#louis tomlinson worship
so-idialed-9 · 9 months
This is the correct level ofLouis Tomlinson worship
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Given the situation
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twinks-for-louis · 11 months
I'm no longer human after tonight, I've gone completely feral for this man
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red-pandaaa · 6 months
Well-deserved Worship for Kinktober 2023 Larry | 3,3K | Explicit Louis is on break, and Harry treats him like he deserves to be
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itsamzz28 · 1 year
It's time to worship defenceless again for a week!
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mlths · 16 days
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The very first time I was touched by a man...
A primeira vez de Harry e Louis não poderia ter sido mais interrompida, até o dia em que decidiram ir para uma escapada de fim de semana na cabana dos pais de Styles para terem um tempo a sós. Só havia um problema...ambos garotos nunca tinham se relacionado com homens antes e Harry tinha um caso sério de manha, o que Louis descobriu ser a coisa mais excitante sobre ele em seus momentos íntimos.
[hbottom, ltops - tradicional!] primeira vez, sexo anal/oral, body worshipping, inexperiência, cum play, praise kink, descoberta sobre kinks, conversa sobre revezamento...
Harry e Louis eram apenas garotos com grandes sonhos quando se conheceram, olhar para o futuro em um distante horizonte era mais fácil do que olhar para o agora e lidar com todas as mudanças que a puberdade trouxe para ambos. Para Louis era um pouco mais fácil devido aos dois anos a mais de experiência do que o mais novo que estava lidando com a fase de ereções que vinham a cada observada de diferentes corpos, mas a mudança em comum veio quando em dia Tomlinson se pegou pensando em um par de olhos esmeraldas enquanto se masturbava no banheiro e Styles sentiu seu pau se endurecer com a doce voz do mais velho, que estava sem camisa, em um ensaio.
Não poderia ser mais confuso e complicado, seus primeiros beijos haviam sido garotas, o primeiro pornô, hétero, as primeiras punhetas e pensamentos, todos por garotas, Louis até mesmo havia tido sua primeira vez com uma e Harry acreditava que a sua também seria, até que os dois se aproximaram um pouco mais e tudo mudou muito rápido.
Após o orgasmo levado com a água e a ereção escondida por uma almofada, eles se estranharam, se ignoraram, se escreveram e cheios dos sonhos com os olhos opostos...eles se encontram, se admiraram e decidiram que era hora de lidar com o horizonte que está perto e é preciso olhar detalhadamente para observar, já que o do futuro está longe demais até mesmo para dois jovens que se sentem invencíveis.
"Harry..." Louis chamou batendo leve na porta do quarto do mais novo. "Posso entrar?" "Oi Lou...entra!"
Harry estava todo enrroladinho em seus cobertores e era possível ver um rubor em suas bochechas demonstrando a timidez por ter o mais velho tão perto de ti. "Quer me ajudar a fazer macacão?, a sua receita de molho branco é melhor que meus dotes culinários" "Tudo bem Lou, você quer fazer agora?" Acenando, os dois vão em direção a cozinha andando devagar, com os corações batendo rápido de nervosismo por estarem sozinhos.
O macarrão fica pronto em um silêncio ensurdecedor, a mesa é posta por Harry que se assusta com o barulho a garrafa de vinho sendo colocada na mesa por Louis, duas taças em sua mão direita. Harry ri baixinho com isso, o de olhos azuis sempre o tratava como igual, mas esperava que acabaria bebendo suco de uva no final da noite.
"Pode beber um pouco se não contar pra sua mãe"
Os dois comiam sem silêncio, o som da comida sendo mastigada e o vinho engolido eram os únicos sons ouvidos, eles queriam falar, perguntar se era do mesmo jeito, a confusão e a vontade, mas era tanta vergonha que até mesmo Louis se mantinha em silêncio.
"Lou...posso te perguntar uma coisa?" "Claro, Haz"
"Você já sentiu tesão por alguém que não deveria?" Louis engole seco pela pergunta inesperada e uma chama se acende em seu peito com o pensamento de que Harry não era tão inocente quanto ele pensava, o quanto ele gostaria...
"Como assim? Tipo uma mulher mais velha?" "Não...alguém mais velho, sim, mas não uma mulher..." Harry olhava para suas mãos que se ocupavam com a taça de vinho que já intoxicava seu organismo o suficiente para o dar coragem de fazer tal pergunta.
"É...não seria alguém que você não deveria sentir tesão, Haz. Não pense assim, tá tudo bem se sentir atraído por homens." " Eu sei disso Louis, tô perguntando se, você, já sentiu." " Já..." " E por quem foi? Você tomou alguma atitude?" " Por que essa curiosidade do nada, Harry? Por acaso você está ficando com alguém, hein?..."
Harry se sentiu mais envergonhado que possível, ele não sabia o que responder ao mais velho, como falar sem falar, sem deixar claro que era ele o seu sonho pecaminoso, sua violenta vontade.
" Não! Eu só estou curioso, você sabe...na minha idade provavelmente tinha ereções por qualquer garota que respirava, e eu também. Mas outro dia aconteceu por um garoto e eu só queria saber se eram só hormônios ou, não sei! outra coisa"
Louis também olhava para sua mão, não queria admitir, vai que deixava escapar que o mais novo o enchia de desejo, mas ele sabia que tinha que dizer algo, que deveria tranquilizar Harry de alguma forma, o deixar confortável e o fazer entender que poderia ser quem ele quisesse ser.
"Na sua idade não, pequeno, mas acho que a curiosidade acontece sabe, em qualquer idade e é normal. Não sei se foi atração ou algo assim, mas entendo o que você está falando, com certeza os hormônios ajudaram, mas acho que é outra coisa"
"Como eu faço para saber se é outra coisa, Lou, eu não quero ficar com estranho com ele..." "Que nem tava comigo? Foi por isso?" " Você também estava estranho comigo...foi isso?"
Seus olhos se encontraram após um longo tempo observando a mesa, eles sabiam a resposta, é claro que sabiam. Os dois se levantaram e Harry teve seu pescoço tomado pelas mãos de Louis que acariciavam sutilmente a pele cheirosa e macia daquela área, eles se olhavam intensamente, o medo presente no olhar, mas vontade falava mais alto, gritando para que juntasse seus lábios e vivessem o momento.
