#literally nobody asked but fuck dunkin donuts coffee
faunabel · 1 year
is it weird i don’t like pizza that much??
idk if i’ve just never had good pizza or what. it’s always the sauce that gets me. why is it so sweet? why is it so acidic? it’s gross and i am sad.
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
Mets Dylan (AU miniseries) 3/?
a/n: so being in New England myself I may have made Dylan a dunkin donuts kinda guy? Idk if he is tho, but I like the idea of it. LMK if you wanna be on my new taglist for this fic, friends :3
tw: Dylan being cute hungover, swearing
taglist: @roxic93​
Tumblr media
You idled in the office parking lot, debating whether or not to go in.
You were fairly sure what this was about. The picture that girl posted online that was quickly making headlines everywhere after being taken up by TMZ. You, a nobody, caught in a compromising position with your client, Mets star baseball player Dylan O’Brien. 
It was not the best situation to find yourself in, especially after what you’d been trying to do went up in flames. You were more angry with yourself than Dylan, though. He was who he was, which was a womanizing dick most of the time. It was his M.O. He was predictable, in a sense. And that was why you were angry: you should have known better. He was doing what he was always doing, but for you to have gotten caught up in it, in those stupid mesmerizing eyes... It was only a moment, but it may have cost you everything. You knew it didn’t look good (even though NOTHING happened...) but your employer wouldn’t see it that way, and so you felt it was the calm before the storm. The dreadful thought that you may just leave here without a job crossed your mind. 
Your phone lit up with several texts then.
A few from friends wanting to know the tea, one from Ray, your boss, that said I know you’re out there, y/n, I can SEE you from my desk... stop picking around and get your ass in here (yeah, your boss was pretty casual with you) and one from He Shall Not Be Named (childish on your part, you recognized).
Can you stop at dunks on the way there, i’m feelin munchkin today 
You rolled your eyes so hard they went back in your head. The audacity of the asshole. 
He saw you read it, and sent one text after the other:
answer me
y/n, I can literally see you reading my texts. this is important. need to know my Dunkin's will be there. and ask for extra caramel drip on the macchiato, you know the one
You’d had it up to here with him, and couldn’t help shooting off a quick text.
I’m not your fucking maid or your executive assistant, Dylan. Ask them to get it, or, here’s a concept, get your grown ass your own Mighty Macchiato. You can certainly afford it. 
The dot, dot, dots appeared. Then:
see now I'm worried you didnt say iced. You know I don’t drink hot coffee y/n 
You looked up, muted your phone, and may or may not have screamed out loud. 
Putting on your big girl panties after a good pep talk to yourself, you approached the front door and step inside. The doorman, Chris, greeted you with a smile. ‘Hey y/n, good to see you. How was the weekend?”
“Oh, you know...same old same old.” You didn’t elaborate. He nodded understandingly, and, judging by the look on his face you could tell he saw the story but thankfully didn’t ask about it. “Yours?” 
“My grand baby was home. My daughter and her husband were visiting, so we got some good family time. Had us a good barbecue. DIdn’t want to leave ‘em to come in today.” 
“Oh, wow, good for you! How old is she now? Lizzie?”
“Seven,” he said proudly. “That’s wild, I remember seeing her around the office back when she was only three, I can’t believe how fast she’s growing!”
“You’re tellin’ me!” He snorted.
“Well, I’m sure they had a wonderful time with you. Did they leave already?” 
"Yeah, Eric - my son-in-law - was needed back at work so they packed up and left early this morning.” 
Your phone buzzed again. There were an embarrassingly long stream of texts from Dylan, who apparently thought you were still talking to him, and the boss, who was now calling. He must really be steamed.
“Business calls?” 
“Shit, yeah. Sorry, gotta jet. It was nice catching up though!” 
“You take care now, Miss y/n.” He winked at your retreating form. 
"I’m on my way,” you said by way of greeting as the elevator doors closed behind you.“Good. Because we’ve got a pile of shit on our hands.” 
I sighed. “I know.” 
“You really screwed up.” 
“I know,” you repeated.
He just gave a long sigh, ending the call abruptly. 
Out of habit you checked your social media, surprised to see several hundred new followers, and an inbox full of messages from both bots and real people wanting to know the scoop. Well, that didnt take long to identify you. Huffing, you almost put your phone away when you saw another text flash across the screen, figuring it was probably Dylan again harassing you with his Dunkin Donuts order that was really not happening. But it was somebody else:
I saw you in the news, so sorry that happened to you! I’m here if you’d like to talk, or not. I know I’m supposed to wait 3 days before asking for another date but life's short and I really enjoyed your company. 
So James didn't see the picture and assume the worst. You were so thankful, and realized you were smiling as you prepared to text him back when the elevator doors opened. 
Your coworkers all turned toward you as you walked by them, whispering. Your work bestie, Annika, was waiting by your cubicle, heels tapping, practically twitching at the prospect of getting the dish. 
“Girl, you gotta tell me-
But before you could answer her, before you even had a chance to place your things on your desk, your boss was calling your name. 
Everyone seemed to quiet then, not used to hearing the laid-back man so angry. 
Annika mimed a drink, and you nodded subtly as you walked backwards toward Ray’s office. You’d be catching up with her after work, or if your luck turned, at a long boozy lunch after you were laid off.
