#lmk goldfish demon
uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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Voices I know in Monkie Kid (7)
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Okay, idea: the reason Quanyin isn't in LMK is because she's depressed that HER GOLDFISH RAN AWAY AGAIN! As a result, she's sulking in her bamboo grove crying.🤣
tbh that sounds so in-character for her. And if your goldfish is the jerk goldfish demon as seen in S3, then I doubt they're gonna be reunited soon XD
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I wonder if he's the same one from the JttW, or if he's like another of Guanyin's pets that got out.
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emmetscrunglo · 14 days
How I think LMK characters would react as 'can you buy me pads' texts Pt. 3 (Pt. 1, Pt. 2)
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The Antagonists of Season 3
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sillydancerqwqowo101 · 2 months
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Which should I do next? ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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wolfnbites · 11 months
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Le fishe (but sexy)
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starsfic · 2 years
Is the scorpion queen in your art school au? What about the goldfish demon?
Scorpion is a receptionist at the museum Tang works at and happily helps him with his queer history lectures. She also helps her roommates, Yin and Jin as well as Earth (who teaches gardening) grade students' work.
Goldfish has been banned from the campus. He was a guest lecturer supposed to teach about goldsmithing or something like that but somehow got the entire school in a fake game show to try and con the school.
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i-am-a-fan · 1 month
I saw a post talking about how there’s a deep mischaracterization of Mk in the fandom specifically about his monkey form and I’m here to dissect it. (WIth doodles!)
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Tldr: Will Mk end up hurting his family in season 5 due to his new Monkey form? Most likely no, but it is possible that he indirectly hurts them by not understanding the limits of his power.
First things first let’s collect a list of attributes that we know Mk has from past seasons. This will serve as a spine or checklist to see if certain actions are possible. A thing to keep in mind though is the ranking of each attribute as the writers of LMK wrote there are characters as complex and sometimes abandon certain character values if their center value is threatened. 
Mk’s character value list (in my opinion) is as follows: 
with family and strength being so close to each other, so sometimes strength ends up as Mk’s main concern. Of course, all of these end up mixing at times and in the first seasons we see the mixing of these values gets him in trouble 
Desiring the freedom of choice over listening to Wukong (Pig Pong Panic). Wanting to be dependable but overestimating his strength (Duplication). Wanting to be strong but forgets his family in the process (shadow play). Eventually, he gets his priorities in check and has ended up sticking to this list for most of seasons 3 and 4. 
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Now his flaws (in no particular order): 
Blind devotion 
He’s overcome a lot of these when he was forced to learn them in season 3. His stubbornness to not tell anyone what was happening with the LBD got people hurt. His impulsivity with his actions ended up crashing the ship, and almost sold his family to a goldfish demon.
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(Text: Mk's Fault, Good Intentions, Trying mentor)
So he’s had to come up with methods of working around that. Mk’s blind devotion to Wukong almost got Mei killed, and we see how he changes because of it. At the end of season 3, Mk doesn’t explicitly say that he sees Wukong in a new light but he heavily implies it with the metaphor of a bowl of noodles. 
So… Will Mk go crazy and end up hurting his friends? 
I highly doubt it. While I toyed with the idea, Mk is a lot smarter than the fandom usually gives him credit for. He knows Wukong is flawed, and he still trusts in him because he knows Wukong is trying. Mk has faith in Wukong’s strength and the fact that Wukong also heavily values family, even if his isolation makes it a lot harder for him to do so. Just rewatch the ending of season 3 where Wukong apologizes to Mk and watch as Mk comes to the realization that Wukong is trying so hard to make up for his past. (They also drive this point home in season 4 with how disappointed Wukong sounds at himself for not finding Mk in the scroll in the season finale.) 
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(Text: He's flawed and trying, Has to accept harsh reality, Dissociating Coping mechanism)
So what about Mk’s impulsivity? I doubt that’d be something that directly harms his friends. He’s worked on his impulsivity by working with others (Redson in season 3 and Mei’s planning in season 4) to help fill in the gaps in his plans. In order for his impulsivity to harm others, you’d have to break that family value first or raise that value of strength and freedom. Most likely this flaw can manifest in Mk overdoing his Monkey form ™  and sending a shockwave that accidentally hurts the people around him.  Probably manifesting either in training or while having fun with Mei (think about how Mk was in the Bad Weather episode). 
