#matpat slander
bitch-spectrum · 1 year
One big reason matpat has always pissed me off to no extent is that I TRY to watch his videos and in the first 5 minutes ITS ALL SO CONTRADICTORY to what I personally theorised. On top of that, his first like 3 or 4 videos on a topic are always SO WRONG!!! Notice how he at least usually remakes the videos once. I've watched mattpat videos and I'm like "That's so stupid! Why would anyone Write that? OBVIOUSLY the sensible writer's direction to take the story is XYZ." and I'm usually partially right.
I wish mattpat would just stop making "theories" and just fucking Write fanfic already so it's easier to take lightly.
Regardless of my personal opinion on matpat, calling a fucking webcomic a CULT is SO FUCKING INSENSITIVE!! As a cult survivor myself this only deepens my hatred. Cult isn't a word you get to throw around lightly!
"Oh no! Slightly religious subtext!! Must be a cult!" Stupid.
The creator is already so stressed out from the first wave of popularity, I don't think it's fucking fair to have posted that video RIGHT NOW which also just goes to show how little research Matpat did Into the actual canon. Because, it's not hard to find the creator's social medias and see posts like "I'm stressed out. I'm taking a break. Please respect my boundaries."
And Matpat fucking KNOWS how big his reach is! Posting a video that's going to get THOUSANDS of views is just not it! It's so insensitive. Everything about this is so insensitive.
Cause grimy 14 YO matpat stans are probably gonna crawl into the fandom and start screaming about and demanding more content (bc his fans are so weird about stuff).
Anyway, fuck matpat. All my homies hate matpat. I've loathed this annoying mfer since his stupid channels started.
I could really write an essay about why I hate matpat. And not like a "ooh cancel matpat" because he's not like... A bad person... He's just SO ANNOYING and a little insensitive and not as smart as he likes to appear.
Edit: I've low key disliked him from the start of his channel. This isn't a new feeling for me nor is it solely because of the fandom I'm posting about rn. I just don't like him; it's a personal opinion.
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rockn-rule · 1 year
Making this my own post so I can pin this
Mp has also donated to autism Speaks and continues to not credit creators on top of being transphobic and a dick to drag queens
Also ps to all the welcome home fans coming from this man, I do not hate you as long as you aren't a pain or a dick. If you follow neither of those things you're cool with me, just know that I do draw gore and horror stuff.
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gleeokenspiel · 7 months
the "mario is a jerk" post sometimes has people bringing up the tennis scene but like. i need you all to know that even if he WAS being an asshole that one time that is literally not enough to define his character actually. we are all assholes sometimes. also hes allowed to be possibly a little salty at least once but thats again not enough to define him as guy who hates his brother
and also to add to that that is a 100% a sibling type thing that would happen (i have a brother i can say this) alongside the fact looking at it it honestly doesnt even seem to be a hard, meant for harm step either but you know. i cant speak on the super old mario lore or something but literally they care for each other so much and yes characters are allowed to be mean to each other sometimes actually
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
hi i followed you bc your freud maypat post was good and i only thought to check your blog afterwards. i have not been a dream smp fan for two years and it is no longer something i care about but im gonnaf follow you anyway i think bc you seem kinda neat. yellow bitch emoji thumbs up wide smile clipart
absolutely insane thought process. i’m obsessed with ur mind and hope u have a great stay
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und8e2ff · 2 years
so... I called Seiya a fake and a fraud the other day and...
I might have been wrong?
Recapping with the images I used in the linked post...
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him do his lil dance
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This is what I got when I taped some paper on my monitor and traced the path of his arm movements
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This is the Pegasus constellation
yall about to watch me lose 5 years of my life for the second time in 48 hours
how special does that make YOU feel?
okay, SO-
The Pegasus constellation in real life actually appears in the sky flipped both vertically and horizontally from the picture I used in the last post. That's how the Pegasus constellation appears behind Seiya.
but here (below) is how it appears in the sky in real life
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Also, while reviewing the GIF specifically, I noticed that the Pegasus constellation behind Seiya when he's channeling his cosmo has extra stars for the back legs of the Pegasus.
In both images I've posted so far of the Pegasus constellation, those stars aren't there. At first, I thought they were extra stars to make the background more "balanced" with more stars to outline Seiya's silhouette and to further frame him as the focus of the shot.
so... that was f a l s e
The extra stars for the legs in that GIF/animation are actually the Andromeda constellation.
