#legacies crossover
choccy-milky · 11 days
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clora teaching her doggy some restraint 💞🐶
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10yrsyart · 4 months
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some more snippets of this universe as i plan a longer piece 🤔
i did NOT want to draw Rinzler's black suit anymore, so i figured Tron was due for another upgrade. i liked the idea that the color palette in the scene in Legacy would be his actual colors. that as he upgrades he continues to look more human (more on that later) 👍 (also, i've never watched Tron: Uprising, so any lore or backstory from the show won't be included here).
for those of you unfamiliar with Tron, "AlanOne" is the username of his creator.
(Set after Connor meets Tron)
Markus: How'd it go? Did you find any helpful information?
Simon: Run into any bugs?
Connor: ..I.. found someone.
Markus: Found someone..
Simon: “Someone”?
Josh: We were just looking for files! Who's in there?
North: What'd I miss? Who are we fighting?!
(Set after the Bonus Page)
Hank: So how's that “program” friend of yours- what's his name again?
Connor: He goes by AlanOne.
Hank: Yeah, him.
Connor: He's.. he interests me. His code was written so long ago, and yet he seems both more and less deviant than we are.
Hanks: Thanks, that answers everything.
Connor: Nothing about him implies he's acting outside of his coding. But in some ways he's more organic than I was expecting. Was he created that way? Or did he break free before androids and deviancy were even concepts..? I'd like to ask him.
Hank: That sure sounds right up Kamski's alley. Not a suggestion by the way. That freak can rot his whole like for all I care, new CEO or not.
Sumo: BORF
Hank: You tell'm, Sumo.
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azagggg · 4 months
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Rumor has it that this is how Professor Sharp actually injured his leg.
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slytherizz · 5 months
"Boy Pretty. Head Empty." - Sebastian Sallow, 1890s (probably)
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my-maehem · 1 year
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“If this is your first night at dueling club, you have to duel.”
Watched Fight Club for the first time recently and this was the first thing I thought of— what? I’m not obsessed with Hogwarts legacy… what you on about?
Tumblr… why you gotta make them blurry T^T
Lucan doesn’t really look like Lucan, but… all well!
Enjoy my crossover ~🍪
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aurorangen · 2 months
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Who's excited for the family gathering?
Marco: Petrah…why do I have to come to your family gathering?
Petrah: Hey! I was practically forced to come here, so I am making you too [all smug]
Marco: [sulks then fake smiles] But you are wasting my precious sleeping time.
Petrah: Honey [even faker smile] you'll get your precious beauty sleep once we're back.
[Casper toddles behind with no idea where they are going]
Petrah: We'll stay for a bit then leave secretly. Sound good to you?
[They arrive and are greeted by Connie, who we know has an estranged relationship with her twin]
Connie: Petrah. You actually made it, what a surprise to see you in person and not on the big screen.
Petrah: [clears throat] And it's nice to see you too…Connie. You've met Mar-
[Before Marco even has a chance to speak, Connie goes and picks up Casper from his arms]
Connie: Ahh my baby Caspeeeeeer! Look how big you are!
[Both look at then ignore Marco who just stands there. Casper giggles]
Noah: Welcome welcome! Wow I finally get to meet you two, come on in everyone's waiting!
Petrah: [in her head] God he's so loud. Ugh of course Connie knows someone like him [smiles and shakes his
hand pretending to make a good impression] Hi Noah! Oh yes, we meet at last! Can't wait to see Briar!
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CyberTRON: Legacy Soundwave
After watching TRON: Legacy, I knew exactly who would fit in. The question is…
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evilhorse · 11 months
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Kyle hits like the Riddler—girly slap fights.
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finlaena · 4 months
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It would be nice to go back to simpler times.
(tried a pseudo-anime-like style for this one and I kinda hate it already lmao)
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turquoisephoenix · 5 months
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"An Ottsel? He's supposed to be dead!"
