#let's play how cruel can the pb people be
zhouxiangs · 3 months
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dsgustng · 9 months
I hate that the lemongrab arc is rlly disgustingly fatphobic because I rlly like lemongrab as a character and how hes a fucked up Frankenstein's monster who's... just "wrong". Even if pb says it's fine, it's clear she still can find no common ground with him and doesn't understand him. He's not what she wanted and he can feel it. He deeply wanted family and wanted to be understood. He wanted to have some kind of a relationship with her. With anyone. He sees her as his mom. His "glob". He's abandoned by what he considers god and mother and was aimless and confused. It got so bad that he became abusive towards the only people who maybe did understand him. Literally himself and his own subjects. His children and brother. Seemingly after he got what he always wanted he sabotaged everything and became obsessed with hurting and controlling the people around him, still letting his obsession with princess bubblegum control his life. Becoming warped reflection of her. A cruel and careless dictator who strips the freedom and humanity away from their subjects. Obsessed with control and indulging their own selfish desires with little regards for what would actually benefit them or their family.
He played the roles of both children, brothers. One who perpetuated the cycle of pain and generational trauma and the one who broke it simultaneously. Then they were fused into one single seemingly stable individual who had to deal with that baggage on top of the other complex feelings he already had. Discontent with himself and anxious he does something that can be seen as attempted or at least the contemplation of suicide but decides he wants to live and wants to be better than his former halves. he wants to recover and learn to live with other people like he's always yearned for. He wants to be a good ruler to his people. Idk.
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theeeveetamer · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze Liveblog: Chapter 6
So I was actually gonna make myself a PB&J sandwich before this and both the peanut butter and the jelly were hella expired. Feels like an omen.
As per usual spoilers are under the cut. And in Tumblr woes, turns out my tag bundles plugin for Xkit doesn't work for the beta post editor anymore, which means I had to just remember the tags I use for this thing. Super lame. I swear it was working last time, but they've definitely updated the post editor since then so I guess that messed it up again.
Explore Stuff
I know I said I was going to try and remain positive but like… Weird call to have Petra be like… protective… of the guy who murdered her dad… That was certainly… a choice
Ashe is literally here because Dimitri told him to prioritize his life over his loyalty JFC Dimitri you are too sweet for this world. Also Ashe is angsty because he doesn’t know what he’s fighting for now. Interesting
Dorothea… we “helped Ashe see the error of his ways”?????
I’m really starting to dislike her. I actually really didn’t mind her in Houses but between her endless bellyaching as a recruit and this line, and I’m starting to dislike her
Wait, Manuela was in charge of the deer at some point in this timeline???
This makes her “I must protect my precious students uwu” bullshit from AG even more bullshit. You had! Classes! Other than the Eagles! What about THOSE students!
More Insurrection stuff. I guess we now have confirmation that the insurrection happened as a direct result of Ionius wiping out Hrym
“Sorry, did you just threaten to make an effort?” lmaooooooo RIP to Lin
“Psst! You may be aware of this already, but the Bert can be cruel”
*looks back at all my interactions with Hubert*
Don’t know what gave you that impression, Hapi
“Count Glucester prizes his people above all, and we created a situation where he wanted to fight.” I mean. Yeah. We’re like. Trying to conquer his homeland. People uh, people don’t tend to like that very much… Doesn’t usually lead to a lot of great outcomes for the people you conquer.
Apparently I just randomly learned how to make Peach Sorbet??? Not sure what triggered that, but ok
My god my switch HATES this game it’s running like a freaking airplane
I find it hilarious that Edelgard is apparently bad at running a street stall but Hubert is okay at it lmao
I guess threatening murder would encourage people to buy more
I’m about to go grab an ice pack from the fridge and hold it on the back of this thing. This is ridiculous. I JUST cleaned the fans, it can't be the dust! I literally played like 40 straight hours of FOMT and it was fine!
Ferdie Expedition. Let’s go for a lovely mountain date.
Don’t get to stare at his face :(
Weird how much of an Empire fanboy he’s become in this timeline, considering he’s like… yo fuck the Empire in canon
Oh my god you can “restore” weapons you’ve fully forged and it literally just… takes away all your upgrades for no benefit???? WHY???? Luckily I saved the game before it stole my TWENTY FUCKING AREADBHAR FORGES JFC
Like ok my best guess is that it’s so you can reset after you upgrade the forge, since I believe after a few upgrades then forging your weapons will give you more durability and might per forge, but it’s not retroactive? But like? This is just mechanically stupid. Honestly. Just make it retroactive or don’t vary the amount you gain for forging??? What a fucking slap in the face to fully forge a weapon (which takes dozens if not HUNDREDS of rare resources) only to be told “lol go fuck yourself actually redo it”
Support Conversations
Hubert/Linhardt C - Wait Lin and Hubert are talking about how interesting Shez’s powers are??? Didn’t Lin have like? An entire fucking support where he was like “your powers are not interesting to me”???
“My method of ‘hooking’ would complicate our relationship with so valued an ally” Hubert is a murderer lol
“Why don’t you try sweet talking with tea instead” pretty sure that’s Ferdie’s MO
Why. Why does this feel like Edelshade. “The only option left is aggressive persuasion, driven home at the point of an axe, let’s say” … hmmm who is the ONLY eagle to canonically have a preference for axes…
Hubert is even like “who are you talking about how dare you” and Lin is like “haha oh no one does this bug you? I bet it bugs you.”
Linhardt/Ferdie C - Lin: “I’m not drawing I’m just drawing” o…kay?
Linhardt can draw apparently
Lin: It’s important to be accurate when doing research, not artistic. Ferdie: *confused Ferdie noises*
Why do I get the sense that Lin is sick of the BE’s shit
I find it weird that he only has C supports with both Hubert AND Ferdie?
Dorothea/Monica C - Anyone else get the vibe that someone on the dev team realized Dorothea’s JP VA could sing so they crammed a bunch of random singing in? I do. I get that vibe
Why is the nobility fighting over tickets to see an opera. Seems like the kind of thing nobility should be able to get into super easy while the pleb masses fight for tickets in the nosebleeds
“A lot happened and now I’m here” wait Dorothea has motivation to be here aside from just “went to school with Edelgard for a month”??? Are we ever gonna???? Talk about what that is, or???
Shez/Bernadetta B - Oh my eardrums are already broken it’s only the first textbox
Anna is a drug dealer lmao
Shez/Ferdie B - Ferdie is horrifically depressed, got it. That explains a lot
Side note, I find it very interesting that Ashe doesn’t have supports with ANY of the BE, despite being recruitable. Lorenz at least had supports with Annette, Raphael had supports with Ashe and Felix, Ignatz could talk to Sylvain and Annette, and Marianne could talk to Ingrid. Bernie gets to talk to Dimitri, Petra gets to talk to Dedue, and Dorothea gets to talk to Flayn as well. Only Lin can’t talk to any of the BL exclusive characters.
Side-side note, but I kind of want to count which student has the fewest support conversations. Linhardt strikes me as having not that many compared to the BL or the other BE. Four of his support lines only have one conversation, and two of those terminate at C support.
Side Battles
I’m pretty sure the explore points are exactly the same as AG. Lame
Dorothea: “It fills my heart to see my friends do such great things” you mean. Murder. Like. The murder we’re doing right now? Alright…
Oh Leonie is here I guess
So I know now that Judith is not playable, which is bullshit. Clearly she’s got a fully rigged and animated model if she can appear like an enemy like this. How hard was it to just make her playable???
Main Chapter Battle
I’m rewarding myself with popcorn after this, to make up for the PB&J disappointment
“The fewer casualties the better” know what results in the least casualties? Not… not starting a war. That really keeps the war casualties down
“When in doubt, take ‘em out!” oh Caspar, you lovable himbo
Oh look Balthus, Ignatz, and Lorenz are our recruits this time
Balthus is still dead to me for not having a support convo with Dimitri. The gay subtext was right there, ripe for the taking… At least he had a line fantasizing about a sweaty grapple between Holst and Dimitri that one time
Oh my god how many hints are you going to give me to go do that side mission
Ignatz: I will fight you until the end!!!
Yeah about that… *Yoink*
So what does the auto battle button do
I mean I’m not going to test it but does that mean I wouldn’t have to play this game anymore?
That sounded really pessimistic. But ok look, I’m not using the merc whistles even though this is NG+ because a horrible little gremlin part of me wants to S rank all the battles ever. This game has way too many side missions.
Petra: Stealing is evil!!!
Also Petra: Canonically prefers the thief class in this game
Someone on this team wasn’t thinking when they wrote that one, huh lmao
Edelgard: Count Gloucester was on our side once! He might surrender!
Did you??? Did you miss the WHOLE part of this chapter where that was a trick to catch you off guard??? Why the fuck would he surrender now??? When he intentionally tricked you before by pretending to side with you just to fuck you over???
I mean he’s going to because of course he is, but if anyone in the deer had an actual spine or coherent adherence to past plot events or motivation, then he definitely wouldn’t!
Yep I was right. Why do none of the deer have a spine lol it’s actually getting kind of comical
After Battle Stuff
What is with this Daddy Gloucester whitewashing. That guy was one heck of a bastard in the original Houses, but between this and Lorenz’s paralogue they’re just like “look at how awesome and wonderful and totally not responsible for anything bad ever he is” <3 and I am not here for it
I guess they took all of his evil and gave it to Rufus
Oh I got Thrysus. I didn’t get Thrysus in AG. Bullshiiiiiiiiiiit
Guessing it’s because Lorenz is the head of his house now in this route. But still.
Apparently Lorenz and Lorenz Daddy are just too valuable to replace and Shez has dialogue options about that for some reason
Hubert liked that lmao
“Oh right. I forgot that only mercs are replaceable” FUCKING GET ‘EM SHEZ
Wow Edelgard is real pissy about that
“That’s just the way of things in Fodlan! but I intend to change this” Ah, yes, you’re doing a great job of changing that by… doing nothing about it right now and treating mercs as replaceable. Truly a 4D chess strategy Edelgard
I’m 100% convinced that the Alliance has only held together this long because they faced absolutely 0 threat from anything ever. Like honestly we’ve been at war for fifteen seconds and the entire power structure of this place has completely fallen apart
I mean really it’s actually pathetic. They’re like those fainting goats
^The Alliance literally the second any external threat that isn’t Almyra occurs^
Seriously, how long have these guys been a country? Like 300 years right? You’re telling me they’re literally older than America and in that time they have developed exactly zero sense of national pride or ownership for their lands, and most of them are just completely cool going along with whatever the Empire does to them? Just like? “Yeah, conquer me daddy~ My lands are fertile and my people are (variably) willing participants ;)”
I’m just saying this is like the dead fish equivalent of international relations. Just lie back and let Adrestia do whatever they want to you, I guess
EVEN THE DEER WHO ARE LEFT ARE LIKE “yeah we’re here but if this goes bad we’re out lol”
Except Hilda. Hilda is cool
EVEN ORDELIA??? “Yeah, the Empire experimented on my children and basically condemned my only surviving daughter to die, but like we’d be cool siding with them I guess” like excuse me what???
Like I know everyone has a spine made out of jelly in 3H but at least there everyone had a jelly spine so it didn’t stick out so much
It’s a weird contrast from the BL who are (almost) all like “YOU CAN HAVE MY HOME OVER MY COLD DEAD FUCKING BODY!”
AKA the normal human response when you’ve been an independent nation for several centuries and an external power comes in and says “mine ;)”
And the only two Lions to defect are the two who have zero responsibility over people or land, and one of which apparently only surrendered because Dimitri told him not to die for him. The other one is Mercedes who I haven’t gotten yet but presumably it’s about her serial killer brother this time. Oh and neither of them have any family in the Kingdom to protect (since Jeritza is in the Empire and Lonato defected to the Empire like the little traitor bitch he is)
Ok this liveblog got real shady for a second, I’m putting the umbrellas down now
Wait Byleth is here too??? I thought Byleth was in the Kingdom????????????????? How did you get here?????
“Remaining in the Kingdom was no longer an option???” Why???
I’m guessing it has something to do with Jeralt’s unexplained and unaddressed Rhea issues. Not sure why that would be though, considering Rhea NEVER FUCKING DOES ANYTHING IN THIS GAME
Fortalices and palisades… gonna have to google that one later, Hubert
Ok so it’s a baby fort and a fence. Dunno why we had to get all fancy here
I’m sure there’s already at least one Medieval history buff in my inbox going WELL ACKSHUALLY about that last bullet lmao
I also didn’t make popcorn because it’s like 4 am and I’m too lazy to melt butter :(
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simp-pony · 4 years
Queen B + Romancing the ladies
Honestly, I don’t think the direction of Queen B is looking well, especially for people who want to romance the ladies (aside from Ina of course). But a lot of people (including me) is not comfortable romancing the prof. And as a wlw playing this game, I have to share a few thoughts.
So I want to discuss the other female LIs and the other potentials
First of all, let’s start with Zoey Wade. As a confirmed LI since the beginning, her treatment in the series is by far the most disappointing. It’s so tiring to complaint about the same thing all over again each week, but here we are. We got to kiss her since chapter 2, then constantly flirt with her. But she’s being sidelined so hard by turning her to a walking wardrobe and supportive friend who keep pushing us to the prof.
Our first diamond scene happened in chapter 8, and only happened if we bought he dress for the prof.
None of the romantic option brings our relationship to the next level, even though we had the option to confess to her. “Zoey, I want you, not the professor.” (Chapter 9), which is once again, ended up with her pushing us to the prof.
Chapter 10, we did have a cute scene with her massaging us, but it only ends up with us making out on the bed. This is ridiculous when we could hook up with the others so easily if we have diamond scene with them. But with Zoey, we always stay bff. 
Is this an attempt of slowburn romance? This could be handled much better if we get more zoey x mc, hinting about their growing feelings. Zoey is an interesting character. She’s drop dead gorgeous and charming, but there’s never any chance to let her personality shine. At least they could show Zoey being a bit conflicted about pushing us to the prof anymore.  .
Then chapter 11 happened and - I don’t know anymore. It was incredibly painful to see, and honestly it was really hard to finish the chapter. What happened to Zoey was cruel, it’s too much, it’s unnecessary. If this was an attempt from PB for a social commentary, then there are waaay better other ways to address in my opinion.
Which brings us to  Poppy Min-Sinclair. I know, I know, some of you are asking, “Why are you guys so disappointed? She’s the villain since the beginning, you guys are just dumb.” First of all, I’ve explained before that I’m here for the potential. I only played choices because of her and it’s all because I saw snippets of chapter 6. When they hinted that soft side of her, as a wlw, I immediately see the appeal because it has such a big potential to be a compelling enemies to lovers story. You cant blame us for feeling this way when there are tons of straight pairings (with problematic men) with this trope, and they get redemption + end up together. Why can we have the same chance?
However, the way PB literally drove her to the point where she’s completely irredeemable after chapter 11, throwing away all of her potentials. I just don’t understand why they still write hint of attraction between them though. 
Do I ever expect her to be a real LI at the end? Honestly, not really. But I believe that Poppy COULD be a very interesting complex ‘mean girl’, especially after they teased a bit of her family problem in chapter 10. And this would also take Queen B to a very interesting turn with the shift of dynamic. But well, since they choose to ‘basic mean girl’ route - what can I say more aside from ‘wasted potential’
Both Veronica Lombardi and Chloe St. James only appear several times so far. They are far from being an LI, but still, these two being Love interests would open so many more interesting routes for the plot.
I personally can’t see where the direction is going on. The things between MC and Poppy has escalated from petty fights to actual nasty stuff and all of them are just too much for me.
So in short, Zoey got sidelined so hard and now driven away, Poppy is now irredeemable, Veronica and Zoey are not really there. People who want to romance the ladies, especially wlws don’t have many options huh. I really hope that we can still get Zoey back somehow, but with how they handle her character since the beginning, eh, I don’t think it will be a rewarding experience.
Don’t get me wrong, you can still have fun with this book, especially if you love the prof, loves to be bad bitches and wreck shit up.
But from my personal opinion as a wlw who expect that I can at least have a good time romancing the ladies (romance, not casual hook ups), after 11 chapters, I don’t think Queen B is the right book if you’re looking for this.
I’m writing this as a feedback to PB since you said that you value player’s happiness. Well, I’m devastated. I think that there are so many missed opportunities in this book. and I’m just hoping that you’re more serious in giving wlws a well deserved representation in the future. What happened to Zoey certainly does NOT look like a serious attempt in giving us a female LI.
As for now, no, I won’t be playing Queen B again. Like what I wrote before, I don’t think this book is right for me. But I will be lurking, maybe.
This is purely my personal opinion.
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trouvelle · 4 years
PB & (Alcoholic) Punch
i d e k  let me start by apologizing ;-; I have no idea what made me do this bc it just wrote itself in the middle of the night. For any grammatical and punctuation errors, pls add them to my growing list of apologies! Me is sorry if you don’t like it and hate it TuT
Fandom: DCMK Pairing: mostly Heiji/Kazuha and Kaito/Aoko, side Shinichi/Ran and Makoto/Sonoko Rating: NC-17 Genre/Tags: Comedy, Crack, College!AU Warnings: crack!fic, mild sexual content Summary: Sonoko throws a party and when a Truth-or-Dare game takes off, certain things comes into light. (a.k.a Kaito and Aoko finally kiss and Kazuha finds out about Heiji’s daddy kink)
“Kuroba is so drunk,” Heiji slurs, pointing towards the other side of the room where Kaito currently has his arms stretched across the window, “Look at him.”
“I know, right?” Shinichi leans back against the wall, and takes a swig from his beer bottle, lazily waving his hand over at another corner of the house. “Look at those two. No, not the dudes in tank tops, there—those two with the bleached hair by the kitchen island. Don’t they know what peanut butter is for?”
