#list of genuine swing states
sunnysideprincess · 10 months
Tony, with all his reputation as a playboy billionaire, is a little slow on the uptake. Natasha noticed this shortly after moving in with the team. He was genuinely unaware of the way ladies would drag their sunglasses down to their nose just to see the swing of his hips or the slow roll of his shirt sleeves. Pepper, despite their mutually thought break up, still drools a little when Tony's nimble fingers work the tie loose. And yeah, Nat wouldn't say no to a wild weekend away with the genius on a secluded cabin on the hill—doing nasty, nasty things to that tush.
But nothing compares Tony's oblivious nature when it comes to the men around him.
The way he drives Tiberus Stone crazy during the Met Gala, wearing a corset that's tight enough to give Victorian Era ladies a run for their money. The way one of the military brats shamelessly stares at his throat, licking his lips and subtly adjusting his pants. The way Barnes whines when Tony comes out of the armor, wearing the tight-just right-flight suit. The way Steve punches a hole in the refridgerator when he sees his shirt sitting loose on Tony's bare chest. (Apparently Tony and Nat are the resident clothing thieves. She doesn't disagree because Bruce's shirts and Clint's jackets look good on her.)
She sees it while tracing the spots on her mug. The resident genius billionaire is listing sideways, on the verge of falling off his perch on the counter top—because normal seats are for losers, he said. His head bumps on the shelving unit above and he mutters a curse, stretches his arm up to swat at it like it's a fly. But her attention catches at the stillness of two super soldiers staring at the patch of skin—a tiny sliver around the waist, the curve of the hip bone winking at them.
Tony yawns, jumps down to the floor and the loosely fitted sweats slide an inch below their designated spot. Something cracks and Nat watches them—the two Brooklyn boys pushing away their broken chopsticks and slowly, with the stillness of a pack of predators, rising up from their seats.
"I'm gonna go upstairs, use my bed for once," Tony tells them and sends Nat a slow smile. A knowing one.
He swings his hips around, humming an off beat tune and doesn't bother checking his own disheveled state of clothes.
It takes them all a moment to understand, and then Steve and Barnes are racing out of the kitchen after him, only to have the elevator doors slam on their faces.
Looks like Tony might not be so oblivious after all.
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acapelladitty · 1 month
Just a cute lil idea that’s stuck in my head even though it’s probably very out of character for the ghoul but cooper carrying reader through the wasteland when she has a fever and bonus point if he lets her wear his hat
Aye aye captain 🫡 have this little thing! 💋
And In Health
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Fem!Reader
Summary: Falling ill as you travel through the wastelands, Cooper is forced to take care of you. Sadly, not in the assassin way.
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
Dropping against the wooden information board which was too rotten and devoid of actual intel to be of use to anyone, your body chose to add to the mess surrounding the small board you as you drop your head to the side and vomit once again - the burn making your eyes water as you retch pathetically.
The fourth time you'd been sick that day, not that you were counting.
Having moved in silence for the last while, Cooper had been maintaining a rapid pace which you struggled to meet as your worsening condition hadn't proven too much of a hindrance until stopping for a moment had apparently allowed each element of your various ailments to assault you like a bonafide firing squad just waiting in the shadows.
"Not looking too hot, sweetie. Something you ate?"
"Probably." Groaning out the word, the taste of bile stings in your throat as you gaze up at him with bleary eyes. "Knew that meat you roasted up was foul."
Standing with a straightened spine, Cooper gazes back at you and you can feel the heat of his assessment like a host of ants crawling across your sweat-slicked skin.
"Didn't do me no harm. Quack doctor in the next town would have what we need for you to get that sweet ass back on the move. Chem, stim packs, hell - he probably has shit stowed away that even I wouldn't take. And that's a very, very small list."
Not trusting your voice as you keep your focus on breathing evenly, a sick hope alights in your gut as you blink up at Cooper and take in his contemplative musings.
"Can you walk?"
You shake your head carefully, every movement making your brain feel inflamed as even that small motion sparks fresh nausea in your throat.
Cooper grunts with displeasure at that, making no effort to hide his growing irritation with your pitiful state.
"Can you defend yourself here while I go and fetch what we need? That nasty little projectile skill you've developed there should keep the worst of the raiders and deathclaws away."
With inhumane effort, you raise your hand enough to flip him off very shakily before dropping your wrist back to your lap, the mild effort making your joint tremble and ache.
With a deep sign, Cooper shifts his body as he bends towards you. Strong hands lock around your frame as they pull you heavily to unsteady feet before swinging you up into his arms - the motion making you dry heave as you carefully tilt your head away from his body.
"Can't have you dying on me, sweetie. You owe me twenty caps after proving to be the shittiest gin rummy player I've ever had the misfortune to share a table with."
Held bridal-style against his chest, the little showcase of strength is enough to make you hum out an interested noise as his hands wrap around your knees and upper body. Borderline delirious as your vision swims and shakes, you swear you can hear the tiniest hint of genuine concern hidden beneath the sarcasm in his tone but you chalk it down to the ravages of infection.
The scent of him floods your senses as you tilt your head to push your face more roughly into his chest, desperately trying to block out the sun as it threatens to burn the life out of your eyes. Leather mixed with the definite tinge of coppery violence which always seems to hang around him is the most potent scent he usually carries but this close, with your nose practically touching his skin, you can pick up the faintest notes of sweat and natural musk which his lifestyle often hides.
"For someone on the brink of death you sure do seem to want to yap your hole a lot." Grumbling, he indulges you regardless as he begins to stride quickly in the direction of the town hosting the quack doctor he seems to know. "But what do you want?"
"Will...'m gonna die?"
"Oh, I doubt that. Too stubborn for sure. Why? You got a final request in mind? I don't sing so you're shit out of luck for a funeral chant."
Too out of it to think up anything witty as a comeback, a hiss escapes your lips as his head shifts and the sun glares down into your squinting face - the sudden brightness like an inferno alighting behind your sockets.
Sighing, Cooper bends his body enough to allow his curved knee to support your legs as his hand slips free from beneath your knees. In a single fluid movement, he pulls the weathered cowboy hat from his head and drops it across your eyes; the instant darkness soothing your pains a little as the scent of fresh sweat and leather swirls across your senses.
"Thank you." You squeak out your gratitude, the second word more of a noise than a word as Cooper slides his arm beneath your knees - once more pulling you close as he continues his journey.
The hat acting as a delightful barrier to the harsh rays of the sun as he refuses to acknowledge your thanks, your weakened grip on remaining conscious seems to flee you in an instant as you allow the steady beat of Cooper's heart to lull you into a restless nap.
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skz-streamer · 8 months
Coming love
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Simptober Small Things You Do M-list
Pairing: Lee Know (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: just brain rot fluff :)
Notes: His arms, that's all I gotta say :)))
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Word count - 853;)
The evening had started with excitement and anticipation as you prepared for a night out with your friends. You had spent what felt like hours picking out the perfect outfit, settling on something cute and slightly revealing but not too much. It was a balance that made you feel confident and ready for a fun night.
As you stood in front of the bathroom mirror, you couldn't help but admire your reflection. Your hair was styled just right, your makeup was flawless, and that dress hugged your curves in all the right places. You knew you looked good, but what really mattered was how you felt. And tonight, you felt fantastic.
Finally satisfied with your appearance, you walked out of the bathroom, your heart racing with excitement. As your eyes met Lee Know's, you couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled with admiration. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on you as you entered the room.
"You look absolutely stunning," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. He stood up and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. You could feel the warmth of his body, and it sent shivers down your spine.
"Thanks babe," you replied with a smile. "I'm ready to head out now. See you later."
With a quick kiss and a whispered "bye," you left the room, leaving Lee Know behind, still captivated by your beauty. He watched you go with a loving smile, knowing that you were going to have a great time with your friends.
Out at the bar, the night was in full swing. You and your friends were laughing, smoking, and enjoying some drinks. The atmosphere was lively, and the music filled the air. However, as the night progressed, a few guys started to approach your group, attempting to strike up conversations and hit on you.
You were polite but firm in your rejection, making it clear that you were taken. The words "I have a boyfriend" became your mantra, a shield against unwanted advances. Despite the alcohol in your system, you remained steadfast in your loyalty to Lee Know.
As the night wore on, you found yourself getting increasingly high, the world around you spinning. Your friends were in various states of inebriation as well, but your most sober friend realized that you had reached your limit. Concerned for your well-being, she took your phone and called Lee Know to pick you up.
You managed to steal the phone away for a moment, your words slurring as you called out, "Hey... can you pick me uppp..."
On the other end of the line, Lee Know's voice was filled with concern and love as he replied, "Coming, love."
You waited outside the bar, the world a dizzying blur, until you saw him enter. You felt a rush of relief and affection as he thanked your friend for calling him. He looked incredibly hot in a simple tank top and sweatpants, an effortless kind of attractiveness that made your heart race even more.
Lee Know wasted no time. He gently placed his hand around your waist and guided you out of the bar. The cool night air hit your face, momentarily clearing your mind as you focused on him. His jawline was chiseled, his eyes were beautiful, and his arms looked insanely hot in that tank top.
He noticed your lingering glance and looked at you questioningly. "Am I just too hot for you?" he teased, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You managed to stammer out, "Hey, I have a boyfriend," still slurring your words. Lee Know chuckled and leaned in to give you a gentle, loving kiss before helping you into the car.
The drive home was a bit of a blur for you, the world outside whizzing by as you focused on him. His presence was comforting, and you couldn't help but admire him. His hands on the steering wheel, his strong arms, the way his hair looked tousled but perfect—it all made you feel incredibly lucky to have him.
When you finally reached your house, you were barely conscious. Lee Know carefully lifted you out of the car and supported you as you walked to the front door. He laid you down on the bed, gently removing your shoes and wiping off your makeup as best as he could.
You were peacefully sleeping, and as much as he wanted to sleep beside you, Lee Know knew he couldn't. He gave you one last tender kiss and brushed a strand of hair away from your face. Then, he turned off all the lights, leaving you in peaceful darkness.
He settled on the couch, laptop open in front of him, but his mind was far from work. It was focused entirely on you, his love, and how lucky he was to have you in his life. As he worked, he couldn't help but steal glances at your sleeping form, his heart full of love and warmth for the incredible woman who had stolen his heart.
Tags:  @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee @sungiesoonie @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28 @turtledove824 @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @backintomykpopphaseagain @minhos4thkitty @fiqire
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amphitriteswife · 2 months
Do more of ror school au hcs please 🙏🏻 💓 💕 💗
📝✂️Ror/ Snv characters as Students📝✂️
Also am I spotting a fellow Alien stage fan??? @miserable-homo-momo
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☠️He’s a top student. On top of most of his classes, and he’s a senior.
☠️ Mostly hangs out with Qin or his brothers. He doesn’t necessarily have friends but a lot of ppl want to be tho, only he focuses on being a big brother.
☠️ Listens to a lot of music tastes. Like his play list is full of mood swings. It contains: Classic music, Pop Music, HipHop, Heavy metal ect. It kinda depends on what he feels tbh. A few of his faves would be: Tupac, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B and Mozart.
☠️Drives a nice car which made him very popular. He used it to take his brothers everywhere but he ended up sharing it between his brothers and bought a motorbike of his own🤭
☠️ He had a lot of piercings: Ears, lip, Eyebrow…nipple…But he looks good and knows how to pull it off. Like just Imagine it. Gah dayum
☠️ He actually skipped class?? You wouldn’t expect it from him but he did skip class. It’s not often but once in a blue moon. Most of the times it’s cause he wants to hang out with his brothers.
☠️ goes to all the house parties. As good of a student he is, he also likes going out. So most of the time he gets invited to parties or hang outs.
☠️ most ppl thought he was a player but ended up being one of the ppl that married their high school sweetheart. He might have dated some ppl but they weren’t flings but actually legit relationships
☠️ probably the one person that brings snacks or drinks for the class if they have a field trip or just a hot school day y’know. Like just imagine it being a hot sunny day and you still have a lot of lessons to follow and boom, hades brings ice cream for the class?? Life safer fr🙏
☠️ He probably likes History, astronomy and psychology. He kind of has random subject but he just chose what he deems as interesting. He only likes the 🪐⭐️🌠🌌 and not the math in astronomy.
☠️ He cooks on field trips that last more days. Only if its’s necessary tho. Mainly because he’s rich enough to afford going to restaurants or the school handles it.
☠️ he’s the therapist friend fr. Genuinely knows when there’s something wrong and asks, not in public tho. He doesn’t judge but actually listens to you. He also offers comfort if you need it. What a goat
☠️ class president. Even though he didn’t want to be. Most ppl voted for him for the above stated reasons. And because he’s kind of a big brother type.
☠️ man could do anything and he wouldn’t get into trouble. Mostly because all the teachers love him as a student so shawty has a good reputation.
☠️ He’s bad at art yet has very nice cursive handwriting. Probably because he takes extra poetry lessons. Or he practiced it till he was satisfied.
☠️ Is in the chess club with Beelzebub and the birb. They often play and even have participate in Tournaments.
☠️ He’s the type that also chose languages as subjects, so like German, French, Italian, Chinese, Latin and ofc Greek. Probably because his ass has a photographic memory
☠️ doesn’t eat cafeteria food and actually goed off campus to buy food. If some of his lessons are canceled he just goes to restaurants or shopping streets to kill time
☠️ Actually doesn’t rly do his homework. He only does it in classes that check homework or give bonuses for it, otherwise he usually doesn’t do it. Besides he only studies like 2 weeks before the week where all the tests are. Unless he knows he needs more time for a certain subject. Then he catches up
☠️ Went to Spain, Germany and France because he choose those subjects and teased his younger brothers for it. He did buy them a requested item for each of em. Not Zeus cause he requested a Latina babe.
☠️ He has a place in school where he always sits when he aint off campus. So if ya eveer try to find him he’s probably there.
☠️ graduated w honors fr. Mosy of the teacher wrote nice things about them and held wonderful speeches for him since he was a good student. His quote in the year book was sum like ‘👍’.
☠️ He probably went on luxurious vacations and posted the pictures on his insta. He dont do snap or any other form of social media.
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🪷 the student that doesn’t really care about grades but does get good ones.
🪷 He’s usually eats in class. But for some reason the teachers allow it cause he ain’t causing a mess. Or because he’s actually a prince and could buy the school in a second.
🪷 Definitely choose a language as a subject and geography cause man knows a lot about different cultures. My goat
🪷 Definitely a music lover. You can always catch him with one AirPod in his ear. Probably has the latest phone too cause he richy rich.
🪷 Goes to on lot of vacations. Like every break he’s somewhere. Japan, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Canada, Brazil, he goes to many places. Brodie might start doing them travel vlogs atp
🪷 He has lots of Social Media’s. Tiktok, Tenten, insta, snap, Discord??🤨 , Be real ect. His tiktok is just goofy ahh videos while his insta is usually pics of his vacations. Like you know them influencers who have them nice ahh pics? He has that, but he just aint a influencer
🪷 Never takes notes in class. So you might wanne share em w him if you have em. In return he’ll let you munch on his snacks.
🪷 BIG supporter of Cultural day. Like he already sighed a petition and complained that every school should have one. He even offered to host them and buy stuff for it.
🪷 biggest class skipper together with Qin. He’s either off campus buying stuff, at home cause brodie didn’t wanne come or he just bailed mid way with the ‘can i use the restroom?’ Tactic. His ass almost got into trouble w the school cause of the many times he was absent.