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The Pegasus constellation is made of the Great Square of (the) Pegasus and a few more stars that make the two front legs and the head of the horse.
The Pegasus and Andromeda constellations share a star in the Great Square called Alpheratz. The Andromeda constellation, while being its own thing and not actually being part of the Pegasus constellation, looks like the back legs of the Pegasus.
This explains away the extra stars in the GIF as being accurate to astrology and not just artistic choice.
All of this is very interesting and has fuckall to do with the actual point I came here to address today.
I started to play around a bit with the pathing of Seiya's arm movements and see if there was any, and I mean ANY possible way it could really be matching up with the Pegasus constellation.
and honestly???
ye, it kinda works
First, let me clean up what I traced out yesterday.
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Okay, so when I clean up the path and separate the two, this is what it looks like.
This is the exact path his arms move in and I've marked every place where his arms change trajectory/curve with numbers so you can have a better idea of the order he's hitting which points since there is quite a bit of overlap.
The Pegasus constellation has 15 stars but I don't think he's hitting like... every individual star? More like tracing over where each one roughly is?
this'll make more sense in a bit...
Alright, so-
Earlier I discussed the orientation/direction of the Pegasus constellation as it appears behind Seiya and how it will appear in most images when you look it up. The head is up top and to the left with the Great Square, it's body, to the bottom right.
But again, the way it appears in the sky in real life is flipped both vertically and horizontally with its head to the bottom right and Alpheratz, the farthest out corner of the body/Great Square connected to Andromeda (the hind legs), to the top left.
I've tried countless times to fit different images of the Pegasus constellation into the outline and while it never quite fits, I've realized that in spite of that, the path still kind of works.
sooooo . . .
I'm gonna try to get an image of the Pegasus constellation that includes the names of all the stars in it. This'll help me explain the path and how it hits/curves around or through each part of the constellation.
And then I'm going to show you what it looks like when you trace the path of each hand over the constellation.
Like I said earlier, if you draw out the path itself and then try to use a photoeditor to like, idk... 'superimpose' a stock image of the Pegasus constellation into it, it won't really fit like that. But I think I've found a way to make them align.
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This is the best image I could find of the Pegasus constellation with almost all of the stars named.
Sadly, I couldn't find an image like this with the constellation facing the same way it does behind Seiya, but I'll mark the paths and do my best to explain.
ye, I think I'm about to hit the image limit
I think it's clear where Seiya's hands start. His left hand starts on the star Alpheratz and his right hand starts either on Baham or Enif, but I think it starts on Baham.
Actually, it might start at Homan.
I'll start with his left hand, though.
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So, like I said earlier, Seiya's left hand starts on Alpheratz, which is way in the bottom right corner. From there it does a HUGE diagonal left upward curve to Enif. Enif is the furthest star in the upper left of the constellation, it's the Pegasus's nose.
And from Enif, it swerves really far back right again to Algenib. Algenib is the star above Alpheratz in the Great Square (the upper right corner). From Algenib it goes a little bit back left to Markab, the upper left corner of the Great Square. From Markab it goes down to Scheat, the lower left corner of the Great Square, and then upwards, diagonal and right back up to Algenib.
The final movement is a HUGE downwards crescent from Algenib that sweeps under Alpheratz to the left, through the legs of the Pegasus, and up, not quite to but very close, to Enif again.
Actually, on the first swing from Alpheratz to Enif, I think it might swing through the stars Matar and ι or Iota Pegasi which are the stars in the middle of the bottom and top leg respectively.
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Alright, looked at it a little more and Seiya's right hand very likely starts at Homan. Homan is a star in the middle of the Pegasus's neck.
From Homan, Seiya's arm makes a pretty sharp crescent to the right, it doesn't go through anything, but when it comes back to the left, it passes through Baham, which is the top of the Pegasus's head. From Baham, he makes a massive, downward sweeping motion that I believe is going through the star at the tip of the top foot.
The Pegasus's feet are out in front of it with one leg positioned over the other.
I think that star is called Kappa Pegasi? In the picture, it just looks like κ which is probably supposed to be short for κ Peg. Kappa Pegasi is the second star after Sadalbari, which is the bent knee of the top leg of the Pegasus.
Both of the legs are coming out of Scheat at the lower left of the Great Square.
