#mary matias
goo-dripley-art · 9 months
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i played the genesis project for like 5 hours straight . (not counting the time i took to make a house)..
so i made a kid based on my sesh..,,
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kesoyotes · 6 months
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All the points ✅
All the chemistry ✅
All the vibes ✅
the Maccelli-Bjugstad-Crouse line can do it all ✨
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black-is-no-colour · 2 years
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Lilly Marie Liegau, photographed by Matias Alfonzo for Numéro Netherlands June 2022
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durotan357 · 2 months
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edeldoro · 4 months
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fangomusic · 8 months
CMAT, Crazymad, For Me
New music Wednesday
The second album by Irish artist Ciara Mary-Alice Thompson is a cleverly relatable creation. It presents a unique voice and offbeat pop talents through an emotionally charged and vivid musical journey, embracing a broader country-pop style.
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kyuala · 25 days
amiga mari tava pensando noq vc falou aquele dia (ontem) do matias motoqueiro e tipo ele 100% seria aquele corno que da 1 da manha e ta acelerando a XTzinha dele aloprando a vizinhança e que com crtz ja caiu e se ralou todo e virou fofoca pro bairro. que tem por hobbie costurar os carros nas avenidas, porém quando ta contigo anda direitinho, vai até mais devagar, uma mão no guidão e a outra na sua coxa que tá bem apertadinha contra a cintura dele, fazendo um carinho suavezinho... sendo que por dentro tá maluco pra chegar contigo no motel e te comer com força (antes disso tava no carrinho de lanche comendo um podrao contigo dividindo o guarana)
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MANO QUE ISSO LAURA 😭😭😭😭😭😭 SÓ GATILHO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 nao tenho NADA a acrescentar isso aqui ta perfeito e mimatou 🕊️🖤🎗️🪦⚰️ xau
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 9 months
Imagine Male Yandere Artists X Female Reader Creation. Obviously inspired from the Greek myth of Pygmalion…but think of how much worse and complicated it’d get if poor reader Darling was a project worked on by multiple men together…It’s almost as if this is now Greek Pygmalion myth X Helen of Troy myth. Let the war for love begin.
General premise…reader Darling comes to life through the power of the mens’ accidental prayers of love to the goddesses of love. She is everything the men wanted in a woman somehow (dare I say Mary Sue territory, and a sprinkle of Manic Pixie Dream Girl I suppose since she is still otherworldly just being born and all). Doesn’t help that Darling is also enchanting every man she meets across the city too. Her creators all get mad jealous, and fight over who has the true “rights to have her,” (cause we stan men who see women as their property *sarcasm). Climax…the creator men end up offing each other off in the art studio (battle royale style), and their blood mixes together into another art creation they had collaborated on together. And through the power of love and “friendship” (*cue jazz hands), the men are reborn into one, and can pursue Darling more easily. I’ll leave up to you if Darling is genuinely more pleased with this new outcome of the mens’ rebirth, or if she’s terrified to no end of what they’ve become. (I trust your writing skills as always). Either way, no escape for her. The power of love is a formidable foe…
A/N: Some of these asks might be late because I'm trying to brainstorm as for what to do character-wise. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Your body was crafted from clay and stone. Your hair and scalp are threaded from spider webs, horse hair, and human hair. Your body shines with the finest oil. You are the perfect woman. The name on your plague was...well, you didn't have a specific name, so per se. But your creators decided to name your statue Earth's Women. Your name was because of your magical abilities. In the morning sun, your hair is curly, and your skin is olive-brown. By the afternoon, your skin is dark brown, and your hair is so coily it sometimes is in an Afro. During the evening, your skin whitens, and your hair straightens out. By nightfall, your skin is an albino white, and your hair is bone straight.
Because of these abilities, you gained the love of millions around the world. Many prayed for you to be alive. For you to be their perfect woman. Then, one day, the sunlight shining on you made your body crack. Your creators were so upset that they closed the exhibit to fix you. When your creators touched your skin, your statue crumbled. Screams and dust fill the room. Suddenly, your human body rises from the rubble.
"Where am I?" You ask, dust covering your dark skin.
"My God, she's alive," An olive skin man with black curly hair says. "Stai bene?"
You try to move your naked body, but you fall. Your legs are too wobbly.
"Get her a towel, Leon! She's never used her legs before," Ciro commands, rushing to pick you up from the debris. "And bring some bandages and wound treatments too! She's bleeding!"
