#let's play the secret of mana
waleedgamil · 5 months
MOVIE : Secrets at the Inn
watch full movie for free : https://bit.ly/47hG5SS
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aspacecocoon · 1 year
As you can tell from me saying "4pixels" this is an ancient LP. As has been the case with the Professor Layton and Sweet Home LPs there will be minimal editing here so I can get some of these old series off my computer.
🦋You can find me here!🌌
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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/aspacecocoon
Tumblr: http://aspacecocoon.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aspacecocoon
Discord: https://discord.gg/3SSdHVZdAB
Carrd: https://pixelcoco.carrd.co/
⫸Intro Animation⫷
Animation: https://madslindegaard.com/ & https://twitter.com/TheKeaDane
Music: https://www.plottwiststudios.com/musi... & https://twitter.com/XunaAnswers
⫸Thumbnail Art⫷
https://madslindegaard.com/ & https://twitter.com/TheKeaDane
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princewatercress · 1 year
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firstdivisiongirl · 3 months
Mitsuya x Fem Reader: Trust in Some
@yv1-chxn asked: CAN YOU MAKE A MITSUYA X FEM READER THAT HAS ISSUES? LIKE, ANGER ISSUES, TRUST ISSUES OR JEALOUSY ISSUES AND THERE'S MITSUYA WHO IS REALLY UNDERSTANDING PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU. Hi! Thank you so much for the requests. You are actually my first requests on here. Mitsuya is one of my favorites so I’m happy to do it. I decided to do trust issues. Hope you enjoy!!!
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You had a hard time trusting people.  It all started when you were a kid and your dad went to work and never came home.  And it only got worse when your last boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend.  When you and Mitsuya started dating, you thought you’d get over all of these trust issues.  Mitsuya was an amazing guy.  He made you feel like the only girl in the world.  Yet here you were, sneaking around with Hakkai.  “I told you he’s not cheating on you,” he said exhausted, “he doesn’t have a secret girlfriend.  Now let’s go.”
“No,” you exclaimed and whispered, “I don’t believe you!”
“Trust me.  All he talks about is you all the time.  I could write your biography.”
You took your attention away from your conversation, just to see exactly what you hoped not to see.  A girl walked up to him.  She had a short blush pink haircut with bangs.  She was really cute, of course he’d cheat on me with her you thought.
You ran out from your hiding spot, snout and tears running down your face.  “Mitsuya,” you cried, “I should have known you’d cheat on me.”
“Sweetheart.  This is Hina” he said, gesturing to the girl next to him who gave a friendly smile.
Your head was spinning.  You felt so dumb.  He loved her and you’d never be good enough for him.  Just like how you weren’t good enough for your dad or ex boyfriend.  The tears came out harder.  You ran away, afraid that Mitsuya would break up with you.
After running for a while, you ended up in the park.  You sat down on the plush grass.  You looked out at all the happy people, wishing you were them right now.  
“You okay?” he asked, sitting down next to you.
“No,” you answered, too ashamed to look at him.
“Hina is just a friend.  I don’t even find her attractive.  The only reason she came with me was because I needed help with something.”
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“I’ve been so indecisive about an anniversary gift for you.  I needed her help, so she said she’d help.  Come on, let’s go to my place.  You can play with Luna and Mana, while I finish it.  Then I’ll show you.”
You went home with him feeling a little better.  You played with Luna and Mana while Mitsuya was busy working on your gift in his room.  After about an hour, he came out, holding something.
“Happy Anniversary Y/N!  I know I'm technically a few days early, but I felt bad for making you think I didn’t love you.  So, here it is,” he said, handing you a denim jacket with lots of different patches, “I knew you loved this jacket and I felt bad it was falling apart, so I fixed and customized it so you never have to get rid of it.”
You looked at your jacket, it had all these patches in lavender and gray patterns where the holes used to be.  But you noticed the left pocket had embroidery on it.  It was a gray outlined heart with his initials and yours inside it in lavender thread.  “You embroidered it with our initials?” you asked, staring at it.
“Yeah, that’s why I asked Hina to come with me.  I didn’t know what color to use.  I asked Luna and Mana, but they both said hot pink, but you don’t like pink.  Hina suggested I use both, hence the gray heart and lavender writing.”
You kissed him passionately as a thank you for the gift.  After a few seconds you broke apart, resting your foreheads against each other’s.  “Thank you,” you said with tears welling in your eyes, “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.  I’m sorry I’m like this.”
“Don’t apologize.  I understand.  I’d never ask you to change because I love you for you.” He kissed you passionately again.  It might still be hard for you to fully trust people, but this moment showed you that maybe some people you could fully trust.  And Mitsuya was definitely one of them.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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hareofhrair · 2 months
If you were playing a super sincere classic fantasy rpg about traveling the world with a party of friends having a long adventure to defeat the Demon King (or whatever) would you want the ending to keep playing it straight, or have some kind of sad/dark twist that re-contextualizes the whole adventure? (ie Undertale true end, In Stars and Time, Omori (sort of)) And how do you feel about other classic rpgs? (Old Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, Chronotrigger, Secret of Mana...)
If you have a more complicated answer, let me know in the tags!
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poppystheories · 8 days
An Eye Theory
There's been a lot of debate, over the years, about whether Mana ever loved "Allen".
In the flashback, we clearly see Mana is a compassionate man who wanted to help a kid in a bad situation; in his final moments as himself, he wanted to take Red away from the circus with him. He wanted them to leave together. But that was compassion, not love.
And then Apocryphos used Red's Innocence to shatter his mind. After that, it's very much a question of if Mana was even capable of loving "Allen", as mentally unstable as he was. From what we've seen, he was very affectionate, and though he got Allen the dog and Red the kid mixed up, he eventually went on to introduce "Allen" to the symbols. You don't try to teach a dog to read your secret code. He understood "Allen" was a person, but more than that, we don't really know.
But the soul the Earl excised out of himself and had Allen put into an Akuma did some stuff that doesn't line up with it being the soul of a completely clueless man.
If we go on the assumption that the Earl was trying to rid Mana of any inconvenient memories through this process, we can assume Akuma!Mana is a conglomerate of just more than "Mana Walker". My best guess is that when the Earl excised Akuma!Mana, the memories he was trying to get rid of included stuff that re-stabilized Mana Walker, including knowledge of what actually happened when he met Red. If we consider that as a possibility, a lot of other things become more explicable.
First: If he remembered their first meeting, Akuma!Mana could know that "Allen" was an accomodator with an already activated Innocence capable of combat, perfectly able to destroy a level 0. He also would know “Allen” was fated to be an exorcist, and the threat that Akuma therefore pose.
Second: Akuma!Mana could have gained access to some of the original Mana's knowledge, including stuff about the Earl, Akuma, and souls.