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Okay, what if Mk is tricked into it like he was in Season 4 (back to the flaw of blind devotion)? Mk has spent every season backstabbed by someone he trusted. We see him snap at Azure after he finds out that he was going to keep Wukong in the scroll. He snaps at Macaque in season 4. It’s safe to say that he’s learned, at least partially, to not trust others so blindly. Mk is also supposed to have gotten the “skill of self-reflection” in “Revenge of the Spider Queen” but his reflecting has mostly just impacted the other flaws. 
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(Text: Side note, Monkey Mk doesn't have a nose)
But there is one possibility I toy with, bottled up emotions. Mk has extremely big emotions but hates showing any emotion that can be seen as negative. He loves being happy and he’s not afraid to show it, but as soon as those emotions turn to doubt, anger, or sadness he bottles them up fast. He knows he can rely on his family, but he’s stubborn and thinks that his emotions aren’t worth that hassle. Take the ending of season 3 where Mk states that “he tries not to think too hard” about his own place in the universe, which could be due to a fear of losing the value of freedom if he has a specific role to play in the universe.
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(Text: Guys He's so avoidant, forced to think about his identity, 18-early 20's and Identity crisis)
It’s worsened by the fact that every. other. character. avoids. their. emotions. No other characters in this series are open about their emotions except Tang and Sandy. And from season 3 (and a bit of season 4) we know that Mk doesn’t view Tang in an extremely positive light.
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Not exactly negative, but his admiration lies more on the rest of the team. Macaque points this out in season 2 stating in “Shadow Play” that Mk should talk out his insecurities, but no one else does that. 
That being said Mk isn’t entirely forgetful either. Macaque was a season 1 villain with his betrayal going through season 3. Mk’s high value of family, and flaw of blind devotion, make him want to give him a chance as Macaque’s past is connected with Wukong’s. HOWEVER, Mk is also stubborn and hasn’t forgiven Macaque’s actions. That’s why he snaps, plus the fact that Macaque is terrible at direct communication. Like I said before, Mk won’t directly hurt anyone he cares about, but if his monkey form is highly connected with his emotions (as most magic tends to be) having those bottled-up insecurities might accidentally cause Mk to unleash more power than he means to.
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(Text: Normal, Fed up Meter, rage (on jar))
I have no idea where season 5 is going to go, but I’m so excited about the possibilities. 
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(Text: Terrified of his actions hurting his family. UNSTABLE!!!)
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kaylinababy · 10 months
Longing For More [iv]
⤷ Uzui Tengen x Fem!Reader x Rengoku Kyojuro
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♡ back to portal ♡ demon slayer ♡ series ♡ words: 1.6k | reading: n/a
tags fem!reader, slow burn (not kidding in the slightest), angst central, smut (other parts), emotional cheating, fluff, depression, manipulation, maladaptive daydreaming. (lmk if i missed any!)
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Tengen made you want to curl up into a ball. You woke up with a mission, to prove that his kisses were just out of habit, or him even speaking to you at all, for the matter. A recipe for disaster, considering that conversation last night with him admitting that he was seeking a fresh slate, instead of actually reading what was written on the previous one.
‘Why was it so difficult for him to even say things that aren’t full of double meanings! “Oh, y/n, our marriage is in shambles and we have no intimacy besides soulless kisses because you don’t have the memory of a goldfish” I mean, what was he even saying?’ You thought to yourself as you angrily tussled with your hair in the morning, wanting it to look nice for Senjuro’s dedicated day. He mentioned that he liked your hair in a braid, just like the first time you ever arrived to take care of the Rengoku Estate.
Tengen had jokingly told you that the hairstyle made you look like a complete rookie amongst other things, and you didn’t dare do that style again, but today it didn’t matter. Does he even look at you that closely now, anyway? Your mind started to picture what would happen later on, how Kyojuro would probably be extremely attentive, and how Senjuro would be off the rails with excitement and tackle you, his growing strength every day making it painfully joyful. Even Shinjuro made it less of a habit to upset his children, at least while you were around, and thinking about the time when he told you he looks forward to your tea, which had you gloating to Kyojuro, who was very surprised.
Going downstairs, thankfully Tengen was nowhere to be seen yet, and the wives were all stuffing their faces. You gave side hugs to all of them and excitedly told them your daily greetings, and served yourself a plate and fresh tea. Hina speaks up, “You’re so… new today, y/n!” You grin ear to ear “I’m just starving” you say as you bit into bread that wasn’t stored well overnight. Tengen opened the front door and calls for you as you take your last sip. The girls all scramble to watch from the door as you get inside the carriage, before Tengen invites himself on as well.