Several hours later, you are properly introduced to your creators. There are six creators, and they call themselves the Sexy Six. Each one created a body part for you. Leon DiCardio made your head, Ciro Nikolaou shaped your torso and bosom, Aoi Hiroshige crafted your left leg, Matias Dorado sculpted your right leg, Abe Okoro created your right arm, and Caspian Narain made your left arm. Together, six men from different continents made a woman representing every girl.
"So what are you going to do with me, now?" You ask, tightening your fluffy robe.
"We're going to have to hide you from the public. They can't know you've come to life. You're something a leader would start a war for," Ciro says, giving you a cup of water.
"That's a bit unfair, isn't it? If the goddess answered their prayers to have her come to life, shouldn't we introduce her to the public? If we don't, we'd be defying the goddess's will," Leon says, making Ciro think about his decision.
"True. I suppose we could take her out in public. But only if she wears a cloak to cover her face," Ciro says, making everyone happy.
When you walked through the city, you could understand every conversation. Turns out, you can understand every language known to mankind. It was overwhelming, but Matias helped you power through it by distracting you with clothing. Abe took you away from Matias soon after and showed you the foods of every culture. You tasted everything, and even brought back sweets. You hardly even noticed Caspian glaring at Abe before he snatched you away to learn how to dance.
You are simply beautiful to him, to everyone, really. Your skin getting darker and your hair becoming coils under the afternoon sun while you twirl in circles was a scene that magic could've created. In the sun, you are everyone's Cinderella.
"Let's go, Every," Ciro says, dragging you away from the crowd.
"Hey, I wasn't done yet!" You whine, trying to stop Ciro from moving.
"I don't care. You're drawing too much attention to yourself," Ciro replies, putting your cloak back on and walking you home.
When you arrive home, Ciro puts you in a windowless white room. You lay on your bed and stare at the white ceiling.
"It must be nighttime," You say, noticing your hair is straight. "I wonder what my creators do during the night? I wonder what humans do when the sun falls?"
You sneak out of your room and tip-toe to a room with the lights on. You hear arguing and hide behind the wall.
"You can't keep her to yourself!" Matias yells, breaking a glass.
"Says the man showed her clothes like it was a date!" Ciro hisses, making you flinch.
"Hah, please! If you want a date, try Mr. Prince Charming of Oceania! He was dancing and twirling with her in the middle of town!" Matias retorts, making Caspian stand up with fury.
"At least I wasn't trying to charm her with food!" Caspian yells, glaring at Abe.
"I don't see how you brutes made such a pretty thing," Leon remarks, looking at his peers fighting.
"Don't drag me into this, Mario," Aoi insults, making Leon grab his shirt collar.
"Don't call me that you piece of crap," Leon snarls, making Aoi smile.
"You know what, I have an easy way to settle this. Whoever is the last one standing gets to claim Every for their own. I always hated having to share credit for creating her, anyway," Aoi wagers, pulling out a blade.
"Fine by me," Ciro says, pulling out a dagger.
Everyone pulls out their blades, daggers, and knives and begins their battle. You try to stop them, but you get thrown to the side. Cuts and bruises are made, but no one is dead yet. A trail of blood leads to the art room, and you see Ciro stab Matias through the heart. The Spaniard falls to the ground and extends a hand as if he was reaching for you.
"Matias!" You scream, running to his body.
Leon's bleeding corpse is thrown onto you as Aoi is on a stabbing rampage. You glimpse at the hole in Leon's head and throw up on the floor. When you look up again, all is silent. The floor is painted red, and Aoi is the only one standing. He looks at you with a crazed smile and drops his blade.
"You're mine. My work of art. My woman," Aoi says, hugging you with his bloody body.
You can only hug him back in horror. A squelching sound comes from below you, and you see Abe stabbing a dagger into Aoi's back. Aoi slowly releases his hug, then collapses onto you. His blood has stained your whole being red.
"What am I going to do now?! You all were supposed to help me!" You cry, putting your bloody hands on your face as you weep.
You cry until morning. When you awaken from your exhaustion-fueled sleep, you find bloody footprints. Your former creator's latest statue, coined Luno, is missing.
"Where did it go?" You question aloud, getting up from the sticky floor.
"My love, you're awake," A naked man says, coming from behind a wall.
"Luno, you're alive?" You ask, backing away from him.
"Yes, the goddess of love spared mercy on us and brought me to life for you. Through the blood sacrifice of our masters, I am here to be your divine equal," Luno says, kneeling and kissing your hand. "I have all the traits our six masters did."
You snatch your hand away, and trip over Aoi's corpse.
"Princess, be careful. I don't want you to trip over anyone and hurt yourself," Luno says, his face shifting into something similar to Ciro's.
