#i feel a bit rusty but also my style is a little. different. just like enough to look uncanny next to old stuff
wave-man · 1 year
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hey its him
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bistaxx · 1 year
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hihi!! maybe quackity in outfit a5? :D
Here you go!!!!!! ^_^ I hope you like it!
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azullumi · 11 days
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premise — because that’s just how they are; alternatively, “the type to” trend with hsr characters. characters — ruan mei, veritas ratio, aventurine, and robin content tags — gender-neutral reader, established relationship, fluff, slight angst, not proofread, word vomit in some parts, 1.6k words ; headcanons
note from me — seasickness took me out and the fact that i have a 9 hr road trip tomorrow is already making me dizzy. i hope i’m asleep for the 3/4 of it,, also this has a pt. 2 which i’ll upload later on !! anyways i wrote this in between my vacation and trip and in between the long-ass separate fics with sunday and aven so sorry if it seems rusty or out of my style 🙏
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RUAN MEI, (lies in between the line of a good lover and a bad lover) the type to be unable to express her affections for you through words and settles with small and simple gestures that she has observed and seen from everyone around her; having never understood “love” and never knowing how to correspond with such, she’s left silent and confused like a lost child in the wake of it. She’ll find herself staring you quietly, memorizing the lines of your face and how it creases and contorts into different expressions, studying each crevices and edges of the parts that makes up your being to bury you in her memory, and there’s a smile that tugs on her lips every time her gaze falls on you. Oh, she wishes she understood what it all meant (she simply and devastatingly adores you).
RUAN MEI, the type to subconsciously write your name on paper whenever she’s distracted. it’s a small habit she does, one that makes her smile whenever she notices the letters spelling out your name. She has ruined, tainted several of her papers, even important ones, with just a single word, a set of letters that composes of what makes warmth seep into her chest when her mind drifts into the thought of someone—you.
RUAN MEI, the type not understand the underlying reason behind her actions—why she spends the time and makes the effort in between her busy schedule and pile of papers to make sweets for you, why she lets you do her hair despite how messy it often turns out when you braid it and how she can never find the strength in herself to “fix” or disturb the state of your work, why she always seek for the warmth of your hands whenever she’s feeling uneasy or stressed, why she always lean to your shoulder or to your touch when you caress her cheek, and everything. It’s a puzzle board of missing and scattered pieces, unable to comprehend the full image of the mystery—and yet, she still delves into the enigma of her feelings that is intertwined with your existence. Maybe one day she’ll come to know it all and maybe it will be the time when she can finally be honest to herself.
VERITAS RATIO, the type to want to know every single thing you and remember all of it. Perhaps it’s the bare minimum, perhaps it’s something that he just does. “They don’t like that,” He would say when an arrogant fool would even try to give you (or do) something, and he’s there, witnessing it all, knowing the things that you prefer and like. He knows what flowers that you like, knows your favorite color, knows the way you prefer to sleep, knows the small habits that you do when you’re nervous or scared or happy, knows every little detail that paints the whole of your existence. Isn’t it simply just lovely when someone desires to know you from the inside and out? Even if it’s just a little bit, he feels more closer to you in this way.
VERITAS RATIO, the type to be sweet and reassuring towards you (through words and actions), even though he may come off as mean, blunt, or rude towards others. Sure, he may call you an idiot sometimes but he’ll never go past that nor reach the line of degrading and distasteful remarks because he never wishes to hurt your feelings; if ever he did, he’ll apologize and tell you it’s not his intention. “Fool,” But the affection that edges into the tone of his voice cuts the thread of disdain that sews into the word. Oftentimes when texting and it’s easy to misunderstand the tone of one’s message, especially his tone, he’ll reassure you that he didn’t send it in a way that he’s angry or scornful: “The ‘Ok’ that I sent is not a mad ‘Ok’, I am in a rush and could only type that out. I’m not angry.”
VERITAS RATIO, the type to entertain your questions no matter how stupid it can be; he’d give you the answers every single time. He doesn’t mind being treated like a walking encyclopedia or dictionary if it’s you—he’d hate it if you were going to ask someone else instead of him (although he probably never told you that discomfort). I mean, you have a well-known member of the Intelligentsia Guild, someone who parallels a genius, just right at the tip of your fingertips, why bother asking someone else?
AVENTURINE, the type to like listening to the sound of your breathing, the sound of your heartbeat (to listen to the sound of you blinking, to listen to your hands soothe). It’s comforting, in an odd way, and he never tells you but it helps him fall asleep—watching the rising and falling of your chest, seeing your calm face wrinkle ever so often while you sleep. He keeps the sound of your heartbeat close to the pocket on his chest, weaving the rhythm of it to his pulse, and before he knew it, the dawn will come in quiet solitude.
AVENTURINE, the type to be always on fight-or-flight mode. Perhaps it’s the way that he grew up, perhaps it was the harsh and cruel environment that he’s in, but he’s always on guard, seemingly on defensive mode as if danger lurks at every dark corner. His shoulders are always tense, his hand either hidden or playing with the ring on his finger, it’s like he never can’t seem to relax himself even when he’s in the comfort of your arms. It follows him everywhere, trailing behind his feet, and forces him awake at night—he doesn’t even know where the fear, the anxiety, is coming from, he just knows it’s there. One wrong step and his thoughts will come crashing down like cold downpour, one wrong move and you’ll come to leave him. Sometimes a little reassurance comes a long way and it’s all he needs when his mind is being tormented. (He will learn to live with it, even if he can never seem to understand or know it. He will come to know peace as if it’s all he had in his hands when the sun first held him).
AVENTURINE, the type to immediately smile after a kiss. It’s utterly affectionate; parting, staring deeply into one’s eyes with his cheeks dusted with a certain color and he’s grinning—warmth beams from his expression and there’s a certain feeling that intertwines into his gaze and he knows it’s love because it’s all he feels whenever he looks at you. He’s the type to laugh into a kiss, feeling ticklish all over his bones as if your hands are ghosting the sensitive parts of his skin, and you’ll ask him, “What?” but he’ll only answer with, “Nothing.” He’s not drunk, the ache of wanting simply swells up in his chest and all he can think of is how much he adores you.
ROBIN, the type to try and make time for you. Her schedule is always packed, filled with all kinds of events and tasks that she needs to do. It’s overwhelming, everything feels overwhelming for her and it’s hard to know which one she should prioritize first not when she has a lot of things on her hands. Sometimes she feels lost, feels the weight too heavy on her shoulders, feels like her feet are tied to the ragged earth, feels the cage closing on her. She tries so hard to be the perfect lover for you, to become someone that will reach beyond your expectations; she cradles that perfect image, broken in all of its edges, that were constructed for herself close to her chest even if it feels like a knife to her heart. But really, all you need is for her to be herself (not the star that everyone admires and wishes to reach) and sometimes, that’s all she needs to hear from you—that she doesn’t have to hold on to the shattered chains when the coldness of the metal reminds her of what she has to carry.
ROBIN, the type to go on all kinds of dates with you, silly or not, and even matches clothes with you. She’s usually the one to make the invite to match, thinking that it’s cute and the both of you rarely ever has time like this so why not make the most out of it; who are you to even say no when she’s beaming at you so warmly? She has all of her options laid on the bed, displayed on clothing hangers, asking you what you’re going to wear or what color do you want. It’s lovely, sweet, seeing her like this and you could only pray to whoever aeon is listening that nobody comes to ruin the day the both of you rarely have for each other.
