#loooove this for her tho its so cute
arundolyn · 2 years
Now, this is a big ask but consider Bridget with the trans flag colors
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quimichi · 9 months
Hello! This is my first time asking so forgive my mistakes,
I don’t know if you’ve done this before but could you do headcanons for a reader who’s lumine’s traveling partner and when their in liyue (I don’t remember how it’s spelt 🥲) Qiqi randomly starts addressing them as her parent, uhhh what’s the reaction of the liyue crew (who kinda have feels for reader) when reader just accepts it and calls her their daughter
Gosh that was long, yea that’s my ask sorry for the mistakes 😅 you don’t have to do it if you’re busy
-Honey Anon
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. . . . ╰──╮BEING QIQI'S "PARENT" ╭──╯ . . . .
PLATONIC!Qiqi x GN!Reader
¡! ❞ having qiqi refer to you as her parent, which is clearly not the truth, is a situation you needed to get used to
¡! ❞ but no wonder she thinks you're her parent when you take care of her. Yes, Baizhu does too but you somehow manage to not order her around and rather gently guide her and help. (Not like baizhu would mistreat her or anything!)
¡! ❞ you always remind her to take her notebook with her, on her worst days she may forget it to take it. On the absolute worst days she even forgot where she put it. Luckily you always remember
¡! ❞ awww look at you always packing her lunch for when she works at bubu pharmacy. And the lunch always includes coconut milk, thats very important
¡! ❞ you know she can't taste anything, but she can feel textures and temperatures, so her lunchbox may look weird to people who dont know. You always try your best to pack in every food she likes the texture or temperature of
¡! ❞ I don't really know if she needs to eat and drink but--pls it's to cute
¡! ❞ Qiqi also looooves to pick herbs with you! She can't really show emotions but having you by her side all day long really makes her feel "better". With you she feels like she can't forget anything
¡! ❞ she read in books how parents act with their children, and this is what you do with her. So obviously you must be her parent!
¡! ❞ she's proud of that conclusion tho
¡! ❞ she mostly stays over at your place, sleeps with you all cuddled up in her parents arms. Its cute, really
¡! ❞ she's stuck with you, or you're rather with her but who would complain about little cute qiqi being glued to your side?
¡! ❞ Lumine and Paimon also find it adorable, weird at first but it's cute. Paimon tried once or twice to explain qiqi that you are indeed not her parent but Lumine always stops her. Crushing a little zombies dreams like this is not what they want.
¡! ❞ but they're happy for you and sometimes even join in, in the herb adventures if they have time
¡! ❞ Baizhu on the other hand was not surprised at qiqi calling you her parent. (Considering he probably was the one who gave her the books where the most basic human stuff was written down so she would remember or know) Theres not much that can surprise him. But hes sure also very happy. At first he was worried, you could hurt her or play around with her forgetfull mind. But you didn't, you helped even more and then he was relieved. What a relief no he doesn't have to poison you---
¡! ❞ and after more time spend with you and qiqi together he understood why she feels this way. Youre patient, caring and supportive. Like a good parent should be. Hes even prouer when qiqi seemed to have thought you some things about herbs. It was for sure a accident she did but now you can even help around in Bubu pharmacy with little to no struggle
¡! ❞ not Baizhu realizing he caught feelings after a few months. Panic--like this was not his intention at all-
¡! ❞ but Zhongli was definitely warm around he heart. What a nice and caring person you must be that a child will call you their parent. He already was interested in you before but now---
¡! ❞ Qiqi calling you her parent was a big gossip in Liyue once, everybody knew or talked about it and it also came to the ears of Ningguang, Keqing and Ganyu. All three of them are taken aback by the cuteness overload of it all. Although Ganyu was more open to show how soft you made her feel with you parently behavior
¡! ❞ whenever Ningguang is in Liyue she will pay Bubu pharmacy a visit just to see you two acting along. She might even give you some Mora for Qiqi like a sugar mommy--but mostly because her heart is aching for you and your attention-pls visit her in the Jade palace too, you might also bring Qiqi along for a evening tea! Be careful to not let her fall down tho---
A/n: getting the others involved was very hard to do and didn't truned out this well but--yeah
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carnis-insanis · 4 months
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Got inspired after I saw that drawing you did of my guys and decided to make a new guy! So here’s Webber, his name is Webpaw now, Ft. A meme redraw from Maxwell/Hareshadow’s pov. he’s an ex-kittypet who’s twolegs dumped him on the side of the road where Hareshadow found him, might do a comic abt it at some point. Idk if I’m gonna keep him as Hareshadow’s apprentice like he is in the meme, I just don’t have any better ideas atm, and I thought since Wendy’s gonna be a med apprentice(on account of the ghost stuff) under Wilson, i thought it’d be funny to basically have them train each others kids. I think Webpaw’s warrior name will be Webnose :]
Webpaw is SO cute omg...i cant believe anyone would abandon him hes so so so adorable.......i love how you replaced his spider-leg-things with 4 ears!! its very creative and charming.. hes so tiny too......i love love loooove him smm...
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Hareshadow being a mentor is such a funny concept to me, like that guy is FAR too gloomy for kids lol, its okay tho, webpaw loves training with him anyway, even tho he keeps getting yelled at and called a mousebrain 24/7
Acidfuzz would have to monitor their training sessions, at first it was to make sure that Hareshadow isnt being too rough on Webpaw, but then it turned into Acidfuzz just making sure that Hareshadow wont become cocky again and do something dangerous, and since he has paper skin and glass bones, he falls apart into a million pieces on impact with the lego crumbling sound effect playing while webpaw is left to drag him back to camp by the tail
his warrior name being webnose??? top tier, it makes me picture him snooping around in WIlsons den and getting a web stuck on his snout lol, hes forced to confess in exchange for assistance, he probably got bit by a spider too
Wendy being a medicine cat apprentice has SOO much potential
first of all, parent swap lol
second of all, the implications of her being able to see abigail bring out to soo many possibilities, like imagine if she was the only one able to see abigail and hareshadow is like “hmm....my grieving niece is seeing visions of her late sister? surely this isnt a concerning sign of a mental decline, its just starclan communicating with her!”
shed be the type of medicine cat that experiments on roadkill lol, dw tho, acidfuzz does the same
bonus -
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haethyre · 13 days
Chaos Theory Thoughts
Well, I just binged the entire thing. I had so many thoughts episode to episode but wanted to wait till the end to compile my thoughts.
MAN Some decisions were certainly made huh????
I was almost overwhelmed by all the drama jkfhajksdhf I was initially very upset about what happened with Yaz and Sammy, but seeing the way it resolved was really sweet and I think made them stronger. and they had so many cute kisses and moments jhdfjdshj I was just upset not to see them together for like half the season.