"I don't want anything to do with them! Not after how they killed each other!" You shriek, standing up and heading towards the secret entrance.
"My love, wait!" Luno yells, running after you.
You close the stone door behind you and pant, looking at it. Luno's muscular arm punches a hole through the wall, and his eye looks at you.
"Eve, don't run from me! We are made to be!" Luno yells, breaking more of the stone.
You don't waste any time running away, your feet leaving bloody footprints. You don't know where this passage leads to, but you don't want to be here. Not with him.
"Seafoam?" You question, seeing signs of the sea on the lower walls and stairs.
You get onto the last step and look at the blue water. Luno's heavy footsteps are getting closer, and you don't have time to think. If you were every woman on Earth, surely you could be a mythical creature as well. You dive into the water, swimming till you find the open sea. Your master's blood washes off of you, and you swim to wherever you want to go. Luno, arriving too late, stared at the bloody mist in the water at the bottom of the stairs. In his eyes, a vow to always be yours and always find you is made.
Thus beginning the never-ending cycle of you running from him. An everlasting, divine hunt for the woman with a thousand faces. Prey to be caught for the man with a thousand features.
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immabethehero · 11 months
A Jolly Holiday (WDTAJN - Song)
Finally have them all done! Here’s my last entry for @wdtajn! The song? Jolly Holiday from Mary Poppins!
(So a bit of context: I made a boyfriend for Bruno. His name is Matias, he’s an inventor who showed up in the Encanto after the events of the movie. His inventions are unpredictable, to say the least. They don’t always work and often end with an explosion. Think Dr. Doofenshmirtz, but if his parents were actually supportive and loving. He was kicked out of his hometown when his parents died, and has been hopping from town to town since. Until he ended up in the Encanto.)
PS. he also owns a grey cat named Alegria ^u^
Bruno spends an extra hour in the bathroom this morning, washing his hair and shaving as much as he can. Thirty minutes are spent on teeth alone. He throws on his prettiest ruana (with extra embroidery by Mirabel) over a new green and white striped shirt and purple pants. A corsage tucked over his heart, he dashes downstairs.
His cheerful presence is not lost on the family, who watch him intently.
“Wonder what’s got him all cleaned up,” Camilo says.
“Matias is coming over,” Isabela answers as she walks out. Camilo blanches.
“Not with a new machine, right?” he whispers to his sister. Dolores simply stares at him.
“Not with a new machine, right?” Camilo squeaks.
Dolores rolls her eyes and strains her head to listen. “It’s definitely not his typical machine… it does sound awfully loud. Sort of like… instruments crashing together.” Camilo weakly whimpers.
“Don’t worry, Papá and I have been teaching him to play,” Mirabel says as she passes.
Mirabel ignores her primo and runs out. “I’m going for a walk, see ya!”
Bruno picks up a small parcel wrapped up in a custom wrapping paper with little drawn gears shaped like hearts on them. He approaches his sobrinos and twirls. 
“How do I look?”
“Better than usual,” Camilo admits. “I can’t even smell your breath from here.”
“You look muy guapo,” Dolores says. “What’s the occasion?”
“It’s our anniversary today!” Bruno squeals. “A whole year! I can’t wait to show Matias my gift-”
Bang! Crash! Bang! Crash! True to what Dolores said, whatever invention Matias has brought this time, it’s going to be a very musical, albeit noisy one.
“That’s definitely not what I had in mind when he said he would surprise me today,” Bruno says. “Camilo, what do you see out there?”
Camilo peers out the window. Matias has put on a lovely suit, no doubt tailored by Agustín. His black dreadlocks have been tied up into a bun. However, his silver vest and new purple shirt hide underneath a shield of musical instruments. A horn hangs across his chest, a trumpet is strapped to his chest, an accordion is fastened to his belt, and on his back is a large bass drum, with crash cymbals on top of it. When he moves, a mallet bangs on the drum and the cymbals crash together. Mirabel stands beside him, trying to suppress her amused smile.
Camilo turns back to Bruno. “Do you remember that movie we watched together? The one with the magical nanny?”
Bruno nods. “Yeah?”
“That’s your surprise-”
Bruno dashes out before Camilo can finish his sentence.
“Good morning, hermoso! Happy anniversary!” Matias yells over his instruments banging together.
“Hey Matias! I heard you were coming,” Bruno says. “Literally. What are you wearing? What is all this?”
The inventor twirls around. “Do you like it? I thought I’d take a page out of the moving picture you showed us the other day.” He picks up the accordion and begins to play.
