#listen this is explicitly animates fault
chaotic-average-child · 8 months
me in my highschool animate class earlier this week
"hmm... yes making traditional animation for my year project... this will be great!"
me 3 days later
"what the fuck is wrong with me"
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bonefall · 9 months
So I was wondering, if a young apprentice who hadn’t quite learned all their songbirds yet accidentally caught one, how much trouble would they be in? Like are they expected to know pretty fast what is or isn’t considered a songbird?
No trouble! They did not know! It's actually their mentor that would get in trouble, if any.
But I do think that the accidental catch of a songbird can be a really unintentionally traumatic experience. Most of the time when this happens, it's because of enthusiasm and excitement. The apprentice feels proud! They did it all on their own!! They run to their mentor with the body of their prey, and...
All the pride is draining from their face. Their eyes are glittering with horror and sorrow. There's a long, pungent silence, and the apprentice can feel something is very, very wrong.
The vast majority of the time, this is the prompt for a somber talk about Myyrn, the concept of Threat Level. It is a mentor's responsibility to raise an honorable Warrior, to bring this adolescent from kithood to adulthood. As far as their Clan is concerned-- it is the Mentor's fault that their young apprentice did not know it sooner.
Abusive mentors are rare. Most mentors are good cats, and were explicitly given an apprentice to pass on what they know. This COULD be abused (Ashfur for example would probably freak out on poor Lionpaw), but for the most part..?
Accidents happen. Tragedies happen. No one gets "in trouble" for a situation like this, unless it happens a lot and they didn't report it.
A common 'teaching moment' for this situation is to hold a small vigil for the animal. It won't be eaten as prey, but buried like a clanmate. Sometimes it's used as an excuse to walk around the territory and listen to songbirds like the one that was killed (or, if there are no others, explain its absence).
So, in a nutshell... no, they aren't supposed to get in trouble for something they didn't know. The situation is treated like a tragedy; and the heaviness of this moment is used as a VERY important learning experience.
NOTE: Please understand songbirds are killed during starvation scenarios. This assumes there's no outstanding circumstance and was just an apprentice's mistake.
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
the nanny part 3 | hangman x reader (saturn)
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note: finally a longer one? ish? it took a minute to write because i had a headache every day for the last week and then i had a take home organic chemistry exam that i needed to get done (gotta maintain that 4.0, school is important kids!)
warnings: swearing, very light angst, jake is pinning, saturn is in a relationship. lowkey jake is a simp.
i don't think that this is a warning but i've not explicitly said this either, but any female character i write is bisexual. of that isn't your cup of tea, i'm sorry.
word count: 2.6k
not beta'd we die like men.
inspired by: @roosterforme
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Jake was a mess. 
For no reason, honestly. He had typed out, deleted, retyped, deleted again, and then said said fuck it and opened up his notes app to try and type a message out to you about this weekend. All this weekend is, really, is a friendly chat between a dad looking for someone to help him out with his infant daughter that he didn’t know existed a month ago, and Penny Benjamin’s solid 10 niece that gave him a half mast when she was holding his daughter, for no reason. 
And when you called him Dad-man? His heart stopped. He thought about it all night. 
By the time Friday night had rolled around he still hadn’t texted you in regards to going out tomorrow, so when he got a text message from you, he was a little confused, he hadn’t given you his number… had he?
Hey dad-man! Rooster gave me your number since I hadn’t heard from you all week. Are we still on for tomorrow? I know that Avery is a little young but the San Diego Zoo is doing a little arts and crafts thing with the animals tomorrow we could check out? My treat? you had sent along with a link to the event and he smiles as he types out his message to you.
Hey! You know I honestly had like, 30 different messages typed out to send you but they were all ass ideas compared to yours. I’m sure Avery would love it even if she doesn’t understand what’s going on, lol maybe we could grab coffee or something from a cafe afterwards?
It’s a date, dad-man ;) you send back after a few minutes, which is quickly followed by: pick me up at 9? 
It’s a date, darlin he sends and then groans into his hands “darlin? Seriously? She’s going to nanny your fucking get, get a grip Seresin.” he sets an alarm for 7 am, not like he needs it though. Avery is awake and hungry by 6:45 then out for a nap by 8:30. 
He’s asleep just after 2 and at 6:45 on the dot he can hear Avery stirring through the baby monitor on his nightstand. He’s quick to stand up before her wails get any louder, changes her from any accident she could have had in her sleep and then heads downstairs to make her a bottle. While he’s feeding her, he has coffee brewing for himself so he isn’t a complete zombie when he sees you in a few hours. He gets Avery dressed and her diaper bag packed before he’s setting her in her bouncer in the bathroom so he can take a quick shower without leaving her unsupervised -- she has the time of her life listening to him sing. 
It’s 8:45 by the time he’s finally leaving. Avery forgoing her morning nap and choosing to fight him instead when he was trying to get her dressed, and then puking on his one clean shirt that he had that wasn’t his service khakis or a graphic t-shirt set him behind his schedule. He quickly found a shirt that he turned into a tank top, groaning at how he looked like a gym douchebag 
You were waiting on the steps of Penny’s house for him nearly 15 minutes past 9 for him, and boy were you a sight to see. He definitely regretted his choice of a dingey old Navy shirt but that was his own fault for putting off his laundry and choosing to favor doing Avery’s instead. You were wearing jean shorts you obviously cut yourself, sinfully short but also modest at the same time. The shorts were paired with a pair of tennis shoes and a plain white tank top and a… fanny pack?
You hopped into his truck with a “you’re late” but he just laughs and points to the fanny pack.
“The 90s called, they want their stuff back.” 
“Hey, don’t shit on the 90s. Plus fanny packs are back in. It’s so much more convenient than carrying a purse or other bag around, they’re less likely to be stolen, and both my hands are free.” you say and do a little jazz fingers motion and he just smiles and shakes his head. You put your seatbelt on and he’s pulling out away from the curb.
“Besides, you can’t shit on what I’m wearing, when you’re wearing that.” 
“Hey, be nice to me. Av puked on the shirt I was going to wear and I hadn’t had the chance to wash my clothes yet.” 
“Well, let’s skip the zoo. Avery won’t know the difference, we’ll go back to your place and I can help you clean up.” you suggest and he shakes his head.
“My laundry is not your responsibility. We’re going to the zoo.” he says in his dad voice and you just laugh.
“Whatever you say, dad-man.” you kick your feet up against his dash and if you were anyone else, he’d be telling you to get them off the dash.
The drive to the zoo goes by quickly and despite you calling dibs on paying the entrance fee, Jake is slapping his card down faster than you can even open your fanny pack. You shoot him a glare and he gives you a smirk that sends most girls falling to their knees. Keyword, most.
Jake pushes Avery’s stroller through the zoo while you walk beside him, making light conversation and getting to know each other as you make your way to where the kids' activities are located. 
You learn that he comes from an abusive home. His dad was an alcoholic who passed from liver failure not that long ago, flooding the family with relief. He has three sisters, plenty of nieces and nephews. You learned grew up on a ranch which explains how his legs bow out the smallest amount, his favorite color is green (of course), his favorite tv show, food, even the book he read recently. You told him about your life too, growing up in eastern Tennessee, your parents' accident, living with Penny and helping her raise Amelia to the teen she is today, your time in Vermont, why you picked education to go into. Jake easily saw you as someone that he wanted to spend more time with, it was a no brainer that you would be the one watching his daughter when he needed it. Hell, he could even see Avery calling you mom one day, in the distant future of course. 
You three had finally made it to the area of the zoo where the activities were being held and you take Avery out of her stroller and sit with her in your lap while Jake sits next to you. The warmth of your skin against his making him hotter than the San Diego sun. 
For the next hour you two sit, comfortable with each other while Avery mashes paint around the ziplock bag she was working on. Thankfully for the sun it dried quickly and you drew out a few animals on the rainbow colors covering the page. 
At only 4 months old, Jake is in such awe at how you talk to and how you treat Avery and even at how Avery responds to you. The babble that you do back to Avery, how sweet you talk to her, how she reaches for you, all of it. Just melts Jake. 
The time to walk back to the truck wasn’t long enough, in his opinion, and he was already planning a trip back when she was a little older and would appreciate it a little bit more. 
You put Avery in her carseat while Jake breaks down her stroller and puts it into the bed of his truck before shutting the lift gate. “Still up for coffee?” he asks just as you’re shutting the back door.
“If you are.” you say and give him a smile, he opens your door for you and offers you a hand and you just laugh and take it before hopping up into the cab and once you’re settled he shuts the door and walks around to his own side.
The drive to the local coffee shop he had in mind was surprisingly quick to get to, granted he did speed a little through some yellow lights to get there.
You don’t bother getting Avery’s stroller out, choosing instead to just undo her car seat and carry her in that way since she was sleeping peacefully already. You tell Jake your order and he stands in line while you go and pick out a table, a little table in the corner and you set Avery’s carrier the table after making sure that it was sturdy enough that you didn’t need to worry about bumping the table and having her shift too much. 
Jake comes and takes a seat since it’ll take a minute for the food to be prepared. “They didn’t have hazelnut, is caramel okay?” he asks since you had asked for a hazelnut latte.
“Caramel is perfect, actually. It’s my favorite flavor.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” he says with a smile and leans forward on the table and you give him a kind smile back.
“So dad-man. Think I’m fit enough to watch Avery for you?” you ask and he chuckles.
“I think you’re qualified to do more than that, but yeah. She loves you, I love you-oh I uh-” his ears redden and you laugh.
“No I get it, don’t worry.” you say as his name is being called for the food and drinks. You watch him walk away, shamelessly checking him out as he goes, you bite your lip softly but look away quickly when he turns around to walk back. 
“One chicken salad on a croissant with blueberry applesauce and an iced caramel latte with oat milk for Saturn,” he says, setting your tray down and you laugh and he sets his down before pulling his chair out. “And one of the exact same thing for me.”  
“Real original dad-man.” you say as you take a sip of the latte and you moan, “this is so good.” 
His breath hitches when he hears the sound and he shakes it off with a laugh, “yeah, the coffee here is the best I’ve had in the area. It’s nice that it isn’t too far from base or from home either.”
“Might just have to go a little out of my way in the morning to come here.” you say and he laughs.
“So, how did you get the nickname Saturn?” he asks as he takes a bite of his sandwich and a sad smile forms on your face.
“I got it from my dad. I don’t know why I took such a liking to the planet, but I grew up loving space. I wanted to be an astronaut, actually. He took me to our local planetarium and it was the first planet that I actually saw in the telescope and there was just something about the rings that really drew five year old me in. I wanted saturn everything. I even went as the planet for Halloween one year.” you say and he laughs.
“What were you just a yellow ball with circles around you?” he asks and you nod.
“Yeah pretty much, let me see if I have a picture.” you pull out your phone and he glances at your lock screen and sees it’s you and another girl kissing with fireworks in the background. He quickly looks away as you get into your phone, feeling an unnecessary stab to his heart. “Here it is!” you say and show him little you with a little bucket of candy, the biggest grin on your face and he laughs and takes your phone so he can look at it closer.
