#lore crafting
despazito · 2 months
in cockatoo mythology echidnas are born with original sin
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I like to think if Durge has been around long enough they probably tried to talk to Abdel at least once. Like, this is a sibling that is so disowned that no one talks about him in the Temple despite all the ghosts (and one undead not ghost) siblings they have were defeated by Abdel.
He was also one of four Grand Dukes in Baldur's Gate.
I like to think, maybe in a moment of darkest fear of Bhaal, Durge reached out, wondering if there was a way to live without Bhaal.
What did they find? What did Abdel think? Did he know what was happening as Durge's murder sprees picked up? Did he see the rising faith of Bhaal and go oh damn, not again.
Is that why Viekang went and killed him?
Did Bhaal not trust his truest scion, flesh and blood that was literally his own, to murder the child that escaped all those years ago?
Anyways, it's fun to theory craft with connections to the old games and the other bits of Baldur's Gates stories. This isn't necessarily true if Abdel wasn't the Bhaalspawn played in the two other games so adjust as needed, but for someone who is only just getting into those games, Abdel seems the most likely choice I'd currently go with.
I think Coro did reach out to him, in 1482, the year he died, and I think Bhaal very much didn't like that.
He wouldn't suffer a second Abdel.
And here's some stuff that demanded to be written:
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scrivenger-arts · 2 years
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some more Romulus! he’s an artist and rune maker, carving carefully designed sigils and script designs onto things, as a basis for complex spellwork.
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[an example of runework by one of his colleagues, Shèn Yûlóng.]
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punkrotbaph · 1 year
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These guys are a sapient alien people called the Thresh.
They are not indigenous to Laynair but instead come from the Parite home world which is currently being tended to after a nasty parasite infection rendered it unsafe to live on.
The Thresh are an intelligent people even though they have quadruped locomotion. They have very dexterous tentacles along their heads and necks that have hollow openings where small grabby sensory organs come out and gingerly manipulate objects.
Because of how sensitive and mobile their tentacle 'hands' are; there are some that work as doctors for those that don't wish to be operated on by machines.
However most Thresh that choose to get long term jobs in Lanian cities tend to work as taxis or other emergency services. Thresh can be quite large but they are very sleek and fast; not that they would want to run full speed when taxiing people around lol. They have a few subspecies so their sizes can vary but the largest are around the size of Clydesdale and the smallest the height of cheetah but much longer.
The smallest Thresh are normally found on space stations doing work there rather than ferrying people around planet side.
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thepipeplaza · 4 months
According to Yoshi’s Crafted World director Masahiro Yamamoto, the game’s plot is not a real event, but instead takes place within the imaginations of children; Specifically, children in the Mario World playing at kindergarten, which is the reason for the game’s craft aesthetic.
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Nintendo Dream Web
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lilli-eyr · 1 month
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ꁝꏂ꒒꒒ꄲ ꉔꋪꋬꊰ꓄꒐ꏂꇙ
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can you blend 3 wooden planks and 2 sticks together?
3 Wooden Planks and 2 Sticks from Minecraft are being-
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Oh shit um.. That wasn't meant to happen..
Change of Plans!
A Wooden Pickaxe from Minecraft is being blended!!
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You cannot save it.
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I adore the vibe of redeemed durge your sister killed your mind and took your place - it was the greatest gift she ever gave you
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mechanicalinfection · 2 months
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he just needs a moment to reevaluate his life after i gave him too much trauma
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macksartblock · 3 months
If s3 of dndads is about grandparents I need Matt Arnold to play one of those grandmas who has the most insane stories about her past thank you
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wren-kitchens · 7 months
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arkiwii · 7 months
also while im at it, those who follow my main account probably heard me talking about an ARPG (art role play group) on Deviant Art im in, called Grimsby Grove, with a semi closed evoluting species, and sometimes i have fun making fake designs for arknights characters because the brainrot is just too strong and i get funny ideas with the mechanisms and stuff available in the group
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currently the group is closed because of halloween event happening (which is why i am very busy art wise, i have so much on my plate), but the discord is still open and u can hang out there if u wanna, i will pass say hello
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antiadvil · 1 month
I like to imagine the Dan and Phil Crafts jump from the "number seven crafting channel on YouTube" to number one is not because of channel growth but because something happened that drastically shrunk the size of the YouTube crafting scene in their universe
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belligerentbagel · 1 year
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in every universe
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schneiderenjoyer · 3 months
Arcanist's "Perception" & The Unseen World
Hello! I'm back at it again with a fascinating look into analyzing new information from the recent event in global that help solidify certain headcanons and theories I have about arcanist genetics/behavior and how much more they're different from humans.
It focuses on the Meditator's Realm and how it supports something I've already had assumptions on and that is:
Arcanists can tangibly see and interact with things others, mostly humans, can't. This apply to other arcanists as well even if some can theoretically perceive them.
This is a long read, so take your time.
