#luna lalita
sherrymagic · 14 days
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"I love you. I love love love love you. From your moon." June Wanwimol as LUNA in Episode 12 23.5 (2024)
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visualtaehyun · 3 months
Names, particles, aliens and ghosts, oh my!
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Ongsa & Alpha
Last week's episode started with the trio talking about the sisters' names:
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Nunnapat Ampornsopon /Nan-na-phat Am-phaawn-soh-phohn/ Matthayom 4, class 6 (=10th grade) English
While we see this, Tin tells us Alpha's name too:
Napatsanun Ampornsopon นภัสนันท์ อัมพรโสภณ /Na-phat-sa-nan Am-phaawn-soh-phohn/
Her and Ongsa's first names have the exact same two words in them, just switcheroo'd:
นันท์ /nan/ = joy, happiness;
นภัส /na phat/ = sky, heaven
-> Quick pronunciation lesson: The final consonant in นภัส /na phat/ is called ส เสือ /saw seuua/ (= lit. S like the word for tiger) but in final position it's pronounced as a /t/. In Alpha's name, that same letter gets reduplicated to better link นภัส /na phat/ and นันท์ /nan/ so we get Napat-sa-nun!
Their last name Ampornsopon contains:
อัมพร /am phaawn/ = sky;
โสภณ /soh phohn/ = beautiful
Her club application form was only shown in a Next Break preview last week, not the actual scene, but I wanted to take a look at it anyway:
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Application to join the Astronomy Club Name: Aylin Kueaahree Grade: Matthayom 4, class 1 (=10th grade) Hobbies: Communicating with aliens Goal in joining the club: Searching for a friend/friends
Aylin is her first name, her last name is เกื้ออารีย์ /geuua aa ree/:
เกื้อ /geuua/ = to aid, do a favor, assist, lend a hand;
อารีย์ /ah ree/ = kind, generous
We saw her name properly this week, too, in the document she hilariously designed, wrote up, and filled out by hand:
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Permit for spending the night at S-TAR school Subject: Asking for permission to stay the night at school for the duration of 1 night To: Counselling homeroom teacher I, (young Mr./young Miss/Mr./Miss) Aylin Keuaahree, ID number 406123, student of Matthayom 4/1, need to stay over at school ... on the date of the 24th of the month of August in the year of 2566 (2023) from 20.00 o'clock until 06.00 o'clock. Please kindly take it into consideration. Respectfully yours Aylin Keuaahree (Miss Aylin Keuaahree) Student
I've mentioned before that the subs are a bit too generous and don't quite show how much Aylin limits her speech to the minimum she needs to get her point across. One thing that consistently gets subbed is how she differentiates between aliens and humans. But not every instance of human is the same. She does seem to differentiate between general observations about human behavior and specific humans she talks to, now even addressing them appropriately (albeit with the 'human' descriptor).
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1) มนุษย์ครูใจร้าย /ma noot khruu jai raai/ = [You] are mean, teacher human. 2) มันเป็นหนทางที่เอเลี่ยนจะได้เจอเพื่อนนะ /man bpen hon thaang thee alien ja dai juuhr pheuuan na/
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มนุษย์ชอบถามแปลก ๆ /ma noot chaawp thaam bplaaek bplaaek/ = Humans like to ask weird questions.
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1) มนุษย์พี่เคยบอกเอง ว่าเรื่องที่เชื่อไม่ใช่เรื่องที่ไร้สาระ /ma noot phi koei baawk ehng - waa reuuang thee cheuua mai chai reuuang thee rai saa ra/ = [You] said so [your]self, senior human - that what [I] believe in isn't nonsense. 2) ทำไมมนุษย์ชอบกลับคำพูด /tham mai ma noot chaawp glap kham phuut/ = Why do humans like to go back on their word?
Luna, Mawin, and Ton
Thanks again, Tin, for helpfully giving us all the names lol:
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Luna Lalita Chanthaboriboon ลูน่า ลลิตา จันทบริบูรณ์ /Luu-naa La-lee-dtaa Jan-tha-baw-ree-buun/
Luna is her nickname, her first name Lalita ลลิตา means pretty, charming, lovely, and her last name จันทบริบูรณ์ contains:
จันท /jan tha/ from จันทร์ /jan/ = moon;
บริบูรณ์ /baw ree buun/ = complete, full, perfect, abundant
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พี่เป็นดวงจันทร์ต่างหาก /phi bpen duuang jan dtaang haak/
Moving on to the boys-
Mawin Kow(a)charoen มาวิน โค้วเจริญ /Maa-win Khoh(-wa)-ja-reern/ -> the added 'wa' would be for the same ease-of-pronunciation reason I explained earlier with Alpha's name
Mawin isn't a Thai name but his last name โค้วเจริญ consists of:
โค้ว* likely from หมูโค้ว /moo khoh/? = a pork belly dish
เจริญ /ja reern/ = the same as Charoen's name, meaning to pray/chant, to prosper, to thrive
Edit, addition by @recentadultburnout:
Based on the usual pattern, the *โค้ว in the surname โค้วเจริญ is likely a Chinese surname that got incorporated into a Thai one. โค้ว is one of the top ten most used ones among Chinese surnames in Thailand. As for [his first name] มาวิน, while it was indeed not originally Thai, it did have a meaning—a borrowed word plus slang of sorts. A winner or to win.
Ton Thanakorn Khajornyoo ต้น ธนกร ขจรอยู่ /Dtohn Tha-na-gaawn Kha-jaawn-yuu/
His first name ธนกร /tha na gaawn/ = to create assets/capital; rich, wealthy
His nickname Ton ต้น might stem haha from the plant (ต้น)ขจร /(dtohn) kha jaawn/, a type of vine. ต้น /dtohn/ is a prefix used for plants but it can also mean leader, chief, leading, beginning, etc.
