#lip & Fiona
dailyshameless · 7 months
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LIP & FIONA 7.03 — "Home Sweet Homeless Shelter "
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samantitheos · 4 months
"can you buy me pads?—ft. Shameless characters
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marvelsgirl616 · 5 months
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Jeremy Allen White as Phillip “Lip” Gallagher in Shameless.
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lupeloto · 11 months
ian gallagher + the squish-face thing he does when hugging people is very important ♡
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bonus: squish-face + inhale reserved only for mickey
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hope this starts your weekend out in a good place:-D
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thelostmagicians · 11 months
Unlucky | Lip Gallagher
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Summary: Lip Gallagher has a shitty life, but he still has a chance of a happy future with you. [2.4k]
Fluff, comfort, slight angst, insecure Lip
Lip Gallagher has always considered himself unlucky for as long as he could remember. If you asked him to describe his life in three words he’d use shitty, shitty, and extremely shitty.  
He was dealt a crappy hand since the beginning not standing a fighting chance even as a kid. 
There was always so much crap to deal with, whether it was bills that needed to be paid, kids that need to be taken care of, or anything dealing with Frank and Monica, sometimes he felt as if the weight of the world was resting on his chest and the only breath he’d be able to take peacefully would be his final one. He’s grateful for all the help he has because everyone pulls their weight as much as they can, but sometimes he just wishes life was just a little bit kinder to him. He wishes that he was able to do something with his high IQ, make something of himself and finally get out of this hell hole, but that didn’t roll over so well. But just as he was slowly losing hope the universe finally took pity on him and gave him you, so now he’s hanging onto you with everything he’s got. 
It’s quiet in the Gallagher household when Lip shuffles out of bed. He can’t remember the last time he was able to sleep past 7am, so when he wakes up to birds chirping at 9am instead of the usual yelling and chaos, he’s surprised and even a little scared. He makes his way towards the bathroom getting ready to fight whoever is next in line, but finds it empty and even clean. He’s shuffling around, looking through doors to find a sense of life in his otherwise loud home when he hears a squeal from the backyard. He doesn’t think twice before grabbing a nearby bat and hurtling through the backdoor towards the pool, but he stops once he sees the atmosphere is anything, but fearful. Frannie is being tossed back and forth between Carl and Mickey in the pool, Fiona and Ian are chasing Liam with the garden hose and Debbie is bringing in watered down lemonade from the kitchen. 
He has no idea what caused this change of pace, but he isn’t mad about it. Just as he’s about to make himself known, he feels a soft touch caressing his back. 
“Hey baby,” you whisper, brushing your lips against his neck. 
He turns his head at your sweet voice finally fully awakening his sleepy trance. Lip tugs you towards him by the belt loops of your, too short, cut off shorts and breathes into your neck. Hands slowly creeping down towards your ass to grab and pet, not socially acceptable in front of family, but he couldn’t care less. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” he rasps into the valley of your chest, slightly picking you up to hug you closer. “What’s going on out here?”
“Thought everyone could use a day off especially in this heat, so Debs and I planned a pool party. Wanna join me?”
He pulls back on slightly to finally get a look at your face, your eyes are kind and happy followed by a mischievous smile. 
“Sure, let me get my trunks on and I’ll be down soon.” You reward him with a soft peck on his chapped lips and an arm squeeze before moving out of his hold and grabbing some leftover toast. 
The day goes by without a hitch. Everyone enjoys the much deserved break filled with laughter, junk food, and only a few fights. You’re nearly on top of Lip as you cuddle as close as you can basking in the happiness before you get ready to go out. There are only a handful of days that you and Lip both get off at the same time, so any day given is taken as a golden opportunity to spend some time together, leaving your worries at home. You plant a small peck to Lip’s cheek before untangling yourself from his hold as he answers the ringing phone. 
You don’t hear much of the conversation, just faint hmms of acknowledgement as you're flying past rooms trying to get ready as fast as you can. You’re struggling with your heels as Lip comes over and steadies you, your smile meeting with his frown.
“Sweetheart, they called me in to cover someone else’s shift and you know I hate to do this, but they’re offering me time and half..” he trails off.