From there it continues to curve rightward and it goes by, quite possibly through, the tip of the bottom foot of the Pegasus. The star at the end of that leg is represented in the image as π, short for π Peg which is Pi Pegasi. From Pi Pegasi, it continues its loop and goes through Scheat where both legs start.
From Scheat it arcs up and to the left to Enif, the Pegasus's nose, and finally, from that point, it swings slightly downward and far right to the upper right corner of the Great Square, Algenib.
Edit - Honestly, that last arc was probably supposed to go just a bit lower and hit Sadalbari. I think that's the only major named star I haven't hit yet. but oh well
Seiya might be crossing all of the major/named stars. oh wow...
The attention to detail is astounding, high key.
but bruh- I really went in on this lil boi the other day
I came for his stance. I came for his character; I deadass called him a liar at one point.
chile... I came for his eyesight
Marin was out there catchin strays-
okay, girlies. so i redid the math and the math IS mathin, but liek...
bitches cain't carry decimals
Hi there, this is your Captain bitches speaking~ We're almost off this flight ✈️🌠
chile... nah, Cause I dragged tf out that poor boi in my last post and I was wrong. Not just for draggin him and not mindin my business but because I was actually, factually wrong.
ima go on now and let him do his lil Disney Cosmo channel thang mid-fight and sit down someplace
im sorreh, mah boi...
but ye, Within 48 hours we learned net zero information in which the person that debunked me was like... future me.
Much love and thanks to anyone who reads this thing.
And a lil extra love and thanks to people who read the first post too~
💖 * 💖 * 💖 * 💖 * 💖
please go outside
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iamotter · 3 months
Ryder finally getting the respect he deserved 🤣
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For the past three Paw Patrol theories that MatPat created, Ryder was framed as a bad guy but now onto MatPat's final Film Theory, he finally acknowledge Ryder for who he is. 😌
(Btw, I don't believe MatPat's Paw Patrol theories 100%, I only watched them because his delivery is funny but poor Ryder constantly getting slandered, even though little Ollie likes him XD)
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localvoidcat · 9 months
still at work but im still fuming over matpat calling evelin evil. matthew robert patrick (so sad that his initials spell "mrp", which is a kitty noise) i am clawing at him. i qant him to actually watch something before he calls a character evkl for the MOST. BASIC SHIT. LIKE. thats just her name leave her aloneeeee
oh my god i need to go back and watch this video it was so wild. i was talking to a friend while watching it and when sarah appeared on screen his face instantly dropped. so much slander in that video i couldnt even watch part two of it
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freakshows199 · 2 months
I will block anyone who slanders matpat or team theorist or the theorist community in general
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justanartdork · 1 year
Welcome Home’s Current Gatekeeping Issue
I’m not really one to make long winded essays on stuff, but I feel like this one needs to be addressed (if my thoughts seem incoherent and rambleish, I am currently writing this at 2 A.M., so if my points come off as confusing, it’s probably sleep deprivation). With MatPat’s current release of his livestream covering Welcome Home, the collective fandom as a whole has been swarming to his video to preach the creator’s boundaries/slander him for even breathing near the project, which has made a lot more issues within the community prevalent, most notably: gatekeeping.
Recently, Clown has been taking a break from the project and social media, due to the sudden boom of popularity surrounding the project, as well as issues with his personal boundaries regarding it, such as NSFW work being made of his characters. The fandom as a whole, has seemingly taken this message to heart, and are doing their best to make sure those boundaries are respected.
Now, this in itself isn’t too much of an issue, But what IS an issue is how most people are going about it. Clown himself stated that he doesn’t want people going around policing people on his behalf, and yet most fans are going around screaming in anyone and everyone’s face and are completely willing to bite off any heads of anyone with a high enough social platform that even speaks of the project(See MatPat), as well as pretty much size up any and all fans post Clown’s Announcement.
