sven did that
Sindri: you should ask him then
Olaf: i will i will
Sindri: OH Sindri: WAIT Sindri:
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Olaf: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Olaf: i just shrieked Olaf: IM STILL SHRIEKING Olaf: IM JUPODMIN Olaf; UP Olaf: AND DON2W Olaf: sindri you look so pretty!
Olaf:  🌈 😊 💖 💖 💖 💖
Sindri: I KNOW I LOVE IT nam-min helped me
Olaf:  😍 Olaf:  🤗 Olaf: ahh it looks amazing Olaf: you didnt go to a dyeing talent fairy???
Sindri: nope Sindri: nam-min just went and got the colors and he did it
Olaf: seriously it looks amazing Olaf: i keep looking at it Olaf: it looks so good i think im going to cry Olaf: actually i think i am crying because i miss you Olaf: sindri i miss you Olaf: are you sure you can't come for my ceremony? I know thats asking too much its too much money i shouldnt send this but i Olaf: oh Olaf: okay seriously i was deleting it and i presseed enter Olaf: im fine!!!!! Olaf: wow you look amazing
Sindri: i really really want to olaf Sindri: maybe i can pull together enough money because i miss you a whole lot too
Olaf: i dont want you to spend it if you cant Olaf: i know it took you so much to even get all of your money together to go to swynlake and i dont want to distract from that because what you're doing is really important and i believe in you Olaf: seriously i think im just really nervous so im freaking out but it will pass
Sindri: now i'm crying because i can't go
Olaf: nooooooooooooooooooooo
Sindri: and i want to see you
Olaf: you cant cry sindri Olaf: dont cry
Sindri: i didn't know it was going to be this hard olaf
Olaf: its not always this hard Olaf: right? Olaf: like, today feels really hard but Olaf: yesterday was okay Olaf: maybe tomorrow will be okay
Sindri: yeah maybe
Olaf: gosh can i have nam-min's numbe Olaf: hear me out i know that sounds weird Olaf: but he's taking care of you because i cant and i just want to thank him and also to tell him about all thethings you wont tell him because its very important that he knows what to do Olaf: id just send him a really cute sindri how to guide i promise
Sindri: you don't have to do that
Olaf: then he can be there since i cant
Sindri: i think you guys would like each other though Sindri: today i was thinking about how i wished you guys were friends too
Olaf: i know i would like him he's taking care of you Olaf: did you tell him you need at least six to seven hugs every day?
Sindri: i don't need seven hugs every day
Olaf: you DO SINDRI Olaf: you dont realize it Olaf: i gave you seven hugs Olaf: at least
Sindri: that makes me seem very needy
Olaf: seven hugs is not very much!!! Olaf: gah you're not even getting one hug are you Olaf: put einar on the phone
Sindri: he's sleeping
Olaf [deleted]: i dont know what to do without you sindri Olaf: thats unfortunate Sindri: (nemo's number) Sindri: there you go
Olaf: thank you Olaf: seriously thank you Olaf: okay i feel better!
Sindri: i still miss you a lot though Sindri: it is sort of nice that you and nam-min might be friends though Sindri: don't overwhelm him right away lol
Olaf: i won't! I'm just going to make sure he knows how important you are and that he has a sacred duty in being your Swynlake best friend
Sindri: i still love you
Olaf: I love you too
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