#maybe I will print these as keychains or stickers too...?
n4391 · 1 year
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Anemo cat boys! (Late for 2.22 or 猫の日, Cat day!)
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aycief · 2 months
hii would anyone be interested in me doing pre-orders for prints and/or sticker sheets ? 🫶
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somelazyassartist · 2 months
I FINALLY have all the sketches done for my pinup Zine lol,,,, I mean it took a long time bc I was also doing the setup and formatting and pricing stuff for the actual preorder stage BUT I am still so so happy I made this much progress :] I'm gonna take a tiny break from doing pinups and eat and maybe do some more work on those little Harmony glitter shakers but!! As soon as I'm finished with my tiny break it's on to digitizing everything and coloring them and making sure they're properly formatted for printing!!!! Yippee!!!!!
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tattleneedsbraces · 2 months
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WORM MERCH HAS BECOME REAL!!! my new tattletale phone case next to the tattletale/khepri keychain i got last year!!! :+DD thank you so so so SO much to the incredible @winteringart for allowing me to use their beautiful design!!! i am so happy and grateful to be able to carry a piece of their art everywhere i go, it is the highlight of my whole year!! :+D please support them!!! i used this site to make the phone case, then here's the post with the keychain from last year!! :+D thank you again to @bug4932 for the lovely keychain designs!! i ended up accidentally ordering too many khepri/tattletale keychains, so i gave them away to some of my non-worm friends!!! a few of them actually ended up reading worm because of it haha :+D i am so excited to get more new worm merch!! >:+DD i want to try to make a shirt or something next while i work on making a private print book of the series!! if u have any merch idea suggestions lmk, i was also thinking maybe i could make myself some stickers or something lol
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kaotiqstuff · 6 months
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I've been struggling with art since I've started school, for some reason I couldn't find any inspiration for anything until the idea of making my own Etsy shop came up. I've spoken about it with close friends and family so I've decided that I wanted to start selling my art in forms of keychains, pins, stickers and prints!
I'm working on a design of Callie and Marie that could turn into keychains and maybe stickers too (≧▽≦)
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kiwiwinjindouche · 24 days
I have some great news!
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Have you ever been afraid of losing your stuff? of someone unwanted entering your house? well, fear not anymore! our company is happy to announce the pre-orders for some amazing clockworks are now OPEN! (until May 3rd) Come get your soldier and/or sentinel now for an affordable price! They will take care of your belongings and watch out for your keys.
Pre-orders are on KOFI because it was the easiest for me, atm.
I'll place the order on Vograce next month, and they should arrive within may hopefully. Then, I'll start shipping them asap. This is the first time I'm doing this, and shipping worldwide is a bit intimidating. I think I can send them as letters and not packages, so I've not put a high shipping cost. I hope nothing bad will happen, wish me luck! (I don't want to come next month "hi in fact fees are higher than expected so lmao" I'd rather die in fact)
Done with love and care, with great attention to details. Marvel at the clockwork wooden design, and the vibrant black acrylic of the sentinel. Visual awareness in the front and back (double-sided printing) for the soldier, while the sentinel are one-sided printed (and yes Dolores, they are 'insured', I'll do what I can to be sure you get your order).
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With those come a bunch of stickers! All inspired by Kirin Jindosh's life, including 2 of my characters because I can. I've put a lot of attention and details to those as well, I could go on and on about it for hours. Also! If you buy both keychains (soldier/sentinel), you'll get a free Jindosh sticker! (and… another one, maybe? I'll have to think about it, depending on how things go) (printing them at home didn't go as well as expected, we're not safe from me changing colors or anything until the orders are placed, but it shouldn't be a lot of changes still so the designs you can see are the final ones with a 95% chance)
Last note! I hope Vograce will be able to do it, but I really wanted to do… what's the best way to put this. You know, there're different numbers, for the soldiers, and 2 or 4 arms. What if, hear me out, what if… you know, what if we could do unique keychains? You could have a unique number, with the right amount of arms seen in the game! I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS. You can either choose an amount of arms or go random to play the game yippee!! Hoping very hard it will work aaaaaaaaah
With all that being said, thank you so so much for the support and let's hope everything will be fine and work well!!!!
