#male providers
csuitebitches · 5 months
should men be the sole providers in a relationship?
Very difficult for most people to live in today’s economy and not have a dual income household. Also, the opportunities to do what you love + earn something off it have increased. I think both partners should contribute in some form towards the relationship - and I’m in strong favour of women being financially independent and having emergency savings of their own at all times, even after marriage. That being said I do think that men should be more than willing to be providers, especially when their partner is vulnerable (pregnant, health issue, etc etc). But I don’t feel that financial pressure should only be on one person consistently. No sane person wants to be with a freeloader unless she’s carrying their child or has gone through something pretty major. Those men only exist in Wattpad and honestly, I’m pretty suspicious of men who adamantly insist on their partners not earning…. Financial abuse is real. It’s difficult to leave a partner if you’re financially dependent on them. Hence - be ready to provide for your own self if need be.
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taterdraws · 1 year
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love aether being the competition’s designated vlogger btw
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jade-len · 5 months
i adore how mxtx sorta flipped the idea on the whole top/bottom thing with svsss, and just BL relationships in general.
making bingqiu very open to switching, not making the "bottom" super feminine and actually leaning more to the handsome side compared to the "top", how luo binghe is manipulative sensitive and cries easily, etc. one of the main themes in svsss is literally about sexuality (and possibly even about gender roles).
as a queer asian man myself, i absolutely despise the "yaoi archetype" and it was one of the reasons why i avoided consuming BL media. hell, years ago when i first saw heavens official blessing, i mentally groaned and went, "ugh, let me guess, the bottom is super feminine and innocent, while the top is masculine and experienced." of course, that's not the case now, but it's disappointing how that thought was there purely because of the god awful way fetish-y media portrays homosexual people and couples. because, believe it or not, we are not assigned male/female typical gender roles just because one likes to top/bottom (and even then, it's not even like that! some people have preferences, sure, but it's not so strictly "i'm top/bottom")
so, while i absolutely LOVE the english novel designs (especially luo binghe's cute curly hair, gongyi xiao, etc, and personally believe a lot of the takes from the western artist on the designs are an improvement), i am greatly saddened by people subconsciously assigning shen qingqiu as someone more delicate and feminine and luo binghe as someone super masculine and muscly. like, if you're going to have luo binghe depicted as the western design (i believe this stems from binghe being applied to more western ideals for men, and, admittedly, i actually really love his design), at least don't make shen qingqiu feminine and delicate? don't have his appearance play into the stupid yaoi thing?
i get that people have different takes on svsss, especially how the western version depicts it. but, people just... seem to very over exaggerate the top/bottom roles when it comes to bingqiu (again, these two are, canonically, VERY open to switching).
it's weird, it's uncomfortable, and it comes across as, "so, who wears the pants in the relationship?"
so, can we please have more canonically handsome shen qingqiu? canonically beautiful and pretty boy luo binghe (they literallly state that binghe looks EXACTLY like his mom, su xiyan! while a more handsome woman, is still very beautiful!! plus it is stated several times that binghe is slim, and that shang qinghua made him that way!) or at the very least, a BL couple who actually look like normal people (ok thats a little hard considering binghe is literally supposed to be perfect) and not just a stupid fetishized version of themselves.
and no, i'm not saying that queer men shouldn't be feminine or men who are feminine shouldn't be in a relationship with guys who are masculine, etc.
TLDR: please stop twinkifying shen qingqiu and going against what mxtx defied for us queer men (the stupid yaoi roles). and for the love of whoever you believe in, do NOT think that i hate the english design or people's personal interpretation of characters, i just hate the subconscious assigning of gender roles to bingqiu and how media portrays and fetishizes LGBTQ+ relationships in general.
edit: also i love teardrew's (check them out on twitter!) interpretation of shang qinghua. while i do really like the the eng novel design's tiny scared hamster vibes, teardrew's version just radiates "up to no good, paranoid but suspicious looking bitch" rat man and i love it so so so much. i'm not gonna repost their art bc i don't know how they feel about that but perhaps you can search up "svsss designs" on here, you'll see it pop up eventually lol.
