#landmark story
frc-ambaradan · 1 year
Do you know what came out today, 60 years ago?
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"Zio Paperone e il kiwi volante" written by Abramo and Giampaolo Barosso and drawn by Giorgio Bordini is Rockerduck's very first italian story and his all time second appearance in comics.
First published on Almanacco Topolino #75 dated 1st March 1963, not only it marked the beginning of John's astonishing italian career but it also holds the merit of starting a brief new strike of stories starring Rockerduck written by american authors, first and foremost Fethry's creator Dick Kinney.
Bordini's Rockerduck is still very similar to Barks', so much so that some poses of the character are reproduced exactly from Barks' drawings in "Boat Buster". "Zio Paperone e il kiwi volante" is the only story in which Rockerduck's drawn by Bordini, starting from his third story the character then ends up in Romano Scarpa's capable hands who defines his ultimate design. A design moved forward by other great artists such as Giovan Battista Carpi and Giorgio Cavazzano.
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Barks' panels from "Boat Buster" (1961) and Bordini's from "Zio Paperone e il kiwi volante" (1963) face to face.
Despite being such a corner stone for Rockerduck's character, "Zio Paperone e il kiwi volante" (which translates as "Uncle Scrooge and the flying kiwi") is not a very well known story. In Italy it got re-printed only three times (latest one being in 2006), while internationally it's been published only in Belgium, Brazil, France, Spain, Germany and Turkey with very few re-prints and in pretty old editions too 😔 (I know it's not the masterpiece of the century, but it's a fun 60s story and I'd like to see it get a re-print more often).
Fun fact: in "Zio Paperone e il kiwi volante" Rockerduck and Scrooge address each other as "Mr. Rockerduck" and "Mr. McDuck" and they use the courtesy pronoun "voi" (second person plural). They keep being... err... "formally civil" to each other until 1966 but only in stories written in italian, while in translated works (such as stories produced by Disney for the foreign market) they are on first name basis 🤷
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"You'll have to walk over my dead body!" "That's exactly what I intend to do!" Their first italian brawl, rigidly on courtesy pronoun basis... history!
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halloawhatisthis · 7 months
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I was dying, and no one could see it but you. You saved my life, Joan.
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claudia-kishi · 1 year
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What is different now?
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queen-mabs-revenge · 8 months
there is something so exceptional about the audio form and the kind of...meta-narrative (?) of horror it creates that really leapt out at the end of this re: dracula episode (25 Sept).
seeing the runtime of each episode sets the scene - 27:06? ok, i'm in for something here -- we have a few, uhhhhh, long-winded characters in rotation so it might not be an eventful something, but at this point in the story, we've already been gutted by episodes with longer runtimes so just glimpsing the runtime already sets the scene for heightened dread. you might set aside time to experience the dread instead of maybe quickly listening to a minute long episode wherever/whenever you are.
i luckily got to listen through without interruption and so i was only vaguely aware of the passing time in that approximate way one's body clock ever is. so as this episode came to a close, and mina asks van helsing to not reply if he agrees to meet for breakfast, the dread spiked
i didn't know how long was left in the episode -- the music was still lingering. how much time has it been? 27 minutes? it feels like it could be 27 minutes, but it also feels much shorter? can't be sure. and even if the runtime is nearly elapsed, we know from previous episodes that a telegram can take mere seconds, a journal entry just a few words. is van helsing going to be called away? is he going to cancel the meeting? is mina going to be left alone again with no answers and no friends? with the count and the 'bloofer lady' closing in? how long has the music been playing? holding my breath for the morse code. holding my breath for van helsing's voice. holding my breath for 'letter by hand'. holding my breath for 'letter unopened'...
"this episode featured..."
when reading, you have the unread pages in your hand constantly telling you the story of the progress of the narrative's shape. unless every piece of ephemera of an epistolary story is set on its own separate page, you can see the next item in your eyesight. sure, even if they are on separate new pages, you can see through the printed page the shadows of the text on the next, giving you a subconscious hint of expectation.
with a film, you lose the tangibility of the physical object informing the narrative, but you have other sensory cues - something like a fade to black over the lingering music can manipulate your expectations of narrative completion (and either follow through or subvert them). if you're watching on a device, an accidental activation of the screen or cursor might give you a glimpse of the progression bar, again changing your narrative perception.
with an audio drama you're left with just the one sense as your guide. unless you're actively watching the progression bar as you're listening or actively watching a clock, you just don't know beyond your own imperfect perception of time what you're in for and fuck me the added anxiety because of that is just
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creaturefeaster · 9 months
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all drawn with my stupid broken mouse so it's no masterwork but still. here take it!!!!!