“I can think of thirty different ways to use that jar of peanut butter, and none of them involve sandwiches.”
“Wait, Hattori, look at that guy hugging the window. I’m so glad we’re not friends with these weirdos here. ”
“How drunk are you, Kudo? He is our friend. That’s Kuroba, you idiot. Now look at those two over there.”
“That’s us in a mirror, you idiot.”
“Oh yeah.”
Makoto picks his way through the crowd of drunken fools, cringing every time he accidentally steps on some trash or a limb. Wait—was that the crunch from some spilled food on the floor that he stepped on or was it someone’s body part? “This party is such a bad idea,” he mutters. He probably wouldn’t have been here if it’s not his girlfriend who’s hosting the party.
Shinichi and Heiji snicker at his dismay.
Making his way to stand beside them, Kaito sighs into his red cup, already looking like the world’s ended thrice over. “This cruel, sad existence of mine,” he sighs, for the thirty-ninth time, and he downs the cup, already reaching for another on the table he’s conveniently placed himself next to. 
“You’re one of the saddest drunk people I’ve ever met,” comments Makoto mildly. Kaito doesn’t even react, he just sighs again. He’s at the point where it hurts to not let his pent-up feelings out. If anyone wants to make fun of him, so be it.
“Yeah. What’s up your ass?” Shinichi slurs.
“I think I like Aoko,” utters Kaito dolefully, staring out into the crowd, where Kazuha and Ran are teamed up against the horrendously inebriated Sonoko and Aoko for a beer pong challenge, to a group of cheering spectators. “Since you guys said that it’s troublesome to fall in love with girls you grow up with, I have come to the conclusion that I will live my life in pain and sorrow and never again see the light of day as I bury myself in a cave of my own despair.”
Heiji blinks. “God, that is depressing. Let’s get out of here.”
As they move through the crowd, ignoring Kaito’s sighs, and the agonized shrieks that come from a few unfortunate people who they shoved out of their way, a person pops up in front of them suddenly, and Makoto nearly trips over himself in surprise. No more people-stepping for him. “Gah!”
“Holy shit,” says Shinichi, eyes wide, clutching at his chest, “What are you doing here?”
Shiho is bouncing on her heels, smiling wider than a kid at a candy store. “Sonoko dragged me here, duh!” she says, and her voice is high and squeaky. This is rather alarming. “Did you know that there is a secret stash of Red Bull in the pantry? She told me I can make a punch with it. A lot of people like it. I also dropped a bottle of Absolut in there. Do you guys want some? Wait here.”
And she slips away, giggling, leaving the four of them standing in profound silence.
“I’m scarred for life,” says Kaito.
“Never drinking again,” says Shinichi, but then he looks down at his half-full bottle, and he raises it to them, “Cheers!”
“Hey boys!” Sonoko calls out to them in a sing-songy voice, Makoto immediately zig-zags across the room to her side, “Wanna play Truth or Dare with us?”
“Sign us up!” shouts Heiji, and he drags Shinichi and Kaito, who’s still downing his last bits.
The girls and some others are seated in a circle, already playing, and Aoko says, “Truth,” voice cracking due to her skyrocketing anxiety at the anticipation.
“Who here, do you really want to get into bed with?” asks Sonoko cheekily, ignoring the obvious fact that probably, literally, everyone else already knows her answer. Aoko turns even redder, if it’s even possible. “Come on, answer!”
“Can I just switch to dare, please?” begs Aoko under her breath, looking at everyone but at a certain boy.
Sonoko is not giving up. People don’t call her Cupid-sama for no reason. “I dare you to kiss Kuroba-kun!” She says gleefully. Maybe too much glee. Kaito’s eyebrows flew mile-high to the ceiling.
“Well, here goes.” Despite the fact that she’s stuttering, she makes her way to Kaito and plants a shy kiss on Kaito’s mouth, taking him aback. The rest of the room whoop extremely loudly around them.
Kaito, his head spinning and his entire body going red, still reeling from the kiss, goes, “... Aoko?”
She offers him a shy smile and takes the empty space next to him before dropping her voice an octave lower so only he can hear her, “Later,” she promises. “We have to make the best of this game right now.”
“Okay, Kazuha!” Aoko’s eyes glint, and Kazuha gulps, thinking back on all that she’s ever done to Aoko, and what kind of revenge might be swirling around in her head right now. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” says Kazuha, because she can do anything that anyone dares her to, because she is a fierce, independent woman. When Kaito leans down to whisper something to Aoko, her confidence wavers. But nevertheless, she has made up her mind. “What do you have for me, Aoko-chan?”
“I dare you to call Hattori-kun ‘daddy’ for the rest of the night,” says Aoko, and the rest goes ‘uuuuuh oooooh~’ in the most annoying, drunken voices possible.
Kazuha blinks. This is the easiest dare that anyone has had, as of tonight. There’s literally no harm that can come out of this. “Done!” But then when she turns to Heiji, she sees that his eyes are wide, and still staring at Aoko and Kaito. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” stutters Heiji, but he’s already glancing nervously between Kazuha’s confused face, and Aoko’s girlish grin and Kaito’s evil eye, tries to distract himself by averting his gaze to Shiho, who just reemerged from the kitchen.
She is walking her way to the group, juggling four cups, and accidentally knocking over a random guest who falls over Sonoko’s beautiful leather couch. 
“Is that her special punch?” Ran observes slowly, who’s been sitting on Shinichi’s lap. 
“Don’t drink her punch,” comes a feeble voice from behind the sofa, who sounds suspiciously like Saguru.
“So, daddy,” tries Kazuha casually, and Heiji freezes in place. “Are you okay? You look a bit flushed, daddy.”
“I’m fine.” Heiji tugs at his t-shirt, and fans at himself. “I need to… go get some fresh air. Or something.”
Kazuha watches in confusion as he dashes away, and she follows, not even noticing the drunken cackle that escapes Kaito’s throat. For a guy who’s a sad, lovesick drunk not half an hour earlier, Kaito sure recovers really fast. Thank Aoko for that.
Kazuha manages to find Heiji pretty easily. She speeds up her pace and catches him just as he is about to close the bathroom door. He nearly jumps, spinning around to face her. “Are you okay? You don’t usually—Oh my God, Heiji! When did that happen?”
Heiji has pitched a rather big tent, clearly visible through the line of his jeans.
“Uh,” says Heiji, and he looks flustered. “Just now?”
“What do you mean just now? We barely even touched each other tonight! We were only playing—“ Kazuha stops herself there, and a flashback of the game runs through her mind. “Oh. I see.” Her lips curl up into a sneaky grin, and she adds for a good measure, “Daddy~”
Heiji quickly pulls her in and locks the door.
“Do you like it when I call you that?” She takes a few steps forward, and Heiji exhales, not taking his gaze away from hers. 
“Christ,” whispers Heiji, just as Kazuha’s fingers trail lightly up the expanse of skin under his t-shirt.
“Come on, daddy,” She whispers in return, snaking a hand around his neck to pull his head down, “I’m all yours, always.”
She can see something in Heiji’s eyes just break, and then he crashes their mouths together in a hot, searing kiss, backing her up against the nearest flat surface, knocking down some things in the process. He kisses like he’s in control, and she lets him. 
Resistance is futile, Heiji realizes, when it comes to Kazuha.
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cheemerthelizard · 4 years
Crusader of Life (Kakyoin x Reader) Chapter 12
After crashing yet another plane, you and the others have to set up camp right where you were. The biggest problem wasn’t how to survive out there, but rather what would happen to the baby. After Kakyoin seems like he’s going insane, he reveals to you two words carved on his arm: BABY STAND.
“Baby... Stand?” You looked at the two words in horror. “Kakyoin, did you carve that into yourself?”
“I mean, it had to have been me,” Kakyoin replied. “It’s not like anybody would have written those words on me just to pull a prank. Enemy Stands are serious matters.”
You backed away a little bit. “Should I tell Mr. Joestar and the others?”
“No! No.” Kakyoin was oddly quick to turn that idea down. “I’m thinking that I’m just going crazy or something.” He gave a small laugh, then looked at you. “But I’ll be sure to keep my sanity. If not for me, then for you.”
You laughed a little to try to lighten the mood, but it didn’t do much. “You’re still super cute when you get protective over me,” you purred. “I’m gonna go eat dinner now. Wanna come?”
“I’ll join soon,” Kakyoin promised, and brushed your hair out of your face before kissing your forehead. “Go eat. You must be starving.”
“Okay,” you mumbled happily, leaving him alone for the second time that night. This time, however, you were even more worried about him. You thought he was truly going insane. A baby that’s already had homicidal thoughts, AND acting on them? Not possible. But you would keep your promise, and not tell anyone about his arm wound.
“So, did you get anything out of him?” Joseph asked.
“He’s just tired,” you lied. “He’ll be fine once he gets some sleep tonight. Anyway, what do we have for dinner?”
“Soup and sandwiches,” Avdol answered.
“Hey, old man,” Jotaro said. “We’ve got lots of soup that you would never get to try elsewhere. Why are you eating canned chicken noodle soup?”
“Because it tastes good!” Joseph answered. “Why try something new if you already know what’s your favorite?”
“He makes a point,” you replied, stuffing your face with pb and j.
“Good grief,” Jotaro sighed, grabbing a bowl of soup.
The five of you were happily munching away at your food, when Kakyoin came running over.
“Did you see that?” he asked, pointing at the baby. “He killed a scorpion! With his own two hands! There’s something fishy about him.”
Everyone looked at the baby in his cradle, and saw him looking at his hands while moving his fingers. Nothing suspicious there.
“Kakyoin,” you said, “I really think you need some rest.”
“No! There’s a scorpion in there somewhere!” Kakyoin started looking all through his covers. “Where is it? Where did you hide it?!”
“That’s enough, Kakyoin!” Joseph exclaimed. He took the baby out of the cradle and started holding it close. “You’re scaring him!”
“But...” Kakyoin stuttered. “But, do you believe me? It really did kill a scorpion!” He turned around to you, bent down to your height, and stroked your hair. “Oh, (Y/N), my precious (Y/N), don’t you believe me?”
You stayed silent.
“No,” Kakyoin’s eyes looked shiny, like his tears were just on the brink of flowing. “No, not you, too! I even showed you the writing on my arm!”
“Writing?” Avdol asked. “What writing?”
“This writing!” Kakyoin pulled his sleeve back to reveal the writing on his arm, just like he had done with you. “I must have done this in my sleep! It shows that the baby’s a Stand user!”
Everyone looked at him, including you, like he had lost his mind.
“Kakyoin, you’ve gone completely insane,” Jotaro said. “You’ve written on your arm with your knife, and asking us to believe what you’ve written.”
“Please, get some sleep,” you begged. “You’re not feeling well, obviously.”
“Fine,” Kakyoin sighed. “If you don’t see the point I’m trying to get across, then I’ll just have to do it with force!” He summoned Hierophant, and had him attack the baby. Before he reached it, however, Polnareff had summoned Chariot and hit the back of his neck, causing Hierophant, and in turn, Kakyoin, to fall to the floor, passed out.
You bent down, flipped Kakyoin around, and started playing with his hair. “He just needs some sleep, I’m sure of it,” you told the others. Although, you knew it was more to reassure yourself than to convince anyone else. “He’s gonna wake up the next morning and feel completely fine.”
“(Y/N),” Avdol put his arm around you. “We might have to kick him off the team if he keeps acting like this. If it’s too much for him to handle, then we might be better off without him.”
You didn’t meet eyes with Avdol. You still had to process what he had just said. The rest of the trip, without Kakyoin? There was no way you could go that long without missing him like crazy. But he was right. It would be cruel to make someone who couldn’t bear the constant Stand attacks suffer even more. Finally, still looking down at the passed out Kakyoin, you nodded. “I understand.”
“Thank you.” Avdol patted you on the back. “We’ll leave some time for you to say any last words. Even if he can’t hear you, it would probably be good to get it off your chest.”
You picked Kakyoin up, as best as you could, and held him close. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m sorry I don’t believe you. Even if it’s completely insane, I’m sorry I couldn’t defend you. I hope you understand. If you are sent back home, I’ll keep in touch every single day, I promise. I hope this is just you needing sleep, though. I’d hate to lose you.”
You looked back at the others, and nodded. “I think it’s time he went to his sleeping bag.”
“Alright,” Joseph replied. “Polnareff, will you help me carry him? He’s kind of heavy.”
As the two were carrying him away, you had decided to look at the stars. Hey, even if you wouldn’t get to enjoy the company of Kakyoin, you would still have four other friends, right? That’s gotta be something. Sure, none of them will replace the love between you two, but when this was all over, you’d get to see him again. Still, it just wouldn’t be the same.
“Hey,” Jotaro had snuck up on you, making you jump a little bit.
“Oh! It’s just you, Jotaro,” you laughed.
“You’re worried about him, aren’t you?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you replied. “I don’t want him to go insane. I don’t even want him to get hurt. I just want him to be okay.”
“Well, Kakyoin’s strong-minded. He’ll get over it sooner than others would.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
You and Jotaro looked at the stars together, and you laughed a little bit.
“What’s so funny?”
“Before I met you, I had heard from everyone around the school that you were some sort of delinquent. You always got in trouble, whether it was in school or not, you picked fights with people, all sorts of things. I would have never imagined that, out of all the people at the school, you would become one of my closest friends.”
Jotaro grunted a little bit, almost happily. “Yeah, I thought that, too. You’re not annoying, no, but you’re a softie. I usually don’t make friends with people who are super sensitive, like you. Especially if it’s a girl. But you’ve turned out to be a good friend.”
“That means a lot,” you looked over at Jotaro. “Really, it does. Especially coming from you.”
“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it,” Jotaro huffed. “I only came to comfort you because I didn’t want you to cry. It’s annoying when people cry.”
“I’ll take that as a ‘you’re welcome,’” you giggled, getting up from the rock you had been laying on. “Anyway, I’m gonna get some sleep now. You should, too.”
Once you had gotten everything ready, you settled down in your sleeping bag. It wasn’t as comfy as the hotel beds that Joseph had provided for you, but that didn’t matter. It had been a long day, and you were ready to hit the hay. Slowly, your eyes got heavier and heavier...
And then, in an instant, they popped open again. This time, at the carnival from your previous dream. Now you remembered.
“No,” you shook with fear. “No, no, no! Not here again!” From the looks of it, Polnareff was freaking out, too.
“We should have listened to Kakyoin!” Polnareff cried. “He was right!”
“Wait!” You looked at the others. “If we put him to sleep, he should be here! I’ve gotta find him!”
You started running all through the place, looking for every nook and cranny. Although, you didn’t get far before you felt a tug on your shirt. You looked back, but nothing was pulling. Oh no. He had found you.
The shirt you were wearing suddenly turned to metal, and it was too much for you to wear, making you collapse to the ground. Unfortunately, you couldn’t get up, so you were stuck there.
“Lali-Ho!” There was the voice. The terrifying voice. “I told you before, Polnareff, my Stand is invincible! There’s no way to fight against it!”
“What did you do to Kakyoin?”
Death 13 turned to look at you.
“Well? What did you do? Where is he?”
Death 13 cackled. “He hasn’t arrived to this world yet, but I think I should give him a little surprise when he does, don’t you think?” Your shirt turned back to a soft fabric, but he grabbed it before you could run. “You know, if I remember right, aren’t you Kakyoin’s precious little girl?”
Your face went pale, and your eyes widened. “W-w-well, he n-n-never s-says it... l-like... that, but, um, y-y-yeah...”
“Wouldn’t it be devastating if he found you being tortured? And there was nothing he could do about it?”
That didn’t sound good.
“Maybe I’ll give you... special treatment,” he laughed maniacally. “Starting with your back!”
He flipped you around, and pulled your shirt up enough that your back was completely exposed to him. Luckily, he left the front part mostly covered up, but whatever dignity you would lose with flashing the boys down below looking at you (in fear, of course, you were at the enemy’s mercy) would have been nothing compared to the pain of Death 13’s scythe scraping down your back. You let out a piercing screech from the pain, and tears were streaming down your face.
“All done with that,” Death 13 said casually, and threw you onto a pole from a carnival ride. Before you could move, however, ropes came around you and tied you down.
“I’ll deal with you soon enough,” he snickered. “For now, how about you watch all of your friends die, right before your eyes?”
“No,” you trembled. “Please, just let me die quickly.” You knew that scraping on your back was only a taste of what would come. You didn’t even want to think of what could come next.
“Lali-Ho,” a familiar voice repeated. On the back of Death 13 was Hierophant Green. Was... was he really here? Kakyoin? All of your questions were answered as soon as Hierophant started strangling Death 13.
He is here! Kakyoin is here! You were too caught up with celebrating that you didn’t even notice the ropes holding you down loosening up. Once you felt your hands and arms feel freedom again, you turned, and there he was, giving you that comforting smile.
“Kakyoin!” You latched onto him like a magnet, shaking in fear. He wasn’t expecting a hug, nor was he expecting you to be so distraught, but he quickly put his arms around you, too.
“It was awful,” you ranted, “just awful. He, he, he, he said he was gonna give me special treatment, and, and, and he carved into m-m-my back, and he, he,”
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” Kakyoin whispered. “Death 13 can’t hurt you now. Hierophant’s going to take care of him.”
“Kakyoin!” Polnareff ran over to him. “You’re alive!”
“Kakyoin, I think we all owe you an apology,” Joseph said.
“No, no, this was bound to happen,” Kakyoin reassured him, still holding on to your trembling body. “It couldn’t be helped. Really, if it weren’t for Polnareff, I wouldn’t know that I could fall asleep with my Stand summoned.”
“Oh, really?” Polnareff blushed. “I don’t know, I still feel kind of bad...”