He leans down and kisses your lips for a few seconds before putting his arm over your shoulder as he whispered, “Good morning, my love” followed by your mumbled “Morning.” Nearing the Estate, you realized that Kyojuro was outside, sweeping. Your heart started beating as you saw his focused face as he was oblivious. You snuck a glance at Tengen to see him looking to his side, watching the markets nearby. You step in between Tengen’s legs, pressing a kiss to his temple before stepping off. “Thank you, love. I’ll see you at home.” You looked at him with a blank expression as he did the same, just smiling without showing teeth.
You adjusted your clothes and hair before starting to walk, eventually meeting Kyojuro’s eyes. He inched closer to you, “How was your morning, y/n?” You let out a sigh of relief “If excitement could explain it all… yours?” Kyojuro closed his eyes “I haven’t slept well these past few nights, y/n. But-” “y/n!” Senjuro comes running from the garden and hugs you. You and Kyojuro share a look of amusement as you are dragged inside.
Senjuro was clinging onto you as you put water to boil and prepared a simple breakfast, talking your head off. He was excited about meeting the other kids in his neighborhood after breakfast, and you were doing flips in your head over having the house ready for the surprise with no distractions during preparations. He was such a quiet and timid child, at least around others, so this was a pleasant surprise.
Kyojuro came up behind you two and spoke softly “What are you guys up to?” You jumped in response, causing Senjuro to let go and giggle as he ran to the table. “I’m almost done with breakfast-” you turn to look at him. “After eating you should sleep for a while.” Kyojuro’s eyes were so bright and welcoming. He was so close, his scent was- “Just for a little while, I have to help Sen, and you…” he finished with a smile. You could only nod and finish preparing the meal.
As the boys were eating, you were cleaning the kitchen. Kyojuro and Sen made their way to his playdate. You began laying out all of the ingredients for the meal that takes the longest, and are peeling vegetables as Kyojuro walks inside. Without missing a beat he grabs the necessary pots, and begins dealing with the meats, as per your request. You started blushing as he stood to your left and would move his arm behind you in order to move ingredients to the pot you were mixing, his arm occasionally making contact with your right shoulder.
After he’s done, you look at him apologetically, “You should take a nap. I can wake you up when I need you, really.” He smiles and nods, excusing himself to the couch. After the two separate meals are left to finish cooking, you watch his chest slowly rise and fall, his lips forming a pout as he laid upright with his arms crossed. Getting closer to sit with a book on the opposite seat, you hear light snoring, giggling to yourself as you open your book.
The soup you’re making starts boiling over, causing you to clumsily speed walk back into the kitchen. Cracking open the lid, some bubbles of soup travel to your white apron, causing you to furrow your brows in frustration and groan. You remove your apron and Kyojuro grabs it from your hand and observes it. “Did you get burned? I’ll clean this for you.” He grabs some soap and heads to the garden after you nod your head no. Kyojuro gets down on one knee in front of the basin filled halfway with water to wash your apron. You are in a trance, seeing his wide shoulders and arms holding the washboard, veins popping out under his rolled sleeves. Kyojuro seems to notice you staring and turns his head, laughing. You just can’t seem to gather up a response to his actions today. He eventually stood up and hung the apron with other clothes to dry in the sun.
You tell Kyojuro that the food is ready, and he stands outside to greet Senjuro who should be arriving at any moment, since the sun won’t be out for much longer. You alert Shinjuro on the food being ready and he grunts after mumbling that he might join. You go outside to join Kyojuro, standing side by side. “y/n, how are things?” You widen your eyes but don’t make eye contact. You begin mumbling “Things are fine. Tengen is just busy lately. I don’t blame him… Exhausting sometimes-” Kyojuro speaks up, “I do wonder what goes on in his mind…” Suddenly he’s giving you a side hug, wiping away a single tear you didn’t know was running down your face. He wasn’t saying anything, much less looking at you. After the embarrassment dawns on you, you thankfully spot Senjuro and remove yourself from his strong arm.
