this is the funniest fucking image I have ever seen in my life I’m losing my shit I can’t stop thinking about it
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(from @/magnitudeWOTD on twitter)
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ayana-banafrit · 2 months
I can’t believe it’s come to this…
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The end of the world is here!!!
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forestofsprites · 5 months
i think that when you're in awe of how love so consuming can fit in a body so confining, the best if only remedy is to bring it (dragging, scratching, clawing) into the realm of the external. it is in the saying and sharing of it, it's in the expressing of it with hands and meals and trinkets. it's in letting it warm your bones, radiating the confines of the flesh, but likewise extending that to those around you. love doesn't have to be a lonely, immured thing. the sharing of it won't bring you any less warmth, any less comfort. love won't depart you high and dry upon admittance. it's simply shared; rendered external, made tangible. no longer a singular consumption but more a concerted satiation
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Feynman: When we were talking about the atoms, one of the troubles that people have with the atoms is that they're so tiny, and it's so hard to imagine the scale.
The size of the atoms are in size - compared to an apple, it's the same scale as an apple is to the size of the Earth. And that's a kind of a hard thing to take, and you have to go through all these things all the time, and people find these numbers inconceivable. And I do too.
The only thing you do is you just change your scale. I mean, you're just thinking of small balls, but you don't try to think of exactly how small they are too often! Or you'd get kind of a bit nutty, alright?
But in astronomy, you have the same thing in reverse because the distances to these stars is so enormous, you see. You know that light goes so fast that it only takes a few seconds to go to the moon and back, or it goes around the Earth seven-and-a-half times in a second. And goes for a year, two years, three years before it gets to the nearest other star that there is to us.
But all of our stars are... the stars that are nearby in a great galaxy, a big mass of stars, which is called a galaxy, a group, well this, our galaxy is... what is it? Something like a hundred thousand light years, a hundred thousand years.
And then there's another patch of stars. It takes a million years for the light to get here, going at this enormous rate.
And you just go crazy trying to make too "real" that distance, you have to do everything in proportion. It's easy - you say the galaxies are little patches of stars and they're ten times as far apart as they are big.
So that's an easy picture, you know - he gets it. But you just go to a different scale, that's easier. You know, once in a while you try to come back to... Earth scale to discuss the galaxies but it's kind of hard.
The number of stars that we see at night is about - only about 5,000. But the number of stars in our galaxy, the telescopes have shown when you improve the instrument... Oh! We look at a galaxy. We look at the stars. All the light that we see, the little tiny and influent spreads from the star over this enormous distance of what? Three light years, for the nearest star. On, on, on! This light from the stars spreading, the wavefronts are getting wider and wider, weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker out into all of space, and finally the tiny fraction of it comes in one square, eighth of an inch, tiny little black hole and does something to me, so I know it's there.
Well, to know a little bit more about it, I'd rather gather a little more of this little, this tiny fraction of this front of light, and so I make a big telescope, which is a kind of funnel that the light that comes over this big area - 200 inches across - is very carefully organised, so it's all concentrated back so it can go through a... pupil. Actually, it's better to photograph it, or nowadays they use photo cells, they're a better instrument.
But anyway, the idea of the telescope is to focus the light from a bigger area into a smaller area so that we can see things that are weaker, less light, and in that way we find there's a very large number of stars in the galaxy.
There's so many that if you tried to name them, one a second, naming all the stars in our galaxy, I don't mean all the stars in the universe, just this galaxy here, it takes 3,000 years.
And yet, that's not a very big number. Because if those stars were to drop one dollar bill on the Earth during a year, each star dropping one dollar bill, they might take care of the deficit which is suggested for the budget of the United States.
So you see what kind of numbers we have to deal with!
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defectivegembrain · 6 months
Evil Magnitude bang bang
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noosphe-re · 4 months
Immensity is not in itself a good thing. A living man is worth more than a lifeless galaxy. But immensity has indirect importance through its facilitation of mental richness and diversity. Things are of course only large and small in relation to one another. To say that a cosmos is large is only to say that, in relation to it, some of its constituents are small. To say that its career is long is merely to say that many happenings are contained within it. But though the spatial and temporal immensity of a cosmos have no intrinsic merit, they are the ground for psychical luxuriance, which we value. Physical immensity opens up the possibility of vast physical complexity, and this offers scope for complex minded organisms. This is at any rate true of a cosmos like ours in which mind is conditioned by the physical.
Olaf Stapledon, A Note on Magnitude, Star Maker
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genuinelyjustjd · 1 year
Characters I need to see in the community movie-
Shirley Motherfucking Bennett (Yvette Nicole Brown doesn’t know if she’s going to be included, makes my teeth grind, she NEEDS to be there)
Frankie Dart (Paget Brewster so deserves to meet Troy and Shirley, I need to know their dynamic and if the steel drums bit shows up. She deserves the world!)
