#like hoyo do you want us to like her or not
46hasu · 2 years
Awfully bold of Mihoyo to drop some Scara lore in the new Archon Quest that could either make or break their absolutely weak sauce of a redemption arc they gave to Ei
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angeltism · 1 month
"spar.kle is fictional who cares" I have seen people praising her for her racist anti-romani comments what the fuck kind of world do you live in
#➳ the fool speaks#fuuuck man i don't think fiction and reality will influence each other 1=1 but characters being weirdos or bigots and it not being#criticized for it makes those kinds of people who Very Much Already Exist IRL think they're in the fucking right. they aren't.#i don't think someone getting spar.kle in hsr is going to turn them into a fucking racist but her being Like That and looking cute#and being playable and not getting called the fuck out in game makes people who ARE racists have a cutesy girl to idolize and support and#use as a way to say shit without getting in trouble because ''ermmm I'm not the one who wrote her!! i just think she's really funny!! she's#not real anyways why are you mad!!''#like my god shut UP#again like. pulling for her or thinking she's cute doesn't mean you want all roma dead. that. that isn't how that works#but if you think of hoyo's writing of her is good and funny and not problematic at all I'd LOVE to know what you think about#how real life roma r treated to this day. like genuinely let's have a little chat. I'm sure you have normal not-racist opinions#and do not use the g slur and do not defend it and tootally don't view roma just as all the bad stereotypes right !!!!#*ok actually pulling for her kinda. shows support to hoyo for whatever weird ass decision someone on their team made#to go ''ah yes let's add racism but make it a cute girl and make it 'funny' this'll get us so much money''#and if you spent on her banner. look idk what to say. shame? yeah shame. hoyo in general is not a company that deserves your money there#are better things to spend your cash on. like literally look at how they treated sum.eru and they made the guy inspired by roma WHITE ???#generally. not something I would advise spending on. but like ok especially on the racist character y'know#anyways.
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yotd2009 · 9 months
going from "i like ayaka but i'm going to pull for her brother instead bc i already have a cryo sword user + i want to replace my barbara w a 5*" to ayaka's biggest wanter and a ride or die barbara stan who doesn't even use ayato. every day i regret my decisions made during 3.5
#he's at level 39 w a dull blade and random artifacts. i originally just threw whatever on them but then harvested them for other characters#also my anti barbara era was soooo pathetic like. i just wanted 5*s for the sake of having 5*s despite the fact that barbara Literally Is A#5* under the 4* label (she was meant to be a limited 5* but then hoyo realized that they never gave us a free healer so they changed#barbara's rarity and gave her out for free. which is the reason why she's the only 4* w a 5* burst animation)#also 'i don't need ayaka when i actually use my kaeya' was dumb too. you Can't be playing genshin w only one functional team it's just not#sustainable + not as much fun. genuinely this was during the period of time when my kaeya was lvl 80 and everyone else was ~lvl 40 or lower#bc i wanted to replace them and i just had kaeya solo everything and wondered why i couldn't complete the rank up quest/do big numbers#n e ways. now that i've forgiven qiqi for the crime of not being scara + fallen in love w layla + still am a kaeya main + actually#understand how genshin team comps/building characters work i've realized that a. cryo sword users have my fave gameplay and b. you can make#a fully rounded genshin team w just them (ayaka is a main dps. kaeya is a sub dps. qiqi is a healer and layla is a shield) and i haven't#seen anyone else use them all together that way and i want to be the first. but first i need ayaka.#+ all their signature weapons bc. c'mon. how much cooler would that be (read: i feel like i'd get more clout for it)#romeo.txt
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paimonial-rage · 10 months
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To that person that sent that ask yesterday.... please understand that yes, I do completely understand your love for her...
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iniziare · 6 days
Tag drop: Guizhong. (God, I truly wish I could explain non-emotionally how much it means to me to have her on this url).
With shortness of breath, I will explain the infinite And how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
#ic. [ teach with wisdom. be bound by virtue. fortify the bones. unite in ambition. their convergence shall be known as the guili assembly. ]#countenance. [ many things only seem to surface beneath its poignant glow. wherever the moonlight shines; the heart is wont to follow. ]#introspection. [ although she did not live to see the splendid sights of today: she was as much a hero as any other. ]#meta. [ her manuscripts still lie unfinished in her abode. the blank pages give one cause for contemplation on what might have been. ]#little notes. [ she always sought to make everyone happy and one must say: she had quite the gift for it. ]#wishes. [ wherever her spirit may be among the countless grains of sand and specks of dust between the harbor and the mountains. ]#mortals. [ at their full potential; they could be her equal. a human who could have as much to teach an adeptus as to learn from them. ]#guili plains. [ as guizhong once said: “it takes every blade of grass and every flower to make a homeland.” ]#liyue. [ perhaps she will look at the liyue of today and steal a smile when she sees the prosperous land that it has become. ]#realm of clouds. [ a voyage to a sanguine sky. ]#mechanical arts. [ in one's heart; i knew that she was indeed the superior talent in the mechanical arts. ]#glaze lilies. [ they were far more abundant back then. entire fields of them would appear to the eye as a veritable sea of flowers. ]#morax. [ whoever it was that revered her so much was very clever indeed. ]#guili: delusionaid. [ with shortness of breath; i will explain the infinite. and how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist. ]#marchosius. [ who would dare snub the stove god and his wondrous creations? at the sight of him: we would all drop any argument. ]#streetward rambler. [ it almost felt like she was back again. sitting right there on the stone stool next to me; chatting away. ]#cloud retainer. [ we each had our ideals; and neither one of us would yield to the other. ]#osial. [ she would disrupt the silence around them with a hum; as if to sing along to the harmony of the water. was this his song? ]#sea gazer. [ he could be quite the braggart when it came to those collectibles he was so fond of; he always loved to show them off. ]#skybracer. [ to who lived by the mountain; he was their savior. in fact; they thought higher of him than they thought of the lord of geo. ]#ganyu. [ if we planted flowers in the guili plains; do you think that one day we'd be able to recreate the sea of glaze lilies? ]#adepti. [ until the moon set and the sun rose. and only then would the banquet finally come to an end. ]#npc: marchosius. [ born from a spark when stone struck stone. he was a god with a great love for humanity and their wellbeing. ]#v: descension. [ she descended whose dominion was over dust; and whose reach shrouded the skies for thousands of miles around. ]#v: guili assembly. [ it's great to have it back but i want to go back to the world. and start with guili plains. ]#v: archon war. [ they fought upon the plains; where black dust choked the heavens and a thousand rocks splintered. ]#v: present. [ all wrapped up in a city that has existed for so many moons to date. all these things: they are why people chase the moon. ]#tag drop#one day hoyo might give me her; and that day i will absolutely cry real tears for numerous days in a row.#more than just numerous days; who am i kidding.
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profic-mafuyu · 1 year
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these gloves have given me trauma /hj
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Between The Wall
Pairing: Sagau!Aether x Reader
Summary: Aether finds solace in the voice, he once hated and now loves.
!Warning!: First Time Writing, might be bad!
Part 2/3
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"—Argh...! Stop it, Aether!" you scream in frustration, putting down your phone on the bed with an annoyed face.
it's been a few weeks since you started to play Genshin Impact after being tempted by your schoolmate to download the game. They already told you the gist of what you should know before starting the game itself.
But, they never mention about this game has the main character a self-aware implement into their character.