“You were adorable, what happened?” he teases and you make an offended noise and snatch your phone back.
“I’m still adorable! I’m just… grown now.” you say and he laughs.
You both sit there for a while longer, Jake running out to get stuff for a bottle before coming back in to see you already holding her and waiting for him to return. “You want me to feed her?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Nope. I got her.” you saw and take the bottle, she latches quickly to it and starts drinking away. “When you have me around you are doing nothing. Just relax, daddy. Let someone else take care of her.”
He feels relief at that statement, but also useless since all he’s done for the past almost month is take care of this little human that he helped to create. But watching you take care of her, so effortlessly, was so easy for him. He didn’t expect to be able to relinquish control of this aspect of his life so easily, and yet, it was almost second nature to him.
“So, are you able to start watching her on Monday? I return to duty then and-”
“Jake, it’s fine. I do nothing all day aside from helping out Penny at the bar. I would be more than happy to come and spend all day with this little baby.” you say, looking down at Avery with a smile on your face.
“I’m not, stealing you away from anyone am I? Boyfriend.. Girlfriend?” he fishes and you laugh.
“My girlfriend lives back in Vermont. She doesn’t have any plans to come visit any time soon so as of right now, the only person you and Avery are stealing time from is myself. But there’s nothing I can’t do with her that I couldn’t do by myself.” you say and he nods.
“How long have you two been together?” 
“Just over two years. We celebrated our anniversary just before I moved out here.” you say, looking back up at him and you see the look change in his eyes and you offer him a small smile.
“What about you? Any girlfriend that’s going to come out of the frameworks?” you tease and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, not really looking to date now that I have this little one to be thinking about.” he says and you nod, the conversation ending there. 
After Avery is done with her bottle you burp her and lay her back in her car seat. It’s nearing 3pm already and you have to get to the bar soon for your shift. Jake carries Avery back to the car while you run into the bathroom, splashing cool water on your face. 
You knew things were rocky with your girlfriend back home, and the last thing you ever wanted to do was get involved with your new boss, even if he was one of the most genuine and kind men you’ve ever met.
You make your way to Jake’s truck and he’s waiting for you outside, windows already rolled down so the back door can be shut and Avery won’t bake in the Californian sun. He opens your door for you again and you smile and climb up in the truck.
It’s a short drive to the bar and you hesitate getting out, you look back at him with your lip already between your teeth and you smile. “Thank you, Jake. I had a really great time.”
He returns your smile with a nod, “so did I. And I’m sure that Avery did too.” you laugh and look back at her.
“You’ll have to text me your address before Monday.” you remind him and he nods.
“I will.”
“Alright, well. Enjoy your night, dad-man.” you say, jumping out of his truck and he watches you walk into the bar, leaning his head back against his seat and letting out a deep sigh.
Of course you’re in a relationship.
@mandylove1000 @zbeez-outlet @emma8895eb @sinners-98-world @buxkybarnez @classyunknownlover @caidi-paris @classycolorpeach @eugene-emt-roe @mayhemmanaged @missemrose @fighterpilothoe @crystal-lily-101 @pookie-cleary @max-dalton @hisredheadedgoddess28 @elijahmikaelsonbitch @thegoddessc @yourfaveaquarius92 @blueoorchid @archaeologydigit @dempy @missathlete31 @hangmandruigandmav @alana4610 @h-ngm-ns @naya-neneya @desert-fern @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosterbruiser @startrekfangirl2233 @lovinglyeternal @sarahsmi13s @the-ms-mischief @that-one-random-writer @cassiemitchell @roostette @footprintsinthesxnd @roosters-girl @musesownmymind
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[3:22 pm]
notes: honestly, this is all @strxwberrychocolate fault i'm spiraling at 2:56am.
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You were sitting on the top of the hood of your friend's car. Bags of chips and arizona ice teas between you and your friend.
Your friend shook her head, "No way you put that much hot sauce."
"Um…" You poured the rest of the mini bottle over your instant noodles. "Fucking, watch me."
Her giggles came and left as soon as her eyes looked over your shoulder. "Uh-oh, Heads up. Behind you."
Before you could hear him, you sighed heavily. It wasn't that all surprising you heard your name called across the parking lot. Fujio, a few feet from the convenience store, spotted you quicker than you knew.
You put down your noodle cup and got off the hood by the time Fujio jogged over.
"Haven't seen you in a bit," He bit his lip, almost like he was preventing that annoying smile on his face from getting any bigger.
"Yeah," you flicked a stray loc of hair from his face. "Good thing, too. I can barely take a weekly dose of Fujio."
"Awe, Y/n c'mon," He grinned, looking you up and down until his eyes stopped at something he liked.
"Hey!" You snapped your fingers in front of his eyes. Getting his gaze away from your miniskirt. "You're shameless, y'know that?"
Suddenly, you shoved a energy drink can against his chest. Fujio pretended to wince and grabbed the drink dramatically.
He hummed in happy confusion, "What's this? Are you trying to ask me out with a gift?"
Jesus. You rolled your eyes, "Not one smart thought in that head of yours. I owe you a drink from last time."
"Nah, you don't," But Fujio took it anyways. He had a habit of buying you things and explicitly telling you to not pay him back. As if you would listen to a single thing Fujio said.
Stuffed animals from a rigged claw machine, chips you were addicted to, or food to get you to sit and talk to him on the stairs or sidewalk. Anything to get to see the look of appreciation you try so hard to hide.
"Whatever," You shrugged, "Deal with it."
You squinted, "...Why?"
Fujio ignored you to your surprise, "You look really good today." He took another look.
"Oh," You flushed.
"You're already pretty, but this suits you," Fujio smiled, that annoying smile, seeing the sight of your squint on him.
You relaxed, "You think I'm pretty?"
Fujio tried to voice out an agreement, but he let out an embarrassed laugh at how shy he became. At how small you made him feel. He nodded aggressively, shoving his hands in his pockets.
You walked closer to him, "You know, there might not be a single thought that runs in that head."
You kissed his cheek, "But at least you have a good eye."
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twothpaste · 11 months
For the meme!! Duster :D
First impression: I remember liking Duster a lot when I first played M3. The way the game gets you into his perspective at the start of Chapter 2 is really impactful… Wess shouting at him and degrading him, while he just loyally stands there and takes it without a fuss. And the care with which he's animated - always limping (even in his Pigmask disguise), takin' a deep breath before using Wall Staples, spinnin' his bass around when he performs - was endearing & impressive from day 1. I don't recall having any profound thoughts or headcanons about him, but I was glad to play with such a unique party member!
Impression now: I fuckin' love him. A man of such humble highs and lows. He goes from being a cooped-up undersocialized abuse victim to a rockstar celebrity to a world-saving hero, and does it all in the most gentle unassuming manner imaginable. What I think is most special & sad & remarkable about Duster is how painstakingly selfless he is. Dude who will drop literally everything on the spot to do what's asked of him, to help a neighbor in need, to look after a kid who needs him. Putting everyone else first, to such an admirable extent - and to such a dramatic fault. He was denied any sense of self worth growing up, which creates this fascinating & tragic double-edge. He doesn't know how to be kind to himself, but by god, he'll do right by others even if it kills him.
Favorite moment: When he plays with DCMC one last time at New Pork City. It's loads of fun, and so fucking sweet. His bandmates are overjoyed to see him, Lucas & Kuma are delighted to hear him perform again, everyone's gathered to listen. OJ tells him afterwards they could never replace him - DCMC's not complete without its bassist. I imagine he starts to realize here how genuinely loved he is. That he's not just a vessel for positive action, but a crucial part of the communities he loves! And a beloved & worthy person in his own right!!
Idea for a story: There is something very existentially haunting about how Duster's the only Tazmilian who's had his memories wiped twice. Dude's lived three separate lives - four if the post-amnesiac epic adventure Duster we play with from Chapter 5 onwards counts as another. I gotta wonder how he reconciles his identity, especially after (presumably) recovering his White Ship memories sometime postgame. I like to imagine he's content to settle down as a musician first n' foremost, donning his stage name when he performs. But god knows what kinda horrors he witnessed, growing up in a world on the brink of apocalypse. And how he might convey this to his bandmates, who must have their own wild timetravel backstories to grapple with. And how he settles back into a village where he used to be a total black sheep. And how he carves out a new life for himself as an independent adult, after Wess deprived him of agency for so long. Just seems like there's a quite a few disparate Dusters for future Duster to sort out!
Unpopular opinion: My man is thirty or forty years old. Can scarcely fathom him younger. I put him at 37 post-timeskip, myself.
Favorite relationship: Hard to place which is my favorite, so I'll do a few. His situation with Wess makes me ache so bad. Some folks interpret Wess more charitably, which I can see & respect, but I personally read him as pretty explicitly abusive. The fact Wess does have commendable traits too, though, and that he & Duster do seem to care for each other deep down, complicates things in such a realistic way. Duster's not the sorta person to write off his aging father, despite how badly Wess has hurt him and let him down. Wess does love his son, but might be too stubborn to truly change his ways. Where do they go from there? Who's to say, but it makes my chest hurt. I love to imagine the way Duster treats Lucas & Kuma is in stark contrast to his upbringing. That he's endlessly patient with these kids, even at their weakest and worst. 'Cause he knows exactly how it feels to be berated & chastised for failure. I also think his time with DCMC feeds into that. Like, they taught him to play bass n' perform n' everything - surely it didn't come easy for an amnesiac with no prior social skills or musical talents. He learned patience and care from them. The thought of his new friends treating him gently for the first time, and Duster not remembering any other life, is so fuckin' sweet to me. Agh.
Favorite headcanon: He likes wearing Hawaiian shirts. He's dating OJ - let these gay men be mundane, middle-aged, and schlubby as hell. His postgame hobbies include sailing and, yes, again, smoking mad pot.
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enesitsme · 1 year
Did you know that "Deus Culpa" is a Swedish Christmas song played in reverse?
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Someone probably pointed this here already, but I was listening to the track (which, from Latin, translates to "God's Fault") and realized the release of each chord was kinda off, as if it was reversed. And it is! You can listen to the original melody right here.
The original song name is "Betlehems stjärna" ("Star of Bethlehem"), composed by Alice Tegnér, and was based on a poem named "Gläns över sjö och strand" ("Shine Over Lakes and Shores"), written by Viktor Rydberg. It's generic Christmas stuff, baby Jesus and the animals and the star and people are happy etc etc.
(I couldn't find an English translation, but here's the poem if you're interested.)
So considering it's a song about the birth of Jesus Christ, putting it in reverse just implies that they're either referencing the birth of the Antichrist or joking about the phenomenon where you play nice, soft, happy, unharmful songs backwards and suddenly the lyrics are praising Satan.
But when a band's songs and lyrics are already explicitly talking about the Devil, what do you get listening to it in reverse?