A quick look of disappointment flashes on your face, before you cover it up with a reassuring look. You’re disappointed, sure, but not at Lip. Never at Lip. Just the shitty circumstances that forces the both of you to work as much as you can just to make ends meet.  
“It’s okay, I get it. We can always reschedule, don’t worry about it.” You pull him in and hold on to his waist hoping to ease his guilt, but your efforts go to waste as his eyebrows stay furrowed and his frown deepens. 
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear it,” Lip murmurs against your lips before squeezing your arm and letting you go. 
You watch him leave, slowly pulling off your heels and plopping yourself on the old couch, sighing already missing Lip. Your eyes shift trying to think of things to do now that your night opened up, but your mind keeps drifting back to Lip. You had eaten dinner earlier with everyone, skipping out on dessert and opting to get your fill when you go out, but now that plans have changed you were now missing both your boyfriend and something sweet to nibble on.
You quickly change out of your clothes and put on a pair of old shorts before deciding to make a batch of brownies. Lip works hard and if you guys couldn’t go out for dessert tonight, then you were going to bring dessert to him. 
He’s halfway through his shift when he spots you coming in, hands holding a tupperware to your chest. 
“Honey, what are you doing down here,” he shouts from across the room.
“Wanted to spend some time with you before I leave for my shift. I made some brownies since we missed dessert, care to join me?” you plead hopefully.
Lip’s heart aches with love and a lot of guilt. He can’t believe you would go through all that trouble just to see him. He calls out to say he’s taking his break before leading you to a secluded corner. 
“I’m really sorry about today,” he hugs you from behind swaying back and forth, mouth opening occasionally as you feed him a chunk of the sweet treat. 
You squeeze his wrist in response, “s’lright you can’t help it. I just like spending time with you.”
He smiles softly for the first time that night, stress immediately leaving his body. “Though, I love that you did all this for me, I don’t love the idea that you were walking alone this late at night.”
“Guess I’ll have to keep you company until you can walk me home then,” you compromise. 
Lip’s shift goes by somewhat fast now that you’re here to keep him company. He’ll leave his station sporadically to check up on you and to keep you from falling asleep. He’s in the final stretch now, only 30 more minutes before you get to go home and fall asleep holding each other, after a long day. He looks over hoping to catch your eye and send you a smile when he feels his face slowly morphing into a glare. A glare aimed at the guy standing way too close to you, a guy whose intentions go beyond a friendly conversation, and a guy who on paper was everything you deserved, but Lip couldn’t be. 
You finally glance at Lip sending a small wave and smile as you keep nodding along to the fucker next to you. He had fluffy brown hair and honestly looked quite plain if it wasn’t for the gleaming rolex on his wrist and the shiny Gucci emblem on his belt. He was a rich kid, probably from the nearby university, wasting away mommy and daddy’s money, chatting up pretty girls and sweeping them off their feet with his money. Lip’s never felt insecure about your relationship, you never gave him a reason too, but once he compares his ratty jeans and stained shirt to the pristine polo of Richie Rich he can’t help but wonder if he’s good enough for you when you can do so much better.
Lip was struggling. He never learned how to tie a tie before and now that the time has come, he’s racking his brain trying to get the knot perfect. He knew you couldn’t care less about a stupid tie, you were anything but superficial, but since that dreaded night when he witnessed you being chatted up by Richie Rich, Lip’s come to the conclusion that he was going to try his hardest to give you the perfect life. 
When Lip proposed going up to the north side for dinner, you were shocked. You’ve been there a few times mostly on walks or running errands, but you’ve never been there to spend actual money considering neither of you could afford it. The most you and Lip would do is windowshop and daydream about the things you would buy if you had the money, before being chased off by the glaring sales people.
He picks you up at your door, pecking your cheek softly and telling you how beautiful you look. He takes your hand and leads you to the borrowed car before pulling out an expensive bouquet from the backseat. Your hands flatter as you mutter a quiet thanks. You’re a little confused at the grand gesture since Lip’s never gotten you flowers before, at least not without reason. He’s gotten you flowers exactly four times since he’s known you: the first on your first date, the second for your graduation, and the last two times for your anniversary. And all those times the flowers were below 5 bucks, something he picked up from the corner store. But the bouquet he gave you now had to be worth at least a day’s salary, you and Lip had a mutual understanding since the start that since money was scarce you wouldn’t spend it on materialistic things for each other, but lately it seems like he forgot that promise. He’s been taking you out to eat nearly everyday, always putting money down and never letting you pay, surprising you with little gifts, but worst of all he’s been running himself haggard, taking up as many shifts as he possibly could. 