“Now, as for you,” Kakyoin glared at Death 13, “you're lucky that (Y/N) will forget about all of this in the morning, because anybody who intentionally traumatizes anyone else deserves the death sentence. But even though she’ll be fine when she wakes up, your neck will still be broken.”
“Kakyoin, Get Hierophant off Death 13’s back!” Jotaro ordered. “He’s going to try something, I can tell!”
Right on cue, the clouds started moving closer to the baby’s Stand, and formed into a fist of some sorts. That fist grabbed the scythe, and swung at Death 13’s, and Hierophant's, lower half.
“Kakyoin!” everyone yelled as he started falling to the ground.
“Fools!” Death 13 cackled. “My body is completely hollow! Now with your only hope gone, there’s nothing you can do!”
Surprisingly, however, Kakyoin had brushed himself off, and gotten up again. “Just kidding,” he said. “Did you really think that I would be so careless as to leave Hierophant there forever? Take a look.”
As Kakyoin pointed to the enemy, everyone else looked over, and there was Hierophant, turning back into his tentacle form and entering Death’s ear. Slowly but surely, the baby’s Stand started to move his arm closer to his neck, taking his scythe with it, up until the blade was practically meeting up with the head.
“Now, if you don’t want to die right now,” Kakyoin threatened, “how about healing the wound on my arm? Anything can happen in a dream.”
“Y-yes, sir,” Death 13 answered. He quickly took care of it.
“How about healing (Y/N)’s wounds, as well?” Kakyoin asked. “I don’t want there to be any chance that she’ll remember what happened tonight.”
“Right away, sir.” In an instant, the marks on your back had disappeared.
“Alright, now that that’s taken care of, release us from this dream. I don’t trust you, and I know you’ll have another trick up your sleeve if I leave you like this.”
“Of course, sir.” With a wave of his hand, you had gone back to a peaceful sleep, with the memory of the dream all but lost.
Your eyes peeped open from the long slumber. You slowly rose up from your bed, and yawned.
“You’re up early.”
The sound of Kakyoin’s voice immediately put a smile on your face. “Look who’s talking.”
“I went to bed earlier. It might have been by force, but it still counted towards my sleep. You went to bed at the same time as everyone else.”
“I don’t need that much sleep compared to others.” You stretched your body as you regained your senses. There seemed to be something sizzling. You sniffed the air, and it smelled like bacon. Kakyoin must’ve gone through the trouble of cooking breakfast. “Ugh. I had an awful dream last night.”
“Yup. It’s strange, though, because I don’t remember a single thing.”
“That is strange. Kind of like what happened to me.”
“But I feel like it’s a good thing I forgot about it. Like I would be traumatized if I didn’t. And I also feel like it ended on a happy note, although I can’t remember what it was.”
You had been so caught up in your dialogue that you hadn’t even noticed Kakyoin coming to sit beside you. “Well, if someone ever traumatizes you, I’ll make sure they get what they deserve.”
“What if I get it from a dream?”
“Well, that’s your fault isn’t it?”
You giggled a little bit. “What if you accidentally traumatize me?”
“Trust nobody, not even yourself.”
You had to burst out laughing from that, almost waking the others in the process. “Oops,” you whispered, still snorting a bit. Finally, you let out a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad you just needed sleep.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” you said, “the boys had decided that if you were still acting like you were last night, we’d have to kick you off the team. I reluctantly agreed. I hoped that it really was just sleepiness getting to you, but I was genuinely afraid you’d have to go. I would miss you.”
“I see,” Kakyoin nodded, then smiled. “Good thing we don’t have to worry about that, right?” He ruffled your hair, and went back to check on the pan in the oven. “Oh! Breakfast is ready. Would you mind waking everyone up?”
“No problem,” you chimed. One by one, you woke everyone up. After some bacon and eggs, and a few gawks from Polnareff at Kakyoin’s sane state, the whole crew was ready to go. After getting the baby to a nearby hospital safe and sound, the six of you rented a boat. Destination: Egypt.
“Well, there’s one more stop we need to make,” Joseph explained.
Destination: a small island off the coast of Egypt.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hello! Sofie is here to (potentially) request for her husband. If it's not too much trouble may I request relationship h/cs between SDC Dio and a shy small, but very loving fem s/o? (SFW and NSFW is fine, but no pressure to do NSFW) :3
Sofieeee, hello hello :3 and SURE! As we’ve agreed, PB Dio instead of SDC Dio! Aaaaa it’s the first time I write him, I hope it’s not too ooc and it makes at least a bit sense! In any case, I hope you’ll enjoy it :3 Here we go!
Relationship headcanons for Dio Brando (Phantom Blood)
Let’s start saying that, despite being grown by a despicable father like Dario, Dio is not evil just to be evil. He was shaped by his surroundings and people near him more than what he thinks. In fact, the only happy and good memories he has are related to his mother and the bad ones to his father; while he despises humanity in general, after what he has seen, he still respects women -however he’s fast to leap over this if he has to hurt a rival, as he did when he had kisses Erina in order to hurt Jonathan-, as in them he sees a last sparkle of hope for humanity.
Dio’s not an easy person to conquer, both due to his difficult and imposing personality -and not everyone is able to bear it- and to the fact that he’s so absorbed in what he’s doing -from studying to pestering Jonathan- that he has difficulties to notice if someone’s in love with him. Also, not every person can capture his attention! They have to be strong-willed but patient, and with a certain sweetness, a certain softness that, if he’s emotionally involved, are able to completely tame him… like his s/o.
Dio is a person whose feelings are strong and totalizing. If he hates someone, he’ll hate them even after their death -as he did with his father-; if he feels something milder than love or hate, his feelings may change, even if just a bit -as it happened for Jonathan: Dio started to respect his rival, after seeing his strength-. Love works like hate, for him, but he has way more difficulties in feeling love than hate; that’s why his love is rare and, so, precious.
He’d be overprotective, as he knows how the world can be cruel and unfair. He has already lost the only person who ever gave him love; he doesn’t want to lose his s/o too. He’d use his massive figure to shield her from any harm -and being small, for her, for once is a benefit- and, even if he secretly likes her shyness, he’d try to sharp her, to be sure she’s going to be fine even when he’s not at her side.
(Under the cut for the n/sfw part!)
He’d play a lot with her shyness, behind their bedroom doors. He loves to see how graciously she blushed, when he whispers on her ear what he’d like to do to her and how her gaze hungrily follows his twitching muscles, even if her cheeks are as red as cherries. It gives her a sort of innocence, it totally deprives her of any possible vulgarity, and this is incredible alluring to him; sensual, but not vulgar; he’s all for this.
He’s very demanding. He prefers to receive than giving, but when he does, it’s an unforgettable experience. Dio dies to see her so caught up and so filled with pleasure to almost tear up: that’s why he likes, no, he loves to bring her so near to the apex more times, withdrawing just when she’s literally one step away from bliss, and so on, until she literally begs him to just let her come already. She’s so cute when she begs him…
He prefers positions where he can both be dominating and hold her tight. Usually he’s not so touchy-feely, but in bed it’s a whole different story. He wants to hold her, to feel her soft skin and curves under his hands, to feel her muscles twitching and to watch closely how her face twists in pleasure when she finally reaches her bliss. He takes a lot of pride from making her feel pleasure, so he always does his best to make her come at least twice -it doesn’t matter if with fingers or something else- and to leave her tired to the bone but utterly satisfied.
Once in a while, when he feels more magnanimous than usual, or when he’s to tired, he leaves her the upper hand. he lets her straddle him, grinning, intrigued, curious to see how she’ll move, and whispering heated words to her, to encourage her and igniting even more the fire in her veins. He loves to see her bouncing on his lap, so lost in pleasure to not be able to even keep her eyes open, and to see her arching her back when she finally finds that sweet spot that demands to be hit. She’s gorgeous, majestic, and, at this point, he can’t hold back anymore; the roles shift and he just pounds and rolls his hips until he makes her undone and scream his name.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
One More Day- Learning to Breathe chapter 2
Pairing: Widow Riley (Drake x MC), no pairing yet
Word count: 2,057
Warnings: bone crushing angst, mention of character death, grief, depression
Summary: Flashes of Riley’s coping strategies.
Song inspiration: One More Day by Diamond Rio
A/N: I have no heart because I have crushed it, my chest is now an empty pit that aches from this. That’s my way of telling you this is gonna hurt go grab your comfort drink, a blanket and tissues, you will need it.
Series warnings: This series will follow Riley, Liam and Bastien after Drake’s death. It will deal with the grief and pain of losing a loved one. Possible NSFW content to come. Possibly dark. If you click read more you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Riley moved through her room in a trance. Her body still felt numb, she wasn’t sure she’d ever get over the loss of him and what returning to the manor alone truly meant. What was to be their shared home would always simply be hers.
Riley stared out the limousine window, everything moving past in a blur of shapes and colors as she saw straight past the scenery. She felt like she was moving in slow motion as she returned to the duchy. Her head was fuzzy, leaving her feeling completely dazed. She still couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she had to bury the man that she loved. No she did bury him. He was gone, he was in the ground. Her body felt numb from the second she heard the shot go off. A piece of her soul had broken off and left her when he did.
Their love was such a whirlwind, she didn’t have nearly enough time with him. Time. The concept that it went on without him made her want the earth open up and swallow her whole. She didn’t know how to move forward now that she was once again alone.
She looked up at the looming building as it appeared in her view. The once welcoming duchy where they dreamed up their future seemed monstrous, casting a daunting shadow upon her, reminding her what they would never have.
Why did he have to die? It didn’t seem fair, for her to live and mourn him and everything they had dreamed up with wide smiles. Her future without him was more terrifying than the thought of never taking another breath.
She squeezed her eyes shut as the limousine pulled to a stop, she was home. Home. Once it was to be their home, now it simply felt like a reminder of everything she lost. How could she enter the building without seeing ghosts of what would never be? Every corner once held possibility, now it just held deep crushing sadness.
She exited the car, breezing into the manor, blocking out all questions from her friends. As much as she hated the thought all she wanted was to be alone. Alone with her grief and misery, not afraid of hurting someone’s feelings when she tuned them completely out. She knew they were there for her out of kindness, but it all felt like a weak substitute for what she was meant to have.
She slammed the door to her master bedroom shut flicking the lock, she wanted to be allowed to cry without the looks of sadness and pity on her well meaning friends faces. She shed her fitted black dress, leaving it discarded on the ground. Her entire life changed in an instant. It went from fairytale ending to living nightmare in a blink of an eye and a blinding flash of a muzzle.
She dropped her gaze down, she could still see remnants of his blood coating her arms and chest. She closed her eyes, but was only met with the scene replaying in her head. She could still hear the loud pop the gun made and the ear piercing shriek that left her lips. Her life felt foreign, she wasn’t sure she would ever get over the heartbreak of losing the man she loved the same day she became his wife.
Riley looked up into the mirror, knuckles going white as she gripped the vanity edge tighter as she frowned at the pale face staring back at her. She barely recognized the woman she’d become since he died. Her chestnut brown hair brushed the first time in a week, missing its usual shine. Her hazel eyes were bloodshot and red rimmed, deep purple circles proving though she barely left her bed that she barely got any sleep. Any sleep manage was not a reprieve from the pain she felt, instead it was simply a reminder of all she lost.
Riley smiled, her eyelids slowly fluttered open as she felt his calloused hand brush against her cheek. “Morning.” She breathed as hazel locked on warm chestnut brown.
“Morning.” His lips quirked into a lopsided smile as he leaned in for a kiss.
“You have morning breath.” She pulled away half seriously teasing her husband, her heart.
“So do you.”
Their lips met, a spark lighting through her. She brought her hand up, fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer. She felt complete, at peace. She never wanted this feeling to end.
She rolled, reaching for him in the bed. Her hand hit cold sheets, forcing her back to reality. It was all a dream, a beautiful, wonderful, horrible dream. Tears streaked down her pale cheeks soaking the pillowcase in fresh tears. She rolled to her side, staring out at the balcony. She had once found the view so serene and beautiful, now it was just another reminder of all they dreamed of and would never have.
She felt completely lost without him. She didn’t want to move, she barely ate, let alone showered. How can I move on like he was never here? They said ‘time heals all wounds’ but how much time is needed to mend a broken heart?
I shouldn’t be here, he shouldn’t be the one who is gone. On the outside she wept, deep inside she didn’t simply feel bone crushing grief, she felt pain but also guilt. She knew Liam said his name because he loved her. If I had said no to Maxwell he never would have died and I wouldn’t feel so terribly alone surrounded by friends. She didn’t want to be here, she didn’t want to live, but her faith ingrained her with a fear of taking her own life. Instead it was easier to just sit in her bed, refusing every tray Hana brought to her with a sad smile. She just was waiting to fall asleep and never wake.
Why did I agree to weekly get togethers that are really check ups on the grieving widow? I don’t want to see people, I don’t want to talk. I just want to be left alone. She frowned as her phone lit up with the doctor’s name that Olivia had all but forced her to see. Why can’t they just let me go? I don’t want reminders of him. I want to be on my own or with him. Why couldn’t they just leave me be. She so badly wanted to push decline, but she wanted to prove to them that their concern had been over nothing. Hopefully now they’ll let me leave.
Riley rushed around her room stuffing clothes in her open suitcase. Only what she brought, she wanted to forget all her time spent in Cordonia all her frilly gowns were to stay behind. She couldn’t stay, not here, she couldn’t take the memories that were etched into every corner of the country she’d come to think of as home.
She wasn’t sure where to go. New York would be just as bad, she’d be drawn to the bar they met at. She couldn’t go back to Montana, she’d be reminded of all the times he talked to her about Walker ranch and the simple life he wanted to show their kids. She placed her hand on her flat stomach, they’d never have children. She’d never see him beam as he held their newborn in his arms. She’d never get to argue over who the baby resembled more, him of course, not that she’d mind. She shook her head sniffling back fresh tears. It’s time to forget every dream.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
She closed her eyes as Olivia’s voice broke through the still room. She had hoped to avoid this. She didn’t want to have to try to explain why she was running away. “I’m leaving Cordonia, I can’t live here anymore. It’s too hard, I see him everywhere. I’m sorry but I need to leave.”
“Like hell I’m letting you leave.”
She sighed. “I wasn’t asking for your permission Liv.” Oh god. Her hand flew to her mouth as her stomach turned. She rushed to the en-suite, emptying the meager contents of her stomach into the toilet.
“The only place you’re going is the doctors. You are making yourself sick from not eating. Maybe you even need—”
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “I swear if you say I need antidepressants I will stab you with your own damn dagger!”
“There is the fight. Now let’s get you to the doctor.”
“Liv I don’t want to.” She paused as she met Olivia’s murderous gaze. “Fine but when the doctor says everything is normal for someone grieving you have to let me leave Cordonia.”
Olivia sighed. “I hate it, but fine.”
Riley stared at the opposite wall, her feet rooted to the ground as her heart hammered in her chest. “I’m sorry I think I misheard you, could you please repeat that?” No it has to be a mistake. This can’t be happening.
“Of course.” Her voice cheerful and chipper. “I said congratulations, you’re pregnant. By the levels and your last known period we would estimate about three months but we would need you to come in for an ultrasound to confirm.”
Pregnant? Her heart stopped in her chest. Three months? Tears sprung to her red rimmed hazel eyes. He’s almost been gone that long. Her legs gave way, her body crumbling to the ground, phone slipping from her hand, tumbling to the floor. I—I can’t be. This can’t be happening. Please let me wake up from this endless nightmare.
She didn’t know what was worse, knowing he was gone and she’d never see him again, or doing this all on her own. It felt like some cruel joke the universe was playing on her, giving her a piece of him, a reminder of what could have been. Would she be able to watch a miniature version of him grow without her heart completely shattering?
All the stress she was under after losing Drake she barely even noticed that she was late. It wasn’t until she had been getting increasingly nauseous that she’d noticed anything was amiss. Even so, she wasn’t eating as much, sullen and depressed, it wasn’t until Olivia had all but threatened her that she even went to see what was wrong. She was convinced it was due to stress and lack of care, she never even suspected that she may be pregnant.
Pregnant. The word brought her fear and sadness instead of filling her with joy and love. She sat on the floor, her body a broken heap like when she’d held Drake in her arms, all the pain she felt that night rushing back to her tenfold. A baby, his baby. She’d been struggling to find a reason to hold on, to move forward, can I do this? How can I watch our child grow without completely falling apart?
“Riley?” His baritone voice tinged with concern as it filtered through the halls.
She opened her mouth to call out to him, no words coming. He’ll find me. With the news she’d forgotten he was stopping by to check on her, usually she’d be waiting for him in the kitchen. She looked up as she saw his shadow before his tall frame filled the doorway.
His face briefly flitted with relief at finding her. “Riley, what’s wrong?” He rushed to her side.
Her silent tears turned to a loud broken sob. How many times would today mirror the one where she lost her husband? “The-the doctor called.” She stammered, barely getting the words out. “I’m—I’m pregnant.” The last word lodged itself in her throat. Her heart ached as she spoke, she shouldn’t be crying, Drake should be by her side, both of them feeling overjoyed at the news. “How can I possibly do this on my own?”
His heart broke for her, he knew this couldn’t be making things any easier for her. “You aren’t alone.”
She wiped at her cheeks with the backs of her hands. “I know I will have help and support, the gang has been, you have been kind enough to check up on me, but he should be here.” He would be here if it weren’t for me.
How can he just be gone?
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it.
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pbiskillingmehere · 5 years
Conquered (Marc Antony x MC)
Fandom: A Courtesan of Rome
Pairing: Marc Antony x MC (Maeve)
Genre: Angst, Smut
Word Count: ~4k
Rating: NSFW
Author’s Note: Just an FYI, I’m aware that intertwining the bargain with the *ahem* romance is kind of dicey. I definitely don’t think PB will do that this week when MC talks to Antony, but this is just a testament to how complicated and problematic their relationship can be. So just a disclaimer: if you like the political intrigue with MC and Marc Antony to be kind of separated from the romance, this might not be the fic for you. Feel free to put feedback in my inbox! 