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violetsystems · 4 years
What an atrocious week it has been.  I didn’t end up getting my coffee.  Hoping for Monday when I return to work.  I still have some Columbian left from the last order.  Disrupting my coffee is like disrupting anything else in my life.  I saw it coming.  I spend a lot of time planning these days.  Analyzing what works and what doesn’t.  Staying home for the record works for me more than people know.  I don’t really share much more than I do here when I write to anyone.  I don’t feel anybody would actually listen.  In fact most of the time I see in plain sight the results of nobody listening to me.  People are inconsiderate.  Sometimes that’s motivated by genuine feelings.  However disturbing the movie Good Time was, a friend made a significant point.  Robert Pattinson’s character thinks every bad decision he makes is for the greater good.  The results are far different.  And for the most part narcissism works that way.  It’s easy to spot.  People are so far out of control in their own lives that they looks for suckers as anchors.  Make you feel good about being needed then manipulate you into situations you didn’t ask for.  Being as old as I am at this point, I’ve seen it repeat itself like a gif loop year after year.  The underlying trend in Chicago has always been this oppressing and overwhelming pushiness that it knows what is good for you.  It knows this without even talking to you.  It assumes you understand the need for secrecy.  It assumes what’s good for the general population is good enough for you.  I sometimes wonder if my coffee disappears because there’s somebody out there shaking their fist at me.  “Hey you fucking yuppie why isn’t Dunkin’ Donuts good enough for you?”  Then the camera pans to the crowd and they address it with a goofy ass look.  ‘Am I rite? Heyyyyyy!”  Cue the canned laughter.  Nervous laughter nonetheless.  When I come home to my block there’s now considerably more people shuffling their feet around me.  Like they want to say something but they can’t.  Like they’re sympathetic but they’re out of their element with me.  I live in a multi unit building.  I’ve kept my distance for a while as much as I feel comfortable.  There’s sort of a culture here of acknowledging one another but nothing much else beyond that.  I’ve talked to people on the property more since the thefts.  Mostly to warn people to proceed with caution.  My front neighbor literally saw the person ride off with the package on a bike.  I probably know way more than that at this point.  When I open my mouth about it most people are the first to downplay my frustrations outside of the property.  Sometimes a. better response could be “That sucks.  I’m sorry that happened.”  Instead it’s about how they’ve been inconvenienced at some time or another.  Sort of like that argument of why I can’t be happy with what coffee everyone else likes.  Chicago can still be frustratingly populist in nature.  The bar is set very low and if you want to be something better you are questioned and discouraged at every turn.  The bar for coffee is set even lower from personal experience.  But you get what you pay for.  And I’m not into shitty service or overbearing people trying to tell me what to do. 
I’ve also explained myself into a brick wall at this point.  I understand society is awkward.  But I’ve been humoring it’s missteps for longer than I can count. And I count more progress staying in and staying by a budget than talking about my problems with other people in public.  Talking about anything in public these days is crazy to me.  We all know the phone is always listening in some context.  Talking to police is an even worse idea in the opinion of any lawyer with a college degree.  People’s opinions who solely watch dick wolf’s law and order don’t count.  Who died and made you Judge Judy?  I’m still dumbfounded that my birthday passed with a whimper.  People are trying to get my attention about other things.  Like whatever it is they have to address to me about community is more important than remembering the day I was born.  I’ve said point blank.  The only place I felt love was on Tumblr.  And why should I explain how intelligent people communicate in a world full of dummies.  Preaching to the choir at this point. A choir full of beautiful cherubs and angels who have kept their distance respectfully on any number of things for years.  I’m sure people talk about me behind my back.  It’s a game of telephone with people who don’t care about you as a person.  So much noise about what it is I am.  What it is I do.  Even people I volunteered with for a Korean Fest three years in a row are crawling out of the woodwork.  For the record I didn’t exactly fit in with that crowd either.  But there was a lot of love for learning about Korean culture specifically.  And I learned a lot about inter sectionalism and volunteering.  Unfortunately I’ve paid my debt to society.  And society thinks it deserves more from me.  That’s a fucking loop and a rat race that I’ve detached from only to be answered by multiple decades of people who can’t keep my name out of their mouth.  I’ve been a lot of things.  Some people think I’m an artist. Other people think I’m a writer.  Some people think I’m a rock star.  Other people think I’m the devil.  Nobody calls or texts on the weekends.  People follow me around with 125 dollar Gloomhaven board games that I own in the street trying to be my friend.  I shit you not.  That’s how broken people are when it comes to treating me with respect.  I have to read into and process every thought that passes me by when I leave my house.  And people wonder why I’m a bit done with trusting people.  Somebody got shot on the train by the police last night during rush hour.  Everybody is paranoid.  Everybody is prying into everybody else’s persona life and fantasies.  Nobody is talking directly to anyone.  And I’m supposed to be chill about all of it.  Mostly because I care too much about the people who trust me low key to stay myself.  Society at this point is a risk to me.  I’ve made so many sacrifices and learned the hard way from so many things.  And nobody gives me the impression they doubt me on that here.  Real life expects a lot more without ever delivering.  Just ask the US postal service.
I would be more existential if I didn’t feel the love.  For the record I don’t really talk to anybody about the love that I feel.  Other than in these posts.  I don’t sit there with my friends and gossip about what I think is really going on behind the scenes.  I don’t even pay attention to the social media of people I deeply care about.  I trust algorithms a little more than I trust the government.  Elon Musk is afraid of artificial intelligence.  I’m afraid of Americans.  Just ask David Bowie and Trent Reznor.  The midwest is kind of the worst in that respect.  Everybody expects you to be kind at all times.  People lull you into a false sense of security and pick away at your core.  I just don’t really have time for it anymore.  I do still get angry about how people treat me here.  Whenever I write something on the internet somebody is always there to prove me wrong.  Flash their Adidas in my face again and accuse me of being discriminatory towards sports wear.  Then challenge me on any number of things while ignoring the bigger picture.  I really don’t have much to prove at this point.  And I am really in a state of total social withdrawal.  It’s relentless and disrespectful how people try to be your interpreter without ever letting you speak.  It’s even worse when you’ve been on the planet twice as long and everybody already has you figured out.  For me it’s not so bad to have figured out I don’t need any of it.  I just shut the door and walk away.  My apartment has become way more organized and peaceful.  I watch movies and play games.  I cook for myself in the kitchen and water my indoor plants. All of this happens and passes people by week after week.  I write here about it and it just seems like it doesn’t matter.  I get passed over, picked on, shunned and avoided out of embarrassment.  And the cycle continues until I’m completely isolated playing diablo 3 season 20 alone on my couch with my cat.  If it sounds so depressing to be alone let’s be fair.  I’m not alone.  I don't need any more people in my life at this point.  I don’t have to give people second and third chances to fuck up my life and my privacy.  I don’t need to reactivate my Facebook or cultivate my linked in profile.  Unless you know something I don’t.  And then I’d ask what else do you know about my life and who do you share that information with.  People hate how confrontational I am.  They're afraid of me.  Sometimes I do get really angry.  But I don’t think anger solves anything.  Society and Chicago has made me something more than angry at times.  And it can’t wait to make you melt down.  Bring you to it’s level.  To break you and show you that you aren’t special at all.  All they end up proving is how much more special I am ignoring it all and walking away.  Because it is not worth jeopardizing the real love I feel growing despite of this bullshit.  When I feel down I realize there are people that have an impossible amount of trust in me to continue to be me.  And in that I walk alone somewhat.  I’m still not in a guild by the way.  And I still love you just the same as always.  So consider this a special delivery.  I handle shit with care.  And know I always care about you.  That’s why I stay out of all of it.  <3 Tim
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jeena-aesthetic · 6 years
this isn't yourself at all. do all the questions.
