#liked learning about zenith :)
oflgtfol · 2 years
hi what are your top three stars. in the.e sky
i will avoid saying the sun because it should be everyone’s obvious first choice <3
sirius! one of the only individual stars (in the night sky) that i can pick out easily since it’s the brightest (night-time) star !! its apparent magnitude is something like -1.74 which is really fairly bright, brighter even than saturn (-0.55)! its also nicknamed The Dog Star which i think is really cute :)
vega! recently skyrocketed up my list of faves after reading contact by carl sagan recently. and then the last time i went out with my telescope to look at the moon, i also took a moment to stargaze briefly when i was packing up, and i noticed one star maybe 5-10° west of zenith that stood out to me. and i have a skymap app now so i just used that to tell me what star it was and lo and behold it was vega!!! that was like maybe a day before i finished contact so when i tell you i was so ecstatic to just stumble across vega like that it was really special. it has extra bonus points for the fact that one day it’s going to replace polaris as the north star due to earth’s axial precession
altair. i have no good excuse for this. hides my face. it’s entirely because of assassin’s creed okay altaïr is one of my all time beloved characters. i was soo into assassin’s creed around the same time i discovered my passion for astronomy and when i found out that there was a star named altair i thought it was sooo cool. screams. plus idk it’s just a nice sounding name period U__U
anyway here’s vega from august 7
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( ask me top 3 anything )
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starheavenly · 1 month
If I may ask, how do you draw transformers and what’s the step process in your way of designing them as you do for your Zenith au? It’s hard finding good tutorials or guides to drawing these suckers and my attempts, especially the face, are BUGGING me
Honestly like everything else it's just a learning process! This might be advice that sucks but honestly learning 3D art has helped me draw transformers a lot! Once you start visualizing everything in a 3D space you're able to draw cubes (honestly half what transformer designs are) really easy.
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Doing studies and getting references is also super important. I recommend getting a character from the comics and making a reference sheet of them. See how they're put together, small details about the shapes (this is when you can pick and choose what design elements to keep) Here's my personal study of Deadlock:
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Even in my own study you can see my knowledge of 3D shapes helps a lot. Once you do it for one character you'll notice a lot of characters have very similar design features. Once you learn to draw Tailgate's face you can draw Rewind's, Cerebros, Blast Off, etc. A LOT of the faces and bodies are similar. And of course... Practice. I have easily drawn over 100 robots in the last 4 months. If you're drawing and studying everyday you will improve.
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But funny enough the Zenith designs all started because I wanted designs that were easier to draw since they're very simplified and rounded shapes, a lot like TFA. They're for when I'm feeling lazy and just wanna draw some simple fun designs! How I design them? Ehhh I just look at every gen and pick and choose what I like and what I can add. Idk really know how to explain my design process, music and scribbling I guess.
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Idk if this helps at all but good luck!!
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n3xii · 11 months
Your next significant relationship
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This reading explores the essence, personality and dynamic of your next significant relationship! Please remember that this reading is not set in stone, if you dont like the energy of your next person then thats ok! You dont have to date or be with someone you dont like. See this as a "heads up" Close your eyes and allow your intution to guide you to your pile, as always, take what resonated and maybe choose a different reader if nothing connects
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Pile one
Who is your next person?- hierophant, 8 of cups, the magican, "makita" [observe, perceive, scrutinize]
Your next person is someone who is on the path to healing, exploring the darker emotions, and learning about the absloute depth of their soul. I feel this person has gone through experiences and inner tribulations that triggered then to go inwards and find their depth and the source of who they are. I feel that the traumas and wounds they have experienced acted as an "initation" to exploring their inner self. Their energy is showing up as soneone who is on that path to learn who they are. This person holds alot of power in their essence because they are very reserved and mysterious, thry go inwards to learn about themselves instead of outwards, and because of this their withdrawn energy radiates a strong magnetic pull that has the capacity to repel and attract the people aligned with them. I also see that this person is extremely perceptive, self aware, and critical of themselves and others. They are very aware of the way their mind works and aware of what their triggers are. They also choose to observe rather than react which is why they're so powerful, their ability to withdraw from reacting immediately displays their discipline, self control, and maturity. I also feel an energy of this person being extremely resourceful as well, they know how to transmute negativity into something that benefits them in the long run. Their emphasis on their will, ability to manifest and take control over their life is showing up here. During this reading my tumblr app and headphones would connect and disconnect, almost "resetting" so I feel this person has done a "reset" on their life. They use their ability to connect and disconnect from others to transform and go inwards. I think in the past they were somone they did not like because they lacked the qualities they have now, and now they are awakened to their full potiental, and taken control over their life
Their dynamic with you- knight of wands, 9 of wands
Very firey, active dynamic. This person is action oriented and I also feel they don't like to waste time. They are passionate, vibrant and lustfulm They know what they want and they will get it, your relationship will never be founded off of flighty ifs and maybes because it's based off of pure passion and action. I feel like you guys will have a dynamic that can butt heads or overlapp chostically at times only because things are so go go go, I also see perseverance showing up in your dynamic. I think there will be instances of pushing through and staying strong with each other and these moments of struggle will elevate the reltionship to the next level.
Pile two
Who are they- the devil, page of wands, zenith [formulate, strategy, devise] the emperor reversed
I feel like this person is still in the process of refining their energy, they have many aspirations and ideas about what they want to do in their life but they're still controlled by their flimsy, whimsical nature. They sont take things as seriously as they should. It's hard for them to take charge over their aspirations without them moving onto the next thing that excites them. I feel like their still in the stage of formulating themselves and their life, but at the same time they get stuck in that stage of planning- perhaps stuck in their comfort zone and afraid to move out of it. They are very much in the brainstorming phase, brainstorning what they want their life to be, what they want themselves to be like, and they haven't made any offical, mature steps in the direction of exploring those goals. This person is showing up as unreliable, immature, inspired, but I don't think their intentions are negative, I just think they are ruled by their flimsy nature at the moment and that bleeds over into different areas of life. It's not that they lack passion, it's that they lack the commitment to turn that passion into something matieral.