“You didn’t strike me as an accordion player,” Bruno admits as he listens to Matias. He’s actually holding the instrument correctly! And not butchering any notes! It’s a miracle!
“That’s because I’m not. Mirabel had to teach me,” Matias admits. 
“I did offer to play with him, but he wanted to do the whole act,” Mirabel adds.
“I’m dating an actual soap opera star. I need to have some credibility to my name,” Matias says. He takes a deep breath and begins to sing.
Ain't it a glorious day?
Right as a morning in May
I feel like I could fly
“Isn’t this from Mary Poppins?” Bruno asks.
“Shut up and please let me do this.”
Have you ever seen the grass
So green, or a bluer sky?
Oh it's a jolly holiday with Bruno
Bruno makes your heart so light!
“You have too much faith in me, mi vida,” Bruno says with a laugh.
When the day is gray and you feel low
The sky suddenly darkens before the sun breaks through once more.
Bruno makes the sun shine bright!
Bruno spies Pepa peeking out from behind a tree. How many Madrigals did Matias plan this with?!
Oh, happiness is blooming all around him,
The daffodils are smiling at the dove
Right on cue, daffodil petals shower Bruno. He catches Isabela high–fiving his sister.
When Bruno holds your hand
You feel so grand
Your heart starts beating like a big brass band!
Matias jumps to the beat, the instruments a rhythmic discord. Mirabel winces, but Bruno laughs.
It's a jolly holiday with Bruno
No wonder that it's Bruno that we love!
Matias grabs Bruno’s hand and pulls him through the town. Isabela showers flowers in their direction and Antonio stands by a fence with animals lined up. Matias joins them.
“We practiced on this all week! Take it away guys!”
“Baaaaa!” an older ram sings. Interesting.
“Baa! Baa!” a trio of lambs respond.
A horse whinnies the next part, followed by a cow mooing. Are the animals supposed to sing along? Bruno raises an eyebrow.
“You know this part sounded better in my head,” Matias admits. Bruno snorts. “Antonio said they sounded like a choir.”
“They do!” Antonio exclaims.
Donkeys bray the next line, and a large pig finishes the verse with two loud snorts. Mirabel and Antonio sing the translation, hoping to save the last verse of the song.
When Bruno holds your hand
You feel so grand
Your heart starts beating like a big brass band!
It's a jolly holiday with Bruno
No wonder that it's Bruno that we love!
Bruno applauds the “musician” and the animals (who honestly did their best). “Asombroso! Wonderful playing!”
Matias attempts to bow, the accordion pushing into his stomach. “Note to self: it’s hard to bend over when you have instruments strapped to you.”
“Need help getting all that off?” Bruno asks, gently knocking on the drum.
“Yes, actually, the local band needs all of these back before their next gig.”
Bruno freezes. “Seriously? How did you even get them to give you these instruments?”
“Your sobrina is a very persistent young lady,” Matias answers, nodding to Mirabel. She winks.
“He’s my best pupil! I’ve never seen anyone learn the accordion so quickly before,” Mirabel says. “Other than me, of course.”
“Your whole family is quite musical, so I thought it would be smart if I joined in,” Matias explains.
Bruno’s eyes widen. “Oh! I’m actually not that musical myself, you didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”
“Really? I always took you for a pianist, especially with those hands of yours.”
Bruno’s cheeks burn hotter than the sun. He shoves Matias playfully. “Come on, let’s get these instruments off you. That way I can show you the gift I got you…”
If Camilo hears the discordant cymbal crashing as he walks through town, he does not acknowledge it. He doesn’t hear the drum occasionally going thump. And he certainly doesn’t hear the rhythmic squeezing of a dying accordion squashed between two people. No. He won’t acknowledge the sound of the One (well, Two) Man Band!
Matias holds up his new notebook, running his hands over the pretty cover. Illustrated rats play with kittens, no doubt inspired by Alegria, Matias’ grey cat. “This is a wonderful gift! I definitely needed a new sketchbook! You have no idea how many new ideas I’ve got.”
“The last one looked like it was bursting at the seams. And look-” Bruno flips through the pages. Little sketches of cats appear, along with encouraging messages in Bruno’s handwriting. Matias freezes.
“My writing looks more like chicken scratches, so I hope you can actually read them,” Bruno rambles. “I did try looking for inspirational quotes from the future… but I don’t think you’d get any references, so I just stuck to basic stuff. Cheesy, right?” He stops when he sees Matias wiping away tears. Bruno winces.
“It’s bad, isn’t it? You can always rip those out or draw over them or-”
“My first notebook was a lot like this. Full of little motivational quotes written by my parents.” That catches Bruno off guard. In all their time together, Matias had never really mentioned his own family. Hell, he even arrived in Encanto alone!