He notices your quiet demeanor as he starts driving, “You okay, baby?”
“Yeah, I just…” you hesitate, not wanting to offend him. “I’m grateful for all of this Lip, really I am, I love everything you’ve gotten me, but I’m confused about where you’re getting all the money from and why you’re doing all this in the first place.”
Lip tightens his grip on the wheel, “Isn’t this what you want? Isn’t this what all girls want?” Lip scoffs the memory of Richie Rich slowly coming into picture. 
“I don’t understand what changed, everything was fine before, why are you spending money you don’t have? You don’t think I know that you’re working yourself to death trying to afford this shit?” Your voice raises in annoyance. 
“Yeah, well that’s my problem, it’s none of your concern how I get all this as long as you get it.”
“It is when you’re burning money on materials that won’t even last the year instead of investing in our future.”
Lip pulls to stop as the words leave your mouth. “Our future?” He asks. 
You lick your lips, trying to think of a way to backtrack but his eyes plead with you to tell the truth. “Yeah, our future. You know when we eventually move out, get a place of our own and have a kid or two?”
Lip smiles at the thought, “You want all that with me?”
You nod incredulously, “What did you think this was you idiot? That we were just playing boyfriend/girlfriend? Look I appreciate all these gestures, but the way I see it you’re burning 50 bucks on flowers that are gonna wither in a week instead of spending that money on something like our future house.”
Lip cups your chin in endearment before pulling you in for a quick kiss. “I’m sorry, I let everything get away from me.” He huffs in frustration before letting your chin go and clenching his fists. “It’s just when you visited me at work a few weeks back you were talking to this guy. This very rich guy who… I don’t know… I know you aren’t like that, but I couldn’t help but think this is all I’ll be able to offer you, at least right now. I will never be able to whisk you away on a private jet or buy diamonds just cause.”
You giggle as you hold his face in your soft hands, his head tilting to lean into your palm. “Lip Gallager, for someone with an insanely high IQ, you are so incredibly stupid, ” He huffs out a laugh in embarrassment as you continue, “That guy, that fool was annoying as fuck. I was just trying to get him off my back. And not to mention incredibly fucking stupid. Everything that was coming out of his mouth made me cringe and thank the stars that you’re nothing like him.”
He kisses your palm before pulling you into another kiss. “Can we skip the fancy restaurant now?” you ask as he presses kisses to your pouty lips. 
“Where do you wanna go instead?”
“Family dinner, and then out for ice cream?” you suggest. He nods before putting the car back in drive. 
Lip Gallagher was all sorts of fucked up. But somehow in his fucked up life, he managed to find you, his light at the end of a dark, narrow, and gloomy tunnel and he thinks, maybe, he isn’t so unlucky after all.
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deedala · 11 days
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Shut Up It's Faceless/Silhouettes Summer!!
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papertowness · 7 months
i’m so sorry but comedy peaked when the shameless writers made lip gallagher have anger issues and then decided he was absolute shit at fighting like you can’t get any fucking funnier than that
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
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mickeym4ndy · 1 month
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“Go. Go as far away from here as you can, and don’t ever look back, okay? We’ll always be here for you. Always.”
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thebearer · 6 months
Anything with lip Gallagher and your four babies on Christmas morning pls I’m so soft thinking about them
lip has been chain smoking in the garage all night putting their toys together. he thought boy toys were hard to put together until he had amelia and had to put a dream house together.
at least he has cookies he gets to eat.
"leave one, lip." you whisper. "take a bite out of it so they know santa took a bite."
he's rolling his eyes, but does bc he'd rather die than have that christmas magic ruined like frank and monica did. when santa came, and it was rare, it was clear it was frank. he would give it to monica that she at least tried.
on christmas morning, lip's slept a total of three hours but he's woken up by excited screeches, jumping on the bed.
you and him are drinking coffee, letting jude pass out all the presents. he always grins when one extra is in your lap, one you didn't know about. you give him a look and he shrugs.