Foi o que eles fizeram, seus lábios se juntaram em um selinho tímido seguido de outros pequenos beijinhos que se tornaram um beijo vergonhoso sem língua, um jeitinho de tentar conhecer a boca um do outro, aprender o que faz ofegar, a língua de Louis foi que fez o primeiro suspiro sair dos lábios de Harry, quando a passou de leve por sua boca aberta sem saber o que fazer. Styles a deixou que entrasse, esperando para seguir o que mais velhos iria fazer, acompanhando os movimentos lentos enquanto sua mão caminhava por suas costas de forma carinhosa e Tomlinson puxava de leve seu cabelo, o fazendo delirar. Eles terminaram o beijo com mais seilinhos e sorrisos bobos.
O primeiro crush de Harry Styles foi Louis Tomlinson e eles conversaram, era mútuo.
Depois do primeiro beijo muitos outros foram trocados, as escondidas claro, até as coisas esquentarem pela primeira vez e a urgência de uma conversa surgir.
O namoro veio após a conversa, ainda escondido, nenhum deles estavam prontos para as outras conversa que surgiriam, seus amigos poderiam achar estranho e seus pais acharem que era melhor eles se afastarem um pouco ou então impor limites que eles não poderiam controlar, então eles esconderam e começaram a tentar vivenciar momentos íntimos juntos.
Harry era tímido e pidão, Louis era febril e incontrolável, juntos eles eram uma combinação e tanto, Tomlinson não vai a hora de tirar a inocência para fora do corpo do de olhos verdes, de o ver se perder no prazer e fazer tudo que ele pedia e Styles estava pronto para pedir e obedecer, para aprender a como tocar o outro, a como gozar e como sentiria seu pontinho que aprendeu que tinha na aula de biologia.
Só tinham um problema, a casa tinha outros moradores e seus pais os visitavam sempre, toda vez que tentavam fazer alguma coisa eram interrompidos, seja pela gritaria em uma partida de videogame, seus pais chamandos seus nomes, alguém querendo ir ao banheiro, os gemidinhos altinhos que eles deixavam escapar só por se tocarem.
Algo tinha que ser feito ou eles seriam as duas primeiras pessoas que morreriam de tesão. Até mesmo suas composições poderiam se comparar a livros eróticos, seus humores estavam péssimos e suas bolas pesadas.
Até que Harry teve uma ideia, ele pediria a cabana de seus pais emprestada para um fim de semana, mentiria dizendo que precisava de um tempo sozinho e Louis iria com ele, escondido, eles teriam 48 horas inteiras para aprenderem juntos como fazer o outro jorrar e tremer de prazer e então, talvez eles estariam prontos para as conversas que teriam que ter.
Eles chegaram na cabana no mesmo fim de semana em que Harry a pediu emprestada para seus pais, eles sabiam o quão cansativo era para seu garotinho conciliar o fim de seus estudos com o recém sucesso de sua banda, por isso o apoiaram quando o mesmo disse querer passar um tempo sozinho...com Louis, o que eles não sabiam, o que era melhor.
Os morenos estavam nervosos, não sabiam exatamente o que fazer, mas eles haviam feito pesquisas, Louis até mesmo tinha comprado camisinhas e lubrificantes diferentes, até pensou em comprar algum brinquedinho que ajudasse a preparar Harry, mas decidiu que por enquanto ele preferia seus dedos. A decisão do mais novo ser o passivo da vez veio em uma conversa da travesseiro depois de terem sido interrompidos, Styles era curioso e queria muito saber como era ter sua parte de trás tocada, já Tomlinson estava um pouco aflito com isso, pois já havia tentado brincar lá uma vez e não foi tão bom, então os dois concordaram que por enquanto Harry seria comido e se um dia Louis quisesse experimentar, eles poderiam tentar.
Uma vez dentro da cabana, eles arrumaram os pertences dos próximos dias em seus lugares e foram para o jardim no fundo casa, a vista era maravilhosa, com uma banheira de hidromassagem que ficava em frente ao quarto principal que tinha acesso a essa parte da casa também.
Perto do pôr do sol, eles decidiram trocar de roupa e ver a passagem do dia para noite na banheira, enquanto Harry se trocava, o mais velho arrumou umas frutas e vinho para eles comerem e abriu as portas do quarto para facilitar quando forem para lá. Logo entraram na hidromassagem e se deliciaram com as frutas.
O vinho começava a fazer efeito quando Harry sentiu seu estômago repuxar e seu cuzinho piscar querendo atenção, de forma manhosa ele se pôs ao lado de Louis e deixou beijinhos em sua nuca enquanto o abraçava com força. Tomlinson percebeu a nítida mudança no mais novo e logo tratou de retribuir apertando de leve seu quadril e acariciando seus cabelos enquanto se deliciava com os beijos dados no lugar certo.
Os beijinhos inocentes se transformaram em mordidinhas de amor que seguiram até a orelha do mais velho, o fazendo suspirar e subir suas carícias para a cintura do mais novo, depois passou de leve por seu peitoral magro e sutilmente brincou com seus mamilos que logo ficaram durinhos, tirando de Harry um gemido manhoso e necessitado por mais toques safadinhos. "Lou...por favor! Eu quero tanto você"
"Porra, Haz, você vai acabar comigo se continuar gemendo desse jeito! Me deixa saber o que você quer, amor, pede pro Lou vai, mas pede com jeitinho".
O jato da hidromassagem que passava no meio dos dois corpos acabou indo direto para o pau do de olhos verdes quando ele se aproximou de Louis, o arrancando um gemidinho sofrego de seus lábios vermelhinhos. Harry rebolou devagarinho ali, tentando esconder do mais velho que estava se dando prazer sozinho, mas Louis percebeu, é claro.
"Que coisinha mais safada que eu tenho aqui, quer que eu te deixe aqui sozinho gozando nessa banheira, Harry? Me pede o que você quer!" Ele diz imperativo, queria dominar o prazer de Harry, que ele dominasse o seu.
"Lou..." Logo Styles estava pressionado na borda da banheira, tendo seus peitinhos chupados bem gostosinho e o jato forte estimulando seu cuzinho, pelo tecido do short.
O prazer era demais para o corpo virgem de Harry, ele gozaria logo, mas queria mais que isso. Sua timidez não poderia o impedir de pedir para Louis o que queria, mesmo sem racionar direito o que estava acontecendo, ele puxou os cabelinhos da nuca do de olhos azuis e o forçou a olhar para ele.
Com os olhos piedões e cheio de lágrimas pelo tamanho prazer, a boca inchada e aquela aura sexual que o cercava, ele mordeu os lábios inferiores deixando a mostra os dentinhos de coelho, e lambeu a boca de Louis antes de pedir: "Lou, me leva pro quarto! Eu quero que você me deixe molhadinho e pronto pra você."