Akuma!Mana said the usual Akuma stuff, and did the usual Akuma stuff, which Akuma cannot seem to help. But Akuma!Mana also did more than that: the "I'll curse you!" wasn't just bluster. He actually did manage to "curse" Allen, which the Earl clearly didn't know about. The Earl must not have thought the Akuma even capable of it, so he certainly wasn't making the Akuma do that specifically.
Mana couldn't control all the instincts of the Akuma, but he could use them to his own advantage.
As evidence, we gotta go on a bit of a tangent:
In the second volume, Hoshino mentions a play that inspired Lala and Gozul. The play goes like this: Old servant falls in love with high-class young lady. She plays with his feelings and he dies. As a vengeful spirit, he decides to curse her. But in the end, he changes his mind, and decides that as a spirit, he'd rather protect her instead, so long as she promises to remember him.
I've seen people dismiss this play in the analysis of DGM before, because let's be real, the premise here is kinda creepy. And it doesn't seem to actually have much to do with Lala and Gozul besides the aesthetic of "old man" and "beautiful maiden".
But the concept of a vengeful spirit saying they'll curse someone they once loved, only to overcome their negative feelings and decide to protect that person instead is present in the story, in a pair of characters the deliberately parallel Lala and Gozul.
Or maybe even more than one pair of characters that parallel Lala and Gozul.
We'll be focusing on Mana and Allen for now though.
I pointed out before that Akuma!Mana didn't need prompting by the Earl to attack, unlike Claire. I think Mana was using the programming of the Akuma to his advantage; if he attacked, he could place the anchor (the star) he'll need on Allen's face without the Earl finding his actions suspicious, and Allen's Innocence would activate to protect Allen, destroying the Akuma shell and freeing his soul to latch on to that anchor.
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This gave Allen the ability to see souls, probably because it was Mana's power originally, ensuring Allen would be protected in the future. Thanks to this ability, most of the risk of being ambushed as an exorcist is minimized, so Allen’s career as an exorcist would be relatively safer.
Mana was the "vengeful spirit" (aka Akuma) that decided to become a guardian spirit of someone he loved instead, just like in the play. Allen is "younger loved one" that, in exchange for that protection, must carry Mana's memory.
But it's not just Mana's memory Allen carries, but Nea's too. Nea's also a spirit haunting a loved one, but he hasn't decided whether he wants to destroy or protect yet.
Of course, there’s no guarantee any of this is true. I might be completely off base here. But it’s my current theory, and I’m gonna roll with it, because it does explain a lot of things.
And, most importantly, means Akuma!Mana did mean it when he said he loved “Allen”.
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fostersffff · 9 months
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I've really been burning through games and demos recently, and here's another one!
Did you ever play Nintendo and Cygames's mobile game collaboration Dragalia Lost? The gacha where the gameplay was a simple Secret/Trials of Mana-style action game, and you also had to manage base building with real time timers in-between? Did you ever play that and think to yourself "man, this would probably be way better if it was an actual video game and not a gacha"?
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If so, Silent Hope appears to be the video game for you! It doesn't have the cute bunny boys and bratty dragon women to entice you to roll, but everything else is pretty Dragalia Lost-core, as I remember it, including the chibi character models.
Fucking go figure why Nintendo and Cygames let Marvelous beat them to the punch on doing this, but if that's something you want: check it out!
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authorofcelesti · 1 year
Chapters 1&2
A witchcraft x ESMP Au I've been working on for a while now
Shelby watched as the other emperors battled Sausage Supreme. Gem, Joel, and Jimmy were focusing all their firepower at the former protector of Sanctuary while the others battled with the large sculk tentacles preventing anyone from engaging with Sausage directly. Shelby looked down at the spell circle Gem had told her to cast.
“It all comes down to Shelby.”
Shelby looked at Gem, stunned. It has only been a few hours since Gem had dropped the newsbomb that she used to be a wizard. And not just any wizard either. No, she was the wizard that founded the Crystal Cliffs Wizarding Academy, the direct rival of the Witches Academy.
“What do you mean, it's all on her?” Joe questioned, “the only reason we're in this mess is because she’s a bad witch!”
Katherine smacked him on the back of his head. “JOE!”
“We need Shelby to do it Joe, she’s the only one besides me who has experience casting complex spells.”
“Well then why can't you do it Gem?” Fwhip asked.
Gem sighed, “because I'm the reason he’s here. I defeated Supreme once, and now he’s back for revenge. That makes me the perfect bait.” the princess-turned-wizard (or was it Wizard-turned-princess, Shelby couldn’t decide) turned to Shelby. “You cured Cub from his corruption, you can cure Sausage of his.”
Shelby looked around at the other emperors staring at her before taking a deep breath and turning to Gem. “What’s the spell?”
<><Present day><>
Gold from Joel, Prismarine from Joey, iron from False, flowers from Scott, copper from Pix, slime and crystals from Lizzie, and a blue mushroom she had found in the Gnome Ruins.
Oh, and Oli was contributing with a small musical performance, which he was tuning up  as she was placing the last of the redstone to connect the items. The witch turned to the bard. 
“You ready Oli?” he nodded and stepped into place along the outer edge of the spell. “Santa Perla, Pearl, Help us clean up this mess!” he shouted before beginning a small tune on his lute. 
I heard there a secret chord, 
That David played and it pleased the lord,
But you don't really care for music do ya?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth,
The Minor falls and the Major lifts..
Shelby let Oli’s singing fade into the background of her mind as she summoned her magic. Gem had told her that the original spell was used to trap a demon, but she had altered it to capture only the soul of Sausage supreme and not Sausage’s physical body that the dark Mage was possessing. To activate the spell, she needed to summon all the mana she possibly could to throw into the center of the circle. But she needed to wait for the right moment. 
Shelby looked up and watched the battle. Gem had her butterfly wings and princess dress, but she was dual wielding a sword and a Wizard’s staff that held an amethyst at the top, which glowed with power as Gem cast spell after spell, sending spikes of purple crystal at the possessed Sausage. Joel was throwing bolts of lightning at the TNT Jimmy was chucking at the tentacles.
“NOW SHELBY!” Gem suddenly shouted, pulling Shelby back to the spell. But in the confusion, she forgot to properly check her magic and it exploded as soon as she activated the spell. She cried out as she was thrown back against the wall, everything fading to black.
When Shelby came to, she was lying on the ground, her feet trapped by a large piece of rubble. Grunting, she sat up and shoved it off of her. The witch stood up and looked around.
The magical explosion had completely decimated the portion of the spawn citadel that they had been fighting in. Dust hung in the air, making it near impossible for the witch to see. She could barely make out the piece of rubble that had fallen on her. The Witch looked around to see if she could spot any of her allies but she couldn't. She shook her head in an attempt to get rid of the ringing in her ears. It worked slightly, and she could hear someone shouting. But the noise was muffled, like she was underwater. 
Shelby moved closer to the shouting and soon recognized the voice as Joe's
“Where is she? Where is that witch!”
