#lyra replies
lyrashifts · 23 days
Um so I have a question.. I'm a huge marauders fan since I was a kid and I was also an attempting shifter for a year but then I stopped due to work and stuff and now I want to get back at it soooo badly but the problem is I don't have as much time to give to shifting and you could say ive lost a bit of faith (not saying it isn't real just saying that I couldn't do it maybe) I was looking to ask if you have any tips? I'm sorry if this is a bother for you and thank you for your time<33!!
hello darling! firstly i just want to say you are not a bother at all. i honestly love getting asks, and my inbox wouldn't be open if i didn't!
obviously you don't even need motivation or the belief to shift, but having motivation and faith definitely can help make the process easier. but here are a few things i've done / plan to do when i lose motivation
reya's 4 day reprogramming method has a cult following in this community. in terms of time you're probably going to need to say a lot of affirmations throughout the day, but you don't actually make any attempt to shift until the fourth day
i've seen robotic affirmations circulating on here and i tried them myself (i personally just repeated "i am in my __ dr") and i find they work really well!
this isn't even required for motivation or shifting, but i find that working on your self-concept helps a LOT. i used to have a lot of negative self talk, which was probably a contributor to believing specifically i couldn't shift or wasn't ready, but i'd say it's a lot more controlled now. for me it also took away a lot of my negative views from this reality, so instead of viewing shifting as escaping this one i thought of it as going to another one
ofc, taking breaks and looking at media related to your dr can help!!
also, taking a break from social media (or just platforms like shifttok and shiftblr) ss good. overconsumption (even of good info) isn't beneficial (too much of anything is bad) and working to just trust yourself and your shifting ability can be super helpful!!
practicing meditation is both good for your health and i've heard a lot of success stories of people who've practiced it for while (since so many methods are essentially just meditation with a very specific goal)! a good rule of thumb is to practice as many minutes as your age
i hope this helps!! i believe in you! (so so sorry for the late reply this was rotting in my drafts and i remembered just today)
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
Okay but is it a good thing for people to look at your family Christmas photo and say that it looks photoshopped and edited? Just wondering since so many people have that same thought over on twitter who believe that Georgia and Anna were edited in
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It's been so overwhelming to see the response to these new pics. I am sure probably everyone has seen them by now, but I will put up the visual just in case:
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I think I would agree with you that, in the most general sense, saying that someone's family Christmas photo looks Photoshopped/edited is probably not a positive thing. In the interest of fairness, looking at the pictures of the other people who were photographed at the event, it does seem like it was a problem with the lighting or editing overall that is affecting every photo, not just these pictures.
One thing I want to be clear on is that I think it's absolutely precious that Michael and David did this outing together, and are spending so much time together overall while Michael is in London. We had an inkling of that up until this point, but we literally went from a blurry photo to Michael and David gazing at each other across a crowded room on press night for Macbeth, to...this...in the span of less than a month. And I am glad that their kids are getting to spend time together and enjoy all of these holiday festivities as well. It's all very sweet and lovely, and in no way is it my intention to diminish that.
Thinking about the matching sweaters (jumpers), this is where I start to feel slightly less enthusiastic. It seems that the jumpers were Georgia's idea, which makes sense, as she previously had everyone wearing matching sweaters for a viewing party for "The Star Beast" (the first DW 60th anniversary episode). But having sweaters for Michael, AL, Lyra, and Mabli isn't an accident, or something that happens on the fly--it has to be planned. So for me, that makes it seem less like "spontaneous family outing" and more like "planned photo op meant to garner publicity."
What particularly gets me is that the both the matching sweaters for DW and the matching sweaters here feels like a gimmick...but Michael and David have never needed a "gimmick." Because Michael and David just being themselves has always been enough to be memorable. I'm not sure if Georgia thought she needed a gimmick to make herself and Anna stand out or what, but to me it almost feels like the sweaters are a diversion. As if Georgia perhaps knew the four them in a photo together would look awkward, so what better way to deflect than to give everyone something else to talk about. (Perhaps the same could also be said for Michael's hat, which...why, Michael? Haha.)
But it seems that Georgia's idea worked, because right after these pictures came out, an article was published about them in the Daily Mail. So all of this put together does give that feeling of being planned, especially because the four of them were so much the focal point of the DM article, more than any of the other celebrities at the event.
This brings me back to the aforementioned photos. Again, what seemed notable to me wasn't just what we did see, but what we didn't: No photo of Michael and Anna together, nor of David and Georgia, and not one of Georgia and AL, either. Instead, we have this group photo (where no one is actually touching and Georgia and AL's arms are awkwardly hanging side by side), and a photo of Michael and David where they are, with their arms around each other and Michael leaning into David, in contrast to his much stiffer posture in the group photo.
