#like yeah that just shows how people want to stay alive on the world we live in
slexenskee · 3 months
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👀 New surprise acoustic album coming up in a chapter near you~
I think we all know what spurred this surprise acoustic album this time 😂
Disenchanted - MCR, Regular | Acoustic
Stay Together For the Kids - Blink 182, Regular | Acoustic
Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls, Regular | Acoustic
How's It Going To Be - 3EB, Regular | Acoustic
All These Things That I've Done - The Killers, Regular | Acoustic
I chose these songs mostly on the regular versions, but some of them have pretty great acoustic versions ngl. I really like that Stay Together For the Kids and Disenchanted renditions, which I think use the real ripped vocals over acoustic instrumentals. And I actually prefer the Boyce Avenue version of Iris than the actual acoustic version from GGD. But for How's It Going To Be and All These Things I've Done, I really adore the originals, even if they lend themselves well to acoustic versions.
Also yes instead of talking about his feelings in a mature and calm manner, Gojo instead runs off and makes an album about it instead 😂 tbf using art as an outlet is actually a very healthy thing to do, but so is talking to your partner about your internal struggles.
But I find it very in character of him to struggle to put his own feelings into words, or rather, to express them outwardly and actually speak and vocalize them to others in a normal way, and turn to music instead. Unlike Hawks - who is more of an action guy and even in his POVs shows how he feels through his actions rather than introspective monologues - Gojo's actually your classic Tortured Poet (see what I did there lol) who has a lot of Thoughts™, even if he's horrible about expressing them and regularly ignores them. So in his own way, he's trying to communicate a lot through this album - to the whole world, but also to Hawks specifically.
Tbh this album is probably Gojo's most 'personal', or at the very least, as personal as you can get when you never wrote the songs to begin with lol. But idk, my millennial is showing here but there was always something so personal to making mixtape CDs for yourself or for others. You might not have wrote them, but it says a lot that you chose them to define yourself, you know?? Anyway I digress, moral of the story this is actually Gojo reaching out in his own way. And tbh, it's kind of a summary of his life too. A lot of times I pick songs for this fic mainly just because I like the way they sound, with no real meaning to them, and that's canon too as Gojo picks his songs for the Vibes™, but for this album noooope.
Disenchanted - Going to be crowned as the quintessential 'Dabi' song. Literally all about being a disenfranchised and disenchanted youth who sings away his angst and the chorus is 'If I'm so wrong, how can you listen all night long?' This is basically the summary of how sad teenage Dabi felt and why he turned to both music and villainy
Stay Together For The Kids - So on the nose it's not even funny, but I adore that guitar riff in the beginning. And while Gojo's parents didn't divorce in either of his lives, I still feel this resonating with him because of the way his youth was ruined by the adults who were supposed to love and care about him, in both lives. And yes, when the Endeavor reveal drops people are going to be questioning this song.
Iris - Yes, this is his pining song. First for Suguru, but then takes on a new meaning with Hawks. Yes, it turns all the Sixwings fans into a sobbing mess every time. Really though more than being a love song about either Suguru or Hawks, this is hi trying to convey his own feelings with lines like 'yeah you bleed just to know you're alive'/'when everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am'
How's It Going To Be - Known to Sixwings fans as the 'breakup/makeup' song. Like yeah it's about Sixwings breaking up, but it's also Ru-kun shouting to the world that he wants to get Hawks back. It becomes infamous for it. When No Scrubs finally goes on their massive Taylor Swift Era's-esque tour he'll play this and Iris back to back and have the whole stadium bawling. Ngl this is my favorite 3EB song, so it had to go in this fic somewhere. I love how it starts mainly soft and acoustic and at the climax the full band kicks in and Stephan Jenkins just starts belting 'I wanna get myself back into you, the soft dive of oblivion'
All These Things That I've Done - If Disenchanted is Dabi looking back on his life/past and all the anger and sadness he sees there, then the final track on the album is about coming to terms with himself and trying to accept who he is, and look towards the future. Huge theme for he next arcs/final fic in this series. I actually always thought the line was 'these changes ain't changing me, the gold-hearted boy I used to be'... but it's actually cold-hearted, which kinda totally changes my narrative for this song so I'm pretending it's gold-hearted 😂
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How would Vikings react to Ivar being remembered?
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summary: it's in the title :)
notes: no warnings except for maybe mentions of death
tagged: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @levithestripper @cookielovesbook-akie @leithdragon @demon-of-the-ancient-world @alicedopey, @ivarlover @batmandallyboy @akayxo09 @vrtualfairy @esme-viridian (hmu to be added/removed!)
masterlist | based on this request
Pretends he always knew (eugh he’s such a bitch ong)
Nooo I would never set my son out in the wild… meeee? No wayyy…
He takes credit for it for his ‘great parenting’ and ‘legend genetics’
If Ivar had any legend genetics, they came from aslaug
Proudest mom out there, acts like a soccer/pta mom when she hears
Aslaug actually always knew
She quotes her prophetic dreams from like, 853 AD?
“I knew since I was five years old.” (truth)
Okay? Who cares? What about Bjorn?
Totally not pissed that he may be more famous than she is (lie)
Defo sulks about it to torvi and then kills someone important to expand her own legacy
She’s in the fame biz
Bro throws a toddler tantrum
He will literally stomp the ground
“That’s not fair, I discovered the Mediterranean!!” (he says that in the stupid tone he gets in the later seasons)
So so bitter about it (he deserves that)
Ubbe’s smoking weed in America with Floki
He does not care
“That’s just bad taste from people from the future. Me personally? I’d admire the person who found a continent. Idk, that’s just me though.”
Gets over it the fastest
Literally just thinks that it’s so dumb of modern people bc Ivar is a silly little guy with anger issues
Similar reaction to Ubbe, except he doesn’t have to get over anything
Just kinda shrugs, he’s too busy worrying about his own legacy
What’s he in the history books for? His cuisine skills?
Yeah, bro’s kinda busy managing his own shit and trying to stay alive
Don’t tell him
For your own safety
Will kill you and then himself
Don’t tell him either
Never lets anyone hear the end of it
So so so annoying for a silly little guy
He just loves and hates himself so much that, at the same time, he so needs to hear this and also never, ever hear this ever at all
Floki is the same as Aslaug, he KNEW
Also, he takes credit for raising ivar and being a father figure (fair enough)
He’s a teeny tiny bit sad that ivar was friends (in a weird homosexual way) with Alfred though (kind of, and this only applies if we’re talking about tv show Vikings)
Honestly, Floki would be such a good source to add to the material we have of ivar
So mad he didn’t have a bigger impact on ivar
Also so mad that all the kids around him have such big legacies (Alfred, ivar) but not him??
He wants to get mentioned!! Footnotes aren’t enough!! He needs to be the main character, always.
Gets sad drunk over it way too long
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latay7 · 2 months
hi do you have any headcanons for abel and abyss?
Why hello helllooooo ><
Thay you so much for your request and i hope i fullflled your wish how you wanted
General headcannons for Abyss and Abel ☆
ੈ✩‧₊˚genre : i think fluff with a few mentions of their background stories
ੈ✩‧₊˚Note : idk why is it taking me so long to do the requests 🥲
(Btw Devider by the amazing : @saradika )
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Abyss razor
For starters , we know how is our poor boy when comes to girls💀💔like , i love this man but....he is ...miserable.
So you can defently imagine the one sided tension between you too , but you were patient and gentle with him , it wasn't easier for him eaither.
At first , it took a while , but then he slowly warmed up to you because he saw how much of you were wiling to accept him for who he was. Which was something he questioned for a while.(my man will throw himself out the window if a female touched him )
I mean , not many people saw him as something other than a curse because of his eye , and being a part of the Magia Lupus , people feared him , stayed away from him.
But he was met with your kindness that no one has ever given him. He found himself thinking , Overthinking , why , why were you like this , to him ?? He was a monster , a curse...
But you saw beyond that , you saw the poor soul inside him that had to endure all that suffering , the little child that never got to feel love before , locked up in a dark room to cry himself to sleep , regretting being born , everyday.
If he was to describe it , it was how your hand slowly inches towards his so you don't jumpscare him , how you go easy with his overwhelmed self , your sickening sweet words thay he heard not with his ears , but his heart , the heart that was in you hands , and to sum it up. (i talk a lot...i know)
He loves words of affirmation and quality time , because it makes him feel the dedication and love you have for him , it makes him feel alive. And i think that he slowly leans towards physical touch since it was smth that we can say he NEVER had any of it in his life.
In return , he gives you acts of service and quality time as well (idk why but i think he's not that great with forming sentences , especially when girls) , he tries his best so you stay with him so he can live in your eternal love and warmth.
Abel and the Magia lupus know about you , athough he tries to keep you away from the latter , he sometimes tend to tell him about you when Abel notices his mood or behaviour being better than the previous days , and tbh , i feel like Abel would be a but delighted to see that change in Abyss (this is a wild take that i have no idea what basis is it taking.....headcanon w/o the head)
"Be careful of my heart won't you , see , you're taking it home with uou tonight , please , don't break it"
Abel Walker
You can fix him (wtf am i smoking)
Jokes aside , Abel , before his encounter with with Mash and you , had a very....specific....percpective of the world , but after you heard his story , you too were willing go change his looks towards the world and the people.
Approaching him was VERY difficult , let alone having a conversation with him , but you were consistant until Mash did what he did and Abel...opened up.
When you two got to talk , you tried to tell him more about what you think and see in this life but he seemed to dissmiss you , he didn't deny your ideas but he ignored you the first times.
He did that because you were kind and lovely , just like his mother , so he was intrigued , which led to unexpected outcome.
He starts showing up to you , out of te blue, for no reason 💀just to do whatever , you're studying at the library? He's there studying too, which is wierd because he as well denies the idea you're getting about him wanting go be friends.
But you're like "yeah sure buddy , whatever helps you sleep at night". He's curious , why do you think the way you think , he of course remembers his mother like that too , but he wanted to know more.
You show him , bit by bit , everything beautiful in life , and how forgivness is more powerful than revenge , and how helping others will benefit you more than focuisng on only yourself.
He didn't realise it and fell in love with you , and here , a new story began.
He's not that great with physical touch but he will always be there when you need him , freeing his schedule to be with you.
You're well acquainted with the Magia Lupus as well , (which he threatened : if anything happens to her on your watch , you're paying the price) so they to be as welcoming as ever with you.
He tells you about his mother and watchsd how you smile when he describes her and her kindness to you , and how you sympathise with him about her death.
You do everything you can to find the kind hearted soul in him , and despite him denying it , you're not gonna give up.
"It's you , despite everything , it's still you"
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That was crazy , ahhhhhhhh it took me soo long im sorrryyy
And i hope i did well because this was quite the risk that i took
Anyway , i noticed that i curse a lot so im sorry if that bothers anyone-
And hope u like my next works! I'll try to be quick
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 months
Omg can we please have more huskerdust babies?? I’m thinking all the things! Possibly more things during the pregnancy? I love the idea that when the hotel is attacked by the monster of the week, Angel gets pissed that they basically have Nifty babysit him ha. Or angsty stuff like, maybe Heaven has taken note that there’s been innocent souls born and they want to take them?? Omg so many thiiiiiings I love this lil world you created <3
Oh my god I absolutely Adore this ask, these are all the things I love talking about the most! <3 I'm so glad you like the AU!
God I love the idea that Angel Dust is very unimpressed at being benched from fights, bitching about it to the point where Charlie has to give him a list of pregnancy dos and don'ts with 'gunfights' on the don't list along with drugs, alcohol and tuna. Nifty gets assigned as his bodyguard whenever they are under attack but her job is far more often to keep him in his room. More than once, Husk has come back to find that Nifty had to pin Angel's jacket to the floor with her knife
Angel is Suffering with two very hyperactive, multi limbed, winged kittens inside him, especially when he's trying to sleep. And he discovers that the only thing that really gets them to settle is the sound of their daddy's rattling, rumbling, car-with-a-busted-exhaust purr. Which leads to many nights where they're curled up in bed and Angel Dust will sleepily give Husk a shove and mumble 'your kids are awake'. Husk knows it's his cue to roll over, shuffle down until his forehead is pressed to Angel's belly and purr loudly until the little ones settle back into sleep. Usually he'll stay there, Angel's fingers stroking through his fur, telling their babies to be nice to their pops, he's doing such a good job taking care of you and keeping you safe. Angel gets to drift back asleep listening to his voice and his purr and feeling so warm and safe
Cravings hit Angel at the weirdest times, often Husk will wake up at 2am with his side of the bed empty but he knows all he has to do is stumble down to the kitchen and his spider will be there, singing to himself and making some pasta dish he remembers his Nona making when he was alive. Husk just presses a sleepy kiss between his shoulders and gets himself on busboy duty. If he's lucky he'll get some leftovers.
Angel Dust does struggle a lot with how Different he looks when he's pregnant, just because he takes so much pride in looking a certain way and he's spent his whole afterlife being told that looking hot and having people want to fuck him is all he's good for. So when he starts showing, there's a few days where he just retreats to his room, under the blankets and doesn't really want to see anyone. Husk understands and doesn't make him feel stupid for feeling that way but he will wait until Angel wants to let him in then get under the covers with him. He promises that he's as beautiful to Husk as he's ever been, he can't believe he gets to be with someone who looks the way he does and, honestly, he's struggling to keep his hands off him most of the time. It does make Angel feel better and he gets to wear his comfier clothes now and gets used to looking at himself in a different way.
And then his hormones hit. Literally no one in the hotel sees them for about a week, Charlie goes up to see if they're okay, hears the noises coming from their room and bolts back downstairs with a bright red face like '....yeah, they sound like they're doing good'. When Husk eventually does emerge, to get some water, he's limping and holding his back, groaning that he's too old for this...
When they're born, as soon as they're able to wobble about on their many limbs, the spider kitties get Terrible zoomies. Half the time there's just these black and pink blurs zipping around the hotel, tumbling into each other and nearly knocking things over. It's good reflex training for everyone in the hotel making sure nothing gets smashed
and it is SO interesting that you mention this whole business with heaven as that is absolutely a part of this AU I came up with!!!! It's long enough to pretty much deserve it's own post but I am so delighted that your brain also went there because mine did too!!
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topazy · 7 months
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Blood, character death
Chapter: 5.04
“You still miffed that you’re staying?”
You tried to frown at Daryl’s question but couldn’t help but let the seriousness slip and laugh. You were ecstatic on the inside and doubted anything could knock you off the cloud you were drifting on. Beth was alive. Daryl had returned without Carol, but a boy named Noah was with him, who informed your group that Beth was alive. The same people who had taken Carol had taken your older sister, so now Rick was leading the way to bring the both of them back.
Once Beth and Carol were back, you’d be able to regroup with Maggie and Glenn. It filled your heart with so much joy that soon you could be with both your sisters again.
Of course you wanted to go rescue Beth with them, but Rick wouldn’t allow it; he said it was too dangerous, which you understand. “I wasn’t miffed, just disappointed.”
“Yeah right,” Daryl ruffles your hair, and he glances down at the hole you were digging. “That’s a good trench; I’ll see if I can get anymore wood and shit for it before I go.”
Most of the group had made spears out of wood from the pews in the church. You placed the DIY spears in front of the trenches surrounding the building so that any walkers that got too close would be impaled on them.
Not long after Daryl and Sasha handed you smaller pieces of wood for you to make smaller weapons out of, all of the group minus you, Carl, Father Gabriel, Michonne, and Judith stayed behind. Soon as they leave, Carl and Michonne nail the door shut to help slow down anyone or anything trying to get inside the church. The hammering noise causes Judith to cry, so you go and pick her up from the makeshift crib.
“Hey, hey, what’s all the noise about?” You ask gently, trying to shush her as you do. “The banging will stop in a moment, and then you go back to sleep.”
Hearing a scratching noise, you glance over at Gabriel, who is frantically trying to scratch dried blood off the wooden floors.
He was definitely starting to show signs he’s coming unhinged.
You smile brightly at Judith as she giggles, feeling your finger move over her tummy. Carl sits down beside you; he looks pleased to see his baby sister happy. He rubs his finger over her cheek gently. “What’s so funny, Judy?”
“She liked having her name spelled out on her tummy,” you explain, before tickling her.
Carl looks at you slightly confused. “Is her name spelled out?”
“My mom used to spell out words on mine and Beth’s back during bath time, and we’d need to guess what it was.”
Teasingly, he says, “It sounds lame.”
Your brows raise in amusement. “Turn around.”
Carl let out a deep sigh, pretending he didn’t want to do as you asked, but he began laughing the minute you spelled out the first letter.
“Z…o…m… Are you really spelling out zombie?”
You burst out laughing, “Okay, so it’s not that hard, but when we were kids, it was pretty fun to play. Plus, my mom would always pick bigger words; I’d always get so mad because Beth always got the ones I couldn’t spell right.”
He offers you a kind smile before picking Judith up and hugging her. Quietly, he says, “I tried to help Gabriel choose a weapon, but I think I just upset him.”
“He’s been isolated for so long, I don’t think he fully understands how bad things are.”
“I know; I just wish he would let us help prepare us.”
“He will come around eventually,” you said, letting Judith hold your finger with her whole hand. “I didn’t know much about the world outside my daddy's farm until the day he needed to help save a young boy's life.”
You and Carl remained sitting on the floor of the church, playing with Judith, until yelling from outside, followed by banging at the door, caught your attention. “Is that Father Gabriel?”
Michonne starts to break off the wooden slabs, preventing the door from opening. Carl hands you his sister before going to help her. Soon as the door opens, Gabriel falls to the floor, then hurry’s to scramble back up before the small herd of walkers burst into the church. You all follow Gabriel into his office, where you discover he’s put a hole in the floor that leads outside by ripping up the floorboards. When you hear scratches on the other side of the door, which was threatening to burst open, you nudge Carl to go. He jumps into the crawl space first, then you hand him Judith, then do the same thing seconds later.
When you reach outside, Carl helps you stand with his free hand. "Are you okay?”
“Yeah, are you?”
He nods before trying to calm Judith, who had begun crying with all the fast movements and loud noises going on around her. Michonne crawls out next, and the three of you wait nervously to see if Father Gabriel will make it out.
“Do you think he's…” You trail off, not wanting to finish the sentence, but are pleasantly surprised when you see a hand holding a bloody machete reaching out from underneath the church. You rush over and offer Gabriel your hand to help him stand up.
“Let’s go,” Michonne says, waving for you to follow. She makes her way to the front of the church and re-locks the doors, trapping the walkers inside.
You pace back and forth, trying to think of what to do next. You had hardly any supplies between you and enough baby food to last two days at most. “Do you think we would be able to clear the church?”
“No,” Michonne says, shaking her head. “Not with just us.”
Before you can say anything else, a fire truck comes speeding towards the church. Carl grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you back into the tree line, keeping you out of view of whoever it is.
The fire trucks smash into the front of the church, collapsing the front of the roof, making it impossible for anyone to go back inside. When the side of the truck opens and you notice your sister coming out, you run over to her with your arms wide open.
Glenn joins in on the hug and asks, “What the hell happened here?”
You pull back from the hug and say, "The dead got inside, but it’s not important; Beth is alive!”
Maggie’s eyes become glossy. “She’s alive?”
“She’s at a hospital in Atlanta,” Michonne confirms. “Rick and the others have gone to get her.”
Tears of happiness fall from Maggie’s eyes. She pulls you in for another hug and kisses the crown of your head. It wouldn’t be long until the three of you were reunited at last.
“Wait here,” Maggie says, closing the side door of the truck. “There’s still dead roaming around; stay in the truck until we clear the area.”
You roll your eyes and slump back into the chair. Maggie just shakes her head and softly laughs before walking off.
You watch as the group takes out the few walkers that approach them. You bounce your knees in anticipation, waiting for Beth to appear at any moment. You missed her so much; you missed her hugs, the braids she used to braid your hair, and you even missed hearing her singing, which used to drive you crazy. You try to distract yourself by focusing on Judith, who was babbling away in her brother's arms.
“There’s my dad,” Carl says, leaning forward to look past you. “Oh shit, Hope, I think something is wrong.”
You don’t hear what Carl says next to you as your eyes lock on to the figure in Daryl’s arms. “Beth!”
Carl figures it out before you and tries to reach for your hand, but you snatch it away, swing open the door, and jump down out of the fire truck. “Beth, Beth!” When you almost reach Daryl, you can see the red staining her blonde hair. “Why is there blood in her hair?”
Before you can get any closer, Rick spins and blocks your view. “Don't; you don’t want to see her like this.”
Your legs give way, and you crumble to the ground, sobbing. Beth was gone. Your sister was dead.
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helloalycia · 1 year
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moving on [one] // alicia clark
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summary: desperate times call for desperate measures and you're forced to join a dangerous gang to keep you and you sister alive. But when you realise just how dangerous they are, you worry about what their influence can have on your sister.
warning/s: mentions of violence, blood, injury and death.
author's note: here’s the first part to an alicia clark imagine i recently worked on. i still miss her lol but it’s great to see Alycia in a variety of roles lately – she deserves it and her acting was wasted on ftwd! still miss Alicia tho so if you do too, i hope you guys like this one! 🥰
some things to note: y/s/n = your sister's name and this is set in season 3 before June reveals herself as June, so she’s called Naomi in this in case anyone is confused or forgot the show aha
also, shameless plug but i’ve shared the first two chapters of my new story on my wattpad account (linked below) and i’d appreciate if you checked it out and let me know what you think! it’s a girl x girl drama fantasy romance ☺️
okay you can enjoy now aha ♥️
two / three / four / five / six / wattpad / masterlist
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"You find anything?"
I refrained from cursing as I answered, "Nothing. Everything has been taken."