wow you’re right, i definitely did not just ask myself to answer all the questions because i’m bored as shit. how’d you know? 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I pay for Spotify premium and I’m a broke college student, that’s how much I love Spotify 
is your room messy or clean? ....yes. an organized mess. 
what color are your eyes? a shade of blue, varies from very blue to like a gray-blue 
do you like your name? why? yeah i like it bc it’s kinda common as people know it and it’s on personalized stuff but not common enough where you can’t go a day without seeing someone who has the same name as you 
what is your relationship status? i’ve got a boy but he hasn’t talked to me at all today ??? so ???? that may change (i’m slightly kidding, it’s literally fine but like i need validation so i will just stress in silence) 
describe your personality in 3 words or less funny, worrisome, precise 
what color hair do you have? dirty blonde 
what kind of car do you drive? color? hyundai, black
where do you shop? mostly online, but target has become my main store 
how would you describe your style? you tried to look nice and it kinda worked or it’s a miracle you put pants on today... no inbetween 
favorite social media account either twitter or instagram 
what size bed do you have? my one at home is a full but the ones at college are twin xl 
any siblings? 2 
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? probably somewhere in europe, probably like spain or norway or something. it’s really beautiful there and i mean you still get snow but it’s not fucking freezing so it’s a win win 
favorite snapchat filter? i don’t really use filters i just use bitmojis 
favorite makeup brand(s) i know nothing about makeup lol 
how many times a week do you shower? i mainly shower every other day, if not more than that so it depends
favorite tv show? one tree hill made me emo and i’m currently rewatching glee so 
shoe size? fuck if i knew, you try the shoes on and if they fit you buy them 
how tall are you? fuck if i know, probably like 5′7″ or 5′8″ 
sandals or sneakers? sandals probs 
do you go to the gym? hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
describe your dream date currently i am in the christmas mood so like if jake came down and we went to the rotary lights i’d cry tears of joy 
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? likeeeeeeeee $40 I think ? doesn’t really matter 
what color socks are you wearing? orange 
how many pillows do you sleep with? one 
do you have a job? what do you do? lol no not yet, i’m gonna get a summer job working at a dog daycare tho 
how many friends do you have? like 2 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? hold on to things i shouldn’t have 
whats your favorite candle scent? I LOVE CANDLES LITERALLY ANYTHING 
3 favorite boy names meh 
3 favorite girl names too much thinking 
favorite actor? i feel like i’m obligated to say channing tatum but that ain’t even true... probably david tennant 
favorite actress? emma watson probs 
who is your celebrity crush? why does no one come to mind anymore....sad 
favorite movie? Mean girls or pitch perfect... or high school musical. actually no LEMONADE MOUTH 
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? the last book i read was for my anthropology class and it was all about pregnancy and babies... i don’t really wanna read books for a while now 
money or brains? theoretically with brains should also come money.....so brains 
do you have a nickname? what is it? they called me jeena in high school... hence the url 
how many times have you been to the hospital? probably the one time when i was born in one 
top 10 favorite songs ain’t nobody got time for that... my spotify username is nikna40 tho 
do you take any medications daily? nope 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) yes 
what is your biggest fear? drowning 
how many kids do you want? like two probably
whats your go to hair style? um. washing my hair and whatever happens, happens 
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) both are fairly big and almost like farmhousy 
who is your role model? me bitch 
what was the last compliment you received? i take each like on my tweets as a compliment 
what was the last text you sent? okie 
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i mean i’ve suspected it since i was like 4... da fuck who just comes into our house and knows exactly what we want ??? why won’t i hear our cows mooing at the reindeer ??? 
what is your dream car? my current car but with automatic locks and cruise control 
do you go to college? lol yah 
what is your dream job? marrying rich and becoming a housewife 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? rural 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no that shit ain’t good 
do you have freckles? yes 
do you smile for pictures? yes
how many pictures do you have on your phone? too many 
have you ever peed in the woods? um no 
do you still watch cartoons? um no 
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? CULVERS CHICKEN TENDERS 
Favorite dipping sauce? ranch 
what do you wear to bed? literally the clothes i wore all day if i didn’t wear jeans 
have you ever won a spelling bee? noep 
what are your hobbies? crying. jk looking at memes, watching netflix, making playlists, photography
can you draw? HA no 
do you play an instrument? i played saxophone in high school, kinda wanna learn ukulele and piano 
what was the last concert you saw? gavin degraw 
tea or coffee? tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? um neither
do you want to get married? at some point 
what is your crush’s first and last initial? JN
are you going to change your last name when you get married? if it has a nice ring to it probably 
what color looks best on you? yellow or like turquoise 
do you miss anyone right now? kinda :/ 
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed 
do you believe in ghosts? yes 
last person you called` kirstie probs 
favorite ice cream flavor? cookie dough 
regular oreos or golden oreos? da fuck are golden oreos 
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow 
what shirt are you wearing? a shirt 
what is your phone background? whatever the default was. lot of diamonds. 
are you outgoing or shy? still kinda shy 
do you like it when people play with your hair? YES 
do you like your neighbors? they aight 
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? yes, in the morning 
have you ever been high? lol no  
have you ever been drunk? lol yes 
last thing you ate? christmas cookie 
favorite lyrics right now nothing really comes to mind atm 
summer or winter? summer 
day or night? day
dark, milk, or white chocolate? white chocolate 
favorite month? september
what is your zodiac sign libra
who was the last person you cried in front of? my boi 
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
Okay. So I’m right now writing this while on our flight back from Rhode Island, currently on plane 1 from providence RI to DC where we’ll transfer to our second flight home to Chicago (and work 9 am tomorrow- yay 😑) but I’ve been sidetracked and tired so I’m overdue for some day posts for you guys, so consider this my weekend post for Friday/Saturday/Sunday. Probably doing paragraphs so it’ll post on tumblr mobile without fighting me too much.