The witch in question hid behind one of the standing pillars, hiding from the pirate as Gem tried to pacify him.
“Joe calm down.”
“No Gem, she almost messed up the spell and we all nearly died. If-”
“Wait, where is shelby?”Katherine interrupted the pirate king.
"I don't know," Joel said, "But I don't see Sausage either."
"SAUSAGE, SHELBY!" Fwhip called out and the others soon joined him.
Shelby was about to step out, but something held her back. She didn't know what it was. But then she heard Jimmy’s voice 
“Wait Guys, what's that?”
“Isn't that Shelby’s hat?”
Shelby felt at the top of her head to find that her hat was, in fact, not there. 
"If Shelby’s hat is here," Lizzie asked, "then where's Shelby?" 
"SHELBY WHERE ARE YOU!" Katherine called out in a panicked voice. Shelby’s heart twisted. Even after the 'truce' at Oli's Rift Festival - which Joe didn't even hold up his end - Shelby still couldn't get rid of her feelings for the warrior princess. But now she realized why her subconscious had told her not to reveal herself.
This is perfect, she thought, if they think I'm dead then when the Academy comes looking for me, I'll have an alibi. Joe probably won't believe it, since he saw my letter to Grandma, but it's not like anyone really took him seriously aside from Sausage. 
With her mind made up and a faint plan of action in mind, Shelby quietly pulled out her broom and flew away toward the Evermoor to get the needed supplies. 
When she showed up at her witch hat house, both Mother Toad and Tortoise, her familiar, were waiting for her.
She rushed inside and grabbed a small bag that no one would notice was missing, quickly filling it with a few potion ingredients, food, a cloak, and one of her leftover Magic Gem Crystals. On her way back out, she grabbed a long navy blue hooded cloak so 5hat she could still move around undetected. She ran back out to her broom, mounted, then remembered. She quickly dismounted and picked up Tortoise. The purple toad stared at her and gave a small ribbit.
" Don't tell Sausage you saw me, OK? They need to believe that I'm dead." Shelby turned to Mother Toad as well. "You too, please." With that she set down Tortoise and turned back to her broom. Tortoise took a few hops towards her, but she pushed him back.
“I'm sorry Tortoise, but if I take you with me, they’ll know that I'm not dead.” she kissed her familiar on the head. “Keep the evermoor and the gnome spirits safe for me, OK?” Tortoise croaked twice and she took that as an answer. With one last look at the mangrove trees surrounding her home, she hopped on her broom and took off.
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sjcarter17lve · 5 months
Minecraft World Building
This is a really big post 😄
Need to add: Q'ing items and multiple item selection: pro/mana. Tech-magic. Explanation of admin training and becoming a for personal use (FPU) admin. Crafting. Magic. Non Minecraft specific items. End;
Player code: Head Canon equivalent of human genetics but with tech-magic differences.
Belts: every player spawns/joins with a belt around their waist but not everyone keeps it that way, some have it slung over their shoulders, Chest Symbol and Comm near their offhand's hip. While others have their Comms on their belts and Chest Symbol on a necklace. One thing common through it all is keeping their chest symbols near to their offhand to unlock it as efficiently as possible.
Home servers: home servers are servers that MCYT's either got popular from playing on them or servers fans have found they played on before getting popular, it varies. An example would be that Evo is Grian, Martyn, Netty, Jimmy, Bigb and Pearl's home server.
Main hub: main hub can sometimes be a secret word for earth;
An example of this would be: Mumbo was on holiday exploring far away places in the main hub.
Or it can mean a place were all of the servers, private worlds and creative places converge and looks like an overworld nether hud equivalent, some unfortunate players joining's happen here. And still other times it's a secret word for the Minecraft launcher.
Players: Every Player's Joining is random, some join the main hub, some join from private worlds and some have home servers, but every player spawns with two items and a belt; a communicator or Comm and a small symbolic chest the size of a ring box, an Inventory; they are always strapped to your belt when you respawn, always uniquely connected to your player code. Some Modded worlds have symbolic chests with near infinite space while in some other more vanilla worlds these ring boxes are locked or kept (this helps younger, less experienced players learn stress free or in death games like in LL and SL);
Comms: All players learn pretty quickly that your Comm lets you join worlds and servers from all over the world, connect to each worlds universal chat or to individual players (this depends on the server/worlds code, player preferences and main hub rules);
Inventory: (doesn't have an inbuilt mirror and crafting is done outside, it's purely storage) While the ring boxes take a little while longer to be proficient at using: They never open but you always remember whats inside them in the back of your mind; they only have room for 36 things, and yet somehow break that rule if your stuff matches but only for some things and when end magic is involved, shulker boxes again break that rule. Really good players are super efficient at using their inventories (the blue words are contact hands.) Most players are faster with using their Main hand mostly because there's a caveat with the Inventory. One rule, one handicap, the only way it works: one hand has to be in contact with the chest on your belt at all times while retrieving or storing, all the other hand has to do is be free for retrieving and full for storing.
Transfering items and sorting player inventory is all done through and with player code.
Key Binding:
Main hand contact and think F and Bam off hand shield, Bam off hand torches, Bam off hand totem.
Offhand contact and think 1 through 9 and their Main hand flits though tools, weapons, food, buckets of water or materials for building, things that are for a specific craft or coiled Redstone wires, circuits and small helpful machines.
Fact: Once the items are out of your inventory you have free rein over were you have them on you, juggling can be done without F, it's only use is for directly getting things out of your Inventory into your off hand, whichever hand that may be.
Rearranging/Sorting your inventory is done in a similar way, just make contact with your belt chest either with your Main hand or Offhand and rearrange your internal storage as much as you'd like.
Remember: It's kind of like being able to drive manually; Contact, thought and the ever present image of what you've got with you.
Offhand Contact: Most people use the 1 through 9 method, some don't you can easily recode it with your Comm after some personal use-admin training.
Both: You can rearrange your inventory with Off hand contact and Main hand contact (basically like pressing E).
Main Hand Contact: The most you can really do is retrieve things to your off hand.
Emptying and repacking your inventory to and from chests.
Chests are large strong boxes with secure convex lids and you cannot transfer items from them through player code.
Shulker boxes are boxes made with shulker shells, void crafting and end magic, the only way to use them is to transfer items through player code.
Most players use off hand contact to empty and pack their inventory.
Example: Grian's left hand unlocked his inventory and he started pulling out all the junk he didn't want cluttering his mind, packing the chest as fast as his brain and right hand could go. Grabbing his rocket box Unlocking it with his right hand he transferred two stacks of rockets through his code from his right hand to his left, from the shulker box to inventory.
How to fill a shulker box from a chest
One: Use Redstone it's OP.
Two: Open a chest grab something with one hand and transfer it though your player code to your other hand which is unlocking your shulker box.