Sir Daniel Fortesque, but instead of the arrow killing him, it pushes him into a vat of Dark Eco instead.
I was playing both MediEvil and Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy at the same time when my brain was like "you know what would be funny".
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clever-fox-studios · 6 months
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Cross over sketch page with @imagine-creative ‘s DCAs and the Legacy DCAs because they, too, are a person of culture ✨
Which is my way of saying “we have a lot over overlapping aesthetic preferences apparently and I think that’s neat”
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golby-moon · 15 days
so I did a thing for the @cdrcrossoverbang in which I threw some Stranger Things destiel AU content in the mix and caught an author :0 bam magic
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this was an interesting banner to do. bikes are awful to draw and so are trees but uh oh I did both. thankfully nothing exploded and thanks to some helpful people in the artist channel for this bang's server, I learned how to layer the trees and such in the background and also added some spooky fog. the trees in front still kinda look bad though lol that's on me
(spoilers but that bike is supposed to be Jo's (as she's filling the role of Will) and is intentionally not girly or anything, and the house is supposed to be where she and Ellen live. so close yet so far)
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here's the art piece I originally submitted, with Dean and Cas camped out in a little blanket fort complete with that weird clunky walkie-talkie thing. Dean totally saw Cas and immediately decided he needed more flannel, though the colors of their flannels are intentionally contrasting with Dean's being a warm color and Cas' being a cold one. the same but different. also Cas just looks good in purple imo
I don't usually do reverse bangs for whatever reason but this was kinda chill and I've been wanting to read a ST destiel fic but didn't wanna write it so what better plan than to dump fic ideas in reverse bangs amirite. I now have more ideas to dump but nowhere to dump them oh no though they're pretty disastrous ideas so maybe that's for the best :/
(also I may or may not have signed up for this bang as an author as well don't ask me what happened there I'm indecisive okay?)
the fic this is made for it called "Devil's Fingers" by @hexentaenzerin for the casdean reverse crossover bang (which I may or may not have been calling deancas bang instead uh)
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supercap2319 · 10 months
"You're going to help me find someone, Y/N." Hope stated. She sounded so sure of her request, that it would be pointless for Y/N to argue, but he did it anyways.
"And why the hell would I ever want to help you? After what you did to Josie and Lizzie's father. What you did to Silva. Forget it, Hope." Y/N said.
Hope smiled. "I'll repeat myself. You're going to help me... Or I kill live-action Ken doll."
They both knew what she was referring to. To Sky. If Y/N refused to help her, she'd take it out on Sky. Immediately, Y/N felt this wave of anger, fear, and nausea. "You stay the fuck away from him, Hope." Y/N's eyes flashed light blue as ice forms a pair of fairy wings on his back.
Hope's smile widened. "No need to show off, Y/N. I know you're powerful. Which why this is going to be so much fun. Causing so much chaos and pain together."
"Who are you looking for anyways?"
"Landon's brother. Clarke."
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sailorgoon13 · 2 months
Vash Stampede
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Full Name: Vash Stampede
Nickname: Vash, Blondie
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 15 December, 1871
Heritage: American
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Wand: Rowan wood, 11 3/4", Dragon Heartstring, Slightly Springy. Prefers to use his revolvers
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Height: 6ft
Body Type: Lean and athletic
Style: Rugged, Eccentric
Features: Messy blonde hair, Blue eyes, Mysterious smile, Freckle on left cheekbone. Always has his red coat and revolvers
Traits: Optimism, Compassion, Morality, Playful, Courageous
Likes: Donuts, "Love and Peace", Comedy, Nature, Helping others
Dislikes: Violence, Loneliness, Tragedy, Harm to the Innocent
Hobbies: Exploring, Stargazing, Spending time with friends
Fears: The unknown, Losing control, Failure, Harming Others, Being Alone
Family and Friends:
Father: Muggle (Unknown)
Mother: Muggle (Unknown) Siblings: A few muggle siblings (Unknown) Twin brother Nai, also a wizard and shares rare ability with Vash
Friends: Rory Wilder, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow
Special Abilities: Can wield and use Ancient Magic
Boggart: His darker self
Patronus: Phoenix
Polyjuice: Glints of gold and silver flecks would shimmer in a rich amber color. Taste like wild berries and honey followed by a warm, spicy kick of cinnamon and cloves. The aftertaste would linger with a hint of smokiness
Amortentia: Fresh Rain, Gunpowder, Vanilla and Sage
Vash's backstory is a captivating yet heartbreaking tale. Born into a destitute Muggle family alongside his twin brother Nai, they were the only ones in their large brood to possess magical abilities. At the age of eight, their parents, unable to comprehend or cope with their uniqueness, callously cast them out into the streets to fend for themselves. Facing the harsh reality of homelessness, Vash and Nai clung to each other for support, relying on their wits to survive the unforgiving streets. In a stroke of fate, Vash obtained a stolen revolver, providing a semblance of protection for himself and his brother amidst the perilous urban landscape.
