#little spoon clark good
riotlain · 2 months
How they sleep/cuddle
bigger than normal post but yknow :3
I was gonna do more characters for this so feel free to rq more characters for this
(yknow just means to not interact with the post)
Bruce Wayne
Not against cuddling. Will if you ask
He likes being big spoon, especially after a long day... will little spoon if he's particularly tired
Stays still when he's asleep aside from like occasional gripping
Either insanely light or insanely heavy sleeper theres no in between
The type to mumble in his sleep
Dick Grayson
Loves cuddling to the extreme
Spooning is big (He's usually big spoon but he melts if he's the little spoon)
Loves laying on your chest after a long day
He sleeps like a damsel in distress
Moves a lot when he sleeps and its usually gravitating towards you
A snorer
Jason Todd
Either insanely warm or insanely cold no in between
Sleeps like a victorian child on their death bed...
Likes to have an arm wrapped around you when cuddling but like unintentionally curls against your chest when he sleeps
Sleep talker and restless kicking
Wakes up a lot in the middle of the night so you might catch him staring at you or gone to the kitchen
Tim Drake
If its yalls first time he'll be like sorta stiff for a little
If yall dating for a good lil while then he'll be more relaxed
and also take up majority of the bed
He likes laying on your chest and vice versa
Sleep talker.. if he ever sleeps
Watches you sleep in the way where he's a really bored insomniac
Can't lay still at all when he's asleep and always gravitates towards you
Cold feeted mf
Damian Wayne
He's pretty on guard at first
He doesn't initiate the cuddling bc he isn't sure how at the beginning
Unless you start cuddling him he'll just sorta lay there and accept it
Eventually when he's fully comfortable he will still lay there like a plank but he'll have an arm around you
He looks like he's dead when he's asleep
He might like mumble something though
He has many pets so at least one will show up and lay there too
If someone walks in he'll deny everything they ask and tell them to get out (unless its Alfred then he'll nicely tell him to get out)
Clark Kent
Living heater
Loves cuddling and hugging
Coming back home after a real rough day and just hugging you
Laying on each other is his fav
Somewhat heavy sleeper due to him being used to his super hearing and stuff
Krypto is in your bed a lot too
Sleeps soundly as hell like damn!
Plastic Man
Flirty as hell like its crazy
Wraps around you like snake
Can't have a normal cuddle session with him probably bc he's like everywhere
He'll be your blanket if you're cold
In the literal sense he will be your blanket
Insanely warm
Fav position is spooning. He doesn't mind which he is bc either way he's gonna talk to you (will stretch his neck to look at you)
Sleep talker and moves around a lot
Everyday you wake up in a new position
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sweetbans29 · 1 month
Power Couple - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Life during Caitlin and your rookie season - Based on THIS request
Warnings: None that I can think of :) just some fluff for ya
Word Count: 4.8k
Power Couple Part 2
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I don't know much about soccer but I tried my best! I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think 🤍
The first time Caitlin knew you were something special was in high school. The two of you faced off on the soccer field during a game. This was when Caitlin still played soccer and was figuring out if she wanted to pursue soccer in college or basketball. She ended up going with the latter and was thankful for it because you were a force to be reckoned with.
You had nearly a perfect game. Your team came out on top but no thanks to a certain player on the other team. When the game was over and your team was going around saying 'good game' to the other team you pulled no.23 in.
"You almost gave me a run for my money, keep it up babe," you say as you bring her into a half hug so you can whisper it in her ear. You give her hip a little pinch before shaking hands with her coaches.
Caitlin is left speechless. She goes back into the locker room - star-struck and a little confused. She has never really been interested in anyone and has never really had the time to date but you had her wanting more. That night, she did some IG stalking and found you. She spent the whole evening looking through your page and all your tags. She went through all your teammate's photos and even searched you as a tag. She fell asleep contemplating if she was going to follow you. It seemed silly that she was nervous to press a button.
She dreamt of you that night. Had a dream that the two of you played D1 soccer in college together and were the 'it' couple of school (not like that is really a thing in college but a girl can dream). When she woke up in the morning she looked at her phone to see what time it was. She shot up when she saw the notification that you had followed her. She couldn't believe a single notification had her feeling like a little school girl but there she was.
When you woke up the next morning, you saw that Caitlin had requested to follow you back.
From there - she was the one to message you first, talking about how amazing you had played and how impressed she was. You were hardcore flattered. The two of you didn't talk much after but you both followed each other in your respective sports. You learned that Caitlin dropped soccer for basketball which you thought was a shame - she could have easily gone D1. But watching her on the court was something else. Her IQ on the court was something you had never seen before.
It was during your senior year of high school that the two of you started going to watch each other play. At least when you both had the time, which wasn't super frequent. It was merely a taste of what the two of you were about to experience in college. Both of you had signed to become Hawkeyees. Caitlin for basketball and you for soccer.
It was your freshman year of college that the two of you started hanging out. You had become pretty close friends that always acted like more. Your friendship took a turn one night when you were taking care of a very sick Caitlin.
"I don't want soup," she pouts and turns away from the spoonful of soup you are trying to feed her.
"Caitlin you need to eat," you say as you grab her shoulder to hold her down from rolling over. She tries to fight you but is extremely weak due to the flu overtaking her body. She whines when she can't turn away from you and lays there in defeat. She looks like she is on the verge of tears.
"Hey, hey," you say as you rub her arm. "Shhh it's okay love." Your hand comes up to her face and caresses it. She looks up at you with such tired eyes. "I know you don't want to but you haven't eaten in days and it's scaring me."
Her eyes stare into yours as she takes your hand holding the spoon and guides it to her mouth. She takes a little bite that looks painful to swallow but she does. You kiss her forehead and continue to feed her the broth.
Later that night you fell asleep next to her bed, you took the floor to not get sick yourself. Caitlin woke up and saw you sleeping on the floor. She turned to face you and looked down, she loved watching you sleep. You always looked so peaceful which is so different than watching you on the field. She reached down and brushed a piece of hair from your face and whispered 'I love you'. Little did she know that her touch had stirred you awake and you heard her little confession.
It was shortly after Caitlin got better that you two started dating. You went public on your three-month anniversary, which was also when you signed for the USWNT. It had been a dream of yours since you were a little girl.
You stopped playing for Iowa once you joined the women’s team but that didn’t stop you from going to support your girl for her games whenever you could. Caitlin did the same whenever you had games close by and the two of you sort of became known supporters at each other's games. It was kind of cute how people would get excited to see Caitlin coming to your games and vice versa. Someone had even started an amateur fan account for the two of you, nothing ever came from it but it would pop up on your feed every now and again. It was mostly posts of you wearing Caitlin's jerseys at her games and Caitlin wearing your jerseys to support your games.
There was one game you went to support Caitlin and had her fans come up and ask for pictures with you. It was cute how her fans were so supportive of the two of you. But with support, also comes hate.
As the years go on, your relationship with Caitlin grows. By the time the two of you are entering your senior year of college, you have pretty much been through it all. The ups and downs have been very high and very low but you wouldn't have changed any of it. It was because of those times that you know as you begin your careers, you and Caitlin will make it.
It is during your last year that you get drafted as the first pick to the Chicago Red Stars. Caitlin and your family are there for the draft and are over the moon for you to be playing closer to home. When your name is announced - you hug your family first then make your way to Caitlin. She engulfs you in a hug and kisses the top of your head. You look up and give her a little kiss before heading up to shake the announcer's hand and head off to a few interviews.
Being drafted before the school year ended meant that you would have to finish your senior year online. It wasn't your favorite but you were determined to get your degree, even though everyone was saying you no longer needed it. It was something you felt like you needed to accomplish.
This also meant that you would be moving to Chicago to start training. At no point was there ever any tension in your relationship with Catilin when it came to moving. The two of you had a conversation early on about what your life goals were which included playing pro for your respective sports. The two of you talked through what that would look like and how you would prioritize one another while pursuing each of your dreams. The way you two were on the same page only solidified your relationship even more.
As Caitlin and the Hawkeyes were heading into March Madness - you weren't able to make it to the Sweet Sixteen or the Elite Eight. That didn't stop you from watching your girl dominate on the court - breaking records and doing what she does best (shooting logo threes).
You were bummed that you couldn't be there when she broke the NCAA scoring record but one of your teammates got a video of you watching your girlfriend make history and posted it. It gained a lot of traction and was the first time they featured your relationship on any sports network.
When you found out Caitlin was heading back to the final four - you made it a priority to head to Clevland to watch. You were able to pull some strings and get courtside seats to watch your girl front row. You watched them play UConn and were stressed the entire game. This was some of the best defense you have seen a team put up against Cait. They came to fight.
Throughout the game you had people come up to you and ask for autographs and photos. It was neat to see it was a variety of both Caitlin's fans who knew you as her girlfriend and also your fans who have watched you since you started with the USNWT.
When the Hawkeyes pulled through and took the win - everyone flooded the court, making it almost impossible to find Caitlin. It was actually a handful of people in the crowd who helped you locate her. When you saw her, you ran straight up to her and wrapped your legs and arms around her. You knew what this game stood for - it was redemption from the previous year.
"THAT WAS AMAZING BABE!" You yelled right in her ear.
She laughs and spins you around, "I am so glad you were able to make it." She inhales you and is reminded of how much she misses you. "Do you have to leave?" She asks, only half-heartedly wanting the answer.
"Well knowing you were going to win this game and Coach not needing me back until Monday, I am staying to the final," you say hoping down from your girl but keeping your arms around her neck.
Caitlin brings you back into her and just holds you. As thankful as she is that her team just won, she is even more grateful that she gets to spend some time with you. Cait and the team only had a light practice the day in between games. The rest of the day was to be used as a rest day with the exception of a team dinner. You spent the day in Caitlin’s hotel room. Most of the time the two of you spent catching up on life and how each of you has been doing. She talked about her feelings about how she contemplated staying at Iowa for a fifth year versus going to the WNBA draft. The two of you had talked a little over the phone about it but there was something about having you there that really opened her up about all the thoughts she truly had. You sat there and listened to her talk - it was one of your favorite things to do. You could sit with her forever and be content.
She loved talking to you because you never pushed her in one direction or another, but would rather genuinely listen to her. And when she would pause to gather her thoughts, you would ask her questions to help her figure out what she wants to do and not what the media expects of her. You knew the last thing that she needed was someone else telling her what she should and shouldn't be doing.