Aquele foi o fim, a simples menção insinuando o que estava para acontecer foi o suficiente para enlouquecer Tomlinson, que agarrou o menino pelas coxas gordinhas e o levou para o quarto iluminado apenas pela pouca luz da lua e um abajur de lâmpada amarela que deixava tudo mais sexy e aconchegante.
O mais novo foi colocado no centro da cama, logo sentindo o corpo quente em cima de si, causando uma vontade de o ter contra ele para sempre. O peso e a temperatura quente o deixavam estranhamento confortável, querendo ficar ali para sempre. A submissão natural do cacheado fazia Louis ficar louco, era fácil mudar o garoto de lugar e fazer dele o que bem entendesse.
Eles se beijavam com uma vontade ardente, o calor que emanava de seus corpos os deixavam cada vez mais ofegantes, o primeiro gemido de Harry veio com os beijos que foram deixados em seu pescoço que seguiram por sua clavícula, até voltar para sua mandíbula, em um pontinho no osso pontiagudo perto da orelha que fez o mais novo vazar.
"Lou...porra, faz mais", o mais novo estava sedento por mais, sedento por Louis, ardendo em fogo que queimava de dentro e o fazia arrepiar quando tinha a língua igualmente quente dançando por seu corpo, até chegar em seu mamilo. O mais velho contorno a auréola, soprou o lugar molhando e com lambidinhas de gatinho, foi preparando a carne para ser chupada com mais força.
O montinho de carne era chupado com força na boca de Louis, que se deleitava com o conforto de mamar nos peitos lindos de Styles. Logo o outro biquinho foi tomado com a mesma vontade. Harry gemia baixinho, ainda com vergonha, e puxava devagar e com carinho o cabelo do mais velho, mostrando o quanto estava gostando da nova sensação.
"Haz, meu bem. Eu quero tanto te ter pra mim, você quer também? Vai me deixar te ter, amor?" Louis ia descendo os beijos pelo tronco, até chegar perto do umbigo do mais novo e passar a língua ao redor, descendo mais até o cós da peça de banho, onde deixou mordidinhas enquanto abaixava o short pelas pernas bonitas.
"Louis! Eu quero tanto, me chupa por favor!" O prazer era tanto que Harry sentia que ia desmaiar, beijos molhados eram deixados pela parte interna de sua coxa, perto da suas bolas, onde Louis soprou devagar, depois beijou sua virilha e finalmente tocou em pau endurecido. "Ahhh, Lou, vai logo! Faz mais!"
Com lambidinhas de gatinha, Louis foi chupando devagar, passava a língua de leve na glande e se deliciava com o gosto do mais novo, algo como sal e vinagre. Depois chupou um escroto de cada vez e desceu para o períneo, " Lou, aí, faz no meu cuzinho." Obedecendo seu pedido, a próxima lambida foi no cuzinho vermelhinho e apertado de Harry, Tomlinson lambuzava aquela parte até que estivesse o suficien para impulsionar a língua para dentro.
"Haz, vou colocar um dedo, se for demais você me fala." Com carinho e cuidado, um dedo foi colocado aos poucos, Louis tratou de chupar só a cabecinha para aliviar o desconforto que logo passou, Harry tratou de rebolar devagarinho para adentrar mais o dedo dentro de si e seu pau na boca do de olhos azuis.
Logo outro dedo foi colocado, Louis fazia movimentos de tesoura e procurava pelo pontinho do mais novo enquanto focava só na cabecinha. " Lou, tá doendo um pouquinho, coloca mais lubrificante, por favor!". Tratou de colocar mais nos dedos e continuou com os movimentos.
Harry não aguentava mais todas as sensações novas que estava sentindo, sentia como se alguma coisa estava faltando e só queria sentir logo Louis dentro dele. Tomlinson também estava na beira para começar a roçar o pau no colchão embaixo dele. Desesperados para se sentirem mais intensamente.
"Tá pronto pra mim, amor?" Acenando rápido, Harry concordou ansioso já se ajeitando melhor. Louis pegou a camisinha que estava na cama e foi colando quando uma mão o parou. "Lou, não...quero sentir você de verdade." Era demais para o mais velho aguentar, mas ele sabia que seria mais fácil entrar em Harry com o preservativo e apesar de saber que estavam limpos, nenhum exame tinha sido feito.
Ele queria que seu Haz estivesse confortável, que o atrito que pele com pele faria ia ser mais doloroso. "Amor, assim vai ser melhor, vai doer menos e depois se você quiser, nas outras vezes pode ser sem." Harry apenas concordou baixinho e ergueu a cabeça em busca de beijinhos que foram dados de imediato. "Loulou, pode gozar nos meus peitos? Eu realmente preciso sentir você."
Com um gemido mais alto que esperava, Louis apenas disse vários "sim" e foi colocando devagar seu pau grande dentro de Harry. "Você é tão apertado, amor, tá me sentindo em todo lugar? Vai me deixar saber quando eu puder me mexer tá, me deixa saber se você está gostando. Tão bom pra mim."
Harry rebolava e se contorcia, era demais e ainda sim, ele queria mais. Louis dava tudo de si e ele queria recompensar, gemidos e barulho molhado, junto com os tapas secos que o contato da banda pequena e branquinha com as bolas cheias de porra faziam. "Louis! Me come devagar! Toca no meu pau, por favor, Loulou, eu sou tão seu. Quero ser seu bom garoto para sempre."
As estocadas diminuíram, mas logo ambos gozariam facinho. Masturbava de leve a glande babada do mais novo e espalhava moridas de amor pelos mamilos eriçados, Harry o abraçava apertado e mordia o pescoço com as presas pequenas, queria marcar Louis como seu também.
"Haz, vou gozar, amor." Avisou quando tirou seu pau devagar do cuzinho que piscou com a falta de algo. Tirou a camisinha e se masturbou rápido em cima do peito vermelho, Harry apertava suas bolas e inconscientemente colocava a língua para fora. Com um último gemido, porra branquinha foi deixada pelo tronco do cacheado.
Louis, ainda ofegante, masturbou Harry que de forma agonizante, esporrou em todo tronco, juntando suas porras ali. Deitados ofegantes e felizes, eles ficaram um tempo ali, curtindo o corpo quentinho um do outro e seus batimentos rápidos, o suor e o cheiro no ar.
Harry, depois de um tempo, pegou um pouco da porra nos dedos e levou a boca, provando seus sabores juntos, ele queria tanto provar Louis.
" Amor, você vai me matar assim. Gostou da gente juntinho?" "Sim, Lou, quero a gente assim pra sempre, eu te amo!"
"Também te amo, amor. A gente vai tá assim para sempre."