Their fortunes took a pivotal turn when they received letters of acceptance from Ilvermorny at the age of eleven, granting them a chance to harness their magical potential. At school, they quickly distinguished themselves, drawing the attention of Professor Rem Saverem, their History of Magic instructor, who took them under her wing. Professor Saverem became a mother to the orphaned boys, offering them guidance and nurturing their burgeoning talents in a nurturing environment.
Despite their shared upbringing, Vash and Nai took divergent paths in their magical education. While Vash reveled in camaraderie and levity, earning a reputation as the class clown, Nai excelled academically, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power. Tensions between the brothers escalated when Nai sought forbidden knowledge to further enhance his abilities, leading to a confrontation that ultimately ended in tragedy. Nai's descent into darkness culminated in a catastrophic act of violence, leaving devastation in his wake.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, Vash found himself ostracized and scrutinized by authorities, his academic performance suffering as a result. Faced with the threat of expulsion and the loss of his magical privileges, he was sent to Hogwarts in a last-ditch effort to salvage his education. It's at Hogwarts where Vash encounters Aurora 'Rory' Wilder, another wielder of ancient magic, and together they embark on a quest to thwart Nai's nefarious plans and prevent further catastrophe.
Haunted by his past and burdened by the weight of responsibility, Vash struggles to find redemption amidst the chaos unleashed by his brother's actions. Yet, fueled by a newfound sense of purpose and the bonds forged with his allies, he remains determined to confront his demons and fight for a brighter future.
Best Subject: Muggle Studies
Favorite Subject: DADA
Favorite Professor: Professor Hecat
Worst Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Professor: Professor Shah
Student Life:
Vash initially struggles academically. He is very smart but doesn't always like to apply himself
Despite the challenges he faces, he forms meaningful friendships with his fellow students.
Throughout his student life, Vash grapples with moral dilemmas and inner turmoil stemming from his past and the actions of his brother. He wrestles with questions of guilt, redemption, and the nature of good and evil, struggling to find his place in a world that often judges him based on his family history.
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my-maehem · 1 year
Aaah!!! Your Seb is so freaking adorable!!! Please draw more Seb please please please you're awesome!!!! ♡♡♡
Just because you made my day, here are some Seb warm up sketches I did from photo ref~
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I’m trying to make a more edgy Seb but I keep making him cute LMAO
But here is a PoTO Seb I’m working on— 🫣
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He’s got a rose for you 🌹❤️
I did age him up 👀
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aurorangen · 4 months
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Renee was daydreaming. She imagined her and Vincent's hot selves being transported into another world and meeting vampires, not solving this lettuce case! She has met a spellcaster and a mermaid, what if vampires exist too? "Hello? Renee?" Darius waved his hand in her face. "Sorry, this whole thing is," Renee gave a small smile. "There are animal footprints here." They comforted the old lady saying things like this happen and not to feel bad about calling. And they wrapped up the missing lettuce case in less than 5 minutes!
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