edit 2 (1/16): i just saw someone reblog a post (that im pretty sure was referring to this one because, well, if you saw it i think it'd be a little clear kahxj) that was about how bingqiu switching and completely eschewing traditional top/bottom dynamics was a fandom idea or smth? so now i'm wondering, since i swear i remember that they were open to switching, but it's just that sqq preferred to bottom and/or was just a little too lazy to top. plus, sqq is a pretty unreliable narrator who says he doesn't want something one moment and then he does. how could he say no to bingbing? esp if he seems to wanna try bottoming too. perhaps i'm mixing things up though, idk? so if anyone can find that passage that says he only and strictly wants to bottom or whatever please show me! but i think the point of this post still stands haha (i wanted to ask about it, actually, but when i clicked on the og post's user it turned out that they blocked me ? so that was a little surprising oops. hey if ur somehow reading this, im... sorry for making you want to block me bc of this post? akdhxjj)
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headcanonenthusiast · 5 months
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Alex Keller x chubby reader headcanons
Guess who's back with a 3rd Alex post in 3 days? These headcanons will be entirely SFW, focusing on a chubbier, gender-neutral reader, because Lord do we need more headcanons on this man, especially with chubby readers 🥲
Just a quick reminder that y'all are beautiful, no matter your weight 💙
-Ik I mentioned this in my NSFW Alex headcanons, but that one (obviously) was more sexual. But, he will still force you in front of a mirror, even in a non-sexual context, arms hugging you from behind while he whispers in your ear about how beautiful/handsome you are. 
-His fingers trail on each and every stretch-mark, observing them with pure delight. 
-And if you dare to complain about them, he's shutting that right down. 
-"What do you mean you don't like 'em? They make you look like a tiger, and everyone loves tigers." 
-"Yeah, but tigers aren't chubby." 
-"They can be. And when they are, they're extra cute." 
-Probably proceeds to show you this pic as well
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-Your belly has become his personal pillow. 
-Its also almost like a stress ball to him, too. He'll softly knead at it like dough when y'all are cuddling, pressing kisses to the skin and tickling you with his facial hair. 
-When he gets home from a particularly long deployment, all he wants to do is just bury his face in your belly and forget about life for a while. 
-Will also ask for pictures of your tummy while he's away. Tells you how much he can't wait to come home and cuddle with you. 
-"That belly is the perfect pillow for me, baby. Can't wait to get home and fall asleep on you ❤"
-Absolutely doesn't take anyone shaming you for your body. He probably gets more pissed than you do, but he isn't super confrontational. As much as he'd like to knock the person out, he doesn't, and just leads you away instead.
-If those harsh words get to you, he'll drag you back to the mirror and gently ask you to tell him the specific things you don't like about your body. Then, he'll caress and compliment whatever you point out.
-"What do you mean your thighs are too big? They're literally the softest things in the world. You're nothing short of a warm, cozy pillow, baby. My pillow." 
-Also has an obsession with your thighs. Please let him kiss and squeeze them, he'll probably never be happy again if you don't. 
-Can't stop touching your stomach. He's also obsessed with that. 
-He'll make you feel like the most beautiful/handsome person in the world just with his words, which are always sincere.
-"Hope you know that you've got the best smile, baby doll." 
-If you're at a stage in your life where you actually want to lose weight, he hopes you do it for yourself and noone else.
-Always reassures you that he'll love you no matter what you look like. 
-"I don't care what you look like, baby. You'll look amazing no matter what you do." 
-Will actually help you work-out if you wanna try it. Always there to encourage you and honestly just sees it as more time spent with his wonderful partner.
-Also, he'll only be wearing a thin white shirt and gray shorts while exercising. Do with that what you will 🤭
-Goes clothes shopping with you a lot. 
-If you find clothes that you really like but they don't fit, he'll rub your shoulder comfortingly while searching the racks for another size.
-And if the store barely has anything that fits you? He's fuming about it on the way home and then tries to see if he can get you something customized to fit you. 
-Enjoys bathing with you just so he has an excuse to touch at and clean your body. Rubs soap all over your tummy and makes sure it's all nice and clean so he can fall asleep on it later. 
-Picks you up constantly and grins when it makes you giggle. 
-Once when you were especially sleepy and he made breakfast, he simply just scooped you up, carried you to the dining table and grabbed you a plate. You were definitely 100% awake after that. 