“I think it’s still in my green toolbox. I always keep the most important stuff in that toolbox,” Matias says.
Bruno moves closer to Matias, motioning him to talk. From what he knows from the small tidbits Matias has told him, the inventor hopped from town to town, never settling in one place. He doesn’t think Matias has ever lived in a town for a whole year.
“After my first few ‘village incidents’, I started to keep all my precious things, stuff I didn’t want to lose, in that toolbox. Just in case I ever needed to get out of town quickly. I didn’t need to worry about a heavy suitcase.”
Bruno fidgets with his ruana, struggling to think up any comforting words. He finally decides to just put his hand on Matias’.
Matias turns to Bruno, smile slowly returning. He grasps Bruno’s hands. “But this time, I… I think I want to stay. I’ve never felt so welcome here! Everyone is so welcoming and encouraging. I’ve never felt more at home! So, if you’ll allow it, I want to live in Encanto permanently.”
No sooner has Matias finished his sentence does Bruno shower him with kisses. Matias chuckles. “Is that a yes?”
“Of course! You’ll always have a home here!”
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little-strawberry100 · 6 months
Read Rules
Bittersweet Trio-
Plushie Alphonse?
Time With Your Boys
Can We Be Polyamorous?
Road Trip!
Alphonse- None yet...
Seth- None yet...
Poem Of Love
Charlie- None yet...
Auron- None yet..
Faust- None yet...
Jack- None yet...
Redacted Audio
David- None yet...
Asher- None yet...
Milo- None yet...
Sam- None yet...
Vincent- None yet...
Gavin- None yet...
Guy- None yet...
Ollie- None yet...
Elliot- None yet...
Escaped Audios
Jean Dipeitro- None Yet...
Alfonso Villabla- None yet...
Benjamin Rasmussen- None yet...
Ashley- None Yet...
Jäger- None Yet...
Crow- None Yet...
Ivan- None Yet...
Good Boy Audios
Albus York- None yet..
Devlin York- None yet...
Yargwynn- None yet...
Zedrathaw Mistwood- None yet...
Dontis- None Yet...
Matias- None Yet...
Alex- None Yet...
Jonah- None Yet...
Niall- None Yet...
Elias- None Yet...
Xanthus- None Yet...
Kayson- None Yet...
Prof. Marston- Nome Yet...
Isaac- None Yet...
Luca- None Yet...
Resident Evil
Leon S Kennedy- None yet...
Chris Redfield- None yet...
Rebecca Chambers- None yet...
Jill Valentine- None yet...
Legend Of Zelda
Twilight Princess Link- None yet...
Ocarina Of Time Link- None yet...
Skyward Sword Link- None yet...
Breath Of The Wild Link- None yet...
Stardew Valley
Leah- None yet...
Haley- None yet...
Penny- None yet...
Abigail- None yet...
Maru- None yet...
Emily- None yet...
Harvey- None yet...
Sebastian- None yet...
Alex- None yet...
Elliot- None yet...
Sam- None yet...
Shane- None yet...
Kingdom Hearts
Sora- None yet...
Riku- None yet...
Roxas- None yet...
Aqua- None yet...
Kairi- None yet...
Axel- None yet...
Minecraft Story Mode
Jessie (Boy or Girl)- None yet...
Olivia- None yet...
Axel- None yet...
Petra- None yet...
Lukas- None yet...
Vi- None yet...
Jinx- None yet...
Caitlyn- None yet...
Echo- None yet...
Viktor- None yet...
Kurt Kunkle-
Are We Famous Yet?
Free Guy
Keys Mckeys- None yet...
Millie Rust- None yet...
Peter Maximoff- None yet...
Charles Xavier- None yet...
Keith- None yet...
Lance- None yet...
Pidge- None yet...
Shiro- None yet...
Assassins Creed Black Flag
Edward Kenway- None yet...
James Kidd / Mary Read- None yet...
Red Dead Redemption 2
Arthur Morgan- None yet...
John Marstion- None yet...
Sadie Adlar- None yet...
Mary-Beth- None yet...
Charles Smith- None yet...
Trigun Stampede/ Trigun
Vash The Stampede- None yet...
Wolfwood- None yet...
Meryl- None yet...
Dean Winchester- None yet...
Sam Winchester- None yet...
Josh Hutcherson Characters
Michael Schmidt- None yet...
Peeta Mellark- None yet...
Nod- None yet...