ALSO you can contact me via DM here (or KOFI) or we can talk on Discord too if there's any issue or anything at all!
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luna-orix · 7 days
Your art is so cute I could die from it, but that being said... Have you thought about maybe selling prints of them? (Asking because I would love prints of the adorable asl+marco art, your art style is so cute and pretty) <333333
Thank you dear for your kind words <3 I'm in process of planning and setting up a shop :) it was supposed to be mostly for birb stickers and keychains, but if there will be interest in other things, like prints, I will probably add them too!
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buzzybeeagere · 1 year
agere tips: regression at school
disclaimer: the key with regressing at school is knowing when it's appropriate. it's not healthy to voluntarily regress at school if it starts to impact your grades or performance
teether/paci replacements
chewelery is a wonderful alternative if you're not brave enough for one of those hidden paci masks. i've worn mine to school and nobody really cares. i have ones that look sorta like dog tags, so since they're black most people don't even notice them unless i have them in my mouth
also: candy! gummies and hard candy are wonderful for sucking on. bonus points if you're using a ringpop
people don't really notice what stationary you use. so long as your teacher is getting work handed in and done well, they won't care what you used to color in the diagram or graph things
you can get cute pens (i have a set of cow pens :3), an aesthetic planner, etc
coloring books
i usually bring a crayola one, but if you're not confident enough for that you can bring an adult coloring book! only color when you have the time. study halls and lunches are great, but i also color when i finish work early!
fair warning: i wouldn't recommend bringing children's activity books
fidget toys
fidget toys are sort of a trend so nobody will notice or care much. so long as you aren't distracting yourself and those around you too much, bringing fidgets is all good!
in my highschool, so many people bring blankets (especially in colder months). nobody will bat an eye. throw blankets work best, and you can drape them over your backpack when you're walking around
my backpack is cow print with pink accents. i also have plushies, fidgets, and general decor attached. my backpack jingles when i walk around and it makes me really happy! you can slowly accumulate keychains over time, along with making your own decor using stuff like beads and felt
also, put all sorts of stuff on your binders! i personally made my own stickers (tutorial on that later!) and stuck them on my laptop and binders. my girlfriend stuck some drawings into the outer sleeve so it kinda had a cover!
i dunno about you, but school lunch makes me feel small! brings me back to kindergarten. if you pack lunch, cut things up cute (while big!) and pack snacks that make you small. lunch is one of the better times to regress, so long as the people you might sit with will be okay with it/not notice
make studying fun! write your notes in colored stationary, plaster stickers everywhere, maybe give yourself rewards for correct answers on things like quizlet
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danggirlronpa · 5 months
Merch Monday Wednesday!! Because I finished my certificate course yesterday andnow I have time to be a person who exists again!
[Ko-fi to Support This Project]
Because I've been lower on funds this last month or two, I haven't been able to purchase nearly as much merch lately. (I physically could not stop myself from buying Some of it. I'm mentally ill. Making poor financial decisions about my hyperfixation is my bread and butter.) So this is a collection of merch from probably the start of November! We'll go from the earliest to the most recent.
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THIS IS THE STICKER I THOUGHT I LOST. You can buy this here! I actually ended up ordering another one and then having to cancel it when I found the original (it was buried under my bills somehow), and the artist was very sweet! The sticker itself is just fine, especially for how cheap it was, and I love the art on it. The artist has lots of other fun stuff, including a similar Ishimondo sticker, so check out the rest of their shop too!