When it was your turn to unpack - you talked about the shift from playing on the women's national team to a city team. It was a shift but one that was really nice. It felt like you were finally able to settle down somewhere and you were excited for her to feel the same and hopefully a little closer to yourself than she was at now. You missed being around her.
You continued to talk about how her team has been super welcoming and that you all instantly fit into the team. That was something Caitlin knew you were worried about signing with the Chicago Red Stars. She hasn't been out to one of your games yet but is hoping to before she goes into training.
That night you joined Caitlin at the team dinner. All the girls were happy to see you. It was great getting to spend some time with everyone - with Cait being on the team, you had become really close to some of her friends. Kate and Gabby were especially happy to see you.
You went to watch the championship game the next day - sitting right behind the team's bench. You watched your girl put up 18 points in the first quarter - breaking another record in her last collegiate game.
As the game progressed you saw how difficult it was for the Hawkeyes to put up points against the best defensive team in the league. But they put up a fight.
In the final quarter, you could see the hope in the team's eyes slip away as the momentum SC was gaining kept going. When there were only a few minutes left, you saw the shift in Caitlin's demeanor and knew that she was beginning to accept defeat.
At the one-minute mark, Coach Bluder pulled her starting seniors and allowed some of the other girls take the court. As Caitlin was walking off, she alongside Kate and Gabby went down the line of coaches and gave them each a hug. When she sat down on the bench, you couldn't see her face but knew she was struggling to keep it together. If there was anyone else in this stadium that knew how much she wanted this win, it was you.
It didn't come as a surprise when Caitlin sat right in front of you. You leaned down to her and placed your hand on her arm. No words needed, just a sign to show her that you were there. Her hand comes up and rests on yours, giving a little squeeze.
She spent that night in your arms. You tried to get her out of her head but weren't doing a great job of it. All Caitlin really wanted was to be held by you and that is exactly what you did.
You flew back to Chicago that Monday - feeling sad you were leaving Caitlin but know you left her in good hands with Kate and Gabby. Before leaving - Caitlin booked a flight to come out to watch you play in Chicago. You thought it would be a good distraction as well as nice to have her back in the stands.
When it was game day, you took the field for warm-ups, occasionally looking towards the stands to see where your girlfriend was watching from. It wasn't an easy task but you looked in all the typical places she would watch from when you were playing for the USWNT. When you couldn't find her in the crowd, you got worried that she wasn't able to make it. When you got back to the bench, you did a quick scan when one of the other girls came up to you and pointed to one of the boxes. Looking over - you saw Caitlin in the middle box talking with your team manager.
A smile makes its way to your face as you see them talking and laughing. Your team manager was kind of a hard-ass which would have you worried if it was anyone other than Caitlin. But knowing your girl, she could start a conversation with anyone.
Throughout the game, you would glance up to the box. You were met with the sight of either Caitlin watching intently or her talking with whoever else was there. You noticed one of the times she was talking to one of your teammate's wives. It was such a comfort to have her there.
At the end of the game, your team pulled through and took the dub against the Kansas City Current. As the team was celebrating you felt someone come up from behind you and spin you around. Knowing immediately who it was, when you were put down - you turned and jumped into Cailtin's arms.
"Proud of you babe," she says as she embraces you yet again.
"I am glad you were able to come," you say and grab her hand to introduce her to a few of your teammates.
The next day you see an article out about Caitlin coming to your game. It wasn't the first but it was the first that you saw circulate social media to this extent. It caught like wildfire and the next thing to know your following on IG went from 20k to 50k.
You didn't think much of it considering you don't follow the media really at all but thought it was cute and shot it over to Caitlin. She thought it was funny and criticized the photo they chose of the two of you.
The next thing you know, you are in New York getting ready for the WNBA draft. You are sharing a room with Caitlin and just sit in awe as your girl is getting dressed. She is the first to sport Prada for the WNBA and she is looking amazing.
Once she is dressed, the two of you head down. There are a few photos snapped of Caitlin on the way down, you follow closely behind her, trying to not get in the frame. That proves hard to do as she refuses to let go of your hand. At one point she looks back and gives your hand a little kiss before heading into the elevator to head down to the orange carpet.
The night went by in a blur. Caitlin is the first pick and is headed to the Indiana Fever. It was what both of you were prepared for and have honestly started planning for as well. You two started talking about how it would be so nice to only be an hour's plane ride away from each other (a 3-hour drive if needed).
Her crew celebrates by going out for some drinks and food. It was a fun night out with the girls not only celebrating Caitlin but also Kate who was drafted into the Aces. The two of you end the night back in the hotel.
The next morning, you started to get notifications and messages about the media calling you and Caitlin the new 'Power Couple' of the sports world. Before you could open anything on your phone, Caitlin was showing you hers. You looked at the post that Ovvertimewbb posted. It was the photo of Caitlin kissing your hand right before heading into the elevator with a caption on how you two are the couple to watch in and out of the game.
"So they are calling us the couple to watch," you say as you hand the phone back to Cait.
"Looks like it," she says with a laugh. "I have no idea what that means."
"Honestly, neither do I but we will find out," you say as you lean over to give her a kiss.
Throughout both of your rookie seasons, the media watches you both closely. You because you have been on fire, consistently playing record-breaking games and carrying your team to victory, and Caitlin because she is changing the game.
Now that the two of you are closer, going to support each other has become much easier. Once Caitlin started in Indiana, she was at almost every one of your games - almost always supporting you from your manager's booth. You always joke with her that your manager loves her more than they do you. Every now and again she would be standing fieldside, out of the way of course. The media tore up any time she was standing on the field or seen talking with your manager. It would always be something about how Caitlin is such a great girlfriend coming out to support you. Or it would be how your GM has found a new person to watch their team with, having a picture attached with your GM and Caitlin laughing about something.
The posts and articles went both ways. You went to support Caitlin whenever you could which then put you in the spotlight. It was unexpected to both of you how much the media ate up your support for each other.
It was when you were watching an interview that Caitlin was in that it began to click.
"Caitlin - you are projected to be rookie of the year, how do you feel about that?" The interviewer asks.
"I think it's pretty awesome," she responds with a smile. "Just like the work I have put in during my college career to get here, I have put in the work this season to be up for rookie of the year."
"Well, it is quite impressive, if I must say," the interviewer compliments your girlfriend. "But what is also impressive is that your girlfriend is also up for rookie of the year."
Caitlin just smiles and nods. She could say a lot (she will rarely brag about herself but when it came to you, she could talk up a storm) but just sits and nods. To everyone watching - it was a proud girlfriend moment.
"Seeing you go and support each other at games, getting the posts of your post-game meals with one another, and all the talk about how each of your teammates has become great friends with you and her, you have become the ultimate power couple in the sports world." Caitlin doesn't blush easily but she’s blushing now. "How has becoming this power couple affected your relationship?"
"Well it is kind of funny - neither Y/n nor I have really seen much of what has been going on in the media with any of it," Caitlin says.
It was true - the two of you tried your best to stay out of looking into the media like that. You knew it wouldn't affect your relationship in the slightest but never really cared for what other people said about the two of you. Outside of supporting each other during games the two of you led a pretty private relationship.
"Well let me show you a slim snippet of what the fans are saying," the interviewer says as they start flashing photos of you on the screen. "There are endless fan edits of the two of you while you are watching each other games. What really got me was finding a fan account that has been following the two of you since your college years."
Pictures of the two of you from their account started flying across the screen. Photos going back in time - it was a neat way to reminisce on the past and how far you have come.
At the end of the slideshow is a picture from when you played in your final home game for your high school - senior night. It was a picture of you and two other girls heading to the captain's meeting in the middle of the field. In the photo, it is you and your co-captains looking down but if you looked over to the crowd - there is Caitlin, front row with some of her friends there to watch you play.
Caitlin remembers the moment as if it was yesterday. She debated going to that game for weeks before it happened. She didn't tell you she was coming to your senior night but brought you flowers and she gave them to you afterward. That was the night that you had Caitlin falling even harder than before - getting so excited when you saw her. Causing her heart to leap out of its chest when you dropped all of your stuff to pick her up and spin he around. Her stomach filled with butterflies and her cheeks turned a deep pink - the first time you made her blush.
"Yep, that's me," she says with a laugh, turning even more red than before. "You could say we were fans of each other long before we started dating.'
"Well, that is the cutest thing!" The interviewer says with such excitement. "We are all rooting for the two of you and can't wait to watch you both as you progress in your careers."
Later that night, you call Cait. She picks up the phone immediately.
"I know, I know," she says, already knowing what you are going to say.
"You are too cute when you blush," you say with a little laugh.
"Ugh stop babe," she says laughing as well. "Did you hear when they called us the ultimate power couple?"
"I did," you say full-on laughing now. "It is crazy to see how many people are invested in our relationship."
You hear her hum in agreement, but she doesn't say anything.
"Hey babe, is everything okay?" You ask, worried that this is all starting to get to her. You know Caitlin doesn't follow the media like that but you wouldn't blame her if she fell down the rabbit hole after that interview. I mean, you did.
It wasn't intentional but after you watch the interview, curiosity got the best of you and you started looking at some accounts. Most of it was sweet - pictures and comments of how the world is cheering you on but with being in the spotlight more, there were also more people who used the platform to tear you down. It really didn't affect either of you - at least when people talked about yourselves. But you knew when people start talking bad about you on her posts, she gets caught up in her head about how hateful the world can be.
It takes her a minute but after what feels like a lifetime, she responds.
"You are the most incredible woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing," she starts, causing your heart to swell. She begins to stumble on her words. "I - just thank you." She says. "Thank you for being so amazing not only to me but to the world. I can't wait until you begin your off-season and move here with me so we can finally be together. Then when you go back, and I am off, I will come and live with you and everything will be right in the world and we will get a dog and start planning our wedding and both be living out our dreams."
She pauses and you take a sharp inhale. The two of you haven't really talked about marriage - if you were being honest, you had no idea that was even on Caitlin's radar. It was on yours but you never wanted to rush her.
"What was that last part?" You ask slowly.
"Us living out our dreams?" She asks, knowing it is not what you are talking about.
"No right before that..." you say as it feels like time has stopped. The only other time you have felt this with her is the first game you played against her. She had been one of the only other players who could keep up to you and you let her know that after. Whispering the compliment in her ear and watching her react to your touch had stopped time for you.
"Start planning our wedding...?" Caitlin says extremely slowly. You are hooked on every single word she says as she repeats that.
"Caitlin Clark, are you asking me to marry you?" You say jokingly but also dripping with genuine interest.