I was upset Camp Fam kinda split up over the years. Which, i mean, i get. Life happens. its realistic. but its also a bit like "you know what? *unhappies your ending*" But again, seeing people grow apart and then come back together is a nice trope so I'll allow it. XD If they didnt reconcile I'd have more of a problem.
I did have a problem with Darius randomly being in love with Brooklyn tho. I mean, I get it. Time skip. We didn't really see what happened that led him to that place. And he was a kid in Camp Cretaceous so he may not have been attuned to such things yet. But it took me off guard (i guess its also cause i could swear i read an article or something shortly after CC ended about him possibly being ace. not saying that means he cant fall in love. And honestly, it would make sense considering, to me, they made a lot more sense to me than Kenji and her...but idk. I guess I just didn't expect it?) but I have no real attachment to either ship so whatever happens happens I guess. XD I just dont think he needed to be in love with her to be messed up about what happened to her. He got in a similar way over when he thought Ben died. (speaking of which, I looooved Darius and Ben's interactions this season)
Also. I knew she couldn't be dead. It threw me through a loop when they said she died. i was like "They killed off Brooklyn?????? sheee's not deaaaad." I had a feeling she was gonna show up at the very end. and she did! Gosh. things are gonna be soooo awkward when they reunite XD Aaaaaa
But yeah, I always doubt death scenes when you dont see them die XD
also BUMPY. AND BABY. So cute. I love Bumpy. I'm glad she's okay. jhfgjsd Ben and Bumpy always make me emotional. when he cried i was like nooooooo ;w; babyyyyyy
The animation looked amazing throughout. Have to fit that in somewhere.
I'll admit I was surprised because I thought this was just going to be a one off. But it looks like there'll be another season so I'm excited. I'll have something to look forward to.
All in all, some questionable things aside, I thought it was a good season and left me wanting to see where it goes. I was missing all these characters when CC ended, so I'm happy to see them again in any capacity.
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alyimoss · 2 months
Yeah I'm also new to tumblr that's why I'm doing this (re: starlo dad ask a few days ago)
Also do you have starlo hcs
lmao welcome to tumblr
and yeah ig but theyre not rlly?? idk substantial?? its been a while since i was insane abt uty, ive been meaning to replay it but stuffs been getting in the way.
anyway heres a couple
i think hes a good cook. i like the thought of him teaching ceroba how to cook, too (she almost set the kitchen on fire, they yelled about it in fear, had a couple drinks, then almost set the kitchen on fire again and yelled abt it). he also is the one cooking for the rest of the feisty five more often than not (they others are mostly ok at cooking tho. ed's really good, but struggles sometimes bc his hands are too big to be able to properly use certain utensils and appliances. moray is also a pretty good cook and help ed out a lot. they make a great team. ace is alright, can definitely follow a recipe, and is really good abt finding ones the rest really like. mooch.. mooch wouldnt go hungry if she lived alone. but shes generally not allowed to cook. has a no-bake dessert everyone loves though, she makes it on holidays and special occasions and to bribe the others)
this isnt my hc but i dont remember who i first heard it from but i loooove the hc that star glows when hes flustered. i think when he first started crushing on ceroba and theyd have sleepovers, hed just start glowing at times and shed throw pillows at his face telling him to stop bc she couldnt sleep
on that note, consider the bunk bed in his room. him and orion definitely shared. and orion definitely dreaded ceroba sleeping over bc her and star would share a bed and stay up late joking around and playing and talking and whatnot and hed often have to get up and just leave to go sleep on the couch or with their parents. they got into arguments about this.
he runs warm. dont hold his hand unless you wanna get sweaty.
in the case of clover lives/dadlo, hes the last one to know that clover thinks of him as a father figure. everyone else knows, either through observation or clover accidentally calling him dad in front of them or them just admitting they think of him as their dad. star probably learns of this via ceroba or dina or one of the five or someone telling him "you know clover thinks of you as a father figure, right?" and he bluescreens about it
im not like. the biggest corn yaoi shipper ever, but i think its cute (and the name makes me laugh), and i think dalv confesses first. theyre in some fancy restaurant or something and star asks "so, what'd you call me here for?" and to that dalv responds by just blurting out that he thinks hes in love with him. and star immediately chokes on his food bad enough he needs medical attention.
so ceroba mentions in-game that living w the feisty five is a bit of a nightmare bc of the sleeping and the fact that everyone has some kinda problem that specifically makes it hard for her to fall asleep. i think star is actually pretty normal in terms of sleep. might snore lightly if hes in an uncomortable position, but overall just quiet. the rest of the five dont fare so well. ed's got it best, he just snores. loudly, but everyone other than ceroba is just kinda fine w it. moray grinds their teeth and needs to be restrained or theyll end up halfway across the room from where they fell asleep. or farther. ace sleepwalks and talks. ceroba once woke up to him eating the berries off the plant on the dresser by her bed. still asleep. mooch also grinds her teeth and "sleep steals", aka waits for everyone else to fall asleep so she can go through their stuff. star, despite being able to sleep through everything else, somehow has a 6th sense for her or something, because he very consistently wakes up to catch her red-handed and chew her out
thats all i rlly got lmao
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ddejavvu · 1 year
pulls out my bunny knowledge bc i was a lil obsessed w them for a while so i wanted to learn everything i could about them
bunny!chrissy loves to bake but she gets sick if she has too much sweets so shes eating baby spinach out of the box youve just got from the grocery while she watches you taste all the stuff shes made!! (comes from dont feed buns too many carrots bc the amt of sugar is bad in large amounts. they like and need leafy greens!)
where she mightve been a bit on edge and eager to please at first, you know she truly feels safe and at home when one day she just flops on to her side on the floor or onto the bed while youre nearby. shes all stretched out and wiggling her nose and her ears are at a bit of an awkward angle but the look of content on her face even after you hear the THUMP is too sweet to disturb (i reccomend looking up bunnies flopping. its so damn cute. and its a sign that bunnies feel safe 🥺)
speaking of thumping, she thumps her legs when shes scared or angry. she cant help it. anxiety leg turned up to 1000. u can tell when shes feeling upset bc you can feel the vibrations on the floor :( if its just one lil stomp tho, shes just trying to get your attention back to her. shes cute! she wants to play!