Maeve gave up on going in with a plan halfway to Antony's villa. The most powerful courtesan in Rome and she had no cards to play. A single bead of sweat trailed a path down the length of her back. Pitting Syphax and her father against each other in the arena was like a knife poised for a killing blow. One wrong move could lead to tragedy.
Right after Xanthe had sneered the news at her, Maeve caught sight of Lena over Xanthe's shoulder, eyes filled with horror and sadness. She mouthed go before she came up beside Xanthe. "Dear, you cannot see Marc Antony in anything less than the scholae's finest. Come, I have the perfect dress."
Xanthe gave her one last cruel smile before letting Lena lead her away, and Maeve had to remind herself that cutting her throat would not save her father or Syphax before fleeing the scholae. Hopefully Lena would keep her occupied long enough.
Antony's villa was every bit the worthy home for Rome's most powerful man. It was larger and finer than any of the homes of other Roman elites. The marble columns were gleaming and unblemished, foreboding sentries that stood before an undoubtedly expansive home. However, it lacked the ornate luxury that she often saw in the homes of senators and other figures of influence. There were not complex carvings in the facade, no lush gardens or triumphant statues. Power without the frills. How very Antony.
She approached the guards, smiling airily. She could see the slight shift of tension in their shoulders as she came closer, but they did not relax. Antony would not have fools guarding his home. "I'm here for Antony," she said, her voice light and suggestive. "He should be expecting me." She brushed her dark curls back to reveal the chestnut skin of her neck and the curves and dips of her collarbones.
One guard chuckled, eyes never leaving her. "I'm surprised I haven't seen you here before, Queen of Vulcanalia," he said.
She laughed along with him. "I'm guessing you were at the celebration." She looked at her feet, feinting a touch of embarrassment. "I would have gladly come sooner, but Antony is a busy man. Luckily, I am very understanding," she purred, smiling as she looked up at them through her lashes.
The guards shared a lascivious look with one another at that. "He should be just inside," one said, motioning for her to pass.
She thanked them, and her muscles clenched in an effort to keep herself from running into the estate.
She entered the atrium, the room illuminated by the moonlight coming in from the square opening in the ceiling, casting a silvery glow against the shallow pool in the center of the floor. Reflected in the water, was Antony himself, leaning against the doorway on the opposite side of the room. Dressed in a purple-lined toga and wearing a studying expression, he was every bit the master of such a household.
Maeve's heart clenched, the blood in her veins turning white-hot. "You're not surprised to see me," she said, her voice indicating it was more of a statement than a question. Her words were warped to a sharp ring in the silence of the room.
Antony, stayed where he was, arms crossed as they always were. He gave a wry smirk. "That Xanthe has reliably loosed lips, as we've both learned," he said simply.
Maeve was almost shaking. He was speaking as if they were playing their usual games. He had cast her aside and now put Syphax and her father's lives at risk. She was done playing. "Did you expect me to come crying, begging?" she bit out. "Vulnerable and ready to bargain away my very soul for their sake?" There was no point in circling around her purpose here. He clearly already knew the reason.
"I had expected that you would want to talk," he replied, his tone and face revealing nothing.
She crossed her arms, matching him. "So now you want to hear what I have to say?" She scoffed, thinking back to how he dismissed her on Xanthe's word without hearing her explanation. "Of course you do when the fates of my father and my guard are in your hands."
Antony quirked an eyebrow. Usually when she took liberties with him, it was out of flirtation or disregard for the fear she should feel around him, but not this open rebellion. His gestures of casualness made her want to scream.
"Antony, tell me this wasn't you," she said, her voice so close to breaking. "Because you should know that if it was, I will take it to mean that you wish to be enemies." But it was him. There was no way around it. She just needed him to say the words.
Antony pushed off the doorway. "It was just how the ludus masters arranged it, Maeve. I had no hand in it." He began approaching her slowly, intently.
She laughed humorlessly. "Even if that was true," Maeve began, shaking her head. "You knew who they are to me, and you did nothing to alter their plans. You knew I would coming running hear as soon as I heard."
He stopped halfway to her, his face a study in light and dark as he stood half in the moonlight, half in the shadows. A little white scar winked at her near his eyebrow, and his features were sharper and stronger as some were illuminated and others ominously hidden. However, his expression was unmistakably hard. This was all beyond their usual dance. He was too serious and quiet and she was too angry and loud. It was uncharted territory.
Her eyes blazed a warpath on him, daring him to contradict her. "You scorned me when you thought I manipulated you, and yet you've manipulated me, and not for the first time. I knew you were many things, Marc Antony, but I did not think a petty hypocrite was one of them," she spat, baring her teeth.
That hit a nerve. "That is enough, Maeve," he snapped, his voice taking on a quality that had likely sent more than one soldier scrambling.
"I will say when it is enough!" she snarled, showing him the ferocity of the heir to the Catonnui.
And that is when she saw it, the hot flicker in his eyes that consumed her like a wildfire. Antony liked her playful and teasing, but he liked her vicious and bold even more. She just never expected him to enjoy it when it was directed at him. There was a part of her that begged herself to stop, that said this would unravel everything between them and leave her vulnerable, but it was drowned out by the fear and the anger that she felt at the thought of her father and Syphax fighting in the ring the next morning. "What is it, Antony? Do you want me by your side as an equal, or do you want at your mercy like a pawn? You cannot have it both ways."
A muscle in Antony's jaw ticked. He gave a long blink, and she saw that he took that moment to compose himself. "This is simple, Maeve," he said, ignoring her words completely. "You owe me too many favors, and now you need another one. It is only a matter of price. I cannot give you something for nothing. Especially if you are in league with Cassius against Caesar."
It took all of Lena's training for her not to throw something at his head. She needed to be strategic. The only thing she had to offer him was information. Antony would see through any seduction tactics, and she needed to prove that he could still trust her, but she still had ire in need of release. "Fine. You wanted to talk. Let's start with Cassius then. Cassius cares about me. A great deal."
Antony’s lip curled and a familiar feeling of being close to danger crept up her spine. It was like when she drew to close to a cliff's edge in Gaul or ambushed Roman soldiers with nothing but a sword and her wit. Her skin tingled and her blood sang with anticipation.
She took a step toward him. "And I have been using that to get information about Caesar and the Senate. I knew that I couldn't trick that information out of you, especially when you were unearthing every secret about myself I tried to keep buried. So I've been spending time entertaining Cassius," she said baldly. Antony already knew her to hate Caesar for the sake of her people, if she reminded him that her loyalty was to a long-gone tribe and not to Caesar's most vocal enemy, she would just be a bitter conquered woman rather than a traitor. It was a risk, but a calculated one. "What Xanthe saw, was me keeping a significant source of information at my ear. I might have told you that if you hadn't chosen the word of a spiteful, ambitious harpy over mine."
Antony wasn't eased just yet. "What am I to make of your relationship with me, then?” 
She let out a shaky breath."I cannot deny how much I've enjoyed your company." She paused. Only the hard truth would satisfy him, or some version of it. "As for the rest of it, you are the most powerful man in Rome. Only a fool would pretend to be blind to that. Being close to you keeps me safe and allows me powers I cannot acquire on my own." She stepped closer, letting the fear she felt flash across her face. "Invoking your name has kept Aquila from hurting me. Antony. Do you really need proof of what you are to me after I brought you him on a silver platter?"
Rage twisted Antony's face at her mention of Aquila, his fists clenched meanacingly. "He's a fool for ever thinking he could touch you and not suffer the consequences. And I fail to see how revealing him to me is a sign of your fealty when it benefited you as well.”
Slowly, she came to stand directly in front of him, so close she could see the lines of his face even in the semidarkness. She wanted to trace them and feel the history of them, but steeled herself at their proximity, choosing anger over lust. She put her hands on his shoulders, and Antony was like a statue.
Maeve turned her head, her lips a hairbreadth away from his jaw. His warmth radiated off of him and brought gooseflesh to her skin. “I was this close to him.” She pressed her hand into his throat as if she still had her blade. "I had my knife pressed to his throat, Antony. I could have slit his throat," she said quietly. His pulse was steady under her hand, unwavering. "The man who killed my people and enslaved my family," she choked out, barely a whisper. "But I didn't. I gave the object of my pain and hatred for the past eight years to you. Was I wrong in doing that?"
Antony roughly circled a strong arm around her waist, his other hand coming up to cup the back of her neck. "He is subject to the worst kind of punishment a man like him can get. Of course you were right," he said lowly.
The hand at his throat fanned out and lowered to his chest. "What about the part where I trusted you? When you reward me by hurting me in the worst way. As if I am not a force to be reckoned with." Her spite was like flint, at risk of sparking every dangerous bit of tinder between them.
Antony was silent for a long moment. "I see what you’re doing, Maeve. You're backed into a corner,” His voice was even, but it teetered precariously. The next words he practically snarled into her mouth as he turned into her. "And you're baring your teeth to save yourself."
She rose to the challenge, almost closing her eyes at the closeness of his lips and his breath on her face. "Call anything I've said a lie. I welcome it. Because you know I'm keen enough not to lie to you."
She could feel every movement of his mouth against hers as he pressed his forehead to hers. "Then tell me this. Do you want me?" The question seemed out of place, but it fit terribly, perfectly in this tangled web they were in. His voice suggested that simple yes would not suffice, that he meant did she want him beyond what power he could give her.
She pulled back and met his gaze, his eyes the color of steel, and just as sharp. "Only you," she breathed. "All you need to do is stop this, and let me have you."
With that, every bit of his restraint snapped. Antony hauled her body against his and finally captured her mouth in a kiss filled with a harsh passion that only he could produce. She moaned as he spun her to press her into the wall, hands clutching and pulling at the fabric of her dress. She bit at his bottom lip savagely and he growled his pleasure. She clutched at his shoulder and buried her hand into his short hair, her nails scraping his scalp. Even through the folds of her dress and his toga, she could feel the battle-harden muscles of his body, and the desire that he felt for her.
Maeve pulled back with a gasp, but Antony only moved to kissing and nipping at her jaw and neck. “We haven’t reached a resolution yet,” she said, determined but breathy. May the goddess punish her for how much pleasure she felt while the lives of those dear to her were still at stake.
"Choose one to win, make sure they give a good show, and I will spare them both," he said into her skin before biting her earlobe. He pushed his pelvis against her and her head fell back against the wall. "Just make sure it's convincing."
“And in return?” Her hearted ran a rabbit’s race in her chest.
His hand came up to burry into her hair. "You will come with me to every festivity I host. You will not see any other patrons, unless they may have something I need, and you will report necessary information back to me," he whispered in her ear.
She froze at this. “So you want me to be your pawn after all.” Despair crept at the edges of her mind, but what other choice did she have? She would just need to figure out how to work her ends from this new, very limiting role.
"I want you to be my spy, Maeve." He licked a line across her shoulder that roused her from her momentarily paralysis and had her bucking her hips against him. "You are in the perfect position for it, and you're more than adept at getting information out of foolish men." His hand buried underneath her dress to bring her leg around his hip, getting his fill of the skin of her thigh as he stroked her.
"Starting with Cassius," she guessed, trying to focus on his words and not his punishing touch.
He let out a mirthless laugh. "You've had no qualms about using him for your purposes. Using him for mine should be no different." Then he took to sucking at where her neck met her shoulder.
Except that it would be different. "You would have me aid Caesar.”
He stopped his ministrations to brush his nose along the column of her neck. "I would have you aid me. You made it clear that you've already separated the two of us in your mind. You've had your vengeance against the legate and the tribune, but moving against Caesar would be disastrous, and everyone and everything here that you care for would be at risk, not just your father and the gladiator." He finally looked at her, eyes darkened with lust but not dulled in the slightest. "You can have all the power and influence you have earned for yourself, just stay your vengeful hand against Caesar and me."
“This is more than just staying my hand. This is actively helping you plot against Caesar’s enemies.” She tried to turn her face away but he brought it back to him with the light push of his fingers.
His expression was almost entreating, as if he was capable of such a thing. “You would also have my protection in return. There are far crueler demands I could have of you, Maeve, and no amount of sharp words would have me believe you wouldn’t accept it.” He held her face in his hands, gaze steady. “I do want you at my side.”
She was unsure if he was just saying this to put her at ease, or if he actually spoke the truth. If a pawn believed itself to be a player, it did not change the fact that it was still at the mercy of a controlling hand. For now, she had to choose to believe him. She swallowed. “Okay,” she said softly, and she was still the fool she was eight years ago, the one that tricked herself into believing they could defeat the Romans.
He smiled. “It’s a deal then.” As soon as the words left his mouth he kissed her once again, tongue skillfully pushing against hers, undoubtedly feeling a great tension in her body release at the thought of her father and Syphax living another day. His hands began working under her skirt once more.
She pried herself away from him, one hand suddenly cupping his jaw, the other cupping his hardness through his toga and he jerked. "Beg my forgiveness for doing this,” she demanded. Pointless as it was, she still needed some small victory. “I can walk back to my villa right now and still keep my end of the bargain.”  
He cocked his head at her, a surprised and strangled laugh escaping him. "I don't think I've ever begged for anything in my life." Despite this, Antony carefully dropped to his knees, bringing her leg over his shoulder. His thumb brushed along her knee. "And don't pretend you would have done anything differently in my position. Like it or not, you and I are the same."
Maeve pursed her lips. "And would you not have me on my knees, asking for reconciliation, if you were in my position?" She placed a hand at his shoulder to steady herself.
He bit at her thigh, eyes never leaving hers, pushing more fabric out of his way. "I'm not sorry for doing the smart thing, and I'm not sorry for bringing you here. But I am sorry for the pain I saw in your eyes." For a moment he almost looked sweet, but that quickly changed when a positively ruinous smile formed on his lips. "Allow me to provide recompense." With that, he bunched the rest of her dress to her waist and licked at the wetness between her thighs.
She cried out, her grip on him tightening as his tongue worked inside her and his thumb pressed against her clit, wasting no time in pleasuring her. She panted as she let her head fall back against the wall. He gave a long, teasing lick along her slit, and she could practically feel how much he wanted to smile. She held the back of his head, harshly directing him to where she wanted him. The chuckle he gave reverberated against her and she nearly sobbed. 
One of his hands held her and her skirts in place as the other crept slowly up her body to cup her breast. “Antony,” she moaned as her pleasure crackled through her body to settle low in her abdomen, desperate for release. 
“It sounds like you’re the only begging here, lovely,” he chuckled. 
“I wouldn’t speak too soon. The night isn’t over yet,” she growled. 
He laughed one more time before returning his mouth to her with renewed vigor. He brought her so close to the edge that a traitorous part of her thought maybe begging would be worth it. But before she could entertain such a thing he sucked at her clit once more and she was shattering.
He stood as she caught her breath, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, his face a picture of obscenity. “Say you want me.” 
She lifted her chin, looking at him unwaveringly. “I want you. Dangerously so,” she declared. 
In a display of warrior’s strength, he effortlessly lifted her to wrap her legs around his waist, giving her but a moment to prepare before he hastily cast fabric aside and slid into her wet heat. 
He groaned and let out a soft, “Finally,” as he let her adjust to him. Then he pressed his face into her neck and set a harsh pace. She rolled her hips at every thrust, keening as he nearly ripped the top of her dress to free her breasts, palming and kneading them almost desperately. 
She bit his neck in retaliation, wrapping her arms around him as he pressed her further into the wall. “Would I be wrong in assuming you have a bed somewhere in this enormous place?” she panted. 
“Later,” Antony grunted. “I plan on having you in every room of this house before the night is done.” He kissed her again, his tongue unrelenting as it slid into her mouth. 
Maeve pulled away. “That’s quite the ambition. Are you sure you can keep up with a wild Gaul like me?” She slid a leg higher so he would hit a deeper angle. 
He breathing was uneven as he grinned at her. “That pretty mouth will soon get you into trouble, you silver-tongued viper,” he growled, tangling his hand in her curling hair. 
Before she could smile or construct and equally clever quip, his pace became faster and more erratic, blocking out every sensation but the slide of him inside her and the rough hands on her body. “You’re mine,” she whispered before pressing her mouth to his temple. 
In a final hard trust, Antony came deep inside her with a loud shout. Without missing a beat, he rubbed her clit once again until she followed him in her release, gasping his name as he held her. 
When Antony pulled out of her and put her back on her feet, she almost fell at the unsteady lightness in her legs, but his solid arms around her kept her upright. Their breathing was labored and their bodies slick from exertion.
Antony didn’t stop touching her, hands still wandering to caress every spot he could reach, his light touch bringing her an odd sense of comfort. Then he stopped. “You had better not make me fall in love with you, Maeve. Or I think we’ll both come to regret it.”
She pressed her palm into his cheek. “We are conquerors, Antony, not lovers.” 
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angelofdiamond · 5 years
Togheter again for the eternity (DTMG story-fanfic)
https://uzuluna.tumblr.com/post/62408515996 . This is my story-fanfic about this post , all credits and rights going to @uzuluna (WARNING TAKE NAPKINS AND BUCKETS FOR TEARS AND HEARTS)
P.S. Soleana belong to me also the extra part , because do part of an my story , I have would added the extra for give more soft brother-relationship and a little spoiler..
Billy was so sad he has been disconsolate since his best friend... his brother Spencer at the age of 50 died of old age... so the media wanted to get through it but... BJC knew how things really went .Spencer had aged yes, but he kept fit, eating healthy, training body and mind and above all doing good works .. many times BJC has seen his brother go into hospitals to encourage children and others with his fame to not to give up their dreams, to share them, not to lose sight of the fact that there are more important things than the dreams themselves, he saw how he protected the kids from bullies..in short..he had become a wonderful adult..but now all this .. zero..*flashback *.