His last name ขจรอยู่ /kha jawn yuu/ = is spread/spreading, emanating, diffusing
An addendum about Ton
Last week, I wondered if maybe Ton was a closeted gay guy because of a handful of instances where AJ's delivery of the typically-female polite ending particles ค่ะ/คะ /kha/ sounded pretty sassy (and because he's Ongsa's ex aka the biggest lesbian under the sun lol). After episode three, I'm pretty sure he's just a huge flirt with everyone regardless of gender, he just adjusts his particle use (and also his height!) accordingly to sweet-talk them all:
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1) ว่าไงครับสุดหล่อ /waa ngai khrap soot laaw/ -> ครับ /khrap/ = typically-male polite ending particle 2) แต่คุณแอลคะ /dtaae khun Al kha/ -> คะ /kha/ = typically-female polite ending particle
And since he finger-guns his way into the student council room, I think we all know now that he's bi
"Filth-eating spirit"
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ใครจะไปล่าแสงกระสือกับพี่ต้นบ้างครับ /khrai ja bpai laa saaeng gra seuu gap phi Ton baang khrap/
If that sounds familiar to you, you either know your Thai ghosts or you've seen this or other movies like it:
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Inhuman Kiss or แสงกระสือ /saaeng gra seuu/, starring Minnie Phantira, Oab Oabnithi and Great Sapol
A Krasue is a type of evil spirit that possesses women and, when going out to hunt, leaves the body behind to be a floating head with internal organs still attached. It's translated as 'filth-eating' because a Krasue is cursed to feed on blood, organs, carrion etc. Ton calls the mysterious green light แสงกระสือ /saaeng gra seuu/ (=light of a Krasue) because sightings of a Krasue usually report them looking like a floating red or green orb. In that regard, they're comparable to will-o'-the-wisps!
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laliespositodaily · 6 years
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Lali y Pabllo Vittar en el Luna Park ❤️✨
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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Rulerships: love, beauty, sex, seduction, pleasure, desire, ancient wisdom, knowledge, mysticism, spirituality, life, harmony, unity, vitality, fertility, passion, abundance, victory, generosity, intuition, inspiration, the arts, and music.
Planetary Profile: understanding, serene, wise, elegant, harmonious, compassionate, intelligent, affectionate
Magick: romance, friendships, love in general, desire, marital happiness, harmony, obtaining wisdom and knowledge, intuition, the mystical, inspiration, creativity, emotional healing, joy, gentleness, fertility, success, triumph 
Colours: emerald green, teal, turquoise 
Numbers: 7, 6
Plants: apples, pears, pomegranates, avocados, cherries, strawberries, figs, roses, lotus, myrrh, orchids, wheat, red sandalwood, damiana, chili peppers, hibiscus, laurel, cinnamon
Crystals and Minerals: copper, emerald, rose quartz, garnet, ruby, peridot, 
Other: menstrual blood (also linked to Luna), Nagas
Instruments and Sounds: harp, violin, guitar, sitar, gentle flowing water, humming bees, nature sounds of day
Songs: Venusberg Theme (Venus and Tannhauser, Wagner), Barcarolle (Offenbach), O Fortuna (Orff), Concerto a Due Chori (F.1., No. 60, Vivaldi), Allegro Moderato (Tchaikovsky), Kyne’s Peace (Jeremy Soule)
Astrological Signs: Taurus and Libra
Day of Week: Friday
Areas of Body: the sexual organs
Soul of Venus: Hagith
Hagith’s Sigil: 
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Planetary Angel: Anael
Deities of Venus: Lilith, Lucifer, Attar, Inanna-Ishtar, Astarte, Asherah, Al-Uzza, Isis, Hathor, Aphrodite, Eros, Venus, Shukra, Parvati, Lalita, Freyja
Like all celestial/planetary spirits, Venus is both masculine and feminine in order to maintain balance. In ancient times, humans associated the Morning Star as masculine and the Evening Star as feminine. Venus and Earth are both strongly connected, basically being “sister planets”. The Moon/Luna focusses and mirrors Venus’ influence. 
Venus/Hagith Speaks:
“Love is a light that opens. I am the seed that is put inside. If truth is too hard to be told, if solitude is too dark to endure, if exhaustion is too deep to cross, then I am here for you. Close your eyes, I am a river of light flowing down to you. Don’t try to deserve, don’t try to take shape, be silent. For me to be with you, you do not need to achieve, to battle, to win, to conquer, to want, to endure, to sustain - nothing needs doing for me to be with you. Mine is the light that opens. Mine is the seed of life. Mine is the opening of the mouth. Mine is what grows unseen. I am the web of life, I am the loom of all beginnings, within me I carry the seeds of present and future. My light is life that runs across the sky on the threads of my web. Love is a light that opens and doesn’t confine. Mine is the seed of life that is put inside. My reagent is the vesting, the armoring, the being covering in bark. My deeds are always naked. My force is subtle and easily hindered, I do not pierce. I don’t open what does not want opening. I am tender and patient and will wait for desire to arrive. I am the force of the loom of life. My work takes place in silence, I don’t make any noise. The threads of the loom unite, love opens, I lay myself down and life emerges. I come and go unseen for I am blind.”
Seal of Venus:
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scvrletwtch · 4 years
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( summer bishil, female, pansexual, she/her ) rome welcomes Luna Lakhani, a vampire. they are 31/868 years old and have been in the city for eight years. they are known to be loyal + insensitive, which makes sense because they’re irritated about the marriages. i heard they’re betrothed to Rowan Korcari and to Rosalie Leong - a dragon and a seelie princess.