ROBIN, the type to bring you all kinds of souvenirs and gifts from her (universal) tours, sometimes having bought too much that you don’t know what to with some of them; the type to send you letters every time she’s away so that you won’t worry for he, especially knowing what happened last time, the type to always try to keep in touch and keep you close no matter the stars between you and her. She’ll ask for one thing that you own that she can carry with her person, making a promise that she’ll come back and return it—the item a testament to her vow—, but for the meantime, she’ll keep it so she has a little piece of you everywhere she goes and she can say that you’re always there by her side.
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DRUM ROLLS PLS *dundundundundun* special mention to the one and only beloved feli @dr-felitas !! i think i owe you a lot of end notes so here i am :3 also i’m sorry if i publish this and i still haven’t responded to your messages (if you have sent me cause im on dnd to avoid my dumbass from checking and looking at the phone during car rides knowing that i get motion sick) ANYWAYS i would like to begin this with i love you mwamwa, you’re one of the sweetest and most wonderful souls i have ever met and anyone who tells u otherwise will get a boulder thrown to their head 🫵 im glad to have met you, that my anti-social ass went ahead and messaged you despite the fact that we only talked once or twice AND IT WAS OVER ASKS OR COMMENTS BUT YEAH !! idk what or where i’ll be if i hadn’t done that; maybe not replying to my friends idk (again im sorry if i take business days to answer i sometimes get busy or i sometimes dont have the energy :3 i hope u still love me hahahaha… *slides down the wall*) again, i really appreciate and adore you for everything. you are a brave and kind person and i only hope for the good things for you. don’t be too mean or harsh to yourself 🫂 know that i’m always here to listen to you no matter what you’re saying. you’re never a burden to me and i hope you’ll come to see just how you shine and radiate with so much warmth and kindness, it’s like love itself is found in you. ily lottss mwaa <33
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sunday, himeko, welt, gallagher, and jing yuan next !!
© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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acefantasyy · 11 months
Peaceful Moments
✦- Eriks x gn. reader
✦cw. none, 98 Eriks coded, perhaps a little bit of kissing
✦note. thank you @chris-continues for feeding me ideas to make me write this. I am hella rusty on writing so forgive me if its all jumbly haha. this is also going to be split into two parts just because I don't want to cram so much onto one post.
✦word count- 791
Comfortable. That’s what this moment felt like. Pure comfortable bliss between two people who shared the same feeling of adoration and love for one another.
This had become the norm between you and Eriks, the mysterious man who showed up one day in your town almost a year ago that you had grown very fond of since then. The once lonely evenings of your days were now spent in the presence of the kind blonde at the town’s pub but as of late it had progressed to being in the comfort of your home.
Tonight was nonetheless different, the two of you sat on your couch with drinks in hand idly chatting away about today’s adventures. The suns having gone down was a clear indicator of just how long the two of you had been conversing for along with the now almost empty bottle of liquor sitting on your table. The liquor you had stashed in your cabinets wasn’t strong by any means, but from the way that the two of you had been pouring drink after drink it had slowly but surely done its job of rendering you both drunk and giddy. 
A brief moment of silence falls between you two once your laughing comes to a halt, your frazzled brain running a fraction slower than the rest of your body as your hand now rested in the blond’s hair, your fingers gently combing through the soft locks of hair.
“You know, you should let me do something with your hair,” you gently quipped at Eriks, his gaze locked with yours out of curiosity, “it's long enough to put it up or even style it.”
You quickly demonstrate, your hands taking gentle hold of his face to turn it to the side so you could gather his hair together to form what you could of a ponytail. Raising a brow at your work you set a hair tie in before releasing Eriks’ hair and tucking some of his bangs behind his ear. Your hand slowly travels down, now caressing Eriks’ cheek fondly for a few seconds. There’s a pause in your hands movement, the blond’s own having taken hold of your wrist to keep your hand in place as he leaned into your palm with a quiet hum.
There’s hushed words that have you leaning in as quick as they’re said, “Can I.. tell you something? Something that I haven’t said to anyone in a long time.” 
Oh that voice. That sweet voice that you loved to listen to even on the downest of days, it sounded so forlorn and scared like if the wrong thing were said it would shatter the sweet man’s soul.
Smiling gently at him you nod giving him your full attention, your thumb now running across his cheekbone, “What is it, Eriks?”
“I think.. no, actually I know this. I have feelings for you, romantic ones from what Lina said I was describing to her. And I know that it hasn’t been that long since we’ve met but,” there’s the lightest and most soft kiss to your palm, slight stubble scratching across your hand as Eriks’ eyes looking into yours once again now full of raw emotion, “you’ve been so nice to me and you’re such a sweetheart, both to me and everyone here in town which I love. To be honest, you do a lot of things that make my chest feel all warm and fuzzy. I haven’t ever felt anything like it before and it makes me really nervous, scared even."
There’s a silence for a short moment after that, his words leaving you absolutely awestruck. And that silence seems horrifying to him from the way he begins to pull away and release you all while muttering apologies under his breath as he goes to stand. You’re quick to catch him before he can actually stand up and link one of your hands with his while your other takes hold of his face again to guide him back to you. Looking from his eyes then to his lips and then back up to his eyes you sit there for a moment before leaning in and closing the distance, leaving a soft kiss full of love on his lips.
“I love you too, Eriks. I have for quite awhile actually, I just wasn’t sure how or when I’d get to tell you.” You whisper as you lean your forehead against the blonde’s, a loving smile gracing your features as you look at him, “You know, now that I think about it Lina was trying to tell me something a few days ago, I think it might’ve been your sweet heartfelt secret. Good thing I was too busy paying attention to you though when she tried to tell me.”
✦tags. @chris-continues
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naurasweetarudesu · 10 months
Archive of AU: Star Rails Chronicle
So, basically I did this on Twitter, and I'm thinking I should 'archive' it here too since this Tumblr account is about TTTE (and Touhou) so some of you can read it and not confused when I make somw artworks or writings for this AU.
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Like I said in my first artwork of Sir Handel and Peter Sam, In a nutshell, how all of this happened is: Sir Handel and Peter Sam got into an argument; Peter Sam met Proteus and wished Sir Handel would stop being such a prick; wish granted; now Sir Handel's memories are gone.
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In my art style, I tend to give a character unusual eyes to emphasize something unusual about them; that's why Sir Handel's eyes look like dead fish. Since Proteus now hunts Peter Sam for the payment of the wish (which is HIS SOUL), he hides this fact from everyone but feels guilty.
While Sir Handel's memories were gone, he developed another persona (nice and thoughtful), because imagine waking up without memories and having people who claimed to be your friends and family tell you that you're used to doing awful things. You'd be like, "Oh my God, I am a horrible person." And trying to change.
But there's also a problem. Since memories are sometimes the 'binder' of your relationships with others, now that the memories are gone, who are these people to you? That's why, deep down, Sir Handel doesn't actually feel anything with them, but he craves to be a person again.
While now Peter Sam (who, yes, in this AU has a little bit of savior complex tendencies) is trying so hard with anything to jog Sir Handel's memories without telling the truth about Proteus. Since this AU is also an OC story, yeah, secretly desperate Peter Sam even 'used' Sri as a pawn to make Sir Handel remember.