"we said no gifts, phillip."
"c'mon," lip snorts, shaking his head lightly. "just be polite and say thank you."
you give him a soft smile, opening whatever it is this year- a small necklace with four birth stones on it that has you emotional.
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burninface · 2 months
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Mickey The Thug Goose
Aaaand Goollavich! Honk, honk!
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hhhhleb · 2 months
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some quick sketches
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newm8n · 1 month
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r.i.p to my youth / tough for you to witness but it was for me too
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lyricailove · 2 months
Does it ever hit you that because of Frank and Monica's emotional detachment, all of the Gallagher's seek out affection from romantic partners? But like to an almost obsessive degree.
Fiona's is obvious. She's hypersexual and falls in love easily. She will downplay her issues with Frank as something she's grown used to, but it's clear that it still affects her. She also does the same when it comes to Monica but I feel like her hostility towards other women comes from how she doesn't trust Monica, doesn't really trust herself, and sees those insecurities on other women. Ex: Her treatment of Mandy and distrust of her around Lip.
Lip is a classic case of a man dealing with his mommy issues by making it every woman's problem. He's hostile towards his romantic partners when they want a real commitment from him and he talks to women with so much disrespect that it's a wonder someone hasn't stomped his ass out yet. He's especially harsh towards his own sisters even though they've been the one's who have been there for him. He may hate Frank but he's noticeably giving and extremely forgiving towards men, even those he's only known for a short while. Almost like the story about the turtle was just as much about him hoping that he could fix Frank as it was about Frank crushing his hopes of a real father figure.
Ian being groomed is in no way his fault and is the fault of the creeps who pursued him. But I can't ignore the fact that Frank's abuse and neglect opened him up the further abuse he suffered at the hands of Kash and Ned. It's no coincidence that both Kash and Ned shower Ian with gifts and compliments about how impressive, smart, and mature he is.
Debbie 1. deals with comphet in the first few seasons, and 2. Feels ignored by her family so she tries to create her own family. Debbie is visibly the one most affected by Frank's issues and even when she for all intents and purposes gives up on him, it still affects her. Frank's hurtful words about her only finding love with someone "just as fucked up as she is" pushes her to put consider a dangerous situation with Heidi. She's also someone who struggles with control issues because she needs to help other people. She's a problem solver by nature. It's just that the two problems she wishes she could solve more than anything are out of her hands (Frank and Monica). She can't fix Frank's addiction, his selfishness, or his abusive tendencies. She can't fix Monica's wanderlust, her avoidance, or her aversion to long-term commitment.
Carl is so good at masking his emotions. It's easy to miss. But then you notice things like his attachment to Fiona, his absolute devotion to the girls he likes, and his need to protect. Carl is hypersexual, even though I've seen it rarely brought up in fandom, and longs for a long-term girlfriend. When he does get girlfriends he's all in from the beginning. When Carl loves someone he is all about them. He's so casual when it comes to talking about Frank and Monica, but that doesn't mean those feelings aren't there and they aren't affecting him.
Liam is still young so we don't get to see him in a relationship. He's the one Gallagher who's consistently treated like an actual kid. Probably the one who has the best chance at healthy emotional attachments. But then again, Fiona leaving most likely did a number on him and we weren't privy to what that looks like for him because the latter seasons forgot how to do long-term storytelling and emotional payoff. All we know is that he doesn't remember Monica, Frank being gone makes him an orphan and he's worried about where he's gonna live because Lip forgot that Liam was technically under Frank's care. We didn't get to see it, but I'd say Liam's first emotional crash is probably on the horizon.
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cryvelv3t · 2 months
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I saw @mackjlee9 make a post about shameless and I got so much inspo, I'll be out with an Ian one soon but first I gotta make one about my bae.
Warnings: Domtop reader, drinking, daddy kink, blowjob/throat fucking.
