#magical practice arc
Chaos! Henry: of course you aren't, because you are weakling,you don't realize that you powers to manipulate this world can make those around you bend to your will
Henry: I don't wanna use my powers to do evil! I wanna keep this world safe!
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extravalgant · 1 month
i looove azteca from like. a narrative stand point
because we have this hero and thats you. were practically the stuff of legends by arc 2 just because of what kind of experience we have under our belt. we've never lost a fight, and it's assumed that we never will. that's how powerful the wizard is—everyone expects them to win, expects light to triumph shadow
and when we fail.... well. it shocks everyone doesnt it? people get angry. people get disappointed. to the wizard, who has never known failure or disappointment, it must feel like an entirely new thing. this culture was here for thousands and thousands of years—a culture and a people you never knew about until you were brought into the spiral.
and now because of you its gone. because you failed to save it and stop morganthe, its gone. and i think merle's passiveness about this situation hits a little differently this way—i read it more as disappointment, anyways. and to someone who has never known defeat, not to this capacity, with this many casualities and victims, the disappointment feels a little more crushing, doesn't it? the wizard is supposed to be a hero summoned from the legends, from a place not beyond a spiral where they had not heard of magic, and it feels like they let everyone down.
this imo is where morganthe truly establishes herself as a villain. i mean she already was a villain before imo BUT bringing a grieving man back from the dead to puppet around AND destroying a world is just straight up evil (and i love that). people like to complain about the malistaire bit which is valid in some cases but i think it really does sell the frivolity in which she chooses to go about things. like hey heres a man you killed with your own hands. probably when you were young. i brought him back from the dead to use as my pawn and now you have to fight him again btw. using a dead grieving man for my own goals. and then the fact that we cant beat him at the end, to 'send him back', is just another way she gets a leg up on us. she leaves us with unfinished business and xibalba destroying azteca is just icing on the already fucked up cake she's given us.
shes TAUNTING us. and this is important because it does come back to us in khrysalis—no doubt the wizard is still haunted by the sins of their past; their failure to save azteca. they have to get through this bit, to learn to let it go, before they can learn shadow magic. after all this, it's still stuck with us—our failure, one that she spearheaded.
dont even get me started on the wizard learning shadow magic maaaaaan because now they share one thing in common—they know shadow magic. they wield shadow magic. and shadow magic is so reviled that it's forbidden. no one else but her can really understand the isolation that comes with learning shadow magic, and it parallels the wizard and her even more because neither of them had a choice! the shadow magi turned morganthe into the shadow queen she is today, and we are subsequently forced to learn shadow magic and do the same if they ever have a chance at defeating her. i love it. i LOVE it. i love azteca... i love khrysalis....
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Jeanne d'Arc, first horseman of the Apocalypse by Anato Finnstark.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 9 months
Dark Lena AU
Its actually a possession a la Practical Magic. Lena and Ruby or Esme are messing around with a ouija board, and a spirit comes around, senses Lena's power, and jumps aboard.
She doesn't even really know whats happening as her personality is slowly influenced by this dark entity. Until the aforementioned argument where Lena tries to throw the rift in Kara's face and Kara is like "nuh uh. Not happening."
Kara calls on other witches in National City for help containing Lena and expelling the dark passenger. Having been found out, the entity begins devouring Lena, and her struggle to hold onto herself is made physically apparent by the time the other witches come to help.
Together, they weaken the entity just enough to expel it from Lena's body. And once freed, Lena has just enough strength and magic to vanquish the thing once and for all with a piercing light that banishes back to whence it came.
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acidkoipond · 3 months
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Look into my dark twisted mind ✨😈
What if twilight used and studied dark magic 😱
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runicsorceress · 5 months
weird how easy it is to pretend shits normal...
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raayllum · 1 year
god now i can’t stop thinking about how when the S4 character designs were first released we were all freaking out over how Callum’s mage outfit and behaviour was mirroring Viren, and how Rayla’s new shoulder plate mirrored Runaan’s outfit, and then S4 just decided to crank up the Viren-Callum parallels in the absolute best worst way and how it seems that S5 will do the same for Runaan-Rayla and
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nomsfaultau · 9 months
Another mini-arc of Fault is being released. Fault is an SCP SBI AU that deals with themes of dealing with the trauma and guilt of surviving, The SCP Foundation’s system of oppression, and naturally found family. The first arc is Tommy and Tubbo-centric, focusing on the sacrifices needed to survive, and then broadens to fully introduce the rest of the Sleepy Bois, alternative morality systems, and new terrible mental health strategies. While the story does get dark, it makes the moments of love shine all the brighter. Even if humanity hates them, these monsters have each other’s backs.
