#lesson 2
>Oh, it's just...
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>...MISS SHARPE, the School Secretary!
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MS. SHARPE: Oh! Penrose Selina, just the writing utensil I wanted to see!
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PENNY: DAMN, Ms. Sharpe, you gotta be more careful when you-
PENNY: ...Wait. Were you looking for me?
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MS. SHARPE: Yes indeed! Mariska asked me to go get you.
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PENNY: Oh. Well. I was actually out here looking for her.
PENNY: At least I didn't make you run around for no reason.
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MS. SHARPE: Actually, this is my third sweep of the hallways! Where have you been?
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PENNY: We have the day off sooooooooooooooooo.....
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MS. SHARPE: Interesting!
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PENNY: Was I not supposed to be in bed
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MS. SHARPE: Well, doesn't matter now. Come along with me! We're off to the Nurse's Office!
MS. SHARPE: How have you been, Penrose? It's been a while! You haven't been called to the Principal's Office in so many layers!
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PENNY: Pretty sure that's a good thing-
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MS. SHARPE: Oh, how's your little Squad doing? Everyone getting along? Nobody butting lead or rubber?
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schooloftuneage · 10 months
Lesson 2: We're All Punk Here
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This is my third time typing this damn lesson, so you'll excuse me if I'm a little short.
The image above was just filler for a `zine, but it became emblematic of a movement. The three chords and the truth vibe, the go out and do something call to action. This is a fifteen word manifesto, and it helped to codify what it meant to be a punk. The subculture has deep roots - ridiculously deep - but unlike some, it at least has a pretty clear lineage. Let's delve in.
If this glorious bastard looks familiar, it's because his guitar is my icon. Woody Guthrie was a protest singer back in the day, and in this berk's opinion, the great-great-granddaddy of the punk movement. Let's give it a look.
-Did shit? Yes, he would go from farm to farm trying to get the migrant workers to unionize.
-Stripped down instrumentation? Can't get any simpler than one man and his guitar.
-Sang in support of the common man, damning the powers what be? Just listen to the lyrics. Or the words on his guitar - THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS.
Folk was integral to the creation of punk - folk singer Dave Van Ronk famously joined in at Stonewall, not because he knew what was going on or was queer, but because he saw people fighting cops and thought yeah, rock on, let's do this. It was joined by the cynicism of the beat movement. The surrealism of Burroughs, and (unfortunately) the pretentious prose experiments of Kerouac helped to grease the wheels for what was to come. And from here, we have a very clear lineage, particularly in the UK punk scene. From folk and the beats, we got the MODS.
Short for Modernists, not Moderates, the mods were jazz-loving bastards that were known for taking amphetamines and dancing all night, driving around in souped up Vespas with entirely too many mirrors, getting into fights with rockers, and generally being the glorious asshole follow-ups to the beats. The thing is, they also got popular. Real fuckin' popular. And this created a problem. By the mid sixties, the mods had split in two. The larger part of the mods went mainstream, becoming what the others decried as "soft mods" or "peacock mods", while the remainder became "hard mods". These sods were working class folk, blue collar and unpretentious and kickass, and they found kindred spirits in the Jamaican Rude Boy subculture... and a music they called ska.
And from these "hard mods", we got... skinheads.
Yeah, skinheads. And before you say it, no, these weren't the racist neo-nazi fucks that we delight in introducing to the business end of a pipe wrench. That division came much later. These skinheads were basically just proto-punks, enraged at the world, but embracing music that spoke of unity and togetherness.
The fuel for the glorious, angry bonfire that was punk was there in the seventies, but it needed a spark. While 76 was widely considered Year Zero for the punk movement, it was 77 that gave us the watershed moment - the moment that punk erupted into public consciousness. It gave us the Sex Pistols, and "God Save the Queen".
Not too shabby for a band that picked a bassist based entirely on how he looked, right?
Now, I'm not going to say that the Sex Pistols were a great group. Musically they were middling, but the sheer impact they made cannot be understated. They outright called the UK a fascist regime in the second line of their first single, released the week of the Queen's diamond jubilee. "God Save the Queen" was banned from airplay in the UK, and is to this day one of the most banned records of all time.
This attention, and stellar releases from fellow UK punk band The Clash, helped to galvanize the scene. As "Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols" hit #1 on the charts, it was obvious that the punk scene was here to stay.