Tip: Stuff transfers faster if you hold it like you would hold a rock you're about to skim and throw it as if into yourself for receival transfering, else just throw it into a chest as soon as it in your hand.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
I know your ideal combo. Fate game with Bayonetta gameplay/crossover. It’s got the style, it’s got the flair, it’s got the substance for those that want it. And more importantly it’s got crazy amounts of ridiculous that wraps around to be awesome. Plus, it’d be fun to see Bayonetta’s cast in a Fate situation.
My ideal TM dream game is specifically playing as Ryougi Shiki with a gimmick similar to DMC5 Nero where she constantly attaches various puppet arms with different abilities from Touko like Nero burns through Nico's Devil Breakers. Then to burn Devil Trigger meter rather than transform she goes into Death Perception mode like Raiden in MGR with the weakpoints in Blade Mode being death lines, tracing all of them always kills the enemy, but since going into Death Perception doesn't slow down time, (Shiki has no super speed) she has to combo the shit out of them and then slice up all the death lines one by one as they're vulnerable from being combo'd.
Shiki can also clash attacks by attacking at the same time an enemy does to stun the enemy's attack (but putting herself at risk if she mistimes it) and then quickly going into Death Perception and cutting the enemy up while they're reeling, and she can of course cut down attacks (even projectiles from magic or shields) by going into Death Perception mode and killing the attacks.
But of course like a good DMC game you also need two more playable characters and one secret character to unlock.
Unlockable character#1 is Tohno Shiki who can slow down time (he has a faster moving body) while his Death Perception is turned on, but it burns HP instead of a special / mana bar, so if he uses his MEoDP he needs to finish fights fast or he'll run out of health. Since he doesn't have Ryougi's puppet arms or sword mastery, rather than varying abilities he has Dante's Trick teleports and Nero's Table Hopper to make up for the shorter reach of his knife and to show off his speed.
Unlockable character#2 is Emiya Shirou (duh) who is the weapon master character with a billion swappable weapons like Dante. He has Kanshou and Bakuya, Gae Bolg, Aestus Estus, Heracles' Axe-sword, his bow for ranged attacks, and Excalibur Image (uses DT), but a special feature he has is being able to project a copy of a weapon held by the enemy with a limited moveset by scanning it with Trace On, swapping it out with a new projection if he traces another weapon giving him the most complex skillset. Plus if he fully charges a bow shot the arrow becomes Caladbolg and explodes, tossing enemies in an AOE into the air.
The Secret Character is Aozaki Aoko, whose superior strength and power lets her ragdoll enemies out of their moves like Nero with his Devil Bringer, while her magic bullets and beams let her annihilate enemies from range too, like Lady with the Kalina-Ann. Absurdly overpowered, meant to bully the entire game for fun.
Paid DLC character for the Special Edition is Gudako playing a summoner style like DMC V, including the mechanic where she has to deal the killing blow to an enemy herself like V does. Edmond Dantes acts as Shadow doing all the major attacks as well as slides across the ground as a shadow with Gudako riding him to dash and pulling her around to dodge. Nursery Rhyme flapping around in book form acts as Griffon, firing all the projectiles + spells, as well as flapping in midair while Gudako hangs on to her in order to double jump and fall slowly. She can also read Nursery Rhyme while walking in order to recharge DT and even command seals if done long enough, though she will be unsafe and will need Dantes to cover for her. Avicebron summoning a golem acts as Nightmare, where Gudako must burn DT for Avicebron to summon a large golem to independently attack enemies and smash stuff onscreen. Gudako can also hop on to its back along with Avicebron to avoid damage.
While Avicebron is invincible due to being a DT move, Dantes and Nursery Rhyme have their own health. Gudako can forcibly recall them to her by dashing or dodging with Dantes or double jump / glide / read with Nusery Rhyme, otherwise when she commands them to attack they will attack where they are and move towards the enemy that's locked on to. If any of them are knocked out, Gudako loses a command seal to revive them, which recharges over time or by reading Nursery Rhyme and overcharging mana.
Second DLC is Mash, who is a heavy weapon type character with slow but very powerful swings of her shield and Dante's Royal Guard. Perfectly timing blocks builds her power, then Royal Release Mana Burst unleashes all the built up strength with a shield bash that will send even bosses flying. Since she's a shield type of character Mash can also do things like charge with the shield to beat out attacks and knock enemies down while having difficulty turning. So that she's not always stuck being slow, Mash can throw the shield and temporarily swap to a lighter and faster hand to hand combat style until the shield bounces back. Mash can also grapple and brutalize enemies like Nero, because Nasu may have quickly moved past Mash's "unappealing" temper and brutality but I never did
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santmat · 6 months
Meditation For Beginners - Let's Go Within and Explore Inner Space
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Today, an Introduction to the Sant Mat Approach to Meditation, the Goals and Methods of Spiritual Practice.
Seven Teachings of Sant Mat: 1) God is Real. 2) God is Love, the Ocean of Love and Compassion. 3) All of the world scriptures teach about the same manifestation of God as inner mystical Light and Sound. 4) Our true identity is the soul, the self, and the soul is part of God and, like God, pure love. 5) During this human existence, we have an opportunity to experience God. 6) The Third Eye is the Seat of the Soul, thus there is the need to look within in order to get in touch with our soul and God. As we experience communing with God's love during meditation -- Surat Shabd Yoga -- we can rise above body-consciousness and explore Inner Space, the "Kingdom of the Heavens" that are within us. "We travel back from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light, from the Light to Divine Sound, and from the realm of Sound to the Soundless State [Anami, Radhaswami]." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj) The drop merges back into the Ocean of Love. 7) As we get initiated into the Mysteries of the Spirit by a Living Teacher (Master, Sant Satguru), the purpose of our life is fulfilled. Reuniting with God is our reason to be here: "It was for the sake of the God-conscious beings that our True Lord created this earth, and began this play of death and birth." (Adi Granth) Guru Kabir says: "For millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake?" (Seven Teachings of Sant Mat, from the Sant Mat section of SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com)
"By practicing devotion through these four techniques: Manas Japa (Simran, recitation of a divine name or names), Manas Dhyana (Dhyan, focus on the divine form), Dristi Sadhana (Yoga of Inner Light, Inner Seeing, Inner Light Meditation, focus on the Infinitesimal Point), and Nadanusandhana Yoga (Surat Shabd Yoga, concentration on the inner Divine Sounds) - the practitioner consecutively transcends the realms of darkness, Light, and Sound which cloak the Supreme Truth -- the Divine Reality." (Maharshi Mehi)
"Make the mind quiet as only a quiet mind can meditate. Don’t understand meditation as a burden, do it lovingly. Don’t pay any attention to the outer sounds during the meditation; concentrate at the Eye Center." (Santji, The Ambrosial Hour)
"If we set a fixed time for our meditation, and we also set a fixed place for sitting for that meditation, then the mind also gets used to it. If we keep changing the time of our meditation, or keep changing the place of our meditation, then that gives an opportunity for the mind to also create havoc with us. And then the mind also reminds us of so many other things that have to be done. And that way, it keeps disturbing us. So, if it is used to sitting at a fixed time, it realizes that, 'Yes, this is the time for meditation,' and then, it leaves us alone for that time." (Baba Ram Singh)
Note: In the Sant tradition, the complete methods and secrets of the full meditation practice are communicated at the time of INITIATION (Diksha) by a living Master (Sant Satguru, Competent, Qualified Teacher) or a representative of a Master. (Jai Guru)
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saphig-iawn · 7 months
Day 13 of Turning me into Me
I'm still kinda riding on the high from yesterday, I'll be honest. That a total stranger would be so welcoming and loving and supportive of me. But anyway:
I may have mentioned already on here but if not, I've been compiling a list of the Clues I was Transgender (inspired by Charlie of socoollike fame). It has been very helpful for me, as someone who had conflicted feelings for a long time but didn't have the vocabulary to understand them at the time to be looking back and revisiting memories. There were so many times that I would have these moments where my whole self would just feel... its hard to explain. Almost like a hyper awareness of my self, it felt like a cold flush, a sudden grounding, and then the pull would start. In time, I would come to realise that that pull was yearning. Over time, I'll share these Clues, but for now I want to share a small one. This one, I feel, is testament to the idea that cis people don't really question their gender and identity in the way that trans people do.
