#i was just going through party pictures from pre-covid-19 and um
trouvelle · 4 years
PB & (Alcoholic) Punch
i d e k  let me start by apologizing ;-; I have no idea what made me do this bc it just wrote itself in the middle of the night. For any grammatical and punctuation errors, pls add them to my growing list of apologies! Me is sorry if you don’t like it and hate it TuT
Fandom: DCMK Pairing: mostly Heiji/Kazuha and Kaito/Aoko, side Shinichi/Ran and Makoto/Sonoko Rating: NC-17 Genre/Tags: Comedy, Crack, College!AU Warnings: crack!fic, mild sexual content Summary: Sonoko throws a party and when a Truth-or-Dare game takes off, certain things comes into light. (a.k.a Kaito and Aoko finally kiss and Kazuha finds out about Heiji’s daddy kink)
“Kuroba is so drunk,” Heiji slurs, pointing towards the other side of the room where Kaito currently has his arms stretched across the window, “Look at him.”
“I know, right?” Shinichi leans back against the wall, and takes a swig from his beer bottle, lazily waving his hand over at another corner of the house. “Look at those two. No, not the dudes in tank tops, there—those two with the bleached hair by the kitchen island. Don’t they know what peanut butter is for?”
“I can think of thirty different ways to use that jar of peanut butter, and none of them involve sandwiches.”
“Wait, Hattori, look at that guy hugging the window. I’m so glad we’re not friends with these weirdos here. ”
“How drunk are you, Kudo? He is our friend. That’s Kuroba, you idiot. Now look at those two over there.”
“That’s us in a mirror, you idiot.”
“Oh yeah.”
Makoto picks his way through the crowd of drunken fools, cringing every time he accidentally steps on some trash or a limb. Wait—was that the crunch from some spilled food on the floor that he stepped on or was it someone’s body part? “This party is such a bad idea,” he mutters. He probably wouldn’t have been here if it’s not his girlfriend who’s hosting the party.
Shinichi and Heiji snicker at his dismay.
Making his way to stand beside them, Kaito sighs into his red cup, already looking like the world’s ended thrice over. “This cruel, sad existence of mine,” he sighs, for the thirty-ninth time, and he downs the cup, already reaching for another on the table he’s conveniently placed himself next to. 
“You’re one of the saddest drunk people I’ve ever met,” comments Makoto mildly. Kaito doesn’t even react, he just sighs again. He’s at the point where it hurts to not let his pent-up feelings out. If anyone wants to make fun of him, so be it.
“Yeah. What’s up your ass?” Shinichi slurs.
“I think I like Aoko,” utters Kaito dolefully, staring out into the crowd, where Kazuha and Ran are teamed up against the horrendously inebriated Sonoko and Aoko for a beer pong challenge, to a group of cheering spectators. “Since you guys said that it’s troublesome to fall in love with girls you grow up with, I have come to the conclusion that I will live my life in pain and sorrow and never again see the light of day as I bury myself in a cave of my own despair.”
Heiji blinks. “God, that is depressing. Let’s get out of here.”
As they move through the crowd, ignoring Kaito’s sighs, and the agonized shrieks that come from a few unfortunate people who they shoved out of their way, a person pops up in front of them suddenly, and Makoto nearly trips over himself in surprise. No more people-stepping for him. “Gah!”
“Holy shit,” says Shinichi, eyes wide, clutching at his chest, “What are you doing here?”
Shiho is bouncing on her heels, smiling wider than a kid at a candy store. “Sonoko dragged me here, duh!” she says, and her voice is high and squeaky. This is rather alarming. “Did you know that there is a secret stash of Red Bull in the pantry? She told me I can make a punch with it. A lot of people like it. I also dropped a bottle of Absolut in there. Do you guys want some? Wait here.”
And she slips away, giggling, leaving the four of them standing in profound silence.
“I’m scarred for life,” says Kaito.
“Never drinking again,” says Shinichi, but then he looks down at his half-full bottle, and he raises it to them, “Cheers!”
“Hey boys!” Sonoko calls out to them in a sing-songy voice, Makoto immediately zig-zags across the room to her side, “Wanna play Truth or Dare with us?”
“Sign us up!” shouts Heiji, and he drags Shinichi and Kaito, who’s still downing his last bits.