2. Duncan used to work in the RAF with Douglas too. Before finally getting sent to the factory (which he hates) to work there.
3. Rusty is actually sensitive to supranatural disturbances. They (yeah, I love enby Rusty headcanon) can't see ghosts, but they know that something, someone, or some place had a different vibe. But they also like being unfazed(?) by the horror, if you get what I mean.
You can ask them to watch the most scary and disturbing video you found on the internet, and they'll say, "Hmm, this is not that scary, though." 🤨
4. Rheneas is into witchcraft and the occult. No, he's not practicing it or being an occultist or something. It's more like he got a stack of books about it and studied them.
It all began when Skarloey said to him, sometime after their centennial party:
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5. Some of you already know this. That my TTTE AU is also Touhou AU. Every acts kinda focused on one thing (Act 1 is TTTE focused, act 2 is Touhou focused) but they did crossovering(?) in some point, if that makes sense.
Anyway; The reason why Proteus couldn't just approach Peter Sam in their house is because Skarloey asked Yukari to mess with the boundary around the house so any 'magical' creature couldn't trespass.
This means Skarloey did know there was something strange happening on the railway. He just kept silent about it.
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jiyansthesis · 2 years
as my first post on here, I decided i'm gonna do some headcannons for michael !! this is also how i'm gonna write about michael for now. the rights i'd give up for him <3
high school, college, post scoop michael
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high school
☆ honestly I feel like he'd either be a quiet, really composed teen, dropping the bully bad boy persona by the end of middle school
☆ or. . . he'd still be a bully, and probably one of those loners or he hangs out with the token delinquent group (and that's what I'm going to base these hcs on)
☆ biker michael holds my heart. he 100% owns a ducati
☆ he probably had no real dating experience before you, maybe only a few hookups and that one time he dated someone in kindergarten
☆ comes over to your house at the dead of night to talk to you whenever he doesn't want to deal with william
☆ he has a light british accent
☆ cusses in nearly every sentence
☆ emo and no one can tell me different
☆ just kidding, but I feel like he'd dress like billy from st lmfao
☆ HE HAS A MULLET AND THIS IS CANNON the way i'm barking rn
☆ listens to alternative rock and metal and maybe even indie rock
☆ knows how to play drums and electric guitar
☆ he probably took you to an arcade as the first date
☆ absolutely demolished your ass in every game until he decided to go easy on you
☆ knows how to skate
☆ because he skates so much and hangs out with the "bad boy group" , he probably has a lot of bandages
☆ you help him with his injuries sometimes, scolding him while he just grins at you
☆ sometimes you help him style his hair after he stays for the night
☆ totally has your parents whipped, they love him
☆ personally, I think he'd be really smart (especially since he knows so much about animatronics) but he might need some tutoring if it comes to math
☆ would leave his "friends" for you
☆ i know it's cringy but he is totally soft for you
☆ brings you roses when he meets up with you for a date
☆ already planning his life with you, moving out of utah and having a family with dogs and everything
☆ basically think of rodrick heffley for his personality
☆ probably smoked until you asked him to stop
☆ leans against his motorcycle when he picks you up for dates (barking rn)
college/post college (where fnaf basically doesn't happen)
☆ honestly, I think michael would help his dad out with the pizzeria while also doing college
☆ he'd probably think about dropping out but he's getting his degree in engineering so the two of you could have a stable life
☆ the two of you are living together in a little apartment
☆ probably in a small garage band that he's been in since around senior year of high school
☆ still has that mullet (BECAUSE I SAID SO AGAIN)
☆ the two of you went to a frat party once, and michael got really jealous and now the two of you never go to parties
☆ he'd help you study for exams while he slacks on studying his
☆ he'd bring you little snacks for you to take breaks
☆ the two of you are saving up money to buy a house
post scooping
☆ would be super hesitant on coming back
☆ it'd be a few weeks before he even gathers up the courage to come back into the neighborhood
☆ he would knock on the door, and he was expecting you to scream and close the door
☆ you only stood there in shock and said, "michael?"
☆ the two of you are still happily together
☆ he'd slowly open up to you about what happened and how his sister betrayed him, etc
☆ you buy him new hoodies all the time and giggle while finding wigs for him
☆ the two of you go on dates in the woods and have picnics
☆ when you do go out into public, it's at the dead of night
☆ he takes you for rides on his motorcycle still, but he's a bit rusty
☆ the two of you get that dog you've wanted for so long
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squeiky · 4 months
Go tired of seeing "old hedgehog" designs of sonic and shadow with them just having greyed out quills and decided to do something about it
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So yeah qpr sonadow (yeah shadow is 50+ fucking finally. Im considering giving him a cane. An asthetic or an actual one idk. Maybe both?)
Sonic grew his quills out (wanted a kind of longhair rockstar kinda hair thing idk if i achiebed i though. Also still unsure on what he'd wear so i just slapped on his sa2 beach costume and added sandals (and possibly socks).
(Oh and there a scar from the Mephiles blast on his stomach- as well as top surgery scars because of course he had top surgery its sonic)
(Oh and also the "old lady swagger" sonic is just him crossdessing/going lady mode because he always rocks the look )
Shadow styled/shortend his quills and i put him in a nice black collared sweater. He wears glasses because my guy has eye problems
(Btw. Im horrible at telling ppls ages so if they dont feel old then idk what to tell you guys i have no idea what aging is at this point)
Then, instead of simply making old yaoi i ended up getting obbessed (and happy) and started making everyone old
So next up was amy and Blaze. (Silver is here too)
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I think theyre a little bit on the younger side of the old yaoi? I did consider the fact that some people age differently (some look older whilst others look younger) so Amy and Silver got the more "youthful-ish" complexion whilst Blaze and Espio got the more older one.
Thoughhh im still working on their design. I can always make older old lady Amy (now that i think about it i should 100% make Amy a granny looking buff woman because i feel like thats beautiful)
Either way amy and Blaze kept their uh.. "hair" short. Amy still wears supergirly clothes and Blaze wears more masculine type clothes nothing else.
Next is espilver
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You cant sue me for making Silver a short king menace to society.
Not really much on design so far other than Silver is way more plump (pearshaped) now because life got better, and Espio is taller because what is he if not a tree?
Ask them how they met? It was at bowling. Why bowling? Its because thats less weird then "was investigating the multiple crimes husbando commited and ended up getting said yet-to-be husbando arrested, but after he got out we totally fucked"
Oh, and because i couldnt choose, Espio is trans AND intersex! Yeah!
Also Amy is silvers ex (Silver has like.. 2 exes... Possibly more?)
And then theres everyone else who arent a "ship" persay:
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So i call this the moreso young adult group with Tails, Charmy, Ray and Cream.
Tails (in college) and Charmy (not in college) obviously hang out and play videogames.
Cream, because when she was little she didnt get invited to fight deadlt monsters, grew up, and decided shes going to fight deadlt monsters. So i tried to make her a cool suit but idk.. it needs reworking cause the whole "secret agent" vibe works! But not the way i like.
Rouge is forever foxynand will continue to be the most attractive woman on planet earth no matter what age. Shes also still a meance to socitey and we will forever love the jewel thief (old) woman.