Louis o levou para banheira já preparada no banheiro, com os dois deitados na água quente, ele também pegou um pouco de seus gostos nos dedos e o levou na boca, depois brincou um pouco ali, desenhando um coração, antes de deixar a água lavar.
Depois de limpos eles deitaram na cama, abraçadinhos, Harry, a concha menor, empurrou a bunda para mais perto do pau murcho do outro, só para sentir assim pertinho. "Lou, da próxima vez, quero sentir você, seu gosto e seu cuzinho. Quero um monte de coisas também, sempre com você." O cacheado falava meio adormecido e o mais velho só ria com a boca raspando nas costas e nuca, sabendo que que em algum futuro próximo, ele estaria no lugar de Harry.
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
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- HL Fic Library's Winter Fic Rec -
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
❄️ In A Twinkling by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom {Explicit, 89k}
Louis’ Nan just wants him to be happy, to settle down with a nice boy, and bring him around for Christmas.
Louis is too busy with his career to bother about relationships, but in an attempt to appease his Nan, he sends her photoshopped pictures of him and his pretend boyfriend, Harry. The fact that the man in the pictures is none other than Harry Styles, world famous Gucci model—and recurrent star of Louis’ fantasies—is irrelevant. It’s not like their paths will ever cross…
So it comes as somewhat of a surprise when Louis returns home for Christmas and walks into his Nan’s sitting room only to find the real-life Harry Styles happily chatting away with the grey-haired ladies of his Nan’s Crochet Circle.
Featuring Niall and Liam as Louis’ childhood friends, Harry as the painfully perfect man of Louis’ dreams, Zayn as Harry’s very protective best mate, Louis’ Nan as a well-meaning matchmaker, and Louis as a guy who thinks he’s happy with his life, until a certain someone shows him what he’s been missing.
❄️ the impossible now by stylinsoncity / @aliensingucci {Mature, 64k}
A wish on Christmas Eve sends Louis to an alternate dimension where Harry is a member of One Direction.
❄️ Yet in Thy Dark Streets Shineth by @juliusschmidt {Mature, 57k}
Louis’ life has become the very thing he’s always dreaded: routine. His job is steady, his bills are paid, his friends are preoccupied, his siblings are mostly old enough not to need him, and his mom keeps pestering him about attending church. Apparently, the new minister pulls rainbows and unicorns out of his robes.
Advent arrives three months into Harry’s first call as associate pastor at St. Andrews. Life is… not perfect. He’s still figuring out how do his job and the holidays bring a whole bundle of extra stress. On top of which, he has no friends or family nearby with whom he can decompress. Louis Tomlinson shows up to worship in the nick of time.
❄️ like cranberries on a winter evening by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou {General, 47k}
Louis hates Christmas. With good reason, too. And no, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
When research for his next novel leads Louis to the website of a quirky little hotel in Northumberland, there is exactly one room available for the two weeks that Louis really wants to get away from his family.
Will the fairy lights, kind smiles, homemade pastries, and genuine friendships awaiting him in Harry Styles’ hotel be enough to cause Louis a change of heart?
❄️ Ideal: An Advent Fic by asphodelknox / @iamasphodelknox {Mature, 40k}
All Louis wanted was some god-damned time to write his novel. He didn’t expect to move his and Liam’s entire production of a Christmas variety show to a small inn in Vermont just before the holidays. He didn’t expect to save Niall’s inn. He didn’t expect Liam to fall in love. He definitely didn’t expect to fall in love himself. And he certainly didn’t expect it all to feel so much like a Christmas movie.
Oh hell. There’s a lot of things Louis didn’t expect.
A White Christmas au, complete with drama, fluff, choreographed dance numbers, and idiotic boys falling in love. Just your typical Christmas fun.
❄️ The Happiest Season by @sadaveniren {Explicit, 37k}
“You’re going to spend Christmas -and your birthday- with his homophobic WASP parents? That’s gonna be hell.”
Louis closed his eyes in frustration. “It was either that or be apart and I don’t think that’s gonna be good for either of us this year, you know?”
A fic loosely based on Happiest Season but make it ... different
❄️ All Your Mates Are Here by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup {Teen&Up, 36k}
"The pack is... It's folding, Harry."
Like every werewolf does when they get to a new town, Harry joined one of the many local packs when he started university. Now, three years into his program, he's hit with the news that his pack is giving up, going their separate ways. In the wake of the holidays, the three single wolves from the Majestic pack are pointed in the direction of a new pack to join; one that's got struggles of its own.
A new pack, a new house, and two new roommates with personal space issues... Plus exams, of course.
❄️ From the Start by @allwaswell16 {Explicit, 32k}
Louis has no idea that one act of kindness will cause his life to spiral out of control. But that's what happens when his new friend fake proposes to him and a video of it goes viral.
❄️ One Minute to Midnight by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {Explicit, 29k}
Louis Tomlinson is at the height of his game in Boston's financial scene. He's got the instinct, and he's got the guts to take calculated risks that make everyone around him a lot of money. Everything is going well until the day after he gets promoted when he wakes up forty years older than his actual age.
Two years later he's adapted to his new life as a retiree, but he's lonely and desperate for company closer to his real age during the rigorous holiday party season. He gets some questionable advice from Niall and turns to the Seeking Arrangement app where he finds Harry Styles, a local actor he's been a fan of since they had an undergraduate class together. But what happens when a few dates here and there isn't enough?
❄️ all the lights are full of colour by @infinitelymint {Explicit, 26k}
So, fast-forwarding eight years from the day Harry met Louis, he is now a twenty-seven year old owner of one of the most up-and-coming eating establishments on the London restaurant scene, father of two wonderful boys and… separated from his husband. Now, that last part definitely was never a part of the original plan.
Or, Harry and Louis are separated, but for the sake of their two sons, they choose to spend Christmas together. It may just lead to a Christmas miracle.
❄️ Yours In Fractions by @kingsofeverything {Explicit, 23k}
Louis and Harry are strangers who, because of a mix up, share their mutual friend's apartment and bed over the holidays.
❄️ Three French Hems by @100percentsassy , gloria_andrews / @gloriaandrews {Mature, 20k}
In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
❄️ Take Your Time 'verse by @laynefaire {Explicit, 20k}
When Harry finds himself in the middle of a messy break-up with no place to live, Louis offers a spare room in his flat. Unbeknownst to Harry, Louis has been infatuated for years. Over the objections of their friends, who know the truth, Harry accepts. Can Louis survive Harry moving into his home…and closer to his heart? Will Harry see what's right in front of him?