My sister, Y/S/N, sighed from the other side of the convenience store. "That's the fourth place in a row. We can't keep doing this."
I frowned, glad she couldn't see my expression. "Hang on. There might be something."
Pushing myself from behind the counter, I moved over to the long-defrosted freezers, hoping someone might have stored something there. Only, before I could take a look, the noise of a bell from the front door rang out and I immediately grabbed my pistol, directing there.
"Woah, woah, woah. Relax, ladies!"
I clenched my jaw when I recognised the man as the leader of a local gang, Jeremy. Behind him were a few of his people, all fully armed but making no move to grab their weapons.
"Small world, it seems," Jeremy joked, glancing between my sister and I. When neither of us said anything, he added, "There's no need for the guns. We're here same as you. Looking for supplies."
Reluctantly, I lowered my gun but kept it firm in my grip. I glanced over at Y/S/N, wondering why she didn't do a better job of keeping watch.
"So, did you find anything?" he continued, speaking to me.
I purposely stayed quiet, fixing my narrowed stare on him. Everywhere we went since arriving in Texas a few weeks ago, we bumped into Jeremy and his gang. It started off as us avoiding him, but after bumping into him accidentally and him recognising us over and over, he always offered us a place with him. He rubbed me the wrong way and he never gave up. I half expected him to kill us out of convenience since we were searching for the same things in the same areas. But he always let us go and I didn't want to imagine why.
"It's been picked clean," Y/S/N answered for me, and I shot her a questioning look which she chose to ignore.
Jeremy hummed in response, glancing around. "We'll be on our way then." He glanced at me, smiling in a way that made me uncomfortable. "That wasn't so bad, was it? We all live here after all. We can help each other out."
I swallowed thickly, grip tightening on my gun.
"You're welcome to join us," he added with a nod. "You know where to find us if you ladies change your mind."
After a tense few seconds, he finally left with his people and I didn't fully relax until I heard his truck driving away.
"He's always–"
"Weren't you keeping watch?!" I cut Y/S/N off, staring at her with disbelief. "They just walked right in!"
"I know, I know," she said quickly, frowning. "Sorry."
Massaging the bridge of my noise, I released a breath. Being angry was no use. Besides, it wasn't her I was angry at.
"If he wanted to hurt us, he would have by now," Y/S/N added hesitantly, knowing how I'd react. "I don't think he means harm."
I scoffed, shaking my head. "Yeah, no harm. Just wants us to join his stupid gang."
"Would that be so bad?"
Pausing, I looked to her with a warning look. "Don't start."
Thankfully, she left it at that. The last thing I wanted to hear were her thoughts on how we needed their help to survive. Of course, my life wasn't so easy.
Later that same evening, after no luck searching for supplies, Y/S/N and I were camping out in a derelict building, eating the last of our rations. I had a map spread out between us, trying to figure out where we could move to next that may serve us better luck. But almost everywhere was touched apart from farmhouses and a baseball stadium. None of that could help us. And I feared where that would leave us.
"We could try to find a working car and either drive to some of these farmhouses, or make our way out of Texas altogether," I suggested, pointing to the route on the map.
"All the gas will be taken from the cars out there," Y/S/N said disappointedly.
"Okay, well we can try to find some garages. Maybe there's still some old cars in there with fuel," I tried, but even saying it aloud felt pointless.
"Fine, not that, but we can't stay here," I decided. "Just– let me think."
It went quiet as I racked my brain for a way out, a plan. We'd officially used up all our food, couldn't find more and had no mode of transport. We were lucky enough to have the few bullets in our guns that we did, but even those were close to running out.
"Y/N, maybe we should consider taking up Jeremy on his offer," Y/S/N said after a moment.
I glanced up at her, seeing the regret in her expression next to the fire.
"I know you don't want to, but they have food, supplies, protection," she continued, sucking up a breath. "It's our only choice."
"I don't trust them," I told her, shaking my head. "They aren't family. They won't look out for you like I will. We can find another way."
"I don't think we can," she said with a frown. "It's been weeks. We haven't settled. There's nothing here. At least they have a place to call home. Food. If we keep going like this, we're gonna die."
"No, we won't," I said stubbornly. "We've lasted this long without help from Jeremy." Even his name in my mouth made me uncomfortable. "We'll figure something out."
"Y/N!" she said suddenly, making me look up. Softer this time, she said, "We don't have a choice."
I hated that she was right. I could stay up all night looking over this map, but nothing would work. We'd pushed our luck and now we were desperate. And Jeremy and his stupid gang were the only ones we could turn to for help – anyone else we'd met out here was either struggling themselves or on the verge of death.
"Okay," I said, already knowing it was the wrong choice. "We'll find him tomorrow."
I swear I saw a hint of a smile on Y/S/N's lips and I wasn't so sure why she liked them so much. They had always tried to convince her to join. Looks like they were both getting what they wanted.
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To my dismay, Jeremy accepted Y/S/N and I into his gang with open arms. I still didn't understand what he could want from us so bad, maybe just some new recruits, but he let us join and had that stupid knowing smile on his face when we did. He'd never explicitly done anything bad to us, but something about him and his people rubbed me the wrong way. Their nonchalant, easygoing attitude to this new world was a discomfort to me and definitely not something I wanted my little sister and I to be around, but we had no choice.
We stayed with them a month and it was as comfortable as I was expecting. They were always on the move, setting up different camps in different areas and changing it every other day. Y/S/N and I helped out with the community side of things, but Jeremy insisted we joined him on the supply runs. Y/S/N and I were decent shots and good at defending ourselves which he'd clearly noticed. So, we started to do that, too. I hated it, wanting the very opposite of this life now that we had somewhere to stay. But Y/S/N loved it. She was enjoying our time here, especially working under Jeremy and his second-in-command, Tia. It worried me a little.
After that month of somewhat living and not just surviving, Y/S/N and I were on a supply run with Jeremy, Tia and a few others. As we were driving down the open stretch of land, I noticed a person fighting off some infected off the side of the road and grew worried.
"They need help," I realised, patting Jeremy on the shoulder and leaning forward. "We have to stop."
Jeremy tried not to laugh in the front seat. "Not our problem."
I looked to my sister with raised eyebrows, but she stayed quiet and shrugged. Refusing to do nothing, I tried again with Jeremy. 
"Please, we can help him! It's just a few infected!"
"I don't remember bringing Mother Teresa with us, do you?" Tia joked, making everyone except my sister and I laugh.
We were coming past the guy now and I had a closer look at him struggling to fight off the two infected with nothing but a baseball bat.
"We can't just leave him!" I shouted. "Please! I'll do it!"
Jeremy suddenly hit the brakes, making us all fly forward. Surprised, I looked to him and saw he was already grabbing his gun.
"You want me to help? Fine. I'll help," he said, meeting my gaze in the rear view mirror. "Wait here. All of you."
Relieved, I nodded and watched as he got out the truck and approached the guy with his gun. Like second nature, he shot both infected in the head with only two bullets. They fell in an instant and I sighed with relief, glad we could at least help somebody whilst with Jeremy and reaping the 'rewards'.
"Thank you so much, man," the stranger was saying with relief, pushing himself from the ground. "I owe you my–"
Without warning, Jeremy fired a third shot at the stranger's head, making him fall to the ground as quickly as the infected did. I gasped, covering my mouth as I watched Jeremy shake his head and walk back to the truck.
"Happy now?" he asked rhetorically, glancing at me with a sigh before starting the truck again.
Like nothing had happened, he continued on his way and nobody said a word. I seemed to be the only one who was mortified by his actions – he'd just killed an innocent person! When I looked over to Y/S/N, she gave me a warning look and shook her head as if telling me not to say anything. I couldn't tell if she was as surprised as I was or not.
When we returned to camp afterwards, I rushed straight to my tent, needing to be away from Jeremy and his gang and everybody here. How could he do that without remorse? He barely batted an eye. That definitely wasn't his first kill– murder.
"Y/N," Y/S/N followed after me breathlessly. "God, you walk fast."
"Y/S/N, what the fuck?!" I whisper shouted, looking to her with watery eyes. "He just murdered an innocent man!"
She didn't say anything, only frowned.
"I knew there was something off about him, about this place," I said, shaking my head and covering my mouth. I didn't realise I was shaking until I did. "We can't stay here. Who knows what else he's capable of? How many others he's killed?"
"Y/N, I'm not defending him, but maybe he had a reason," Y/S/N said weakly. "Maybe the guy was bit and was going to die anyway."
I blinked, taken aback by her words. "What? How can you say that? You saw it with your own eyes, he did it for his own enjoyment! That's fucked!"
She sighed slowly, hands on her hips. I suddenly felt like I was in a tent with a stranger when I realised she wasn't reacting like I was. She was acting like this was normal.
"We need this place," she decided. "We need their food, their home, their weapons. We're alive because of them. We can't leave."
"And we can't stay," I said with a glare. "If we associate with people like this, then what does that make us?"
She clenched her jaw, meeting my glare with her own. "Tell me a better way. Go on. Tell me another plan for survival." I didn't know what to say and she knew it. "You tell me where we go after this and I will happily leave with you right now. Go on."
Clenching my fists by side, I looked away from her and she scoffed.
"Exactly, there's nowhere," she stated bitterly. "All you do is complain. But you don't have a solution."
Swallowing hard, I tried to remain calm. "Y/S/N, we can't be around people like this. It's not safe."
"It's not safe out there either," she reminded me with a firm stare, before her gaze softened. "Look. If you can figure out a plan B, then we can leave."
"You promise?"
She nodded, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. "I promise."
I didn't want to be here for a second longer, but I wasn't going to leave my sister behind. So, my next priority was finding a plan B. Somewhere that wasn't here. And the sooner the better because I feared Y/S/N wouldn't want to leave if I waited too long.
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"Are you sure this place is empty?" I asked Tia, clutching my gun tightly.
"Why? You scared or something?" she retorted with a smirk.
I chose not to reply as I followed behind everyone. We were on yet another supply run barely two months later, except this one was to an abandoned campsite for a rival gang that had long departed this area. Intel had it that they hadn't returned in weeks, hence our plan to stop by and see if there was anything left. But it seemed everybody here had a death wish and nobody was cautious.
"Y/N, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't safe," Y/S/N reassured me, but I could see her smiling with amusement at Tia's joke.
Just as I had feared, Y/S/N was beginning to love it here. And I couldn't exactly ask her to leave again because I still didn't have a plan B, not a sustainable one anyway.
"Okay, for Y/N's sake, everyone open your eyes and ears and spread out," Jeremy ordered, making the others laugh. "Try not to piss your pants at the sight of infected."
I rolled my eyes but kept close to Y/S/N. As we all stepped further into the building, I looked around and saw it truly had been abandoned, little evidence showing somebody had lived here recently. It didn't make sense though. This rival gang wouldn't just leave.
"I think there's something over here," Jeremy realised, motioning with his rifle to the corner of the room. "Follow me."
He stepped forward casually and I wouldn't have cared if it weren't for a wire sticking out the corner of the wall getting my attention. I followed it with my eyes, confused to where it was leading, but only when it was too late did I realise what it was. Eyes widened, I shouted to Jeremy.
"Don't take another–!"
I couldn't remember much after that. There was an excruciatingly loud bang and then everything went black. When I came to, my ears were ringing and I felt like I could hear the blood rushing in my head. My vision was crossed over, blurring images of smoke, fire and debris. I wasn't sure how long I'd been lying there, but when I was finally able to keep my eyes from crossing over, I saw I was on the floor, covered in debris and ash. Blinking, I realised half the ceiling had collapsed and everything was on fire.
Y/S/N was the first thing on my mind and I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move. My body was numb, lungs begging for fresh air and eyes watering in the heat. I turned my head, glad I could at least do that, and squinted to see around me. I couldn't see any bodies, but then I heard snarling and knew infected were in the vicinity. I needed to get up!
"Y/N!" I heard my name being called and turned my head to the direction, recognising it as my sister's voice. "Y/N!"
More snarling. The infected were on my side of the fire, closing in.
"Y/N!" Y/S/N screamed again, and I finally saw her on the opposite side, searching for me. Her eyes found mine and I wanted to call for her help, but I could barely breathe. There was a pain, but I didn't know where.
"We have to go, Y/S/N, come on!" another voice said, and I saw Jeremy beside her, yanking her back.
"No, she's over there!" Y/S/N tried to fight against him, wanting to come to me.
"She's basically dead and we will be too if we don't leave now!" he shouted at her.
She stared at me with tears in her eyes. I tried to do something, give her some sort of signal that I wasn't dead. I was right here and okay! But she gave me one last apologetic look and let Jeremy drag her away. I couldn't believe what I'd seen. Had I seen correctly? I had to be wrong, surely.
But there was no time to debate it. I couldn't lay here and let the infected get me. I had to get out, get to my sister, get some damn air!
The ringing subsided and my vision straightened up. I forced myself into a sitting up position, feeling a burning in my shoulder but too afraid to look just yet. Whilst the adrenaline had the better of me, I stayed on all fours and crawled my way out the building, keeping my mouth covered with my shirt. Finally, I saw daylight and got out, taking in big gulps of fresh air. It helped, a little, but my head was spinning and I couldn't hear properly still.
Infected were closing in in the distance, I realised. I forced myself to stand, trying not to cry when my shoulder continued to burn. I risked looking down and saw that it was covered in blood from a piece of shrapnel lodged in there and still burning from the fire. I needed to get away from the heat. I needed Y/S/N.
With difficulty, I tried to find the others out front. Looking back, the whole building was set ablaze. They couldn't have gone far, right? I hadn't been down for that long.
But they were nowhere to be found. No cars, trucks, nothing. I had nothing on me either, no supplies or weapons or first aid. My only focus was getting away from the fire and away from the infected, so I kept low and out of their line of sight, putting as much distance as I could between them and me.
The longer I stay out here though, I thought, the more likely my wound will get infected and I'll die.
I didn't know how bad it was, but it didn't feel good. I didn't care though. All I kept thinking about was Y/S/N. Did she really choose them over me? Why would she do that?
No, she couldn't have. I saw. She wanted to come get me. They forced her. They made her believe I was already dead. She didn't know.
I saw that, right?
I wasn't sure what I'd seen. My mind was still a muddle and, though the ringing had stopped, I felt exhausted. But I couldn't just pass out anywhere. I needed to find my sister. Get somewhere safe.
The evening crept up on me quicker than I thought. I was forced to take refuge in an old gas station. There, I could see the building was still burning in the distance, a bright flame in the evening sky and no doubt attracting every infected for a five mile radius. I took that moment of peace to inspect my shoulder closely, peeling my shirt which had partially melted into the flesh. The pain became too much though, blinding, and I had to leave it as is. I had nothing to treat it with anyway. The shrapnel was the only thing stopping the bleeding, for now.
The rival gang, they'd rigged the place with explosives. I knew something was up. If only fucking Jeremy had scouted it out beforehand.
The night was rough. I barely got any sleep, drifting into unconsciousness out of pure pain rather than comfort. When I woke up the next morning, I almost didn't want to get up, but the thought of getting my sister back was what pushed me. I'd lost a lot of blood, barely any energy left, but I had to keep going. I knew the way back, but it was much longer without a car.
I kept going, glad there were no infected to challenge me, though it would definitely be a challenge I'd lose. I was burning up, my fever getting worse and worse the longer my wound was left untreated. I couldn't escape the smell of smoke on my clothes, nor blood. I thought I could keep going, but I collapsed by a car in the street soon enough.
Trying to force myself up, I squeezed my eyes shut and attempted to push up, but it didn't work. I had no energy left. I think I was dying. I had to be. I couldn't even hold myself upright against the car, my back hitting the ground and staying that way. Everything hurt, but I tried to push it away as I looked at the clouds in the sky.
At least I would be reunited with my parents soon. Maybe they would know why Y/S/N did what she did, because I couldn't figure it out. Still, I hoped she was safe wherever she was.
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Time had been a blur since the fire. Seconds merged into minutes which merged into hours. If it weren't for the clouds turning pink, I wouldn't have known how long I'd been out there, simply staring at the sky and waiting for death. It was at sunset when I was beginning to lose feeling, lose common sense.
I heard a car engine, I think, though I couldn't be sure. There were voices. Female. Overlapping, not making any sense.
"–no bites–" one was saying.
"–burnt flesh–" said the other.
A hand pressed to my cheek and I couldn't stop it. Suddenly, I was looking into the eyes of a stranger. Her lips were moving, concern on her face. Why did she care about me? Who was she?
She might have said the most important thing in the world or the dumbest, but I wouldn't know. Her words were background noise. Her face was a blur. More voices. And then everything went silent.
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My eyes were heavy when I began to wake up, as if I'd been sleeping for years. A quiet groan escaped my lips as I forced them open, and then I felt the aching all over my body, though not as painful as I last remembered. Blinking the blurriness from my vision, I realised I was lying down and looking up at a ceiling. Ceiling? Where was I?
Turning my head, I made out a an IV bag beside me, attached to my wrist. Was I in a hospital? That didn't make sense.
I kept looking around, memories of recent events flashing to mind as I tried to make sense of where I was. Subconsciously, I reached for my injured shoulder, surprised to find it bandaged under a shirt that wasn't mine.
Panicking now, I forced myself to sit up, grimacing at how quickly I did it. I didn't know where I was or who had found me, but I couldn't stay here. What if Y/S/N was looking for me? What if she was too far? I had to get out of here!
I ripped out the drip from my arm and pushed my legs over the edge of the bed. Looking around once more, a bit more awake, I realised it wasn't a hospital. Hospitals were usually white and bright. This was a simple room with medical equipment stored inside and alongside a few beds. Wherever I was, this was there medbay. I didn't want to stick around to find out who owned it.
Standing up proved to be a challenge, my energy drained completely, but I managed. There were no shoes around nor on my feet, so I hobbled barefoot to the door, yanking it open and holding it for support as I blinked at the daylight. Adjusting, I raised my hand to cover my eyes slightly, stepping outside.
There were people all around, smiling, in no danger, all doing different things. To my right, a small group were building some sort of structure. To my left, there was a garden being tended to. And up ahead, in the distance, I saw seats. Was I in a sports stadium? What the hell?
Distracted and confused, I failed to see someone nearby spot me and approach with urgency.
"You're awake!" the blonde woman realised, immediately stopping by my side. "You shouldn't be on your feet. Please, let's go back inside!"
I didn't know why I listened to her, even when she held my arm and practically ushered me back inside. A lot more tired than I realised, I let her sit me back on the bed.
"I see you took your IV out," she said with a reprimanding tone, before moving to grab it. When she tried to touch me, I moved my hand away, making her frown. "Please. It will help. You need rest."
Without speaking, I refused to give her my hand and she seemed to get that I didn't trust her nor know who she was.
"I'm Naomi," she introduced. "I'm the nurse here and I've been making sure you don't die from blood loss. What's your name?"
I glanced between her eyes, wondering if I was insane to trust a stranger so easily. But she did help me when I was at my lowest, so could she be all that bad?
"Y/N," I said, voice too hoarse to be above a whisper.
As I cleared my throat, she passed me a cup of water that I failed to notice beside my bed. Taking a few sips, I relaxed at the way it soothed my throat.
"Well, Y/N, it's nice to meet you," she said with a small smile. "Please can I...?"
Referring to the IV, she waited patiently. I nodded and let her put it back into my arm before setting up the bed so I could sit upright without holding my own weight.
"You're very lucky we found you when we did," she said once she was done. "Your shoulder looked like hell. It's much better now."
I didn't know what to say. All I could think about was Y/S/N and where she was. Was she okay? Was she safe?
Before Naomi could say anything more, the door opened again and in walked two more people. They seemed familiar – I think they were the ones who found me, but that memory was hazy.
"You're up," the younger girl said, glancing at me before looking to Naomi. "Is she okay?"
"Physically, sure," Naomi answered.
The younger girl nodded and stepped forward, her attention back on me. "How are you?" Before I could think to answer, she shook her head. "Sorry, I didn't even ask your name. I'm Alicia and this is Luciana." She motioned to the girl beside her, who offered me a small smile. "We're the ones who found you out on the side of the road."
"I'm Y/N," I answered reluctantly, glancing between them both. "Thank you for taking me in."
I knew it was the right thing to say, but I still wasn't sure if I was safe, even if they were all being polite to me.
"Y/N," Alicia repeated softly, before smiling. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. How are you?"
I blinked, looking down. "I, er... I don't know."
They exchanged looks, making me feel out of place, before Naomi said, "Can I ask how you ended up how you did? You have some pretty nasty burns on your shoulder."
"We saw smoke not too far from where you were," Luciana added gently. "Lots of infected were attracted to it. Is that where you were?"
I pursed my lips, remembering it all so suddenly. Y/S/N could still be out there. Or she could be back at their base, if they hadn't moved yet. I needed to find her.
But how could I tell these strangers that? I didn't know them, I didn't know if I could trust them. What if they wouldn't let me leave?
"You're free to stay here for as long as you need to," Alicia suddenly said, as if reading my mind. "You should, if anything. You need rest."
"Where is here exactly?" I asked calmly, hoping they couldn't detect my nerves.
"This is the Dell Diamond Baseball Stadium," Naomi answered. "It's been converted into a small community, a safe place that's well guarded and well supplied. You're safe here."
I clenched my jaw, looking away momentarily. The baseball stadium. Safe, supplied and guarded? All I could think about was how if Y/S/N had just risked visiting it instead of writing it off as useless, we could still be together and none of this would have happened. Now... now it was quite far out from the fire and she'd be long gone. Maybe. I wouldn't know unless I got up and searched.
"I get this might be a lot," Alicia said considerately, "so you should sleep it off and then we can talk more. How does that sound?"
It sounded pretty damn great, my whole body exhausted still.
"Thanks," I said awkwardly, looking between them.