🪷 If you have a presentation with him. Yall will score perfectly. Especially if it’s a subject he knows a lot about, brodie will carry you like how Eren carried that stone in Shiganshina (aot reference 🤨)
🪷 Deals candy in school. Like you know how some schools have the policy that their cafeteria doesn’t sell unhealthy stuff? And the stuff is overpriced asf. Yeah he broke that by buying a lot of different candies and letting ppl buy em for €1 no matter what the OG price was. He may or may not have gotten into trouble but man did not care
🪷 LOVESS LOVES LOVES school trips. He always buys snacks for em. He usually researches the place where yall is going so that he can divide the time and go see the whole place instead of just only doing the assignment.
🪷 He is friends w actually almost everyone. Almost. Except Loki. But it’s difficult. Loki HATES him. While Buddha is kinda like 😒. It got so bad that Loki had to switch classes fr. Now one may ask why? Buddha worked together Sigyn that’s why
🪷 house parties, pool parties, after school parties, just any party tbh. If he catches one he is going. And Believe me it makes it so much better. He has the music, the vibe, the photo’s everything. Man is so chill fr
🪷 lowkey good friends w Hades. Mainly because they both chose languages. They usually practice together if they have like a verbal test. They got each other’s back. And yeah Buddha’s a senior cause he skipped some grades
🪷 Ppl expected him to actually be single cause of how care free he is but they were wrong cause man was SMITTEN by Yasodharā. They were literally THE couple.
🪷 Got into a class fight with Loki. Imma leave room for yall to think how that went. Man CLEARED him. But he didn’t hit tho. He didn’t square up. He just dodged and threw chips in his face.
🪷 watched anime, reads manhwa and hd merch. But he the cool ones that keep it lowkey and dont rly act upon it
🪷 Man saved the ppl who graduated w him. He arranged that the ppl in the last year could have a week long vacation to Italy. Mainly to see art or just enjoy being free from school.
🪷 As much as he hated school. He’s the type that goes for a good time. He likes being w his friends or his glorious gf Yasodharā.
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🧿 Laid back student that barely passes but doesn’t really mind.
🧿 member of the party club! He hosts all the dances, plays, school events, parties, gala’s. Anything to do with the sort!
🧿 Also a big fan of house parties. Good music, good vibe, lots of ppl, drinks n a good home? He’s all in.
🧿 He 100% had music, art and religion as a subject. Dancing is included with art and he gives extra lessons to the youngsters. He might even have his own dance club on campus.
🧿 He’s also a fan of p.e. He 100% has a one sided rivalry with Hercules and Ares. But if it’s Ares and Hercules against each other he’s on Hercules’ side.
🧿 He hosted a Gala for the seniors and it was so goated, he even had a department for ppl who didn’t want to dance and put on game consoles on the big ahh boards.
🧿 He and Poseidon were playing Mario Kart and SSBU against each other. Half of the ppl there spectated on how the two were so focused and at each other’s throat. But after that Shiva went back to dancing.
🧿 A lot of ppl think that he’s poly but he’d monogamous and has a girlfriend. Aka Parvati. Who was his partner to homecoming. Which he hosted ofcourse.
🧿 Skips school so much that he once had to have a conversation with the school therapist to make sure there was nothing going on at home. (There isn’t) but he played it off cause he a smooth talker and got away with it.
🧿 He’s besties w Rudra. They’re the duo that everyone knows cause they’ve been going to the same school and usually have most classes together. Even if they don’t like the subject. Like you can see Shiva in some classes they don’t have together cause he just asks the teacher it its cool and most of the time it’s cool. Most.
🧿 They the duo that they meet each other in the halls cause they both got sent out of the classroom. Or they both have detention and never do any work in it there.
🧿 you can usually spot them outside going for a run or at the gym. They also share a playlist for of they go to the gym and its very intense. Or they’re goofing around and end up doing something else.
🧿 He’s also in Hades class as a senior but they aint rly close, no bad blood but they just have their own friends. Though If they were to be paired up they’d make a very good duo.
🧿 Also a big fan of Culture day. But the best part is that Parvati is in a beautiful sari, her make up done, mehendi on her hands and feet, churias on her arms, a veil on her head. Hmm perfect.
🧿 He lowkey beefs with Loki but does it in a goofy way y’know. Like he seems very intimidating cause of his physique and height but he’s lowkey chill and doesn’t bother ppl.
🧿 is lowkey a model together with Poseidon. He posts a lot of pictures on his insta, Indian weddings (they’re the best) pics of himself or if he went somewhere. Some of them are lowkey so aestheticly pleasing.
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Yuh that’s it. Might make a part 3 tho
Tagging: @mizz-sea-nymph @vilereign @tinyy-tea-cup @das-jaim3 @monstertreden @rukia-writes @snowmantita @brokensenseofhumor @itz-hel @nicasdreamer @imperfectbloodmoon @swallowtail-lotus @m3l-moony @riseofamoonycake @bumblebees-knees-threes @praisethesuuun @telvess @salmonpoki @aresarmyblog
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catboybiologist · 3 months
Transition journal and documentation: Jan and Feb of 2024
Measurements for January are up, and February will be soon to follow! Tagging @whalesharkcat and @trans4hire here. If you want to be tagged when I post these, let me know! The advice for injections is in the journal below.
Some quick notes to clarify things:
I'm consolidating qualitative observations into my journal. Oftentimes these haven't been easy to cleanly classify into different categories of observation, so I'm not really gonna bother.
As I'm sure you've realized, the timing of these observations isn't consistent. I have a private document with exact date stamps for everything, and these are mostly right at the end of the month. But my levels checks don't match up to this cleanly, so I group them with the closest set of other measurements. Sometimes I don't have one that cleanly fits.
I can't trust myself to measure height anymore, to be blunt. I want to ask the doctor every time but chicken out about it easily.
But anyways.
And now, as a journal, a brief summary of my thoughts on the past two months:
*deep breathing*
Okay. So. I'm not gonna list off everything that's happened since the year started. So many independent things started happening, one after the other, that I had to start formatting it as a bulleted list to tell people I know irl what's been going on. Each one has been a crisis on its own- massive emotional events, health problems, health problems in people close to me, transphobic drama with former "friends", academic&research problems, and a resulting mental health spiral. And all of this leading up to my qualifying exams at the end of February, for which I barely scraped by and passed.
But. With all of this. There's silver linings.
The biggest one is that the start of this year has been a stress test of my overall emotional state since starting HRT. I'm not gonna lie- if all of this had happened a year ago, I don't think I would be here now. I either would have completely snapped and done something I regret, or... yeah. But as it stands? I cried. A lot. I isolated a bit. I had mood swings and anxiety and anger and excitement and relief and highs and lows beyond my wildest dreams. It was intense. It was not pretty. But it was cathartic, and healthy. Before this, I would've processed all of this as a generic, stressful, anxiety-ridden malaise, that would've weighed down on me until a breaking point. As it stands, however, I made it. Not in a neat way, not even really in an emotionally stable way, but I made it. And there is no fucking way that would be true pre-HRT. I think I can genuinely say at this point that estrogen has been life saving for me.
In the middle of all this, I switched to injections, right at the start of February. A mistake? Maybe, but I'm too fed up with delaying my progress because "the time isn't right", so I stubbornly refused to delay that change any further. It's a goal I worked out with my provider ahead of time and I stuck to it. So how's that been?
It's been an incredible and WILD experience. I'm on estradiol valerate. For those that don't know, estradiol is conjugated with another compound, which is then cleaved over time in your body to release it. For injections, that results in a peak irculating levels about 1-3 days afer injections. Some people feel it more than others- and holy shit, do I feel it. This has given rise to "the Sundays", because on Sundays, I'm going fucking nuts. My senses are heightened, and I start craving and reacting to physical touch in intense ways. It's not always sexual- while arousal comes easier to me the closer I am to peak, mostly I just become a cuddleslut. It is WILD. I'm also more emotional and cry more easily. Some cis female friends I have confirmed that it mirrors the feelings they get at a certain point in their monthly cycle, so essentially the fluctuating levels are giving me the sensory and emotional effects of a period every week.
The flip side of this is that I feel like shit on Thursdays, like I missed a sublingual dose when I was on that. After the first two weeks, I started taking 2mg sublingual on Wednesday night and Thursday mornings to avoid this, which helped a lot. My provider specifically said this was a good idea, so if you're dealing with that yourself, consider trying it out. I might move to a 5-day injection interval instead, but we'll see.
I've only had one problem with injections so far, which I'm dealing with right now- on my fifth self injection ever, I had unsteady hands and hesitation before stabbing myself, causing a not-great needle stick. Currently, I have a nasty looking injection bruise. Not painful, and healing pretty well, but not fantastic to look at. Self injecting has been intimidating and scary, moreso than I thought it would be. But the actual physical pain is much, MUCH less than I thought it would be, its just that the lizard brain refuses to stab yourself.
If you're thinking of switching to injections, here's a bit of my advice:
keep as many oral/sublingual pills on hand as you can anyways. These will be helpful if you feel your injections aren't carrying you emotionally for the entire interval, or if you don't have an environment where you can inject regularly
If you have a provider, they should provide a nurse tutorial and consultation for you to inject properly. If they don't, try to insist on one. They'll give better advice than I can.
think less, do more. Ideally, the actual moment of the stab should be painless. Be quick and steady about it. The fluid entering feels like pressure and slight burning, but nothing more than that.
vary your injection sites. A doctor or nurse should explain this to you, but this reduces risk of doing what I did and bruising yourself.
be extremely sterile about things. All of the wiping down and sterile technique you'll hear? Don't fuck around with it. Infection is no joke, and absolutely can happen.
Purchase spare needles and syringes from a pharmacist or online. Several reasons for this- one, if you make a mistake and a needle is no longer sterile, you don't want to hesitate about throwing it away. And two... well, let's make a second point about this.
If you want to stock up on estradiol for the future (if you're worried about future access to HRT), this can be easier with injections- but you have to be careful, and you'll need extra needles (for the love of fuck, do not reuse needles). Vials will always have excess medication, because it allows standard volumes to fill and distribute, and it also ensures that needle draws will always be able to be fully submerged. Do NOT try to run your vial out. You WILL run into sterility and contamination issues. That said, vial expiration dates are typically measured from time of first puncture. This will vary, but for me, I was told that the vials are good for 4 weeks after the first puncture. This is overcautious, but not egregiously so. My recommendation would be to use each vial for 1-2 extra punctures, and open the next vial a bit later. Still get prescription refills as frequently as you can. That way, you can stock up on unpucntured vials in case anything happens to your supply. THIS SAID- if you notice ANYTHING wrong with the vial- if the seal isn't containing the fluid properly, if bits of the seal are falling into the medication, if you can see a noticable hole in the seal, DO NOT USE THAT VIAL. Look me in the fucking eye. Do. Fucking. NOT. get sepsis. Do not fuck around with this. The flexibility to be cautious about your vials is a great reason to stock up on a bit extra in the first place.
To anyone in the US, if you're comfortable with doing this to stock up, I would highly, HIGHLY recommend starting this now. Slowly start using your vials for 1-2 punctures extra, stock up unbroken vials. Just in case something bad happens after the elections.
Typically, your medication will come with two sizes of needles- a draw needle (puncture the seal and draw medication into the syringe) and an injection needle. You might want to consider going *slightly* smaller on one or both of those needles. Estradiol is dissolved in a viscous oil as medication, and can be difficult to draw and dispense as a result. But, if you're patient, a smaller gauge might help. For the draw needle, it can help do less damage to the seal and preserve it a bit longer. For the injection needle, if you have a bit more sensitive skin, it might be comforting. Don't deviate too much, though, ESPECIALLY without a medical professional involved.
Remember that I'm not a medical professional, please consult one whenever possible.
I'm still on spiro for now, and I'm continuing it until my next levels check comes back clean. I don't want to erase months of progress getting my levels up by dropping it too early.
Measurement-wise, there hasn't been much change. But I'm starting to realize that the measurements aren't really telling the full story. My breasts look so much larger and, for lack of a better word, breast-like than they did even a couple months ago, but that hasn't been coming through in the measurements very well. I think what's happening is that my fat around my sides is shrinking at the same time my breasts are growing. This is reflected a bit in terms of underbust and waist measurements, but it still seems more dramatic than those are letting on.
Face wise, I think I'm really seeing some changes now. It's hard to put into words, but I'm starting to look more and more androgynous or femme by default, especially if I shave. I'm estatic, honestly, and I hope the trend continues. My chin and nose continue to be problems, but as the structure of the face around them changes, that's becoming less and less true.
I've been getting laser, but so far it's done pretty much nothing. There's lag time, and some of my health issues meant that I had to delay a session and get both sessions at a much lower power than I would've like. I was really hoping to have visible hair removal by June or so, but it looks like that's not happening. That kinda stings, and is a huge blow to my ability to pass by the one-year mark, which has been my target.
I think my boymoding has been holding, for the most part, although its been harder. Even with my sports bras, small bumps are visible under a t shirt, and the face changes won't be unnoticable forever. I've def been more loudly bisexual, and I think most people just write it off as me being fruity. Cis people can also be pretty oblivious, especially when changes are gradual. That being said, I've been coming out slowly to people, giving my usual speech of "I'm still presenting as a man for now, but just so you know this is what's going on", which removes a lot of the pressure and anxiety from boymoding. Still, I haven't told everyone (notably, labmates and family), and my timeline of social transition between June and August seems to be holding steady.
So uh, yeah. If you're curious about anything specifically, I'm an open book, although I may move it to DMs if it gets too personal. Hope that my progress updates are helpful to at least someone!
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drefear · 11 months
They Know (Drabble)
I got this from a post by @miggyyyyohara
TW: violence, a little bit of smut, nothing else really. (Second hand embarrassment?)
It wasn’t an easy mission.
Usually, Miguel and Jess could handle things just the two of them, and the other teams could handle the smaller anomalies. Gwen, Hobie, and Pav were a team, Ben, Lego Peter, and cowboy Spider worked together sometimes, and the list went on. Today, a Lizard got through to Earth -1563 and Miguel called for backup, which was something he genuinely hated doing. When he didn’t see any portals opening after a few minutes, he made a second call.
Swiftly, Ben, Gwen, and Hobie popped through.
“Where’s Jess?” He yelled, anger bubbling at having to deal with the others- mainly Hobie.
“Jess is having bad morning sickness!” Gwen called out, swinging to land a blow to the Lizards abdomen, until its claws dug into her suit and threw her into the concert wall.
“It’s 4pm!”
“Innit funny how it can come at any time but it’s called mornin’ sickness?” Hobie smashed his guitar over the Lizards head, but it barely flinched and he moved backward to save Gwen. The portal opened again and Miles and Pav ran in, glancing around at the bloodied Gwen and exhausted others.
“Take Gwen somewhere safe, Pav.” Miguel instructed and Pav nodded, then pulled Gwen into his arms and ran back into the portal. Miguel glared at the green being, whose strength seemed to be a bit much to handle for the group.
“Hobie, Miles, use the electricity powers to stop that thing, Ben and I will keep it busy until you do and when you can, trap it.” He instructed and Miles nodded, as Hobie sighed.
“I’m only listenin’ cause that’s what I was thinkin’ a doin’.” Hobie then went with Miles to start shooting webs, making a decent trap for the large anomaly.
Meanwhile, Miguel and Ben fought against the large reptile villain. Ben flipping and narrating everything made Miguel practically seethe with irritation. He would remind the Spider-Man to stop doing that.
