#look i love science bros so much and the opportunity of setting a fic in a lab was too much to resist okay
a-simple-lee · 5 years
Systematic Error
Bruce Banner, Reader
Synopsis: Getting a lee mood in the middle of conducting research is definitely not convenient, but you plan a way to make it work. It does, just not how you were expecting.
A/n: In other words I’m a massive science nerd, so here! Have this highly self indulgent fic inspired by hcs @squirmycuddles and I have made at like 2am lmao
You’re not sure why you’ve decided to sneak up behind Bruce - well, that’s not true, actually. You’re fully aware that you’re in a massive ‘lee mood right now, and are weighing up the odds of Banner t-wording you if you pester him. Tony seems to accomplish it easily enough, anyway; on a regular basis, too… You pause in your musings, fingers drumming against the lab bench. It occurs to you that you may not be the only touch-starved scientist in the labs.
   The centrifuge beeps almost angrily, loud enough to interrupt your train of thought. You remove the samples, and add drops of indicator to a couple, before placing the next rack of samples inside a water bath and setting a timer for half an hour. It only takes a few more minutes to jot down your observations, and you find yourself left to wait for the next round of samples.
   You glance to your left; Banner’s hunched over his lab stool, adjusting the coarse focus on his microscope. The pair of you talked for the first few hours, then settled into comfortable silence a while ago. Now or never, you suppose. Your glass of water’s empty, anyway - a good excuse to be getting up. You realize you’re overthinking this way too much.  Getting up and striding alongside the bench, you reach out and poke Bruce’s side as you pass. He flinches.
“I’m getting water. You alright? Need anything?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” Banner doesn’t look up. Darn. He does start readjusting the fine focus, though, and you feel a little guilty for jogging him. 
“Okay.” A temptation to toe the line encroaches, and you succumb to it - trying not to let your heart jump into your mouth, you pinch his side gently as you turn away, and keep walking. It’s difficult not to look behind you to see if he reacted, but as you push open the glass door on your way out, you catch him looking at you with confusion in the reflection. 
You proceed to take twenty minutes 'getting water' - which mostly consists of you filling a cup, pouring it out, crumbling against the kitchen counter in an attempt to compose yourself, and refilling the cup, before repeating the process. It’s only once you remember you have 10 minutes left on the water bath samples that you feel ready to head back down, all the while lamenting the fact that Tony makes irritating people look so easy. 
Fortunately, Banner says nothing as you enter the lab again, now finished looking at samples and instead drawing up diagrams. 
“Hey, how’s it coming along?” You put down a glass of water for him and put your hand on his shoulder, brushing his neck in the process but pretending you’re none the wiser. Your lab partner twitches and puts his pencil down.
“Good. I- the number of cells in anaphase is higher than the other samples, we might have to disregard this one in calculations.”
“Huh. Odd.” You say, pretending to listen whilst trying not to walk out for another twenty minute water break. 
“Yeah. How are the other batches doing?”
“Two are finished, one’s still in the water bath for-” You pause to look at your watch. “-9 minutes.”
“Okay. I might take a break, then.”
“Me too.” You pull your stool over, and sit opposite Bruce as he moves to a clear space on the desk, pausing to check his phone. 
“Are you feeling alright today?” He asks.
“Yep, yeah. Why?”
“I dunno, you seem kinda antsy.”
“I’m fine.”
“Okay.” He definitely doesn’t believe you, but lets the subject drop. 
“Uh- what about you? Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah! The tests are really interesting, I’m looking forward to finishing them.”
“Same. I should check to make sure they’re not boiling over…” You nod towards the water bath, managing to throw in a quick prod to Bruce’s ribs on your way over. The samples are doing fine; they’ve changed colour slightly compared to before, but if anything look like they could do with a bit longer in the water. 
“Did Tony tell you to tickle me in his absence or something?”
You almost drop the test tube rack you’re getting out.
“Sorry- what?”
“You keep tickling me. Why?” This shouldn’t be a surprise to you at all - this acknowledgment of the situation is what you’ve been waiting for, but suddenly you’re praying for the floor to open up. You stay facing the bench, refusing to look at Bruce.
“Just bored, I guess.”
“You sound like Tony right now.”
“I do?” Your equipment’s set up, so you can’t really do much else except for return to your stool opposite.
“Yeah. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were asking for attention.” Banner smiles slightly as he says it, and you instantly wish you’d stayed at the bench.
“Pfft,” You start, but find yourself scrambling for words. “I can assure you, I’m not Tony.”
“Good to know.” He grins, shifting his stool to get back to work. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. 
“…But if you do it again, I’m gonna have to assume that you are.”
Bruce says nothing, but you catch his fingers wiggling as he reaches for a pencil fully in your view.
Your timer goes off, and you rush to unplug the water bath, jotting down the presence and colour of any emulsions. 
“Okay, that’s done.” You mutter, gathering up your notes and carrying them over to Banner.
“Good. Thanks.” 
“Nothing too out of the ordinary. Most of these are in line with the hypothesis.” As you speak, your hand reaches out to nudge his ribs. 
You feel Bruce grab your wrist before you can reach him. Shit.
Banner stands up, still holding your wrist. “Oh no you don’t.” 
   You’ve left your lab coat unbuttoned - almost definitely on purpose - and your friend quickly takes advantage of this, snaking his hands under it to wrap them around your sides, fingers latching onto your abdomen before repeatedly squeezing over and over. Laughter swiftly takes over your frame, and you don’t have a chance to move before he backs you against the lab bench. It’s exactly what you were hoping for, but also ten times more embarrassing than you’d expected.
“Bruce-wahahahait!” Your hands find his wrists, and it takes every bit of your resolve not to push them away. Suppressing your impulses to squirm becomes increasingly difficult, so you settle for sinking down a little against the bench, letting go of Bruce’s wrists momentarily to flail your arms out in an attempt to catch yourself.
“Careful, don’t knock over my equipment!” He tuts, darting one hand under your arm - you shoot your hand down to protect yourself, resulting in you slipping clumsily downwards, and his fingers becoming trapped next to your torso. Your attacker follows you down for a bit, before catching you, keeping you cornered between him and the work space as your legs grow weak from laughing too hard.
“Ahahahaha, nohohoho!” You’re sort of propped up against Banner now, trying both to override your reflexes and escape the fingers spidering over your skin - you lift your arm up in the hope that he’ll shift his focus away, but Bruce instead takes it as an invitation to tickle you more, speeding up and digging his thumb gently into the sensitive spot; your arm comes crashing back down, and another wave of hysterics hits as his other hand counts your ribs.
“Any particular reason you felt like being a pain in the ass today?” He starts conversationally, at long last moving his trapped hand to claw at your stomach.
“Nahaha- I told you alreaheheady! I was bohohored!”
“Really? That old excuse? Think of one I haven’t heard from Stark twenty times already, and get back to me.”
“No? What, you want me to guess? Okay, I think you wanted me to tickle you. Because you wanted attention, or- I don’t know, you’re touch starved. Which is fine. But you could’ve asked instead of trying to annoy me.” Bruce starts, slowing down the tickling slightly so he’s audible over your giggling. You’ve never felt a blush run up your neck so fast before.
“Lies!” You cry, trying not to sound as if Banner hasn’t just completely called you out and considering that it should’ve occurred to you that multiple PhDs make somebody observant as well as intelligent.
“Are you sure? Because you’ve been trying not to push me away for a while now.”
“I- shuhuhut up!” It’s the most you can muster with your growing embarrassment, but it seems to act as proof of theory for him. 
“So I’m right?” He steps away, leaving you to regain a small amount of your composure with a smile. 
“You don’t need to be so insistent, but yeah.” You mumble, doing up your lab coat and standing next to him.
“…I said yes. You’re right. Maybe.”
“Okay.” He nods. “So I have two attention-seeking geniuses to work with. That’s fine.”
“…It is?”
“Yeah. Just ask instead of tickling me next time, okay?”
“No promises.” You grin, striding away to your work as Banner sighs. Your days in the lab have just gotten even better.
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celestialtitania · 4 years
A Preposterous Predicament
This fic was written for 11JJ11 on AO3 and FFN. Thank you to @khanofallorcs for betaing. 
Read on AO3, FFN or below the cut!
Marinette ran into school, about an hour late for class. The last akuma attack had taken far too long and she hadn't even been able to properly feed Tikki. She'd had to recharge in the middle of the battle and then she hadn't had enough cookies.
"Marinette?" Tikki stuck her head out of Marinette's purse.
"I know, Tikki. Let me get to my locker, I have lots of cookies there!" Tikki nodded at Marinette weakly before settling back down. The poor thing seemed so weak. "I'm so sorry," Marinette apologized for the umpteenth time.
"It's okay, Marinette," Tikki sighed, clearly exhausted.
"No, it's not, Tikki," Marinette refuted as she walked into the locker room and attempted to wrench her locker open. She ended up pulling with far too much force and ended up toppling over. She picked herself up slowly by holding onto the locker door.
"Here we go," Marinette sighed as she spotted the familiar bakery bag, full of cookies. Fishing out a large chocolate chip cookie, she handed it to Tikki while she gathered her supplies.
"Well, looks like I missed Mlle. Bustier's class. It's time for Science and I'm ten minutes late!" Marinette scrambled out the door, running to the classroom. She desperately hoped Mlle. Mendeleiev wouldn't notice her late entry. Or at least not care enough to comment.
No such luck. As soon as Marinette pushed the door open, she fell over her own two feet and slammed to the ground, front first. "Ouch," she groaned as Mlle. Mendeleiev stared down at her.