Knuckles doesnt cut his quills so those shits are LONG hes also old as well but idk what he'd wear
And yes Metal (also Chaos) is here too. Metal is a bit rusty (literally) but overall well kept and fancy. I think eggman would be dead by now, so i gave it a crown on its ears to symbolize how it took over i guess.
Blaze x Amy ( bio kid): Flare (was thinking "Spark" because of the love idea but idk yet)
Espio x Silver (bio-kid): Greybell
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And then heres the fun part:
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So Sonic and Shadow dont function like the others here, in that- while saving the world and whatnot, every so often they'd either find a kid following them (similarly to Amy and Tails back in the days) or save a kid during their whole adventure.
The first time this happened was just Luca (a black jaguar) who followed Sonic during one his little solo adventures and Sonic was like "do you have parents i can take u back too" and she was like "nah" so of course, after seriously looking for her parents through ppl with database accesses like tails and rouge, he was like "u wanna stay with me?" And Luca was like "YEAH!"
And then Sonic called Shadow like "Shadow do u want kids" and which he replied "what?" And then suddenly they adopted Luca. This is how it began.
Eventually, as one grew up, theyd find another, and then another and then well now they have like 11 kids in total.
Now, after ALL of this, they took a break and after that years worth of a break were like "wanna make a kid? Like for the challenge of having to that from scratch"
And sonic was like "what?"
So they hit up the labs and made a bio kid who is 2 months old and is the most hectic fucking thing theyve ever had to deal with so thanks for the prior 10 experinces (alas they do not compare to the mega menace)
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idkmanimjustawh0re · 2 years
Warnings : nsfw, ooc two-face.
A/n: I will be getting my bruce wayne headcanons out eventually lol but I got distracted by this and also the white knight joker version I'm working on.
Also just in case anyone is confused
Harv is referring to Harvey's alter
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Harvey is a very doting partner he likes the come down of aftercare and likes to be able to provide for his partner he'll run a bath for the both of you, or a hot shower If you prefer, and he'll help you clean up leaving soft kisses to your neck and lips as he does so.
Harv is a little worse at aftercare then harvey he doesn't get why it's necessary his aftercare is basically giving you a kiss after sex and leaving to go do whatever it is he feels like, so you'll have to tell him exactly what you want him to do and he'll do it though he might roll his eyes a bit. If you complain enough to Harvey then he'll also get on Harv's case about it and eventually he'll learn to do better aftercare and he'll also learn to enjoy it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Harvey's favorite body part is your eyes as cliche as it is he adores the look in his partners eyes as they cum.
Harvey doesn't really like his body anymore and it'd be hard to get him to admit something he likes about himself but if he had to choose he'd say his dick only because it can make his partner feel good.
Harv's totally an ass man, he loves your ass, it doesn't matter the shape or the size he's putting his hands on your ass.
Harv likes his hands and his arms. He likes the way he can manhandle you with them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Harvey loves cumming inside you to him there is nothing more intimate then his partner allowing him to do so if you're not down then that's okay he's also okay with pulling out and cumming wherever you see fit.
Harv also loves to cum inside but for different reasons I believe they both have breeding kinks and for Harv it's a means of marking his territory and he loves to keep you plugged full of his cum as well if any slips out well its a good enough reason for him to fuck you again to make sure it stays inside. When he's not cumming inside of you he loves to cum on places like your face, your chest and your ass.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Harv is a loud mouth any secret he did have he'd probably have already told you he's unashamed of the things he does.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Harvey is experienced but it's been quite a bit since he's been with someone so he's a bit rusty give him time and he'll be amazing in no time.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Harvey likes being able to see your expression so missionary is his favorite though he's not picky about his position.
Harv loves doggy style he likes to fuck you as though you're a bitch in heat
G = Goofy (are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Harvey is definitely more serious during sex and doesn't care all that much for humor
Harv is down for serious sex but he can also say some pretty funny things during sex
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He probably grows very little hair and shaves most of it off.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Harvey is way more romantic than harv he likes to whisper praise and tells you how much he loves you
Harv is more dirty and talks dirty he doesn't really do romance well but he can try if it's something you want
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Harvey Jacks off occasionally he doesn't really feel the Need often now that he has you but sometimes he will.
Harv will jack off a lot if you're not around when he feels the need.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Harvey: Dom/sub, praise Kink(receiving), worship,
For harv: Dacryphilia, worship(receiving),spanking,hair pulling.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Harvey prefers staying within the comfort of his own home. He's not sure about taking big risks and doing it in public plus he has a mansion so why not just allow him to bend you over in every room.
Harv is totally into public sex he doesn't even really care if he gets Caught though it's not something he wants he's down if you want to fuck somewhere public. Still his favorite location has to be his office.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
For Harvey I'd say it's domesticity; all he really wants is a kind loving partner who can look past his scars. if you compliment him or even just do something nice for him I feel like that can really get him going
Harv gets turned on by literally anything, this man's a complete whore he'll take any chance to bend you over and fuck the life out of you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Harvey's not into knifeplay.
Harv doesn't really have any hard no's though he isn't really comfortable being a sub for the most part it'll take a while before he ever allows that to happen.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Harvey loves receiving oral. He's also good at giving oral.
Harv is amazing at giving oral he knows exactly how to work your body with his tongue
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Harvey usually is interested in more slow paced sex but occasionally when he's has a rough day he'll come home and be uncharacteristically rough with you he'll probably leave a few bruises accidentally and apologize for it.
Harv is rough almost always, that's just how he is basically the opposite of Harvey where on occasion he can be soft.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
They both enjoy indulging in quickies once in a while although harv is usually more into them then harvey is.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Harvey is down to experiment in many ways but he's not sure about risky sex its something he probably won't enjoy all too much since he worries about being caught.
Harv loves risky sex and he loves to experiment as long as he remains the dominant.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Harvey can last for about an hour each round and can go for 3-4 rounds before he needs a break
Harv can go up to 4-6 rounds it depends how long he lasts but it's usually 45 minutes to an hour at least
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Harvey doesn't own any toys himself but he's not against you bringing any into the bedroom for yourself or for him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Harvey can be a bit of a tease when he wants to be but it's mainly playful.
Harv is a major tease he loves to make you beg for every little thing he does.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Harvey is not too quiet nor too loud he's basically the middle ground he'll moan and grunt a little, he gets really loud when he cums though.
Harv is loud from his growls and dirty talk and he's unashamed with how loud he can be.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Harvey likes to get pegged..
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Seven and a half inches with a reddish cockhead.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
For harvey he has a pretty normal sex drive
Harv can get horny seemingly out of nowhere he's got a pretty high sex drive
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Harvey rarely falls asleep before you do he often likes to cuddle or chat after sex. Also enjoys watching his partner sleep
Harv also rarely falls asleep after sex but when he does it's usually an immediate reaction once his head hits the pillow
A/n: I definitely am going to have to edit this later as I wrote this all in one shot in the middle of the night
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raid3r-r4bbit · 8 months
@fuzzydreamin thanks for the lol. ive been a little busy with life so sorry for the late response.
Favorite Color:
Green. Like Blindingly Neon almost yellow bile/acid toxic hazmat pukey green. Also black. I'm also a fan of earthy tones, warm greys and browns, rusty orangey reds, and i also unironically love that "some smoker lived here for 5+ years but i swear the walls are white" sepia color.