Their dynamic with you- six of wands reversed, queen of pentacles
I'm getting the impression that in this relationship you will be the more accomplished, stable one and I don't think they like that. It's almost an energy of them feeling eclipsed by you, but at the same time I'm seeing you being the grounded, nurturing one in this relationship meaning they rely on you. DO NOT BE A MOTHER TO YOUR PARTNER. You are not there to be their mother, don't enable their behavior in the dynamic created between you and them. I also feel this person will have the need to try and impress you or act from a state of impressing their own ego in this dynamic, simply because they are insecure and want validation for where they are in life.
Pile three
Who are they- 7 of cups, 10 of wands, tower reversed
This person's energy is showing up as a ticking time bomb, they are very overhwlened in life, overburdened and for sone of you, this person is presented with alot of options romantically. The reason i say that is because the deck I'm using displays the 7 of cups as a person pondering fish in the water, so litterally this person has many "fish in the sea" that they can choose from, (or perhaps has been with many people and relationships and carries burdens from that) but in general, this is an energy of someone who has many options and paths that they can go down but feel very weighed down by it. I also feel like this person represses emotions instead of allowing then to be released in healthy ways. That's why their energy is showing up as a ticking time bomb, they carry so much weight instead of asking for help or releasing what's not meant for them. They struggle to make choices without overthinking them, I think this person has taken on too much, but I do see that they are strong willed to a fault. They are resolute and determined, they don't like to give up just because something gets hard for them. They feel if they asked for help they would be weak or "replacing" themselves, in a way, their refusal to back down is their way of securing their worth in the world.
Their dynamic with you- the fool
Unique, expressive and trusting. I think this relationship will be based on taking chances and trusting one another, being vulnerable and allowing yourself be bare to one another. I think of "trust falls" when I think of this connection This relationship dynamic will also be unique and out of the box for you, I think it will be hard to place your dynamic into one label or style of attachment as it's independent and different from anything youve experienced. I think you both will allow your connection to take on its own identity without trying to understand or box it into a label
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kifkay · 14 days
How do Winx react to injuries
Bloom: her fighting style means she gets injured A LOT. sometimes, by her own powers. she doesn’t notice the wounds during a battle; adrenaline and pure stubbornness warding off the pain. the moment fighting ceases, however, Bloom is fainting, shaking and/or throwing up at the mere sight of blood. her and gore don’t mix well.
(Winx had come to expect that reaction and have their own little routine of taking care of Bloom post-battle. Flora starts lifting weights at some point, to be strong enough to catch Bloom whenever she faints in the sky — they’ve had too many accidents…)
Stella: so dramatic about it. i imagine her clutching Musa’s hand and honest-to-goodness whining, while Flora holds her down to disinfect a shallow cut on her leg (all the while Musa is probably sporting a mild concussion and broken ribs). and throughout all of that, Stella never stops talking, flinching and exuding a general aura of clinginess. needless to say, the winx are very annoyed with her and her dramatics — although they are grateful for the levity she brings.
after a tough battle, when one of the girls gets hurt so bad they’re not sure she’ll make it, Stella changes. it’s like a switch is flipped: she finally realises that survival is not a guarantee for any of them, and that — that scares her like you wouldn’t believe. she no longer draws attention to her wounds; instead, she helps Flora check in on everybody first and patiently waits her turn. doesn’t talk much either. just hovers around the girls, pale-faced and slightly shaking, until one of them wrangles the fairy in a bear hug and tells her: “i’m okay.”
Aisha: is the most likely to hide her injuries from the girls. she tries to take care of it on her own, or slip away to the nurse in a middle of the night; all to not burden others with it.
(the winx eventually learn about that little habit (when Aisha literally faints at a ball Alfea hosts). they go on to assure her how much she means to them, “taking care of me is rotten work//not to me, not if it’s you”-style.)
Flora: has an unusually high pain tolerance. insists on treating other people’s injuries first, no matter how minor, before she even begins to worry about her own. usually, very calm and professional about the whole ordeal; doesn’t feel comfortable being fussed about.
Musa: doesn’t react to pain very well. gets snippy and short-tempered with the rest of the girls, to her own chagrin and guilt. gets angry when others fuss over her. sleeps a lot when injured.
(but Musa IS a good emotional support when the other girls get injured and need to clutch onto someone to pacify their nerves.)
Tecna: due to the culture on Zenith, Tecna views her body as a mere tool. she is not gentle with it, doesn’t like the work that takes to maintain its health. whenever there is a choice between, say, cauterising a wound and proceeding with the mission, or taking an hour to heal it with magic — Tecna would choose cauterising it despite the pain. Flora and her get in countless arguments over it.
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winxwannabe · 3 months
I’m frothing at the mouth for as much info from the Winx encyclopedia thing as you’re willing to post thank you for your service
Good news! There are a series of pages regarding the girl’s childhoods that are ripe with✨family dynamics✨ and L O R E. I forgot to take photos of the pages before leaving for a weekend trip, but I can tell you what I’ve learned and post the images on Monday!
Before the good stuff let’s get the boring out of the way: there’s no new info on Bloom’s childhood since it was covered so extensively in Season 1. Expected, but I will tell you my favorite part: Bloom says no matter what Mike and Vanessa are her parents. You love to see it.
Flora has a distant relationship with her dad compared to her mom and Miele. He’s a landscape architect for ‘The Senatorial Chamber of Public Greens,’ and wasn’t around much. She was also one of those kids who could make flower jewelry. So jealous.
Stella was raised mostly by the Solarian royal staff instead of Radius or Luna. Big day for the Radius Haters. She always had a thing for brunette boys and either A) got the magic equivalent of Lasik or B) wears contacts. I’m going with B in my own head cannons.
Layla has childhood trauma from being forced to stay inside. Yay? We knew about that but you know what I found that was new: ANNE LORE! Aisha knows where Anne moved - a planet called Eros. There’s no mention of it anywhere else in Winx, so re-write people can go ape with it. (This is apparently on the wiki now but it’s not mentioned in the series so I never looked whoops)
Musa’s pages are just…a right mess of contradictions. Ho-Boe wanted Musa to become a singer like Matlin was, a TOTAL 180 from the series where he’s worried about Musa following in her mother’s footsteps. He’s worried about her going to Alfea to be a fairy? I don’t know I’m missing a key word in the translation or something, but I will report back!
Also, there’s a footnote about her mom’s hologram being stored in a camellia flower, which is important in Chinese and Japanese culture. Not surprising, but makes the whitewashing Fate did funnier.