"You are just going to have to wait to find out," she says and you can hear the smirk that has grown on her face.
Little did you know that Caitlin already had the ring. She knew she was going to marry you after you picked her up and spun her around on your senior night. It only solidified when the two of you started dating in college and were there to support one another during your sporting events but also just with life in general. Having you by her side wasn't an option. You pushed her to be better than she could have ever imagined. You brought her out of her head when no one else could. You let her be herself unapologetically and she couldn't imagine a more perfect person.
"Well just know, if you get down on one knee at either of our award ceremonies, I will say no." You say, trying to play it cool when your heart is beating faster than it does on the field.
Caitlin laughs and you join in, longing for the days when you can have these conversations face to face.
AN: I hope this does the request justice. Please let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for the love and support 🤍
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urfavlarry · 26 days
Could we get a oneshot about the group(reader is a part of it) having a sleepover after escaping the phantom realm? (throw in some aiden x reader. I am absolutely feral for that boy)
Take as much time as needed! (since you should probably write about the other characters a little more-)
Sleepy kisses
Aiden Clark x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: swearing, bad grammar
A/N: sorry for the wait!! hope you didn’t lose hope and that I wouldn’t write your request haha
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“Come on guys the movie is about to start!” Taylor yells as everyone settles down on the coach, you and Aiden on a large bean bag his parents owned. Wow that boy is rich. You were watching some random horror movie Aiden saw on tik tok so of course, you had to watch it. It was one of those disturbing movies so you guys didn’t get much food, just in case. Aidens hands were on your thighs which were in his lap, your head on his shoulder.
Everything was going smoothly, you were slowly getting lulled to sleep by the movie (which was surprising since most of the group was actually awake and disgusted) until the power went out. Some cursed, some screamed.. it was a funny sight. You groaned, covering your ears. “Alright whatever, I’m not fucking tired yet, let’s tell funny stories.” Everyone perks up and get up, lighting up a candle in the middle of the living room on the coffee table. It didn’t really light up the room that much but you could at least see something. Tyler grumbled, saying something about Aiden being indecisive and that he wanted to sleep just a second ago. “Okay, who wants to go first?” Aiden asks and everyones stays silent. You all look at each other and then at Aiden. “I see none of us wanna do this so.. how about truth or dare?” You speak up, the rest of the group along with Aiden agreeing.
Worst.decision.ever. Tyler ended up with a full face of make up, Ashlyn had to do some crazy ass yoga move with Taylor, Logan had to eat a spoon full of cinnamon, Aiden jumped from the second floor of their house onto the bean bag (which is slightly torn now) and then there was you, waiting for your turn which you were glad nobody was currently thinking about. “Alright, whose turn is it?” Tyler asks, eyeing you, Taylor and Ben, since you guys were the one that didn’t go just yet. He smirks at you and you shake your head no. “Y/N~ Truth or dare?” He asks and you shrug. “Dare I guess.” You look over at Aiden who looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion which was a rare sight. “Those energy drink are catching up to his sleep schedule.” You think to yourself and look back at Tyler. “I dare you..” He starts and thinks about a good dare, silence engulfing the room for about few minutes. “Okay I got one, I dare you to kiss Aiden.” He smirks and you look over at Aiden who quickly sat up, eagerly waiting for your kiss. Your face reddens slightly, noticing Ash and Taylor taking out their phones that blinded you since they had flash on. You lean towards Aiden who cupped your cheek, your lips meeting in a quick, but sweet kiss.
Everyone cheers, a few whistles from Tyler, backed up by laughter. Your face reddens but you just laugh it off with the rest of the group. After a few more rounds, you all decided to actually go to sleep since it was almost 2am. You rested your head on Aidens chest, wrapping your arms around his stomach. His nose was nuzzled in your cheek, both of you comfortable in your positions. Your eyes start to feel heavy, slowly starting to loose consciousness when you feel a kiss on your cheek. You smile softly, turning around to face Aiden and cup his cheek, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. Before you could pull away, he weakly pulls you back into a longer kiss. You finally pull away for breath, smiling at each other like two love sick idiots. You finally feel yourself falling asleep, your whole world turning black.
You wake up in the morning to the sound of people talking, opening your eyes you see almost everyone awake. You sit up, walking to your backpack with your stuff and grab fresh clothes and things you need to freshen up, walking to the bathroom to do thise things. You think anout last night, wondering what you and Aiden were. You thought it would be best to ask him today, you you will later when you are alone. You get out of the bathroom, waving everyone goodbye since most of them needed to go home first before going out again. You sit down next to Aiden who almost instantly put his arm around you, kissing you on the cheek. “Good morning my love~” He says and you smile at him lovingly, but then cup his cheeks to make him look at you. “Alright, I need to ask you something cuz I haven’t been sleeping comfortably tonight.” “Well it looked like you were pretty comfortable last ni—” You shut him up with a playful smack on the chest and glare. “Alright, alright im listening.” He says, playing with your fingers. You suddenly get a burst of nervousness, but try your best to shrug it off. “Well.. this will be a bit of an odd question but.. what exactly.. are we?” You ask, making him snap his eyes at you. He looks a bit confused but sighs. “I guess I need to say it don’t I..” He says and you nod; “That would be nice of you.” He chuckles at your bitterness, holding onto your hands; “Y/N.. I love you to the moon and even farther.. I couldn’t imagine life without you. So.. Will you.. be my.. s/o?” He asks awkwardly and you nod eagerly. “Yes! A hundred times yes!” You say enthusiastically and lean in for a kiss, a more sweet one than the one you had last night. Those were some sleepy kisses.
。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚⋆⋆ 。
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 📀 ɞ˚‧。⋆
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calicoheartz · 1 month
Caitlin Clark ; relationship hcs ﹒ ⟢
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caitlin clark x reader relationship hcs !
warnings : just pure fluff ! ( 𖦹◞◟)
my master list ㇀♡
a/n: tysm for all the love on my last two hcs! this was inspired by the lovely @iminlovewithpaigebueckers so make sure to go check them out ♡
how you two meet cami is going to be cliche and say that you definitely went to one of her games and she spotted you in her jersey and it was love at first sight!!
Ever since she saw you she has been pestering Kate and Gabbie to find out more about you and who exactly you were. Literally was desperate to find out your name and to learn more about you.
eventually she spotted you at a cafe close to campus and she knew it was now or never. She asked for your number and the rest is history !
who had interest first? Caitlin. As mentioned previously it was love at first sight. You definitely thought she was drop dead gorgeous but you weren’t actively seeking her iykwim
how she asks you out Caitlin had been planning this moment for weeks. You two had grown increasingly close over the past month, and she wanted to make it official.
you hadn’t seen eachother as often due to her away games, so she asked you if you wanted to come over and hang out at hers for a bit.
she had everything set up, your favorite food and flowers , dimly lit setting with pleasantly smelling candles. I feel like she would ask you out with a playlist with songs that reminded her of you, and would start off by saying how much you mean to her and how she wants to be able to call you hers.
the first “I love you” I think she would say it first. We all know our girl is as cool as a cucumber, and most likely said it with so much love and not even realizing she said it.
Would for sure take place after a huge win for Iowa , you both back at her dorm, helping her wind down and preparing a nice bath for her. As you gently massage her scalp I think she would slip it out.
who’s more clingy i think it would be a good mix of both. You definitely miss her tremendously whenever she’s gone for games, but the moment she’s back best believe you guys are glued at the hip. It’s an equal balance of both !
who’s more possessive you! i think with all the attention caitlin gets it can be hard to keep your composure at times, you know she loves you but with all the girls throwing themselves at her it can be hard to not have doubts. But she always reassures you that in every room she would always look for you ◡̈
staying in or going out? hmmm this is hard. I feel like Cait is a homebody so i think you two would stay home every chance you get. Just cozying up under a blanket , watching your favorite movies and just enjoying each others company
cuddles cuddles cuddles i think she would definitely be big spoon. She loves having you close to her and having you in her arms. A honorable mention to the “rom com” , as I think that’s the second most used couple position between you two 😊
love language i feel like it would be a mix between physical touch and acts of service.
while she lovesss having you close to her and feeling you against her, she also loves showing you how much you mean to her through little acts of services throughout the day!
arguments i think there would be an equal balance , but since we know our girl is super collected we know she’ll always take the blame regardless of what yall are arguing about just for the sake of it.
i can picture her giving you space to blow off some steam, but within the next few days she would definitely try and have another open discussion about what happened to make sure everyone’s side is heard correctly
i had so much fun writing this! lmk if you guys want a pt 2 to this & make sure to leave reqs in my inbox! ilyyy ◡̈
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inevesgf · 4 months
LOVER BOY ⠀,⠀ george clarke.
synopsis ✩ what it’s like dating george clarke!
warnings: mentions of sexual behavior.
authors note: i have had so much muse and inspiration to write for george recently. love our silly guy so bad! i also have tried to write more sexual content for my thirsty folks out there so i hope it lives up to expectations. arthur next ;)
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• love language is either gift giving or psychical touch!
• is the type of boyfriend that will randomly pick up things from the shop for you without you even asking.
• “want anything?” “no, i’m alright.” and then he comes back with your favorite snacks and a stupid little trinket.
• a big lover of hugs from behind + adds little kisses on your neck and shoulders when he does.
• will not let you be the big spoon ever, im sorry mates.
• he always has to be the big spoon. i have a feeling he definitely likes feeling like the more masculine person in the relationship.
• but LOVES to lay his head in your lap and let you play with his hair.
• kisses your thighs sometimes when he does because he knows it gives you butterflies.
• leaves hickeys there where only he can see them.
• doesn’t mind pda, but doesn’t overdo it. when youre out he will hold your hand and put his arm around your waist, but isn’t one to kiss you in public unless it’s an appropriate moment.
• his go to nicknames for you are probably “darling” and “love”, he’s pretty simple.
• likes to be dominant in bed, but also doesn’t mind when you ride him and pull on his hair slightly.
• always sends you the stupid black cat and white cat memes, but they are so accurate.
• loves when you tag around with his friends. bonus points if you do content creation, he likes when you all film together.
• he jokes about loving arthur(tv) more than he loves you, so you joke about also loving arthur more than you love him! have to keep that shit even
• but at the end of all the jokes he knows he loves you more than anything and you appreciate him the same.
• probably a jealous boyfriend though, wont lie.
• not in like a “don’t ever look at her!” way, but in a “im gonna give you hickeys all over your neck to show you’re mine” kind of way 🤭.
