#like what the fuck! do they get told before hand? i would leave!
hqbaby · 20 hours
twelve — i think you do
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2k content. profanity, naoya’s annoying, reader and sukuna suck at feelings
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You probably should’ve known the way this day was going to unfold with how it started. How did it start, you ask? Oh, with the most appropriate of things: A broken elevator.
It didn’t help that you also had absolutely no time for this shit. You had woken up late after spending most of the night tossing and turning and thinking, against your will, about the kiss you shared with your best friend just yesterday. The stupid kiss that came out of nowhere, the one you did not expect at all, the one you… actually liked.
But never mind that. You can think about that later. All you know is that the shitty domino effect of events has led you here, running into your class’ lecture hall—the class that you’re not quite sure you’re going to pass—only to sit at the very back, where there’s absolutely no way you’re not going to doze off.
“Oh, look at the odds.”
You turn to look at the guy sitting to your right. Fucking Naoya.
He’s looking at you with a wide smirk on his face and it’s taking everything in you to not just punch it off. 
You’ve always hated the guy. Ever since you and Satoru started dating and he introduced you to his housemates. You liked the other boys. Suguru, Yuji, and Yuta. They were all sweet and they were all kind to you, the initially nervous girlfriend, so much so that you all ended up becoming friends. You liked Satoru’s housemates. All of them except Naoya.
You don’t know what it is about him that you hate so much. Is it the snarky remarks? Is it the annoying way he keeps showing up in your classes? Is it the fact that he always had something to say about you and Satoru’s relationship? Is it the—
“I heard about you and Sukuna.”
You glare at him. Fuck Naoya.
“Unlike you, I’m actually here to learn,” you tell him quietly, unlike him and his disregard for the people around you. “So if you would just shut up, that would be great.”
You’re able to catch a few of the professor's words, quickly jotting them down on your tablet, before Naoya is leaning over onto your desk and reaching for a strand of your hair. You grab his hand before he touches it.
He just grins at you, all smug and absolutely shitty. “You’d be prettier if you smiled.”
“I will break your wrist.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
You throw his hand away and shove him off of your desk. “Leave me alone, asshole.”
“You sure do have a thing for bad ideas,” he muses aloud, a few of the people in front of him glancing backwards because he is just talking so loud. “You’d think after Satoru, you’d learn your lesson. Guess athletes really aren’t that smart.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. You know he’s just being himself, his obnoxious, mean self, but some part of you can’t help but believe his words. They’re stupid, you know that, but they manage to get to you.
They always do.
You look at him and purse your lips. “I just wanna get through this class,” you say. “I’ll listen to your bullshit after. Just let me actually pay attention so I don’t flunk out of here.”
His grin grows wider. “Okay,” he says, leaning back in his seat. “Who am I to stand in the way of your education?”
The lecture doesn’t last long enough. You usually find these classes to be too much, too tedious, too endless. But today it ends fast and it ends soon. You’ve barely just started to scribble down as much as you can before the professor ends the class, leaving you to pack your things as quickly as possible before Naoya can hold you to your promises.
You’re too slow and his arm wraps around your shoulder as he leads you out of the classroom, like the two of you are just old friends having an absolute blast.
“I have another class to get to,” you tell him, trying to shove his arm off of you. Much to your dismay, Naoya’s stronger than you are, and once he has his grip on you, he has no intentions of letting go.
“I’ll walk you to class,” he chirps. “I wanna hear more about your life. Mai mentioned you were injured at your last game.”
You sigh. There’s no way you can shake him off now. “A sprain,” you tell him. “I’m heading back to training tomorrow, so it’s all good now.”
“A sprain,” he muses before turning to look at you, all giddy and terrible. “You know, that’s how I found out about Sukuna. Mai mentioned that he was there when you went down, had a staredown with Satoru and all.”
“I bet you tormented that information out of her.”
“What does it matter?” Naoya hums. “Sukuna though. Interesting choice.”
You turn the corner and make a beeline for your classroom, forcing Naoya to drag himself along with you as he laughs.
“If I were your boyfriend, I’d be really offended by the fact that you don’t want to talk about me.”
You scoff, finally freeing yourself from his grasp as you lean on the door to your classroom. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re not my boyfriend then.”
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Your (fake) boyfriend in question is sitting in a classroom on the other side of campus. Contrary to popular belief, Sukuna isn’t all always out and about, drinking and fucking random girls. For a good chunk of his life, he actually finds it in himself to go to class and not totally suck at them.
Back in high school, he didn’t care so much about doing well in life. He was perfectly fine just coasting by. He’d wonder why that all stopped—replaced by an overwhelming urge to do something with himself, actually be a useful member of society—but he already knows. Somewhere between that one afternoon when he went up to the rooftop of his high school building and now, he’d found his life intrinsically intertwined with yours.
And he hasn’t found a way out since.
“Where are we studying?” he asks Choso, getting up as the professor bids farewell to the class and reminds them of the paper they have to turn in before finals.
The other boy shrugs. “We can go to Mahito’s.”
“That place is gross.” Sukuna wrinkles his nose. “You wanna check out the library? We can just do it there.”
Choso slings his bag over his shoulder. “Yeah, sure.”
They make their way out of the classroom and into the frenzied hall. Around them, students run over to classes, cry to their friends over a low grade, ask each other where they’re going out to drink later that night. It’s a familiar chaos, this chaos. One that Sukuna didn’t think he’d ever come to terms with before.
“I wanna go home,” he grumbled as you dragged him through the quad.
It was the first week of classes and Sukuna really did want to go home. His packed schedule and unlucky pick of horrifying professors was getting to him, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he decided to call it quits.
He’d tried college. Maybe it just wasn’t for him.
But you just tutted and pulled him along. “I have something to show you.”
Sukuna frowned. “I’ve seen everything there is to see. What is—”
The two of you stopped in front of the pond behind the science building. There was a crowd gathered around the water and, in the darkness of the growing night around you, a steady stream of lanterns began to float onto the surface of the pond.
In a matter of seconds, the whole thing was alight with lanterns.
You grabbed his hand and grinned at him. “Magical, right?”
He found himself staring at you as you happily pointed out a few lanterns shaped like lotuses. You were like a kid discovering life for the first time. 
He realized he wouldn’t get sick of the sight any time soon.
“Yeah. Pretty fucking magical.”
“You’re quiet.”
Sukuna snaps out of his daze. “What?”
He doesn’t know how, but he and Choso have already found their way to the library. They’re sitting at a table near that one fan that always conks out. There’s a couple basically making out on the table beside them, a boy with his head face down on the one in front, an empty spot behind them.
Choso furrows his brows. “You good, man?”
I don’t know. Am I?
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Sukuna says. He flips through the textbook in front of him and finds that he has no idea what he was supposed to be reading in the first place. “Actually, I think I’m pretty fucked.”
Choso looks at him now with amusement. It isn’t every day that he gets to watch Sukuna be more than a little out of it. Who is he to turn down a free show?
“What’s up?” he asks. “You jerk off a little too much?”
Sukuna scowls. “Fuck you. I’m studying without you.”
Choso laughs, prodding at the guy from across the table. “I’m just kidding,” he says. “What’s the matter though?”
Now, Sukuna’s been trying very hard to not think about your kiss. At first, he managed to brush it off as a little mishap. Maybe something you’ll both awkwardly address the next time you meet before things go back to normal. It’s not something he has to worry himself about.
But here he is.
“You promise not to tell anyone?” he says, and he immediately feels stupid. What is he? A middle schooler with a crush? As if.
But Choso indulges him anyway. “‘Course,” he says. He’s used to people coming up to him with stupid ideas. Granted, “people” usually just means his younger brother who has a buttload of stupid ideas, but he’s gotten pretty good at keeping them to himself. “So, what is it?”
“It’s a girl.”
“It always is.”
Sukuna groans. Why is this so fucking hard?
“I dunno. I just—I kinda kissed her.”
At that, Choso can’t help but snort. He can’t help it. He’s heard all about Sukuna’s conquests, he knows more than he wants to know about the nasty details of these encounters. So it tickles him pink to hear Sukuna worrying about a kiss.
“What’s so funny?” Sukuna demands. He shakes his head and looks away, all flustered and embarrassed. “Y’know what? Never mind. Let’s just study graphs or whatever.”
“It’s not funny,” Choso says, laughing, “it’s just I never expected you to be all worked up because of a kiss. That’s all.”
Your best friend sighs. “It wasn’t just a kiss,” he says. “It was who the kiss was with. We just… have a lot of history.”
“Ah, so it was a kiss with feelings. Now I get it.”
“It wasn’t feelings.” Sukuna makes a face, but he soon reverts back to his uncertainty. “Was it?”
Choso shrugs. “Well, I don’t know the girl and I don’t know your history,” he says simply. “But chances are, the reason why you feel so weird about it is because there are some feelings involved.”
Sukuna leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. He considers the thought for a moment. He considers why he did it in the first place. He considers the way you looked, all confused in front of him. He considers the urge, the pull he felt that just dragged him forward. He considers how he kissed you, and considers how you kissed back.
He considers how soft your lips felt against his. He considers how you touched his shoulders, gripping onto him in that scared and nervous way of yours. He considers how he held you. He considers how sweet you tasted, your lip gloss sticking to his lips even after he pulled away.
“You think I have feelings?”
“Yeah,” Choso says, chuckling as he turns back to his book. “I think you do.”
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notes. this chap is pretty tame, just a lil look into the aftermath of the kiss 😌 i think this is gonna be chillest chap for a while though 🫣 there are also a few hints of what’s to come if you squint real hard
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pradaax · 3 days
The Other Brother
Jake x Reader x Jay 18+
You finally left the toxic relationship you had with Jay and years later you see his brother again. Nothing can go wrong, right?
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3 Years Ago
The vase passed his face and hit the wall, shattering in many little pieces that fell on the floor. “Don’t start.” The shirtless man warned remaining unfazed by the action.
“You don’t start!” Your loud voice filled the apartment not caring if his brother heard. You watched your boyfriend sigh and throw the packet of cigarette on the nightstand once he pulled one out with his teeth and lit it up. “What am I starting?” He mocked exhaling the smoke. His tired eyes landing on your angry ones. “Why the fuck are messaging her, Jay?” You questioned moving closer to him.
“Was. I was messaging her because we were on a damn break.” Jay groaned running a hand through his dark hair.
"You didn't see me messaging anyone when we are on a break!" You argued pushing him. Jay sighed yet again and pinched the bridge of his nose.
You hated the fact that he messaged her every time you went on break or the fact that he would invite her over or she would tell him to come over to show him her brand new lingerie. You couldn't stand her because she was always there and he would tell you to never worry about her, she's not as important as you were to him but you started to think otherwise.
You and Jay often did go on breaks, the relationship between you two was never perfect but you ran back to him every time. You made up with sex and you both would kiss the pain away though that was no longer working and the recent fights were getting out of hand.
You threw stuff at him and he would sit there getting high or drunk. Jay doesn't say much when it comes to arguments but when he did it would be hurtful stuff that stuck with you. Whenever an argument started he lit a blunt up and dodged the stuff you threw at him as he watched you walk back and forth losing your voice from all the yelling.
You desperately wanted him to say something sometimes and not fog his brain up with smoke. You wanted him to tell you that he was sorry or that he wouldn't do it again. You wanted him to feed you lies because at one point when he did say those things you just convinced yourself that he was saying the truth.
"Can you not smoke and listen to me?" You questioned starting at the taller male who exhaled yet again. "It's a damn cigarette, I'm sober and listening." Jay pushed past you and stepped inside the walk-in closet, you turned to face him.
"I need to get going, family dinner. I'll see you at night if you're still going to be here." He cut you off putting on white button up shirt and black pants. "You never mentioned you had a family dinner." You stated. "I forgot." He grabbed his car keys from the nightstand and placed a kiss on your temple before leaving you alone in his room.
The soft knock on the door made you turn around seeing Jay's roommate and also step brother. "There's no family dinner right?"
"Just a dinner with his dad." You let out a sigh of relief thanking God that he hadn't lied to you. You noticed Jake's eyes scanning your body, you were in a pink short silk nightgown. His eyes then went to the broken vase.
"You really need to stop breaking things around this place." He chuckled leaning on the door frame crossing his veiny arms. "I will the day your brother stops being an asshole." You replied.
"I don't understand why you both keep running back to each other, you do know the relationship is toxic, right?" When his words hit your ears you glared at him.
Jake was always calm and sorted, even though he was younger than both you and Jay by a year he always seemed to know what to say whenever you vented to him about his brother. Jake and Jay didn't get along quite well, the older male is often rude towards him and he didn't like the way you always told Jake how much of an asshole your Jay is.
Jake's room was just across the hall, he heard all your arguments whenever he was home or whenever you were letting out sinful sounds.
"Like you know anything about a toxic relationship, kid." You mocked shooting him a smile. Even though he was one year younger you treated him like a kid. "Oh come on, even a deaf blind person would know that this relationship is toxic." Jake shrugged trying to prove his point. "That sounds... offending."
"Don't pull that shit." Jake smiled pointing a finger at you making you let out a fake gasp. "Wow, where is the respect?" You pointed back at him.
"I mean... you're not Korean, calling you Noona is not going to suit you at all, should I call you grandma?" He stepped inside Jay's room heading towards you. "That sounds horror, please don't." You softly pushed his face once he was in front of you.
He grabbed your wrist pulling you closer. Your eyes started deeply into his shiny ones. "What're you doing?" You softly ask, a frown taking over your face.
"Don't act like you don't know." Jake spoke softly, his grip still on your wrist. The tension was there but you wanted to ignore it, you wanted to escape it. His free hand cupped your face, his thumb lightly rubbing your cheek.
"I know you ignore it, I know you think I'm not much of a man but come on, you think that bastard that makes you cry every night is a man?" His voice was still soft and so was his touch. "Jake, you don't know what you're saying." You shook your head pulling away from the younger male.
"I do know what I'm talking about, you can't deny the fact that we have chemistry and I won't hide the way my heart beats so damn crazy when you're around me." Jake grabbed your hand and placed it on top of his toned chest to pass his point through. Your eyes widen at his words.
"Jake, please stop saying nonsense!" You whined pulling your hand away from his gently touch. "Why do you believe that bastard's lies but not my true words?" He questioned pinching his brows together. You lightly groan tucking your hair behind your ear.
"He doesn't lie." You defended Jay making the younger male laugh like you just said the most funniest thing. "Are you serious?" Jake smiled. "You can't be serious right now. He doesn't deserve you." His tone became serious and loud, Jake took a few steps closer to you. He cupped your face. "He's a cheater and a liar, why do you keep running back to him?"
"What the fuck?"
Jake was harshly pulled back and a punch landed on his face making him fall on the floor. Jay was now on top of him. "You wanna die, fucker? I leave for a second and you're pulling shit on her. Thank God I forgot my lighter." Jay angrily left another punch on the younger males face.
"Jay stop!" You yelled trying to get him off but he pushed you back. The veins on his neck popping up as he kept landing punches on the male under him. "You know it's the truth." Jake managed to spit out as blood dripped out his mouth.
"Jay! You're going to kill him!" With all your force you managed to push your boyfriend off his step brother. Jay watched as you grabbed Jake's face. "Oh my god, what's wrong with you?!" Your eyes left the younger male and landed on your boyfriend, who stood up and harshly yanked you up by your arm and pushed you towards the bed.
"You fucked him, right?" He gripped your face, squishing your cheeks so hard with one hand making your lips pucker up. You shook your head and smacked his hand away and stood up.
"No! You fucking know I wouldn't do that! You clearly have issues and I've had enough of your bullshit! You low life fucker." A light gasp left your lips after your hand harshly landed on his face. He was taken back by the sudden action. You quickly pushed past him and crouched down to Jake.
"Hey." You gently removed a few strands of his hair away from his bloody face and helped him sit up. "I'm okay." He reassured sending a small crooked smile. Your bottom lip quivered at his bruised face. "Asshole." You lightly smacked his shoulder.
Jay's hand was in front of Jake now, the older male helped Jake up. "I will be in my room." Jake informed leaving you both alone. "I'm sorry." Jay crouched down in front of you. "I don't know why I reacted like that."
"I loved you Jay, but I-I can't do this anymore. I'm drained, you are draining me." You stood up, as you were about to make your way out the room, the grip on your wrist stopped you. "We can fix this." He pleaded. "It's too late."
You opened the door and saw Jake not in the room you stepped inside and went to the bathroom door. You slowly opened it and saw the younger male cleaning his face up. "Need help?"
You patched his face up, you ignored his eyes that were glued on your face. "Done." He turned to the mirror, "I'm still handsome, right?"
"Sure." You giggled, his eyes were on you again. "Does this mean you chose me?" He flashed a cocky grin raising a brow. "No but maybe in the future." You cupped his face giving him a small smile knowing this was farewell.
It was your 25th birthday, you weren't planning on doing much for it but a plane ticket to Korea happened and here you were in a foreign country celebrating your birthday in a club.
You pushed past a few people after getting your drink at the bar but a man bumped into you making you drop your drink. "Asshole!" You shouted, the man turned around and you looked up.
"Jake?" Your brows pinched together as you saw the familiar face. His eyes widen. "What the hell?" He grinned pulling you into a tight hug. "Oh my god, I have missed you." You wrapped your arms around his neck. "Holy shit, I can't believe this." He pulled away cupping your face. "It's really you."
Your eyes scanned him, he looked more mature now. His body was more toned and his features sharper than they were the last time you saw him. You felt a tingle in your stomach and between your legs.
Which lead to you being slammed in the hood of his car in the empty parking lot as his soft hands ran all over your exposed legs whilst his plump lips were on yours. A moan escaped your lips as you felt his bulge poke through his pants into your thigh. "Get in the backseat." He whispered unlocking his black RS7.