Mind the tags, and enjoy.
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suckishima · 5 months
rrrrrrrrr im so frustrated with my writing. its just been weeks of struggle and whyyyy. idk i think i need to rework or rethink what im going for with this one or something, its like i can feel the threads of the themes i wanna do are sooo close to tying together but it just isnt quite reaching yet and so it reads like a stilted bland mess but the more i stare at it the further away it feels aaah
i know it can get there i kNOW it can, the ending and like aha moment is so cleaaaar that i think its almost too solid and thats why my beginning feels so fucked—like i just keep asking myself 'well if hes gonna get there in chapter 5, whats stopping him from getting there now in chapter 2??' i tHOUGHT i had reasons but now that im there i just keep instinctually writing him to have the connecting/realization moment anyway and like. if that's how it is then what even IS the story??? i need a break
#leaving for my parents for christmas tomorrow and while its always a little lowkey stressful there esp during holidays#itll be nice to at least have a different stress than this one for a few days lmao#mandatory writing break coming at a good time ig#anyway a lot of the real problem is that a big reason i wanted to write this fic is bc i wanted to explore tsukkis mental space during#the ball boy arc bc i feel like its an interesting transitional time for him in terms of like being after his big moment but then#he slightly regresses in that post match bathroom scene until yamaguchi sets him straight and like. i love just how furudate is showing#that growth isnt linear and so i wanna explore how tsukki would feel during the camp (which he didnt seem stoked to go to)#and in contrast with hinata who couldnt go but weasels in anyway and like how does tsukki deal with#that intensity of stupidity and passion in regards to how he feels about his own relationship to volleyball now#like i dont think its a straight line from blocking ushijima -> admitting yeah sometimes volleyball is fun#i think theres some wavering in there and oooo i wanna explore it but FUCK its hard??#why furudate why does tsukki deny extra practice the first night of rookie camp but accepts the second night??#i know why he accepts night 2 im excited abt that. i'm big time struggling with pinpointing why he says no night 1 in a way#that doesnt come off like 1 hes fully regressing 2 like im having him say no purely bc thats how it is in canon so magical ~plot reasons~#truthfully furudates reason is probably just 'was funny to have tsukki and kunimi say no in unison' and it isnt out of character for#tsukki to say no either but i also can feeeel it i can feeel the threads of a solid character developmental reason that will fit with#all the OTHER stuff im also trying to do lmao#i just need to piece it together in the right way in the right order and right emphasis#and its so cloooose rn but ugh it just feels wishwashy atm#and so. i struggle lmao#eesh anyway fun tag rant yay#heres to hoping not thinking about this for a week will help#x#....who wants to take bets on whether ill delete this later lol
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jrueships · 10 months
isaiah hehe
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#THOMAS?? THOMAS!!!!!!#i LOOOOOVE isiah but not in a like cutesy heehee my tiny angel 🥰🥰 who did no wrong bcs mj is BIG MEANIE 😠😠!! way#i think he is a calculating little cretin who tries rlly hard to seem the angel to save face but in reality#is very much. not mr angel face#like he started off as a hero for chicago and detroit and then mj came and took everything away from him#including magic LOL#so now hes kind of like the unfortunate never meant to be hero villain who sort of embraces it until it goes too far#and rlly honestly misses being lauded in a heroic light so hes desperate to do anything thatll turn the tables but hes already dug his grave#with his actions and the season has already been cancelled early so a redemption arc is practically impossible but he cant understand that#bcs hes part of the show and not the one behind it despite all his thinking b4 as the hidden little puppet master#IDK i just LOOVEE all the sick kinda irony surrounding him like i looove ironic fates for ironic people it's just soo Interesting to me#i wouldnt call him Pathetic or helpless.. bcs thats what he wants u to think so he can keep in the secret advantage#BUT... hes rlly not as put together as he pretends to be. so u have this weird balance thats also a Liiittle off kilter#if u shift ur glance a certain way..#idk LOL it's like watching a coiled spring like. is it all gonna set off. or not. hes just. ugh. so fascinating to me#i looove writing him but also no one cares abt old ppl so i have to keep my delusions to myself 😭#BUT I LOVE EXPANDING ON THEM SO THANK U FOR THE CHANCE#ted tumbunity things#zeke the freak#he is a scrungy but elegant goblin. best i can describe him is that evil little girl from cats dont dance LMFAO#and bill is the big butler that he punches and breaks his hand on
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Bill:why would people like the french work with trixie!?
???: because It suits us
*de Gaulle appered, surrounded by french troops*
De Gaulle:hello
Dave: O-oh no!