At first you notice the way Aether's face scrunched up in discomfort after the prologue. It makes you creep out but then you remember that your schoolmate has told you about a few of their self-aware elements, though they just told you about their reaction when you cancel their movements by jumping.
You assumed that your schoolmate probably wants you to experience it by yourself which is nice but a head up would be great too.
"Gacha game? more like a horror game." you snicker as you continue to play on your phone.
As time goes on, Aether's 'behavior' becomes worse. From making a lot of negative responses to you controlling him, now he even tries to defy your control over him by doing the opposite of what you want from him from time to time.
"Aether, you little shit! Stop swimming in a circle and go back to the shore repeatedly!" you shook your phone like crazy, and there was a small smile curled on Aether's face making your anger flame harder.
"T-this game is shit!"
While anger consumes you, you log out from the game.
You sigh leaning back to your gaming chair as you spin around on it before standing up, moving to your door, and walking down the stairs to grab some water.
because of this problem is the reason why you are slowly about to snap and quit this game.
You arrive at the kitchen, open the fridge, grab a small bottle of water, and quickly drink it up.
While doing so, you heard a rapid clicking on a keyboard coming from your sibling's room. A curious look on your face before you slowly walk to their and casually open the door by the knob.
There you see, your sibling screams while her finger moves steadily on the keyboard before slapping her hand on her table in frustration once she loses.
"GODDAMN IT!" Your sibling shouted, it looked like she had died fighting in the Spiral Abyss, no wonder.
"Calm down," you shook your head, walking inside to stand by your sibling. "You will wake Mom up from her sleep at this rate."
They turns to you, "Oh, you, sorry," she slowly calms herself down and sighs.
"This level just gets my shit up to a hundred, who told Hoyoverse that this is fine, all I wanted was the Primogem." They grumbles.
You softly rub her back with a small smile, "It's still many days left until the limited banner is gone, I am sure you will get em."
They put down their headphones, "Talk about it, what AR are you now?"
"Well, it's, I think...AR 23 or more..." You thought absentmindedly.
"That's quick," your sibling mused, "How is your experience so far as a beginner?"
"Well it's fun, I love the world-building, the colour, the gameplay, and the Ui..." You trailed, listing what you liked about the game until an irritated look appeared on your face that made your sibling perk at it. "Except for Aether!"
Your sibling flinched at your outburst before she raised a confused eyebrow at you, "Aether? The traveler?"
"Yes!" You grip your hand into a fist while seething in anger. "I don't know why they implanted such a feature, Like every time I try to play, he gotta need to defy my game control, it's creepy! He used to follow me but now he keeps making ugly faces at me like excuse me!"
"I really, really hate him!"
You keep rambling about your frustration with the traveler which leaves your sibling gaping.
"I don't think they have that..." Your sibling uttered out.
"Well, I did! And it needs to stop!"
"Do you contact Hoyo Customer Service? Is it probably a bug?" Your sibling suggested.
"I did but they never replied." You said crossing your arms.
"They probably will get back to you, one of these days since I am sure they have many people to attend to." Your sibling reassured.
"I hope so,"
Your sibling then chuckles, "But I don't think you would hate him for so long."
You frown with an eyebrow raised, "Why so?"
"They're gonna be a certain quest when you reach AR 28 or above which gives more lore about him." She elaborates.
"I don't think I would." You squint your eyes.
"Well the fact you still using the Traveler despite the bug he has, say so." She snickers, "Just give him a chance, hate the bug instead of him."
You scratch your cheeks and sigh, "We will see."
You decided to give the game, a second chance.
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"Aether, don't you think...you being too mean to the Creator?" She whispered scratching her cheeks floating, looking down on Aether crouching down inside the bushes.
They currently watching over a couple of boars walking with Aether having his sword in his grip.
Aether glances at Paimon before smiling, "Well, it's not that bad, it's a small price for them to control my body." He turns his attention back to the boars.
Paimon deadpanned, "What a lie! You just did that so they left early!"
He doesn't respond and just quickly dashes out from the bushes and thrusts his sword onto one of the boar, quickly he pulls back the other sword and slashes the boar sprinting toward him.
Quickly he used his Anemo ability to pull back the almost-escaping boars and slashed them in one go.
Blood splatter on his face, outfit, hair and his swords.
"Ah," he wiped the blood on his cheeks with his thumbs, "I need to get better at dodging the blood-splattered," He said out loud.
Aether suddenly flinched and turned his body to see another boar is running up to him.
"Hi-ya!" Paimon shouted, hitting the boars with a rock on the forehead. "Don't you dare to attack Aether!"
Aether blinked and smiled, "Thanks for the help, Paimon."
Paimon perks up and throws away the rock somewhere else, "Hehe, you're welcome~ praise me more~" she giggles happily.
"Now calm down," Aether chuckled.
Aether then gets to work after cleaning himself with a towel to cut the boar meat, one by one.
After that was done, Aether decided to sit down to open his notebook, and start writing some alphabet and spelling again.
Paimon sits down beside the Traveler, watching the letter he wrote with knowing looks.
"Is that the Creator's language?" She asked, quietly after watching her surrounding.
Aether nodded, "Yeah, I managed to decipher some of it."
"Oh! What is it? Let me see!" Paikon excitedly asked and leaned over to look at it.
Paimon curiosity slowly turned into a horrified look, "Did the Creator say that?"
"Yeah," Aether said amused at Paimon's reaction, "surprising huh?"
"There is a lot of cursing! Outrageous mean word!" She blinks rapidly, "The Creator has very interesting wording..."
"Most of the curse directed at me, I am not surprised." He smirked.
Paimon looks at Aether's face still has a smile and a fond look on his face. "You like them?"
Aether stops writing, "Huh?" He turns to Paimon.
"The Creator! Do you finally like them?" She excitedly asked.
"No!" Aether quickly stood up and took a step back, "Ain't no way! I just tolerate the Creator better than before!"
Aether is very obviously in denial with his cheeks adorned with pink blush, averting his eyes.
It's very true that Aether slowly but surely started to understand the creator, whether their language and their intention choosing him as a vessel.
The first word he managed to decipher is 'love' from the Creator's language, it's when Aether has fallen from the Statue Of Seven that the Creator for some reason controlled him to do so.
He had a fatal injury caused by that, and while he was whimpering in pain, he heard the Creator change of tone.
Aether's eyes widened, and he looked up at the sky, the creator rambled a lot but he could hear the concern and care for him which gave him goosebumps
Aether perks up again when he hears his name between the rambling and his eyes widen more.
His lips parted when he understood the word, Aether's cheeks burned red and his eyes turned hazy.
He doesn't realize what happening to him but Aether for sure has stopped functioning at this time.
Aether shook his head from his flashback and continued to scribble some more. His ear is red as his scribbling becomes faster but much to his chagrin, the scene keeps playing in his head.
Paimon, who watching at his side had a small smile adorning her face. 'Aether surely has grown to like the Creator and that's good.
Both of them will stuck together until they reach their intended goal, they are both important to me, so please help each other."
Paimon hands intertwined. together to prayer, eyes closed with her forehead leaning to her clasped hands.
Until it's snapped open, Paimon turned her head with a frown. 'Who?'
She scanned the surroundings when she sensed something wrong again. 'Behind that tree." Paimon narrows her eyes.
She was about to move and check it out but suddenly Aether stood up which gained Paimon attention back to him.
"Aether? Why are you standing?" She called moving to him, "Where are we going?"
She tilted her head when Aether didn't answer her which was odd until she moved in front of him.