Last song:
Either Childish Flamingo or 1x1. I've been hopping in between really screamy and just goofy shit atm because i cant focus with anything else. 🤷 But (I also jsut got a new BMTH hoodie) BMTH's post human album has been feeding me. It's a really good (visual? no.) example of that like just angry and over it nihilist feeling and I just *MUNCH CRUNCH AAAA* like i feel like it could be just the tiniest bit angrier and louder but i think that's my headphones.
as for childish flamingo, its like that miseryxcpr thing imo. It's goofy and funny and it slaps. and it's so catchy. it's like right on the edge of aha funny and fuck you street and i love it. i hope any of that makes sense im sorry lol.
Last movie:
the Demon Slayer movie. I skipped all the way to the end to see the fight between Akaza and Rengoku because they're two of my favs ( in order from that show: Uzui (my mom calls yuzu (my cat) Uzui and its adorable) Akaza and Rengoku. I Found out the english dub is out (im way behind) and just needed to hear their english voice acting. all of it is amazing and Akaza's lil gigles during the fight make me incredibly happy. Guys who laugh/giggle mid combat? Ugh >\\x//<
Currently Watching:
Demon Slayer, Chainsaw man, Tokyo ghoul (im rewatching a bunch of animes) Steven universe. (i love all of these and full recommend them. I literally just yesterday(or the day before idk time is a blur) got a new funko pop, it's the half-kakuja kaneki and i love it.)
Other stuff i've watched this year:
Spy x Family, the Junji ito Collection, Yamishibai (if you like picture style art and horror this is great, its somewhat junji ito like, but shorter stories and ngl the zanbai ep scared me a bit) psychpass (some reccomended this to me cause im (obviously) a fan of darker more gruesome shows, and it is very dystopian, love the art work, but i just dont get it.) Given (if you havent watched this show please watch it its amazing) Yuri on ice, Banana Fish (also another fave)
(I work from home, and pretty much exist at my computer, and need to keep on music or tv to keep the bad thoughts out, so i have a lot of time and opportunity to watch stuff ok)
Shows I dropped this week:
Psycho pass. again, i just couldnt get into it. I know a lot of people seem to really like and it full seems like a show that would be up my alley. that first ep was kind of a lot though. I'm not ashamed to admit i love shows that are unafraid to show nudity and violence but the two together (ifykyk) make me uncomfortable. If this case had been a little further in the show i think it would have been fine, but it's litterally the first like ten minutes of the show. I also tried watching this a few week ago while at wasteland but we were pretty much just out the door.
Devil May Cry. I still love the games and the characters, and i remember loving the anime as a kid but its just... so different from the games lmao.
Currently Reading:
random internet stuff, fics and shit. I feel bad because i used to go to the library all the time but at the same time, i dont really have the room to store a whole bunch of books and despite being super dyslexic, i read insanely fast, so renting/buying books isnt worth it to me. (i've read entire full length series in the span of a day or two, while doing other stuff. I need longer, more conveniently packaged novels and that typically comes in the form of fanfiction. )
tagging: @snowmutant @ivanpahdrylakeracer @glaochormfitheach(idk if ur cool tagging you in this kinda stuff, if not just lmk i though it'd be fun :D) @the-soup-witch(im dragging you into tumblr culture whether you like it or not, welcome to tagging games)
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stellarcoachman · 4 months
It's the game anon again. I hope you are fine, or that it will get easier for you soon.
I finished the fourth part of Diverted Route. It was incredible, I really liked how you pushed farther the concept of deshumanization and how even with help, sometimes people are just too late and it is harder to heal. It is really well written.
I also began (and almost finished part 2) of Off the Rails. I want to read your previous works to work up to the more recent ones. I find it amazing. I could see at first the differences in your writing style, but it was as much compelling as Diverted Route. I loved this new concept, all the story you made around it, and really liked how you wrote each relationship (the strain of the time, separations and life threatening events).
Now, I am slowly beginning your fangame, and I have a few questions on Diverted Route. But maybe, if it is alright with you, I could DM you about those?
Have a better night/day, and week!
Hello again!
That's very sweet of you. I'm having a hard time in my personal life, admittedly, but I'm doing my best to get through it.
I'm glad to hear you liked it! I really enjoyed getting to write that alternate look on how things might go if things took a little bit longer and got a little worse.
I'm also glad to hear you're liking the older works as well! I've gone back and read through them occasionally, and you can definitely tell where my writing style has changed (and improved, I think). When I started writing Unknown Tracks, I hadn't written anything in over two years and that was the first fanfiction I ever wrote, so my skills were pretty rusty. It's kind of amazing how much that's kickstarted my drive to write, and even if I still haven't done much with my original works, I feel like it's been great for my mental health as well as my writing skills.
I am very excited to hear that you're working on it! You can absolutely DM me about it, and I will gladly answer any questions I can!
I hope you have a lovely day as well!
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 5 months
plots please for doe!! if you need ideas/explanations for FNAF stuff feel free to approach me ♥
send me “plots please” and I’ll respond with 3 (or more) interesting plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses! | ACCEPTING
OPAAAAAAL, I am gripping you in my hand like a squeaky toy (affectionate) as you know I am so so rusty when it comes to fnaf lore BUT LIKE, for you?? Anything!! I will go all in! No questions asked!!
Also for any mutuals reading: Jane Doe, Jean Doe, or Doe as I call her (and she prefers) is a new OC of mine, she's a DBD survivor and you WILL be hearing more about her in the weeks to come! Haha I'm just being a perfectionist about her carrd right now!
HUMAN AU!! I know this is a little bit of a cop out when it comes to FNAF and not going full into the lore, but hear me out!!
So, let me set the stage: it's a human AU and the setting is still FNAF security breach-centric, with the big exception that the Glamrocks are human and the headlining performers for the Fazbear Mega Pizza Plex, but more than that just general pop stars. Think Jem and the Holograms mixed with something far more grounded, like the Vengaboys and Bee-Gees
Now I'm not entirely sure what your take on an AU taking this angle would be, but this is more set dressing and can EASILY be altered per your canon verses! (there's also still murder going on and fans of the band are getting picked off, but that's neither here nor there ashdagshd)
EITHER WAY, Doe and Bonnie meet after Doe applies for a job as a makeup artist, after the nomadic lifestyle the job offered spoke to her anxiety and paranoia over staying in one place and the bright, flashy and gaudy style of 80s glam rock spoke to her in a way that nothing else could. It was perfectly tailored for her and after getting the job, she excels in the wardrobe department for Bonnie, becoming a good friend in the process!
It's more domestic with far less dives into the more generalized horror and tragedy Doe and FNAF are used to, but I think it would be neat!! Both for the silliness of the weirdos being silly together and the chance to explore Doe and Bonnie in such wildly different verses!! Could Doe open up about why she feels like she needs to be on the run? Do they look into the disappearances in their fanbase? Or is it more harmless fun with Doe cheering Bonnie on as he tries his hand at going all the way with crush and coworker??
PRE-SECURITY BREACH!! Back to our regularly scheduled programming, no pun intended, for this verse I really can see a far more FNAF story centric AU.
Let me give you the run down, Bonnie is still a fully fledged member of the cast, alongside Monty, Roxy, Freddy & Chica, and with this in mind, the demand for skilled electronic engineers and programmers at Fazbear Entertainment Incorporated is steady and unrelenting. After all, the animatronics are the main draw, they're the logos and icons, there won't be a show without them and thus they need to remain in top order with people they can trust and who have.