“Now!” The two boys shouted and Miguel flipped out of the way. He caught sight of Ben, who obviously didn’t hear the signal, and continued to fight the Lizard.
Miguel jumped and soared to Ben, pushing him out of the way, but he was a bit late.
The electric currents from the two younger spider-boys shot through their webbing and into Miguel, as well as the Lizard.
While the beast was indeed captured, Miguel caught a breeze against his skin as he felt his suit malfunction. Glaring at the ground, he stood with his backside to the group as they stared at him. He huffed and spoke.
“Lyla, use my emergency application suit.”
“Nice buns-“
“Lyla!” He growled and she immediately covered his body with a new suit, rolling his shoulders in the holographic fabric. It was a bit tighter than the newer one, now having his new measurements, but still working to keep him modest.
Later once he was back on his platform, he ran diagnostics on his suit, fixing the technology and trying to find a way to not let Miles and Hobies powers affect it so much to where he’s completely naked every time. Hearing footsteps, he turned and hit a button to lower the platform.
“So I heard the mission was a success.” Peter spoke, lightly teasing the bigger of the two as he hopped onto the platform. A few others were behind the father and Miguel heard a few stifled laughs.
“It was. Now spit it out.” He glowered, waiting for the punchline to whatever ridiculous joke the group was trying to make. Turning around, he saw Gwen, Pav, Miles, Hobie, Jess, and Peter. Miguel folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at them all.
“We got a good look at ya backside.” Hobie stated and the others looked at Miguel with smiles.
“It’s the same as anyone else’s, don’t be immature.”
“It definitely was not the same as everyone else’s.” Miles mumbled, making Miguel’s eyes snap to his with a lingering question in them.
“I mean, sometimes my back looks a bit like that, depends when my girl is ova or not.” Hobie smirks, winking at Pav as he lets out a laugh.
“What?” Miguel asks, still confused.
“Miguel- can you take the back of your suit down? Just your back, not your butt?” Jess asks, making the large man think for a second. Without another thought, he lets the back of his suit dissolve and Gwen gasps. Jess and peter stand, eyes wide, and finally Peter clears his throat.
“I think the kids have some sort of paperwork to do.” Peter moves to rush them all out, Hobie shaking his head.
“Finished it all, so who’s the lucky lady?” He dodged Peter’s grasp before he can push him out of the room, making everyone stop.
Miguel furrows his brows. “I don’t understand, is there something-“
And then you walk in.
A bouncy little pep in your step, making him want to pepper kisses all over your face, and his face relaxes a bit. You’re in mostly casual clothing, shorts and a t-shirt with those cute little boots he loves so much. You two had been dating secretly, not wanting the spider society to make a big deal of it.
“Who’s got a lucky lady?” You inquire and Hobie nods to Miguel.
“Big boss man’s got some serious evidence of a good night all ova ‘is back. We’re just asking who could he be smashin’.”
Silence covers the room as Miguel finally understands.
He immediately covers his back.
He was with you last night.
You, with your legs around his waist as he sunk into you over and over, causing you both to practically break the sound barrier with your moans. You with your nails dragging all across his back, your mouth leaving hickeys all over his skin, and Miguel returning the favor. Him, leaving hand shaped bruises on your thighs.
Ones that were very visible right now in those little shorts.
Your eyes swelled as you somewhat understood what you just waltzed in on.
“W-wow, maybe I shouldn’t be here right now-“
“And what are those?” Hobie bends down to your thighs, making you freeze as you and Miguel refuse to break eye contact.
“You have a secret partner too?” Pav asks, shock filling his voice. Gwen and Hobie look at each other as it sinks in and Miles takes a step back to the door.
“I-I got those on a mission.” You sputter, trying to save some face.
“The hickeys and fang-marks too?” Jess crossed her arms, not believing you as you just shrugged, face red as a beet.
“Everyone get out!” Miguel roared, embarrassed by the obvious being revealed.
“Fine, but try not to get distracted, yeah?” Hobie says, strolling out with his hands in his pockets. Gwen follows him out with a hand covering her face while Miles drags out Pav, who just keeps trying to ask questions. Jess and Peter glance back to you and Miguel, before Peter mumbles a happy little ‘good for them,’ and Jess pulls him away.
You two stare at each other before he sighs as you ask,
“You think they know?”
“They know.”
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whitedarkmoonflower · 6 months
The Witch 3
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: Part 3 of the lovely Anon request about Sihtric x healer!reader. I have to post it before I nuke again everything I have written.
Warnings: fluff and a bit of angst, being trapped in a burning house, side charackters canon death
Word Count: 3,8 K
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @hb8301 @zillahvathek @alexagirlie @gemini-mama @verenahx @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf
If you want to be added to the tag list - write to me.
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The flames rapidly engulfed the area, hungrily consuming the dry wooden walls and thatched roofs. Carried by the wind, embers danced from building to building, igniting new blazes in a furious tempest of fire and smoke.
"Quick, to the horses!" Uhtred barked, seizing the princess's hand and pulling her along as he led the way. The surrounding chaos provided a fleeting cover. But as they reached the stables, the first Danes appeared in hot pursuit.
Time was of the essence. Sihtric knelt, offering his hands as a step. The moment Princess Aethelfled's foot grazed his palms, he propelled her onto the horse. Seizing the reins, her eyes widened, a wild glint of near-madness sparkling within.
"Clapa!" Uhtred called out. The towering Dane glanced back at his lord, then, with a ferocious roar, charged at the encroaching warriors. Clapa's axe, seemingly a mere toy in his massive hands, sliced through the air. He deftly felled the first assailant, then swung back, bringing the axe down on another. Both attackers collapsed in an instant, yet the onslaught of enemies was relentless.
"Clapa!" Uhtred's voice rang out once more. But it was too late. The first strike hit Clapa from behind, followed swiftly by others. The giant warrior crumbled to his knees, yet continued to swing his axe with ferocious might, a grim smile on his lips. It was a noble end, befitting a warrior.
"See you in Valhalla, my friend," Uhtred murmured, before bellowing, "Forward!" He urged his horse into a swift gallop. A moment later it would have been too late for them, as more and more Danes swarmed the area, bows at the ready.
Sihtric, following closely behind his lord, cast anxious glances over his shoulder. Arrows whistled past, embedding in the earth. Behind them, Beamfleot was ablaze, its fiery glow painting the skyline in a tapestry of red and orange hues.
"Lord, I must return," Sihtric's voice reached Uhtred as the young Dane pulled his horse alongside. "I have to go back," he repeated, determination clear in his voice, his dark eyes reflecting the inferno behind them.
"Go then, and find your witch," Uhtred gruffly replied, goading his horse into a faster pace. "And don't die!" he shouted after Sihtric, whose silhouette swiftly turned, adeptly guiding his horse back into the heart of the chaos.
Driven more by instinct than reason, Sihtric nudged his horse into a frantic gallop, making his way back to Beamfleot. He had no clue what to say upon arriving at your doorstep. He was an enemy. You had stated that pretty clearly the last time he saw you. That night, he had left silently, eschewing farewells and not even waiting for dawn's light. Yet here he was, pushing his horse to its limits, his heart pounding in sync with the animal's strides as they approached Beamfleot.
His rational mind urged him to turn back, to let go of the faint hope that clung to him. It screamed of the folly in his actions; it was pure madness. He was not wanted. But deep down, a small voice whispered, "What if this is it? The last chance?" 
There were so many unanswered questions. He still couldn’t  understand why you had saved his life, and more than that, why you hadn't exposed him as a spy. And then there was that kiss. Had it meant something to you, had it been a genuine moment, or merely a fleeting whim? A cruel jest at the expense of the feelings he was certain you knew he harboured. He had allowed himself to be swept up in his affection for you. He had bared his soul and shown a vulnerability he had never dared reveal to anyone else. Was it all merely a twisted game to glean information about his lord? 
The questions burned in his mind like a relentless fire, unquenchable and consuming, each thought igniting another in a ceaseless blaze of uncertainty and longing. He wasn’t even sure he wanted the answers. 
"I just need to say goodbye – properly this time. Not like that last night, sneaking away without a word," he kept repeating in his head.
"Yeah, right," his reason scoffed at his own sentimentality. "Like she’s just going to welcome you with open arms." But the pull was too strong, the need to see you one last time too alluring to resist. And as the familiar outlines of Beamfleot loomed ahead, Sihtric steeled himself for whatever awaited him at the end – be it rejection, a moment of understanding, or simply the chance of a final, bittersweet goodbye.
A thick plume of dark smoke, rising high into the sky and tinged with the acrid smell of burning wood welcomed Sihtric as he approached. The town's gates were wide open, abandoned by guards and unattended on the ramparts. The Danes were apparently chasing their golden cow, leaving the locals to fend for themselves in a frantic effort to save their homes and livelihoods. The clamour of people shuttling buckets of water from the docks, forming a human chain, merged with the frantic cries of women ushering their children, clutching whatever belongings they could salvage amidst the chaos. Amidst this turmoil, Sihtric passed unnoticed.
Dismounting, he led his horse by the reins, making his way towards the small healer's house. The fire was concentrated around the great hall and nearby buildings, but it had not engulfed the entire town. The other structures, spaced further apart, had slowed the fire's spread. A surreal calm enveloped him as he walked, the chaos receding behind him. Raising his eyes, he noticed another flicker of red in the distance, a stark contrast to the relative tranquillity of his current surroundings.
As Sihtric approached, it became increasingly evident that the lone house ablaze at the town's edge was his destination. Quickening his pace, he released his horse, confident it would respond to his call if necessary.
The sight of the isolated burning house, set apart from the rest, struck him as peculiar. It stood like a solitary torch against the darkening evening sky, eerily abandoned. There was no one in sight, no frantic efforts to douse the flames. The fire had engulfed the roof, its flames dancing and flickering menacingly, casting an ominous orange-red glow into the night.
Drawing nearer, Sihtric heard the wooden structure groan and creak under the assault of the fire, which now gnawed at its supports and framework. Embers and sparks soared into the air, creating a fiery spectacle. Then, a chilling detail caught his eye: a log wedged against the door, effectively trapping anyone inside. His gaze swept over the house, noting all the shutters were firmly closed and secured from the outside.
"What the heck!" Sihtric whispered in shock, his heart pounding as a sudden realisation struck him. He rushed forward, seizing the log with both hands in an attempt to unblock the door. It stubbornly refused to budge. The smoke swirled around him like a corrosive cloud, stinging his eyes, invading his nostrils, and triggering fits of coughing. Resorting to his axe, Sihtric began hacking at the log, wood chips flying through the air, until it finally split in two, granting access to the door.
As he wrenched the door open, a blistering wave of heat and smoke billowed out, forcing him to retreat and shield his eyes with his forearm. Hastily tearing the lower part of his tunic, he fashioned a makeshift mask, covering his nose and mouth, and plunged into the inferno inside the house.
Inside, the flames surged with ferocious intensity, the air dense with suffocating smoke. Each step was a battle against the relentless heat, scorching his skin. His eyes watered from the intensity of the heat and smoke, blurring his vision, while every breath felt like inhaling fire. With each step his surroundings become increasingly surreal, everything around him painted in shades of orange and red, wrapped in a thick coat of smoke.
Sihtric dropped to his knees, coughing uncontrollably, yet he persevered forward. He had no choice; he needed to find you and the barred doors and shutters suggested that you were likely inside. With every muscle in his body tensed, Sihtric crawled towards the next room, the heat growing more oppressive by the second and the sound of crackling wood a constant reminder that there was no time left.
Through his blurred vision, Sihtric spotted something on the floor near the window at the far end of the room. Clenching his teeth, he flattened himself completely against the floor, inching forward on his stomach.
Sihtric instantly recognized you. Gritting his teeth, he slid his arms under your shoulders and knees, lifting you with a strained groan. The lack of air made his heart pound furiously, each step feeling unbearably heavy, as if his boots were weighed down with lead. The air around his head seemed to boil; blinded by smoke and heat, he held his breath and stumbled towards where he recalled the door was.
Sihtric collapsed to his knees on the grass, gently laying you down beside him. He coughed violently, gasping for air. He couldn't remember exactly how he'd managed to find the exit. All that remained vivid in his mind was the sensation of your fragile form pressed against his chest, driving him forward with each step, fueled by the urgent beat of his heart.
"No, no, no," Sihtric murmured anxiously as he sprang to his feet, dashing towards his horse grazing nearby. He swiftly grabbed the leather flask filled with fresh water from the saddle and hurried back to your side, kneeling beside you. Carefully, he splashed a handful of water onto your face, trying to revive you.
"Come on, breathe!" he urged, his voice tinged with desperation. He pressed his ear to your chest, his own heartbeat thundering in his ears, making it difficult to distinguish whether it was his or yours. Gently, he lifted you, cradling your head in his lap. With trembling hands, he tried to wipe the soot off your cheeks, but in his frantic state, he only managed to smear it further, leaving trails of his dirty fingers across your face.
“Please, just open your eyes,” Sihtric begged, keeping you close, and gently stroking your hair. “Breathe, you damned witch!” he hissed, shaking you slightly, despair slowly overtaking him.
"I hate it," a faint, barely audible whisper came to Sihtric's ears.
"What?" he asked, puzzled, looking down at you.
"I hate being called a witch," you replied, your voice low and raspy, yet with a definitive firmness that brought a smile to Sihtric's face. He held you closer, nuzzling your dishevelled hair, carrying the acrid scents of ash, smoke, and soot.
Just then, the walls and roof of the small house collapsed with a thunderous roar, sending a cascade of sparks and burning debris skyward. You flinched, gripping Sihtric's arm tightly as you watched your house transform into nothing but a skeleton of wooden beams and supports.
It wasn't just a house being reduced to ashes; it was the destruction of your dream for a haven, a sanctuary you had called home. Your vision of peace, your hope for acceptance, was crumbling before your eyes,  all turning into dust, leaving you bare,  bereft and alone.
Tears began forming in your eyes, and there was no strength left within you to hold them back as you leaned into the solid embrace of the very same young man you had thought you'd pushed away forever. You had rejected him, driven him off, intimidated by your own deepening emotions, yet here he was, cradling you in his strong arms, his fingers gently combing through your hair, while you sobbed your face hidden in his broad chest. 
"The door... Sihtric, it was blocked," you hiccuped between sobs, dampening his leather armor with your tears as the painful memories resurfaced. "Why would they do that? I've never harmed them," your cries grew louder, shoulders shaking, fingers clutching at Sihtric’s armor, seeking solace in his presence.
"I thought... I thought I was going to die," you managed to say through your sobs.
"Shh, it's all over now. You're safe with me," Sihtric soothed, humming softly as he rocked you in his arms. His fingers tenderly stroked your hair, trailing down your back with a featherlight touch. It was an unfamiliar sensation, so full of genuine care and protectiveness. For the first time in a long while, you felt a sense of safety enveloping you, easing the tension in your muscles, allowing you to fully relax into his strong yet gentle hold.
As your sobs subsided and your body stopped shivering, Sihtric gazed down at you and a smile crept onto his lips. You were covered in dirt and grime, your hair tinged grey with ash and smoke, your nose reddened from crying and rubbing against his armour. You seemed so small and fragile against his chest, your hands gripping his armour, tears carving paths through the soot on your face. Yet to him, you were incredibly beautiful, perhaps more so than ever before.