There she sees Aether standing still with his eye twitching in irritation. 'Ah, the Creator is back.'
Paimon smiles sympathetically at Aether.
Aether's body then quickly moved in a sprint which made Aether's eyes wide with Paimon followed in tow.
As they move away, neither Aether nor Paimon didn't realizes that someone is watching them from afar behind a tree, the arrow they grip in their hands is put away.
The unknown eye glints with mysterious light, "The Creator..." They breathe.
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You are lying down on the bed, empty and in pain.
There are tears stained under your eyes, your eyes are red from crying so hard for a long time. Akin to a person on the brink of death gate and barely gripping onto life.
"i can't believe it." you hiccup, "Lumine, why are you doing this?! Reunite with your brother, come on!" you shout in frustration, kicking your feet into the air.
You just recently finish the 'We will be reunited' quest and it broke you down from the inside hard. You are mad at Lumine but at the same you try to understand her but what actually fueled to your anger against her is Aether.
After the quest, Aether's face have trail of tears and hurt plastered that you didn't have a heart to do anything that often making you in verge of crying. Often you have started to not using Aether, in hope his expression will be better but it just become worse and you even begun to miss his smirk from before.
Everytime you try your best to help the boy even though it's probably a waste of time. After using him back again for daily mission, his face become focus like he try to pull his mind away from the events. It's like he try to move on, his expression look so real which should not be possible since Aether is a character game.
"I can't seem to leave him alone," You rub your eyes and slowly calming yourself down. Getting up from the bed you reach for your phone and open your messaging app.
After a back and forth messaging with your sibling and friend, you finally come to conclusion of what to do now.
You get back with soda and snack by your side as you open up Genshin Impact in your phone with a determined face.
"I can't believe that I am doing this for a game character that I hate..." you mutter as you sigh before focusing to the screen again.
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"My money..."
"OUR MONEY!" Paimon scream, "Why are the Creator even use it to but a freaking expensive firework!!" she whined into her hand.
"We could use it to buy more Sticky Honey Roast!" She cried out, step onto the ground pr air repeatly.
Aether just sigh, "Well we can't do anything about it," he keep jogging forward to somewhere that even he doesn't know with the Creator controlling him. "We will gain it back in no time, so don't worry so much Paimon."
"Okay... but where are we even going?"
Aether narrow his eye as he climb up the boulder, "Hm...I don't know but this place seem familiar."
The more they walk and climb, the more familiar the surrounding area looks, Aether is now crouching down to set down the firework under a cliff before his body starts to sprint up up to the cliff where from there, he could see Mondstadt.
"Are the creators trying to light fireworks in the morning?" Paimon wonders out loud, "What the point? It's not even night!"
But then a miracle happened, the day quickly went back to nighttime time and both Aether and Paimon's eyes widened at the sight.
The sky that once had a sun on its landscape now has a moon and star decorating It.
At the right time, the fireworks shoot up into the air and burst into many colour.
"Wow...." Aether breathed out in awe.
Aether suddenly glances at the sky when he hears the Creator speak his name. Each word the Creator utters makes his heart skip a beat, flushing red and his eye sparkling.
"....With this, I hope you will cheer up a little bit."
A trail of tears goes down his cheeks as the Creator's words end. He can't understand some of it but the way his heart thumping, he just knows for sure that.
Aether has fallen in forbidden love with the...
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marieisnothere12 · 29 days
hsr 2.2 opinions
The plot was great execution was mid.
Sorry this is pretty long 😭😭
Spoilers 👇
Sunday’s three acts were hella tedious. This gives me Kazuha domain in the golden apple arcepellago ptsd.
Sparkle is just unused its such a shame bc I absolutely love the Masked fools :(
After they “solve” the crisis, it’s too long I honestly lost all the hype bc I thought it ended. It was just waaaaay too long.
Firefly’s 3 deaths?? Hello? I wanted to see that not Sunday’s 3 acts.
They never explain why the Order is bad and the Harmony is good. I didn’t understand until the last part where it was like “oh they’re trying to mind control people.” like you’re telling me this NOW??
oh so much dialogue pls no more exposition
Im sorry but I don’t find Robin to be as likable as hoyo presents her as. She’s a sweet angel but they shove it in your throats so much it feels fake. She just got the short end of the stick when it comes to writing :( i would have loved her ngl I wished she got the same level of writing as her brother :((
Too many twists like it’s exhausting atp. Gallagher being evil would’ve been interesting ngl. Like what of Sunday and Gallagher and Sparkle teamed up???? Idk just a thought. Also “dormancy” is disappointing. IM SORRY I LIKE EVIL GALLAGHER
Maybe unpopular opinion but too much Acheron. I feel like Firefly should’ve had a bigger focus like we forget abt her in the later half.
And the domain things. God they are so unnecessarily long. The one with with the Trailblazer and Firefly was just so so tedious.
Oh so so so much unnecessary dialogue guys please shut up
The Trailblazer taking the Harmony’s side feels forced like bro why??? Theres sm exposition and no explanation. They just go “Bc freedom!!” And…??? What else??? Robin just went “This is wrong” and we hopped on board. Now Robin is justifiable bc she did her research, being her idealist self, and shes a side character so I’m okay with her not having the full spotlight.
Why did Elio send Firefly/SAM to Penacony anyways?
Jade just went “oh Aventurine lets cook some shit up in thr next update” and left
again, pls elaborate on why the Order is bad I got one example
Also I feel like Aventurine was like a footnote im def biased towards my baby boy but :(
Im sorry the main cast is just unlikeable imo they don’t justify their actions and just ride on the ideal of freedom and nothing else. They use the same argument of “bc people deserve to live and choose” and its tiring hearing them say that 10 times they just lacked depth.
Also shaoqi who writes for hi3 wrote this and hi3 is very visual novel esque and it works in hi3 bc its very story driven but it just doesn’t in hsr.
Now the good things
I love the consistent characterization. Sunday acted just as I predicted during the quest so yay
I really like Sunday as a character. ALSO WHY DID HE FALL AT THE END I GOT SCARA PTSD
I like how even though Gallagher is on our side he’s pretty morally gray (he’s a history fictionalogists i hate those shits if you can’t tell I would follow the erudition so they piss me off sm)
We stan boothill live laugh love space cowboys
The idea of the story is amazing though like in general
In conclusion, I think they tried to do everything and forgot about domains being the bane of players’ existence and making stuff make sense. The execution just leaves me feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied at the same time. Ngl I think 2.1 just built up way too much hype.