So, this in mind, while working towards her Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering, Doe picks up a job at the Pizzaplex as a member of the cast responsible for the upkeep of the Glamrock Animatronics as well as the automated cast robots. Her and Bonnie meet in that way and they quickly get to striking up a working friendship mirroring the typical dynamic of babysitter and the person being babysat!
It's relatively simple now that I actively type it out, ASDHASHDHSA but I think it would be a good way to work with both characters in Bonnie's setting while also fully incorporating Doe's backstory!!
Maybe instead of being involved in a domestic murder in a mall parking lot, she witnesses something at the Pizzaplex and we can witness Doe's decline and descent into paranoia and fear in real time? The thread potential is domestic and tragic with growing dread AND YOU KNOW THAT'S HOW I LOVE IT! Haha
WILD CARD? OKAY, this is my most wild idea yet, but let me cook, I promise!! This is still FNAF-centric, taking place either during your Main Verse, Pre-FNAF Security Breach OR during Security Breach.
Okay, so, I know that the Glamrock timeline for the second half of the games goes far less into the complete supernatural than the original games do. The murders are still going on but it's a lot less like the robots are being haunted, y'know? Well, HEAR ME OUT, what if that's not entirely true.
Cue Doe, now, as you know, Doe being dead and / or a ghost is relatively important to her character. In DBD I play with this more as the Entity propping Doe up and keeping her alive via torture magic or however the entity works. But in FNAF, what if Doe is one of the many souls ended in or around the building that now resides haunting its halls.
She could take up residence in one of the many robots in the Pizzaplex, fighting and breaking against the programming of the machine that she's in to assert herself and to scream at the world that she never left... Except far less screaming and more just, hanging around in the mind and taking over the body of the robot FNAF 1 style.
She uh... she has no idea how to actually help herself in THAT situation & Doe is NOT capable of going full murder mode against security, irregardless of programming limitations, she doesn't have it in her! Having company in the Pizzaplex is more than enough to keep her soul sated from the despair of her situation.
OR LIKE, she's just a human ghost walking around, with the potential comedy of Bonnie being able to detect her and interact with her, seeing her at first as a person left inside after hours before realizing she doesn't actually have a body to escort out and she is stuck, not loitering on purpose.
ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!! I mean, Opal, I'm gonna be honest with you, shipping Sally and Adiris with you is so much fun that I'm willing to go all in with any kind of relationship, friendship or otherwise that you could potentially see with Doe and Bonnie in any verse!! Plus like!!!! CUSTOM VERSES FOR THEM I'M SO DOWN!!!
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Rheneas and the roller-coaster? (My apologies for inflicting this one on you)
Robin. What the hell did you just make me re-watch.
Heh heh. Actually, in all seriousness, it's imho... not horrible. It is however very bland. Like, I'd gotten through all of Season 7 once but I had no memory of this.
The plot is stupidly unbelievable—railway realism is thrown out the window. Then again it is far more plausible than "Rusty and the Boulder" sooooo...?
The episode simply feels like such a nothingburger than I can't even bring myself to detail all the ways in which it falls flat. Let's just agree that, well, it does. I get the sense it was written with the aim of doing Rheneas's character a long-overdue favor but in the end it's just filler.
Having stipulated, however, that this ep is a low point in season 7... there are actually a couple kudos I want to give it.
Mild kudos:
1) Hey, the "rollercoaster" runaway ride might have been silly and stupid... but it is kinda fun? A little? A pale shadow of the shenanigans of "Boulder," but I can tell the film crew were enjoying themselves. It seems obvious that Mitton wasn't really in charge of this one or, if he was, that he was entirely checked out. No, whoever directed this, you cannot make an interesting action sequence just by filming the whole thing with the camera tilted 90°... it takes a bit more than that.
But. Nevertheless. The detail of the props actually getting wet as they veer by the waterfall is such a nice touch:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This (live water!) ^ is the sort of thing that makes the model series so fun to watch, even when the writing is shit.
2) Is the writing all shit, though?
[Disclaimer: I feel the TVS has already established context/continuity in Season 6 for the NWR/Fat Controller having taken over the narrow-gauge railway and starting to make some drastic changes; we see the engines adjusting to a management style very different from what they experienced in the plots that were based on the books. So I take FC's and Rheneas's exchange in that spirit. He's trying to show a gentler side than "I'm going to shut down your entire line on a whim." Rheneas is especially keen to use this chance to prove himself to a somewhat capricious owner.]
On the one wheel, I sort of hate how this is another in a long line of episodes in this era that continue to baby-fy Rheneas and Skarloey (who are in need of kind, brave, clever Rusty to look after them in a cruel world).
On the other wheel, this particular story—if it is considered strictly on its own, and not in that sad, sorry context—I feel does a plausible job of characterizing Rheneas? Who is not an easy character to work with, since even Rev. Awdry left him quite undeveloped.
I can see people (probably yourself among them?) preferring other interpretations of Rheneas. But honestly... this one is valid. If you need him to have some sort of weakness or flaw to motivate a story, "fears he's not exciting enough to be of interest to a train full of kids" feels legitimate. In RWS, one of his things was very much always seeming to be overshadowed by Skarloey's charisma. He's the quieter and more serious of the pair, and while he gamely gives it a go he's also nervous and not at all comfortable when the Thin Controller puts him on the spot to give a little speech on his birthday.
The "insecurity" motive gets way overused in TVS, of course—but as of Season 7 it wasn't quite overused yet. And, obviously it would be stupid to have Rheneas feel he's not up to most jobs, given that at this point he's got over a hundred years of badassery under his boiler bands. But the specific charge of "this is a very special day for the kiddos; make sure it's memorable for them!"... like okay, I can actually roll with this and easily believe in a Rheneas that's secretly going, Well, fuck. Then why didn't you have literally anyone else do it? I'm not the entertaining one.
*insert cute image of Rheneas licking his thumb and quickly flipping a handbook entitled How To Be Fun*
Sooooo... yeah. It's not a good episode. But I don't actually find it dire. It's within the usual range of Season 7 bland.
(Which I used to think was the worst... until I watched the next few seasons. At least Season 7 bland was still short and sweet, clocking in at under 6 minutes a pop!)
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
as someone whos not really able to read a lot of comics yet but wants to write dd fics, what are some defining traits of matt that you like best? I feel like I don't write his tone very well and really love how you write him in your fics!!
i'm gonna assume you mean writing for comic!matt because you mentioned comics specifically here and i'm sorry but don't really know how to answer this without telling you that you need to read the comics, even a little if not extensively, before writing for comic!matt. i mean, it's fanfiction it's not that serious, go crazy tbh but i understand that your work means a lot to you and half-assing it is the last thing you'd wanna do (me fr)
honestly comic!matt took a lot more time for me to get than live action!matt did and i had to pay attention to certain details -- his speech patterns, mannerisms, etc. -- while i reread comics in order to portray him to a standard i was comfortable with in my fics. even then, when i published helping hand(s) i still didn't like how little i thought i got him
i think the only advice i'd have for anyone not able to read a ton of the comics is to pick a run or story and get comfortable with it. you'd have like 2 (or 4) to 8 (maybe 10) issues about this one plot where you'd be able to get a wide range of the way matt would react to conflict and other kinds of stuff and it'd be good enough for characterisation (i think i've posted about how important it is for fanfic writers to read these extensively if they really want to get his character, specifics and all. on a literary level i think it's really interesting how many unique scenerios can be thought of and acted on this one guy and cause a multitude of responses depending on the context and whatever aspect of him a writer is trying to analyse)
like just hop on readallcomics, go to the beginning of a volume and read until the first plot ends and boom i think you'll be fine. if you don't wanna have to deal with the sheer amount of issues, choose a variant of matt: i recommend murderdock or daredevil: noir but there are tons of others, the main deal is that it's shorter, easy to read and is typically an excellent enough evaluation of matt for you to get him. there are also stand-alone books where they're canon but not tied to current canon events. you could look for one of those and get to know matt in that context.
