#lookin at you jkr
boldlygoingtolidl · 1 year
transphobia is being against medical transition while also being against gender recognition without the use of medical transition
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Watch "A Brief Look at Harry Potter" on YouTube
If you're feeling nostalgic for harry Potter watch this delightful breakdown of JKR's world done by a trans creator- seriously the breakdown of the politics of HP is brilliantly done. Watch it and let me know what you think of economagics 😂😂
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newsfromstolenland · 2 years
Jorden Peterson whined about conversion therapy being banned in Canada because it disrupts the relationship between patient and therapist. How the fuck is that obtuse fuck even a therapist? He is extremely obtuse about political science and seems obtuse about psychology as well. I think he wants to be able to torture queer people on Canada to be a real man.
And he said that just because things are legal doesn’t mean they are illegal. This was in reference, when someone asked him in an interview “why is a doctor who performs legal surguries on Elliot Page a criminal?” And he said just because a doctor does legal things doesn’t make him a criminal. Could this obtuse fuck have anymore brainrot? Apparently his deleted tweet where he deadnamed Elliot Page was inspired by his abs. He also whined about a really attractive plus sized brown women on the cover of a magazine.
Cishet men are apparently not only, do they feel entitled to the bodies of women, they should meet their narrow expectations but of trans men too.
Jorden Peterson was asked whether transition therapy should be banned for adults too and he doesn’t know. He seems to think for minors. Because apparently trans boys in his opinion are too young to be able to decide their lives for themselves. That reminds me of in JK Rowling’s overly long manifesto where she thought autistic trans boys also were too young and childlike to also make their own decisions.
Macy Gray said this week that trans people who transition aren’t- like if trans women transition they aren’t women. And gave a bad apology. And Better Midler was transphobic and islamophobic this week.
And trans women were banned in women’s swimming. And apparently Dave Chappelle who has had a lot creative rot the last few years, not as good as he once was, accused teens of being arbiters of oppression because they didn’t like him being honoured at his school.
Jesus Christ the amount of transphobia I have heard in the news this week is so fucking exhausting. But thankfully the prime minister sentient mop with urine coloured hair is resigning. That fuck said “oh I am not going to ban conversation therapy after all! No wait I am but it’s totes okay if trans people get tortured. Not going to exclude them.”
I also heard some people say that a trans guy being included in the Baymax show, is apparently pornagraphic. Trans people existing, just existing is apparently pornagraphic. Jesus some cis transphobic people are so fucking obtuse.
transphobia is a chronic issue that only seems to be getting worse as more celebrities give it a platform (lookin at you jkr and dave chappelle)
on the topic of jordan peterson- he also refused to refer to students by the correct pronouns when he was UofT prof
one of my first protests was about that on the UofT campus (probably 7 years ago now), and the asshole still hasn't learned
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mlmxreader · 1 month
And I will never forgive the fandom for how they treated Miriam after that interview. All of those nasty comments were honestly not surprising, saying that she was quote “mad because she’s just fat and didn’t have an important role or contribution to the films”. Like you would think that grown ass adults would have the home training to know how to act their age instead of acting like children in an adult body. That whole comment section was absolutely disgusting and these are the same people who act like they don’t have a life. Because if we are being honest at the end of the day who is getting all of the interviews and cameos? Miriam, that’s who! Who is the one having her bank account filled? Fucking Miriam! And while they sit there and mock her, she out here traveling the world and STILL being on tv and living her best life all while eating her onion-beet-thingys. And she was SO respectful about it and even restated several times that it was her opinion, but after reading some of those comments I just couldn’t keep lookin any further because I just can’t imagine how a person could genuinely come up with such awful things to say like that.
