#lol ty
charlottan · 10 months
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Saw this onesie at the thrift store today and thought of you
my psionic warriors. booboo bears
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xuune · 1 year
Currently hyperfixtated on your art style
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nightwardenminthara · 1 month
Gideon for the problematic meme :3
your fave is problematic: gideon trevelyan
He's a mage who steadfastly supports the Circles/is in the Loyalist fraternity
Going off that, he was going to speak against the mage rebellion at the Conclave
He's a coward and it took a Bit for him to acclimate to traveling around the countryside, he was not pulling his weight
Insanely jealous around his love interest and that jealousy does extend to their past relationships!!
Exiled the Wardens for doing blood magic rituals
Left the rebel mages to their fate because he was so disgusted by their involvement with Tevinter
In our AU with gideon/rodaine, he betrayed Rodaine by telling Irving that he planned to escape with Jowan
Doesn't like dogs!! (at least not big ones)
Told Hawke it was fortunate that his father, at least, was trained in the Circles <3
became a dictator and Did invoke the rite of tranquility against erimond
is a blond man!!! a torturable offense!!
weaponizes his naivete and perceived innocence in arguments. willing to burst into tears if applicable
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
@ that one anon: outta my way gayboy im boutta get it
YEAH BABEY -your pelvis has been crushed-
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hollowfaith · 4 months
3, 40 & 42
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
answered here!
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
literally "why am I touching this person?" lolol as a general rule he doesn't shake hands if he can help it and certainly not without gloves
who do you think you are, his equal?
but if he gets that far he'll certainly see it as an expression of a weak-willed personality and/or lack of respect on the other's part, so expect him to suddenly grip your by the fingers extra tight before you let go just so he can catch the startled look in your eyes as they meet his. take it as a reminder that the time he gives you is a gift, not an obligation.
...if he likes you you get an encouraging smile and an extra pat on the arm, however.
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
usual boring dictator stuff like how to take over a brainwashed empire and why humans deserve less for all they've (angels) done for them and how utopia as a concept can only exist under the umbrella of controlled variables, beautifully presented with a complimentary post-talk cocktail party and speech titles like:
"Free Will is a Concept, Control It"
"The Utility of Utopia: Breeding Collective Consciousness"
"Awe Inspires Faith, but Despair Births Devotion"
or idk he might do something silly like
"Recognize an Imbecile in 10 Seconds or Less"
"Six Ways to Incapacitate an Idiot without Offending Your Partner"
"It's Never Murder If You Rephrase It"
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falloutcoys · 5 months
bifocals would up your old wallace charm
DAMNIT ur right. guess i should go to the optometrist
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haganez · 1 year
my grandma just affirmed my gender tryna be rude she said if she said nobody knows if im a girl or boy and she only knows bc she knows me
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sereniv · 1 year
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So most things are technically biodegradable at some point, except for some stuff like polyester (PET, most commonly used) which can take up to hundreds of years to degrade. which can technically be considered biodegradable but compared to chromium tanned leather (most common process), it isnt.
polyester is nearly half of all material used for clothes in general, and most when looking at synthetic materials for clothing (which also includes rayon which is semi-synthetic, and polyurethane which is synthetic).
there are different types of polyester but generally, polyethylene terephthalate is most common which is one of the most common microplastics also.
polyurathane on the other hand, which is what most fake leather is made from (usually painted over polyester, rayon, or cotton), is not toxic and biodegrades in 20-30 years. Vinyl is also used and is not biodegradable and can be toxic for the enviroment.
and rayon biodegrades even faster at a few weeks, which is another commonly used fabric.
Now these all have some sort of toxic chemical added to them whether it be polyester, rayon, or polyurethane (which is usually painted on polyester, rayon, or cotton).
so saying something is biodegradable doesnt mean anything in terms of environmental impact or even longivity. All it means is that it eventually breaks down naturally. What it also doesnt mean is that that break down is always free from chemicals bleeding into the enviroment.
Because thats what happens. You have the people who work with the chemicals to make the fabric, and then you have the fabric leaking its chemicals into wherever its left to degrade.
anyway, the most common way of tanning leather is with chrome which poisons people, the water, the land, and air.
the most common clothing material overall is polyester and cotton
for most common material used in faux leather, it would be polyurathane, which is again, painted on polyester, rayon, or cotton.
polyurathane clothing can last 30 to 100s of years depending on how its manufactured, while current chromium tanned leather lasts up to 50 years or longer, and polyester can last hundreds of years, and cotton/ rayon last years.
Leather of which is more expensive than polyurathane. So with this comparison, Leather lasts longer (with proper care) but is more toxic and more expensive, Polyurethane Leather usually has a shorter life span, but is not toxic and is less expensive.
When in comparison to all clothing, Polyester is most common, toxic, and isnt biodegradable.
Just over 1% of people are vegan (original coined Vegan Society definition);
8 million vs nearly 8 billion people.