Sihtric found you seated outside the healer's tent, perched on a wooden block, your hands stained with blood resting in your lap. Exhaustion was etched on your face, your eyes red and swollen from weariness. Another evening was approaching, and though the battle had ceased, for you and the other healers in Alfred’s camp, a different fight had just begun – a struggle for the lives of the wounded.
You had arrived at the camp with Sihtric, who had ridden hard to get both of you there. He immediately brought you to the healer's tent before vanishing towards the sounds of clashing weapons and battle cries. Despite the suspicious and wary glances from others, you had lent your skills wherever you could.
You clearly didn't belong there,  it was more than obvious. Yet, the question remained: where did you belong? You had attempted to belong to both worlds - the Saxon and the Danish one, but the price was high – your home burned down, and both your lords dead. Not that you grieved them deeply; you had long understood that such was likely their fated end. There are no shepherds in Valhalla, you remembered them saying when you had once suggested that a peaceful coexistence with Saxons was better than endless conquest.
"We're leaving at dawn tomorrow," Sihtric said, his voice carrying an unusual weight that drew your attention as you lifted your gaze to meet Sihtric’s eyes as he extended his hand, covered in blood just as yours. A hand that saves lives and a hand that takes lives - both looking the same, slipped through your mind. You were in his world now, and as much as you didn’t want to show it, you were frightened. 
"A scared, little witch," you mused inwardly, a wry tone to your thoughts. With a moment's hesitation, you averted your gaze and gently took Sihtric's warm hand, relying on his strength to help you rise.
"What will happen to me?" you asked, striving for a calm and composed tone, yet finding it hard to meet Sihtric’s eyes directly.
"You're free to go. I've spoken with Uhtred; you're not a prisoner," Sihtric said, his hand still holding yours, his thumb lightly tracing your skin. He paused, clearing his throat as if he had more to say, but the words seemed to elude him.
"To go where?" you asked with a wry smile, finally meeting his gaze.
It was so strange. He was and he wasn’t the same Sihtric you remembered – the shy, bashful young warrior who had struggled for breath at your slightest touch while tending to his wounds. You hadn't noticed before how much taller he was than you. Your hand seemed so small engulfed in his, and despite your efforts to mask your anxiety, it quivered ever so slightly. 
"Anywhere you wish," Sihtric replied, his voice fading to a whisper, his lower lip caught nervously between his teeth.
He was filled with unspoken words, yearning to say, 'Come with me, let me take care of you.' He cursed himself silently, frustrated that the words hovering on the brink of his tongue remained unspoken. The sadness in your eyes was almost too much for him. You had lost everything, and yet, what he could offer seemed so insignificant in comparison. Why would you choose a life with him? Yet he knew, without a shred of doubt, that if it meant saving you, he would brave the flames of a burning house over and over again.
After a moment of awkward silence, you withdrew your hand under the guise of adjusting your clothing. Your fingers trembled as they pretended to smooth out non-existent creases, followed by a quiet chuckle.
"So, this is it then. Our paths part for good," you mumbled, your voice catching slightly. "Your debt is settled, and I'm free to go," you said, attempting to mask your emotions with a bright, forced smile. As you reached out to cup Sihtric's cheek, he started to raise his hand, as if to grasp yours, but you quickly pulled back. With no clear destination in mind, the urge to flee, to escape the mounting embarrassment of your unreciprocated feelings for this young warrior, was overwhelming. "What did you expect? That he'd offer you his hand and heart?" your inner voice taunted. "He saved my life," you countered weakly. "Only to be free from you and his debt," your mind reacted bitterly.
Turning away, you sighed deeply, surveying your surroundings. You weren't defeated. There had to be a place in this cursed world where you belonged, and you were determined to find it. Though your initial steps away from Sihtric were shaky, you soon straightened your shoulders, lifted your chin, and quickened your pace with each stride. It was only the tears slowly trailing down your cheeks that could betray your aching heart, but luckily he couldn’t see them. 
As you walked away, the evening sun cast a shimmering glow on your loose, fluttering hair. Sihtric watched, swallowing hard, as your figure gradually diminished, embraced by the evening's shadows. His heart seemed to leap into his throat, beating erratically. Everything felt so wrong. 
Everything had happened too fast for Sihtric to fully comprehend. He had imagined various scenarios of meeting you again, but none had involved rescuing you from a burning house or bringing you to Alfred's camp. He had thought, perhaps, that fate or the whimsical Norns, weaving the threads of life, had given him another chance with you. The way you had clung to him, crying out your despair and anger, had kindled a hope in him that his feelings weren't futile. Yet, he had let you walk away, falling silent once more. How did it come to this?
Restlessly shifting his weight from one foot to the other, Sihtric felt an unexplainable warmth spread through him, flushing his cheeks and suddenly, he was running as if chased by the hounds of Niflheim, his heart pounding in rhythm with his steps. His longer strides quickly closed the distance between you. He reached out, grasping your elbow to turn you towards him, his breath heavy on your skin as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"I don't want you to leave," Sihtric whispered, his hold on your arms growing firmer as he drew you closer. "Please, come with me. I know I can't offer you what you once had, but if you just gave me a chance. It’s all I’m asking for – a chance to show you I'm worth your attention."
Sihtric's words poured out in a fervent stream, catching you off guard and robbing your ability to respond. All you could do was to stare in bewilderment in his beautiful mismatched eyes, soft sobs trembling through your shoulders as his heartfelt confession and the sincerity in his words overwhelmed you.
"I don’t want to leave, Sihtric," you finally whispered back, cradling his face in your hands, tears shimmering in your eyes. "By the gods, Sihtric, you don’t need to prove anything. I feared I had wounded your pride too deeply for you to still want me."
"You don’t want to leave?" Sihtric exhaled sharply, letting out his breath he was apparently holding back.
"I never wanted to go, and I didn’t want you to leave either. I’m sorry, Sihtric. I was just too afraid to admit that I’ve fallen for you."
"Fallen for me? Does this mean you’ll come with me?" The astonishment in Sihtric’s voice was unmistakable, prompting a smile from you.
"If you'll have me," you replied with a playful chuckle. In an instant, you let out a squeal as Sihtric scooped you up, hoisting you over his shoulder.
"You bet I will, witch," Sihtric declared, striding towards the distant tents. No matter how much you wriggled or protested, he didn’t set you down until you reached his tent. Once there, he gently placed you on the ground, immediately enveloping you in his embrace, making sure you couldn’t take a single step away.
"Say it again," Sihtric's voice was husky and low.
"Say what?" you playfully responded, your arms encircling his neck.
"Say that you love me," Sihtric nearly growled, his voice resonating deep in his throat. "Stop teasing me, witch!" he implored, pulling you tightly against his chest.
"Please, stop teasing," he repeated, his voice softening to a gentle murmur. "Because I love you, and I want you to be mine – today, tomorrow, and all the days that follow."
Rising on your toes, you leaned close to his ear, your breath warm against his neck. "Is that what you want? Your very own witch to play with? Because if so, I'm all in. I love you, my hapless spy."
A soft moan escaped you as Sihtric's lips met yours passionately, his hands eagerly working at the laces of your garment, seeking to liberate you from it. You surrendered to his touch, liberated from the mental barriers you had imposed on yourself, aflame with love and desire for this young, spirited warrior who had ignited a fire in you like never before.
Your clothes and Sihtric’s armour and tunic fell to the floor in a flurry of urgency, hands frenziedly removing the last barriers between your eager bodies. As the final piece of your undergarment was removed, Sihtric gasped softly, his eyes taking in the sight of your bare form. Dressed only in his breeches, he lifted you with ease, and in one smooth motion, you wrapped your legs around his waist, securing them behind his back. His lips remained locked with yours as he carried you to the pile of furs that served as his bed, laying you down and enveloping you with his presence.
"I want you," Sihtric whispered into your ear, "I want to give you pleasure like no one else has. I want you to guide me, to teach me, to show me all that you desire. You are mine, witch. Mine forever."
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kinardsevan · 20 days
BuckTommy/911 fic masterlist
as promised, here is your master list for everything I've written so far (and will continue to update as it changes):
(Divide added because this is getting kinda long now)
The Song Lyric Series:
Just as the title suggests, these have mostly been lyrically driven. The intention is for them to remain looser than a story, but so far it's been the same plot. (subject to change)
what if there's a little boy that needs a safe place :
Chapters: 1 Rating: M Warnings: n/a
“I’m sorry Evan,” Tommy stated genuinely as he watched Evan drop his towel and then redress. “I honestly don’t know what to say.” Evan huffed, unable to hold all the feelings in any longer. Everything felt so tight—his chest, his throat, his stomach. He couldn’t keep it all buried inside against Tommy’s lack of an answer. OR. The one in which Evan is not okay with a drunk rando flirting with his very beasty, very sexy boyfriend and it leads to professions of love.
they all led me to him (he's one of the good ones:
“I might’ve mentioned fucking you properly earlier this evening,” Tommy says, and even in the midst of wanting the older man to tear his body apart, Evan knows that this moment is as serious for Tommy as it was for Evan earlier. “Yeah,” Buck rasps, unable to stop himself from grinding his hips against Tommy. “Please do so.” “I’m not going to,” Tommy replies softly. OR. Tommy wants Evan to understand just how in love with him he is. Chapters: 1 Rating: E Warnings: n/a
i'll be here (and you can lay by my side) :
Chapters: 2/? Rating: E Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
When Tommy has to look back on this weekend in the years that come to pass, he won’t have the words to express how things went from so right, to so wrong. He’ll struggle to even find a way to comprehend the trauma inflicted by having his soul shredded right in front of his face and absolutely unable to prevent it. And at its worst, he won’t even have words to explain it all. OR. part 3.
Multi-Chapter Stories
your arson's match, my somber smile (the love of my life): Chapters: 4/? Rating: n/a (subject to change) Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
In that moment, the nanosecond in which he had crystal clarity, only one thing mattered to him. As his feet finally slipped out from under him, just before the warped metal came swinging down at another angle, he looked Bobby in the eyes. “Tell Tommy I love him.” And then the world was black.
guilty as sin (i choose you and me, religiously): Chapters: 1/2 Rating: T Warnings: n/a
Buck and Tommy's first kiss, as told through Tommy's POV.
the rhythm of your heartbeat: Evan has night-terrors. Tommy has to contend with them.
you are the reason: post 709 buck/bobby conversation in which Buck makes it to Tommy's.
Connecting: 709 deleted scene. Evan is getting dressed before the medal ceremony, and Tommy's pretty sure he's going to make them late.
oceans deep, rivers wide: Evan has a realization after a work incident. Tommy concurs.
something stronger than me (i can hardly stand up, i can hardly breathe): Chapters: 1/1 Rating: E (for language) Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, TW: Self-harm, TW: Suicidal ideation
It had been years since he’d been down this low. At least, that’s how he’d been presenting it to others. But in the darkness of his apartment, where his boyfriend couldn’t see his legs because their schedules were conveniently not aligning ever since Gerrard’s arrival…his thighs were coated in fresh wounds.
The Saboteur: Chapters: 1/1 Rating: M (for language) Warnings: TW: homophobic language, TW: harrassment
Five times Tommy Kinard is faced with having to file a complaint against Vincent Gerrard, following his reinstatement at the 118.
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crownedtargaryen · 1 year
As per your request: Could you write something about Jacaerys breaking up with a female reader and Aemond reacts and consoles her with ulterior motives? Thank youuuu 😘
Like seriously you are my knight in shining armor (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
take care of you. - brother modern!aemond
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pairing: brother modern!aemond x innocent sister!reader (a/n): please note i do not romanticize or desire this upon anyone, this is purely fiction! CW: p in v sex, unprotected sex, incest, vouyerism? idk if that’s what is called.. aegon is watching tho, mild choking, taking advantage of reader, cheating, porn with semi plot, mild manipulation all notes are appreciated. words: 1.7k tag list: @asa-do-your-thing @twizzy123 @hopelesswritergall @clairacassidy @ad-astra-again
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It hurt. I remember it hurting, the worst pain I’d ever felt. Seeing him across the party with her, his hands around her waist as he smiled the widest he’d ever smiled. I felt a sickly pang in my stomach as I stared at Jacaerys, his lips hovering over his as the music blared in my ears. My heart drops to my stomach, tears falling down my cheeks as I clench the drink in my hand, holding back the urge to wail in pure anguish. I couldn’t control my body, storming forward and staring at Jace. He notices me, jumping slightly and moving swiftly away from the blonde who looks me up and down, her hazel eyes burning into mine. I glare at her, jaw clenching.
“Sweetheart, let me explain!” Jace starts; I look at him in disgust, inhaling, my breathing shaky as I speak up before he can elaborate on this heinous act.
“I don’t want to fucking hear it. We’re DONE. YOU’RE done,” I say sternly, looking at the girl and leaning into her face. “Have fun with this bitch.” I then pour my drink on her head, wetting my lips and grinning at her. “Oops.”
She goes to swing, but someone grabs her; I look up to see Aemond Targaryen with a stern gaze, throwing her to the ground and walking over to me. Quickly, he grabs my wrist and pulls me off.
“We’re going home. Now,” Aemond says, making me look at him in shock. Aemond is my brother, but he’s never seemed protective of me. Why was he suddenly stepping up? It confused me, but I couldn’t bring myself to protest when I looked back and saw Jacaerys helping the girl up and glancing subtle glares at Aemond. My heart shatters, realizing he has no genuine care for me. He helped HER. Not me.
I sit on Aemond’s motorcycle, looking at him with glossy eyes as he puts a helmet on my head and secures it, leaning in and looking into my eyes.
“You’re okay; we’re in this together,” he whispers. His voice is reassuring, but his eyes say otherwise. I’ve known him forever; he’d never take advantage of me in such a state. However, I’m emotionally vulnerable, and I trust him. Aemond leans in, gently kisses my cheek, pats my helmet, and sits down. I snake my arms around his torso, squeezing gently and holding in soft sobs as we drive. I bury my face in his leather jacket, tears staining his back as I tremble and cry.
Time passes swiftly when I cry, and I feel us slowing to a stop. Aemond shifts off his bike, and I look at where we are. The LED lights shimmer, straining my teary eyes as I rub them and grumble in frustration. I slowly get off, Aemond taking my hand and smiling at me. My eyes shimmer as I stare into those beautiful violet eyes, admiring the discoloration of one due to the scar resting upon his face. He notices my staring, looking away and to the location we’ve stopped at.
“Let’s get you some snacks. Is that alright?” He asks, avoiding looking at me. I walk forward, holding his hand tight and looking at him with a slight nod.
“Yeah… ’s fine,” I croak, sniffling as I follow him inside. We scan the isles for comfort foods and drinks, Aemond buying us some alcoholic beverages to forget these pains and have a separate party, away from all those lowlife losers- as he said.
I offer to pay for such things, but he takes out his card faster than I can react and purchases the abundance of treats, making me feel a bit embarrassed and in debt to him. “I can pay you back,” I start, but he ignores me. I repeat myself, and he merely walks back to his motorcycle, urging me to get on as we ride back to our house.
Aegon is sitting on the couch, indulging in his snacks and drinks, getting over a hangover from the previous night. He’s watching some sappy romance, mildly intoxicated and on the verge of tears from the story. When we enter, he looks at us and grins. His smile falls when he sees my swollen eyes, frowning and standing up.
“What happened?! What did you do?!” Aegon snaps, Aemond glaring at him. Aegon rushes over, pulling me from him, which Aemond doesn’t take kindly. “Oh baby, what did he do…” he whispers, cupping my cheeks. Aemond, not enjoying what’s his being taken, snatching me away.