-His lap is always avaliable for you to sit on. 
-Sometimes pouts when you don't sit on it and looks at you with the saddest eyes until you do. 
-"Aw, is my lap not comfy enough for you, dolly?" 
-And if you insist you'll crush him, he looks at you like you have 5 heads. 
-"Thats the craziest thing I've ever heard. Come on, love. Get your pretty/handsome ass over here."
-Pats his thigh when he wants you on his lap, too. His arms immediately wrap around you when you sit on him, giving you a hug so tight it takes your breath away for a sec. 
-Never allows a negative word about yourself fall from your mouth.
-"Don't say that, baby. It's not true. Not at all." 
-"I wish it wasn't so hard for you to see yourself from my perspective. You're amazing, sweetheart. Always have been and always will be." 
-Would absolutely be a wonderful partner overall, no matter your body type or background. Alex genuinely couldn't care less about what you looked like, and would totally throw compliments at you so much you'd get flustered. 
Let's gooo another one done! I'm sure y'all can probably tell that I'm chubbier myself, and as such I'm here to provide for my fellow chubby readers out there with content on this wonderful man 🙏
Feel free to leave requests on who I should do next!
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00wormwood · 9 months
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fear has two meanings
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fortheb0ys · 12 days
You know I was randomly thinking about how my sister and I started saying "yummers" because of homelander saying it to a-train 😭‼️
Then thought of you and wanted to tell you that info‼️ and maybe drop this in your inbox bc :3c
Cw: Trans Jeff Sadecki, Creampie, breeding kink, crying (I have not watched yellowjackets i am so sorry if he's ooc 😭‼️), squirting, using cunt and cocklet for Jeff's genitals, meow!
Honestly you don't know how you got here, balls deep in Jeff's cunt while in the woods.
Well, you did know. It's not like your memory is that bad.
You hadn't seen Jeff for a long, long time. Growing up together just a house away as close friends, knowing each other so well at one point people said it was eery how in tune you two were. But you left for college, and Jeff stayed where you grew up with him.
You had graduated, calls and letters becoming less and less overtime. Missing him terribly but wanting to make it where you were, not willing to drop everything to a man who was already so busy. You didn't want to burden him, and dig up past feelings that had already sealed shut.
Now you're older, successful, done everything you could to become who you are. Yet you felt.... unfulfilled. You knew exactly what was missing, knew exactly what you needed....
So you trudged your sorry ass all the way back to the old place you left behind so many years ago, seeing how some of the sights had changed. Totally not procrastinating finding Jeff, knowing where he works and lives because of social media.
Eventually, you get the balls to find your way to his job. Watching as he walks towards his car, blissfully unaware that you're right there.
"Jeff." You clear your throat, watching as he stills and turns around with wide- disbelieving eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Bright eyed smile crossing his face as he walks up to you, pulling you in for a good and strong hug.
It's familiar, the way his arms wrap around your shoulders. Your arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him close. His scent, his smile, his eyes.
"I missed this place, missed all the people."
Missed you. Goes left unsaid.
"You did? This ol' place?" He looks at you as if you grown two heads, clapping you on the shoulders and pulling away to lean back against his car.
"Yeah, is that really so hard to believe?" You murmur, unable to help the way you lean towards him. Moving just that bit closer to be deemed almost too friendly.
You know him, known him for years.
You can see the way his breath hitches, eyes widening slightly as you move a bit closer. The way he shifts to subtly squeeze his thighs together.
You smile, feeling your eyes darken and your heart begin to pound.
"Okay, maybe I fibbed a little. What, or who, I really missed was you."
It didn't take long for Jeff to push you into his car, unbuckling and unzipping your pants eagerly. Lips slotted together with yours as you practically rip his pants off of him, drawing him onto your semi-clothed lap and groaning at the feel of his bare cunt pressing against your length.
He doesn't even wait for himself to get all that wet, doesn't need to. Already soaked and dripping from his pink cunt, delicious curly blonde bush slicked down from sweat and arousal. His shaking hand guiding you up and against his hole.
Both of you groan into each other's mouths as he sinks down, down, down. Ass flush against your thighs, walls a warm vice around your cock.