• secretly a massive sweetheart though.
• if you ever come home wasted from a night out with friends, he will clean you up and help you get changed.
• “you take such good care of me😌” and he just starts laughing about how absolutely GONE you are.
• and in the morning when you’re suffering from a horrible hangover he will bring you water and little snacks while you rest!
• might not be the best cook, but will attempt to cook your favorite foods on little date nights.
• even if it goes terribly wrong, you still appreciate it nonetheless.
• falls under golden retriever category alongside chris and ginge of course!
• super super giddy when you get home from wherever and he just gets to spend the rest of the night with you.
• dare i say baby i’m yours - arctic monkeys cover is the song you listen to and think of him.
• the type of boyfriend to wake you up at 4am to go watch the sunrise from a hilltop or the beach.
• love’s spontaneous little adventures like that!
• definitely books little trips on short notice just to surprise you.
• always always up for an adventure. you two have definitely faced your fears together with activities like rock climbing, bungee jumping, etc.
• prefers to go out for dates rather than stay in, but loves to have a lazy night with you where you two watch films and have snacks.
• would be hesitant to raise a dog or cat with you due to the responsibility, so he’d settle for a lil fish.
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zhvakinnn · 2 months
Hi can't find your rules or anything and I'm sorry if this is out of your comfort zone but may I request the sbg crew and cuddle headcanons where reader is the big spoon. If possible can the reader be male?
Hii, yes sorry i haven't done my rules yet I'm kinda getting lazy but i will make one 🫡
Male reader!
Warning/s: homophobic's
Characters: Logan, Ben, Aiden
Part 2 characters : tyler, Taylor, Ashlyn
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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Logan fields
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∆ He always wanted to be hold tight because he finds you're hug comfort
∆ whenever he got beaten up all he wanted was your hug, he always stopped you attacking Barron
∆ " he literally fucking beat the shit out of you for not doing his homework?! How can't i beat his ass too!"
"please, i just want a hug.."
∆ you'll see him startled when you raising you're voice, you suddenly stop and wanted to melt
∆ you'll just stop being mad then hug him telling him I'm sorry
∆ so whenever he wanted to hug he wants to be the little spoon because like i said he finds comfort in your hug's
Bonus fanfiction:
You we're all looking for Logan he said his going to the bathroom so you went there but as you went there you saw him and Barron hearing their conversation
"you think that little boyfriend of yours is gonna save you faggot?"
That last sentence hit you, you noticed Logan looked at you widen eyes you can see him having a black eye
"who you calling little and faggot?.."
You and Barron ended up in the guidance room
Once you got out you glare daggers to barron as he walk out with his new bruises you scoff as you went to find your gang
Once you got there they looked at you in a worried faces they all ask you if you're ok, i only nodded and looked at logan who was more worried once we all got home Logan wants me to go in his house
His grandparents asked me how i got these bruises then i explained to her grandma what happened while Logan got a ice
"thank you for protecting my grandson, now i know who will protect him after i die"
"grandma please don't say that..."
Logan finally got the ice and you two went upstairs once you got there he hugged you and he buried his face in your neck
"thank you.."
You smiled and cuddle for a while
" i love you too"
Ben Clark
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∆ another one of those who were bullied which means he likes being hold aswell well sometimes if you're not in a good mood he will hug you but most of the time you're hugging him
∆ he likes being a small spoon because of his anger issues too, whenever his mad just take him somewhere private and hold him like a damn baby because he is
∆ like dhar mann would say 'dont judge a book by its cover' he may look tough and imitating but inside his such a softie
∆ when you two are cuddling he likes to play music in the background
∆ "hey what happened to him?"
"(name) finally you're here ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ"
Aiden was covering Ben's face and saw his fist rolled
∆ you have to drag him in the bathroom to hug him and tell him to calm down
Bonus scenario:
You were all in the classroom then the bell rang meaning its lunch time
You stretch a bit then when to ben who was sleeping
"love c'mon were to the cafeteria"
You nudge him a bit then he woke up when he lifted his head he smiled at you making your whole body melt
"ok c'mon now you lover birds"
That make him chuckle and so was i when he got up i hold his hand tight, we were all chatting in the hallway while walking to the canteen
You were both holding hands then a bitch went between you too
"exuse me"
She pushed you and Ben apart making Ben angry
"hey hey its ok nevermind her" He sigh and nodded
Then the same girl came annoying you again and again and again
"you're a disgusting homo"
It kept that on Ben's mind
Once you tag along with aiden chatting with him on the way
I pulled ben upstairs
"its ok nevermind her I'm here and i love you" you smiled as you hug him
Aiden Clark
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∆ sometimes you hate him being a small spoon because he wont stay still while sleeping!
∆ you, him and Ben went to a sleepover and he wanted you to hug him behind his back but as you hug him he will turn towards the wall, then the ceiling, then at you and annoying you're face
∆ "i might be annoying but i know you love it (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆" you wanna deny it but you cant because you love him
∆ like Ben he wanted to listen to music but his more into you humming him a lullaby
∆ he's so clingy
Bonus scenario:
He was so hyper everyday but today its ten times worst
Everyone looked at you and like 'how the hell did you get together with this maniac' or ' how do you have so many patients'
After all this you just wanna lay down and sleep
When he was yapping something who knows what that is he suddenly stop when he saw you getting annoyed
For the rest of you're class you wonder what happened to aiden he suddenly became silent
He might be annoying but you miss him yapping
"what the hell happened to him?"-tyler
" yeah he suddenly became-" -taylor
"silent..." -ashlyn
You shrug and looked at aiden once you got him home you greeted his parents and went to his room
" ok what..why...um why did you suddenly became... Silent?"
You said but panic when he looked down the ground, when you're about to speak he said
" am i annoying?"
Oh no no no
" why would you say that" you melt at his words why did he suddenly said that
" because whenever i talk to you you just frowned, i know that fine with everyone for me but whenever i talk you're face suddenly change to annoyed"
You didn't answer and just hugged his head
"I'm sorry I'm sorry i didn't mean to be like that but I'm just stressed but i shouldn't do that I'm sorry i love you"
He hugged you back as you both lay down you hum him a lullaby and both of you fell asleep
Finally donee🤸🏻!
Masterlist | about me | rules
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
Relationship headcanons for Slade Wilson & Clark Kent with gn s/o?
I kinda got carried away with the Clark relationship head-cannons that I forgot that you also wanted Slade…oops. 🦦
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Baby girl
Certified himbo
Golden retriever energy!
Heart of gold, dumb of ass-
Okay I’ll stop but you get the gist, this man would honest to god, worship you. Look me in the eyes and tell me that he wouldn’t cuz we all know he would.
No thoughts, head empty; just full of ways where he could love on you.
He’s a cutie! And he probably trips over or unintentionally hurts himself because he can’t help but admire you and all of your handsomeness/beauty/gorgeousness.
Hell I bet before you two were dating Clark’s confession must’ve been the most sweetest, heartfelt, and the most adorkable thing ever.
He would probably be on the fence whether or not in telling you he’s Superman because he doesn’t want to put you in any sort of danger but then again being in a romantic relationship with him was already putting you in danger; so he would probably have to sit you down for that conversation, hold your hands within his bigger ones and pray that you understood his reasoning behind the secrecy.
His love languages have got to be one or all of the following;
words of affirmation: he will call you any and every endearing word in the dictionary even if you were only just getting up to start your day. He’s your hype man in every sense of a word and will not allow you to be harsh or look down on yourself. He’s not having it, so he won’t hear it because how can you not see yourself the way he sees you?
To Clark, your phenomenal, exceptional, extraordinary, amazing, incredible, excellent, talented, fantastic, handsome, beautiful, charming, gorgeous and above all else; you. That’s all he wants you to be. Yourself.
acts of service: as I said before Clark lives to serve and with that I’d like to think of him taking on chores that he knows you don’t particularly like doing just so he could relieve the stress of having to do it off of your shoulders. He’d also attempt to make breakfast, but your better off helping him so he doesn’t accidentally breaks the handle off of any appliance you have at your disposal by unintentionally using excessive force.
Clark would do stuff that would be considered small to other people such as leaving out clothes you found most comfort in, neatly folded in your dresser, or bending down to help you in tying your shoes, but to you they were the biggest expressions of love one could ever experience.
Physical touch: this man is a cuddle bug and no one can tell me otherwise. Oh yeah don’t get me wrong but just because he’s stronger then the average man don’t mean he ain’t gonna hold you tight against him -though not too tight- and still be extremely cautious of the usage of his strength. he doesn’t wanna hurt you in any capacity at all. He’s so, so gentle and frequently worried about the consequences that would come if he didn’t handle you with enough care.
Hand holding is a staple in your relationship.
He’s a big spoon and a little spoon in terms of cuddling because he wants to feel as though he’s protecting you in your most vulnerable form and also wants to be comforted by you as he lays his head on your chest. It’s almost a comical sight, you spooning this Greek god of a man but it’s such a sweet and tender moment between the two of you finding comfort in each others presence and being able to be your most vulnerable with them that it completely negates all of that.
back hugs in the morning from either you or Clark because I just adore the idea of this man coming up behind you and hugging you with his strong arms caging you at the waist as his head is buried into your neck as he whispers you a good morning. I also adore the idea of you just going up behind him and hugging him as tightly as you could, not knowing that you couldn’t possibly hurt him physically even if you tried.
Quality time: while unfortunately yes, being Superman is a full time thing. That don’t mean Clark wouldn’t at least attempt in making time just for the both of you and besides you found his deep rooted want to help anyone and everyone extremely endearing and admirable; but sometimes he does need to be reminded that not everyone wants to be saved despite how difficult that maybe for him to understand. But that doesn’t mean he won’t stop trying to help. It’s the one thing no one can change about Clark.
So when you two do get some time together it’s pretty much just spent doing whatever it is that you two like to do together like watch a movie, read books, etc or separate whilst still being within the same room as one another in a comfortable silence. Clark is trying to make up for lost time but it’s the fact that he’s trying is all that matters to you.
Plz hold his face in your hands and squish his cheeks! Plz. He will melt into your hold as he brings his bigger hands up to hold against yours his face as he closes his eyes and visibly relaxes. Precious bean deserves to be pampered with love and affection.