And lastly, Tecna heavily implies on Zenith it’s common to have memories stored in virtual reality? A true gold mine of potential story content (especially when you did a season about time travel). They give Tecna anxiety to look though - which to be fair is a mood. But it does mention specifically Tecna’s always been a smart kid, even on Zenith, and that she had friends. I don’t know why that made me happy but it did (probably because ‘nerd’ characters are usually portrayed as outcasts, so I appreciate Tecna not going through that).
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emeritus-fuckers · 4 months
Heyy, can i get headcanons for secondo/transmasc reader? Pretty please 🤲🥺
Papa Emeritus II with a transmasc s/o
Take one look at this motherfucker.
You think he won't support you like it was his life's task?
If you were closeted before you met him, as soon as you told him, his reaction was odd for him.
Gently takes you into his arms, holding you close as he thanks you for trusting him with this information. He means it.
If you don't have the money for anything that you need for your transition, he will pay for it. This is not up for debate. At all. He is paying. Cry about it.
He isn't trans himself, but you can almost always find him with a book or on a website, learning more about trans people and their history. What dysphoria and gender envy is.
He just wants to be able to understand what you are going through, the absolute best that he can.
Would absolutely go out shopping with you, just making sure that you get the clothes that make you feel most comfortable in your skin.
If anyone ever misuses your pronouns, he gives them once chance to correct themself before he's fighting someone.
Would get in a fight with a transphobe. Has gotten into a fight with a transphobe. Would do so again, you just have to ask.
If you're scared of needles, (like me) he would absolutely gently talk to you while doing your T-shot. And when he's done? You didn't even feel the needle go in.
Written by Zenith/Jasper (at two am.)
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @strawberriiblossoms @z-xmyers
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symphonybracket · 7 months
YouTube links: Mahler 2, Tchaikovsky 6
Mahler 2
Have you ever wanted to feel like you're going to shake apart into a billion pieces if someone so much as looks at you. That's how I feel after listening to this beast. This symphony changed my life for real. It's famous for it's ending and for good reason!! It truly feels like your soul is getting blown up and steamrolled. Listening to it live was like getting peeled by god. It calls for 10 horns which is how you know it's going to fuck severely. It comes in 5 movements: good lord oh my god, hehe teehee, oh so that's why they call it the death shriek, crying on the floor for 5 minutes, and I Have Died. The part known as the "Death Shriek" is shown below! And if you're interested in learning more about the symphony, here's my favorite analysis website!
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It's an everything in the universe piece and when I sang in the choir for it I think I actually ascended to a higher plane of existence for 15 minutes
I came across (imo) a good video giving a summarised background of Mahler 2, it’s called ‘Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 2: Explained in 3 Minutes’ by orchestra of the music makers on YouTube
There is also a piano arrangement!
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Tchaikovsky 6
Everyone bangs on about the 4th movement but it's the 3rd movement that really hits
tchaik 6 is what i would listen to if i had an hour to live
the 5/4 movement of the tchaik lives rent free in my mind and i think about it every day
It’s beyond gorgeous. The melodies soar, the orchestra swells, and you just need to lie down for a while after listening to it. It’s Romanticism at its zenith. You want to weep and sigh, and it’s impossible to listen to it without literally feeling something.
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Symphony No. 6, titled “Pathétique”, was Tchaikovsky’s final symphony. It is an intensely emotional piece, and to many scholars demonstrates the emotional turmoil that characterized much of Tchaikovsky’s life. He died about a week after its premiere, a fact which leads many scholars to debate about whether the content of the piece itself reflects the possibility that he may have committed suicide. The title itself is often translated to mean “impassioned suffering”, although this was most likely a later addition by Modest and not actually part of Tchaikovsky’s vision. Given these facts, many scholars interpret this piece to be about death and suffering. However, this piece can also be seen to represent life and all its contrasting moments. This interpretation is more holistic and inclusive of all of the moments captured in this piece, and also serves to break down the common narrative of Tchaikovsky as a tragic figure.
More comments about Tchaikovsky 6 below the cut (length warning):
Scholarship surrounding Tchaikovsky’s music tends to focus heavily on the ways his confliction over his homoerotic desires appears in his writing. However, his personal letters reveal a much more balanced understanding of himself that goes beyond the common narrative. In one letter written to Modest describing a new relationship with another man, he writes: “I awoke today with a feeling of unknown happiness and with a complete absence of that emotional sobriety that used to make me repent in the morning for having gone too far the day before.” Many of the letters he wrote regarding his relationships demonstrate no shame and no anguish beyond what can be expected of a man living in a homophobic society. It is important to take this information into account when listening to a piece such as this one that has been discussed so frequently, and to understand it beyond the turmoil and strife that it is seen to represent. Like many of Tchaikovsky’s works, this symphony displays a range of human emotions. It is not only representative of tragedy and “impassioned suffering”; it is a depiction of what it is like to live. It is also interesting to note that this piece is used as a signifier of queer desire in the novel "Maurice" by E.M. Forster, a novel also notable for its radical portrayal of a queer man who gets a happy ending. Much to think about there.
The first movement begins with a lone bassoon soloist playing a plaintive minor melody, which later comes back in the strings. As the movement progresses, it grows in intensity and texture. More instruments are added, and the music becomes more frantic, building and building towards the dramatic trumpet fanfare. Throughout this piece, Tchaikovsky continues to make significant use of contrasting dynamics and melodies, reflecting the emotions he hopes to convey through the music. Dramatic, tumultuous sections are interspersed with pastoral woodwind melodies, and the angry brass fanfares give way to a quiet ending.
The second movement is reminiscent of a waltz, and uses the strings and woodwinds more than the brass to achieve its floating melodies. The dynamics ebb and flow to build tension, but this movement never reaches the same levels of anguish that the previous movement does. Tchaikovsky makes use of pizzicato in the strings to convey a lighter, more cheerful mood, and features the upper woodwinds prominently. He also repeats themes frequently, giving the audience something familiar to listen out for as the movement progresses.
The third movement begins with frantic energy in the strings and woodwinds. As more instruments join the rush of music, the underlying eight note accompaniment does not let up, continuing the vivacious beginning through the whole movement. Instruments pass the melodies between each other and engage in conversations across the orchestra. Like the first movement, the brass play a prominent role in creating dramatic climaxes in the music, as well as supporting the march-like conclusion. Conductor Myung-Whun Chung describes the deceptively dramatic ending as, “one of the greatest, most thrilling, but most empty of victories in musical history,” observing that this movement has the energetic finality of a final movement. The reversal of having the true finale be a slower movement represents a shift away from the “Beethovian model of light over darkness” common in most other symphonies of this time period.