TL;DR: when you play Ghost songs backwards, they're praising Jesus Christ. Genius.
In time, Happy Holidays, everyone.
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 5 months
rant abt my mom bc I am. actually going to Kms ↓ ( it's 10 PM and it's safe to say that since around 1 PM I've been crying. yeah. )
I don't want to cry AGAIN so I'm not going too far but I actually need to let this out
My Mother Dearest might actually have a thing for showing me off to random men at this point. She explicitly uses any opportunity where my dad or brother aren't present to get me in the most stupid horrible situations with disgusting old men.
I don't like makeup or going to the saloon or any of those stereotypical feminine things... but she's OBSESSED with them and
Has a mid life crisis so she's trying to use me to get all the male attention she lives for
Hours earlier, I was getting a picture taken because ?? my mom wanted to? although it's really useless and
I was wearing a really tight sweater UNDERNEATH a really big, comfy jacket.
It is The End Of December so it's pretty cold, and I never take the jacket off on purpose !! but bc I'm wearing a huge comfy jacket It'll be uncomfy to wear something oversized underneath ( which is what I wear when I'm wearing only one layer... listen idk how to explain. U get me )
but now. my Mother dearest. Knowing this. told me to get undressed :))))) Infront of the guy and his camera :))"(+((1!((2(4((£+£33
the situation was so humiliating.
it perfectly showed my body and I DONT LIKE THAT. ESPECIALLY When I'm in a closed room with a man and a camera like what the fuck ??? this is literally a p/rno set up
and my mom actually got mad at me, yelled, and hit me with a hair brush to take the jacket off.
I did end up doing what she told me but I ended up crying so much as she's just yelling at me and insulting me. she kept saying how I need to be beat TO act right and she laughed and made jokes of, and I directly quote "a big masculine black guy beating me so I'll act right"
I've had a massive headache and actually ate close to nothing all day and even now I feel more nauseous than anything. but after we came home and ate she hugged me and said "oh I'm sorry but yknow sometimes U just gotta listen to me!!" you don't KNOW BEST YOU ARENT. god. to tell me what to do. sorry.
my mom wants to be worshipped and for her word to be absolute but... no. very unfortunately for her I have a spine and also I am religious.
she told me "oh just do it !! undress!! and god will forgive you later. just ask for his forgiveness" wtf. also fuck off you're the one going to hell for this ? she may think she escaped or evaded the Very Factual and Actual Sin of NOT DRESSING PROPERLY IN PUBLIC SPACES But I. wasnt. at fault.
her way of speaking was really annoying too... you can't just do something that you know is very much haram and a sin and go "oopsies teehe' like
for her she may have no morals and she evidently did say "I don't care about anything but how good the picture looks." but I do
and i
am tired of being forced to do things against my will, comfort and beliefs.
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protagonistheavy · 2 years
Lolicons are the peak example of how delusional the anime community innately makes itself. Listen to any lolicon try and argue for why they don't think it's wrong to be obsessed with child characters + characters that explicitly resemble children, often viewed from a lewd or outright pornographic perspective. They argue from a position that stands in an entirely different reality. They convince themselves that it's your fault for thinking critically about them and their interest, and coming rightfully to the conclusion that they're freaks that jerk off to children. They adamantly deny the purpose for why loli art exists, they refuse to admit that they have a perverted interest in children that should be explored critically, and they especially refuse the notion that this has any real world effect -- denying the reality that the anime fandom is absolutely entrenched in pedophilic grooming, the type of grooming that has led to what seems like an entire generation acting nonchalant about child porn and the people who consume it, because for their entire teenhood they've been surrounded by the imagery and surrounded by people telling them it's cool to be a lolicon.
How can I ever associate with anime culture when every season of anime comes around, there's this vocal group that's awkwardly applauding the additions of lolis in any anime? People who are proud to have lolis, people who are happy that "western woke culture hasn't infected Japan yet." Jfc. At what point did it become "puritan" to be disgusted with lolicons? Is that really the line in the sand so many of you want to draw? How old do some of you have to become in order to realize it's crazy for you to still be madly attracted to 15 year-olds? What needs to be explained to you for you to realize that the context being "fictional" does not bode any better for the implications surrounding your interests?
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mtdthoughts · 3 months
The Twins' Relationship Pt. 2 (Migi & Dali Analysis)
This is Part 2 of the discussion of the twins' relationship and its evolution throughout the story.
Click here to return to the top of the thread (Part 1)
Note that I will use scenes from both the anime and manga wherever I see fit, and of course spoilers are discussed
Let's start at the beginning of the main story.
In Episode 1, the twins work together (and use a bit of trickery) to get adopted into the Sonoyama family.
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Not surprisingly, not much information is revealed at this point, but there are subtle hints of the relationship I described in Part 1. Namely, Dali is the leader and strategist of the twins, and Migi is happy to obey Dali and adhere to his rules. At this point, the twins seemed unified in their mission to seek revenge. It seemed like nothing could tear them apart.
Episode 2 was when this relationship began to crack as the twins diverged more explicitly.
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When Dali points out (jokingly?) that Migi acted like a real son when Youko complimented his hair, Migi denies this, as if trying to affirm his loyalty to Dali and his commitment to the mission.
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Again, he does his best to support his older brother by listening to his directions during their investigation of the house, and when they are planning to burn the Sonoyamas, Migi volunteers himself in taking the riskier role as the decoy, which does earn his brother's admiration.
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Then, with the plan "failing" because of the twins' misunderstanding and Migi slipping away from revenge as he begins to accept the Sonoyamas' love, seeds of doubt and insecurity are planted in Dali's mind. He fears that Migi could begin seeing his faults and weaknesses, and he fears that Migi may leave him behind and replace him and their mother with the Sonoyamas. To make sure these things don't happen, Dali reminds him of their mission to avenge their mother, implicitly testing his loyalty once again. Of course, Dali is mistaken, as Migi would always be loyal to him, but at this point he doesn't know this yet.
Episode 3 makes the relationship clearer from both perspectives.
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Already, we see Dali's limitations show up when Migi asks him how to make friends at boy scouts. Clearly, Dali doesn't know the answer, yet he tries his best to provide an answer (i.e. "doesn't matter, there's two of us) so Migi won't see his faults.
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At Akiyama's house, Migi seems to resent that Dali always seems to "get the good stuff" while he's stuck doing the dirty work, though Dali likely doesn't see it this way because persuasion and deception is his specialty, not Migi's. At the very least, it shows that Migi is aware that he and Dali aren't exactly on equal footing, though there is also much that he doesn't know yet.
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For example, at Maruta's house, even without being bossed around by Dali, Migi tries his best to adhere to Dali's words in keeping his composure (even going against Dali when he was hitting Maruta), showing both Migi's blind obedience to Dali as well as Dali's control over Migi. The whole interaction with Migi and Maruta is a reflection of this unequal relationship that the twins had.
On the other hand, Dali's protectiveness of Migi comes into display as he steps in to put a stop to Maruta's bullying, even contradicting his own words to Migi about keeping composure. It becomes clear that Dali deeply values Migi and his emotional well-being, perhaps even more than revenge, as he was willing to risk the mission's failure in order to protect him. Through this experience at Maruta's house, Dali becomes aware of the potential risks in their mission, that Migi may get hurt because of it. If he's not careful, he could jeopardize his relationship with his brother. Thankfully for Dali, Migi seemed to get over being bullied, a strength that perhaps only Migi possesses because Dali has likely always protected him, and so everything seems okay... for now.
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astroboyanalysis · 5 months
2. The Hot Dog Corps
I've always thought this was one of many Astro Boy stories that would lend itself very well to a more serious and adult remake, (a la Pluto) but this one with a distinct horror vibe. You know. On account of the body horror.
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Atom (smiling serenely): wow Mr. Tezuka you're getting really angry can we change the subject
Anyway obviously he makes a good point here. Could talk for a while about cultural double standards especially when animals like dogs and cats are involved. But like, this is an explicitly sympathetic story to the dog and animal testing is a thing we do. So I feel like it should have been allowed to show but I do understand different countries have different standards surrounding what is deemed "appropriate" for children to think about and see. America's just very strange in general to be honest.
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Wow that's awesome Mr Ban. I do not want to dog sit for you ever btw.
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First really funny gag so far imo. You go Kenichi have a dog treat.
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Okay this is interesting to me and probably no one else. Tezuka put little gags in like this if he thought it was getting too serious, which is fine and normal - but it's been less than a page since the last gag. People say we have short attention spans now (and we do) but entertainment has basically always vied for your attention and had to constantly jump around and dance and say LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! DON'T LOOK AWAY!
anyway I love you hyoutan-tsugi don't listen to him
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Ban confirmed in debt (joking. or am i)
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normal way to act yeah. Fuck up this guy's car and probably kill him with fire and then drown him and also steal his dog and be like. Tee hee hee... stupid idiot... hee hee...
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Smiling his angelic little smile like "Did you break the law and endanger others mister teacher?"
God hes just so cute. There's gonna be a lot of "ohhhhhhg my god.... ghgh,h,..... oghgh h look a him...." probably. but ohghghghggggg g loook at hi
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Excellent use of class time man
Now's probably a great time to mention you'll notice a heavy focus on like school and child development and stuff in my analysis - I'm a student teacher in Elementary! So I think about this kind of thing a lot and it sticks out to me as a result. Anyway.
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Great gag. There's some good ones in this story.
Okay because I'm reading it physically but using an online version for images, most online versions stop abruptly right around here so I don't have good pictures. I'm sorry in advance for the wonky pictures I took.
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Idk grand duchess it kind of seems like your fault because you decided to kidnap dogs instead of just having someone train them for you at your bigass winter palace or whatever the hell.
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I love how evil things are here. You just dont get cartoonishly evil villains nowadays (because I don't watch kids TV all that much I suppose. But also there's a general trend toward movies and shows without cartoonishly evil villains that I've noticed which is interesting. Suits reality a little better since most people won't be like YOU SEE! I'VE DONE IT SO I CAN KILL AND MURDER! MUAHAHAHA! when you ask them about their motivations in doing something.)
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HOLY SHIT THERE WERE PEOPLE IN THE SHIP THEY BLEW UP I get that this is the point but I don't think I ever noticed that before lmao.
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Oh hes so cute.....
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This is strange as their minds are dog minds and therefore they probably shouldn't have robotic movements. A keen observer like Atom should be able to recognize that they're not all that organized when compared with robotic timing.
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"Aren't supposed to be able to" just indicates to me that it's a limitation imposed by creators to align themselves with the laws of robotics and avoid getting in trouble, which I would think would also mean people could make robots that can kill and there's really no reason they wouldn't be able to do that. That said it would be very strange for the story if robots really could be used as weapons as easily as they can in real life. But unless you categorize a machine and a robot differently based on their AI and self determination, I would think it is easier for a robot to kill humans as they don't have to take it into account at all if they aren't programmed to.