--- hello hello, i’m nona & i’m super excited for this !! i’m late but i’m usually like, a full day late to openings because of work so i feel pretty lucky rn. i have luna, who is A Huge Mess™ & astoria whose intro will be up soon-ish ( i haven’t started writing it yet oops ) . anyways i think i messed up luna’s timeline somewhere in this and might have repeated something bc i edited stuff and moved things around and then got distracted by youtube and forgot how old she is for like 30 minutes so excuse my lack of organisation 
before the turn ;;
luna was born lalita in tamil nadu in india. she had a lot of sisters and two brothers.
she was close to her siblings and her mother, but often clashed with her father over things.
she just wanted a quiet life. she was actually a pretty nice person as a human.
the worst clashing with her parents though, was when they arranged a marriage and she fought it at every turn. she drove away eight possible suitors before they managed to confirm one.
well, the man they arranged for her to marry turned out to be a vampire. he liked humans and he tried to protect them, and he’d just been traveling a lot to avoid suspicion of him not ageing. he helped her to gain control of her life. despite the marriage being arranged when she was 28, she managed to push it off for quite some time. he helped with the excuses, figuring it would happen eventually (he intended to turn her because he’d grown lonely traveling alone, but he didn’t intend to tell her what he was until after). he tried to protect her, though.
rape/violence tw: but he couldn’t protect her from everything, and one night she was jumped by a group of men who were angry at her father. they held her down and their “ leader ” forced himself on her. she was left bloody and covered in cuts and bruises. her betrothed found her and healed her with his blood.
death tw: later that night, she informed him she didn’t intend to go through with the wedding. he was livid, and he killed her in a fit of rage. 
after the turn ;;
luna woke up alone, starving. she remembered dying, and before she could stop herself, she killed her youngest sister when she came to find her. she’d killed two more of her sisters by the time her betrothed returned. he’d gone to get her a daylight ring from a witch friend, thinking that she’d be safe enough in her home. he compelled what was left of her family to forget her, and took her away.
she grew more and more bitter. she wanted to grow old with her sisters and die of old age, and she wouldn’t get that. she hadn’t wanted her own children or spouse, but her sisters had, and she’d intended to spoil their children. but she couldn’t.
suicide attempts/violence/murder tw: she didn’t want to be a vampire, and the entire time she was with him, she continued to make attempts at her own life. she stayed with him for a few months, but she grew more and more bitter. she wanted to grow old with her sisters and die of old age, and she wouldn’t get that. she hadn’t wanted her own children or spouse, but her sisters had, and she’d intended to spoil their children. but she couldn’t.
she eventually ran away from him after a few months, though. she was halfway across the world, on a murderous, angry rampage, when he found her next, two hundred years later ( she was 330 at this point ) . she was furious that he tracked her down and fought against everything he tried to do. he didn’t want to risk hurting her. she tried to make him fight her, and when he refused, she threatened his life, and he let her kill him. 
this took up approximately the first 450 years of her life.
connection #1: she actually met someone good for her a few years after that though. they had both become vampires through less than ideal events, and neither had wanted it. both were a little unstable but they started to keep each other in check. they didn’t always stay together, but they’d check in on each other every so often, make sure neither had gone back to the years where they hadn’t cared about the human lives they took.
she tracked down some of her mother’s side of her family in mexico when she was maybe 500 ( i’m going to have to put together a timeline for both hers and astoria’s lives at some point but i’m still not awake enough to right now lol ) . turned out that her mother was from a line of witches and they accepted her, although she definitely left out the killing parts of her history. they’re the ones who started calling her luna, and she kinda dropped her surname, too. it let her be herself but separate from the girl who killed her family in her youth.
she started writing when she was living with them, and when she had to move on because people were growing suspicious, she kept writing. she hid out in greece for a while and moved from island to island and through the country for 100 more years.
when she was 700ish, one of the witches contacted her, said they were having problems with vampires. she went back to mexico and got caught in the middle of the conflict, and took the witches’ side ( family above everything ) .
she was with her family when the war started, and most of them were killed. she brought the few who were left to rome with her eight years ago.
other details ;; 
she really likes to read, likes to be around books more than she really likes to be around other people, supernatural or not, if she’s entirely honest.
she has learned to control her emotions a lot more. but she uses cynicism and  often says what she thinks before thinking and then is just kinda like, “ oops ” if she offends someone. 
but she’s so loyal to the people she cares about. she kinda mellowed out after meeting connection #1 & her mother’s family, and while her personality didn’t change, she grew a little more reserved, caused a lot less trouble ( at least large scale trouble anyways ) and was a little bit better of a person ( she really isn’t that bad just bad at controlling emotions ) 
she’s super protective of her family and friends. 
her feelings on the marriages are of irritation because she feels too out of control about it. she likes to be in control of everything. losing control reminds her too much of her early life as a vampire ( which she’s really not all that proud of, although she doesn’t really feel guilty about what she did, per se, just about how out of control she was ) .
connections ;; 
friends ;; literally anything, tbh
best friend other than connection #1 ;; someone she’s known for at least decades. they know about her past and put up with her bad days
connection #1 ;; her vampire friend who she met in... when she was about 450 years old. they probably have a lot better control over their emotions.
family members ;; her mother’s extended family’s descendants are witches and only a few are left. 
exes/flings/etc. ;; someone she had a fling with during her darker days would be interesting tbh but i’m kinda open to anything. she wouldn’t have stayed in an actual relationship for long ( she has a few trust issues ) and she wouldn’t have had a lot of casual sex either except in the darker days
enemies ;; something she’s definitely made over time. 
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List of the most common Pagan Goddesses :
Akhilandeshvari — Hindu Goddess Never— Not— Broken
Amaterasu — Japanese sun Goddess
Annapurna — Hindu Goddess of Food and Nourishment
Aphrodite /Venus — Greek Goddess of love and beauty
Artemis/Diana — Greek/Roman Goddess of the hunt, virginity, and childbirth, twin sister of Apollo, and an Olympian, often associated with the moon
Astarte — Phoenician Goddess of fertility, sexuality, and war
Athena — Greek Goddess of wisdom, defensive and strategic wars
Bast — Egyptian solar and war Goddess (in the form of a cat)
Baubo — Greek Goddess of mirth, jests, and bawdy humour. A bawdy body goddess, sexuality and play (in an adult sense) and ribald humour, the power of life (in a manifest sense) and procreation and enjoying — even flaunting — flirtation and sexuality. Also the one who teasingly, laughingly tempted Amaterasu out of her cave -ie, brings us out of intellect and isolation into our physical selves and connection. (At least, this is how I understand her.) The Goddess of Having A Good Time!