In the US, the scene started with a bar called CBGB, and an extended tenure of two bands - Television and The Ramones, with the latter band becoming sort of the prototype of the American punk band, focused on stripped down rock numbers, and a slightly goofier feel. This berk will argue that the Ramones were never truly punk - they were punk adjacent at a time when Punk was an upcoming genre, Johnny Ramone being a hardcore republican - but that's an argument for another time.
You see, with those bands making the first ripples, other bands soon impacted that turned it into a wave. `77 was the start of the Second Wave of Punk, the first years that punk could be considered a unified genre instead of a couple of bands doing their own thing that sort of fell into the same groove. The Misfits, Black Flag, the Police...
I could follow this rabbit hole all day. By `79 the genre was splintering, branching out into a dozen disparate subgenres, which are still branching out to this day. But instead of exploring every single one - which would be better served as another group of lessons another day - I'll leave you with the track of the week. The Badass Creed for the punk movement. The song that took a stand against the right wing trying to adopt punk in the 80's. The song that set the stage for Hobie Brown, and which arguably serves as the backbone to the punk ethos today... here's the Dead Kennedys, "Nazi Punks Fuck Off".
And next time, we're going to be looking at a genre which producer Rick Rubin could only process as "black punk rock" when he first heard it... I said a hip-hop, the hippie, the hippie to the hip, hip-hop and you don't stop the rockin' to the bang-bang boogie, say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat…
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dndsettingsinfo · 8 months
(Strixhaven) Arcano-Botany Papers: Lesson 2 by PaintedLive
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onyxedmusic · 10 months
music theory lesson 2 - steps, major scales, and major keys
we're gonna ignore that i totally forgot about this. whoopsie.
todays focus is going to be how to apply the note names onto the staff in their simplest form!
lets start with establishing which note corresponds to each line on the staff. in treble clef, the lines are E, G, B, D, and F from the bottom up, and the spaces are F, A, C, and E. that looks like this:
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in bass clef, the lines are G, B, D, F, and A, while the lines are A, C, E, and G, which looks like this:
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now that we've established that, we can move on to steps. lets start by looking at a keyboard:
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each white key has a corresponding black key, sometimes two. those black keys are a half step above (to the right of) or below (to the left of) the white key. white keys are, for the most part, a whole step apart. however, in the case of B and E, the white key to the right (C and F respectively) is the corresponding half step, and vice versa.
a scale is a set arrangement of whole steps and half steps. that pattern stays the same depending on the type of scale, even as the root (base) note changes. today, we're focusing on a major scale. the pattern for a major scale is WWHWWWH.
lets look at a C major scale, both on the piano and on the staff:
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the pattern applies here, just as it does for all major scales. C to D is a whole step, D to E is a whole step, E to F is a half step, F to G is a whole step, G to A is a whole step, A to B is a whole step, and B to C is a half step.
there is a major scale for each note, which means that there are 12 total major scales. each one of them follows the WWHWWWH pattern, even if some look more complex than others.
next up is major keys. the key tells you what accidentals to play in a piece of music via a key signature, which is found immediately after the clef. it looks like this:
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there are a few ways to learn keys, but the traditional method is using the circle of fifths, pictured below.
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this demonstrates how many sharps or flats are in each major key signature. for example, in A major, there are 3 sharps.
now, it's time to learn the order of the sharps and flats. there is a pneumonic i was taught, as it works both ways.
the order of sharps is F♯, C♯, G♯, D♯, A♯, E♯, and B♯. the pneumonic is Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle.
the order of flats is B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭, G♭, C♭, and F♭. the pneumonic is Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles' Father.
if you have any other pneumonics or ways of remembering the order, feel free to let me know!! and if you have any questions, you can always ask!! see you next time :>
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magic-belodie · 7 months
Here is the drawing that I made in my first drawing class and the homework I made for lesson 2.
Assignment lesson 1: fruit with shadows Homework for lesson 2: 4 legs in Charles Baroque style
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gigiskjourney · 1 year
Grammar: 네 / 아니요
2023년 5월 5일
Some of us (almost everyone who ever watch a kdrama) already know these two words, but, do you know how to use it properly? Its not that simple as its look...
네 means yes, but also can be use for agreement.
아니요 means no, but also can be use for disagreement/denial.