Hopefully I remember enough details about Friday lol but I guess we’ll find out now. So I woke up at 7 like every morning and got ready for work. I was a little anxious about court based on what’s been going on but things were for the most part ok (I just had to remind one of the lawyers the reason I hadn’t looked over the folders were because they were in her possession, lol). Came back from work and got to work on my projects, it was the last day for the lawyer that lives right by me and is going to another firm so they ordered us lunch from that one Mexican place that’s like the fucking best and we all just talked about how much we loved their food the whole time lol so that was good. I did my normal crappy work until 3 at which point I was peacing out early to make sure we got to the airport in time for our flight. So I ubered home from there, changed and grabbed my bags, then ubered to pick up Jess and then head to the airport. We ended up getting to the gate with plenty of time to spare (because we had planned ahead accordingly) so we got food from this sit down Italian place which was perfect because I got to use it to spam my small group group chat with pictures of italian food because I’m rallying for us to go to an actual italian place sometime soon lol. The food sadly wasn’t quite as good as expected but was still fine.
Finished up there and headed back to the gate, not long after boarded the plane and took off. I always do the sudoku puzzle in the back of the inflight magazine while on a flight and after looking over my shoulder trying to point out places where 4’s would go Jess just got out her own magazine and tried to do it and subsequently got very frustrated that it wasn’t as easy as it looked, lol. So I did the two puzzles they had, then went back to reading the fanfic I had on my phone. The flight at that point ended up getting fairly turbulent which was somewhat anxiety inducing for some of us but of course we landed safe and sound. We got off the plane and figured out how the airport did it’s ride service before taking a Lyft (the pick up places for lyft and Uber were apparently different and we were in the lyft pick up place) back to our Airbnb, which upon getting to the street the driver was like “well I can’t see any of the numbers on the houses” and proceeded to just drop us off in the middle of the street. Well then. Remember it’s like 12:30 am lol. But we figured out which house was the right one then I had to pull out the guide for checking in which was getting the keys from the lock box and then getting into the place, which we eventually figured out lol and got to our room, at which point we basically just dropped our stuff and went to bed because we were mad tired lol.
The con opened at 10 and I wanted to shower (since I hadn’t the night before) in the morning so Jess set an alarm for 8:45. Got up when it went off and I just like, had a chill for some reason that was annoyingly with me like the whole day but was very apparent while I was trying to shower and get ready. But we managed, finished all that good stuff (I was doing Catwoman because it was easy and comfortable) and ubered to the con place which was thankfully very close by (we do this thing where Jess is like “did you get the Airbnb close to the airport or close to the convention?” and I’m like “?? Isn’t guess we’ll see maybe neither!!” Lol because it’s usually somewhat of a compromise between the two but this one ended up being nice and close to the place) where we joined a giant outdoor line to get in which of course was just not moving and then when it started went rather slowly. It wasn’t laid out all that well so we had to find out way around a bit at first.
Couldn’t find any coffee, which was kinda ridiculous because the place was called the Dunkin’ Donuts center (we did eventually find one Dunkin’ Donuts in the building, so Jess and I had to just buy cokes and drink them for caffeine lol. So we grabbed those and some sort of breakfasty food item before hitting up the show floor. Basically the show floor was its own thing attached to the photo op area, then there was a room with the like. B-List” celebrities (which was still some like, fairly major people, they just had a LOT of guests) then over like a connected portion of it where they actually play the sports ball (I think they did basketball and hockey, we concluded) was the major celebrities. So we went through the show floor and checked things out, then went to the smaller celeb room, where Katrina Law was, and we were planning on meeting her on Sunday for photos and such but she didn’t have a line at the moment (the set up of that particular room was REALLY bad) so we went and said hi to her for a bit, then eventually checked out the big celebrities which took a while for us to figure out how to actually get to where they were. So the people I actually cared about in this room were Kiefer Sutherland and Tom Felton, both of which has gigantic lines when we got there. I had a photo op with Kiefer later and was planning on hitting up his line after for an autograph. But nobody in that room was doing selfies (officially at least) and of course Tom’s autograph was a lot of money so I moved to kinda being meh on whether I actually ended up meeting him or not.
At this point I think we returned to the show floor where we hung out for a bit before getting up to try to wait for our photo op but there was a bit of a crowd in the area of people waiting to go back that they eventually just made disperse entirely so we kinda hung out around that area until we were called. I was going for Kiefer and Jess was getting a photo with Hayden Christensen, of Star Wars fame of course, which both happened to be around the same time. So once we got back there my line moved pretty quickly, Jess ended up being stuck there a little longer though. But yeah, it was the same photo people from last week’s con so we’re used to their deal, came in and fangirled to myself a little that he was RIGHT THERE and then of course inched closer as people got through, when it came to it he shook my hand and I said my name, took the photo just kinda generic nice pose, then as I was leaving I was like “I’ll be back for an autograph later!” to which he just kinda laughed and said okay.
We were planning on going to a panel that started not long afterwards featuring Katrina Law, Emma Dumont, and Elizabeth Henstridge (from Shield, who was new to me) and needed to get lunch at some point so I grabbed some food and we ate it as we made our way to the line to get in the panel. Ended up getting pretty good seats. The panel was great, they were all hilarious and totally upfront about everything. Jess asked the whole “what emojis would you use to describe your character and yourselves” and I was typing furiously the whole time in order to be able to tweet all the right emojis correctly for them lol. It was great because Emma asked Jess if she was cosplaying Jessica Jones which was what had been happening all day because she was wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and black boots, but was not actually trying to cosplay her and was planning on another outfit she ended up forgetting an aspect of, but she said yes anyway, then later on in the panel Emma was like “I’m always just wearing my clothes and people are like ‘are you cosplaying Jessica Jones?’ and I just say yes even though I’m not” at which point we all laughed very hard because that’s literally what just happened. The rest of the panel was fun, Katrina Law had some very funny moments about reading in the Arrow script where out of nowhere Ra’s is like “no, they’re actually going to get married” and she just died laughing because she was like “the Olicity’s are gonna be so mad” and really that’s the best motivation to do anything in life.