At this point I’ve been learned my lesson to stay away from fandoms when Stranger Things first came out. And since then I’ve just stayed in my own little bubble because fandoms NEVER fail to show how really racist, homophobic, fatphobic, colorist, and transphobic they are. And I think it takes a really strong person to handle it the way Miriam did. I never did see if she responded to any of the comments, but knowing her I know that she has such an elegant way of handling things
they also very conveniently forget that Miriam has been a household name and has been on the tv and in films for literal decades, like, she is NOT worried abt what a couple of tradwives and radfems think of her at all lmfao. but it really just goes to show what kinda people are still supporting and engaging w JKR and her (mediocre) works; I mean, y'know, it's all "separate the actor from the character" but when your faves turn around and call your stuff bullshit, suddenly it's "all look at that NASTY fat, old Jew!!" (although I'm using nicer language than what I saw online ngl). which is... it's telling lmao it is VERY telling!!
yeah tbh, I mean, I've been watching Supernatural lately, but I am NEVER touching the fandom w a 100ft pole and you couldn't PAY ME to do so; I've learned the hard way from the COD fandom that fandoms are ONLY a safe space for cis, white, skinny, abled women who AREN'T survivors of abuse 🤷🏻‍♂️ so tbqh, I totally get you lmao I mean, look at how certain people harassed and bullied me for speaking out against rape porn, like... fuck fandom altogether, man lmao the only one worth the spit anymore is the Tom Hardy fandom and that's bc there's hardly anyone in it 🤣
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draconym · 3 years
Please don't say the word goblin or other creatures that are obsessed with money, they're antisemitic (i know u didn't know don't worry)
I’m not an expert on folklore or Judaica, but I am a Jew who has taken some classes in European folklore, so I have a couple thoughts on this. “Goblin” is a generic term to refer to a lot of different mythical creatures, some of them mischievous, some of them friendly, some of them evil. Some goblins do share traits with antisemitic stereotypes (lookin’ at you, JKR ... and also a lot of modern RPGs), and sometimes that is intentional antisemitism on the part of the people telling the stories.
But the term is still very, very broad, and there are so many different types of creatures that are called “goblins” that they can’t all be said to represent an antisemitic stereotype.
Shakespeare’s Puck is a hobgoblin, for example, and this was a book I read as a kid and enjoyed:
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I would agree that we shouldn’t call other human beings “goblins” (because at the very least it seems pretty rude, if not potentially antisemitic?) but calling my mom’s dog a goblin because she reminds me of a funny little creature doesn’t strike me as problematic. I could be wrong here, but as someone who has read a lot of folklore, the term “goblin” could apply to almost as diverse an array of different creatures as the term “dragon,” and I would rather focus on critiquing goblin characters that use antisemitic tropes than removing the word “goblin” from the lexicon.
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I really enjoy your and @therealvinelle’s metas because they make sense but approach the subject from such a different angle it’s beautiful. I was wondering how exactly do you analyse books or shows? I’m basically asking for a how to for heretical but sensible meta if there’s any?
Well first, thank you, glad you enjoy the blogs.
A Warning About Heresy
That said, I feel that I should warn you, even if this is something you think you want, it's probably not. Sure, I can spew my heretical opinions here on the internet and gain morbidly fascinated followers, not so much in actual conversation.
Someone asks me about the MCU, I have to spend the first ten seconds of that conversation figuring out what I'm allowed to say.
Am I allowed to say that I dislike it in a general sense? Or will that so offend them that they'll never speak to me again or else look very wounded and wonder why I'm such a snob.
Am I allowed to get into any specifics, period? The answer is likely not, I'll undoubtedly say something ghastly and heretical. If I'm not allowed to say anything, do I lie through my teeth? This is often unconvincing and lame.
Which is why when people ask me about Harry Potter in real life, I usually resort to, "That epilogue sure was lame, huh" and my terrifying HP obsessed friends all nod their heads, because that's a safe opinion that won't get me thrown out of a party.
Rinse and repeat with pretty much any show/book series. It's not something to envy and there are times that I wish I could turn it off and watch things like normal people.
This is also why I will never, never, join a book club. Talk about books? With other people? In person? Ha, not on your life.
How Vinelle and The Muffin Watch Shows
I'm not sure it's something you can really learn. To my knowledge, this has always been the way I've thought about the world and read things. It's why I have such weird taste and have always said such strange things.
It's not something I picked up.
But regardless, here's the general thought process.
First, acknowledge that everyone in the story might be lying to you. Perhaps not actively lying, but all narrators are in some way unreliable. They have their own beliefs, limited information, and their own agendas.
You cannot take anything they tell you for granted. They can be wrong.
Second, acknowledge everyone else in the story might be lying to you. They each have their own beliefs, limited information, and their own agendas. They may be utterly convinced of something: they can very much be wrong.
With that, look especially for discrepancies between what we're told and what actually happens. Rather than take the narrator at their word, imagine you're in the room beside them, as they're telling this story. See what they're seeing in that moment.