One day Billy, at Spencer's request, went over there to check if the technicians were doing a good job with lights and everything else. He suddenly noticed, however, two figures he had never seen come into one of the dressing rooms, he thought: "ok come on, they will be the usual interns who came late" but the curiosity was too much for him and he walked away following the two figures .. .the dressing room they entered was that of ... Spencer!
BJC: "ok ok calm Cobra, they will be two fan interns and they took the opportunity to see the inside of a dressing room of one of the most famous horror filmmakers that Hollywood has ever been able to see" Billy saw them stealthily escaping and saw only a blond tuft and another light brown color, he went in and saw everything as if no one had been there except ... for a strange glass next to Spencer's water bottle, Billy sniffed him but felt nothing strange but strangely had a bad impression, took the glass in fact, and threw it away.
SW: "Billy! What are you doing here !? Didn't I ask you to check if the technicians were doing a good job?" Spencer had returned from lunch with his mother, after all the fame on him, he could always find time for the others dear to him, including playing video games with Billy as he was when he was 14 and a half ..
BJC: "yes ... oh yes! Excuse me Bro-meo but suddenly I saw two people come in here and then I followed them, anyway it's quiet, the technicians are doing a good job"
SW: "Thank goodness, wait ... did you say two people? Who were they? Interns?"
BJC: "I don't know ... I thought about it but they left in a hurry and left a glass I had never seen before and then threw it, you'll thank me after * posing as a star *"
SW: * facepalm * "Billy tool-box I left that glass for medicine! Do you remember? medicine for the cold? But were you listening this morning? "
BJC: "probably ... I remember you mentioned something but I was too busy with the jar of PB"
SW: "as always ... uff ... feel today was a long and tiring day, could you please tell Shanila that after they finish closing everything? Let's continue tomorrow"
BJC: "Ok ... hey bro '... everything okay? You know I'm always there if you want to talk"
SW: "yes, I know ... it's just that ... I don't know, I have the clear feeling that not everyone appreciates what I do ... and today I had the confirmation ..."
BJC: "wait wait wait for what you mean !? Who doesn't appreciate what you do !? Make scary horror movies! Modestly thanks also to the man! To the legend! The Cobra!" Spencer could not laugh a bit at that exclamation. .ehh yes..your brother hadn't changed at all and that was fine with him he reassured, he was happy when his best friend in absolute was close to him to comfort him ... Spencer would not have gone by ANYWHERE without him ..
SW: "guess who I met at Wi-Fri?"
BJC: "Rajeev?"
SW: "maybe, but try again"
BJC: "Mallory?"
SW: "I doubt you leave your husband for me, try again"
BJC: "You won't tell me ... yet !? But he wasn't retired !?"
SW: "pension over bud', as far as I heard from Buch, Ponzi works there after his collapse at school and inside the boarding house..just saw me he told me about all the colors and hurt me sincerely .."
BJC: "that head of cheese expired! What did he tell you !?"
SW: "trust me and better ..."
BJC: "WHAT ?!"
SW: "that the world without me and mine movies , it would be a better place, which is my fault since I entered there in that school, that he is now like that, and that everything I do and what I will do will be useless and never remembered, that I will be alone forever ... "hearing those words Billy was shocked ... how could a person be so cruel, Billy is the first to keep the image of a "bad boy" he was a bit rude but never cruel, put him first, and he knew he was alone a cover, so much so that he apologized every time ... he knew that in the world most of the managers were slimy, cruel and profiteers, he had a couple of them close to his misfortune, but never so cruel, for what he remembers ..
SW: "whoa! Calm friend! I understand but don't scream!"
BJC: "tell me you understand!"
SW: "I understand! I understand! Geez ... you're worse than my mother when she scolded us because the cookies were gone * laughs * remember?"
BJC: "* laughs in turn * pffft how could I not remember? That time in addition to the stomach ache we got a good scolding"
SW: "which theoretically I only caught it because you didn't see it" * they laugh together *
SW: "Billy..thank you..I appreciate it very much that you are close to me..I also really appreciate the fact that Shanila and Rajeev are with their work, thank you .. please go tell her?"
BJC: "ok!" Billy went to tell a Shanila from the change of plans, while Spencer, intrigued by the story of the two people, looked at the security cameras and noticed that the two figures looked a lot like .. Lolo and Ponzi! Spencer chilled but did he force himself and check if they had moved something, noticed that they had put something in the glass and in the bottle? The same glass that Billy threw away! Most likely they had put in some powerful laxative and Billy had saved him! Cabbage! Upon his return Spencer would surely have embraced him very much and thanked him over and over again. He took the bottle and checked it, he noticed nothing suspicious ... until ... he heard footsteps. I thought it was Shanila but it wasn't. Two people entered the cabin with force, blocking Spencer by the arms and holding him still. Fortunately, the training sessions with Jessica and Billy were useful because he immediately got free and threw a bottle over him.hitting the man, he grabbed his video camera and turned it on so he had some proof, fortunately it was well hidden.
SW: "why do you do this? Go away or call security!"
Both: "you have ruined the image since you came to that school! You a loser, become famous! You deserve to suffer!" Spencer tried to escape but the woman stopped the door, the man took it from behind and the woman took the bottle. Billy, who in the meantime had warned Shanila, felt that something was wrong and immediately flew to Spencer. He heard a loud noise and a strangled rattle .. it was Spencer! He was lying on the floor coughing, he was pale ..
SW: * coughs * bo..bo..bottle..inside there was some cyanide..the video camera..there are the tests..Billy..I have cold..so...stay with me .. * coughs * "
BJC: "cyanide ...? What is it? Hey buddy stay awake! I'm here with you! SPENCER! * Shakes him * Spencer was becoming paler ..
SW: "it is a poison * coughs * very deadly..is almost immediate effect .." Spencer started crying knowing that now there was nothing more to do..he was dying ..
SW: * crying * "hey .. friend .. apparently I won't be able to finish this movie this time eh?"
BJC * starts to cry * "don't ... don't even say it as a joke..you..you.you have to finish it you are the only one who can..hold on now take off to call for help and you will heal..start well"
SW: "against cyanide if you do not act immediately there is no way to save me .. * puts his hand on the transparent cheek of Billy * we had..we had planned to stay together until the end and beyond it? * Cries * you would have done by uncle to my children if I married.. real brother? "
BJC: "Uncle Billy ... does not sound bad" * he is not theremakes her not cry loudly * "please .. don't go .. stay with me..it's my fault. .I had to stay here..who I stuck not to go..and only my fault .."
SW: "hey .. hey..shh shh it's not your fault, if I hadn't thrown the glass I'd be so long and I wouldn't have had time to tell you things .."
BJC: "don't talk ... save your breath, surely Shanila will have seen that we are not back and now she is coming to us"
SW: "there is nothing to do .. but I want to tell you the same .. thanks .."
BJC: "for what?"
SW: "to be my brother..my best friend, to be our relative and to be back after what happened to you..thanks for having me * he cries * .. for giving me a wonderful life full of joy, fun and adventures .. please go ahead .. "
BJC: "how do you go on ... what does it mean? Spencer! Hold on!"
SW: "you .. * the voice starts to get lighter * you ..i love ya brother..i'll come to take..yo-- "Spencer could not finish the two sentences that his body went out under the eyes of Billy.. his little brother..his best friend in absolute... gone...turn off. Billy cried so loudly that he caught Shanila's attention, that when he saw Spencer's body he screamed, cried, and asked what had happened. Billy, in pain, picked up the video camera to give it to Shanila who would give it to the police..but what would it do? * fine flashback *
Billy woke up from that painful memory, remembering how at the funeral there were all the people that Spencer had done them good ... after his funeral Billy was crying for 9 months on his grave .. day and night, his mother (Billy's mother) approached him at the end of the last day of the ninth month and told him ...
Soleana: "my son ... stop just torture yourself like this you are not at fault ... be at peace, so you can be with him ... "
BJC: "I don't deserve it .."
SC: "?"
BJC: "I didn't deserve to have a brother like that! I don't deserve joy or eternal happiness! He...he has always taken care of me ... giving me a chance to have a "normal" life. To be my best friend and now ... now they took it away from me and I didn't do anything to stop it! I don't deserve anything! I deserve to suffer ... I ... I want him to come back! That we come back like we used to spend time together school to defend us from Ponzi! May he stay alive in prison! .. I ... may stay that way forever ... and only my fault ... "
SC: "it is not true! You do not deserve all this! My beloved son you have to let go of this pain ... it is not easy and I know it..but let it help you..It will be much easier for all of us"
BJC: "I ... I don't deserve to be your son ... to have a family like that ... I destroyed it ... I destroyed everything ... as always"
SC: "it's not true! I couldn't have asked for a better son than you * hugs hard *! You..you .. you have no fault..but if you want to stay a little alone I understand you, just .. please remember that you I will visit every 2 days ok? "Billy nodded, took the camera and the pendant and went home.
From that moment on, Billy spent all his time keeping the house tidy, at least trying to comfort, even as a ghost, Spencer's parents and then one day they decided to leave for some time ... the paper said 3 months on vacation ... who could blame them? Leaving him alone for 3 months. His mother often came to visit him, to compliment his work ... but nothing moved him ... it was destroyed. His mother noticed that he was holding Ponzi's spare wig, the one they had both taken for a little revenge, but they would have returned it if it wasn't already he had another, and a bright feather ..
SC: "is that it?"
BJC: "I found it next to me when I was well ... I think it's some pigeon ..."
SC: "she's so bright and light. I doubt she's from some pigeon ... can I see her?" Billy nodded. The mother took the feather and inspected it better ... there was no doubt it was an angel's feather. He picked up the feather and felt pervaded by a warm force, that strength allowed him to see ... Spencer! He was trying to get close to him but his pain was so strong that it formed a barrier. Seen this, he put down the feather and said aloud ..
SC: "you did a great job, I advise you to go to REST and to DREAM a few things, maybe you could do things you couldn't do before!"
BJC: * strums the wrong rope * "ouch mum! I understand there is no need to scream! I go! ... night .."
SC: "night my love..I hope that in your dreams you will find a bit of serenity and awareness .."
BJC: "?"
SC: "nothing my love .. now rests" Ghosts generally do not normally dream like before but "dream" their memories of when they were alive .. and for sure Billy did not dream of good things for a while or at least yes but...they all turned into nightmares because of the pain. Soleana went into the kitchen and heard a sweet voice that said "thank you". Billy closed his eyes, clutching the feather so soft and the wig ... he began to dream. He dreamed of the moments he spent with Spencer, when he was small and when he was a teenager .. but those dreams were distorted with a thousand voices around him that always repeated to him: "it's your fault! You left him alone! You don't deserve anything!You deserve to suffer forever like a ghost and not to be with him in the light! You don't deserve it! You won't stay with him ... NEVER! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED FOREVER ! "Billy moved frantically, suffering in his own memories, blaming himself for something he had no blame for ... blocking him there ... until the feather in his hands lit up, opening a gash in Billy's nightmares and bringing him with himself in a brighter spot. "Billy looked around and noticed that his" colors "came back to him when he was alive. He felt strangely good but still aching ... and then he saw a figure on the horizon. very familiar and could not believe it .. that figure noticed it very quickly, smiled at him, held out his arms forward to say "run to hug me tool-box!", and it was wrapped in that same light .. it was .. Spencer! His little brother ... his best friend returned to being 14 again, he was there with open arms just for him. Billy was about to take off from him ... but he remembered that he didn't deserve it, and everything started to do new darkness but this time, Spencer ran to him holding him close, and the shadows disappeared. Billy burst into a loud cry ...
BJC: "little brother .. are you ... really you? I'm not dreaming?"
SW: "shhh yes big brother I am, in your dreams but I am really I * hugs him more and more strongly *"
BJC: "leave me please! I don't deserve anything .. it's just my fault .. it's my fault!"
SW: "tool box is not your fault for anything ... don't you remember? I told you no?"
BJC: "It's not true! It's just my fault. I have to stay close to you! I deserve to suffer!" Spencer heard them saying, he squeezed Billy more and stroked his back and told him it wasn't like that. Billy calmed down a little but still wept bitterly until he asked him in tears ..
BJC: "Why are you here? Why aren't you in Heaven? What is this place?"
SW: "I'm here for you, to come I asked the angels if it was possible for me to come and get you, they said yes, it would have taken a while, and I had to pass the barrier you created, but I could ... if I could. This is a sort of room where the light of your dearest dreams is not reached by the shadows, so they explained it to me "
BJC: "What do you mean to me? Are you an angel now.. little brother?"
SW: * hugs him even more * I told you, or at least I tried, that I would come and pick you up and wait for you and say that I'm not yet "
BJC: "I ... I ... I don't deserve it! I'm a bad person! I've hurt everyone! I deserve to suffer not being with you and being happy forever!" Spencer denied all the statements he had said and he explained that up there they knew what Billy really was like, they had seen his pain, which is why they immediately allowed him to go and get him and explained to him also why he had become a ghost ... not for eternal punishment, no ghost, unless he wants it, he remains on earth forever, sooner or later when they have learned their lesson and carried out the mission, they go beyond ... Billy had learned the first two lessons: to say to love another person besides himself; being able to learn to live normally and recognize their mistakes by trying to remedy them; being close to the people you love and ... letting go of the pain inflicted not on his own account but on other people. Billy hadn't even learned this last thing until Spencer said ...
SW: "I would never have gone without you..from anywhere paradisiacal and beautiful it could be..I missed you more than my life big brother..I now take you with me..in Heaven .. you won't be alone anymore .. we'll always be together and .. "
BJC: "will we still play like we used to?"
SW: "yes"
BJC: "and will we be inseparable as it used to be?"
SW: * laughs * "yes silly *
BJC: "and...and .."
SW: "yes, you can hug me as many times as you want, as long as you don't hold me too tight, * laughs *"
BJC: "aside * laughs with tears in the eyes *, will I be able to play my music? Will we also play like when we were little? Will I really be with you * crying *?" This time Spencer was crying
SW: "yes ... yes ... one hundred times yes and we will wait up there for the other people dear to us"
Having said these words, Billy got up and all the pain he had ... let him go, aware that they were right ... it wasn't his fault. Waking up, Billy stared at his mother, who came up to greet him, stroked him and said to him ...
SC: "you're ready .. let's go ... we'll see again" she kissed him on the warm forehead because now Billy was ready to go beyond ... but not alone ... he would never have gone alone in both cases in reverse... but with his brother. Spencer could finally appear, in addition to going into dreams, ahead of Billy and they both ran to hug hard. Billy and Spencer hugged their aunt / mother hard with the oath to see each other again when the time comes ... Billy and Spencer were enveloped in a warm light and lifted slightly into the air, slowly disappearing ... the two remained embraced by that light, laughing softly ...
SW: "Hey Billy you put me down * laughs *"
BJC: "no you forget it! * Laughs *" Billy had taken it and thrown it slightly like when they were little and started tickling his tummy and Spencer laughed .. he laughed so heartily that Billy laughed too and had no intention to stop ... they were happy..finally after so much pain suffered by the bullies, by crazy fans, by slimy principals..now they were finally together for eternity. They had kept the oath of a long time ago ... stay together forever in life and beyond. Spencer asked him if he wanted to bring things and see the rest of his family and friends and say hello to them before he left, Billy nodded. They took seeds from the flowers of the garden of their aunt / mother that were the most beautiful to plant them in Heaven, Billy's guitar and pendant, Spencer's photo album and video camera. They all greeted each other hugging them gently.
BJC: "Do you have any regrets?"
SW: 'just not having finished the film "
BJC: * laughs *
SW: "hey why are you laughing friend * rubs his head *?"
BJC "because your BFFE has finished the film"
SW: "whaaaaat !? How?"
BJC: "I directed, with the help of Shanila, the rest and .. violá!"
SW: "Billy you are the best! * He jumps on him hugging him and giving him the punch *"
BJC: "I know! * Bulb in the head *"
SW: "because you have that look..oh no ...no..do not allow yourself "
BJC: * tickles his belly *
SW: "no..pfft..hahahaha stop * laughs * as they ascended to Heaven, Billy started playing with Spencer as when they were little, tickling each other and a sort of" war "started. Spencer broke free and he began to do it himself, only he didn't stop easily ...
BJC: "ppfft..hahahaha Spencer! Stop! I suffer it! * bent in two and began to laugh like when Spencer made him laugh with that application that simulated the mouth of the zombie * "their laughs were so pure and so full of joy that children of they heard and said ..
Children: "Mom! Mom! The sky laughs!"
MB: "you know, it is said that when the sky laughs, it is because two pure souls who want an infinity of good, have gone up to Heaven "
B: "so this means that two souls are in Heaven?"
MB: "yes, but I think that for how the sky shines, they are two souls who have suffered in life and are now finally together .."
SC: "together again for eternity..so how was it supposed to be..you, after all, you swore it when you were little.two brothers, best friends, that even if distant relatives..you wanted an infinity of good .. sharing that good with everyone ... now only an eternity of joy and happiness awaits you ... my angels ". In Heaven, Spencer and Billy played with all the joy they had inside ... not ceasing to laugh, hug and fly together with each other, and with all the other angels, in the clouds ... in a place where no one would ever do them of the hurt, wounded or other ... where they would have waited for their family ... the two brothers had finally gone to Heaven together, remaining together again for eternity ... from then on,every time they played laughing, the sky released a shining powder on their loved ones, making them feel the same happiness they had given them and continue to give.