Looking at the Getty Images page, all of the other twosome photos are of couples, and none of them have the same unusual energy as Michael/David/Georgia/AL's group photo. So I do wonder if the fans pointing out the "Photoshopped" nature of the picture (and specifically that Georgia and AL appear to be edited in) have ever considered that maybe that is just how Georgia and AL look together. Because we're not talking about Staged, or social media posts. This is them, face to face, in real life, and the difference between Georgia and AL vs. Michael and David just seems pretty striking.
(I am also aware that there was another family photo that Georgia posted in an Insta story, and it is an incredibly cute picture, but I will say that what struck me is how Georgia and AL are pressed close together, but there is a very noticeable amount of space between Anna and David, and he seems to be giving off a lot of 'closed' body language (one hand in his lap, one folded behind him). Make of that what you will...)
So yes, those are my thoughts on the new pictures. I would love to hear any observations that anyone else has, of course, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Thanks for writing in! x
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bleaksqueak · 16 days
So uh, kinda psychological question? If the cast had to confront their "other side" in physical form, what would they do?
By "other side" I mean the evil or good side.
Okay, that's probably the most interesting Hypothetical that I've been sent. So much so that I spent some time after first seeing it thinking about it. I started to write up a very psychological response, but stopped, since this is a narrative story and I started to fear I'd give too much away. You can have these replies instead, which get the spirit of the initial replies, but a little exaggerated and succinct (for fun). Maia would be so utterly freaked out by the sentient visage of her being staring back at her that she'd end up running. Not without throwing everything in arms reach first, of course, but once the last throwable has been Rightly Chucked, she'd be making a break for the hills. Maybe a Reaper would be informed on the way, or briefly hidden behind. This isn't what they deal in, but you never know, an evil doppelganger could be caused by corruption. Audric would simply put the fool ten feet under. "Isn't it six feet under?" you inquire, at which he says Yes, Normally, so he's Read, but the extra four feet is both necessary precaution "And for good measure". Once the foe is taken care of, he's then free to go have a crisis about it. Privately. Alone. For a week or however long he can get off work. Elias would simply let his win. Is it the good doppelganger? The evil one? Doesn't really matter in the situation. As things currently stand, he'd let it win.
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queen-isabelle-writes · 3 months
been here since your first ag fics and i kinda stopped reading bc the books did not treat grayson right in my opinion back then. and then i come back to check... and the author is now using my name for his love interest...
no thoughts, head empty
Omgggg, congrats for you!!!!
I feel like all of us at some point were like… could my name be phone girls name??? lol, not likely, but for you it’s true!
Yeah, I’m excited to get back into fanfics, but grad school is roughhhh. It’ll happen when it happens.
Thanks for the ask!
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starcrossedjedis · 6 months
Do you have a "type" aka a type of oc that pops up all over again?
I'm not sure what exactly constitutes as a "type" but a lot of my OCs tend to end up being "the sister / the group mom / the carer" in the story in one way or another -
Sun is the Straw Hat's reluctant big sister, while Mira is the glue holding Shank's and Buggy's friendship together.
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Inara'a has accepted as her fate as Obi Wan's keeper long before they even met, while Khaii quickly becomes hers and doesn’t waver even in the years they are apart.
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Jay Vendar is pretty much the whole crew's big brother/father figure and that includes his best friend and a reprogrammed imperial droid.
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Lyra Stark follows Lyanna all the way to Dorne to try and keep her safe and later on pretends to be Jon's mother and Arthur Dane's wife to protect her nephew and honor the promise she made to her dying sister.
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And that's just a choice selection of my Helper Syndrom Personifieds ❤️
Ps: Can't forget my original story baby Caleb Montgomery who was literally ready to die in order to save Alex like one chapter into the story not because he loved her, but because that's just who he is 🥰
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emeraldtied · 12 days
+ | x |
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{➹} – IT WAS GETTING harder and harder for the little one to tell the others from her uncle Sonic. Her father had enough attributes that she could easily pick him up anywhere, he was after all the most recognizable figures in her life alongside her mother and grandparents. So maybe she could be excused for staring and questioning the other. With her parents inside at the moment, she could think of nothing else to do.
The only time she looked away was to look at the hawk perched in a tree there in the garden, watching the pair carefully, but not attacking. Which was a good sign.