Binta: Oh snap...
Ellie: Are you kidding me!!??
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ratfreecog · 2 years
Merlin deserves to have a super campy villain arc think megamind think 60’s joker he’s zany he’s goofy he wants to shoot people with a nerf gun and freak them all out because it’s 500 C.E. and nerf guns haven’t been invented yet
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My English translations are not the best I am sorry.
╰┈➤ Premier jour (first day)
Jeanne, le Seigneur a chargé l’Archange saint Michel de t’apparaître et de t’annoncer ta mission de sauver le royaume de France.
Jeanne, the Lord has instructed the Archangel Saint Michael to appear to you and announce your mission to save the kingdom of France.
Jeanne, ton grand désir de servir Dieu et de tout faire pour lui plaire, Te font prononcer le « fiat » malgré tes craintes de ne pas être digne et capable d’accomplir cette mission.
Jeanne, your great desire to serve God and to do everything to please him, makes you pronounce the “fiat” despite your fears of not being worthy and capable of accomplishing this mission.
Le ciel t’a donné une épée pour combattre, et les voix de sainte Catherine et de Sainte Marguerite pour te guider.
Heaven has given you a sword to fight, and the voices of Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret to guide you.
Intercède pour que nous puissions toujours répondre à notre vocation.
Intercede so that we may always respond to our vocation.
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╰┈➤ Deuxième jour (second day)
Jeanne, tu rends visite au Dauphin de France
Jeanne, you visit the Dauphin of France.
Tu lui révèles qu’il est le véritable héritier de France, et fils de roi, Qu’il sera couronné à Reims et que tu es venue pour l’aider à accomplir ce désir du Ciel.
You reveal to him that he is the true heir of France, and son of a king, that he will be crowned in Reims and that you have come to help him fulfill this desire of Heaven.
Tu livres ensuite de nombreuses batailles contre les Anglais, et tu en sors toujours victorieuse.
You then fought many battles against the English, and you always emerged victorious.
Tu livres également bataille au péché dans ton propre camp et tu demandes à tes soldats de retrouver l’état de grâce.
You also give battle to sin in your own camp and you ask your soldiers to regain the state of grace.
Intercède maintenant pour que notre pays se souvienne de son baptême Et retrouve le chemin des sacrements.
Intercede now so that our country remembers its baptism And finds the way to the sacraments.
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╰┈➤ Troisième jour (third day)
La semaine de Pâques de cette année 1430, alors que tu te trouves dans un fossé de Melun, les voix de saintes Catherine et Marguerite t’annoncent que tu seras faite prisonnière avant la fête de la saint Jean et que Dieu te viendra en aide durant cette épreuve.
Easter week of this year 1430, while you are in a ditch in Melun, the voices of Saints Catherine and Marguerite announce to you that you will be taken prisoner before the feast of Saint John and that God will come to you help during this test.
Tu es alors envahie d’angoisse et tentée de ne pas te soumettre à la volonté divine afin de sauver ta vie.
You are then overwhelmed with anguish and tempted not to submit to the divine will in order to save your life.
Prie pour nous, afin que nous fassions toujours la volonté de Dieu, et non la nôtre.
Pray for us, that we always do God's will, not our own.
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╰┈➤ Quatrième jour (fourth day)
C’est le 26 Mai, après une rude bataille, que tu es prise par un archer du camp adverse.
It is on May 26, after a hard battle, that you are taken by an archer from the opposing camp.
Tu es ainsi arrêtée et accusée par l’Inquisition d’hérésie et d’idolâtrie.
You are thus arrested and accused by the Inquisition of heresy and idolatry.
Malgré tes craintes et tes peurs, tu te laisses emprisonner.
Despite your fears and fears, you allow yourself to be imprisoned.
Tu gardes confiance en tes voix, et tu demandes leur intercession afin de répondre aux questions qui te sont posées.
You keep trust in your voices, and you ask for their intercession in order to answer the questions that are put to you.
Demande à Dieu, pour nous, le courage et l’audace d’affirmer notre foi.
Ask God, for us, the courage and audacity to affirm our faith.
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╰┈➤ Cinquième jour (fifth day)
Tu es torturée moralement, assaillie par de nombreux et interminables interrogatoires, abandonnée et trahie de tous, y compris du Roi, traitée comme une prisonnière de guerre, menacée corporellement par les gardiens de ta cellule, accusée de nombreuses fautes que tu n’as pas commises, sans avocat.
You are morally tortured, beset by numerous and interminable interrogations, abandoned and betrayed by everyone, including the King, treated like a prisoner of war, bodily threatened by the guards of your cell, accused of numerous faults that you do not have not committed, without a lawyer.