Jake's mouth latched onto your neck as his fingers moved your soaked panties to the side. "So wet already." He mumbled on your skin, he inserted a finger in your warm hole. "Fuck." You moaned at the sudden feeling you haven't felt in a while.
"Prayed almost everyday for this night to come." He bit your bottom lip, he was hungry for your body. Jake removed the leather jacket you had on and yanked your white top down exposing your breast.
"Did they get bigger?" He smirked as his thumb ran over your harden bud. "Were you always looking at them, you perv." Your fingers unbuttoned his pants. You pulled his pants and boxers down, his angry length coming in view. You rubbed his wet tip as his tongue circled around your nipple.
He hurriedly shoved another finger in making you grip his cock harder which caused a moan to escape from his lips. Jake's length throbbed to your sinful noises. "Tell me how much you want me to fuck you."
Your nails dag into his shoulders when his thumb started to circulate your swollen clit, his fingers kept moving inside you. "Jake, please." You whined wanting him inside you. "Alright, princess."
He sat down pulling you up on him lap. "Put it in." He demanded, you spat on your hand and stroked his length before rubbing his thick tip on your heat. You slowly slid down throwing your head back as his tip stretched up out. "Let me help you out, princess." Jake smirked grabbing your hips and pulling you down on his big length making you let out a cry. "So tight."
He lifted your mini denim skirt up and gripped your hips again helping you move up and down. "Shit." You moan out feeling him deep inside your guts.
You stated to hop on his length faster, your loud whines filling the car. Jake's thumb was on your clit on and his mouth stuffed with your tit, teeth gently biting your nipple. His free hand marking a few smacks on your ass. Your hands were in his dark hair tugging on it.
"Ja-Jay, I'm close."
Jake looked up at you with a frown on his face, he noticed you hadn't realised you said the wrong name and kept moving your hips faster. He knew you were close. His ringed fingers harshly wrapped around your neck. "What the fuck did you just call me?" His tone changed and you were confused at the sudden demeanour. "W-What?"
"You said his name." His grasp tightened and his thumb was no longer on your clit. "Jake, I-I didn't mean to." He scoffed tugging on your hair now. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you're going to forget that name."
Jake pushed you into the seat and lifted your leg over his shoulder. He slammed himself into you again and again making you arch your back. His thrusts were rough and he made sure you took all of him every time he slammed back into you.
His hand was still on your neck, your mouth was opened with moans coming out. He took the opportunity to spit in your mouth before connecting your lips. Jake's tongue danced around every corner of your warm mouth. Your breath shortened and your insides tightened, you felt close. Jake broke the kiss, a saliva string still connecting from your lip to his. "J-Jake, close."
"Should I cum inside you? You would look cute with a bump." Jake grinned. You twitched under him reaching your orgasm, you felt his cock jerk inside you. "D-Dont." He pulled up releasing all over your body. "Fuck, princess, you're amazing."
The Other Brother
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ashwhowrites · 3 days
Okay yay!! Idk how this would really go but, what if bratty!eddie decided to try and be dominant in bed just to see how mommy would react? and she realizes and just kinda laughs at him like "really?" and spanks him for it m
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️ smut because we got bratty Eddie back
Nice try
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Eddie moaned as he sat in the passenger seat. His right hand gripped the door handle as his left gripped the seat.
Y/N drove, her eyes on the road but her right hand was pumping Eddie's cock. She had his pants at his ankles and his cock out of his boxers.
He fought hard to keep his sounds back, but tiny whimpers made it past his lips.
"Mommyyyyyy" he whined as he threw his head back. His hips bucked into her hand as she twisted her grip around his tip.
"Almost home," she said, her eyes still focused on the road.
He knew he wasn't allowed to cum in the car, so he knew all the teasing would lead to nothing. He could already feel the frustration building. He wondered how she would like it. To be toyed around and forced to find pleasure in all the torture.
When she pulled up to their driveway, Eddie planned his revenge. He tucked himself back in his boxers and slipped up his pants.
Once they made it into the house, Eddie acted fast on his plan. The front door shut and Eddie had her slammed against it. His hot lips were on hers as he greedily shoved his tongue in her mouth. She kissed him back, allowing his tongue to move against hers. Her hands slipped under his shirt, fingernails running up and down his happy trail. She loved the feeling of his shivering body underneath her hands.
They made out and worked their way to the bedroom. Their lips were still attached as she worked to take off his jeans. He kicked them to the side as they landed on the bed. His hands all over her body, squeezing her breasts and ass. He removed her pants and shoes. They panted and moaned, the only sound bouncing off their walls.
Eddie pulled away, a string of spit keeping him connected to her. He didn't say anything, just moved his hand down her body and slipped into her underwear
Her eyes snapped into a glare, and he covered her mouth with his hand. A challenging look in his eyes as he quickly shoved two fingers inside of her. He could feel the sharp intake of air against his hand. He was rough and fast, his fingers working inside of her. He smirked in victory.
But his victory didn't last long.
He thought he was in charge and would be the mean one tonight. He had her on the cliff of an orgasm, took a few minutes to get her there. His fingers fucking inside of her and his tongue was on her clit. He wanted to get her hopes up, get her thinking she was going to cum all over him.
But as her back arched, her fingers in his curls, and his name leaving her lips, he pulled away.
He watched as her body fell against the mattress, the way her cunt pulsed around nothing and how her wet clit shined. He listened to her pants and groans. The frustrated look in her eyes. That's exactly what he wanted.
"Oh no, did you want to cum?" He mocked, a huge smirk on his face as he stood up. He kept his eyes on hers as he stripped the rest of his body. Her naked body was covered in sweat as she sat up.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" She snapped, her eyes dark.
"Revenge," he said, leaning down so he was face-to-face with hers. He smiled and let out a little laugh. "Sucks to not get to cum, huh?"
"What are you playing at?" She questioned, her orgasm washing away.
"Nothing," he said with a smirk, he crawled back on the bed. She watched confused as his hands skimmed up her legs and pushed her thighs apart.
"What do you think you are doing now?"
Eddie looked up and turned his head. "I was...I.." He stuttered. The intense look in her eyes made him nervous. It was a look he had seen many times before. A look that told him he fucked up.
"Oh no, cat got your tongue?" She mocked. And just like that, she flipped the script. "Were you thinking that you could slide your cock inside of me? Hm? Fuck me a little?" Her hand wrapped around his throat, and his act fell apart as he whimpered.
She smiled at the sound
"Yes, mommy," he whimpered.
He fell into her demands as he let her shove him away. His puppy eyes watched her every move as she stood up, his body on the mattress. He gulped as she crossed her arms. He tried to stay focused on her face but his eyes worked down her body. He felt his naked cock twitch as his eyes skimmed over her pubic hair and down to her cunt. He wished he let her cum, because all he wanted to do was be stuffed between her legs as ate her cum with no shame.
"What makes you think you can just take away my orgasm and then fuck me?" She asked, "Is that how this works?"
"I'm sorry, mommy. I just wanted to show you how unfair it was." He whined.
"Oh, so you wanted to punish me?" She laughed at the thought. The sound of her mockery laughter made Eddie's tip leak with precum. He wanted to touch himself but he kept his hands clenching to the sheets.
"Yes," he confessed. Her laughter died as her face went blank and her eyes got firey.
"Turn around," she said through clenched teeth.
Eddie nodded and flipped onto his stomach. He kept his eyes straight ahead as he waited for the next instructions.
"Push your ass in the air"
Eddie blushed in embarrassment as he placed kept his chest flat but arched his ass in the air.
He moaned as he felt her hands on him. She rubbed the skin on his thighs and then softly played with his balls. He shoved his face into the sheets to silence his whimpers. He felt his eyes roll in the back of his head when her mouth sucked gently on his balls, switching back and forth and taking turns sucking them in her mouth.
If this was the punishment, he didn't think he minded.
He kept his whimpers quiet when she pulled away. The cold air hit his now wet balls, making him shake.
"You know better," she hissed, her hands moved up to his ass. He bit down on his lip as she massaged the skin. "Trying to test me? Where did that get you?"
"In trouble. Wanna be a good boy again," he breathed out, he turned his head so his words weren't muffled.
"Prove it to me," she said, then he felt a harsh sting on his ass.
He moaned as his skin got warm and stung. Another slap and then another. She landed in the same spot, adding to the pain. His hands gripped the sheets into fists as she cracked down again.
She enjoyed the way his pasty skin turned pink. Her hand marks burned into him.
"What a good boy, taking your spankings so well," she cooed. Then she landed another smack on him.
"Love when you make me your good boy," he whined. Even though it hurt, he felt himself pushing his ass against her.
Eddie lost count after the twentieth spank. The sheets were in his teeth as he cried. His face and chin were soaked in his own tears and his stomach was soaked in his own cum. He could feel his ass pulsing from the amount of heat. His legs shook as he tried to keep himself in the air.
His ass was beat red, all around. She spanked every inch of skin he offered. His ass was numb and she could barely feel her hand anymore.
"Say it again," she demanded as she spread cold ointment to his raw skin.
"Mommy's good boy," he cried into the sheets, he sniffled loudly.
"Like you mean it," she demanded again
"MOMMY'S GOOD BOY," he sobbed, his voice cracked and more sobs broke out.
"Mommy's good boy," she praised, pressing soft kisses up his spine. She rubbed his hips, allowing him to fall flat against the mattress. He hissed as his cock hit the sheets.
She grabbed a pillow and set it next to him
"Turn around," she whispered. She helped him flip over, the pillow tucked under his sore skin. He sighed as he closed his eyes. She softly wiped away his tears and kissed his cheeks.
"What did you learn, handsome?" she asked softly, her hands rubbing his chest, helping his body relax.
"Mommy is always in charge," he said, a tired smile on his face. "But I have no regrets." His smile turned into a smirk as he opened his eyes to look at her.
"Of course not," she laughed
"Kiss me," he whispered, his hand leaned up and cupped her cheek. She smiled as she leaned in and softly pressed her lips against his. The kiss was short and sweet.
"I love you"
"I love you too, baby." He said against her lips before he kissed her again.
Y/N pulled away and gripped his chin
"Next time you get the belt, again." She threatened
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Sliding Doors
Leon Kennedy x female reader, Chris Redfield x female reader, fluff, angst
For the lovely @porcelainseashore who commission a continuation from Forever Hold Your Peace. Thank you for all your love and support ❤️
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“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony…” the minister begins, but as you stand opposite Chris – a soft, adoring smile on his face, shedding a tear when he’d saw how beautiful you looked as you walked down the aisle – you can’t help but meet the gaze of the best man’s icy blue eyes for a moment. “..speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Leon clenches his fists.
It’s a muttered plea more than a loud proclamation, but it’s audible enough for several pairs of eyes to focus on him due to the interruption.
The minister smiles, awkwardly, his eyes flitting between the members of the bridal party to gauge whether it was a joke – heaven knows he’s seen them fall flat before - before he clears his throat to proceed with the vows.
“No.” It’s louder that time, Leon’s voice echoed around the room like a gunshot.
“Not the time for your jokes, bud.” Chris forces out a laugh as he replies over his shoulder, before turning back to you and offering a reassuring smile.
“It’s not a joke.” You wish the ground would swallow you up as Leon remains focused on you. “Don’t marry him.”
“Leon”, Claire hisses from over your shoulder, looking furious. “What are you doing?”
He ignores her. “I’m not saying marry me, but just… Don’t marry him.”
You shake your head, subtly, eyes wide in fear as the small congregation of friends and family begin to whisper amongst themselves.
This isn’t happening. It can’t be happening.
Chris’ fists are now clenched as he turns to his supposed best man, his brow furrowed as he tries to analyze the situation, his mind automatically heading into work mode – assess, strategize, action.
“What is this?”
Leon ignores Chris too, instead taking a step forward. “I’m different now – I swear. Just give me another chance. The connection’s still there – I know you felt it when we kissed-”
“Kissed?!” Chris and Claire reiterate almost in unison, and someone in the seated crowd gasps.
“What kiss?” Chris presses, turning back to look at you in disbelief. “Honey, what’s he talking about?”
Your mouth feels drier than it ever has, your tongue heavy in your mouth. “I didn’t, Chris… I… I mean, he…”
“I kissed her, Redfield.” Leon cuts across, rolling back his shoulders as he sidesteps in front of the groom, blocking you from his sight. “When you asked me to deliver that gift earlier, I kissed her. Can’t say it was the first time either.”
You should say something more coherent than your mumbled excuses – explain what Leon means by that because it definitely makes it sound worse than it is - but your heart is pounding and you’re beginning to feel a little faint.
This isn’t real, it’s a bad dream and you’re going to wake up in the hotel suite, Claire knocking on the door, hair stylist and make-up artist in tow to help you start getting ready.
The minister tries to soothe tensions instead. “Perhaps we should take this somewhere more private to-“
“What the fuck does that mean, Kennedy?”
“We were a thing-”
“We were not a thing, Leon,” you shift a little to the side then so you can see Chris, finding your voice at last.
You wished you hadn’t moved as hurt flashes across Chris’ face - sweet, loyal, dependable Chris.
Chris, who never fails to set up coffee machine timer to greet you with a freshly brewed batch when he has to leave early, who would always find some sort of way to communicate with you even if he was halfway across the world, who never shied away from holding your hand or kissing you in public, who told his closest colleagues about you openly, who didn’t treat you like a dirty little secret.
Chris, who, despite how much you tried to convince yourself, has never made you feel quite like Leon did.
“-before you two started dating.” Leon presses on, ignoring how the taller man’s shoulders grow more and more tense, seething breaths now coming out of his nose. “I treated her rotten, drove her into your arms and regretted it every minute since. I’m not gonna let her make the biggest mis-”
Chris’ fist meets Leon’s face – it’s so swift that the whole room takes a moment to realise what’s happened. The agent is surprisingly not knocked off his feet by the blow but stumbles back and you automatically reach out a hand to steady him by his arm, unaware of how it looks in that moment.
Leon wipes a trickle of blood from his mouth, looking smug as he relishes your touch. “Not gonna say I didn’t deserve that.”
Chris is staring at your hand on Leon’s arm and you pull it back when you see the hurt in his eyes, wringing your hands together as you begin to plead.
“I’m sorry, Chris. I should’ve told you, but it… It was nothing. A blip. It wasn’t anything like what we have. He kissed me earlier and I pushed him away and I told him. Please.”
“Is this why you were crying?” Claire demands, stepping over to stand besides Chris in an act of support. Her shoulders are high, ready to protect her brother at all costs. “In the suite earlier, when Leon was there.”
“N-no,” you shake your head furiously, but your voice isn’t convincing enough to your own ears, especially in comparison to Leon’s firm “Yes.”
You’re hot, the wedding gown of your dreams feeling stifling, too tight, the veil tugging heavily at your scalp.
“Chris, please, can we go talk somewhere?” You step forward, past Leon, hand outstretched to take your fiance’s. You want to take him away from all the prying eyes, the disbelieving murmurs, away from all the tension, have a discussion with clear heads, but he pulls his hand from out of your reach.
“Do you love him?” Chris’ voice is so flat it makes you feel sick. It’s the same tone he has when he comes back from missions where he’s lost comrades, the one that you can slowly break him out of after days of soft words and touches.
You never wanted to be the cause of it.
“It’s been years.” There’s the crack in your voice again, your next words a little too rushed. “I love you. You’re sweet. You’re so sweet, kind and loyal.”
Everything Leon wasn’t.
“I said, do you love Leon?”
You stare deep into Chris’ eyes then, his lips pressed together in a thin line. There had been something when Leon had kissed you less than an hour ago, how easily you’d almost fallen back into threading your fingers into his hair to deepen it, how your heartbeat had remained elevated since.
Leon is a wildcard and Chris is steady, dependable – everything you should want.
Everything you’ve been convincing yourself you did want.
One more look into your fiancee’s eyes is all it takes. He doesn’t deserve this but he does deserve the truth.
You take a shuddering breath and nod.
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Right.” Chris nods, as casual as if he’s just been given his latest set of orders. He turns on his heels and heads back down the aisle – the aisle he was meant to be walking down with you on his arm as his new wife – with his head and shoulders held high, Claire hurrying after him, dropping your bouquet as she does.
As you stare at his retreating form, Leon slips his hand into yours and squeezes.
And, as tears begin to stream down your face again, you squeeze back.
He drove you away from the venue on his bike, your cheek pressed firmly against his back and your veil floating behind you in the wind.
Cars honked in celebration around you, all under the impression that a husband was taking his new wife for a celebratory ride, not that the best man had just absconded with the bride.
He takes you back to his apartment, a thing he’d never done when you were ‘together’, but it made sense now, considering. You lived with Chris, a two-storey on a cul-de-sac, white picket fence – you could hardly go back there today.
Or ever.
“What can I do, sweetheart?” Leon asks, cautiously, as you both stand in his living room a few feet apart. It feels more like a show-home than your place – no personal affects, the coffee table empty besides a remote control for the widescreen.  
“I… I need to get out of this.” You huff, ripping the veil from your scalp at last, the pins holding it in place scattering over his polished wooden floor and you fling it down on the sofa. You know you won’t be able to undo your dress yourself so you turn, flustered. “I can’t…”
“I’ve got you, it’s okay.” Leon soothes, closing the gap between the two of you and deftly unpicking the laces of the corset with nimble fingers. You feel it loosen immediately, but it doesn’t ease the suffocating feeling in your chest.
“There.” The dress drops a little and you quickly wrap your arms around yourself, keeping it up, before Leon steps around the coffee table, heading towards the hallway. “I’ll… I’ll grab you a change of clothes.”
Your clothes, right. They’re all at yours.
Oh, God, how are you going to get them?
How could you ever face Chris again?
You remain standing in the living room, forcing yourself to breathe deeply. You can hear Leon opening and closing some drawers, obviously looking for something that you can wear. He emerges a few moments later, holding a grey sweatshirt and some black gym shorts.