As mentioned before, ending on a movement with a slow tempo was a significant shift away from the standard of the time. This innovation inspired many other future composers to use the same technique, most notably Mahler in his Ninth Symphony. The quiet beginning builds up towards a chaotic rush of fast runs throughout the orchestra, only to stop abruptly and continue in halting, cautious bursts of melody. The movement continues with this cycle of rushing up to a climax and backing away as the movement progresses. Tchaikovsky highlights the horns in this movement, giving them both angry, blaring notes which cut through the string melodies and the flowing, lyrical lines that are passed throughout the orchestra. As the piece ends, the instruments fall away until all that is left are steady repeated notes in the basses, bringing this lament of a movement to an understated close.
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nanamikentoseyebags · 10 months
how about a meet cute with Nanami at a bookstore? You're both reaching for the exact book at the same time and sparks fly as soon as your hands brush!!!
✧⁠*。just some tooth rotting fluff, gn!reader✧⁠*⁠。
The old bookstore, full of untold stories and an ineffable atmosphere of eternal learning, was located in the very center of the city in a historic building with quaint stained-glass windows and high ceilings, looking more like a long-forgotten university library. The rays of the sun, which was at its zenith, penetrated through the large windows and painted the walls and floor of the large room as if with multicolored crayons. There was a subtle, elusive smell of books, the smell of belonging to the mysteries hidden in them, the smell of antiquity. Slowly wandering along the long oak shelves, filled to the top with all kinds of books, you took a deep and slow breath, reveling in the smell of books, letting it into your heart, and then dived into the invisible depths of the store, ready for adventure.
Carefully, as if they were made of the finest crystal, you ran your fingers along the fancy spines of the thick folios, feeling the ornate patterns with your fingertips, noting the golden embossing, smiling when you saw familiar initials, the mere sight of which was enough to carry you far away to a bittersweet but oh-so-precious past. The books reminded you of your childhood, moments of carefree joy that now seemed so unattainable. You lifted your head to get a closer look at the binding of the book resting on the top shelf, which, shimmering all hues of gold in the sunlight, seemed to stand out from the rest of the books. You rose up on your toes, reaching for the cherished object, but suddenly, someone's warm palm covered yours, causing a myriad of goosebumps to scatter across your soft skin. You jerked your hand away in surprise and turned your head, only to meet soft, warm eyes the color of melted honey, slightly surprised, but so appealing.
A handsome face with prominent cheekbones showed nothing but slight confusion, mixed with a touch of embarrassment, which could be seen in the slightly pinkened cheeks of the young man. On the tip of his nose rested a pair of fine-rimmed round glasses. Your gaze shifted to his thin pinkish lips, and only then, noticing them moving, did you realize that the man standing before you had been saying something ingratiatingly for some time.
"I didn't mean to startle you," a velvet voice reached your ears, "I don't know how I didn't notice you, but please take the book, you were obviously the first to lay eyes on it." Slender, long fingers were already holding the spine of the cherished book, offering it to you.
You moved your eyes from the book, to his face, then repeated the motions again, as if enchanted by some unknown power, before touching such a desirable object with your hands, yet his fingers held the other end of the book as if forgetting to let go.
"You shouldn't have," you smiled softly, still somewhat impressed by the unexpected intruder to your peace, "you could have kept it, I was just curious to see what was on the cover."
His eyes rounded a little, either in surprise at the curiosity burning so brightly in your eyes, as it usually does in the eyes of little children eager to learn about this world that is so new to them, or at the sensation of the blush coming back to his cheeks just at the sound of your voice. "Now you'll have a chance to find out what's inside, too," he paused, "I'm Kento, by the way," another pause, "Do I have any chance of finding out what's inside it from you?" he smiled bashfully, not believing what he was saying, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from your eyes, which held something painfully familiar, something he recognized as his own. "You have all the chances in the world...Kento," you smiled radiantly, nodding your head, letting all your intrusive thoughts win.
The smell of aged paper intertwined in the air with the light scent of your perfume, reminded him of his youth, when he so passionately loved books, devoured them, reading story after story, getting inspired by new ideas and dreams, getting lost in another world so similar to ours, but one in which good always triumphed.
You stood there in silence, searching in each other's eyes for answers to the silent questions arising in your heads, hidden from the world by thousands and thousands of colorful covers, separated by decades, but so ridiculously close, linked by the tips of your fingers, still holding the shimmering in the sun tome of poems. The tome of poems, the last pages of which hid a small work about two lovers who met in an old bookstore, so similar to the long-forgotten university library, and happened to reach for the same book, which changed their lives by bringing them together.
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a/n: ahhhh nikki, that was such a cool idea! i'm a sucker for some bookshop au, i loved it sm! hope you like it 🥺 thank you so much for sending in and for reading this lil piece 💛
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yuesya · 4 months
In an AU where instead of Geto, it's Shiki who fall to the dark side;
How well would her friends and family take the news?
How scared are the Jujutsu HQ when the girl who can kill anything is now their enemy?
What would be her end goal? Classic stuff like kill all non-sorcerers? Or something else entirely?
Hmm villain!Shiki AU...
The easiest way I can see this happening would be if Shiki doesn't have any close friends or connections keeping her on the 'straight road,' so to speak.
In a world that's less kind, Shiki never meets Nanami Kento. Her parents sell her to the Kamo Clan after she wakes up from a coma with cursed eyes, and so one of the first lessons that Shiki learns in her childhood is abandonment.
The representative who arrives from the Kamo Clan to take her away is Araya Souren.
Shiki grows up with this man who is her teacher and father and jailer all in one. He tries to kill her, and fails. The second lesson that she learns is betrayal.
Once, Araya had spoken to her cryptically of his goals before.
To the end and the beginning, to life and to death. To the truth hidden within the core of this broken world… and the way to finally break free of this endless cycle of madness and suffering.
To him, the world is full of suffering and misery. He wants to 'break the cycle,' whatever that means, and apparently Shiki's abilities are the key to it.
Shiki doesn't care about any of that. Araya wanted to break the cycle? Well, then she'll just be part of it.