"Sk...ler..." She, somewhat, repeated the name, finger drawn to her mouth in concentration before she smiled and pointed to herself. "Lyra!"
| @galaxofmuses
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crimsoncrim · 7 months
Nyello again... i hope you are well!!! I was wondering if u could spill some lyriko hcs... im quite interested in their dynamic.... :3
-niko is actually a very good cook. they love to cook together, he gets very happy during it- watching them with little soft smiles. will deny it if asked.
-lyra is somewhat calm/quiet but not shy or timid. xe will affectionately tease niko to fluster him
-niko's a very 'this reminded me of you' person. sends lyra texts of little things while they're at work and brings them stuff home with a massive blush the entire time
-they love being with each other in the same room and enjoying each other's company even if they're not talking
-niko screams about the bugs while lyra is the one to trap and release them when they get indoors. they live in central obsidia together as it's close to both of their jobs.
-very good at understanding each other without speaking. niko isn't very comfortable in big crowds so lyra'll squeeze his hand if they realize he's stressed and trying not to show it and will make up a reason for them to go somewhere else.
-they feed stray Pokemon together. they have to stop each other from enabling each other into adopting all of them. niko has a big soft spot for Pokemon and lyra's naturally kind and warm so if they don't stop each other they'd just adopt them all
-very cuddly <3
i hope these are okay :> i adore them
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papermccn · 2 months
closed starter for lyra !! @tragcdysewn
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"i may or may not regret saying this, but I saw some posters for this venue looking for life performances.. -if you and thalia are cool with it, I was thinking we could give it a go?" she suggested with a nervous voice.
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secondbetrayer · 11 months
@mrscoultxr | cont from here
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In usual circumstances, Lyra would flinch away from her mother’s hands and would never have laid her head in the woman’s lap to begin with. She doesn’t this time, however, because these are not usual circumstances. The child is playing a game of sorts. A game that Mrs Coulter appears to be falling for, which makes Lyra have to suppress a smile.
This is what her mother wants, isn’t it? An obedient little pet to play with. Why not give her exactly that? For now, anyway.
“'m sorry I ran away,” Lyra lies. “I just din’t understand. Or know who you were to me.”
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lyrashifts · 1 month
not really an ask but your name is my name in one of my drs 😁
this gives me so much happiness
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kokomi-ask-blog · 5 months
Lyra sat with Viktor in silence in the mess hall as they just drank some booze looking like they would accept being shot out of the airlock.
"I'd rather be on an assignment than alone with my fraggin thoughts..." Lyra mumbled.
Viktor just looked at her, taking a long sip. He could hear her thoughts... they weren't very pleasant. Honestly, they made him blush.
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intxication · 5 months
The time was getting closer to midnight, and people were buzzing. Mathias could admit that it was all very exciting. He didn't have any hard set goals for the New Year, other than doing what he did the last year. If he was really lucky, he'd get to do another kill like he did on the Subway (consequence included if he had to).
There were a lot of people Mathias recognized at the party, which was both a benefit and an inconvenience for him. If he did manage to cause chaos, he'd have to make sure no one saw it was him. When he spotted Thalia in the crowd, Mathias didn't approach at first. He waited until a good moment to make his way over, and held a glass to her.
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starcrossedjedis · 5 months
I'd love to know more about Arthur and Lyra!
I can't believe you got the hint when I was being so subtle about it 🤣
Sooooo... *checks back on notes she literally hasn't touched in like three years*
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Lyra is the older Stark girl - by barely a year, some people assume she and Lyanna must be twins. Where Lyanna is soft and petite with an impish glint in her eyes that draws people in, Lyra is long limbs and sharp edges and while she is every bit as pretty as her little sister and just as adventurous, she is also more ladylike, introverted and has made it a point for most of her life to think before she speaks.
And while that should make for the perfect lady in any other situation, next to loud, boisterous and Gods, loveable Lyanna it's easy to see how Lyra has somewhat become the invisible sister and this becomes especially obvious when Robert Baratheon asks her father for Lyanna's hand.
(Not that Lyra would have wanted Robert, he appalled her as much as he did Lyanna)
Her father allows for the betrothal of Robert and Lyanna, but to add insult to injury he does so under the condition that they aren't to be wed until Lyra as the eldest is married - basically declaring her a sort of spinster, standing in the way of her sister's happy ever after to anyone who's into that sort of gossip (like IDK the whole of fucking Harrenhal during a certain tourney 💀)
But the truth is that Lyra is never jealous of Lyanna or blames her for how the world treats them so differently. She loves her little sister and only ever wants for her to he happy.