Toujours docile aux conseils de tes voix, tu réponds sans crainte à tout ce que l’on te demande.
Always docile to the advice of your voices, you respond without fear to everything that is asked of you.
Intercède pour que nous ayons toujours recours à la prière dans nos difficultés.
Intercede that we always have recourse to prayer in our difficulties.
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╰┈➤ Sixième jour (sixth day)
Tous tes accusateurs s’acharnent pour te faire faillir, pour te faire contredire les faits que tu relates;
All your accusers work hard to make you fail, to make you contradict the facts you relate;
ils t’accusent, te menacent de tortures physiques, te harcèlent sans cesse durant des heures;
they accuse you, threaten you with physical torture, harass you constantly for hours;
en vain, tu as toujours réponse à toutes les questions, jusqu’au jour, où, n’en pouvant plus, effrayée par la mort, tu renies tout. 
in vain, you always have the answer to all the questions, until the day when, unable to take it any longer, frightened by death, you deny everything.
Puis, par la grâce de Dieu, tu acceptes avec courage le martyre et reviens sur tes reniements.
Then, by the grace of God, you courageously accept martyrdom and reconsider your denials.
Malgré la reconnaissance de certains de tes juges de l’intervention divine dans ta conduite, tu es condamnée à mort par le supplice du feu.
Despite the recognition of some of your judges of divine intervention in your conduct, you are condemned to death by torture by fire.
Prie pour que la France relève la face et se souvienne de ses promesses faites à Dieu.
Pray for France to raise its face and remember its promises made to God.
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╰┈➤ Septième jour (seventh day)
Jeanne, tu es surnaturellement soutenue par le Ciel, mais tu n’échappes pas aux angoisses provoquées par la sentence.
Jeanne, you are supernaturally supported by Heaven, but you cannot escape the anguish caused by the sentence.
Tu aurais préféré « être décapitée sept fois plutôt que brûlée et réduite en cendres. »
You would have rather "be beheaded seven times than burnt and reduced to ashes."
Sur le bûcher, une fois liée, tu demandes pardon aux anglais et à tous tes ennemis, pour les batailles livrées contre eux, et, d’une voix haute et claire, tu pardonnes à tous ceux qui t’ont condamnée.
At the stake, once bound, you ask pardon of the English and of all your enemies, for the battles waged against them, and, in a loud and clear voice, you forgive all those who have condemned you .
« Mes saintes ne m’ont pas trompée, ma mission était de Dieu. Saint Michel, sainte Marguerite et sainte Catherine, vous tous, mes frères et sœurs du Paradis, venez à mon aide… »
“My saints did not deceive me, my mission was from God. Saint Michael, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine, all of you, my brothers and sisters in Paradise, come to my aid…”
Au milieu des flammes, tu regardes la croix qui t’est présentée, et tu prononces le Nom de Jésus avant de mourir.
In the midst of the flames, you look at the cross presented to you, and you pronounce the Name of Jesus before dying.
Sois notre modèle dans l’obéissance, dans la confiance en Dieu, et la persévérance dans notre mission
Be our model in obedience, in trust in God, and perseverance in our mission
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╰┈➤ Huitième jour (eighth day)
Alors que le bourreau éteint le brasier afin que tous voient le cadavre défiguré de celle qui les a fait trembler, il écarte les cendres et le miracle apparaît devant leurs yeux effrayés :
As the executioner puts out the fire so that everyone can see the disfigured corpse of the one who made them tremble, he pushes aside the ashes and the miracle appears before their frightened eyes:
Ton cœur est là, rempli d’un sang vermeil et semblant vivre encore !
Your heart is there, filled with vermilion blood and seeming live again!
Du soufre et de h’huile sont alors répandus dessus, le feu reprend puis s’éteint à nouveau, le laissant toujours intact.
Sulfur and oil are then sprinkled on it, the fire resumes and then goes out again, leaving it still intact.
Inquiet de ce miracle et craignant l’émotion du peuple, le cardinal d’Angleterre ordonne que tes os, tes cendres et surtout ton cœur soient jetés immédiatement dans la Seine.
Worried about this miracle and fearing the emotion of the people, the cardinal of England orders that your bones, your ashes and especially your heart be thrown immediately into the Seine.
Le bourreau dit alors : « J’ai grand peur d’être damné pour avoir brûlé une sainte »
The executioner then said: "I am very afraid of being damned for having burned a saint".