They smiled and Naomi helped me to lay down properly, lowering the bed. I hated to admit it, but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
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When I woke up, it was dark out the window. I wasn't sure how long I was out for, but I felt a lot better. 
The sound of someone awkwardly clearing their throat made me push myself up slightly, looking at the end of my bed. There, I saw Alicia sat on a chair, smiling a little.
"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you or anything," she said, standing up and unsure what to do with herself. "I figured you would wake up soon and thought you might want to eat something."
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, humming tiredly. She helped prop my bed upright and I leaned back, waking up a little more now.
"It's chicken, potatoes, some vegetables," she explained when she carefully handed me the tray. "Hope you like it."
That definitely woke me up and I widened my eyes with surprise, looking down at the food. It was still hot, steam curling off it and leaving a pleasant smell in my nose.
"Is everything okay?" she asked worriedly, looking over the tray. "Is there something in it?"
I shook my head, glancing up at her. "No, it's– it's perfect. I haven't had food like this in– well, a long time. Thank you."
Relieved, she nodded and smiled before pulling her chair around to my bedside and taking a seat. I dug in, savouring each bite between sips of water and wondering how I'd been lucky enough to land somewhere like this. These people were too nice, suspiciously nice, and I still couldn't gauge if they were after something or not.
"Er, thanks for all of this, Alicia," I said when I realised she was sitting there whilst I scoffed my face rudely. Clearing my throat, I added, "I should have said so earlier, but I was– it's a lot to adjust to."
"I can imagine," she sympathised. "And no worries. I'm just glad we could help."
I paused, pursing my lips. "Yeah... why are you helping? It's hard to come by these days, so..."
"You're expecting a catch," she read my mind, an amused smile on her lips. When my expression confirmed this, she continued, "There's no catch. Luci and I saw someone hurt and who needed help, so we helped. This place is for people who need somewhere safe. A home. That's all this is."
"You don't even know who I am," I said without thinking, too amazed at her naivety of the world to hold back. "I could be a horrible person. A murderer. Someone not worth saving. Do you just pick up every person you see?"
Not the slightest bit offended, Alicia tried not to laugh. "Well, are you any of those things? Because last time I checked, murderers don't announce they're murderers."
I raised my eyebrows, wondering how she could be so calm about this world we were in. How long had she had it easy that she wasn't afraid? I was almost jealous.
"You're right," she decided, giving me an apologetic look, green eyes still flickering with partial amusement. "I don't know who you are. So, maybe you can tell me. Starting with why we found you how we did. If you want."
Still, I wasn't sure if I could trust her. But nothing about her screamed evil, and she had helped me, so it made sense to tell her the truth. Besides, I couldn't find Y/S/N without her letting me go.
"The fire," I said, recalling that they'd seen it, too. "It was a booby trap some old gang left. I was with my sister and another group checking it out. But the trap was triggered and the whole place went up in flames."
Alicia's eyebrows knitted together as she listened. "You weren't alone?"
"No, and that's why I need to find my sister," I said confidently. "She needs me."
Alicia nodded slowly, straightening up. "How did you get out? Didn't you see her in the fire? And what about your group?"
I frowned at the memory. "The group aren't good people. I wanted to leave them for a while, but they were the only thing keeping my sister and I fed and alive. My sister, Y/S/N, she was there. I woke up and I saw her, but that arsehole..."
Seeing Jeremy's face in my head, the way he dragged her away... it made me clench my fists without realising.
"The leader, Jeremy, he told her I was dead, or as good as dead, and to get out whilst they could," I continued. "The infected were there. It was smokey. I couldn't hear properly. But I saw it. Saw them."
"And she saw you, too?" Alicia asked patiently.
I nodded. "She went with him."
"She saw you, but she still left?" Alicia asked with surprise.
I swallowed hard, fixing her with a stare. "I know what it sounds like, but she didn't just leave. He made her."
She didn't seem convinced as she tilted her head slightly. "Y/N..."
"She wouldn't just leave," I repeated bitterly. "She's my sister. He made her leave and I need to find her! She needs to know I'm alive and then I'm gonna take her away from him and she'll be okay. I just– I need to get out of here."
Alicia pressed her lips together thoughtfully. "Y/N, I'm sorry this happened, and I'm sure you saw what you wanted to see in the moment. But like you said, you were barely conscious, there was a fire, infected... it sounds like she just left you."
"She didn't!" I exclaimed, before shaking my head and pushing the tray onto the bed. "Forget it, I don't need to explain this to you. I'll find her myself. Just let me out of here."
As I attempted to pull off my blanket and get up, Alicia suddenly shot up and stopped me.
"Let go," I told her with narrowed eyes, and she thankfully did.
"Just wait," she said, meeting my eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Look, you're in no position to go back out there on your own. It's not safe."
"I've managed before," I assured her with a fake smile. "Now move."
Rolling her eyes but staying put, she said, "I'll take you there. We can go back to the fire. Back to wherever you think she is. Find a clue to her whereabouts."
I paused, studying her suspiciously. "Why would you do that?"
"I know what it's like to do anything for your family," she said, and I believed her for some reason. "And you don't seem like a bad person."
"So, what? You're just helping me out of the kindness of your heart?"
"Is that so hard to believe?"
I quirked a brow, intrigued by the stranger. "Yeah."
She sighed, relaxing when she saw I wasn't going to try to leave again. "I'll take you in the morning. But I'm telling you now, if you don't find her, you should leave it at that. Don't go looking for her."
"Are you insane?" I asked. "She's my sister. Of course I'll keep looking."
"Whether you want to admit or not, she left you to die," she said with an apologetic but knowing voice. "She chose this Jeremy guy over you. And you going out there to look for her isn't worth your life. Sister or not."
I tensed my jaw to contain my annoyance at her assumption, but said nothing. She didn't have to believe me – she didn't know Y/S/N like I did. I'd find her. She'd be waiting for me. I knew it.
"Fine," I lied, only needing Alicia long enough to find Y/S/N, which I would. "Tomorrow morning it is."
Content with my answer, she nodded and took a step back. "Good. Now eat. If you're to come with me, you need your energy back."
Begrudgingly, I pulled the tray back onto my lap and obeyed, feeling like a child. I wasn't sure why Alicia was being so generous – maybe she really was just being kind, but I'd seen so much evil these past few years that it was hard to accept.
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markantonys · 4 months
I'm thinking about Rand's ending in the books and I hate both the bodyswap and that he abandons everyone but at the same time I get that his sacrifice has to mean something so the world forgets him/lets him fade into myth. And him actually dying would undermine the entire point of his arc. So I'm curious how you think the show might tackle this? I'm sure there's a few options
i hate it too! but yeah, rand needs to be forgotten by the world at large and needs to get a new face so he won't be recognized, or else he will never know peace. so the way i would do it is have him fade into myth among the general public, but still remain part of his loved ones' lives and they all just keep secret the fact that this guy is rand al'thor. his whole arc is about learning to stop self-isolating and to instead let himself lean on his loved ones for support, so i felt that him ending the series by fucking off into the mist all alone was totally contrary to that and did not make emotional sense as the endpoint of the journey we'd been on with him for 14 books. i can certainly understand if he needs to take a lil sabbatical and have some time to himself in the immediate aftermath, but that should not have been the very final concluding note of his whole arc! for my own sanity i have to imagine he just took a 2-week vacation and then went to caemlyn to be with his family (and told tam, nynaeve, and perrin that he's still alive, and rescued mat from the seanchan and incorporated him into the polycule, and bargained with the creator to bring egwene and gawyn back to life........okay i'm getting sidetracked)
as for what the show might do, i'll brace myself for them to adhere to the book version, but from what we've seen in the first 2 seasons, i think that ending would make even less sense for show!rand than it does for book!rand. in 1x08, we see that his greatest dream is to live a quiet, peaceful life with his family, and now we're going on a journey of watching him be forced to give up that dream for the rest of the series. what better way to end the show than by having rand finally get to live out that dream now that his duty to the world is done? the tears i would weep if the final scene of the show was similar to his 1x08 domestic AU, but real this time! plus, the s1 ending & s2 already did the whole thing of rand fucking off into the mist all alone, making his loved ones think he's dead, and trying to start over in a new town with a new life - AND HE LEARNS THAT THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE because he can't help but get attached to new people wherever he goes AND because he can't keep himself from remaining attached to the people from his old life and wanting to help them when he learns they're in trouble. and it also showed how his loved ones suffer because of him making them think he's dead and took a pretty hard stance in saying "no, no one is better off if rand fakes his death, not rand and not his loved ones." so i especially think rand's book epilogue scene would ring hollow in the show since s2 has specifically proven that that scenario doesn't work.
some people will harp on about happy endings being uNrEaLIsTIc, but i Do Not Give A Shit!!!! and so far the show has also shown that it's not interested in grimdark for grimdark's sake and that, like the books, it doesn't shy away from showing trauma and tragedy and yet still chooses hope & togetherness over cynicism & isolation at the end of the day, and so i think it feels very plausible for the show to give rand a bit more hopeful of an ending. (i guess the books TRIED to give him a hopeful ending what with him thinking happily about how he can travel around by himself and not be recognized, but it just felt false to me that that's the sort of thing that would make rand happy - in large part because show!rand was the first version i ever met, and i subconsciously carried his homebody caregiver stay-at-home dad-ness with me into the books even though he wasn't REALLY like that in the books in the way he is in the show. so that feels like further evidence that book!epilogue wouldn't work for show!rand.)
now as for the bodyswap, that's so tricky to imagine what the show might do. on the one hand, rand cannot fade into anonymity and be allowed to rest and set down his duties if he keeps his same body and will still be recognized wherever he goes. on the other hand, imagining rand's final moments in the whole show being portrayed by some random new actor instead of josha is so freaking sad! sad for us and sad for josha! it's fine in a book where we're in rand's head and can feel that he's still him even though he tells us he looks different, but in a visual medium, spending up to 8 seasons with josha as rand only to have his final moments be portrayed by a completely different person..........the emotions just wouldn't hit the same, it wouldn't feel like a proper sendoff for rand. granted, if moridin's actor had been in the show for several seasons already (and whether they would cast a new actor as moridin or bring fares fares back and just have the character still be called ishamael is another question i can't predict) then we'd be attached to him too by the finale, so maaaaaybe it could still feel emotional, but never as emotional as if it were josha doing that scene.
so i'm stuck here because story-wise it makes more sense for rand to get a new face, but TV-wise it's not sensible to have one of the main characters played by a different actor in their final scene(s). the potential solution to this would be, no bodyswap but have rand disguise his face with an illusion when in public so that he doesn't get recognized as the dragon reborn and get hassled.
so, okay, here's what i would do: rand wakes up in the healing tent still in his original body, but then he disguises himself and leaves the tent. he passes by his own funeral going on and slips away into the night, after exchanging a meaningful look with his partners who can sense that this stranger is him thanks to the bonds. then, cut to a proper epilogue scene of josha-as-rand undisguised in the privacy of his own home, watching his kids play with his partners by his side (and maybe all his friends and tam too if they REALLY feel like spoiling me haha) just like he told us in 1x01 he always dreamed of :')
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ryuichirou · 6 months
So I wonder how Twisted wonderland cast be like murdering for the first time. I want to imagine angst on them and if they are scared or delight. I want to hear your thoughts (maybe except Lilia since he is definitely murder a lot of people.)
Anon, this is SUCH a good question. It made me think for hours lol this is what I came up with!
Riddle could either murder someone on accident or as a corporal punishment (if we take his quirk/unique magic too far), and his reaction would kind of depend on what exactly has happened. If it’s the second option, he’ll try to stay calm, cold and collected, and say that the murdered guy got what he deserved and that he had no choice but to dispose of him. But even then, after he freaks the fuck out of everyone around him and leaves to his room, he’ll probably have a breakdown. Then he’ll just cope even harder to justify what he has done and start offing people left and right lol And if it’s the first option (I can picture him overdoing it with his magic), he’ll probably have a breakdown immediately. Nothing good comes from that, because Riddle’s psyche is already pretty bad, but with such a heavy sin on his conscience, there is no way he’ll be able to face it. Hence, more dangerous delusions and more heads flying.
Ace wouldn’t plan on murdering anyone; he’ll definitely do it by accident. He is petty, but there are limits to what he’d do. And he’d take it even worse than he would’ve thought he would. He’ll hide and will definitely get involved with some shady people who’d promise to cover his tracks for him. Maybe the Octa-trio lol But then he’ll spend his whole life trying to numb this feeling of fucking up So Massively and the feeling of his conscious eating him alive.
Deuce would be terrified because he’d definitely realise what he’d done post-factum, with his fists covered in blood and the murdered guy barely looking like a human. So after having a massive meltdown and screaming in panic and crying, if he isn’t arrested by that point (miraculously) he’ll try to give the guy some kind of a proper burial and just run. We’ll never see Deuce again, because there is no way he can face his loved ones after that. He might turn himself to the police, but his own dream about becoming a policeman... yeah, not happening.
With Trey it’s funny; I don’t think he’d kill on accident. If Trey murders someone, it’s definitely deliberate, and by that point Trey would probably feel like that person deserved it. There are only two people I can imagine him killing (yep Riddle’s parents), and even though he would feel hurt afterwards, it’d mostly be out of his sympathy for Riddle, and not because he did something wrong. He’d have moral dilemmas inside his head, because by saving Riddle from abuse, he also robbed the world of two excellent doctors, which can’t be a good thing. But for a weird reason, Trey just can’t help but think that he did the right thing. Trey is not a good person lol
Cater… I don’t know what would drive Cater to kill someone, it might be an accident, but he also might be unstable and we just don’t know about it yet. In any way, he’s probably the one to cover that fact surprisingly well. Of course, he’ll become even more obnoxious with his fake persona, but everyone would just assume that it’s Cater being Cater, while Cater can still heard people screaming in terror in his head.
I don’t know about Leona, he didn’t seem to mind endangering people all that much. Giving a nod to the character he’s based on, I can picture him plotting his brother’s murder. And maybe I just want Leona to be horrible because it’s more fun that way, but I don’t want him to show any remorse in that situation. Well… Of course he’ll show remorse and try to act maturely and empathetically towards those who are the most affected by Falena’s death, but he’ll also probably have a moment a triumph behind the closed doors. Even if there is some guilt out there, it’s definitely buried under this euphoric joy. Oh, and Cheka?.. He’d better run and never return.
Ruggie could do it either on accident or intentionally, but it probably won’t be personal. He would do it either because he was asked to or because he was saving himself. Either way, he would be shaken up by it, but he’ll try to get over it as soon as possible. So yeah, he’ll sob for a moment, then slap his own face and just keep going. No one would ever guess that he keeps such a wild and horrible secret. Who even knows how many people he’s killed…
Jack would kill a person on accident (he’s very big and doesn’t always control himself well…) and then immediately turn himself in to the police. There is NO WAY he’s hiding it. Keeping it a secret would be unbearable to him, it’s much better to get punished. He’ll also do the whole “apologizing to the family and being willing to do any kind of work to repent” thing. He’s too much of a good boy.
Oh Octavinelle… I feel like merpeople’s relationship with deaths and murder is a bit different, but not drastically, they are just a bit more tolerant to that because this is the reality they live in: it’s very dangerous in the ocean.
And the tweels are even more of a special case, because they are mafia babies who are also kind of sort of cannibalistic. They’ve seen everything, they are super comfortable with the idea of taking someone’s life, and they probably don’t even remember and think much about their first time doing it. They see the world through a very unique lens, so to them it’s a very natural thing. That being said, they do enjoy killing, when they are in the mood. They find the victim’s reaction fascinating, and they’ve seen it all: they’ve seen panic, they’ve seen despair, they’ve seen confusion. I also feel like Jade is a bit more invested in this whole thing than Floyd these days; Floyd is a bit bored by murder at this point, but Jade keeps finding more and more intricate ways to fatally wound someone. It doesn’t mean that Floyd wouldn’t do it for funsies, of course.
Azul is definitely more sensitive than these two, who pretty much lack empathy for their victims, and he is probably yet to kill someone, so when he does, he’s going to remember his first time forever. Azul really enjoys punishing people who he feels are deserving of the said punishment, and he is extremely petty, so I can see him doing the heartless bitch thing and offing someone because he has “ran out of patience”. And he is conflicted, because he feels thrilled when he has this power over people, and he enjoys it tremendously and maniacally, but sometimes he also feels sick to his stomach and gets a lump in his throat and goosebumps and cold sweat for some reason… I guess it’s just disgust, huh? Either way, he prefers to save it for those who are the most deserving of his wrath.
We love the idea of Kalim being a murderous beast with no regard to other people’s lives, but in actuality I feel like he would get terrified by that. He’d probably kill on accident, I can’t even picture a situation in which he would do it on purpose; and when he does it on accident, one would expect him to start yelling and crying, but Kallim would be so deeply affected by it that he would just… go numb for a while. With no reaction to what happened whatsoever, but also terror in his eyes. Jamil would expect him to explode at any moment, but the only thing he’d get is that Kalim would start to act like nothing has happened. Is he lying or did he repress the memories of what he did? Is he going to snap at some point? Is he in danger and/or is he dangerous? Who knows.
Jamil wouldn’t kill on accident – he is too smart to kill on accident; his actions would be 100% deliberate and thought out. And if that’s the case and he ends up killing, I don’t know, maybe someone from the Asims, he’ll probably feel such insane joy that it’ll honestly be difficult for him to hide it. Either that or he’ll kill whoever tries to attack Kalim, and in that case he just won’t feel anything. No matter the scenario, there won’t be any remorse in his heart. But he could also cry in a shower for a reason unknown even to himself afterwards.
Vil…. Oh Vil. Vil is an impulsive killer. He’s rational and humanistic enough to generally think that people shouldn’t be killed, but we’ve seen what he could do when he’s way too overstressed lol So he’ll probably kill someone deliberately, but also out of overwhelming emotions, and then he’ll feel disappointed by himself. He might not feel guilty, but in that case he’ll feel guilty for not feeling guilty. It’s almost like he is a bad person, how could he feel no compassion to the murdered person whatsoever? Is this who he really is, a heartless monster? I also could see him either turning himself in to the police or just leaving his whole life behind and running away, at least at first, until he figures out what’s going on in his heart. Killing is wrong, so why did it feel so right?
Rook is suuuuper comfortable with the idea of murdering someone. He is a hunter and he puts his own meaning in this whole thing – just like a game bird needs to be killed in order for Rook to enjoy the beauty of its delicious meat, sometimes a person needs to be killed just so they don’t piss him off anymore. Of course, the reason is usually not as petty, or at least Rook gives his own poetic Rook spin on it lol
Epel would be a shaking crying throwing up mess after killing a person, even if it was self-defense. He is ferocious, so the guy who he had killed would look like he got attacked by a wild animal and not a frail boy with a knife, but when the adrenalin rush ends and Epel is left with the results of his fury, he’ll definitely have the biggest meltdown of his life. He’d try to do the same thing that Deuce did (bury the body and run away), and he’ll definitely be saddled with guilt, but he’ll also spend a lot of time thinking about just how much the guy deserved it. This is only the beginning of Epel’s troublesome path though, because he’ll definitely get into more trouble as his story continues…
Idia… well, we know what Idia went through already lol we’ve seen his backstory. Of course he didn’t kill Ortho, but he feels like he did, so the emotional rollercoaster he went through is pretty similar in this situation. But if it wasn’t Ortho, but some other person who he would kill physically with his own hands, I feel like Idia would get too overwhelmed, his body would force him to throw up, shut down and go into a coma or something lol But once his physical state is back to (more or less) normal, he’ll cope with what he’s done like he always does – by drowning in his thoughts and feelings. And if he feels guilty, by showering the guy’s family with money (anonymously of course), while snarking at himself that this won’t bring their loved one back and that he is an asshole for doing that. In general, Idia is comfortable with the idea of death, and he knows it’s unavoidable, but he doesn’t like facing it… and even more so, causing it. Maybe it’s due to his selfish personal reasons because of his trauma, at least this is what he would say to himself.
Ortho… wouldn’t care at all. He is way too willing to punish people by frying them with lasers, and he seems to have no concept of giving people second chances and human life being precious lol Maybe because he himself isn’t really an alive human being. He also doesn’t think much about the murders; while he is learning, he still lacks empathy in that department. If a horrible accident happens, I feel like he could be affected by it, but other than that – nah.
I know Lilia is a special case, but I feel like he used to enjoy taking the lives of those who deserved it. Unless ch7 proves me wrong, I’ll keep thinking that Lilia used to be rather ruthless when he was younger lol But at some moment the whole thing got too boring, and then he got even older and wiser and changed his stance on this whole thing. Lilia is very comfortable with death, but he also thinks that every life is precious.
Silver also thinks that every life is precious, so even if he would kill someone (it would definitely be an order, he’s not killing anyone otherwise), he would feel horrible about it. Even if it’s a bad person, even if it’s an enemy, Silver would cry (maybe secretly when he is alone), he would feel responsible for the agony their loved ones are feeling, he would take it extremely close to his heart. He is probably the one to not only remember his first kill, but also remember every single person whose life he had to end. What a nice boy lol
Sebek isn’t as nice, but he also isn’t a psychopath. He’s also young, so his first kill is definitely going to leave an impression on him, maybe haunt him and even make him cry, but he would also really dislike feeling these emotions, because they have nothing to do with his duty and he knows better than to weep for someone who deserved to get killed. That being said, over time he could get desensitized to it that he would actually start to enjoy the power he feels when he ends someone’s life. Maybe it’s cope, maybe it’s him becoming more and more cruel, but with every person Sebek kills, his “armor” gets stronger. Oh, and Sebek is also someone who could kill a person on accident by the way, and in that case his reaction would be more emotional and chaotic, because he definitely wasn’t prepared to face the fact that he is a murderer that day lol
Malleus also doesn’t consider every life precious, because he grew up thinking that people (both fae and humans) aren’t really equal to each other. He has this “distance” between himself and the others and this feeling of loneliness, and he is super petty, so I can see him murdering dozens of people in one move without thinking twice about it. He is way too powerful and mighty to the point that his own humanity gets affected by it, and it’s not unusual for him to get the “well serves you right” feeling towards someone who, even if they wronged him, definitely didn’t deserve to meet such a cruel end. That being said, Lilia did his best to put some empathy and open-mindedness in this boy’s head, so it’s very likely that Malleus would still be affected by the fact that he took someone else’s life. But you know how it is, one moment he cries, and then he just doubles down and starts laughing because feeling powerful and just wiping a large group of people from the face of the earth felt as satisfying as popping a bubble wrap.