Twilight is a great example of this, especially Midnight Sun. As Edward describes himself in the ecstasy of love, makes it sound very poetic and romantic. What he actually, physically, is describing is himself laughing like he's high on opiates while driving a car drenched in the scent of huuumaan. Does he make the last part very clear? No. But it's certainly there.
Fourth is to try to ask yourself why characters do what they do, why do they believe what they believe, and try to suss out why the world takes the shape that it does. Again, a character like Harry may not fully understand the wizarding world or else may not see it closely enough. So you look at what he does see and extrapolate from there. Inform yourself of what Harry misses.
Then, in general, avoid making shit up. If you do, acknowledge it, but if you don't you're just another person making up rando headcanons about Harry's tie collection. It's a sweet tie collection, but it comes from nowhere in the text, you just want him to have ties. You like ties.
Ignore the author's intent. Completely. Vinelle and I are fond of Watsonian metas, this means you only use what's in the text. Ignore what you think JKR or Meyer or whoever wanted to write, don't give yourself the excuse of "oh, they're just a shitty writer", pretend the world you're lookin at is the actual world. Otherwise, you get distracted and will easily give up, going, "Okay, so Meyer just sucks at writing then. Sweet" and end your meta there.
A Reminder
However, do this too often and you'll never be able to watch any Transformers film again. Your brain won't let you.
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fyregrl · 3 years
Say what you want about Ready Player Two, but it’s great that it deals with one of the most disappointing yet important parts of life:
Growing up and realizing that someone you idolized as a child is actually a horrible, suckish human being.
(I’m lookin’ at you, JKR)
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winterscaptain · 3 years
Honored reminded me of why I love this masterpiece of art so much. I love that Sophia’s name essentially started out as a quip at Aaron and Haley and turned into such a meaningful decision. I love love love that Jack and Jess were asked about it. I’m crying happy tears. That little bit at the end really got me too lol.
thank you brittany!! i really wanted the story behind soph’s name to be an organic thing. there’s nothing i hate more than a contrived namesake for the sake of it (lookin’ @ u jkr). i’m so glad you liked it :’)
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k so since i’ve been hiding the fact that i’ve been depressed and frustrated af lately, i’m just gonna slam it all here under a read more. ignore if you want, actually please do, it’s just me bitching again--
so holy shit the way america is rn frustrates the absolute hell out of me. covid has only made it worse; it feels like we’re never gonna get out of this fuckin’ pandemic because of people screaming that their rights are being violated bc they’re being asked to wear masks (?????? you’d fuckin’ hate it in asia then, ya goddamn snowflakes) and having parties all over the place, plus there’s all the politics shit that i’m not even going to get into, and just... it’s so damn hard to actually live here because everything costs a motherfuckin’ fortune. for fuck’s sake, i am a woman making $15 an hour at a part time job that gives me only 12-15 hours a week, how the fuck am i gonna succeed in anything with that?!
holy fuck. i want so many things that are just out of reach, it feels like. i want to help sylvie start HRT so she can finally start kicking gender dysphoria’s ass and actually start being happy with herself and her body, but considering she has practically 0 health insurance, she makes even less than i do, and it’s fuckin god-tier expensive, i have no idea where to even start with that. a friend of mine told me about planned parenthood (which would probably be a really good idea for both of us, considering i’ve never had my, uh, inner workings checked out), but i have no idea if there’s even one in our area or anything, or how we’d go about starting anything regarding that. it’s so goddamn frustrating, because i hate seeing her hate herself and her body so much because she’s got the wrong goddamn one, and i feel like she’s just got this general feeling of hopelessness around the entire thing, and i want to show her that it is reachable for her, but... how am i supposed to do that if i don’t even know where to begin?!
