#made for kids or otherwise
little-pup-pip · 4 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards! Day 3: Favorite Kids book!!
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emblazons · 1 year
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"Back when I thought I was straight I would go on dates with boys. The boys would usually want to kiss me. I disliked kissing, but I thought that their preferences deserved to count as much as mine, and I reasoned that they probably liked kissing more than I disliked kissing. So kissing was a morally good thing to do. I also reasoned that if I told them I disliked the kissing then they’d feel guilty and enjoy it less. So I did not tell them.  I am certain I was making some kind of critical error but it has taken me a long time to figure out what it might be." (x)
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nico00235 · 1 year
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I've been listening to the song "Sweet Dreams" from the Chainsaw man soundtrack for 2 hours straight
and you should too
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potatobugz · 1 year
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*picks you up and dips u in a vat of acid*
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chiliger · 1 year
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Clone cadet OCs: Skimp and Corre
Brothers who developed a bond when Skimp, a cadet who’d often zone out during instructional courses, was assigned the usually dreaded task of watching over the youngest age group (2 standard) of cadets. Corre was notorious for being the fastest runner among his peers, making his little getaways a point of contention with his caretakers.
Skimp was the one elder brother who went “you know what? Same.” and would help Corre sneak off. They would spend time in an unused storage closet on a stolen datapad, and Skimp would teach Corre combat moves for fun even though he’s considered too young to learn.
After the events of Order 66, they were evacuated off Kamino along with the other cadets before it was destroyed by Vice Admiral Rampart, and taken to a non-disclosed location. Learning that their training was not actually going to continue and they were in danger, Skimp took Corre and managed to escape from the “training facility” with a stolen ship.
Now on their own and without the reliable support system they once had, Skimp and Corre must learn to fend for themselves in a galaxy that has suddenly become more hostile.
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seo-changbinnies · 10 months
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countdown to binnie’s bday
d-1: binstagram (or should i say jutdwae)
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daily-hanamura · 4 months
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lowpolybread · 5 months
it’s hilarious to me that absolutely no one knows what the gods or high-profile monsters look like in the modern world. they have to suss it out. a guy on a motorcycle offers them help and annabeth only figures out he’s ares because he sings the praises of war and calls himself their cousin. to which he says “you must be athena’s kid,” implying that only smart people can figure out who he is. scraggly guy walks out from the mechanic room in the thrill ride o’ love and annabeth only figures out he’s hepheastus when he says “i built this.” the furies who? medusa who? echidna who? can someone please make a photographic manual already
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an-architect-of-words · 5 months
I’ve been seeing stuff that implies Luke is better in the PJO series because the gods abandon their kids and he’s sick of it.
That’s in the books too! That was his motive! Luke’s point as a character is to draw attention to the fact that the Greek gods are actually pretty awful. Riordan is commenting on myth through Luke. The series rests on themes of myth and one is that the gods are jealous, vengeful, and a hazard to people in dozens of stories. He’s a villain because of his methods, but he brings up both the PJO in-universe wrongs of the gods and the classical ones (when he explains the bear twins). I get the show provided a better example with Athena being painted so poorly. But Luke’s point is exactly the same and is heavily backed in mythology itself. He’s a really good villain concept. And I like that he’s bad not because he’s wrong but because he’s willing to stomp on his friends and innocents.
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askblueandviolet · 6 months
-dumps eco friendly pink glitter into his sock/underwear drawer, and into his shampoo bottle. Leaving the empty containers in full view of him-
(This better work this time of it didn't work on Macaque I gotta try with mayor to give him the eternal curse of glitter)
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Ask Box is open again! However I am a little busy over the next couple of days so slots for asks are very very very small lmao. So don't be surprised if you find that the ask box is already closed again when you find this post. But don't be afraid to ask any questions if you want! The Mayor is very emotionally vulnerable right now so make the most of it
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rotten7rat · 5 months
Tim's toxic trait is that he calls himself a 90s kid when he was born in 1999
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thebahwrites · 2 years
No one asked me and that’s fine because that’s entirely my brand in here, but I saw a colleague’s tweet and just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
An IceMav dads + Rooster headcanon: With TGMs weird befuddled timeline and Bradley’s age being an ambiguous mess, all I  want everyone to consider is:
Bradley had a Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi’s were all the rage in ‘97/’98, so a teen-ish Bradley BEGGING to get one because every kid does and of course he gets one. But it’s a Tamagotchi and those of you who are too young to even remember the rage of it, those little shits were WORK. And it was a point of PRIDE TO KEEP THEM ALIVE for as long as possible. But to keep them alive you had to give them CONSTANT attention and I mean CONSTANT.
