#make yourself a better person
fifisworld212 · 9 months
Do what’s right!!
I have not had the best of weeks and I can tell you the little things matter, when you suffer with mental health issues and some people make it worse on you do the right thing to make things right with your struggles.
My story isn’t any different from others who suffer with it but I took appropriate action to get the thing that was holding me back but now it is time to start the recovery process again to make me feel better for myself before thinking about other.
We , as sufferers, come first before we can see other people later when we as people feel better
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canisalbus · 4 months
I really appriciate how often Machete is depicted struggling and feeling like a burden, while still being loved and supported by Vasco. It gives the top tier angst of "i'm not good enough, I'm not worth it" but you frame it in such a way where it's clear that's just how he *feels* and is not how things really are, but also it's so nice to see someone who struggles quite often in a loving and unique relationship that suits them. The narrative of not being able to love or be loved unless you're consistently healthy is really tiring lol.
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saturdaysky · 5 months
SOMEbody failed his wisdom save to resist unlimited tadpole power, and that somebody is definitely my tav Mayhew. a WIP:
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mindflayers are incredibly fun to draw fwiw, do recommend
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what bothers me about horde prime, more than his lazy characterization or his lack of impact on the narrative, is the fact that he is such a bad representation of a cult leader. like,, this is not how cults work. they don’t just insert a chip into you and make you follow their every directive like a robot. real life cults are a lot more terrifying because they use manipulation as a tactic to convince people to join them. it’s not a digital chip that you can remove from your system and suddenly you’re in complete control of yourself. cult survivors have talked about how hard it is to actually unlearn that mindset and start thinking for themselves, how many years it takes to stop feeling guilty for leaving their cult or seeing the toxicity in the leaders they so religiously followed.
sure, hordak and catra have some trauma tied to their experience with horde prime, but most of that is because of the physical torture they went through, rather than their experience of being brainwashed. and it’s fine if horde prime was just some villain and not a genocidal cult leader. but it’s clear that he was written to be a religious authority figure, the execution is just so off.
i know he’s a character in a fantasy world, so he had to use his powers for something. but instead of turning people into robots, he could have shown them a “better world” through his tech, talked them into joining him and forgetting about all their current worries, and then used them as weapons against etheria.
it would have been a lot more impactful and angsty if catra had willingly joined horde prime’s cult so that she could repress her guilt. in fact, it would have been really interesting if horde prime had convinced catra that he would help her repend for all that she did, if she joined his cult. this would have been a lot more comparable to religious guilt and trauma in real life, and it would show that catra actually felt bad for what she did, instead of just looking sad for a while and then continuing to be a shitty person anyway.
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scarlettohairdye · 4 months
Just blocked a new TERF follower and apparently I haven't been loud enough recently about MY HOT TRANSFEM WIFE who I LOVE VERY MUCH so if you come on my blog trying to be shitty to trans people I WILL DUEL YOU ON BEHALF OF MY HOT TRANSFEM WIFE AND ALSO EVERY OTHER TRANS PERSON ON EARTH
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 3 months
i really do hope that 911 ventures further into Chris’ abandonment issues and doesn’t just ignore it for the rest of the season
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mergaliscious · 6 months
it's interesting how every trait that ppl use to demonize narcissists (except for the ridiculous ones to demonize that are actually harmless) is also very prevalent among the general population, especially among untraumatized and privileged individuals
like yeah, *some* narcissists are assholes, but the traits that make them assholes are extremely common among people who don't have NPD and were simply never told they have to care about other people
it's like neurotypicals/egotypicals will accept this sort of behavior *unless* it was developed as a coping mechanism. Like it's only bad if it's a symptom of mental illness. And fuck that.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I’m not sure what is so hard to get about “You can feel bad and sad for Jiang Cheng but it doesn’t make his abuse of Wei Wuxian through life an excuse or okay”. His issues are very much reasonable and his trauma exists. But it is not the excuse to say that Wei Wuxian should have been more understanding when Jiang Cheng was the one to make it a resistance for Wei Wuxian to offer more. Jiang Cheng was the one to escalate violence and harsh words long before Wei Wuxian put his own defenses up.