ALSO, not even relating to that
i want a house. not an apartment, not to keep living with people i barely know, but my own actual goddamn house. my credit score is lookin’ pretty damn good right now -- it’s almost in the 700s, but... i have no idea where to start with that either. and like... i’m afraid, as well. because if we go buy a house, and then something happens where we can’t afford things with the house anymore, then we’re fuckin’ homeless. and like. i’ve been homeless before -- not out on the streets, but i was couchsurfing for a good year and a half, and that sucked -- and i never want that to happen again. rent is expensive as fuck, more than both of us put together can afford, especially with all of sylvia’s bills. our roommate kicked us out of our old place, so we had to quickly scramble to find a place, so we’re living with a couple of sylvia’s friends, and i personally cannot stand it. it’s nothing against them, really, i just. i hate being almost 29 and still having to rely on others for a place to fucking live. it’s fucking godawful. and considering i don’t have any family members or anything that will help me, it’s so... alskdjflkdsal;afd
plus we’re not even in our original city anymore, we’re stuck on a goddamn island that we have to pay a toll to drive back onto every time we go home from work, so that fuckin’ sucks. and i miss our old city so much and it hurts so bad that we don’t live there anymore; i was really at home there, it was the first place where i really felt i could be myself and just... leaving there fucking sucked. i want to go back, and i fully intend to. someday. when i can actually afford things like a goddamn house. why are houses so goddamn expensive anyway; it’s like fuckin’ robbery. idk.
PLUS, since i graduated from community college this past semester, i’m currently on a break, and i fully intend to go back to university, hopefully in fall semester. BUT, idk, it looks like i’m gonna have to push that back to spring 2022, considering we don’t have a place of our own, i can’t drive (was going to get my permit this past summer but covid fucked that in the ass), and while we don’t want to live here, i have no idea where we will be living, and location matters a lot for me since i can’t fuckin’ drive!! i can’t even start applying to universities until we figure that out, and it’s just... god. i feel like i’m spinning my goddamn wheels again, and i fucking hate that feeling.
this is all over the goddamn place and i’m so sorry for that, but i’m just so frustrated and thinking on all of it makes me so fucking depressed that most days lately i just feel like giving up. stop having goals, try to be content working at fuckin target for the rest of my life (even though it makes me wanna die). but goddammit, i’m too fuckin’ ambitious for that (before jkr turned into a fuckin’ bitch, i always got slytherin house because that’s me, kids), and i apparently can’t be satisfied with what i already have because i’m a spoiled-ass bitch, i guess. i always want better. like. i feel like i have to make something of myself before i’m allowed to feel happy and content with my life, and that’s frustrating too. it’s like... i dunno. things aren’t happening the way i want them to, and i just get pissed off at myself for allowing things to happen as they are.
just... god. fuck off. eat the rich. fuck capitalism. i don’t want to be a millionaire or anything. i just want to make enough to not have to live paycheck to paycheck and be able to actually afford things i want without feeling fuckin’ guilty about it. i mean jfc i spent almost $50 on tea shit on this past paycheck bc i got a bonus from target corporate so i had some extra money, but i still feel guilty about it!! and. jesus christ. i don’t know where i went wrong. probably being born to poor, abusive people is where i went wrong.
fuck off.
having mental illness and being poor is. fucking awful. i don’t wish it on anyone.
i just want things to be betterrrrrrr for fuck’s sake.
the end
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abottleofstars · 3 years
i was tagged by @tyto11  !!!
Nickname: I dont rly have one? most ppl just call me cherry (my name) but on some discord servers ppl call me cher (pronounce chair) which i think is fun 🪑
Zodiac: cancer crabby boie
Height: honestly its been a minute since i measured but uh around 5'9" or 5'10" -sorta tall i guess
Hogwarts house: i honestly could not care less but whenever ppl make me take the test i get hufflepuff (fuck jkr trans rights)
Last thing googled: "neve" - a famous preamp designer rupert neve passed away yesterday and i was lookin for articles about it
Song stuck in my head: dont rly have one rn, just a rough collection of 5 second tiktok songs that have bored into my brain
Lucky Number: i think 15 is cool
Dream job: i want to make music for video games, hopefully with a small team so we can be like buds yknow? i think thatd be nice
Wearing: a slightly oversized tshirt and pikachu pyjama pants
Favourite author: Dan Abnett's warhammer 40k books are rly good so i guess him ?
Favourite instrument: Bass guitar!!!! its honestly so slept on like it can do it all (also its my main instrument)
Aesthetic: imagine a cottagecore girl slowly corrupted by living in a city and being surrounded by ppl who are rly indie - basically indie but with plants i guess?