That said, in the world of Astro Boy, the laws of robotics are absolute and people do not really break them. They just do an insane workaround loophole like. I dunno. Putting dog brains and nervous systems into robot bodies. Shit like that. I suppose if they were laws that could be broken, that would be really interesting though. It would be like something the United Nations has agreed on so a country caught doing something against it would be refused trade and that kind of thing. So they'd have to be sneaky.
I'm getting off topic.
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Okay so there are human workers in the fortress, but all the guard members are cyborgs.
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(Annoying guy voice) BUT I THOUGHT HE ONLY LISTENED TO BAN!!!!!!
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strong contender for funniest panel so far
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REALLY good way to show 2 days have passed this is awesome
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To be honest it makes sense to me that a traumatic surgery and event like having your nervous system and brain stripped out and put into a new shape and new environment and shit would make you forget most things. Really sad.
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actually devastating im not kidding
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Ok yea sure. Literally why though. Atom you do it because you're the main character I guess. This is where I really appreciate Pluto's realism in that Atom is used more as a figurehead and symbol of peace than like. a functionally useful substitute for specialized jobs.
Then again because he's recalling where it was in the next panels, it's possible this is more a result of not having functional and immediate satellite imaging at the time this comic was being written, so you would need someone who knew where they were going to lead you there.
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This would indicate to me that there is a temperature Atom's circuitry is not able to function at due to it being too low, but Space is colder than this so I think that is not the case (or we can say it's not the case that space is cold in this universe). Anyway it's slightly less horrifying than him potentially being trapped in ice and aware of the passage of time and fully cognizant so I do see why Tezuka did this.
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Also he's shapes.
(The rest of this post will be continued in a reblog as you can only have 30 images per post)
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wow-cool-robot · 1 year
Episode 25: The Battle of Odessa
excited to see this shows take on actual battles that overshadow the white base in scope!
amuro is very high strung before the battle, and it's pissing the engineers off.
now he's sadly flashing back to the times he spent with matilda last episode. i liked matilda, but this does feel a little like them just needing to reuse some animation to fill time
the music getting cut off when sayla says his name made me laugh
come on, answer fraw bow when she asks if you're ok, don't be rude!
the black di-stars mourning their lost member is a fairly nice scene. as always, this show is really good at humanizing the enemy, with the only exception being m'quve so far. he's just kind of generic
i love them sliding around. very code geass
did they not know when they were attacking? i thought that had already been decided and shared
have faith in fraw bow! you're 5, you don't get to be worried about that sort of thing
oh shit, they're going to find the spy
amuro no! the corruption goes all the way to the top!
oh he convinced the grunts beforehand that this might be worth listening in on? that was smart
hopefully things go well on that front
kai's doing surprisingly well, and this whole battle is well animated
aww, the orphans are helping fraw bow out :3
kai's out of the fight now, so it's amuro vs the black di-stars, with hayato in the core fighter
so since elran got got, that screwed m'quve? good, i hope this is the last we see of him
you're gonna nuke everything????
"yeah, it's a warcrime. but have you considered i would like to win the battle?" is interesting logic, but i'm not sure that'll hold up in a military tribunal
revil's stone cold, huh. not even hesitating?
i was expecting these guys to last a while, but amuro is really cutting through the ranks of the black di-stars (now just the black star singular)
hydrogen bomb as a uniquely taboo weapon feels weird in a world where zeon dropped a colony on australia, but i guess you really don’t want fallout in a colony
dude that's so fucking risky! i mean, no better option i guess, but if i were amuro i might just hunker down and hope the gundam will stop me from getting radiation poisoning if i'm not at ground zero
why do you think the data pre-treaty is still accurate? they still have the weapons, why would the not be making more in secret?
the poor gundam shield. gets destroyed every episode these days
"the federation has ignored my demand that they let me win or i'll start committing war crimes, so now i must commit war crimes! this is their fault!"
more like black no-stars. or die-stars? idk
that nuclear bomb is still on fire, and just exploded on a mountain. that seems like it's still a major issue!
though i guess the dom exploding is a bigger explosion? dunno what's up with that. maybe i just don't understand how nukes work
oh god damnit. i knew this battle wasn't the end of the war, but i was hoping it would be the end of m'quve!
i was going to ask why amuro was the one shaking hands with revil, but he did just save them all from a nuclear missile, so i guess that makes sense
good episode, the first one to explicitly call out war crimes being committed, which will become something of a recurring theme as i understand it
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 years
I don't like sharing people's pain and suffering. The purpose of my blog here is for fun debates and fanfiction, not really social issues.
However, this past week I have been listening to clips about the Parkland shooting. I remember the protests and speeches in 2018 but they faded into the background after a while for me. Unfortunately, there are so many tragedies happening that empathy is a scarce commodity (at least for me anyway).
I listened to most, if not all, the victim statements. I saw the family members calling the shooter all sorts of names, and wishing rape (implicitly and explicitly), violent death and endless suffering on him. The pain they have endured is deep so no one can fault them for that.
However, Victoria's was the one that brought me to tears and really moved me. The shooter seemed the most affected by her too. With the angry parents, he was indifferent and unmoved but he visibly reacted to her words. She is grieving but she still wishes things could have been different for him. That he could have experienced the love and friendship she did. That he is not some creature or animal, but a human being who acted with depravity.
Her statement made me think of this Christian family who publicly forgave this man who murdered a family member (will find the article). As a Christian, I struggled to understand why they were visiting him in prison and continuing to involve themselves in his life. Why not just forgive him quietly, and move on? However, I understand now that they were being ambassadors. They showed the world that God can help us overcome our pain. Being angry and bitter is not going to bring their loved one back. As painful as it is, they are actually doing a public service. By ministering to the man who hurt them, they are helping to reform him so he does not continue to hurt others if he gets out. Not saying I would/could do something like that, but I think it takes a strong person to do this and I want to be that kind of person.
As for Victoria, I really admire her. It seems the comment section admired her as well. It's easy to demonize and wish a painful death on someone, but it's harder to wish them love. Not sure what her religion is if she has one, but I want to be more like her. Christians should be like her. Speaking love to our enemies. However, forgiveness or compassion does not mean lack of justice! Just putting that out there in case someone attacks me.
Just had to get this off my chest. I hope those who read this are also impacted as well. There is so much hate and anger in the world today and I like seeing that there is still light out there. Have a good day!
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kirishoshego · 3 years
Favorite Crime//Kirishima
!!MINORS DNI!! 18+ only
(at this point big shout out to you for coming up with these ideas!) this time under the title "Hey, watch it creep" My second piece for another collab created by@ultimate-astridwriting
Pairing: Yandere!ProHero!Kiri x fem!reader Words:7.6k
Summary: Meeting your fav Pro Hero at a convention was meant to be a one time thing, but coincidentally you somehow lost your most important belongings. And what a coincidence that out of everyone Red Riot himself found it.
TW: yandere, possessiveness, mild manipulation, dc (stalking, mention of death and murder, but not explicitly described, him keeping you locked up only mentioned at the very end, thoughts about it coming sooner), break in, long sex scene on the kitchen table, cunnilingus, fingering, choking, biting, leaving bite marks, Daddy Kink, softdom!Kiri, praise, size kink slightly, unprotected sex
Deafening screams surrounded you as you were waiting for the big double doors to open. Luck, that's what you called it when you got one of the last VIP-Tickets, considering they were sold out in seconds. It was still hard to believe that you were going to meet Red Riot himself, again. You knew him from before his fame, he had saved you once from a small accident you were involved in and ever since then he was your number one hero. By now he had saved hundreds of lives, there was no way he would remember you. And even without a personal backstory he would be your #1.
The black doors opened, revealing two buff looking security guards on each side. They kept a straight face while checking each ticket and searching through the belongings before people who were shining brighter than the sun entered the huge hall. Your excitement was soon replaced with fear, the anxious feeling of something going wrong bubbling up deep inside of the pit of your stomach. There was no chance things shouldn't go well, you tried to calm yourself down. The ticket was bought fair and square, not from a sketchy third partner, you had no weapons in your pockets or purse. But what if the code won't scan? If they think you faked it, call the cops on you, you will be banned from ever coming here again, no chance of ever meeting Kirishima again.
"Madam? Please continue walking, you're holding up the line," the security guard told you as she handed you the VIP bracelet. Every thing was just fine just said to yourself as you stepped into the event that's about to change your life. You were astonished at how colorful the hall was. Food stands were scattered around filling the big room with a comforting smell of everything sweet and savory. People were dressing up as characters from movies, animes and mangas or comics. Merchandise was showcased and sold. Special merch worth more than your rent for the next five month and others so expensive you would probably have to sell your soul for.
Fate, that's what he called it when his eyes landed on you from the raised platform through the tinted windows. While you were admiring some art, he was admiring another piece of art: you. The scene of him saving you played in his head as if it was yesterday, how you clung to him, looking up into his red eyes as if he was some sort of god. Never would he forget your smell, sweet and intoxicating. Kiri still carried the bracelet you gave him as a thank you, apologizing because it was nothing special, even after he told you it was his job, you don't need to give him anything. Now it was his lucky charm, taking it with him wherever he went. Warmness spread through his body when he spotted you buying a T-Shirt of his. You thought about him too.
Kirishima had spent two years searching for you, changing his work-out routine just so he could pass by the crash scene in hope to bump into you again. But how was he supposed to find you if he didn't even knew your name. Luck just didn't seem to be on his side. Until now. You were here, he finally had a second chance to get you and he wasn't going to pass it up. No matter who you were here with or for, he is going to be the only one on you will leave with.
"Red Riot, you with us?" one of the PR people pulled him away from you, back to the conversation they were having. "What? Sorry, of course," he said, looking down again only to find you missing again, silently cursing the man behind him. "You seem a bit lost, everything alright Eiji?" Mina asked him as she stepped beside him, putting her hand on his muscular arm. "Yeah, sorry, just a bit nervous. That's all. Thank you for asking," she offered him a bite of the donut she was currently eating to calm him down a bit, which he gladly accepted, feeling a bit more at ease now. He will find you this time, no doubt in his mind.
Three minutes. That's how long it took Kirishima to find you among everyone else. At first he over looked you, which really wasn't his fault. Someone dressed up as Elias Ainsworth was simply covering your smaller frame, but the moment his searching eyes fell on you his heart skipped a beat. You were here. For him. To see him, to be with him. Only five more people he thought, he could do that.
But now that he had seen you time appeared to be moving argonising slow. Minutes felt like hours and as much as he tried he could barely listen to whatever his fans told him, all his attention, all his thoughts where on you. His smile didn't falter once and he was kind to all, but he couldn't help and rush the small meetings.
"Hey love," his voice was deep, raspy and set of butterflies in your stomach, the warmness of his smile spreading through your body. "Hey Red Riot," your voice was small, quiet, everything it wasn't supposed to be. "Please call me Eijiro," first name basis. Even Kirishima would have been an honour, but he wanted you to call him by his name, had to hear you say it, make him feel like he's finally home. "I'm Y/N," you introduced yourself, your voice feeling a bit more secure. "Y/N, what a beautiful name," the effect his compliment had on you made him smile even more, it appeared to be easy to fluster you. "Thank you, Eijiro," he wanted you to say it over and over and over again, with love and adoration, moan it out while he pleased you better than any other human could even dream about.