but my FAVORITE bunny behavior is called binkying! a binky is when a bunny jumps Super high and kinda twists its head and body. its like a big burst of energy they gotta express! miss cheerleader chrissy would be great at these !!! shes so happy and excited shes gotta do a backflip! shes all flushed and smiley after and most of all, she feels safe to express how happy she is with you :)
yes yes yes for every cupcake she eats she's gotta balance it out with a salad too!! she looooves it when you make salads for her, it's kind of a routine between you that she'll keep the house stocked with pastries if you chop her up salads to munch on :') she doesn't like 'em with dressing, either, she'll curl up at your side on the couch and pick out each individual vegetable and mow through the bowl :')
AW YES i've seen videos of it before and it looks soooo cute!! she does it all the time once she's comfortable with you, sometimes she does it on top of you and you're laying there smushed like chrissy!! but she knows you're not mad at her 'cause you're already pressing kisses into her cheeks and nuzzling your nose against hers, a habit that she's thrilled you've picked up from her :') she just flops down whenever you're near!!
aw the poor thing!! you usually hear it when a recipe doesn't go well, or you're too busy working to hang out with her :( but when you're sitting on the couch and maybe your hand has settled in her hair instead of petting through the strands she thumps once against the couch, kissing your thigh that her cheek is resting on when you start up petting her again :')
AW OMG I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT HER STILL BEING INTO GYMNASTICS/CHEERLEADING!!!! she'd be so hyper all the time, somersaulting over to you on the bed if you sit across from her and when she gets really excited, yes she's flipping all over the place!! she gives a little squeal at whatever it is that has her happy and she just has a burst of energy that comes out in a cartwheel or a flip or something like that!! she just has to get the excitement out or she'll burst!
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springdolly · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you 💖
oh, thats a nice ask
Animals!!! I know its kinda basic but most are just so cool and interesting
The sword on my wall for obvious reasons
cute clothes or outfits in which i like myself
I loooove it when a friend genuinely listens to me and doesnt make fun of my interest. Dont get me wrong, i dont have a problem with teasing but sometimes its nice to talk about things i like without being perceived as weird
Listening to music on a record player, i find amazing, even tho i have no clue how it works
tagging my mutuals again sorry :(
@chaserofstars11 @faiirykisses0008 @lionmythflower @her-midas-touch @moonysversion @poeticabomination @silence-between-seconds @icarus-last-fall @marylily-my-beloved @mrsstrangewinter
You all better reply. THAT would make me happy because it would be interesting...
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mattslolita · 21 days
update about the boy!
SO yesterday (sunday) he came over to mine, and my older friend was also here cuz she came round saturday night. she has a baby and shes like 8 months old. basically he was like playing w her an making her laugh (HES GOOD W KIDS OMG😊😊😊) and my friend went "thats ur man right there" and i laughed. he heard her and jus looked up and smiled at me 😏😏
when she left we were chilling in my room and i forgot all abt this tbh, but he gave me the charm he bought last week 😍😍😍 then cuz its his mums birthday soon we were looking for stuff to get her. then we thought of buying this cute box of fake pink roses that look real from some website and a charm from pandora and then a perfume she wants.
after like 2 hours we decided to go out for smth to eat (wingstop bc ITS FIRE and im fussy asf). when we left we saw 2 of his mates and one of them said to me "im jus gonna hav to pretend im interested in you to get him to make a move atp" 😭😭(he dint hear)
then we got home. i was laying on my stomach on my bed and he was downstairs talking to my mum (God knows abt what🤔 ) and he came up and layed next to me but dint say anything instead jus looked at me. then i said "what?" and he jus sighed and said "nothing" AND obviously it wasnt nothing but i dint wanna push it. i told my friend and she was like "he wants you so bad its UNREAL" LMFAOO 🤣(real)
today at schl we had science and we had that COVER/SUPPLY TEACHER AGAIN OMGGGG!! i wanted to cry like bro LEAVEEEEEEEEE!!!!! she made us answer true or false questions related to biology (ibsr idk the difrence between biology chemistry or physics its badddd) 😭😭😭 and if we thought it was true we had to go to the left side of the room and false, on the right (games you'd play w a fucking toddler, grow up!) and i knew the answer too one of the questions (SURPRISINGLY 😉) BUTTTT... i literally cant tell my lefts and rights (im dyslexic but also jus super dumb 🥹) so the boy was like "yes but what side do we go on" and i was like "hold on" and he went "YOU DONT KNOW UR LEFTS AN RIGHTS?". he was pissing himself w his friend and the teacher was like "how are you in top set w/o knowing ur lefts and rights?" first off pipe down, second, fucking LEAVEEE the SCHOOL MAN! he was takin the mick the whole day and then said " you wanna start learning how to drive as soon as you turn 18 but the driving instructors gonna go 'turn right' and ur gonna go left, straight into the fucking river" VIOLATED! (SO TRUE THO) 😭😭😭😭😭😭
side note- i was sitting on the grass with two of my friends today and this girl whos in my brothers year like 2 years below said hi to me then she went "ur rlly pretty" I LITERALLY LOOOOVE PPL LIKE THAT. she was so sweet omg i wanted to cry 🥲🥹
im soso glad u liked the fic bb❤
that girls so sweet OMGGGGG !!! if he doesn't ask you out soon ISTG.....
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leejenowrld · 4 months
I am your pillow princess 👑🥺
Also don't worry, I guess I approve of your ex... you're still mine tho ( me @your ex if he wants to marry you : GRRRRR 😡)
A sneak peak of the similarity list ( can't spoil everything now, can I? )
• her style ( I loooove dressing cute and feminine and especially adding bows and cute jewellery to my outfit *especially necklaces and bracelets but also headbands like YES )
• I am obsessed with my cute romcoms and romance and fantasy novels ( it's almost concerning )
• I also always ask all my friends such silly questions ( the worm one, the cow one,...)
• I am very introverted and only have a few close friends even though I get along with pretty much everyone
• I also have problems with standing up for myself ( my baby y/n in the beginning of the story )
• I am very emotional and feel any emotion very intensely ( need someone to take care of my sensitive ass like no no for y/n)
Want a part 2? ( will probably have a lot more parts cause its so scary... me and my angel y/n are almost one person) 👀🌸😭
Sleep well sweet cheeks 💕
Mhuaw Mhuaw 💋💋💋💋
I wish I could sleep all warm and cozy cuddled up with you :( I CLAIM BRING THE LITTLE SPOON 🤺
~ 🧸
mmmhm yes you are 🫶
i just read all these with a grin on my face 😭 you really fucking are mfal!yn. i love how you understand her character well and yeah, we love you and mfal yn! you’re both just cuties who jeno would probably kill for. no but like you’re both so adorable i’m just gonna make out with you
do you even need to ask to send me a part 2?? send me all the angsty stuff !!!