You’d defiantly be stealing his cozy beige/cream coloured jumper. You loved how it made your hulking boyfriend look like the epitome of soft, so of course when he’s away you immediately sift through his things and pull the jumper over your body, where for the rest of the day you would be doing stuff in your shared home whilst in his clothes that were *probably* way too big for you and that you had to face the continuous task of having to push up the sleeves constantly so that they wouldn’t get in the way.
So when Clark comes home and sees you wearing his cozy little jumper, he’s utterly enamoured as though it was the first time he’s seeing you all over again. It’s cute and the soft sappy expression on his face will forever and always melt your heart; his soft blue eyes staring at you adoringly like you were the one to have painted the stars in the sky, the slight blush upon his pinch-able cheeks, and the dopey smile upon his pretty lips.
‘Something catch your eye handsome?’ You’d say one day upon catching him gawking at you from the doorway, taking great pleasure in watching him squirm and stumble over his words as he tries to justify his staring without it coming across as creepy. ‘I wasn’t- I’m sorry-‘ you didn’t let him continue as you walked over to him and moved your arms to hold his face in your hands, your thumbs running across his warm cheeks that only seemed to grow warmer beneath your touch.
‘It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean anything weird or creepy by it. I’m just teasing you, you know I love it when you look at me because when you look at me…I feel more seen then I ever have with anyone else.’ You admitted to him, pressing your head into his tits chest, ‘so please don’t stop looking at me in that way for it reminds me that this is real and not some fever dream.’
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ohmyenjolrass · 11 months
Could u do HCs for Andrew clerk as your bf😽😍
dating andrew clark | headcannons
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requested: yes! thanks for the suggestion! feel free to suggest anything you want me to write x
summary: what is it like to date our favourite athlete <3
warnings: none!
pairings: andrew clark x gn!reader
fandom: the breakfast club
n/a: as always, english is not my first language so sorry if there are any grammar mistakes! once again, thanks for the suggestion and i hope you love it!
masterlist :)
Alright so, everyone knows that Andy is a popular guy. He is in the school wrestling team and he and his friends are like high society in the school.
You met Andrew in detention. You were there because you accidentally caused a fire in Chemistry class. Your teacher was very, very angry at you because you "could've burned the entire school down" and sent you to Saturday detention.
You knew Andrew, but not very well. You just knew he was a popular guy and that he wrestled. He recognized you from seeing you in the corridors, but he didn't have any relationship with you either.
Anyway, after spending the whole Saturday together, you become kinda friends, so he says hi to you in school and everything. You two also share History class together, so he starts sitting closer to you in class and all that stuff.
History class is one of your favourites and you are pretty good at it, so Andrew plays dumb and asks you stuff he already knows just to talk to you.
After sitting close in History and talking to you for a month or so, he asks you on a date!
You, of course, say yes. Let's be honest, no one would ever say no to him.
So he takes you to the cinema, and you watch Footloose because you really wanted to see it and Andrew wants you to be happy. He buys you popcorn and everything, and he is the sweetest angel you could ever imagine.
After going on a few dates, he seems eager to kiss you but he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything. So you decide to take the initiative and kiss him instead. He's surprised at first, but then he kisses you in the most tender way.
There is no boring date with Andrew. He is always in the mood for doing something.
He LOVES it when you go to see him train. You sit in the bleachers of the gym and he's always trying to catch your attention somehow, which kinda annoys the coach.
You two also love going on walks. You usually walk for a while in the park, talking about anything. You organize lots of picnics too, and he loves eating whatever you prepare.
While you love watching him train, Andrew also loves when you share your hobbies with him. If you like to play an instrument, he will listen to you rehearsing for hours. If you like to draw, he will always offer to be your model.
When you two cuddle, Andrew likes to be the little spoon. Even though he has a reputation as an athlete/popular guy, which makes him look like kind of a tough guy, he loves to be held. He will become a koala as soon as you two are together in bed.
He also loves it when you play with his hair. It doesn't matter what you are doing when you start playing with his hair, he will immediately stop and surrender.
Overall, Andy would be the sweetest boyfriend ever. Caring, lovable, kind, and most of all, the kind of guy you would want to bring home to your parents <3
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Caitlin Clark as your girlfriend headcannons (Part 2)
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Even if it’s for a late night drive or even during a nice cold day during the weekend she will pick you up and just drive around while you play the music
When she was just starting to get over Connor she played the song foolish by Ashanti and you and her stared singing with the music loud
And at that moment she knew that you’re the one for her
She felt so uneasy with Connor a lot. But with you she felt at ease. Like she can tease you playfully and joke around with you and playfully call you Barney because of your purple hair
And speaking of teasing and poking fun at you she loves to poke fun at you because you really can’t sing and neither can she
But y’all don’t care when the music is on it makes you and her wanna do a little karaoke in the car
One night at midnight she picked you up and you and her were talking about how you wrote stories about her on tumblr
And how Caitlin reads your stories and loves the way you tell a good story and how strong your imagination is for her and about her
She made you blush! She’s been trying to make you blush for a bit now and she finally succeeded in doing so hehehehe
She stopped by a gas station and got you and her something to drink after she put gas in her car
You slept over at her house that night. You and Caitlin were cuddling and she kissed your forehead. “I love you”. She said to you
You smiled hard. “I love you”. You said
And you and Caitlin fell asleep cuddling each other (With her as the big spoon).
You were still sleeping. She woke up and made coffee. She gently grabbed your face and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Wake up pretty girl!!” Caitlin said
And you started giggling.
“By the way I have a request. I wanna be your girlfriend”. She said confidently
“You already are”. You said
Caitlin stuck her lip out and pouted. “But I wanna ask you agaaaiiiin!” She said
You chuckled. “Yes I’ll be your girlfriend”. You said
And Caitlin gave you a huuuge huuuge kiss on your lips.
Waking up like this and waking up with someone as kind and beautiful as Caitlin isn’t such a bad thing. But an amazing thing
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bruciemilf · 1 year
No, but Battinson and Simon "Ghost" Riley? Copy and paste. Emo in italics vs Emo in Bold.
For my " Alfred trained Ghost at some point and of course Bruce grows up with an annoying ass older brother" agenda.
I'm sorry, but I simply can't help but drool and cry and scream over Clark visiting the manor because Bruce demanded to keep traction of his powers, -
(translation: Bruce is worried and wants to offer healthcare to the indestructible Kryptonian in the best way he knows how)
-, and look. He can't exactly HELP peeking through privacy. But, honestly? A part of him feels like it's better.
He hasn't felt an ounce of awkwardness around Damian ever since he heard that " how to make friends" tutorial from his room. It's easier to make eye contact with Jason when Clark knows he cries at Little Women. (He gets it. He does, too.)
And Tim can't really intimidate him like he used to now that Clark knows he needs a tutorial on how to grill cheese.
He likes it. Its not a bridge, not quite yet, but it IS a foundation.
One thing IS curious, thought. Alfred.
Alfred, whose warm voice is very comforting, like a spoon of sugar In a cup of mint tea,
" I don't suppose you'll be visiting soon, love?"
There's one detail that actually MAKES Clark want to listen. He didn't know Alfred's accent had a twang of Manchester to it.
But it's the voice on the other line, - gruff, grainy but pleasant, deep and whispery, - that stirs his curiosity,
" Don't tell me Bambi's dyin' to see me?"
" He specifically instructed me not to invite you again, actually. He's never quite recovered from that tea bag incident."
Faint gun sounds. Then a deep, chilling silence, " Ain't my fault no one thought 'em street combat. Soap says hi, by the way. Price still waitin' on that dinner date."
" Tell him to come here and get it. If he dares. And bring John at once! This silent pining of yours won't get you anywhere."
A pause, in which Clark feels an invisible pressure settle over him. He feels cornered. It's foreign, and nasty, on the wrong side of admiration.
" ...I'll see you in a blink, Pop."
" See you then, love."
When Bruce comes back, elegant, dainty, violence stained hands full with sweet treats Clark has no taste for, entirely for him only, he burns to ask about this mystery son.
But then again, it's really funny seeing Bruce on the receiving end of being investigated. He has no clue how Clark finds these things out, putting Superman above petty things like eavesdropping.
Clark Kent, however, won't bother. It's way too much fun.
If he had half a mind to ask, then maybe future Clark would know how to prepare for Simon "Ghost - AKA Bruce Wayne's Tank Older Brother " Riley better.
Why Am I looking up why am I looking up why am I looking, -
"You're hard to kill."
" ...Thank you."
" It's not a compliment. "
Bruce pouts, - and a fragment of Clark, who's currently doing his best not to hide behind his cape like an overfed 6 year old (because good lord, that mask), is endeared.
It's nice to see Bruce like this, - grumpy but relaxed and filled with loving annoyance. " This could've been a Facebook message."
Ghost shrugs, big hand messing up Bruce's hair, all bored and affectionate, " We celebratin' Jay's 9th birthday, don't we? Can't do that over call."
" Jay is 23."
Ghost shrugs, " I stopped counting after Dick, Bambi."
That...Was adorable. In a messed up, way too accurate manner.
"Besides," And Jason clearly learned " stabs you with a single stare" from the right person, " I heard it's open season in Gotham."
Clark gulps behind his smile.
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butmakeitgayblog · 11 months
Sorry to bother you but that anon question (the one about CI Lexa being "the little spoon" of cuddles and more) made me wonder about Clarke. I really appreciated your answer about Lexa, it's really interesting especially for her character's psychology but what about Clarke? She is not dumb, even though it is a recurring joke between the two, she is not. Maybe she is emotionally dumb (in an affectionate way, CI Clarke is one of my favourite Clarke's of yours so only love for her) but she is sharp and clever when she wants (😂😂) so I suppose she knows she has this "power" - whether it's given by Lexa or not - and I suppose that at some point, maybe when they're already married (so with a few years behind their backs and out in public), Lexa will talk with Clarke about what does this mean to her, what does it mean to give this particular "power" away to Clarke. So Clarke has to know how important it is to not fuck this up, to not betray it. And I can't stop thinking about how much this power can create a need to protect her wife, to be fair and good to her, because even though they bicker and banter, they know how much the other suffered and they know how much this relationship means. So (I swear I really have a question 😂) my question is: is there a moment where, even though this power is not used in public, except for maybe some holding hands or an arm around Lexa's waist, Clarke uses it to protect Lexa? Because I know Lexa knows how to protect herself, especially against people that don't really know where to draw a line with her, but is there a moment where Clarke is like:"You know what babe? Let me punch this fool in his face for you just for fun, I know you can do it by yourself and I know people expect you to do it, but I'm gonna do it because I'm your wife and I need people to know that I will kill them for you." Something like that, I may have lost my train of thoughts but something like that. I don't know, I can totally see Clarke being scold at home for such a big reaction but then being kissed because of it. CI Clexa (in some ways) remind me of canon Clexa:"Yes, you may be the Heda, but I'll try to kill Nia because she pissed you off."
