#like in a world with NO LOGAN
emmafallsinlove · 1 year
sometimes i’m thinking how much different the plot to s4-s7 could have been if jess and rory were endgame and im losing my mind over it
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stewykablooey · 1 year
funniest thing about stewy is that he’s a fucking anomaly in the roys social circle because not a single person in that family has any fucking friends. they genuinely only fraternize with family or waystar employees and then here comes stewy. the prodigal sons third-oldest friend best friend childhood friend. and guess what. he’s here to cause problems on purpose.
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hysteriafossil · 2 months
cw for suggestive humor🙏 . . . . . . . . . .
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today, i bring you more funnies. tomorrow? who knows.
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mellosghosts · 1 month
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m-magical girl wolverine?!! 😳🍓💝
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alblondo23 · 3 months
Genuine question, why are people giving up on Logan already? It's the second race of the season on a pretty tricky track (that has caught out more experienced drivers) in a car that was melting and malfunctioning last week.
Sure he's 19th, but that doesn't disqualify him from making up a few positions tomorrow. And, yet again, its the second race of the season, so next race could be better. Have some hope and drop a supportive comment on his Instagram because I've seen some truly horrendous things floating around on Instagram and Twitter
Anyways let's go Logan! :)
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felixcatton · 10 months
lorelai gilmore and logan huntzberger are the same character in different fonts and once you realize that, you also realize that logan is indeed not the luke to rory's lorelai, but instead, logan is the lorelai to rory's luke. in this essay i will
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disco-troy · 5 months
problems with beast world aside im loving the JLA/titans parallels to the Titans protecting Gar/Vic at all costs.
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I think its a super interesting way to bring the titans in their first crisis, a callback to arguable their first crisis that involved the whole dc universe and to really dig into what it means to be the Titans.
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mutopia · 7 days
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proud of morpherine nation for coming out of nowhere and holding steady in the top 3
slightly less proud of whatever happened at AO3 to make that the primary tag
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iamumbra195 · 2 months
SBG Hunger Games AU
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Ashlyn, forced to survive and take on a leadership role she never wanted in the rebellion. Her parents teaching her to survive as best as they could in hopes that she could protect herself if she ever got hurt and refusing to let her put her name more than once for the reaping no matter how hard things got, only to watch her name get picked out of hundreds of others and not being able to do anything as their only daughter was thrown into a death tournament for the amusement of the rich and powerful. Ashlyn doing her best to survive the games and resenting Aiden for stepping all over her boundaries and poking his nose into her business but slowly learning to love him as time goes on. Her being forced into the arena of her nightmares a year after she and Aiden got out, knowing only one of them would walk out alive this time and she wanted it to be him. Her losing him despite doing her best to try and keep him alive.
Aiden, so hopelessly devoted to a single girl it destroys him. Aiden, the son of the mayor and his wife, whose cousin was reaped just two years before him, losing his voice and passion for singing in the process. Him watching the girl he liked (and was kinda obsessed with) get chosen for the games shortly before his name was pulled and finding it vaguely ironic because he'd always wondered what it was like to die but he'd never really expected that he would die this way. He was always testing the boundaries with the peacekeepers, seeking out dangerous things that he knew would get him in trouble. Aiden, who already knew what the outcome of the games would be because he would make sure of it himself-- make sure Ashlyn would come home even if he didn't. Him watching as she offers him the berries-- both of them go home or neither of them go home-- and falling in love with her all over again. Him volunteering for his cousin and swearing to make sure Ashlyn will be the only one to walk out all over again because he knows they won't get lucky again this time.
Ben, big and charming with a love for singing that helped him get sponsors when he was reaped, having his throat heavily damaged during the games by one of the careers. He beat them to death in his anger and his throat was fixed by the capitol but it was forever changed and artificial and Ben hated the sound of it so he never spoke or sang again, getting angrier and more defiant of the capitol until his family's home was burned down and he realized the capitol would kill them at any time if they wanted to. So he kept quiet and remained on his best behaviour, letting his hatred and anger fester inside him as other kids were reaped and then his cousin, his reckless stupid cousin was reaped and Ben knew he would die in that arena while he could do nothing but stand there with clenched fists and poisonous rage. But Aiden survived against all odds and there were whispers of rebellion and Ben began to hope-- until the victors are reaped and Aiden volunteers for him despite all his protests and he is forced to watch from the sidelines all over again, hoping that Jasmine and District 13 can extract them all from the arena in time.
Tyler, hardened and angry from loss, clinging onto the family he has left and volunteering as tribute when Taylor gets chosen so she never has to fear for her life only for her to get chosen again the next year as a punishment for his own defiant nature. Taylor, who manages to survive her games, watching her brother continue to suffer to protect her from the darker sides of being a tribute. Marianna, a victor who had a mental breakdown after the capitol killed her husband, watching her children go through the same trauma she went through and not being able to do anything about it. Tyler and Taylor being pulled back into that nightmare arena and Marianna volunteering for Taylor and dying in the arena to protect Tyler in the only way she could. Taylor, helplessly watching from the sidelines as her mother dies and falling apart at the seams when she realizes they didn't manage to get Tyler before the Capitol got to him.
Logan, intelligent and kind despite all that he went through, managing to get through his games by being underestimated and hiding with the career pack. His parents watching as he used their knowledge of botany (and drugs) to survive in a forest landscape where tributes from District 3 would generally struggle to survive and coming home despite all odds. Him being dragged into the games all over again barely a few years later.
Ashlyn, Aiden, Tyler, Marianna, and Logan being allies in the games. Ben, Taylor and the others working with District 13 to get the victors removed. Aiden and Tyler being the ones lost to the Capitol. Ashlyn, forced to be a symbol. Taylor becoming more angry and vicious because she has lost her whole family at this point. Aiden and Tyler coming back not quite right, not fully human. Alex Laurier taking on a bit of a mentor role for Ashlyn like Boggs did for Katniss, warning her not to trust Maverick.
Ashlyn and Aiden helping each other heal, the gang and their parents coming together in the end and helping each other heal because they were still kids by the end of it all, even if they were never truly allowed to be.
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foreverfearlessred · 2 months
just read Logan’s statement
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reduxulousoctopus · 2 months
Incredibly stupid idea incoming:
Established relationship Morpherine, Logan finds out that Morph had a babygay crush on big man on campus Scott Summers back when they were a student at the Xavier Institute and has the Shrek 2 "Mrs. Fiona Charming" panic attack about it.
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whorecedes18 · 2 months
and i dont even know why theyve done this cause now Alex HAS to get that tractor into the points on Sunday and if he doesnt he'll get heat when it wasnt his choice to drive the damn car. Vowles you've screwed over both your drivers cause of your trust issues
and after Alex crashed and messed up the car, youve decided to
1. pull Logan from the race and basically spit in his face and tell everyone you dont trust him
2. put SO MUCH pressure on Alex to do well on Sunday that him not getting points will put more heat on him than the team who made the awful decision
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wolvertooth · 8 months
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THINKING ABOUT THIS AGAIN cuz its literally not a ‘what if’ its CANON that their hatred is based on false memory implants that are specifically made to make them hate eachother when triggered (same treatment was given to the other team x members as well) and they WERE best friends before that!!!!!! and they even find that out multiple times!!!!! but the writers keep making them forget bcuz they gotta stay enemies……i feel the pain and frustration of whoever made this strip. they were so real for this.
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picked up!!!! scruffed!!!!!
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mellosghosts · 28 days
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(wip) who are they !!!!
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john @ sam
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