"Are you here with someone?" an uneasy feeling made its presence felt. What if you were in love with someone else? „No. I'm here alone, my friend who wanted to tag along fell sick," you explained to him, noticing the tension that had build up in his body now leaving. "How long are you going to stay?" Kirishima asked, feeling less stressed once you revealed you plan on staying till early evening, considering there will be a small conference with the heroes. You didn't want to miss the opportunity of seeing everyone else here.
There was so much he wanted to tell you, ask you, get to know you, keep you with him, he couldn't handle loosing you again. But the photographer cleared his throat, pointing to his clock. He knew there was no way around meeting everyone else, so the faster this was over, the sooner he could be with you.
"I'll see you later," it wasn't a question, it was a statement, a promise. Nobody noticed his hand slipping into your bag when he hugged you goodbye. Nobody noticed how your keys and wallet disappeared into the big inner pockets of his jacket. He didn't do anything wrong, he wouldn't do anything with it, he would simple borrow it for a while, there was nothing wrong with that, right? "I hope so," you told him, sad that you had to part ways.
"Next," called the photographer, after handing you the printed out picture, the frame for it already awaiting you at home.
The interaction between the two of you still didn't answer you wether or not he remembered you. You never stood a chance with him anyway, he is a famous pro hero after all, he already said there was currently no time for someone serious in his life. That was until you sat in between the rather small crowd hanging on every word the heroes said while sitting on the stage. He revealed he had his eyes on someone. Your heart shouldn't hurt as much as it did, but you couldn't deny the feeling of your heart contracting.
The same way his did when he noticed you were gone. He had seen you in the crowd, waved at you when he went on stage, there was merely a tiny time frame of maybe ten seconds where his eyes weren't on you. Kirishima had to calm himself down, his erection growing harder by the minute, watching you wrap your lips around the wooden straw and thinking about how they would feel wrapped around him instead. He felt like fourteen again, mentally slapping himself for being turned on by something as simple as that, which definitely was a first for him. Those few seconds allowed you to slip away. Or at least you tried, considering you had no where to go without your car or money.
All he had to do to find you was walk onto the parking lot. Your cussing could be heard even from afar, telling yourself how stupid you were for not being more careful. "Everything okay?" his sudden appearance startled you and he almost felt bad when he noticed how defeated you look. "Oh, Eijiro. Yeah everything is okay, I'm fine," you brushed off, but the look of a lost puppy written across your face told him otherwise. "I'm not stupid you know?" he raised his eyebrows, leading you to a bench surrounded by small flowers, shielded by a big tree.
"Someone stole my stuff, I don't know how to get home. Also my phone died and my portable charger is in the car, so…“ you told him. A sigh left your lips as you looked at him through your lashes. "Y/N, that's really not a problem. I can drive you home, I'll talk to the organizer and security, maybe someone already found it and gave it to them or they will find it when they clean. It's not the end of the world, okay?," he laid his arm around you and pulled you into him, the heat radiating off of him calming you down. "Ki- Eijiro, that's really kind of you, but I can't-" you missed the flash of anger across his face. He won't let you turn him down. "I won't accept a no,“ before you could say anything he pulled out something from his pocket with a cheesy smile, hoping to lift up your mood.
"I still have your bracelet," he remembered. "You didn't forget about me," disbelieve was waved in your voice as you starred at the small object in his hand. "Never," red eyes took in every little detail about you, from tiny scars to anything that ornamented your face. "Come on, let's get you inside, it's getting a bit cold. I will talk to the staff and you can grab something to eat from our buffet," offered the tall man. He just wanted you to be happy, wanted you to feel save with him, wanted you to trust him. "Thank you," and you did, how could you not when he was basically a sunshine walking on two legs.
Whatever you offered, he declined it, telling you he had to go this way anyway. Which was the half truth, considering he should have turned right about twenty minutes ago instead of left. He just didn't want you to feel bad. Kirishima had asked you all sorts of thing, some more personal than others. Suspicious was the last thing he wanted you to be right now. It’s not like he didn’t care about your favorite color or band, but right now all he wanted to know was wether or not you’re seeing someone. You didn’t.
As you went to step out of his car Eijiro stopped you, asking for your number so he could text you if they find anything. You were more than happy to comply, smiling when he wished you a good night, texting you once he got home:
Meeting you again was awesome, I’m glad I have you back in my life :)
A week had almost passed and you found yourself texting the Pro Hero more and more. They found your belongings the next day, so Kiri offered to drop them by within the next few days. He had to find a reason to text you longer, had to build a relationship with you.
The red haired man send you a bouquet of flowers and a cute stuffed animal that reminded him of you after you told him your ex was found murdered. His body crushed like a grape. You had told you weren't really sad, he wasn't kind to you in the past, but it still didn't leave you unbothered. Probably got mixed up in a gang fight, his addiction wasn’t unknown and the case was quickly closed by the police.
Something he didn't want to find out while texting was that you were going on a date tonight. Everything between the two of you was going so great and now another man ruined it. You could have said no, but it wasn't your fault, you simply didn’t know any better. It was your dates fault for thinking he could try to take you away from him. Another reason why he had to keep you save from the outside.
He stood me up you texted him, feeling annoyed by the fact your date wasn't even mature enough to let you know it won't work.
I'm sorry. He didn't text you or anything? Of course he didn't, Kirishima thought to himself, watching the burning car. What a pity that his brakes didn't work. You should always check before you go somewhere.
No, nothing. He didn't even reply to my last message
Wait for me love, I'll be there shortly x
It was easy for him to get you to share your location with him. All he wanted was to look out for you, make sure you're safe when he isn't near you. The world is so cruel and you're his friend, that's all he had to say to you. Kirishima loved how naive you were just for him.
Usually you paid attention, don't give away too much, don’t give up the control you had with your surroundings. But it's different with him. He wasn't sure if you even noticed how much you trusted him, how easy it was for you to put your life in the hands of Red Riot. Misusing that trust would never pop into his head, he loved you for so long now, but he was scared he will lose you again. He might just has to keep you to him entirely. Would you let him? Or did he had to take you?
When he arrived at the luxurious restaurant his breath hitched in his throat as his red eyes landed on your gorgeous figure, clad in the most beautiful piece of clothing he had ever seen.
"Hey love," he greeted you, feeling your arms wrap around his torso, the smell of your perfume hitting his nostrils. "Hey Eijiro, you didn't need to come here. I could have just gone home and eat some take out," you explained, his hug around you tightening. It made you feel warm, not knowing his grip turned harder out of anger. Why would you always tell him about the things you could do without him. Every time he offered to be with you you would say no, tell him you didn't want to bother him. Did you not realize how in love he was? Or did you and you simply didn't feel the same? The thought of you turning him down made him even angrier, to a point of you squeaking out that you couldn't really breath. He apologized with a laugh, complimenting you. You didn't even got to say no after he told you to go inside again to have the date with him instead, as the tall man already pushed you through the door.
All he had to do was drop his name, a table ready within five minutes and an appetizer already awaiting you. As much as you would love to call this a date, you had to remind yourself that he was seeing someone. Never would you try and get between them, possibly destroying their happiness. His happiness. The sorrowful reminder of the two of you just being friend still stung. Even though you thought you had convinced yourself you only liked him as nothing more than that.
"They gave me your things by the way, they��re in my car. I would like to drive you home, is that okay?" he liked to give you the illusion of having a choice. "Are you sure? I can take the bus," you offered, knowing how far away his cottage was. "Nonsense, come on," he held the door open for you yet again, his eyes wandering to your beautiful ass that he would love to feel in his big hands, groping it and leaving his print in red on its flesh.
The car ride was filled with music and small talk, telling him about your day and your plans for the rest of the week and visa versa. When his fingers, draped over the shift gear, slightly brushed your thigh you shifted in your seat, turning your legs away from him. Kirishima's hand turned red, white spots appearing, caused by the tight grip on his shift. It almost cracked the leather and metal.
"So how are you and your... partner?" way to go, you thought to yourself. You knew a whole lot about him by now, but you have never talked about his sexuality. As far as you knew he could be gay. And because he never talked about the person he is seeing you couldn't just assume anything about them.
Why were you suddenly asking about Bakugou? Was he wrong about you? Where you like his last lovers? It didn't matter to him that they used him to get close to his best friend because he used them as well. But you? It felt like part of him died.
"Bakugou is just fine," his jaw was clenched and as much as he tried to keep his happy face on for you, the thought of you touching yourself to the thought of his best friend and not him? Craving Bakugou, wishing for his lips to be on yours, his arms wrapped around you, not Kirishima's. "Oh..." his eyes flickered to your face for a few seconds before returning to the road, seeing a surprised look painted on your face. "I didn't know the two of you were a thing! That's great though," while your lips were curved upwards your eyes didn't match. "What?" now it was his turn to be bewildered. "I mean, I heard the rumors of some fans shipping you, I didn't know they were true! Don't worry your secret's save with me," his body language told you how much he disliked the current situation and you didn't mean to push him.
"No... Wait. I am so confused right now. Why do you think I'm dating my best friend?" he asked you, turning into your street. Once you explained your train of thoughts his booming laugh filled the vehicle, relieve filling his whole body and feeling a ton being lifted off of his shoulders. „Oh, hahaha no. No, I'm not seeing anyone. What I meant at the con was- oh shit," the car stopped abruptly, his big arm immediately going across your chest to stop you from being pushed forward even with the seat belt on.
"Wha-" your eyes had followed his gaze, spotting whatever had him looking like he had seen a ghost. Your door was ajar and you spotted a cornice across your window from inside. It was dark but the street lights allowed you to see just enough. The shoe cabinet in your entrance was knocked over, jackets laying on the floor. The man next to you ordered you to wait in his locked car before he went inside, his quirk activated.
If the situation wasn't so dangerous your mouth would be watering at the sight of Red Riot in action. A breath you didn't know you were holding escaped your lips once he came back in sight. "Nobody is in there but I don't think it's save," his raspy voice told you as he opened your door, his hand finding place in the small of your back as you went inside. "You should pack your things and stay with me for a while, just so we're sure nobody is trying to harm you in particular," he let you know. "Why would anyone try to get to me? I don't have a useful quirk. My parents aren't rich, neither am I, I don't hold any power," you said, his hand stopping you from cleaning. "We should call the police. If you move anything it might mess up evidence on it," he knew what he was talking about, he had experienced these type of situations plenty of times. "Didn't your ex recently die? What if there is a crazy lover going around? Maybe he still owns someone money. You know you're save with me Y/N. I'm not that far away from you, your work is right around the corner, just a different direction," he saw a small part of you still hesitating to accept his offer, while another part of you wanted to be with him.