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zykamiliah · 8 months
me, a bingqiu shipper, watching sns and wangxian being pitted against each other:
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someone: but aren't you a sns fan too-
me: yeah and that's why i think sns should lose
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spearxwind · 9 months
so does anyone actually know what happened exactly with subnautica below zero? I feel like ive asked this before but i dont recall
all i know is i remember reading developer blogs where they mentioned that the lead writer changed midway through development and there was some sort of situation where the dev team rewrote absolutely everything that the original writer had done to the point where it was unrecognizeable
cause the early access iterations of SBZ had a drastically different story and plot thread, so playing through it on full release was just... not good
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scorpiothesaint · 1 day
idk i think my no nuance snippy take abt it for now is that ppl will insist that fic is universally better than any other written fiction medium bc of quality control, but also foster this culture where you can't give the gentlest correction without it being considered flames (do ppl even still say flames?? i gotta know lmfao)
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halloawhatisthis · 8 months
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Elementary playing the long game with Odker (part 1):
1x18 Déjà Vu All Over Again 1x21 A Landmark Story 2x03 We Are Everyone 2x04 The Poison Pen 2x11 Internal Audit 2x13 All In The Family 2x15 Corpse De Ballet 2x16 The One Percent Solution 2x17 Ears To You 2x23 Art In The Blood 2x24 The Grand Experiment
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claudia-kishi · 1 year
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Just give it to me.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I AM attempting to read at least four books this weekend and that IS ridiculous but alas, here we are.
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squirrels-rewrite · 4 months
TM: Wingward Territory
The Citadel:
A towering mountain peak, serving as the central command post for the Wingward's Commander and Council of the Sky. The Citadel has multiple small crevices which lead to a massive tunnel system, where the Wingward have many strategies, drawings, tools, and hold meetings with the Knights.
Starry Bazaar:
The Starry Bazaar is a mountain clearing nestled amidst the Wingward peaks, renowned as the heart of social activity within the kinship. This bustling place is characterized as one of the only places where water is accessible, and where couples often come to spend the night perched under the trees, watching the stars.
Zephyr Training Grounds:
Open fields surrounded by gentle slopes, ideal for Wingward Cadets to practice aerial combat maneuvers. The Zephyr Training Grounds are essential for honing the flying skills of Wingward cats and ensuring they are prepared for defensive and offensive tactics.
Thunderclaw Quarry:
A quarry where Wingward Knights extract stones for constructing fortifications and crafting weaponry. Thunderclaw Quarry is strategically located by The Citadel, ensuring a steady supply of durable materials for the kinship's needs; named after Thunderclaw, the Knight who discovered the caves.
Aero Spire:
An ancient spire dedicated to the Wingward's sky deities. The Aero Spire Sanctuary is a sacred space where Wingward cats come to offer prayers, seek guidance, and celebrate their connection to the skies and celestial forces.
Avalanche Pass:
A treacherous mountain pass prone to avalanches, serving as a natural barrier against potential invaders. Wingward scouts and warriors patrol Avalanche Pass to ensure the safety of their kinship and to anticipate any threats from rival kinships or outside forces.
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anonprotagging · 1 year
I want to play SV so badly :(
I don’t even like....... actually care about the story or whatever at this point since I’ve seen so many spoilers (maybe 1/3 of the game’s “plot twists” if you can even call them that 🙄🙄🙄), and I don’t really like, like the pokemon designs this generation either, but I’m tired of my brain hyping it up constantly kjsdhfjksd
#every night I dream about it and my brain is like OHHHHH IT'S GONNA BE SOOOOO COOL HERE ARE ALL THESE AWESOME DESIGNS I THINK WILL BE IN IT#LOOK HERE'S A REGIONAL POOCHYENA AND A CONVERGENT MIMIKYU DESIGN CALLED MINIKYU AREN'T THEY COOL#and I'll be like I've /literally/ seen the whole dex. it's really not that cool. and my brain will be like BUT WHAT IF IT IS :(#I'll dream that guzma's there and that the story is complex and interesting and that every area is distinct and filled with landmarks#that the opening area has a bunch of gates reminiscent of kanto and there are ruins and mountains with ghibli moss and graveyards and bright#sunny plateaus and rivers with shiny colorful stones by the shores. meanwhile the game itself looks. so empty.#like swsh II: the sequel: the Wild Area But Worse#part of it is me being grouchy that it's been 6 months and I haven't had a chance to even OPEN the game yet#but the other part is genuine disgust towards gamefreak's policies and how they crush their teams' creativity with crunch#I KNOW they're capable of making a world like that. which is why it's even more upsetting that they can't.#>:(#hate hate hate attacking and biting and killing and smasha the pokemon company with a rock >:(#also I'm sorry but the paradox pokemon look bad to me. not like design wise but conceptually. I don't know the context for them yet#(somehow one of the few spoilers I HAVEN't seen 😶) but there's no way all future pokemon are just robots. that's stupid#it better be some stupid fucked up alternate reality where everything sucks like guzzlord's world bc if it's canon?#then no it's not <333333#ksdfhksjd I know I'm being pissy I'm just. @TPC. stop it >:(
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aq2003 · 1 year
the campaign vox machina people were right That "do i look like i come from money" conversation can Hit different
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orcelito · 1 year
love how i got to the first page of trigun chapter 1 before i got sidetracked and made a whole post about it
im supposed to be collecting dates & location information, not getting sidetracked on random analysis posts!!!!!
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merrymorningofmay · 11 months
buddy daddies made me a worse person (aware that love is real and there is goodness to the world)
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