So that was fun, and after that we went back over to the big celeb room to see how things were looking, with the hope that Kiefer’s line wouldn’t be too bad and I could get my photo op signed. There were only a handful of people in his line when we got there but he was also very obviously not at the table lol, so we investigated and asked if we knew when he was gonna be back and they were like “5 minutes” at which point we were like well that’s probably not true but it’s worth getting in line anyway so we did and maybe like 40 minutes later he showed up? Still much much better than like 2 1/2 hours in line lol so I was satisfied.
Now I guess I should talk about how much I love him to fully explain this story. Since it was a con and they were marketing towards what people would know him from there was a lot of like photos and stuff he was in when he was younger, none of which I’d ever seen or really had any idea existed, and some of those photos were rather entertaining. Back to the point though, I loved 24 back in the day like super hardcore, we were diehard fans for multiple seasons and like, I adored that show lol. If any of you remember my post from last weekend when I met Annie Wersching and how much I loved her, this is like that except so much more because this is the MAN who was the center of it all and damn I love him so much. Of course it’s been years since that has aired and he has in fact moved on, and I most definitely started watching Designated Survivor for him because I loved him so much. If you’re not familiar with the concept of the show it’s like when there’s a state of the union speech or something where all the members of the congress and cabinet and president are all in one place there’s like one person removed at a different location in case something should happen to all of the people at that location, which of course begs the question what on earth would happen if that were the case?? And that’s where the show picks up, with him being a minor member of the cabinet, secretary of housing or something along those lines but not like a politician really and he gets selected to be the person not at the state of the union and then of course there’s a horrific massive terrorist attack where they blow up the capitol building and suddenly the president, his entire cabinet, and the entirety of congress (apparently, anyway, but that’s another story) are all gone and this guy is now being sworn in as president. So I mean it’s pretty wild. But like, ugh he’s so great at it, and it frequently makes me frustrated that we’re in our current presidential reality because Tom Kirkman dammit is a fucking fantastic president and why can’t we just have him??? It’s not fair. So I was pretty amped to meet him.
So we get up there and he makes some comment about me being back with my cat ears lol and we talked and I said how much I loved the two shows and how happy I was that designated survivor got picked up by Netflix for a third season after it’s apparent cancellation because I really loved him in that show and wasn’t ready to say goodbye to it today and then he told me I made his day and was really happy and then when we were leaving he was like “see ya Rach” and I just died entirely I was deceased lol like this was so wild I couldn’t handle it. So I was sufficiently amped up after that lol. We were pretty much done after that so we were gonna get dinner and we were looking for a place on google maps and such and we wanted to see if we could make it to a store or some sort that had baby clothing to get a present for Katrina which hadn’t occurred to us until we arrived at the con and somebody else had done so for some reason lol. So I found a Cheesecake Factory next to some stores and y’all now how we feel about the Cheesecake Factory lol so we ubered over there and had to wait a bit but that was fine because after a crazy day just sitting was relaxing enough lol. So we were typical and ordered the same things we always get lol and then for dessert we both got the pumpkin cheesecake because it’s PUMPKIN time of course lol so that was lovely.
Once we finished there we walked down the road a bit to see what our options were and ended up going into an Old Navy to find their baby clothes section and like, this is why we don’t go to stores with baby clothes in them regularly because we both just like, died, looking at the clothing that was too fucking cute. We ended up finding these really cute little kitty shoes and got two kitty themed shirts to go with it and another shirt that had unicorns on it because we know how Katrina feels about unicorns haha and then got an adorable bunny gift bag by the register to give it to her in. So we were very happy with our purchases. We got an Uber back to the Airbnb that smelled very strongly of axe and I was like ?? lol and when we got back Jess showered and when she got out I brushed my teeth and it was like 8:30 but I was like I’m fucking tired I’m going to bed now lol and I was cold all fucking day like I said so I literally slept in my leather jacket because I didn’t want to take it off 😂😂😂 oh I didn’t explain the whole bedding situation from the night before, oh that was a trip unto itself, let me recount that so you can all appreciate what was happening here.
So if you read this blog at all you probably know that I’m allergic to polyester and can often recognize it on sight because at this point I know what it looks like. So we get to the room and there’s like a folded blanket at the foot of the bed that’s polyester and I’m just like whatever that doesn’t bug me but then once we pulled back the comforter there was a matching blanket and seat set that, I fucking kid you not, were all made out of polyester. And like, I’d never even seen polyester sheets up to this point so this was a totally new situation, and it was the blanket the sheets and the pillowcases so I was like welp I’m fucked and my original idea was to use my designated bath towel as a buffer where my skin would otherwise come into contact with the polyester but that didn’t work very well, at which point we turned the lights back on and took the non-polyester comforter from the top of the bed and just basically wrapped myself in it (like a burrito) and Jess got the rest of the blankets and that worked out fairly well lol so that was that adventure.