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This is from @drexecutionzine's fundraiser sale! I wanted to get both it and the matching Komaru one, but this was the start of my Financial Woes, so I couldn't swing it. I ended up getting the more blatant Toko's Got Her Crushes print. This one shipped near immediately after I bought it, which assuaged a lot of worries about their shipping in general. I'm so glad they managed to make enough to ship out the zines!! No defects, gorgeous art, Death Trauma - we've got it all!
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These prints by @cactuskhee were fully an indulgence buy, because I've both of these in other forms - the left piece in a much smaller bonus art that was for patreon supporters, and the right one as the cover of the DR Bunny Zine - but I loved the left one so left that I wanted a physical version, and I wanted some physical version of the Bunny Zine, even if I couldn't buy the whole thing physically! (It's a fantastic zine with designs uniquely catered to each character; you can find purchase updates here!) Khee's store, komahina.com, is closed for the year, but should reopen again in January - patrons get a notification when it opens and a password to get in a day early, so consider supporting them!
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This is a VERY CUTE Irumatsu keychain from @networkink on her Storenvy! It was originally $13, but it's gone down to $6, which was much more affordable for me - and I'm so glad I got it, because it's sooo cute! The back of the art is bumped out against the back, which may be a negative for people who expect their keychains to see a lot of wear and tear, but for me it isn't an issue at all. She's also got a got other ships planned and some really cute general Yuri totes and pins in her store - check her out!
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This is one that I was VERY excited about, because I had input into it!! @ariespetal asked on Twitter what pieces people would want to see at prints, and this is one I mentioned in the replies, because it's one of my favorite Tenmiko arts maybe ever. I'm so so excited that she made it available, and bought it the moment it went up. (RIP wallet.) And it was absolutely worth it - it's a very good price considering its size, and it's even more beautiful physically than seeing it digitally! I'd love to get ahold of her Angie print, too, once I have more money. Check out her etsy!
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hikennosabo · 4 months
i got a sticker book, finally, to put my stickers in. now i need to find a way to store and/or display all the keychains/pins/mini prints i've accumulated over the years. i have a large portfolio for my bigger prints that i can flip through, maybe i should get a smaller portfolio too. because i can't possibly display all of these at once. they've been in a folder in my desk this entire time lol
also debating if i should make itabag inserts, i think i have enough for an ace attorney-themed one (would end up mostly being dgs/asoryuu) and maybe a kingdom hearts themed one (would end up mostly being akusai). or maybe i should get a second, smaller itabag, with a smaller window? i wanted to make a twst itabag insert too, but i don't have that much twst merch... or i could get like, a plastic organizer or something to keep in a drawer. all of my buttons/keychains without a home have just been loose in my desk drawer. hmmm
i don't buy zines that much anymore but i think i'd like a dedicated place to store my zines too. they've been in a drawer but i'd like them to be on a shelf. that'll have to wait until i can get a new shelf though.
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quirrelfan · 6 months
My 3 Etsy orders arrived today!!
Time to show em' off :)
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Link to listing here: [click]
They also sell zote, the knight, and hornet keychains too! As you can see from the note, I got the sticker for free which is AMAZING!! (For context, shipping was like $20). Overall, the keychain is super nice, and the sticker seems to be waterproof and sunproof according to the sticker listing, which can be found here: [click]
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Link to seller here: [click]
Unfortunately, they no longer sell the keychain, but they do sell other really nice Hollow Knight stuff! I might get the Quirrel print..:) The egg stickers were freebies, given to me bcos of the shipping cost also (bless these two sellers honestly, so sweet of them <3 ). The thank you note has such cute doodles on it too, of quirrel, hornet, and the knight AAAA
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Link to both listings here: [click] and here: [click]
The stained glass looking keychain is absolutely STUNNING!! Double sided, with each side showcasing gorgeous art, and a shiny gold border. The shaker charm is absolutely adorable! So fun to shake around (video below of shaking the charm). I ordered their Quirrel keychain in the past, and absolutely loved it. I posted about it (and other cool merch) which you can find linked here: [click]. The silly little freebie sticker already lives on my switch joycon controller holder grip thing, maybe i add it to the dock or back of the grip...