“I think these will work. Shorts have a drawstring, so…”
“Where’s the bathroom?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, down the hall, second door on your left.”
You take the clothes from his hand, avoiding eye contact and head to change. Your hands are shaking as you turn the lock, quickly shedding your dress and wedding night lingerie – not how you thought you’d be removing it tonight, that’s for sure, but you can’t bear to keep any of it on. Finally, you slide a lacey white garter off your thigh and bundle everything together into a ball, placing it on top of one of the two laundry baskets in the corner, noting he separates lights and darks.
You pull the sweatshirt over your head – it feels odd, oversized but not as oversized as any of the things you’d stolen from Chris’ dresser – before putting on the shorts and double-knotting the cord to keep them up.
You wet your face in the sink next, washing off your make-up as best you can. A glint catches your eye from your right hand – your engagement ring moved over in preparation for the wedding ring being slipped on.
You’ll need to return it.
Carefully, you pull it off your finger and place it on the sink, undoing the latch on the necklace Chris had sent Leon up with – does he regret that now? Is he sat somewhere with a whiskey, mulling over what would be different if he hadn’t sent his best man to the bridal suite? - and thread it through the chain, fastening it back around your neck and tucking it under the sweatshirt, out of sight.
You don’t want to wear it, really, the idea making you feel sick being adorned with gifts that Chris had picked out lovingly - but you don’t want to lose it somewhere in Leon’s apartment either.
Leon is still standing in the same place in the living room when you emerge, the only difference being his tie is now off and thrown over the coffee table, one hand in his pocket. You stop a couple of feet in front of him and stare, trying to read his gaze.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t set out to say those things, baby. I just-” You throw yourself into his arms, sobbing – for what’s just occurred and for how horrible you feel when being in his arms immediately just feels so right, more natural than being wrapped in Chris’ ever did.
Leon presses kisses to your crown, pulls you back and down onto the sofa and hooks your legs up into his lap, rocking you back and forth like a child who needs consoling.
“It’s all right. It’ll be okay. And I’ll be better, I promise.” He murmurs against your ear when your sobs begin to slow, his white shirt significantly damp with your abundance of tears. “I’m not fucking up again. Not after this, baby. I’ll spend every damn day showing you how serious I am about you, about us.”
Chris remains a gentleman, despite everything. The first you hear from him is one week after the wedding, via email, letting you know that he’ll be out of the house for a few days if you’d like to go in and collect your things. He’s going to put the house on the market after, said he’s taken a new position within the BSAA and will be permanently relocating to the European branch, so doesn’t see the point in keeping it empty. It’s not surprising, really, Chris has been headhunted a couple of times since his work in Europe, but he’d always wanted to remain on American soil, with you.
He adds he’s going to sell the furniture as a job lot too, so to take anything you like and then leave the keys under the doormat once you’re done.
He signs it best regards.
He’s too nice for what you’ve done to him.
A fact Claire had reminded you of daily – scornful text messages and voicemails telling you exactly what she thinks of you and Leon. They cease only after Chris can be heard in the background of the final voicemail, telling her to stop.
You’re living in a short-term rental when you pick up your things – not that you would’ve taken any of the furniture anyway. You’d stayed at Leon’s for a week after, sleeping in his spare room. He’d returned to the venue and picked up the things you’d left in the bridal suite as you lay in bed, festering in the horrible combination of guilt and relief of what had transpired.
Leon wanted you to move in permanently, but you told him it was too much, too soon. You made demands this time, wanting to take it slow but also testing the limits of how much he had meant it when he said things would be different, that he would be different.
You were selfish with them at first – he had to date you properly, take you out for lunch, coffee and dinner dates, walks around the park, weekend trips away and trips to the movies, hold your hand and kiss you in public.
You told him you wanted him to try therapy, to learn how to communicate.
And, to his credit, he does it all. He hates the first three therapists, only managing a session or two with them, but he keeps going until he clicks with the fourth and sees them every Wednesday – always reschedules for another day of the week if he’s away with work.
You’re never sure how he’s going to be immediately after – sometimes he emerges with the weight of the world resting even more heavily on his shoulders, other times he seems to have a pep in his step until, gradually, he comes out lighter and lighter every time.
He tells you he loves you when you make a dumb joke over dinner in a cheesy diner – so loud in his proclamation that the waitress gives the two of you a slice of pie each on the house, extra whipped cream.
There are things he’s still uncomfortable with but he’s better at communicating, each of you compromising as you settle into the relationship.
“Do you want to get married?” He murmurs in your ear one night a year and a half later, spooning you against his bare chest. The bedroom has a pile of moving boxes stacked in the corner - your first night in your new, shared apartment.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” you take one of his hands, fidget with his fingers. “What about you?”
“I don’t mind either way,” he grasps hold of your wrist and rolls you over in a smooth notion. “Whatever you want.”
“Uh-uh,” you correct, “we’re partners, remember?”
“Right. Whatever we want.” He kisses you then, slowly, as if he has the whole night to while away. He’s never in a rush when it comes to you, not any more.
“I love you.” You mumble between kisses, feeling him smile as he captures your lips once again.
“I love you, sweetheart. Always and forever.”
“Huh?” He’s spaced out – Chris, Claire, the minister and you all staring expectantly at him.
“Got the rings, man?” Chris is holding out his hand, an amused smile on his face.
Right, the rings.
Best man hands over the rings.
He stuffs his hand into his trouser pocket and tugs out the little mesh bag they’d been placed in. He can’t imagine Chris wearing his for long, not with his line of work. Leon wouldn’t either, truth be told. He’d get a nice chain, maybe, have it hang over his heart.
Chris takes the bag with a nod of thanks and empties them out onto the minister’s book, big fingers fumbling to pick up the ring he’s about to slide on your finger, following the minister’s prompts in reciting his vows.
Leon stares at you as you look up into Chris’ eyes, smiling so much your cheeks must hurt, and tries not to think about how when you had looked at him like that, he’d left you the next morning with nothing but a note on the pillow.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you would please be upstanding for the new Mr and Mrs Redfield!”
Leon hadn’t realized he’d be sat next to you at the top table. He hadn’t thought much about the reception at all, besides the speech Chris asked him to make.
But, fuck, you look so happy walking in with him that it takes his breath away. Your fingers interlaced, surrounded by cheers and applause. Redfield can’t help himself – Leon wouldn’t either - swings you around and dips you into a kiss in the middle of the floor. You look embarrassed when he releases you, but there’s a giddy smile on your face too.
He couldn’t give you that. He couldn’t. He’s not sure Redfield can either – setting you up for disappointment and heartbreak.
He doesn’t know why anyone else is seated at the top table – you and Chris only have eyes for each other throughout dinner. He drinks more than he eats, wondering if he can make Redfield regret putting on an open bar.
“Now, for the best man – Leon Kennedy.”
He pulls the notecard out of his jacket pocket as he stands - he’d started writing it so many times but never got particularly far. That morning, he’d searched generic best man speech on his phone and jotted it down.
“You’ll be pleased to know that I’ll be keeping this short and sweet – two words you probably wouldn’t use to describe Chris Redfield.” He pauses, polite laughter rippling through the crowd.
“There’s two things being celebrated here today. The first being that it’s finally been acknowledged that I am, in fact, the best man between us.” He pauses again, taking a pre-emptive swig of his drink to help dull the ache of the words to come.
“Secondly, of course, the union of this… wonderful couple. May your lives be filled with love and happiness. To the bride and groom!”
The guests raise their glass in unison and Leon sits down heavily in his seat, downing the rest of his drink as Chris stands up, thanking Leon for his speech and leading an applause. He picks up a champagne flute and looks down at you, adoringly.
“Truthfully, I’m wondering if I should’ve gone first, because mine’s even shorter than Leon’s. Thank you all so much for coming here today to celebrate with us. All that’s really left to say is, I love you, darling – always and forever.”
Chris bends down to steal another kiss and the guests applaud and cheer once again – Leon swears it’s louder than what his speech received.
“I love you so much, Chris.”
Leon wishes it had been louder still to drown out your response.
“You ready?” Chris murmurs into your ear before pressing a kiss against your jaw. You didn’t think it was possible – you’d never seen Chris drunk ever – but it seems the numerous glasses of champagne have gotten to his head. He’ll deny it in the morning if you accuse him, tell you it wasn’t the alcohol which was making him act that way, no, it was you that was making him love-drunk, before capturing your lips in a kiss.
You nod and squirm with a giggle, his stubble tickling your neck. You had sat down at the table for a breather, after completing a round of the tables to greet your guests as well as a couple of dances with your friends. You haven’t seen Leon since dinner and, truthfully, he’s the furthest thing from your mind ever since Chris slipped the ring on your finger. Your new husband takes your hand and grabs a chair with the other, leading you to the middle of the small dance floor and places it down. Once he’s happy, he lifts his other arm above his head to twirl you into position and down upon the chair.
You feel giddy – from love, champagne, happiness – as Chris kneels before you and gently begins to lift the hem of your dress up and over your knees.
Someone in the crowd wolf-whistles, probably one of the squad, and Chris turns in the direction to mockingly glare. He then resumes his work of pulling your dress up a little more, cautiously, until he found what he was looking for – a lacey white garter on your thigh.
Chris asking if you wanted to do the garter toss part of the ceremony had come completely out of left-field, so much so you were thankful you hadn’t taken a sip of your drink before he’d asked, lest you had spit it out in his face. He scratched the back of his head, gave you a dopey-looking smile that made you want to cuddle him rotten and said he wanted to do things by the book. He wanted the tradition, some sense of normalcy in his life with the whole white wedding, and having no strong feelings about it either way you’d agreed.
Now, though, as he looks up at you with that up-to-no-good smirk, you wonder if you should’ve said no.
“Hands or teeth?”
He lightly pings the garter on your thigh. “Shall I remove it with my hands or teeth, darling?”
“Chris!” You laugh, sure he was joking.
He tilts his head. “Uh-uh. Pick, please.”
“Fine.” You smirk back, buoyed in confidence by the champagne. “Teeth.”
“Excellent choice, Mrs Redfield.” He plants a hand on your other leg to steady himself, before lowering his head and you feel his teeth graze your thigh as he nips the lacey material and begins to tug it down, all to the hooting and hollering of the assembled crowd.  
Leon takes a long sip of whiskey as he watches from the corner. He would’ve used his teeth to remove it too, but only in the sanctity of the bedroom later that night.
It flies over the heads and outstretched arms of the bachelors – Chris always did have a good throw - and eventually smacks Leon right in the chest.
“All right, Kennedy!” Somebody cheers, and before he can really think about it, he bends down and snatches up the garter, aware that the eyes of the room are on him. He holds it aloft in a mock display of triumph.
He looks for you then, wondering what you’ll think – a sign from the universe that you’ve made a mistake – but your eyes are fixed on Chris, cupping his face in your palms as he remains knelt in front of you, pressing a long kiss to his lips.
Leon stuffs the garter deep in his trouser pocket.
Leon doesn’t see either of you for six months – thanks to a relentless run of missions, intercontinental travel and briefings all keeping his mind occupied – and it helps dull the ache in his chest too.
An email pops up in his inbox though, inviting him to the Redfield’s housewarming BBQ in a couple of weeks, but he never replies to the RSVP.
Still, he finds himself parking his bike up outside the new house – it has a white picket fence, for fuck’s sake, nestled on a quiet suburban street. To his trained eye, he can see some additional security measures, so at least Redfield hasn’t become completely complacent. The gate clicks a little louder than usual when he opens it, probably linked to some sort of surveillance system, the panes of glass in the window are clearly bullet-proof and the front door is steel, disguised to blend in with the rest of the street.
He rings the doorbell – looking direct into the pinhole camera.
Chris answers soon after, a black apron on for grilling duties over blue jeans and a white tee. He looks good, annoyingly so compared to the dark rings Leon has under his own eyes, but he’s perhaps a little softer around the edges. Leon had heard down the grapevine that Chris had taken more of a consultant type role at the BSAA, office hours, trying to move away from always having his boots on the ground – something he never thought he’d see.
“Hey! You made it. It’s great to see you, man.” Chris greets him, a genuine smile on his face. “Perfect timing – I’m just about to fire up the grill. We’re all just out in the yard.”
He steps over the threshold – his eyes immediately finding the framed wedding photo on the hall table, the one where you’d all signed the registry and the photographer had Leon stand by your side and Claire by Chris’.
He wonders if, when you look at it, you can tell his smile is fake.
He doesn’t take in much else of the house as he’s led through, instead forcing himself to take a deep breath in preparation of seeing you again. He’s tried to forget about the kiss through a string of dates from the office and one-night stands, but he still has your stolen garter tucked in the back of his bedside drawer.
It’s over, he chastises himself.
It didn’t even really begin either.
You’re facing away from him when he follows Chris through the kitchen and out onto wooden decking, a set of stairs leading down to a large rectangle of grass. There’s a good 15 or so in attendance, only a handful of people present that he recognizes, some from the wedding, all congregated in little groups, a long table set up with bowls of salad, chips, rolls, sauces and other snacks, a bucket of ice, rapidly melting in the midday sun, in which various drinks are nestled.
You’re talking to Claire and a guy he doesn’t recognize, but he has his arm draped around her shoulders. You’re dressed in a sweet floral sundress, capped sleeves, white sandals. He wants to slip in to the conversation, no fuss, no announcement, but Chris has other ideas.
“Hey, Leon’s here!”
You turn at your husband’s call, a little surprised. Chris had told you he’d invited Leon, of course, but noted that he hadn’t accepted or denied. Really, you weren’t sure if he’d show at all, given what had happened at the wedding and the fact he’d been off-grid for so long after.
Those bright blue eyes only meet yours for a moment before they trail down to your stomach, and the protective hand you’ve placed on top of it – only a recent habit since your bump had properly popped.
“Oh, yeah,” Chris chuckles, clocking on to exactly what Leon is staring at. He slaps him on the back, ushering him forward as he does. Leon wants to dig his heels in, maybe if he keeps his distance it won’t be real and only a trick of perspective, but his legs won’t co-operate.
“Sorry, should’ve said - turns out we brought more back than souvenirs from the honeymoon.”
Claire groans. “Are you going to use that line on everyone, Chris? It’s too early for you to be cracking out dad jokes.” She takes a swig of her beer, before nodding at Leon. “Hey.”
Leon nods in Claire’s direction, but his eyes are still fixed on you.
“Leon.” You smile, a little worried at how much colour has drained from the agent’s face. “We’re so glad you could make it. It’s been ages!”
“I…” He swallows, shaking his head a little as if he could shake off the feeling of disbelief. “Congratulations. On the house and the… baby.”
Redfield smirks as he steps over from Leon’s side to yours, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close to press a kiss to your temple. “Thanks, bud. Gotta admit, I’m feeling a pretty lucky guy.”
“The luckiest.”
Chris cocks his head at the lack of sarcasm, almost put off by how genuine Leon sounded.
“Sorry, is there any more beer?” Someone he doesn’t recognize – one of yours or Chris’ other friends, maybe – interrupts.
“Of course! I’ll go get it.” You barely make it a step out of Chris’ embrace before he wraps his hand around your arm and stills you with a furrowed brow.
“Babe, we tal-“
“We talked about me carrying heavy things.” You correct with a feigned huff. “The baby will be heavier than a box of beer.”
Chris looks apologetic. “All I was gonna say is you need to be careful – don’t want you wearing yourself out and missing the party.” Leon feels a stabbing pain once again in his chest as he watches Redfield cup your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Let’s be honest, darling, you’re usually on your second nap by this time.”
You pout, more so annoyed that Chris is right. The move, plus the second trimester had you feeling permanently fatigued. “True, but-”
“Let me go grab the beer,” Leon interrupts and Chris drops his hand from your face, as if he just realized Leon was still there. “Just tell me where.”
You frown at his offer. “You’re a guest.”
“A lousy guest - didn’t even bring a housewarming gift,” he berates himself. “Being the beer lackey can be it.”
“You didn’t need to get us anything – your company’s gift enough.” You place a hand on his arm and squeeze in reassurance - he swears his heart skips a beat. “It’s probably easier if I show you where. Come on.”
“Thanks, Leon.” Chris pats him on the back and turns to the grill, declaring it hot enough to finally start cooking.
Leon follows you, dutifully, back up the steps onto the decking, one hand poised ready to steady you if need be. You lead him towards the opposite end of the kitchen and towards the pantry, hesitating before you open the door.
“I’m sorry, if this was a shock.” You jerk your chin down at your stomach. “We were just sorta telling people as and when we saw them, rather than do any real big announcement.”
“Yet you announced the house?”
You smile, wryly. “I think Chris just wanted an excuse to buy that grill. He’s trying out lots of hobbies. I caught him looking up ride-on mowers the other night.”
“Heard he’s office-based now.” There’s a beat and it comes out before he can even think, always ready to justify his actions even when no-one’s called for it. “I couldn’t have done that for you.”
Suddenly, you’re thrown back to that hour before your wedding – something you truthfully hadn’t thought of until this moment.
“You think I asked Chris to do that? That I demanded a wedding and a house and a baby and…” Your voice cracks a little before you take a deep breath. Your emotions are high strung enough at the moment with the pregnancy and you try to compose yourself, digging your nails into your palms.
“You know what? No – I’m not going through this again. Relationships are about compromises on both sides, it’s unfortunate that’s what you still don’t seem to understand.”
You slide open the pantry door then, pointing to the back where a couple of boxes of beer are stacked, in amongst tubs of protein powder. “Just grab any of those, please. I’ll see you outside.”
Leon’s hand wraps around your wrist as you step away. It isn’t a firm grip by any means, just holding you loosely in place. “Just tell me one thing - are you happy?”
“I’m really happy, Leon.” You reply without a beat’s hesitation, because you are. “I hope one day you allow yourself to be happy too.”