Extra :
BJC :" hey Spence' how end the story? "
SW : " ? "
BJC : " the story about the little angel and of the his little child friend..how end? "
SW : " tecnically never end..has a first ending for the main story part one "
BJC : " ook I don't know what mean , but for the moment?how end? I'm curious *puppy eyes *
SW : " never change BJC eh ?*giggle *"
BJC : " nope never *leans on Spencer's right shoulder with half-closed eyes ready to listen to the story* "
SW : " do you remember where we can stop? "
BJC : " at the sad part "
SW : " well..the story end that..." under their cherry tree in Heaven, which shook the flowering branches in the wind, Spencer told the end of the story he was telling Billy when they were on Earth, but in reality that story really has no end .. because even though they are now up there, the adventures and stories with them will not cease to exist and be created, starting from there too with them there will still be many adventures, who knows ... maybe even back on Earth ... no? everything is possible with two brothers-best friends like them...
The stories never end...
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Your turn Kate! 8, 16, 25, 33! 💖
Aaah Tally, thanks for the asks! ❤
8. Tell a character everyone hates but you.
I think Nate from SK? From what I noticed he got a lot of hate, but I actually like him a bit. Obviously he's not my favorite LI, but he is okay imho.
And I can't help but also mention Avery here. Because while they don't get hate, they still don't get even half the amount of love Raleigh does, or of the love they deserve.
16. Which MC least represents you?
No doubt StD MC. She's way too quirky imo, and I would never befriend Dustbin or force myself on people's marriage. I don't care what excuses she gives herself, and what the game is trying to portray. Forcing your opinion on someone adult, in an "I know you think you know what's best for yourself but you actually don't" kinda way, is so disrespectful and cruel. Seriously... if she doesn't agree with Nora and Monica's decision she can try really talking to each in turn and trying to convince them to get back together, while knowing it's their life and their decision to make. Not doing... this.
Seriously... Basic. Human. Respect. *sigh*
25. Tell a plot you’d love to see in a Choices story.
Oooh a Dystopia! But like Hunger Games style, not apocalypse. I love that genre, and would love to see what social dystopia PB would make! =D
33. Your least favorite ship (not involving the MC)?
Zekei x Eos. As I said once before, Zekei is probably the worst best friend anyone can find. The fact he confesses his love to MC and one second later goes and drools after Eos, all without MC knowing, is cruel and heartless. If he truly cared for MC, he would never play with their feelings like that. He would either chase only after MC, or Eos, or at the very least let MC know about his feelings for their brother. But NOOOOO. *eye roll*
Obviously, it doesn't help how PB really forced that ship.
And honestly, Zekei was my least favorite LI because of that, till Dustbin came along. Now it's hard to decide who is worse.
Lol these answers turned kinda anti. Oops? XD
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darkspellmaster · 5 years
The Role of the Gentleman or Lady Thief and their Detective/Cop/Agent and how it relates to Carmen Sandiego Part 2
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Okay now we can get into the Carmen, Chase, Julie, Zack and Ivy, and a bit of the chief (although for her I would rather discuss Acme and the Chief in their own post). 
As I said in part one seen here the part of the Thief and the Detective is a lot of game playing and challenges. Both have their own code and work inside that code to lead their best life in their own pursuit of justice. Meaning in this case both the Thief and the Detective are trying to do the right thing, it’s just in a weird way. 
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There are a few things that stay static with Carmen through all her depictions: 
1. She does this for the fun and challenge and not for any personal gains, though her team in some cases does. 
2. She’s got a conscious and tends to only take things that she sees as valuable and won’t hurt others in the pursuit of it. 
3. She was formally involved with law enforcement at some point. 
4. Those that intend to catch her also are conflicted upon it because most of the time they see good in her and that she was their former ally/friend, so it makes this harder. 
5. If there is someone worse than her doing bad, she will team up with the Agent to stop the other person from causing serious harm to the world. 
So regarding this idea, let’s take a look at the old Carmen and her relationship with the Agent from the earlier games. 
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Back when Carmen first showed up in games, the player was the Agent sent to track her and her minions from Vile down. Her goals were simple back then, take things that traditionally couldn’t be taken and you, as the player or Acme Agent, were sent on a quest to find her ally and then catch her. Carmen and her team always seemed to leave some sort of trail, by game design as a means to challenge the Agent. Over the years she’s gone from a former Spy/intelligence agent from Morocco to being a former Acme Detective who decided there was more of a challenge in stealing than being the one to catch the baddies. 
So as the player, our Agent may or may not know Carmen, but she always leaves them clues as to what she’s going to take and why. The Agent is then tasked with catching up with her and getting the item back and in the game it’s the holy grail to actually find her and bring her to justice for her thefts. Something that is not easily done. In earlier games she was formally a fellow Agent though not directly a partner, so the banter between her and the player could sometimes be a teasing thing as she would know how they would go about trying to solve the case, being a former fellow employee of Acme. 
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The games always gave a sense that Carmen was one up on the Agent, but never so far ahead that she would leave them in the dust, and always using a minion to give that Detective a push in trying to catch her. Her mouse to the Detective’s cat was more used by the publisher to get kids to think about things and understand different locations in the world, bringing about a better understanding of geography and culture. In some cases Carmen’s clues would actually give a lesson about the region or area that she was taking something from or something about the significance of it. This lead into how the shows would play her. Namely Where on Earth’s TV series, and Where in the World’s game show on PBS. 
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Looking at Carmen for the Game show  Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? we get an interesting character in her vs. her computer game counterpart. Where as in the games Carmen is seen as someone playing a game, this version is more serious, and a bit more sarcastic. She leaves clues via messages and other means to the Agents (game players) who are being trained by the Special/Senior Detective, Greg Lee, who acts as a go between between the younger agents and the chief in finding her. Carmen herself only shows up near the end of the game, most of the time is spent working with her minions but it’s important to note that she, at times, get’s exasperated with those working under her, going as far as to call them dolts at points, or nearly sound like she’s about to roll her eyes at their weirdness. 
What’s also interesting is that in the game show world we learn a bit more about her willingness to work with some rather unusual suspects when it comes to her crimes, and a majority of these became her rogue gallery. While there are only a limited amount of people involved, including an alien (yeah that’s real), Carmen seems to treat them with respect to a point, and is willing to work with them even after they fail her. 
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Her relationship with Greg and the Chief seems to be more playful, as the indication is that she sends them info about the case and knows she’s being tapped. However that doesn’t mean that she intends to be caught as the ending is having the player run around a map trying to locate where she is on different countries and continents. Her cohorts never directly talk to Greg, but ask him to allow them to speak to the Agent that’s the head of the case, and typically they want Carmen to be caught with them. Greg treats her like she’s someone who is amazing in her own way, but he never pushes the idea of her being “good” rather she’s just really capable and smart. It’s never explained if she worked for Acme or not, so the relationship to Greg and the chief is honestly unknown. 
On the other hand you have her situation with our two leads Zack and Ivy in Where on earth is Carmen Sandiego? which is very different than what we see in the game show. 
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When examining Carmen and the two detectives in this show you have to consider the fact that the show is actually someone playing a game. At the very start of the first episode for the 1994 series, we see Player interact with Carmen who has stolen an item from the Louvre, and a taunt to catch her is issued. This leads to Player accessing the Crimenet where he gets Chief (a giant floating head in this show) to pull up Ivy, a detective for Acme, and her partner, her younger brother Zack. 
Ivy is very much gung-ho about going after Carmen, specializing in various fighting styles and has a past with Carmen that we don’t know about. Given that she’s shown to be younger than Carmen, it’s likely that Carmen at some point may have been a mentor of her’s or, that Carmen made her screw up early on in her career with Acme. It’s not stated exactly what went down between them but Ivy is willing to create a fake villain in order to get close to Carmen to capture her. 
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It’s clear that Carmen has a lot of respect for Ivy wanting her to become the best that she can be and it shows. Not only does Carmen pick on Ivy directly in her taunts at times, but it’s also clear in later episodes that Carmen views Ivy as nearly equal to her in skills, though not in smarts, that she gives to Zack. Even when working with the two the conflict between Ivy and Carmen crops up in tensions, while Zack is less likely to be against the help that Carmen brings to the table when dealing with a far more dangerous character in Maelstrom
On the other hand you have Zack, who is the brains to Ivy’s brawn. Unlike his sister, who has a grudge with Carmen, Zack has no direct ill will for the Lady in Red. On the contrary, he finds chasing after her interesting and a great way to bond with Ivy. One thing that is key about Zack, other than his linguistic skills as he speaks a number of languages, he’s also got a  photographic memory, which Carmen uses when she creates her clues that target his skills. 
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To Carmen while Ivy is someone that is staunch in her desire to bring Carmen in, she knows that Zack is a bit more understanding of a situation. At one point, if I remember correctly, the two siblings split to chase Carmen on their own, and both struggled without the other. Interestingly, Carmen was the one that brought them together in that case, allowing them to see that together they were a team that could take her down effectively, and it was something she treasures. 
Carmen in Where on Earth plays a lot with the duo, and tends to pick and chose who helps her. She is cunning but not cruel in her quests and her back story is one that seems to line up with lots of later incarnations where she once worked for ACME and got board with saving the day, finding the criminals rather dumb. This is why she is so invested in getting Ivy and Zack to chase her because they are the only two that can, along with the Player, keep up with her and her thrill of the chase. 
This brings us to the new versions of Zack and Ivy and their role in the story. 
In this case Carmen is friends with them and met them by chance while in South Boston while staking out a donut shop which was a front for V.I.L.E. Some how both Zack and his sister Ivy got wrapped up in her actions to stop V.I.L.E. and bring them down. 
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In this reality is’t interesting to see how Zack’s past self, and the present version, mix in with that of Carmen’s Gentleman thief role in the story. As I said above Zack was sort of the Watson to Ivy’s more brute force Holmes, and acted accordingly in order to stop or capture Carmen. However here he’s more of the Get away driver for Carmen and her accomplice. Much like Impy Barbicane in the game Code: Realize, Zack acts as the one that helps Carmen escape her capture, being able to drive like a stunt driver helps a lot. He’s also, for his part, good at learning roles and can play them off even in tense situations and apparently good at thefts, though it seems more likely that Carmen taught him that. 
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Zack also seems to be the gadget guy in some cases, as when he was able to help deal with the situation in the tunnels in the Australian caper. Zack’s also shown to be close to Carmen, as she willingly bought him the car from one of his favorite movies, showing that she knows him well enough to purchase things out of friendship with him. It’s unknown how exactly Zack feels towards her, other than friends, but it’s clear that he treats her like a friend and ally willingly putting himself in dangerous situations to help Carmen and his sister out. 
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So here we see that Zack’s part has been shifted slightly but also retains that same respect he had for Carmen from the original show. 
Ivy on the other hand has changed drastically. This version of Ivy is not the strong guy, as her moves have been given to Carmen it seems, but she did take Zack’s skills as a linguist and retained her disguise skills. Ivy, as with her original, is still stubborn and always teasing Zack, showing that they still retain a close relationship.  She still is willing to put herself on the line for her friend, diving head first in trying to stop a rocket from launching, but they again switched her with Zack having her be less of the risk taker than him. I think they kept her fear of heights from the previous show though.
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With Carmen though her role is slightly different. Where as in the original show, Ivy here is more a willing friend to Carmen and looks up to her. There is no issues between the two and it’s clear that Carmen cares deeply for her two buddies. As I said with Zack, Ivy is now her helper, being Carmen’s double and plant in a situation where Carmen needs someone to play a part for her. It’s clear that they want to give Ivy a role that is more associated with a closeness to Carmen and show that there’s a softer side to this sort of trio of thieves. As shown with the Rocket, she’s willing to do whatever she can to finish the task that Carmen has out for them, even risking her own life for it. It’s interesting to see that they’re showing that Ivy can have a close friendship with Carmen as it’s very different from the relationship that the detective Ivy had with Carmen in the older series. 
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As accomplices, both Zack and Ivy play a part in the thefts, but it’s clear that most of these are set up by Carmen and that she is the brains behind all this and the other two are in it for the ride. They want to help her, but I don’t know how much they truly know about their friend as neither knew about Crackle, nor did they know about Player and who he was. This brings up a question of if Carmen is actually training them for continuing the mission should she fail it. 
Then we have Player. 
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Player in the original series was played by three different actors/actresses, over the course of Carmen’s first series. The Player character typically played the part of trying to capture Carmen via the real world and worked with ACME to discover the truth behind Carmen’s theft and the two traded banter a lot via messages on the computer. 
Player was, to Zack and Ivy, not only a boss in a way, but also a friend and ally. In the 1994 show, the duo always knew that Player had their back and was willing to help them get where they needed to go using the C4 system (in the game you could use that to hop around the map for fast travel in later Carmen games), or pick up information for them and give them a report about things. Even when things were at their worst, Player is always there to lend Ivy and Zack a hand, showing a great deal of determination even in the face of Carmen’s tougher challenges. Player also is shown to care for the two detectives, as when they lost communication with them, during a trip in time for the duo, Player was legitimately worried about their safety. 
To Carmen, Player is her Holmes. Player is always on the case and won’t stop till she’s caught and she adores the Player for it. Because Player is the only one that seems to get the fun that Carmen is having with all of this. Player isn’t one person though, and Carmen notes this in her comments to them. The two quip a lot against one another, even when Carmen loses, there is only respect shown for Player from her. It’s an interesting dynamic that seems to have transitioned over to the 2019 version of the two of them.
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Player’s role in the new series though is quiet different. An ally to Carmen, he is a boy of about 16 or slightly older. We’re not sure where he’s at, but there are moments when it seems like he’s in their world and yet not. we have no name for him, but we do have a face, unlike the originals. We know that he’s a white hacker who is willing to dig up info for Carmen in order to stop V.I.L.E. and help save the day. One thing of importance here is that Carmen and Player have a close friendship, and are almost like siblings in how they communicate with one another. It’s clear that Carmen regards Player as her best friend, which is very different from the dynamic from the other series where Carmen was much older than Player and more world wise than this one is. 
Player helps drive Carmen’s moral compass, and also helps her to have hope when things seem lost for her. For the two of them, Carmen is his eyes and ears to the world outside as it appears that Player likes to stay in his home, and he’s willing to trust her in regard to her plans and ideas, as he’s quick to trust her when they first meet, even if he’s not sure about things. 
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It seems more than likely that Player is going to be the Oracle of the team. Being the eye in the sky and helping out with the intell for Carmen, Ivy and Zack. His part in as far as the Thief’s role is actually the in between and probably will eventually end up helping out not only Carmen but ACME, being the one that can prove to the Chief that Carmen is more of a Ally than an Enemy for them. 
Guess now it’s on to Julia and Chase...I’m saving him for last though. 
Julia’s part in the story of Carmen is a tricky one to talk about. She comes from the Games originally, and was once a partner of Carmen’s back when she was working for ACME. Julie Argent considers Carmen to be the best detective in the world, and still does even when she switched sides. One of the key factors about her character in the game is her use of a journal and the intuition that she has about other people, something that seems to have transferred over to the new show. 
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It’s important to note that Julia has a bit of a complex relationship with Carmen, stemming from the fact that Carmen left while being her partner and that she feels that “Everyone” at ACME blames her for Carmen leaving. This is not true but her own guilt in losing her friend and partner to the “dark side” is a lot to bear and it’s something that weighs on her as a person. While she considers Carmen a friend, there is more to their relationship as Carmen sees Julia as “Opinionated” and she felt that she was a bit difficult to work with, showing that there was, at least on Carmen’s side, some animosity going on there. 
In the games Julia is paired with the slightly Arrogant Agent Shadow Hawkins. A young man that believes that gadgets are everything, and that he’s going to catch Carmen. (You can see similar dynamics here in Chase regarding some of his behavior towards her in the 2019 series.)  Shadow believes that Carmen can’t be redeemed while Julia argues that there is still good in her. During the game Julia begs Carmen to come back and tries to apologize for her past actions which, she thinks, made Carmen go bad. What’s worse is that during the story Carmen leaves mementos of their past cases at crime scenes for Julia to discover, either as a means of showing she still cares about her old friend or to hurt her (as Shadow thinks). Later game has Julia working with new agent Cole Gannon who seems more likely to want to catch Carmen for personal reasons. 
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Julia’s role in the 2019 version of the show is interesting as it keeps somewhat true to her game counterpart. We see early on that Julia is a very smart and capable officer of Interpol and working hard with the more arrogant Chase (who seems to be mixing Shadow and the original together) to catch Carmen. It’s clear that there is a slight back story here between them and Carmen, though we don’t know it yet. However, Julia’s willingness to observe and make good intuitive speculations on Carmen keeps true to her game counter part and shows that she’s the one that, until the last episode, believed that everything Carmen does is for a good reason. 
Julia also is seen writing in a Journal and, unlike Chase, actually puts things together in a more proper way. She is, more or less, the wise assistant to the bumbling detective at this point in the story. However, it seems that they’re going to shake her up some with the whole situation with Chase being hurt. We see that that, in regard to Carmen, Julia is someone that could become an ally to help get ACME to work with Carmen since she can tell that Carmen is not your typical thief. Her patients with her partner is boundless to a point it seems, yet, Chase is willing to at least yell at himself for his bad behavior to Julia, showing that he does care about her and is clearly jealous of her superior skills as an investigator. 
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The issue right now with Julia and Carmen, other than their short meeting, is that they really don’t have a huge connection. Though Carmen seems to see in Julia what 1994 Carmen saw in Ivy and Zack, someone worthy of chasing her down. I feel like over time Julia is going to become more of a player in Carmen’s capers in taking down VILE, and probably working with Carmen’s older Mentor along with the Chief. Friendship, I’m sure, is on the line here for these two as they seem on the same wave length. 
Chase on the other hand...is our main story focus right now. 