❄️ You'll Be Home For Christmas by @2tiedships2 {Not Rated, 15k}
“Honesty, Lou, just ask Harry for help.”
Louis remained silent as he continued to scowl at the Christmas calendar Niall had hung on their refrigerator.
“And be nice to my calendar filled with holiday cheer,” Niall instructed. “You’re going to burn a fucking hole in it from the way you’re glaring at the innocent thing. It’s not the calendar’s fault that your heat is starting so close to Christmas.”
❄️ Naughty or Nice by noellehenry / @noellehenrymain {Teen&Up, 10k}
Louis never intended for his boss, the very attractive Harry Styles, to find out he has a temporary, additional job as a Christmas Elf at Harrods Department Store. When he gets a request to show up in his elf costume at Mr. Styles' office, after office hours, Louis' mind goes wild...
❄️ and marshmallows by BriaMaria / @briannamarguerite {Explicit, 10k}
Louis Tomlinson’s ass was wet. Well the whole back of him was wet, but it was really, really seeping through the thin jeggings that he swore to Lottie were jeans. In this moment, though, lying spread eagle in the snow bank that was his front yard he admitted that they were indeed some kind of useless fabric that wasn’t denim.
“Ummm.” The voice was deep, hesitant and came from the little walk leading up to Louis’ house. Fucking fantastic. Someone to witness his misery. “Are you alright?”
Louis squeezed his eyes shut hoping that the person would just go away.
The one where Harry has a personal attachment to Louis' house, and Louis can't stop picturing the beautiful stranger dancing in his kitchen.
❄️ you've set my soul to dreaming by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed {Teen&Up, 9k}
At first, when Harry wakes up on Christmas Morning with a warm body in his bed he wonders if he pulled someone last night. He’d met some friends at the pub, none of them really having anyone to spend Christmas Eve with, and he knows he might’ve had a few drinks to numb the loneliness for a while, but he didn’t think he got that drunk that he’d ended up pulling someone and forgetting all about it.
Or: Thirty year old Harry Styles goes to bed single on Christmas Eve, only to wake up on Christmas morning with a husband in his bed and a son down the hall.
❄️ Nothin' I Would Rather Do by @lululawrence {Mature, 9k}
“Louis,” Anne said sternly. “You know I have no problem with you working overtime if you need to, but I can’t have you running yourself ragged. At this rate you won’t have the energy or stamina to make it to the party yourself!”
“I’ll be fine, Anne. I swear.”
Her bright eyes sparkled as her smile turned a bit more coy and Louis knew immediately what was coming next.
“I hope so, because you know, my son will be in town and coming to the party.”
Louis froze. In all the months of her talking about her son and saying they should meet, she never once mentioned that he would be coming to the Christmas party. Well, fuck.
or...the one where Anne is determined to set Louis up with her son, but he's perfectly happy with the random sexting "relationship" he has running with the random he met at a bar several months back.
❄️ 12 Days of Kissmas by @haztobegood {Not Rated, 8k}
A collection of 12 Christmas ficlets, each one sealed with a kiss
❄️ so c'mon c'mon (and dance with me baby) by theweightofmywords / @rockstarlouis {Not Rated, 3k}
Louis and Harry meet at a corporate holiday party, drink copious amounts of champagne, dance like fools, steal rich people's food, and possibly, just maybe, fall in love.
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bea28 · 6 months
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The fanart in the center is from tasya_rey on instagram.
I needed some more motivation to finish my final project in college.. so i did this to get my creativity back.
I based this on Andrews efforts on comforting Neil after a nightmare.
said efforts consists on:
a night drive after both of them woke up when Neil had a nightmare.
(He woke up kicking and screaming, it took andrew about 15 minutes calm him down enough to be able to tell him what he dreamed about. Andrew would kill the ones who did this to his boy if they weren't dead already)
a cup of tea and shared cigarettes when they finally got back and Neil needed one last thing to finally settle down and attempt sleep again.
(Andrew held him tight and watched him doze off)
a cozy morning, sleeping in because Andrew refused to wake Neil up after a bad night.
(and not that he would say it out loud, but andrew didn't get much sleep himself, too worried Neil would wake up in a panic again. So he let himself enjoy the comfort of their bed till late)
Kisses in rooftops, that later were transferred back to their bed, were andrew used actions to show Neil everything he couldn't say out loud.
("you can trust me" he said through soft touches
"i'll care for you" he said with slow kisses
"i've got you" was said with gentle guiding hands
"i love you" he said with his lips kissing every scar on Neil's body.
With a hand on Neil's heart and eyes connected,
Andrew hoped Neil could read every feeling deep inside his chest, every thought and word left unsaid,
when a tear rolled down Neils face, and a small smile appeared in his lips
andrew knew they felt the same, no need to say what was already known for the both of them).
Shared showers and kisses
one thing about andrew, is that contrary to popular belief (foxes) he loves taking care of Neil. That's why that day, his mission was one and one only, show Neil all his love and care.
Then he found himself in the shower, washing and rinsing Neils hair, massaging and kissing Neils body as it was to be worshiped (and for andrew.. it was)
When they got out, andrew fetched them their comfiest clothes, ordered food and they sat down to watch movies (Disney as per Neil's request).
The rest of the day was uneventful, but andrew watched Neil closely nonetheless. Neils eyes were clear now.. but he couldn't forget the panic and heart break he saw in those blue eyes when Neil looked at him after his nightmare, he hoped to never see that again, even though he knew he would.
Deep down, he wished to forever be the one to help Neil through these nights, over and over again as many times Neil needed him to.
Neil's nightmare was a memory of when he and his mother were caught by his fathers men. Instead of enduring what he had to, his mother somehow convinced Nathan that Neil was the one to blame for everything. Then she watched while Neil was tortured by his father.
He begged his mom to help him over and over again, to get him out of there.
But she didn't care, as long as she wasn't the one at the mercy of Nathans hands and Neil remained alive.. she didn't care.
After Neil passed out, Nathan told her to sew Neil back together and call him when Neil woke up. She of course.. took the chance to drag Neil and run again.
When he woke up, he didn't have a choice but follow his mother again.
If you want to, listen to "Holding on to heartache by Louis Tomlinson" i think is a great song for Andrew and Neil.
idk. is a great fucking song over all, just listen to it with our babies history in mind. you'll see.
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please note: all of my fics have privacy settings meaning that those without accounts cannot access them. I apologise if this is an inconvenience.