"Fuck, you fit perfect-" He gasps out, holding onto your shoulders for purchase. Guttural moan flying past his lips as you hold his hips in place and jackhammer up into him.
"Been wanting you like this for years. Never had the chance back then, so I'm not wasting any time now." You growl out, kissing and nipping against his jaw. Wanting him covered in your marks, want to fill his cunt with your spend. Want to claim him in every way you can because you refuse to let him slip from your fingers again.
"Wait — fuck — slow down!" He cries out, cunt so slick you're sure it's audible outside of the car. But do you slow down? No. He's not in pain, he's just close.
You can feel it with the way his walls spasm, feel it in the way he gets wetter and wetter. Feel it in the way his blunt nails are digging into your shoulders at each sloppy thrust. Pink lips all puffy and red, slack with spit, eyes all glazed over.
He's about to go stupid from your dick.
You bring your hand to his cocklet, thumbing at the sensitive tip and seeing the way he goes wide-eyed.
He screams your name, tears slipping down his cheeks as his hips buck like wild while his walls spasm and milk your length. His body going taut as he throws his head back, flooding your lap with his juices.
With a few weak pumps of your hips, you spill into him. Pulling him down flush against your lap, even as jolts of aftershocks run through him. Cunt so tight it almost hurts as it clamps down.
MEOW :3c
I love that🙏 I got the wosrt habit of repeating things characters say😭
AHHHHH A JEFF FIC IN MY INBOX🥺WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!? THANK YOU SM FOR BLESSING MY EYES!! His character is on point😭 Just the thought of rekindling a relationship with Jeff after like twenty years will forever be ingrained in my brain.
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starlitcrows · 1 year
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please listen to “id (purpose) premium arrange” for context
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dailyhatsune · 1 year
Hatsune Miku with iroha nekomura 🐈😺😻.
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the evolution of iroha’s design from v2 to her soft v4 kinda reminds me of that one post about baiken from guilty gear
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naughtynoodle056 · 10 months
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tiger style
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eugeniedanglars · 1 month
if you ever try to claim any type of platonic friendship between men is underrepresented in media i am not only blocking you i am exploding you with my mind
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
Ginoza: Hotness Overload 🔥
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Casually beating up goons.
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Dominating his dominator 😍
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Struttin' like a Gun-slinging Tom Ford Model 🤩
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Warding off like an Instagram Stud in Man Bun
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Ginoza: "Huh?! Who the heck are you?!"
Bon Appétit!!!
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Man, as a trans guy and abuse survivor, whenever I see people saying the likes of, "lmao, men shouldn't be allowed in anything deemed 'women's healthcare'!" It just reminds me that - especially in healthcare - my safety and comfort will never matter so long as it continues to condradict people's preconceived notions of what constitutes people worthy of healthcare. It's just something I wish the well-meaning people who are rightfully frustrated with the state of healthcare would take a second to remember.
Yes, the healthcare system sucks and we must fix it. No, that doesn't mean we ought to leave behind people just because they challenge us on our own biases.
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bighominiglo · 1 month
Men love to call themselves "providers" and women "consumers".
Providing what? A paycheck? If that's all she wanted she would just get a job 😂
Meanwhile he's eating the meals she provides, enjoying the clean house she provides, enjoying the fun parts of the children she provided and none of the hard work she provides towards raising them. He's using every drop of the emotional support and labor she provides. And at the end of the day it's still "his money" that he worked for anyway so who is the real provider?