Des cris s’élèvent dans la foule : « Nous sommes tous perdus car une sainte a été brûlée ! »
Cries rise in the crowd: “We are all lost because a saint has been burned! »
Aide-nous à servir Dieu et à ne chercher que la gloire du Ciel.
Help us to serve God and seek only the glory of Heaven.
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╰┈➤ Neuvième Jour (ninth day)
Après ta mort, mourut la prospérité des anglais en France. Depuis le bûcher de Rouen, ils ne connurent que déceptions et défaites.
After your death, the prosperity of the English in France died. From the stake in Rouen, they knew only disappointments and defeats.
A leur grande honte et confusion, ils furent rejetés de tous les pays qu’ils avaient conquis.
To their great shame and confusion, they were thrown out of all the countries they had conquered.
Tous ceux qui avaient jugé avec mauvaise foi la Pucelle trouvèrent la mort peu de temps après la sienne.
All those who had judged the Maid in bad faith died shortly after hers.
L’évêque Cauchon, enrichi par le Roi d’Angleterre, mourut subitement ; il fut excommunié par le Pape et ses os furent jetés aux bêtes féroces.
Bishop Cauchon, enriched by the King of England, died suddenly; he was excommunicated by the Pope and his bones were thrown to wild beasts.
Ainsi s’accomplit la prédiction faite à Jeanne, en sa prison, par ses voix:
Thus is fulfilled the prediction made to Jeanne, in her prison, by her voices:
« Tu auras secours. Tu seras délivrée par une grande victoire. Prends tout en gré. Ne te soucie pas de ton martyre. Tu viendras enfin au Royaume du Paradis. »
"You will have help. You will be delivered with a great victory. Take it all in stride. Don't worry about your martyrdom. You will finally come to the Kingdom of Heaven."
Que la résurrection soit le seul but de notre vie.
Let the resurrection be the only goal of our life.
Sois présente à nos côtés et contribue encore à la sanctification de notre pays.
Be present at our side and still contribute to the sanctification of our country.
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Prions. Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, ton martyre est la grande victoire de Dieu sur nos ennemis .
Intercède, du Royaume des Cieux, pour que nous soyons préservés des guerres contre notre pays et des assauts contre notre foi.
Que la France se souvienne qu’elle est la Fille Aînée de l’Eglise. Seigneur, nous te rendons grâce car Tu as béni notre pays en nous donnant Jeanne d’ARC.
Suscite encore de nombreuses vocations pour garder intacte la mission apostolique de la France. Amen.
Let us pray. Saint Joan of Arc, your martyrdom is God's great victory over our enemies. Intercede, from the Kingdom of Heaven, that we may be preserved from wars against our country and attacks against our faith. May France remember that she is the Eldest Daughter of the Church. Lord, we give you thanks because you blessed our country by giving us Joan of Arc. Still arouses many vocations to keep intact the apostolic mission of France. Amen.
+ Pater, Ave, Gloria
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vaugarde · 1 year
man i hope they go somewhere with the rumor monster plot soon bc ill be real, its not really gripping me all that much. feel like having that AND the witches kinda bloats things
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akibean · 1 year
anyway, basil hawkins is honestly one of my fav side characters. he's such a pathetic little man, totally vile, completely spineless and has literally no friends to speak of. he can do cardistry, he does tarot readings in percentages???, his whole schtick is just a joke about the straw man fallacy. cards have been used as theming for two other pirate crews and yet he's the only character with the balls to use them in a fight. he likes interior design and taking baths. his crew has some truly wild costuming and he has a cat mink. he named his crew the hawkins pirates even though that's dumb as hell and they all had very obvious theming. there's something so unbelievably wrong with him but we will just never know what because he died. rip
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babymagi · 2 years
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Back on my OC shit this means it's time for a lore dump
Why does Amir have hair that is half short half long?
It's kind of an extremely grown out version of my hair but I digress
There's a thing in Islamic culture where men aren't supposed to have long hair (Amir was one of the only boys in his community) because they're meant to look separate from the women. For like the first couple years of his life Amir allowed his mom to cut his hair (which grew incredibly rapidly, guess who he got that from) but then as he developed, and his autism started becoming more acute, he would often use combing through his hair with his fingers as a way to calm down/stim and also got extremely fussy when he had to cut his hair as he didn't like the feeling of scissors/shears on his scalp. He got so difficult that his adoptive mother had to strike a deal with him, let him grow out half of his hair while cutting the other half.
Amir agreed to this and that's how he had it cut for both of his life, braiding it when it got too long. He wouldn't cut his hair at all after he left for Kou, the only other times he would ever cut his hair would be after his adoptive mother dies and when Alibaba cut all of it off.
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