Professor Ian Duncan (John Oliver was so charmingly awkward in the show, it’d be an absolute farce if he didn’t show up for at least 5 minutes)
Magnitude (Luke Youngblood’s character is so needed, just ONE “Pop - POP” would ease my struggles)
Garrett (Erik Charles Nielsen’s story may feel finished, but how is Garrett doing? Is he still at Greendale?)
Neil (Charley Koontz’s story didn’t end by the end of the TV show, I would like to know if he’s happy? Is he hosting a famous DND Webshow? Tell me what happened to him!!!!)
I just need to know if they’re okay. And if Yvette isn’t in the movie I will be so upset, she deserves so much better than being forgotten by Harmon because she may not be important to the plot. Same with Paget’s character, though she was only here for one season she was lovely while she was here and she is SO a part of the nipple-dippers.
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unhingedlunatic · 2 years
Does anybody else feel like it would be weird doing the Community movie without...Magnitude?
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doppel-dean-er · 1 year
community side character headcanons because I CAN and I LOVE THEM
Garrett, Vicky, and Neil all hang out. this one is kind of canon, but they're literally best friends and they get lunch every week shut up
Todd has a collection of funko pops, not because he wants them, it's just that every time someone sees him with one of them they automatically get him another one for the nearest respective holiday. he doesn't have the heart to tell them he doesn't know who ANY of these characters are
Leonard bullies people online. he can barely type with his old people fingers so it just comes out like "y.irw uhly," but it always DESTROYS everyone he comments it on because of his small but loyal youtube following. he's had 15 people doxed in a week once
when starburns was in his twenties and didn't have star shaped sideburns he worked at various haunted houses. people will pay a LOT of money to get stoned in a haunted house if the option is presented, which is actually how he started drug dealing
Slater's a lesbian. that's it
pavel FUCKS. this is another straight fact from your boy
whenever professor Garrity gets asked how his day is going he will go on a long rant about how many horrible things are happening in his life with a completely straight face and then immediately go "but i'm living the dream, how are you?"
magnitude majored in education so he could teach little kids how to party safely. he ISNT british he just panicked and lied
Vicky is mutuals with Troy on tumblr, and she's the only one who knows it's him because they're both in the same fandoms and post about clive owen
the main air conditioning guy and the main janitor guy are bitter exes, they were together for like ten years. neither of them we in the wrong, but they got in a huge argument about the air conditioning repair school (btw, secret love, ooh) and jerry (??) just up and left, but still works at greendale because of the familiarity.
also alan and that other guy from Jeff's old firm (evil guy) slept together once and then never talked about it again.
magnitude is gay, and it's very common knowledge at Greendale but no one ever thinks to bring it up because it's just a fact. "oh yeah that's magnitude. yeah he's gay we know"
Annie kim is home of phobic and also very gay. very very gay
toby dies.
Todd is like an inch away from being a serial killer, and Rich IS one (as you can tell from the fact I wrote a TWENTY THOUSAND WORD FANFICTION ABOUT IT [which I am very proud of, and might be one of the best things i've written and completed]) which I have many thoughts about. Todd would be like 50% Norman Bates, 30% Stu Macher, 19% Light Yagami and 1% the Joker. in addition, Rich would be 40% Patrick Bateman, 40% Hannibal Lecter, 17% David Harris (the stepfather) and 3% Leatherface. when combined they're like 10% Herbert West in the science-y aspect ("wow, drinks from a stranger? so medical")
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crocodiledeathspin · 7 months
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Indecision // To Live And Die In New York City
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chao-studios · 1 year
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"cowabunga!" XD
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betta tidy up some mess! ;D
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owwie! dats gonna leave a mark.... ;XXXX @@
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"beep, "boop," vzzzt!" whoopsie to much monster mag XD
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kiwidotcom · 3 months
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absolutely losing my mind after learning that THIS KID is MAGNITUDE FROM COMMUNITY
my brain just went pop pop
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cheese-in-space · 7 months
pop pop…
pop pop!
pop. Pop!!!
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defectivegembrain · 7 months
Magnitude witnessed Annie, high on adderall, running through a glass door, causing two balloons to pop, and what he took from this was that he should make "pop pop" his catchphrase. He sees her frequently and says this catchphrase over and over. Does he think about what happened when he says it? Does he have any feelings about it? What is going in that head when he utters the words "pop pop"
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magnitudesays · 1 year
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baesment · 8 months
magnitude - through trials
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