Brighid — Celtic Goddess of poetry, healing, and crafts (especially smith-work), holy wells and eternal flames
Cerridwen — Celtic Goddess of transformation, of the cauldron of inspiration, of prophecy
Cybele — Greek Earth Mother
Danu — Irish Mother Goddess
Demeter — Greek Goddess of the harvest and of grain, mother of Persephone
Durga — Hindu Great Goddess, Divine Mother
Eos — Greek Goddess of the dawn
Ereshkigal — Mesopotamian Goddess of Darkness, Death, and Gloom
Flora — Roman Goddess of flowers
Fortuna — Roman Goddess of fortune
Freya or Freyja — Norse Goddess of fertility, sexual liberty, abundance, and war
Frigg — Norse Goddess of marriage, household management, and love, Queen of Heaven, and wife of Odin
Gaia/Earth Mother — The Greek Goddess Gaia is the primordial Goddess of earth, mother and grandmother of the first generation of Titans
Hathor — Egyptian Goddess of the Milky Way, Mother Goddess, Goddess of childbirth and death
Hecate — Greek Goddess of witchcraft and magick, crossroads, and the harvest moon
Hestia — Greek Goddess of the hearth and domestic life
Hel — Norse Goddess daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, Queen of the Dead
Hera — Roman Goddess of the Hearth, of women, and of marriage
Inanna — Sumerian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare
Isis — Egyptian Mother Goddess, matron of nature and magick, Goddess of creativity and the underdog
Ishtar — Mesopotamian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and war
Juno — Roman Queen of the Gods and Goddess of matrimony
Kali — Hindu Goddess of Time and Death, slayer of demons, protectress (As Kali Ma: Divine Mother Goddess)
Kore — Greek Maiden Goddess of bountiful Earth (See also Persephone)
Kuan Yin , Kwan Yin Ma , Quan Yin — Chinese Goddess of Mercy and Compassion
Lakshmi — Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fertility (Goddess as Mother/Sustainer)
Lalita — Hindu Goddess of Beauty
Luna — Roman Goddess of the Moon
Ma'at — Egyptian Goddess, personified concept of truth, balance, justice, and order
Mary — Mother Goddess, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Femininity
Maya — Hindu Goddess of Illusion and Mystery
Minerva — Roman Goddess of wisdom and war
Morrigan — Celtic war Goddess
Nut — Egyptian Goddess of heaven and the sky and all celestial bodies
Parvati — Hindu Divine Mother, the embodiment of the total energy in the universe, Goddess of Power and Might
Pele — Hawai'ian volcano Goddess, Destroyer and Creatrix
Persephone — Greek Goddess daughter of Demeter, Queen of the Underworld, also a grain— Goddess, Maiden Goddess
Radha — Hindu Divine Mother
Rhiannon — Celtic Goddess of the moon
Rosmurta — Celtic/Roman Goddess of abundance. She is also the Goddess of Business Success.
Saraswati — Hindu Goddess of Knowledge, the Arts, Mathematics, Education, and cosmic Wisdom (Creatrix)
Sedna — Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Queen of the Underworld
Selene — Greek Goddess of Moon
Shakti — Hindu primordial cosmic energy, Great Divine Mother
Shekina — Hebrew Goddess of compassion in its purest form (feminine aspect of God)
Sita — Hindu Goddess representing perfect womanhood
Sol — Norse Sun Goddess
Sophia — Greek Goddess of wisdom
Spider Woman — Teotihuacan Great Goddess (Creatrix)
Tara — Hindu, Mother Goddess, the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propels all life.
Tara, Green — Buddhist female Buddha, Tibetan Buddhism - compassion, liberation, success. Compassionate Buddha of enlightened activity
Tara, White — Buddhist Goddess known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish— fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra
Tara, Red — fierceness, magnetizing all good things
Tara, Black — power
Tara, Yellow — wealth and prosperity
Tara, Blue — transmutation of anger
Tiamat — Mesopotamian dragon Goddess, embodiment of primordial chaos (the Velvet Dark)
Uma — Hindu Goddess of power, the personification of light and beauty, embodying great beauty and divine wisdom
Vesta — Roman Goddess of the hearth
Voluptas — Roman Goddess of pleasure
Yemaya — Yoruban Mother Goddess, Goddess of the Ocean
White Buffalo Calf Woman— Lakota Goddess
Source : http://www.wicca-spirituality.com/wiccan-goddesses.html
Image Source : https://pin.it/omtirfpt2fdxnp
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sleepingdragonhq · 6 years
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Below the cut, please find all the characters taking part in the costume contest and their costumes. There are several categories. The poll for the costume contest can be found here. Please base your votes off of the posts found under #sdhqtask4. 