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kirislovelygf · 1 year
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i belong with you (kiri x fem! metkayina reader)
contents: kissing, fluff, secret relationship, jealousy, defining relationships, wlw relationships, grumpy x sunshine, (also my bby teyam is alive)
word count: 4.3k
your casual outfit <3
your formal outfit </3
when they arrived, y/n was suspicious of the new family.
that girl.. she has an extra finger.
why are they so skinny?
how can they swim with such thin tails?
she thought they were so weird until she started talking to their daughter more. then she realized they weren’t so bad.
kiri and y/n had grown closer since they arrived. like, really close.
like so close, they’ve almost been caught making out well more than once.
they’ve been dating in secret for months now. kiri’s family had decided to stay after the war against the sky people and kiri and y/n are now secret girlfriends.
secret girlfriends who can’t seem to find a place discrete enough for them be alone.
right now, they were lounging on one of the many chain islands surrounding the main island of awa’atlu.
kiri had found a shell of a crab in the reef and wanted to show y/n her new discovery.
“look at these spikes. i bet it’s to fend off predators, what do you think?” she asked the girl while tracing the patterns.
kiri was so excited to show y/n, she forgot that y/n’s lived in the reef her whole life and she knows all about crab shells.
of course they’re to fend off predators, what else could they be for?
“i think you’re right. it’s really cool, kiri.” y/n chuckled.
“thank you.”
“oh, look over here.” y/n pointed to the tiny rocks and shells on the shore of the beach.
she picked up a shell, similar to puka shells from earth, and brought it back to kiri.
“we can make bracelets with these. i have string at home.” y/n told her.
“oh cool! yeah, let’s do it.” kiri took y/n’s hands and picked her up off the sand.
“wait, we can’t. my parents are at home. tomorrow, they will be busy. we can come back here tomorrow, okay?” y/n said.
“ugh, why can’t they just know..” kiri whined, holding onto y/n’s hands.
she chuckled softly and they spun around slowly.
“it’s so exhausting sneaking around.” kiri complained.
“i know.” y/n pulls her hands and gets kiri to stand up straight.
“and you know why we can’t say anything.” y/n said.
kiri rolls her eyes and sighs.
“i just need to talk to my mother first. when she sees that i’m in love with you and not with guy they want me to be with, i’m sure she’ll understand.” she explained.
y/n is next in line to be olo’eykte. and because her parents are very strict about tradition, they’ve promised her to a boy who will serve as tsahìk.
a loyal and wise leader, who has a strong connection to eywa and the world around them. for whenever the worst should happen to y/n’s parents.
he was nice to y/n, and she was to him. they were friends but nothing more.
neither of them wanted to be together but with their parents being the way they are, there wasn’t anything they could do.
“yeah, i get it.” kiri nodded. she looked down at the sand and took her hands away from y/n.
“let’s just go home then.” she muttered.
“hey.” y/n took her hand and got her to look up.
“you know i want to be with you and no one else.” she said.
“you keep saying that but-“
“you don’t believe me? okay, what if i… hm, what if i sing it to you?”
kiri looked at her weird. “what?”
y/n loves being obnoxious around kiri, and kiri only.
y/n starts to sing in an annoying tone of voice support loudly while flailing her arms around and calling it dancing.
“kiri, i love you!!-“
“stop, stop! okay, i get it!” she grabs her arms and puts them down before y/n slaps one of them.
“what? is my dancing no good?”
“it’s terrible!” kiri laughed.
y/n smiled at the sound of it. “please never dance like that again.” kiri sighs.
“hm.. okay. as long as you never doubt yourself again.”
kiri sighs. “fine. okay.”
y/n smiled and her hands go to cup kiri’s face. she kissed her lips softly before pulling away to look at her.
“come on, let’s go home.”
after arriving back home, y/n and kiri separated to go home to their own families for lunch.
y/n sat next to her sister eating her food while the rest of the family were discussing the guy she had to end up with.
tonowari looks at his wife. “do you need help with the food for the feast tonight, my love?”
y/n cringed at the nickname her father had for her mother. she rolled her eyes while still looking down at her food.
“i could use some help, thank you. i need everything to be perfect for tonight.” ronal sighs.
“why? it’s just a feast?” ao’nung asks.
“it’s not just a feast, it’s a celebration for your sister.” tonowari told him.
ao’nung didn’t really seem to care, so he shrugged and continued to eat.
ronal looks up at her daughter. “y/n.”
she doesn’t respond.
she looks up. “huh. what?”
“you have your outfit picked out, correct?” she asked.
“can’t i just wear this?” she motions to her casual outfit, a green top and beige colored skirt.
ronal looks at tsireya. “please help your sister dress when it’s time.”
tsireya giggled at the insult while y/n didn’t find it funny in the slightest.
“what’s wrong with this? i think it’s pretty.” she complained.
“no one’s saying it’s ugly.” tsireya laughed.
“you’re beautiful as always, daughter, but tonight is a special occasion. that is what aekayo sees everyday, you want him to see you as a princess.” she tells her.
“princess? ugh.” y/n groaned.
“you will change into something formal. no more complaints.” she sighed.
y/n rolls her eyes discreetly and looks back down at her food.
when they finish, y/n goes to kiri’s marui to tell her about the feast.
her parents were discussing something in the corner when she walked in.
she greeted them while muttering “i see you.” they greeted her back and she walked in.
tuk was the first of the children to notice her.
“hi, y/n!” she smiled.
the older ones look over and watch as she goes to sit beside kiri.
“hi, guys. hi, spider.” she looks to the human boy and waved.
spider doesn’t like y/n one bit. he knows something is up between her and kiri but won’t say anything.
he gives a small wave and continued to work on his craft, which was just weaving a bunch of leaves together out of boredom.
“so, i came to tell you about a feast happening tonight.” y/n sighed.
she turns to kiri. “which i also need to talk to you about.” she whispered.
kiri nods.
“nice, what’s it for?” neteyam asked her.
“it’s uh.. for an engagement.” she said.
“what?” kiri adds.
“cool, for who?” lo’ak asked her,
“yeah, who’s getting married?” tuk questioned excitedly.
“for uhm.. it’s uh a girl. you don’t know her. her and her boyfriend.” she lied.
“oh nice.” neteyam nods.
“yeah. so, that’s all. uh, kiri?” she looks at the girl and they leave the marui while the others stay talking.
spider watched them leave and nice they were out of view, he followed them.
“where you goin’, spider?” jake asked as he helped neytiri cut up fruits for their kids.
spider shrugs. “just going for a swim.”
“stay close. don’t go too far” jake told him.
spider is just as new to the metkayina as the rest of the family and isn’t exactly used to the new environment.
jake didn’t feel safe with him wandering all alone. but he is the same age as lo’ak and neteyam, so he’s trying to be more trusting.
spider nods and leaves the hut to see where kiri went.
y/n and kiri ended up taking a walk down the beach on the far side of the island where no one really went to.
“what’s up?” kiri asks.
“uh, i wanted to talk about the engagement thing.” y/n winced.
“what? but you said it’s for a girl we don’t know.” kiri laughed.
“i lied. i wanted to tell you first before telling the others.” y/n sighed.
kiri’s face scrunched up slightly. “okay..”
“the engagement feast is for me. and the guy i’m promised to.” y/n sighed out.
kiri’s eyes widen and she takes a half step back. she couldn’t say anything to that. all she could do was stare.
what else could you say to something like that?
the girl you love is promised to someone and now you have to go to a party to celebrate them being together.
“okay.. well, who’s the guy?”
“oh, aekayo. my friend, i’ve known him for a while.” y/n replied.
kiri didn’t want to hear anymore of this. an engagement party? so soon?
and who the hell is aekayo? was he cuter than kiri? did y/n like him more than she liked her?
“so, what does this mean? are we not going to be able to be together anymore?”
“no. no, i don’t want to leave you. i barely even like aekayo, let alone want to marry him.” y/n said.
she had to be very careful how she chose her words. anything taken the wrong way can cause her to lose kiri forever.
“look, i didn’t even know about this until before i went to your house. it’s just for my parents. if i could talk them out of it, i would, but my mother is very hard to convince.” y/n said.
kiri looks at her for a moment before down at the sand.
she sighed heavily. “so what am i supposed to do? just watch you and that guy all night?”
“i know what it sounds like. but i could really use you there for support. i don’t wanna sit with that guy all night either.”
kiri groans. “ugh, i really don’t want to. i’d rather just stay home.
“please? i promise after the feast, we can sneak off and do whatever you want. go swimming, go be alone, whatever you want.” y/n said, grabbing both of kiri’s hands in hers.
kiri rolls her eyes. “y/n-“
“kiri, pleasee..”
“fine! i’ll go but i won’t enjoy myself.”
y/n sighs in relief. “thank you, thank you!” she wraps her arms around the girl and hugs her so tight, kiri struggles to breathe.
“i love you so much, you’re the sweetest girl i’ve ever met!”
“yeah, love you too, please let go!- y/n!” she coughed.
y/n pulls away and goes to cup her face.
“i’m serious, kiri. i mean what i say.” she said.
kiri nods gently. it honestly felt like those words meant less and less the more y/n said them.
but what she was telling her couldn’t be farther from the truth.
“i know.” kiri sighed.
y/n smiled softly before kissing her face and cheeks and forehead and then finally leaving a peck on her lips.
kiri laughed trying to push her away.
“one more!”
“one more, i promise.”
they look at each other before lazily hugging each other. y/n out all her weight on kiri, making her stumble back while trying to hold her up.
it made her laugh out while y/n was pretending to struggle.
“get up!” kiri laughed.
“my legsss, they’ve stopped working, kiriiii..” she groaned dramatically.
“no, they have not.”
“yes, they have. you have to help meee..”
“or i could drop you.” kiri loosened her grip on y/n and she yelped as thought she was going to fall. y/n’s hands flew around kiri’s neck to stop herself from falling.
she chuckled softly and picked her up.
while they laughed and played around on the beach, spider watched with sadness from behind a boulder.
kiri never laughed that much, even around him.
it’s possible that she loves y/n more than she could have ever loved him.
spider sighs looking at them once more and makes his way back to the marui.
hours pass and it’s time for the feast. tsireya helped y/n pick out shiny gold accessories and seashell decorated clothing.
as they sat facing each other, y/n had her mind on kiri and how she must be feeling right now.
maybe i should just ditch the whole thing just to be with her.
“hey. y/n.” tsireya snapped her fingers in front of her sister’s face. y/n looked up at her.
“you’ve been zoning out all day. are you worried about something?” she asked.
“what? no, i’m okay. i’m just tired.” y/n shrugged.
“hm.” tsireya hummed. she looks up at her older sister with a smug face. “you know how i know when you’re lying?”
“how?” y/n chuckled.
“your ears go down.”
y/n rolled her eyes. “they do not.”
tsireya’s hand raises up and she moves y/n’s head to the side. she was right, y/n’s pointy ears were pointing downward.
y/n clapped her hand away while tsireya laughed. “okay, whatever.”
“so what’s up? tell me.” she says softy.
y/n can’t tell her sister anything, she’s a terrible secret keeper. not because she likes the drama.
tsireya’s very kind and loyal, but when she’s given a big piece of information and has to keep herself from telling anyone, her nerves will eventually get the best of her.
“i’m just nervous. aekayo is.. weird.” y/n shrugged.
“he’s cute! and nice.” tsireya said in an encouraging.
“yeah but.. he never smiles. he’s so serious all the time. that doesn’t fit me at all.” y/n shrugged.
“but he’s loyal. and who knows, within time, your shiny personality will affect him.” tsireya laughed.
y/n smiled. “yeah, sure.”
tsireya then places the final gold headpiece on top of y/n’s braided hair and adjusts it. she takes her mirror and holds it up to y/n’s face so she can see.
“i’m very lucky to have a beautiful older sister.” tsireya muttered.
“aw, tsireya.” y/n chuckled.
she gives her little sister a hug before their brother comes in to let them know that the party is ready for them.
the night begins with the village recognizing the young couple before starting the feast, with music and dancing.
everyone was having fun watching the dancers and joining in.
while some of the metkayina children were singing and dancing around with the adults clapping along with the rhythm, y/n sat awkwardly next to aekayo.
“you look pretty by the way.” he muttered.
y/n looks up at him. “thank you. uh- you look nice too.” she nodded.
“thank you.” he nodded back.
they look back at the scene in front of them.
neither of them wanted to do this.
“hey, can i ask you something?” he muttered.
y/n looks up at him again. “sure.”
“you’re just as bored with all this as i am, right?”
y/n felt relieved to hear him admit that. “yeah, a little.”
he chuckled. “good. i’m not the only one.”
y/n sighs. “you mean the engagement right?”
“both. i’m not really interested in getting married and i don’t like parties.” he admitted.
“you have no idea how glad i am to hear that.” y/n breathed out.
they chuckle and look back at the scene.
“so, you’re doing this to be tsahìk, right?” y/n asked him.
“yeah. and you’re doing this to be olo’eykte?”
“yeah. i love my people. i can’t wait to help them one day.” she replied.
aekayo looks at her. “really?”
“yeah.” she looks up at him. “what about you? you really want to be tsahìk?”
“i guess i do. i love my people too. but being tsahìk is my parents dream for me..” he shrugged.
“hm.” y/n nods.
“yeah, but… honestly, i think you could do it on your own.” aekayo says as he looks down at y/n.
she looks up at her. “lead the clan? no, i couldn’t.” she laughed.
“yeah, i’m sure you could.” he shrugged.
she smiled. “really?”
“of course. i think you’re very brave and compassionate. those are very important traits.” he says.
y/n smiled and looked at the children dancing.
“that’s very kind of you.” she said.
he hums in response and the two continue to, or at least pretend, to enjoy the festivities.
“uh, y/n?”
“who’s that girl that’s staring at us?” he asks.
y/n looks away from the dancing and scans the crowd.
“where?” she asks as she looks up at him.
“there.” he nods his head instead of pointing as to not make it obvious.
y/n looks in the direction he’s gesturing and spots the sully family.
they were sitting in the front row. jake and neytiri were smiling while sitting next to each other, watching the people have fun.
tuk was one of the many kids dancing around and lo’ak, neteyam, and spider were sitting together while clapping along, smiled on their faces.
kiri was next to them and she was glaring daggers into aekayo’s head.
“oh, that’s.. my friend.” y/n almost said girlfriend before she caught herself.
“is she okay?” he asked y/n.
y/n looks at kiri and she makes a discreet face, almost like she was pleading.
kiri could read her expressions better than anyone. the girl rolls her eyes and looks away from the two.
“yeah. she’s fine.” y/n nods.
she looks up at aekayo. “she’s not your friend, is she?” he asked.
her heart drops. “of course she is. why do you ask?”
“that was a look of jealousy. and i don’t think i’ve ever talked to that girl in my life. so, she must be jealous of me.”
y/n was shocked at how quickly she was picking up.
when you’re quiet, you pay attention to the little things. and y/n is not quiet.
“but i’ve seen her around you multiple times.” he says. he looks down at y/n.
she sighed and looks back and forth from kiri to him.
“can you keep a secret?” she sighs out.
“of course.” he shrugs.
“she’s not actually my friend. she’s my girlfriend.”
his eyes widen. “hm. nice. so, does she always look like she hates you?”
y/n laughs. “she hated me when we first met.”
he laughs quietly with her.
“girlfriend. so, how is that going for you two?” he asks.
“it’s complicated. we’re both upset that i’m engaged but not to the one i want.” she sighed.
she then realized what exactly she just said and looked up at aekayo.
“sorry, i didn’t mean for it to sound that way.” she winced.
“no, it’s okay. i feel the same.” he chuckled.
she sighed. “i’m not engaged to the one i want either.” he looks off into the crowd and y/n followed his gaze.
it landed on a boy whose dark locs were decorated with gold charms, and had bright aqua green eyes. he looks up at the “couple” and smiled softly. aekayo smiled back.
“aw...” y/n mumbled.
aekayo looks down at her. “you won’t say anything, right?”
“i won’t if you won’t.” she shrugged.
he smiled and nodded gently.
the two continue to thank people for their congratulations, pretend to have fun, receive gifts from the village, and count down the minutes until they get to go home.
when the festivities finally do end, y/n doesn’t waste any time to find kiri at their spot.
she swam to the island on her ilu and found kiri waiting for her.
“hi!” y/n exclaimed.
“hi. you look really beautiful.” kiri smiled.
y/n feels heat rise to her face as she goes to hug kiri.
“thank you. that means a lot coming from you.” she sighs.
she pulls away and holds kiri’s hands.
“so, what do you want to do?” she asked her.
“you were serious?”
“of course, i- why would i lie to you? i promised, whatever you want to do.” y/n said
kiri thinks and thinks and she finally decided.
the two went back to the main island to a spot in the water filled with bioluminescent creatures and plants floating around.
a tide pool surrounded by rocks but there was a little area of sand where the girls could sit.
they sat close enough to touch some of the plants.
kiri was mesmerized by the colors and she pointed out every single one of them to y/n.
“i think this one’s my favorite.”
“that’s great.”
“and that one. the green anemone.”
“also great.”
kiri looks up and smiled at y/n. she loves that girl so much.
as kiri pointed at a tiny and funny looking fish, y/n laughed before looking over when she noticed something move in the corner of her eye.
she looks down the beach and sees her siblings walking together.
y/n’s heart drops but she doesn’t let it show.
“hi, you two. everything okay?” she asks once they’re close enough.
kiri looks up at her and then turns to look at the siblings. “uh. hi.”
“hi.” tsireya smiled. ao’nung looks up at his sister.
“our parents want to talk to you.” ao’nung said.
y/n and kiri look at eachother with weary faces before standing and following the siblings home.
when they arrived to y/n’s marui, her parents were sitting next to each other and quietly talking.
and kiri’s parents were standing against the wall of the marui taking to each other too.
all four of them watched the kids walk in.
“ao’nung, take tsireya elsewhere. we need to speak to your sister.” tonowari instructed.
they look at each other and then at kiri and y/n and leave the marui a second later.
kiri and y/n sat across from y/n’s parents, their nerves shooting through the roof.
“we know about you.” ronal started quietly.
y/n felt herself shrink when she heard her mom say that.
“be calm. you’re not in trouble.” tonowari says.
they look at him with confusion.
“while it would be better for you and for the village, you don’t.. have to be married to that boy.” ronal states.
y/n looks at her suspiciously. “really?”
“really.” ronal nodded.
y/n looks at kiri and kiri couldn’t help but smile softly.
“so.. we can be together?” y/n asks.
“of course. we want you to be happy. if you are happy with kiri, and she is with you, then yes, you can be together.” tonowari smiled.
y/n couldn’t believe it. she had a smile on her face but her parents couldn’t tell if she was surprised or happy.
she was both.
“so, we’re not in trouble?” kiri asks while looking up at her parents.
they shake their heads. neytiri smiled brightly seeing her daughter so happy and in love.
after a few more words, the girls left the marui hand in hand and smiling brighter than the stars.
they chased each other down the beach, cheering and at the top of their lungs, jumping around like little kids.
they ended up going I go the ocean, not far away from the shore.
they just had fun with each other, splashing water around and diving to see the life underwater.
they were ecstatic to be together freely. they didn’t have to hide anymore, they were free to be together and spend time together in the light of day.
“i can’t believe they found out.” kiri laughed out as they floated together.
“i can’t believe i wasn’t in trouble!” y/n exclaimed.
they laugh at the events of the night. they calm down after a while and end up simply floating in the water.
y/n had her arms around kiri’s neck while kiri’s were on y/n’s waist.
kiri was a bit taller than y/n, so she had to look up at her to talk to her properly.
“everything is good now. we don’t have to hide.” y/n sighed out.
“i know. it’s great.” kiri responded quietly.
“so.. do you think aekayo will still want to tsahìk?” she asked y/n.
“you know, he actually tells me that he does not want to be tsahìk. so someone else could take the position.” y/n said.
“maybe a girl from the forest, very pretty with short hair and the cutest smile-“
“stop it.” kiri laughs in embarrassment.
“what? you don’t think your smile is cute?”
“oh, no i do.” she replied smugly. y/n rolls her eyes.
“i think you’d be a great tsahìk.”
kiri sighs. “really?”
“of course. you have a great spirit. i feel it whenever i’m with you.” she says.
kiri smiled at the compliment.
“from the moment you arrived, the animals here, they loved you. you remember when i taught you to ride ilu? it loved you immediately, you had no trouble.” y/n told her.
“well.. yeah. but tsahìk? shouldn’t that role go to someone from here?” someone who belongs here?” kiri shrugs.
y/n looked taken aback. all that time that kiri’s been here and she still doesn’t believe she belong here?
“kiri, listen to me when i tell you.”
“hm.” kiri pretended not to take her seriously,
y/n took her hand and out it under kiri’s chin, making her face her.
“mph- okay!” she laughed.