He doesn’t say anything to that, only drops his grip on your wrist and turns into the pantry in the guise of retrieving the beer. It’s only when he hears you step back out onto the decking that he bends to pick up the box, half wondering if he should just quietly leave now.
No, that would only cause you grief, surely. He’s done enough of that.
After a few moments have passed, he lifts up the box and heads out, pulling the door shut to the pantry behind him. He heads back out into the yard, pausing at the top of the stairs to see you back at your husband’s side, laughing at something he’s said, looking up at him like he’s everything.
Chris wraps his arms around you, helping you up to your tip-toes so he can kiss you as passionately as he did on the wedding day, and every day since.
Claire wonders, loudly, whether your honeymoon phase will ever be over, but she’s smiling as she says it.
Leon silently carries over the box and opens it, adding a couple more cans of beer to the ice bucket before Claire hands him an open one, proposing a toast to the new house and baby Redfield.
Instead, Leon toasts to the life he could’ve had.
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Guilty as Sin? — Chapter Eight
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, minor angst (javi is not the cause), unprotected piv, the professor kink gets a moment to shine, also maybe an anti-breeding kink?? vasectomy kink?? idk, these two are rudely interrupted by a special guest
word count: 5.2k
series masterlist
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You greeted Javi with an air of indifference as you stopped at his desk on the way out of his Friday night lab, though your eyes told a completely different story when you caught a glimpse of the mark you’d left on him a few nights ago when he stayed over at your place. 
Javi seemed to already know what you were thinking as he watched your eyes widen with a mixture of alarm and satisfaction, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
“Yes?” he replied, forcing himself to sound as cold as he normally did when speaking to a student. “Can I help you with something?”
You shook your head, fighting back a smile. “Just saying goodnight.”
“Mm,” he hummed, ticking his jaw to the side as gave you a purposeful once over. You rolled your eyes in order to hide the fluster his gaze brought on before turning to leave the lecture hall. He called your last name, forcing you to freeze in place, watching as the last few undergrads filed out of the room. “Would you mind staying back to discuss today’s lab?”
You slowly spun towards him on your heel, your eyebrow raised in question. With the room now empty, you were free to speak normally with him. “Is this an actual meeting or your attempt at roleplay?”
“A little bit of both,” he replied, pushing off his desk to saunter across the room, his eyes never leaving yours once in the process. “Just wanted to thank you for helping out today.”
“Well, it is kind of my job to help,” you joked, stepping close enough to smell the cinnamon on his breath. “Is that all you wanted to say? Or is there something else you need from me?”
“There’s a world of things I need from you,” he husked, settling his hands on your hips before sliding them up to the small of your back. “A kiss will do for now, though.”
“Just one?”
Javier grinned, leaning down to brush his nose against yours. “For now.” 
“I thought we said no fooling around on campus,” you breathed, the words a reminder not only to him but also to yourself. 
“That was overly optimistic, I think,” he said, tipping your jaw up as he placed a soft, almost taunting kiss on your lips. “But maybe you’re right.”
“Uh-uh,” you replied, tugging him back into you as he playful tried to back away with his hands held up in surrender. 
You kissed him, deeper this time. Javier groaned, walking you backwards until your thighs hit the edge of a desk. You gasped as he hoisted you onto the surface, your thighs bracketed around his waist. 
“We really should stop,” he panted, kissing his way down your neck. “Anybody could walk in.” 
“Then take me somewhere private,” you said, tossing your head back as he pressed his hips into yours. 
“It’s late, aren’t you tired?” he asked, though his wandering hands did little to persuade you against letting him fuck you right here on this desk. 
“Not when it comes to you,” you replied, popping one of the buttons of his shirt open to trace over the fresh hickey you’d given him last night when he showed up to your place unannounced but more than welcome. 
“Fuck,” he squeezed your hips, dragging you closer. “Spend the weekend with me. We can hole up and eat like shit and fuck and build Legos.”
You smiled at the prospect, dragging your lips up to his jaw. “I’ll meet you in the parking garage.”
“Okay,” he nodded, giving you a lingering peck that turned into another one of his signature, mind melting, knock-you-on-your-ass kisses that had you panting when he finally pulled away. “I won’t be long, just have to pack my things up.”
“No rush,” you said, giving him a smitten look. Javier let out a soft groan, holding your face as he leaned in for one more. 
Always just one more. 
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You had some time to kill as you waited for Javi to pack his things and shut everything down in the lecture hall, so you wandered into the campus cafe beside the parking structure reserved for faculty, desperate to get out of this mid-October chill. 
The doorbell jingled as you stepped in, the scent of cinnamon and coffee grounds flooding your nostrils. Stepping into the small line leading up to the counter, you glanced around the room without purpose—a nervous tick you had. As your eyes locked onto a couple in a corner booth practically swallowing each other’s tongues, you quickly wished you hadn’t. 
There, sitting on the same side of a booth, hands and lips all over each other, was none other than Nina and Derrick. 
What the fuck?
You quickly averted your eyes, just in time to step up the the counter. 
“Hi, can I get a hot chai latte and a drip coffee?” you asked, keeping your voice relatively hushed out of fear that Nina or Derrick would recognize it. 
“How would you like the coffee?” the barista asked. 
“Black, please,” you replied, recalling Javi’s signature order that still perplexed you even after a month of being together. 
After giving her your name, you waited on the other side of the room by the shelves of tumblers and mugs, pretending to shop around while you hid out from your ex-roommates. 
Unfortunately, all that hard work went down the drain the moment she called your name at the pick up counter—the one right next to their booth. 
“Fuck me,” you muttered under your breath as you gathered the courage to go over and grab your drinks. 
You tried not to look their way, but god, the sight of them together really got under your skin. You gave a careful glance in their direction, locking eyes with Derrick as he whispered something in Nina’s ear, causing her to turn towards you. 
Taking a deep breath and plastering on a smile, you turned to them as they slid out of the booth. 
“Hey,” you offered, mostly to Nina. Derrick let out a scoff and breezed past you to head outside while Nina grabbed her purse. She didn’t acknowledge you in the slightest, but too curious to back out now, you persisted. “Nina, it’s…me. You know…your friend for the last four years.”
“Oh,” she said, her tone bored as she gave you a forced smile. “Hey.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the two of them as an actual couple. 
“So you guys are, like, together?” you asked, nudging your chin toward Derrick as he waited outside. 
“Yeah,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “Is that a problem?”
“It’s just surprising, is all,” you said. “You know I didn’t lie about what happened, right? Like he really tried—“
“Well, he isn’t like that with me,” she snapped, raising a brow at you. “So maybe it was just you. Or maybe you created the whole thing in your head. Either way, it doesn’t affect me.”
You scoffed, a look of disbelief washing over your face. “We were friends before we ever met him. We went through everything together for four years, you and I, side by side. Doesn’t that affect you?”
“You made your choice, and honestly I’m glad,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “If you’d never abandoned us, D and I would’ve never connected that way. I had to pull him out of a very dark place after you left, and if you think I’m going to choose you—someone who’s always been half-out the door—over that good man? Well, I’m gonna have to disappoint you.”
“But he’s not a good man, Nina,” you argued, your disbelief turning into rage quicker than your face could keep up with. Tears still brimmed in your eyes, but that wardrum beat banging in your chest urged you to stand up for yourself. For what you knew was the truth. “He’s manipulative and narcissistic. He’ll probably marry you before the year ends, but once he puts that ring on your finger, you’ll be signing your freedom away. He doesn’t want a lawyer for a wife, he wants someone to have his kids and look after his pretty house and wear on his arm like a trophy. And you are the trophy, here, but not for the reasons he thinks.”
She let her face sour, but there was no mistaking the look of knowing in her eyes. She knew you were right, but unfortunately for her, it was easier just to ignore it. 
“Have a nice night alone,” she said, looking you up and down before turning to leave the cafe. 
You fought back tears, grabbing your drinks and heading out the door as soon as they left. Telling yourself it was the cold wind that forced a few tears to stream down your cheeks, you entered the parking garage and made it to Javier’s black BMW without running into anyone else. Javier was already seated in the driver’s seat, scrolling through his phone to find an album for the commute from campus to his apartment, when you opened the passenger door and climbed in. 
“Thank you, baby,” he said, accepting the coffee you handed over without looking his way. “Ready to go?”
“Mmhm,” you said, turning to look out of the passenger window so that you could subtly wipe your tears away. 
Javier pulled out the garage, his thumbs tapping on the steering wheel as you sat uncomfortably silent, causing him to glance over at you. 
“You okay?” he asked. You turned to him, fresh tears streaming down your cheek. “Hey, what happened? What’s wrong?” 
“It's stupid. I just...I ran into Nina and Derrick at the cafe,” you said, your voice throaty from your tears. “Guess they’re dating now. But that’s not…I’m not even upset about that. It’s just the way she treated me when I tried to say hello to her. She was so fucking cold and mean, like…just an entirely different person than the one I knew.”
He frowned, reaching one hand over to stroke his thumb over your cheek, catching a tear as it fell. 
“Also, just…” You shook your head, unable to locate the proper words to describe the feeling of losing someone that had been your best friend for so much of your adult life. “It just sucks, you know? Knowing that she picked him over me. She said believes him and told me to fuck off, basically.”
Javier let his hand rest on your thigh, taking careful glances between you and the road. “One day she’ll realize the mistake she made, cariño. She’ll be an unhappy housewife trying to reach out to you to make amends, but you’re going to be too busy with your career and me to give a single shit about her. You’re the winner in this situation, and she’ll realize that eventually.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him as he included himself in your future. A subtle, easy to miss declaration of his intent for this relationship, but one that did its job, pulling you back into the light again. You laid your hand on top of his, lacing your fingers together. “You’re gonna stick around that long, huh?”
He smiled, giving your fingers a squeeze. “If you decide to keep me around.” 
“Keep saying shit like that and I will,” you said, lifting his palm up to your lips. “Thank you for listening to my rant.”
“You never have to thank me for that,” he said. “That’s what I’m here for.”
“Oh, I thought it was just for the hot sex.” Javier let go of your hand to pinch your thigh. 
“Smart ass.”
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After a quickie that was followed by you and Javi splitting an entire pizza between yourselves, the two of you got to work building Javi’s Death Star. You remained interested for an hour or so, then chose to take a much needed shower while he kept on building. When you returned, he was still at it, tinkering away while you got to work on some assignments a few feet from him on the sofa. 
But the hours kept passing, your eyes growing tired just from watching him work. When the clock neared three in the morning, you decided it was time to pull out the big guns. You excused yourself to the bathroom, stripping out of the clothes you’d been in all day, and gave yourself a once over in the mirror, pleased at what you saw. 
You tiptoed out of his bedroom, coming to stand behind him as he sat on the sofa. 
“You’ve been at it for a while,” you crooned, draping your arms over his shoulders and chest before settling your chin on his shoulder. Javi lifted a hand to your arm, giving it a gentle rub as he leaned back into the couch. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “But I’m in a good groove.”
“You could be in something else,” you purred. “Close your eyes.” 
“Because I asked you to,” you said, letting him go in favor of rounding the corner of the sofa. Javi obeyed your demand, keeping his eyes closed as you stepped over one of his knees to stand between his legs. “Okay, you can open.”
Javi slowly opened his eyes, finding you completely bare in front of him, offered up like a midnight snack. 
“Fuck me,” he breathed, taking you in. “You’re right. I do need a break.”
You laughed, straddling his lap. “What you need is for me to fuck you good enough to put you to sleep. It’s three in the morning.” 
“I know,” he sighed, running his hands up your thighs. “I can just go to bed, if that’s—“
“Uh-uh,” you tutted your tongue at him. “I told you what I wanted—to fuck you so good I put you to sleep.”
Javi let out a soft groan, gliding his hands up to cup your breasts. “What heaven did you sneak out of?”
“It was hell, actually.” Javi laughed, placing a kiss on your sternum. 
“God, I love you,” he murmured against your skin, the confession slipping out before he could stop it. Your eyes went wide, not from fear but from amusement as Javi lifted his own pair of wide eyes to meet yours. “I didn’t…that wasn’t…I—“
“Javi,” you laughed, cupping his face in your hand. Your face softened as you took him in. “You love me?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, swallowing thickly. “I do.”
You grinned, kissing him through it. “That’s good because I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you.”
“Yeah?” he asked, a look of relief washing over his face. “It’s not too soon?”
“I’m surprised either of us waited this long,” you laughed. “We’ve known each other for three months. Just because we’ve only been together a month doesn’t mean anything. At least not to me.” 
“Not to me, either,” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you down with him as he shifted to lay on his back across the sofa. He slid his hand between your thighs, his jaw going slack as he smeared your arousal over your clit with a sinful groan. “All this for me, hermosa?”
You nodded, reaching to tug his flannel pajama bottoms down just enough to free his dick, laughing as it sprang free with a lewd slap against his stomach. You dragged a single finger down the underside of his cock, licking your lips as you watched it twitch with interest. “Such a pretty dick.”
“Only fitting for the prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen,” he replied, bringing his soaked fingers up to his lips to suck them clean. “And so fucking sweet, too.”
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” you moaned, leaning down to kiss the taste of yourself off his lips. Javier groaned as you lined him up at your entrance.
“Fuck, wait,” he said. “Condom.”
“Or we could…not,” you suggested bashfully, biting your lip as you watched him react. “I just mean that I’m clean. I got tested the week before school started and I haven’t been with anyone but you since. And I’m on birth control, so no worries on that front either.”
Javi nodded. “I’m clean too, and I got a vasectomy a few years back, so we’re completely good on that front.”
You lifted your brows in delighted surprise, causing him to laugh. “What, bebita?”
“I just…I’m so glad I get to fuck you raw now and never have to worry about an accidental pregnancy,” you said, laughing at your own response. “It’s hot.”
“Then go on and show me how hot it is, baby,” he urged, trailing his fingertips down your spine. “Sit on my dick, hermosa.”
You let out a soft breath at his command, looking down between your bodies as you lined him up with your entrance and slowly took him in. Javi’s lips parted as he watched himself disappear into your wetness, his brows knitted together. 
“Fuck, you feel so good like this,” he husked, bringing his thumb to swirl over your clit as you swallowed him down to his base. “So fucking wet.”
Your face scrunched a bit in pleasure as you lifted yourself up just to slide back down while Javi continued working your swollen bud with one hand, the other gripping your hip. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me come quick tonight, cariño.”
“Yeah?” you purred, rocking your hips a bit. Feeling extra bold tonight, you fought a smirk as you added, “Are you gonna come inside me, Professor?”
Javi’s jaw went slack again, a mixture of incredulity and arousal washing over his face. “Fuck, that shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does. Keep talking, cariño. I love the shit that comes out of your mouth when I’m fucking you.”
You moaned at his confession, speeding up your hips to bounce on him. 
“Fuck, it feels so good. I can feel you in my stomach every time I take you in like this—” You sank down on him and swirled your hips in a circle to grind him in deep. Javier growled, holding your hips in place as he thrusted up into your cunt, filling the living room with the lewdest of sounds. 
“Am I fucking you good, cariño?” he asked, a playful taunt. You cried out, one arm gripping the back of the couch while the other rested on his chest. “Is your professor fucking you how you want? Hm?”
“It’s so good, Javi,” you cried, your hips chasing his thrusts. 
“Uh-uh. Not Javi,” he tutted. “Who am I, baby?”
You opened your eyes to meet his, the sight alone almost enough to bring you to the edge. “You’re my professor.”  
“Mmhm,” he hummed, a smug smirk growing on his lips as he gave your ass a slap. “Good fucking girl.”
“Shit,” you whined, moving to rest your palms flat against his chest as you rolled your hips on top of him. His hands guided your hips, forcing you as close as possible. Your clit dragged deliciously against the coarse hair on his lower stomach, causing your thighs to shake with every rock forward. “Fuck, I’m close. I’m so fucking close.”
“That’s it,” he rasped, his voice warm with desire. “Good girl, baby. Ride your professor's dick just like that.”
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, your head dropping between your shoulders as you inched closer to heaven with every grind against his cock. “Javi—“
The sound of a fist knocking on Javi’s door caused you to jolt, your eyes widening as you sat frozen in place on top of him. 
“Who the fuck…” Javi groaned, a sound of pure frustration. “Whoever it is, fuck off!”
A muffled southern accent sounded in response. “It’s Steve, dumbass. Tell your guest I take precedence and let me in.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Javi’s eyes shut, a sigh slipping from his lips. “I have to let that fucking idiot in.”
“Why?” you asked, that tension in your belly still begging to be unraveled. 
“He’s my best friend, unfortunately. An out-of-state best friend who I hoped I wouldn’t have to see a million times a year, an yet...here he is,” he sighed, sitting up to kiss you. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“I was so close,” you groaned, laying your head on his shoulder. “Now I have to finish myself off alone.”
Javier pulled back to give you a look of pure offense. 
“Don’t give me that look,” you chuckled, smoothing the crease in his brow with your thumb. “It was your decision to let him come in.”
“Well, now I’m rethinking that stupid decision,” he said, but the moment had already passed—especially knowing that there was someone waiting on the other side of the front door for you to finish. 
“No, go let him in, I’ll just be waiting for you in bed,” you said, climbing off of him with a soft hiss. “And tell your friend he owes me for this. A no-expenses-spared steak dinner or something.”
“Will do, baby,” he said, planting a soft kiss in your lips as he stood up to join you, tucking his half-hard dick away. “I’ll be in there soon, don’t get started without me.”
“I’ll think about it,” you snarked, earning a gentle pat to your ass. 
As you let Javi’s bedroom door shut behind you, you grabbed Javi’s robe from his en-suite and tugged it on as you lingered by the door to eavesdrop on their conversation. 
“You fucking dick,” Javi said, earning a hearty laugh from Steve. “You couldn’t have called to tell me you were coming to town?”