I walked into the Gallagher house "Hey Fiona, your brother home?" "Lips out right now. He'll be back in a few." She smiled "Hey asshole." Ian greeted while walking past me "You looking for your boyfriend?" "He's not my boyfriend." I pushed Ian out of the way to get a beer. "You guys doing anything fun?" Fiona asked while reaching over and grabbing my beer. "Don't know, dinner, weed. The usual." "That sounds like boyfriend stuff." Ian grabbed the other beer I had grabbed and walked back to his room upstairs. I looked around frustrated "Can I just get a beer?!" I threw my hands in the air while looking around. I got my beer and walked to the couch ignoring Fiona's teasing.
I was around halfway through my beer when Lip opened the door. "Hey, Lip." "Hey, asshole." He sat on the couch next to me and grabbed my beer. "So, he can steal your beer, I get it." I rolled my eyes. "Also, I'm leaving, and Ian already snuck out so you two are home alone. Don't ruin the house too bad." Fiona joked as she left "What happened?" He leaned on me "Your siblings are onto us." I laughed leaning my head on him. "So, are we gonna ruin the house?" Lip put the beer on the table, "Fiona said we can't." I leaned back "Then ruin me?" He straddled my lap and put his hand on my jaw "Hell yeah baby." I leaned up pulling him down to kiss me. The kiss was messy, our teeth clashing and our tongues dancing in an interesting rhythm. "Shit." He whispered into my mouth. I pulled back, "Get on your knees." I leaned back. He smiled a little before doing as I orders. Lip let out a sighing breath as I unzipped my pants. "Go ahead baby." He reached his hand around my dick, slowly stroking it. He leaned down and took my dick into his mouth, moaning softly as he did so. I groaned slightly at the vibrations "Your mouth is so good." He slowly bobbed his head halfway up and down my length his hand stroking the rest. My hand threading it's way into Lip's hair before I thrusted up into his mouth. Lip gagged slightly before moaning "You like that? You like gagging on my dick?" He nodded the best he could before gagging once again. My hands guided him to meet my rough thrusts to his mouth. His hands gripped my legs tightly, muffled moans spilling from his mouth. I could even feel him grinding his bulge against my leg.
"I'm gonna come baby. You gonna swallow it like a good boy?" I grabbed his hair tighter and dragged him down till his nose met my pelvis "Fuck!" I groaned out as I came. He pulled off coughing slightly. "Please, please! Please daddy, I need your dick." I smiled "Get up here baby." Lip took his place on my lap once again "You don't need to prep me, I did it earlier." I smiled, and stripped myself of my shirt and picked him up. I placed him down on the couch under me before slowly stripping him. "So fucking pretty." I kissed down his torso giving his nipples special attention "Fuck, daddy". I circled my two middle fingers around his hole feeling a heavy amount of lube. Slowly I dipped my middle finger into his hole "Fuck!" he yelped "Please don't tease me." he begged. "Okay, sweetie." I leaned down and gave him a light kiss before lining myself up with his hole. "Here you go baby." I pushed in slowly "Ah-ah- so good-" He was gasping slightly. When I bottomed out completely, I stopped for a bit to let him adjust. I grinded into him every once in a while, to hear his little noises "Please move.". I smiled down at him and kissed him deeply as I began to thrust slow and deep.
His moans were so beautiful and I would absolutely love to hear them ring out, but fuck his mouth is the best thing I've ever tasted. "Fuck, I love you." I whispered into his mouth. I pulled away from the kiss, speeding up my thrusts slightly. "Oh-oh shit!" He cursed while throwing his head back. "So pretty. So fucking pretty for me." He wrapped his arms around my neck and back, his blunt nails marking my back. "Daddy! Oh fuck- please daddy!" "Please what? What are you asking for baby?" I leaned in his ear. "Can I cum? Please let me cum?" I smiled "Of course baby." His back arched, his mouth shaped into an O shape, and with a silent moan he came. "Goodboy, asking for permission." I praised not letting up on my thrusts. He let out small gasps and sobs "You're being so good, just a little longer." My thrusts became faster and sloppier. A few more thrusts later and I came inside him with a groan.
We sat like that for a few moments "I love you too." "What?" "You said you loved me. I love you too." I smiled down at him. "Get dressed! Steve's here!" Fiona yelled from outside. "Shit!" I cursed as we began scrambling to get dressed. We can have a sweet moment later.
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deedala · 10 months
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season outrageous, hilarious, devastating, heartening, emotional, chaotic three
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