Adabella Skeeter - Nurse (Times Square VJ Day Photo)
Adeline Mulciber - Bonnie Parker (Historical Figure)
Aiden Wolffe - Goose (Top Gun)
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (MCU)
Alice Longbottom II - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Annika Parkinson - Little Red Riding Hood (Fairytale)
Archer Selwyn - Peter Parker / Spiderman (MCU)
Ariella Belefleur - Newt Scamander (Famous Wizard)
Bastian Zabini - Lucio (Overwatch)
Benjamin Ollivander - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Brett Holland - Rosie the Riveter (Cultural Icon)
Brigid Callaghan - Flo (Progressive)
Callista McGonagall - Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Casey Abrams - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Catriona Byrne - Fairy (Mythical Creature)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Calypso (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Charlotte Watson - Wonder Woman (DCU)
Darcy Mulciber - Little Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tale)
Declan Rowland - Robin Hood (Hero in Folklore)
Dominique Weasley - Mermaid (Mythical Creature)
Elena Flores - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Elias Hero - Green Arrow (DCU)
Elliot Jacobson - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Evan Parkinson - Maverick (Top Gun)
Frank Longbottom - Han Solo (Star Wars)
Gabriel Larkin - Sailor (VJ Day in Times Square)
Grace Turner - Dorothy Gale (Wizard of Oz)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Harper Lee Clark - Tinkerbell (Peter Pan)
Isadora Castillo - Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Jace Greengrass - Jack in the Box 
James Ashcroft - Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
James Sirius Potter - Peter Parker / Spider-man (MCU)
Jaxon DuQuan - Black Panther (MCU)
Kristoff Flynn - Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
Lalita Patil - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Laurel Ollivander - D.Va (Overwatch)
Leonis Selwyn - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Liam Kominek - Count Dracula (Dracula)
Lily Luna Potter - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Lorcan Scamander - Kristoff (Frozen)
Lucienne Wolffe - Pennywise (IT)
Lucy Weasley - Princess Anna (Frozen)
Lulu Abbott - Pizza (Food)
Lyra Malfoy - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Sandy (Grease)
Malachai Arquette - Captain America (MCU)
Manon Flamel - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Matthias Vallois - James Bond (James Bond)
Matteo Alliata - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Molly Weasley II - Queen Elsa (Frozen)
Natalie Robertson - Ceiling Fan
Nate Hopkirk - Marty McFly (Back To The Future)
Octavia Coleman - Aphrodite (Greek Goddess)
Ophelia Pucey - Little Red Riding Hood (Fairytale)
Orion Yaxley - Bert (Mary Poppins)
Perseus Mulciber - Apollo (Greek God)
Phoebe Winters - Harley Quinn (DCU)
Reid Anderson - Pinocchio (Pinocchio)
Rosalie Fleur - Weeping Angel (Doctor Who)
Rosalind Vane - Poison Ivy (DCU)
Rose Weasley - Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)
Rowan King - Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby)
Sebastian Stan - Clark Kent / Superman (DCU)
Seraphina Macaulay - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Theodore Dubanowski - King Arthur (Hero in Folklore)
Theodore Oliver - Captain Hook / Pirate (Peter Pan)
Thomas Blackburn - Skeleton (Monster)
Tobias Atwell - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Toby Anderson - Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Verity Nott - Selina Kyle / Catwoman (DCU)
Wesley Martin - Clyde Barrow (Historical Figure)
William Ashcroft - Green Arrow (DCU)
Wren Fawley - Wonder Woman (DCU)
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sherrymagic · 1 month
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"It's not every day that you get to see stars with an alien, right? How can I miss it?" June Wanwimol as LUNA in Episode 8 23.5 (2024)
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List of Wiccan Goddesses and Pagan Goddess Names:
Akhilandeshvari - Hindu Goddess Never-Not-Broken Amaterasu - Japanese sun Goddess Annapurna - Hindu Goddess of Food and Nourishment Aphrodite /Venus - Greek Goddess of love and beauty Artemis/Diana - Greek/Roman Goddess of the hunt, virginity, and childbirth, twin sister of Apollo, and an Olympian, often associated with the moon Astarte - Greek Goddess of fertility, sexuality, and war Athena - Greek Goddess of wisdom, defensive and strategic wars Bast - Egyptian solar and war Goddess (in the form of a cat) Baubo - Greek Goddess of mirth, jests, and bawdy humour Brighid - Celtic Goddess of poetry, healing, and crafts (especially smith-work), holy wells and eternal flames Cerridwen - Celtic Goddess of transformation, of the cauldron of inspiration, of prophecy Cybele - Greek Earth Mother Danu - Irish Mother Goddess Demeter - Greek Goddess of the harvest and of grain, mother of Persephone Durga - Hindu Great Goddess, Divine Mother Eos - Greek Goddess of the dawn Ereshkigal - Mesopotamian Goddess of Darkness, Death, and Gloom Flora - Roman Goddess of flowers Fortuna - Roman Goddess of fortune Freya or Freyja - Norse Goddess of fertility, sexual liberty, abundance, and war Frigg - Norse Goddess of marriage, household management, and love, Queen of Heaven, and wife of Odin Gaia/Earth Mother - The Greek Goddess Gaia is the primordial Goddess of earth, mother and grandmother of the first generation of Titans Hathor - Egyptian Goddess of the Milky Way, Mother Goddess, Goddess of childbirth and death. Hecate - Greek Goddess of witchcraft and magick, crossroads, and the harvest moon Hestia - Greek Goddess of the hearth and domestic life Hel - Norse Goddess daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, Queen of the Dead Hera - Roman Goddess of the Hearth, of women, and of marriage Inanna - Sumerian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare Isis - Egyptian Mother Goddess, matron of nature and magick, Goddess of creativity and the underdog Ishtar - Mesopotamian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and war Juno - Roman Queen of the Gods and Goddess of matrimony Kali - Hindu Goddess of Time and Death, slayer of demons, protectress (As Kali Ma: Divine Mother Goddess) Kore - Greek Maiden Goddess of bountiful Earth (See also Persephone) Kuan Yin , Kwan Yin Ma , Quan Yin - Chinese Goddess of Mercy and Compassion Lakshmi - Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fertility (Goddess as Mother/Sustainer) Lalita - Hindu Goddess of Beauty Luna - Roman Goddess of the Moon Ma'at - Egyptian Goddess, personified concept of truth, balance, justice, and order Mary - Mother Goddess, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Femininity Maya - Hindu Goddess of Illusion and Mystery Minerva - Roman Goddess of wisdom and war Morrigan - Celtic war Goddess Nut - Egyptian Goddess of heaven and the sky and all celestial bodies Parvati - Hindu Divine Mother, the embodiment of the total energy in the universe, Goddess of Power and Might Pele - Hawai'ian volcano Goddess, Destroyer and Creatrix Persephone - Greek Goddess daughter of Demeter, Queen of the Underworld, also a grain-Goddess, Maiden Goddess Radha - Hindu Divine Mother Rhiannon - Celtic Goddess of the moon Rosmurta - Celtic/Roman Goddess of abundance. She is also the Goddess of Business Success. Saraswati - Hindu Goddess of Knowledge, the Arts, Mathematics, Education, and cosmic Wisdom (Creatrix) Sedna - Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Queen of the Underworld Selene - Greek Goddess of Moon Shakti - Hindu primordial cosmic energy, Great Divine Mother Shekina - Hebrew Goddess of compassion in its purest form (feminine aspect of God) Sita - Hindu Goddess representing perfect womanhood Sol - Norse Sun Goddess Sophia - Greek Goddess of wisdom Spider Woman - Teotihuacan Great Goddess (Creatrix) Tara - Hindu, Mother Goddess, the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propels all life. Tara, Green - Buddhist female Buddha, Tibetan Buddhism - compassion, liberation, success. Compassionate Buddha of enlightened activity Tara, White - Buddhist Goddess known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra Tara, Red - fierceness, magnetizing all good things Tara, Black - power Tara, Yellow - wealth and prosperity Tara, Blue - transmutation of anger Tiamat - Mesopotamian dragon Goddess, embodiment of primordial chaos (the Velvet Dark) Uma - Hindu Goddess of power, the personification of light and beauty, embodying great beauty and divine wisdom Vesta - Roman Goddess of the hearth Voluptas - Roman Goddess of pleasure Yemaya - Yoruban Mother Goddess, Goddess of the Ocean White Buffalo Calf Woman - Lakota Goddess
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laliespositodaily · 6 years
🔥Más videos del Brava Tour en el Luna Park 🔥
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giuliocavalli · 7 years
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#lEroeDelGiorno⠀ In India ogni anno almeno mille donne vengono sfigurate con l'acido. L'attacco all'autonomia femminile (e alla femminilità) è purtroppo una disgustosa pratica che già da anni ha raggiunto livelli allarmanti. Lalita Ben Bansi è stata gravemente sfigurata dall'acido durante un litigio con un suo cugino nel 2012, a Azamgarh, dove era andata per partecipare al matrimonio della cugina e è "colpevole" di avere schiaffeggiato il cugino durante una rissa tra lui e la sorella: un affronto che è stato punito sfigurandola. Lalita ha subito 17 interventi chirurgici a Bombay Hospital e verrà sottoposto altri 12 nei prossimi mesi. E ‘membro della Acid Survivors Foundation Saahas.⠀ ⠀ Tre mesi fa Lalita ha composto per errore il numero di telefono di Ravi Shankar Singh, operatore della rete televisiva Cctv, e quella telefonata le ha cambiato la vita: “Bansi ha composto accidentalmente il mio numero circa tre mesi fa. L'ho richiamata dopo 15 giorni”, ha raccontato Ravi. “Abbiamo parlato e io mi sono innamorato della sua voce. Le nostre conversazioni sono continuate fino a quando non ho deciso di chiederle di sposarla”.⠀ ⠀ "Mi sono innamorato della sua dolcezza, molte coppie si innamorano del volto del partner e alla fine divorziano. Con lei a me non interessa il suo viso. È una persona dolce, desidero che dio ci benedica per la vita”, dice il neo marito.⠀ ⠀ Così il 23 maggio si è celebrato a Mumbai il loro matrimonio. Nonostante le ristrettezze economiche della coppia la Acid Survivors Foundation Saahas (che riunisce tutte le vittime di aggressioni con acido) ha deciso di sostenere economicamente la cerimonia che è anche un messaggio di speranza per tutte le vittime che faticano a tornare a vivere. Insieme alla fondazione anche alcuni imprenditori della zona hanno deciso di farsi carico dei costi per il banchetto nuziale, la luna di miele e gli abiti degli sposi. L'attore Vivek Oberoi ha deciso di regalare agli sposi un appartamento a Mumbai.⠀ ⠀ “I miracoli accadono”, ha detto Bansi. “Chi avrebbe pensato che dopo un attacco con l'acido e 17 interventi avrei trovato l'amore? Shankar mi ha insegnato a credere nell'amore, è un nuovo inizio”.
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boomeranglalie-blog · 5 years
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Gif de Lali en el Luna Park
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cosmicfires · 4 years
Common Goddesses I- L
Inanna- Sumerian goddess of warfare, sexual love and fertility
Isis- Egyptian matron of nature and magick, creativity and the underdog
Ishtar- Mesopotamian goddess of war, fertility and sexual love
Juno- Roman queen goddess of matrimony
Kali- Hindu goddess of time and death, slayer of demons and protectress(Kali Ma)
Kore- Maiden goddess of bountiful earth
Kuan Yin, Kwan Yin Ma, Quan Yin- Chinese goddess of mercy and compassion
Lakshmi- Hindu goddess of wealth and fertility(mother, sustainer)
Lalita- Hindu goddess of beauty
Luna- Moon goddess
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Renzo Samaritani inaugura “CSB Radio”
Con la voce di Renzo Samaritani (che ne sarà lo chief editor) mercoledì si è inaugurata CSB Radio, con:
2 maggio “l’Agenda del CSB” di giugno, 4 maggio prima puntata di “Cucina per l’Anima” dedicata alla preparazione della base per la pasta fresca, 7 maggio per “Conferenze e Seminari di Marco Ferrini” prima parte di “La Forza del Pensiero Creativo – Come realizzare le aspirazioni dell’anima” e, mercoledì 9 maggio, andrà in onda una puntata di “Psicologia e Spiritualità” dedicata alla Psicologia Bhaktivedantica.
Altri appuntamenti:
Cibo per il corpo e per la mente 30 mag Dahl di lenticchie 25 mag la Catarsi nell’opera teatrale 23 mag La Forza del Pensiero Creativo 3 21 mag 3 Preparazione del curry 18 mag l’Universo Computazionale 16 mag La Forza del Pensiero Creativo 2 14 mag
…da mercoledì 2 maggio su spreaker.com/user/csbwebradio oppure abbonati al nostro iTunes Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/it/podcast/csb-radio/id1345312775?mt=2
Stitcher https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ewradio-by-yoganetwork/csb-radio
Per informazioni [email protected]
…buon ascolto!