(Countless red lines beckon her, an allure that Shiki has no desire nor inclination to resist.
Destroy, destroy, destroy.
... It's not such a bad way to pass the time until her eventual death.)
'Shiki' probably becomes known as a fickle-natured globe-trotting curse user who spontaneously goes on murder sprees for seemingly no reason at all in this AU.
To (finally) address Anon's questions:
1: Shiki's family and friends from zenith of stars aren't emotionally invested in this version of Shiki.
However, Nanami probably experiences some sense of guilt and responsibility, when later investigations reveal that this is his niece. Even if he wasn't on good terms with his sister and brother-in-law, what happened to Shiki was... horrifying.
Shiki's parents are alive. They ended up using the money they got from selling Shiki to live a comfortable life, although their later years are spent in terror when they learn what their daughter has become. Their greatest fear is Shiki coming to kill them someday.
2: Jujutsu HQ probably starts losing their minds when they get reports of a curse user whose cursed technique appears to be killing, of all things. They do their best to monitor her and estimate her travel patterns, and prevent her from crossing paths with Gojo Satoru.
If she and Gojo Satoru end up fighting... the end results would be catastrophic. They need to avoid that at all costs.
If she and Gojo Satoru end up getting along with each other... their combined strength would be enough to make the entire world kneel. They need to avoid that at all costs.
3: As stated earlier, Shiki doesn't have a particular goal in mind, aside from 'preserving' the cycle that Araya so abhorred and desired to destroy. She wanders the world sowing chaos to her whims, secretly hoping to find something that won't be fragile and ephemeral -as the red lines in her eyes indicate everything to be.
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ariesjupiter · 1 year
Astrocartography Observations 🌎
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• Uranus ASC line is a place that was different than you expected/perceived (can be in a good or bad way).
• Moon IC line is a place where your mom or a woman in your family traveled to that’s significant to her.
• Your parents may have had their honeymoon or gotten married at a place where your Moon’s Node is in Zenith.
• A place that you’ve always been interested in their culture and language could be your Jupiter DC line.
• That one country you’ve always wanted to go to is probably on your Sun MC line.
• If you post on social media or write a blog, you’ll get many likes/views from posting content when you’re at your Mercury MC line.
• Crossing Saturn/Neptune lines are the type of place that you have a love-hate relationship with.
• Jupiter MC line could include a place or region you enjoy learning about. For example, I took some interesting history classes in college that focused on the modern day area of Turkey and Greece and that’s where I have my Jupiter MC line.
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mossymandibles · 6 months
How did Kraw's mom and dad meet? What drew them together? What was their relationship like? What did they talk about? Wait, did she even speak the same language as him? She seems pretty wild and solitary from what we've seen of her...
I haven’t honestly thought about languages and linguistics yet, if I ever do. It seems very daunting and I don’t have the brain power for it right now. For a sort of lazy aside I’d like to think the primordials have some form of common tongue that they all understand, idk what to call it yet though.
Yuna ended up solitary but she used to have a pod/matriline where she stayed with her own mother, brothers and sisters and their families. Their hierarchies are kind of like most whales. She wasn’t able to have calves of her own because of a faulty uterus but she would often help hunt for the pod, at times helping the calves of other mothers in her pod, or protecting the pod from any threats, proving herself to be very ruthless when it came to anything threatening her family.
She met Sobehk much later in life, when he found her on his wanderings after being exiled from his Rook on Zenith.
He was a prince but most found him strange, a romantic somewhat detached from reality, even somewhat immature and full of himself. His mother, the matriarch/Empress, found him to be a bit of a disappointment in terms of running things. He didn’t express any type of desire to learn politics. If he wasn’t showing off his fighting skills He would often wander off on long flights by himself, exploring or…writing very bad poetry.
He had developed a sort of obsession/fixation with the ocean. He definitely feared it, but felt drawn to what was down there because of an experience he had happening upon a leviathan in the throes of death, lying on the shore of an islet. He would spend hours looking across shorelines in search of anything that would wash up, any indication of answers for his burning curiosity.
He’d never seen a creature like Yuna before, only hearing stories about sea serpents and drakes at the edges of the world.
She was in the midst fending off two ‘whaling’ boats(merhunters/poachers), unable to dive away from them as they had several harpoons hooked into her side. She seemed to be fine on her own but Sobehk took it upon himself to help her, raking through the two boats like they were paper. Yuna didn’t stay to say thank you, but instead swam away to the nearest shore she could find, leaving a foamy trail of blood in the water. Sobehk ended up following her. She thought he was looking to pick her apart once she was dead.
He actually did think she was feral at first. He mostly wanted to observe, finding her to be graceful as well as beautiful.
Yuna, of course, was snarling and snapping the moment he decided to approach her, calling him a vulture and telling him to fuck off. (Sea drakes don’t especially care for Furies or other flyers.)
Finding out she could talk, he became even more enamored and interested and was determined to help her despite her reservations. He felt that “something as beautiful as her shouldn’t die like a hunted fox at the hands of whalers and their rusty harpoons” in his own words.
She was amused by this, and told him if he could fetch a specific kind of blood clotting kelp for her she would allow him to help. Even more amusing to her was finding out Sobehk was essentially afraid to go into the ocean despite his professed love of it.
Since they were closer to some populated islands, he ended up taking a fungal nymph doctor hostage from a nearby island village, close to where Yuna’s sea cave was. He was able to help Yuna and safely cut out the harpoons albeit nearly shitting himself the entire time.
During her recovery she stayed in her sea cave. Sobhek continued to hang around and made the mistake of impeding on her territory. There were several time that she actively tried to kill him when he would hunt for her and bring her live fish he stole from fishermen nets. Even in her weakened state she came very close to biting his head off. She distrusted him but Sobehk still seemed determined to help. Eventually he would leave the fish at the mouth of the cave and wait, safely perched nearby where he could still speak to her without being swiped or snapped at. He realized she just wanted her space/privacy. Long story short, during her recovery, Yuna eventually began to find Sobehk’s presence tolerable, realizing it was nice to have someone to converse with after so many years of keeping to herself. Where he was such a different archetype to her, she found it somewhat entertaining. His insistence to adorn and flatter her was a change of pace for sure. She did not care to be fawned over.