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tfw-no-tennis · 1 year
csm 133 thoughtz....
I realized today that I read this every week and i love liveblogging so why not combine those two things. wow
I'm loving the completely objective signs that state factual things such as ‘not human’ and ‘chainsaw devil,’ thank you for those, chainsaw man protestors lol
yoshida let denji out of the yaoi dungeon?! interesting
‘I'm a good boy’ denji ily 
I loooove all of denjis delayed reactions to things lmfao
I feel like denji fr has brain damage from all his head trauma and lobotomies lol its like in the john wick movies how he gets less coherent as they go on bc, imo, he’s gotten so many concussions that by the 4th one he can barely talk
really like the panel of denji and yoshida sitting calmly and all the anti and pro csm people are clashing in the background. 
especially w/denji saying he kinda likes people fighting over him...but none of them realize that denji, sitting right there, is chainsaw man. poetry bro
oooh, getting political. I do (sometimes) love like, anime superpower’d world politics. it can be well done
love how vastly different yoshida and denjis priorities are 
like, yoshida is playing 5D chess and denji just ate a rock he found on the ground. and I don't mean this derisively for denji, its good that his priorities are nayuta et al
‘you no longer have sole control over chainsaw man’ is interesting. denji - chainsaw man - is becoming a figure beyond denji and chainsaw man himself. the IDEA of him is being used almost more than csm himself
oh damnnnnnn 
yoshida literally w/the ‘quit your job’ ‘what’ ‘join my emo band’ bit. except he doesn’t even offer to let denji join his band smh. I KNOW yoshida has an emo band just look at him
denjis facial expressions are the best lmao
I'm not shocked tho. he’s so sketchy!!!! I seriously STILL cant pin down what his deal is. whose side is he on!? what's his agenda, personally?!
damn. simplistically put, yoshida is kinda right. denji can live a normal life if he stops being chainsaw man voluntarily 
EXCEPT NO, because the apocalypse would still be happening or whatever, and denji is all fucked up and traumatized, and integrating with the ‘normies’ isn't gonna work as well as hanging out with weirdos and freaks like he’s currently doing
speaking of, WHERE is asa I miss her:( 
lmfao @ yoshida being like ‘ill be your friend if you quit being csm denji!!! I prommy!’
loooove those panels of yoshida describing what denjis ‘normal life’ could look like, over background of protestors fighting
DENJI ILY............
again with the 5D chess vs eating a rock. denji is so great because he’s so straightforward. he wants everyone to pay attention to him and fight over him!!!! he likes the attention, positive and negative, he gets as chainsaw man!!! he’s not too proud or ashamed to admit to that - he’s not the type to even attempt to be modest and pretend that he’s only chainsaw man to help people...if anything, that's a side effect of the rest of the deal
and to denji its simple: he doesn’t want to stop being csm, and he also doesn’t want nayuta to be killed. c’mon yoshida get with it
yoshida telling denji to be selfless, essentially...lmao bro who do you think you’re talking to
denji CAN be selfless but This Is Not The Way To Achieve That
also I really question public safety’s ability to hold nayuta captive. js. 
denji trying to assemble the protestors to kill yoshida lmaoooooo
oh yep lmao there she is
OH AWWWWW they’re so cute uhghhhh I’m so glad they reunited
love her pose when she’s calling for denji. weirdgirlcore
I will say I’m still wary of nayuta...I feel like the story is purposely vague about her morals - like last chapter with her telling her classmates to give her their desserts - where’s the line between typical amoral tween behavior and like, not valuing human life? im excited to see more of her tho
yoshida w/some HILARIOUS facial expressions
nayuta not swearing lmaooooo
I wonder if yoshida thinks that denji agreed to his terms lol
we haven’t seen basically any of public safety this part...I wanna know how its been going there. is kishibe still involved???? did kobeni rejoin lmaoooo
the fact that they’ve had such little presence makes me think they’re pretty powerless. I wonder if their threat against nayuta really holds any weight
yoshida at the end hahaha ‘did he not understand me?’ dude I’m telling you hes playing -2D checkers MAYBE. this is the guy who recently lobotomized himself rather than face his trauma. plsssss
great chapter and I’m excited to read more as always. I wonder if we’ll catch up with asa next...
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inkskxtch · 2 years
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something a little different, i made a monster high oc!! her name is winnie waterson, the name is kinda silly but its cute lol. she’s a kelpie centaur!! kelpies were my favourite mythological monsters when i was a kid, they’re also from scottish folklore so she’s scottish too🕺 i tried to replicate the MH art style but idk if it really worked -_-
i looooved MH so much when i was younger and even tho im not a huge fan of the recent reboot stuff, im glad its getting popular again :D
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pineappleciders · 1 year
aubrey! for the ask game:D?
erm yeth pleathe🤓*adjusts glasses*
Sexuality Headcanon: i have said it before and i will say it again i think aubrey is lesbian. idk whag it is. i think she might've had comphet for sunny idk tho🤫 (idk considering her childhood crush on sunny isnt actually canon but uts a thought)
this is mainly why i dont really like aubrey x male characters and why kimbrey is my fave<<33
Gender Headcanon: tbh i haven't really thought about it much. i really like transmasc aubrey but i dont hc her as transmasc yknow??? like i reflect onto her because she was literally me when i was little and the family issues and all that but ya its mostly me projecting. other than that i tgink you could say aubrey is transfem, transmasc, nb or whatever and id be like yeah cuz idk shes just aubrey
A ship I have with said character: kimbrey js very cute i loooove that one photo of them doing a fistbump. i love best friend dyanmics soooo mcuh
if i have to choose a more main stream ship itd probably be sunburn, specially omori x hs aubrey cuz i think sunnys little crush on her is cute. but i like transfem/genderfluid sunny x aubrey even more cuz again lesbian aubrey
A BROTP I have with said character: kelbrey!! kel and aubrey are gay best friends and i love their friendhsip so much. i can understand why people ship them cuz of their dynamic but i just prefer them platonically!!
A NOTP I have with said character: minus the obvious ones (such as maribrey...) i cant really see basil x aubrey romantically. i mean i dont have anything reallt against the ship i just cant see it working or them having feelings for each other
A random headcanon: kim has those like. i forgot what theyre called but those earrings that open ur earring hole and r like a ring i forgot the name and aubrey always thought they were super cool when she saw that kim got them so when they became closer kim pierced her ears and now aubrey has the same earrings. also post game in college i think shed get a few more piercings, on her ears and face (and probably gets some matching ones with kim :3)
General Opinion over said character: i think shes one of my favorite omori characters (i dont really have a tierlist but herand kel are so smrungjly to me so i call them my favs)
i think her trauma and story and personality is all really realistic and relatable and i love her character so much. she deserved so much better. i also kin her to an unhealthy amount but we dont talk about that
sorry for typis its 5 am j havent slept nya
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
hullo!! 20-25 for all your twc ships, for the otp asks!! 👀
Ty for the asks!