"Yes, thank you for announcing your entrance, Marinette," she sighed. "Care to explain why you're late this time?"
Marinette flushed pink as she flailed her arms, while trying to come up with an excuse. After a few moments of pointless babbling, Mlle. Mendeleiev shook her head and pointed Marinette towards her seat.
Marinette sighed in relief as she sat down next to Alya. Her best friend was shaking her head at her fondly. Marinette gave Alya a sheepish grin in reply, before turning to pay attention.
An exhausting hour of Chemistry later, Mme. Mendeleiev set them free for lunch.
"Girl, you will not believe what you missed today," Alya was telling her. "Where were you anyways?"
Marinette blinked as she got out of her seat. "I...um….Oh I was–," Marinette was thankfully spared from answering when she tripped for the third time that day. What was happening to her? She was clumsy, yes, but not that clumsy!
She looked down to see a bag tangled in her feet. So that was it. She needed to pay better attention to where she was going. A yawn cut off her train of thought, as she untangled the bag straps from her feet. Clearly, a good night's sleep would help too.
"Woah, what is that?" Alya was exclaiming. Marinette turned to look at whatever it was that Alya found so fascinating, only to find her vision blocked by Adrien.
"Hi, Marinette!" The boy greeted her with a sunny smile. Marinette felt her heart come to a grinding halt, the brightness of his smile making her feel warm from head to toe.
"A-Adrien!" She squeaked out, her face burning hot. His smile grew a little brighter and Marinette found it hard to breathe.
"Need a hand?" He asked, as he offered her his outstretched hand. Hesitantly, Marinette placed her hand in his and let him pull her up. She stumbled a little as he did, and caught his shoulder to regain her balance. His grip on her hand tightened as his other hand automatically went around her waist.
They looked at each other, their faces far too close. Marinette turned a bright shade of pink as she practically leaped away from Adrien.
"Th-thank you!" She stammered out, as she blinked up at him. Unfortunately, she didn't get much of a chance to see Adrien's reaction or talk to him further, because that was when Alya made her presence known.
She had one hand on her hip and a foot was tapping impatiently. Marinette stared at Alya with raised eyebrows, completely confused. She couldn't remember the last time her best friend had ever interrupted her while she was trying to talk to Adrien.
Then Marinette took a closer look and nearly had a heart attack. In Alya's other hand was Tikki. Alya shoved Tikki into her face, so Marinette could see her kwami up close. "What is this?" Tikki's expression had turned into one of panic and Marinette tried to mentally reassure Tikki that it would all be okay.
Alya pulled Tikki away from her and leaned in, waiting for an answer.
Marinette blinked rapidly, trying to come up with anything that would protect her secret identity. Beside her, she could hear Adrien choking, but there were far more important things at stake.
"It fell out of your purse, Marinette. What is it?" Alya was demanding loudly. Marinette bit her lip, while she tried to think a way out of this mess.
Nino had come up to them, wondering why they were taking so long, when he too saw what was in Alya's hand. He stifled a tiny gasp as he threw his girlfriend a questioning look. In answer to his silent question, Alya simply pointed at Marinette.
Marinette took the opportunity to take a closer look at Tikki, hanging limply from Alya's grasp, and noticed she was playing dead. If Marinette didn't know any better she'd think Tikki was just a doll. At the thought, a lightbulb went off in Marinette's head.
"That's a doll," Marinette replied, trying to sound confident. Alya took another look at Tikki, seeming to carefully examine her.
"Okay," she said slowly, a worried expression appearing on her face. "But how did you get it?" Alya's eyes took on a certain glint. "Could you tell me the store you bought it from? I'd love to get one of my own."
"Bought?" Marinette squawked. Alya raised an eyebrow at her questioningly, pretending to be innocent. Marinette swallowed, her eyes darting left and right. "I mean….does it really look that good? I made h–it myself!"
Alya brought Tikki closer to eye level. Then, she showed Nino, who seemed just as cautious, if not more. Marinette knew that both of them were mentally comparing Tikki to their own kwamis and mentally groaned.
"How did you get the inspiration for it, Marinette?" Adrien spoke up, the smile on his face brighter than ever.
"Inspiration?" Marinette repeated, feeling a fresh wave of panic wash over her. She stared at the floor, her mind whirling.
"Good question, bro! The design is pretty unique, dude, how'd you come up with it?" Nino followed through.
Marinette wracked her brain, trying to come up with any plausible reason to have created such a 'doll'. Then it hit her, the perfect way to throw off suspicion was to add a grain of truth. "It's based off of Ladybug's kwami."
Alya and Nino gaped at her while Adrien pretended to be confused. If Marinette had been paying better attention, she would have wondered about Adrien's strange reaction. He should have known what a kwami was, he had been Aspik after all.
"How, how do you know Ladybug's kwami?" Alya asked, her voice dropped down to a whisper. Nino and Adrien were staring at her in the same kind of wonder, and slight suspicion in Adrien's case. Marinette was determined to not let that rattle her.
"I...a few weeks ago Mme. Mendeleiev got akumatized! Ladybug asked me to help her then," Marinette shrugged, her heart feeling like it was beating a thousand beats per minute. She was moments away from a full blown panic attack. Please believe me, she prayed to every deity out there.
"You were a superhero?" Nino asked, awe clear in his voice. Marinette felt a little offended for a second. He was a superhero, was it that surprising that she could be one too? Marinette had to remind herself that it was a good thing her friends didn't think she could be a superhero. That was how she was able to keep her secret identity just that. A secret.
"Y-yeah!" Marinette gave them a falsely bright smile.
"What kind of hero?" Alya interrogated as she pulled out her phone to take notes; she was in full reporter mode now.
"The mouse," Marinette smiled.
"That's kinda cute," Adrien mused, his green eyes bright and clear. They were so mesmerizing, she could easily get lost in them. "It makes sense Ladybug chose Marinette. She's our Everyday Ladybug after all."
Marinette turned a bright red at that, as she tried to remain cool and collected. She quietly pinched herself, to keep herself from going to dreamland. This wasn't the time for that, there were more important things happening. Far more important than her crush paying her a compliment.
"So, how did that result in you meeting Ladybug's kwami?" Alya was asking excitedly while Nino's expression had turned into one of horror.
"Dude! Why did you tell us that? Now Ladybug will never call on you again!"
"How do you know that?" Marinette asked suspiciously, throwing the spotlight on Nino for a moment. She almost felt bad for making him panic about protecting his secret identity, but she needed a break.
"Well, you know! Superheroes and their secret identities and all that. We all know how strict Ladybug is about identities," Alya covered for Nino. He nodded along enthusiastically.
"Oh, I see," Marinette hummed. "Though that doesn't stop you from asking about Ladybug's!" She noted, to which Alya sheepishly shrugged, causing Marinette to sigh. "Well, I don't have to worry about that. I accidentally revealed myself in front of Chat Noir, so Ladybug already said she couldn't call on me again." Marinette gave them a small, sad smile, acting as if she had accepted she would never be a hero again.
"That's too bad, Marinette," Adrien gave her a sympathetic look. Her smile grew shy as she shrugged at him.
"Did you ask Ladybug before making a doll about her kwami?" Alya worried.
"I think Hawkmoth already knows kwamis exist," Marinette pointed out dryly.
"She has a point, babe," Nino fiddled with his hat. Alya handed Tikki back to Marinette, who quickly took her back and put her back in her purse.
"That didn't explain how you met Ladybug's kwami," Adrien interrupted.
"Well...I met Ladybug and Chat Noir's kwamis," Marinette corrected, as she told the three about the story of Kwamibuster. Considering she never planned on using that trick again, she didn't mind letting them know some of the details. At the end of her story, Alya and Nino were nodding in understanding.
"That sounded rad, dude," Nino complimented and offered her a fist bump. Marinette tapped her fist against his.
"Yeah, let's get to lunch!" Alya agreed, as she swung an arm around Marinette.
"You guys go! I'll be right there!" Marinette ducked underneath Alya's arm. She just needed a moment alone, so she could talk to Tikki and calm her nerves.
Alya and Nino gave her a puzzled look before they shrugged and nodded. Waving, they left her to her own devices.
Marinette could still hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears as she let out a sigh of relief. She grabbed a hold of her purse and was just about to begin speaking to Tikki, when a voice spoke up.
"You alright, Marinette?" The purse fell from Marinette's hands as she squealed in surprise. She could hear Tikki give a tiny squeak and mentally winced in apology. Marinette looked up to see Adrien biting back a smile at her antics.
"Guess Ladybug was right to give you the Mouse Miraculous," he chuckled. Marinette wanted to dig a hole into the ground and disappear forever.
"Could I see your doll again?" He asked politely. Marinette's hands flew to her purse protectively. "It's just, I'm a big fan of Ladybug. I don't want to bug you or anything, but I'd love a doll of her kwami myself."
Marinette blinked and stuttered as she looked around for an escape route, anything that would allow her to distract Adrien without seeming suspicious. Adrien's expression didn't change as he expectantly held out his hand.
"Y-you see, I really should be–," Marinette protested anyways, but when she saw Adrien's big, green eyes pout at her, she was rendered useless. Silently, she reached into her purse and despite Tikki frantically tapping Marinette's hand in disapproval, brought her out for Adrien to see.
Adrien bowed his head to take a closer look and rubbed Tikki's head. Marinette held her breath, hoping Tikki wouldn't move. "Great workmanship, Marinette!" He flicked his eyes towards her and gave her an earnest smile. "I can't even see the seams!"