"I promise you, as long as you stay with me, nothing bad will happen to you," Kirishima would never let anything happen to you, never. He couldn't forgive himself if he let something hurt you. "That would be nice,“ you didn’t know the weight your words carried. It was like a modern Beauty and the Beast, only this time the Beast was already in love with his Beauty.
It worked :) Candy is send, should arrive soon.
It did, tastes delicious.
2k and a VIP pass to the next con was all it costed him to convince a small-time criminal he had caught before to break into your house and cause some chaos. Nobody was going to get hurt and he would never get in trouble for it promised Kirishima. And he would hold that promise dear to him. Because if that guy would get caught so did the hero, who had a lot more on the line. Which luckily for Eijiro that guy didn't think about much.
An hour later you stood in a huge entrance floor. Dark marble floors radiating warmth, caused by underfloor heating, welcoming the pacing of your feet as you slipped out of your jacket. "Eijiro, this place is beautiful! I might never leave again," you laughed to convey your joke. "You can stay forever if you want," as if you had a choice, he thought to himself, glad you liked your new home. He had renovated it a bit in the last week, making sure everything was the best of the best.
"Why don't you slip into something comfy? I'll do so too and then we can watch a movie if you like?" he offered and even though you felt tired watching a movie with him did sound like a great idea. He showed you around the house, explaining how Bakugo had helped with most of the interior design.
„I just don’t have an eye for that, but Katsuki? He’s brilliant,“ he explained, stopping at a wall covered in pictures. All of his friends had gifted him pics when he moved, so he decided to dedicate a wall to them. Pointing at a photograph of the two of you set off butterflies in your stomach. „That’s my newest addition, you look so beautiful here,“ Mina made that picture of the two of you, he had wrapped you in his jacket before walking back inside to talk to the security guards. (Y/e/c) eyes were fixed on him, laughing about a joke he made, his hand pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
„This is the bathroom, if you need anything, just call me. Conditioner and everything is in there, feel free to use whatever,“ Kirishima offered, laying out a warm towel for you after you asked to hop under his shower.
"Please don't laugh. I thought I grabbed a different shirt but I must have been a bit lost in my thoughts," you told him, feeling heat rising up in your cheeks. When going through your bag you were so sure you had grabbed a plain big shirt, but it turned out to be the one you had bought at the con. It's not like he didn't knew you were a fan, it was just weird to wear his merch in front of him. "I think it's really cute," the man clad in a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose red shirt patted the spot next to him, a drink and soft blanket waiting for you already.
He had been drawing spiral patterns all over your upper legs and while his eyes starred at the screen he didn't had clue what the movie was about as his brain was corrupted by thoughts surrounding you. Only when a sex scene on screen caused you to shift ever so slightly in your position did his day dreams falter. Whatever the people were doing before, right now he had trapped her in between him and the wall. His hand was around her throat while his knee gave her some sort of relieve and whispering dirty things into her ear.
"Thinking about me doing that to you princess?" he asked you sweetly, pulling your attention from the suddenly very interesting bottle cap. Kirishima's lust got the best of him, he couldn't hold back anymore. He had to have you in every way possible and as much as he wanted to wait, to get you used to everything, introduce you to the situation you still didn't knew you were in- he couldn't. "Hm?" you probably misheard him, you weren't really paying attention to be fair.
"I asked you," he grabbed your chin with his hand, thumb on your chin while making you look into his eyes. You hadn't noticed but his whole demeanor changed. His bright eyes now as dark as red wine, catching every movement of your muscles, his body tense, appearing like a predator ready to jump on its prey.
"If you think about me touching you?" Kirishima finished, knowing very well that you did. He almost fucked up a job because the sight of you touching yourself moaning out his name barely left him any piece of sanity. You had read a story about him, a very dirty one as well and fuck how wet you were, so needy and helpless, mind filled with him and him alone.
He couldn't bare the thought of you having any secrets, something he didn't know. Kirishima had to know everything, what you eat, your favorite drink, what type of gifts you appreciate, your favorite type of book genre, movie genre, what TV you liked to watch. Where you more of a dog or a cat person? Or both, maybe neither? What made you happy, what made you sad, how can he lift up your mood? It wasn't hard to get access to your laptop. Okay, well it was, but he had watched a friend hack into someone's stuff before, for another mission and remembered how to do it. Just in case. And oh my, you were such a good girl for him. Saved all of your passwords, your history, your Netflix, youtube, tumblr. Everything laid out for him, because you wanted him to find it, find out everything he wanted. He loved you more and more every second.
You were beneath him within seconds, his large frame towering over yours and trapping you. His warm breath was fanning over your face, eyes flickering between yours and your lips while a few strands of loose red hair fell into his face.
"Eiji-" as you attempted to sit up again he pressed your upper body down without any effort using his hand, feeling your heartbeat quicken. His sweatpants appeared to be much tighter all of the sudden and you couldn't help but peak down slightly, the sight of his dick print, revealing his impressively thick girth, the length hidden through the shirt he was wearing.
"My eyes are up here," he chuckled, face getting even closer. "Eijirou, I don't think we should do anything indiscreet," you told him, pushing yourself forward by your feet in a feeble attempt to escape. Only to have him flip you over on your stomach, one hand wrapped around your wrists and holding them above your head.
„Don’t fight it," he whispered in your ear, grinding down on your ass, enough to send pleasure through your whole body, goose bumps appearing on your skin. "We should-" you tried to form a complete sentence, but his lips on your neck were thwarting your plan, especially after they found your sweet spot.
"Hm?" he asked, peppering more kisses along your delicate skin, your senses heightening when his sharp teeth were dragged along it. His soft lips curled up into a small smirk as another moan hit his ears, before his teeth sunk into your neck. The scream escaping your lips was a something in-between pain and pleasure. And without a thought you had pushed your ass into him, your throbbing cunt begging for attention. Shame clouded your head as you came to realize how turned on you were by the currently obscure scene you had found yourself in.
"Do you want me to stop?" his tone let you know that there was only one right answer, his other hand slipping underneath you to tease you. The tip of his finger ghosted over your clit, earning a whine from your side. As you tried to push yourself down to create some sort of friction he pulled away, clicking his tongue.
"I asked you a question Y/N,“ his husky voice reminded you, kissing the fresh bite mark and caressing it with his sharp tongue. "No," you breathed, the lust your body felt in every inch betraying your mind, which was barely functioning at this point.
"Tell me you want me and I'll put the world to your feet," he meant it, all he needed to hear was that you wanted him, he needed, craved, starved for your acceptance of him as the man by your side. "Eijiro, I want you," you whispered, feeling hot and cold at the same time, craving his touch on you but also to disappear in between the cushions. Surely you had thought about this plenty of times but telling him, talking to him like that was new, unknown.
"Come on princess, don’t tease daddy and tell me what you want," he groaned into your ear, nibbling at its lobe. Rough hand groped your ass, kneading it, fingertips gliding across the swell, down between your legs, going all the way up only to skip the spot you needed him at the most. "I want you, please," he had heard you just fine the first time but he couldn't get enough of it, needed more.
"You can do better," he was more of a pleaser but now that he had you, he had to take his time with you, had to have you to submit to him. "Please Daddy, I need you, I want you," the pitiful tone of your voice surprised you, but the reaction of his body let you know just how much he liked it. It was impossible to miss the twitch of his length against you or feel his hands tightening, the sound of a heavy breath escaping his lungs.
Once again you found yourself facing him, being pulled onto his lap, on hand on your hips and the other one caressing your face. The grip on your chin wasn't harsh, just strong enough to keep you in place. His soft thumb stroked over your bottom lip, pupils dilated as he watched it bounce back in place and glistering from your saliva.
If he wasn't in love with you already he definitely would be by now. He didn't give you the chance to say another word as his lips came crushing into yours, molding together perfectly. It felt electrifying and intense, a kiss filled with passion and hunger. Wandering hands grabbed your ass and as a soft moan graced his ears he slipped his tongue into your mouth, tips colliding and swirling around one another. Kirishima pulled you closer to him as your hand went into his hair, the other one tugging on his shirt.
"So eager," he whispered against your lips, happy to comply to your wishes and pulling off his shirt in one swift motion, your eyes not knowing where to look at first. Your attention was quickly occupied again by his hand slipping under your shirt, going along your side, up to your chest while he once again interlocked your lips.
The moans slipping into his mouth as his thumb circled over your nipple were fuel on fire and as much as he enjoyed taking his time with you, he will have all the time in the world with you from now on. The big man had waited so ling for this moment, had dreamed about this situation, spend so many hours thinking about it during the day. His mind was filled with you as was his heart, how you laugh, how you talk, how you taste. Oh, he had to know how you taste and he knew if he waited one too many seconds he might destroy you with the lust inside of him.
Strong arms secured you as he stood up, walking over to his dinning table and sitting you down on it. „It would only be fair for you to get undressed too,“ Kirishima mumbled against your lips, hands already at the hem of it and pulling it up. A few curses fell from his lips as he saw that you weren’t wearing a bra under the shirt. Pushing you down gentle his lips landed on your neck again, kissing the slightly swollen mark. He couldn’t help it, the view was so hot, he had to give you another one. You’re his, only his, nobody will take you away now. Nobody can. And even if they dared to try he will rip them apart.
As the red haired man continues to work his way down, he stopped at your naked chest. While giving one nipple bites, kisses and soft flicks of his tongue, the other one got attention through his hands, pinching and circling them. The movements had you gasping for ear, your legs wrapping around him and pulling him into you.
„Daddy I need more,“ you whimpered, making him kiss the valley between your breasts, down your stomach, before he stopped above the only fabric left on you. Your underwear was discarded in a second, the sound of fabric ripping made you look at him. His ruby red eyes were fixated on your glistering cunt, licking his lips as the thought of your pussy on his tastebuds.
Taking a seat in front of you it looked like you were the dessert he had been craving for years, never finding the right one. But now here he was, ready to devour you and hear you moans, have you gush over him. „Legs over my shoulders,“ he tapped them, grabbing the soft flesh of your thighs as you obeyed his order. „Good girl,“ Eijiro groaned, kissing the spots close to your core before his lips finally met your clit.
The cunnilingus he gave you made you feel like you were send to heaven and back. His sharp tongue knew exactly what to do, knew where to be at the right time. Nails dug into your skin and you were sure by the end of it Kirishima’s marks would be prominent for the next week. The small amount of pain intensified your pleasure and the first orgasm crashed down on you faster than ever. You were hoping for him to give you a small break, your whole body on fire but he was far from being done.
Wrapping his lips around your sensitive spot he sucked slightly, pulling a sinful moan from the back of your throat which caused his rock hard dick to twitch in his grey sweatpants. Not yet, he thought, slipping a long, thick finger inside you, while lapping at your clit.