So who was Chase  Devineaux? Again originally from the games, Chase was Carmen’s partner and ACME’s top agent. The two solved a number of cases together, and like Julia, Chase felt guilty when Carmen left. So much so that he quit ACME to try to bring her back. He eventually returned to the service of ACME after Ann Tickwitee, Agent 12 and the partner of the player’s Agent 13, goes missing. During the story line, Chase acts as a mentor as well as a intelligence partner to Agent 13 and we learn he’s been trying to track down Carmen himself. After the fall of the new Tower and Agent 13′s rescue of Ann, Chase goes after Carmen himself with a Jet Pack, intent on catching her. 
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In the games Chase talks fondly of Carmen, noting their close friendship and respect for one another. To him Carmen is his equal in intellect and everything else, this was why he was heart broken when she left ACME and that’s why he’s trying to bring her back to the good guy side. He’s willing to do whatever it takes, even lock her up, to stop whatever she’s planning and there are hints in Math and Think Logic that there may have been feelings on his end for her. Like Julia he does have a moment where he tries to convince her to change her ways, but this leads to no where as she takes off with Chase giving, er, Chase. Chase here is far more of a competent person, giving you info as you go along, and trying to help you out of scrapes when he can. It’s clear that he intends to keep you safe from Carmen as well, since he’s ready and willing to throw down with her henchmen to stop her. He’s also a bit sarcastic and quips from time to time with the player as they go about their missions, giving encouragement and a friendly reminder that he’s proud of them for doing such a good job for such a serious situation.  Also of note Chase is totally fine with sleeping outdoors if he has to, and really doesn’t complain unless you really start to screw up. 
Chase Devineaux in the 2019 version of the show however...is more a Mix of himself and Shadow Hawkins. 
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This version of Chase is clearly meant to be a Zenigata type. From his outfit to his Interpol status, Chase here clearly has a connection to Carmen on a personal level, but he is no  equal to her. He’s not that smart, more like Richard from Case Closed, or Zenigata from Lupin, not realizing that Carmen is at least 10 steps ahead of him. And like Zenigata he’s obsessed with catching her for a reason, even to the point that he doesn’t realize that she’s not the enemy, much like the early anime Zenigata before he started to realize that Lupin can be an ally at times. 
Where as Chase in the game clearly has a deeper feeling for Carmen, and wants to basically save and bring her back. We don’t know how Chase feels for the woman he’s dubbed “Le Femme Rouge” though it’s clear that he’s enjoying chasing after her and has some weird level of respect for her as a person. Outright talking to her before he tries to capture her, and I think recognizing her even out of her traditional gear. It’s clear that something happened between them that made Chase feel that he has to catch her, but we’ve yet to see this. 
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What’s interesting here in their relationship is how much of a dynamic they already have in just one season. The playful banter between them shows that Carmen enjoys screwing around with Chase and only grows annoyed when he’s in her way about something serious. However we can also see that there’s some sort of tension there between them as he’s unwavering in his reasoning, going as far as to yell at his own partner over her. It’s an interesting moment when you see him confront her while she’s wearing a dress as we see from the quirk in his face that he’s sort of impressed by her outfit, where he’s used to seeing her in her normal gear. 
Chase though is also just as tough as Carmen, going through what has to be a terrible experience with VILE when he’s captive. We’ve seen Carmen deal with pain, and we know that Chase can match her for the stubborn award. Dude downright starts singing louder at the threat of permanent brain damage and is still able to function enough to use his pen to get help. Given that he probably wasn’t 100% out of it his and Julia’s roles may switch next season, as he may start seeing what Julia saw in Carmen due to her wanting to help and protect him. 
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What’s interesting about this whole situation with the two is that it does build on the whole Arsene and Sherlock relationship. Carmen is the thing that can outwit Chase, even though we know he’s not that smart, but it’s clear that he probably has had success in catching other criminals before. You don’t get to be on Interpol without having a sharp brain. And, for the most part, he does go about doing things that can be seen as really smart. His tailing of Mime bomb, his chasing down Carmen in his car (even if he leaves Julia behind), his actually catching up with Ivy and also figuring out that something was up with the Dinner party that he was at. There’s clues all over that, if Chase was a bit more like his Game counter part he would be a match for Carmen. Which is probably why they avoided that in this case as it would be too much like the game and, well then Julia wouldn’t have a part to play in their Brains and Brawn duo. 
It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if eventually we saw Chase and Carmen becoming friends and working together with Chase intending to eventually capture Carmen in a hope of making her a “Lawful” person. Another part of me thinks that there is a slight, given that it’s a kids show, possibility that Chase may have something of a crush on Carmen given that he’s got nicknames for her already. 
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Their pairing as the Detective and the Thief plays a huge role in how they play off each other. Carmen’s wit and willingness to play along with Chase shows that she, like Lupin, wants Chase to actually understand what she’s doing and probably be an ally in her cause. She uses him too, as a means of catching Graham and then later to help stop Tigress and the others in various ways. Chase for his part sees her as someone who is sharp and intelligent and he feels that he’s the only one that gets her, even though it’s clear that he doesn’t. But I think that, as I said before, we’re going to see more about their dynamic as a duo working to stop worse crimes while still playing their cat and mouse game. 
In the end Carmen/Ivy/Zack and Chase/Julia, all play a role in continuing the idea of the tense suspense of a gentleman thief and their detective. All five characters are able to use their relationships as of right now to build up the mystery around the two groups and show that there is still a way to update the idea of the cat and mouse game. And personally I’m loving it.  
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livvywrites · 5 years
Happy late ish sts! How do your OCs show someone they care about them? How do they treat people they hate or dislike? | What’s a worldbuilding fact about your wip that you’re proud of or really like?
Thank you!!! These are neat questions :o
I’m gonna just do TMQ’s main 6 for this, instead of PB’s 8 bc… 6 is slightly more manageable 😂 ((&& much better than the original 12))
How do your OCs show someone they care about them?
Alinora does her best to help them out by helping with their chores; making them food (once she learns to cook); and doing little things to make their lives easier. She also will sit with them—maybe play with their hair or snuggle, talk a bit, or just sit in silence.
Elaena brings them things that remind her of them and tries to listen to/remember the things they like, so she can ask about them.
Lyr cooks for them & offers to cut/do their hair & cuddles them & listens to them talk about their interests & teases them.
Ava gives them flowers and makes them flower crowns and listens when they want to talk. She also gives really good massages.
Talitha says it. A lot. All the time. And she drapes herself over their shoulder and sits in their lap and cuddles close them. And she talks and she listens and she teases. She’s just,,, super affectionate in an often dramatic/loud/present way.
Aishlynn smiles more, especially at the object of her affection. She finds little excuses to touch, here and there, and makes them tea. She listens, and she reminds them to take care of themselves.
How do they treat people they hate or dislike?
Alinora avoids people she really doesn’t like. When they’re near she makes a point of not talking to or looking at them. She might glare, too. People she hates she treats similarly, but can be goaded into conversation with them. During which she’ll use her observational skills to find the things that make them uncomfortable/upset/etc & use them against them.
Elaena mostly just ignores people she doesn’t like & doesn’t let them see her. People she hates, though, might find themselves highly inconvenienced. She’ll hide their things & mess their hair up & make the water cold & anything she can do to give them a bad day. Mostly petty stuff, tho.
Lyr treats people he dislikes decently but doesn’t go out of his way to talk to them like he does people he likes & loves. He’s not as boisterous either, or concerned with what they have to say. People he hates will find him glowering, not letting them around people he loves, and possibly even end up in a fight with him.
Ava is polite to people she dislikes, but doesn’t seek out their company or confide in them. People she hates… It takes a lot to make Ava hate you, so if she hates someone, they did something. So she might trip them, or prick them with a thorn, or surround them with plants they’re allergic to… or have them step in a big old clump of poison ivy.
Talitha is sharper with people she doesn’t like. She doesn’t always listen to the things they say; can be rude & brash; and often says very cutting things. With people she hates, she amps that up even more, and is also liable to throw punches.
Aishlynn doesn’t like most people—or that’s what she says. She’s distant, often cold, and only half listens when they’re talking. People she hates will find her utterly frosty & unwilling to even entertain their presence. She’s cutting and cruel & wants them as far away from her as possible. Unless she has to pretend, for whatever reason.
What’s a worldbuilding fact about your wip that you’re proud of or really like?
Oooooh!!! I think for Pirate’s Bane, I’m really proud of how [redacted] is coming along!!! It’s the place theyre journeying to, & will also be important in the as yet untitled & unplanned book three!!
I can’t elaborate much on that rn tho so!!! I’m also really, really proud of Eldora’s magic system! It’s been so fun, & I think of more stuff all the time. My favorite thing is probably the wellsprings, & one day I would like to sit down & actually figure out what the biggest/most visited ones are like!
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bbclesmis · 5 years
NY Times: A New Version of ‘Les Misérables’ Has Less Singing, More Misery
Vilvoorde, Belgium — Lily Collins, dressed in a mud-colored linen shift, tried to hide the small piece of jewelry she had crafted, as a hatchet-faced factory supervisor approached.
The camera moved in for a close-up of her pale, anxious face. “Sorry, Lily, just one more time,” said Tom Shankland, the director of the new adaptation of “Les Misérables,” a coproduction with BBC and PBS’s Masterpiece. “Listen, my deathbed scene was on Day 2,” said Ms. Collins, who was playing the ill-fated Fantine. “It’s all uphill at this point.”
There is not much that’s looking up for any character in Victor Hugo’s epic 1862 novel “Les Misérables,” which has provided the subject matter for dozens of theater, television and film adaptations, most famously the blockbuster musical that zillions of fans affectionately call “Les Miz.”
But this six-part television adaptation, which first aired in Britain from December to February and arrives on Masterpiece on Sunday, might come as a surprise to those who only know the musical. This version hews much more closely to Hugo’s book, a five-volume, 365-chapter novel that over the course of its complex plot explores history, law, politics, religion and ideas about justice, guilt and redemption. Set in a grimly realist France, its abundant starving poor and oppressed are entirely disconnected from the wealthy classes. (The aptly dreary set here, in a dilapidated, gloomy former prison, might as well have sported a sign saying “Likely to Perish Within.”)
Unsurprisingly, the musical, which got a lavish Hollywood adaptation in 2012, focuses mainly on the central characters and plot lines. “I thought the musical a very feeble representation of the book,” said Andrew Davies (“Bridget Jones’s Diary,” “War and Peace”), who wrote the screenplay for the new series. “It very much reinforced my idea that we needed a proper, old-fashioned long-form television adaptation.”
The story (skip ahead if you are one of the millions who have seen a previous incarnation) begins with Jean Valjean (played here by Dominic West), a peasant who has almost finished his sentence of 19 years hard labor for stealing a loaf of bread for his starving relatives. Brutalized by his jail time, he is transformed through an act of kindness, and becomes a wealthy and respected citizen, with a new identity. When he discovers that one of his former factory workers, Fantine, has become destitute after being fired, he adopts her daughter, Cosette, who is living with the evil Thenardiers (Olivia Colman and Adeel Akhtar in the series).
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Pursued over the years by his former jailer Javert (David Oyelowo), a police officer obsessed with bringing the former criminal to justice, Valjean raises Cosette (Ellie Bamber) who eventually falls in love with Marius (Josh O’Connor), a student taking part in the revolution against the monarchy in the June Rebellion of 1832.
Let’s just say that very few characters get a happy ending.
“I think we managed to include everything that was really important,” Davies said, adding that he had streamlined some of the narrative’s twists and turns, notably Valjean’s repeated returns to and escapes from prison, and Javert’s uncanny reappearances wherever Valjean is to be found. “I think this has made it feel less improbable and more believable in modern terms,” he said.
In a series of conversations, Davies, Shankland and a few of the principle actors talked about three important aspects of the mini-series that set it apart from the musical. Here are edited excerpts.
Valjean vs. Javert
DOMINIC WEST The first question is obviously, what is Javert’s problem? Why is he so obsessed with Valjean? You do wonder what’s going on there, and we sort of hinted at it in one glance where I am naked in front of him when [Valjean] is released from the prison hulks. It always helps to bring things down to love and sex, and I think there is a homoerotic thing going on, perhaps the love of the jailer for his prisoner. It’s a modern, reductionist view to bring it down to that, and we didn’t emphasize it. But it’s there.
That they are alter egos, in a way, was the biggest clue to why Valjean felt so guilty, so unworthy. I realized that anyone who is brutalized and treated like an animal eventually becomes that. Valjean’s belief that he doesn’t deserve anyone’s love in the real world is central to his sense of self, and that is an important political point. Javert believes criminals are born that way, and Valjean is evidence that criminals are products of their environments.
DAVID OYELOWO My first interaction with “Les Mis” was with the musical, and when I read Andrew Davies’s script, it seemed very apparent that I could bring real layering and complexity to this character, who in the musical is a much more one-dimensional villain. I suddenly understood this man, born to criminal parents in a prison and filled with loathing for that world. It became apparent to me that he had transposed a side of himself onto Jean Valjean, and needed to destroy that part of himself he saw there. You need six hours of television to explore that complex idea!
Oppression and Politics
TOM SHANKLAND I am one of the few people in the universe who wasn’t really aware of the musical and the story, beyond the posters. When I read the script and novel, I really got a sense that this was a story of revolution, of social injustice, about people who felt disenfranchised. I wanted to find a way to interpret the story in a way that felt respectful to Hugo, but also politically relevant. It has wonderfully big moral questions: What does it mean to be good in a cruel world? What is meaningful action?
Drawings from the period — etchings of that revolution and others, images of urban warfare — were important in creating visual imagery, but I also drew from my memory of the 2011 London riots, and from the gilet jaunes in Paris. I didn’t want it to be just big images of the barricades, and I didn’t want it to be stiff and costume drama-y. There is nothing romantic or picturesque about those experiences; they are frightening and chaotic.
OYELOWO Hugo shows the fragility of the class system so well. Fantine starts off just above the underclass and falls catastrophically. Javert is the reverse, rising to prison officer and policeman, forcing his way up through the social hierarchy, but always feeling precarious. This idea of the fragility of many people’s social and economic positions feels very relevant today. In our society, the gaps between the haves and the have-nots is widening and people’s lives can be stripped away, just as they are in this story.
The Dark Side
LILY COLLINS There are parts of each character’s story line in “Les Misérables” that doesn’t get into film versions or the musical, because there just isn’t time. A song lyric can try to tell the story in one line, but here we show Fantine’s early life, how she falls in love, is deceived and has a baby. That makes her fate all the harder because we have discovered that side of her life, her trusting and joyous personality.
We shot my death scene first. I did a lot of research about what France would have been like for women at that time. What were the diseases, the symptoms of the disease she might have died from, what that would look like for filming. It was pretty grim, especially the scene when her teeth are pulled out because she is selling them for money for her child. It really made me push myself and find out what I could withstand physically and emotionally.
WEST I hadn’t seen Valjean played as initially completely unredeemable in other versions of the novel. I wanted to really show that brutal, callous side that Hugo depicts, and we wanted to make his leap from that to romantic hero as big as possible. That really gets your pulse going as an actor. In a way, I went back to my childhood. I wasn’t a street urchin, but I was a fairly coarse Yorkshire kid, and I tapped into that. In the same way, the Thenardiers are usually treated in a more comic vein, but they are really evil. It’s interesting and remarkable that the novel hasn’t been treated in this kind of depth for a very long time.
DAVIES The series ends with an image of two little boys, who we have seen begging earlier, and who Gavroche, a street urchin, takes under his wing. Gavroche is killed, and the little boys are still begging at the end, as a reminder to the audience that although the story ends happily for some, the suffering and brutality goes on.
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Chapter Reviews: January 1-5, 2019
Desire & Decorum Chapter 3:
This is an awesome chapter. I couodn't afford the disguise, but I still made it in one piece. Not to mention that fighting against the highwaymen was fun. This proves that MC should start learning what it truly means to be Countess: taking responsibility for the wellbeing of others. At the same time, I wondered how she managed to fight well without training, and the response was funny. Apparently imagining that the enemy is Duke Richards is a fun way to get back on the highwaymen. Sad that it's a premium option, but it's worth it.
Regarding the pamphlet calling for the Prince Regent's overthrow, I think this Cabinet of Secrets focuses on digging up dirt on Duke Richards. I hope collecting more evidence of his misdeeds provides extra dialogue options like in Veil of Secrets. After reading it, I think Duke Richards is manipulating the people of England into rebellion so he could become King of England. If so, are there any other reasons besides claiming descent from the royal family? And will this put him in great contrast to the MC in terms of behavior towards the people, other people of high rank, and the government itslef?
The Heist: Monaco Chapter 5:
The escape was quite the curveball, and a pleasant one, no less. It was great to see Sonia's sense of honor as she rescued my MC from drowning. Even better, opening her up and bonding with her shows that she is no opportunist like Ansel. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised that she's a love interest, especially since she's on the cover. If so, she better watch out or else her heart will get stolen by MC. XD
Ansel has proven to be one persistent fellow, eh? Well, I welcome the challenge, and I can't wait to get the grifter into my crew.
High School Story: Class Act Chapter 13:
I think it's about time Rory receives the depth and emotion he/she deserves. For a forced love interest, it's ironic that I still don't know much about him/her compared to Ajay and Skye.
Typical of Ajay to not apologize afterwards. Perhaps his pride has taken over him. Look, I get that he wants enough funds to pay for Rory's mom's chemotherapy, but it's still no excuse for his refusal to apologize. When peeople say they were reminded of that infamous scene in RCD Book 1 Chapter 12, I gotta stress that there are differences, such as Victoria apologizing as soon as she could and not motivated by pride. In Danielle's case, she was upset because it concerned Rory and was motivated by her desire to get him/her on her good side.