“you belong here.” y/n said.
kiri’s expression softens. “you are metkayina now.”
she stared at y/n with admiration. “but i’m-“
“no. you are metkayina. say it.”
kiri rolls her eyes as y/n lets go of her chin. “i am.. metkayina.”
“good. do not forget.” y/n said quietly.
y/n’s hand goes back to it’s original spot on the back of kiri’s neck.
they look at each other for a moment before kiri kissed her for the first time tonight.
she pulled her closer as the girls stayed, kissing each other passionately.
i belong here.
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tansyuduri · 27 days
Heathers Songs Merlin Version!
Okay so I first posted these in this post but I decided they needed their own post. (I linked videos in the song above) SO! I SAY NO (Arthur and Uther Version) ARTHUR:
You are a drug. You are a poison’d cup
I've got to show my feeling now and stand up.
I craved the love. When you would keep me close.
But you will not be satisfied until I overdose
This is it. For their sake. I am finally awake!
Let me be. Let me go
You need help. I can't provide. I am not qualified
This future king is coming clean. I say no
Arthur , they are-
No, no, no, no. Don't say a word
You speak and I cave in. You'll twist the truth again
And drill deep down beneath my skin
You said it was for her. And I believed in you
But you're still using ust o justify the harm you do
This is it. What you make. Call it all my mistake
Long as you let me go
You need help. I can't provide
I'm not here to stand beside
It's not too late, I'm fighting fate
I say no!
Blame her loss. Blame being sad. Blame the life we never had
But hurting people. That's your choice, my king.
'Cause I believe that love will win
And hate will earn you nothing in the end
This is the end
But I love you
This is it. I won't cry. Starting now. I will try
To pay back all the karma I owe
Start again, help those two. Far from people like you
So goodbye 'cause now I. I say no.
Just in time, I say no
Somehow I'm saying no
Just say no
I say no No!
__________________________________________________________ DEAD GIRL WALKING (Merlin and Arthur Version)
MERLIN: The evil king of the kingdom has decreed it.
He says Monday, in the morning, I will be deleted
They'll hunt me down in every hall.
Burn me alive until I fall.
30 hours to live, how shall I spend them?
I don't have to stay and die like cattle.
I could change my name and avoid that last death rattle.
But I can't just leave all my feinds.
Wait, here's an option with better ends.
Spend these 30 hours gettin' freaky, yeah.
I need it hard I'm a dead man walking.
I'm in your yard I'm a dead man walking.
Before they grab me from the stock.
I'm magicin' off your window lock.
Got no time to knock, I'm a dead man walking.
ARTHUR: Merlin? You Idiot, What are you doing in my room?
MERLIN: Shh...
Sorry, but I really had to wake you.
See, I decided I must ride you 'til I break you.
'Cause Uther says I got to go.
I'm drunk and here to let you know:
Shut your mouth and lose them night clothings.
Come on, tonight I'm yours.
I'm your dead Man walking.
Get on all fours.
Kiss this dead MAN walking.
Let's go, you know the drill. I'm done waiting. I've had my fill .
Bow down to the will of a dead man walking.
And you know, you know, you know
It's 'cause you're beautiful.
You say you're numb inside But I can't agree.
So the world's unfair. Keep it locked out there.
In here it's beautiful
Let's make this beautiful.
ARTHUR : Uh... That works for me,
MERLIN: Yeah, Lets go ahead
Take this dead man walking.
Let's break the bed. Rock this dead Man walking.
No sleep tonight for you.
Better Kiss me right down there.
Take me by the rear.
Make this whole town disappear.
Slap me, pull my hair Touch me there and there and there
And no more talking.
Love this dead Man walking.
Love this dead Man walking
Love this Dead Man walking.
BOTH: Yeah, yeah, yeah Ow, yeah.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVENTEEN (Gwen and Morgana version)
Fine! Your “damaged” Really “damaged” But that does not make you “wise”
Fine you're “special”, Fine you're “different” But we don’t choose who lives or dies.
Let’s be normal, watch bad jesters. Sneak a picnic and watch the sky.
We’ll bake sweet things or go riding.
Don’t you want a life with me?
Can’t we be as a team?
That’s all I want to do.
If you could let me in I could be good with you.
People hurt us
MORGANA: Or they hate us
GWEN: And you’re right, thats full of woe But we let go—
MORGANA: Take a deep breath
GWEN: Then go buy some special clothes We'll go camping—
MORGANA: Work together
GWEN: And convince Arthur to hear us out Maybe moon Light
MORGANA: Maybe dancing
GWEN: Don't stop looking in my eyes
MORGANA: Your eyes
BOTH: Can't we be as a team.
Is that so hard to do?
If you could let me in. I could be good with you.
Let us be as a team. If we still got the right.
GWEN: So what’s it gonna be? I wanna be with you
MORGANA: I wanna be with you
GWEN: Wanna be with you
BOTH: Tonight
GWEN: Yeah you've been damaged
MORGANA: Badly damaged
GWEN: But your love’s too good to lose
MORGANA: Hold me tighter
GWEN: Even closer
Morgana: I’ll stay if I’m what you choose. Can't we be as a team.
BOTH: If I am what you choose
MORGANA: If change how I fight
GWEN: ‘Cause you’re the one I choose
MORGANA: You’re the one I choose
BOTH: You’re the one I choose
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kirbyprompts · 1 year
from critical role's the mighty nein episodes 34-71. feel free to change prompts as you see fit!
❝do they know you?❞
❝do they check weapons at the door, or anything like that?❞
❝i want to see how strong you’ve gotten.❞
❝well, how do i look?❞
❝i like myself just the way i am.❞
❝call this your home so long as you’d like to stay.❞
❝do you still love them?❞
❝love is a funny thing.❞
❝can you recommend any bookstores here?❞
❝hey, crime boss, are you my dad?❞
❝i don’t want people to know i’m still alive.❞
❝you’re asking a lot of questions for a person i just met.❞
❝i think you could snap me like a twig.❞
❝i think, perhaps, it’s destiny. do you believe in destiny?❞
❝i don’t have any dreams at night. is that worrisome?❞
❝it is funny how you keep showing up like a bad penny.❞
❝please don’t kill me.❞
❝i didn’t expect you to come in here and slaughter my contacts.❞
❝who were you supposed to deliver this to?❞
❝you’re not afraid of dying, are you?❞
❝is life always this directionless?❞
❝sometimes the things that are the most beautiful are the things that can hurt you the worst.❞
❝out of idle curiosity why have you been trying to butter me up?❞
❝i thought i had you figured out.❞
❝we’re about to be boarded by fucking pirates.❞
❝i am trying to process this as quickly as i can.❞
❝is there food in this bitch?❞
❝do you want to control the sea?❞
❝how many dudes you think you killed?❞
❝how many fingers am i holding up?❞
❝get out of there!❞
❝these days i’ve spent with you are the most exciting of my entire life.❞
❝this was the worst day of my life.❞
❝i’m getting used to the idea that this wouldn’t be a test if it was easy.❞
❝i think the world is shaping you into something important and i want to make sure that you get to wherever you need to be.❞
❝okay, i feel like shit, so i’m going to bed.❞
❝what was your first kiss like?❞
❝don’t fire on them unless they fire on us, you understand?❞
❝sometimes you can be nice to people too.❞
❝you better be sure this is something you want to die for.❞
❝if you’re lying to me, i’ll slit your throat.❞
❝pleasure to meet you. i have the feeling you’re having a really bad day.❞
❝just keep your mouth shut for like 30 damn seconds.❞
❝this is very dangerous to give to you, but you’re the perfect person to have it.❞
❝i was born to be a cannoneer.❞
❝have you ever sacrificed anything in order to achieve a greater goal?❞
❝i was alone for a long time and ran from everything.❞
❝i feel like a fool much of the time.❞
❝i could fill a book with what i don’t know.❞
❝what if we can never go home?❞
❝this is the best plan we’ve ever had!❞
❝i’m going to summon a demon.❞
❝no, really! she was a really bad person before we killed her and everyone on the boat!❞
❝i’m not an asshole. i’m asshole adjacent.❞
❝of course it’s minimalizing. have you met me? everything i do is minimizing.❞
❝do you ever feel like your relationship with your cat is hindering building stronger relationships with human people?❞
❝i understand when i’m being condescended to! even when i’m drunk!❞
❝hey. sorry for being a dick. bye.❞
❝i go where the wind goes.❞
❝yeah, i’m not a happy guy.❞
❝that’s what we do, we seek out active doom.❞
❝to be perfectly honest, yes, there were quite a few people chasing me.❞
❝best not to call attention.❞
❝i will so gladly introduce you to my cat because i’m very fond of him and love for people to meet him.❞
❝we’re running! it’s bad!❞
❝it was nice to meet you and nearly die next to you.❞
❝i’ve always heard that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but i feel pretty fucking weak right now.❞
❝i think i oddly feel the most comfortable when things are a fraction away from going terribly wrong.❞
❝my mother was a big believer in the buddy system.❞
❝got to be careful with what risks you take, but without risks, you’re never going to get what you want.❞
❝in my loneliness i just turned to anger.❞
❝sometimes you’re running towards something so fast that you can’t remember why you’re running in the first place.❞
❝i get nervous to get close to people because i feel like i lose them.❞
❝i’m either very unlucky or cursed, and i don’t believe in luck.❞
❝don’t forget me. i won’t forget you.❞
❝if you hear the signal, run. you remember the signal? it’s ‘AHHHHHHH'❞
❝don’t turn evil, okay? but if you do, i’ll still be your friend. i mean, it’s okay. you know, some people are evil. it’s okay. just don’t turn evil to me.❞
❝sometimes it sounds like you don’t have much love for home.❞
❝we need to know the ones we love.❞
❝i guess it’s easier to pretend like you don’t care.❞
❝you would do anything for love.❞
❝i would protect you.❞
❝do we look like tourists?❞
❝that could have gone much worse.❞
❝why does it feel like everyone here is hitting on me, but also insulting me at the same time?❞
❝what? why are you looking at me like that?❞
❝i operate alone. that’s how i survived this long.❞
❝i’m a danger to you by proximity, as much as you are a danger to me.❞
❝how was i supposed to get better? you fucking left!❞
❝now, i see great possibility in you. you have potential. but you need to listen to me and think before you act.❞
❝your rash, intense behavior will be your downfall.❞
❝no one has to see what you’re doing is good, as long as it is good.❞
❝i do not do this for accolades. i do this because i serve the purpose to provide a better world for those who. cannot defend themselves.❞
❝i can’t tell your morning voice apart from your just-almost-died voice.❞
❝if you ask, the worst they can do is say no, and throw you in prison, and you’ll never see your family again.❞
❝we are exiles in every sense of the word.❞
❝you made the right call. i’m very proud of you.❞
❝what would you have done differently?❞
❝for the first time in a really long time, i feel hopeful.❞
❝now that i’m with you, i don’t know how i could be apart from you.❞
❝oh boy, i don’t understand anything that’s going on.❞
❝i trust your heart. it’s in a good place.❞
❝i think you might be wrong. i can’t say it with 100% certainty, but you might be.❞
❝i had a very bad dream.❞
❝i think i’ve done something very bad and i don’t remember.❞
❝have i done something terrible?❞
❝i am talking to you as one accomplished liar to another.❞
❝this is our family now and we are looking out for eachother.❞
❝we can remake ourselves into something better.❞
❝those things were fucking scary as fuck!❞
❝it’s a tomb with an exit. that’s the worst kind.❞
❝maybe we shouldn’t go in. let’s just go back.❞
❝i know you lost your family. we can be your new one.❞
❝i’m just doing my best.❞
❝i’ve never seen you get scared.❞
❝are you feeling scared? you should. this is terrifying.❞
❝try what you want. you won’t break me.❞
❝your life hangs by a thread. what have you to lose?❞
❝some of us get tired of macabre fairytales. so you enjoy your mouthful of lies when they choke it out of you.❞
❝we’re being sneaky! stop talking so loud!❞
❝i’m confused. do you want me to stay or not?❞
❝is this conversation appropriate to have in a hot tub?❞
❝it’s been really hard trying to figure out who’s just a traitor and who’s an actual demon.❞
❝all i can give you is my loyalty.❞
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feeder86 · 2 years
Lust and Loyalties
It had been fate, Jed was sure of it: being offered a promotion in the very city where his online girlfriend, Shelly, lived; it was the universe telling him that they were meant to be together. He needed to put away his reservations and jump in head first. Shelly was so smart, with an incredible wit and interest in the world. She was beautiful as well; three hundred and fifty pounds, with a big, gorgeously soft belly, enormous breasts and one of the most jiggly asses he had ever seen. Jed’s dick felt like it was pumping out heat as his plane drew closer and closer to the destination. At long last, he was going to be living the life he’d dreamed about for so long. He’d struggled to accept his fascination with fat. Somehow, because he had been so sporty and popular in high school, he’d drifted from one fit girlfriend to another; spurred on by the friends he’d surrounded himself with; none of those women never  ever really igniting any spark of attraction in him. He wanted to caress Shelly’s belly every night, rub her stomach as she ate and watch her fat ass bounce up and down as she walked. It was exactly the sort of pampering Shelly desired too. Despite her size, she wanted to be fed more, enjoying every single lardy pound on her body. Getting away from his hometown and everyone he knew would help Jed to shake off those expectations they had all seemed to have for him. He was now finally free to be himself and to love whoever he wanted.
Jed saw Shelly’s large form waiting for him as he came out of arrivals. He ran towards her, dropped his bag and kissed her so deeply, she would never forget it. People stared, of course. In this sad world, it wasn’t often that athletic, muscular guys like him went out with short, spherical girls like Shelly. But Jed was in love; and from now on, everyone was going to know about it!
Shelly lived in a house share with four other people. However, it didn’t seem to be anything like the rowdy, party experience that Jed remembered from his similar set up in college. 
“So, it’s Sarah, Martin, Mabel and Danny?” Jed asked, trying to get the housemates’ names in his head, given that he would be staying with Shelly for a couple of weeks whilst he looked for his own place in the city.
“Yeah,” Shelly nodded apathetically. “You saw Sarah and Martin on the way in. They’re the couple. Mabel spends most of her time at her girlfriend’s place and Danny is just a jerk.” She was lying in bed, having been treated to five rounds of the best sex Jed had ever had in his life.
“I want to get to know them all though,” Jed replied. “If they’re part of your life, I want to show them how serious I am about being with you.” He looked on at Shelly’s blubbery, fat body, feeling like the luckiest man alive. Was it possible to fall in love this fast? Before today, he’d never even met her in the flesh before. Now he was wondering how long he would have to wait until he could ask her to marry him! “That reminds me,” he whispered seductively into her ear. “I bought you some super-fattening cookies I found at a special store at home. Over two thousand calories in the box!” His eyes lit up with arousal. “Maybe I could feed them to you…”
Shelly stiffened. “I’m not really hungry,” she stated plainly.
Jed backed off, feeling that he had misread the situation somehow. They’d spent hours online talking about feedings and how much food Shelly was going to eat for him. “”Okay, that’s fine,” he backtracked, feeling awful for suggesting it. “Shall we watch a movie instead?” he asked, settling in for his first quiet evening with the love of his life.
“My, my, my!” came a curious voice as Jed stood, dressed only in his boxer shorts in the small, shared kitchen. “So you’re Shelly's new boyfriend?”
Jed looked over at the guy and knew at once that he was Shelly’s other housemate, Danny. He didn’t need to be told that Danny was gay; he could simply tell by the way he was blatantly checking him out. “I’m Jed,” he offered politely, pausing his preparation of Shelly’s breakfast to go and shake the guy’s hand.
“So you’re the one who is into fat chicks then?” Danny asked bluntly as he returned Jed’s firm handshake with an equally strong grip.
Jed retracted his hand and scratched the back of his head awkwardly, chuckling a little nervously. He could already tell that Danny wasn’t the type of guy to sugarcoat things. “Yeah, I guess I am,” he replied, deciding that honesty was the best policy in his new life.
“She won’t eat all that,” Danny stated, seeing the tray full of food Jed had lovingly crafted for his girl. “Shelly is fat because she’s lazy and she’s always been big. Nothing more.”
Jed wondered why Danny was trying to make a point about the breakfast. During their six month online love affair, Shelly had never failed to express to him how much she longed to devour one of his ultimately fattening breakfasts.
“I’m just trying to limit your expectations,” Danny continued, getting his protein shake out of the refrigerator and walking out, clearly on his way to the gym.
Jed could see why Shelly didn’t like the guy. He had a rather obnoxious tone that was going to quickly get on Jed’s nerves. He finished frying up the bacon and headed back upstairs to surprise his sleeping beauty with his many delicious treats.
“I need coffee,” grumbled a sleepy Shelly; audibly groaning as she spied the tray of food. “And… I never eat breakfast,” she announced flatly, as if she was offended by Jed’s lack of knowledge about her.
“Oh, but I thought…” Jed began, thinking to explain himself and deciding better of it. This was all new to him after all. So what if he wasted a bit of food? He was here with Shelly for their first morning together. He wanted to lie in bed all day with her and get to know even more about her. He wanted to be a walking, talking encyclopaedia of her. So, he took a took a couple of slices of bacon for himself, climbed back into bed and waited patiently for Shelly’s morning coffee to pull her out of her grumpy mood.
Jed’s new job was a marathon of stress. Since he’d found a small room in his own house share, he’d hardly had time to even see Shelly. He’d chosen a cheap, dirty room in a rough neighbourhood so that he could better save up enough money to buy somewhere nice for himself and Shelly. He felt bad about not seeing his girl so much, and yet, somehow, he was confused with how relaxed Shelly was about only being together on weekends.
Moving out of Shelly’s place had been a surprisingly welcome relief. As much as he loved his new super-sized girl, it had been hard to deal with the drastic differences in their libidos. Jed could have worked her body twenty-four hours a day, yet Shelly hadn’t wanted to have sex at all last weekend. He’d had to masturbate in the bathroom to calm himself down; not wanting for Shelly to ever see him as some sort of sex pest; or for her to get the impression that he was only with her for her body. Still, he did begin to think that maybe his own imagined future with her had been a little naive. Despite the things that Shelly had said when they were long-distance, her fat body and the prospects of eating for Jed really didn’t do it for her. It was okay though. Jed didn’t need that to feel satisfied. He remembered how funny and clever she’d been in her responses to his messages when they first found each other online; such insight and humour. It was impossible not to love her. Shelly didn’t like coming over to Jed’s new place. It was a couple of bus rides and a small walk up a moderate hill to get there. And so, after that first visit, Jed was the one to compromise; realising that they would have to spend their weekends together at Shelly’s place.
It was their four month anniversary and Jed wanted to do something nice together, but felt conscious about suggesting food places out; not wanting Shelly to think that he was trying to inflict his fat kinks on her. In the end, they stayed in, watching a reality TV show that he hadn’t expected to be Shelly sort of thing. They’d talked for hours about their favourite TV shows online, yet Jed’s humorous references to the shows they had both loved seemed to fall flat with her; like she hadn’t even watched them at all. It was the same with her music taste and, upon inspection of the paperback books Jed had sent over to her in those early days, not a single one had even been thumbed through, despite the detailed conversations they had both had about them.
“Back again?” smirked Danny as he opened the door for Jed after he finished work that Friday night and headed straight over.
“Hi, Danny,” Jed mumbled as he breezed by him, on his way up to Shelly’s room.
“Those work pants are looking a little fitted, aren’t they?” Danny remarked, stopping Jed in his tracks.
“What do you mean?” Jed asked, caught off-guard as usual by Danny’s random comments.
“Just what I said,” Danny went on. “Your pants. They’re a little snug. Mind you, I suppose it was always going to happen: new job, new city, dating a fat, lazy girlfriend. You were always bound to get a little junk in the trunk.”
Jed walked on, not knowing how to reply. Shelly was engrossed in another dreadful reality show and hardly turned to him as he came in and lay next to her on the bed. “I’m just going to the bathroom,” he whispered quietly; escaping during the most irritating elimination part of the episode. 
Locking the door behind him, Jed went to the bathroom mirror, his brain replaying the words Danny had said to him at the door. There he twisted, trying his best to get a look at his butt in the reflection. Did it really look bigger? It was just the cut of the pants, surely? He undid his belt and lowered the pants to the floor. He pulled the waistband of his underwear down too, but just enough to cup the glutes. There, he tapped and jiggled his butt cheeks as best he could. Did they move like that before, with that odd squishiness? Having never struggled with weight gain before, Jed found his heart was racing, even as he pulled his pants back up and buckled his belt again. He had to agree completely with Shelly: Danny really was just a jerk, making him feel self-conscious like this.
Jed noticed the fit of his clothes a lot more over the coming weeks. It made him irritable at work to feel his pants pinching him around his hips. He looked around their small office, noticing for the first time that no one here was slim. Every person had at least a small belly on them; no doubt brought on by the endless amounts of cakes and cookies that were frequently brought in by everyone throughout the week. Jed began to think about how much different his life was here as well. Back home, he would have gone to play basketball with a few buddies a couple of times a week. Here, there was no one and no time for such luxuries. He rode the bus into work, sat all day at his desk and then retreated back to his dingy bedroom, usually picking up some take out to avoid having to spend any time with his questionable housemates downstairs.
“Do you think…” Jed began, deciding to broach the subject with Shelly after a few weeks of keeping it to himself. “Do you think I’ve gained a few pounds since we’ve been together?” He rubbed his middle, where he’d noticed earlier that week that one of the buttons in particular had been looking a little stretched.
“Have you been talking to Danny?” Shelly asked suspiciously.
“Not recently,” he replied “Why would you ask that? Has Danny said something?”
Shelly shrugged. “He just likes to… You know what he’s like!” 
“What’s he been saying?” Jed demanded, flushing a little red with annoyance.