Let's start with what I mean by their perception creating tangibility on what an arcanist can see and interact with. Arcanists are highly sensitive to strong emotions and their thought process works differently on how they manage it. Using Kaalaa Baunaa as an example, we can see how she manifests stress and anxiety as a literal monster stalking her with the proposal papers as its "anchor" or main source of the strong emotions:
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This is one of the many ways arcanists "perceive" emotions that makes sense to them and through Deep Meditative Thought (Gnosis), they can compartmentalize it into a more coherent structure that would be more similar to how humans deal with strong emotional response without it manifesting into strong "hallucinations."
But are they really hallucinations?
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Not quite. While the emotional state can be seen as delusions, they're very much real to arcanists for one specific reason: Their core. I forgot the actual term they use for it (it could actually just be Gnosis honestly), but one of the biggest biological difference between humans and arcanists is that arcanists apparently have some kind of stone in their brain that's theorized to be the deciding factor of how they can use arcanum and "perceive" wild things.
But the "delusions", according to humans, are actual solid things the arcanists can interact with. They're tangible and real, but invisible to the naked eye with only a particular set of individuals being able to "see" them. These unseeing things becomes what's known as "myths" or "cryptids" to humans. But even arcanists find it hard to perceive these things as they're not specialized in it.
We can see this in Tooth Fairy.
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While other arcanists can see the tooth fairies in her jar (which has unique properties meant to contain them), the "other fairies" that surround her constantly and more freely are invisible to them both in sight and hearing.
This leads me to believe that each arcanists see many "unseen things" differently and purely based on their skills and capabilities, but have the potential to "see" what other arcanists see either with the right tools (anchor) or enough practice.
People who try to "perceive" these things without proper training or equipment to "observe" them carefully can lead to a lot of mental distress, even insanity. Commonly humans because:
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Humans are creatures that go by the motto of "Fact over fiction" or "Seeing is believing", but when actually facing the truth of things, they buckle under the pressure.
But that doesn't mean arcanists are immune to these effects either.
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This is one of Baby Blue's "items" that she brought back from "Wonderland" and it's unstable and imperfect. Even UTTU's arcanist staff slowly lose the sense to properly "perceive" the item if they look too long both because it's incomplete and it's an "unseen thing" that only Baby Blue has fully deciphered in her head. It's a tangible, solid shape to her, but a confusing distorted attempt to mimic the real thing to others. It could also be due to the fact it's not from their world, but from "Wonderland", a place slightly different from their own.
But how did she manage to bring it into reality that even untrained arcanist eyes can "perceive" it with only minor consequences of lengthy observation to it?
This is where the Meditator's Realm comes into play.
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It's described as a Realm that "mirrors" reality that can be entered through a special meditative form and connects the Deep Thought (Gnosis) of arcanists to it, allowing them to explore and interact with it to some degree.
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Kaalaa Baunaa even compares it to dreaming, but more specifically she's referring to what humans call Lucid Dreaming. It's a form of astral projection where the soul disconnects from the body after entering REM sleep. A deep meditative state achieved through sleep. This is further supported from Baby Blue's interview about "Wonderland":
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The implication is staggering as this could mean that even humans can enter this realm through lucid dreaming, but can't achieve as great of an influence there as arcanists who are naturally born to view everything in reality as different. The Meditator's Realm could be proof of a parallel world anyone can access with enough skill and resources.
Like the Manus Vindictae.
Their goals for wanting to reverse the world is still unknown, but with the new insight about the Meditator's Realm, we can speculate that how the Storm operates is through the collapse and bridging between "Reality" and a "Mirrored Reality." And with the Manus' intention of "bringing the world to the right course of history", the possibility of them selecting one of these parallel worlds and attempt to merge it with theirs by "erasing" parts to later glue fragments from another into it is more and more possible.
And an arcanist's ability to "perceive" the unseen realms becomes a very prevalent key to surviving a Storm.
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Because with this, they can see the "in between" and the moment "reality" and the "mirrored world" starts conflicting before the Storm takes everything away due to the unstable consequences of bringing two worlds together.
They're still not immune when the Storm actually arrives, but just simply being able to "see" the signs gives them an advantage in braving it.
TLDR; Arcanists not only think differently from humans, but can see and interact with things far beyond the scope of "reality" that even other arcanists find hard to understand without training or an anchor.
The Meditator's Realm could be potential proof of parallel worlds and could be how the Manus dictates the course of what era they want to reach. As well as the unstable collision between "reality" and the "mirrored world" could be how the Storm operates.
Thank you for reading! Hope this fascinates you into thinking other theories about the Meditator's Realm and what could this mean for the world lore and arcanists.
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thepipeplaza · 4 months
Fact: Yoshi’s Crafted World, which as mentioned previously is set in a kindergarten in Mario’s World, features a multitude of in-universe brands and products with unique names and logos. Some of these brands even originated in the Mario Kart series or the Mario & Luigi series!
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Nintendo Dream Web
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