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<- is making insane decisions about aro/aspec “picnic” at pride next year.
The plan was originally to have it be completely unofficial and just me in the dc pride festival on an aro flag picnic blanket with some crafts but idk my mental health is crashing and making these things/organizing this may help. idk i want my future to be in community organizing so. it makes me feel good. anyways onto what i was talking about:
So. im deciding if i want to be someone with a table or not, if i want it to be aro or aspec, or if i want to have pride stuff available for donation only or not (aka no money accepted). (idk what to donate towards. maybe just explaining that i made all of this with my own free time/ money and any extra money will get donating to ace and aro advocacy project- which i think is located in the same city as the pride event- or AUREA? or just outright donating but… this all sounds really expensive which im anxious about but. i am okay with outright donating if thats a better idea idk)
I’m not sure if a table costs money or anything, but I dont think aro culture and aro pride should be locked behind a paywall. If I have aro pride stuff available, it would likely be:
bulk purchased silicone rings. the packs of rings dont just come in white, and almost always contain black, but id just have all the colors in a bowl with a sign about the meanings of black and white rings
diy low quality stickers. and im talking printouts and packing tape level quality. id probably also reach out to some aro/aspec artists if theyd be okay with me printing some of their designs for free pride stickers with their @ on the back. again, no profiting off their art, just having subtle aro/aspec options for closeted folks. also obviously the pride flags themselves/ like the heart emojis and stuff. if i get permission for the <2 i also think thatd be funny to have. id try to print off as many of the specific arsospec identities as i could, too.
some mini pride flags. like on the little stick and stuff? i already reached out to somebody about aplatonic and the new aspec flags. these will be on display at minimum, but im tempted to see how much bulk purchasing to give away for free would cost
….real pride flags, including aplatonic and the new aspec flag. im most hesitant about this because $$$ but…. i know how much it would mean to people, yknow?
i also want like. *stuff to do* to engage in community building and growth, so id likely have kandi bracelet stuff too, and be making aro/aplatonic/aspec bracelets to entertain myself while i sit there for folks without the time to make their own. (also! apparently grey bracelets are an old greyspec symbol. thats so cool!)
ive had it in my mind since early 2020 i want aro ribbon available for turning into shoelaces and im not gonna let up on this decision.
i just…. i really want to be able to connect with members of my community and raise awareness and recognition or aros/apls/aspecs in queer spaces, and i thought this may help.
these things are a little more hesitant but im thinking shrinky-dink keychains of these things/culture and symbols…? same thing @ artists, but uhhh if no one approves ill draw my Very Best. most of these will ALSO be stickers (if i do it)
(these are all old or current aspec culture. aro specific ones im more likely to do. also apl im more likely to do and may get ** but idk yet)
yellow roses
<2 (i got permission!!!!)
a little crown?? people are referencing jughead and you know what Sure.
green! we sure do love green huh. just like scribbles gkfhjf
…garlic bread? i think i saw that get phased out for dragons but you know what sure
plants..? i hadn’t realized that counted ngl
gryphons! i knew about them
(cacti/succulents but i already said plants)
“no romo”
does space count as aspec culture? idk guys
peridot and labradite? hm. cool!
somebody said aardvarks but ive never seen that before. apparently theyre a really old symbol. thats so cool!
💚 and 💔
pizza and ice cream but garlic bread got more popular (tho these are easier to draw)
i saw rats..? ehhh im hesitant on that one
Nandays and Caiques :) okay this one is cute
dragons are also very definitely acespec too
axolotls (though i think we can share)
wolves??? huh.
apparently ghosts are greyspec and!!!! holy shit that me! thats my name! fucking Wild Thats So Cool
someone reffed dinosaurs? cool cool
aaaahhhhg so space is Definitely acespec i forgot the whole spAce thing lol
badgers and unicorns? hm
♠️♣️♥️♦️ cards/symbols. i also recognize peole can turn these into earrings which. real. queer culture irl.