[Kat = Kai/Nat, Valdam = Val/Adam, Kate = Kendis/Nate, Keva = Kendis/Ava]
20) Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Hehe, I have playlists for most of them. Except Kendis x Ava [and Tareq x Ava]. I don't know about PERFECTLY describes but these songs come to mind almost immediately when I think of them.
Pierre x Felix: Dandelions [slowed + reverb] by Ruth B, slater
Kat: The More I See You by Nat King Cole
Valdam: Counting Paths by Matthew and the Atlas
Andy x Mason: I Ain't Never Loved No One by Donovan Woods and Tenille Townes & I Walk The Line [cover] by Halsey
Kate: Without You by Ursine Vulpine, Annaca & Waste It On Me by BTS, Steve Aoki, Slushii
21) Who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? Who tends to the other's wounds?
Fighter: Ava. Nate. Val. Pierre. Mason. Nat.
Tender: Kendis. Kendis, lmao. Adam. Felix. Andy. Kai.
It isn't that Kendis wouldn't fight for them -- but Kendis is more of a smack talker for "honor" fights. If Kendis is fighting fighting that fight for honor is usually someone's life is in danger. Andy is similar -- though he'd step up if Mason was like betrayed or tricked. Felix would try to fight for Pierre's honor, but Pierre would stop him.
22) What reminds each of their partner?
Pierre x Felix: This is cheesy but light, Pierre associates Felix with light -- specifically light peaking through a shadow makes him think of Felix. Not ALWAYS but when his made wanders? And he catches that? Yeah. Also rainbows. Especially those cute rainbows drawn on concrete. For Felix it is old books and museums are no longer Nat, lmao. Stray cats. And he will find himself thinking of a joke he knows will make Pierre that slight smile and soft chuckle [he will be right].
Valdam: Val says broken pottery. But Val, I don't think looks at something and is like oh, that is Adam. But more it is moments like: Adam would get what I mean here. I wouldn't have to waste time on crap with Adam. For Adam, it is leather jackets qweer4re s lmao. Imagine Adam getting war flashbacks over the word 'greaser'. Also certain scents have become SO Val.
Keva: Ava associates post-its with Kendis. Kendis has introduced highlighters and colorful post-its to her life, Ms. Paper Can't Be Hacked. For Kendis, cargo pants -- mostly because Ava has allowed them to make use of the pockets. I think it is that 'Ava is so dependable', but it is easier t say the pockets.
Andy x Mason: IDK. Is it a cop out to say quiet? I need to ponder. I also think each other's 'vices'. Mason sees alcohol on the rocks and thats Andy
Kat: Everything. IDK, my dude. Kai and Nat balance each other so well, it arguably be like 'oh, if they were here tehy would handle this taht way' ... though I feel Nat would think it more. I think Nat is slowly starting to look at tech with less disdain, tho, bc of Kai. And Kai is more likely to consider trinkets and such, bc he knows Nat would like it ---he's not a big sentimentality dude [outside getting his fave coffee and pastry,lol].
Kate: Kendis has introduced post its into Nate's life too. I think music and the kitchen have become Kendis. Kendis definitely introduced Nate to more modern music, also she hums when she bakes. And Nate loves watching Kendis cook or bake. LOOOOVES it. The leather of Nate's jacket pings for Kendis --- and steadiness.
23) Who's more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning?
Convincer: Kendis [though it is barely, lmao; as Kendis is probably up and ready to go --Ava is trying to convince her to get more sleep]. Nate. Val. Nat. Felix. Mason.
Trying to leave: Ava. Kendis. Adam. Kai [though I fee he has surprising moments]. Pierre. Andy [tho, I feel twc!Andy has ... moments].
24) Who's more likely to give the other a massage?
I feel Kat and Pierre x Felix would be the only ones down for this, mutually. Nat for Kai and Pierre for Felix.
Kendis is very particular about touching -- I wouldn't say she is touch adverse [at least not in twc verse, at least not strictly speaking] and certain touches makes them feel closed in and/or clausterphobic. I feel Nate would cue in and would never ask. Ava would never ask either, but I feel it started out as a teasing thing about Ava's tenseness and then became a thing Kendis did sometimes for her.
Val is too awkward for this for this shit -- Val is intimacy adverse, lmao. No ... but it would make them jump out their skin if Adam tried and if they tried it on Adam and it went wrong, they'd just skitter up the wall like a frightened spider.
Andy would fucking never -- though I feel for twc!Andy the thought might occur, so he might do something ... like if Mason got a charlie horse maybe. And IDK if Mason would? Actually maybe ...
25) Do they have any hobbies they share?
Kat: Reading -> Learning.
Valdam: Cars.
Pierre x Felix: Does snuggling the cats in Pierre's building count? Making each other smile?
Andy x Mason: Smoking and Sex. Quiet. They're both fucking lurkers. No, for real.
Kate: Shopping. Cooking.
Keva: Being workaholics? I feel both would enjoy a quiet day organizing. Freaks.
Obligatory OTP Asks
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angelizs · 2 years
Hi hi its the curious anon again from the jade and azul ask !!,HEHR PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTHY,I love reading long posts so I enjoyed it very much and I loved reading it!!,you honestly had me going /YES YEA THIS/ the whole way through 😂 and if you wanna go off about their designs plea please do!! 🥺,
I dont have too many thoughts to share /myself/ however except maybe a silly one thats a lil shippy on how floyd would call is s/o their actual name and flipflop between the sea animal nickname and actual name cause of the theory that he usually calls those he respects/are close to their names n so on-
HII CURIOUS ANON, I'm glad you liked my lenghty thoughts on them! since you've given me the go ahead, I'll take up your offer and talk a bit about their Dorm Uniform designs! (I didn't include Azul's overblot or any other clothes to focus on these especific ones, but perhaps another time!)
oh, before I start, yes I agree with that! I believe you're refering to this post regarding Floyd's nicknames, and I agree with it! like he does with Azul and Jade, the people he's truly close with and respects he would call by their actual name, not one of his nicknames. although I'm very attached to shrimpy as I find it very cute and I'd kind of miss it if he dropped it altogether, so I like the idea of him varying between it and his S/O's name!
fun fact: I like to draw occasionally, so character design is something I have a lot of interest in!
now, let's get this started, yes?