Marinette nervously smiled in agreement. "She even smells like cookies! Much better choice than Camembert," Adrien laughed, as he kept his eyes trained on her.
Marinette laughed with him, slightly puzzled by his words but far too relieved to truly notice anything wrong in that statement.
"Does your Tikki come with matching earrings?"
"Earrings?" Marinette's eyes widened as she frantically shook her head. "What earrings? No earrings here!"
Adrien gave her a patient smile as Marinette took a breath trying to calm down. At least she was able to speak proper words around Adrien, that was a win in her book. It was especially surprising considering how panicked she was, she couldn't even think straight!
"You've captured her sweetness perfectly! I wonder if you could do the same to Plagg," Adrien suggested. There was something in the way he was looking at her, but Marinette couldn't put her finger on it.
She blankly nodded along, her other hand was twitching. The sooner Tikki was hidden away, the better. She never should've given in! Her anxiety was killing her. Adrien gave Tikki one last look before backing away. Marinette quickly tucked Tikki away and gave Adrien a frazzled smile.
She was just about to turn and leave, to regain some of her sanity, when the last few minutes of the conversation ran through her mind. Didn't want to bug her. Tikki. Camembert. Plagg. Marinette whirled around, mouth gaping and one finger pointed at Adrien.
Adrien tilted his head innocently. "Marinette?"
Marinette opened her mouth before closing it again. She shook her head before trying again, but nothing would come out. All the clues were there but she still wasn't sure. Until she was, Marinette couldn't take that chance, there just had to be a logical explanation for this.
The only one she could think of though, was Adrien being Chat Noir. After watching Marinette try to talk a few times, Adrien sighed.
"Cat got your tongue?" He smirked at her. Adrien Agreste was smirking at her. Marinette didn't know how to react. That could mean something else, it didn't have to mean what she thought it meant, did it?
Adrien seemed to understand what she was thinking because his smirk grew wider. "How clawful, Purr-incess! Haven't you figured it out yet?"
Princess. The only one to call her that was...Marinette's eyes grew wide as she silently took in his confirmation.
"Th-then you really are?" She croaked out, feeling it hard to breathe. Adrien walked behind her to close the classroom door, before nodding.
"It's me, Bugaboo," he was grinning, looking ridiculously happy.
A black blur zoomed out of Adrien's shirt at the same time Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse.
"That was just painful," Plagg complained.
"Oh hush, Stinky Sock. She just needs some time to process!" Tikki argued weakly, she herself was giving Marinette an incredulous look.
"You did a great job playing dead!" Adrien complimented Tikki, who glowed under the praise.
"Not good enough," Plagg pointed out, making Tikki immediately turn to scowl at him.
"He's been Mister Bug! Of course he didn't buy it!"
"That's enough you two," Adrien scolded the kwamis while he kept his watchful gaze on Marinette.
Marinette couldn't stop staring at him. Adrien was Chat Noir? Polite, sweet Adrien was her flirtatious partner who cracked the worst jokes? She couldn't even reconcile the two boys as one in her mind, let alone accept it in reality.
The longer she stayed silent, the more the bright smile on Adrien's face faded, until it had disappeared entirely, a bitter one replacing it. "Are you disappointed it's me, m'lady?" He had finally looked away from her and Marinette felt panic swell in her throat.
She frantically shook her head. "No!" She shouted, as she waved her hands trying to convince him, as she stumbled towards him. Adrien caught her hands with his, making Marientte's insides turn to mush. "Never," she whispered.
"I believe you. It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" He was smiling brightly again, so Marinette calmed down.
"How come you aren't freaking out?" She complained, her face was radiating so much heat, she felt like she was in a sauna.
"Trust me, when I saw Tikki in Alya's hand, I freaked out plenty," he laughed, looking at her softly. Marinette peered up at him, trying to read his expression. "I'm not disappointed either if that's what you're wondering," he added, a Cheshire cat grin on his face.
Marinette squeaked as she bowed her head, trying to avoid looking at him.
"I do have to ask though, how did you pull off Multimouse? I almost doubted myself, but well, not even you can make a kwami doll that convincing, LB."
Marinette pulled her hands away from Adrien reluctantly, so she could use them to cover her face. "I used the Fox Miraculous," she mumbled into her hands.
"What?" Adrien questioned as he tried to tug her hands away.
"I said, I used the Fox Miraculous," Marinette huffed. Adrien's eyes widened in understanding, his eyes becoming softer as he laced his fingers with hers.
Marinette squeaked as she tried to think of just about anything else. A thought crossed her mind and her eyes widened as a new flash of panic went through her. "Tikki! We... I mean identities!" She got out, fear tinging her voice.
"It's fine, Marinette," Tikki reassured. "It was about time you two knew each other's identities. Not knowing was causing more problems anyways."
"We're just surprised it took you so long. The kid wasn't exactly being subtle," Plagg cackled.
Tikki looked like she wanted to argue but even she was looking at Marinette in disappointment.
"I was panicking! It's not like I knew he was Chat Noir!" Marinette tried to defend herself. When they all stared at her in disbelief, Marinette groaned and covered her face with her hands again.
"It's okay, I still love you m'lady," Adrien grinned. Marinette peeked at him from behind her fingers in surprise. He froze, as it dawned on him what he had just said.
"I-I mean!" It was Adrien's turn to stammer, as his face turned pink.
Plagg was snickering while Tikki sighed. Marinette stood there frozen while Adrien searched for something to say. Marinette took in a deep breath before taking pity on him. "How about we go get lunch first? I'm sure Alya and Nino are wondering where we are."
Adrien nodded. "Good idea," he smiled. He still seemed a bit nervous so Marinette offered him her hand. Tikki and Plagg were still laughing as they went into their respective hiding places.
"We'll take this one step at a time, alright, Kitty?" She whispered as he held on to her hand tightly.
"It's you and me," Adrien grinned back.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 3.4
Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Three - If not for the courage of the fearless crew – Part 4
Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3
Author: Gumnut
29 Dec 2019 - 4 Jan 2020
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 4342
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Artist!Virgil, Minor various ships, mostly background.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos we haven’t seen it yet.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D I hope you enjoy it.
I’m probably posting this before it is ready and I’m not happy with the ending so may change where it ends when I start writing the next part, but I really need a little cheering up today, so here be the next 4000-odd words of this fic. I hope you enjoy them :D
Many thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for cheering me on and their wonderful support through this craziness. And to @onereyofstarlight for geeking out with me over the setting.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
They stashed their luggage in the hostel, a large white and wooden building that had obviously seen many residents over the years, but was well loved and maintained.
Melissa gave them a quick tour of the compound. It consisted of series of buildings similar to the hostel but of varying sizes over looking the ocean and the adjacent Oneraki Beach. The island was basically a triangle with the encampment on the north facing side high up on Fleetwood Bluff. There was something about a Flagstaff but Virgil missed it...mainly due to the conversation Gordon and Sam were laughing over behind him.
Whatever it was called, the view was magnificent. Far below in the bay, A Little Lightning was a small white smudge on the blue of the Pacific.
Melissa ran them through the rules of conduct on the island. No one was to venture anywhere on the island outside the compound unaccompanied by a DOC employee. Please keep your luggage inside the hostel. All life is protected on the island and in the waters. It was illegal to damage or remove anything. No littering. The list went on.
It was a long one.
Apart from being a cetacean biologist and a loud talker, Sam was also apparently the resident cook on the island. Melissa put no claim to any culinary skills, so had left it to Sam.
The man had baked a cake.
A Christmas cake.
In their isolation on the boat, despite their aim to be home for Christmas, Virgil had forgotten it was the day before Christmas Eve. December twenty-three.
It wasn’t the first time he had forgotten Christmas. Three years ago he had spent Christmas dragging survivors off the Amazon flood plain when the river engulfed an entire city. Christmas had been obliterated. As had the two months after due to the damn fever he had caught from those flood waters. It hadn’t been a great start to the year.
But this year it was different. They were on vacation. A forced vacation, but a vacation nonetheless, of which the whole purpose was to get home in time for Christmas. Yet the decorations and the tree in the corner of the communal hall had taken him by surprise.
The cake was very nice. He had to hold Alan back from grabbing seconds. But it got him thinking about the day after next and what they would be doing as a family.
“He sang to the whales?!”
Virgil jumped at Sam’s exclamation somewhere behind him.
“Yeah, he did. You should have heard it. It was incredible.” Virgil’s eyes widened at the pride in Gordon’s voice.
“They didn’t pay any attention, though, did they? All previous attempts have failed.”
“Ho, Sam, I have to show you the recordings. They responded alright. Virg may not speak whale, but he knows how to speak emotion. Mamma whale definitely understood something.”
Virgil buried his face in his coffee. The experience was still raw. He wasn’t sure he wanted to talk about it and it was inevitable that he would be asked.
“What did he use?” And the conversation dropped to normal levels. Virgil’s name was mentioned several times along with John’s. Sam was eager and excited.
Virgil felt dread.
“You okay, bro?” Alan was frowning at him while hoovering the second piece of cake Virgil had already told him he couldn’t have.
Why did he bother?
“So I guess we’ll be hauling in extra food supplies for these people after you’ve finished with them.”
“It was one piece of cake.”
“It’s the only cake, Alan.”
His brother’s eyes widened in realisation. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh.”
“I’ll bring them something before New Years.”
“Yes, you will.”
“Or maybe Scott can. He might want to visit.”
“What? Why?” But Alan was gesturing with his head in the direction of their eldest brother.
Deep in conversation with Melissa Fisher.
Virgil raised an eyebrow.
“So by claiming for twenty one instead of twenty volunteers we get just that extra bit of funding.”