“He just… said a couple of times that you’re getting a little chubby,” Shelly finally admitted. “It’s fine though! You’re still handsome. You’ve been stressed at work. And I’m sure you’ll lose it when the summer comes.”
“Chubby?” Jed repeated back to himself. Where the hell did Danny get off talking about him like that behind his back? “You don’t think I’m chubby, do you?”
Shelly paused for a second, as if she didn’t know how to break it to him. That was when Jed felt it: a sudden kick in his dick, like it had just bolted upright. Shelly thought he was getting chubby too? “You think I’m getting fat?” he asked, wondering why his heart was beating so fast and why his voice had suddenly become so breathy?
“Maybe. Just a little,” Shelly finally nodded, turning back to the TV screen and leaving Jed to wonder why he had suddenly become so aroused.
Despite being off all day, Shelly had fallen asleep early that night, leaving Jed to listen to music with his headphones, lying next to her in bed. He felt like he needed to masturbate, but he knew that if Shelly woke up and saw him, she would not approve. His dick felt so hard and a sneaky trip to the bathroom was the only hope he had of getting any sleep that night. So, pulling on his t-shirt, he crept out of the room, sighing as he heard someone moving about inside the shared bathroom. Suddenly, the door unlocked and flew open, with a large-bellied young guy standing at the door shyly. He smiled, then trotted back down the stairs and disappeared into Danny’s room on the first floor.
Jed looked on in confusion. Shelly had told him that they were to stay upstairs that night because Danny had a date coming over. But, that guy… he surely wasn’t Danny’s date? He was too large and doughy; holding just as much blubber on his unconditioned rear as he did on that oversized gut of his.
Shamelessly, Jed grabbed his empty glass and crept down the stairs, pretending to need a drink. He glanced through into the kitchen, amazed at the mess in there: empty plates and bowls, packaging and pizza boxes. None of it looked like the sort of stuff Danny regularly ate.
His interest piqued, Jed crept over to Danny’s door, placing his ear as close as he could to the wood.
“Ready for the next slice?” asked Danny’s deep voice from inside the room.
Jed heard a mumble of agreement. “Yes, Sir,” came the response from the large guy who had just disappeared inside. 
“Good!” Danny shot back. “Piggy is going to get nice and fat for me tonight!”
Jed couldn’t make out what the guy said in reply. His voice unintelligible, moaning softly, making Jed wonder what pleasurable things Danny was doing to him inside. Stood stealthily outside Danny’s room, Jed looked down to see his hand firmly clamped around his own dick, listening to the sounds of the two kinky men inside.
“Ooo! That’s it!” Danny swooned. “A nice BIG bite! There’s a good piggy. We’re going to make those buttons pop later!”
Jed removed his hand the moment he felt he’d gone too far. His dick was bubbling and writhing as if unable to be controlled. He tried to stuff it back into his underwear, but as he heard Danny’s date oink like pig, he felt his dick erupt and a lake of sticky warmth spreading in his crotch. Somehow, perhaps it was the fact that he didn’t want to come, Jed’s situation was playing to a naughty streak within him, stood outside, listening in like this; only making the orgasm more intense. Even as he tried to coordinate his legs to get himself back upstairs as fast as possible, he could still feel himself coming; only finally starting to calm down as he made it back behind the locked door of the bathroom; amazed at the sudden mess he’d made in his underwear.
Jed felt his cheeks flush a little red as Danny came through to the kitchen the next morning. Never before had he done something so voyeuristic as to masturbate like that outside someone’s door. With his girlfriend asleep upstairs, it had been completely shameful of him.
“Morning,” smiled an oblivious Danny.
“Shelly told me you had a date last night?” Jed asked innocently, hoping some small talk would ease him through the interaction. “How did it go?”
Danny smirked to himself. “It was… very productive,” he chuckled to himself.
“You think you’ll see him again?” Jed went on, stirring a cup of coffee for himself.
“Probably not. He doesn’t live around here,” Danny sighed with obvious disappointment. He suddenly looked around the kitchen, startled. “Did you clean up in here?” he asked.
Jed nodded. The guilt had been like a knot in his stomach from 5am that morning. Cleaning the kitchen after Danny’s date had seemed like the least he could do. “It’s no big deal,” he shrugged.
“Yes, it is!” Danny smiled. “I set my alarm early to get this place sorted before everyone woke up. We made one hell of a mess last night!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jed insisted, trying to walk away. “It really didn’t take me that long,” he lied.
“Let me pay you back!” Danny blasted, trying to keep Jed there. He checked his watch. “Lazy Shelly won’t be awake for at least another two hours. Let me make you breakfast!”
“There’s no need!” Jed tried, feeling his heart suddenly racing at the idea of being cooked for by Danny; especially after seeing the remains of all the wickedly fattening things he’d cleaned up from the date last night. 
“I insist!” Danny stated with an uncompromising certainty. “Sit your butt down. You haven’t lived until you’ve tasted my cooking!”
Jed wished that he could have controlled his boner. He tried to breathe deeply as he felt it throb once the sound of sizzling from the frying bacon reached his ears. The smells too were a sensory overload. Somehow, the fact that he couldn’t see what Danny was doing in there made the experience all the more surreal. Somehow, in a series of strange and unforeseen circumstances, he had learned in the last twelve hours that Danny was an actual, real-life feeder. And there he was, right now, cooking up a delicious breakfast for him. What had been the chances of finding another fat lover in this small house? It was so bizarre, considering how he and Shelly had actually met on a dating website devoted to feederism kinks.
“How does it taste?” Danny asked, simply watching as Jed sat, with a large tray of food on his lap. “Good?”
Jed nodded in approval. “There’s just so much of it!”
Danny simply chuckled. “Well, I wanted you to know how grateful I am,”
“I don’t think I can eat it all though,” Jed admitted, inhaling for a second and holding the top of his stomach.
“Sure you can,” Danny coaxed him. “Just one bite at a time. That’s all it takes.”
By the time Shelly finally woke up over an hour later, Jed somehow felt even guiltier than he had before. He had eaten Danny’s entire breakfast and the thrill it had given him to do so was gnawing away at his conscience even now.
“Let’s go out today!” he insisted. “Anywhere you want!”
Shelly sighed grumpily. She really wasn’t a morning person.
Jed had never thought of himself as someone who buried his head in the sand, but his current strategy for dealing with his situation sought to prove him wrong. He didn’t have to accept that he was gaining weight if he didn’t acknowledge it in any way. He wasn’t about to rush out for a gym subscription, or somehow find the time to start jogging around the daunting streets of his neighbourhood. His relationship with Shelly wasn’t quite how he had pictured it in his head. She was beautiful, yes, but she didn’t have any of the qualities or interests that Jed had moved over one thousand miles across the country to be with. Then there was Danny; the biggest conundrum of them all. What was it about that guy that intrigued Jed so much? Why did he feel the compulsion to get up earlier on a Saturday and Sunday morning to have breakfast with him while Shelly slept in?
Hamster cheeks; that was what Jed could see he had now. He studied his face in the mirror, wondering why he hadn’t noticed until that day. Most of the little changes to his form he could hide by wearing something baggy, and sweatpants had become his new best friend after work. But those cheeks were not going to be so easy to conceal. His dad had not been especially complimentary the last time he headed home and struggled to keep up with him during an impromptu jog around the block. The city had made him lazy, his dad had claimed; so much fast food and convenience right there on the doorstep. But , somehow, Jed got the strange feeling that people weren’t as surprised as they might have been to see him carrying a few extra pounds. They had all seen the pictures of him with Shelly and had witnessed for themselves what Jed really appreciated in a girl: the curves, the blubber, the fat. It was like Danny had said, dating someone so big was bound to have an effect on his waistline. It was as if he had been playing with fire all along. So, why did the thought of sliding into weight gain feel so arousing to him?
For the first time, Jed found that he was grateful he hadn’t saved up enough cash to get a nicer place for himself and Shelly yet. He stood in his bedroom mirror, sighing with relief as he undid his pants and then took a few minutes to study the marks his clothes had made on his body. The creeping softness as it spread across his physique never failed to arouse him and he grabbed his dick as he surveyed the changes. He’d started to develop such a little pot belly in recent weeks. He sucked it in and pushed it out with a feverish lust for his own reflection. He could feel the build up of mass on his love handles and sensed the tightness of his underwear as his glutes swelled with each passing day. It was one thing to admire Shelly’s curves and blubber; yet it was something entirely new to feel it beginning to happen to himself. His own choices had done this to him: the career path, the takeouts, the lazy weekends with Shelly, the breakfasts with Danny. Was this his life now? Had he really lost the battle of the bulge? Was this the start of him turning into nothing more than a fat guy?
“Why don’t you start thinking about getting a gym subscription or something?” Shelly asked, clearly trying to be diplomatic, despite her tone of irritation.
“Because we’re trying to budget,” Jed explained. “You know what apartments go for in this city. We want to live together, don’t we?” he asked, squeezing the fat girl tightly.
“Yeah, but, I’ll be the one who is stuck having to look at your belly every day,” Shelly grumbled. “Why can’t you just tone up, like you used to be when we met?”
“I didn’t know that it bothered you so much,” Jed lied, feeling like his bubble had been burst. He’d pretended not to pick up on Shelly’s subtle hints about his weight for a good couple of months, thinking that he could ignore them entirely. Shelly’s failure to confront him about how chubby he was getting had allowed him to start to imagine a future where he didn’t have to worry about being slim anymore. How hot would it be to live with a fat girl and actually be fat himself too? As he masturbated, alone in his bedroom across town each weeknight, he’d began to fantasise about it, rubbing his newly rounded pot gut. 
What would she say now if he told her he wanted to keep it? That he found it arousing to express his fat kinks on his own body, given that Shelly had decided against letting him feed her? That his love of fat was not something he could quash and dismiss like he had hoped. 
“I’ll try my best to get back to my old weight,” he promised instead, deciding to be a good boyfriend after all.
Gone were the takeouts and oversized weekend breakfasts. Shelly’s impatience with Jed’s weight had forced him to take a very hard look at himself. The evidence of all that bad food was now written all over his thicker stomach and bubble butt. He could see it in his thighs and love handles, arms and chin. It had crept onto every part of him, softening his athletic physique and expanding below his skin, altering his looks with fifty pounds of pure fat. It was arousing to think of how effortless it had been to get chubby, and yet, incredibly frustrating to see how hard it was to lose.
“Which gym is it you use?” Jed asked Danny, finally deciding that dieting alone was never going to give him the results he needed to please Shelly like he desperately wanted to.
“Is Shelly still giving you a hard time?” Danny responded with a sigh. He’d resented the fact that they couldn’t have breakfast together at the weekend and had told Jed there and then that he thought he was a fool to let Shelly boss him around. “Tell her to stick it. She doesn’t exactly have a leg to stand on, complaining about someone else’s weight!” he grumbled, repeating what had become his own personal mantra of late.
Jed sighed, but he knew  he couldn’t allow himself to think that way. Just because Shelly was a big girl, it didn’t disqualify her from having a right to a preference about Jed’s body.
“You can come with me to my gym later,” Danny finally relented, as if finally able to see Jed’s predicament. “I have a free pass that I’ve never used. If you really want to lose a few pounds… I guess I could try and help you with that. Not that Shelly deserves all this effort you’re putting in,” he added sharply. There really was nothing Danny seemed to like about the girl who had captured Jed’s heart all those long months ago. 
The sweat was pouring down Jed’s face as he slouched on the changing room bench. He felt disgusting, with his t-shirt clinging to his enlarged form and he began taking down at least a pint of water as fast as he could. “That was awful!” he complained.
“You’re the one who said you wanted me to push you hard,” Danny chuckled wickedly.
“I’m not going to be able to move tomorrow,” Jed grumbled, already feeling his muscles aching. He’d been surprised at how fit Danny actually was. Even in the time Jed had known him, the guy had packed on a lot of muscle, making Jed feel a little strange as they walked into the gym together, looking so contrasting. “I bet this is a great place for you to pick up guys,”Jed commented as he saw Danny taking off his shirt, ready to take a quick shower. He’d noticed all the looks Danny was getting, and rightly so; the guy was sculpting his body to perfection.
Danny laughed and shook his head. “No. The gym is not really the place to find the types of guys I’m into.” He looked at Jed with a wicked pleasure. “Let’s just say, you and I aren’t as different as you think…” he teased.
Perhaps Danny thought he was being coy, but Jed knew exactly what he meant. How he wished in that moment that he could confess his desires to Danny to grow fatter, just like those guys Danny loved to date. To enjoy the blubber and to think of none of the other expectations upon him. The freedom from the endless pressures to be a certain way in life. It was the reason he had moved here in the first place and what he thought he could have achieved with Shelly. The frustration of his circumstances built like a pressure in his head and in the whole time Danny was showering, he simply sat to the side, trying not to watch and give into the attraction he felt for his friend. He needed to tell someone how he was feeling: about Shelly, about his body, about his hatred of being asked to lose weight like this. He pictured saying those words to Danny: ‘I want to get fat.’ He imagined the guy’s surprise and hopefully, his eventual understanding. After all, like Danny had said, they really weren’t that different from each other.
“Same time tomorrow?” Danny asked as they both left the building that evening.
“Sure thing,” Jed replied with a sigh.
People thought they were being kind, lavishly throwing their compliments at Jed as the first couple of pounds began to melt away. It made Jed feel flat; like his final opportunity to explore his love of weight gain had been taken from him forever. Despite everything Shelly had said and promised him before he moved over here, she had never had any intention of exploring Jed’s infatuation with her fat body. She didn’t like the belly rubs he wanted to give her and despised how horny he became whenever she looked her most blubbery.
Despite his resolve to lose weight, Jed had become obsessed with the pictures he had collected of himself at his biggest. The evidence of his gain was so obvious in his face as he posed with Shelly on their days out, and he stared in awe at how wide and thick his butt seemed in some of the shots Shelly had taken of him. He got hard, thinking about what people must be saying about him back home as they perused these very pictures on his social media. ‘Have you seen how fat Jed’s got since he moved away?’ he imagined them asking each other; then gasping with shock as the photos were shown to them. The truth was that Jed had loved how nicely the fat had packed onto his once athletic physique. He adored how the fat had swollen up his butt cheeks, making them squishy and plump; how his love handles had bulged outwards and destroyed the strong V-shape of his broad back. His belly too had been completely perfect: solid and round looking beneath his chest, even as the fat had started to take away the muscular look of his arms and legs. He’d become the sort of man ten years older than himself, with three demanding teenage kids and no time for exercise: the dad-bod shape that had slowly started to fascinate him.
There were so many sites online dedicated to the appreciation of a swelling man’s form. Jed had begun to study them all, finding guys who had taken the plunge for real; letting their bodies grow as they really wanted them to. Jed could see those guys who had once had similar builds to himself and he looked on with fascination, scrolling through their pictures and seeing exactly how they had grown. He could picture himself in those shots; gain an understanding of exactly how he would grow if he just kept on eating: how many more pounds until his chest started to swell and the rolls of fat began to form on his back. His resolve faded, despite his promises. He convinced himself that a couple of weekend workouts with Danny would be enough for him to continue dropping the pounds.That he could maintain his workplace snacks and late night take outs and not suffer the consequences. But, with an absolute inevitability and erotic thrill, Jed soon felt the familiar tightening of his clothes once more.
Jed remembered it clearly, a boring Wednesday evening in the middle of winter, when he had been exploring his interests in weight gain online: another new site, full of fat men and their admirers; packed with sexually charged exchanges and erotic recounts of their exploits. How many of these guys lived in this city? Jed thought to himself, searching through the profiles. His eyes bulged, seeing the familiar face and muscular body of a man he knew very well. So this was where Danny met all his lovers, Jed realised; his heart beating furiously as he clicked onto the profile.
Danny’s eye watering number of followers was testament to how well he kept his profile. As Jed scrolled through the pictures, he could see just how much Danny had sculpted his body into the sexy muscular physique he had today; so contrasting to the enormously overweight guys he occasionally pictured himself shirtless with. Jed was already hard as he continued through the profile, checking out Danny’s status updates over time. Then his jaw dropped as he found himself so obviously the subject of one of the updates:
‘I was so hard walking into the gym with my housemate’s boyfriend tonight. Three words, guys: FATTER THAN EVER!”
Jed could hardly believe it as he read more and more posts. It was as if Danny had been documenting the entire process of Jed’s gains for his many eager followers. There were pictures too; never identifiable ones; usually taken from behind as Jed had no idea.
“Look at this fat ass! I don’t think he even realises how insanely tight his clothes are getting. I can’t even begin to describe just how much I want to fatten this guy up,” Danny had posted longingly.
Jed couldn’t look anymore. He felt himself coming even as he tried to calm himself down and click off the page. His penis boiled over like a volcano, the orgasm strained and full of guilt. Jed clicked off the site, deleting his profile and vowing that he would never again return.
“Only 3 sets?” Jed laughed, seeing that Danny was already packing up his stuff at the gym and finishing at least twenty minutes earlier than Jed had anticipated; leaving tonight with barely a sweat on him.
“I’ve got a date this evening. He’s coming over to the house at eight” Danny explained, checking his cell phone once more. “I want to head to the supermarket first and get supplies in.”
Jed’s imagination sparked into life. Danny was having another date and he needed to pick up food supplies? Surely that could only have one incredibly kinky outcome. “I’ll come with you; help you carry the stuff home,” he offered kindly. “Shelly started streaming another dreadful reality show this week, so it’s better than having to go back and put up with that.
Danny nodded, accepting the company. “Just… don’t judge me, okay?” he cautioned without explaining what he was even referring to.
The shopping cart was loaded within a surprisingly short amount of time. Danny seemed pumped and enthused in a way that Jed had never seen him before; enjoying the dopamine of a spending spree. “Another cheesecake?” Jed laughed. “Do you really need that?”
Danny grinned. “I might… You don’t know the types of guys I like to arrange dates with. They’ve got to have a good appetite or I’m not interested.”
“So, you expect him to eat all of this?” Jed laughed, trying to hide his arousal at Danny’s wild expectations.
“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t get a kick out of seeing Shelly taking all this down!” Danny laughed. “I told you, you and I are one in the same.”
Jed had the sudden realisation that the prospect of feeding Shelly hadn’t crossed his mind in a long time and, now he really thought about it, the idea didn’t arouse him as much as it would have done, once upon a time. He followed Danny around the supermarket like an eager student, desperate to learn; then helped carry it all back to the house.
“What’s the blender for?” Jed asked, captivated by watching Danny prepare as soon as they got home.
“My special recipe!” Danny enthused, beginning to throw in a whole carton of whipping cream. “It’s basically pure fat and sugar. I try and make it taste good for them…” he explained, throwing in some chocolate sauce and vanilla powder, “...but, really, I’m not so bothered about that. It’s the calories I want; a massive overdose of them in one incredibly sexy shot!”
Jed’s dick was hardening as the blender roared on, mixing those carefully chosen, and highly fattening ingredients, into an innocently disguised chocolate shake. It was thick and oozy, pouring perfectly to the brim of a large flask without wasting any of it. “So, your date is going to drink that tonight?” Jed asked, his heart beating with excitement at the idea.
“I hope so,” Danny nodded. “He’s three hundred and ten pounds, but quite short, so his belly is pretty big! He claims he wants to be fattened up to four hundred. But, you know, sometimes they just tell you what you want to hear,” Danny shrugged, looking at Jed as if he understood exactly how his and Shelly’s brief foray into feederism had gone down.
Jed couldn’t settle upstairs, knowing that Danny was having his date just below him. Shelly had chosen a movie with the simplest, dumbest plotline, and yet, even that he was finding hard to follow. “Don’t go downstairs,” Shelly warned as Jed grabbed his empty glass. “Danny’s on a date, remember. Trust me, you don’t want to disturb them! Who knows what you could walk in on.”
Jed protested how thirsty he was, refusing to get water from the bathroom and insisting that he wanted one of his beers, given that it was Saturday night. He crept down, pushing his hardness up so that it was held down by the tight waistband of his pants. He hadn’t known what to expect; how kinky it would be once Danny got his hands on another fat boy. However, the sight that greeted him was fairly tame. Danny sat himself into the corner of the couch, with his date resting slightly against his strapping chest. His arm was draped over the fat guy’s shoulder, while his other hand gently rubbed the man’s admittedly very nicely developed gut.
“Sorry to disturb you…” Jed whispered as he crept into the kitchen and pulled out his pack of beers.
“It’s fine,” Danny replied, sounding bored as a movie played on the TV in front of them.
“Do you guys want anything while I’m in here?” he asked, trying to be helpful. “Some snacks, cheesecake, beers?” he listed, realising how much he wanted to see the feeding in action.
“I think you’re okay,” Danny replied. “We’re taking it slow…” he added, with a slight hint of irritation in his voice.
Running out of excuses to hover around, Jed took himself back upstairs. Shelly fell asleep straight after the movie, leaving Jed still wide awake, sat up reading his book and listening out for the sounds from downstairs. It wasn’t late when Jed heard Danny saying goodnight to his date and closing the door behind him.
Midnight ticked by and the curiosity in Jed’s mind was becoming unbearable. How much had Danny stuffed into his date? Had the guy left with an even larger, aching gut, barely able to waddle back to his car? How sexy that must be! He crept downstairs once more, into the silent darkness and noted with surprise how clean and tidy the kitchen was. Danny had plated everything up, taking over the refrigerator with the copious amounts that remained. How disappointing! Danny thought to himself, looking at it all. Shelly was going to hit the roof when she saw it; all that food, and no space for anyone else’s things. It was exactly the sort of thoughtlessness she loved to complain about in Danny. Jed wondered if he could rearrange it a little to make it all fit better, and avoid the drama of Shelly’s inevitable outburst. Some plates of things he could combine. The cheesecake looked great and would fit on the plate with the pastries if he cut a little off for himself.