At the table, the 3 of you were eating your meals, with Shinjuro hanging about in the shadows, eating on the couch. Senjuro brightens up with each bite. “I love it! I want some more, tomorrow!” I smile, “You can reheat it tomorrow! It’s just enough for you, too.” Kyojuro finishes chewing and exclaims “She did this all for you, since she won’t be here during your actual birthday, Sen” His eyes flicker over to you, getting you embarrassed because your mouth is full. “Mhm!” You sound, trying to chew. Senjuro’s bright face formed into a semi frown as he processed this, and said “I wish you could be here with us…” You could hear even a pin drop, the awkward silence was killing you.
After dinner, Senjuro was doing paper crafts as you and Kyojuro were supervising him until your carriage was supposed to come. You both kept smiling at each other, warm just by looking at his sweet widened eyes. Kyojuro put his hand on your shoulder opposite to you in a side hug, leaning in to whisper “You’ve made us so happy today.” “Us?” You whisper back. “Of course! A wonderful meal, as always, and I bet Sen really appreciated your efforts.” Shivers are sent down your spine, he sounded so gruff. He’s so close for the second time today. You smile up at him, your blush hidden, as his face is relaxed and comfortable.
You heard the carriage wheels due to it being so quiet, Kyojuro let you go slowly before taking a few steps back, rubbing Senjuro’s head. Seeing Tengen arrive on the carriage made your heart drop. Climbing inside, you don’t say anything and offer a side smile. Tengen leaned in close to you, for the purpose of sniffing your clothing. He planted a kiss on your cheek before sitting upright, “Did you forget to wear your apron today?” Looking down at yourself, you notice you left it at the Estate, sighing quietly to yourself. “I must have forgotten it there…” “Hmm? Why did you take it off?” He turned to face you. “It got dirty as I open-” His eyes turn into slits, “Dirty? From what?” You groan rather loudly “Don’t start questioning things if you won’t even let me finish talking, Tengen.” The rest of the ride was silent, with you turning your body away from him. You wonder if he feels what you feel when his mind is elsewhere.
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kaylinababy please do not copy | ty for the ♡ & reblogs!
taglist @bitches4lifebro @movie-enthusiast22 @diaboliklove-blog1 @wolywolymoley @tati-the-fangirl @mar-hee06 @stuckinthewrongworld @archer-fb @versalia @annie-napier @gingerspicelattemix @misty-angerose
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icy-watch · 3 months
considering who's winning the Next Show Poll, I feel it's right to warn you
LMK is FULL of references to JTTW, a lot without context. If you haven't already, I seriously recommend going on YouTube and binging Over Sarcastic Productions' JTTW Summarized series.
No need to liveblog it ofc, but LMK is way easier to understand if you know even a little about JTTW
[signed, a concerned lmk fan]
When I saw what was winning, I added OSP's playlist to my favorites. I'm planning on binging them here shortly. I love Red's narrating and storytelling. I'm planning on binging her videos today and tomorrow.
I read Journey to the West years ago. I think I was 18 or so? It was mostly bc a friend of mine reminded me of the 1986 TV show we watched on YT way back when we were in school. I don't think we ever finished the show, but the costuming was what intrigued us at the time.
From what I do remember of Journey is very little. Mostly something about a goldfish-turned-demon and the river that makes you pregnant if you drink from it. And that's it. Besides character names. I remember those.
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Si Wukong no estuviera meditando hubiera llamado a Guayin por su pez dorado perdido. Posiblemente en el Au eso ocurra c:
Translated via google;
"If Wukong wasn't meditating he would have called Guayin for his lost goldfish. Possibly in Au that happens c:"
I'm just imagining Wukong seeing the Goldfish Demon, and slowly pulling out a cellphone to text Guanyin.
Within seconds, a divine light appears, and Guanyin scoops the Goldfish Demon into a basket like in the book. She says thanks and gives the gang the engine they need as a reward for finding her lost pet.
The Monkie Kid crew minus Wukong are left very confused but grateful.
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
What are your least favorite lmk characters?
(lmk is one of the few shows where I think 'least favorite' is actually a fitting description. Most of the cast just have such fun and unique personalities, so it‘s pretty difficult to actively dislike any of them imo!)
(not counting cop out answers like the Goldfish Demon)
I‘ve sat here for an hour trying to figure out which characters I would pick myself. I‘ve genuinely never thought about it before, that‘s how GOOD this show is 😆
Like- the Host Girl low-key feels like cheating. (Again- I don‘t dislike her but she doesn’t really have a CANON personality. Everything about her is purely fanon and hinges on her being Macaque‘s generic cute daughter.)