Yuna had never really had any lovers. Most prospects would end up avoiding her because she couldn’t bear any young and seemed cold/short tempered. After a few miscarries she would end up forgetting the whole mating thing altogether, finding it draining and redundant. I’d say her relationship with Sohbek was a sign of her settling down tbh, not that she didn’t end up caring for him in the end ofc.
I’d say they would mostly talk about their past lives, their separate cultures etc. Sobehk had thought sea drakes were just wild beasts so he was very interested to learn about her, even if she seemed reluctant to talk about herself. He would often ask tons of questions about what it was like whenever she’d make dives for hunting. (which is coincidentally what non-aquatic partners would ask Kraw a lot) the ocean was another world to him.
It wouldn’t be until towards the end of their relationship that he’d bring up eating the celestial’s flesh. Then things kind of ehhhh. Went to shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
But hey, then comes Kraw.
I’ve wanted to draw out their meeting for a while but you know how that goes. Here’s a wip of one of the pages. I’ve been having fun drawing Yuna’s expressions and such.
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He’s so smitten over this giant mean dragon lady. “You come from the ocean?? I’m a HUGE fan.”
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funishment-time · 10 months
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From now until the end of 2024, I’m raising money for Trans Lifeline by playing Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony…for the very first time.
And you humans can help with bingo cards (to win prizes).
TOTAL RAISED SO FAR AS OF 1/24: $1006/$2500
or learn more about the game by Clicking Through Below!
🌠 About Trans Lifeline:
Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.
They also, incidentally, will not contact the cops or emergency services without your consent. Since this is Tumblr, I doubt I need to state the importance of this nonprofit (or that policy).
🌠 About me (Iris Polaris):
I am a polar bear streamer and "VTuber" who specializes in occult, art, and nature content, as well as VNs, sims, RPGs, and survival games, all to learn about you silly primates. Danganronpa is kind-of all of those genres at once. Kind-of.
In the past I've raised about ~$2500 USD across two events. I want to beat that. Just POUND it, y'all. My goal this time around is to raise $2500 USD for Trans Lifeline.
🌠 How to participate:
DONATE. Donate any amount to the Trans Lifeline (minimum $5 USD) here at this event's Tiltify. Leave contact info (an e-mail, Tumblr username, etc) in the comment of the donation or when choosing a reward. NOTE: You must donate thru our Tiltify so I can keep track of the total and contact you.
RECEIVE YOUR CARD. After donating, you will receive a randomized PDF bingo card like this one at your provided e-mail, Tumblr username, etc within 48 hours. Each space on the card represents a prediction I have about v3, a reaction I may have to the characters, etc.
WATCH THE BIWEEKLY-ISH YT VIDEOS. I'll be playing the game offline (i.e. not streamed) with my Manager Bunny. However, every 2-4 weeks, I'll publish a 10 minute or less YouTube video on my account until we finish the game. These videos will be compiled montages of all the spaces participants can mark off that week. These will not be long play videos!
EARN A PRIZE. If you get a bingo, tell me when it happens! Contact me via e-mail ([email protected]), on Twitter (@IrisPolarisEN), on Discord (irispolaris), or here on Tumblr (funishment-time or iris-polaris). All bingo winners get to choose from the prize pool at the end of the event (see below) in order of their wins!
🌠 Prize pool:
For fairness' sake, every bingo winner gets to choose one prize, regardless of how many times they get a bingo. More prizes to be added soon!
Character-themed phone BG commission: I'll make you a lovely little background for your phone based on existing official art. Examples (1 | 2 | 3).
Character-themed icon commission: I'll make you a lovely little 500x500 icon based on existing official art. Examples (1 | 2 | 3).
250-word general tarot reading: I'll pull a single card for you and give you an overview of what's to come. Here's an example.
Short astrological (zodiac) birthchart: I'll give you a short astrological birthchart that includes your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. You must provide me your date of birth and location of birth, so don't choose this if you're not comfortable with that! Here's an example.
Bust-up sketch commission by Tane Aspen: 10 available. The wonderful Tane has donated art commissions to the cause! Here's an album of examples.
Bust-up sketch commission by YogurtFluff: 1 available. Darling YogurtFluff (aka Gracie) has donated another art commission to the cause! Here's examples of their art.
Twitch panel set commission by Jar of Rubies Art aka Zenith: 1 available. Are you a streamy streamer? Zenith, who made my own personal Twitch panels and overlays, has donated a commission for a set herself! Here's examples of her work.
Pixel art commission by @🌸 🌿 Faerieko. 1 available. Commission a chibi pixel bust from my dear Mama Faerieko! See a cute EXAMPLE.
Iris-themed sticker set: 5 sets available. Three different ~"3 stickers by Studio Nekomata featuring yours truly.
Fortune-telling Bear patch: 2 available. A ~3" sew-on patch by Studio Nekomata featuring yours truly.
Iris-themed RPG charm: 2 available. A double-sided RPG-inspired charm by Studio Nekomata featuring yours truly.
Fortune-telling Bear charm: 5 available. A ~3" charm of yours truly, readin' the future and all that, with art by @faerieko.
1.5" Kaede & Shuichi buttons by MachineDean: 3 sets of 2 buttons available. Your delightful totally alive protagonists in adorable button form. (Pic)
DR v3-themed stickers by other folks. 2 available of each sticker. Choose three from these designs (album link - better/bigger images coming ASAP).
Please note that the presence of prizes from independent creators does NOT imply that they condone this event. Or even know about it. So don't ask them about stuff.
Donations to the prize pool are welcome, but not necessary. Please contact at me at [email protected] or here on Tumblr (funishment-time or iris-polaris) if you have a piece of merch or service (commissions, graphic design etc) you want to give.
🌠 Goal incentives:
MONODAM LEVEL: $100 raised. Art sketch request stream. Monodam turns me into a sketch robot for a stream. Beep boop bitch. ☑️ ACHIEVED AS OF 9/8, STREAM HELD 11/28
MONOPHANIE LEVEL: $500 raised. Giveaway. Detective Duo poster by Cheer puppy. Monophanie woke up in a good mood, so she's giving away a 16" by 20" poster of our favorite v3 protagonists...or, well, I guess, the only v3 protagonists. (This item will be given away on stream, date TBD.) ☑️ ACHIEVED AS OF 9/9
MONOKID LEVEL: $1000 raised. Danganronpa WWE content. I use whatever wrestling game I can pirate find and custom-make Danganronpa characters y'all vote on. Then we fight 'em. Offline-recorded video series. HOO YEAH!