Shot Through The Heart 🔪(ongoing)
Punished By Teacher 📚(completed)
1D Marvel Fusion 🕷(ongoing)
Off to the Races 💋(ongoing)
Take Me To Heaven 🔥(ongoing)
Harryween 2023 🎃(completed)
Christmas 2023 🎄(which we sort of ignore)
Raise my body back to life 🔥 [1k]
After going for so long without Louis, Harry takes matter into his own hands. The consequences be damned, of course.
with your hands around my neck [1k]
Louis looks hot in that mesh jacket and I want to choke him because of it so I wrote this HAHA. Harry chokes Louis. [E]
Hit me baby one more time [12.7k] [2 part one shot]
Louis is a boxer, and hates one of the members of his club, Harry Styles. Life has a funny way of showing Louis that maybe he doesn't hate Harry as much as he thought, or that Louis maybe finds Harry hot. [E]
They're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away [2k] for @enchantedlandcoffee
After attending the famous White House Trio New Years party, Louis and Harry end up spending the entire day with Alex and Henry. The night just so happens to end in something a little different. [E] [CROSSOVER FIC- RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE x ONE DIRECTION- SPECIFICALLY ALEX CLAREMONT-DIAZ/HENRY FOX-MOUNTCHRISTEN-WINDSOR X HARRY STYLES/LOUIS TOMLINSON]
Trick or Treat! 🎃 [1k]
Alpha Louis takes his daughter and pregnant omega Harry trick or treating, and shows how great of an Alpha he is when Harry gets tired. [T]
I just worship at your feet. 🔥🎃 [2k]
After getting home from the game, Harry summons Louis back to Earth. Just for fun, of course. [E]
Kinktober 🎃 [1.2k]
Of all the things Louis expected to come out of his boyfriend's mouth, the words 'threesome with Liam', wasn't one of them. Nor did he expect to so readily agree to it. [E]
And I could be the monster 🎃 [2.2k]
Vampire Harry finally finds something to satisfy his 200 hundred years in the making pain kink. It just so happens to be an incredibly irritating Werewolf named Louis. [E]
Take me to ecstasy (ecstasy) 🎃🔥 [4k]
After a Halloween prank gone wrong, Harry finds himself in the bed of Lucifer. Because of course. [E]
Stainless Steel Blade 🔪🎃 [1.2k]
Harry winds up producing a knife out of nowhere, as Louis learns once he finally makes his way upstairs. He's standing in the doorway, watching Harry swing the knife back and forth with a sadistic smirk on his face, a pair of handcuffs and a gag on the bed behind him. "Say, wanna try something new?" Harry says wickedly. [E]
In the middle of the night when the wolves come out 🎃 [2.1k]
Once turned, he's met with a pair of glowing, yellow eyes trained on him, and the great, snarling jaws of a beast with huge, long, sharp teeth and a thirst for blood. It's tongue lolls out of it's mouth, dripping saliva on the forest floor as it advances.
It's huge, with long, dark and shaggy fur and curling, razor-sharp claws, growling lowly as it advances on him, leaning back on it's hind legs to pounce, tackling him to the ground and leaving him sprawling in the dust, dropping his bag as he falls. [E]
Like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry [1.4k] for @louisarmpits
Harry has a thing for Louis' armpits. Louis wears a tank-top. You get the picture. [E]
There's a devil in your smile, it's chasing me 🕷 [1.5k]
Amateur Hero Harry Styles has made an enemy of local bad-guy gang leader Louis. When Louis presents him an ultimatum, a challenge, even, for his escape, he thinks it'll be easy. But Louis catches him, and, honestly? Harry doesn't regret it. [E] [Warning: mild dub-con]
And I fucked my best friend [1.6k]
After somehow getting stuck under his bed, Harry phones his best friend Louis. But, apparently, Louis wants to help him out with more than just his predicament. [E]
White bikini off with my red nail polish 💋 [2.9k] for @onexaddition
Harry meant to just get some money from Louis, not end up following him around America as they ran from the law. Not fall in love with him and become dependent. Not care. But sometimes that's what happens. [E]
Tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and drive you mad [1k]
Louis hates Harry after seeing him. Then after they meet it gets worse. But naturally fate has other plans. [E] [Warning: possible dub-con]
Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire [2.5k]
After straying too far into the woods and finding himself inside Tomlinson Manor, a place stuck in the past following the murder of the entire family by the youngest son, Harry learns that there's more than meets the eye, especially with the mysterious occupant, Louis. [E] [Warning: Dub-con]
I knew you were trouble [1.8k]
"And?" Harry drawls. "You knew that we shouldn't be doing it before we fucked. Don't suddenly gain a conscience."
"Tell her tonight, or I will." Louis says with an air of finality. [E]
Finger My Mouth [1.5k] for @lunaticcat009
Louis' dentist (and childhood crush) rides him on the orthodontic chair. [E]
Ride it, my pony [1k]
Harry shows Louis he can ride more than just horses. [E]
Tug of War [2k]
During a fistfight Louis and Harry both discover more about each other than they'd ever care to share, including how the other reacts when their hair is pulled. [E]
Little black dress just walked into the room [2.4k] for @lunaticcat009
But then he found himself wondering about how Harry's perky ass would look in one of those. Harry his feminine boyfriend who loved dressing up in the bedroom and submitting to Louis. Harry his boyfriend who loves nothing more than being bought gifts. Then, of course, Louis' mind wandered to how absolutely hilarious it would be to purchase this for Harry. Like when he'd bought that sex toy made specifically for clit stimulation and Harry had thrown it at his head then donated it to the local club's shop. And next thing he knew there was a black latex spanking skirt in his basket. [E]
I see your true colours shining through [1k]
Louis and Harry both teach at the same school, and have been happily married for a while. After they've been finally given permission to be open with their students, will they let their true colours shine through? [M]
If I give you my heart, don't you break it [1.2k]
Whilst alone in the X-Factor house, Louis and Harry finally become intimate together. After a lot of awkwardness, begging and arguing, of course. [M]
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? [1k]
Harry wakes up invisible. Chaos, revelations, and nudity ensues. [T]
Here to take my medicine [2.4k]
"You alright?" He rasps in a thick Northern accent, sitting himself in front of Harry. "What happened?"