“Clever move.” Scott had finished his cake and was drinking tea. Virgil had shot him an incredulous look when he asked for it, but if there was one thing Scott remembered about this place, it was the herbal tea. Melissa knew how to brew a great drink...even if she had to threaten him and his father to try it the first time.
“Are you still using Jack Dunning?”
“Oh, yes, the man is brilliant. And he does all our work pro bono which saves us so much. Thank you for the recommendation.”
Scott was not going to mention one Gordon Tracy jumping up and down in front of him one afternoon several years ago. His aquanaut brother had been apoplectic and at the end of a very sharp conversation, Scott had been more than willing to call in their lawyers to act on behalf of the DOC Kermadec Expedition. The fishery megacorporation challenging the validity of the Sanctuary hadn’t known what hit them.
And if Scott wanted Jack to send him all the bills, that was his prerogative. Melissa didn’t have to know everything.
“So how is Virgil?” It was a quiet question as she picked up her own cup of tea.
He eyed her a moment. He was well aware of her attraction to his brother. Gordon had made a point of stirring Virgil until his quiet brother had clapped him around the ears.
“He’s recovering. I’ll be happier when he is home.”
She eyed him as if considering whether she should breach a topic or not. Something flickered in her eyes. “How goes Tracy Island? Is the regrowth flourishing as we hoped?”
He thought back at the tracts of native vegetation his father had planted all those years ago, mostly on the other side of the island, though some covered scars from the IR excavations.The pōhutukawa and palm trees seemed to be okay, but his mind was usually on other things when he ran past them.
He shook his head. “To be honest, I don’t know. You could ask Gordon?”
She peered closer at him. “Are you okay?”
He straightened where he sat. “I’m good.” He stretched. “Got any recommendations for a good place to run? Need to stretch my legs.”
She swallowed the last of her drink. “I can show you.”
“No need, just point me in the right direction and I’ll find my way.”
A snort. “You’re not on Tracy Island, Commander. No visitors go unaccompanied on Raoul, remember. You’ve got a choice between me and Sam.” A smirk. “And you won’t get much distance out of him unless you prefer swimming.”
Internally he groaned. He had been looking forward to time alone.
“I can show you around the crater rim. You’ll get a great workout.”
The thought of finding the physical relief was just too tempting. The hike up the hill had been a teaser and he wanted more. He sculled the last of his tea. “Fine. Lead the way.” He hoped she could keep up.
Her smile was a challenge in itself. “I’ll go grab my running gear. Meet you out front in ten.”
Gordon watched as Scott stood up, brushed past Virgil and said something, before following Mel out the door.
“Do you think Virgil would be willing to talk about his experience?”
Gordon glanced at Sam and then eyed his brother. His linen shirt was tight across his shoulders as the man hunched over his coffee. “I don’t know.”
“Can you ask?” Sam was all eagerness. It was understandable. The surfer had made cetaceans his life’s work and this was a fantastic opportunity.
A sucked in breath. “Leave it with me, I’ll see what I can do.”
John, drink in hand, had taken the opportunity to find himself a vantage point on the cliff. The island was very quiet, even quieter than Tracy Island was at times and considerably bigger.
He appreciated the solitude.
Of course, the boat hadn’t exactly been loud or even crowded. He truly enjoyed the time with his brothers. But it was nice to step away, even if only for a little time.
He parked himself in the long grass at the edge of the bluff and stared out into the blue of the Pacific.
An idle thought.
“Hello, John.”
“Hello, Eos. Status?”
“All emergency calls are being fielded by the appropriate agencies. Mr Lemaire has entombed himself in ice at the South Pole in an attempt to locate Santa Claus. I have advised the GDF. He is safe and secure for the moment.”
John’s thoughts locked up for a second. “The South Pole? Santa Claus lives in the North Pole.”
“Ignoring the fact that Santa Claus is a myth, Mr Lemaire claimed that ‘the North Pole is an ocean and only an idiot would build a house on an ice floe that melts every summer, therefore he must be hidden at the South Pole.’ He planned to be the first human to interview the father of Christmas and used a specialised drilling machine to dig into the ice...which promptly collapsed on him twenty metres down.”
John sighed. “You are sure he is safe?”
“Colonel Casey has sent a specialist team. He and his wife have enough survival supplies to make it through to New Years if necessary.”
“Monitor the situation. Call us in only if there is no alternative.” A trip to the South Pole was something they did not need.
“FAB, John.”
“And how are you?”
“I am functioning well.”
“Do you have any results from the problem I set you?”
“I have analysed three thousand two hundred and twenty-three recordings of humpback whale communications. Unfortunately, many of the recordings are missing the lower frequencies as the equipment used was not sufficient. I do have some translation possibilities, however I am still calculating multiple variables and am hesitant to postulate a theory.”
He had expected as much. She had only been working on it for a few hours. “Are you enjoying the work?” To be honest, he wasn’t expecting a positive result. It did, however, keep a bored AI occupied.
“It is very interesting. Virgil’s response shows no pattern relative to the language he was attempting to respond to, yet he received a result.”
“I suspect there is an element of synergy in the language that enables it to become more than a sum of its parts. Perhaps that is what Virgil was able to tap into.”
“I’m not sure what you mean, John.”
John sucked in a breath. “You are a computer program, yet you are more than lines of code, you are a person. Correct?”
“Perhaps this language is a step beyond simple complexity. Perhaps the elements combined create a new level of communication? One that is not entirely on the conscious level.”
His daughter was silent for a moment. “How does interpretation differ between the human conscious and subconscious? The literature claims a lack of cognitive recognition of events created or observed subconsciously. How could Virgil create something he is not aware of?”
“There is much we do not yet understand. The human subconscious is well known for gathering multiple observed factors and combining them into instinct, all without conscious control. Perhaps you should explore that region of research?” Come to think of it, Virgil’s instincts in the field were very sharp. There were multiple examples of his brother acting against orders and ultimately saving lives that otherwise would have been lost, including those of his brothers.
“I will, John, thank you.”
“You are welcome.” His lips curled into a smile. “Enjoy yourself.”
It was amazing to finally get his feet moving.
Scott’s shoes pounded volcanic dust and rock so familiar it was almost as if he was home. A regular thud-thud-thud, the sea breeze, the rock, the vegetation...energy flowed through him and was used, muscles firing, skin tingling in the afternoon air. God, it was so good to get out.
Melissa said nothing to him beyond directing which path to take. She had removed her DOC uniform, reducing her clothing to a tight crop top, shorts and running shoes, and if he was honest, he had to admit he was appreciating the view.
The woman was all slim muscle. Tight waist, lightly browned skin. Her pale hair bounced behind her in a hastily tied ponytail and he found himself following it as she leapt from path to rock and over logs.
She had no trouble keeping up. In fact, it was more the other way around. He had to work to keep up with her, despite the difference in stride. She knew exactly where she was going and she was offering no handicap.
They pushed up a steep incline for some time. She had taken them off the main track and deep into the forest. Birds sung all around and the wind rustled through the blossoming trees. The pōhutukawa were in their brilliant crimson Christmas flowers, festooning the island as if to decorate for the season.
Grandma loved the pōhutukawa trees on Tracy Island and was in fact the only reason he knew the name of the plant. She cut flowers every year for their Christmas table to acknowledge the beautiful piece of land they lived on.
They reminded him of home.
This whole island reminded him of home.
Melissa ran around a particularly large tree and he followed only to come to a screeching halt as the path suddenly changed direction. A huge crater appeared in front of him.
Melissa was running on the spot. She nodded down at the lake at the bottom of the volcanic bowl. “Blue Lake.”
And it was.
A stunning, almost unnatural cobalt blue. He stared down at it, panting from his exertions. His thin grey tank top clung to his sweaty body.
She grinned at him before darting off along the crater rim.
Hmmm. An indrawn breath and he took off after her.
The crater wasn’t massive on a volcanic scale, but it was impressive nonetheless. The late afternoon sun shadowed the mountain, emphasising the extremes of the landscape.
“The far lake is Green Lake.” Melissa had stopped and was running on the spot again. A fine sheen of perspiration glistened on her skin.
He did know the geography, he had flown over the island often enough, but this perspective was considerably different. “It’s beautiful.” Not unlike its caretaker.
The random thought shook him out of contemplation and forced himself to look out at the smaller green lake in the distance.
Where the hell had that come from? A sideways glance in her direction and he found her gaze caught on the spectacle before them, her love for the island obvious.
Well, he had to admit that he did have his own island love. Just not this island.
“C’mon, slow poke, let’s up the pace.” And she darted off into the forest again.
Thighs pumping, he followed her under the trees, down the slope a little before he found himself climbing again.
She called back to him from several metres in front. “Got a full body workout coming up. I hope you’re up to it.” Her grin bounced down the mountain and off his head.
She was challenging him? Well, he had been known to hang off rocket ships and climb vertical cliff faces. Bring it on.
She did.
The path dissolved. There was no other real word for it. It became a mass of black jagged volcanic rocks, interspersed with tree regrowth.
“This was dumped here last time Virgil yanked us off the Island.” Her words were interspersed with harsh breathing as she clambered over the obstacle. As he climbed the crater once again came into view and the scar in the side of the mountain became clear.
There was a swath of dead forest dotted with regrowth. He remembered Virgil’s report. The footage had involved billowing smoke and steam, but his brother had confined most of his readings to the encampment, his concern more for the lives endangered than any geological happenings. Brains had taken readings and read GeoNet’s reports as he did for any activity on the Kermadec Ridge, but he had reported it small and unremarkable.