What is that about agreement/disagreement? Well, these two words doesn't work only for "yes/no", it can be use for a lot of things. But, the most important part, is that 네 is used to show your agreement with what the other person is saying and 아니요 is used to show your disagreement with what the other person is saying.
For example:
케이크 좋아해요? / Do you like cake?
네. 좋아해요. / Yes, i like (cake).
아니요. 좋아해요. / No, i don't like (cake).
So, here is when the things gets... Complicate (i'm still processing all of this). Sometimes, 네 is translate as 아니요 and 아니요 is translate as 네 if we translate them to English. Sound weird? Yeah, a lot. But maybe with an example you'll get it.
케이크 안 좋아해요? / You don't like cake?
네. 안 좋아해요. / No, i don't like (cake).
아니요. 좋아해요. / Yes, i like (cake).
Remember what i said before about "agreement/disagreement"? Well, here is why. You use "네" to say you don't like cake because you agree with what that person is asking you. You use "아니요" to say you like it because you disagree with what that person is asking you.
네 can also be use to let others know you're listen to them (a-ham/i got it/yeah/i see/etc), also as a question for them to repeat you what they said "네?". We all saw that kdrama scene when someone is on the phone saying "네,네,네,네네,네네" all the time, right? This is why!
Also, if you want to be sure the other person knows you are really listen to them (and not being passively listening), you can add 맛아요 after 네, which together sound like "네 맞아요" and means "yes, thats right!"
And this is all for today! Its a bit weird, but we'll get used to it!
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djevilninja · 7 months
Double Dee & Steinski - Lesson 2 (The James Brown Mix)
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moondoll4dg · 1 year
Being Beautiful is a Lifestyle
Lesson 2 - Everything Showers
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Everything showers are showers where you do everything. Hair mask, shampoo and conditioner, exfoliation, shaving, face mask, etc. Many people like to do everything showers on Sunday to “reset” before their work or school week starts. You can do this, but I have another suggestion:
Instead of doing everything showers on Sundays and waiting the entire weekend to refresh yourself, do the everything shower on Friday evenings. That way you feel nice and clean at the beginning of the weekend instead of waiting the whole time. 
Another option is to break up the showers. For example, do a hair mask on Friday, exfoliate and shave on Saturday, face mask and the rest on Sunday. That way you are continuously refreshed throughout the weekend and you can enjoy yourself more. The showers contribute to your relaxing weekend instead of forcibly pampering yourself and feeling exhausted afterwards.
Here’s a list of things you can do:
Hair mask/oil
Exfoliate with a scrub or tool (especially armpits)
Face mask/peel
Moisturize with lotion and body oil
Hair serum and blow dry hair
Moisturize hands, feet, elbows, knees with cream
Spray perfume/body mist
Slug with vaseline or rich moisturizer on face
Trim nails/do nails/oil nails
Oil eyebrows and lashes
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hugs2doie · 9 months
Stay healthy!🫶🏻🤟🏼👍🏻🤞🏻🙌🏻💗💖
🦊 anon
im haechan buased (i also ult him) but he was bias wreckering me hard like the eyeliner.. BUT RENJUN TOO LORDDD
imo they all did amazing in this i dont think i can pick a membwr who owned the era cause rhey all shined!!!
u too bae 💗
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livingwellnessblog · 9 months
ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT | Neville Goddard Lesson 2 LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 LESSON 5 This Bible of ours has nothing to do with history. Some of you may yet be inclined tonight to believe that, although we can give it a psychological interpretation, it still could be left in its present form and be interpreted literally. You cannot do it. The Bible has no reference at all to…
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felicitywilds · 9 months
how many licenses do you think aziraphale has? hes got one for possession of a firearm, and made them give him a test so he could get one to drive a car. what else has he done in order get a silly little slip of paper that says he can do something cool with a Human Invention? like i know hes a literal angel of heaven but do you think hes ordained
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hajihiko · 16 hours
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It runs in the family
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magic-belodie · 7 months
Here is the drawing that I made in my second drawing class and the homework I made for lesson 3.
Assignment lesson 2: lion Homework for lesson 3: 3 drawings of feet in Charles Baroque style
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marjoriecerdon · 2 years
Activity #2 - History in a timeline
Activity #3 - Information Collection
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bongonjohnpaul · 2 years
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