Harry bites back a whine, feeling simultaneously content and uncomfortable under his steely gaze. "I- uh- c-cut myself..." he stutters, ducking his gaze. He really has to get better at talking to Alpha's. [M]
Louis' Thicc Sexy Ass [1k]
It occurred to me that I'm the guy with a Louis Tomlinson's ass fan account and have never written anything dedicated to the holy dumptruck itself, which is why we're here. [M]
A.M. [351]
Sleepy early morning sex between Louis and Harry. Just quick little fic. [M]
I had my eyes up on the prize [1.6k] for @onexaddition
In a bid to impress their boss and get a promotion, Zayn and Harry end up having a threesome with CEO Louis Tomlinson himself. [E]
The Battle of Mount Pelion [3.5k]
As prophesied by the Gods, two enemies (Prince Harry of Aetheopia and Prince Louis of Phthia) from Ancient times battle in a bid to impress the King of Gods, Zeus for fame and fortune. Both are the sons of God's, and eventually Louis gives into Harry's charms. [E] [Crossover with The Song of Achilles]
Two Nightstands [2.6k]
When Niall dares Harry to match with the first guy on Tinder, he does not expect to find Louis Tomlinson. But he did. [E]
But I don't regret falling for you [1k]
Whilst trying to climb Mt. Everest, Harry quite literally falls for Louis, an event that causes the two of them to be separated from the group and forces them to sit in wait until they can be rescued. [T]
"Louise?" [887]
Louis, a trans guy, goes to pick up his prescription. Harry, the chemist, get's very offended on his behalf when Louis is forced to deadname himself. [G]
Punished By Mr. Styles 📚 [1.1k]
Disrespecting a teacher like Mr. Styles was just supposed to be a laugh, not turn into the best fuck of his life. [E] [Warning: Underage]
Punished By Mr. Tomlinson 📚 [1.7k]
After daydreaming in class, Harry end's up opting for the ruler rather than a detention.
But you're not supposed to enjoy it... Right? [E] [Warning: Underage]
Nothin' but a fucking cockslut [5k]
After a day of rule-breaking and teasing, Harry gets passed around by the boys and treated like the cock slut he is. [E] [ot5]
'Til my feet are wet [1.4k]
"Wait, were you wanking?" Harry asks, eyes widening. "Shit, sorry Lou."
Louis shrugs and nods at the same time. "You needed to piss, don't blame ya."
"But I feel bad!" Harry pouts. "I feel like I should do something to apologise..."
"What, help me get off?" Louis scoffs.
"Yeah. I will." [E]
Conversation Pit. [2.7k]
The one where Louis and Harry fuck in a conversation pit. (which nobody asked for) [E]
Somebody that I used to know [11.1k]
Harry broke up with his ex boyfriend Louis five years ago. It's done, it's over, it's in the past. Louis' just somebody that he used to know.
That is, until he's hired as Louis' personal assistant. Feelings are back, Louis' a flirty little fucker, and Harry's trying to keep the past in the past and he's totally not tempted to date Louis again.
Until he ends up getting locked in the storage room... [E]
Too Drunk For Love [7k]
Once he has the nuggets, Harry hands them back, and Louis sloppily kisses his cheek before taking them, mumbling thanks.
"You're a weird drunk." Harry muses.
"And you're sexy and I want to marry you." Louis mumbles absently, scarfing down the nuggets. [E]
Sit on a dick [1.2k]
The one where Harry tops, but Louis still doms.
Or the one when I randomly decided to see if I could write top Harry. (spoiler alert, I can.)
No Control [1k]
Louis shows up to Harry's hotel room drunk and lonely, just wanting a cuddle. What happens when they wake up, and Louis has a boner? [M]
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Whips and Chains Excite Me [5.9k]
The one where Harry goes to an anonymous sex club, and Louis is the anonymous dom.And then they keep going back... [E]
Drunken Voicemails [2.2k]
"Heyyyyyyy Louis..." He slurs into the phone once it's gone to voicemail. "I- I just wanted to tell you how fucking... How fucking sexy you are... You know? Your ass is so round that I just want you to use it to fucking... Like- like- sit on my face."
Or the one when Harry drunkenly phones his boss to confess the outrageous need to be fucked by said boss. And, of course, said boss happens to fuck him. [E]
MULTI-CHAPTER (completed fics only)
Louis Blue Suit 🔪 | Completed: 4 chapters | 1.7k
"I can't believe Harry killed him!" Louis stresses, running his hands through his hair. "Is he crazy?"
"We have established that he is, Louis." Liam sighs. [E] [Novella]
Pearl White Lace 🔪 | Completed: 5 chapters | 2.3k
Harry kisses him softly, and they fall onto the bed together, making out for what seems hours, just enjoying being husbands. That is until Harry starts desperately rutting against Louis' thigh. [E] [Novella: THE WEDDING NIGHT] [Violence]
Midnight Black Stilettos 🔪 | Completed: 15 chapters | 16k
"I'm not letting anything get in the way of my wedding." Harry says, a tad firmly. "It has to be perfect. Our perfect day." [E] [STTH Book 2] [Violence]
Blood Red Lipstick 🔪 | Completed: 31 chapters | 33.3k
"Copy." Louis says, moving his finger from his in-ear microphone. He glances over at his latest target- Harry Styles, 24, from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. The man is wearing a long, tight-fitting red dress, his long hair cascading in waves down his shoulder, blood red lipstick painted across his lips. [E] [STTH Book 1] [Violence]
Shut up, soulmate! | Completed: 13 chapters | 12.8k | Cowritten
Louis has waited two years for his soulmate, worrying that something is wrong with him. He knows everyone has a soulmate, his friends has already found theirs, but he's absent.
Until he wakes up one night from someone singing Bryan Adams Summer of 69 in his head. After spending a couple of nights awake (his soulmate doesn't sleep and when doesn't he sings the same damn song over and over) he's ready to murder him! [G]
MULTI-CHAPTER (ongoing fics only)
Still Ongoing:
Scream [1/?]
Hot Pink Leather 🔪 [8/?] [STTH Book 3]
Tomlinson's Bitch [6/?]
Married At First Sight [2/?]
Time After Time [6/?]
With a taste of a poison paradise [3/?]
I know nobody understands, me like you do [2/?]
Sweet as Sugar (Baby) for @theysharethat28 [2/?]
I Dare You [6/?]
Their Omega, His Protectors
His Pet
The 12 (Kinky) Days of Christmas🎄 [7/12]
Love Actually [Advent fic that made me lose the will to live :)] [15/24]
Lord, what you're doing to me? [5/?] for @the-sun-is-also-a-star
With perfect all-American lips [1/1]
The taste on my tongue [1/1]
They're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away [1/1]
Lieutenant Havers (reprise) [1/?]
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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One Direction fics that have the Styles triplets as characters as requested in this ask. Pairings are noted in each rec. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
* Silver nightmares by Deidei
(M, 214k, Harry/Louis/OMC) There are three prestigious Wolf clans: The Styles, The Payne’s and The Maliks. They are ancient clans of Pureblood Wolfs and they are respected and worshipped by other lower-class clans.