So when she catches Lyanna sneaking out of their tent one night twelve leagues from Harrenhal - about to run away with the (very married) prince Rhaegar - Lyra doesn't hesitate and follows her into the unknown.
And this is where background ends and the story starts -
She accompanies the little group of mostly Kingsguard and the runaway lovers - riding with Arthur Dayne for the first night and part of the day, because she doesn't yet have a horse of her own.
(He also lends her his cloak, because naturally she didn't bring spare clothes either 🥰)
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Lyra and Arthur are the only witnesses to Lyanna's and Rhaegar's wedding and throughout the journey to Dorne we get a feel for the fact that Arthur doesn't necessarily approve of all that is happening, but it bound to Rhaegar both by his oath and his brotherly love for him.
The two of them build a tentative friendship, because with her sister all wrapped up in an all consuming romantic fantasy with a dragon (and for all the tower to hear, thank you very much) Lyra often feels lonely and homesick and Arthur is there to keep her company, either in the tower under the watchful eyes of this very small court, but also on long strolls on days when it feels like the walls are closing in.
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We get some hints suggesting that they might be starting to get closer - and that maybe a certain Kingsguard might have had a faint un-oath-odox interest as far back as the tourney before that whole mess went down (although Lyra - optimistic at heart, but self-conscious at brain - attributed it to pity for the "Stark Spinster" back then and later as an attempt at keeping her entertained while his prince put the moves on her sister 😬)
But nothing really happens between them (maybe an almost kiss or sth, but no big relationship milestones yet). He is however the one to tell her that her father and brother were killed and throughout the rebellion news of Arthur's ongoing survival are pretty much the only silver lining to be had.
Then Rhaegar dies on the Trident, the news send Lyanna straight into early labour and we all know how that goes. Alas, we shift the timeline by a few days give or take so that when Ned arrives in Dorne, Lyanna has already been dead for a few days and Lyra has been tiptoeing her way around a breakdown trying to figure out what to do about the little crown prince when Robert Baratheon is on a "Kill all Targs" rampage through the Seven Kingdoms.
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When Arthur gets near fatally wounded trying to keep his word to Rhaegar, Lyra fears she might lose the only person who knows the whole truth and who kept her somewhat sane during this time - and so she kills two birds with one stone by telling her brother that he can't kill Arthur, because they are married. And that Jon is their son.
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And scene on Act I - "fake dating and co parenting shenanigans but make it fucking dark" to be commenced in Act II
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bayleaf-2 · 10 months
See it's funny (/s. crying.) because the lyric is "And all that I even died for was another tight hug" and then Lyra is the only original party member left alive.
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chaosworthy · 1 year
⇨ starter | @daringtosing​
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    {➹} – IT WAS STILL quite cold outside, but some days there was nothing that calmed his daughter down like a walk on the beach. Or being toted around in the carrier strapped to the hero’s chest in her case, since she could only crawl and her father wasn’t keen on her getting sand everywhere. It would only be for a few minutes, until she stopped fussing, but Chaos was she persistent that afternoon. 
     He hadn’t expected much after a few minutes honestly, not until the just shy of one-year old suddenly fell quiet, only to make an odd surprised noise a second later. Puzzled, the hedgehog looked down to her, then to where both of her little arms were outstretched towards the water. It had been on the tip of his tongue to say there was no way they were going for a swim in the dead of winter (not that she would have understood) but the flash of red he saw clued him in on what she had seen. 
     Red hair, more precisely and he couldn’t fight back a smile at the sight of it.
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What was the inspiration behind Lyra Lestrange?
- @goldenlilium-ocs
Oh, wow. You're asking about Lyra, one of the OCs that I haven't written yet and am still crafting her character. I've barely even started writing my Harry Potter AU fic.
So, Lyra comes about because I love the idea of Bellatrix Black Lestrange as a mother, especially to a daughter. Yes, Bella would probably be a twisted, abusive mother, especially being a fanatical Death Eater and resident of Azkaban Prison for over a decade. But I wanted Lyra to be the child of her husband Rodolphus, rather than Voldemort (don't get me started on Cursed Child and Delphini) or Snape (as in one of my favorite HP fic series). Lyra would be born a few months after the Lestranges were imprisoned in Azkaban and sent to live with Narcissa and Lucius, her closest relatives and "upstanding citizens". I can only remember one fanfic that did this and yes, that OC was also named Lyra. But it's been a long time since I read that fic and our Lyras won't be the same.
I like the idea of children of Death Eaters trying to be their own person and live outside the shadow cast by their parents.
Also, the casting of Millie Bobby Brown and Helena Bonham Carter as daughter and mother in the Enola Holmes movies helped.
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