Anyway, Saturday night I fell asleep fairly quickly and woke up Sunday morning to my alarm at 9 and started getting ready for day two of the con. I was doing white canary Sara for the day since Katrina was there and we’d be seeing her. So I got into all my gear for that trying to be as careful as I could with my prized possession White Canary jacket signed by Caity Lotz (which was her idea, not mine, just saying). Lol. Since we were more familiar with the venue and their general lack of suitable food (that’s con food for ya) we ubered to a Starbucks that was down the block from the con center to get food and caffeine before going to the con. They somehow ended up being out of butter croissants but offered these honey pistachio ones they’re having now which was actually like super good??? I was kinda doubtful because even though I do like pistachios I’m still not a huge nut person but there ended up being fairly little of actual pistachio on it haha and was just in generally really good! So that was cool. Our goals for the day were pretty much the female actors from the panel the day prior, who were all in the smaller room so we headed up there and hit up Emma Dumont’s table first. If you weren’t around in April to read about our HVFF Chicago interaction with her basically neither of us were particularly attached to her but were going to get an autograph as a surprise for a friend’s birthday and she ended up being like the loveliest person ever so much so that we both got more into The Gifted and into her because it was basically the most personable celebrity interaction I’ve ever had like, it’s hard to explain how awesome she is haha she just is. She didn’t have a line at the time so that helped let us kinda hang out with her a bit longer than we typically would if there was a line (not that that seemed to bother her last time). So of course the first thing that came up was that Jess was cosplaying Lorna (her character from The Gifted) and then the whole Jessica Jones thing from the panel which she thought was fucking hilarious and then proceeded to tell us a story about being mistaken for Krysten Ritter as a Marvel person lol. And she was just continually awesome and hilarious. We ended up getting into a bit of a discussion re HVFF San Jose and how they had apparently been declining Marvel guests and she was like “I was trying so hard, like I came early and stayed late...” and like it made me so angry that anyone would be so rude to her like that after she had been so lovely to everyone so now I’m low key gonna run a Twitter campaign to make HVFF invite Marvel guests to their cons because that’s super shitty of them and they shouldn’t be treating people like that (I’m thinking like #twobrandsonefandom or something corny like that) so yeah that’s what’s happening there lol.
Once we left her table we ran into friends so we talked to them for a bit before going over to Elizabeth Henstridge’s table. Now I’ve seen precisely one episode of Shield so I don’t really know who she is other than from the panel the day before (well, that and certain stories Jess has told me.....) but the interaction was nice enough, she was lovely and British so that was all good. Katrina hadn’t been there initially but walked in after we had finished at Elizabeth Henstridge’s table just a few down from her so we got in the small line that has accumulated for her (again, the layout of this room was super shitty and not at all favorable for actually building lines) and got to her rather quickly, we gave her the baby clothes and she freaked out and loved them so we took a picture with her with them (even though we hadn’t technically paid for a picture 🤷🏻‍♀️) but Katrina was great as always and she was so excited like this is going to be the most well-dressed baby haha it’s gonna be great. It occurred to me that if we had had hindsight we should’ve gotten her a shirt similar to the one Annie Wersching had been wearing last week when she was Very Pregnant and her shirt said “future marvel superhero” with an arrow down pointing at her stomach so if we got Katrina one that said DC and then a baby outfit that said “future DC superhero” for when she’s born we probably would’ve won the internet, but alas, we missed this opportunity sadly. But after that we exited that room and got drinks quickly because my throat was being super dry and my credit card got declined which was like ??? but I figured it was probably a travel issue that’s happened a few times before so I didn’t think anything of it and just paid in cash and used my debit card for the rest of the day. We then hit up the show floor for a bit and weaves through all of it but were pretty much done there. We decided to go elsewhere for lunch then come back (though at this point I was like in all honestly we’re probably not gonna end up coming back). Jess was having a very bad allergy day probably due to something at the Airbnb, either pet related or some toiletry product (damn travel sized shampoos) and it was getting bad so we needed to obtain allergy medication so we got directions to the nearest CVS which required going through the hotel the con center was attached to over to a mall that had a CVS, so that was kinda confusing but we made it over and bought some Claritin D that would hopefully be helpful. Since we were at a mall at this point we went up to the food court to get some food there and ended up at a Johnny Rockets because shakes.
K so just for context I’m now in an Uber on the way home so a lot has happened since I started typing this lol. But yeah, Johnny Rockets was good of course and then we decided as I expected to not bother going back to the con and instead walked around the mall for a bit hitting up our typical shops (which are like, hot topic, h&m, forever 21 and some comic store lol) before ubering back to the Airbnb where we had left our bags to change and grab them before heading to the airport. Got to the airport, security was fine even though their stupid scanner hates me, but we got to our gate with time to spare. We were at the end of the hall in a fairly deserted spot and there was a guy like laying down on the floor with his shoes off and like we didn’t think anything of it because hey people in airports are tired and sometimes need naps. But then a security guy came over and was like radioing “we found him” and tried to gently wake him up and was like “we were looking for you, your wife’s here and she’s very worried about you and was about to cry” and I was like well shit now I feel bad that I didn’t like go tell somebody he was there haha but like I didn’t really think anything of it. So they got a wheelchair for him and wheeled him out of there. At some point I got some food from down in the terminal and we waited until our flight was boarding, once we were on it I listened to the legends podcast episode that dropped today and when I finished that I started writing this.
Short summary on what has happened since, we had initially had a very short layover that Jess was (rightfully) anxious about but our second flight ended up getting delayed so that wasn’t an issue. But they didn’t have like an open gate for some reason so we had to deplane and get in a bus that drove us to the terminal, then to get to our next gate we had to get on another bus to a different terminal before finally reaching our gate, so that was a bit of an adventure, and I mean if our flight hadn’t gotten delayed we almost definitely would’ve missed our connection under those circumstances and that would’ve been bad for everyone so I’m glad that didn’t happen. I grabbed a water and a small fruit cup from the store before sitting for a bit then boarding the plane, at which point I started typing this again and did so through the end of the plane ride, where we got off and went to the ride share pick up spy and for some reason two Ubers canceled on us so I was like fuck it I’m using lyft which ended up being like $8 cheaper but for some reason took like three tries to go through and then it looked like the driver wasn’t moving but eventually he did and we went outside to meet him, got in and started driving home, at which point I started typing this again and I’m still on my way home now. I took my pills on the plane this time so hopefully I won’t have to much of an issue falling asleep because I have to be up at 7 for work like have to have to can’t slack off and call in sick HAVE TO so I need to get as much sleep as possible. But yeah, that’s been this weekend up to this moment, pretty wild. We’re not quite home yet but I think I’m ready to sign off here, so I’ll talk to you guys soon. Goodnight peeps. Have as best of a Monday as Mondays can be.