“I didn’t do anything. It was her stupid boyfriend; that cunt did something,” Aemond snaps back, Aegon’s concern contorting into anger. He goes to ask, but I notice Aemond shakes his head and then walks me upstairs, Aegon looking at me helplessly as we leave.
I sit on Aemond’s bed, looking at him with a heavy heart. He closes the door, and I notice he has a look in his eyes that I can’t mainly place, not thinking much of it. Aemond sits next to me, handing me the bag full of goodies as she pours us two cups of alcohol, handing me one as she looks at me with a small smile. I look at him and smile weakly, and he moves his hand to my chin, making me look at him thoroughly.
“You look prettier when you smile. Talk to me; how are you feeling, issa jorrāelagon?” He whispers, making a shiver run down my spine. 
My love.
My sadness grows as he brings it up, tears welling in my eyes. Swiftly, he sets down his cup and hugs me close, letting me break into tears in his chest. I clench the back of his leather jacket, pushing my body weight onto him. He rocks with me gently, petting my hair. I feel his hand trail down my back and up the back of my shirt, his warm hands rubbing against my skin and soothing me slowly.
“I feel so unloved… What- What did I do wrong?” I sob, looking up at him with a heartbroken gaze. He looks at me sympathetically, moving away hair that sticks to my cheeks from my tears. Then, he nuzzles his nose with mine, free hand stroking over my thigh.
“Sweetling, you will never be unloved by Aegon or me. You are too well tangled in my soul to be unloved by me,” he whispers, making my heart dance. “He’s an idiot, and he didn’t deserve you… I will treat you right. He will never touch you.” I feel my body melt at such words as his hand trail between my thighs. I fail to notice at first but then gasp softly as his fingertips graze my clothed cunt. A quiet whimper falls from my lips, biting my lip when he applies more pressure.
“Let me take care of you, sister. I’ll show you a true man’s love,” he whispers. I can’t deny him, body aching beneath his desiring touch. Slowly, my thighs open, and I whine, feeling my underwear dampen when he reaches between my pants and underwear, feeling how soaked I already am. “Oh gods, look at you.” his voice has become breathy as he slips off my pants, eyeing me up and down with a cheeky smirk. “Go on, lay down. Let lēkia take care of this pretty pussy.”
Aemond moves down between my legs as I lay back, licking over the sopping cloth and making me whine with my hips, making him chuckle lowly. Slowly, he peels my underwear to the side to reveal my new mound, slick and dripping down my hole. He moves his fingers along my folds, soaking them with the substance, then moves in, lapping up my messy hole and wrapping his mouth over the piece, looking up at me with dark and lustful eyes. I tilt my head back, his warm tongue licking at my sensitive clit as my thighs tremble, moving to his shoulders and moving in to surround his head. Soft pants and helpless sights escape my lips, his fingers moving to my entrance and pushing inside quickly.
“Fuck you’re tight,” he groans against my bud, making me shiver and moan out his name, which causes him to grin and go faster, shoving his fingers inside my velvety entrance with a newfound eagerness. His abuse of my clit drives me over the edge, making a mess on his fingers as he moves off my cunt with a filthy pop, gazing at me with a cheeky grin, slipping off his underwear and pants, throwing them to the side as he slides off his shirt as well as my own, admiring my figure. Aemond grinds his cock against my slick folds, pinning my hands above my head and chuckling slowly with heavy pants. “Good girl, you’re so beautiful.” he leans down, kissing my collarbone and chest, massaging my breast with one hand and pushing his tip in with the other. I clamp down as he eases himself in with a low groan, jaw clenched as he stares into my eyes.
“Aemond,” I moan, eyes rolling back as I wince at the stretch. “Fuck… I’m so full.” I struggle between whines, feeling him move in and out nice and slow. I see the door open slightly, biting my lip and whimpering loudly.
The thought of him getting off to this is filthy, and I wish to give him a show. So, I hook my legs around Aemond’s waist and push him deep into the spongey spot inside my cunt, making me arch my back and cry out in pleasure. Aemond grins wildly, pounding the spot full force as his hand trails to my throat, squeezing and pinning me down by my neck, biting his lip with low animalistic growls.
“Open,” he demands, making me involuntarily open my mouth. I watch as he spits into my mouth, his saliva coating my tongue as he sighs lovingly and moves in, kissing me passionately. His tongue trails to mine, spreading the spit across my tongue and pushing it down my throat. I swallow weakly, clenching his arm and bouncing with every thrust, choking out moans.
I whine loudly. “I’m close,” I whine out, Aemond nodding in acknowledgment. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
I feel my peak close in on me, but then I hear a familiar voice that drives Aemond to a quick stop.
“Not on my watch,” Aegon coos as he tosses a pair of my underwear to the side, the base covered in his cum. “Big brother’s gonna rail you until you forget about that fucker.”
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olsenmyolsen · 1 month
Playing Pretend
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master list
dark master list
No Powers AU (Female Reader X Sylvie Laufeydottir)
Summary: When a blonde needs your help, you end up with something more.
Word Count: 1.7K
Content: Gross Loki but fluff otherwise :)
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It had been a rough couple of months for you.
You paid too much for a small apartment in the city while working at a barista job that paid too little.
Your aunt, who practically raised you, was now sick states away, and your younger sister, who swore she would never settle down, had apparently found the person of her dreams.
You wouldn't say you were depressed, but with winter turning into spring, you couldn't call it seasonal anymore.
So, with the first Saturday in a minute to hit a reasonable temperature outside, you decide to take a walk around your local park. It had a small lake with benches and swings. Plus, there was a coffee shop that was actually better than yours nearby.
"Bye, Frances!" You whispered as you petted your American Shorthaired cat, who wasn't even your fan, before leaving.
Your dirty Vans hit the sidewalk as you adjust your baseball cap and put in your AirPods. Just because you were out and about didn't mean you wanted to talk to strangers. You just need fresh air and to feel the sun's warmth on your face.
About three-quarters of the way through your favorite artist's new album, your left airpod died. You could've sworn you charged them, but then you thought harder about it and couldn't remember the last time you charged the case...
You parked yourself at a bench and set down your hazelnut oat milk latte to pull out the dead airpod case and stuffed both AirPods into it.
More people passed by the longer you let yourself rest against the wood of the bench. It was nice, and you found yourself smiling. Especially when you watched a labrador retriever with one eye steal a breakfast sandwich away from its owner. "Lucky!" The black-haired owner yelled before shaking their head and getting up—dog in tow.
You decided to give yourself a few more minutes before getting up to finish your walk. But before you could even think about moving once the time was up, a woman joined you on the bench. She was out of this world, stunning, out of breath, and spoke in an English accent faster than your brain could comprehend.
You blinked at her. "...what?" The woman whose blonde curly hair cascaded around her face scooted closer. "Love, play pretend, please." She didn't wait for you to nod or anything before her hand with green-painted nails slipped its fingers in between yours.
You practically froze as her hand warmed yours. Her touch was like a shock of life as you couldn't help but feel yourself. You turned your head to her, but she was too busy looking towards a tall man with slick back black hair. "Here he comes." She whispered as she turned back to you.
Jumping at how close you were.
"Sorry." You said to her, but she shook her head. "No worries, dear." She then shined her pearly whites at you.
Pink rose over your cheeks.
You hadn't had someone smile like this in... "Sylvie!?" You looked over. So that was her name? The man whom she pointed out earlier came closer to the bench.
Shocked to see her. Or was he?
The blonde, who you correctly assumed to be Sylvie, let the man borrow her attention as she turned her head away from your soft eyes. "Loki?" She said in a fake cheery tone as she squinted at the man as if he wasn't standing too close to comfort. "That is you!" She said while laughing, bumping her shoulder against you.
The man, Loki, noticed.
His smile dwindled. "Yes..." He awkwardly moved as he stood by your bench. "I thought I saw you but wasn't sure."
Yeah, I thought I saw you, so I followed you??? You thought.
"It's me." Sylvie once again shined her teeth, but you noticed how it wasn't genuine, like when she smiled at you. "I'm here meeting with my girlfriend." The blonde spoke up, and thankfully, Loki didn't see how your eyes widened.
Sylvie squeezed your hand. You took that as a signal to save her from doing all the talking. "Hi!" Your voice came out more harsh than gentle, surprising you and Sylvie.
But the blonde loved it. "I'm Sylvie's girlfriend, Y/N."
Loki finally paid you any attention. "Right..." The man said as he extended his rough hand to you, gripping it with force. Not happy with how his morning was turning out. "I didn't realize she was seeing anyone?" Loki said as he let go of your left hand. His eyes trained on you.
You gave him a smug smile. "Things just happen." You then turned towards Sylvie and gave a sweeping smile to her. "Don't they, darling?"
Sylvie bit her tongue before she clicked her teeth and gave a similar smug smile to Loki. "They do." Loki let out a frustrated breath that he covered up with a false grin. "Well then, how long has this been going on?" He wagged a finger between you and the beautiful blonde next to you. You should've let Sylvie answer, but you were honestly starting to already get tired of this man.
"Two months." You said, making Loki's eyes light up. "Oh really!?" Sylvie's hand squeezed yours, but you didn't look her way. You just nodded to Loki. "Yeah, why?"
The man pulled his eyes from you to Sylvie. "What about our dinner a month ago?" Sylvie cleared her throat. "That was just a dinner, Loki."
He seemed unconvinced. "And the kiss?"
One look at Sylvie, and you could tell she regretted ever giving this man the time of day—especially the taste of her lips.
Sylvie turned to you. She was lost and wasn't sure which direction to steer this conversation. Luckily for her, you grew up in a household where everyone lied playing cards, so you could do this.
It's called Poker Face for a reason.
"Sylvie didn't want to hurt your feelings, Loki." The man in the suit and tie looked at you and shook his head. "You expect me to believe that?" Oh, this man had one hell of an ego. "I do because it's true. Sylvie told me all about the dinner. She couldn't get out of it. She would've felt bad. This kiss was to lessen the blow when she ghosted you." You wet your lips. "I'm sorry."
The words sprung from you without stopping, and Loki's grin flattened with each passing line.
Sylvie finally tore her eyes from your side profile and looked up to Loki. "I'm sorry, but I could only say no so many times without you listening." That made you remove your hand from Sylvie and throw your arm around her.
She bit her bottom lip at your hold.
"So you two really are together?" Loki sounded sad as he still wasn't sure.
You nodded for the two of you. "Do you need more proof?" Loki didn't say anything as you rolled your head to Sylvie. She was already looking at you. Her eyes were indulging and calm as they stared at you. "Kiss me, Y/N." She asked of you.
Your eyes closed as your lips softly collided with hers. You tasted like your latte, and she tasted like honey.
The simple kiss between the two of you convinced Loki enough as he walked away when he saw Sylvie's hand reach up to cup your face.  However, you melted even more and pushed your body into hers as your arm wrapped around her.
You two only stopped when the air became non-existent.
Your lips would be bruised tomorrow, but that didn't matter right now as Sylvie looked at you with a shocked smile before realizing Loki was gone. You didn't bother looking.
"I- I didn't mean for it to go that far," Sylvie said with a nervous smile. "I'm glad it did." You weren't going to be shy. "I enjoyed it. As long as you did?" Sylvie nodded before laughing, covering her face with her hands. "I did, and I promise you I don't do this regularly."
You laughed. "I would hope so, or my day is ruined." Sylvie nodded to your joke as her eyes found yours again. "Thank you for that, by the way. I saw him and panicked." You understood. "Well, it looks like it worked, so I don't think you need to worry about him anymore." Sylvie nodded. "Except now he thinks I'm in a committed relationship."
You hummed and found yourself looking at the art on Sylvia's shirt before you lifted your eyes from the blueberries on it. "I love the shirt."
"I love your cap." She said even if she didn't care about American sports.
You smiled. "So what should we do about the relationship?" Sylvie closed her mouth and thought. "You're from her, right?" She asked, confusing you slightly. You nodded. "I live here. Yeah. A couple of blocks that way." You pointed behind you.
Sylvie looked. "I suppose...." She turned to you. "We could get to know each other. If that's alright with you?"
A flutter happened.
"I think it's more than alright, Sylvie." You whispered as you found yourself closer to the blonde. She didn't mind. "Perfect, Y/N," Sylvie replied as she gave you one more kiss as a thank you.
"Now... are you busy today?" Sylvie asked as her lips left yours. "Not at all." Sylvie smiled. "I was thinking about hitting this bookstore nearby. Would you like to join me?"
"Of course." You spoke honestly and with more excitement than in months. "Great," Sylvie said as she rose from the bench and stuck her hand out to help you up.
The two of you walked beside each other and brushed shoulders as you crossed the street. The loud city being a friendly reminder in the background. You could see how uncomfortable Sylvie was. "I brought my AirPods if you wanna listen to anything?"
Sylvie quickly nodded as she hated how loud the city could be. "Here." You gave her the charged airpod as you stuck the dead one in your ear. "Is this okay?" You said as you clicked play on the album you were listening to prior. "Oh my god, I love this!" Sylvie shouted at you.
And just like that, maybe things weren't so rough for you anymore.
Especially when you and Sylvie didn't lie about being girlfriends anymore.
It was the truth.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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the-east-art · 4 months
Easts Country Song Rec List
This is gonna lean a little mainstream, just cuz that's what I grew up with. Gonna try to pick some songs that I think are both good country songs and good exposure for the genre. Gonna try not to pick classics that have broken out of the genre (Jolene, Country Roads, etc)
God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash Mama Tried - Merle Haggard Sleeping on the Blacktop - Colter Wall Calling Baton Rouge - Garth Brooks Mama's Broken Heart - Miranda Lambert (More under the cut)
Merry Go 'Round - Kacey Musgraves There's Your Trouble - The Chicks T-R-O-U-B-L-E - Travis Tritt Life's a Dance - John Michael Montgomery Diggin' Up Bones - Randy Travis Like the Rain - Clint Black Forever and Ever, Amen - Randy Travis What Kinda Gone - Chris Cagle American Kids - Kenny Chesney The Thunder Rolls - Garth Brooks The Fireman - George Strait Hell's Coming With Me - Fancy - Reba McEntire Southern Nights - Glen Campbell Lesson in Leavin' - Jo Dee Messina Wildflower - the JaneDear girls Fastest Girl in Town - Miranda Lambert Two Black Cadillacs - Carrie Underwood Ghost Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash Big Iron - Marty Robbins Make It Sweet - Old Dominion
Uhhhh i genuinely have no clue if anyone cares. But here's some songs. I actually like a lot of the beat and vibe of country music - especially the stuff that leans more acoustic and less stadium. Back in college I took a swing dancing class that was also line dancing and I thought it was a lot of fun. Back then I also learned about to cowboy chacha and I don't remember it now but I remember it was fun. Idk, there are some sucky country songs, but I also think there are some bops, or some really sweet songs. I tried really hard to keep this just to regular country, and to songs that I think are like more interesting to the general public I guess. A lot of Indie Folk Rock I think has crossover with country vibes (thinking about The Crane Wives) but I didn't include them for the previously stated reason.
Uhhhhh if you like any of these songs lmk I guess. If you want I'll make a playlist.
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comfort-writing · 1 year
Crayons and Cassettes
Chapter 6: Party at Harrington’s
You are a kindergarten teacher. Eddie’s daughter, Sage, is in your class. Eddie helps you relax after a couple grueling months.