On the 21st of October 2008, myself and my friends all came together over the same thing: Fable II. I adored Fable II, and played it to no end with them. Sometimes together but most of the time in parallel, all of us at different parts or using different characters. I was very used to making a male character when a game gives you control over it. I often used female hair styles for my character because they often only had the long hair options, but other than that, I'd just make a dude. But these games very rarely let you change something that big about your character, you pick a gender and thats it, no changing. But Fable II had a little secret.
If you managed to get Fairfax Castle, the most expensive property in the game, hidden within its bowels you'd find a coldly lit tomb with a stone pedestal at its centre. On that pedestal was a potion, and it was unlike any other potion. Well- first it shaped like a penis and balls, but what mainly made it different was that most potions are an action. Taking damage? Drink a potion. No mana for a spell? Drink a potion. Died? Drink. But this Potion of Transmogrification didn't act like any other potion. You don’t pick it up upon interacting with it and stow it away. Instead, it presented a choice.
Permanently change your gender or let the potion evaporate.
There was no save scumming here, drink it or leave it. My friends made a decision in a heartbeat, and laughed and joked, but it wasn't so easy for me to choose. I almost couldn’t. It was agonising how long it took me to choose. I felt that awareness, the cold flush, heigtened breathing, the sudden grounding, the pull. There was no fail state attached to this choice, and I didn't know why it was so hard to choose.
I chose to drink it, the change was instant... and I was actually annoyed because I wasn’t a pretty woman when I changed. How the hell I didn't realise fully then that I was trans, I don't know. But I think perhaps its worth playing it again. Properly, this time...
As a girl from the very beginning.
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shivunin · 1 year
a kiss while being reunited after a long time
(I started writing this as a warmup like a week and a half ago, then mistakenly misfiled it. Oops. Anyways, it's taken from this prompt list, which I keep going back to.)
A Reunion
Arianwen was inspecting the assembled Warden ranks when she felt the prickle along her neck. 
Someone was watching her. 
“Looks good enough,” she told Nate casually, stretching her arms over her head as an excuse to scan the ramparts and upper windows of Vigil’s Keep. There—the barest flick of a shadow ducking down behind a crenel. 
“Have the bowmen continue to work on target shooting,” she added, strolling toward the keep proper, the hint of a smile taking the corner of her mouth, “They’re better, but not good enough yet.”
“I take it you’ll be occupied?” he asked drily, then raised a hand, “No, don’t tell me; I don’t want to know.”
Wen snorted and took the stairs up two at a time, her heart speeding slightly. She’d had no idea he was coming back this week; she hadn’t expected him for another month at least. The only question now was: play as if she had no idea he was there or sneak up behind him? 
She passed through the courtyard, nodding to the merchants and pausing to peruse their offerings for the day. She didn’t really need to buy anything; she was always well supplied here these days, and she’d already gotten a gift for Zev weeks ago. It was in her room now—so perhaps that would be the goal. Reach the room and the gift without interception. 
Yes; that was what she would do. 
Wen nodded to the merchant, the faint smile she’d worn before smoothed back into her more usual neutral lines. Then, she slipped into a side yard, through a back door, and into the halls of the Keep. 
She had the advantage here: despite his many infiltrations, she was the one who lived in these walls, and she was the one who had access to knowledge of the old tunnels and secret places. She used them now, slipping through secret hallways and old ways in order to more quickly reach her room. Stepping inside her bedroom put her in the most danger of being caught—because the ceiling was so high and there were plenty of places to crouch amongst the rafters, especially since she’d had them reinforced and tucked plenty of little nooks amongst them. 
A girl needed a place to sneak around, after all, if she didn’t want to be seen in her own bedroom. 
Here, too, she was in luck: she reached the little chest on the dressing table before she heard the soft whisper of fabric behind her and felt the sharp prick of a dagger at the base of her neck. 
“Yield,” a man’s voice said behind her. 
Arianwen grinned at the stone wall and slowly raised her hands to either side, one of them half-curled around the object it held. 
“Oh, dear,” she said, “You have me at your mercy, ser. And I all alone, unarmed, and entirely helpless.”
A snort from behind her. 
Her smile widened. 
“And now that you have me? What will you do with me?”
“Ah,” he said, and the dagger traveled lower, running over her spine and the loose fabric of her practice tunic, “I think I may have some id—”
She struck as soon as his attention wandered, knocking the hand with the dagger aside, ducking a swing that would have pulled her in against his chest, flowing back and away when he swung for her chest. She hadn’t been lying when she said she was unarmed—not that she really wanted to stab him—but she did have one goal. 
Yes—it would be hilarious. If she could manage it. 
Wen vaulted onto the trunk at the foot of her bed and the man, swathed head to toe in black, followed. Never give up the high ground—that was one of the basic rules of close combat. She jumped to avoid a kick and used the height to grasp the upper edge of the wooden post over her bed. It was polished, rounded, smooth; she swung around it once and let go, using the momentum to flip over his head and away, landing ably on her toes and dancing away when he leapt from the trunk to follow. 
She thought she’d managed it, but—yes! There.
Gold flashed at the tip of his ear and she stopped moving at once, tipping her head back and laughing. His motion arrested, Zevran reached for his ear and felt along the edge. 
“You sneak,” he said, false outrage warring with affection in his voice, “I thought we were fighting! And here I had planned to cut that blouse from you. I had a speech planned, and all along  you were playing your own game.”
“I don’t know why you’re surprised,” she said, one hand half-covering her mouth, “You should look at it.”
Zevran sheathed his dagger, tugged the fabric from his lower face, and loosened the bauble from his ear. 