You didn’t expect to feel so filled by just two of his finger inside you. But it came to no surprise as just the palm of his hand is as big as your whole, two fingers as thick as four of yours. Two minutes, that’s how much it took to make you cum for the first time, moaning out his new nickname and pulling on his hair. Kirishima didn’t give you time to come, a break was the last he would think of in this moment. Before you knew it another wave of pleasure crashed down upon you, making your legs clamp down. Well, you tried, but he didn’t really had to try to keep them apart.
„Does that feel good? You like that?“ the question was rhetorical, your body had answered it long ago. Your fourth orgasm was about to hit anytime now as his mouth was glistering from your wetness, licking it all up. He wouldn’t really call it mocking, but it amused and aroused him at the time seeing you so fucked, not able to form a full sentence, yet alone answering his question.
And there it was. The knot in your stomach released itself, eyes rolling in the back of your head, a single tear sliding down the side of your face. Slurred words, a mixture of curse words, affection and his name made him feel as powerful as ever. He did this, only with his fingers and tongue.
„Tsk, would you look at that princess, you made a mess,“ was the first thing you heard after you came down from your high, the white spots slowly disappearing. With a heavy breath you looked down, watching as his cleaned his lower lip with his thumb before licking your juice off of it. Eijiro was right: he was wet, drenched even. Your lover made you squirt and the look of ecstasis written across his face was something you could never forget. „I’m sorry-,“ before you could say another word he pulled you up to him with his hand around your neck, locking your lips and pulling your lower body closer to him, allowing his now freed dick to slip in between your folds. Dragging it slowly up and down made you jolt and whine against his lips, trying to pull away as electric like shocks went through your veins, the pleasure overwhelming.
„That was the hottest thing I have seen. If I wasn’t this horny for you I would make you squirt again,“ he told you, chuckling slightly when he saw your eyes widening at the sight of his boner.
You knew he was big, at least nine inches, but it was his thickness that had you speechless. Without the foreplay there was no way he would fit inside of you and even now you knew he had to be slow at first or else you might pass out.
„Don’t worry, I will be gentle… At first,“ a small smirk graced his face, his tip now at your entrance. Laying down his soft sweatpants before laying you down he made sure you were laying comfortably. Thighs against his stomach, knees on his shoulders with his body towering over yours, almost touching but leaving enough space for Kirishima to look at him slowly slipping inside of you.
Drawing small circles on your thigh and clit helped soothing you as he went in inch by inch. He was taken by surprise when you pushed yourself onto him, taking in the last couple of inches at once. „So you want it that way huh? All you had to do was ask,“ with that he was lost in his own word.
His thrusts weren’t fast at first, they were hard, hitting your g-spot over and over and over again. Eijiro either went with a rhythm of song stuck in his head or did whatever felt right, you weren’t sure. All you knew was that you didn’t want him to stop. As quick as you put your legs down to lessen the immense pleasure, as quick he had both of your ankles in his hand, putting them over his right shoulder. Thick fingers caressing the soft flesh of your neck, feeling your pulse against the tip of his fingers, before wrapping around your throat completely. With the current position your pussy was even tighter, giving him the opportunity to hit deeper than before. Whenever he was balls deep inside of you wet slapping sounds filled the room, just like a mix of the moans of the two of you. Your scents mixed together, his room spray not standing a chance, even though your favorite smell hit your nose once in a while. What a funny coincidence, you thought later on.
„M about to cum,“ you slurred, a particular hard thrust sending you over the edge yet again, your throbbing cunt adding to his lust. „Who do you belong to? Who’s your daddy?“ He grunted, as his hips were snapping again and again. Your neck was released for a short moment to wipe away the few tears at the corner of your eye that just spilled over the edge.
„You, ah, you Eijiro,“ the o was quickly blending with yet another moan. If you didn’t know any better you would think he was a son of Eros. He definitely looked like a half god the way he was pounding into you, body glistering from the film of sweat and red strands of hair framing his face perfectly.
„That’s right, you’re mine. Only I can fuck you this good, only I can love you, only I can touch you,“ he said through gritted teeth, his possessiveness coming through. Kirishima could feel himself getting closer and closer to his own orgasm, dick twitching and hips titubating as your walls tightened around him.
„Mh, my good girl, just a little more, you can take it,“ you shook your head, feeling slightly dizzy and have one thought in your head: his name. There wasn’t even energy left in you to close your mouth properly. Something he saw as an invitation, his middle and ring finger slipping inside, your moans sending soft vibrations through them straight to his still hard length buried inside your cunt.
So many possibilities for him to cum on. You would look so pretty with his cum on your stomach, or when it drips from your face onto your chest. Your ass would look delicious that way too. One day he will find out what his favorite view is, but the first has to be special. He had to fill you up, mark your insides, had to make you his out and out.
„Let go, it’s okay. Daddy got you,“ finally. Your nails dug into his skin, vision blurry as your body started shaking from the last wave of pleasure for the night. He let go himself at the same time, pumping you full with his cum, a few lazy strokes following before he halted, his cock still inside you. Deep, shaky breath helped him come down from his dream like orgasm. Your pussy was magic, nobody could convince him otherwise. Maybe this won’t be your last time for tonight, maybe he will have you again once you laid down in bed. For now all he wanted to do was to hold you close, care for you and make you feel his love for you.
Pulling you into his strong arms he pulled out a bottle of water, taking a few sips himself before slowly letting the cool liquid hit your mouth and throat. Soft words of affirmation were whispered in your ear while he petted your head, massaging your scalp softly and kissing your forehead.
„You did so well for me baby,“ Kirishima mumbled against your lips, making sure you took another sip of water. You were still in bliss when he carried you to the bathroom, filling up the bathtub and sitting down with you between his thick thighs. While he was gently cleaning you realization hit him: Finally, after all this time you were with him. This wasn’t another dream. This was reality.
It broke his heart to see you cry the next morning when all the doors were locked. You told him you loved him too and you never would want to leave his side under no circumstances. He believed you, you would never lie to him. But the outside was too big, too scary for you. The intruder could still be after you and try to take you away from him. Kirishima knew you will forgive him eventually, after all he loves you and that should be enough for you. He is enough for you. You will understand eventually. He couldn’t risk loosing you again.
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furiousgoldfish · 3 years
All lies of abusive parents are self serving. Don’t believe me? Watch this:
“You’re stupid, worthless, waste of space!” There’s no reason to say any of this to a child, if the child was actually struggling with learning or finishing tasks it would be something to soothe them over, and work on it together, not a reason to attack. So why do they do it? To convince themselves they’re actually smarter and more important than the child, which they are not. They repeat it just to convince themselves the child isn’t beating them in every avenue of hunanity. Which the child usually does effortlessly since the parents are trash.
“Nobody will ever want you, nobody will hire you, you can’t do anything, you’re lazy, incompentent slob! ” Now if any of that was true, it would firstly reflect bad on the parents. If they ‘raised’ a kid so badly the kid can’t do anything and is even unexploitable by capitalism, they should feel ashamed of themselves. Yet thats not what they’re saying, and they’re usually not saying it to a kid who can’t do anything, it would be extremely cruel to say this to a disabled kid and very obviously evil (not unheard of, tho) no, they say this to the children who already work hard and try their best, and they make a point of repeating this and going overboard to find all or any mistakes. Why? To prevent escape. If their smart, capable and hardworking child realizes the truth, they will plan and achieve to escape and live by their own means. Brainwashing to keep a child trapped at home is extremely self serving, if not explicitly evil.
“You are so disgusting, you should feel ashamed of yourself! Don’t you feel any pity for your poor parent?! You’re heartless and cruel and want me to suffer! ” Other than being a huge projection, lets just look at what picture this framing paints. Apparently what we have here is a parent (?) who Is suffering (?) because their CHILD isn’t taking pity on them. This tells the child that the parent is depending on them, parent’s happiness is depending on them, they have to think about what the parent wants and needs or they’re HURTING the parent. Except, this is parentification, and the reality is reversed. Of course the parent isn’t depending on the child to look after them and make them happy. Does the child own a house? A job? Resources? Food? Emotional maturity to comfort their grown up ass? Did the child concieve them? No. The parent has, or is supposed to have all that, and responsibility to look after the kid. So why are they acting like the kid is the actual parent here and actively causing SUFFERING by not caretaking enough? Because they’re spoiled narcissistic adults who think actual children should neglect themselves, on top of being neglected by parents, and cater to their needs instead. It does not get more gross and seld serving than that. Maybe find a fucking therapist or person your age to ‘take pity’. Heaven knows you never took pity on your own child.
“Nobody will ever love you like I do!” If this was true, they would never say it, for obvious reasons of ‘scaring the child that they would never experience actual love from another person’, do you think anyone who loves the child would ever want them to live in that fear? No, this is a self serving lie and it means ‘if you ever leave I want you to be scared that you will never be loved again’ and if that gives you cold chills, it should. Downright psychopatic shit. Cruel emotional manipulation for the sake of sabotaging possible escape. And if they say it, they already know you will want to escape, they know they’re treating you bad enough for you to want to get the hell away. Healthy way would be simply treating you with respect, care and love so you wouldn’t have to escape, but apparently thats just too much to ask.
“You have to listen to me/obey what I say. I’m your parent and it is the law/bible/you’re freeloader and have to deserve to eat here.” If that was true we wouldn’t even bother having children being raised by parents, we’d simply chuck them to the nearest factory, prison or what have you, and have them work until they deserve to eat or die. This however, is ILLEGAL and also a reason for humanity not to even exist. By whose authority do we not have children fed, clothed and housed, regardless of wether they’re providing labor? They’re not workers, they’re not even fully developed, and you want them to work or DIE? There is no animal, no creature on this planet who does this to their children. Every parent in animal kingdom cares for their child, teaches them how to get along in the world and NEVER expects the child to pay back, or work for them, or sustain them, because its STUPID and UNNATURAL and completely out of this world. If you consider children freeloaders or source of free labour or think at any point they’re unworthy of food, roof, clothes, society, support, happiness, just get a fucking robot and call it a day. You don’t need or deserve a kid. Legally kids don’t owe their parents free labour. Not even chores. All responsibility of caretaking and giving falls to the parent, and they’ve CHOSEN THIS. The child chose nothing. They don’t need to pay for their own food because this is your fault, not theirs. It’s on you to keep them healthy, happy, teach them how to survive and thrive and support them to be happy in this world. They do not owe you a thing.
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Passion Pink) Part 2 - Asahina Kaname Route
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Okay, I'm not the most interested in Kaname since he feels like such a pervert lmao, but we'll see I guess loll. LOL I hate it when Kaname makes everything become so sexual, but I really like his voice so I'm confused😭 It's so cute how Ema is becoming more snarky with her responses to Kaname because he's so over the top with what he says lol. I love how Ukyo is the one who scolds Tsubaki and Kaname for troubling Ema with their incessant flirting, like geez to them lol! I love how Ukyo told Kaname to like get away from her forever😂😂 Anyway, I think I'm already kinda warming up to Kaname, just because on the dates, he's not so "crazy" about her and acts normal lol, but still really loving and sweet. I liked how he held her hand when she got a bit cold after the dolphin show, he probably knew she would be uncomfortable if he hugged her, so he did that at least and I think that was quite considerate of him considering how he usually acts haha. Lmao when the right option was to say that she wants to be like Kaname (kind and attentive), it was kinda cute how he laughed and thought she was cute for saying that hahaha.