I feel like my thoughts go along with the general consensus of their designs, but sometimes even the obvious should be stated, so I'll say everything in my mind!
I have a confession to make. I'm easily attracted by anime characters with white hair. I KNOOOOW IT'S SUCH A COMMON TROPE AND I FALL FOR IT EVERYTIME, HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. so him having his gray-ish hair color is already a positive point in my books. differently from Ursula, his hair is not wild and free, but rather very well kept, tamed and wavy! (and difficult to draw, lmao. the notes in the 2020 visual book make a comment on how it's important to make an outline before drawing it, or else the right side can come out too big)
even with it's difficulty, I think the little strand that's just a tad longer and curls following his face, reminiscing of a tentacle, is just so charming, it's a nice little detail that makes all the difference! another thing you can't really see it's that he has AN UNDERCUT!! WHICH IS SO COOL!! I miss the time I used to have an undercut too.
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the choice of giving him glasses but not the twins is a bit ironic, since octopi don't have much of a bad vision at all, meanwhile eels are almost blind. (I think they use contact lenses. just imagine Floyd forgetting his and he can't see anything and he's just. confused.) I think it's most likely to make him fit even more in the stereotypical "smart and cunning anime character" profile. it miiight have been a reference to the darker shade around Ursula's eyes, but I honestly doubt it. they do fit quite nicely, so I'm not complaining at all!
one thing I like about his eyebrows are how expressive they are, which brings Ursula's eyebrows to mind! they seem to have very similar expressions in that sense, as the drawing of him with a mean grin and arched eyebrows is reminiscent of Ursula's expression! his eyes aren't half lidded like hers tho, a difference that pops out very clearly if you compare both pics of them looking straight ahead while smiling. Ursula's seem more menacing, as if she's up to no good, while Azul's is more polite.
I loooove the mole near his mouth, mirroring Ursula's, it's so charming!! and I don't know if you've ever stared at his lips before but. look. they are very glossy and they SHINE, his mouth looks amazing, he might not pass on Ursula's birght red lipstick but he DEFINETLY has lip balm at least
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now let's look at his drip. Octavinelle's dorm uniform makes an homage to the Sea Witch's elegant style, using a stylish combination of suits in more neutral tones, either in black and white or in shades of purple and gray, making a reference for her lavander skin tone and purple tentacles.
look I'm gonna be honest. I don't know what's up with the fedora. the iconic shell is a nice touch, but why must he wear a fedora? he could look professional and mature without it!! I am. not the biggest fan of hats. AND HIS HAIR LOOKS SO PRETTY WHY MUST HE HIDE IT
the bowtie I think it's a bit silly, but that might be because it's not common at all here where I live. I've only seen normal ties, so for me it might have looked better with one (not in this purple shade tho, maybe in a more muted tone of it. I do like the contrast of color against the white). I also don't see much what's the point of the grey scarf but it does help him look fancy, though the Octavinelle crest on it makes it look a bit like Harry Potter merch
as he's the housewarden, he gets a special long coat that does make him look a bit like a mafia boss, especially because he's not actually wearing it, only having it drapped over his shoulders. (or perhaps it's the bowtie. was that why it was there all along!?) and the white gloves? it's very snazzy and suspicious at the same time, but I can see the elegance of hiding your hands as if you're a victorian maiden hiding your ankles and shoulders to preserve your modesty.
the cane is SO COOL. I don't think he uses it for anything other than looking intimidating but's it's so cool. maybe it helped him to get used to walking with only two legs (adapting from eight to two must have been hard) when he started his first year and he's kept it. his shoes are pretty normal, expected even, BUT WHY ARE HIS SOCKS NEON PURPLE. I know it's to match his silly mafioso bow tie BUT WHY.
I'll start with things that will apply to Floyd as well, but I only want to say it once
Flotsam and Jetsam are... not the prettiest around. I'd say they are very far from it, even. Which only surprises me more that the twins look SO GOOD when they were based off of this??
as a reference to the moray eels, Ursula's beloved pets and minions, the twin's hair follow their color scheme, teal in it's majority with a dark gray stripe, and each have one yellow eye that helps to differentiate from which eel they were inspired by. their merman forms also make reference to them, as their tails are quite similar and they have fins and gills, which is not something the merman in the Little Mermaid used to have.
thankfully, for everyone's happiness, their physical similarities end there.
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JADE TIME!! I have another confession to make: I also love character's with hair that has more than one color. I'M NOT TOO HARD TO PLEASE ALRIGHT!
Jade's hair is very unusual and at first glance might even look strange, a mix of color and shapes in an already complicated design. I think it plays along well with him, the little J shaped strand of hair hugs his face and calls attention to it, breaking the monotony from his otherwise short hair and balancing it's color out. the way his side bang is cut in such an angular and sharp way gives it such a nice shape, and I like how his hair is well kept and brushed! (differently from Azul's, his hair is a pleasure to draw, as I sometimes find myself doodling it at the corner of my books, absentmindedly)
THE SHAPE OF HIS EYEBROWS !!! they also feel quite angular and pointed, different from Floyd's, which compliment his eye shape very well. AND HIS EYES?? I could look into then all day. the way they are sharp and pass the feeling of his witty personality, they are angled upwards and give him an alluring sense, his upper lashes are fuller and give a cutting look to his eyes, the little eyebags (?) under them breaking the lightness of his skin and adding some color around them, even his eyelid fold helps to create such a charming gaze. I LOVE THE HETEROCHROMIA!! they aren't wildly constrasting, like I commonly see, but rather a duller tone of the other, which is how it usually happens in real life! such a polite look and by it's shape alone you can tell there's something behind it, something sharp enough to almost break the surface.
even his nose differs from Floyd's, as it feels a little softer and round ended, less curved and more of a straight line. I love these little spot the differences games, while they might seem like such minor details, they come along to create a bigger picture that differentiates the twins and each is their own person very well, not only with their body language but also by their appearence!!
OH AND HIS LIPS. I know I know it's the art style but still. the way his bottom lip is so full and shiny?? the way the corners of his mouth curl upwards just so. the carefully constructed politeness. how he rarely shows his teeth to keep the more harmless appearence, only letting them be seen if he's trying to intimidate someone or if he's actually happy. the dangers of his sharp teeth hiding like a shark under the waves !!!!!!