(i haven't read a modern dd fic (with matt in it) since like september 'cause i've been reading the silver age and rereading a lot of anything to do with mike murdock in particular + school and orher fandoms have scrambled my mind a bit so forgive me if i'm a little rusty/for not mentioning specific runs)
the beauty about writing for comic!matt is that due to the multitude of writers, you can get away with just writing for one writer's matt. unlike the show, they're not trying to keep his character seamless, every writer is trying to bring forth something never yet explored about him in their own respective writing styles and even though it's the same guy, he'll feel a little different everytime. my author's notes always mention which writer's matt was on my mind when writing him if it's not specifically said in the pairing note
like i know you were probably expecting me to list defining traits i got from him to strengthen your characterisation but i just don't know how to do that? i write when i get the urge and it honestly just flows. if i think about it too much i'll get stuck. maybe sometimes i'll open an issue and refer to it or straight up copy dialogue but there isn't anything defining i can tell you; that's up to you to interpret
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Congrats!!! Can I get a ship please ⚓️ ?
Fandom: Harry Potter / DC (preferably batfam) / star wars
She/her, and I'd like a male ship please.
I'm slightly above average height for a girl (about 5'9) with brown wavy hair, but I'm always dying it bright colours/changing my haircut (much to mother's dismay lol). Style-wise, I tend to alternate between super preppy, if not a little too formal, to just completely grunge. Depends on my mood and who I'm hanging around with that day I guess. I am quite impartial to my combat boots though. And high-heels. Ideally both at once.
I'm an INTJ Slytherin Leo--fairly introverted and aloof by nature but after years of practice and forcing myself out there, I can be quite bubbly and chatty when necessary (super draining though and it still sometimes weirds out some of my oldest friends how quickly I can switch). I will not shut up about random nerdy/sciencey nonesense if I feel comfortable. Not too great with emotions though--it's a work in progress heh.
Currently a physics and maths double major with a minor in philosophy because that somehow seemed like a good idea at the time and no one told me I couldn't do it. Quite active around campus--super involved in leadership for some clubs and the student union, and compete in debate. I love it because it's all super interesting af but I'm not too great at math for someone doing a degree in it and I'm at a point where I'm surviving on irresponsible caffeine consumption and spite alone. I switch between hobbies and interests really often because i suppose i just get bored a little too easily, so I'm a bit of a jack of all trades--only things I've really stuck with for a long time are writing (that will never see the light of day) and just tinkering around with stuff to figure out how it works and seeing what I can do with it. Technically a classically trained pianist because parents expected it but uh I haven't practiced in a while so I'm a 'lil rusty--more into rock music these days anyway.
I'm trilingual--French, English, and Arabic (needs a lot of work though). Trying to learn Latin for the hell of it (also helps with Philosophy a bit). Fortunately got to travel a lot as a kid because of my parents' work so it's helped with getting some practice I suppose. I just love travelling and getting to know other cultures honestly, especially having lived in big cities and had friends from all over my whole life. And getting to visit all the museums and art galleries is a huge plus.
Sorry this if this way too long, but congrats again! Have a great day xx
Here ya go dear! And thank you! 🪷
First I ship you with Remus Lupin! 💙
He likes your passion for physics and philosophy always seeing how hard you work and never give up which makes him so proud of you for it
He is amazed at how talented you are with foreign languages speaking Latin around him as well as bits and pieces of Arabic and French mostly speaking English but he never fails to smile when you say I love you in a different language
He always makes sure if you've had more than 2 or 3 and a half cups of coffee to give you water or milk even if sometimes he has to sweet talk you to do it he just wants you to be healthy a little bit
He never minds when you're chatty or quiet always listening and talking smiling sweetly at you before laughing at your bubbly and lively actions
He likes to have your head in his lap while you both read to each other or in silence enjoying the other's company
He likes seeing you wear his sweaters whether to sleep in or just around the house he falls in love with you all over again just seeing you in a sweater
Next I ship you with Tim Drake! ♥️
He always helps you if you're having trouble with math or any work that you are getting frustrated and confused by ready to teach you a few tricks to help
He never lets you get sleep deprived or really out of control with caffeine always giving you water or milk to help you in between the consumption of caffeine
He likes how you go from the nice button up and skirt with your hair up in a bun to a loose fitting grunge shirt and jeans with a messy ponytail or braids always smiling at how good you look
He loves going to the park or museum with you he lives learning more of history or just enjoying the peacefulness of the park in the evening or night
He likes hearing stories of you traveling around with your parents when you're younger always having a good laugh or fond smile hearing of your childhood
He likes to just lay on your lap or stomach when he is tired and needs sleep always feeling his stress wipe away laying on you while you wear one of his hoodies
And finally I ship you with Anakin Skywalker! 🧡
He never judges anyone for their size or height but he will take a chance at least twice to get a joke about your short height just to make you pout at him
He likes listening to you play piano when the two of you are in Naboo visiting Padme or your family in your childhood home on Corusant
He likes knowing more of the cultures from you since he only knew a bit of naboo culture and some of Tatooine and corusant culture but learning more about them and if others made him love you more
He likes to teach you how to use a blaster and drive a speeder always smiling at you driving his speeder like he does but also mindful of how you drive and how fast reminding him of Obi wan
He loves how you treat his padawan like a sister, his best friend like a sister, and his master like a father loving them just as much maybe even more than he did
He gets tearful and emotional when he sees you place a flower on his mom's grave always going to tell her happy birthday, happy Thanksgiving, merry Christmas, happy New Year, and how much you wish you could have met her making him fall in love all over again
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Jukebox reviews part 28! For context, see my post “A Project”     under this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA   stories, they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Double Vision
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1/2/2016                                       mc ff
First - ok, do the Ljosalfar also exist in the world of this story? (then again, are the Ljosalfar even a distinction from the Dokkalfar that existed pre-Christian influence? I dunno, the mythology is fairly incomplete as it stands, and none of this has anythign to do with the story so why am I spending so much time on this anyway?) Second, why does getting hit on the head give Jo the Second Sight? Or did she always have the capacity for it, and the hit just catalyzed it? REGARDLESS, as none of that has anythign to do with the actual control part of the story, moving on. It's a good story. Very fantasy, but I grew up LOVING mythology, so even though I'm a little rusty on it, seeing something drawing on myth is lovely. And the idea of control that most folk dont' notice, and that even though she *does* notice it Jo can't resist? It works within the context of the story. The actual control we see is fairly pedestrian by EMCSA standards, but the worldbuilding done around it means I like this story much more than I might have otherwise. 8/10 spirals 
 Wide Awake
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1/2/2016                                       mc mf md
This falls into the therapist abusing trust trope I strongly dislike, but outside of that it's well done and put together. If you like the trope, give this one a read! 