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anantaru · 2 months
so guys 🙋🏻‍♀️🌸 i have finished the entire new quest at last and omg 👼🏼 like this was outstanding!! you see, what i really enjoy about star rail is that it gives me similar vibes to hi3 in terms of the darkness in the plot, since hi3 is my favorite hoyo game i always love seeing stuff from it or just similar instances. SO YOU KNOW FOR A FACT I WAS SO HYPED WHEN ACHERON SHOWED UP 🤺 especially with the hi3 story with kiana as the mc being over and although i still love hi3 the most, kiana, mei and bronya, that trio, they were all the best characters together AAAARGHHH I SWEAR AND JUST THE ENTIRE STORY LINE WAS SOOO GOOD, I miss them all together as a trio and especially kiana, the best hoyo MC FOR LIFE. 🙋🏻‍♀️🩷
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also 🤠 ^^ that frame with sunday and dr ratio like 😙😙 WAS SO FUNNY I HAD TO SS IT. 🤺
the amount of cutscenes we got to see again was so fun, it felt like watching a movie slowly unfold while you got to be a part of it 🩷 you can tell that hoyoverse gets better and better with each update on whatever game and that the cutscenes are always so well done (i always liked them but the constant upgrades ??? insane) 🙏🏻
+ the acheron one shotting aventurine lmao 🧎🏻‍♀️ it was my favorite though ngl HAHA 🙋🏻‍♀️🩷 no matter how much i like aventurine as a character, MEI OMG MEEEIIIIII 👹🩷 SHE WILL FOREVER BE MY LOVE LIKE I KNOW ITS ACHERON BUT YOU GET WHAT I MEAN !!!!! 🙇🏻‍♀️ LIKE THE CUTSCENE WITH HER HORNS OH MY GOOOD THE NOSTALGIA LIKE YES GO OFF SHOW THEM
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also guys, idk but aventurine's boss fight, 🤠 i personally expected more like it was so easy to beat ?! I THOUGHT I WOULD STRUGGLE BUT HE DIED PRETTY QUICKLY BUT ITS FINE, I STILL LIKE HIS CHARACTER 🌸🙋🏻‍♀️. + i was happy hoyoverse showed us his backstory and took their time to flash it out and not gloss over it in idk one/two scenes, but they really took their time with it which was amazing 🩷
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also jade looks so cool as well! the design is very pretty and i can't wait to see diamond too, or the rest of the ten stonehearts but they're hyping diamond up so much like another emanator?? yes please, i'm all in🧎🏻‍♀️🩷
this entire quest gave me movie vibes, you were on edge the entire time and even during side quests you had to take, it was still very intense. it actually took me quite a bit to finish it of course since i'm someone who doesn't skip dialog, but it was so worth it and the best way to relax after a long day of moving my body 🩷 just laying in bed, playing while drinking tea!!
what i wanted to say too, guys honestly sunday is not okay HAHAHAHAHAHAH 🌝 I MEAN LIKE you guys🧎🏻‍♀️, that shiver in his voice at times and you can tell he low-key doesn't even know how to handle all of that either, of course, for one he looks like everything is accounted for while in the other, he sounds like he's losing his mind and can we blame him ???? when he went "why did you kill her" and lowkey cussed gallagher out i was like damn 🤠 okay 😏 HAHA + i'm somebody that doesn't think too much about theories, instead i love eagerly waiting for the next patch!! so i'm excited for what's coming 🩷 + robin's song slaps.
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last but not least 🤺 you see, gallagher wasn't really somebody i was very interested in, but damn the second he turned dangerous and spicy i went oh my oh hey what's up ?? 😏 giggles HAHA LIKE WHAT IS IT ABOUT MEN WHO ARE JUST SUDDENLY EVIL AND IDK MAYBE HE ISNT COMPLETELY RIGHT AAAAAA OOOOO UUUU WWWWW AAAAA but anyways, 🌸 the last cutscene low-key hurt me like what do you mean sunday gets off screened while i was saving up for him for what? 👹 ever since fuxuan like how can you do this to me + no way they're dead dead 🤠because the last conversation aventurine had with acheron was very important to the next patch i'm pretty sure! 🩷
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all in all guys!! 🩷 this quest was beautifully done, it had a lot of hard, dark stuff and it reminded me a lot of hi3, that's why i give it a 10/10, very well done. 🌸🩷
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blood-orange-juice · 8 months
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I want to overanalyze everything Arle says and how others interact with her. 4.1 spoilers ahead
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(meanwhile Fontaine is the nation of human trafficking, actual slums exist and the law doesn't really apply to the wealthy)
She's very good at being unsettling. Half of what she says is a double-bind, she states things and the opposite of them at the same time. It's not even lies, she just rules out any possibility of truth. A conversation strategy the only goal of which is to throw people off balance. This creates a feeling that she might stab you right now in broad daylight or maybe give you a poisoned piece of cake.
A truly lovely woman.
Also an interesting parallel:
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(first meeting with Furina and Arle's farewell to us)
Similar words but we understand what she meant each time, right? She's good. One has to constantly guess with her. It's your fault if you guessed incorrectly.
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Demanding too much before she voices her actual request. The classics of bargaining. Again, she's good.
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Traveler: "he would not fucking say that"
Personally, I think she's bullshiting to check our reaction. One of the best ways of getting information out of someone is to say a thing that is obviously untrue.
As a side note: interesting how hoyo are keeping the story suitable for all headcanons. Haters and indifferent people "know" that he had no chance of learning what food the traveler likes (their character doesn't interact with the boy that much). Shippers can "know" that we share Childe's love for spicy seafood and honey roast, not cake. Shippers who like cake can assume that she reads his letters. I also don't think he knows anything about Arle's taste in desserts, he's too self-centered for that. Anyway, lovely.
Alternative: it's a metaphor. This is obviously not a tea party, it's a battlefield. Childe would totally say *that*. But that's too subtle for most players, I doubt hoyo would do it.
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Everyone who had read Tartaglia's actual letters to home stifled a laugh there. Anyone who has *seen* our dear boy really. He doesn't write about what he contemplates or feels, only about actions. Here's a headache medicine for our dear father. Please tell Anton that people in Liyue don't eat stones, it would be ridiculous. I'll take the first boat home once I've finished making a bloodbath out of this lovely city.
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(a reminder in case anyone forgot)
So. Bullshiting again. Is she trying to check how close we are? Or to demonstrate that she doesn't, in fact, read his letters (even if she does)? I'm not considering the option that she's actually clueless, she's the Fatui spymaster after all.
(if she's trying to learn from us how to mimic his style to get to his family it would mean she's clueless and it would be bad writing)
Also I know that a lot of people are shouting "have you forgotten about the Vision??? stupid traveler, you have a proof that he's alive" and honestly I'm surprised. Why would we want to share *any* information with her? The traveler was visibly upset when Paimon blurted what she blurted. Also, yeah, let's tell a totalitarian country military official that her colleague recently gave one of his favorite weapons to an enemy of the state. Surely it will go swimmingly. That was intentional.
And then her farewell and her thanking us for helping the twins. Her unhingedness is suddenly gone. She might not be genuine but there's no double bind at least. She starts to say things that could be true or untrue.
Also this:
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Not even a guess that the Gnosis could be used to power the Oratrice? After the Akasha terminal plot it's a pretty obvious option to anyone, would she really miss something like that?
Is she trying to push us to do something? It's hard for me to believe that she genuinely doesn't understand. But also she shares that info about a curse. Meh. I don't understand what's happening here.
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kurogane2512 · 6 months
Hi, Hello, How are you, I hope you are doing great.
Can I request a oneshot for Lisa? Set during Dodoco's Bombtastic Adventure..
I wanted more interaction time with Lisa but.. you know hoyo.. So I've been wanting to ask this for quite some time..
It can be anything your wish fluff/smu
If it's f, u can add some interactions with klee..
But if it's s, it can just be y/n & Lisa.. uk
Anyways.. If you can't that's alright, I already enjoy your other works and I'm sure the other requests which you plan on doing will also be great.
Thank you :)
I relate so much anon, you already know how disappointed I feel almost every time with events regarding my faves cause they are almost never done justice. Lisa's Sumeru outfit event was also really lackluster and just felt like something they wanted to get out of the way, she has so much character potential but it feels they abandoned all initial plots established with her and just keep her for fanservice.