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Aww I love the zoo one where Ema doesn't go check out Tsubaki and Azusa filming because it's a day out with Kaname and she wants to properly spend time with him because of that. Lmao when Ema got turned off on going on the rollercoaster after Kaname said it would be wonderful to hold her hand and kiss her when it gets to the highest part on the ride lolll. Well, he didn't explicitly say her but he might as well have😂 Aww, even though I thought Ema was really reckless to overdo it looking for Wataru in the rain, but I think alike Kaname, it was really nice to see that she cares so much for the brothers that she was so obstinate about finding him before caring about herself. I would have loved to see Kaname hug her~~ I agree with Kaname though, there's something about listening to the waves at night, seeing the sky and the ocean kinda merge together, and you start to think about how vast everything is and how small other things are. It really helps to calm you down, but I guess at the same time it can be unsettling though haha. Kaname is such a sweet talker to say that he would save her before she would even get scared or cry hahaha. I definitely love the more serious Kaname, there's something really mature and alluring about him when he's not joking around haha. LOL when he went over to the water and tripped over seaweed😂😂 It was so cute how he pulled her into the water too for laughing at him. OMG I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT!! I knew he was going to be corny and say that love is mightier than the pen and the sword but I honestly didn't think he would kiss her so suddenly!!! The CG is so beautiful btw. Something I wish Masaomi's route had was something like a kiss CG though, that would have been so nice, they were just so polite with each other all the time, it was kinda sad we never got to see anything more romantic, it was still cute though of course but yeah~ I'm really enjoying Kaname's route now.
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Okay, I died when Ema fed Kaname her Bento when they went to the park, like omggg that's so cute. Honestly though for Ema, regardless of whether she likes Kaname or not, I think it's a bit hard to act normal with him after he kissed her like that on the family holiday lol. Omggg, Kaname was pretty pushy, but honestly him asking if he could kiss her again and stuff was pretty hot lolll! Especially when he licked or kissed her ear or something loll omg. He's moving wayy too fast for Ema's innocent mind haha. But at least even though he's pushy, he's never really forced her to do anything, and the drive to the night view was something she was okay with going to with Kaname. But she did trust him to not overdo it and he did push her past her boundaries a bit so yeah...it was hot but also I felt bad for Ema. Okay, Kaname apologised to her, that's good. I guess her avoiding him and Iori telling Kaname how down she seemed helped him realise he might have gone a bit too far lol. Omgg when drunk Subaru pushed Ema down though, like it was hot, but I felt so bad for her because she was scared, I think Azusa comforting her after he saw them though was what made my heart melt. He's so sweet, I love Azusa😭 Anyway, ever since I checked Kaname's VA and realised that it's Suwabe Junichi (VA for Archer from Fate/stay night), I was like, no wonder why I love his voice!! Hahaha, and yes, now I like Kaname even more loll. I'm so glad Ukyo was there to hit Kaname at the cultural festival, lmao at the things he says sometimes, like seriously, super inappropriate lol. But lmao at Kaname announcing to her classmate that he's Ema's boyfriend loll.
Honey in cafe au lait?? Is that a thing??🤔 Anyway, I usually hate it when the guy is jealous and possessive, but honestly when Kaname got jealous and mad, I couldn't help but feel a bit happy because it was kinda..cute? Hahaha. On the other hand, Azusa being a bit "mad" that Kaname took Ema away was cute too, I love him loll. It's kinda interesting how Ema always thinks Kaname is playing around with her and isn't serious at all, but then she does stuff like stay over in his room hahaha, anyway, it's cute how he always says good morning to her~ When Ema asked if they could sleep together (since she couldn't sleep), I knew Kaname would find it difficult to hold himself back, but dangg, the kisses🥰🥰🥲 Awww Kaname let her use his arm as a pillow, that's actually really cute. Anyway lmao I find it hilarious that Juli the squirrel is calling her pitiful for spending Christmas Eve playing games hahahah. It's kinda cute how hardcore Ema is when it comes to games though lol. Lmaoo at Yusuke and Tsubaki's new year's wishes, they're so silly😂 It was kinda interesting to see both Ema and Kaname bury the kitten, mainly because it was nice to hear that the idea of the dead's souls/hearts returning to the side of those who think about them is a nice way to view death? Honestly though, I really want to like Kaname but his "romantic scenes" have been irking me quite a bit, especially the last one sleepover CG(?), like I really like how hot he sounds and I alwaysss get enraptured by his voice but seriously, he needs to stop lol. Like, if Ema was more receptive to his advances, I think I wouldn't be as uncomfortable but she's always telling him no and to stop it, but he just continues and says afterwards that he held himself back already. Like excuse me dude, if you held yourself back, you wouldn't be practically forcing yourself on Ema and touching her without her permission especially when she says no. Like seriously, he's the adult here! Anyway, yeah I feel like the only time I liked him was around the kiss scene lol. On the other hand, I find it interesting that Ema still thinks Kaname is just playing around with her when he's kissed her and stuff. To be fair though, he's always teasing her and he's never seriously told her his feelings in a way that she would understand as not playing with her so I'd say it's more his fault, especially since she's younger and more naive, and she considers him her brother so...
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Very Kaname-like to give Ema perfume for White Day and then tell her to only use it when she goes out with him haha. HAHAHA, I just realised I missed out on a funny zoo date where Kaname asks Ema what animal she thinks he would prefer compared to Juli, and she said it probably doesn't really matter to him because he likes human girls the most😂😂 I mean, it's nice that Ema finally realised her feelings when she saw Kaname with another girl and Tsubaki and Yusuke said he always does that and is never serious about any girl, but it was pretty random and sudden tbh lol. I feel like it could have been done better especially since most of Kaname and Ema's recent scenes have just been him "attacking" her lol. I'm glad that Tsubaki who is usually as playful as Kaname is, is now shouting at Kaname telling him to stop playing around with her if he isn't serious, because really, if she doesn't understand and think so, there's no point if he thinks he is serious. Oh wow, did Kaname just break his phone to prove that he's serious about her and won't talk to other people? Lol! Whaaat! Kaname quit being a monk and went to his mother's company?? Honestly though, I'm rather suspicious of this monk thing, like was he actually a host all along? Lol, I mean, we never actually got to see him do anything related to his work this whole entire route lol. Anyway, the kyodai/brother ending is really weird considering the flow of events and how Kaname kissed her and stuff for alllll those months, like that doesn't make sense!! Lol anyway doesn't matter. Btw, Kaname in the epilogue(?) is sooo hot in a suit, and omggg at Ukyo discovering their relationship in the worst way especially with how Kaname says stuff lol. Otherwise, the CG was niceeee 🥰
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Overall, I loveee Suwabe Junichi's voice and I really think he made Kaname a better character than he actually was lmao. Honestly, I really enjoyed the beginning of this route and I really thought I'd love their relationship because of how forward Kaname is, but I think from the middle onwards, I lost a lot of interest because of how clunky the flow of events were, and the events themselves were rather disappointing I guess. Most of the events that happened after the kiss was mostly just Kaname "teasing" Ema and a lot of them were more uncomfortable than sexy even though his voice really made me love and hate it lolll. My heart was confused haha. Kaname does a lot of things that are a bit over for me especially since Ema isn't very receptive towards it and tells him to stop but he really doesn't and touches her quiteeee a bit, so yeah I didn't like it all that much, but at the same time I could never really understand Ema either? Lol. Like, she seemed so confused throughout the route about Kaname and I feel like she only liked him because I "chose" him through the dialogue options than because she really liked him lol. I think a lot of it was just awkward, especially her revelation that she likes him, like lady, you saw him with Hikaru before too lol, but anyway their "confession" of love to each other was also pretty underwhelming considering how frustrating their relationship was throughout the route lol. Otherwise, I loved Kaname's voice and if you ignore how much he touches Ema and says so many inappropriate crap, he's actually pretty sweet and loving. I definitely prefer Masaomi overall though haha.
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dangermousie · 3 years
CFC 77
I t1. Ooooh, we have a serial killer now? And who is he after - he seems to have switched targets to a “better” target after seeing XQC, HY, Chen Man and those girls, but who and why? And is he tied to evil org?
2. The whole thing with HY switching rooms so he’s next room to XQC and CM and putting his bed to the wall so he can listen in reminded me of Mo Ran 1.0′s ridiculousness.
3. The head of ER being HY’s cousin does not give me tingly happy vibes because this novel made me paranoid and I am wondering how he’s connected into the conspiracy.
4. Jealous idiot He Yu going “you can’t be with Chen Man! You are old and divorced and unhot and poor!” made me facepalm. You can’t neg XQC into liking you, dummy! You are gonna die single at this rate (but near the end of the chapter he repeats that again with “but meeee! I can give you anything he can give you, pick meeeeeee!” cracked me up. Oh, He Yu!)
5. He Yu spends this whole chapter tormented by jealousy even tho objectively he knows XQC x CM are not a thing; but he’s irrational and possessive (that comparison about him being a dragon and XQC his sacrifice he wants chained up is apt) but also he knows that XQC doesn’t like him and doesn’t want him and he likes Chen Man and at least wants him as a friend and it’s eating at HY so much.
6. HY wanting to drag XQC off but being restrained because of the way XQC despises him. And XQC basically explicitly not caring about HY acting out because would you get angry at an animal? That would be absurd. He’s not unjustified but OUCH.
7. He Yu smoking XQM’s favorite brand of cigarette as some sort of insane attempt to get close is poetic but also I wanted HY to stop XQC from murdering his lungs, not join him!
8. HY calling and XQC turning the phone on and putting it by the news for a long time and HY still not giving up (only to be an idiot when XQC finally relents an do the negging thing; oh idiot boy!) is - he’s hanging on with all he has and he doesn’t even know why, 77 chapters in and he’s still “XQC is just a sex object!” Sure, sure. But he feels in pain :(
9. The fact that HY was going to get the last hot chocolate and XQC grabbed it first and gave it to Chen Man is the whole thing in a nutshell.
10. Honestly, a lot of this chapter brings back to me just how young He Yu is - the next room thing, the calls and the texts, the paper airplane!!! It makes my heart warm somehow. I think it’s because he’s young that there is hope - he has time to learn, he hasn’t had decades of bad behavior behind him.
11. When HY thinks he always had self-control and it’s XQC’s fault he doesn’t any more so shouldn’t XQC take responsibility? This is such a “you dishonored my maiden self, lord, marry me!” attitude and I am dying.
12. Good Lord, footsie! You ARE twelve.
13. FWIW, I am pretty sure Chen Man is a good guy, if for no other reason than censors won’t let a policeman be evil. His fam tho must be hella shady.
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