* Across the Stars (I'll Write Your Name) by @dreamboathaz
(T, 154k, Harry/Louis, Marcel/Louis, Edward/Louis) Louis has been living peacefully on his home planet of Dononter Minor for years before he's kidnapped by a group of pirates that call themselves The Blades of Orion. Or, a Star Wars AU
* When the bartender met the alpha triplets by Tattoolwt
(M, 151k, Harry/Edward/Marcel/Louis) As cliché as it might sound, it all changed when he met them. A Styles triplets a/b/o story
* Submit To Me by HorrorJunkie
(E, 122k, Harry/Edward/Marcel/Louis) Their two worlds were never meant to collide until the triplets find themselves meeting the stunning omega who will forever change their lives.
* No Control by LouisIsGolden28
(M, 118k, Harry/Louis) When he almost reaches the other side of the room where he sees the toilet sign he bumps into a person. "For fuck's sake watch ou-" It's another Alpha, shit.
* Triple the Love by NeverEnoughKT
(E, 78k, Harry/Edward/Marcel/Louis) Louis Tomlinson is an omega freshman in college when he meets the Styles Triplets who are senior alphas.
* The Triplets Mate by fucksinglelouis
(NR, 48k, Harry/Edward/Marcel/Louis) Edward, Harry, and Marcel Styles had decided to mate together before they could even decipher the significance of the act; but now, looking back, they think it may not have been the smartest decision.
* Mind of Stone by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
(M, 41k, Harry/Louis) He needs to find a way back home, and then figure out what the fuck happened at the bar tonight.
* Look After You by Onlymine987
(NR, 30k, Harry/Edward/Marcel/Louis) Anne had fallen pregnant first, and had given birth to healthy, alpha triplets. Jay had problems with fertility and finally got pregnant three years after Anne had given birth to a tiny Omega. This is the story of the alpha triplets and their tiny Omega.
* All In by @jaerie
(E, 3k, Harry/Louis, Edward/Louis, Marcel/Louis, Harry/Edward/Marcel/Louis) Being identical triplets, when Harry accidentally bonded with Louis, he bonded them all. 
* Been Waiting For A Lifetime For You by orphan_account
(M, 2k, Harry/Louis, Marcel/Louis, Edward/Louis) When an omega smells their soulmate alpha(s) they get triggered into heat.
* Don't forget where you belong by orphan_account
(E, 1k, Harry/Marcel/Edward/Louis) The styles triplets claim their mate in front of everyone. Pwp
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so-idialed-9 · 2 years
I just think you're cool, do you think I'm cool too? Exhibits 1-10/∞
#7 is underrated because Harry is trying soooo hard to keep it in check, you can see the thought bubble like: omgLouislookingatmedoeshelikemeinhissweateromg
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alarrytale · 2 months
I feel like you think that L and H have had a perfect relationship.....I feel like you and other larries romantisize it too much. Being with only one person since 2010 (while not taking breaks or having break ups and perhaps seeing other people is not logic) is only something that happens in books.....and it doesn’t seem logic.....they are just like a normal couple.....they're not perfect either....
Hi, anon!
And i feel like you're projecting and have never been around healthy and happy relationships...
I also think you're wrong about them being just a normal couple. No, the love between them is palpable and precious and that's why millions of fans are fans of them and their relationship, even when they're closeted and haven't been pictured together for years. I agree they're not perfect, nobody is. But if you were in a relationship with Harry Styles and he worshipped the ground you walked on, made you feel safe and calm, would you cheat on him or break up with him? If you were in a relationship with Louis Tomlinson and he loved you to the ends of the earth and back, and his trust in you gave you the confidence you needed to be yourself, would you cheat on him or break up with him? Would you jeopardise that? Wouldn't you do anything to keep it?
Being in a stable, loving, trustful and healthy relationship "until death do us part" is not a myth, anon. These relationships exists and are common. I hope you get to experience it one day (if that's something you want).
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Mirror Of Your Love by Kikiberoski16
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 3,8k | Explicit | Body worship
“But, I’m fine, I just got a little…” Louis didn’t wait for Harry to finish and turned his hands, kissing the wrists. “Lou?” “You know, I hate to see you sad, but I know it’s part of growing up. I just want to be here for you, until you love yourself as much as I do.” Or, Harry is feeling insecure about his feminine side and Louis decides to show him some love.
This is a gift for the wonderful and amazing @thosefookinavacados!! I hope you enjoy it, because I had a blast writing this. Thank you for being my beta @milliondropsofwater!
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this body for @topharryficfest
harry/louis | explicit | coworkers/casual friends to lovers | 15k | body worship | trans harry
“I guess I’ve pegged myself, though—does that count?”
Nell and Suraiya lean their heads together to confer in exaggerated whispers while Harry tucks one leg behind the other, trying as hard as he can to not vividly imagine hot Louis Tomlinson from work stretched out with a dildo up his ass.
“The information about your self-pleasure is appreciated, but we’re defining pegging as something you receive from someone else,” Suraiya clarifies with an authoritative nod. Harry grins in Louis’ direction and Louis raises his hands in admission. “One day, I’d love to,” he says to a round of encouraging cheers from around the circle.
Harry tries not to choke on his beer when Louis winks at him from across the fire.
or, louis wants to be pegged. harry helps him out
read on ao3
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Liam Gallagher is a part of Louis Tomlinson ass worship cult...as he should be😌😌😌
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Why do straight men always get cheeky like that when it comes to Louis!!??!
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inkie80 · 3 days
I lost track but why that anon called harry "Anne's golden goose" do you all realize that he's her SON And harry absolutely worship Anne. Right? Why wouldn't he help his mother to build a career for herself? Most people love to work themselves especially influencing for anne is easier and fun. Let this granany mind her own business. It's always weird for Harry's mother but never (for example) Louis's orange sisters who created careers over their brother. Anne and Gemma stopped even posting him. How harry doing pr to help a bunch of strangers boots their career is okay but draw the line when it's turn the dearest and most important people in his life
If that’s what you think 🤷‍♀️
But of you think it is normal that when one person in a family gets famous and the rest stops working and profit of of that one….okay.
And I say profit, because as much fun as influencing and not really working sounds she wouldn’t be anything if it was for him.
Don’t pretend they both would be anything near successful influencers if it wasn’t for Harry. Then they both would have their “normal not so fun” jobs
And yes same goes for the Tomlinson Family.
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pop-punklouis · 11 months
Hope, being in a room full of people who love Louis Tomlinson......life changing.
my favorite worship shows
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