As for Danielle, I couldn't get myself to forgive her immediately after what she had done. I get that some people will be like, "Wait, this is so unlike you." Let me explain this. It's true that I like some of the "mean girls" in Choices, particularly Becca, Violet, Olivia, and Victoria, they are not all the same. Each of them have differences in their story arcs that I've come to appreciate. In fact, one main reason why I like them is not because they belong to a certain "type" (I find it extremely narrow-minded and dumb to judge characters by "type"), but because they have a lot of depth that explains their motives well, have likeable traits like resilience and intelligence, and choose to be better than they are despite their past actions that could've brought them down. It certainly doesn't erase their initial behavior, but it gives them challenges they overcame. As for Danielle, I watched her premium scene on YouTube and still find myself missing that spark that explains her decisions and how she could change, either for better or worse. Not to mention that as I've mentioned earlier, she was only upset when her relationship with Rory could be jeopardized.
By the way, Skye rocks that witch costume! I can't wait to co-star with her on the play.
It Lives Beneath Chapter 13:
Once again, another great chapter. The revelation that Josephine wrote the journal entries wasn't surprising, especially since she wrote about meeting Cora. What surprised and excited me was when he talked about the gruesome way the Society exploited her. Using marlinspikes to torture her beyond the grave is just so gruesome no wonder Josephine is pissed.
I admit that I imagine a woman's voice narrating whenever I read the journal entries. I don't know why. Just a hunch.
Great, Dick the Warlock's back to stir trouble again. And he was never in jail, no less. I thought he was a loose end to the Society that could be easily discarded, similar to Beau Han. Not to mention the standoff against Vincent and Astrid is just the beginning of worse things to come. It was awesome to see Elliot alive and resisting Vincent's power.
Regarding Parker's thoughts on Chief Kelley, it reminds me of the scenario with Imogen trying to stomach the idea of her parents being up to no good. I feel bad for both of them, and in Parker's case, I can't imagine how it feels like for your surrogate father who pulled you out from abusive parents to be a no-good cultist. I sometimes wonder whether Chief Kelley was using him all along.
A Courtesan of Rome Chapter 9:
Another interesting chapter. With Syphax out of the picture for now, I can see more of Cassius and Antony. It was rather fun to watch the play mocking Caesar, though I didn't choose to go with him to the basilica. I don't feel comfortable pursuing a real person, even if he's a fictional version. Same goes for Cassius. I turned down a bath with him.
It sometimes irks me that Pixelberry uses the modern version of places, which are in ruins. The ampitheater, for instance, is ruins. Back whenit was in use it would've looked furnished and colorful. Why are we treated with the ruined version, PB?
Victus in Rome? Looks like he'll reunite with his daughter someday. I wonder whether he'll face against Syphax. As for the soldier, I chose to kill him because I think Victus has become vengeful enough to want to kill any horrible Roman along the way.
Sabina in Aquila's house? I really think she is his wife because she mentioned his return in an earlier chapter and described him as a cruel man, which suits Aquila's profile.
The Elementalists Chapter 12:
Another premium choice to go with Beckett, again. As much as I hate to admit it, Beckett's continued presence without any reason at all is making me like him less. It's ironic because he's my MC's primary love interest since Chapter 4, and it gets slowly cemented in Chapter 7. Not to mention I admire his intelligence despite his rather snobby attitude. And why is Aster paywalled again?
Honestly, I'm replaying this book once I have a lot of diamonds with me. That stealth outfit looks cool, and I need all I have to investigate who's after my MC. Impersonating Dean Goeffe was a piece of cake. Now all I have to do is find out who's in cahoots with Raife Highmore. My top suspects are Zeph, Beckett, and Everett Merkseyer.
Aside from another scene with Beckett, which I've grown bored of, it's a great chapter.
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Crusader of Life: Chapter 12
“Baby… Stand?” You looked at the two words in horror. “Kakyoin, did you carve that into yourself?”
“I mean, it had to have been me,” Kakyoin replied. “It’s not like anybody would have written those words on me just to pull a prank. Enemy Stands are serious matters.”
You backed away a little bit. “Should I tell Mr. Joestar and the others?”
“No! No.” Kakyoin was oddly quick to turn that idea down. “I’m thinking that I’m just going crazy or something.” He gave a small laugh, then looked at you. “But I’ll be sure to keep my sanity. If not for me, then for you.”
You laughed a little to try to lighten the mood, but it didn’t do much. “You’re still super cute when you get protective over me,” you purred. “I’m gonna go eat dinner now. Wanna come?”
“I’ll join soon,” Kakyoin promised, and brushed your hair out of your face before kissing your forehead. “Go eat. You must be starving.”
“Okay,” you mumbled happily, leaving him alone for the second time that night. This time, however, you were even more worried about him. You thought he was truly going insane. A baby that’s already had homicidal thoughts, AND acting on them? Not possible. But you would keep your promise, and not tell anyone about his arm wound.
“So, did you get anything out of him?” Joseph asked.
“He’s just tired,” you lied. “He’ll be fine once he gets some sleep tonight. Anyway, what do we have for dinner?”
“Soup and sandwiches,” Avdol answered.
“Hey, old man,” Jotaro said. “We’ve got lots of soup that you would never get to try elsewhere. Why are you eating canned chicken noodle soup?”
“Because it tastes good!” Joseph answered. “Why try something new if you already know what’s your favorite?”
“He makes a point,” you replied, stuffing your face with pb and j.
“Good grief,” Jotaro sighed, grabbing a bowl of soup.
The five of you were happily munching away at your food, when Kakyoin came running over.
“Did you see that?” he asked, pointing at the baby. “He killed a scorpion! With his own two hands! There’s something fishy about him.”
Everyone looked at the baby in his cradle, and saw him looking at his hands while moving his fingers. Nothing suspicious there.
“Kakyoin,” you said, “I really think you need some rest.”
“No! There’s a scorpion in there somewhere!” Kakyoin started looking all through his covers. “Where is it? Where did you hide it?!”
“That’s enough, Kakyoin!” Joseph exclaimed. He took the baby out of the cradle and started holding it close. “You’re scaring him!”
“But…” Kakyoin stuttered. “But, do you believe me? It really did kill a scorpion!” He turned around to you, bent down to your height, and stroked your hair. “Oh, (Y/N), my precious (Y/N), don’t you believe me?”
You stayed silent.
“No,” Kakyoin’s eyes looked shiny, like his tears were just on the brink of flowing. “No, not you, too! I even showed you the writing on my arm!”
“Writing?” Avdol asked. “What writing?”
“This writing!” Kakyoin pulled his sleeve back to reveal the writing on his arm, just like he had done with you. “I must have done this in my sleep! It shows that the baby’s a Stand user!”
Everyone looked at him, including you, like he had lost his mind.
“Kakyoin, you’ve gone completely insane,” Jotaro said. “You’ve written on your arm with your knife, and asking us to believe what you’ve written.”
“Please, get some sleep,” you begged. “You’re not feeling well, obviously.”
“Fine,” Kakyoin sighed. “If you don’t see the point I’m trying to get across, then I’ll just have to do it with force!” He summoned Hierophant, and had him attack the baby. Before he reached it, however, Polnareff had summoned Chariot and hit the back of his neck, causing Hierophant, and in turn, Kakyoin, to fall to the floor, passed out.
You bent down, flipped Kakyoin around, and started playing with his hair. “He just needs some sleep, I’m sure of it,” you told the others. Although, you knew it was more to reassure yourself than to convince anyone else. “He’s gonna wake up the next morning and feel completely fine.”
“(Y/N),” Avdol put his arm around you. “We might have to kick him off the team if he keeps acting like this. If it’s too much for him to handle, then we might be better off without him.”
You didn’t meet eyes with Avdol. You still had to process what he had just said. The rest of the trip, without Kakyoin? There was no way you could go that long without missing him like crazy. But he was right. It would be cruel to make someone who couldn’t bear the constant Stand attacks suffer even more. Finally, still looking down at the passed out Kakyoin, you nodded. “I understand.”
“Thank you.” Avdol patted you on the back. “We’ll leave some time for you to say any last words. Even if he can’t hear you, it would probably be good to get it off your chest.”
You picked Kakyoin up, as best as you could, and held him close. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m sorry I don’t believe you. Even if it’s completely insane, I’m sorry I couldn’t defend you. I hope you understand. If you are sent back home, I’ll keep in touch every single day, I promise. I hope this is just you needing sleep, though. I’d hate to lose you.”
You looked back at the others, and nodded. “I think it’s time he went to his sleeping bag.”
“Alright,” Joseph replied. “Polnareff, will you help me carry him? He’s kind of heavy.”
As the two were carrying him away, you had decided to look at the stars. Hey, even if you wouldn’t get to enjoy the company of Kakyoin, you would still have four other friends, right? That’s gotta be something. Sure, none of them will replace the love between you two, but when this was all over, you’d get to see him again. Still, it just wouldn’t be the same.
“Hey,” Jotaro had snuck up on you, making you jump a little bit.
“Oh! It’s just you, Jotaro,” you laughed.
“You’re worried about him, aren’t you?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you replied. “I don’t want him to go insane. I don’t even want him to get hurt. I just want him to be okay.”
“Well, Kakyoin’s strong-minded. He’ll get over it sooner than others would.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
You and Jotaro looked at the stars together, and you laughed a little bit.
“What’s so funny?”
“Before I met you, I had heard from everyone around the school that you were some sort of delinquent. You always got in trouble, whether it was in school or not, you picked fights with people, all sorts of things. I would have never imagined that, out of all the people at the school, you would become one of my closest friends.”
Jotaro grunted a little bit, almost happily. “Yeah, I thought that, too. You’re not annoying, no, but you’re a softie. I usually don’t make friends with people who are super sensitive, like you. Especially if it’s a girl. But you’ve turned out to be a good friend.”
“That means a lot,” you looked over at Jotaro. “Really, it does. Especially coming from you.”
“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it,” Jotaro huffed. “I only came to comfort you because I didn’t want you to cry. It’s annoying when people cry.”
“I’ll take that as a ‘you’re welcome,’” you giggled, getting up from the rock you had been laying on. “Anyway, I’m gonna get some sleep now. You should, too.”
Once you had gotten everything ready, you settled down in your sleeping bag. It wasn’t as comfy as the hotel beds that Joseph had provided for you, but that didn’t matter. It had been a long day, and you were ready to hit the hay. Slowly, your eyes got heavier and heavier…
And then, in an instant, they popped open again. This time, at the carnival from your previous dream. Now you remembered.
“No,” you shook with fear. “No, no, no! Not here again!” From the looks of it, Polnareff was freaking out, too.
“We should have listened to Kakyoin!” Polnareff cried. “He was right!”
“Wait!” You looked at the others. “If we put him to sleep, he should be here! I’ve gotta find him!”
You started running all through the place, looking for every nook and cranny. Although, you didn’t get far before you felt a tug on your shirt. You looked back, but nothing was pulling. Oh no. He had found you.
The shirt you were wearing suddenly turned to metal, and it was too much for you to wear, making you collapse to the ground. Unfortunately, you couldn’t get up, so you were stuck there.
“Lali-Ho!” There was the voice. The terrifying voice. “I told you before, Polnareff, my Stand is invincible! There’s no way to fight against it!”
“What did you do to Kakyoin?”
Death 13 turned to look at you.
“Well? What did you do? Where is he?”
Death 13 cackled. “He hasn’t arrived to this world yet, but I think I should give him a little surprise when he does, don’t you think?” Your shirt turned back to a soft fabric, but he grabbed it before you could run. “You know, if I remember right, aren’t you Kakyoin’s precious little girl?”
Your face went pale, and your eyes widened. “W-w-well, he n-n-never s-says it… l-like… that, but, um, y-y-yeah…”
“Wouldn’t it be devastating if he found you being tortured? And there was nothing he could do about it?”
That didn’t sound good.
“Maybe I’ll give you… special treatment,” he laughed maniacally. “Starting with your back!”
He flipped you around, and pulled your shirt up enough that your back was completely exposed to him. Luckily, he left the front part mostly covered up, but whatever dignity you would lose with flashing the boys down below looking at you (in fear, of course, you were at the enemy’s mercy) would have been nothing compared to the pain of Death 13’s scythe scraping down your back. You let out a piercing screech from the pain, and tears were streaming down your face.
“All done with that,” Death 13 said casually, and threw you onto a pole from a carnival ride. Before you could move, however, ropes came around you and tied you down.
“I’ll deal with you soon enough,” he snickered. “For now, how about you watch all of your friends die, right before your eyes?”
“No,” you trembled. “Please, just let me die quickly.” You knew that scraping on your back was only a taste of what would come. You didn’t even want to think of what could come next.
“Lali-Ho,” a familiar voice repeated. On the back of Death 13 was Hierophant Green. Was… was he really here? Kakyoin? All of your questions were answered as soon as Hierophant started strangling Death 13.
He is here! Kakyoin is here! You were too caught up with celebrating that you didn’t even notice the ropes holding you down loosening up. Once you felt your hands and arms feel freedom again, you turned, and there he was, giving you that comforting smile.
“Kakyoin!” You latched onto him like a magnet, shaking in fear. He wasn’t expecting a hug, nor was he expecting you to be so distraught, but he quickly put his arms around you, too.
“It was awful,” you ranted, “just awful. He, he, he, he said he was gonna give me special treatment, and, and, and he carved into m-m-my back, and he, he,”
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” Kakyoin whispered. “Death 13 can’t hurt you now. Hierophant’s going to take care of him.”
“Kakyoin!” Polnareff ran over to him. “You’re alive!”
“Kakyoin, I think we all owe you an apology,” Joseph said.
“No, no, this was bound to happen,” Kakyoin reassured him, still holding on to your trembling body. “It couldn’t be helped. Really, if it weren’t for Polnareff, I wouldn’t know that I could fall asleep with my Stand summoned.”
“Oh, really?” Polnareff blushed. “I don’t know, I still feel kind of bad…”
“Now, as for you,” Kakyoin glared at Death 13, “you’re lucky that (Y/N) will forget about all of this in the morning, because anybody who intentionally traumatizes anyone else deserves the death sentence. But even though she’ll be fine when she wakes up, your neck will still be broken.”
“Kakyoin, Get Hierophant off Death 13’s back!” Jotaro ordered. “He’s going to try something, I can tell!”
Right on cue, the clouds started moving closer to the baby’s Stand, and formed into a fist of some sorts. That fist grabbed the scythe, and swung at Death 13’s, and Hierophant’s, lower half.
“Kakyoin!” everyone yelled as he started falling to the ground.
“Fools!” Death 13 cackled. “My body is completely hollow! Now with your only hope gone, there’s nothing you can do!”
Surprisingly, however, Kakyoin had brushed himself off, and gotten up again. “Just kidding,” he said. “Did you really think that I would be so careless as to leave Hierophant there forever? Take a look.”
As Kakyoin pointed to the enemy, everyone else looked over, and there was Hierophant, turning back into his tentacle form and entering Death’s ear. Slowly but surely, the baby’s Stand started to move his arm closer to his neck, taking his scythe with it, up until the blade was practically meeting up with the head.
“Now, if you don’t want to die right now,” Kakyoin threatened, “how about healing the wound on my arm? Anything can happen in a dream.”
“Y-yes, sir,” Death 13 answered. He quickly took care of it.
“How about healing (Y/N)’s wounds, as well?” Kakyoin asked. “I don’t want there to be any chance that she’ll remember what happened tonight.”
“Right away, sir.” In an instant, the marks on your back had disappeared.
“Alright, now that that’s taken care of, release us from this dream. I don’t trust you, and I know you’ll have another trick up your sleeve if I leave you like this.”
“Of course, sir.” With a wave of his hand, you had gone back to a peaceful sleep, with the memory of the dream all but lost.
Your eyes peeped open from the long slumber. You slowly rose up from your bed, and yawned.
“You’re up early.”
The sound of Kakyoin’s voice immediately put a smile on your face. “Look who’s talking.”
“I went to bed earlier. It might have been by force, but it still counted towards my sleep. You went to bed at the same time as everyone else.”
“I don’t need that much sleep compared to others.” You stretched your body as you regained your senses. There seemed to be something sizzling. You sniffed the air, and it smelled like bacon. Kakyoin must’ve gone through the trouble of cooking breakfast. “Ugh. I had an awful dream last night.”
“Yup. It’s strange, though, because I don’t remember a single thing.”
“That is strange. Kind of like what happened to me.”
“But I feel like it’s a good thing I forgot about it. Like I would be traumatized if I didn’t. And I also feel like it ended on a happy note, although I can’t remember what it was.”
You had been so caught up in your dialogue that you hadn’t even noticed Kakyoin coming to sit beside you. “Well, if someone ever traumatizes you, I’ll make sure they get what they deserve.”
“What if I get it from a dream?”
“Well, that’s your fault isn’t it?”
You giggled a little bit. “What if you accidentally traumatize me?”
“Trust nobody, not even yourself.”
You had to burst out laughing from that, almost waking the others in the process. “Oops,” you whispered, still snorting a bit. Finally, you let out a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad you just needed sleep.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” you said, “the boys had decided that if you were still acting like you were last night, we’d have to kick you off the team. I reluctantly agreed. I hoped that it really was just sleepiness getting to you, but I was genuinely afraid you’d have to go. I would miss you.”
“I see,” Kakyoin nodded, then smiled. “Good thing we don’t have to worry about that, right?” He ruffled your hair, and went back to check on the pan in the oven. “Oh! Breakfast is ready. Would you mind waking everyone up?”
“No problem,” you chimed. One by one, you woke everyone up. After some bacon and eggs, and a few gawks from Polnareff at Kakyoin’s sane state, the whole crew was ready to go. After getting the baby to a nearby hospital safe and sound, the six of you rented a boat. Destination: Egypt.
“Well, there’s one more stop we need to make,” Joseph explained.
Destination: a small island off the coast of Egypt.
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