<2 (this is more loveless/heartless but i see it used a lot in aplatonic circles as well)
bees, worms, and birds have been proposed but havent seen much use yet. there has been some use though!
tbh since i cant find much ill likely have a sign that says something like “aplatonic culture is only recently getting enough visibility to be seen as separate from aro culture, so as the growing community develops new symbols we should keep an eye out! im excited to watch this community and identity finally get recognition like it deserves
do i propose platonic solids? idk you guys
*aspen/fang reminded me that non-platonic solids exist as well and are getting used as a symbol. Nice!
general aspec
im not making an aroace category but someone said handshake tattoos… imma pass on this one because its not apl friendly
i associate cross stitch and diy patches as aro core/ aspec but thats just me
lambda is queer culture and we belong to that too
i saw a lot of black triangle (as well as gradient) refs but idk if that is Ace Specific or not, but it Is a symbol i think is important to not overlook
ive seen bees used every so often in aro communities as well as aplatonic,
you know what the d&d “roll for x” is funny ill take that
anyways sorry i kinda went off with the research But. ive wanted to do this for Years (since 2019/early 2020 when this blog started Yknow. happenin) and i. i want to make it actually happen in 2023. its going to. i am gonna will it into existence. i just want to build a community i can interact with, yknow? thats all.
Anyways let me know what you think! i recognize this is a Lot and honestly ridiculous but who knows, yknow?
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puffins-studio · 1 year
Can we buy dolls now?
(Not to over explain but this gives me the opportunity to give an update so am going to explain everything)
If you saw I posted a graduation cap last week. I posted it the day I graduated. And right now am trying to recover from some really bad burn out. (From stressful people and very stressful finals. Towards the end I was in the art building for like 12 hours a day and didn’t leave one night until 11pm. Just the other day I just finished my first doll since March as I couldn’t sew from all the work, everything I been posting was stuff I been saving)
So am giving myself until my family trip early next month to just relax and recover, then when I get back I will work to open commissions and my store.
I was thinking of buying some nice new felt too, so I don’t have to worry about the stuff I have now smelling like my cats.
I was also thinking of making some prints of some of my embroideries like the Tardis ones, designing some stickers. And I also had some ideas of little kinda like gift boxes themed around characters (like a box with a 13th doctor doll, a mini 13 doll keychain that is her in some other outfit, with a Tardis print, and maybe a sticker)
I also need to settle on a store brand and make stuff for that and make a website. I been thinking of doing my commissions a bit differently too, an idea I had was have spots be open the first week of a month, have those fill and spend the month working on all of them, then ship it all at the end of the month. That with my store with little things hopefully open the whole time.
Once I start working on it, I will post update. I might even do polls on what I should make.
If you or anyone else, have any more questions don’t be scared to ask.
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wavernot4love · 1 month
time 4 yet another wavernot4love gig recap, gloomtown rochester edition (aka my seventh time seeing idkhow, fourth in rochester, & third at the montage music hall, the latter two a feat i cannot say for many bands) (note this was typed primarily at three am last night so once again there is probably incoherent rambling):
- gonna start this off with this clip of sunnyside since 1. i think that is becoming my favorite song off gloom division and 2. the ending gives me a chuckle
- boring live finally came back 2 me after four long years!!!!
- (dallon neurodivergency mention when talking about the themes of gloom division) (crowd erupts in cheers)
- return of the mormon tabernacle choir comparison arrived post- a letter, with dallon saying the next song (what love) wasn't something they tell you about in church, in typical cheeky fashion
- somewhat related, bro was wearing a gold sparkly grandma cardigan and randomly ripped it off and threw it CLEAN through the doorway of the like, green room at montage mid- what love. speaking of he said people at the vip earlier apparently planned his outfit
- dallon straight up grabbed a kid by the hand mid song and yanked them out of the crowd & onstage so they could do a lil jig together? good for them!!!