Organigramma di CSB Radio
presidente Narada Muni Prabhu chief editor Renzo Samaritani (Ramananda Das) segretario generale e ufficio stampa Radharani Ferrini archivista Candravali speaker Lalita e Ramananda collaboratori in redazione Maresa e Meghashyam (Massimiliano Deliso)
(la Redazione è composta da tutti i nominativi qui sopra elencati)
Ascolta “CSB Radio” su Spreaker.
Renzo Samaritani, la letteratura si fa spiritualità (intervista su Orlando Magazine)
https://ift.tt/2rEJiL4 from CoscienzaSpirituale.net Associazione "Sole e Luna" via Clicca
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zonateensok-blog · 7 years
Nickelodeon Latinoamérica presenta los nominados a los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2017
Comienza la cuenta regresiva para la premiación más esperada por los teens & tweens, en  octubre llegan los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2017. 
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Lali busca coronarse por cuarta vez consecutiva como Artista Nacional Favorita y este año se enfrenta en la terna: a la nueva estrella pop argentina Oriana Sabatini, Axel y Rombai. Además, Juanita Tinelli, la centennial furor en redes sociales, está nominada por primera vez a los KCA Argentina en una de las nuevas categorías: Musically Favorita. Ya se puede votar a través de www.kcaargentina.com en la Nick Play o vía Twitter.
Nickelodeon Latinoamérica anuncia los nominados oficiales a la séptima edición de los Kids’ Choice Awards Argentina 2017 (#KCAArgentina), el evento más esperado donde los teens & tweens son los verdaderos protagonistas.
A partir de hoy y hasta el 18 de octubre, los chicos podrán votar a sus favoritos de la lista de nominados en las 26 categorías, para que logren llevarse el ansiado blimp.
Este año, Lali y Oriana Sabatini son las que más nominaciones recibieron y compiten en las categorías: Artista o Grupo Favorito y Canción Latina Favorita con sus hits “Una Na” y “Love me down easy”, respectivamente. Además, Agus Bernasconi buscará llevarse el segundo blimp como Chico Trendy, la categoría que consagra al it boy argentino, frente a Agustín Casanova (líder de Maramá), Franco Masini y Victorio D’Alessandro.
Se puede votar a través de www.kcaargentina.com, la aplicación Nick Play, y en Twitter incluyendo el hashtag oficial #KCAArgentina y el de cada nominado favorito. El listado completo de hashtags está disponible en www.trendybynick.com
Este año, los KCA Argentina prometen muchas más sorpresas para los chicos y por supuesto, más slime que nunca. Próximamente, se anunciarán más novedades del show donde los chicos eligen a sus favoritos del mundo de la televisión, cine, música, deporte y redes sociales.
Esta entrega de los #KCAArgentina cuenta con varias marcas líderes como sponsors incluyendo a la colección de fragancias Florever de Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Ditoys, Fantoche Like, Footy, Hexa, “Olé, el viaje de Ferdinand” la nueva película de Fox que estrena próximamente en todos los cines, Positivo BGH, Push Pop y Tregar. Los patrocinadores oficiales contarán con espacios especialmente diseñados en el evento para interactuar con los chicos de una forma creativa.
Nazareno Casero                            #NazarenoCasero                                                        
Joaquín Ochoa                                                #JoaquinOchoa                                                              
Michael Ronda                                #MichaelRonda
Harold Azuara                                  #HaroldAzuara
Brenda Asnicar                                                #BrendaAsnicar
Mechi Lambre                                 #MechiLambre
Carolina Kopelioff                          #CarolinaKopelioff
Paulina Vetrano                                              #PaulinaVetrano
Heidi, Bienvenida a Casa             #HeidiBienvenidaACasa
Soy Luna                                            #SoyLuna
O11CE                                                 #O11ce
Vikki RPM                                          #VikkiRPM
Liv y Maddie                                     #LivYMaddie    
Los Thundermans                          #LosThundermans
School of Rock                                 #SchoolOfRock
Atrapada en el Medio                  #AtrapadaEnElMedio
Isabella Castillo                                               #IsabellaCastillo
Valentina Zenere                           #ValentinaZenere
Sebastián Athié                                              #SebastianAthie
Scarlet Gruber                                 #ScarletGruber
Escandalosos                                    #Escandalosos
Las Chicas Superpoderosas        #LasChicasSuperpoderosas
Star vs. Las Fuerzas del Mal        #StarVsLasFuerzasDelMal
Bob Esponja                                     #BobEsponja
¿En qué mano está?                     #EnQueManoEsta
Combate                                            #Combate
A todo o nada – Las Puertas      #ATodoONada
Dueños de La Cocina                     #DueñosdeLaCocina
Un Jefe En Pañales                        #UnJefeEnPañales
La Bella y la Bestia                          #LaBellaYLaBestia
Mi Villano Favorito 3                     #MiVillanoFavorito3
Emoji, la película                             #Emoji
El Club del Moro                             #ElClubDelMoro
Morning Time                                  #MorningTime
El Despertador                                                #ElDespertador
Oh My God!                                     #OhMyGod
Camila Cabello                                 #CamilaCabello
Justin Bieber                                    #JustinBieber
Shawn Mendes                                              #ShawnMendes
BTS                                                       #BTS
Axel                                                     #Axel  
Lali                                                        #Lali
Oriana Sabatini                                #OrianaSabatini              
Rombai                                                               #Rombai
Una Na (Lali)                                                                    #UnaNa
Love me down easy (Oriana Sabatini)                   #LoveMeDownEasy
Reggaetón lento (CNCO              )                                             #ReggeatonLento
Mi Gente (J Balvin)                                                       #MiGente
Hey DJ (CNCO ft. Yandel)                                                                                          #HeyDJ
Despacito (Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber)                                 #DespacitoJB
Hey Ma (Camila Cabello, Pitbull ft. J Balvin)                                                       #HeyMa