Looked far more remarkable in person.
Melissa reached the top of the pile of rock and finally stopped.
He was grateful. The woman knew how to push it. He clambered up the last few and stood next to her.
The view was magnificent.
“She risks our lives, but I have to say she is beautiful.” Her love was there again, in her eyes. It was a similar expression to what he saw on Gordon’s face when he stared out across the ocean.
“You love this island, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question.
She turned to stare at him and he realised that her eyes were a startling multicoloured grey. “I love this place. It’s mountains, its plants, its ocean, its everything. It is one of the truly saved places on our planet. There aren’t many left.” She shrugged. “I’m just lucky to be able to experience it and contribute my little bit of help.”
He snorted. “Even I know what you are doing is anything but little. You’ve expanded the Sanctuary by hundreds of kilometres since you’ve been here.”
Her gaze turned back to him. “You’ve been reading up on me?”
Half a grin. “I like to know who I am dealing with.”
She arched an eyebrow. “And what did you find, Commander?”
His smile spread. “Someone remarkable.”
Virgil hid for the rest of the afternoon. He slunk away to the hostel, found himself a bed and curled up. At some point, he heard a brother open the door to the communal room and another brother, Alan maybe, mutter something, but they went away and he was glad for it.
The wood of the building creaked in the sun and birds squawked almost continually, but despite, or perhaps because of the soundscape, he fell into a much better sleep than he had had the entire week. Deep and complete.
The sun was heading towards the horizon when he woke, yellowing rays cutting across the hostel windows, turning the white paintwork gold.
Gordon was in the room, fossicking through a bag. “G’don?” He blinked and screwed up his face.
“Hey, Virg! Sorry, did I wake you?”
“No. Don’t think so?”
“How are you feeling?”
Virgil rolled over and pushed himself up, sitting on the side of the bed. He rubbed his hands over his face. “Okay, I guess.”
His brother snorted. “I’ll ask you again in half an hour after coffee and brain activation.”
The grunt he sent in the aquanaut’s direction only proved his point.
“Sam is very interested in what you did today.”
Crap. Another grunt.
That earned him a querying look. Virgil had no idea what his brother expected. If a simple question about how he was feeling was a stumbler, the complex concepts involving what had happened earlier in the day were a complete brain frier.
“You up for dinner?” Gordon was suddenly sitting on the bed next to him. When had he moved? “Sam’s dragged out the barbecue. Claims he wants to test the theory of ‘throwing a prawn on the barbie’. Apparently, as an Australian he’s never cooked a shrimp on a barbecue before.” As if to punctuate the statement, the smell of cooking meat wafted in through the window.
Virgil stared at his brother.
“They had to import the shrimp for Christmas.”
The staring continued.
“They’re throwing a party because we’re here and using their Christmas supplies to do it...why the hell are you staring at me like that?”
Virgil didn’t answer him. He just wrapped an arm around him and hugged Gordon to his side.
His brother didn’t resist, but did look at him strangely. “You okay?”
“I’m good.”
Gordon didn’t say anything further and for a moment they sat there together.
Virgil’s stomach rumbled.
Gordon snorted. “C’mon, bro, food awaits.” He slipped Virgil’s hold and, turning around, offered him a hand up.
Without another word, Virgil took it and stood up beside his brother, his hand landing on his shoulder and squeezing.
That earned him another questioning look, but he ignored it.
The grassed central area of the compound had been transformed both by the golden sunlight and the lights strung between the trees. Sam was standing in front of a sizzling barbecue, someone Virgil didn’t know, laughing and holding him close. Alan and John were deep in discussion with another new person. All three of them had drinks in hand. John’s hair flickered about as if it was on fire, the sun catching it as the breeze tossed it around. And Scott...
Virgil stared.
Scott was laughing his ass off.
With Melissa Fisher.
The two of them sat beside each other in a couple of deck chairs. His brother appearing more relaxed than Virgil had seen him in a long time.
“What happened?” It came out without thought.
“They went for a run. Came back friendly as can be. I think Scott may have fallen for her charms.”
Charms? The woman was a handful. Virgil wasn’t afraid to admit he found her a challenge. Her gratitude the last time he had airlifted her and her squad of staff and volunteers off Raoul had been...exuberant.
If Kayo hadn’t escorted her out of his cockpit, he wasn’t sure what he would have done. As it was, Gordon had ribbed him until he cracked and thwapped him one.
But Scott seemed almost enthusiastic. Despite himself, Virgil broke into a grin.
Gordon echoed it. “Yeah, it’s great to finally see him relaxing.”
Quiet. “Yes. Yes, it is.”
Gordon grabbed his arm and nudged him in the direction of a table piled with food and drink. “Let’s get you fuelled up so I can introduce you to Liam and Elspeth.”
Coffee, as always, solved a lot of problems and, hugging his mug like the lifeline it was, Virgil was introduced to Sam’s husband.
Liam turned out to be a meteorologist. Raoul was not only important as a wildlife sanctuary, but also supported this corner of the Pacific’s meteorological station, providing atmospheric readings crucial to both weather and climate studies.
Having no shortage of interest in weather conditions, both as a pilot and a rescue operative who often found himself in the extremes of all kinds of those conditions, Virgil fell into in a very interesting discussion regarding navigating tropical cyclones.
In appearance, Liam was taller than Sam, blond and much more reserved than his husband. Hell, it was almost like someone had grabbed John and Gordon, thrown their physical characteristics in a blender and then assembled Liam and Sam. Liam even had a similar flick of blond hair on his forehead that John had in his red hair.
Almost in contrast, where Liam was pale and tall, Elspeth was dark and petite. Long plaited black hair hung to her waist, her features in shades of sepia. The artist in him was quite drawn to her.
But not as much as his two starbound brothers, because Elspeth was an astronomer. She and Liam had been on the other side of the island earlier in the day collecting readings from the observatory. Something about a rogue object passing through the Solar System. Virgil lost the discussion at some point between the Oort cloud and the orbit of Jupiter. He kept getting distracted by Scott laughing.
Virgil hadn’t heard his brother laugh so freely in a long time. Melissa appeared to be enjoying herself. It was as if a bubble had surrounded them and cut them off from everyone else. Stuck in their own happy little world.
An irrational spark of envy and the inevitable smirk at his brother deploying his well played charms were all completely smothered by the happiness he felt seeing Scott finally relaxing and enjoying himself.
As the evening became night, Virgil continued to hover on the edges of conversation, more Gordon, Sam and Liam than John, Alan and Elspeth. The latter group’s discussion had dissolved into equations and while Virgil loved a good piece of math like any engineer, theoreticals were more than he was willing to think about right at the moment.
The food was delicious and he complimented Sam thoroughly. Liam smiled and waxed poetic about some of the meals his husband had cooked in the past. Sam blushed appropriately red on several occasions, setting Gordon off into ribbing the poor man.
A thumb in Gordon’s direction. “Ignore him, he’s just jealous. There are days on end where we don’t get time to cook a decent meal.”
“You don’t have a cook?” Sam was frowning.
“We have Grandma.” Gordon was smiling ruefully.
“She’s a good cook?”
Virgil cut in. “Grandma is the backbone of International Rescue.”
“Your grandmother works with you?”
“Often, yes.”
“A truly family business.”
“Yes, it is.”
The conversation fell quiet a moment and Virgil took a swig of the beer in his hand.
“So, how did you become a cetacean biologist?”
Sam’s eyes widened. “Oh, um, had an encounter, fell in love, now devoted to them forever.”
Liam snorted. “He asked about you and whales, not for our love story.”
His husband shrugged. “Pretty much the same story really. Found myself in dire straits off Waitpinga Beach while surfing, dolphin saved me.”
Gordon had obviously heard the story before. He grinned. “For a surfer, you really are crap at surfing.”
“It’s all about the image, Gordo. You know that.” But Sam was grinning as much as Gordon. “But on a more serious note,” and the grin turned into a mock glare at Virgil’s brother, “she saved my life. It was a big, life changing moment. Been saving the whales ever since.”
“I can understand that.” All the Tracys could understand that.
Sam sparked up, all eagerness and bright eyes. “So, you spoke to a whale today?”
End Day Three, Part Four
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lamptracker · 5 years
FIC: Counting Down the Days (part 1/?)
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Here we go with part 1.
FIC: Counting Down the Days
Pairing: Peter Parker/Female Reader
Inspo: “Cancer” by My Chemical Romance
Summary:  While visiting a children’s hospital as his alter ego Spider-Man, Peter meets a girl his age. She’s sweet, she’s smart, she’s funny… and she’s dying of cancer. When she laments the fact that she probably won’t get to live long enough to have the typical teenage experiences of prom and a boyfriend, Peter offers to fill those roles for her.
Warnings: Talk of death. The usual cursing (he is from Queens). Endgame spoiler. 
Tagged: @flokidottir-imagines-br  @babyplutoszx2   @musiclover1263   @judemoos   @drxgxnslxyer   @hollanderheart   @thequeensardine   @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell   @captainbuckyy   @xxtomxo   @deleteidentity   @yessterekthings   @itsyaspacemom   @upsidedownparker   @starksparker
(if I tagged you and you don’t want to be let me know, k?)
“Mr. Spider-Man! Mr. Spider-Man!”
A boy, about five years of age, ran full-tilt down the hall at St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital; he only stopped when he ran smack-dab into a pair of blue and red legs.
“Oh!” Peter Parker, known to many as Spider-Man, looked down at the small boy hugging his calf.