- going to leave the dallon quote "this isn't a frat house!" here w/o context
- someone handed him a giant american flag with a picture of him printed on it. god bless america
- ALL OF THE BRACELETS/KEYCHAINS WENT? after the show maybe 40 of us camped outside in case dallon came out and at one point someone who had reached out about them came over & so did a BUNCH of other folks who realized there were, in fact, bracelets. my cousin referred to it as the "meet & greet" since there were barricades set up along the sidewalk which gave me a bit of a laugh. guess i'm making more for buffalo yippee!!!! possibly may make stickers too later if i have time. i'll probably post em, but otherwise look for the person w curly hair & a baggy black thought reform hoodie w bracelets on a carabiner!
- so while we were waiting my cousin and i were sat RIGHT next to the main entrance of montage, right? basically the start of a sort of line of people sat down going down the sidewalk.
anyways, at one point only maybe 45 minutes after the show, out of said main entrance strolls dallon. collective whiplash moment as bro took one look, stopped dead in his tracks, we all collectively looked at each other like
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and dallon (who i think was truly surprised so many of us were out waiting in the cold) goes, lightheartedly but genuinely, "what are you guys doing all out here? it's freezing outside!"
and then proceeds to kinda frolick around for a couple minutes laughing w people or whatever. we didn't really approach him since i think he was a bit overwhelmed but it was still just a funny moment and we'll see what happens in buffalo! maybe less people will hang after so it'll be less intimidating for him.
- i do feel the need to mention i heard this one kid we were talking to bring up video games to him & dallon said he's not a huge video games person he just plays the last of us & spiderman really which is funny to me but fitting
- i did bring my point & shoot so once i edit those maybe i'll post some!
anyways, stoked on tomorrow's show yay!!!
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corviisquire · 2 months
next (school) year I’m signing up for a market thing where I get to sell art so over the next few months for sure going to be working on prints, stickers, and keychains. If any of these do really well or one of you gremlins (mutuals) want them, maybe I’ll sell them on Etsy or something.
List of what my plan is and how I’m doing it under the cut
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Tumblr ate the images so inspect closely if ya want the full list.
For all the art of I’m doing for this, my goal is to make a sketch traditionally first, multiply later the hell out of it, and color it digitally.
I’ve noticed that sketching digitally takes much longer for me since I nitpick everything when I sketch digitally. It’s also faster to digitally color a traditional sketch. A piece I did completely digitally took about seven hours but one where I did the sketch and then colored it digitally took about three and a half hours. So im going with the more efficient option.
I’ve got some schoolwork to catch up on today so I might be able to work on some stickers.
A lot of this is self indulgent because I want to fill up my blank wall with my art, I want keychains to put everywhere, and stickers to put everywhere. My mother also wants a keychain of Vessel so yeah that too.
Sleep token art that I’ve already made will become prints:
Aqua Regia
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nicosraf · 1 year
Hello! Idk if it’s silly to ask/if someone asked this already, but would you ever consider making any sort of ABM merch? I would wear the heck out of an ABM shirt lol
I totally get how that could be difficult to actually do though, but I was still just curious ^^
I was actually working on merch before all this pub stuff happened! My friend @cometkins (whose comms r open btw!!!!) and I were brainstorming and had come up with these "God's Favorite Princess" stickers ahjsdkds
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I've put merch on the back burner for now, but I hope to return to it at some point!! I'd really love to sell prints of the characters, at least! Stickers and keychains and maybe shirts too? I'd need to come up with a good shirt idea hmmm
In the meantime, over on Twitter, Night made a whole bunch of super cute stickers of Michael and Lucifer with matching shirts and boba :) <3 They might be open to selling them to you!
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Don't worry I'll make a big fuss once there's actual merch. Yall will be SICK of me !!!!!!!
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