It Ain’t Me (Selena Gomez ft. Kygo)                                                                     #ItAintMe
Agustín Casanova                           #AgustinCasanovaTrendy
Agustín Bernasconi                       #AgustinBernasconiTrendy
Franco Masini                                  #FrancoMasiniTrendy  
Victorio D’Alessandro                   #VictorioDAlessandroTrendy
Cande Molfese                                               #CandeMolfeseTrendy
Isabella Castillo                                               #IsabellaCastilloTrendy
Mica Viciconte                                 #MicaViciconteTrendy
Stephanie Demner                        #StephanieDemnerTrendy
Mike Chouhy                                   #MikeChouky
Azu Makeup                                     #AzuMakeUp
Bárbara Martinez                           #BarbaraMartinez
Mili Masini                                         #MiliMasini
Julián Serrano                                  #JulianSerrano
Lionel Ferro                                      #LionelFerro
Kevsho                                                               #Kevsho
Dosogas                                             #Dosogas
Mica Suárez                                      #MicaSuarez
Daiana Hernández                         #DaianaHernandez
María Becerra                                  #MariaBecerra
Yoana Marlen Style                       #YoanaMarlenStyle      
iCarly                                                   #iCarly
Zoey 101                                            #Zoey101
Big Time Rush                                  #BTR
Hey Arnold                                        #HeyArnold
Magalí Tajes                                     #MagaliTajesIG
Sofi Morandi                                    #SofiMorandiIG
Gonzalo Goette                                              #GonzaloGoettelG
Nati Jota                                             #NatiJotaIG
@cande.copello                              #candecopello
@juanitinelli                                     #juantinelli
@robleisiutu1                                  #robleisiutu1
@violenarvay                                   #violenarvay
#Lalitas (Fans de Lali)                                                   #Lalitas
#Micaelistas (Fans de Mica Viciconte)                   #Micaelistas
#Serranistas (Fans de Julián Serrano)                   #Serranistas
#Army (Fans de BTS)                                                    #Army
Secretarias (Telefe.com)                             #Secretarias
Soy Rada Show (Telefe.com)                    #SoyRadaShow
La Velocidad de la Luz (Nickelodeon)    #LVDLL
Mecanickeando                                                             #Mecanickeando
Boxine (Boris + Maxine) de Heidi, Bienvenida a Casa                    #Boxine
Maxki (Max+ Kira) de Vikki RPM                                                                            #Maxki
Claribio (Clara + Toribio) de Heidi, Bienvenida a Casa                     #Claribio
Roker (Rox + Iker) de Heidi, Bienvenida a Casa                                                #Roker
Robleisiutu                                        #RobleisIUTU
Dei Gamer                                         #DeiGamer
Lyna                                                     #SrtaLynaV
Alfredito Games                             #AlfreditoGames
Paulo Dybala (fútbol)                                   #PauloDybala
Manu Ginóbili (basquet)                             #ManuGinobili
Leo Mayer (tenis)                                          #LeoMayer
Delfina Merino                (hockey)                             #Delfina Merino
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sleepingdragonhq · 7 years
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Students are bustling with anticipation for more than one reason. With Halloween fast approaching and the first Quidditch match of the year just around the corner. Unfortunately, two certain witches have a few tricks up their sleeves. It’s a very big prank but they thought it was worth it. Everyone will be spending their favorite spooky holiday in... someone else’s body.
We all know how much those gossip witches love causing panic and they’re really stepping up their game this time and unfortunately, this is not their only trick. Keep an eye out for one of their lovely messages.
This is a two part event lasting two weeks. The body swap event will take place from November 1st at 12 noon GMT to the same time November 8th. The quidditch after party will begin as soon as the body swap ends, and we will announce the winner then, and the event will officially be over same time November 15th.
For this event, please track and tag all starters under #sdhqbodyswap for the body swap and #sdhqafterparty for the after party. Do not tag any event posts under #sdhqevent as this is for admin use only.
Please like this post once you’ve read it so that we know you’ve seen it !!
Under the cut, you can find who your character(s) have swapped bodies with. You will need to use gifs of that faceclaim for all interactions during the first part of the event.
Lucy Weasley (Camila Mendes) - Callum Segal (Ross Butler)
Evan Parkinson (Chirs Wood) - Lorcan Scamander (Dominic Sherwood)
Liam Kominek (Colin O’Donoghue) - Theodore Dubanowski (Hunter Parrish)
Gabriel Larkin (Aaron Tveit) - Alastair Watson (Jeremy Jordan)
James Sirius Potter (KJ Apa) - Nicolas Avery (Santiago Segura)
Benjamin Ollivander (Bob Morley) - Jace Greengrass (Steven R. McQueen)
Callista McGonagall (Jennifer Morrison) - Natalie Robertson (Sophia Bush)
Octavia Coleman (Caitlin Stasey) - Scorpius Malfoy (Austin Butler)
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas (Britt Robertson) - Natalie Davies (Freya Mavor)
Brigid Callaghan (Sofia Carson) - Laurel Ollivander (Hailee Steinfeld)
Brett Holland (Liana Liberato) - Luke Corner (Douglas Booth)
Lily Luna Potter (Sophie Turner) - Rosalind Vane (Madelaine Petsch)
Adabella Skeeter (Halston Sage) - Lysander Scamander (Dominic Sherwood)
Elias Hero (Matthew Daddario) - Aleksander Krum (Daniel Sharman)
Cassandra Hero (Marie Avgeropoulos) - Aurel Device (Tyler Hoechlin)
Skye Macdougal (Eliza Taylor) - Lalita Patil (Naomi Scott)
Bellamy McGonagall (Max Irons) - Alice Longbottom II (Maisie Williams)
Rylee Greengrass (Nina Dobrev) - Bastian Zabini (Keith Powers)
Holly Wood (Melissa Benoist) - Charlotte Watson (Troian Bellisario)
Dominique Weasley (Imogen Poots) - Julia Kominek (Phoebe Tonkin)
Augustine Reynard (Darren Criss) - Megan Pucey (Kacey Rohl)
Lyra Malfoy (Dove Cameron) - Rose Weasley (Kat McNamara)
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