Peter Parker-
You Saved Me
Star Wars Rebels (Disney XD Version)
Ezra Bridger- None yet...
Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreaves- None Yet...
Vanya/Viktor Hargreaves- None Yet...
Klaus Hargreaves- None Yet...
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#31: Labyrinth of Lies
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You ate the seeds. I wanted to keep you safe, but you did and there is nothing I can do. They know you know!
A Nancy Drew inspired playlist 🧿 // listen here
🏺↓ tracklist and more down below ↓ 🏺
Poulaki Xeno - Kiki Fragkouli
The State of Dreaming - MARINA
I, Carrion (Icarian) - Hozier
Little Sunflower - Dorothy Ashby
Psyche - Love Spirals Downward
Cassandra - Florence + The Machine
The Sensual World - Kate Bush
As Above, so Below - TomTom Club
Persephone - Cocteau Twins
Fallen Fruit - Lorde
Sowing Seeds - The Jesus and Mary Chain
Kamia Den Miazi Me Sena Matia Mou - Giannis Ploutarhos
Chimaera - Tamta
The Devil - BANKS
Where the Water Clears the Illusion - Melody’s Echo Chamber
Minotaur - Thee Oh Sees
Genres include acoustic guitars and harps, greek tunes, and mythology inspired songs for persephone, part time queen of the underworld
Its nice to be back in a museum! Nancy should just go around from museum internship to museum internship. This time through the whole underground set thing finally made sense to me, its still ridiculous and everything but I understand the in game explanation at least
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below the cut you'll find a list of my TVDU muses along with their face claims (more info about each oc muse will be up soon but if you have any questions in the meantime don't be afraid to pm me, I have info on Google Docs for all of them.)
Total Muses; 111 Newest Member; Matias Garcia Added; 1/29/24
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(Quick note: all families are in order of oldest to youngest; and a few of the Mikaelson's (Cyrus, Willow, and Tobias) are all honorary/adopted Mikaelson's, not children of Mikael and Esther.) Freya Celeste Mikaelson... portrayed by Riley Voelkel Elijah Daniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Daniel Gillies Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson... portrayed by Zoey Deutch Roman Ryker Mikaelson... portrayed by Alex Pettyfer Erik Flynn Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Kareena Dawn Mikaleson... portrayed by Melissa Benoist Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Thyra Selene Mikaleson... portrayed by Selena Gomez Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Nathaniel Buzolic Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson... portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson... portrayed by Keegan Allen Serenity Faye Mikaelson... portrayed by Dianna Agron Sawyer Finch Mikaelson... portrayed by Kristen Stewart Henrik Alexander Mikaelson... portrayed by Andrew Garfield Aurelia Nova Mikaelson... portrayed by Madelyn Cline Felix Ares Mikaelson... portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower Willow Luna Mikaelson... portrayed by Maia Mitchell Tobias Floyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Grant Gustin Hope Andrea Mikaelson... portrayed by Danielle Rose Russell
Malachai Silas Parker... portrayed by Chris Wood Zephyr Raven Parker... portrayed by Froy Gutierrez Zariyah Dove Parker... portrayed by Sabrina Carpenter Kennedy Taylor Parker... portrayed by Taylor Swift Myles Zane Parker... portrayed by Ross Lynch Mariana Joy Parker... portrayed by Noah Cyrus Olivia Mae Parker... portrayed by Penelope Mitchell Paisley Juniper Parker... portrayed by Katherine McNamara
Silas Xavier Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Braeden Talia Salvatore... portrayed by Florence Pugh Holden Atlas Salvatore... portrayed by Colin O'Donoghue Damon Luca Salvatore... portrayed by Ian Somerhalder Ezra Grant Salvatore... portrayed by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin Stefan Lance Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Liberty Faye Salvatore... portrayed by Brenna D’Amico
Jensen Graham Gilbert... portrayed by Jamie Dornan Easton Reed Gilbert... portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler Jesse Jonathan Gilbert... portrayed by Julian Morris Elias Rhodes Gilbert... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Jeremiah Steven Gilbert... portrayed by Steven R. McQueen Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert... portrayed by Jenna Coleman