It had taken weeks to choose just the right one, but she had in the end: an ear cuff of gold, as befitted someone so golden, in the shape of a crow’s skull. The filigree that bent to hold it on was patterned like feathers, and the tiniest of rubies were tucked in amongst them. 
Just like blood. 
“And here I have brought you nothing but myself,” he said regretfully, holding an arm out. Arianwen tucked herself into it, taking a deep breath through her nose. He smelled of salt and the sea; he must have come to her straight from the boat. 
“Yourself is plenty gift enough for me,” she told him, kissing the angle of his jaw before tucking her hair back behind one ear, “And I seem to recall you giving me an earring, too. I’m just making us even.”
Zevran scoffed, his eyes wandering to the earring she still wore everywhere, but he bent his head to her instead of making the pithy remark she’d expected. For a moment, he simply rested there, his eyes half-closed, his forehead pressed to hers. Wen waited, examining what little of his face she could see. There was a new scar along one cheekbone, and the lines at the corners of his eyes were deeper now than they had been when he’d last left her. 
But he was here, and he was still hers; that much, she knew from a glance. 
“Aren’t you going to kiss me?” she murmured, and he laughed a little. 
“Impatient,” Zevran said, but he did kiss her. His lips were faintly chapped, his hand was rough over her jaw when he laid it there to hold her in place, but he was still undeniably himself. As far as Wen was concerned, he was perfect. 
For a moment, they stayed like that, their lips pressed tightly to each other without moving. She pulled away first, but only to angle her face to the side and take his mouth again, this kiss more thorough, conveying with it all the lonely months of command, all that time going to sleep in a cold bed alone, the hours she’d stood at the practice target, blades thudding into the wood over and over while she imagined him cut to ribbons and dead in an Antivan alleyway somewhere. 
“Perhaps I am imagining it,” he said when they broke apart at last, his breath labored, “But I might almost think you missed me.”
Wen scoffed, tossing her head and turning away. 
“I don’t know what gave you that idea,” she said, her hand lingering in his, “I only wrote you a hundred letters. That’s hardly pining.” 
“Ah,” Zevran said, a fond smile crossing his lips, “My mistake.” 
But he caught her hips and pulled her back against him, then hauled her into his arms when holding her there was insufficient. She let him carry her—she’d almost certainly get the chance to do the same to him later—and rested her head on his shoulder until he set her on the bed and climbed over her. 
“Perhaps I must give you something more to miss,” he went on, unwinding the dark fabric from his head and casting it aside, “I must have been too lazy when I was here last, if you were hardly pining.”
Wen decided not to tell him about all the rest until she’d had him at least twice and some of the tension had drained from his body; such admissions were easier once they’d satisfied other, more pressing hungers. 
And anyways, his earlier words had given her ideas. 
Arianwen had his dagger from its sheath before Zev could stop her, but instead of pointing it at him she offered him the hilt. He took it readily, raising an eyebrow as he undid the clasp of his cloak. 
“Well,” she said, shrugging one shoulder, “You said you wanted to cut my shirt off. I’d hate to waste a good speech.” 
It seemed to Arianwen that, as her love tipped his head back and laughed at her, she felt most at home when the walls rang with the sounds of his voice, when his warmth leaked into her bedsheets. 
So—little love as she held for these halls, for a time, at least, let this be home. 
To both of them.
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memorydragon · 21 hours
Since I've now played through the remake eight times now (this is normal) I felt like I should say a few words on Trials of Mana, or Seiken Densetsu 3/Secret of Mana 2 as we called it back in the day.
First of all, let me say SD3 is one of my top two games of all time (the other being Tales of Phantasia). I have played this game an unholy number of times in my youth. I've had the Trials of Mana remake for a while now, tbh, but have held off on playing it because I didn't want Remake Disappointment. But coming off of three games in a row that ended on a downer (I'm looking at you, Kiseki) and a really rough semester, I finally decided to give it a go.
On the whole, I have to agree with the review that I read before diving in. Which is to say, it's a very faithful adaptation. It has everything that made the original fun and enjoyable. I do kinda wish they'd actually put a bit more effort into additional content (because there is so much they could have done and it would have been amazing), but overall very satisfying to play through.
I will say I am delighted that my fave was turned into a bisexual icon. He and Angela are both very bisexually color coded and my headcanon is that they are bi besties who wingman for each other and chat under the sacred bi tree about mutual crushes. ("He's hot." "He's not the smartest around." "Yeah, but you have to admit those muscles." "You're bringing me around to himbos." vs "Do you ever just look at Riese and think damn." "All the damned time. She could have her wicked way with me any day." "She's Riese, she's too kind for wicked." "I know. T_T" ) Like, if I could find the way to transfer photos from the ps4 without massive amounts of headache and digging, there's one screen cap for when I got an achievement of them in their dark classes still matching and it was like, yes, good.
Hawkeye is still my absolute fave, especially since they animated him with dancer warmups and very bisexually. He has soulful sad eyes. He hits fast. His beaming smile at friends is sweet. He's a treasure hunting thief. He was most definitely sleeping with Eagle He's out for revenge but ends up pitying Belladonna.
And honestly, let me just say that Fairy just kind of going 'oh, well. I don't have much choice, the MC is the only character around' as the way of picking the chosen of Mana still tickles me. Like, not even giving them a choice about things, just there's only one person here and now you're the chosen one.
I do like the voices, both english and japanese. Charlotte is still.... unfortunately translated, but the fact that their actor pool is all from New England is hysterical. Like, the Wiki says Angela has a valley girl accent and I'm over here like, um... I can see how you think that, but she's very definitely still a New Englander. No one says 'on' like that in California, I should know. That's where they put me in speech class.
Overall the game is easier, not just because they give all sorts of tips that I would have loved to know the first time I played. (The first time I played was... well. This is a game that very much needed the manual it no doubt came with, but I was emulating an english translation that didn't come with the manual. And I still persisted in playing.) The two main differences is that now the game lets you powerlevel your way through things and full screen class skills can be avoided. The former was Weird, because I played the original an unholy number of times and had every level and seed acquiring down to an art, and suddenly I'm several levels above where I should be, but it's keeping the skill points for later. That took a lot of adjusting to, but I managed, and now am usually past 38 even before I get to the first mana stone. XD Kinda makes me miss using the second class changes, but oh well. Full screen skills being avoidable is part of a 3d environment, which is honestly nice. It does make beastmen/swordsman and other monsters much, much easier though. It's no longer Kill Immediately and aggressively before they use their tech and shred your party.
The trap door monster in Laurant is much more of a bitch though. Fuck that thing, 3d made it so much worse.
The post game content is a bit monotonous, but not terrible. What I wish they'd done more with is the personal quests and at least a bit more interaction between certain party arrangements. Mainly along the shared quest lines. The all girl/all boy party was a fun touch, but I'd I wish they'd even done a bit more with that. Just more interaction with the characters, since that's half the charm of the game was who is and who isn't in your party. Writing didn't seem to be the remake crew's strong point though. Honestly, being faithful to the original is probably way more than enough. It's just wishful that we could have gotten a little bit more than just a little bit extra.