But also he was a teen in the Icemav household and you know Iceman was the kind of loving but stern parent that required Bradley to show grades and work. So the only condition for Bradley to get it? “You can’t take it to school most days so it won’t distract you.” (He could take it Fridays and maybe the week post-tests if results were good.) But also Ice would feel bad if Bradley’s tamagotchi died because Bradley really treated it like a pet. They didn’t have pets because everyone worked so much at all times, the feral cat that decided to inhabit Mav’s workshop did not count. Solution? Ice kept the tamagotchi while Bradley was at school. They did try to leave it with Mav but Mav’s ADHD nuked it on the first week, he could NOT keep it alive more than a few hours. 
So Iceman, in the late 90s and for a good portion of his YEAR, babysat a tamagotchi. He took pride in the fact him and Bradley managed to have SEVERAL 12-day (the oldest a Tama can be before dying of old age) pets.
Many of Ice’s underlings were in awe of it. Slider also helped keep the thing alive. In fact, it was a whole village effort before he handed it back to Bradley during weekdays and when not in assignments and whatnot. 
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dstrome · 21 days
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picspam, for your baby strome bro needs
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volleypearlfan · 8 months
there's a right-wing knockoff of Bluey called Chip Chilla. nothing is sacred in this world. Conservatives always complain about cartoons "not being for kids" (read: having LGBTQ+ representation), but Chip Chilla isn't for kids either - it's only for pearl-clutching moral guardians who want to feel good about the shows their children watch.
It's like how that doll line, Lammily, wasn't actually targeted towards kids or doll collectors -- it was only for parents and Buzzfeed bloggers who wanted a "wholesome" alternative to Barbie. Lammily faded into obscurity while Barbie is still going strong, so I don't think we have to worry about Chip Chilla replacing Bluey. Also, Rob Schneider is in it...gross
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sadiecoocoo · 2 months
I headcannon that Wrecker likes to cook. He’s not good at it, but he enjoys it. Every once in a while he’ll create some masterpiece by luck alone and everyone will just stare at him for a minute while they wonder if he’s been possessed by some cooking ghost, but he’d be so happy and present it to everyone and try to force them to try it. Omega’s the only one ever excited to try it, all the others are hesitant and Tech and Crosshair have to get Hunter’s dad look to get them to eat it. Wrecker just sits at the end of the table, not being able to sit still and basically vibrating from excitement as he watches his brother’s skepticism fade to them being impressed and happy to have a nice tasting meal. Any other times he burns it though, because he gets distracted by Batcher or Omega. Then Hunter has to tell him to be more careful and ban him from the kitchen for a few cycles. Once when the batch had been visiting Echo, Rex, and the rest of the rebellion, Wrecker went up to Nemec and Gregor and asked for tips on cooking. They spent the entire visit trying to help him fully learn how to cook while everyone else talked about the newest intel on the empire. After that Wrecker starts to make good food more often, and his brothers and sister start to actually get excited whenever he cooks. While on Pabu wrecker starts trying new seasonings since some are grown on the island, and whenever they visit a planet with a decent market he buys as much as he can. Eventually he got the chance to try making some desserts, which he and Omega both loved, Crosshair did too, he just didn’t want to admit it. After that he started making more sweets, some little things like cupcakes and such, and then some really over the top things. Whenever he makes a dessert he always lets Omega do the frosting on it (and lets her add as many chocolate chips as she wants)
So yeah, I headcannon wrecker as being able to cook, at first really badly, but then he gets the hang of it :) and I’m totally not gonna make a fic about this now… totally, definitely.
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marclef · 4 months
Tomato Sauce.
ayyyyo thanks fam i was gettin' thirsty
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