This Klee event was unexpected and I actually somehow had hopes that maybe this would be better but I thought too soon.... sigh, anyways I very much wanted to write this too and you know I love combining smut and fluff most so here it is~
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Lisa x fem! reader (Traveler)
Type: Smut and Fluff (oral sex, slightly dom reader, Lisa on receiving end)
Weary from your travels, you decided to make a stop at Mondstadt and relax a little by meeting your old friends and spending time with them. Mondstadt always felt like home to you as it was the first nation you came to, and the people treated you like their own family that you could never forget them. You went to the KoF HQ and decided to spend some time in the library by reading a book and chatting with the librarian.
"Okay, I'll look for big sister Y/n now!" a familiar child's voice filled your ears as soon as you entered the library.
"Oh! Big sister Y/n!! You already came! Klee was just thinking about you!" Klee ran up to you and playfully hugged you, you smiled at her and patted her head then Lisa also came up to you and smiled.
"What happened? Do you need some help?" you asked both of them and Lisa simply chuckled before telling you about an ongoing problem with Mondstadt's Cider Lake due to which Klee had to be confined in the city for some time and Lisa was made to take care of her.
"So.... do you have something in mind, Lisa?"
"My, of course. I already prepared it as well. Come along~"
You and Klee followed Lisa outside the HQ and found yourself in front of a board game that Lisa had developed for Klee.
"Please enjoy yourselves! It's not every day that you get to play games with Klee, surrounded by the scent of flowers on the breeze, with delicious food delivered right to you~"
"You won't play, Lisa?"
"Hehe, won't it be a little unfair if the game's creator joined in? Besides, I still have my librarian duties to take care of~"
"I see.... I would have liked for you to join in." you looked down with a disappointed expression, a soft chuckle leaving Lisa's mouth at your reaction.
"You should have thought of that when we met in Sumeru, cutie~"
Your eyes widened in shock realizing her implication but Lisa didn't bother elaborating and bid farewell to you two. You weren't sure if she really meant what you were thinking. You spent a few hours playing with Klee then decided to check up on Lisa since Klee was well used to the game and could play by herself. You told her you'll be back soon then went to the library again, only to find Lisa wasn't at her table.
"I'm downstairs. If you require assistance then please wait a moment." Lisa's voice beamed from the ground floor and you quickly walked downstairs and found her in front of a shelf, arranging some books.
"Ah, how may I hel— Oh, it's you, cutie." Lisa turned around and was a little surprised to see you. She gave a small smile then picked up the other books and leisurely walked to another shelf to arrange it.
"How's it going with Klee? Did you face some issues with the game?"
"No, everything is fine. It's really fun to play, she's enjoying a lot."
"Aww, that's good to hear. It's thanks to Klee that we were able to detect the problem in Cider Lake so early, she deserves this reward~"
"Y-Yeah...." you trailed off and wondered what to speak, Lisa wasn't acting her usual self around you. By now, she would have already asked you about your wellbeing and stories from your journey but she was strangely avoiding you.
"Did you have something to discuss, cutie? I don't think it's a good idea to leave Klee all alone out there."
"I....I just wanted to talk with you, Lisa. How have you been?"
"My, I'm the same old me. Not much time has passed since we met in Sumeru, remember? Or perhaps you were too occupied back then to remember I was there, hehe~"
You were surprised once again but now your suspicions were confirmed. She was upset about how you didn't accompany her when she came to Sumeru for a vacation, despite inviting you so dearly.
"Lisa, I....I'm sorry about back then. I was just—"
"Too busy being the hero of another nation? I know, you don't have to worry about it, cutie. I'm happy to see you doing such marvelous deeds everywhere you go, you don't have time for a mere librarian like me~"
She wasn't looking at you at all as she spoke and continued arranging the books. Her tone was dull and not cheery like always. She was trying so hard to show she didn't care but you knew she was upset. You regretted not accepting her invitation so much, you desperately tried to make time but some work always came and you didn't realize when a week already passed and she was ready to leave.
You hated making Lisa upset, she was the one person you never wanted to do this to. You walked up to her and suddenly hugged her from behind, catching her by surprise as a book fell from her hand from the force of the hug. You buried your face in her shoulder and tightly wrapped your arms around her waist, she squinted her eyes and stayed still.
"....You are wrong, I don't think that way at all. I really tried to make time, I really wanted to be with you but it was so hard. I know you don't want to listen to any excuses but.... please know I wasn't ignoring you or finding you worthless. You mean a lot to me, Lisa- so much more than you can imagine. Please, don't hate me."
Lisa silently listened to you then let out a sigh and turned around to face you, gently cupping your face and gazing at you with a small smile.
"....I can never hate you, cutie. You are too precious for me to hate you for something like that. I was just.... slightly upset that we didn't get to spend time together despite being in the same place. I wasn't expecting to run into you at Sumeru, but I was so happy that I did that perhaps I got carried away with my expectations."
You smiled back then leaned in and snuggled into her neck to embrace her, she wrapped her arms around you and lovingly stroked your head.
"Oh, that reminds me. What did you come here for initially? I'm so sorry that I made you accompany Klee as soon as you came, cutie."
"Oh, it's okay. I only came to meet everyone, especially you. I'll be going to Fontaine next so I just wanted to make a stop back here first."
Lisa smiled and kissed your forehead, "Hehe, that means you'll be here for some days, right?~"
You nodded, "Yes. I hope to learn more from you, Lisa-sensei~"
You chuckled together before leaning back then grabbing her wrist, "Come play with us now, Lisa."
"I told you I have to—"
"Ugh, nothing will happen if you close the library for a day! Come now, I want to be with you!"
You practically dragged her out and Lisa only chuckled as she let herself be pulled by you. She locked the library and both of you went back to find Klee seated on the bench eating some snacks that had been delivered earlier, she beamed a smile looking at you two and jumped in excitement as you three played together. Some days later, one of the knights came to inform Lisa that the crisis at Cider Lake had been resolved and that Klee could resume her playtime there.
"Well, Klee can continue her little adventures. I hope you two enjoyed this little game~" Lisa informed you about the crisis being resolved and was happy to hear how much Klee enjoyed the game.
"Oh, and I have also bought some gifts for you cuties!~" Lisa exclaimed and Klee became excited then held your arm.
"Me too! Klee also has a gift for big sister! Can Klee go first please!!?"
Lisa nodded happily then Klee took out a Dodoco toy from her backpack and handed it to you. You hugged Klee and thanked her for the lovely gift then next was Lisa's turn and she took out a cutely illustrated storybook about 'Dodoco's Bomb-Tastic Adventures'.
"The little cutie returned to Mondstadt and joined Klee on an adventure with Dodoco! Together they defeated the bad Spikey Fish Warriors and then enjoyed an afternoon tea.... A most fitting way to end Dodoco's Bomb-Tastic Adventure. I left a space for illustrations but I thought of a better idea- how about taking a picture together?"
Lisa suggested and Klee was already jumping in excitement and you had no reason to deny either. She set up the Kamera while you and Klee took your positions then waited for the photo to click.
"Lisa, you also come. You are the creator of this game and story, it's incomplete without you." you pleaded to Lisa who was a little shocked at your request, she tried to deny saying she didn't do much and that you and Klee were more important but you weren't liking it.
"Yes, big sister Y/n is right! Big sister Lisa, you should come too!" Klee also joined in your request and Lisa finally gave in.