“You know I can’t stand all that calling and texting bullshit,” he drawled. “Jesus, Javi. On the couch? That’s where I’m supposed t’be sleepin’ this weekend, you fucker.”
“If I knew you were coming, fucker, I would’ve cleaned up, but—“
“Is that the fuckin’ Death Star?” 
You let out a soft laugh at the sheer disbelief in Steve’s voice. 
“Javi Peña buildin’ Legos,” he whistled. “What’s the world comin’ to?”
“Are you gonna tell me why you’re here?” Javi asked. 
“Are you gonna introduce me to your friend?” Steve replied. Your eyes went wide as heavy footsteps on hardwood got closer and closer to the bedroom door. “Hello, Javi’s friend. I’m Javi’s other friend. Glad there’s finally two of us.”
You chuckled, hesitating for a moment before deciding to open the door up. Javi stood in the living room with his hand on one hip, unamused by Steve’s behavior. You turned your eyes to the man standing a few feet away from the door. He was blonde with blue eyes, and much like Javi, could somehow pull off the mustache look and make it look good. 
“Hey,” you chuckled, giving him your name. “I gotta say, Steve, I haven’t heard much about you. Is Javi hiding you away?”
“He just likes to play hard to get, is all,” Steve smirked. “What about you? You Javi’s girlfriend, or is he hidin’ you away too?”
You turned to Javi with an expectant, but amused look. He’d never officially given you the title, nor you him, but it certainly felt like you were his girlfriend. 
“Yes, she’s my girlfriend,” he sighed, not at you but at Steve. “Now can you stop bothering her and let her go to bed, dip shit?”
You laughed, turning back to Steve. “It was nice meeting you, Steve. Don’t keep him up long, he and I were in the middle of something.”
Steve laughed, looking towards his best friend. 
“I like her.”
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Twenty minutes went by before Javi slipped into the bedroom, carefully clicking the door shut as you laid with your back facing him, pretending to be asleep. There was a quiet rustling before you heard him tiptoeing across the room to crawl into bed behind you. He let out a soft, adoring sigh as his hand ghosted up your bare arm, his lips trailing across your shoulder to your neck. 
“You asleep, hermosa?” he rasped, kissing the shell of your ear. You smirked, rolling over just enough to look at him. 
“How am I supposed to sleep like this?” You lowered his hand across your stomach, down beneath the comforter to slip between your thighs. You guided his fingers to stroke up and down your soaked seam before sinking them inside. 
“Fuck,” Javi’s lips parted, a strangled, quieted groan slipping free as he curled his fingers against that spot you loved so much, his palm grinding against your clit with every thrust. “You want me to make you come, baby?”
You bit your lip and nodded, reaching between your bodies to stroke him through his pajamas only to find he’d taken them off when he came into the room. You licked a broad stripe across your palm before taking him in your hand, stroking him while he pumped his fingers in and out of you with a lewd squelch. 
“How do you want it, cariño?” he asked, bucking his hips into your fist to meet every stroke. 
“From the back,” you said, letting him go in favor of rolling onto your stomach to arch your back for him. Javi growled, coming to sit on his knees behind you as you wiggled your hips at him. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, his hands gripping the globes of your ass in each palm. “I’m not gonna last long, baby. You look too fucking good like this.” 
You keened at his praise, pushing back towards him as he notched himself at your entrance. You both let out sighs of relief as he pressed inside, going slow as he let your greedy cunt suck him in deep. “Your pussy’s so fucking good, baby.” 
You let out a soft whine, burying your face in the pillows to muffle your moans as he snapped his hips into you, steady building up to a brutal pace that had you gripping the sheets. You turned your head, looking over your shoulder as Javi fucked you, finding him with bared teeth, his hair messy across his forehead, his stomach flexing with each sharp thrust into your cunt. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, tugging you back by your arms until your spine was bowed against his chest. He kept your arms pinned between your bodies with one hand, the other gently wrapping around your throat. “Fucking love this pussy…fucking love you.” 
You whined, the sound loud enough to make Javi slide his hand up to cover your mouth. He brought his lips to your ear and whispered. “Those sounds are just for me, aren’t they, bebita?” 
You nodded against him, reaching back to hold his head in place as he nipped at your jawline. Sliding a hand down your stomach, Javi rubbed perfect circles against your clit in time with each one of those ruinously deep thrusts against the velvet soft roof of your cunt. 
“I’m gonna come, cariño,” he whined, his hips losing a bit of their rhythm. “Come for me. Come on my cock and I’ll fill you up, baby.” 
You were thankful for his hand over your mouth as you cried out, a wave of pleasure washing over you, turning you into putty in his arms as he fucked you through it. “That’s it, baby. Fuck, you’re squeezing me so fucking tight. You’re gonna make me come.”
“Please,” you moaned as Javi dropped his hand from your mouth to hold both of your hips in place as he chased his release. “Come inside my pussy.”
He groaned as he pressed in as deep as he could go, the sound choked and strangled as he tried to keep quiet. You stroked your hand up and down the arm he’d moved to wrap around your middle as his cock throbbed inside of you. 
“Fuck me,” he panted, slipping out of you with a hiss before guiding you back against the mattress. He climbed out of bed to retrieve a washcloth, returning with it perfectly warmed by the sink. You watched him clean you up with a smitten look, his dimple making an appearance. 
“What’s got you so smiley?” you asked, rolling onto your side to watch as he cleaned himself off before tossing the cloth into the laundry bin. 
“Besides the mind-blowing orgasm I just had?” he replied, shooting you a smile from over his shoulder as he opened his dresser drawer, pulling out a pair of briefs. “Just happy.”
“Yeah?” you asked, twisting your smile to keep it from growing into a cheesy grin as you admired the sight of him in his briefs as he walked over to climb into bed beside you. 
“Yeah,” he affirmed, coaxing you to lay your head on his chest. “I haven’t been this happy in a long, long time, cariño.”
“Me too,” You placed a kiss over his racing heartbeat, smoothing your hand across his stomach. “It’s a little scary, no?”
“Very fucking scary,” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead. “But it’s not gonna stop me.” 
You smiled to yourself, drawing hearts on his skin. “Is everything okay with Steve?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Him and Connie, his wife, got into it over him continuing his contract with the DEA, I guess. So he’s staying with me until things cool off, which will hopefully be by tomorrow morning because I can’t have him being our third wheel.”
“Why not?” you laughed, lifting your head to look at him. 
“Because I want you all to myself like the selfish asshole I am,” Javi said, smiling. “Also Steve’s really amused by the fact that I have a girlfriend, which means he’s going to try and embarrass me as much as he can in front of you.”
“Well, he can certainly try but my mind is pretty made up,” you said, pinching his chin. “I love you, Javier, and no amount of embarrassing stories from Steve is going to change that.”
“He’s also a hillbilly, which comes with its own warnings,” he said, lifting your fingertips to his lips to place soft kisses on them one by one. 
“How about we see how it goes in the morning, and if either one of us gets tired of the questions or whatever, I can just go home and give you some time alone together,” you suggested. 
“Okay,” he murmured, his eyelids growing heavy with sleep. You leaned up, placing a soft kiss to his lips. 
“Goodnight, Javi,” you said, turning to get comfortable on your side. Javi spooned you, draping his arm over your middle and pulling you close. 
“Goodnight, cariño,” he murmured. “I love you.”
You smiled, hugging his arm tight to your chest. Those three words would never fail to make your heart clench.
“I love you too, Javi.” 
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cyber333angel · 16 hours
like imagine sugar daddy! rafe begging to eat you out after rinsing his money on yu x
i would die i think x
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⋆。 ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。
you had just finished shopping with rafe at a couple of different stores, ending your journey at one of your favorite places, victoria secret. he had already spoiled you too much today but it was always worth it.
so as your walking around the shop pointing out what you liked, you decided you wanted to try a few sets on to make sure it would fit. rafe sat down next to the dressing room with your bags bought from expensive brands, places only kooks could afford, waiting as you tried on the pretty lingerie. they all fit perfectly except one was pretty hard to zip so you asked for help, “rafe could you come in here please? quick!” you yell to him, he picks up his head from his phone and walks into the large stall, locking the door behind him. “i just need you to zip this up. i think the zipper jammed-“ you stop talking for a moment, watching rafe in the mirror in front of you stare you down head to toe. “rafey! are you listening?” and he snaps from the trance. “yeah..yeah im listening kid. turn around.” you do as your told as rafe walks up to you, bracing his hand on your shoulder as he pulls the he zipper up.
you squeal looking at yourself, happy of how the lingerie fits. “oh em gee! rafe doesn’t this make me look so pretty! what do you think?” you turn to look up at him but jerk your head back a bit when he grabs you by the waist inching himself closer to you. “this little get-up is for me hm princess? teasing me because you wanted daddy to touch you?” rafe asked you with a stern voice, his sudden actions make you fluster.
the two of you had agreed on a strictly money based relationship when you first started out, having you attend all the prestigious events to impress the kooks with his pretty girl on his side. but over the weeks you noticed he would look at you and hint things in a way that was not so professional. “no rafe! remember we said no sex and that this was only a business relationship?!” you tell him, although you were only trying to convince yourself at this point. “business relationship my ass you know you want more than that. why don’t you let me make you feel good huh? you look so pretty for me..” you look at him hesitantly, “I don’t know rafey..” and he twists his head to the side. “please baby?” his begging getting the best of you, you nod knowing what he said before was right and rafe flashes you a handsome smile. “theres my good girl.”
you sat in the chair that was in the dressing room, your legs spread out in front of his face as he lapped at your soaked folds. he had taken the lower part of your lingerie off, carful not to ruin it so he could buy it after he was done with you.
you were barely able to contain your moans as he sucked on your bud, his biceps wrapped around your legs forcing your heat to be close to his face. rafe mumbled little nothings under his breath, praising you. “taste so fucking good for daddy baby ..” you mewled at him, squirming around the chair and arching your back as he held you in place, “stay fuckin still alright?” he told you, pausing for a moment to get your response and you nod frantically. “mm yes daddy m’trying!” and the brunette goes back to licking stripes up into your cunt. “let’s hurry this up yeah?” you whine and cover your mouth as he takes two fingers, plunging them into your heat.
rafe thrusts his fingers in and out of your pussy, urging you to cum and you hump at his fingers, making rafe chuckle, “you really want to cum huh needy girl?” you ignore him as he places little kisses to your sloppy cunt making your hips buck. rafe sucks at your sensitive bud a few more times and you cum, your slick covering the bottom on his chin leaving you out of breath.
rafe licks the arousal of his fingers but sees you spread out on the chair out of breath. suddenly taking your jaw with his other hand and shoving the wet digits into your mouth. “taste how fuckin sweet you were for me..” you moan quietly around his fingers, slurping up the juices left as he looks at you.
he takes his fingers from your mouth, helping you clean you up and puts the lingerie set back in your shopping basket to pay for at the cashier desk. “lets go pay sweetheart. ” he tells you.
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aurorawritestoescape · 18 hours
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ADDICTED || Max Phillips x f!reader || 3k
Summary: Max gives you everything you need but can you stop when the pleasure gets addictive?
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, angst, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamic, biting, blood drinking (not graphic), f/m oral, mind control (dub-con, then very enthusiastic), slapping, unprotected piv, heartbreak, themes of addiction, obsession. Reader has hair. Pics are for the mood only, reader has no physical description.
A/n: this is for @iamasaddie ‘s Kinky May challenge with a prompt daddy kink for Max Phillips. Thank you for hosting it, Aly😘 Thank you @milla-frenchy for beta-ing and holding my trembling hand♥️ it’s my first time writing Max and I’m very nervous. Hope you all will enjoy it!💖
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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You can’t get enough of him.
His fingers gripping your hair, his strong hips between your slicked up thighs, the burn his teeth leave behind, the pleasure his soft lips give you.
Yet most of all you can’t get enough of his voice.
It’s like the sweetest poison that seeps into your welcoming ear, tying you closer to him with every uttered sound. Making you addicted. Obsessed.
“You’re mine. All of you. Every drop, baby.”
“Yes, daddy,” you always agree with him. These are the rules of the game. You do what he says, he doesn’t leave you.
He gives you what you need. Purpose.
“You’re daddy’s hole. Nothing more. I’m here to fill you and feed on you. You don’t need anything else. Just daddy fucking his cum into you, load after load. While your blood satiates me. Drop after drop.”
“Yes, daddy…please, give it to me… want it…take it.”
You get so high on his voice telling you what to do, it’s euphoric. You’re always in a half trance. At work your mind is occupied by him; whenever you spend time with your family or friends, your thoughts are elsewhere. You don’t need them anymore. You are lost in him. In your mind you’re in bed, pressed by his heavy body. Limbs intervened, your sweaty skin flush against his as he’s claiming your body and soul.
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It used to be easy. The first time you met at a club where Max tried to pick you up and succeeded. He was handsome, charming as hell, talkative, funny in an assholish way. Absolutely not your type, but you didn’t mind having fun. You two fucked in the bathroom and when he bit your neck and licked off the blood, you thought he was just kinky. The alcohol in your blood didn’t let you think straight. He made you come on his cock and you gave him your phone number.
Max came without a call, just appeared on your doorstep one night, and you let him in. You were cringing at your desire for some corporate suit, but he’d given it to you so good that night and you had never passed on a great fuck.
“I like you”, he said directly, lying on your sofa. He came right after work and told you that he was tired, at the same time exuding energy. You were staring at him, amused by his confidence. Max had an air about him like he owned the place and everything in it, including you.
“There’s something special about you,” he continued, pouting his lips in thought, “I don’t even need to command you. You’re so hungry. You do what I want all by yourself, baby.”
“Command me?”, you scuffed and snapped back, offended by his words, “Why don’t you go fuck yourself, baby”. Max was hot but a man would never be the boss of you, you thought.
He bucked his hips, getting more comfortable on your sofa, and shot you a smug smile that made you want to slap him. Before fucking him.
“Get on the sofa. All fours,” He told you, nodding at the spot next to him. His voice was the same, deep and gruff but somehow different. As if he grabbed your will and caged it in his big hand. Made it his will instead. And to your astonishment your body followed the order.
“Take off your clothes,” he said, sitting up, as your hands and knees were already planted firmly on the surface.
He got up and made you stand still while his hands were exploring your naked body — kneaded your breasts, twitched your nipples, glided over your back, slipped between your folds and swirled your throbbing clit. Your head was absolutely empty, your mind already occupied by only him.
“Beautiful,” he praised you, spreading your ass cheeks and admiring the view, “daddy’s gonna have so much fun with you.”
You bit your lip when he called himself that and then whimpered when he latched onto your pussy. He tasted your desire for him as his hot tongue slid between your folds and traced your crying hole. A whine escaped your parted lips when his mouth stopped caressing your cunt and he stood in front of you.
With widened eyes you watched him perch on the armrest of the sofa, spreading his thighs wide.
“You know what’s my favorite thing to do?” He asked, smirking at you.
You couldn’t say anything, so you were just blinking at him while a myriad of emotions were swirling inside your chest.
“Oh, you can’t answer, right. Baby though she’s in charge, huh?” Max chuckled and then leaned closer to you face, bringing his lips to your ear and whispered,
“Let’s see who’s in charge,” and added, “Come for daddy.”
You felt burning in your stomach, your core tightened, pussy started clamping around nothing, and you cried out as a hard orgasm began shaking your whole body, making your limbs tremble. He was palming himself, watching your face twist in pleasure, loud moans leaving your lips as the waves of ecstasy were lapping at your heated body. It was hard to stand still and his previous command was the only thing that kept you from collapsing on the sofa.
“Relax,” he told you and you plopped on the surface panting heavily, while aftershocks were still going through your body.
He stood up and you felt his thumb brush your cheekbone.
“Do you believe me now, sweetheart?” He asked with a head tilt, as his bulge was looming over your head.
You looked up at his smug face, smiled a little and replied,
“Yes, daddy. Please, do it again”.
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Now when he’s in your bedroom, time stops. Life stops. As soon as he sits on the edge of your bed, you kneel between his thighs, your big eyes full of deep admiration, a short sheer nightie barely covering anything. He often buys you new lingerie. He enjoys spoiling you. Also blood is hard to wash off.
If he wants you to suck his cock, all he needs to do is nod at his crotch. But tonight he wants all of you.
“C’mere,” he tells you, patting his thigh with his big hand. In a second you’re sat on his lap, your naked pussy soaking his black suit pants.
“Nearly snapped someone’s neck at work today, incompetent idiot,” He grumbles in a low voice and asks, “How was your day, baby?”
You’re pouting your lips. Who cares? Fuck life. This is what you need. This is what makes you happy, ecstatic, euphoric.
“-was ok,” you mumble, as your stomach churns with impatience. Your gaze is set downcast while you’re fumbling with his crimson tie. He nuzzles your neck and takes a deep breath of your scent. A shudder goes through him from the way you smell and you slightly roll your hips, rubbing your needy pussy against his thigh.
“So impatient, baby. Do you remember how Daddy punished you for your impatience?” his cold palm wraps around your throat and tilts your head to the side, exposing more of your neck, where his favorite vein is fluttering like a little bird under his hungry gaze.
You won’t ever forget that punishment. You have been kneeling at the foot of your bed, watching him languidly play with his cock and balls. Your mouth was watering whenever a drop of precum slid down the curve of his fat tip. He has been edging you and himself for what felt like hours until he gave you the permission to suck his cock and you came just from having him in your mouth.
“Yes, I’m sorry, daddy. I’ll wait.”
“Good girl,” he says before his lips start sucking on your delicate skin, right over the artery. He licks the patch of skin there as his hand slithers under the neckline of your nightie and squeezes your breast.
“I’m gonna take a sip and you’re gonna be a good girl and play with Daddy’s cock, ‘k?