 Take Me Home Tonight
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
1/9/2016                                       mc mf md
I don't know what to say about this story. It's so far out of my general realm of control I like that I have no frame of reference for it. It's half possession, half mind control of a different sort, and just not my style. But If you like dream and possession magic, give it a go? 
 Forever Your Girl
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1/16/2016                                     mc mf md cb rb
Huh, from the title I was expecting this to be a Girls(tm) story, not a superhero story, and not such a tragic one at that. Oh, it has its moments of heat, during the transformation that takes place, but the end of it is just tragic. To be forced to continue loving someone who's dead, unable to truly mourn, No matter how much heat is in the rest of the story, I can't find it hot on the whole with that layer of tragedy underlying it. it's a GOOD story, just ... another one that isn't really erotica to me. 5/10 spirals 
 Trust and Obey
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1/23/2016                                     mc ff hu
This story feels like a cross between Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in the Hat. I get distracted by the couplets, especially the occasional slant rhyme, and honestly Dr Seuess-esque language in an erotica story is just offputting. 3/10 spirals 
 X, Y and Zee
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1/30/2016                                     mc ff
... There is no IRB in the country that would approve this story, so this isn't just self-funded, but there can't be any meaningful oversight either. Also, her work needs more footnotes. Also, she clearly needs to review what we've learned from the Stanford Prison experiment; any time a researcher directly involves themselves in the experiment, as she did, it skews objectivity, and makes it less generalizable. We also ought to be presented with the method of recruitment; the nature of the recruitment can bias who is likely to apply. Further, any experiment of this sort should have included a boiler plate "you may revoke consent at any time" clause. Which clearly X was not provided. Putting the design/framing of the story aside, this is ... well, clearly it bothers me a little bit, given my science background, in the ways that it betrays the doctor's intentions with it. Which makes sense in context, but I get distracted considering how I'd improve the experiment. And it's a solid experiment for the goal of "how can I make girls want to have sex with me," rather than "how can I test response to authority?" - they *are* two different questions. The external view of the shifting mindset is less to my taste, and X's clear distress makes this less hot than it would be otherwise. 5/10 spirals 
 Kissing Disease
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2/6/2016                                       mc ff mf fd md
Nope, I had to nope out of this one. I can't with stories of a pandemic spreading and people minimizing it until it's undeniable that it has to be worse that they say it is. I just can't. 
 Skeleton Key
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2/13/2016                                     mc mf md
This one is a lot more magic than my preference, though the sudden internal changes are fascinating and add some heat for me. And Merrion acknowledging that he's being unethical actually makes me feel better, in some ways? I at least have more hope that he'll treat Paula right after this. And she clearly is getting something out of it, too, which helps. But it does come down to just being too magic for my tastes - though if you like magical artifacts driving the control, give this one a look. 6/10 spirals 
 The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall
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2/20/2016                                     mc mf ff fd hm
I never quite understand how pleasure is that overwhelming for folk. It can be fun to play with, sure, but to make me completely let go around someone who puts me on edge? I don't get it and never will. Especially given the context of their interaction here. Maybe I'm just too ace to ever truly grok it, though. But the way she uses the sensation to take control, to build an effective overload induction as she does? It's well done and well written, if a bit cold for my personal preferences.  7/10 spirals 
 Zone Out
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2/27/2016                                     mc
Another induction, and one that would be *really* good for folk who have trouble staying completely focused on a hypnotist, if it were a recording rather than a text induction, as it was clearly written to be read aloud.  The way it uses the idea of focusing on something other than the hypnotist, and letting their voice (and I want to say her, because I'm hearing Lady Ru'etha's voice reading it in my head, for all it's Jukebox's words) just slip past the conscious awareness. It does, of course, include arousal and orgasm suggestions, so be aware of that if you're susceptible to text inductions, but I also recommend hypnotists read this one and take some inspiration for if playing with folk who are easily distracted when trancing. 9/10 spirals
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
Omg I saw the ship request post and I adore it so much and was wondering if you were still open to it? If so…
I’m 5’7, dyed hair that goes from my natural brown to a rusty color, and brown eyes. I play bass guitar as well as acoustic guitar and I sing a tad. I’m a pretty extroverted person, even though I have horrible anxiety (that’s what medication is for though, right?). I often find myself being a little bit sarcastic with people and I argue a lot, so I come off as unintentionally rude. I also love watercolor painting as well as other art mediums in general.
I ship you with...
Tumblr media
Burton “Pat” Christenson
Note: I’ll do in headcanons style this time because I think It’s easier and fun to read. I hope you like the ship, I know he’s a side character but he was an amazing soldier and deserves more attention. I love him sm. HE’S SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM. 
Okay, look, you guys have a lot in common but also, I could see you being best friends with George Luz. Not many people know but Chris was amazing at drawing (you should check out his drawings on google), singing and playing piano and guitar. He was really athletic and competitive too. 
The first time he saw you he was a little intrigued but then he saw you water coloring in a sketchbook and he was like:
“Yeah, I gotta go talk to her.”
He finally had someone to talk about art and even draw with him. 
Remember that time he roasted O’Keefe? I feel like you both would like to roast people with sarcastic comments. 
It’s more fun when they are dumb and don’t understand sarcasm.
Okay, hang out and draw or paint together? CERTAINLY. 
✨ Artistic nights dates✨
I feel like we would play piano for you. 
When the pub gets empty you both play for each other.
Or you both play for the company as way to keep their morale up.
Maybe he would get a little competitive but in a friendly way.
When he sings publicly to the company he will pick songs with specific lyrics to secretly dedicate them to you.
He asks you to teach him play bass guitar and he finds you so cool when you’re playing. 
He’s just there thinking: “Yeah, that’s my girl.”
Btw, he calls you darling.
Expect many love songs and him looking at you when singing. 
Girl-... the height difference is the cutest. He’s 6’0 btw. 
When he notices you are anxious or sad he will ask if you want to talk but he will instantly hug you, kiss your forehead and let you cry on his chest. 
Maybe even sing for you or grab his guitar and make a stupid song to make you laugh. 
He draws you so much, but doesn't like to show you the drawings.
You’re like his muse. 
You said you argue a lot, I suppose it is more in terms of your personal opinions or ideas? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. 
When you get in an argument he is the type of person who doesn't raise his voice and likes to talk it out but if the argument escalates he will walk away to be alone. 
After everything cools down he meets you in bed to talk to you after what happen and apologize, if the discussion was about personal opinions he will say how stupid the discussion was and make it up to you.
Imagine whatever you like about those last five words. 
For him, there’s no going to bed angry. Periodt. 
He hypes you up about your art so much.
Or about how pretty you are, he just finds your hair so aesthetic. 
“Your hair reminds me of autumn leaves, It’s just so goddamn beautiful.” 
After that he will wash you with kisses and admire you (which he does often.)
He loves when you hang out with him and his friends at the pub.
He’s not much into PDA but he does show a little affection in public. 
Putting his hand on your waist when he lets you get through the door first, puts his arm around you when you’re sitting by his side. 
Even the way he looks at you when you’re talking and the way he smiles, looks like he’s admiring every single detail of your features. 
You’re just perfect to him, idk how to explain it. 
I hope you like it <3
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