"Fine fine, let me take one photo of you two then I'll join for the next one~"
You posed with Klee as the photo clicked then Lisa quickly walked up and stood beside you, she wrapped her arms around your neck and held you close before sneakily kissing your cheek right at the moment the second photo clicked. Everything happened so quickly that you barely registered her action, she moved away before you could react and proceeded to wrap up the game but you didn't miss the little wink she gave you as she went....
Later at night, you came to the library to help Lisa pack up and escort her home. But truthfully, you were hoping for something else to happen. You found Lisa standing in front of a shelf in the faraway corner and silently tiptoed behind her then embraced her, catching her off guard but she was aware of your presence as soon as you had come in.
"Aww, can't stay away from me, cutie?~"
"Mmm, I missed you~"
You mumbled against her skin before planting a kiss on her shoulder, shivers running down her spine at your action.
"Hehe, wait a little more, cutie. I'm almost done with these~"
"Hmm... no, I want you now~"
You kissed behind her ear which made her arch into you with a soft moan, "Mhm, how needy. Where was this side of you in Sumeru, hm?~"
"You have no idea how much I wanted you back then as well, especially since you wore that outfit. You looked so beautiful...."
Lisa chuckled as you planted more kisses on her neck and shoulder before suddenly turning her around and pinning her on the shelf. She gasped as you held up her leg and pressed your body against her then dived in to kiss and suck on her neck. She moaned and wrapped her arms around you as she arched up, giving you more access to her neck for you to mark.
"Mhm, c-cutie.... Hnng~ You want to do it here?~"
"Anywhere, I don't care. I just want you, Lisa~"
Lisa chuckled and laced her fingers in your hair and guided you to kiss her neck more, she moved her dress down with her other hand and freed her breasts which you wasted no time to cup. Soft sighs left Lisa's mouth as you kneaded her breasts before moving down to suck her hard nipples, simultaneously pinching the other one. She held you close as you sucked like a baby then suddenly carried her over to a nearby table and laid her on it while kneeling in front of her.
"I want to make up for what happened in Sumeru. Will you let me, Lisa?"
Lisa chuckled, "You just want to make up for that, cutie?~"
"No.... I want to do this because I love you. I want to please you and make you happy."
Lisa's heart skipped a beat at your unexpected confession but she couldn't be happier. She pulled you up by your collar and connected your lips in a passionate kiss, her tongue hungrily dancing with your own. You then kneeled once again and slipped off her panties then rested her legs on your shoulders and dived in to ear her out. She leaned back on the table as her body arched, low moans and whines resounded in the library as your tongue swiped her folds and lips sucked on her clit.
"Mhm, cutie...Aaahn~ Y-Yes, right there.....oh, you are doing so good!~"
Her fingers gripped your hair messily and she grinded into your mouth, her hips rutting forward as you plunged your tongue inside her and scissored her walls. Angelic whimpers left her mouth, your thumb playing with her clit as you sucked on her hot and wet folds and she came with a loud breathy moan. You sucked every drop of her juices and cleaned her before you stood up to face her, her cum still coating your lips.
She smirked and wiped her cum off your lips then stepped down and pushed you across to another table, pinning you down this time. She gazed at you with a lustful glaze in her eyes, a pool of arousal already dripping down your thighs as you anticipated the events of the remaining night.
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tree-obsession · 4 months
Gold and Red Text in Penacony
So, for some reason, I have decided to torture myself by creating a theory that will likely have some plot relevance??? but not totally sure. it has popped up a bunch of times and seems to confuse a lot of people, so I'm just putting together what I know! feel free to tell me if I missed something, as I haven't done many of the side quests yet...
Anyway, spoiler warning for 2.0 trailblaze mission and possibly some of the side quests?? idk proceed with caution! I don't read many leaks so I doubt there's spoilers for that but tell me right away if there are any!
Alright, so the first time we see different-colored text in this mission is during Acheron's first meeting with the Trailblazer. According to this twitter thread (credits to user mobnermal, NOT me) Acheron's dialogue will change, depending on the gender of the tb and how we respond to her queries. She also says towards the end of the convo something along the lines of "It feels like multiple different versions of you were talking to me, saying a different thing each time".
So, I'm not entirely sure why she's lying, or even if she's doing it intetionally. It does seem like there's some aspect of "different possibilities within the Dreamscape" happening- almost like the Dreamscape itself is changing the tb's answers/Acheron's questions. But again, we'll get a bit into the dreamscape later.
2. Aventurine's final convo with the tb, and then Black Swan later.
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My screenshots were failing me so hard in this quest lol.
Anyway, as far as I know, these two are the only ones in this mission who use gold text. It's mostly used to highlight the word "truth", and according to the wiki and playthroughs I have watched this dialogue doesn't change- only Acheron's red seems inconsistent. I find it interesting Black Swan put quotations around it, and I have no idea what this could imply. I assume she knows something we and Aventurine don't about Robin's death, which seems to be what they were referring to during this part.
As to how that "upends everything"... I don't know what the implications of her death are. It's implied by the npc who raised Robin (can't find any screenshots- I didn't take any, but it's dialogue from an npc in the Golden Hour) and Sunday and Robin's dialogue in the very beginning- the one where they were "shades"- that Robin's voice may have some special quality that could mind-control/ brainwash people to some extent. This is a bit of a tangent, but may point out why the gold test is so important- the new Harmony trace mats match Robin's design very well, and are part of the Order. The Order's- Ena's- symbol is an eyeball, which can be found in a lot of places on Penacony, but most importantly Sunday's clothes. Judging from what we know of Sunday's control-freak-esque personality (sorry dude ):) it's possible he or someone else in The Family is using Robin's potential powers to brainwash the people of different factions. If you choose the alternate ending, everything wraps up a bit too nicely, and nobody seems to want to leave Penacony after that. Tb never finds out about Robin's death in that ending, either. There's a lot of implications there that I don't want to get into for this post, but basically- The Family is orchestrating something, probs pinned the blame on the IPC in the bad ending (since otherwise why would hoyo tell us that?) and then brainwashed everyone to never leave. Why? No idea! But it does explain why Robin's "truth" (in quotations, because Black Swan's dialogue does imply Robin's not dead) is so important to the plot.
That was a bit of a tangent, lol. Going back to the first sc, I find it interesting Aventurine is the one to tell us this, and if we're going with the idea that gold=truth, that just tells us Acheron's most certainly an Emanator, no matter what the Dreamscape does. Why they choose to have Aventurine reveal this, especially with the first instance of golden text- that's still up in the air. However, something I want to throw in is that there was a theory floating around Twitter comparing his eyes to the eye behind Ena in their official art. They are identical- even the gold outline on Ena's eye matches his eyeliner. Since it's implied in his conversation with Sparkle his eyes are a defining feature of his race, Sigonian, and that their civilization has been taken over (I'm not clear on details) or fallen apart somehow- akin to how civilizations under Ena's rule fell apart after their death- there may be some relation. Also, Aventurine was sent to Penacony specifically, which Topaz questioned- this may be why Diamond sent him. It implies a lot of plot relevance for him later, certainly!