Jed moaned as the creamy goodness melted onto his tongue. Somehow, it tasted so much better, knowing the Danny had picked it. That little slice had probably added more calories that he’d burnt going to the gym that afternoon, he realised with a chuckle. That’s why Danny had spent time studying the nutritional information on the back of the box, looking to find the most fattening one in the store. He felt his hardness throb at the memory of that; realising that he could probably fit a little more on that plate if he took another slice.
Maybe it was the six beers he’d quickly consumed up in Shelly’s bedroom that had knocked his self control, but as soon as that second slice of cheesecake hit his tongue, Jed felt a surge of sexual energy rip through his body. He picked up the pastries, one in each hand and bit into them with a feverish lust for consuming. The other plates came out and, overwhelmed by his own seemingly bottomless capacity, Jed began clearing them one by one. Everything he had told himself about needing to lose weight for Shelly was being slowly eroded. He never imagined that he could eat like this; his dick aching for those little strokes he gave it between each new item.
Jed could feel the sticky cream and grease smeared around his face. His stomach had bloated up, even larger than he had ever seen it before. Yet there, in the side of the refrigerator, completely untouched was the massive calorie shake he had seen Danny mix up earlier. He couldn’t, could he? It hadn’t been made for him. But his hand was already reaching for it, unscrewing the lid and turning it up to meet his lips. It felt thick as it hit his tongue and took a surprising amount of effort to swallow. But that was where the true eroticism seemed to emanate from: he had to want to swallow it down; to let the calories flood his body and fatten him. It was a choice he was making, to grow fatter and allow his love of blubber overwhelm him. He moaned quietly into the empty, upturned flask as he came inside his underwear one again.
Jed hadn’t worn his sweatpants in a little while. But he’d woken at 6am that Sunday morning, still feeling incredibly bloated and full from his stuffing only a few short hours before. Although a little less stretched, his tummy was round and hard. He threw on his largest t-shirt to try and conceal it. What had he done last night? It was by far the dumbest stunt of his life so far. How was he going to explain the sudden disappearance of all that food?
Jed got himself up and tiptoed downstairs, wondering how much of a mess he had made in the kitchen. He remembered trying to clean up, but all the beer, sugar and calories dominating his system had more than likely hindered the job. He was right. Crumbs and blobs of cheesecake covered the kitchen floor and counter. Chocolatey fingerprints smeared the front of the refrigerator, like some horrific crime scene. Plates were discarded in the sink and it was those Jed set about clearing up first. As the water ran, he didn’t hear the footsteps of Danny creeping up on him.
“I thought I cleaned this place last night?” Danny asked, dressed in only his underwear and rubbing his eyes sleepily. He opened the refrigerator, upon seeing the finger marks and raised his eyebrows in surprise. He looked over at Jed, seeing the empty flask that had once contained his fattening shake, almost washed clean and half immersed in the water. Jed had been caught red handed. “Well, well, well…” he smirked. “So that was you I heard rummaging around in here last night?”
A spark of panic ignited in Jed’s eyes. “Please don’t tell Shelly!” he blasted. It didn’t even occur to him to play it cool or blame someone else. “I’m supposed to be losing weight and… I don’t know… I don’t know why I did it!”
“There’s absolutely nothing left!” Jed laughed, taking another look in the fridge. “You’ve eaten every last bit!”
Jed blushed and turned, scrubbing the plates as if he could erase his mistakes just as easily as those grease marks and smears.
“Don’t panic. I won’t tell Shelly,” Danny’s calm voice stated behind him, seeming to sense his anxiety. He strutted over to lean on the counter beside Jed and tried to look him in his eyes. “But just tell me one thing,” he insisted. “Did you enjoy it? Eating like that?”
Jed didn’t look back at him. He always tried to avoid making eye-contact with Danny when he was half naked like this, but this time he tried for the briefest of seconds. “Yes,” he admitted guiltily.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jed saw the broadest smile fill Danny’s face. “Good man!” the guy nodded, giving Jed’s a little, friendly pat on his rear as he strolled back to his bedroom, leaving Jed to finish cleaning up his mess.
“I might go on the treadmill while you do your pull ups,” Jed mumbled, looking around the gym the next weekend. Despite his concerns, Danny had been remarkably unchanged with him; not once bringing up the embarrassing incident from the previous weekend on their way down there.
“No, just watch while I do this,” Danny replied, handing Jed his towel and beginning his routine. Even when he was pushing himself to his limit, Danny seemed able to hold a conversation; chatting away to Jed like this was all nothing to him.
Jed looked at his watch. They had been at the gym for forty minutes already and he had done absolutely nothing but chat to Danny that whole time. “I’d best get started on my treadmill cardio,” he chuckled, holding out Jed’s sweaty towel and rucksack for him to take back.
Danny looked down at the offering, not moving to take them. “You’re not going on the treadmill,” he stated with absolute certainty. “I’m just getting you out of the house so that Shelly doesn’t think you’re skipping the gym. You’re just going to hold my rucksack and towel and keep me company today.”
“Danny!” Jed whispered, almost in a panic as his friend wouldn’t take his stuff back, but went striding over to the next station. “I can’t do nothing the whole time we’re out!”
“You’re not doing ‘nothing’. Look! You’re doing a little bit of walking!” Danny teased as Jed followed him across the weights area. “Don’t argue with me,” he finally stated, turning to face Jed properly. “I’m your friend and I’m trying to help you. Just trust me!”
“But, Shelly…” Jed began.
“Fuck shelly!” Danny spat in frustration. “We’re doing this for you, not for her. Just be selfish for once in your life! You’ve made enough sacrifices for her. I’m not letting you make another one.” He took his stuff from Jed and threw the towel on the floor as he reached inside his bag, eventually pulling out a flask of protein shake and handing it to Jed.
“Is this what I think it is?” Jed asked, holding another huge helping of Danny’s special calorie shake.
“There’s another six of these back home too,” Danny nodded. “If you can get them down, they’ll give you exactly what you’re after.”
“And what’s that exactly?” Jed demanded.
Danny sighed and looked with the utmost sincerity at his friend. “Shelly is never going to let you enjoy this kink. I know she told you she was into it all when you were dating online, but she was just playing you. All she wanted was a handsome boyfriend with a good career. She simply told you what you wanted to hear! And now she’s got you living out a boring little existence; one that you never wanted.”
Jed frowned, wondering how Danny would even know all of this.
“But, this…” Danny implored, pushing the calorie shake even closer to Jed, “...is something you can do. It’s a pleasure that nobody can take it away from you. You just have to have the confidence to take it.”
Jed stared into the eyes of his friend offering him exactly what he had secretly desired for so long. That was when the realisation hit him and he knew with absolute certainty that everything he had ever known, was a complete lie.
Later that evening, Jed carried his heavy bag down the stairs, loaded with absolutely everything he had ever left in Shelly’s bedroom. Danny came out of his room, having already sensed what was going on from the raised voices as Jed and Shelly had argued upstairs. 
“I ended things,” Jed said with a sigh. 
“Look, I was being stupid before. I didn’t mean to make you doubt things and…”
“No, you were right,” Jed cut in. He gazed over Danny’s shoulder and laughed at how obvious it had been all along: the rows of books and LPs scattered on the bedside table, matching Jed’s tastes exactly. “You and Shelly never used to hate each other, did you?” he asked. “My guess is you were pretty good friends at one point. Good enough to help her find a guy who wouldn’t see her size as a problem?”
Danny looked on guiltily. “I swear, I thought you were just some catfish, or one of the usual flakes on those sites. I didn’t realise that guys like you even existed: genuine, honest, loyal men who were seeking a real connection. You’d message Shelly and she’d come to me, asking me to reply for her; making her sound more intelligent and into the same things that you were. She started boasting about you to her friends, and it was only when you told her you were falling in love with her that I realised we had gone too far. I’d made you believe that Shelly was an entirely different person. I stopped having anything to do with it. But then, there you were, moving your whole life to be with Shelly, just like that! I told her that she needed to tell you the truth and we… Well, we haven’t even spoken to each other since.”
Jed nodded. He appreciated Danny’s honesty, but he hadn’t needed any explanation. It had all clicked into place for him back at the gym. He’d spent a long time mourning the pen pal he had loved back before he moved here to be with Shelly. He so wished that she would become the fun, kinky, playful and funny person he had flirted with online. He’d hung on to their tired relationship for months because of it. Now that was over.
“Do you hate me?” Danny asked.
“No,” Jed replied straight away. “I could never… I just wish I had known, that’s all.” He started walking towards the front door but turned to look at Danny once more. “Was it special for you too? It wasn’t just in my head, was it? Those messages; there really was a genuine connection?”
Danny placed his hand over his heart as if to swear to his honesty. “I’ve never felt anything like it!” he nodded. “You were… you ARE the most incredible man I’ve ever met.”
Jed felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over him. He dropped his bag and stepped closer to Danny; so close that he could feel Danny’s breath on his face. “Prove it,” he demanded.
Danny brought his fingers towards Jed’s, and the pair gazed into each other’s eyes. Then, both together, their eyes closed and they leaned in for that first, perfect kiss. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that!” Danny sighed as their lips parted once more. He went in for another kiss, but Jed stopped him.
“Not here,” Jed whispered, gazing up at the ceiling towards Shelly’s bedroom. “It wouldn’t be fair.”
“No, you’re right,” Danny agreed, stepping back. “But, what now?”
“Now we… take a little time, explore things; see where this is going,” Jed considered, picking up his bag once more and flashing one of the open pockets to reveal Danny’s six flasks of calorie shakes, already packed and ready to go. “You’ll have to swing by my place and collect these at some point soon,” he smiled cheekily. 
“I’ll hold you to that,” Danny nodded back keenly, finally watching Jed leave the house for the last time.
Jed had taken a little longer than he anticipated before he was ready to get in touch with Danny. Now that he wasn’t saving for a dream apartment with Shelly, he’d decided that his current living arrangements could be improved, finding a tiny one bedroom place that he could easily afford to take on. It had been hard to get into the right headspace, leaving that whole imagined future he had mapped out with Shelly and swapping it for something new. Danny seemed to understand that, but when he finally came over to see the new place, he seemed awkward and shy, like their kiss hadn’t ever happened.
“I really thought you might quit your job and head back home now you’re single,” Danny rambled, taking in how nice and settled Jed seemed in his new apartment. 
“No way,” Jed chuckled. “I have too much to lose by leaving, and a lot to gain,” he grinned, slapping his little gut upon the pun.
“I certainly noticed that your tummy’s looking a little thicker,” Danny threw back, seemingly relieved that the conversation could move forward onto a subject they were both equally passionate about.
“Thanks,” Jed smiled, still rubbing the curve of his belly. “I think I have a bit of a skill for gaining weight. It’s such a satisfying feeling when your clothes are getting tighter. A couple of the girls in work have been rather flirty since they found out I’m single again. It’s the last thing I need right now, so kick-starting a properly fat gut was a priority for me. Plus, I really wanted to impress you when you came over.”
“Well, consider me impressed!” Danny marvelled, stepping closer. “May I?” he asked, with his hand out ready to feel the shape of Jed’s protrusive belly. 
“Be my guest,” Jed nodded keenly, raising his arms a little to give the handsome man easier access.
It was hard to describe how pleasurable it felt to have Danny’s large, warm, appreciative hand sliding over the curve of Jed’s larger belly. His fingers were experts at finding the softness and detecting where the freshest fat had placed itself. It was as if they had known Jed’s body their whole life and were marvelling in even the finer details of his transformation. 
Jed lifted his shirt up to allow Danny’s fingers to touch his bare skin underneath the shirt and, from the deep moan of delight the guy let out, Jed could tell that Danny was getting just as aroused as he was. When Jed took off his shirt completely, their open, horny mouths fell into each other and, for the first time, Jed’s own hands began to explore Danny’s muscular physique that was now so much different to his own.
“You’re getting so fat!” Danny whispered between kisses. “You’re even getting proper tits!” he exclaimed, sliding his fingertips over the increasingly pointed nipples.
Jed wondered how every single word that came out of Danny’s mouth was so supercharged with eroticism. The way his hands felt up his body, it was like he was being touched for the first time. He’d never imagined his bizarre sexual fantasies, that he had tried to suppress for so long, being catered for with such perfection. It was no surprise that when Danny’s roaming hand found its way to his crotch, his hardness was like concrete.
The pair pulled away, breathless with lust, but knowing that they couldn’t rush straight into the bedroom. They had only just been reacquainted and this was, after all, still very new to them both. Danny tried to shake it off, walking over to the kitchen and opening the refrigerator door out of curiosity and a need to keep himself busy. However, the sight that greeted him made him laugh out loud. “Shit! No wonder you’re getting so fat!” he shouted, picking up a box of cream cakes and suspiciously thick homemade milkshakes in the same flasks he had taken from Danny the last time he had seen him..
“If you want to be a fat guy, you have to eat like one,” Jed stated with absolute certainty. The more fat he had gained and the higher he had witnessed the scales climbing up and up, the more confident he was that he needed to be very large indeed.
“Let’s drink to that!” Danny smiled, swinging the refrigerator door closed whilst holding two large flasks of gainer shake, ready to pour them both down Jed’s throat for the first time.
“I think my mom likes you more than she does me,” Jed joked as the pair of them drove back to the hotel, midway through their weekend in Jed’s hometown. Two years had gone by since they’d got together and Jed couldn’t even imagine being happier. “If it weren’t for how fat you’re making me, I think she would be signing the adoption papers right now!”
Danny grinned and took one hand off the steering wheel to pat the enormous, proud gut that protruded from Jed’s torso. Maybe it was the extreme stuffings or how consistently Jed had been overdosed on calories every single day since they made it official, but the man had fattened up like a dream. At well over four hundred pounds, there wasn’t a single part of his body that had been spared from the transformation; even with his great height. It drove them both wild how much the lard had taken over now; how it sat on his body and jiggled when he walked. “I don’t think your family realise that I’m going to have you over five hundred by the time we get married.”
“Five hundred, huh?” Jed grinned. “I thought we both said we’d try and set four-fifty as the limit?” he asked with a wry smile.
“I think we were both a little naive if we thought we’d be able to stop there, don’t you?” Danny stated with complete seriousness.
Jed’s hardness pulsed, just like it always did with the way Danny described the inevitability of his situation. His feeder had been there every step of the way: letting out his pants, training up his capacity and indulging him in the most erotic ways imaginable. Tomorrow they were going to be meeting up with a few of Jed’s old high school buddies and even the thought of that would be enough to make him power his way through the mountains of food back in their room later tonight. It was the way Danny was so unafraid to enjoy his body, no matter who was around them: the rubs across his belly, the hand sliding across his big, broad butt. There wasn’t a soul alive who couldn’t recognise that Jed had asked a feeder to marry him; with all the blubbery consequences that delivered for his once athletic body. It was strange, yes; but everyone could see how well they bounced off each other; how Jed’s sense of humour was matched so wickedly with Danny’s, as well as their passions and values.
As Jed had wandered into his old bedroom back at his mom’s place that afternoon, he tried to imagine the man he had once been, first dipping his hand into his interests by messaging Shelly and falling so erroneously in love with her. He remembered how hard he had come, looking at all that blubber on her body; blubber that now draped across his own overfed and overindulged physique. What would his old self say if he saw him now? That guy who had not yet unlocked the key to where his love of fat truly lay. They’d found a drawer full of Jed’s old clothes, amusing and arousing them both in equal measure with how ridiculous it was now to imagine such an obese man wearing them. No doubt Danny would squeeze him into that tiny shirt later and use how horny it made him to pump Jed full to the brim with calories that would make yet another pair of work pants too tight. However hard the guy had been at making him work out in the gym was nothing compared to how uncompromisingly he pushed those calories onto him.
“Are you ready?” Danny asked as they pulled up in the car park, spinning to unclip his seat belt and then Jed’s too; lifting it up and over the man’s large stomach. “We want you looking nice and big for everyone tomorrow. You know how horny it makes me showing you off to everyone in your hometown.”
As if on cue, Jed’s stomach gave a rumble. Neither of them chuckled at the perfect timing of it. They only smiled and leaned in for yet another loving kiss.
“Let’s grow this belly!” Jed smiled, ready to impress the person he knew he had always truly been meant to be with.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
GARRUS VAKARIAN PROMPTS (ME1 & ME2) *  assorted dialogue, adjust as needed
give me more time. stall them!
i want something to go right. just once.
i know you want to talk about this... but i don't. not yet.
been better, but it sure is good to see a friendly face.
i've been thinking about what we talked about.
can i ask you something?
as if we needed more reasons to avoid touching things in here.
i brought wine.
we can disobey suicidal orders? why wasn't i told?
i just don't see the point in staying quiet and polite.
i want to know i did the right thing.
throw me a line here.
damn, saying it that way doesn't help.
your hair looks... good. and your waist is... very supportive.
it was my own damn fault.
there's more to it than that.
more than one way to work off stress, i guess.
i was hoping you'd say that.
i like to expect the worst. there's a small chance i'll be pleasantly surprised.
it's so much easier to see the world in black and white. gray... i don't know what to do with gray.
i didn't think you'd feel like sparring.
let's get going. i need some distance from this place.
i'm fit for duty whenever you need me.
it's not a perfect plan, but it's a plan.
you're kicking ass.
one of my people betrayed me.
thanks for coming by.
you realize this plan has me walking into hell, too.
you were taking your sweet time. i needed to get you moving.
all i have to do is point my gun and shoot.
now i feel dirty and clinical.
i've seen so many things go wrong.
i thought you were dead.
some women find facial scars attractive.
everyone i talk to is polite, anyway.
looks like that's all of them.
are we crazy to even be thinking about this?
why do people always assume we enjoy putting ourselves in harm's way?
i'll be here if you need me.
i'm with you regardless.
i came across something suspicious.
something about him rubs me the wrong way.
i can't find any hard evidence.
do things right, or don't do them at all.
maybe they'll listen to you.
wait. that metaphor just went somewhere horrible.
i think i preferred blind optimism.
my face is barely holding together as it is.
i'll make you a deal. you get me out of here alive, and i'll tell you the whole damn thing.
never knew you had a weakness for men with scars.
i've got some things to take care of.
i gave them hope, and now they're dead. shows what i know.
i just couldn't take it anymore.
it wasn't easy. i really had to work at it.
you can count on me.
i don't need you to agree with me, but i'd like your help.
don't make me laugh, damn it.
this wasn't covered in my training manuals.
yeah, i see your point.
the damn bureaucrats are always on your back.
there wasn't time to think! i just reacted!
are you hurt?
just like old times.
nobody would give me a mirror. how bad is it?
tough bastards. but i've seen worse.
you can do what you do best.
i am amazed that they teamed up to fight me.
they wouldn't listen.
i wish i had your confidence.
there were several reasons, i guess.
i'm right behind you.
an eye for an eye, a life for a life.
i've seen some interesting things.
they were all ignoring you and hitting on me. 'bout time you got a fair shot.
take me with you when you go.
you don't ever have to worry about making me uncomfortable. nervous, yes, but never uncomfortable.
well... i guess we're done here.
need me for something?
don't worry. we're all working together.
this is your show.
i'm coming with you.
they're coming in through the doors.
that's pretty... extreme.
half of us don't even trust you.
damn it. they've breached the lower level.
i'll stay up here. i can do a lot of damage from this vantage point.
that's sort of why i teamed up with you.
i wanted to fight injustice, wanted to help people.
i knew what was really going on.
and here i thought i had my betrayal and attempted murder for this year.
thanks for bringing me on board.
well... why the hell not?
if there's anything else i can do to help... anything. just tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it.
you better get down there.
now's not the best time to become an optimist.
i know what they're like.
you're free to handle things your way.
sometimes it feels like the rules are only there to stop me from doing my work.
if we can figure out a way to make it work... then... yeah. definitely.
let's see what they're up to.
figured i could do more good on my own.
turns out there was more going on than we first realized.
if i'm trying to take down a suspect, it shouldn't matter how i do it, so long as i do it.
that's why i left.
people here needed someone to believe in.
you prove that you get things done, and people join up.
they must really hate me.
this isn't about that. this is about us.
i wish we'd joined up with them sooner.
well, they had to use their brains eventually.
i guess my father had something to do with it, too.
either way, i plan to make the most of this.
maybe i can get the job done my way for a change.
i know you're doing everything you can.
do you really think there's more to know?
it's just a name the locals gave me.
glad to see you haven't changed.
you're about the only friend i've got left in this screwed up galaxy.
at least it's not hard to find criminals here.
i can't exactly doubt your judgement.
i appreciate you taking the time to help me.
they never stood a chance.
there's nobody in this galaxy i respect more than you.
i know you can find something a little closer to home.
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awonderfulliar · 5 months
We match. Part 2
Banda Sunato x reader
here's part 1: https://at.tumblr.com/awonderfulliar/we-match/mc444pdw7f6k
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It had been a few hours since you and Banda had began walking. He was still holding your hand. That was quite strange actually. Why the hell was he holding it? Why aren't you doing anything about it? Safe to say, your cheeks were getting warmer each time he caressed your skin with his thumb. Silence could have seemed weird to anyone else, anywhere else. But here, in the Borderlands, with you two: it didn't feel that strange. Quite natural actually. Very natural even. You thought he was very attractive (even if a bit psychotic, you'll admit) and he seemed to have taken enough interest in you to keep you alive in the jack of hearts game. You owed him your life even if you didn't want to accept it. Or maybe you already accepted it. Maybe you wanted to owe him something. It was easier this way: you could pretend to have a valid reason to be this enticed by his person.