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warnings: smoking and drinking. mental health- anxiety- is depicted. this fic will be 18+ in later chapters- minors DNI!! no use of y/n. (please let me know if I missed anything)
a/n: I feel much better about this chapter. btw I totally wanted to get it out last night but I fell asleep after work oops. let me know in the comments or my asks if you want to be added to the tag list! requests are open!
word count: 2.9k
Chapter 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 (coming soon!)
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Once school was back in full swing, you were busy, to put it lightly. Spring semester was always filled with setting up IEP and 504 recommendations for your students to be analyzed for in the first grade, as well as trying to have every student achieve mastery of all of the state standards. You had to make sure all of your students could write their name without mistakes, tie their shoes, know numbers one through fifty and the alphabet, knew a lot of sight words, and most, if not all, should be able to read basic books.
You were working hard to try and make sure that all of your students achieved. But that didn’t come without sacrifice. You and Eddie still called, but the calls were usually less than twenty minutes, as you needed to grade assignments and lesson plan for the days ahead. You still saw him at pickup line, but instead of those days where you were stressed being few and far between, they were growing more frequent.
You could tell he was getting worried about you. He’d even said it on your last phone call.
“Are you doing okay? You seem really stressed lately.” He cautioned, sounding genuinely concerned.
“Oh, I’m fine. The spring semester is always like this. I’m just not used to having such a large class size is all. They said that next year won’t be so bad. Apparently everyone decided to have babies at the same time that you did.” You joked, trying to downplay your anxiety.
“Is there anything I can do to help you out?”
“I’m not sure… just- being able to talk sometimes is nice. Allows me decompress a little. But if I think of anything else, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Okay..” He said warily, still not quite sure about where your head was really at.
You didn’t want to burden him with anything. You’d always had pretty bad anxiety, but you had learned to manage it pretty well on your own over the years. However, when life got stressful, it was more difficult to deal with, especially due to the fact that you didn’t have much time for yourself.
He’d invited you out to a little get together with his friends the other night. You said you weren’t sure, mainly because you felt like you had a pile of work that needed to get done and taking one night off might put you back. But he mentioned that you didn’t have to stay if you didn’t want to. He just wanted you to meet his friends- it was a casual hang out, nothing serious. You hesitantly agreed, thinking that maybe this might help you chill out a little bit.
It was tonight. Eddie said he’d drive you, which you appreciated, as despite you living in Hawkins since the summer, you still didn’t know your way around town outside of the main roads. You were standing in your closet, trying to decide what to wear.
Casual. Cute. Nothing too sexy or serious. Just- regular clothes. You should have something like that, right? You dug through your closet. It didn’t help that the majority of your wardrobe consisted of colorful dresses you wore to your kindergarten class. Honestly, dressing for five year olds was easier than dressing for adults, in your opinion. You decided on a pair of jeans and a light, comfortable sweater. It was nearing March, so it wasn’t snowing anymore, but it was still cold out. You put on your everyday makeup that you wore to school and tied back your hair, pulling out a few strands to frame your face. Earrings, bracelets, watch. Easy. Cute, comfortable, casual. You grabbed a pair of white sneakers and threw them on. Just as you were finishing tying your left shoelace, you heard a knock at the front door.
You answered the door, “Hey, Eds, come on in. I just have to grab my purse.” You said, letting him into the entryway.
“You look nice.” He smiled genuinely.
You were in a bit of a rush, the anxiety still having a hold on you, “Ah- thanks.” You said quickly, rushing to the living room to grab your bag. You walked back to Eddie, eyes looking a little worried, “Ready to go?” You asked, almost walking past him to head out the door.
He stopped you, placing both hands on your shoulders, “Hey.. Take a breath. Relax.” He said, taking a deep breath, eyeing you to follow suit. You did, relaxing your shoulders a bit. “This is supposed to be fun. You deserve a break. You’ve been wearing yourself out. One night off isn’t going to cause your kids to fail.” He reassured you.
You took another deep breath, “I know… I know. It’s just been a bit much is all. I want my students to succeed.”
“And they will.” He insisted. “But they can’t do that without your help. And how can you really help them if you’re so stressed all the time? You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of them.”
You sighed, “Yeah.. you’re right.” His words were reassuring enough for now.
“Okay. Let’s go have fun, yeah? And remember, if it’s too much, we can just leave. There’s no pressure for you to stay. I’ll drive you home and you can work or relax.” He said, squeezing your shoulders gently before letting go. You nodded, and he opened the front door for you, locking it behind you guys before walking you to his van.
Before you had the chance to open your own door, Eddie jogged over and opened it for you, taking a grandiose bow. You laughed, for what felt like the first time in at least a week. Ever the gentleman. He walked over to the drivers side after shutting your door, and the two of you pulled off to drive to Steve’s.
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The moment you arrived at the cute little corner lot house, Eddie jumped out and opened the car door for you, taking your hand and helping you out of the car. He gave it a quick squeeze before letting it go.
You guys walked up to the door, and Eddie just waltzed right on through the door. You felt bad just walking into a strangers house, so you stood in the doorway for a moment. “Sup Harrington, you big lug.” Eddie laughed, wrapping an arm around Steve’s shoulder and bending him to ruffle his hair. Steve laughed and shoved him off, then noticed you in the doorway.
“Hey, come on in, don’t be shy.” He smiled warmly.
You stepped further into the entry way and shut the door behind you. Steve walked over to you and stuck his hand out, shaking yours politely, “Steve. Nice to meet you.” You told him your name and once you’d been introduced, Steve and Eddie walked you to the living room to meet the rest of the group. Everyone seemed warm and welcoming enough.
The younger bunch were back for spring break, so everyone had a lot to catch up on. You mainly listened to the conversation, just taking everything in. You sat at the end of the sofa, with Robin next to you and Eddie squatted on the arm rest. You’d been chatting with her, finding out the two of you had a lot in common.
“You want a drink?” Robin offered, getting up to go grab one for herself.
“Uh, sure. What do you have?” You asked.
She reached her hand out, you took it, and she helped you off of the couch, “We’ve got a lot, and I’m not even sure what all there is.” She chuckled as you followed her to the kitchen. She swung open the fridge like she lived there and reached in the back, grabbing a beer before leaning on the freezer and allowing you to scan the contents. You grabbed some premade cocktail in a can before shutting the door.
“So.. you and Eddie, huh?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You couldn’t fight the red tint that flooded your cheeks, “Ah- well.. not really?” You said, shrugging your shoulders.
Robin frowned and cracked open her beer, taking a swig, “What’s the holdup? He’s like, toootally into you. And if I could bet on it, I’d put down money and say that you’re into him.”
You sighed, “That’s already been established.”
She gave you a confused look, “So.. why aren’t you two a thing?”
“My job. Unfortunately, it’s like, illegal for me to date a parent. Plus, in this town, it’s not like we can be secretive about it- gossip runs rampant.”
“Ah- yeah, I guess that makes sense. Don’t worry., my lips are sealed”
“Thanks. But it still kinda sucks though.” You chuckled, bumping her shoulder
“I feel that. When I was in college, my girlfriend and I had to be like, mega-cautious around everyone. I know it’s not the same, but I know what it’s like to have to hide how ya feel.” She reassured.
“Thanks Robin.” You smiled, taking a sip of your drink.
She nodded and the two of you walked back to the couch, finding Eddie laid out where the two of you previously sat. Robin groaned and shoved him, trying to get him to move off of the couch. He rolled off, hitting the ground with a thud, and you and Robin quickly scrambled over him and into your seats, giggling. Eddie laughed and pointed an accusatory finger, “I knew I shouldn’t have introduced the two of you.”
You and Robin shared a knowing look and laughed, watching as he got up off of the ground and moved to sit on the armrest once again, leaning against the back of the couch and resting his arm on the cushion above your shoulder.
After a while of sitting and listening to his buddies laugh and tell old stories, with you chiming in at certain points, Eddie leaned down to whisper in your ear, “I’m gonna go out back for a smoke. Want to come with?” He asked.
You nodded and followed him through the house and onto the back patio. You sighed into the cold March air, seeing your own breath. He took a cigarette and a lighter out of his jacket pocket. He offered you one, to which you politely declined, before lighting it and taking a drag.
“You having a good time?” He asked, leaning over the patio’s railing and looking into the backyard.
You matched his position, “Yeah. Your friends are really nice.” You smiled.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. You deserve to.” He told you, leaning over and bumping your shoulder with his own.
You hummed and looked up, seeing the starry sky. It made you feel small, but not in a bad way.
“Just think, only two more months and you’re home free.” He mused.
You giggled, “You mean we’re home free.”
He smiled, “Well yeah, but I was mainly talking about you. You’ve been so stressed lately with all the hard work you’ve been doing.” He paused, looking over to you, “I’ve been worried about you. I mean, I haven’t known you that long, but I can tell that all of it has had an effect on you.”
You sighed, turning around to face the house. You placed your hands on your face and dragged them down, “I know.” You grumbled, your voice muffled by your hands. You let them fall and rested your elbows on the railing, leaning back. “I just feel like I haven’t had a moment to breathe since January. Spring semester is normally stressful, but it’s usually not this bad.”
Eddie nodded, taking another drag of his cigarette, letting you continue.
“I just- anxiety is a bitch, you know?”
Eddie laughed at that, coughing through it as the smoke spilled from his lungs. “Boy do I know it.” He said, once he’d gained his bearings. “But like I said, only two more months. You’re almost there. And really, I know I’ve already said this, but if you need any help with anything, you let me know, okay?”
You nodded and leaned your head on his shoulder, “Thank you, Eddie.” You whispered. He smiled and kissed the top of your head before laying his own on top of yours. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying each others silent company as Eddie finished his cigarette, making sure to blow the smoke away from you.
He snubbed out the end of his smoke in the little ashtray on the railing before looking down at you, “Ready to go back in?” He asked quietly.
“Do we have to? This is so nice.” You pleaded.
“You’re shivering. You’re going to freeze to death.”
“Ugh, fine. If we have to.” You groaned dramatically.
He laughed and wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your arms quickly to warm you up, “Come on, cutie.” He said, walking you back inside.
You laughed as you two walked back into the house, feeling yourself begin to defrost as you walked back to the living room together. You plopped back down next to Robin and she gave you a silent wink, to which you rolled your eyes and smiled.
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Around ten, everyone was heading out, so you and Eddie followed suit. You said goodbye to everyone, you and Robin exchanging numbers, and Steve giving you a big bear hug. Eddie walked you out to his van, opening the door for you before climbing in himself. The two of you drove home, laughing and recalling funny things that people had said that night, listening to the radio on a low volume.
Once he pulled up to your house, he walked you to your door. “Hey, thank you for tonight. I had fun.” You smiled, leaning against your door frame.
“Me too. I’m glad you came along.” He had one hand in his jacket pocket as he used his thumb to fiddle with the rings on his other hand.
You looked up at him. He looked so handsome in the moonlight. You looked around for a moment, taking in that nobody was on the street and the neighbors’ lights were off.
“Are they planning anything like this again soon?” You asked.
“Not that I know of, but I’ll let you know when we do.”
You nodded, taking a step closer to him. “Really.. thank you.” You said sincerely as you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He was a little surprised, but he hugged you back, wrapping one arm around your waist and using the other to rub your back.
To an outsider, the hug may have look like it lasted too long, but neither of you cared. You just enjoyed each others warmth and physical contact in that moment. You could have been there forever and neither of you would have noticed.
You pulled away slightly, looking up at him. He smiled softly down at you. You glanced around one last time before looking back up at him. You could have cut the tension with a knife.
After a moment, Eddie bent down and whispered in your ear, “You’re making it very hard not to kiss you right now.”
You squeezed him closer, taking a steady breath before whispering back, “I never said you couldn’t.”
He pulled back and looked around like you had already done, making sure nobody was around. Your porch light was off, so nobody could really see you guys anyways. He looked back at you for confirmation that this was okay. You nodded.
He didn’t waste another moment before leaning down and capturing your lips in his own, moving one hand to hold your cheek as he did so. His lips were warm and soft and he tasted faintly of cigarettes, but you didn’t mind. You felt like you were surrounded by him: his lips, his hair, his tall and lean figure. He smelled like smoke and some sort of warm and spicy cologne.
He kissed you gently, not looking for anything more than this. You melted into it, your arms wrapping around his shoulders lazily. Neither of you knew how long it lasted, it could have been a second or it could have been an eternity. But when he pulled back, the both of you feeling a little breathless, it felt too soon.
The two of you shared a look before smiling at each other. He leaned down and kissed your temple sweetly before he pulled away, your arms falling to your sides and feeling empty. “I’ll see you tomorrow at pickup?” He whispered.
You nodded dumbly, and watched him step off of your front porch. “Good night, beautiful.” He said with a wink, heading back to his car. You wanted to say good night as well, but you felt as though your voice would betray you in that moment, so you silently unlocked your door and walked inside your house, locking it behind you.
You leaned against your front door, taking a moment to let it all sink in.
Man, you felt like a teenager again.
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Tag list: @mcueveryday @bebe0701 @emma77645 @edsforehead @manda-panda-monium @nina211544
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eddie-sweetheart · 2 years
🏕 Camp Lovers Lake - Chapter Three 🏕
An Eddie Munson x Female Reader summer camp story. Set just before the beginning of season 3 of Stranger Things, with a few diversions from the original plot of the series.
🏕 Chapters List
Pairing and tropes • Eddie Munson x Female Reader - fluff, forced proximity, slightly slow burn, summer camp clichés ♥︎
Summary • June, 1985. Close to the city of Hawkins, Indiana, the placid waters of Lovers Lake stand as the perfect background for the homonymous summer camp, where you’re about to be a counselor for the last time before senior year and then, hopefully, college. Your brother Dustin Henderson won’t be with you this year, as he’s chosen to attend Camp Know Where until July - but with your best friend Robin Buckley at your side and the unexpected addition of Steve Harrington to your duo, the upcoming months seem to promise endless fun and exciting adventures nonetheless. However, as you get closer to Eddie Munson, resident metalhead and drug dealer who’s been forced by his uncle to work at Camp Lovers Lake after another missed graduation, your plans for the summer might have to go in a completely different direction.
Warnings • Cursing, possible mentions and/or depictions of violence, sexually suggestive language. Having no idea where this is going myself, you’ll need to be 18+ to read this fic just in case!
Chapter notes • I wish I was the one going on a hike with Eddie 🥲 I really hope you like this chapter and that this fic is giving the right vibes! Any idea, suggestion or feedback is appreciated as always :)
Chapter word count: 4.2k
🌹 Masterlist 🌹
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“Good morning sunshine”
Your peaceful sleep is suddenly interrupted by something soft being thrown at your face, startling you into a confused daze. As you blink your eyes open, you realize it’s Robin’s pillow, which is now laying at your side while she’s staring at you, already fully dressed and with an equally amused and interrogative smile. 
“Was that really necessary?” You mutter, attempting to turn around but failing miserably as another pillow hits the back of your head.
“Yes it was? Since you’re late and there are pancakes for breakfast today” Robin enthusiastically replies, moving away from the top bed to let you climb down with a groan. 
“What took you so long last night by the way?” She asks while you start getting undressed, PJ shorts pooling down at your feet. “You got me stuck with Harrington for almost an hour”. 
“I had a little incident” you reply, showing her your bandaged left middle finger as you slip into your camp t-shirt. “Also, Eddie Munson came by and I had to show him where we keep the booze”. 