3. The really, really ominous text you can get from a side quest.
If you go to the Reverie(Dreamscape) VIP lounge teleport beacon and head to the wall, you find a broken Clockie surrounded by purple bubbles. If you haven't done this quest yet- do it now, I really can't explain all this! search up a guide- there's a couple good ones on youtube. you do get a sticker!
anyway, some screenshots of the tape's text (cw for slight gore, explosions, screams, overall very ominous and vague tour-guidey stuff):
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sorry for the text overlap lol, this was very inconveniently sized for screenshots.
anyway, yeah! possibly the most unnerving thing in the game so far (aside from those lost text stickers...). but, as you can tell, I'm gonna focus on the gold and red text. fair warning, I don't really know what to make of this, but I think there's some connection...
first, gold. this is, if we go off what I previously thought, the "truth". My current theory is that this gold is true of within or outside dreamscape- in other words, the dreamscape cannot alter that thing in the gold text. It's there, regardless of how the dreamscape screws other things up. The "truth" in the dreamscape isn't necessarily reliable, since dreamscape seems to fuck with everything, but gold is apparently truth, so we're sticking to that. That means that bloodshed, mind-opening (?), and pressure-releasing (???) is... true? It's kind of interesting- the other things in gold we've seen are statements with meaning, and this... kinda isn't. However, it could imply this is actually what's happening in the Dreamscape. Some kind of deranged, creepy thing that the dreamscape/ the Family is doing while everyone else is on this cool-looking vacation. I have no idea why that line, of all the lines, is gold, but it's certainly not something someone trying to make Penacony look good would say! That's all I know.
Not much I know about why the red one, specifically, is red either. Are the instruments/music fake? That's certainly a recurring motif in Penacony, between bands in the Golden Hour and Robin being a songstress, plus Ena's "Beyond the Sky Choir", their exclusive faction, which fell apart upon their death. Something about Ena being swallowed by XIpe will certainly be brought up later, I'm almost totally sure. It's also interesting it gets cut off by static, without even finishing the statement(I think). I have no idea what to make of these- I just needed to point out the similarities between this tape and the dialogue.
Also, the tape itself is suspicious. According to Woolesley, there are multiple, appearing all over the Reverie (Dreamscape) and sometimes even messing with the Dreamscape.
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First of all, why the hell is he telling us this very classified-sounding info? Also, he literally might pop up next to you- it's inevitable that you give him the tape at some point, really showing how The Family is cracking down on these.
Also, who's making these tapes? Why are they leaving them around the Dreamscape if they know it'll be taken? What's with these side effects/corrupting? And what's the relation between the tapes, Acheron, and Aventurine/Black Swan- are those things revealed in the tapes things only those three are aware of, or care to tell tb? It's really weird, especially since they're apparently in Clockie statues? Also, why tapes even- the tapes themselves seem corrupted(or censored?) weirdly, judging from the lines, and also just... why would anyone make these? Someone against the Family presumably wouldn't do rebellion in such a way, and someone within would have no reason to create this at all- is the Dreamscape itself making it? it's the only thing using both red and gold text...
there's probably some connection to Clockie, since that's who is most likely talking in the tape... and that's the statue we found it in too. Clockie is sus in a whole host of ways- don't even get me started, but I'm not sure how they relate to this theory just yet.
I have no idea. The tape is super creepy, but things probably will clear up a bit in 2.1!
tldr/clarification(sry for rambling so much): red text = lie/subjective/ easily changeable, to the dreamscape at least
gold text= "truth", dreamscape is unable to change it(?)
ena probs will have some lore relevance along with Robin, who seems to be the center of this "truth" for the moment
the bizarre tape is very mysterious and questionable, with nothing solid that we know about it- however, it uses both red and gold text, which automatically makes it suspicious even beyond what it's saying directly
what the hell is the family cooking up? i don't know, but it's probably not good! (for us, at least)
thank you for reading this lightly-proofread, very rambling theory/speculation- you are an angel for making it this long!
edit: so number one- I've added a reblog to this post- plz check it out, it has some other details from the Chadwick quest. and also, there's this Youtube video that mentions the red text in the beginning! It has a very similar idea to mine, but the thing it mentions is not an option I made (I accepted Acheron right away lol, so I didn't grab this detail). And the entire vid is pretty cool, so you should see it!
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Alhaitham and Kaveh's dynamic is interesting, because I've seen a lot of people say either "oh my god Kaveh is so mean" or "oh my god Alhaitham treats Kaveh terribly". But, quite importantly imo, in this quest Paimon remarks that she "doesn't know which one of them is more problematic".
I think when considering their relationship you need to look at intention. Do Hoyo want to villainise one of their popular husnandoes as a toxic asshole? No. Even the "villain" playable characters like Childe and Wanderer are nice/funny on occasion. Kaveh and Alhaitham's interactions are intended to be humorous, to make you gasp and say "oh wow I can't believe he just said that!".
Like, during the most recent story quest, for example. Kaveh accusing Alhaitham of having no empathy when he's clearly pretty emotionally stunted and decently moral is mean. But saying "At least I'd be a fungus with empathy!" Undercuts that - it's clear neither Alhaitham nor the player are suppose to take those words seriously.
Alhaitham dismissing Kaveh's field of work with "you work yourself to death just for a smile" is so belittling, but it's a retort to Kaveh saying his scribe job is at "rock bottom" in the Akademiya. Alhaitham isn't lashing out or trying to demean Kaveh in front of others (this interaction happens after the player has "left"); he's just continuing their verbal sparring match. I think people take this jab so seriously because it can be seen as a jab at a lot of people working out of passion, but in the context of the dialogue we're not supposed to regard it so deeply.
It's also fairly clear that nobody in game takes them seriously either. Tighnari says Kaveh is "as pent up as an anemo slime" in his Alhaitham voiceline - another funny quip - and Collei details how hard it was to suppress her laughter when Kaveh was talking about Alhaitham. Nobody thinks they're genuinely bad for one another, or that getting them separated is all that crucial.
Even the interactions in this story quest are just so silly and domestic: Kaveh can't get the painting straight, Alhaitham buys ugly furniture, they're arguing about rent and drink tabs, Kaveh is doing an unfair amount of housework and Alhaitham fucks off without entertaining his own guests. it's funny, or at least it is clearly intended to be.
I've heard that in the other dubs the VAs tones are different and it makes the lightheartedness clearer. Personally I've thought since their first interaction in the AQ that Alhaitham is having fun during their quarrels, and Kaveh is just melodramatic enough to act traumatised even if he isn't truly offended.
Then when it comes to whether their dynamic is supposed to be read platonically or romantically... Well Hoyo won't do anything canon, but it's hard to argue that there is no intentionality in how their relationship is portrayed. What other character(s) has an idle animation directly referencing their relationship with another character? How many other voicelines explicitly reference two characters as a pair? Nahida's Kaveh voiceline, Collei's, Tighnari's - I'm sure there are more. "Roommates" "senior & junior" "academic rivals" -> certainly there's a case to be made that they're just very close, but Kaveh and Alhaitham getting fifteen minutes of epilogue interaction in two different quests (where none of the content is related to either quest) says something. Fanservice, quite possibly.
Also Kaveh's line "We used to be friends, but not anymore"; I've seen plenty of people interpret this as "oh we're not friends, we're dating*". I think this is fun in fanon, but on a canon level it's basically a promise by Hoyo to fix (or explain) their current dynamic. Hoyo, for all their many faults, are detail orientated enough to follow up on such a line. Perhaps it will just be in Kaveh's voicelines/character stories, but I anticipate a future event or Kaveh hangout in relation to their bond. Nothing explicit, but more exploration. It's fairly clear Alhaitham and Kaveh are popular enough characters to warrant it.
All this to say: I have lots of thoughts. I have seen people call them toxic and (while idm the drama of that in fanon shipping) that isn't really the intended case in canon. Or, at the very least, the intention is not to to take their squabbling so seriously.