I know I made a post joking about how MatPat found out about Welcome Home and the end is nigh and stuff, but, guys, listen to this: MATPAT MAKING A VIDEO ABOUT WELCOME HOME ISN’T HIM HARASSING THE CREATOR, NOR IS IT IMPEDING ANYONE WHO JOINS THE FANDOM POST BREAK ANNOUNCEMENT. Yes, he’s a big creator covering what was a small art project turned online success, which can be stressful, considering that the creator was already stressed from Nightwing bringing attention to it, but calling him and his fans roaches and treating them like hellspawns for even engaging with it is a bit overkill. I know, MatPat ‘s judgements seem a little silly, and we all want to make sure Clown can recover peacefully, but none of what MatPat does is breaching any of Clown’s boundaries. He just made a video, like everyone else, plain and simple. Going around slapping anyone who makes a video on it/new fans with rules and regulations, and acting like them interacting with the media is toxic and impeding on Clown’s rights comes across as telling people, “IF YOU SO MUCH AS BREATHE NEAR THIS MATERIAL, YOU ARE A TOXIC, INVASIVE ASSHOLE!!! CLOWN IS STRESSED, SO IF YOU WANT TO HELP THEM, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, AND NEVER SPEAK OF THIS PROJECT AGAIN!!!” Which will alienate people from the project altogether, and also give Clown and the Fandom as a whole a reputation of Oversensitive Pussy who can’t handle having his work out on public platforms and their EchoChambering White Knights who coddle him like he’s a toddler. Clown himself has stated that the attention itself isn’t a bad thing, just overwhelming.
This project means a lot to people, and I know we just want to make sure Clown is okay, but instead of yelling in people’s faces on what they should and shouldn’t do, we should just try to make sure that we follow these rules, with the occasional gentle reminder to anyone breaking them, instead of policing people who didn’t even do anything wrong, which isn’t what Clown wanted.
With all that said, I have said my piece. Thank you, and have a good day/night!
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tricktack · 10 months
sorry for not responding earlier! anyway here’s everything wrong with matpat’s latest video on sonic frontiers.
a few months after sonic frontiers was released, matpat made a video titled “Game Theory: Sonic BROKE His Own Lore! (Sonic Frontiers)”. it is generally very shitty and…. may not even contain a theory in the first place?
before i get on with complaining, i want you to guess at what point matpat first says something that shows he knows nothing about sonic.
it’s less than 10 seconds in.
matpat starts the video by saying “let’s be honest. sonic the hedgehog wasn’t originally designed with in-depth storytelling in mind. Mainly you’re just running, jumping and ♪rolling around at the speed of sound♪”. and this man. had the balls. to show FOOTAGE OF AND SING A SONG FROM SONIC ADVENTURE 2, A GAME WHERE THREE MAJOR CHARACTERS DIE, THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT STORY ROUTES AND WHERE SHADOW THE FUCKING HEDGEHOG FIRST APPEARED. AND THE SCENE MATPAT REFERENCED WAS ONE WHERE SONIC WAS BEING CHASED BY THE FUCKING MILITARY.
and it’s not even like the sonic series has really been fumbling its lore for a long time. it wasn’t until sega released sonic 06 before it was finished and got backlash for that that sonic’s stories started getting a little blander (although they didn’t really stop being good until sonic lost world released in 2013.)
after this matpat proceeds to use the old “rough transition to 3D” narrative which is just…. not true in the slightest??? sonic adventure was great, sonic adventure 2 was great, sonic heroes wasn’t as grandiose as other games but it wasn’t bad at all, the first actually bad 3D sonic game was shadow the hedgehog, released 7 years after sonic first became 3D (and the issues with it mostly came from sega wanting to capitalize off of a few fans who wanted guns in sonic games but that’s a whole other story and also gamma, omega, eggman and tails already use guns although gamma is dead but that’s also a different story)
not to mention he also shows a picture of the werehog from sonic unleashed in this part which like. fuck you matpat werewolves are cool actually (and also that game is from 2008 so it’s also not an example of sonic’s “transition to 3D”)
once he starts actually talking about frontiers the video gets a little better for a few minutes. he does slander black knight a tiiiiiiiiny bit but that pales in comparison to the other things he says so i’m not gonna make a big deal out of it. (i would recommend satbk if you can find a wii or a wii emulator though, it’s got a great story and atmosphere)
so after a few relatively peaceful minutes of matpat praising frontiers, he uh. well he fucks up again. he says that sonic frontiers ties together the stories of all the sonic games and “now we actually have to take sonic’s lore seriously.” but frontiers is far from the only game reference other games - the whole thing is one continuous story with a bunch of different arcs. a lot of people don’t realize this without playing the games, since they usually compare sonic to other games that don’t really have very complicated stories, like the mario series. still, matpat should have done some research on sonic’s lore before making a whole video on sonic’s lore.