“Uhm, rude?” Robin exclaims at your gesture, fake shock in her voice turning genuine as soon as she hears Eddie’s name. “Wait, Munson? Aren’t we supposed to, like, avoid him? Do you remember what Steve said? Wait- did he have something to do with the incident? Did he hurt you?” She interrogates you, grabbing your hand to examine the damage. 
You shrug with a smile at her concern. “Come on Robin, we just talked” you tell her, gently removing your hand from hers, “He’s not that bad either, you know. A bit weird, maybe, but he actually seems nice”. 
“Mmmh” Robin hums, leaning on the wooden doorframe of the cabin, the early morning sun-rays drawing golden highlights on her dark blonde hair. “If you say so.”
“On another note, instead” you digress, pointing your unharmed finger at her, “did you tell Steve?”
Robin sighs, blushing a little. “Yes” she finally admits, “he was a little surprised at first, but he was actually very nice about it. And now he knows that we swing the same way - even if I suspect I will never beat him to Tammy Thompson” she says, rolling her eyes in defeat.
“Never say never, hotshot” You state, latching your arm under hers as you finally make your way out of the cabin and join the rest of the campers on their way to breakfast. 
And, just like always, breakfast goes by way too fast. There’s barely time for your coffee to kick in and take you out of the lingering morning numbness before you have to pack your backpack and get the Group B kids ready for the early afternoon hike. 
While you’re bringing your now empty tray back to the serving station in the dining room, Steve and Robin bickering behind you about the correct way to prepare pancake batter, you catch a glimpse of Eddie, who’s still sitting at the table with Gareth and another guy. As his gaze casually lifts up to meet yours, you tentatively offer a greeting smile, obtaining an acknowledging nod in exchange. 
You and Robin briefly go back to your cabin to grab your stuff, the heat of the summer day already making you sweat. Just as you’ve closed the zip of the backpack and you’re finally ready to go, wondering how you’re going to manage a dozen prepubescent kids in the middle of the woods, Robin interrupts your train of thought with a hesitant cough. 
“What?” You ask, your heart beating slightly faster than usual as soon as you notice her there’s something important I need to tell you expression. 
“You’re with Group B today, right?” She begins, and you realize she’s going the long way round. 
“Cut to the chase, Robin” you sigh, leaning back on the desk in front of the window, the chattering of the campers barely audible through the thick, slightly dirty glass. 
Robin looks at you sideways. “Have you checked who’s been assigned to your group?”
You can’t help but let out a small laugh, relief unexpectedly filling your chest even if you don’t really know what you were expecting. “Look, Robin” you begin, “If you’re still worried about Munson, I can assure you that he’s-“
“I don’t mean him” Robin interrupts you, “I mean Patrick. He’s coming with you, together with Jenna”. 
Your chest tightens a little. You haven’t properly checked the assignment list for the day - you just quickly looked for your name last night, not really worrying about the eventual company. And you now realize that maybe you should have. 
You take a deep breath, nonetheless. You’re not going to let Patrick and his latest flirt ruin your day. “I appreciate the heads up and your concern” you tell Robin, squeezing her hand, “But I’m okay. I’m over it, for good - I promise. Plus, I’ll be in good company” you conclude with a wink, causing Robin to snort and smile at the same time. 
— 🏕 —
“So” Eddie begins, finally breaking the slightly awkward silence that has accompanied you for the first ten minutes of the hike, “How’s your finger, Henderson?”
It didn’t take a long time for the sparse grove around the camp to turn into the thick forest that is surrounding you as you walk side by side. After a good twenty minutes of making sure that every kid in your group had their sandwich and snack packed and their boots tightly laced up, you finally started on the trail that encircled the lake, quickly leaving behind the loud chattering of camp to be surrounded by the soft rustling of leaves, the chirping sounds of wild birds and the distant trickling of one of the many streams flowing into the lake. 
In an unspoken agreement, the group was led in the front by Patrick and Jenna, with whom you accurately made sure not to speak more than necessary; you and Eddie, instead, took your place at the back of the chaotic line of kids, keeping an eye on them as they make their way through the wild vegetation. 
At first, you didn’t really know what to say to him - especially because you were so focused on ignoring the distant sound of Jenna’s annoying and forced laughs and Patrick’s ridiculous efforts to impress her. But, thankfully, Eddie has unknowingly found a way to distract you, even if he thinks he’s just looking for something to talk about. 
“Doesn’t hurt much” you reply, your eyes stuck on the ground to watch your steps and avoid tripping on branches or roots. “The bleeding stopped quite quickly, so I didn’t bother telling the nurse this morning”. 
“That’s good to hear” Eddie says with a nod and silence falls again between the two of you. At first it’s kind of weird, not talking. But then, the awkwardness turns into a sort of quiet and comfortable mutual understanding that lets you both enjoy the calming sounds of nature. 
Eddie doesn’t strike you as the kind of person that enjoys being outside in the wilderness, but as you take a few quick glances at him you realize how he seems at ease with his surroundings, casually stroking the occasional leaf on a branch or lightly patting trees as you pass by them. 
“You go on hikes often?” You ask, trying to make some small talk. 
“Mmmh, nope” he replies, looking straight ahead at the trail before you, “but I don’t mind a change of scenery. It’s not that bad, being here in the woods - but I will never admit it, so you didn’t hear this from me, yeah?” He’s quick to add, finally turning towards you with an upside-down smile, dimples on full display on his cheeks. 
“Promise I won’t rat you out” You laugh in response, returning his gaze. 
He thanks you with a small bow, before going back to looking at the kids in front of you. 
“I used to be outside a lot, actually, when I was their age” he adds with a nod in their direction, “very useful to work on my first D&D campaigns.  And to avoid my parents’ fights”. He kind of blurts out this last piece of information and as his words linger in the warm summer air you suspect that maybe he regrets saying them. 
“That sounds like a great way to pass the time” you observe, tiptoeing around his confession. 
“Yeah, well, that was years ago anyways” Eddie states, one hand gesturing vaguely in the air as he suddenly turns more serious. 
“I used to run away from… domestic altercations as well, you know?” You decide to tell him, the blurred, distant memory of you and Dustin’s father briefly appearing in your mind, “but I never made it farther than our backyard”. 
Eddie scoffs, but as you glance sideways you notice that his smile is back. 
“Oh, I see where you got that from then” he tells you jokingly, but you don’t get it straight away. 
“What do you mean?” You ask, lifting your leg up as you try to climb over a fallen trunk that’s lying across the path. Eddie, who’s already past it, stops to wait for you, casually leaning against a tree on the side of the trail. 
“You basically ran away last night” he states, a hint of amusement mixed with curiosity in his voice. 
You stop halfway across your climbing, your legs on either side of the trail as you basically straddle the tree trunk. 
“Did I?” You ask in genuine surprise. 
Eddie shrugs. “Maybe I’m wrong. Or, maybe you were scared of being alone with the mean and dark metalhead slash drug dealer slash probable satanist” he adds, now clearly teasing you. 
However, it’s not hard for you to spot the hint of self-deprecation in his words. 
“That's quite a lot of titles for just one person” you carefully observe, finally catching up with him as you both start walking again. 
“Well, what can I say - go big or go home” Eddie states, the trademark lilt in his voice making its comeback as you approach a turn in the path. 
Since the brief pause you took to climb over the trunk made you lose sight of the kids for a moment, you expect to see them as soon as you turn around the corner - and you do see them, but they’re a bit farther away than you thought. But, closer to you on the trail, there’s a little boy sitting on the ground. As you and Eddie approach him, you both notice that he’s sniffling. 
“Hey, Tim” you address him by his name as you get down on one knee to be on his level, Eddie standing behind you with a curious look on his face. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Tim tears up and shakes his head without uttering a single word. He’s a regular at camp and you know he’s had a few problems in the past with bullies - his parents always made sure to warn the director and ask him to keep an eye on him, even if it was supposed to be just a school-related issue. And, of course, the director made sure to warn all counselors as well, the camp policy contemplating zero tolerance for such behaviors. That's why your first thought is that, maybe, something of that kind has just happened.
“Tim” you address him again, softly placing one of your hands on his knee. “You know you can talk to me, right? About anything. I promise you’re not in trouble, but I need to know why you’re upset so we can try to make it better”. 
Tim finally looks up at you and nods slightly. 
“That’s great. Thank you for trusting me” you continue, squeezing his knee as reassuringly as you can. “Now, did someone hurt you, or say something bad?”
Tim lets out a little sob, and nods again. “Peter Carver said…” he begins, but tears block the words in his throat. You give him some time to collect himself, and as he starts to speak again the rustling of the leaves on the ground behind you tells you Eddie is taking a step closer. 
“Hey, you two” Patrick’s voice suddenly booms through the woods, “what’s taking you so long?”
You roll your eyes and Eddie turns towards him almost menacingly. 
“Shut the hell up, will you?” He exclaims, causing Patrick’s gaze to darken as he starts walking towards you, all the kids eyes now turned to the three of you. 
You stand up quickly and place yourself between Eddie and Patrick - the last thing that’s needed right now is a stupid scene, so you keep your cool as, for the first time in months, you address Patrick. 
“Look, everything is fine” you begin, almost startling him. “We’re having a little chat with Tim, here. Why don’t you guys go ahead in the meantime? We’ll catch up with you in a minute”. 
Patrick’s gaze goes back and forth between you, Eddie and Tim, but he doesn’t bother to reply - he simply nods and walks away, soon followed by an astonished Jenna and the rest of Group B. 
Now that everything is quiet again, you take a deep breath and kneel back down to Tim. Eddie stands there, listening attentively. 
“Sorry about that” you tell Tim with a smile. “What were you saying about Peter?”
The kid visibly gulps. “Peter said that if I talk to him again he’s going to lock me out of the cabin tonight, and Victor Creel will get me and kill me in the woods” he finally blurts out, tears streaming down his cheeks as he starts sobbing again. 
You sigh. That was predictable, Peter being Jason Carver’s devilish little brother. You’re surely going to report this later to the camp director, but first you need to try and make Tim feel better so he can finish the hike and go back to camp - even if you have no idea who this Victor Creel might be. 
“I see” you begin, looking at Tim straight in the eyes, “but I promise you there is nothing to be scared about. Peter will not lock you out and there is surely no boogeyman in the woods that will come for you. Just a few nice squirrels that want to climb trees and eat lots of nuts” you say, ruffling Tim’s hair and causing him to smile a little. “What about we finish this hike and once we’re back to camp we sneak into the kitchen and get you an extra piece of chocolate? Then I will make sure that Peter won’t bother you anymore. How does that sound?” 
Tim seems almost convinced at first, but he still doesn’t move an inch from his seat, his eyes now back on the ground. 
You slightly turn around to throw an eloquent glare at Eddie, silently asking him for some support. Eddie seems a little taken aback, but as he casually coughs he kneels down next to you. 
“Look, kid” he finally says, his voice getting Tim’s attention. “Bullies are mean and scary. And they suck, I know. You could say they are like… trolls”
Tim looks at him in surprise as Eddie starts gesturing vaguely with his hands, while you look in amusement at his theatricals. 
“Ugly, smelly trolls that live in dirty caves and come at you with a club in their chubby hands, screaming stupid words with growls and snarls” Eddie continues, interpreting each and every word with a different tone, making Tim giggle as he dries his tears. “But, when a troll comes your way, there is something you can do - do you know what Hobbits are?” He interrupts himself for a second until Tim shakes his head hesitantly. 
Eddie drops his arms in defeat. “That’s not good, man. Lord of the Rings? Nothing?” He asks Tim, but as you elbow him in the side, he gets the cue and resumes his speech. “Well, Tim, Hobbits are little creatures with quite big feet - very similar to us, just smaller” he continues, “but they are brave, and smart. They know how to sneak around trolls, how to trick them with words or even how to fight them sometimes, even if they are scared. So, if a bully comes for you like a troll, be like a Hobbit - be smarter, wiser, and fight the hell -“
“Aaaand that’s all you need to do, Tim” you interrupt  Eddie, before his lesson goes beyond what is appropriate to teach a kid, “always stand your ground and never respond to violence with violence” you underline, throwing an expressive side glance to a now innocently smiling Eddie. “Now, what about we get up and catch up with the others? I bet your friends are missing you” you finally ask the kid as you stand up again. 
Tim seems definitely better, even if his eyes are still a little red from crying. He gets up and after flashing a quick grin at Eddie, he starts heading back to the group, which is now farther along the trail. 
“Seems like it worked” you observe, as both you and Eddie resume walking as well. “He’s going to be the next Frodo Baggins now”.
Eddie’s face lightens up with the same excitement that you noticed last night at the mention of D&D. 
“I was thinking more of Bilbo, but I wasn’t expecting you to know the reference” he says, the tilted smile back on his lips. 
“You really must think I live under a stone or something” you joke, turning your head to look at him. “you know that The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are quite well known, yeah?”
Eddie blushes slightly, and he drops his head a little to cover the redness of his cheeks with his wavy hair. 
“Yeah, sure” he says, “it’s just… you don’t hear a lot of people talking about it at school or in general - and when they do, they usually make fun of it. As if it wasn’t better than throwing balls into laundry baskets or-” 
You let out a heartfelt laugh, interrupting him mid-sentence. “God, I really need to introduce you to my brother and his friends”. 
— 🏕 —
The rest of the hike goes by pretty smoothly, without further incidents. You all keep walking until you reach a clearing among the trees, where you decide to stop to eat your sandwiches and let the kids get some rest before heading back towards camp. 
As you sit in the tall, luscious grass, you can’t help but enjoy your surroundings: the warm breeze rustling the leaves above you, the refreshing feeling of the trees’ shade protecting you from the early afternoon sun, the nearby creek offering its freezing waters as the perfect pick-me-up for your heated skin. 
If it weren’t for the distant presence of Patrick and Jenna, who are occasionally throwing glances in your direction and muttering God knows what, it would truly be a perfect moment. But, thankfully, Eddie’s company is enough to keep you distracted and entertained. 
You keep making small talk, exchanging opinions on books, on which you seem to have similar taste, and music - on which your preferences couldn’t be more diverse. You don’t have a strictly favorite genre, as your playlists can easily range from Abba to The Clash - while, predictably, he mostly listens to heavy metal, which you’ve never really dipped your feet into. 
You also find out, much to your surprise, that he has a band. 
“Corroded Coffin” he proudly states as the takes the last bite of his sandwich, his back leaning on a tree at the edge of the clearing, where you’re sitting. 
“That’s actually a cool name. Very fitting” you observe, laying down in the grass in the sunlight.  “So it’s you and…?”
“Well, there’s four of us” he replies, brushing a few crumbles off of his camp t-shirt, “Gareth’s in it, and Jeff too - I don’t know if you know him, but he’s at this damned camp as well”. 
You nod uncertainly, supposing he’s the one Steve went on a hike and made “friends” with yesterday. 
“We play at the Hideout sometimes” Eddie continues, his eyes closed as he enjoys the last few moments of rest. “Even if we have a crowd of about… five drunks”. 
You giggle, the image of the late teens' band entertaining a small group of older bikers appearing in your mind. “I bet they’re very passionate fans” you state, and you kind of wonder how would it actually be to witness one of their concerts. Fun is what your mind comes up with. 
“You, uhm.. you could come see us” Eddie tentatively proposes, opening one eye to look at you and catch your reaction. “It would be a nice change in the audience, y’know. Having someone who’s not older than 50”. 
You didn’t expect the invite and you actually don’t know whether to take it seriously, but the idea is surprisingly appealing to you - so you opt for a “yeah, that’d be cool” that causes Eddie to flash you one of his dimply smiles. 