“Yes, please”.
You tilt your head even more, offering your blood to him as your left hand slides between your bodies. You find his belt buckle and undo it, stopping yourself from rushing. You don’t want daddy’s punishment tonight. You crave his reward.
You open his pants and moan as he breaks your skin with his fangs.
You got so used to the feeling, you don’t even notice the pain. The pain is like a threshold that you step over to get to the pleasure. A small price you pay each time for the immense ecstasy he’s going to give you.
As he starts gently sucking, you take out his cock which is already hard as steel and caress its velvety skin with your fingers. It twitches in your hand and Max growls.
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
You hastily spit in your palm and return your hand to his twitching length. You wrap your hand around it and begin pumping with a rhythm you know he loves.
You flutter your eyes shut, getting lost in the feeling, ready, so ready to give and get more.
You feel his precum on your hand, and without looking, you spread it over his soft skin.
Max’s lips smacking against your neck, his growling that sends pleasant vibrations through you, his tongue, gathering the blood off your skin, mixes with the squelching sounds of your hand, dancing over his cock. It’s throbbing, pulsating in your little hand and you press your body closer to his torso, wishing to feel his length against your belly.
“Daddy, may I have it, please?”
He groans and his lips leave your neck as he commands without using his powers, “lie down.”
You can’t follow the order quicker. You need him more than air. Your empty pussy is weeping to be filled, used, stretched by his manhood. Your whole being craves to serve his needs and after satiating his hunger for some time, your cunt is ready to be fed.
Your thighs fly apart and you look up at him with pleading eyes. Max is not cruel but he’s also quick to punish you if you piss him off.
His cock bobs when he gets between your thighs and a drop of precum lands on your mound. You already whine at the sensation.
“So obedient, you really want it tonight, huh?”
“I always want it… but yes, daddy, please,” you add hastily, batting your lashes at him.
“What do you want?”
As soon as he uses this voice, the atmosphere in the room changes. He was your ‘daddy’, now he’s your god. He asks and you reply without a moment of hesitation,
“I want not to feel anything but your cock deep in my cunt, not to think. Be so cockdrunk I can’t keep my eyes open.”
He smirks but there’s a trace of bitterness in his expression.
“I see.”
He sighs and grabs your thighs with his massive hands. He spreads your legs even wider, and when your pussy blooms for him he harshly spits on your throbbing clit, making you jerk and moan. The next second he lifts your hips up and pierces you with his cock. He’s either in a good mood which you doubt by his roughness or craves a release. With your ass lifted off the bed, you gasp suddenly feeling full as your walls are spreading for him. But you need more and he knows it.
“Do you feel me deep inside, baby?”
“Yeah, you’re so big, daddy.”
“Wanna feel more? “
“Yes, daddy, please. I’m begging you, I want nothing more.”
“ ‘k, baby. You’ve been such a good girl.”
Without a warning his voice changes and he starts ordering you.
“Listen to me, hear only my voice.”
The city noises from the outside are immediately gone. You hear nothing, not even ticking of a clock in your bedroom. Only his voice is in your ears as if he’s speaking right inside your mind.
“You feel nothing. Just. My. Cock. Deep inside your cunt. In your mind. In your veins. Everywhere.”
Your eyes roll back as you’re made to concentrate on his manhood in your trembling body.
“Your pussy is hugging me so well. Make her weep around my cock. Can never get enough of your juices soaking me, baby. You always feel so good. And you deserve to feel good too.”
“Yes, daddy, I do.”
You’re floating in a warm river, his voice, his being are enveloping you. Nothing exists anymore, just him and you are left. Then he rolls his hips and it gets almost unbearably overwhelming. His cock slowly slides in and out of your sopping pussy with ease and your brain, your core, your every cell light up brightly as you already feel yourself at the precipice.
He’s fucking you gently, then gets rougher and marks you with his teeth, drinking your blood. His cock is throbbing between your walls, his hands are sliding over your breasts, twitching your nipples and playing with your clit. His face flashes in front of your eyes and you’re kissing. That’s when you feel the explosion of pure, untainted ecstasy.
“Come harder”, he commands, and you know you’re crying at how amazing you feel. It’s all happening ‘there’, somewhere deep inside you, the place so wonderful you wish you’d never leave.
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At the back of your mind you know that you’re getting obsessed. Sometimes you think there’s more of him in you than you. He’s behind your eyes constantly, his handsome face with a lopsided smile flashes there over and over. You could draw it by heart now. Day after day his teeth sink deeper into your neck, his cock pierces you harder and you welcome the pain. The high is so much better after a little bit of pain.
Max is careful with you. He knows his strength and knows the effect he has on you. He’s attentive. He sees your glazed over eyes, parted lips, your breathing almost stops. You’re not here with him, you’re nowhere. You start noticing fear in his eyes when it takes longer and longer to get you out of ‘there’.
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Trickles of blood are seeping from two tiny holes in your neck. Your thighs thrown widely apart, his cum is glistening at your entrance as he watches you, sitting naked between your legs. His chin and mouth are red and he’s licking his lips, not wasting a drop of you.
“Baby, look at me.” Your eyes are staring up and to the left. You’re looking at something but don’t see anything.
“Look at me!”
He orders then calls for you, nothing, again and again, you don’t respond. He slaps your cheek, not hard, just to get you back but you refuse to return to him. In your mind you’re still coming on his cock, over and over, dripping, moaning, relishing the feeling of his cum filling you up to the brim. Why would you ever go back?
Suddenly it stings. He’s slapped you really hard and your cheek is burning.
“Daddy?” You murmur, gradually coming back to reality, blinking rapidly with tears in your eyes. He’s hovering over you, his hands gripping your shoulders, his black eyes under the furrowed brows look worried and sad. Then angry.
“I couldn’t get you back! Fucking hell! You were gone for a fucking hour. It’s never been that bad.”
“It wasn’t bad. ‘s good,” You mumble while your hand flies to rub your heated cheek. Your brain is still barely functioning and your whole body is tingling after such an amazing orgasm.
“I won’t do it anymore.” He throws at you, getting off you and sitting at the edge of the bed. “Fuck this!”
Your heart freezes, gripped by the fear, and you hastily sit up. You almost fall off the bed, drunk on the amount of endorphins in your blood and then slowly crawl to him.
“Daddy, don’t say it. I’ll get back alright.”
“Yeah, what if you don’t.”
‘It’s worth it,’ you think but don’t say it. Instead you lie to him. “I’m sure I’ll always get back. It just feels so good there.”
He’s shaking his head and your stomach churns with terror.
“You told me you’d killed people for fuck’s sake! Why do you care so much about me?!” You shout and he turns to you. His pained expression makes your chest hurt. Your heart is fluttering at how handsome he is, how much you love him but love quickly morphs into hate when he threatens to take away the best thing you’ve ever experienced. You beg again and again but he’s unyielding. Finally he gets tired of your whining and leaves.
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Max visits you a couple of times after that. He fucks you but refuses to command you. He makes you come on his cock or tongue and every time you cry, beg and shout, demanding to tell you to stop feeling anything except him inside you. You unravel for him again and again but it’s just not enough. Not when you’ve been there, felt that much ecstasy.
“What if I turn you?” He offers at one point.
“Will you be able to tell me what to do?”
“Then no”.
“But we can be together forever.”
“No, daddy, please, one more time.”
He curses and leaves and then he stops coming entirely. You text, call but he doesn’t respond. Your efforts to find him are fruitless. He’s never told you the details of his life. Or you just haven’t been listening. It’s like he has disappeared into thin air, like he was just a dream.
You cry and cry, not being able to sleep, eat, feel anything else except the void in your soul and life. Max has been filling it so well and now it’s sucking you in. Without that euphoria, without him controlling you, without your ‘daddy’, you have nothing. You wish for nothing else. Mindless hookups, rebound sex, numerous strangers in your bed— nothing can give you that satisfaction.
Max left and took your life with him.
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Thank you for reading!♥️ Please, comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic! It motivates me a lot!!🌸
Main tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @missannwinchester @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @mermaidgirl30 @staywildflowahchild @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @evolnoomym @keylimebeag
Max tag @guelyury
If you'd like to be tagged in my future fics, let me know!💕
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brokenpieces-72 · 1 day
Going Dark
COD Gangster AU
Kate had met with her friend, Charlotte at the gathering. Her hope was to exchange what information she could with her while having another ear close by.
When Makarov gave his speech she’d gotten a text from Price.
“141 going Dark.”
Kate didn’t have time to try and help Farah, and there was too much risk in doing so. At least Alex had tried. Her main priority was you and getting you to safety. As soon as Charly noticed the text she left to get the car.
You sat in the backseat furiously texting Kyle and Johnny, praying for a response. You keep trying to refresh the messages, seeing how long it’s been since sending them.
“Ya alright back there love?” Charlotte asks from the front seat. Laswell is staring out the window, lost in thought in between text messages. You look up from your phone, and meet Charlotte’s eyes in the rear view mirror. You nod.
“Y-yeah. Fine.” You say, finally setting your phone screen down. Then you pick it up again and text Graves.
“What happened?! What did you do?!”
He texts back right away.
“Exactly as you told me to. We got em kid.”
You try to ask him what he means but your text won’t go through. He’s blocked your number.
Charlotte pulled into a parking lot and exits the vehicle with Laswell. While Laswell made her way to the old hotel building Charlotte opened the door for you, offering a hand. After everything you welcome the comfort of physical touch. Charlotte escorts you inside and you make your way up a few flights until you reach the honeymoon suite. Laswell knocks on the door.
“Watcher-1.” Laswell says, and the door opens. You go in with them and looks around eyes wide.
Alejandro is pacing, bruises blotting his face and arms. Simon is helping Rudy who is laying on ratty couch, getting makeshift stitches. Kyle and Soap are bandaging themselves, with a nasty wound on Soap’s arm and Kyle’s arm caked in blood. Price closes the door behind you.
“You said Graves would help.” He comments before anyone can say anything else. You go very very quiet. Price is staring you down. His face is blank but one word will change that. You don’t know what to say to him. Graves had fucked them over but surely something else was going on.
“I dont know what happened.” You say quickly.
Price shakes his head and steps further into the room while all you can do is stand there, frozen in place. You shouldn’t have told Graves, you shouldn’t have tried to help. Price doesn’t say anything and yet it feels like he’s saying everything. You just want it out.
“I don’t know what happened!” You repeat turning to look at Price.
“You told Graves. That’s what happened! Graves is not your father, he can’t do what he did!” Price tells you. Laswell tries stepping in and he raises a finger to stop her.
“No. Don’t defend them. They messed up, they take the fall.”
“I was trying to help!” You argue. “That’s all I’ve been doing!”
“You took a risk that was never your decision.”
“I got the cops involved so that something could actually be done, people could be put behind bars!”
“You’re not your father!” Price shouts. The entire room goes silent. You don’t have anything to say to that. The others don’t say anything either. No one defends you. No one argues with Price.
Then you notice red and blue lights. Your eyes widen. How could this get any worse? Graves was about to show you. Price looks at Kate and Charlotte who leave the room. The last thing Price wants is for the two of them to get into shit and lose their positions as high as they are. Alejandro curses in Spanish seeing the place is surrounded. There was no way out, but the cops weren’t looking for Charlotte and Laswell.
“Go with them.” Price orders you.
“I’m staying.” You say. You look at Soap and Gaz who look away to finish up their bandages. You know you’ve screwed up. Time to pay the price. Except you pay for it in a whole new way.
Graves opens the door and sees you. He looks relieved.
“Officer l/n. Well done.” He says approvingly. “You’re all under arrest.”
“Graves what the fuck?!” Soap barks, getting to his feet. You see more cops shuffling in behind Graves. You get between Graves and Soap.
“Soap leave it!” You tell him.
“You have some nerve Graves.” Price says.
Alejandro says something in Spanish again, as an officer approaches each one of your friends. Simon doesn’t put up a fight. He knows there’s risk in fighting back when they’re all injured, and while they had weapons, there didn’t need to be more blood shed.
“You did really good kid. Your dad would be proud.” Graves said patting you on the shoulder, raising his voice a little so everyone in the room can hear.
“What?” You ask.
“Seriously I don’t think even your dad could pull an undercover case like so well. Impressive.” Graves continues.
Soap looks at you with a look of anger and betrayal.
“You little shit.” Johnny says, looking you dead in the eyes. No. There was no way. What the fuck. You don’t know what to say. Before Johnny can do anything, he’s pinned to the closest wall and put in handcuffs. Kyle raises his hands, and Rudolfo is helped up. Alejandro is ignoring the Miranda rights and continuing to tell them off in Spanish. All you can do is stand there with Graves gently nudging you around so everyone can be escorted out. You stare at the ground unable to face anyone. You don’t know how to feel. You’re upset your friends are being arrested, you’re worried about what will happen to them, you’re pissed at Graves for what ever shit he was pulling, and… you were scared. Once everyone is outside, it’s just you and Graves.
He shuts the door instructing his officers to wait downstairs.
“What the fuck.” You say turning and facing him. Graves looks back at you with a stern expression.
“You did it kid good job.” He says.
“I didn’t do shit! You! This was all you!” You shout.
“Listen to m-“
“No! I’m done. I resigned! I left the force because I finally found something worth doing and the one second I trust you, you turn around a pull this shit!”
“I am trying to hel-“
“No! No you didn’t. If anything you’ve done the exact opposite of what I wanted. I’m not a cop, and I’m not my father! You fucked up and now you’ve pinned it on me.” You say and you leave the room slamming the door closed.
Once you get outside you catch sight of Price before the door is closed on him. It’s a look that haunts you, and is unreadable. A couple of officers come over to congratulate you on an excellent con. You shove past them and leave the scene. You don’t want to be there anymore. You just want to go home. Except you can’t go home. Your home just got piled into cars and taken to the police station.
So you return to your old apartment. You sit on the couch after getting yourself a beer. You don’t know what to do now. You’re pissed off and afraid. But you know there isn’t much you can do.
“You’re not your father.” Those words sting all night.
Graves returns to the police station where he sees a pleased Makarov. He gives a smug look to Makarov striding over to stand next to him.
“Officer Graves. Well done.” Makarov says with praise.
“Wish I could take the glory, but not me.” Graves says watching the 141 be taken to the holding cells. Makarov glances at Graves.
“Unfortunately we lost a few good officers thanks to undercover work… but I don’t think I need to tell you that.” Graves says giving Makarov a friendly nudge, before checking his watch.
“I better get going. I haven’t eaten anything all night, need to run a couple errands.”
“Who is responsible for bringing them in?” Makarov asks.
“Heh, believe it or not, the officer who resigned. Kid can do a long con.” Graves says, before leaving the station. Makarov looks toward the holding cells. A bit of time and it would hardly be an issue. This kid would certainly be an issue, but something to worry about later.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @tai-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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pocket-watcher · 1 day
Okay, but resistance is HUGE for me. Let the subject know all the hypnosis tricks and do everything in their power to not fall for them, only to slip and fall... Also, an underrated hypnosis thing is just using your voice to put them under (maybe eyes, but normal eyes). If you could at all make a story like that I would deeply appreciate it :)
We 👏 love 👏 resistance 👏 play👏
After the last story request I have a feeling we’re eating good tonight haha. Here’s something just for you though, anon :)
Yasmin eyed Rob eagerly.
“So, what is this again?” He asked, slightly disinterested.
Yasmin beamed. “I told you, it’s supposed to be a test on how much you can concentrate! Like those videos on TikTok that show you how long 30 seconds really is.”
Rob scoffed. He hated those videos, but he’d be damned if he didn’t love a challenge.
“Okay, whatever, so what do I do?”
“Just keep your eyes on mine and listen to me.”
“Easy.” He laughed.
“Breathe in and out slowly. Try and keep in time with my breathing.”
Rob slowed his breathing down to match Yasmin’s. He stared into her hazel eyes, resisting the urge to check his phone, or look around. He just stared.
How long had it been. A minute? Two minutes? He didn’t know.
“Just breathing slowly. Each breath relaxing you more. In with relaxation, out with stress. In and out. Just in and out…”
Rob did have to admit this was pretty relaxing.
“Feel yourself slipping away, your thoughts drifting by… just listening to my words and acting upon them…”
That ending was strange, right?
“Aha, what is this, some of that hypnosis crap?” He laughed, turning his head away from Yasmin.
Before he could turn, her hand was on his chins tilting his face down to meet hers.
“Keep your eyes on me.”
Rob blushed.
“H-hey, there’s no need to get all serious! I was joking. It’s not like you’re actually trying to…”
He searched her eyes for assurance.
“Y-you,” he started. “You’re trying to hypnotise me?!”
“There is no fear. No tension just my eyes. Sink down, down, down…”
“Yasmin, what the hell! I’m not going to just sit here and let you fuck with my mind!”
“Aren’t you?” She smiled.
Her eyes were no longer inviting. They were cold, calculating. And yet, Rob couldn’t look away.
“Get out of my head.” He said sternly.
“Why would you want that? Don’t you feel it? That warm pulling. That deep sensation within you telling you to give in?” She cocked her head to one side. Rob felt his own head moving to mirror her.
He grabbed the sides of his face and forced himself upright.
“As if I’d ever give in to someone trying to - to puppet me. L-like a robot.”
“Okay then. Would you like to get up and leave? You don’t seem to be doing so.”
His legs felt like lead. Rob probably couldn’t stand right now if he wanted to.
Damn it, he thought. I can fight it! I can. I just need to -
“Focus. On my voice. On my words. It would be so much easier to stop thinking and simply let me think for you.”
Rob’s eyes narrowed. Or maybe they were too heavy to keep open. Tumbling deeper. His mind slowed to a halt.
“You can’t… I won’t let you…”
“But you already have. It’s already done. You’re under my spell. Maybe you haven’t realised it yet. So let me show you.” She raised a hand.