Most vegans make under 30k and thus are low income and cant afford real leather anyway unless it was at a thrift store.
The average person is working class and probably low income and though i have no data, id say that most people arent buying genuine leather products often, because its too expensive.
So you have chrome tanned leather which is the most common type of leather bought (around 90% of all genuine leather),
and polyurethane used in fabrics which takes up only 18% of the overall uses of polyurethane, the rest is in furniture and foam for thermal insulation.
You have the most common fabric overall is polyester and cotton,
and you have approximately 8 million vegans world wide, compared to the rest of 8 billion people who arent vegan
The conclusion of all of this is:
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
Those of us that have less money cant afford premium stuff, and when we do we want it to last
But most of the time there is a choice when shopping anywhere that isnt a thrift store.
To know that the leather you buy (unless brain/vegetable/etc tanned) is destructive inherently to the people who process it, who slaughter the animal, and the toxins it releases
and to know that there are alternatives that are less destructive- that dont even have to always be polyurathane either
to know that we all have something in our closet that involves polyester
To know all this now, not only should you take these into consideration when shopping (when youre able ofc) but to stop spreading the misinformation that "vegan" leather is worse that real leather
because vegan leather doesnt describe anything other than it doesnt come from an animal. And genuine leather doesnt even tell you how its tanned
We are not going to be the main ones buying fake leather of any kind. Just by the fact that there are more non vegans than vegans
This post is neutral, but also has an agenda. That agenda is to lay it all out so that people can see that everything has its pros and cons, but ultimately there is going to be a better choice
and the better choice isnt even "vegan" leather as a whole. If youre shopping for "vegan" leather, try and go for the more sustainable kinds of material
this post took me a week to research and write up. Id provide the graphs and sources but this is already so long, so if anyone wants to add to this and add sources please do that.
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bthump · 2 years
Doing the Lord's work out here, pushing the "Griffith Should Get His Back Blown Out" Agenda, one post at a time. God Bless
(All Christianity here is purely ironic, Hail Satan)
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doing my part to get him what he deserves
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werebutch · 1 year
idk if its any comfort but turning twenty felt like the worst things ever for like. awhile coming up to it and then for like a few weeks after and then i was like. oh shit im in my twenties time to fuck around with the concept of the self + work on myself. and so far i would take this year and a half over my entire teen years. and i absolutely get mourning ur teens and its necessary 2 do but its like some butterfly moth shit. chrysalis time bro.
Chrysalis time bro:,,,,) thank you it does help… feeling like I wasted my teens but I will do my best to not feel that way abt my 20s.. it just went so fast I barely had time to even live LOL ok but ur so right I am also excited to become the best me…🕊️ just so weird still feeling like a kid like I should still be in HS wat am I doing. Idek!
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theindescribable1 · 10 months
You are so sweet to everyone, in a way it almost feels flirty. Sometimes.
Hah, is that good or bad? I guess I can just be too nice that it feels flirty, idk. I'm just trying to make people happy in the end.
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ice-jsuirya · 1 year
Your art,,, so. Shaped!! Chewing it chewing it chewing it
eat!!! eat!!! eat!!!!!!!!!!!!
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femmesandhoney · 1 year
13, 14, 19, 21 !!
biggest turn ons—paired with the following number, im not sure i understand exactly what this number wants lol. like romantic/relationship or sexual, cause from the following of "turns offs" i would think romantic? so we'll go with that i guess, most will fit into the latter anyways. confident women, women being touchy and physically affectionate, i couldn't be with someone who also didn't like reciprocate physical affection
biggest turn offs—doesn't like physical affection, is mean/rude in general to me, is lowkey dumb sorry im a sucker for smart people, doesn't like lana :/
a fact about your personality—this question is a bit vague ummm im not much of a leader and i dislike leading others, i prefer to be silent and observe things
what I love most about myself—im smart af honestly
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sostrangerous · 2 months
your bi ass mark
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essence of middle school... the flashbacks im getting rn are so serious
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@gnzma vc pointing at them: Armaldo and Venipede. Have fun figurin' out which one's wich.
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"Is this a red 'n blue thing? Cause it feels like a red n' blue thing. Not that I'm complainin'. Armaldo are real neat, Aqua's picked up a couple that were surrendered after 'revived prehistoric pokemon' ended up bein' too much for their former so-called trainers to handle. They're pretty chill when you know how to take care of 'em, though. I'd be ok bein' one of them."
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"I too find this a rather flattering choice, as venipede's evolution is a reasonably strong battler. Quite an impressive stature, able to traverse rough terrain... I've seen a few of them used to great effect in televised championships, they can be very formidable."
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"Yeah, but you didn't get Scoliopede, did you, Max? He said venipede."
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"...I only see that as the potential for future growth!"
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tidalst · 5 months
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They drinking hot chocolate & watching the fireworks for NYE :) ((Made for @mostlymaudlin's #foxynewyear2024 event!))
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