Not sure if Mo counts either. He doesn’t really rise in the rankings through virtue of being a cat for me. Most of the time there just isn‘t much for him to do.
I physically CANNOT pick someone from the main cast or the brotherhood- that hurts just thinking about it. ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS (I have soft spot for Chang‘e in particular!). And even the characters we’re supposed to dislike are such a blast on screen! The Mayor was so fun! And Lady Bone Demon? As a least favorite? NEVER.
I guess by process of elimination my least fav is Syntax? That‘s the closest to a reoccurring character I can get.
IDK. Maybe you have a character that comes to mind immediately 🤔
I'm going to argue that there is some interesting stuff with Mo, and I may sound the way the pepe silvia guy looks, but that's okay. Anyways, episode 2x03 shows Mo's devotion/loyalty to Sandy, which on it's own isn't really much, but it's the fact that Mo is the one to bring sandy back in 4x06. Pigsy's big heartfelt speech doesn't do the trick, but Mo giving Sandy unconditional love does. And boy, is there something there! Like, "You said it Mo! The world may be full of darkness, but to let the light shine, all we need to do is stand together!" Girl, what is going on between Mo and Sandy! Mo get's a pass from me not by virtue of being a cat (I'm actually a dog person, I got 4 puppies), but by virtue of loving Sandy. We have so much in common.
But yeah! There really isn't a character I dislike in this show. I love everyone a lot, and most characters, even if they don't have interesting stuff going on are a blast to watch on screen.
I'm someone who is legitimately a fan of the Jade Emperor because of his one cool speech and subsequent death on screen. "Heh. And I suppose you think that person is you? How is it you come to stand before me today Azure, was there a point where you questioned it? Or were you too oblivious with your own delusion to realize that you were a mere piece in someone else's game. You may try Azure, the throne will be yours, but if you think I'll gift it freely, you are mistaken." Coolest shit ever. Big fan.
But. And I'm sorry to everyone, but I'd say Jin and Yin are my least favorites. I know. The gold and silver demons everyone loves. Like, they're fine, they're entertaining, they have a lovely placeholder as a manifestation of a simpler time, but that's also just kinda all they are. And they don't need to be anything else! It just also solidifies them as my least favorites asdfadsf. I'm sorry boys.
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dglvr1760 · 1 year
Lmk ocs stuff
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R I Pizzle to my mental state bois, anyways okie
So during my brother and I's convo, he said i was a mix of the two mystic monkies, which noooooooo--
Getting passed that, I gave him dbk and that goldfish demon, sooo
summarizing the story: fang was a maid with the power of turning their art into real things for a few minutes depending on her focus, so while being a maid for this higher celestial, they found the guy was making a weapon, my character!
Fang took her, fled and gave her to a family, which happened to be the same one my brother came from, buuut his story is even more stranger. If any of you want more, I'd be happy to tell you what me and my brother concocted!
Have a good day everyone!
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hank-girl · 2 years
Heeeeey ! Here my oc : Jinyu !
( mean goldfish in mandarin)
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I wanted to have a disign blue ans orange because i think these two colors togethers are underated and can lead to super cool result !
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If there is write : "mmeldey " this is because it is my account on deviantart !
Jinyu is a serious and calm person who think first before she act. I wanted to give her a motherhood impression and a water power because in my native langage the word "mother" is prounonce the same as "sea". She is thé réincarnation of the goldfish demon or "queen-miracle" even if the goldfish demon was already in lmk i make another because first : why not ? And second : it is a character who needed a proper backstory and Jinyu is not him, only inspired by this demon of journey to the west.
Trivia : Jinyu is more of a cat person / she like asking multiples questions about anything and everything / she doesent have a love intetest/ she use to play piano
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beauleifu · 2 years
For your kiss marry kill LMK, I propose these three:
LBD, the Mayor, and the Goldfish Demon
Bro im sorry but i dont know ol' fish boi so I'd have to go with kiss LBD, marry Mayor, and render the goldfish demon... unexist-
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starsfic · 2 years
Of all the different demons that appear in the LMK series, where would you classify each in the Bug, Biped, and Beast categories?
Bug- Spider Clan, Scorpion, Goldfish
Biped- Red, Yin and Jin, Sandy
Beast- Pigsy, DBK, Macaque
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