Peter had recently decided to give back to the community he helped keep safe. His aunt May had suggested going to a children’s hospital in uniform, to help brighten the patients’ spirits. St. Mary’s was the closest, so he tried that one; he soon fell in love with the small patients there.
“Hey, DeMarcus! How’s it goin’, buddy?”
“Guess what, Mr. Spider-Man!” DeMarcus’s little brown eyes gleamed under the harsh fluorescent lighting. “The doctors say I’m all better! I have something called re...re...  ugh, Mommy, what was that word?”
“Remission,” DeMarcus’s mom said, smiling widely.
“Yeah, that. But I get to go home, Mr. Spider-Man! Isn’t that awesome??”
Peter held out his gloved hand for a high-five, crouching down so he and DeMarcus were eye level. “That is so awesome, dude! I think that calls for a high-five.”
DeMarcus giggled as he returned the high-five. “I’m going to miss you, Mr. Spider-Man.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, buddy. I’m sure I’ll see you around, though.”
“Mommy! Can you take a picture of me with Spider-Man?”
DeMarcus’s mom pulled out her phone, snapping a few pictures of the two of them together. “Thank you for doing this,” she said. “It really made him happy, that a real superhero took time out of his day just to come see him.”
“The pleasure’s all mine, Ma’am, really. DeMarcus is a good kid, I really am going to miss seeing him. Hey, buddy, can I get a hug?” Peter asked, crouching down again.
Wordlessly, DeMarcus flung his arms around Peter. “I love you, Mr. Spider-Man.”
Peter chuckled. “Love you too, buddy. I’ll see you, okay? In the meantime, be good for me. Study hard in school and stay out of trouble.”
DeMarcus nodded, firmly grasping his mother’s hand. “Mommy! I can’t wait to go back to school and tell everyone I’m friends with Spider-Man!”
Peter chuckled as he walked down the hall.
“Is that everyone?” he’d asked a nurse.
The nurse checked her chart. “I know you don’t normally go there, but you could visit the teen wing, maybe? It’s not usually very full, which is why we don’t usually have you go there. But… we have had one patient in there for a while now. Would you like me to see if she’s up for a visitor?”
“Sure.” As the nurse walked down the hall, Peter sat down in a chair. “Karen, any messages for me?”
“Text message from Science Bro Shuri. Displayed or read aloud?”
“Displayed is fine, thanks, Karen.”
Hey Spider-Doofus. When you get done there, come by the lab. Got a little something for ya
Peter chuckled. Probably a suit upgrade, again. Ever since she came to America to work for Stark Industries, carrying on Tony’s work, she had been upgrading his suit at every opportunity.
“Follow me,” the nurse said. Peter followed her down a hallway, into a room on the corner; the nurse peeked her head in. “(y/n)? You ready for your visitor?”
“Sure. Forgot to ask who it is, though.”
“It’s Spider-Man.”
A chuckle. “Is it really Spider-Man, or is it just my uncle Leo in a rented costume again? Because that was kind of a bummer.”
“It’s the real deal, (y/n). Can he come in?”
“Make him prove it,” the girl called out skeptically.
Without another word, Peter shot one of his webs through the crack in the girl’s door.
A long pause, then: “Yes, I’d love to see him.”
Peter laughed as the nurse opened the door wider, allowing him access. He paused at the end of the girl’s bed.
She was thin, not painfully so but definitely thinner than she was supposed to be. Her hair had all fallen out, but based on the pictures littering her nightstand and taped to her walls it had been (y/h/c). But the thing that struck Peter the most was -
“Holy shit, you’re my age,” Peter breathed.
The girl chuckled. “Yeah, I- wait, what?”
“How old are you, anyway?”
“Me too.”
“No way, really?”
The nurse had left at this point; Peter closed the door behind her and webbed it shut for extra insurance. “You cannot tell anyone about this,” he said.
The girl scoffed loudly. “Probably in this joint for the rest of my life,” she said, almost bitterly. “And I practically have nobody. Who am I going to tell?”
“You… well, we’ll get to that, hold on.” Peter carefully removed his mask, looking at her; he ran a hand through his thick auburn curls.
“Wow, you’re cute,” she mumbled to herself; Peter laughed. “Do you, uh, do you live around here?”
“Sort of. I don’t know you from school, though, where’d you go?”
“Townsend Harris. Where do you go?”
The girl laughed. “Ah, smart guy, huh? You know I missed getting in there by like three points? I got held back in fifth grade, because I missed so much school when I got sick the first time. It’s a long and winding explanation but to sum it up, it’s cancer. My name’s (y/n), by the way.”
“I’m Spider-Man. But my real name’s Peter, Peter Parker.”
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Peter Peter Parker.”
Peter smiled warmly at her. “So… what do you mean, you have practically nobody?”
(y/n) sighed. “Well, my dad left when I got sick the first time. Said having a sick kid was causing too much stress on him, turns out he’d been cheating on my mom since I was four. Um, he pays child support but it’s not much so my mom works two jobs just so she can pay for my bills. If she’s not at one of her jobs, she’s here. But she works such crazy hours that she’s not here as much as she wants to be. I don’t have any siblings, both sets of my grandparents are dead. I have cousins but they live in Maine.”
“Any friends?”
“Oh, sure. They come by once in awhile, but they never stay long. I know being with someone who’s dying is kind of a bummer. I’m still in the group text and on Snapchat, but it’s hard watching someone live the life you’re supposed to be living, y’know?”
Peter just nodded solemnly.
“I’ve had this twice before,” she added, “and I’ve beaten it both times. But this time, it’s spread too far and my body really can’t handle anymore chemo, so… I’m just around until I’m not around anymore, I guess.”
“Wow,” Peter said. “That is incredibly not fair.”
“Tell me about it. My friends are all stressed out about their SAT’s, what college they’re going to pick, and here I am wondering if I’m going to live until dinner.” (y/n) puffed her cheeks out, exhaling slowly. “That’s dramatic, I’ve got at least a month or two but you know what I’m trying to say. But anyway, prom is in a few weeks and they’re texting me pictures of their dresses and they’re all going to look great.” She smiled sadly.
“But you’re not going to get to go,” Peter said softly.
“Nope. That’s the thing that sucks about this the most. They get to have lives, Peter. They get to go on dates, have boyfriends, go to prom. I won’t get to do any of that.” A tear slid down her cheek; she hurriedly wiped it away. “I’m sorry, you came in here to cheer me up and now I’ve bummed both of us out.”
“No, no, it’s okay! It’s okay.”  Peter smiled at her warmly.
But the wheels in his head were turning. And once they’re in motion, he finds it very hard to get them to stop...
“Hey,” he said finally. “What if I did that?”
“What if you did what?”
“Well, I-I know you can’t leave, right? But maybe… maybe you could have a date? In here? With me? And-and maybe we could have our own tiny prom?”
(y/n) scrunched up her face in confusion. “You just met me, you’d do that just for me?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Because you’ll get attached,” she said simply. “And then I’ll be gone, and then you won’t know what to do?”
Peter laughed bitterly. “You think I’ve never lost anyone close to me before?” he asked, voice tinged with sadness. “Let’s see, I’ve lost… um… both my parents. My uncle Ben - who I watched get shot, by the way. And you’ve heard of Tony Stark, yeah?”
“Yeah. That was so sad, I… oh, no.”
Peter nodded. “He was my mentor, the closest thing I had to a dad since Uncle Ben died. And I watched him die too. So… I’m sort of used to it.”
“God, Peter. I had no idea, I’m so sorry.”
Peter shrugged. “Eh. You never know what’s going on with a person just by looking at ‘em, y’know? So, um… what do you say, huh?”
“You can't fall in love with me.”
“I can’t promise that, I fall in love very easily. I almost married a key lime cheesecake last week. Our children would have looked really weird.”
(y/n) laughed slightly. “You know what? Okay. Let’s do this. What have I got to lose, huh?”
“That’s the spirit.” Peter winked at her; they both burst into laughter. “Okay, um… I have robotics club tomorrow after school, and then I need to-”
“Robotics club? God, my fake boyfriend is such a fucking nerd.”
“And my fake girlfriend is really fucking mean.”
(y/n) started laughing again.
“But anyway, I can’t come by tomorrow but I can the day after? I’ll bring coffee, where’s your favorite coffee place?”
“I always like Rosita’s on the corner of 41st Street and 43rd Avenue?”
Peter nodded. “You got it. I’ll text you when I’m close to there, you can tell me what you want when I get there.”
(y/n) grinned slightly. “Well, Peter Parker, how you gonna do that without my phone number?”
Peter cocked his head to one side in confusion, then laughed. “Ah, (Y/n) used flirting! And… it’s super effective! You do raise a good point, um… can I see your phone?”
(y/n) nodded, handing him her phone; he programmed his number into it quickly. “Here, I’ll just text you so you have mine, I… it’s complicated, I…”
“Phone built into your suit?”
“My fake girlfriend is really smart too.” Peter shook his head as he dissolved the webs holding her door shut. “Okay, so… see you in a couple of days?”
“I’m really looking forward to it, Peter. Bye. Great Pokemon reference, by the way.” She waved slightly as Peter returned the gesture, then slipped his mask back on as he walked out the door.
“I don’t know what you two were talking about in there,” the nurse said as Peter stepped out of the room, “but that’s the most I’ve heard her laugh since she’s been in here. I think that’s just what she needs right now. You will come by and see her again, right?”
Peter laughed. “I promise.”
He thought about that old adage - To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
He’d only known (y/n) for about a half hour, but he already knew her world had been filled with hospitals and sadness. He hoped that he could make what was left of her world a little bit brighter.