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lookwhatilost · 7 years
there’s an ask meme i see on my dash rn and since nobody will send me anything if i reblog it here, ill jst answer the questions and put them under the cut
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? i dnt use any of them lmfao
is your room messy or clean? messy!!!!! what color are your eyes? dark brown do you like your name? why? i’ve never liked my actual name! i’ve jst always found it to be ugly. whenever someone gives me a nickname, i glom onto it bc i’d rather be called pretty much anything else what is your relationship status? im not dating anyone and im not talking to anyone and tbqh i could not care less describe your personality in 3 words or less superficial space cadet what color hair do you have? brown what kind of car do you drive? color? blue 2010 honda civic. she’s great. where do you shop? forever 21 mostly how would you describe your style? cute but inconsistent favorite social media account as of right now, probably peach. i love my peach ring! and the lack of centralized feed makes it ideal for shitposting what size bed do you have? double any siblings? one brother. he dznt say or do much if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? somewhere cold and far away. i jst want to be somewhere else favorite snapchat filter? i love the dog filter bc they change it up every holiday & i love the milk carton filter bc it’s the best worst thing ive ever seen favorite makeup brand(s) the beauty industry is evil how many times a week do you shower? usually 7 but that’s assuming im not having a severe depression bout favorite tv show? bojack horseman! shoe size? 8.5 or 9, depending on the shoe how tall are you? 5′7″ sandals or sneakers? sneakers! do you go to the gym? only if its too cold to run outside describe your dream date i dnt rly care abt date activities themselves as long as im having a good time w the other person. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $54 what color socks are you wearing? none! im wearing slippers and theyre brown how many pillows do you sleep with? 4 do you have a job? what do you do? yes. i do hair and i dnt like it how many friends do you have? 2 close ones whats the worst thing you have ever done? omg... like 3 years ago i let this girl use facebook on my phone bc she had her internet access taken from her for some reason. she didn’t log out so i jst kind of kept it logged in bc she was friends with evil nate/this guy who was actively trying to ruin my life (long story) & i kind of wanted to keep an eye on him. anyway she used to meet these weird random guys on a website called myyearbook or something, and while my friend riley and i were lurking, one of them started messaging her all this weird stuff like “i wanna like… fuck your boobs” and we couldn’t like ignore it bc clearly he saw we were online. so we jst kept sending him back things like “that’s nice” hoping he would go away. he kept at it anyway and started pestering her/us for nudes and like… clearly we couldn’t send him any. so we decided to tell him like “sorry i can’t rn” and he got rlly rlly angry and flipped out and told her/us to never speak to him again. he seriously blocked her over it omg it was ridiculous! so we deleted the messages that we had sent behind her back & logged out to keep things from getting any worse. the next time i saw her she was like “yeah i think nick deactivated his fb isn’t that weird?” and i had to pretend like this was new information and not something i was undoubtedly responsible for whats your favorite candle scent? the golden sands yankee candle is my go-to! 3 favorite boy names / 3 favorite girl names i can’t think of any off the top of my head!
favorite actor? favorite actress? who is your celebrity crush? these were 3 separate questions, but i have no personal investment in celebrity culture, so im jst going to answer them all w that. favorite movie? it’s hard to say but i’ve been watching black swan a lot lately do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i dnt read as often as i’d like to. my favorite book is pet sematary!  money or brains? brains.. duh do you have a nickname? what is it? i’ve had a lot of nicknames and i always sort of latched onto them bc the name on my birth certificate is Fuckin ugly. ppl called me kitty in middle school and janice when i was a freshman in high school. for the life of me i cant remember where either of those originated from how many times have you been to the hospital? idk how many times ive been to the ER or whatever but i’ve had to stay there 3 times top 10 favorite songs i can never think of favorite anythings and they change constantly anyway do you take any medications daily? yeah what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oily -_- what is your biggest fear? abandonment 😵 how many kids do you want? none whats your go to hair style? i always go back to a blonde bob that’s like, an inch or two longer than my chin what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) jst an average size single family home? who is your role model? dnt have one what was the last compliment you received? i cant remember but it was probably something affirming ian said to me what was the last text you sent? ”#iansrevenge” to ian, obviously how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? fairly young. i dnt remember being too invested in that stuff either way what is your dream car? i drove my dream car for like 3 years and it was nothing but a hassle, so now i no longer have goals or ambitions opinion on smoking? there are worse things. the tobacco industry, on the other hand... do you go to college? lol what is your dream job? LOL would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? rural area. there’s no privacy in the suburbs do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? always do you have freckles? yes do you smile for pictures? sometimes! how many pictures do you have on your phone? 800 have you ever peed in the woods? i’ve been camping many times before so probably
do you still watch cartoons? sometimes but i’m not invested in any do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? i would never cheat on wendy Favorite dipping sauce? buffalo sauce! what do you wear to bed? fleece pants and a t shirt. nothing exciting have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never even competed in one what are your hobbies? when you work 40 hours a week you literally dnt have time for hobbies can you draw? i used to all the time but yknow... shit happens do you play an instrument? again, used to. mental illness is a real bitch sometimes what was the last concert you saw? elton john! tea or coffee? tea Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks!! do you want to get married? no what is your crush’s first and last initial? PASS are you going to change your last name when you get married? i can’t ever see myself getting married but if i do i won’t change my last name unless i like theirs a lot what color looks best on you? white do you miss anyone right now? i miss my friends! do you sleep with your door open or closed? open, usually do you believe in ghosts? yes what is your biggest pet peeve? total strangers standing too close to me in public last person you called` michael favorite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate 😋 regular oreos or golden oreos? regular chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow 💜 what shirt are you wearing? one of my work shirts what is your phone background? the lacey street theater in fairbanks are you outgoing or shy? definitely on the shy side do you like it when people play with your hair? im indifferent to it do you like your neighbors? i dnt talk to them do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? both! have you ever been high? yes binch have you ever been drunk? im drunk... often last thing you ate? a banana favorite lyrics right now nothing is resonating strongly with me at the moment. my personality has been out on lunch for abt 2 months now and im not sure when theyre coming back. summer or winter? winter day or night? night dark, milk, or white chocolate? white favorite month? october! what is your zodiac sign gemini who was the last person you cried in front of? probably my mom. who knows
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bxcca-writes-blog · 7 years
some mediocre brain poopage
UNTITLED: WORD COUNT: 1,105 POSTED: March 3, 2017
Dakota was late for homeroom.  Again. It may or may not have been because she stopped at Dunkin Donuts on her way to school, and even though there was a line, she stood faithfully in line. Dakota needed her coffee and breakfast wrap.