The girls and some others are seated in a circle, already playing, and Aoko says, “Truth,” voice cracking due to her skyrocketing anxiety at the anticipation.
“Who here, do you really want to get into bed with?” asks Sonoko cheekily, ignoring the obvious fact that probably, literally, everyone else already knows her answer. Aoko turns even redder, if it’s even possible. “Come on, answer!”
“Can I just switch to dare, please?” begs Aoko under her breath, looking at everyone but at a certain boy.
Sonoko is not giving up. People don’t call her Cupid-sama for no reason. “I dare you to kiss Kuroba-kun!” She says gleefully. Maybe too much glee. Kaito’s eyebrows flew mile-high to the ceiling.
“Well, here goes.” Despite the fact that she’s stuttering, she makes her way to Kaito and plants a shy kiss on Kaito’s mouth, taking him aback. The rest of the room whoop extremely loudly around them.
Kaito, his head spinning and his entire body going red, still reeling from the kiss, goes, “... Aoko?”
She offers him a shy smile and takes the empty space next to him before dropping her voice an octave lower so only he can hear her, “Later,” she promises. “We have to make the best of this game right now.”
“Okay, Kazuha!” Aoko’s eyes glint, and Kazuha gulps, thinking back on all that she’s ever done to Aoko, and what kind of revenge might be swirling around in her head right now. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” says Kazuha, because she can do anything that anyone dares her to, because she is a fierce, independent woman. When Kaito leans down to whisper something to Aoko, her confidence wavers. But nevertheless, she has made up her mind. “What do you have for me, Aoko-chan?”
“I dare you to call Hattori-kun ‘daddy’ for the rest of the night,” says Aoko, and the rest goes ‘uuuuuh oooooh~’ in the most annoying, drunken voices possible.
Kazuha blinks. This is the easiest dare that anyone has had, as of tonight. There’s literally no harm that can come out of this. “Done!” But then when she turns to Heiji, she sees that his eyes are wide, and still staring at Aoko and Kaito. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” stutters Heiji, but he’s already glancing nervously between Kazuha’s confused face, and Aoko’s girlish grin and Kaito’s evil eye, tries to distract himself by averting his gaze to Shiho, who just reemerged from the kitchen.
She is walking her way to the group, juggling four cups, and accidentally knocking over a random guest who falls over Sonoko’s beautiful leather couch. 
“Is that her special punch?” Ran observes slowly, who’s been sitting on Shinichi’s lap. 
“Don’t drink her punch,” comes a feeble voice from behind the sofa, who sounds suspiciously like Saguru.
“So, daddy,” tries Kazuha casually, and Heiji freezes in place. “Are you okay? You look a bit flushed, daddy.”
“I’m fine.” Heiji tugs at his t-shirt, and fans at himself. “I need to… go get some fresh air. Or something.”
Kazuha watches in confusion as he dashes away, and she follows, not even noticing the drunken cackle that escapes Kaito’s throat. For a guy who’s a sad, lovesick drunk not half an hour earlier, Kaito sure recovers really fast. Thank Aoko for that.
Kazuha manages to find Heiji pretty easily. She speeds up her pace and catches him just as he is about to close the bathroom door. He nearly jumps, spinning around to face her. “Are you okay? You don’t usually—Oh my God, Heiji! When did that happen?”
Heiji has pitched a rather big tent, clearly visible through the line of his jeans.
“Uh,” says Heiji, and he looks flustered. “Just now?”
“What do you mean just now? We barely even touched each other tonight! We were only playing—“ Kazuha stops herself there, and a flashback of the game runs through her mind. “Oh. I see.” Her lips curl up into a sneaky grin, and she adds for a good measure, “Daddy~”
Heiji quickly pulls her in and locks the door.
“Do you like it when I call you that?” She takes a few steps forward, and Heiji exhales, not taking his gaze away from hers. 
“Christ,” whispers Heiji, just as Kazuha’s fingers trail lightly up the expanse of skin under his t-shirt.
“Come on, daddy,” She whispers in return, snaking a hand around his neck to pull his head down, “I’m all yours, always.”
She can see something in Heiji’s eyes just break, and then he crashes their mouths together in a hot, searing kiss, backing her up against the nearest flat surface, knocking down some things in the process. He kisses like he’s in control, and she lets him. 
Resistance is futile, Heiji realizes, when it comes to Kazuha.
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