AND JADE'S EARRING! like on Floyd, it's such a dynamic little shape and gives them a bit of a more approachable look? and then you discover how they even got it in the first place LMAOOO. wait, let me give some context: on Usrula's spell, she says "Beluga Sevruga, Come winds of the Caspian Sea!" what does that mean? beluga is a variety of caviar (and of the more expensive ones), and it's harvested from the Sevruga sturgeon, native from the Caspian Sea. the story of how the twins got those earrings is that they won a fight against a sturgeon and kept the scales as a prize, so really even their cute little silly earrings are indicative of how dangerous they can be and how they like to flaunt that around LOL. in story they are also mentioned to be known as a good luck charm, due to being a popular ingredient in the Sea Witch's potions. it's such a nice reference! and it also implies the twins might have a bit of a supersticious side to them, which is so interesting.
the merman form is so cool too! as mentioned, I really like how they use more elements of moray eels and lets them have a more fish-like look. the stripes are elegant and a nice detail that brings these aspects from the eels, not to mention his body is literally luminiscent! like! he glows underwater!! how cool is that?? the fins in place of ears are cute, and the webbed hand makes a lot of sense! the tail adding lenght to them and making them twice their human size is a nice way of making them grow without distorting their proportions. (just why. why must he have abs. eel abs. it was a whole jumpscare the first time I saw them.)
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I'm. gonna sound a bit hypocritical now. but! I think the hat looks nice on Jade. HEAR ME OUT! I'm still not the biggest fan of hats, but Jade's is not like Azul's, it has a wider, less square box like, shape, the shell is hidden as to not overdo with the details and leave it as a more discreet one, and the way it's drapped on his head, following his bangs and the linearity of his longer stripe, gives such a fluidity to the whole thing and manages to make him look suave!
also, one thing about him is how he's always prim and proper, tucked in neatly in any formal suit and showing his diligence. there's something about people who are always so covered up and formal looking. the profissionalism... the maturity... the sense he's above you... the clothes make the man...
ANYWAYS. I like that the shade of the regular uniform is a lavander that goes easy on the eyes (housewarden's neon purple, take notes), it gives a classy feel and goes along great with the general color scheme! I hope they are careful on laundry day to wash those separatedly from the white uniforms.
again with the little bow tie. the white manages to compliment his gloves and the pocket square very well, but it stills looks a bit silly to me. I'm sorry, but here where I live the only people I've seen using those are clowns, literally (look up Patati e Patatá. it's Jade and Floyd).
he thankfully doesn't show his socks, but his shoes have white details on them that I feel that kind of break the sleekness of the whole. I know it would be way too monocromatic otherwise, but I don't think it'd be necessarily a bad thing, especially since they have no problem in doing it with his other designs. with the ones he has on, it looks like he's about to start tap dancing at any minute.
still, Jade is slaying
as I've already discussed some of his design aspects in Jade's part, I'll go over only what I see as unique to him.
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his hair is messier than Jade's, wilder and spikier, and it kind of looks like he doesn't brush it in the mornings, but that's part of his charm, this unkept look! the F shaped longer strand seems a bit fuller than Jade's as well.
his eyebrows are higher and less sharp than Jade's, angled downwards and following his eye shape that makes him look sleepy or bored more often, less atent than Jade, and exposes his double eyelid better. his eyes are more expressive, oftentimes curving in excitement or with his pupils contracting when angry.
the shape of his nose is pointy, sharper and slightly more curved. ONE THING I REALLY LIKE: his mouth. Floyd is always showing his emotions, and it's delightful to look at his jagged teeth as he smiles openly! even when he's not emoting so drastically you can still catch a glimpse of them!
the thing is that while they have their differences, the twins designs are very similar, as they really separate from each other in their personalities.
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the hat also looks better on him than on Azul (sorry Azul, yours is a bit goofy and doesn't compliment your hair very well), and while it follows some of the reasons I've cited on Jade's, there's also something else. the hat helps to show his impulsive nature! how so? well, I think like this: the rest of the uniform he has to wear, there's no escaping it, but the hat? he can do wathever he wants with it. if he feels like putting it on, he does, if he doesn't feel like it, he can just not. it's not a crucial part like the shirt or the suit, so people won't get much on his case about it. in the card, he's taken it off, simply because he wanted to.
he's also more free than Jade's buttoned up look, as he quite literally doesn't button up many parts of it, his jacket is open, his collarbones are exposed, his silly clown bow tie is untied, his scarf is flowing in the wind. Floyd doesn't like to be restricted by tight fitting clothes and honestly I get him.
as much as Floyd is interested in shoe fashion, I don't like his shoes at all. in most of his cards actually. I don't know if it's because I know nothing about it and use an All Star for every occasion, but his shoes always look goofy because of his socks. ALWAYS. who lets him keep getting away with this??? someone please stop him he's comminting crimes against fashion with those socks. THE NEON PURPLE DOESN'T EVEN GOES WELL WITH THE SOFT LAVANDER OF HIS SHIRT. THERE'S NOTHING GOING ON FOR HIM HERE. not to mention he's also using the tap dancer shoes.
I really like Octavinelle's under the sea theme and how well their designs make callbacks for their counterparts, making nice references for such an iconic villain! all in all they are very elegant and pass a professional vibe that's characteristic of the dorm and it's students, leaving enough space for their own little quirks to shine through.
I love to take a look at them like this!! I might have a terrible fashion sense for myself, but when it comes to character design I suddenly become a critic lol. though I feel that the game manages very well to create interesting designs that calls to mind the original villain's and leave enough room for their own personalities to shine, catching your attention and staying easily on your memory! all the characters have unique little things that differentiate them and make even people that have never played the game recognize them!
that's it for their dorm uniforms and general designs, I hope you like it curious anon! thank you for once again indulging me on my rambles!
(I took the images from pinterest but they are from the 2020 visual book, which I found some translations for in their character fact sheets and here, or from the Little Mermaid's concept art book!)
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
The music is so lovely too... and the direction and set dressing and Overall Production... chef's kiss... ALSO THE LITTLE GIRL WHO PLAYS SHIRAISHI IS SO TALENTED WHAT THE HELL WAS ANY OF THAT... Tsutsumi is amazing though for real, he makes Keisuke seem so much older post-timeskip and it's wonderful to see his old self starting to show again EVEN IF HE IS. BEING A DUMBASS. Huge fan of Tsutsumi playing depressed motherfuckers... I LOVE Takae though... I understand why he was so obsessed with her I get it...
See this is why I can't be too hard on Akira I'm a grown man acting the same way about Tsutsumi😭😭😭I'M GLAD YOU LIKED FIRST EP... THIS IS A RELIEF... Yoshizawa is a nice young man don't worry about him <3
ALSO THRILLED TO HEAR YOU SEEMED TO ENJOY THE MOVIES TOOOOOO ACAB except the team and Ogata nobody does terror|sm like you king... I wish more Tsutsumis could escape prison and/or death But Fair Enough... Oh and this is what Ogata's letter says if you were curious, it's manga only:
Inoue, You weren't crazy at all, in my eyes. You'll make a fine SP. An SP is a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau assigned as a full-time bodyguard to people who don't deserve protection. That job description assumes they are, without exception, willing to throw their life away in a crisis if it means acting as a shield for those people. That's what it means to guard another's life.