The new techs and new game plus does make replaying through faster, which is sometimes great when you just want to play with combinations. They also let you reset your class with specific items, which is a fantastic addition. I don't use it much, but being reminded why Riese's light/light class had the worst summon, it was nice to be able to switch her around. I also like that you can change the outfits regardless of class, which is great when Angela's dark/dark class was honestly clashing terribly on top of being a bikini armor. Now when I want to use Ancient, I just switch to her more reasonable outfits.
Kevin and Duran getting boob armor for their dark ultimate class was amazing though. Hawkeye not having revealing outfits also gives way to lots of gender headcanons. I also now have a lot of polycule headcanons, because they absolutely are. Except Charlotte. She can cuddle, but she needs to grow mentally 50 years. Then she can be the hot half elf who hits up her silver foxes/cougars, but she does not act her age in the slightest and looks about ten so she's waiting until she does some growing.
Being able to fight the black rabite on all paths rather than only available for Duran/Angela main is great too. I mean, it's still traumatic in a deeply unhinged way, but again, the game is easier in the remake. That includes superboss. Though I did not appreciate being asked twice each time I go to fight it if I'm sure I want to fight it. Like, fuck you game. I've already got the psychological trauma of the original.
(It does make me miss my irc heyday, when I had my bot named BlackRabite and would occasionally switch over just to make it bounce.)
Rabites are still the Most Monster of all time. I love them. Even when they're murdering me or I'm murdering them. You can't actually kill the black rabite. It just bounces away when it's done messing with you.
Anyway, I've played through most of the classes now, though I think I'm still missing one of each for Riese/Duran/Charlotte. I actually did a no healer run this time, which was interesting. Way easier in this version, especially with certain shared techs, but it's nice to not have to plan a party on needing a healer. I'd probably have all the classes by now if I didn't like, use Hawkeye for everything, but hey. He's a fave. I did a Hawkeye-less run, of course, but still. He's going to be in my party the majority of the time, because I love my bisexual thief. (They made his ultimate class change item the Loyal sphere, which also hits mine and Riese's Loyality kink, just as she hits his kindness kink and yeah, I've got a lot of headcanons about Riese accepting her bisexual thief boyfriend and outside game canon incest is just going to happen. Sorry, square, you made that final scene of Eagle saying the memories they had together were his most precious treasure after you've made a prequel game I didn't play that made Hawkeye Flamekhan's grandson. I found this out through wikipedia (and will absolutely be checking out how to emulate gba now, because Hawkeye's mom sounds Badass) and only after you made me ship it, so now it's just Flamekhan who gets ulcers when he finds out with Jessica as a supportive sister-in-law because only he knows he disowned his badass daughter. He only has himself to blame, while Ignorance is gonna stay blissful. And while Jessica and Hawkeye are distancing themselves from the old man because they think he's being homophobic, Jessica takes over Nevarl. As she should. Queen of Thieves we all deserve.
(Falcon in the thereafter may have had a few ulcers herself, but then decided, fuck it. Her father was the one who said he didn't have a daughter first, so she doesn't have a father. She's got a cute son-in-law now instead of step brother and will have a cute amazon princess daughter-in-law soon, so her son is obviously doing well.)
I did warn you I have thought A Lot about this. XD
The one thing I kinda wish didn't carry over is the total play time, because I do really not need to know how many hours I spend on this game. But well, no one else needs to know. XD I also kind of wish the final class was more of a combination like it promised than just a few extra stats, but hey.
Anyway, in terms of a remake, I do highly recommend it. I enjoyed it greatly, and it's very New England english cast, which most people may or may not necessarily realize that all of them are from there, but those were the vowels of my people. Also, I'm more forgiving of Charlotte's manner of speaking now, because she's hilariously also strongly from New England.
Listen, when you're put in speech classes and told your accent is terrible as a child, it's only natural to turn to Spite. That's just how it is. XD
On a final note, they animated the merchants in the most unhinged manner possible, and I adore it. It's absolute madness. They went there and it's glorious.
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As someone who's played Crosscode (Haven't gotten far into it because it's actually kind of a hard game); it's a pixel indie game where the protagonist is inside a gameworld (An MMO to be exact), and the gameplay is that of an action-RPG with some puzzle elements (I'd say it's relatively comparable to games like Zelda or Secret of Mana, but with more emphasis on RPG elements). I wish I could say more, but like I said I haven't gotten far and haven't had the will to try it again (yet). It's got a difficulty slider, but I've been too stubborn to use it; perhaps I should just bite the bullet and loosen up. XD Story's been interesting at least. One thing that really caught my attention was just how seriously it takes the idea that the setting is in an MMO, such as when your allies have times where they can't be available because they need to "log off", or that one time when a player "dueled" me; and some other gimmicks ordinarily experienced in such games. And while I've only seen a handful of characters, so far they've all seemed pretty well-written; interactions with them actually *kinda* remind me of some of the friends I had made back when I was a heavy MMO gamer myself. Unfortunately Crosscode has long been in obscurity. I imagine it's partly because it switches between being combat heavy and having puzzle segments; so it's hard to say what kinda game it exactly is, let alone recommend it to someone who may have more specific tastes. Then there's the fact that it's a pixel game with anime-style graphics, so it doesn't really stand out at first glance. I regrettably glossed over it many times myself, until a friend pushed me to try it out. :(
Aha. Well, thanks for that first-hand description.
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ko-odi · 6 months
I'm the guy who submitted the anon ask before (where u drew me a pic of Drake, thank u so much I will cherish it for the rest of my life!!!) and I'm in need of some Haunted headcanon inspo for a dnd game I'm trying to run soon!! Tell me some of ur headcanons, no matter how obscure, small, or seemingly insignificant
SRY THIS TOOK SO LONGGGG i. forgort BUT HERE R A FEW !!! :D some of these are my own and some of these are me parroting things ive heard from the haunted discord that i love (u should totally join the discord btw its fun i can give an inv to anyone not already there if anyone wants one!!)
-Drakes issues regarding tone and reading the room, such as 1) his default mode of speaking being thru sarcasm (no hes really not always trying to be rude, thats just how he communicates 😭), and 2) cracking jokes or quips at inappropriate times (like when graysons house was burning down and drake was all like “wow grayson sure does love his secret hatches lawl” and “he should really rethink his escape routes for next time haha!” like drake this is NOT THE TIME). Im not saying hes NOT sassy or rude (because he totally is <3) but like. its not ALWAYS ON PURPOSE OK LMAO he is autistic 🫶
-somewhat related to this is that i hc that he says cheesy lines like “erm… hes RIGHT behind me isnt he” and “um guys, you MIGHT wanna take a look at this…” all the time, and he does so bcs he repeats phrases hes read in books (or from movies/shows he saw before traveling to the future or whatever) a lot. either that or he just Says That Stuff which is almost funnier
-drakes sleeping schedule SUCKS dude and a big parta that is cuz enderman are nocturnal and his internal clock is all messed up. (the water up on his mountain canonically helps him sleep tho im pretty sure?)