he also claims sonic frontiers is a multiverse story based on literally one line. it is not a multiverse story. he would know that if he played the fucking game.
anyway. his theory has to do with the aliens that were revealed to have brought the chaos emeralds to earth before most of them were killed by the End (we still don’t know what that is) and the rest were mutated by chaos energy into chao, little baby pudding creatures who you can raise in the adventure games. chaos, the main villain of sonic adventure, is a mutated chao, and he looks just like these aliens. so what is matpats theory in this video?
five minutes of him pointing out something that doesn’t make sense and then showing clips from an interview with ian flynn, a writer for the game, to make said things make sense. that’s not a theory. that’s canonical information.
the only theorizing matpat does in the entire video is that he claims the master emerald must have undone chaos’s mutation. first, that’s not how mutation works. second, wouldn’t more chao have mutated back, since most of them were on angel island, very close to the master emerald? mutations occur naturally. chaos doesn’t need an emerald to be a mutant chao.
so anyway matpat doesn’t know shit about sonic and he apparently doesn’t know what a theory is either
(sorry if this doesn’t make sense, i’m not really that great at writing things out like this)
okay so what i'm gathering is... the dude who most notably runs a channel called Game Theory... has never touched a sonic game in his life. one of the most popular video game franchises. isn't sonic in a few of the intros GT has had over the years ???? i haven't even played the games and I know that there's tons of lore and plot behind them ???
AND just restating stuff that has already been said by one of the writers 😭 you're right that's not even a theory he's just relaying canon information. maybe he should not take credit for something that was already explained
thank u for the ramble because i would not know otherwise just how Wrong he is about a lot of things lmao
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heloflor · 3 months
You know, something that amuses me a lot about the people trying to demonize Mario’s character is how much they’re willing to create some bullshit excuses when the canon games are giving them everything they need, which they somehow completely ignore in favor of their edgy stuff.
Like you have all these ideas about Mario being a bad brother (the Mario and Luigi RPGs disprove it) or being an ass to Peach (he literally saves her all the time without expecting anything in return) or “killing innocent people” (outside of the local fauna and flora, the enemies we fight are part of Bowser’s army, plus the RPGs show that we don’t actually kill anyone outside of the “big bads”).
And it’s like...you guys are aware Mario canonically beats the shit out of children on many occasions, right? Like Bowser Junior is very much between 6 and 10 years-old, and the Koopalings are supposed to be teenagers. Hell if any of them were adults they’ll be closer in size to Bowser.
And don’t get me wrong, I’m one of the people who love Mario’s character and strongly dislike the slander made to make a wholesome character “edgier” because “something something edgy = deep”.
But at the same time, there’s something very funny about those people trying so hard to find flaws in his character, all the while ignoring what’s right in front of their eyes. Seriously, I’ve seen a lot of people bring up the idea of Mario being a bad brother, but when it comes to the child abuse, suddenly no-one’s there. It’s very funny and low-key highlights just how dumb that whole debate is to begin with.
And yes, I know the main reason why people talk about the “bad brother” element is due to that one Game Theory video. But still. Also what stopped Matpat from talking about the child abuse? His video came out after Mario Bros 3, World, the 90s cartoons, Yoshi’s Safari, Adventures Comic, Superstar Saga, New bros DS, New Wii and possibly New U, all of which include Mario fighting against Junior and/or the Koopalings. Then again I saw this video only once and it was several years ago so I can’t say I remember much of the points made in it.
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knightpunks · 5 months
I will not stand for this IWBTG slander in your banner /j
MatPat said that!!!! dont shoot the messenger man !!!!!! /j
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The Pope started hating women when MatPat have him Undertale and he became a gamet
Lies! Slander! Undertale was a perfect work of art and the world is better for it.
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nachosforfree · 3 years
rewatching markiplier playthroughs or gametheory videos on fnaf and almost pulling hair out when they get some info wrong but knowing that is illogical to get bent over cause they simply didnt have the correct amount of info abt it at the time
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
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Please let my brain rest
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funkily · 2 years
Served it's purpose? History?? Game Theory Sub??? Funky what are you talking about man????
hello anon . i am the one who intially posted about the micer2012 plagiarism on the gt subreddit . its a very bad post but matpat replied to it and it haunts me that that
a) may have been one of if not the main reason he knew about and made a respone to it?
and b) will hopefully be the only interaction i will ever have with what was my idol since 2013
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