ALSO at one point Tsutsumi was at a panel for something else and a couple members of the audience were being unruly and trying to get on-stage to get to his female co-star, but he and another co-star held them off... I think he actually fell off the stage in doing so but he was fine and he joked that SP would start filming that day... I love himmmmmmm
NO THAT'S WHAT I MEAAAAAN HE'S SOOOOOO CUTE IT DROVE ME INSANE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 'tsuma' was the first tsutsumi show i watched and the impact it left on my brain was monumental... i loooove keisuke so much i cant stress that... SO IM GLAD YOU WATCHED THE FIRST EP IM GLAD YOU GET TO SEE WHAT I MEAN !!!!!!!! CUTEST OLD MAN EVER I PROMISE !!!!!!!
nono maida is SO good considering her age, i was so impressed with her performance throughout the show... AND YEAH TAKAE IS AMAZING she really is an epic woman, no wonder keisuke and mai cant let her go (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) unfortunately 👁️👁️;;
AND THANK YOU FOR SHARING THE LETTER MAN so real.... i love that..... chaotic good kind of behavior i fucks with him.... he's valid in my opinion for his methods.... nishijima was lame anyway...
poor tsutsumi at that panel tho im glad he protected his co-star and im glad he was able to make light of the situation- im mortified for him but id also be totally mortified if i was one of those rowdy people like please be civil hes a guy just like any other guy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
#long post#snap chats#i could go on a mile-long ramble about tsuma its so cute......#its so funny tho ep 2 onward because its like. its SO awkward because he's the definition of Wife Guy but he CANT be a wife guy cause...#yk..... FUCKED UP but hilarious too#fr tho i was so happy at the end of the first ep when mai and keisuke realized she was telling the truth... oh my god... that was precious.#AND THEN ALL THE KIDS PULLED THEIR EMERGENCY STRINGSLGJRAJLVKAJ STOP THAT WAS FUNNY#LIKE VALID BUT ALSO LMAOOO#if you continue watching i hope you enjoy the rest of the series as much as i did !! it gets REAL good#its already good ep 1 but it gets even BETTER and UGH. i should rewatch it...#OH BUT AtR !!!!!!!! ITS SO SWEEETTT ive never had the experience of having a crush let alone on someone older#but the trope seems cute from a distance-so long as the older party is. Not A Freak obviously#theres a certain innocence in it yk what i mean.. i cant explain it but when It Isnt Freak Shit its cute#so im glad this anime's being cute with the trope instead of weird and gross#KONDO IS A VERY CUTE OLD MAN I UNDERSTAND HER BUTTERFLIES hes so silly..#AND IM GLAS YOSHIZAWA ISNT A JACKASS HE'S FUNNY AND A DORK#he needs to chill but he's just enthusiastic so i cant be mad... Give Her Space but also He's So Ernest#ah but yeah with SP..... ogata's morals are based- when he couldnt protect ohashi anymore i felt so bad...#i also like characters like that- characters that want to do whats right so bad but cant for one reason or another#even MORE based when they start to do Cracked Shit to do good.... amazing.... 11/10....#IN ANY CASE.... EP 3 OF AtR TIME !!!!!!!!!
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storge · 2 years
Hellooo zoe 😊 hope you are doing well! some new stuff came out that I wanted to talk to you about ahahah 🥰 I just caught up on takahashi kun from the bicycle shop and ITS SO LOVELY. Their relationship is just so comforting and their personalities match well. First penguin is going to end soon and surprisingly I've been enjoying that one quite a bit. I loooove the female lead and suzukis character is great! Sad that he left the team for now. Another absolute goodie is goukon, I adore that one! The boys are so cute and shy and the women are very pretty, a great combination lol 😂
Would love to hear your thoughts on these dramas or other stuff you've enjoyed recently! have a lovely day 💕
Hello there friend!!! I am doing welll!!! I gotta a lot of work recently cause end of there year but it's starting to wind down now 🤞🤞. Yes a lot of stuff have came out and are almost ending tooo. Yessssssssss Takahashi Bike shop is Gooddttttttttt! I too think they are lovely but also a tad quirky too lolol. Sometimes I go "??? lolol okay yeah this works for them." Everything is going by kinda fast too which is pretty great First penguin is enjoyable. I can't standddddd how they men talk to our Fl and but I get it... I get it.. I love our FL tooo sooo muchhh tho so I can't wait for her to succeed. The drama with Suzu made me forget all about shipping them so 😂😂😂😂. YES YES YESSSS GOUKEN!!!! That's one of my wacky fun dramas this season and it's just so funny and cute. I love the pairings soooo much and they all just compliment each other. I literally laugh every episode. It's fun ridiculousss and clever sometimes.
Now other dramas I'm watching you should try is definitely is the Atom no Ko one. The cast is fantastic and it's an underdog story. Also Reibai Tantei Jozuka Hisu!!!! I don't know if you saw this one but you GOTTA! Like the finale was 😘😘😘😘😘. You gotta watch beginning to end NO cheatinggggg for this 1 dramaaa. Elpis is the smart drama this season and it's really getting good rn. Our main 2 is getting their lives in check finally and hottie man is getting shadierrrr and SHADIERRRRR. My fake boy group from Kimi no hana ni naru is filling me with warm and fuzzyss. Always love dramas like this and I'm actuallyyyyy getting around to be okayyyyish about the romance. Like yeah.... it works... It's alrightttttt lol. I gotta bring up Silent cause it is good and nice and all that but honestlyyyyy I WAS RIGHT THEY DID HAVE THING THE TEACHER AND THE GIRLIEEEE AND i FEEL VINDICATIONNNN!! I literally high-fived myself watching the latest ep lololol. Finallyyy my Cray drama that is literally off the wall but widely entertaining me.. Sister! When I tell you the chick is crazy... i mean she is CRAZYYY CRAZYYYY. Fatal Attractionnnnn crazy. Get a restraining order and go into witness protection program crazyyyyy. Fiction really can make messyiness entertaining. 😅😅😅😅
I'm actually caught up on a wholeeeee lot of dramas given the time I've had so Imma stop here before I write an essay lololol. if you wanna talk about any others I'm all ears. Talk to you later friend! Hope you have lovely rest of the year! 💖💖💖💖
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