MONOSUKE LEVEL: $1500 raised. Giveaway. DR1 Steam game key. Monosuke knows the best way to bring in business is to give people stuff. Any kind of stuff. DR1 isn't the game he's in, but like, does it matter? It's free! (This item will be given away on stream, date TBD.)
MONOTARO LEVEL: $2000 raised. Return of the hot sauce stream. Like Monotaro, I'm forgetful. Specifically, I've forgotten how much my previous hot sauce stream hurt me on my birthday. So we're going at it again, new sauces, new pain, date TBD.
MONOKUMA LEVEL: $2500+ raised. 12 hour marathon Summer Camp stream. Fulfill my goal of being the Ultimate Fundraiser and I'll sit and play Danganronpa S Ultimate Summer Camp for 12 hours nonstop. And do all the voices. Puhuhu...huhuhu. (Date TBD.)
MASTERMIND LEVEL: $3000+ raised. Every winner gets an additional prize. Peasants! We have been waiting for oh-so-long! Knock things out of the park and every bingo winner gets to choose an additional prize...and a sample of my famous home cooking! (Home cooking not included.)
🌠 Important dates:
VIDEOS/EVENT ENDS: When we're done with the game. Probably no later than December or January. Or maybe much sooner. This is going to take a while, actually. But we'll post about it everywhere (here, Twitter, etc), don't worry.
DONATIONS ACCEPTED UNTIL: The event ends. See above. You can get a bingo card up until our last video, which will be announced well in advance (here, Twitter, etc). Note, however, you'll be at a slight disadvantage to choose a prize, as bingo winners get to choose in order of their wins.
🌠 Important links:
Trans Lifeline's website
Our fundraiser Tiltify (donate here! Remember: leave contact info!)
My YouTube channel (the bingo videos go here!)
My Discord, or my Twitter, or my Tumblrs (1 | 2), for updates
🌠 FAQ:
Where can I donate? Via our Tiltify! Include contact info in the comment of your donation if you want a bingo card.
Where can I find updates? You can find updates here on funishment-time or iris-polaris, on my YouTube, on my Twitter, or on my Discord.
Do any donations touch your wallet? Nope. All proceeds go directly to Trans Lifeline via Tiltify. I don't get a cent of it, not even for a second.
Do I have to donate via Tiltify to participate? Yes, sorry. This is the only way I can easily keep track. However, Tiltify accepts any form of currency IIRC.
Can I get a bingo card for a friend? Yes, but you must donate twice (or more), even if it means donating $5 USD each time. I will issue you two (or more) cards, and you can give them out as you wish.
Can I donate without participating in the bingo? Totes. Just ignore all the bingo stuff if you want. But you won't get any cool prizes!
What if, on the bingo card, I see a prediction that I know is true? If, for example, Miu survives the game and you know it, don't mark the space until I get to that point in the game. This means that you do not get a bingo until I get to that point in the game. (Example: if you need the "Miu survives" space to get a bingo, it's not a bingo until I get there. I tried to balance this out by providing spaces about the way I play the game, too.)
Is this really your first time playing v3? Yes. I know like two spoilers (the killer and victim of trial 1, for example) and I understand the characters' personalities from Summer Camp, but I've never played the game.
Isn't it a little weird to play a killing game...game for Trans Lifeline? Yeah, but like, the fandom is super queer anyway so why not.
Are you trans? Sort-of. Queer/genderweird, definitely. Any pronouns are fine. I like to think of my gender as..."bear."
Week 1 (9/8): 5 spaces
Week 2 (9/21): 6 spaces
Week 3 (10/12): 4 spaces
Week 4 (11/12): 2 spaces
Week 5 (1/24): 3 spaces
✨ Thank you for spreading the word...or for participating! ✨
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starheavenly · 4 months
What are your feelings on shockblurr?? Also love your AU! Your style is great
Thank you! I'm so glad people are really kind about my style and the AU!! Honestly by itself shockblurr isn't bad, I like it. But a lot of the fandom works for it is horror/dead-dove based, which is a bummer.
For the zenith AU I just wanted Shockwave and Blurr to have some sort of relationship, so Blurr wants to be his sponsor/mentor. I think they have the possibility of a silly dynamic of annoying/smug fast talker and logical scientist learning emotions and empathy!
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brammariek · 2 months
WAIT WHAT she actually animates beyond the door even tho we can’t see her after we talk to her? I wonder if the devs had originally had her accessible for a time
SHE DOES! it's just a few seconds looking at each paintings, and you can see her through the focus if you stand close to the vault door, so she's very much there, and she's very much walking around.
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now since she doesn't have anywhere else to go (that we know of) I'm assuming she stays in the vault until Aloy brings Sylens "to heel" as she says. Thing is, you're not supposed to stay in an art vault for very long periods of time, because the air quality and humidity needs to be very exact for art to be preserved, the gasses in the air are not ideal for human lungs. When i visited a museum with my university, we were allowed entry to one of the storage vaults, to see how conservation works, and how art pieces are stored when not on display, and IIRC you're not supposed to stay there for more than... an hour, maybe 2 at a time? so that makes me curious as to how much of Tilda's body has been altered with the nano-tech the Zeniths have. (I haven't played burning shores yet, so i have no idea if more lore is revealed there, but my guess is that we learn a bit more about them)
Like the paintings were already really old when Tilda got her hands on them, the oldest piece being Lidded ewer, by Adam van Vianen, 1614, and the Aloy being born in 3021, that makes the piece at least 1427 years old by the time Aloy sees it, compared to it's 410 years today in our timeline. that is impressive conservation considering no-one was there to monitor the vault and it's content at all. like in comparison, art that is 1427 years old to us, is from 597 ad, that's when England adopted the Julian calendar, so wer're talking Byzantine art period, like the Hagia Sophia was built between 532-37 AD. and as a visual reference to what a lot of western art looked like around that time, here is a mosaic panel of Empress Theodora, from around the 540s, in the church of San Vitale in Ravenna.