Around four o’clock, everyone gets up and you get ready to head back to camp. The sun shines bright above the trees, casting glittering specks of light on the ground as its rays filter through the branches and leaves. 
You and Eddie are talking a little less now - tiredness making you both more silent and absorbed in your thoughts. But you notice how, just like this morning, the silence is never uneasy or awkward: you’re unexpectedly okay with just enjoying each other’s company. 
Your enthusiasm kicks back in once you notice that the camp’s cabins are now visible again through the trees in the distance. You’re already enjoying the feeling of a refreshing shower and the taste of the pizza that’s been promised for dinner by Mrs. Janet - when, suddenly, you lose your balance and find yourself face-first into the ground. 
“Woah, Henderson, are you okay?” Eddie exclaims, rushing to your side to help you up. He offers you his hand and you absentmindedly take it - and just as your hand brushes with his and his heavy rings dig into your skin, a fluttering feeling rises up in your stomach - faint, but just strong enough for you to notice. It’s probably because you’re not used to people (guys) touching you anymore, you suppose.
“I’m fine, I think” you reply, still in surprise at your fall. As you struggle to your feet, you notice that you’ve tripped on a large root coming up from the ground; your eyes follow it back into the woods and you catch a glimpse of a… hole? A cave?
“What do you think that is?” You ask Eddie, pointing towards the hole in the ground that is half hidden by the vegetation.
Eddie squints his eyes to try and see better, but only ends up shaking his head, the chocolate brown of his hair catching golden stripes of late afternoon sunlight. “Wouldn’t know” he replies, his body already turning to catch up with everyone else on their way to camp, but he stops as soon as he notices you disappearing among the trees.
“Henderson! Wait” He exclaims, his voice rising by an octave as he sprints after you, his forehead barely avoiding a few lower branches as he curses. 
In the meantime, you’ve reached the cavity, which you’ve suddenly decided to investigate because of two reasons. One, if there’s a cave or a deep hole, it could be dangerous for the kids, who sometimes may wander beyond the camp’s boundaries to play; two, because you’ve noticed a dark glimmer on the ground next to it and your curious nature won’t let you sleep tonight if you don’t put a name to it first. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Eddie says, panting, as you kneel on the ground next to the hole - which is not going straight downwards, but it's more like the edge of a man-sized cave on the side of a small hill.
“I’m looking” you tell Eddie. And you do look, which allows you to notice that the dark thing that was glimmering is, actually, a… black vine?
“I really wouldn’t do that” Eddie warns you as you stretch your hand towards the dark, shiny root. As soon as you touch it, a loud “Ew” escapes your mouth as a transparent, slimy substance that resembles some kind of resin sticks to your hand.
“Told ya” Eddie states, plain disgust appearing on his face as he takes a step back from you, now trying to remove the substance by wiping your hand on the grass.
“I think there’s more” you observe, getting closer to the entrance as you spot more black vines twisting inside. “What kind of plant is this? I’ve never seen anything like it before”.
As Eddie realizes that you’re getting closer to the cave, he rushes to your side and tugs at your shirt, yanking you back and away from it.
“Can you stop touching it?” He exclaims, catching you by surprise. “I have no idea what that shit is, but it surely doesn’t look good - it might be toxic, for christ’s sake!”
You let a small laugh escape you at his sudden alarm, lifting your hands up in surrender. “Okay, Munson, calm down” you tell him, getting up on your feet again. “I won’t touch it anymore”.
“Very good” Eddie finally states, one hand running through his hair, “Can we go back now? I really need a shower and you can rush to Mr. Smithson and tell him about your discovery here, ‘kay?”
“Okay, fine” you agree with a small smile as you both start walking back to the path in silence. This time, however, the silence is a bit less relaxed.
You furtively glance up at Eddie, who seems lost in his thoughts, and you finally decide to speak.
“It don’t think it was dangerous, you know?” You softly observe, somehow feeling a little guilty about… scaring him? Making him worry? Although you still can’t quite understand his reaction to the vines.
“It might not, or it might have been” Eddie replies, his hands deep in the pockets of his signature black jeans, “I learned the hard way that in real life it’s better not to take too many risks. Outside of D&D” he adds with a sigh, “I am no hero”.
You nod in understanding. “It’s actually very reasonable” you observe, taking a moment before asking the next question - which involves something you’re now kind of dying to know. “So, what is your character like? Is he a… how’s it called, a paladin?” You finally ask him.
Eddie smiles, turning towards you with a smug expression in his eyes. “I’m actually the Dungeon Master” he says. The awkward silence and his thoughtful look are now completely gone.
“Wow” you exclaim, slowing your pace as you walk down the last, slightly downhill section of the path, which is now running on the right side of the Lovers Lake. “That sounds cool, actually”.
“It is” Eddie confirms with a shrug, the smile never leaving his lips. Then he turns to you and this time he’s the one carrying a burning question. “If you played one adventure, what character would you like to be?”.
You blush a little, because you’ve actually thought about it once or twice, especially after hearing Dustin’s reports of his party’s campaigns - which led you to do some casual research on the characters’ races and classes. And you blush a little also because you perfectly understand that, for Eddie, this question might be quite relevant in order to have a more definite opinion of you - and, you have to admit to yourself, you actually want to make a good impression.
“I’m no expert” you begin, your gaze lingering on the glittering waters of Lovers Lake, the first cabins appearing on your right, “but I think I’d like to be a half-elf bard. Get the best of both worlds, you know - humans and elves, magic and music. And I’d love to be a princess of some kind, maybe from some fallen royal family or escaping an arranged marriage… Please don’t make fun of me” you exclaim after your explanation, the redness on your cheeks getting more intense by the second as you notice the upside-down smile on Eddie’s lips.
“That might actually be a nice idea for a cool back story” he friendly replies, instead, making you feel a bit relieved. “And I’ll let you in on a little secret, Henderson” he’s quick to add, “When I used to play as a character, I was a bard, too”.
Your smile is now matching his, and you suddenly realize that you’ve stopped walking as you’ve now reached his cabin. You look around to see if Steve's nearby so you can say hi, but he's nowhere to be seen.
“So” Eddie observes, eyes scanning the room through the window, “Seems like Harrington is still out, probably flirting with chicks or something. Perfect timing for me and my shower, though" he adds.
Then, he turns to you with two fingers on his forehead, mocking a military salute. "Guess I’ll see you later, then, Henderson”.
“Yeah, sure” you reply, your thumbs up as you turn back to make your way towards your cabin as well.
But first, something comes up in your mind. “Oh, and Munson” you suddenly say, making Eddie stop halfway through the door. “I didn’t, by the way”.
“Didn’t what?” Eddie asks as he turns to you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Run away” you specify with a small smile. “Last night, I mean”. 
“Oh” Eddie replies, leaning against the wooden doorframe with a smirk as he recalls what he’s told you back in the woods. “That’s good to know, princess”.
When you enter your cabin and lock the door behind you, greeting Robin with a hug and listening to her as she recounts the day she’s spent trying to make some kids play volleyball without hurting themselves every other second, that princess is still echoing in your thoughts. 
— 🏕 —
Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Feedback is always welcome!
Taglist •  @meaganjm @emwhite1 @juggernort @final-girllll @mermemerald @sarcasm-is-my-form-of-attack
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spacetimeconundrum · 10 months
I totally understand! If you do have any suggestions for good current sources or more updated sources, let me know -- like I said, we're not in the fandom so we're limited to what's easily findable online, and if Fanlore doesn't link it, we're limited more or less to Tumblr's search algorithm, which we all know is not the most functional. The follow-up won't be until at least next August since that's when the Religious Wars happened, so no rush or pressure to reply right away, but I am genuinely intrigued by the event and I love watching people love the things they love, so I would totally be down to follow some dS blogs between now and then!
In light of your expected timeline for the follow-up, I think it would be appropriate that the “Corrections Corner” segment you offered to do on the podcast be included in the NEXT episode you publish, NOT a year from now.
Because, as I said in my previous message, the harm done was NOT simply that you made a factual error in stating that the Ray Wars were on-going to this day, but that when you say things like:
“So these negative attitudes just kept intensifying and intensifying and honest-to-god, they really never got to a point where they were like, ‘this is silly, let’s just let bygones be bygones’. For whatever reason, due South,” “-is still like this-” “...despite being a silly cop show about a guy talking to his ghost of a dad with his wolf dog. Like, people refuse to set their differences aside for due South and say, ‘you can like RayV, I’m gonna like RayK and we’re both okay with that.’” “To this day, you have to pick a Ray, or have Benton choose actively to swing both Rays.”
To a live audience at a fan convention, without doing more than cursory research (even fanlore.org lists the Ray Wars as a concluded historical event) to ensure that you’re being accurate, you’re doing a disservice to the current members of the due South fandom, who either lived through the Wars and fought to make the fandom a better space afterwards, or were not participants and yet also continuously put in work to keep our fandom welcoming.
As for your question regarding sources for information on the due South “Religious War of ‘96”, I’m afraid that pre-dates my involvement in the fandom by a good four years, and as much of those events took place over private mailing lists, your best bet is to speak with older members of the fandom with firsthand experience. I’m going to publish your ask so that any fans who might remember those events know to contact you. :)
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
“Why are you always so reckless, huh? Do you ever think about what would happen if something happened to you?” for anyone you want!
ooo thank you! here's a short little blurb 🙃
[ prompt list ]
characters: Fox, Thorn
tags: physical hurt/comfort, emotional hurt :(, dancing around issues, the boys are struggling, unbeta'd
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“Fucking ridiculous,” Thorn grumbles. Irritation drives a flush to his face and tightness to his jaw. “Honestly, I think you might be the biggest jackass idiot I’ve ever met.”
All Fox can do is grind his teeth.
He hates it when Thorn’s right about things.
“All you have to do is notify us before you leave HQ,” he continues, flicking excess fluid from the tip of a hypo needle before jabbing it unceremoniously into Fox’s shoulder. “Then I won’t have to scramble to figure out where you went. And you can bring a medic with you. And you’ll have backup. And Vos won’t crawl up my ass in a tizzy because his Force nonsense is going off.”
Thorn is far from gentle about stapling the gash sliced into his arm closed, and he’s hardly sympathetic to Fox’s hissed curses at the pain. “I can’t explain it, Commander. You have to trust me, Commander. The Force doesn’t work like that, Commander, it works like this.” His impression of Quinlan needs some work. Still, Fox has to bite down on the urge to laugh at him. “I have no clue how you put up with him all the time.”
“That’s where all of my patience disappears to,” Fox admits.
Turning his face to the sky as if in a plea for patience of his own, Thorn sighs vocally. “You two are perfect for each other.”
“But true. Let me see your face.”
He tilts his chin up and meets Thorn’s disapproving stare head-on. The state of his little brother takes some of the stubborn fight out of Fox. Between the dark shadows under bloodshot eyes and the fresh bruise blooming across the edge of his jaw, he looks like he hasn’t properly rested or taken care of himself in weeks. His roots are grown out, long and dark before they fade to bleached blond – ill-maintained where Thorn is usually militant with its maintenance.
They’re all burning the metaphorical candle from both ends and it’s getting harder to hide the evidence.
“You look like shit, vod’ika,” Fox informs him.
It gets him an unflattering snort, which finally breaks through Thorn’s anger. His shoulders sag minutely. “So says you. This is gonna be a nice addition to your ugly mug when it scars over.”
A besalisk got a few good swings in before Fox managed to get a stun shot off. He got clipped with a blade, once across his shoulder and once across his nose. They pair well with his cracked ribs and broken nose. At least Thorn’s more gentle about dabbing an antibiotic on his face, caving to the current of worry that underlays all of his frustration.
The progressive crumbling of his expression sends a pang of guilt through Fox. He puts up an impressive front of nonchalance, but Thorn worries at least as much as anyone else Fox knows.
"Why are you so reckless, anyway?" He sits back on his heels when he's done playing medic, stuck between a genuine question and an accusation. "Don't you ever think about what would happen if we lost you?"
Lowering his gaze back to the cobblestone beneath him, Fox shoves down the urge to throw that back in Thorn’s face. He forcibly reminds himself that they're all struggling. They're all tired.
But of course he thinks about what would happen. It's the only reason he makes any effort to come back.
"I'm sorry," he says instead.
It's not enough for either of them, but he's known Thorn all his life. He knows he understands, even if he doesn't like it.
"I know." They get stuck there for a moment. Getting lost in guilt and grief, suspended like insects in amber. "Me too."
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Stupid Cupid #20
Title: Stupid Cupid #20
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 680
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Prompt: Movie Night 
Gif Credit: @pohjanneito
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Bradley helps you out of the bronco with a wide smile on his face before taking off running to your front door. He can hear your surprised delighted laughter from behind him as he runs to the front door. Your small heels that you had worn tonight can be heard clicking at a steady pace as he reaches your door. He turns around and finds you smiling fondly at him as you shake your head.
“That excited for movie night?” you ask him sarcastically and he grins down at you.
“You know it baby.” he quips back with a wink that makes you chuckle again at his antics.
“You’re crazy, Rooster.” you say to him as you slip your key into the door and quickly unlock the front door letting him into your house. He quickly rushed you into the house as his hands fell to your hips as he guided you forward. Swinging his foot back he shut the door quickly before spinning you in his arms and pushing you against the closed front door. You gasped softly as your head tilted up to stare at him with wide eyes.
“I’m crazy for you.” he said huskily and while he thought he was slick with that move he watched as your eyebrow rose before you burst out in laughter. Your hands came up to his chest and slid up towards his neck as you still laughed at his move.
“Slick Rooster, real slick.” you teased him and he smirked down at you as he stepped closer crowding you up against the door.
“It worked on you didn’t it?” he asked knowingly and you grinned while rolling your eyes. He ducked his head and captured your lips with his own, kissing you like it was his damn job. Bradley smirked in the kiss as he felt your hands grip his shoulders tightly as you whimpered softly against his lips. He loved that you kept him on his toes and always called him out on anything and everything. It made it ten times sweeter when he was able to reduce you to a panting whimpering mess for him.
He pulled away from your mouth and rested his forehead against yours gently as he tried to catch his breath. You were panting under him sucking in short breaths trying to ease your lungs and smirked confidently down at you. His smirk turned into a genuine smile as you leaned up on tip toe and brushed your nose against his. Pecking your lips once more he let your hips go and grabbed onto your hand before turning and dragging you down the hallway towards the living room.
He easily flopped onto the couch when he walked in and patted the cushion next to him before looking up eagerly at you. Grabbing onto the remote blindly he watched as you slipped off your heels and took a seat next to him on the couch. You scooted closer to him and he grinned before yawning dramatically while raising his arms up and wide. He stretched his arm back around your shoulder and scooted close enough until you were cuddled into his side. Smiling smugly to himself, Rooster leaned back and turned the television on with the remote.
“You are just full of slick moves tonight aren’t you?” you asked amused as you settled comfortably into his side.
“Babe, I’ve got moves for days.” he proudly stated, making you laugh at him. “Like this one.” he said softly before leaning in close to you. “Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna workout?” he flirted with you and you burst out laughing at his corny pick up line but leant forward to press your lips gently against his.
“You’re smooth as butter.” You teased him and he grinned down at you before kissing you softly. “Ya know if you keep it up we’re never gonna see a movie tonight.”
“That’s my whole dastardly plan sweetheart.” He cooed back at you as he began to lay you back on the couch while you laughed at him softly.
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