Favourite song: rn ive rly been enjoying Jacket Over Hoodie Over Shirt by Marco Aziel
Favourite animal noise: that lil mrrrp that cats do when u surprise em with pets
Random: It snowed the last two days in my area which was rly nice !! but now its raining lol oh well atleast i thoroughly enjoyed it while it lasted :) - hey @lieberts and @groove-with-me if you wanna do this go for it! no pressure tho also anyone who wants to do this that i didnt tag - do this and pretend i tagged u, i wont tell anyone :)
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flashhwing · 5 years
Neil Gaiman’s stance has always been that the only canon is what’s stated explicitly in the book/script. He’s said that Aziraphale and Crowley share a great love — what kind of love (platonic, romantic, what-have-you) is up to the reader/viewer to decide.
That’s not queerbaiting. That’s not even trying to take credit for representation that you never wrote (lookin at you jkr). That’s telling fans that their interpretations and headcanons are valid, and specifically that nothing he says on any social media can invalidate them.
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elliesgaymachete · 6 years
Question for any Asian followers out there (specifically Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese or other ethnicities where it’s common to take an American name)
I’m starting to develop a new writing project with an Asian lead, it has nothing to do with the culture or anything. I am also not Asian and not trying to claim that I know things I don’t and also don’t want to misrepresent anything
At first I created the character with an American first name and a Vietnamese surname, because that is honestly what you see more. But if the only representation you see in tv and books and movies is that, diversity of names is going to disappear. Is it fine to use an actual Vietnamese name? Obviously I’m looking up actual names and not doing the racist thing in the past of that sounds like it could be an actual name let’s go with that (lookin at you JKR)
Anyway I’m half Mexican and Latinx names are usually from Spanish origin thanks to those conquistadors so they’re more normalized than Vietnamese or Chinese names so I’ve never really thought about this before so I’m also not sure if this is a dumb question and if it is please let me know! I am just curious and want to be a mindful writer
tldr is it ok for me a non Asian person to give my character a traditional Asian name
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hp-again · 6 years
Rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Chapter One - The Dark Lord Ascending
OMG is this real life???? are we really at the end of this ish???
- LOL at myself already tearing up at the dedication CUZ I WILL STICK WIT HARRY UNTIL THA VERY END
- this chapter art creepy as hell. voldemort lookin crusty
The source of the noise proved to be nothing more than a pure-white peacock, strutting majestically along the top of the hedge. “He always did himself well, Lucius. Peacocks...” Yaxley thrust his wand back under his cloak with a snort.
we out here at malfoy manor where this family is doing THE most
An apparently unconscious human figure hanging upside down over the table, revolving slowly as if suspended by an invisible rope, and reflected in the mirror and bare, polished surface of the table below. None of the people seated underneath this singular sight was looking at it except for a pale young man sitting almost directly below it. He seemed unable to prevent himself from glancing upward every minute or so.
ouch. this chapter should be titled “i feel rly rly bad for the malfoys”
- this is a serious moment but i also find it kind of comical that literally a FULL ROOM OF GROWN ASS ADULTS are having an in depth discussion on how they can capture and kill a 17 year old boy lol
Lucius Malfoy looked up. His skin appeared yellowish and waxy in the firelight, and his eyes were sunken and shadowed. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse.
I repeat, i feel rly rly bad for the malfoys.
Malfoy glanced sideways at his wife. She was staring straight ahead, quite as pale as he was, her long blonde hair hanging down her back, but beneath the table her slim fingers closed briefly on his wrist. At her touch, Malfoy put his hand into his robes, withdrew a wand, and passed it along to Voldemort
narcissa out here RUNNING THE SHOW YALL shes such a cool lady i want to read her autobiography
- ew bellatrix is thirsting after voldemort so hard rn in front of the whole room and everybody is super uncomfortable. me included
- jkr casually decides to throw in that remus and tonks are married. even she don’t care about this relationship enough to give them an in-book wedding 
Charity Burbage revolved to face Snape again. “Severus... please... please...”
owie owie owie
“Avada Kedavra.” The flash of green light illuminated every corner of the room. Charity fell, with a resounding crash, onto the table below, which trembled and creaked. Several of the Death Eaters leapt back in their chairs. Draco fell out of his onto the floor.
OK ive had enough. let me hug draco malfoy RIGHT NOW
WELP what a pleasant and uplifting start to this book!!!!!!!! if you liked this, follow me for more chapters! I try to post every friday so STAY TUNED YALL
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