That last line, right there. That's their dynamic at its very fundamental core.
The thing is, most people don't fully realize the extent to which Lexa allows Clarke to be in control because she is someone who carries and conducts herself with so much poise and power. From an outside perspective it would look more often than not as tho Lexa is just this "I don't need no bitch, I run this shit" woman, and unapologetically so.
But they don't know her the way Clarke does and they certainly don't understand their dynamic. They don't understand that while, yes, Lexa is an extraordinarily strong and self sufficient woman, there will always be that little girl in a black dress and braids, standing next to her dad's casket thinking, "I'm alone now." They don't know that while, yes, Lexa is a Grade A heinous bitch who enjoys manipulation and toying with others, a part of her will always be that little girl who had to teach herself how to survive in a cold and unloving home. Who taught herself that there wasn't anyone else there to really look out for her without a selfish motive driving their actions. Who told herself that it was ok that there was no bigger bed to crawl into at night when she needed protecting from the monsters in her closet.
But when Clarke looks at her wife, she sees that. She sees her exactly as she is. Powerful and conniving and manipulative and hedonistic, but she also sees that scared little version of Lexa as well.
And the urge protect every iteration of this woman makes. Clarke. Go feral.
It's just like the moment when Hellen slapped Lexa. Clarke was this 🤏 close to beating the shit out of her. Lexa knew without a doubt if she hadn't stepped in, Clarke would have closed fist punched her mother repeatedly without question. Clarke maybe 80% bark and biting words - her weapon of choice has always been her words and malicious intellect - but when push comes to literal shove, Clarke fights dirty. She's a brawler. She's not interested in fair fights, she's interested in what will make her win.
That being said, she's also learned a lot from Lexa over the years in the sense that the best course of action is to simply ruin their entire life. Physical fighting is so messy. Half the time you come out looking like a degenerate and taking a knock to your reputation anyway. Hence part of Clarke's less than steller reputation before they were together 😬
So rather than physically fight more, she becomes more nefarious. More of a malignant entity in the life of whoever manages to get themselves in her crosshairs.
Someone in their social circle begins whispering little unsavory rumors about her wife? Clarke will make sure their spouse just so happens to catch wind of their own little dalliances over brunch. A board member challenges Lexa's competence at the helm? Clarke will systematically burn every personal bridge they have within the company until they're voted out. You flirt with her wife beyond what Lexa's comfortable with? She'll pay an escort to seduce yours instead. She'll even pay extra just have them fuck the little Mx. right in your bed (with pictures 🙂). You try and make Lexa look foolish among your peers? Don't be surpised if you're getting pulled over with glove box filled coke. Whether you're into it or not...
She will literally smile in your face while driving a knife square into your back.
The woman has very little conscience and a protective streak a mile wild. While she had her fun punching a few handsy bystanders in her youth, dating and then being married to someone like Lexa for years has had so many delicious advantages, one of which was learning the fine art of subterfuge.
And while Lexa may be the master, it turns her on like crazy when she's surpassed by her very sexy student 😏
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
Headcanons for my Batkids Young age au part 4:
Batkids ages:
Damian: 5 years old
Tim: 9 years old
Jason: 12 years old
Duke: 7 years old
Cassandra: 8 years old
Stephanie: 9 years old
Dick: 15 years old
Superkids ages:
Jon: 5 years old
Kon: 9 years old
Little Damian is easy to distract with the animal discovery channel since he loves it, due to his trait of being an animal lover, especially cartoon shows that have animals as characters in it, but if anyone tries to steal the living room remote and change the channel, he will get upset and give a really big tantrum until they change it back
Jon tried pretending to be a puppy one time after wondering what it was like for Krypto, so he would always be trying to make cute little fake barks, eating his food with his mouth instead of his hands or fork and spoon (though, Lois made sure to remind him about table manners), and he would also always be playing with Krypto outside in the backyard on his hands and feet too, running around all over the dirty ground like that, which would dirty him and his clothes up, giving Clark and Lois extra, unnecessary laundry to do. Though, thankfully for his parents after almost a month of this little act of his, Jon stopped doing it after deciding that he liked living like a human better
All of the Batkids always ask Dick for piggyback rides
When Kon had came over to meet baby Jon for the first time, he was a little jealous at first at the thought of a sibling taking over his place as the new child in the family but after finally meeting Jon, those bitter emotions left him and he instantly grew to love the little half Kryptonian. He also began to enjoy spending time with little Jon, enjoying their fun times together, he later on realized that maybe having a sibling instead of being an only child probably wasn't so bad after all
Damian likes to paint on Tim's face sometimes when he's asleep and hides once he wakes up, since he'll know that it was definitely him, since it's not the first time that he usually does this to his big brother
Duke has a favorite lion plushie that helps him feel safe whenever he's having a nightmare or can't sleep at night. Though, during a loud stormy night outside the Manor, Duke, after going downstairs with his plushie to go grab some of Alfred's delicious chocolate chip cookies, bumped into little Damian in the hallway upstairs. He could see that the boy that was usually a tough one, was slightly shaking and had a bit of an almost fearful expression on his face. Duke, who was curious, asked his little brother what he was doing walking around the halls so late, though, Damian, who didn't want to look like a coward, just replied saying that he was just looking for Titus since he had left the room. Duke knew he wasn't being honest though, since he had seen the puppy peacefully sound asleep in the boy wonders bedroom while passing by after coming upstairs and before he could say anything about it, a loud thunder struck outside, creating a loud sound, made Damian jump in front of Duke, revealing how scared he was feeling, so after seeing the reaction of his little brother, he asks him if he's scared of the thunderstorm that's going on, but Damian cuts him off, telling him that he is being ridiculous, since he isn't afraid of anything, which Duke knew wasn't really true at the moment. After a few seconds of Damian still trying to deny that he was actually scared while Duke was telling him that he obviously was, Damian jumped up in fear once again, due to another thunder strike that had happened at that very moment, so Duke, who can see that he was obviously scared, gives Damian his favorite trusted lion plushie and hands him one of the cookies that he had gotten from downstairs, telling Damian "Here, you can have Liony, he's good at protecting you when you're scared." Damian, hesitantly, as he's hugging Liony the plushie tightly in his arms, asks Duke "But what about you? How are you gonna fall asleep without him?", since he knows that it's his favorite plushie, but Duke tells him that he will be fine and that he needs him more than he does and that's what Liony is there for anyways, to make sure everyone's safe. He also offers that if he wanted, he could sleep in his room for the night if he wanted and and that they could even hang out the whole night while he holds onto Liony, which Damian accepts. So they spend the whole night in Duke's room having a fun time together, building a little fort with the beds pillows and blanket sheets, then sitting in it with their flash lights on once they're done, while eating their chocolate chip cookies, talking and quietly laughing the whole night together. Later on in the early morning, Bruce and Alfred, while checking up on the two young brothers in the room, see the sweet sight of them both asleep in their fort together, both hugging eachother and Liony the brave plushie who was in the middle. A warm smile grows on both of the men's faces as they both quietly leave the room and gently close the door so that they won't wake them from their peaceful sleep
@theredheaded-stuff @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @camo-wolf
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ausetkmt · 4 months
A physician explores the obstacles keeping Black people out of medicine
When Dr. Uché Blackstock and her twin sister graduated from Harvard Medical School in 2005, they became the school’s first Black mother-daughter legacies. Their mother had received her medical degree three decades before and had an enormous influence over Blackstock’s career ambitions.
“She was a leader of a black woman physician group in Brooklyn. And so for many years, I thought that most physicians were Black women,” Blackstock said in an interview with “Marketplace” host Kai Ryssdal. “Until I got to college and medical school, and I realized that we actually are only about less than 3% of all physicians.”
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From an early age, my twin sister, Oni, and I loved to play with our mother’s doctor’s bag. It was an old-school, heavy black leather bag, worn and cracked around the edges, that snapped open from the top to reveal the medical instruments inside. Her full name was written in faded golden uppercase letters across one side of the bag, followed by “M.D.” The bag lived in her bedroom, under her bureau. As children, we were always getting into her business, whether it was looking through old papers and photographs in the small file cabinet in her room or pulling out shoes and scarves from her closet. We knew that the medical bag was important to her, so that made it important to us.
Whenever we could, we snuck up into her room, emptying out the contents of the bag on the floor: her stethoscope, with its long rubber tubing, the little hammer to test reflexes, the otoscope for ear exams, the ophthalmoscope for looking at the eyes. Then we’d sit and play doctor together. I’d listen to the thump, thump, thump of my sister’s heart with the stethoscope in my ears or I’d hop up onto the bed so Oni could hit just under my knee with the reflex hammer, making my leg flip up quickly. If our mother came in and found us mid-game, she would smile warmly. She was a petite woman who wore her hair natural and in a small Afro.
“Girls, please be careful with those. They’re all quite delicate,” she warned us.
Except for the stethoscope, I didn’t know any of the names of the precious contents of the bag, but I understood these were the tools of our mother’s trade. By the time my sister and I got to Harvard Medical School, the instruments were as familiar to us as the forks and spoons in our kitchen.
The children’s advocate Marian Wright Edelman once famously pointed out, “You can’t be what you can’t see.” Growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s and ’90s, we saw Black women who were physicians all around us. Our mother practiced medicine at Kings County Hospital Center and its state affiliate, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, not far from our home in central Brooklyn. Our own pediatrician, Dr. June Mulvaney, was a Black woman. We loved going to see Dr. Mulvaney, even if vaccinations were involved, because she was a bespectacled, kind older woman with soft hands and an even softer smile, who was a good friend of our mother’s. Another Black physician, Dr. Mildred Clarke, an obstetrician-gynecologist, lived on our block. We would often see Dr. Clarke while out running errands, stopping to chat about the most recent neighborhood news. Our mother was the president of an organization of local Black women physicians that included Dr. Clarke and Dr. Mulvaney. They were all very put-together, fiercely intelligent women who held themselves with pride and devoted their little spare time educating their community through holding events like local health fairs.