-his bodys kinda awkward to move around in, and hes always tripping over his feet or bumping into stuff (hes just like me fr….)
-this ones odd, but the subspecies of enderman that drake is fused(??) with have rings all over their body that they use to light up dark areas (such as caves), and to communicate (blinking lights like fireflies, bright flashes to intimidate others, are dim when sick, etc). Theyre able to control this using their natural magic or whatever. HOWEVERRR drake is unable to control his himself! His rings are stuck at a set brightness, and he cant “turn them off”, leading him to always be expelling a small but steady amount of magic. This is part of why he runs out of mana faster than other magic users/enderman, and is part of why he tries not to waste his mana when possible.
-related to above, hes not ab magic doesnt last very long, but is very volatile and powerful in bursts. this is the OTHER reason he doesnt use magic willy nilly .. he has to learn how to harness it properly or else he might end up hurting people by accident (this might literally be canon but i thought id mention it anyway)
-in the haunting one, hes always stating things abt himself that we never actually get to see (like when he calls himself the builder, or good at parkour, or when armen said that he had a problem with breaking windows???? 😭) so i like to think that those are just collins memories slipping thru the cracks, and those memories dont rly belong to/are about drake at all. theres probably other shared fuzzy memories he has from collin too (like ruby shire perhaps) so thats super fun to play with!! I think this might actually be also canon but yk
-ARMEN iiii love this guy ok so i love to hc that, after hes revived/saved (IF you want to go that route!), he comes back not dead, but not quite alive either…. hes like sorta half and half to me lol. or maybe hes alive, but coming back to life has some side effects (like being cold all the time for example). Hes also suuuper sleepy all the time after hes saved LET HIM SNOOZE dude.
as much as it pains me, I also love the hc that armen comes back with his memory wiped (i think this is close to where the intended canon was supposed to head as well!). You can either go the “his memory is totally wiped, which effectively makes him a new person” route, the “his memory is wiped back to the fall into the lava, right before HB possessed him” route, or the “his memory gets wiped to before HB was involved in his life whatsoever” route. I like all 3 options aaaah idk what my favorite is!!! i’ll probably talk in depth abt these in a different post later bcs the fact that it adds more parallels between him and collin/drake makes me insane. either way he will sometimes have unexplainable deja-vu and things will feel familiar to him.
-armen is super cold all the time (always wearing sweaters and stuff) while drake is super warm all the time (always wearing thin clothes. but this is cuz hes always expelling some sorta magical energy involuntarily, so when he runs outta mana he gets cold as well) this isnt important or anything i just like it :3c
-i like to think that despite his affinity towards it before the fall, he tries to avoid combat & conflict when possible post-possession/revival. very “uhh im a lover not a fighter haha ..” (<- could kick your butt if he tried) vibes. or maybe he lost all combat ability post revival and totally sucks now !! either way man just wants to chill (he is traumatized)
-MIA shes lowkey scared of being on the water after her and her sisters shipwreck, the day she was captured by the empire. she probably slips back into familiarity when they take over that airship one time tho- maybe she gets an airship of her own in the future o:? haunted group sky pirate crew when 🤨???
-along with magic, she also GETS INTO ALCHEMY/CHEMISTRY !!! its like.. magic ??? without needing to provide any ACTUAL magical power yourself?? thats so fucking sick ok. She and drake do magicy-sciencey experiments together and they end up blowing stuff up a lot. despite what drake says, they BOTH enjoy the chaos.
-mia and armen would be BEST. FRIENDS. i think abt mia armen friendship literally all the time they would be so chaotic and thoughtful with each other i love mia armen friendship sm. maybe mia helps style his hair like hers since its grown out later :] They are so sibling core to me
-related to both yhings above, she shares her love of learning with armen. They learn tons of random stuff together :D chemistry archeology history magic biology etc. Mia loves learning anything she can get her hands on, and armen feels the need to learn everything he missed while he was gone.
(sidenote: if he comes back with completely wiped memory, him learning all different sorts of subjects is him trying to figure out what he enjoys, and who he is as a person. “building himself up from ground zero”. and mias glad to help ): <3)
-MIA AND GRAYSON ARE ALSO SIBLING CORE !!!!!!!!!! you are NOT immune to the “mia is everyones sister” propaganda …. im mind controlling you ….
-grayson my GUY dude ok. not rly a hc and more of an observation but i loooove how hes so serious and pessimistic all the time but hes also like…. friendly (yet distrusting) and silly (devouring and entire cake and being all like “:D” with a flower crown and slimey friend) like idk i just looav that contrast its yummy. cruel world forcing his joyous whimsey into hiding </3
-finds a sickening comfort in loneliness, while also being deeply afraid of it. no it is not healthy. i might have to describe this later, as ive not found the words to do so yet.!!! maybe others can add onto this if they wish :)))
-His wife was fucking awesome ok. She was totally anti-empire and wrote many pamphlets that hurt the emperor & his followers image under an anonymous name that spread around the public like wildfire. Did she initially start dating grayson to get more info on the empire without his knowledge? Was she herself high up in the empires chain of command, helping get grayson the job in the first place? Did grayson know and help his wife with her endeavors(im leaning towards yes but no would be fun)? idk but she was awesome and they committed treason together and were in love
-idk if im totally down with the idea, but graysons wife and/or kid ending up being ALIVE…. MANNN THAT COULD BE SO GOOD. SO DRAMA INDUCING. GRRRR i wanna play with this later
-if i start talking abt drake and grayson friendship i will not shut up about it so ill keep it BREIF ….. they are ambiguously romantic/ALMOST queerplatonic to me. they dont care abt labeling what they are, partially bcs they CANT. they r life partners who hold hands and find comfort in the others consistency and the stability their friendship brings. grayson calls drake his “darling husband” for shits and giggles and drake glares at him (while very obviously smiling). OK WE’RE DONE ..
-none of them are allocishet sorryyyy (<- not actually sorry at all) i can list out my queer hcs later if anyone wishes smile :))
-collin, luke, and lalea are still cooking in my head .. i dont have that many hcs abt them qwq i suggest looking to APPLE @apple-rose301 FOR THESE GUYS (she said i could @ her for this) and for any character hcs and analysis stuff tbh, their thoughts are basically canon to me /pos . would also love to hear EVERYONES THOUGHTS AND ANALYSES AND HCS EVER !!!! so if anyone sees this … u should totally list out ur own thoughts :)))) PLEASR PLEASEPLEA
i also have more thoughts on each character analysis wise, specifically the contrasts and parallels they have with each other and themselves, but that might be putttt into a different postttt
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