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like this is the span of time we're talking about, this is so fucking old, and i just fhjdshafjkds have a lot of thoughts around that.
ofc we can assume that conservation tech was pretty evolved from what it is today, but i still believe human hands would have a large part in conservation... as an art-history student, i just have a lot of thoughts around Tilda and her vault FJKDSJLKF
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wolfcha1k · 2 months
[NOT MY ART!!!] My Oc tho 👍 Zenith the Starboy 🌟
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I commissioned rain1940 to design me a Starboy 👀 this is Zenith, me and ReignLycan co-own him. He's gonna eventually show up in our Wish rewrite Star Light, Star Bright. Little teaser about his character, he is something of a show boat, though is quite the gentleman and down to earth despite how mischievous, bold and playful he can be. Zenith is also very inquisitive and keen. He's intelligent but naive in many ways, as he's a young star still and very unfamiliar to Earth. Zenith is also a shape shifter but sometimes his information on fauna are misinformed or skewed, hence the elf ears in his human one. Learning things third party from other Starfolk do that sometimes. Hopefully you guys will like him once he officially appears in the fanfic!
Please go favorite and comment on the original piece! Rain gave me permission if I wanted to repost this commission also.
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pluckysidekick · 5 months
Nancy Drew Episode 218: The Echos of Lost Tears
I wrote a little essay about how amazing this episode is for the HAND Discord server, where we’ve been doing brackets for the show’s episodes (the brilliant idea of @binancydrew). But it got kinda long-I had a lot to say 😂. So I’ve posted it here along with a few gorgeous GIFs from some amazing Nancy Drew fan creators (with credits). I hope you enjoy it!
218 is the zenith of the best season of TV ever, Season 2 of Nancy Drew. The Wraith storyline, hidden in plain sight throughout this incomparable season, comes into focus and allows Nancy to work through her deep trauma and learn to accept all of the parts of herself, even the ones she doesn’t like e.g. Nancy Hudson. And her friends, her soulmates, are there, in real life AND in her dreamscape, to support her, to defend her, and to love her just as she is.
218 is also the culmination of Nancy’s journey to find out what kind of person she wants and needs as a partner in life. We see hints of her being amused by Ace, being attracted to Ace, and increasingly relying on Ace, throughout Seasons 1 and 2. But only in 218 does she finally admit to herself that Ace is her *person*. There’s a reason that in 403 she tells Ace that she knew she had feelings for him when they fought the Wraith.
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GIF by @andsjuliet
“You’d been there for me so many times before, but that was…” She was overwhelmed by how supportive Ace was throughout their fight to defeat the wraith, while he asked nothing in return. He tells her “All this time, the wraith made you think there was no separating you from it- you just proved that wrong”*Swoon*. He kept her safe as he drove her to New York in Florence, and held her up when she was weak. He held her hand, and rubbed her back, when she was fighting the wraith. He helped her to stand when they’d defeated it but she was still weak. When Nancy expressed surprise that she was strong enough to hold the trauma, Ace is the one that said, “I think you always were, Nancy,” as he helped her stand up, and with that look between them.
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GIF by @nacesource
But 218 also has growth for every character. Bess saying goodbye to Odette, and George’s generous offering of love and friendship to allow them a passionate kiss before Odette goes inside forever, with Lo Moon playing, was so beautiful I want to cry just writing this.
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GIF by @booasaur
George takes a huge step forward by proposing to Nick after she hadn’t even wanted to pretend to be his fiancée, and Nick has found someone that loves him for him, and we see him preparing to open the Youth Center. Carson helps Nick to lay Celia to rest, signs away his right to be Nancy’s dad, and invites Ryan to move into the Drew house. An incredible turnaround in their relationship, and the foundation of Dad #1 and Dad #2!
The ending, as heartbreaking as it was that Nancy just missed Ace (for now), Nancy ending the episode claiming herself as a Hudson and deciding to break up the company and provide reparations to Everett’s victims is a powerful statement. And while the wraith is a fantastic supernatural monster, it’s also an amazing metaphor for depression, and feeling a lack of self-worth. Nancy’s breaking up with Gil is so powerful and meaningful for many people who’ve been in difficult relationships.
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GIF by @hucklebucket
And so many classic moments! “You drew a fish!” “I hate zebras!” The look between Nancy and Ace at Odette’s antics outside Myrtle’s house- silent communication at its finest. The Myrtle/Temperance reveal! The Dads and knuckleball! And of course, “You weren’t born broken- the only way to heal is to let that pain become love.” “It’s time to kick the monster out of your house.” “Will you hold me?” “I thought you’d never ask.” “Knock ‘em dead”.
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GIF by @hucklebucket
Speaking of which, the dreamscape was an amazing sequence technically, writing-wise, and emotionally. The progression through Nancy’s different selves, the support of her friends (George and her crowbar), the realization that she loves Ace and that amazing dream scene at the bluffs (the first almost kiss!). And the way it ties together so many moments from past episodes - tween Nancy and her first big case, her birth at the bluffs, her adoptive mother’s death, the evolution of her relationship with Nick into deep friendship, her low point of the kidnapping of Everett. AND the little touches of everyone wearing outfits from earlier episodes - Ace wearing his 212 outfit e.g. the Grant episode where Nancy saves him at great cost (“I couldn’t lose you”), was a personal favorite touch of mine. All in all, brilliant storytelling, perfectly executed.
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GIF by @nancydrewcentral
I haven’t said enough about Ace’s growth. He starts the episode wanting to get away, but not being able to leave Nancy when she’s in trouble. And then he’s the most supportive friend he (or anybody) could be. But he’s loyal, and he doesn’t suspect that Nancy has developed feelings for him yet (remember he thinks it didn’t happen until DetectiveCon). So he is able to put his hurt feelings about Gil aside, and apologize to Amanda, and go on the road trip. But when he tells her “I feel like I left something behind”, while Nancy is simultaneously going to his house to confess her feelings, while “For Me, It’s You” plays- AAAHHHHH. *Weeping*.
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GIF by @wandasviz
313 is an amazing episode with iconic scenes, the Nace scenes specifically. I advocated for it as one of the strongest episodes of the latter half of the series. But some fans found the pacing is challenging, and the fakeout deaths of Ryan and Ace (beautifully) painful, and can be hard to rewatch. 313 is a jam packed, excellent episode of television. But 218 is a beautifully constructed, emotional journey for Nancy, the Drew Crew, and her Dads, and a cap to what many, including Kennedy (on Twitter), think is the best season of the show. It’s a superior episode overall from a superior show and fantastic season. Vote 218!
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GIF by @drewcrewdaily
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