From the day she gave birth to us at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan, our mother was determined that my sister and I should have every opportunity she had lacked. We grew up in the home our family owned on St. Mark’s Avenue in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Back then, Crown Heights was a bustling neighborhood that was home to many middle-class and working-class families, a uniquely Brooklyn mix of Black Americans and immigrants from the Caribbean like our father, Earl Blackstock, who was born in Jamaica. Our mother was constantly reading to us as small children, bringing us to the library for story time or taking us on educational adventures in Prospect Park and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. When we got older and entered grade school, she was the kind of mother who didn’t hesitate to give us extra assignments if she felt our teachers weren’t assigning enough challenging work. If we had friends over for sleepovers, she’d cue up the movie and popcorn, and when the movie was over, she’d announce it was time to do our math worksheets. Our friends, who also had to do the worksheets, didn’t seem to mind too much—somehow, she made it all seem like part of the fun. Saturdays were for a host of extracurricular activities: violin lessons, music theory, modern dance, and gymnastics. I can still picture her, leaning against the sink in our old kitchen, scouring the newspaper for educational activities while we were on vacation from school. Her goal was to keep us stimulated—always. Much to our dismay, we were rarely allowed to watch television. On weekends and holidays, we went to the most popular NYC museums, the United Nations, science exhibits, with our mother narrating, explaining, pointing things out as we went along. Even a walk around our neighborhood was an educational adventure, with her perusing her pocket-size book on flowers and pointing out the different types in our neighbors’ front yards.
“Girls, come over here. Look at these gorgeous azaleas,” she’d say to us, bending down to touch the flowers lightly with her slender fingers. “They bloom only in the springtime,” she’d continue as we peered over her shoulders.
Looking back, I think she understood that this world was going to be tough on us and she needed to make sure we were fully prepared, but also that we experienced moments of joy.
For our mother, science was part of that joy. Once we went to a science exhibit where there was a real cow’s eyeball on display so that kids could pick it up and see how an eye worked. At first, my sister and I recoiled from touching the large white eye with its spidery blood vessels, but our mother persuaded us to cradle the strange object in our hands, then she leaned in close and explained the mechanisms of the eye to us in great detail. What had scared us a few moments before became a way to introduce us to the wonder of sight.
When summer came around, she signed us up for science programs, including one at her hospital, where she taught some of our sessions. Her specialty was nephrology, the study of the kidneys, and I have a clear memory of sitting in class at age twelve, with a small group of other students, watching her standing in front of the chalkboard, wearing her long white coat over her small frame. I felt so proud to have her up in front of the room teaching a classroom of my peers.
As she took a big piece of white chalk, she asked us, “Did you know that the kidney is one of the most sophisticated organs in our bodies?”
She drew a long looping shape on the board, exclaiming, “And this is the nephron, the smallest unit of the kidney! It’s a powerhouse.”
I remember her pulling a cylinder-shaped filter from a dialysis machine, to show us how it processed the blood from patients. She explained to us, in easy-to-understand terms, how this plain looking filter saved lives. It was in that moment, sitting in that classroom as a twelve-year-old on a hot summer day, that I realized the power of my mother’s work—to heal, to repair, to care. To be the difference between someone living and dying. I felt in awe of her.
I later learned that our mother chose her specialty, nephrology, because it’s one of the most difficult specialties in medicine—the kidneys are incredibly complex organs, and she loved a challenge. But I believe she also went into the field because kidney disease disproportionately affects Black people, and she wanted to help in some way. Because poorly controlled blood pressure and blood sugar negatively impact the kidney’s function, many of her patients also had these conditions, which were the result of lack of access to quality care and the chronic pressure of living with racism and other structural inequities. In her work, my mother was determined to address these entrenched health problems to the utmost of her abilities.
It wasn’t only patients who benefited from her time and attention. Black medical students and junior faculty at Downstate sought her out for inspiration and advice and she became a mentor to a generation of Brooklyn physicians, even inspiring those in health care who weren’t physicians, but physician assistants, nurses, and social workers. Many years later, as an adult, I ran into a former student of my mother’s at a medical conference in the city. We made eye contact across the room, and she smiled and made her way toward me, later saying that she had recognized me because I looked so much like my mother. She immediately introduced herself, hugged me tightly, and told me that when she was a third-year medical student doing her clinical clerkship, she had gone to see my mother and confessed how nervous she felt about presenting patient cases. She had explained how she was immobilized with fear and anxiety when it came her turn to describe the patient’s medical history and plan for treatment to the team. From then on, my mother met with her every morning, before the start of the day, so they could practice her oral presentations together. This wasn’t part of my mother’s role or responsibility at Downstate—she wasn’t even on the woman’s team. But my mother knew how it felt to be a student looking for that kind of support, and so she became the mentor she wished she’d had. Today, that student is the associate dean in the Office of Diversity Education and Research at a New York City medical school.
Our mother was tireless in her work ethic. Even after she left the hospital, her work wasn’t done. Back then, she was president of the Susan Smith McKinney Steward Medical Society, a local organization of Black women physicians named after the third Black woman to obtain a medical degree in the US and the first in New York state. During the society’s regular meetings, Oni and I would sit in the back of a large conference room, doing our homework, whispering, or passing silly notes back and forth, as my mother and her colleagues handled their serious business. They spent considerable time planning community health fairs, where they would dispense information about diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health issues rampant in our community. At the fairs, they would take people’s vital signs, recommend follow-up services, and counsel neighbors about healthy diet and exercise. Our mother and the other women in her organization were our role models. They worked, they raised children, they took care of their households, and they gave back to their communities.
I don’t think it ever occurred to Oni and me to do anything else with our lives but to follow in their footsteps.
From Legacy by Uché Blackstock, MD, published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2024 by Uché Blackstock, MD.
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lincolnmkicks · 1 year
i don’t want to claim i have a wholly unique experience wrt dndads bc i decided to listen to this podcast bc i loved anthony’s previous writing in borderlands 2 BUT borderlands 2 is one of my fav games of all time and i want to shed some light on smth i very rarely seen talked about: the biggest narrative comparison between dndads and bl2 through willy stampler and handsome jack.
SO right off the bat im gonna mention anthony is fairly explicit about both willy and jack being attractive. it’s literally in jack’s name, his title after becoming ceo of hyperion, and he also managed to date—even if only for a little while—the in-universe most attractive woman in that corner of space (moxxi). anthony also makes it a point to talk about how frustratingly hot willy is all throughout the podcast, both seasons 1 and 2.
the intent is pretty clear. abusers aren’t all “conventionally unattractive,” and sometimes people have pretty privilege, and anthony by way of making both willy and jack attractive is forcing us to confront internal biases about who and what kind of people are abusive.
also the password being “i love you” for the box that supposedly held ron’s anchor that could only be activated by willy’s voice saying it? stolen directly from borderlands 2 (granted anthony wrote that so it’s not stealing but you know)
next up, they are not the exact same character-wise. willy pretty much hates his son from the get-go, there is never a time we see him hold genuine love for ron without a catch of some sort, and even the “genuine love” we see from willy is quite literally just tolerating his presence long enough that he can position him perfectly to murder him. jack, meanwhile, would probably kill anybody who tries to hurt his daughter. in fact, he damn well tries because we kill his daughter.
i’m gonna need to get a little in depth about angel real quick, so bear with me. angel is this mysterious voice in your head in both bl1 and 2, a guardian angel so to speak, and she helps you throughout both games. in bl2 it’s revealed that she works with jack, and for a time we believe she’s simply an ai he created to help him find/charge the vault key to awaken the warrior (long story, but the goal of a borderlands game is usually to open an ancient alien vault which has tons of loot but also contains vault monsters, the warrior being one jack wants to use to in essence colonize pandora).
angel is forced to betray us about a third of the way through bl2, but she reveals she feels extremely guilty about it and wants to help set things right by giving us the vault key. she tasks us with making our way through a bunch of security measures intended to kill anybody who tries to get near her, only to reveal, yeah she’s not an artificial intelligence, she’s actually jack’s daughter, hooked up to a vast intelligence network as a child to be jack’s eyes and ears across the planet as well as being constantly pumped full of an alien substance called eridium to help her charge the vault key. the reason she wanted to help us get to her was because she wanted us to literally put her out of her misery.
control core angel (the level where you fight off waves of robots sent to stop you from assisting angel in killing herself) is… sad. it’s just sad. dameon clarke does a killer job playing a sociopath like jack when he’s laughing about scooping people’s eyes out with spoons or telling you he’ll pay you to kill yourself, so it’s not much of a surprise that he’s also good at playing a man begging you not to hurt his baby girl. yeah, the whole time you’re fighting off the enemies in control core angel he is screaming at you, insulting you and threatening you, sure, but as you whittle down angel’s health, destroying the injectors literally keeping her alive, he begs you to forget all of this, and not hurt an innocent girl.
eventually the fighting stops, you succeed in allowing angel to die, she thanks you, jack begs her to stay with him because they can still fix this… and her last words are calling him an asshole.
bl2 has been out 10 years and people to this day debate jack’s love for angel. was it ever real? was he being genuine in control core? was he playing a part? trying to evoke your sympathy? did he truly think he was doing what was best for her? had he fallen so far? were all those security measures because he wanted to keep his daughter safe or the macguffin of the game? he’s still an incredibly interesting character to discuss and examine, his relationship with angel being one of my favorite bits of one of my favorite games.
willy would never. willy is forthcoming about needing daddy magic, knows his power comes from being a father, comes from the impact he had on ron’s life. meanwhile willy couldn’t give less of a shit about ron. he was a mistake, he is nothing, and willy was content with killing 13 year old ron to get some semblance of peace. willy is uncomplicated in his sliminess. maybe more complicated with his relationship with scary, but still nowhere near as divisive and mysterious in his motivations as jack.
jack is decidedly funnier than willy, mostly because borderlands 2 is a funny game, but after angel dies there’s an anger boiling just beneath the surface. dameon clarke grits out threats through clenched teeth, he relishes in torturing one of our allies, he rescinds a bounty on our heads bc he wants to kill us himself. nothing else we’ve done to hurt jack’s plans has made him react like this. but nothing else we’ve done has hurt jack’s plans this much. is that quiet, threatening anger, that vibe you get when your parents are angry but can’t express it until you get home, is that jack’s grief for his daughter, or anger that you tried to really mess up his plans?
jack is unknowable, because we aren’t his kid. angel tells us “he tries to guilt you and make you feel like it was your fault, don’t listen to him!” and the implication is clear. angel’s been strapped to a hyperion information network since she was like 7 years old, forced into a chair looking out over pandora for jack’s benefit, jack’s gain. but he still calls her “my angel”, he seems genuinely sad when he has to re-remember she’s dead in tales from the borderlands, he’s a father who lost his way seemingly.
angel was poisoned slowly, decaying over the years bc of her father. ron wasn’t worth the effort.
willy we know. ron is angel in this scenario. and maybe jack believed he held love for angel, but angel sure as hell didn’t like it. angel was poisoned slowly, decaying all her life by her father. ron wasn’t even worth the effort.
idk if any of this like. makes sense or if it’s just luci rambling about borderlands but the difference in anthony’s writing for two shitty dads with some similarities is crazy frankly.