“Raise you arm for me.”
Rob’s body reacted immediately. As hastily as he could his other arm pulled it downwards, restraining it.
“You’re adorable. How long will you keep fighting me? I’ve already won.”
“You.. you haven’t.”
“Go on, say it for me.” She purred.
“You’ve… you’ve…”
The last part of resistance left his body.
“You’ve already won…”
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vivwritesfics · 3 days
Waiting For The Sun
Chapter Two
Rhett Abbott has been hearing his soulmate in his head for ten years. She's the sweetest thing, nicknamed Muffin after her love of baking. Rhett doesn't know who Muffin is, doesn't know where she is, but hearing her voice always makes his day better. But then Trevor Tillerson is killed and Rhett's life is thrown into chaos. Through it all, Muffin in there for her soulmate. She wants nothing more than to find him, even through the chaos.
Soulmate AU
a/n: timeline might be out of canon order but fuck it
Series Masterlist
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Fifteen year old Rhett Abbott hated Shakespeare. He sat in his room, his usually messy room, and attempted to write this essay. But his handwriting was chicken scratch and his soulmate wasn't responding to him.
He swore, if she'd gone to bed...
Well, Rhett couldn't blame her. It had gone midnight and, after near a year of being in each others heads, he knew her routine. But he also knew how much she loved Shakespeare.
Come on, wake up, he thought. But, if he woke her up, he never would have forgiven himself.
Without her there to keep him company while he struggled through his homework, Rhett gave up. He capped his pen, dropped it onto his paper, and stood from his desk. That was a problem for Tomorrow Rhett to deal with, even if the thought of getting detention terrified him. Well, not getting detention, but he knew his mom would never let him go to the rodeo if he got detention.
Are you okay?
He hadn't expected her voice in his head. What're you doing awake? Rhett asked his soulmate as he crawled beneath his bedsheets. They needed changing, he knew, but he was a gross teenaged boy. They always needed changing.
There was a pause before she responded, so long that Rhett thought she had gone back to sleep. Are you okay? She asked again. Even in his head, she sounded so damn tired. Guilt hit Rhett at all angles, but he couldn't deny how warm hearing her voice made him feel.
I'm okay, he answered, and her sigh filled his head. It wasn't of annoyance, though. No, she was relieved. Just doin' homework.
Do you need help with it? She asked, voice sweet in his head.
That was the thing about his soulmate. Ever since her voice had entered his head a year ago, she'd been so damn sweet. She'd helped him with so much homework over the past year. Now, Rhett wasn't stupid, but working on the ranch and training with his dad to be a future bull riding champion took up most of his time.
Tomorrow, if you can, he replied. Get some sleep, darlin'.
That woke her up slightly. The first time her soulmate had ever given her some sort of nickname. Riddled with exhaustion, Rhett didn't even noticed that the nickname had slipped. She didn't mind, though, not in the slightest.
Somehow, Rhett knew she hadn't yet gone back to sleep. Something in him could just feel that she was still awake. What were you dreamin' about? He asked, hands behind his head as he stared up at the popcorn ceiling. On the few instances that they spoke late into the night, Rhett stared at the ceiling and tried to imagine what she looked like. The sound of her voice gave him no indicators, but it didn't stop him from trying.
I dreamt that the sky opened up and the stars were raining down on us, she said in his head.
Rhett could see it, laying in the south pasture with a faceless girl as vibrant stairs began shooting across the sky, falling down around them and illuminating the Abbott Ranch. Sounds beautiful, he said to her, a yawn leaving his lips.
'm getting tired. In his head, her voice came out as groggy, and Rhett let the scene in his head change. A faceless girl, struggling to stay awake as she spoke to him.
Sleep, Rhett said to her.
Are you gonna sleep, too? She asked and Rhett gave a hum. Before you go, what's your homework? I can think about it while I'm waiting for you to wake up.
Rhett told her. Not long after that, the two of them were asleep. Rhett couldn't help but dream of himself as a young Leonardo DiCaprio in the nineties, falling for a faceless girl he couldn't have, a facless girl that kissed the poison from his lips and took a knife to his own chest before collapsing on top of him.
Twenty four year old Rhett woke up to the smell of bacon filling his nose. He opened his eyes and shut them immediately. Trust him to be too drunk to close his curtains. Mornin' Muffin, he said in his mind, praying he didn't sound too much like he was hanging out of his ass.
Her melodic giggle filled his mind. Almost immediately his day brightened up and he pushed himself out of bed. Well, good morning, she said to him. How does that head feel?
Suddenly, dread filled him. He had gotten pretty good at playing sober on the instances that she was still awake while he was out drinking. But, not last night, apparently. Ah, fuck. What did I say?
You were trying to tell me things about yourself and then getting frustrated when it working work. Even in his head, he could hear the amusement in her voice. You're cute when you're drunk and frustrated.
He groaned, audibly, as he walked out of his bedroom. How do you put up with me? He asked, somewhat rhetorically, as he wandered into the kitchen and greeted his family.
Believe it or not, you were made for me, bucko, she replied as he stole the bacon from Amy's plate. She complained, but Rhett didn't hear it as he took his own plate from his mother and sat down at the table.
Me? Made for you? How do you know you weren't made for me?
She laughed as his family found out just how hungover he was. But with that laugh filling his head, all was right in the world.
She was there through the morning as Rhett worked. She kept him company as he fed the cattle and tacked up for the morning. All the while she was making bread or reading a book. When the Tillerson boys showed up at the fence that separated them from the Abbott's, she was quiet, let him do what he needed to do. But, the moment he was grumbling, her soothing voice filled his head, calming him down.
I'm riding tonight, he said as he untacked his horse for the night. He brushed over her back, brushing away any loose and uncomfortable hairs.
It was no secret to Rhett how much his bull riding worried her. For the first two years of his career to had listened as he fell off and hurt himself. It had taken Rhett those two years to learn how to quiet his mind when he was riding, for the soul purpose of not making her panic.
Tell me where you place, she said to him.
Of course, Muffin, he replied and headed back to the house for dinner.
Rhett loved it when his family watched him ride, of course he did. But he always felt like something was missing. He knew exactly what was missing, and couldn't wait for the day she was sitting there, between his mom and Perry. He'd ride better with her watching, he knew.
I'm going out with my friends tonight, she told him as he waited for his turn to ride.
Rhett couldn't help but grin to himself. She always had fun when she went out, always got drunk rather quickly. Every time she would ramble about their future together and he didn't mind that one bit.
Gonna celebrate my win?
You know it, cowboy.
Those were the words that played in his head as he sat on Twister. Fucking Twister. Everybody knew that the bull hadn't ridden well in weeks. But Rhett tried. With all of his might, he tried. But that bull tossed him around like a ragdoll, until he was pushing himself up from the sand and picking up his hat.
Muffin, you there? He asked as he walked over to the fence, footsteps sluggish.
Rhett waited a moment before she answered him. Yeah, I'm here. How did it go?
Rhett could have lied, could have told her everything was hunky dory, that he'd placed well and made it through to the next round. But she always seemed to know when he was lying to her. Maybe he sounded different when he lied. No matter what it was, she knew.
He sucked in a breath. I didn't place.
Oh, baby. He couldn't help but grimace at the sympathy. Bad bull?
He breathed through his nose as his father approached the fence. Maybe, he answered. I don't know Muffin. I just... But, as his dad started speaking, the words died in his mind.
When his dad and the rest of his family stepped back from the fence, gave him some space, his eyes met those of Maria Olivares.
Maria Olivares. There was a time that Rhett thought Maria was his soulmate. He was sixteen and connected the dots in his head to make it so. It didn't matter that the pieces didn't entirely fit or that she didn't look his way. Sixteen year old Rhett made it work.
But seeing her now, something inside of him sparked to life. He raised his hand towards her slightly. She was his Muffin, even if she didn't realise it. Maria smiled back and his heart seemingly skipped a beat.
It didn't much help that his Muffin had disappeared. But he'd seen that Maria was busy, and it made sense in his mind. She turned away from him and Rhett climbed out of the ring. Fuck, he needed a drink after that ride. Have fun, Muffin, he said as he climbed into his truck and began driving home.
It was a sucky night for Rhett. He didn't make it through and his girl was too busy to talk to him. He'd never fault her for it, though. She was having fun, and that was all that mattered.
Perry was having a night as shitty as his own. After Joy had stopped by earlier with the news about the FBI dropping Rebecca's case, he'd been in an understandably sour mood. That was why Rhett invited him out to the Pit Bar. That was how he found himself slamming back tequila shots in the Pit Bar with Perry.
Drunk Rhett was a rambler. He'd been drunk enough to now and Perry had seen him drunk often enough to know it, too. The topic of Rhett's drunken ramblings were almost always his bull riding career and his soulmate. Now, sober Rhett would never speak to Perry about his soulmate, not after Perry had gone ahead and married a woman that wasn't his soulmate.
But drunk Rhett couldn't help himself as he told Perry all about the last ten years with her. And then Maria Olivares walked into the Pit Bar.
She was out with her friends and his Muffin was out with her friends. It made so much sense to Rhett that this woman was his soulmate, but then why was she hanging onto Trevor Tillerson?
Perry saw the way Rhett looked at Maria. "You've been convinced this girl is your soulmate since you were sixteen years old," he said. "Go speak to her," he insisted.
When she approached the bar, Rhett did. But there so no opportunity to speak to her that time. The next time, their conversation was shirt, but that conversation was enough to reaffirm it to Rhett that Maria really was his soulmate. But then she went back to Trevor, and Perry joined him at the bar.
Drunk Rhett said whatever he wanted. Drunk Rhett made his big brother cry. He knew he shouldn't have said it the second the words left his lips. "I'm sorry, man," he said as he caught Maria's eye. "Go on, go get some air."
You look really pretty tonight, he said to no response. Maria still looked at him, though. And, with no Trevor Tillerson holding his arm around her shoulders, Maria joined him.
"Hey," she said to him for the second time that night.
Rhett tapped his fingers against the green neck of his beer bottle. "Hey," he repeated, but then that single word was slurred. There was so much he wanted to say, stuff about how she couldn't swear until she was fourteen or that, at sixteen, he had to teach her what a handjob was. All things Rhett had been through with his soulmate.
But enough doubt lingered in the back of his mind that he said nothing. What if Maria wasn't his soulmate and he blurted all of that out? They were memories between him, his soulmate, and nobody else.
Maria led the conversation, but Rhett didn't much mind. He sipped his beer and listened, his usual polite but somewhat shy smile playing on his lips. For a split second he turned to the door, tried to catch a glimpse of Perry through glass pane.
"Ah shit," he said as he stood. Maria said nothing. Certainly didn't scold him for his language as he headed outside. But Rhett wasn't thinking about that. As soon as he stepped into the cool night air, he was pushing Trevor Tillerson away from his brother.
He didn't know that Maria was watching the scuffle, didn't know she was there when Rhett put Trevor on the ground. Not without coming away with his own scrapes and bruises, of course. His hand fucking killed from where it had connected with Trevor's face.
As soon as Trevor was on the ground, Rhett turned back to the bar, back towards Maria. "That guy is the biggest asshole you're ever gonna meet," he said and headed back inside.
Muffin? He tried, but there was no response. Either she'd heard everything he'd been thinking through the fight and was disgusted, or she'd fallen asleep hours ago. But she wasn't Maria, Rhett knew that much.
He didn't know what happened between Perry and Trevor while he was pulling the truck around. But Rhett didn't need to know as he helped Perry load the body of Trevor Tillerson into his truck. Perry had fucking killed someone, and his finger prints were now on the body.
But he knew for a fact that he'd never been this panicked before. This was the kind of panic that would have her waking up to check on him, if she was even asleep. The breaths Rhett took in were deep and calming. He kept his emotions in check as he drove himself, Perry, and the body back to the Abbott ranch.
Fuck, he hoped his Muffin was sleeping.
Rhett Taglist: @finnydraws
Series Taglist: @nessjo
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appleblueberry-pie · 9 hours
Can I ask Yandere Miguel with an S/o who isn’t interested in him at all, but who’s in love with his brother Gabriel?
Half-Way to True Love
You don't think this was supposed to be a friendly platonic lunch.
The more you ate the very expensive food at the expensive table with the expensive view, smelling his expensive cologne across the table, the slower you chewed in nervousness and realization. Has he been trying to impress you the whole time?
You finished your mouthful of nicely flavored and smooth mashed potatoes and looked up at Miguel. He was already staring down at you with that look in his eyes. Love. Something you didn't feel for him but you know he felt for you. You tried to ignore your mind and attempted to convince yourself it couldn't be what you thought it was.
"How's the food?"
You nod silently and put down your fork to pick up your glass of champagne. "It's pretty good. I like it a lot." His shoulders relax and he finally cuts his first piece of steak. "That's good. The first time I came here, I knew it would be a great place for a date."
Date echoed through your head. Your face immediately dropped into one of disappointment. Miguel has honestly been pushing you to the edge for longer than a month. Constant pleas and begs to be with you in ways you didn't enjoy and even though this was one of his most tamest attempt, this was enough to get you to snap. "Miguel." He looked up at you and saw your face, his own dropping at your reaction.
"Why did you bring me here?" His face also set into one of stone as he put down his fork and knife. "Well, I wanted to do something nice for the both of us. I know both of us are equally tired from the constant piles of work we have to finish at Alchemax, I know you juggle a lot of tasks after work and you could definitely use a break like me. So, I took it upon myself to bring you here as a way-"
You look both ways around the restaurant to make sure no one was watching before leaning over to hiss at him quietly, yet the most angry you've been this entire week. "I told you a million fucking time's I'm not into you, Miguel!! I keep telling you constantly, I. don't. want. you. I don't want to date you, I don't want your money, I don't want your time, I don't want any fucking thing from you." You pick up your purse and furiously dig around for your wallet so you can hopefully just pay and leave. "You're so fucking lucky I don't toss my plate in your fucking face, Jesus."
As surprised he was of your outburst, he knew every reason and then some for why you don't want to be with him. "Why do you want Gabriel?" You look up at him in confusion and frustration. "I'm not doing this with you right now." Where the hell is your wallet??? "Why do you want my brother? What does he have that I don't? I have everything he doesn't, but you continue running to him like he's the best thing you could ever ask for."
"He's the 'best thing I could ever ask for' because he doesn't try to trick me into dating him, doesn't follow me when I leave work, doesn't stalk me, doesn't interrogate me on every single action I make and doesn't annoy the shit out of me."
You give up once you realize Miguel might have stolen it again. He does this every time he takes you to lunch so you don't find a way to leave. Not without talking to him first. "Give me my wallet." He purses his lips. "No." "This is why."
"Please, just let me-" "You've done enough. Just please give me my wallet before I scream."
He shakes his head. "You wouldn't." You raise your eyebrows.
A silents is born. Just the sound of soft clattering from forks meeting plates fills the air. The soft music does nothing to calm you.
Finally, Miguel sighs and takes it out of his pocket and sets it on the table. As soon as you grab it, he sets his hand over yours.
You look up at him and he gives you a desperate look.
".......have a good night."
The cycle is bound to repeat tomorrow.
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cosmopretty · 1 day
can i req a angst? kk arnold x fem!reader. reader was having a tiring and stressful day! so she was angry, very angry and bored. kk tried to approach her to annoy her a bit (as always) just jokingly, but reader unintentionally ends taking out everything in kk, she yelled at her, cursed... and kk becomes sad 🥺🥺
KK Arnold X Fem
warnings: angst, suggestive , fluff
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You have the worst day ever today, scratch that the whole week has been so bad for you. First you have so much work piling up from all your classes that you have to make up. Then you have barely seen your girlfriend Kamora all week due to her having long practices for basketball.
You drop your head onto your desk and groan pulling your hair, you have been sitting doing work for two hours straight and it’s driving you crazy how you’re not even half way done. Your phone dings and quickly you look at it seeing your girlfriend texting saying she’s coming home late, again. You just heart the message not wanting to reply to her at the moment.
You sit down at stare at your work for a second before going back to it. It went by so fast one minute you’re doing your work the next you’re crying into your pillow.
Shoving your face into the pillow to hide your tears, it’s all just caught up to you. The stress from school and family caused you to not be able to sleep well at night or eat well and you haven’t taken a moment to focus on your feelings. So you lay in your bed and cry for god knows how long until you get up and wash your face. Looking into the mirror you sigh your face looked thinner and you knew why, your too stressed and when your stressed your body changes.
You sit back down taking a deep breath before you hear someone knocking on your door. Getting up you open the door and automatically KK wraps her arms around you swing your back and forth. She kisses your head “ I missed you so much baby “ she tells you before letting go of you and going inside. You nod “ Missed you too but I gotta do work so give me a little time to finish “ you tell her walking back to your room and sitting at your desk.
KK nods understandably she knew how you valued your school work. It was one of the things she loved about you, how hard you worked. She missed you all week long and would not shut up about you to her teammates. Paige had to physically cover her mouth to make her stop taking about you and how much she loved and missed you. KK lays on your bed watching you and scrolling through TikTok for about thirty minutes before she gets bored.
KK taps your shoulder, looking up from your paper you raise your brows at the girl “ What happened “ you ask her. She shrugs and starts kissing your neck you moan a bit before pushing her away “ I need to work KK this is important “ you turn back to the desk trying to focus on your work. Your girlfriend groans and taps you over and over trying to get a rise out of you.
Slamming your hand in the desk you look at her annoyed “ Can you give me a break KK DAMN you’re annoyed the fuck outa me right now “ you tell her. She nods and walks away from you back to the living room. You sigh realizing that you’d shouldn’t of lashed out on her.
Dropping your pen you get up and walk over to KkK. You sit down next to her and go to wrap your arm around her before she moves away “ Nah what I thought you wanted ya space “ she says.