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junionigiri · 6 years
The Clumsy Square and the Lady Fair [BNHA] preview
Summary: Iida Tenya is presently the top student of UA Boys Academy, square in shape and personality, working hard for a comfortable square-shaped future following in the footsteps of his brother Sergeant Iida Tensei of the National Police Academy. However, he finds himself deviating from his square-shaped path when he helps a girl from Shiketsu Girls High School from being harassed by a group of perverts! As fate, circumstance, and questionable life choices bring him and Yaoyorozu Momo-kun closer, Iida-kun finds himself needing more and more courage to let things fall unpredictably--and naturally--into place.
Relationship: Iida Tenya/Yaoyorozu Momo; lots of other background relationships to be determined!
Rating: T for language!
Notes/Warnings: So some time ago, I received a suggestion to write a real honest to goodness IDMM fic rather than the sad one I published for YES. For some reason, this is the first thing I thought of!
This is a quirkless AU inspired mainly by Densha Otoko/Train Man. Characters from both the canon story and the spin-off (BNHA: Vigilantes) are set to appear here to support our fav square. Apart from Bakugou’s Potty Mouth (tm) when he appears in the story, I have no real warning other than ‘dorks in love’ (and maybe a little awkwardness in narration since I’m trying out a new style). By my planning this is 11 chapters long, but the chapters are... long lololol so it will take a while before I publish the whole story for real. Just feeling a little impatient so I’m publishing the beginning of the story here! 
Our story, simply put, is a love story between two high schoolers who meet, become friends, go through the tumultuous confusion of puberty, and eventually fall in-love. Like most stories worth telling, the events that lead to the lovely outcome isn’t as smooth and easy as it sounds. This comes much to the chagrin of our main character, who likes angular, standard glasses, straight, measured lines, and as such spent his childhood running into walls and breaking his glasses because he doesn’t know how to change directions. But as he is about to learn, the best things in life occur off the beaten path.
Let’s begin with our main character. His name is Iida Tenya, 15 years old and, as his friends and family are prone to tell you before the events of this story, he is single for the same number of years as his age.
There are other important things you have to know about our dear Iida-kun. First, he is a first year high school student at the prestigious all-boys’ school, UA. It is a school of great renown, with various opportunities for sports and science engineering scholarships. Were it a different universe, we’re sure that superheroes would choose this school to fast-track their careers into the world of pros!
Impressively, our main character got into this prestigious school with no problems. In fact, he is the number one student in his class, the track team’s star, and also the class representative. In any other school you’d think that he’d be popular and having the unique problem of getting love letters in his school locker everyday, or receiving a table full of chocolates ever Valentine’s day.
Unfortunately, as mentioned before… this is an all-boys’ school. And even though Iida Tenya-kun is classified as one of the ikemen group in 1A because of his looks, he is surprisingly, severely… unpopular. His fellow students like him enough as Class President, but also tell him outright that he’s too stiff or he’s too stern or he talks like an old man or he’s got a weird way of being fired up and why do his arms do that thing?
(You know, the thing when he chops his hand down like a director’s clapperboard? Or the thing that goes down in the parking lot right before you pay your parking fee? That one.)
Bakugou Katsuki-kun, the top 2 student in their class, as well the top 1 in distemper and volatility, eloquently regarded him as such: a Square. A Square in shape, a Square in personality, and a Square in everything he does. Being Bakugou, he says it with more unreasonable expletives than warranted. Iida-kun doesn’t like it very much, but he has to admit, the square shoe fits too well. 
It’s distinctive enough that Iida Tenya-kun isn’t regarded by his many classmates as a romantic prospect or a future rival, which is fine by him, because romance with a boy or a girl is the farthest thing from his mind. But he also isn’t taken seriously a lot of the time, which he minded a lot. He likes his classmates well enough, but nary a day passes that he isn’t laughed at for his different way of doing things. 
At the end of the day though, despite all the challenges that accompany a square existence, Iida Tenya-kun is happy the way he is. After all, even though he is single, he has acquaintances and those he even dared to call close friends. Namely, Midoriya Izuku-kun, the top 3 student of their class, and Todoroki Shouto-kun, the top 4 student of his class, who both like him well enough. On odd days that he feels the pang of loneliness, he reminds himself that he has too many responsibilities like class rep work and academics and the track team and living up to his brother’s name to really worry about being 15 years old and single for the same number of years.
He’s… happy the way he is. Perfectly happy as a Square, fitting in the square-shaped future he plotted out for him on a clean, precise sheet of graphing paper. There’s no reason for him to change his shape.
So, back to the story. Our Square Friend is in a rush trying to reach the dorms before curfew at 2100 hours. He’s had a long day of working on class representative matters, training with the Track Team, and cleaning out the 1A classroom for a second time (which he tends to do when Kaminari-kun and Monoma-kun are assigned that day’s cleaning duties). After that, he’s had to rush to the Hosu City Mall, where they are selling the limited edition Ingenium Recipro Boost running shoes. It is extremely necessary because it is the only running shoes appropriate for track. When it comes to running shoes, you shouldn’t settle for anything but the best!
Before he realizes it, it is already 2032 hours and his dormmate Midoriya-kun is already asking where he is. He makes a run for the train and barely makes the 2045 train headed for the UA Campus.
At this time of the evening, there aren’t many fellow students on the train, and the carriages aren’t that full. All the seats are taken, mainly by tired salarymen, housewives who did their shopping, and a few elderlies who are seated with their eyes on the floor.
Oh, but somebody else catches his eye. As he remembers the story later on in his life, this must be the moment when his life changed.
The girl is a fellow student, just like him. The first thing he notices about her is her aura, an elegance he cannot quite explain by her appearance alone. Her eyes were dark like ebony, but bright with intelligence as they scanned through an English copy of Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.[3] Her hair is similarly dark and shiny, neatly tied behind her head in a ponytail that fell in a curious, spiky spiral that only makes her look more distinctive. Her posture is impeccable--he was sure that her upbringing was similarly refined, just by looking at the way she sat. She is wearing a blazer and a dark skirt that Iida-kun identifies as the Shiketsu Girls’ High School uniform.
And… she looks up at him briefly with a curious look in her eyes.
Oh dear. He might have been staring a tad too long. He instantly averts his eyes and focuses on the floor, trying not to blush. Ah, but his ears are getting warmer and his palms are getting sweaty and any minute now his glasses might fog. How embarrassing.
For the first time in his life, Iida-kun thinks of this sentence, in reference not to a Italian Renaissance fresco (such as the likes of Raphael’s The School of Athens), but to an actual human person:
How… breathtaking!
And almost immediately he fights the urge to karate-chop himself in shame. Iida-kun, do not pick up Kaminari-kun’s unseemly habit of ogling at females!
His stop is five stations away. This breathtaking girl is likely going to get off at a different station, and he’ll probably never get to see her again. It’s a little sad, he admits, but it’s not like he has the means or the will to introduce himself to her under these circumstances… he just has to get a hold of himself and stop staring already. 
But the universe isn’t done with Iida-kun just yet. Looking back, this must be the second moment when his life changed.
“Heya, heya, hey-yaaaa! Three Sturm Und Drang Brothers comin’ yer wayyy-ya!”
Three shady-looking individuals clad in tight, dark outfits and identical black beanies enter the carriage, swaggering left and right. A strong stench, which is probably a mixture of alcohol and cigarette smoke, wafts from their general direction.
Including Iida-kun, everybody else on the carriage clamps their nostrils shut with their hands and give in to the impulse to face the floor and avoid all eye contact.
“Where the pretty ladies at, yo--? Come out, come out, and have a good time with us!”
What fiends! What a blatant disrespect for women! How despicable! Iida-kun rants silently. He hears his pulse throbbing angrily in his head, and feels his teeth clench. Somebody needs to do something about this!
But for all the angry thoughts in Iida-kun’s head, he keeps his head down.
“Whaa? Bro, looks like we got the wrong carriage, huuuh?” Iida-kun hears one obnoxious voice say, followed by an ominous chuckle. “What is this, the elderly car? There’re only haggard housewives and grannies and ugly old salarymen here, wuuut?”
He peeks a little to observe their rampage. He sees them appraise all the women in the car one by one, leering at them in the face with a sickening grin. The salarymen, all able-bodied men who are seated near the perverts, are obviously aware of what’s happening, but keep their eyes down.
What are these adults doing? Isn’t anybody going to do anything about this?! He feels his fist tighten a little more, but again, he keeps his head down. Iida Tenya! Maybe you should do something about this! If nobody will do the right thing, doesn’t the duty befall on YOU?
“Man, and I thought we’d have another panty run tonight. This blows! Looks like we’re at the boring part of town…”
What would your older brother, Sergeant Iida Tensei of the National Police Agency, do in this situation?! Don’t let him down! Be brave! Be Brave!
“Oh ho ho! Bros! I found a beaut right here!”
He suddenly hears a high-pitched squeak, followed by the sound of somebody being pulled up to their feet. Iida-kun’s head snaps upward, all apprehensions instantly dissipating.
“Oh lordy! We hit the jackpot here!”
To his horror, the perverts now had the Shiketsu High girl in their grubby grasps. The tallest of the trio held her by the arm, causing her to drop Professor Hawking’s book to the floor. The other two leer at her, pushing their faces very, very close to her personal bubble.
“Hey, cutie? What’s your name? Come on, don’t be a snob. Smile for me, won’t ya?”
Someone… someone has to help… somebody? Anybody? A quiet rage, one that our main character has not felt before ever in his fifteen long years of life, begins to build up in his chest.
“Help me, please!” The girl manages to cry, to which the pervert trio around her only whoops in false offense.