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delurkr · 10 months
Hey sorry for sending in another ask so soon but I was wondering what your headcanons for the Clarke Family where Personality wise?
And what ages do you think the kids were adopted?
I'm getting vibes that Anthony and Megan were adopted old enough to remember being adopted but that Tanya and Dennis were too young to remember when they were, if that makes sense.
No problem with another ask! If I ever need to let them sit and marinate for a while I will 😄
So ok about their personalities, some of these opinions might be less obvious than others but I try to base this kind of thing on all the doubles in each set (this will not be brief lol).
Now to get this out of the way, James was drunk in his scenes and that's not a great determiner of someone's true personality. That said all the J's are pretty angry in general so he certainly has a temper. We know he's social, spending time with "the guys" and apparently being "well loved at work" like the game says, and he has a ton of anxiety, very much a worrier. Definitely extroverted as well as expressive (whatever he's feeling, good or bad, everyone else will hear about it). Relatedly I feel like he can be pretty demonstrative with his affection for family and friends when he isn't coming unglued from stress. Protective (read also: possessive), impatient, and intense, literally not a shred of chill whatsoever.
Anne is tired ya'll 😅 She can be nosy and critical quite like Angela can and has no time for mushy stuff but clearly it stems from a lot of concern for her family. She cared enough to appeal to Rev Carson for help in handling Megan, but unless she's desperate I definitely see her as the self-sufficient, suck-it-up-and-don't-air-our-dirty-laundry type (she's totally down to hear about other people's dirty laundry tho). Also very exacting, self-assured, and tells it to you straight (without being asked) and expects you to do the same; she's fully convinced that she can fix the entire world if everyone would just do what she says (tbf she's usually right). Probably too stressed out to be seen as much fun these days but she can be super funny when she wants to (her wit isn't always at the expense of other people).
Somehow I don't have a ton to say about Tanya atm but there's a lot to go on based on her scenes and the other T's. She has her flirty ways and a lot of the time likes to keep things lighthearted and casual, and, like Taylor, canonically makes jokes to lighten the mood when things are intense (but only when she isn't the one causing the drama). Unlike Taylor though, she keeps her insubordination on the down low in public, so older people who aren't her parents love her (not that her parents don't love her 😂). Hardworking and cooler than like, everybody; popular and effortlessly good at whatever she cares to do. Also secretive to the point of being deceptive but she keeps secrets to keep things easy, she doesn't purposely cause harm but she's too sensitive to bare her soul often.
Dennis be angy and suspicious 😁 He isn't likely to go looking for a fight but he defends his territory like a bulldog when it's threatened (his territory could be anything from the bathroom at 9 o'clock on Saturday mornings to a box of cheerios on top of the fridge but he'll usually let you know what's his as soon as he claims it). Routined and doesn't like new things unless it was his idea. Tries very hard to be cool. Literally though he'd go to the ends of the earth for people he loves (and he'd do it like, on a unicycle and wearing a clown nose if Megan requested it). 1000% a mama's boy too, you cannot change my mind. Anne will swear up and down that she doesn't play favorites but there was only one kid who got to lick the cake batter spoons without having to ask and his name did not start with T, A, or M. Picked her flowers all the time when he was little too (he's in between stages now but he'll be back around to giving her flowers in a few years or so).
Anthony is just so utterly inoffensive lol, and he manages to be that way even while being his snarky little self. Tends to be oblivious to what's going on, like sure he'll notice changes in people's attitudes or in his environment if you point it out but he won't understand what it means until it doesn't matter anymore (or, thinking of the situation with Megan, sometimes not until it's too late). I say it's partly where his anxiety comes from, the awareness that things can crack and fall apart before he's caught up on there even being a problem. Daddy's boy for sure, he and James are almost exact opposites and, like Abraham with Joseph and Andrew with John, they just click. Introverted, clearly very compassionate but doesn't trust his own instincts with so many more dominant personalities around. Definitely the mediator in dumb sibling squabbles (it's a coin toss whether or not they listen to him) but on the rare occasions he musters the courage to insert himself into any more consequential situations he just might surprise folks into taking him seriously. Chronic baby brother, having to snip at people's heels or wear them down with his big eyes like a puppy to get them to pay attention. A little bitter about it too lol but he does what he has to.
Now I already had a post about the M's personality lurking in my drafts and it gets the job done, so time for a little copy paste:
Mary and Megan speak quite assertively in a lot of their scenes, I'm thinking for example Mary's "Liar!" line to some of the most powerful and well-respected adults in her community and the way Megan gets down to brass tacks in confronting Anne about her parent's conversation or the way she boldly tries to get Dennis's attention, even though I'm sure it's nothing new for her to get brushed off most of the time. I'll point out that M has fearful and withdrawn moments too but it's almost always triggered by Carver/Carson, with the contemporary little girl being the exception: she is entirely that way after all that happened to the other M's (I know she's more of a device than a character but the little girl's shyness is a big contrast to how outgoing Mary was to Andrew and Angela in the first flashback). So yeah I love the assertiveness we're shown and I wanted to point it out, because I see her boldness and outspokenness as more her real, healthy self and I very much appreciate that side of her because there isn't just one type of person that gets manipulated or whose needs get disregarded.
And another thing, unfortunate as it is, is that it reinforces the response the other characters (and the player) have to the M's acting out, just like we see in the game. They don't see her behavior as something new that signals a problem since they can fall back on "she's always been a troublemaker but she's even worse now." (For the most part. Joseph has his moment of "nah Mary wouldn't do that" and Tabitha and maybe David can't wrap their heads around her intentionally accusing them, but it's important that even while Abraham and Anthony try to keep her from harsh punishment they of all people don't put it past her to have done whatever she's accused of.) Also it makes me even madder at Carson and Carver because I can see her being such a delightfully spunky little force of nature if they could just, you know, not exist to torture her.
I don't think it all got my point across very well, but on to the adoption thing. There's different ideas in the fandom that I like but this post I wrote forever ago is kind of my baseline and my reasoning hasn't changed.
Um, the end 😅 Round of applause if you got this far 👏👏👏
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bijouxcarys · 3 months
❤️ (Playlist) Peace Lovin’ Guy ❤️
The End of the World - Skeeter Davis | Fingertips - Stevie Wonder | Be My Baby - The Ronettes | Then He Kissed Me - The Crystals | (You’re The) Devil In Disguise - Elvis Presley | My Girl - The Temptations | You Really Got Me - The Kinks | House of the Rising Sun - The Animals | I Get Around - The Beach Boys | Oh, Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison | All Day and All of the Night - The Kinks | Leader Of The Pack - The Shangri-Las | I Got You Babe - Sonny & Cher | (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction - The Rolling Stones | Downtown - Petula Clark | Help Me, Rhonda - The Beach Boys | Stop! In The Name Of Love - The Supremes | Do You Believe in Magic? - The Lovin’ Spoonful | Cherish - The Association | California Dreamin’ - The Mamas & The Papas | You Can’t Hurry Love - The Supremes | Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones | What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted - Jimmy Ruffin | Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys | The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel | Light My Fire - The Doors | I’m a Believer - The Monkees | Daydream Believer - The Monkees | Respect - Aretha Franklin | Let’s Live For Today - The Grass Roots | Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix | Sunshine Of Your Love - Cream | Born To Be Wild - Steppenwolf | Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - Jimi Hendrix | Piece Of My Heart - Janis Joplin | Time of the Season - The Zombies | Hush - Deep Purple | Dream A Little Dream Of Me - Cass Elliot | Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing - Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell | Touch Me - The Doors | Tip Toe Thru’ the Tulips with Me - Tiny Tim | Midnight Confessions - The Grass Roots | Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In - The 5th Dimension | Sugar, Sugar - The Archies | Crimson & Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells | Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond | Venus - Shocking Blue | Come Together - The Beatles | Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley | Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin | Layla - Derek & The Dominos | Iron Man - Black Sabbath | Lola - The Kinks | I Want You Back - The Jackson 5 | Spirit In The Sky - Norman Greenbaum | In the Summertime - Mungo Jerry | ABC - The Jackson 5 | I’ll Be There - The Jackson 5 | The Love You Save - The Jackson 5 | Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver | Baba O’Riley - The Who | Get It On - T. Rex | School’s Out - Alice Cooper | Burning Love - Elvis Presley | Tiny Dancer - Elton John | You’re So Vain - Carly Simon | Wig Wam Bam - Sweet | MacArthur Park - Richard Harris | Lookin’ Through The Windows - The Jackson 5 | Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - John Lennon | Smoke On The Water - Deep Purple | Time in a Bottle - Jim Croce | Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O’Sullivan | I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash | Superstition - Stevie Wonder | Life on Mars? - David Bowie | Crocodile Rock - Elton John | Let’s Get It On - Marvin Gaye | The Ballroom Blitz - Sweet | Cum on Feel the Noize - Slade | Dancing In The Moonlight - King Harvest | Top Of The World - Carpenters | Keep Yourself Alive - Queen | No More Mr. Nice Guy - Alice Cooper | Liar - Queen | Dream On - Aerosmith | Goin’ Back To Indiana - The Jackson 5 | Little Bitty Pretty One - The Jackson 5 | Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin | Heartbreaker - Led Zeppelin | Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles | Help! - The Beatles | Twist And Shout - The Beatles | Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles | Son Of A Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield | Dazed and Confused - Led Zeppelin | Cecilia - Simon & Garfunkel | Doing Alright - Queen | Great King Rat - Queen | My Fairy King - Queen | The Night Comes Down - Queen | Modern Times Rock ‘N Roll - Queen | Son And Daughter - Queen | My Generation - The Who | You Shook Me - Led Zeppelin | April Come She Will - Simon & Garfunkel | I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles | Let’s Spend The Night Together - The Rolling Stones | Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley | Ramble On - Led Zeppelin | I See The Want In Your Eyes - Conway Twitty
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