“ Come on KK I didn’t mean it “ you try to move to her again before she gets up and grabs her shit before leaving your dorm.
It’s been three days since you last talked to your girlfriend. She has been ignoring you since that moment in your dorm. You were so mad at yourself for hurting her like that, you didn’t mean it of course. You were just stressed and accidentally took it out on her.
The stress definitely took a toll on you, with the bags under your eyes and your face thinner than before. You talked to your roommate about it and she told you that you should take a break and focus on yourself. But how could you do that with KK mad at you, she was your everything and you were hers. You both just fit together like a puzzle and everyone around you could see how happy you made each other.
You sit down on your couch knees to your chest watching TikTok before hearing a knock on your door. You get up immediately opening it fast hoping it’s the one person you want to see the most. And thank god because there she was, standing at your door looking down at you.
KK just walks in not saying anything to you at all. You look at her and she sighs “ Your roommate texted me she said you been stressed and ain’t eating or sleeping is that true? “ she asks you.
Looking down at your hands for a moment you look back up at her before walking over to the couch and sitting down. You let out a breath and nod your head “ There just so much stress with school. I’m sorry for yelling at you KK I didn’t mean it I promise I just took my stress out on you “ you apologize to the girl you loved hoping she would forgive you.
Your girlfriend eyes soften “ Come here baby I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you “ KK says pulling you down onto her lap. You immediately wrap your arms around her neck and kiss her cheek “ S okay KK I’m fine don’t worry “ you comfort her.
KK shakes her head “ It’s not okay you need to eat and sleep mama. Ima order us some food tonight okay and we can cuddle and watch whatever you want “ she says moving her head down and kissing your lips. You moan into the kiss and she slips her younger in your mouth. The two of you make out for a moment before pulling away for air. You breathe heavily and KK slips her hands under your shirt grabbing your hips “ I know a way to help get rid of stress “ she says one hand moving to squeeze your ass.
You nod and lean into her touch “ Yeah you wanna help me relax “ you tease her while kissing her neck. KK moans out and nods “ Hell yeah come here baby lemme make you feel good okay “ she grabs you and picks you up by the back of thighs and carries you to your room before laying your down on your bed and climbing on top of you.
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thesaintelectric · 9 months
we as a society don't talk about what the 'waffle party' in severance actually was enough. that was the scene, more so than the goat man, that really made me realise how insulated and propagandised the innie's are and we don't even see all of it
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going insane over the fact that happiness and care and concern and love is underneath every interaction between newt and hermann in pacific rim
#HEAR ME OUT. they’re introduced and newt and being a groupie and behind him hermann is all huffing and rolling his eyes and shaking his#head but he’s Not Angry. no. he jumps to defend newt albeit in a somewhat mocking and sarcastic way BUT THE THOUGHT IS THERE. and then when#hermann is rambling on about numbers being the handwriting of god newt is in the background smiling and laughing and making silly#hand motions and yes the hand motion was a bit mocking BUT THATS THEIR WHOLW THINF. anyways i’m not done. when newt drifts with the kaiju#and pentecost is there talking to him and hermann and newt r yelling back in forth u can hear the unease and shakiness in their voices and#especially the frustration in hermanns. he’s frustrated abt newt risking his life and is worried abt that which translates out in anger.#and yeah maybe he’s salty abt being proven wrong too lmao. BUT CONTINUING ON. stacker could have just told newt to go to hannibal chau and#he would have done it. but instead they watch the film of him on HERMANNS computer as HERMANN controls the computer to look at the film. if#thé film was shown it was for a reason. newt doesn’t seem like the type to need reassurance abt chau before he goes. he was willing to die#for his trash drift. and stacker gave him the card and info so there’s no need to do anything else. the video is most likely there for the#viewers but it needs a reason to be there in the show. hence my reasoning that HERMANN asked to see it out of concern for newt who would be#doinf this alone. hermann demanded to see some proof to reassure himself. stacker having the card on him makes sense. him having that bulky#tape doesn’t. meaning hermann pressured him into leaving getting the tape and coming back to show him. anyways one more bit. so the drift.#hermann is clearly scared out of his mind and thinking abt the impending triple event. yet he still drifts with newt he does it to protect#him to take part of the neural load. and it takes a toll on hermann it makes a big enough mess of his brain that he ends with him bleeding#and shaking and sweating and coughing and throwing up. and he knew it would take a toll. he knew it would be a lot he’s seen the jaegers.#he’s seen what happens. he knows it will be rough. he knows it’ll be much worse for him who wasn’t drifted then for newt who has. yet he#still does it to help newt and to show his care and trust and concern and love and THEYRE DRIFT COMPATIBLE U DONT UNDERSTANDABLE HOW#EMOTIONAL I AM OVER THIS FUCKING OVER THEM#anyways one last thing. the way that they full body slapping each other on the back bear hugged when the throat collapsed (they were behind#herc and tendo so it was a little hard to see. i missed it the first time) in pure adrenaline happiness before we see the quiet tender hug#when they know everything is over for good (for now at least) when it’s time to celebrate when it time to think abt their drift and their#bond and their relationship and their LOVE. i’m so ok abt them rn actually#toad.txt#i wish i wrote this in a keep reading bit and not the tags now. anyways#pacific rim#pacific rim spoilers#newton geiszler#hermann gottlieb#newmann
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sttoru · 5 months
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your boyfriend cannot stop himself from kissing you all over. kissing you is his favorite thing to do - no matter when or where.
☀︎|tags. older bf!gojo satoru x female reader. suggestive, mild (to somewhat) nsfw, fluff. lots of kissing. lots and lots of kissing and loving. he fondles and gropes you everywhere basically. clingy satoru. tiny bit size difference (yes ok im a slut, what about it). body worship kinda. readers gets called ‘sweet / pretty girl, baby, princess’. beta read? what’s that.
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you fell for it again; satoru told you it was only going to be a quick peck on the lips. ‘i promise, baby, c'moooon’ — you recall him begging in that whiny voice of his. that's all what was needed to make you putty in his hands.
“fine, but only one kiss, okay?” you gave in and walked over to satoru, climbed onto your shared bed and leaned in for a swift kiss—only for his strong arms to cage you in and never let go. it had been ten minutes since; the apartment was silent, except for the lewd sounds of your shared kisses and heavy breaths.
satoru’s soft hands are wandering everywhere. from cupping your cheeks to rubbing your sides and gripping your ass. the clock was ticking loudly, but the sound of it was drowned out by your moans. and satoru’s low, needy whimpers.
the appointment you were getting ready for had long slipped your mind.
“mh, you’re such a good kisser, baby,” the white-haired man sighs. he absolutely loves the way you follow the movements of his glossy lips—your head tilting to the side and back—automatically accomodating to satoru’s motions. he was kissing you with an urgent need. one you had never known or witnessed before, “more, ngh, need more of you, please.”
satoru was not letting up. you couldn’t blame him; it was easy to get lost in this warm and cherished moment of peace. his sweet kisses switched intensity—going from innocent kisses to sloppy ones, resulting in your chin dripping with a mixture of saliva.
you whine and straddle satoru’s lap which earns you a happy hum from your lover. that was his plan all along: to completely distract you from the fact that you had to leave the house. that you had to leave his side. others would call it annoyingly clingy, but satoru absolutely needs your lips on his.
he is sure that he would go insane if he spent a whole day without kissing you. an hour is already too long, if he is honest.
satoru would love to kiss you until the end of time. until death comes knocking onto his door. the last thing he desires to feel is your plump lips and wet tongue wrapped around his. a peaceful, warm death. one with no regrets.
“mhmmm, fuck, you taste so sweet.” satoru's eyebrow furrow in delight. he is nearly overstimulated by the taste of you. the way your small body clings onto him, your hands holding onto his jaw and sliding down his chest, your sounds of pleasure that only he could ever have the honour of hearing.
it was perfect. all of you was perfect.
your parted lips make way for his tongue again. satoru slips his tongue inside your mouth. it was tender, yet demanding. your throat tightens up and a choked moan fills his ears. his cold fingers make contact with the warm skin of your midriff. they were aiming at one place; your chest.
the one satoru loves to fondle no matter when or where. the same one he loves to use as a pillow every night.
“nnh, ‘toru, need’to breathe,” you are running out of air. the short gasps you took between the heated kisses were not enough to fill your lungs. but, it was addicting. the shortness of breath the two of you experienced only served as more proof of your love.
neither of you want to pull away—to pause the make out session for even what could be a split second.
the older man below you is hesistant. he does not want to let go of you. it's like you’re asking him to break up—that’s how much it hurts him to stop kissing you.
however, he felt a bit light-headed from the lack of oxygen as well. satoru pulls away, but not without sweeping his tongue over your bottom lip, lapping up the drool that dripped down the corners of your mouth.
his eyes are half-lidded and glazed over with both love and lust. you stabilise yourself by holding onto his broad shoulders and satoru rubs your back to help calm you down further. a ghost of a grin tugs at his lips. he surely is enjoying your adorable, exhausted demeanour. your chest was heaving up and down—his fingers sneaking to your front and wrapping around a breast to feel its tenderness.
“pretty,” satoru sighs. he takes the chance once your lips part to take a deep breath. his tongue quickly slips in, invading your mouth and exploring every inch before separating the two of you again. he can not go a minute without kissing you. you sure are like a drug to him, “thank you, princess.”
you are surprised by the sudden tongue kiss, but brush it off with a chuckle. you know how satoru is; not able to keep away from you in heated moments like these. his large hands fondling, groping and squeezing every area of your body only proves that point.
“thank you for what?” you ask, planting a soft peck on his lips. your boyfriend responds by holding the back of your head. he leans in for another kiss like a man depraved of any affection. you shudder and hold onto him like he there is no tomorrow. he does the same back, squeezing you against his chest.
satoru slightly tilts his head back to answer your question. his breath was hot on your mouth, a faint string of saliva hanging between your bottom lips. he can not hold the urge. he can not answer. his lips are already colliding with yours once more.
over and over. until the two of you were out of breath and needed a break again.
“thank you for being with me,” satoru answers in a quiet whisper. the pad of his thumb brushes back and forth against the waistband of the shorts you are wearing. there is an urge to pull them down and reveal those pretty little panties you are wearing, but his current priority is to feel your mouth on his.
until he gets enough. which is never. never in a million years.
“thank you for everything, honestly,” satoru continues and leaves a couple wet kisses down your neck. his hands do not leave your perfect body. he’s admiring every curve - every body part that had yet to be touched, “could have never believed that i’d end up with such a pretty girl. but, here i am, with the prettiest girl in the world in my arms.”
satoru had a way with words. one that left you flustered like crazy each time. he looks at you and that’s when you know that he means every word. his eyes were shining, even when half-lidded. the admiration in them more than just visible.
he looks at your face and body like he’s witnessing the world's greatest treasure. and that you surely are.
“stop saying that.” you giggle embarrassedly. you cover your mouth to hide your smile, though satoru is quick to grab your wrist and pull your hand away. he keeps holding onto your arm to prevent you from hiding your face from his sight. and to stop you from hiding your lips from his, of course.
the older man clicks his tongue, scolding you jokingly for trying to hide that precious smile from him. he kisses the corners of your lips, touch lingering against your hot skin, “how am i supposed to admire my pretty girl if she keeps hiding herself, hm?”
you squirm due to satoru’s flirty words. his gentle tone of voice is making you feel those tingles in your lower abdomen. there has not been a single moment in your relationship where your lover made you feel unwanted. it’s been the complete opposite every day.
“someone’s getting a bit squirmy, aye?” your boyfriend teases. he knows that the combination of his words, looks and actions make you weak in the knees. you always react like it’s your first time kissing and that is both endearing and amusing to him.
you can’t control your bodily reactions either. the sight of satoru beneath you is simply too much. his fluffy hair that sits messily due to your fingers that tugged and played around with the strands, his black top riding up to reveal a glimpse of his defined abs and happy trail. . . the faint blush on satoru’s cheeks and the needy look in his eyes.
you surely can’t leave him alone while he looks like that.
“shut up and kiss me already.” you respond with a huff. and so, satoru does. wasting not a single second. kissing you is his job—his passion. the only thing he ever craves for.
the room once again fills with noises of pure contentment, enjoyment and pleasure. it’s just you two in that moment—no one else mattered.
as long as your lips stay attached to each other, no one actually does.
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kyletogaz · 24 days
simon fucking the attitude out of you
cw: penis in vagina sex, spanking, mean!simon (a lil bit), calling simon daddy, fingering
"i told you that mouth of yours would get you in trouble, love, but you didn’t listen. you never do.” simon was starting to think you were doing that shit on purpose.
all you can do is whine and moan loudly into the mattress as you grip the sheets tight in your fists, your body jerking with every smack of simon’s hips against your ass, as the lewd sounds of your dripping cunt getting drilled fills your ears. simon’s fucking the attitude right out of you. you thought you could talk slick, but he snatched your ass right on up and dragged you back to his room. as soon as he closed the door, he had you face down with your ass up and pussy stuffed with his cock in no time.
you try to convince simon that you’re sorry for talking back. you sweeten your voice a little, as the words i’m sorry, daddy spills from your lips in between moans. it’s all lies though. you love making simon lose his composure. seeing him snap gets your pussy real wet.
“you’re not sorry, sweetheart.” the but you will be is left unsaid.
you almost cry when simon pulls his cock out of you, leaving you empty and leaking. you open your mouth to argue, but he delivers a hard smack to your ass. you cry out when he does it again. tears spring to your eyes when he smacks your ass a little harder a third and fourth time.
“please! i’m sorry simon,” you sob into the sheets as you prop yourself up on one elbow so you can reach back to rub at your sore ass. you’ve learned your lesson.
simon slaps your hand away so can he rub a soothing hand across your ass, before dipping his fingers in your sopping cunt. he asks you if you’re really sorry, or are you just saying it because you know that’s what he wants to hear. he has one hand on your back, trapping your body against the mattress. your ass is still up in the air while he’s knuckles deep in your cunt, just lazily stroking at your spongy walls, slowing driving you mad.
“i’m sorry for being a brat,” you moan, a pout forming on your lips. your ass still hurts a bit.
simon doesn’t say anything, as his fingers repeatedly brush up against that spot inside of you. a high pitched moan pours out of your mouth when he speeds up the movement of his fingers. simon just watches in amusement as you start fucking yourself on his fingers.
“si–simon!” it was too much. you were so close to cumming on his fingers. “i’m gonna—”
you’re so deep in your pleasure-induced haze, you don’t even hear simon when he chuckles lowly and says, “no you’re not.”
but you do feel the moment when his fingers leave your cunt. you let out a sob, you were so close and the bastard removed his fingers before you could even cum. seething, you roll over onto your back with a glare directed at simon. and he’s just sitting there watching you with those stupid honey brown eyes of his that you love so much.
“i said i was sorry!”
“are you really?” he coos as he strokes up your thigh, his fingers getting dangerously close to your cunt.
“yes,” you whine as you try not to press up into the hand tracing patterns across your pubic mound.
simon hums softly as he gently knocks your sticky thighs apart and teases your glistening cunt with his cock. you gasp when the tip brushes against your clit, sending a jolt through your body.
“fuckin’ hell, princess,” he groans as he feeds his cock into you, stretching you out. “cunt’s still so tight….and so wet.”
and then simon’s fucking you dumb with a snap of his hips. every jolt of pleasure you feel has you arching off the bed like you’re being possessed. he’s pulling you on his cock, telling you how pretty you look and how you’re taking him so well. you’re nothing more than a whimpering mess as you meet his thrusts.
“please,” you wail as simon’s cock continues to brush against that bundle of nerves within your body. you’re being fucked so good you don’t even know what you’re begging for.
you can feel the way simon’s fingers spreads your puffy lips apart. he’s watching himself fuck you, watching the way his cock disappears in your dripping cunt, before it reappears, glistening with your juices.
“fuck,” he moans loudly, as he shifts forward to bury his head in the crook of your neck.
you soft cries fill simon’s ears as you claw at his back, your sharp nails dragging across his skin, leaving red marks that makes him groan loudly. both of you are so far gone. simon’s moaning like a whore and saying the filthiest shit in your ears. you’re so close to teetering over the edge from his cock dragging against your slick walls. you start to beg, huffing out please please please and simon thinks it’s so funny, if the bark of laughter in your ear is anything to go by. he lets out a broken moan when your cunt squeezes him so tight it makes his hips stutter. simon catches his rhythm again, never stopping the roll of his hips as he presses even closer to you, so you’re both chest to chest. simon’s cock is buried so deep in you in this position, you feel full. you can’t stop writhing and moaning beneath him.
simon ducks his head down to press a kiss to your lips. he drags his tongue along your bottom lip, silently asking you to open up. he licks right into your mouth the second you do. you gently yank him closer by his hair, before tightening your legs around him, the heels of your feet digging into his back as you moan in his mouth. the drag of simon’s cock against your walls will surely drive you insane.
“oh, fuck,” you choke out when simon shoves one hand between you two and rubs at your clit. you start to thrash a little when the pleasure becomes overwhelming. “please let me cum, i’ll be good.”
you want simon to nut in you like he always does. you want him to fill you to the brim, so when his cum slips out, he can shove it back in your hole with his fingers.
“yeah?” simon pants in your ear. “you gonna cum on daddy’s cock?”
“please, i need it,” you beg breathlessly, almost desperately.
simon’s thrusts suddenly become more frenzied at your pleas. he loves hearing you beg. he gets off on it, really. you let out a choked cry as he grinds into you, your cunt spasming around his cock as he pushes you over the edge. you and simon both moan in unison as he spills his seed in your fucked out cunt.
when you both come down from your highs, simon warns you that the next time you pull some shit like that, he won’t let you cum at all.
“i’ll bring you close to the edge every time, then pull out. you’ll never get what you want, sweetheart.”
a/n: was gonna add some pussy licking but i forgot 😅
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