What even where you doing? Why did you ask him to come with you? And why did he, a serial killer, accept? Banda wasn't quite sure if he understood his previous choices or what the best course of actions was. He was just a tiny bit lost right now. It was pleasant, sure, but almost scary for him. Almost. He liked the way your skin felt against his. He wanted to explore this feeling, he wanted his skin to know yours better. It wasn't sexual (or not entirely at least); it just felt like a normal craving, like thirst and hunger.
However, real hunger pointed its nose as it you two hadn't eaten in now quite a while. You let go of his hand to hold your stomach as a growl as starting to escape out of it. It wasn't loud but he heard it.
-What do you think? You ironically answered with a very small smile.
Banda turned around and started walking away from you as you stopped to watch him.
-You're not gonna find food back there... we would've seen it otherwise.
He didn't respond and started wandering off the path. You just stood there watching him getting further and further away.
-C'mon Banda, you're gonna get lost.
You didn't know what to do. You didn't want to stay there like that. But if you left he wouldn't find you again. So you went against your better judgement and waited. That gave you a chance to think. What were you doing with that guy? What were you thinking taking his hand like he was some kind a romantic interest in this awful, terrifying world? This wasn't the time to feel this way for anyone... especially not for a sociopath like him. You should leave. You should run off. Right now. Why aren't you leaving right now?
-Still hungry?
You emerged out of your sea of thoughts to find Banda in front of you with a dead rabbit in his hand and a soft smile on his lips. It was so weird to see him smile in broad daylight. You somewhat wanted to see more of it. You forgot to show the disgust you had for the killed animal he held. You just smiled in return.
-Yeah, my hunger didn't disappear in five minutes. Of course I'm still hungry.
You two stopped, started a fire, and Banda prepared the rabbit. The sun started to set and the light of the flames shun or Banda's forearms. You eyed his movements, wondering how a man trapped in such a horrible landscape could be so calm, precise, collected, and... sweet. You pinched yourself at that thought. He wasn't sweet. He didn't blink at all those dead people at the game. He didn't care.
-It's ready.
"Thanks" did you say as he handed you a leg of the rabbit. You both ate in silence. He watched you with his usual calm look. You, on the other hand, weren't calm. The stress, fatigue, or something else made you bite your tong harshly at the last bite of your food. You hissed in pain and closed your eye by reflex. When you opened them, Banda was standing near you. His hand was levitating over your thigh, not touching it yet.
-Are you okay? He said in a funny tone, amused at the situation.
-Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing.
As you spoke, he noticed your teeth were stained with blood, not from diner, but your own.
-Open your mouth.
-Damn... buy a girl dinner first, alright?
-I did.
You laughed slightly as your lips spread in smile bigger than it should have been. He smiled too, yet again calm, resting his hand on your thigh. You opened your mouth.
-It's not deep, but still... what if it gets infected?
-It's in my mouth... it's not going to get infected. Nothing's getting in there.
He smiled again. You wanted to laugh and kid around again with him but as you were going to say something, noises came from your left.
A group of people were coming your way. Banda grabbed your hand hastily and rushed away from the noises. Next thing you know you were running. Your hand in his. A branch scratched your face, leaving a fine cut on your cheek. The freezing air made it impossible for you to notice; you couldn't feel your face. Actually, you couldn't feel anything beside Banda's hand holding yours. You could hear the sound of your feet running on the ground. You could hear him breathing heavily next to you, not yet out of breath like you were.
You stopped. You had no more breath, or energy in you. Banda looked at you. Your hands had separated when you ceased running. Your chest was going up and down, trying to find what you needed to keep running. He watched your chest heave with panic at each trembling breath. He held out his hand towards you, trying to get you to grab it. You looked at him straight in his eyes. You gathered all of the breath you had gotten back to say:
-Why did we run? We don't know who those people were. They could have been friendly.
-Have you ever met someone friendly in these lands?
You stared at him straight in the eyes with a look in your eyes that was meant to say "are you not supposed to be friendly? Am I not, myself, friendly?". His eyes slowly lowered to the ground.
-It's not supposed to be like this you know. His voice was calm, low, hardly hearable. He raised his hand to swipe the drop of blood from the cut on your cheek. We're not supposed to be friendly, you and I. You took his hand hand lowered it, leaving his hand in yours. We're supposed to betray each other at some point, to let the other die, or worst, kill them.
-The world is not supposed to be like this. And as the words continue flowing, you let his hand go. He doesn't move. We shouldn't be playing these games. They're the ones that are wrong. They're the ones that should be fixed, not us, not our behavior to one another. I won't betray you. I'm tired of betraying people. It's not right. It shouldn't be.
-It's the way it is, I'm afraid.
-Will you betray me? You looked at Banda with an impassive look in your eyes. You didn't want him to see his answer would affect you more than it should.
He didn't answer. Just starred at you with, for the first time, a worried look on his face. He wasn't worried about you betraying him. He wasn't worried about him betraying you. He was worried about him not betraying you. He was worried about his implacable sense of survival, his careless intelligence being affected by you. By a person he just met a few days ago. He was worried about what you would... or what you could do to him.
But you didn't see that. You saw a young man you thought you could trust incapable of confirming he wouldn't betray you. And in these trying times, you couldn't risk it.
-Then... Banda... I guess this is goodbye.
You turned around, and walked. Away. Away from him. Away from the uncertainty that came with feelings. It was okay, you guessed, to leave someone you weren't sure would stand by you no matter what. It was okay, you thought, to leave.
It had been a few days since you left Banda in the woods. Right now, you needed to "renew your visa". In other words, you needed to participate in a game. So you picked a "hide and seek" you found in the streets and decided, once again, to risk your life for the pleasure of uncertainty of death.
The game began. You started running around, avoiding the men in horses' masks and climbing different walls to stay hidden. At some point, you were cornered by a seeker with an assault riffle and a guy you had met in a previous game who wanted you dead. He remembered, for you survived in that game by betraying his fiancee. She died because of you. He wasn't letting you pass him, leaving you helpless to face a tall man with a gun and a mask. As you were realizing that you were quite in a pickle, a shadow passed the guy blocking your way and a knife quickly made its way to your opposant's back. You weren't looking his way though, more focused on the horse head guy that had just noticed your presence. As his finger pulled the trigger, a hand grabbed your shoulder, pulling you toward the escape. You had no time to assess the situation, as the same hand that saved you, was grabbing yours and making you run away from the man with the riffle. As you found yourself in a safe looking corned, you saw your last minute savior. Banda. You wanted to say something but something was making you dizzy. So dizzy that you fell unconscious the next minute.
When you woke up, Banda was sitting near you. You could only see his back. You didn't make a sound. You looked down to see a bandage covering your whole stomach, a red stain on your left side. Your shirt was lying next to a metal plate with what looked like the pieces of a small bullet. A dirty cup of water and a weird soup were disposed not far from Banda's calm body. You grabbed the water in silence and brought it to your lips. As you drank, some water spilled on your chest, making you shiver. A bra and a pair of pants weren't enough to keep you warm. Banda turned around as he heard you put the cup down.
-You're awake. Good. How do you feel?
-Why did you save me?
-How do you feel?
You didn't answer him in an immature attempt to regain control of a situation long gone out of your area of comfort.
-I followed you. Wasn't hard to. I saw you were in difficulty. I intervened.
-I thought your little speech about not betraying people and helping one another was quite inspiring.
-I never said we should help each other.
-It was implicit.
You looked away for a second. The sun was rising. It was a nice view.
-Thank you. Did you say, your head turned away from him.
-Again. How do you feel? Did he say, his gaze still locked on you.
You touched a bit of the blood that was dripping from the bandage, and touched the left side of his stomach with the tip of your fingers.
-Look! We match.
You smiled in an idiotic childlike manner, forgetting it was blood and not paint you had on your hand.
-We do.
He smiled back in that enigmatic way that drew you in the first time you two met. You leaned a bit closer, the pain in your stomach not being able to convince your body to stay away from Banda's. He leaned in too, his eyes sparking with a tiny bit of curiosity. You laughed at the strangeness of the situation and your lips touched on his. You finally kissed him, with the fervor of people who had waited enough to do as they like. He kissed you back, putting his right hand on your back to support your body's weight. His calm attitude got overtaken by what seemed to you like excitation and you felt the laid back demeanor switch to a more passionate encounter. You smiled against his lips only for him to say:
-No, I won't betray you.
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
Complete Me — harringrove
One month after Neil died, Billy gets mail.
It was two weeks after the funeral—a measly affair organized by Susan and attended only by him and Steve. Billy is sure Steve wouldn't have gone if he hadn't insisted, but he also knows his boyfriend would follow him to the ends of the world if he asked. He'd gone farther, even, traveling through what Billy now knew was the Upside Down to return him home.
The dread the clung to Billy's chest as he grabbed the envelope should have clued him in. It should have warned him, should have done anything to prepare him for what was contained within.
We cordially invite Mr. William Hargrove and one guest to the union of Mr. Roger Danielson and Mrs. Lily Hargrove.
It was a wedding invitation for a ghost, for the parent who felt more dead than his father even now.
He'd held the cardstock tightly in his hands, sitting unmoving on the couch long past when his joints had gone stiff. All he could do was run his fingers gently over the name, like that could somehow ease the storm brewing within. That was how Steve found him, five hours later when he'd gotten off of work.
"We don't have to go, you know," Steve reminded him months later from the passenger seat of his own BMW, having allowed Billy to drive most of the way because he wanted the distraction.
Billy just gripped the wheel tightly when they passed the shiny 'Welcome to California' sign. "Yeah we do, Steve."
That was how Steve knew just how badly his boyfriend was hurting. It felt like he hadn't called him by his actual name in ages, not since he'd taken down the Mind Flayer all on his own, not since that first strange flicker of light that clued Steve in that he was still alive.
Steve knew they had to go. He knew from the moment he'd leaned over Billy's unmoving shoulder that day, read the words and felt his heart sink into his chest. He knew when Billy had finally broken down a week later, sobbing into Steve's arms because she had known where he was all along, and she never came. Not when Neil moved them out of California after people became too suspicious of the bruises, not when there was a highly publicized funeral for the son who was killed in a tragic mall accident, not when that son made a miraculous return to life eight months later.
She never showed up, and yet Billy would be there on her day. Steve wished he could beg Billy not to go, to stay in Hawkins and help Lucas practice for the big basketball game coming up, help El with her high school homework and Max with her driving. He wanted to tell him that she wasn't his family anymore, hadn't been since she'd abandoned him with a monster, that his family was in a small fucking town in the middle of Nowhere, Indiana. Steve also knew, though, that he would have to decide that for himself. So he helped Billy pack up the car and set out across the country to chase a ghost, because where wouldn't he go for his love?
The wedding wasn't a small affair like Billy had pictured, but rather a full church of people he didn't know, all celebrating a woman he didn't know. It hurt worse to find that he didn't even recognize his mother when she came through the big double doors. She'd dyed her hair a darker hue in the last decade, no longer matching his blond curls. She'd ditched the carefree, free-flowing outfits for what looked like a sophisticated, traditional dress. He could have sworn he remembered a sparrow tattooed on the back of her left shoulder, but there was nothing left to show for it.
This wasn't the woman he remembered. This wasn't the woman from the beach that had saved him from the Mind Flayer. This was a woman who was no less a stranger than the man she was marrying.
Billy wanted to retch. He smiled and clapped when they kissed instead.
"We don't have to go to the reception, we can leave," Steve offered, always checking up on him at the right times, like Steve could see straight into his chest and pick through all the emotions swirling there that even Billy couldn't identify by name. Maybe he really could.
"I have to go," Billy answered back just as softly, softer than his voice had been in years. He thinks it might be the salty California air. They weren't far from the beach now, weren't far from the waves he had once considered his freedom. He used to survive solely on the image of returning here someday, but now he thinks he might die if he ever came back, like a fish once they've acclimated to new water conditions.
So they went to the reception. Billy didn't drink, hadn't since El had cried to him that the excess beer was making her sad, so he didn't now. Steve did, slim fingers wrapped around a champagne flute that he barely sipped at, maybe there more for looks than anything else.
Billy didn't think Steve had let go of his hand once since the start of the wedding ceremony, suspected that he wouldn't until getting to the hotel.
On any other day, he might've told himself it was because Steve was capitalizing on their time in California, in the state that was okay with people like them more than anywhere else. Today, though, he knew it was because his boyfriend thought he'd crumble to pieces without the physical grounding. Billy thinks that might be true.
"William! Oh, I'm so glad you made it," a familiar voice sent ice through his back, paralyzing him faster than the Mind Flayer's sickening tendrils had. He didn't turn, knowing she was behind him. He squeezed his eyes shut and wished it was pretend, wished this was all a bad dream and he'd wake up in the shitty apartment him and Steve rented after the Harringtons kicked their own son out. But then a soft hand was on his shoulder and a breath he'd been holding since he was eight years old finally eased out because he still knew the touch of his mother's hand.
So he turned when that hand guided him to do so, hearing Steve say something about getting another drink as an excuse even when his flute was still full. He was giving him time, letting him commune with ghosts.
"Oh, you're so grown up," she cooed, face melting in what could only be described as adoration. "My baby's so handsome."
And that. He wanted to snarl, wanted to lift his tucked in shirt and show her the vine-like scars that wrapped around nearly every inch of his body. He wanted to rip into his chest and pulled out the heart that she'd marred herself, the one that Steve had carefully hand-sown back together a decade after she'd torn it.
Instead, he forced out, "It's Billy."
"Right, I remember reading that in the newspaper." This was his mother, standing there in a white dress and talking to him casually as if no time had passed, as if she hadn't left him. "I'm so happy you made it, Roger thought it was silly of me to even try inviting you but I knew my baby boy would come."
"You left," Billy answered dully, wishing he had a glass or a hand to wrap his fingers around but instead finding purchase in the fleshy part of his palm. "You left me with him."
His mother's entire expression fell. She at least had the sense to look guilty, eyes tilting down to stare at the bottom hem of her dress before looking back at him. "I don't want to talk about such sad things on a happy day, Willi—Billy."
"I didn't want to spend ten years of my life getting the joy beat outta me either," Billy snapped, unsure where the anger was coming from. He normally had a good handle on it these days, working it out through exercising or punching a pillow as Steve had so thoughtfully suggested. This though, resembled the rage from before. The all-consuming rage that threatened to destroy him, made him the perfect host for that Thing, made him nearly burn himself to the ground.
"Billy, please. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time. I'm sorry I didn't take you with me."
"Steve was right, I shouldn't have come," Billy forced out, turning his head because she didn't get to see his tears, not after everything she hadn't been around to see. Instead he looked at his darling boyfriend, leaning against the bar and nervously talking to who Billy thinks is his Great Aunt Karen. He was running a hand through that perfectly styled hair, sipping at his champagne at a rate Billy could only call rapid. His shoulders were shaking in a laugh, but it wasn't the real one that made his entire head tilt back and his face brighten like a star.
"I saw you with him. You two look happy together," his mother brought him back to the conversation. He still didn't look at her, didn't know if he ever could again. "Can I meet him?"
Billy used to dream about this exact question. When he'd been in the hospital after coming back from the Upside Down, when Steve gave up his life of wealth and influence for a shitty apartment with him, when Billy felt like the Mind Flayer had carved out a piece of him he'd never get back, he used to picture his mother coming back, asking to meet Steve. They'd have dinner together, and she'd love Steve too because she could see how happy he made her son. He thought it would be the moment that would complete him, but as he stood there in front of his mother with everything playing out perfectly like a movie, he can't help but stare at Steve and think he was completed long ago, by someone who smelled of Farrah Fawcett hairspray and whose lips tasted like honey and cigarettes.
"No, you can't," Billy supplied simply, "Goodbye, Mom."
He ignored her shouts for him, striding easily over to Steve and taking that hand back in his. Steve's brown eyes searched his own but the weight he'd carried for a decade had been lifted already.
"You ready to hit the beach, Pretty Boy?"
And Steve was, God he was ready, because where wouldn't he go for Billy?
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writing-frenzy · 8 months
Kurosaki Fam Isekai - The Shiba question
So I had an alcoholic slushy, was thinking of ideas and such, when I go slammed by this idea for the Isekai: Kurosaki Family addition.
Like, just the thought of Isshin, Ichigo, and Karin, all who look like dead ringers for his dad's side of the family(Yuzu is all her mother, with maybe her nose or her eye shape from her father's side), but then also for this big name Noble family? Like, Ichigo could be a dead ringer for the clan head? Karin could be Kukaku's long lost daughter/sister? And Isshin... yeah, it's like someone decided to just print and stamp everything Shiba on this man that they could, from his Personity to his *gestures at his everything* yeah, it must be obvious that Isshin is either from a completely lost branch of the family, or someone had a bastard they didn't admit to...
But now I'm thinking of what the Shiba family could be in this world, because a part of me wants Kaien alive for shits and giggles >:3 but that also means I got to get a better idea of just how this world works and where everyone is.
So first things first, how can we have a relation between the two :D
Simple answer: Isekai Harem Protagonist~ The guy got around and had quiet a few kids poping out before he got back home to have an actual family (still probably had two wives).
(Darker answer: So, an Isekai Protag may have been summoned/tripped through a hole in realities/random bullshit, found a way home, but had to make a deal for it; his bloodline is strong and powerful with unlimited potential, and at the time, the protag picked the lesser of the wicked nobles, a Family still proud and very high up, but heavily diminished but with plenty of daughters at the time. He went with the one family that he knew would keep their word, would honor his own wish to be back with his own family, so thus he made sure each child he had managed to be born safely, offered whatever protection he could to them (maybe used a bit of magic to make sure they could protect themselves, until they had the strength to do it themselves) before he finally was able to return, changed and a little broken, but his family ecstatic and there for him every step of the way through his healing process. He can't, won't be able to get into a relationship, still broken, still remembering the children he had left behind, but accidents happen, and when he finds his one night stand is pregnant, wanting to keep the child because this is her one shot at a family, he honors her, marries her, supports her and the child, even as he can't actually be there for them. It is from this child that Isshin is descended from.)
So yeah :D pick your poison, its all leading the same in a way.
So anyways, I'm gonna say the Shiba Clan, one of the Four Great Noble Houses of Seireitei, is probably a highly combat Magic/ Craftsmen's family. They have their own Family Magics, along with Family Secret Recipes and Books passed down generation to generation, along with devastating potential with their powers. They are also a Clan that puts Family before anything else really, and it shows in their long and infamous History. (The Shiba Clan has gone to War, to fight, to slaughter more times can be counted, when one of their children, their wives, their loved ones have been threatened; and they never regret it.)
What this means, is that the City the Kurosaki Family goes to is not of the Kingdom of Seireitei, because in no way would the Shiba Clan leave them alone if they were. No, I'm gonna say it's a pretty Famous Neutral Land, where say, a bunch of people in exile can escape too, pay for protection in knowledge and skills and be left well enough alone as long as they are willing to assist in the Kingdom's darkest moments. (Does not look at a certain Shop Keeper and some of his Regulars who never buy anything but still seem to trade at times) Like was said before, the Kurosaki Fam stayed in this City because no matter what the rest of the world was going through, it never actually fell.
So what this means is that most people don't clock the Kurosaki fam as Shiba relations; for one, most of the people they interact with never had a reason to have ever met a Shiba, what with them being High Seireitei Nobility and all. Even when the group was traveling around, they mostly avoided canon places in the story that would have problems, Isshin and Ichigo being protective. When they had to, they tried not to stay long, just enough for the girls too rest from all the traveling and to resupply and maybe find another caravan group to travel with.
(But now I'm hit with the thought of maybe some Academy Students, some Shiba's mixed in, or some Officers from the military see some of the Kurosaki members, double taking, spit taking, just jaw dropped before they try to track them down for a whole day, only to be left with rumors and whispers. It happens in a few of the cities that the Kurosaki fam traveled through, but no one is able to catch these sword wielding(?) Shiba's.
It's all very funny, at least for those watching from the side lines)
Like, I'm even imagining when Ichigo had entered the Shoten all that time ago, Urahara's brain was racing so damn fast, wondering if they had a message from Kukaku, were here to snoop on the Gotei's behalf, to even if it was Kaien just badly disguised. Kurosaki Ichigo was a surprise, to say the least (oh, and just how that boy kept surprising him).
And like, I'm just imagining a meeting, like, maybe the kids first, because all the misunderstandings, like,
"WHO HAD KIDS AND JUST LEFT THEM TO ROT!!!??" Like, people are wondering at first if maybe Ichigo and the girls were maybe stolen, to honey trapped children, to bastards and all. Like, serious full on debates and shit, escpally when they hear about a 'father'.
Then Unsarcastic B+ Parent Isshin comes in like a wrecking ball, two wedding rings hanging from a necklace and behaving like any true Shiba; including the Papa Bear protecting his cubs and all, his smile more a bearing of teeth ready to rip though anyone trying to threaten them.
("Which ever old fart it is, I'm gonna kill them." "What if they're already dead?" "Obviously revive them, yell at them, then kill them for good this time.")
Just- it's so beautiful :3 I imagine the Kurosaki Fam won't be moving anytime soon, their home is the city, but if their is one thing that would tempt them, it's that the Shiba Family would be the perfect teachers for sweet little Yuzu, sweet little spring child who's getting a bit too much into poisons thanks to a certain Shop Keeper. (Psst, go read Stunted Empathy Verse on Chershiresense's tumble, so good, so creepy.) also, when it in fact turnws out they are in fact related to the Shiba in a bit distantly, Isshin staring as he questions his family tree and everything he knew about them heavily, while the Kurosaki Siblings too stare, each reacting in their own unique ways.
On the Shiba's part, they are stunned they missed an entire branch of their family somewhere, now wondering if there is any other family under the woodworks (the other noble families are now as well wondering as well, because they have a feeling that the Shiba's in search will in fact find other family bastards; it seems their luck.)
Welp, this is that, feel free to ask me any questions about any aus and such)
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