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natsmagi · 5 months
I hate to be rude but do you know how to draw body fat or are you just gonna make tsumugi a stick with boobs over and over
THE "I HATE TO BE RUDE" AHAKGSQKG3KWHQJSUANSHDNGN PLEAAAAASEE ANON DONT LIE TO URSELF U KNOW DAMN WELL THIS WAS WRITTEN WITH CONDESCENDING INTENT LMAO but to answer ur question; yea i do! admittedly im not the best at it as i lack experience (i dont draw nudity very often so the opportunity barely arises) but i do have a general understanding of how its meant to look and yes i will continue drawing tsumugi as a stick with big boobs over and over! because this is the body type i headcanon her with and i think it suits her. i know boob sizes arent that deep, but a figure like hers carries a more "motherly" vibe to it (theres a reason we say "mommy milkers" n shit after all) plus it adds to her "hot klutz anime gf" energy. theres a Reason this portrayal is so common in the broad enstars community (including JP/KR/CN/etc artists too). when coming up with femstars portrayals my priority is not in giving you representation (that was never even there to begin with); it is to try and translate what made the character good in the original and keep that energy in this new version. now, sometimes adding a larger bit of diversity DOES help translate over the characters energy, and its a win-win for all! it just simply is not how i picture tsumugi in my head (but this does not mean i eat up those different portrayals of her any less!!! i think its super fun to see and she will always be absolutely gorgeous!!!!). if you disagree with my headcanon of her you quite literally do not need to consume my art. no one is forcing you to look at what i make. Pick up a pen and draw the tsumugi of your dreams yourself
and before anyone brings it up: yes!! skinny ppl can have big busts!!!! crazy, isnt it?? ud never expect it from the way yall discuss it! boob sizes are determined partially by fat, yes, but also genetics and if uve undergone pregnancy (the mommy milkers.....) so its INCREDIBLY weird to see people constantly talking about how those of us who draw tsumugi like this "dont know how women look" when yall dont even research the shit you spew. the reason "big boobs skinny waists" is something we've been fighting against in media portrayals is because there was a time where that was ALL THE PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN WE'D GET. THAT IS UNREALISTIC. women come in ALL shapes and sizes, and to dictate what women Can or Can't look like is fucking misogynistic and i cant believe you people dont realize this. i cant believe you dont realize the harm in what you say. alot of skinny people with big busts end up getting breast reduction surgery because 1. those mfs are heavy and 2. everyone sexualizes them!!!!!!! their bodies are viewed purely as something pornographic!!!!!! and no one wants that!!!!!!!! which shit like THIS (something being wrong with having big boobs) perpetuates. often times they hide their busts by wearing baggy clothes, which hides their figure and they end up looking a few sizes bigger just to avoid being viewed as an object. its sad!!!!! and now theres a new wave of people BODYSHAMING THEM??????? and for what??? because men think big boobs are hot???? why can women only exist in contrast to men???? why must women always think about how men will react to how they look or behave?????? why cant women of all body types just EXIST. why must there ALWAYS be someone we punch down at???? bodyshaming isnt suddenly cool just because youre shaming something men get off to
so, i have a question for you too! genuinely, what is wrong with drawing tsumugi like this? what is the harm? theres like 6 characters out of the 49 in enstars that i hc with big busts, so its not like im reducing women to this body type, and its queer people and women who are my target demographic. so whats wrong with it? im genuinely curious
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talkethtothehandeth · 3 months
I just remembered that I went into the ER last year for suspected appendicitis (to the point where the doctor had me in the ct machine immediately after an iv was placed) and after looking at things he said “maybe you had a cyst that ruptured? 🤷🏻”
And today, many months later, I just learned that any rupturing cyst should be considered dangerous, and some especially so because an infected one can cause sepsis and all this man had for me was “there’s not too much blood in your abdomen” and he didn’t give me anything more than toradol— when he suspected either an organ or an organ’s ornament was ruptured or actively rupturing, he only gave me fucking toradol and that was expected to have helped (it didn’t, and morphine didn’t touch my pain the second time in the ER).
What the fUCK
(Also it was endometriosis ((which took seven fucking years to diagnose)) and I did have a perfectly round cyst on my ligament, for decor)
Double also, he said everything was fine and didn’t tell me about the findings of arthritis in my hip!! Like god dammit would you PLEASE
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coochiequeens · 4 months
Another TIM who terrorized a girl in his family. Keep him in jail to protect the community and the sister
By Shay Woulahan. February 1, 2024
A transgender teenager has been sentenced to six years in prison after threatening to carry out a mass attack at three schools and a church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. William Whitworth, 19, was originally charged with two counts of attempted first degree murder in April of 2023 after officers uncovered a manifesto detailing his plans to target the public.
William Whitworth, who uses she/her pronouns and also goes by the names “Lily” or “Lilly,” was first arrested on March 31 of last year after a concerned family member called the Elbert County Sheriff’s Office. Police visited Whitworth’s address after his sister, Melissa Whitworth-Mathes, called and informed police that he was punching walls and making references to school shootings.