He was the one to met out violence in his frustrations against Wei Wuxian for the perceived wrongs made. Wei Wuxian did not need to do anything the moment Jiang Cheng decided Wei Wuxian needed to “support” him one way and one way only. That is not how healing works against an abuser and victim. And Jiang Cheng was never a victim of Wei Wuxian’s. Jiang Cheng as the abuser does not get a valid claim as to how Wei Wuxian needs to respond for him, even if Jiang Cheng chose him once.
One action over countless INACTION does not wipe his mistakes against Wei Wuxian clean. Wei Wuxian does not have to apologize for anything other than having coddled and his own ways of protecting him that enabled Jiang Cheng to grow up in the worst ways. At this point I feel the ones who say the relate to him, don't want to reflect on their own abusive thoughts that are indeed negative and want to be told "it's okay", when it clearly never was, to be relieved of their own guilt.
Because moving on is too hard for them and they don't get a reward for being told they fucked up and were in the wrong more so. Realization does not reward you when you are the abuser.
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muchmossymess · 3 months
At this point everytime I see a "aroace is a spectrum!!1!!" applied to alastor to okay your shipping (romantic and sexual, not platonic/queerplatonic) I am just going to say "sexuality is fluid!!1!" and start shipping angel dust and vaggie
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qcomicsy · 14 days
Marvel writer: Then Wade get involved with monsters! And–
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hating hod is a red flag tbh. never trust a hod hater
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mkstrigidae · 1 month
Coming back from the dead is the kind of thing that can really fuck up your weekend, as Jon has recently found out (especially considering that he’d paid a mint for those concert tickets, thanks). On one hand, the bureau paperwork is horrifying, and the less said about his skyrocketing health insurance premiums or this year's taxes, the better. On the other hand, though, Sansa Stark, the pretty head of the medical/pathology research division and long-time object of Jon's affections, has insisted on giving him her utmost attention until she’s sure he’s back on his feet and fully among the living.
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blackpilljesus · 4 months
I find community discourse incredibly annoying. People are often like "Wheres's the community? We need community! People are so individualistic these days". Individualism gets a lot of criticism but nobody ever questions why this happens. While there are some merits to communities, historically communities have mainly benefitted the priviledged. Most communities evolve into divide-and-rule politics where some are seen as more deserving than others (based on things that cannot be controlled). If you're a marginalised person, more often than not you get bs from communities, not love and protection as advertised.
When you're on the short stick side of the divide-and-rule politics in communities, communities are dangerous for you. It will be seen as acceptable to abuse & put you in horrible conditions simply bc of what you are. Those who abuse tend to be in higher positions in communities so when you call them out people wouldn't care or believe you. You'll be punished when you fight back however. When you're marginalised in a community you receive the worst brunts from people and it's seen as okay to be less deserving of support. You wont be supported in community.
People talk about "safety in numbers" but when the community faces trouble, they will have no problem abandoning or sacrificing the marginalised to save themselves at large. Communities have no problem throwing others away or isolating them once it benefits them. Alot of the time people are used & abused in communities so they're fed up with that, fed up of being treated like second class citizens in communities.
Look at the way communties people reminisce about & yearn for actually turned out. "We had community back in the day" yeah the same ones full of predatory uncles that would abuse women & children and get defended, the same communities full of victim blaming & shaming women + girls for being abused, the same communities where some were implicitly told they were more inferior but if they obeyed those higher up in power they can be forgiven. People talk about a lack of a "third place" bc of the rise of secularism so less are going to places of worship but many people leave those communities (even if their faith is still intact) because of corruption & abuse. The judgements & hypocrisy in these places is a lot (one of the reasons I personally left religion & the community too).