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bananakeiky · 15 days
This isn't about Hoyo I just needed to vomit some AFTG thoughts into a public space and I just finished ToS and I'm rabid. I have no idea how many of y'all even read this series but spoilers. And trigger warnings. Anyways.
Okay what the fuck ever the thing about ToS isn't just about of the extra trigger warnings and things that made me wanna throw up and cry at the same time. It's about how horribly, tragically awful it is that Jean is full of so much love. He always has been. It's not just haha what a pansexual no. Jean craves affection so fucking much. He's weak to pretty people and devastated by kind people. He clung to Kevin. He clung to Renee. He even clung to Thea, who affectionately called him Paris as he trailed her like a little duckling. He spits and rages and claws at them all, calling them every rabid name in the dictionary and beyond. He has a laundry list of insults for Neil, who freed him, one of the only people he truly trusts. It's just that he never expects it back. He never wants it back because it hurts so much worse when it's gone. People hurt him when it's gone. He says "I can take it" and "this is normal" because he would burn if he couldn't.
This is why he rejects the Trojans. Every "don't you see" and "why do you look away" is well-meaning but twice as hurtful because accepting it would mean Jean didn't hurt because he deserved it. Without that crutch it means he suffered for nothing. He hurt for nothing. Accepting it would mean that Jean would have to open up and fully comprehend the absolute horrors that were done not just to his life but to his personhood. To him. He was a child and a victim and he deserved to be saved and he wasn't. Not until it was too late. All of those years after being sold by his parents, yearning, aching to be loved by somebody and used as a toy and a scapegoat in return by anyone who touched him. Love is painful. Trust is painful. And Jean will love and love and love until it kills him and he knows it.
But this is why Kevin sent him to the Trojans. They may not understand survival and suffering the way the Foxes do, but they're genuine. They may be misguided with some of their efforts and need to take time learning how Jean works but they try and try and keep trying. They understand their own faults and healthy coping mechanisms and how to treat your worst enemies with respect. Hell, nearly the entirety of Jeremy's inner circle are in queer relationships with each other except for himself because he's too busy thinking about other people to work on that. This is what Jean needs to learn, that people can give without asking for anything in return. That people can be selfless and care for one another without ulterior motives. That love can be healthy and beautiful and not cruel.
And listen. I've been rooting for Jerejean for eight goddamn years. You have no idea how hard I fell when I realized that the ship that embodies the entire idea of healing, self-growth, and respect had been actualized and it's everything I ever wanted and more. The fact that Jeremy helps Jean buy his very first possession. The fact that he's so protective of Jean and thinks he's more important than exy, that Jean will be his success story. When he holds his hands and begs him to open up and backs off when Jean needs space, but never leaves and never gives up. How he spends so much time organizing people and schedules and events just so Jean can feel safe walking around campus. He never pushes too hard, but he never stops pushing. He's so patient. He wants Jean. He wants him so bad, but more than that, he wants Jean to love himself above all else. He's there when Jean has a panic attack at the pool, and sticks around as close as he can after Jean gets attacked. He stays up by the door all night when Jean goes out with Neil to an unknown location. All of this on top of revitalizing the Trojans, dealing with his shit family and the shittier rumors, having to train Jean out of killing his team and teaching his team to trust Jean in return.
Even after all of that his number one priority is always Jean, his head is filled with Jean, making the world comfortable and safe for Jean. It's making sure all of his friends know Jean. Never letting Jean be alone. Getting another twin bed so he can room with him. Always correcting himself, slowing down and speeding up so he can match Jean's pace. Fucking Barkbark. And yes, Renee could have done this too. She was the right person, and yes, the wrong time. But Jeremy found Jean at the right time, a time where he would dedicate everything to Jean. And if Jean one day turns around and wants to give that back, he'll be there, but he'll be just as happy knowing Jean is going to be okay.
ToS is a story about healing. It's about growth and battling the consequences of a life you did not choose. It's about unfairness. It's about what happens after a tragedy, and how to cope with yourself as much as you cope with the outside world. It's about becoming. It's about demons. It's about loyalty. It's about love. It's not about romance. Not yet. But it's about a romance that couldn't exist without it. It's setting up a story about someone who learns to accept that, tragically, he deserves to be treated like a human being. With love. And that he can still have it. That it's right there, waiting for him, when he's ready. He just has to reach out and take it.
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anemoi-i · 1 year
I'm thinking about the underlying threats to Mondstadt and Venti's presence and role as we learn more things lore wise. It might seem like everything is peaceful in Mondstadt, but there is a reason for that and the reason is obviously Venti who is doing things on the sidelines to keep his city peaceful. To get into this, let's go over the list of threats (feel free to correct me or even add to this list) that loom over the City of Freedom.
First starting with it being the only city that has Abyss Order activity in the beginning. While this can be written off as Genshin simply wanting to introduce one of the villainous factions in the beginning of the game, it is also important to know that the Abyss Order has not made an appearance in the main story since Mondstadt. Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru have had the Fatui as the main antagonists who incite chaos within those nations, while the Abyss Order has been locked to Interludes with Dainsleif and World Quests (ie. Enkanomiya with Enjou). This cannot be a mere coincidence.
We have Albedo's dilemma (both our Albedo and the threat of his copy who had to be fended off), that a player wouldn't even know about because all of Albedo's important lore was locked behind limited events and we have not gotten a part two to any of that since then. This too, I highly doubt is mere coincidence (I swear it's not me giving an excuse for hoyo putting important things behind limited quests). The threat of Albedo "destroying Mondstadt" is alarming, especially since he is self-aware that he could commit the act.
I believe that Venti's ways of protecting Mondstadt lie in him being a peacemaker without having to force his hand. We already know he thinks of himself as the weakest Archon (and whether or not that is true remains to be seen) but if we use evidence especially that of another Archon's words, that being Nahida's, we now know that an Archon's power stems from faith and belief in them and their actions. This is why she is not up to par in fighting (yet, because as things heal in Sumeru, so will her people's faith in her but I digress) and she is in a weakened state. We know that just about everyone in Mondstadt reveres Barbatos, so someone is lying here. But I'm not here to talk about the thing everyone debates about.
I am simply here to provide evidence towards the theory that Venti would much rather be a peacemaker than one who fights and he is doing such actions even when we don't realize it while he maintains his lofty personality. The Hexenzirkel is a primary example even though that event was in the past. He was somehow able to pacify 8 dangerous witches from fighting him. If we talk about the current situation, a reason for Venti doing things on the sidelines could stem from the fact that any direct action would result in the people of Mondstadt knowing his identity and also bringing less than favorable individuals to his city.
We can prove that his identity being known would bring unfavorable people to his city because it has. With Signora. Venti was trying to help Dvalin without the Traveler's help but as you know, a story must begin. This was another example of him trying to do things on the sidelines. Venti wanting to keep the peace to keep Mondstadters safe is very in character for him as the God of Freedom, but I can't help but feel like there is more to it.
Such as, is his peacemaking innocent, or does he prefer more aggressive ways of doing it and if so, for all of the underlying threats to Mondstadt, that I mentioned earlier, how will he go about rectifying those, I wonder?
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megistusdiary · 11 days
petition to go *snip snip* at her ponytail here ⬇️
hoyo robbed us of another short haired woman in genshin
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signed!!! at least we got to see her with short hair when she was younger but. i want it back.
can you imagine telling her you want to cut her hair. do you think she would let you, or would she be like no wtf
i am undecided if she would be cool with it or throw away all the hair-cutting tools
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