One of the texts Whitworth sent his sister read: “How clear do I have to make it. I’m going to walk into Timberview Middle School with an AR.”
Police quickly arrived to Whitworth’s home and found him living in squalor. Deputy notes reveal that there were numerous containers filled with moldy, half-eaten food and numerous alcoholic beverage containers laying around the house. There was also “trash piled up all around the house to the point where it made it hard to walk inside.”
Upon searching the home police discovered a “manifesto” which included the names of several school shooters, as well as additional drawings and floorplans of schools.
There were also photos describing a make-shift bomb and detonation device. While speaking to police, Whitworth stated he had gone onto YouTube to learn how to make a detonator for a bomb. Contained within Whitworth’s notebook was also a list of firearms with 3D printing instructions, and a list of political personalities, including commentator Lauren Southern and former US president Donald Trump, with derogatory comments.
Investigators determined that there were three schools Whitworth had intended to target, including Timberview Middle School, Prairie Hills Elementary, and Pine Creek High School. He previously attended Timberview Middle School. There were also names of other targets, including local churches and police stations.
Once arrested, Whitworth confessed to his plan and told the deputies he watched a YouTube video on how to make the detonator. When asked why he intended to target his previous middle school, he said he had “no specific reason.”
Initially, Whitworth was booked and held on a $75,000 bond, but while in jail, Whitworth reportedly told a prison official that he still wanted to carry out his plans if bonded out. As a result, his bond was increased to $750,000 in order to make it more difficult for him to leave pretrial detention.
In the press release detailing the plea agreement from the Office of the 18th Judicial District Attorney, Whitworth was referred to using “they/them” pronouns.
Whitworth accepted a plea deal but still could have faced up to 16 years in prison. During his sentencing at Elbert County Courthouse on January 30, he barely spoke but told the court: “I was in too deep, way too deep. The choices I’ve made, I regret.”
His lawyers sought a non-custodial sentence, asking Judge Theresa Slade to only give Whitworth probation so that he could attend rehabilitation for alcohol dependency. They argued sending him to jail would be harmful to his recovery and overall mental health. Judge Slade delayed sentencing to give the defense an opportunity to build their case for a probation-only sentence. 
But despite the time extension, Judge Slade ultimately disagreed, sentencing Whitworth to six years in prison. The term is still considerably less than the maximum of 16 years he could have received. Judge Slade decided that a prison sentence was the only way to “ensure a sense of security” among the community.
The prison sentence will be followed by three years of mandatory parole. Whitworth was charged under his birth name William. However, documents from Elbert County Sheriff’s Office refer to him as “Lilly” and use “she/her” pronouns. He is currently awaiting transfer to a correctional facility from the county jail, but the name of the facility has not yet been released. He is booked as a “male.”
District Attorney John Kellner acknowledged the courage it took for Whitworth’s family members to come forward and report his disconcerting behavior to authorities.
“In this case, a family member had the courage and strength to pick up the phone and call for help. I encourage everyone when it comes to school security, if you see something concerning to report it right away. That call may save lives.”
Whitworth’s sister, who reported him to police, told the media: “We are also victims in the cases against Lily, and are struggling to come to terms with what has happened and what we had to do to protect the public.”
Christopher Whitworh, the teen’s father, urged the court earlier this month to release him on probation.
“I know Lily is capable of some amazing things if just given a chance,” he pleaded with the court. “Lily has seen a host of people back in Texas waiting to help them, love them, support them, show them something better to come home to.”
It is currently unclear where Whitworth will be held after being moved out of the county jail. However, Colorado is set to become the first state to provide trans-identified males with their own separate unit as opposed to housing them in a male or female prison.
This decision came after Colorado Department of Corrections reached a $2.1 million settlement with 170 trans-identified males who launched a a class action lawsuit in 2019 after claiming they had not been protected in male prisons or provided “gender-affirming” treatment.
The proposal is still under review by the court but, if approved, the state would have until January of 2025 to implement all of the conditions of the settlement. Currently, the state reviews transgender inmates on a case-by-case basis to decide which unit to house them in.
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