Dakota’s eyes were heavy and it was clear she hadn’t slept much; the circles under her eyes could have passed for bruises, easy. Her glasses, thick and dark rimmed, somehow concealed the circles. Dakota was thankful. It was going to be a long day. 
“Good morning, Miss Tanner!” Miss Marshall stops Dakota in the hallway. “You feelin’ alright? You look exhausted.”
Dakota glanced down at her work boots, covered in mud. Her cargo pants had some stains on them, she noticed, and so did her workshirt. Her face was oily and her hair was greasy. What a way to start Friday.
“Workin’ nights now.” Dakota answered, “we had a call at like two-AM, took about three hours, had to write the report…” her voice trailed on.
“Oh, yeah, that’s gotta be hard,” Miss Marshall replied, cutting Dakota off mid sentence. “I don’t know how you manage to do it, do both work and school. Aren’t you the third in your class?”
“I owe it all to caffeine.” Dakota smirked, holding the ice coffee she so patiently waited for, then turned on her heels to continue going towards her homeroom. 
Mr. Peterson, a fifty-seven year-old history teacher, was not impressed with Dakota as she slipped into the classroom. He claimed that, out of his twenty-plus years of teaching, he had never seen someone as good of a student as Dakota having such poor attendance.
Mr. Peterson was not a nice teacher. He was rather boring, when he taught his voice monotone; lifeless. The walls of his classroom were white, and above the chalkboard he had a history timeline with dates nobody really cared about. The windows never were opened and the white blinds covered them, so nobody could get lost looking out the window.
Dakota was thankful she got her history class over and done with when she was a sophomore and Mrs. Alley taught World History. Then she retired and the grumpy old Mr. Peterson became head of the history department. 
She noticed a plastic bag sitting on the table, bursting with clothes, Emily and Chelsea grinning.
“You guys are life savers.” Dakota said.
“Actually, honey, I think that’s you,” Chelsea said, hopping off the desk and grabbing the plastic bag with two fingers. “Mr. Peterson, can we go to the bathroom?” Chelsea flaunted what she called her retail voice – a high pitched, sweeter sounding version of what she typicall 
He flicked his hand towards the door, dismissing the trio off to the girls room to stay for another half hour.
The girls room was likely the grossest room in the entire high school - maybe besides the boys locker room. There were only four stalls, with one that never really worked, two sinks and a soap dispenser that was empty more often than it was full. It stunk of various perfumes, some more pungent than others, but it was really unpleasant. Every fifteen minutes, an automatic air-freshener would spray a lavender scent, which only made matters worse.
But for this trio, the bathroom was a safe-haven, Dakota’s second home. She was in her sports bra, brushing her teeth and putting deodorant on when a freshmen girl walked in. Emily and Chelsea were busy taking selfies in the full-length mirror.
“So, Kota,” Emily leaned up against one of the stalls. “You’ll never guess who I heard was asking about you.”
“Oh Jesus,” Dakota said, spitting toothpaste into the sink. “Lord only knows.” She started brushing her teeth again.
“Noah Leddy.” Emily replied, her voice filled with astonishment and jealousy.
Dakota furrowed her eyebrows, “Em, I have no idea who that is,” she spits out more toothpaste, “if you tell me he’s the captain of the football team, I’m gonna kill myself.”
“Nah girl,” Emily stepped closer, “he’s a huge partier. He asked me about you Monday.”
“He’s into partying? Fuck that, I’m not interested.”
The freshmen girl reached in front of Dakota, over the sink to get some soap. “Noah Leddy’s been asking about you? Damn, I’d kill for him to ask about me.”
“Literally, who the hell is this guy?”
“Honey,” Chelsea said, “he’s that typical bad-boy everybody idolizes. He smokes pot  - not that there’s anything wrong with that. He’s sent nudes to girls before, while in a relationship. Has tried to cheat on his last girlfriend, get videos from some girl he met online.”
“It sounds like you’ve learned some of this from personal experience,” Emily said, surprised.
“Jesus, what a jackass,” Dakota whispers.
“Let’s not even go there,” Chelsea said, walking out of the bathroom.
Lunch finally rolled around, and Dakota was thrilled. Her mom brought her Subway cheddar broccoli soup and a grilled ham and cheese for lunch. It sat in her locker through all of fourth period, mocking her.
Nevertheless, she persisted. She made it to lunch without biting into the warm, delicious Subway Sandwich. The warm, crunchy bread, the hot meat and melted cheese… The cheddar broccoli soup, warm cheesy goodness.
Dakota and Shane were the first one’s at their lunch table, Shane unfortunately had school lunch (a gross smelling hamburger with grapes and Sunchips).
“Happy Friday,” Shane said, throwing his bag on the floor. “Hey, did you see that post on Instagram – Dawn posted it – about the Internet Christmas book swap?” He popped a grape in his mouth.
“No, I don’t think that I have.” She pulls her phone out of her back pocket to bring it up herself, but Shane is holding out his cracked, beat up iPhone.
“Here, I’ve brought it up,” he smiles.
“Shane, you really gotta get a new phone,” she said, under her breath.
“I know, I know, but that thing has been with me since my first day of high school! I can’t let ‘er go yet!”
The post read: WANTED: Participants for a book-loving social experiment. Comment if you want to participate, and I’ll send you details, along with a persons address. What do you have to do? Buy a book and send it to a stranger. The number of books you receive depends on how many participants there are. The books that you receive will show up on your door are other people’s much beloved stories.
“I might be doing it,” Shane said, “Although I’m really not sure how my parents would feel about me doing something like this. Giving my address out to complete strangers.”
“Who knows, it could be really cool. Imagine how many awesome books you could get that you probably’ve never heard of!”
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