Atlas Rowan Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Titus Izaiah Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Katherine Maria Pierce... portrayed by Nina Dobrev Kamen Maverick Pierce... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Natalie Adrianna Pierce... portrayed by Lily Collins
Qetsiyah Zione Bennett... portrayed by Janina Gavankar Eleanor Marie Bennett... portrayed by Zendaya Coleman Salem Elijah Bennett... portrayed by Jordan Fisher Gabriel Graham Gustin... portrayed by Chuku Modu Bonnie Sheila Bennett... portrayed by Kat Graham Belladonna Sharie Bennett... portrayed by Vanessa Morgan
Marcel Leon Gerard... portrayed by Charles Michael Davis Hayley Jane Marshall... portrayed by Phoebe Tonkin Seraphina Rose Ward... portrayed by Madelaine Petsch Theodore Joseph Brickenden... portrayed by Timothee Chalamet  Kaia Asherah Halloran... portrayed by Odette Annable Elizabeth Anne Forbes... portrayed by Marguerite MacIntyre Carter William Forbes... portrayed by Charlie Hunnam Josette Olivia Saltzman... portrayed by Kaylee Bryant Ryan Nicholas Clarke... portrayed by Nick Fink Landon Maxwell Kirby... portrayed by Aria Shahghasemi Aurora Violet De Martel... portrayed by Rebecca Breeds Cameron Myles Lawrence... portrayed by Lucas Bravo Aiden Matthew Lawrence... portrayed by Colin Woodell Jameson Tyler Rosza... portrayed by Tyler Posey Tatum Jaxson Lockwood... portrayed by Morgan Evans Tyler James Lockwood... portrayed by Michael Trevino Tatiana Jade Lockwood... portrayed by Adelaide Kane Taylor Jacob Lockwood... portrayed by Taylor Launter Axel Madden Hughes... portrayed by Cody Saintgnue Ashton Malik Hughes... portrayed by Cody Christian Alexia Rae Branson... portrayed by Arielle Kebbel Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe... portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson Niall Nash Novak... portrayed by Ryan Kelley Montgomery Felix Langston... portrayed by Jedidiah Goodacre Sebastian Killian Jones... portrayed by Thomas Doherty Milton Gabriel Greasley... portrayed by Quincy Fouse Ophelia Esme Lovell... portrayed by Gage Golightly Sapphire Lee McGuire... portrayed by Jennifer Love Hewitt Rami Calder McGuire... portrayed by Kit Harington Benjamin James Kenson... portrayed by Zane Phillips Warren Jaxon Kingsley... portrayed by Ricky Whittle Jeremiah Michael Kenner... portrayed by Michael Vlamis Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair... portrayed by Camila Mendes Rosemary Belle Whitlock... portrayed by Sophie Turner Hadley Kamryn Fuller... portrayed by Sofia Carson Kamryn Avery Marshall... portrayed by Katherine Langford Lorenzo James St. John... portrayed by Michael Malarkey Lorella Diane St. John... portrayed by Gal Gadot Andrew Kolton Rogers... portrayed by Louis Tomlinson Vincent Keith Griffith... portrayed by Yusuf Gatewood Sean Kieran O'Connell... portrayed by Matt Kabus Lucien Maverick Castle... portrayed by Andrew Lees Blair Lilith Walsh... portrayed by Kristine Froseth Zachariah Cole Norwood... portrayed by Oliver Stark Matthias Lucien Delacour... portrayed by Jonah Hauer-King Matias Camilo Garcia... portrayed by Danny Ramirez
Crossover/Genderbent Muses
Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Cody Kearsley (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson... portrayed by Shay Mitchell (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins... portrayed by Charlie Gillespie (tw to tvdu) Mckenna Stella Parker... portrayed by Katherine Langford (genderbent kai parker)
Test Muses
Dorian Lee Williams... portrayed by Demetrius Bridges Sophie Danielle Deveraux... portrayed by Daniella Pineda Monique Marie Deveraux... portrayed by Yasmine Al-Bustami Evangeline Amaya Sinclair... portrayed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers Inadu Tayen Labonair... portrayed by Blu Farias Hunt Rafael Alexander Waithe... portrayed by Peyton Alex Smith Finch Taylor Tarrayo... portrayed by Courtney Bandeko Cleo Ada Sowande... portrayed by Omono Okojie Penelope Eden Park... portrayed by Lulu Antariksa Jade Ivy Young... portrayed by Giorgia Whigham
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fablecore · 1 year
Hi Irini! I've been wanting to improve my writing lately, so I thought I might ask for some advice from my favorite writer! Do you have any tips on pacing? And although I have a vague idea of the kinds of characters I want to write, I'm struggling to find the things that might motivate them... do you have any advice on that? Also - I want to develop my writing style, so I was hoping for some recs for authors/works that inspire you. I hope that isn't too much! I'd really appreciate any advice.
hi dear anon 🌸☕️🎍 here are two posts i love about characters/plot/romance & making characters want things.