Best believe if you can hold your own down, being in a community is more dangerous than being alone bc like i said when things go south your ass will be on the chopping block first. Hell if people just want to abuse, they'll go for the marginalised first & so much abuse is enabled in communities. They'll ostracise & shun you and the threat of that alone keeps many in line to uphold abusive structures in place in communities.
"But humans are natural social creatures that want to be in groups" is something I hear often & that should make you stop and think of how so many people going against this instinct to survive says a lot about how dangerous alot of communities are. It's our nature to socialise, be in groups yet it's chosen to be independent because of the danger groups actually present when you're not seen as a valued member of them.
At this point people would either say "look inwards" or "find better communities out there" but the problem is that status in communities isnt entirely based on the merit of the way you behave. Finding communities where you're accepted & valued IRL tends to be based on things you cant control. It's not like the internet where you put yourself out there & eventually find your community even if they live all over the world. In reality it's another ballgame, people are more closed off & judgemental if you dont fit certain standards so it's more difficult to find places where you'll fit in. Also, as mentioned the determining factors of the way you'll be treated in communities are based on things you cant control, your characteristics will do more speaking and determination for you. So it's not as easy as just "find a better community". Given the way activism is on the internet, many people forget how conservative & hostile the real world actually is. Things like sexism, colorism, racism, ableism, homophobia, lookism etc; play a big role in most communities irl which is why many people seek alt communities online even though those come with issues of their own but to not stray away from the point this is why many people arent fucking with -irl- community shit anymore.
This discource pisses me off because when you constantly receive crap from communities people blame you for it but when you leave you get badgered for not having or being part of community. Communities benefit the priviledged as they uplift those on top, they get to take more from communities & enrich themselves while those at the bottom get fucked over and it's no wonder so many people get fed up and decide to put things into their own hands than risk being in/trusting communities that wont hesitate to risk or end your life over bs. I know that not all communities out there will be horrible but as mentioned finding communities IRL where you'll be accepted as a marginalised person is difficult. Finding equitable communities where everyone is held accountable for their actions, where people genuienly help each other to get by & survive over divide-and-rule politics is difficult.
People complaining about lack of community but wont address the rampant abuse that happens in them tells me they dont care about community spirit as they claim they just want pools of people to exploit and are disguising it under communal spirit & protection. I dont fw communities & sometimes people will tell me i cant do everything alone, no man is an island -good thing i'm a woman then lol- but fr the people this crap comes from are the type of people that make communities suck & i wouldn't want to be in a community with them anyways bc they're horrible & would just exploit. Individualism is on the rise because so many of us marginalised people who grew up in communities realise we're better off alone & idc what anyone says if they feel they're better off within communitities then bet but a lot of the time others are better off alone. And icl one positive of capitalism is that it gives you a chance to rely on communities less & have a more independent lifestyle. Yes there's still a level of people/community engagement but we're not as tightly bound to a community like a small tribe in a village bc tbh i'd probably be dead by now if i had to live & rely on others that way.
Instead of just criticising individualism & guilt tripping people to join communities, if people actually care do inflection about your "communities". Except this wont happen bc this isnt about community spirit but looking for others to exploit which is why it's being aggresively pushed.
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yea-baiyi · 6 months
tgcf makes the argument that as a crazy devoted stan you might actually know your idol better than their actual friends do
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I've seen enough poly stuff in my lifetime. Y'all can stop now.
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ratballet · 4 days
if i can be totally honest The Copiiia Drama makes me insane because it's the most Nothing controversy of all time 😭 if you're looking at fanworks where copia and terzo aren't related (which is like 97% of them!) then what you have after that is a Normal Ass m/m Ship. that's literally just two guys. 😭 it's.... nothing. people ship them because they're the two most famous and popular frontmen and it's fun to imagine them in the fictional setting together. we are working with fragments of canon that mostly exist for the purpose of stage banter and tour announcements. it is JUST NOT THAT DEEP
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