Suddenly, he loses all impulse to keep his head down any further. “You FIENDS! You perverts! Sexual harassers! Let her go this instant!”
Before he even realizes that it is his voice booming out all over the carriage, and it is his loud footsteps thundering towards the scene, he is already there, facing off against the surprised perpetrators and the terrified girl.
“Oh~ is that so, aniki?” The tallest one isn’t even fazed, even when Iida-kun attempts to puff out his chest and appear as the most intimidating square as he could be. He turns to the girl, who whimpers as his unpleasant mug is again near her face. “Oh, I know what you want! You want onee-chan here for yourself, huh? Too bad, we got dibs on her!”
Within the next instant, the other two perverts flank him on the side. Caught by surprise, the usually sturdy Iida is suddenly falling to the ground. He flinches and groans as two of the Sturm Und Drang brothers make quick work of him, stomping him and kicking him until his body started screaming in pain. He hears the muffled gasps and cries of all the other passengers, but not a single one of them stands up, or even dares to look.
He shields his face with his arms when the perverts attack his ‘nerd-glasses’ next. Even then, he sees the despairing look in the Shiketsu girl’s face, as the pervert’s tongue goes nearer and nearer her skin…
In the next instant, Iida realizes that the stomping and kicking has stopped, and instead three frenzied yells from above him ring out. Within the next ten seconds, he hears a series of precise fists hitting gasping flesh, clicking noises, and the huff of a job well done.
Stunned, he sees an arm reach out to him. He takes it and sees a handsome face smiling down on him. “It’s all right now, buddy,” he says, as he pulls him up to a standing position.
The Shiketsu girl is still shaking, but she is now standing behind the man and at a safe distance from the perverts, who are now handcuffed together on the floor. They seem to have the breaths knocked out of them and didn’t have the energy to look at the mysterious helpful stranger with consternation.
The passengers seem to awaken from their stupor and have exploded in thunderous applause, all thanks of course to the stranger. Not knowing what else to do, the beat-up high school boy bows his head to him. “Thank you,” Iida supplies weakly.
“No, thank you,” the stranger says, reaching out to shake his hand. “If you didn’t yell at the harassers back then, I wouldn’t have known there was trouble from the other car.”
He then looks at the girl, who is still stunned and shaking in silence. He puts a comforting hand on her shoulder and nods. “How about you, miss? Are you all right?”
The glazed look in her eyes dissipates briefly. “O-Oh! Y-yes, I am n-now.” As if just snapping back to her senses, she bows low in front of the stranger and says, “Thank you v-very much for s-saving me from them! Y-you’re my hero!”
Somehow, the way she says hero rings in Iida’s head and lingers there, an unexplained emotion creeping into his heart.
The stranger laughs it off and shakes his hands in front of him. “Oh, no, it’s my job. See, I’m a police officer. Well, an off-duty one, but a police officer just the same.” He reaches into his pocket and shows them his ID and badge. “I’m Inspector Tsukauchi Naomasa.”
Iida’s jaw drops. A police officer! Just like his beloved older brother, Sergeant Iida Tensei of the National Police Agency! No wait, he’s even more specialized than that, he’s an Inspector! A higher ranking! His glasses shine in respect. Police officers are just too cool!
Not like him, who was definitely uncool just a while ago. He feels his glasses fog in shame.
“And I’ll have to ask you two to hop off with me on the next station,” he continues as he walks closer to the apprehended perverts. When he regards the look of horror on the high school students’ faces, he laughs. “No, I’m not going to arrest you two. But I do need your statements, and I need to make sure you two are safe. All right?”
The two high school students nod in relief.
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evakfanficsrecs · 6 years
Hallaaa! Are there any new humor fics you enjoyed and can recommend? Thanks a lot
Hello lovely!
I know this has been sitting in our inbox for ages and I sincerely apologize for that, but hopefully this ‘little’ humor rec list will be enough to guide you over the draught before our proper Christmas masterpost!
It Only Takes a Taste (When You Know It’s Good) by shakespeareandsunshineSummary: It would be bad enough if it was just some mystery coworker stealing meals from the office fridge. Then Isak could hate their anonymous ass in peace. But no, Isak has a very good idea who the culprit is. And seeing the villain in the breakroom every day, smiling at Isak like he has nothing to apologize for was testing Isak’s very limited patience. And also probably his self-control, although for an entirely different reason. 
TOW The Blackout by bri_nessSummary: “I’m stuck in an elevator with Hot Neighbour.”
the one where even is extra by bbyfruitSummary: In which Even tries way too hard, Isak is just trying to deliver some damn pizza, and the Balloon squad are best bros.
dear, don’t you be nervous by chasingflowerSummary: Sometimes, Isak wishes he could just keep his mouth shut. It would solve a lot of his problems. (Or, Isak tells Eskild that he’s dating Even, the boy he likes, but hasn’t said any more than ten words to. It’s not the best situation.)
it’s kind of a funny story by dobriksSummary: “This is so weird” the guy said in an apologetic tone, “But– I, hm, can I use your bathroom?” “What?”
Come and paint the world with me tonight by LostInAdmirationSummary: “If he had been smart and sober enough to say no, he wouldn’t be stood in a church he definitely shouldn’t be in, wearing a suit that was far too tight and a rainbow coloured bow-tie.”
Got You Carved Into My Soul by i_once_wrote_a_dream Summary: “Isak, babe. This is me. This is the costume that speaks to my soul.”
Let’s Let Things Come Out Of The Woodwork by ultimatelawrenceSummary: Okay so maybe Even’s crush is becoming obsessive. Maybe he’s asked around a bit too much about Isak Valtersen. Maybe he shouldn’t be going to parties he has no real interest in every weekend just so he can look at Isak from afar. Maybe Isak shouldn’t be so damn cute then.
The Worst Soulmate by kaleidxscopeSummary: soulmate /ˈsəʊlmeɪt/ noun: 1. a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. * Well, Isak hates his.
just a silly phase by thekardemommeSummary: Isak and Even don’t like each other. (Also: Isak and Even play 7 Minutes in Heaven.) Time heals all wounds.
I’m Always Here by nofeartinaSummary: “Did you know that Even is working this summer? At that pool at the Plaza?” Jonas says.Isak actually sits up in excitement at this. “Fuck yeah!” Oh, a pool. Actual water they could go swimming in and cool down. And also, Even.
you’re the glitter in the dark by piccadillySummary: Isak is a witch. The universe wants Even to find out. Or, five times Isak almost revealed his magic, and the one time Even revealed his.
S-P-A-C-E by PingviiniSummary: “What on earth is this, Isak!” Eskild shouts through the music as he steals Isak’s phone from his hands making the young man in question jump. “I leave you for two seconds and you are already giving in. No. Shame on you. You hold your head, baby gay. We are sad and angry so he is blacklisted for the night.” Isak tries to reach for his phone intending to give a piece of his mind to Even but is unsuccessful as Eskild fights Isak like his life depends on it and ends up shoving the Iphone somewhere he knows Isak won’t dare to take it. “Serr?!” Isak gasps as Eskild slips the phone to his boxers and then shrugs his shoulders innocently to inform Isak that he had basically begged for it, so ultimately it was Isak’s own fault his phone was now in Eskild’s boxers.
I Ducking Love You by wyoheartsmusicSummary: “MISSED CONNECTION - You were the boy sitting on this park bench, I was the guy fighting a duck for my pants and losing.” * Or, Even has a disagreement with a duck and Isak and Even fall in love along the way.
And straight on ‘til morning by diamondjacketSummary: He’s searching the lineup for a glimpse of an Andorian’s telltale blue skin, when someone else catches his eye. Someone whose skin is decidedly not blue. No…this guy’s skin is pale, with a delicate pink pallor that matches Even’s own. His hair is equally soft-looking and fair, his mouth wet and red and bow-shaped, his eyes a deep, earthy green. He’s tall—nearly as tall as Even—and he’s lean, though he fills out his Science blues rather…enticingly. He’s beautiful.
Something Wicked by SabeleySummary: Attention residents: This Halloween will be one to die for. For the next four weeks, Nissen Hall will be taking part in a role-play murder mystery extravaganza. Do you think you can figure out whodunnit before time runs out? Or will you be the next to die? All interested victims can sign up below. * Or the one where Isak and Even are each convinced the other is a fake murderer, but they are for real turned on by it anyways.
pool full of liquor by thekardemommeSummary: Isak gets drunk and runs away from his friends, and Even seizes the opportunity to be his knight in shining armor. May as well be Shakespeare.
Us, but we’re… by TeatrolleySummary: “You think we do this in every universe?” he whispers, and Even looks down at him to smile.“Yeah,” he says, “I think in one of them we meet in this way,” and just like that it’s begun. * Or: Even tells Isak stories.
Into the Night, With You by cuteandtwistedSummary: “I know it sounds dumb. But I didn’t go to a foreign country, and I didn’t have a wild summer romance with some hot stranger, and I don’t even think I went swimming or clubbing. I just sat here and felt like shit all summer,” said Isak. “Uhm. Let’s fix that.” * Or: a drunk Isak runs into a strange boy with perfect hair who insists on fixing his boring summer in one night. Alternatively: Even spots a drunk Isak and simply MUST take care of him. Aka the Strangers to Lovers one-shot.
Under the Mistletoe by evak1isakSummary: Isak has a crush on Eva’s best friend, Even, but he’s too stubborn to recognize it. With Christmas coming, Eva has a plan to set the two boys up.
& If that’s not enough, here is our Humor tag with some older recs!
Have a nice day ♥
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