a very very brief list of my influences (i should put a disclaimer here saying i haven't touched some of these in a while but either they were formative to me or i simply enjoyed them and i think you would too):
piranesi by susanna clarke, a gentleman in moscow by amor towles, the literature and history podcast, the manga of irie aki, wong kar-wai films, hbo’s succession, poetry (basho, mary oliver, mahmoud darwish, pablo neruda), anne carson, the pillow book by sei shonagon, beowolf translated by maria dahvana headley, the circle of magic series, richard hugo's essay "the triggering town", the webcomic kill 6 billion demons, thomas flight’s film analysis on youtube, nanette by hannah gadsby, maxfield parrish, yoshida hiroshi, matias bergera, princess arete, obligatory ghibli/fullmetal alchemist mention, the video game final fantasy x
as for pacing... i have no thoughts (because i'm no good at it and i've given up caring) so i'll channel my inner nabokov. he'd probably say something like "tell the story at the pace at which it wants to be told." don't overthink it, probably... (<- the hesitance of someone who is unsure whether to call this advice or just wishful thinking)
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corneliafm · 4 months
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☆ –– welcome to new york, everyone! we get mystified by how this city seems to scream your name. please send in your accounts within 24 hours and check out our city map on your way in!
mandi, you’ve been accepted as mi-rae "mimi" park (long live muse a, this love muse b, you're on your own kid muse b) with a fc of bae suzy. *cody jensen's baby mama wc
mandi, you’ve been accepted as dalton warner (new year's day muse a) with a fc of tom holland. *sage warner's younger brother wc
becca, you’ve been accepted as dahlia hayes (dress muse a & hits different muse b) with a fc of alisha boe.
becca, you’ve been accepted as calum beck (long live muse c & long story short muse b) with a fc of lorenzo zurzolo.
ella, you’ve been accepted as avery mendoza (the man muse d & 'tis the damn season muse b) with a fc of jessica alba. *johanna torres' first love wc
ella, you’ve been accepted as maxine "max" ryan (you are in love muse b) with a fc of cari fletcher.
notwife, you’ve been accepted as matias castillo (mary's song muse b) with a fc of pedro pascal.
puck, you’ve been accepted as anika beckett (lover muse b) with a fc of naomi scott.
rose, you’ve been accepted as daniela "dani" claremont (marjorie muse c & dress muse b) with a fc of ariana debose.
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platonic-prompts · 1 year
I'm bored, tired, a tiny bit cold and not wanting to start on prompts in case the power goes out (40 mph winds in an area with a bunch of trees has more than a small chance to knock out a line)
So: Pick a character from this list of my ocs and I will draw them
Wyn (Gywneira, formerly Ralia)
Matias (Please specify young or older version)
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
VA - Fictions (Made to Measure Vol​.​47) - Crammed Discs’ commission series is going strong after its 2021 revival
Eight distinguished artists wrote and recorded original pieces for this album which joins some dots between vintage, experimental & new ambient, and pays tribute to the relaunched Made To Measure composers’ series Featuring, by order of appearance: Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, the American modular synth wizard (US) Christina Vantzou, the Greek-American orchestral composer (US/GR) Stubbleman aka maverick ambient composer Pascal Gabriel (UK/BE), with Norwegian trumpet player Nils Petter Molvær (NO) Lucrecia Dalt (COL) + Camille Mandoki (MX) + Matias Aguayo (CL/DE), in a special collaboration Mary Lattimore, the celestial experimental ambient harpist (US) Inne Eysermans, the front person from Belgian indie band Amatorski (BE) Félicia Atkinson, the French experimental musician & visual artist (FR) Benjamin Lew & Steven Brown (BE/US), with their first collab in over three decades All tracks were made to measure for this album, and revolve around the loose idea of wordless fiction. Aside from being such a seductive, fascinating collection of tracks and moods, the album is also modestly aiming at joining dots between certain classic ambient composers (represented here by Benjamin Lew & Steven Brown and Stubbleman, whose work has previously appeared in the Made To Measure series), artists who approach experimental ambient from their pop or club background (Lucrecia Dalt, Inne Eysermans, Matias Aguayo), and eminent exponents of the great new generation of ambient music composers (Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Christina Vantzou, Mary Lattimore, Félicia Atkinson). The cover of Fictions is a reproduction of a painting by renowned Belgian artist Angel Vergara Santiago (two of his paintings were already featured on covers of early Made To Measure volumes, back in the 1980s). 'Fictions' was curated by Marc Hollander. * The first 100 preordered physical copies come with a free A3 poster reproducing the cover painting by Angel Vergara Santiago* creditsreleased October 14, 2022licenseall rights reservedtagsTagsBelgium
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