#lana weinberger
casasupernovas · 4 months
i love the princess diaries books so much. is there anything funnier than mia starting a conspiracy theory around justin baxendale because he was always at her locker. (he was just borrowing josh's notes.) mia describing michael's eyes as a peat bog. grandmere ripping up mia's list of the most inspiring women in her opinion when it had her literal mother on the list. mia thinking the gun in lars' jacket was a third arm. j.p. having a diary. mia's tall ass not knowing who 'tall drink of water' was about. how they kept locking boris in the closet. the lobster bisc.
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fangirling-throughlife · 11 months
When we talk about character development, can we please talk about Lana Weinberger? Like, from book 9, she becomes such a great character. She's honest to Mia when nobody really is, she notices things waaay before everyone else (of course, she's the one most experienced).
I'm reading the scene at the salon in Forever Princess, and I just wish Mia would listen to Lana here (although she does realise everything in the end). She's the one that's calling Mia's bluff, the one that realises there's something weird going on with J.P.
I just love her.
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merlettamustdie · 7 months
Here’s my weekly collective of Slipknot photos I’ve gathered this week + a muderdolls photo I snuck in there too (;
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Oki thanks for looking at my photo dump (: here’s a cat photo + what I’m listening to atm 🩶🩶
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nichecomicstournament · 4 months
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The final lineup has been decided! 64 unknowns will compete for the title of "Most Underrated Superhero (or Villain!)" beginning on Sunday!
All matchups will be tagged with #actual polls for easy finding!
Transcript under the cut
Match 1: Kubark vs. Dr. Yahya Badr
Match 2: Fernanda Rodriguez vs. Karla Sofen
Match 3: Martha Johansson vs. Arizona Annie
Match 4: Christopher Kent vs. Jimmy Hudson Jr.
Match 5: John Butcher vs. Theresa “Trixie” Collins
Match 6: Lorena Marquez vs. Henry King Jr.
Match 7: Hobie Brown (prowler) vs. Rose Forrest
Match 8: Matthew Hawk vs. Gavin King
Match 9: Lana Baumgartner vs. Koryak
Match 10: Nathaniel Carver vs. Jules Jourdain
Match 11: Gwen Lou Sabuki vs. Blaine "Kid" Colt
Match 12: Frank Payne/Schlichting vs. ForgetMeNot
Match 13: Toni Monetti vs. Larry Trask
Match 14: Laura Broadbahr vs. Raphael Arce
Match 15: Derek James vs. Mae Kent/matrix
Match 16: Nick Kovak vs. Ren Kemura
Match 17: Johnny Bart vs. Augustus Freeman
Match 18: Brigid O'Reilly vs. shortpack
Match 19: Blindspot (x-men) vs. Robbie Baldwin
Match 20: Joel Weinberg vs. Samuel Chung
Match 21: Lottie Person vs. Jack Ryder
Match 22: Stained Glass Scarlet vs. Sarah Vale
Match 23: Bellona Kinney vs. Steve Harmon
Match 24: Hector Ayala vs. Git Hoskins
Match 25: Maria Aracely Penalba vs. Verity Willis
Match 26: Talia Josephine "TJ" Wagner vs. David Zavimbi
Match 27: Tom Raymond vs. Otis flannegan
Match 28: Chance vs.Tao
Match 29: Karl Valley vs. Colin Wilkes
Match 30: Kristoff Vernard vs. Isabella Ortiz
Match 31: Jennifer Kale vs. Jonas Graymalkin
Match 32: Kahina Eskandari vs. Humberto Lopez
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readtilyoudie · 10 months
“What are you?” she wanted to know. “Completely passive? You’re mute or something? Unable to say the word no? You know, Mia, we really need to work on your assertiveness. You seem to have real issues with your grandmother. I mean, you certainly don’t have any trouble saying no to me. I could have really used your help today with the Ho segment, and you totally let me down. But you’ve got no problem letting your grandmother cut off all your hair and dye it yellow—” 
Okay, now keep in mind I’d just spent the whole day hearing how bad I looked—at least, until Paolo got ahold of me and made me look like Lana Weinberger. Now I had to hear there was something wrong with my personality, too. 
So I cracked. I said, “Lilly, shut up.” 
I have never told Lilly to shut up before. Not ever. I don’t think I have ever told anyone to shut up before. It’s just not something I do. I don’t know what happened, really. Maybe it was the fingernails. I never had fingernails before. They sort of made me feel strong. I mean, really, why was Lilly always telling me what to do? 
Unfortunately, right as I was telling Lilly to shut up, Michael came out, holding an empty cereal bowl and not wearing a shirt. 
“Whoa,” he said, backing up. I wasn’t sure if he said whoa and backed up because of what I’d said or how I looked.
-  The Princess Diaries (The Princess Diaries, #1) by Meg Cabot
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
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Femslash February 2023
091. Cheshire Cat - Mia Thermopolis/Lana Weinberger - archiveofourown.org/works/45356770
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emmebook · 8 months
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ORIGINAL: Princess Mia 2015 Record 304p ⭐⭐⭐
SINOPSE: Será que as coisas poderiam estar piores para Mia? Agora que o namoro com Michael está definitivamente terminado, a princesa mal consegue sair da cama: sua ex-melhor amiga Lilly ainda se recusa a falar com ela, seu uniforme está um tanto quanto apertado, e nem os esforços do fofo J.P. estão sendo capazes de ajudá-la. Mia está mesmo em um estado deplorável: passa o dia todo vendo TV em seu pijama da Hello Kitty, não quer falar com ninguém, e, num acesso de fúria e tristeza, ataca a geladeira e abandona o vegetarianismo. É claro que chega um momento em que seus pais não aguentam mais e fazem questão de que ela comece a frequentar um psicólogo — pena que ele é completamente maluco...Sem namorado, sem melhor amiga e tendo sérios problemas para entrar no sutiã, Mia ainda descobre que alguém montou um site que diz coisas terríveis sobre ela. Ao perceber que todos acham que está saindo com o J.P., entre outras fofocas, Mia começa a suspeitar de que não vai conseguir passar pelo ensino médio. Além de tudo, sua avó não para de insistir para que ela faça um discurso para as mulheres mais poderosas e influentes do mundo, numa festa da sociedade Domina Rei. E seu já conhecido azar não falha: a sociedade é coordenada pela mãe de Lana Weinberg, que de repente começa a agir de maneira muito estranha... até chama Mia para fazer compras! Mas todos esses problemas serão varridos da cabeça da nossa princesa depois que ela encontra um diário, há muito perdido, de uma antepassada que governou a Genovia por um curto período de tempo e que teria revolucionado o principado se um golpe de Estado não tivesse surgido. Sem querer, Mia acaba encontrando um tema para o seu discurso e esta é uma descoberta que pode mudar o destino da família Renaldo para sempre.
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iluvromance · 2 years
hi! hearing about you writing fanfic made me think of something. it's not a prompt or anything, just a thought i wanted to share bc i think it would be very funny -- bc in book 10 michael comes back into mia's life but iirc they don't talk much about mia's group of friends (except boris obviously). i would LOVE to see his reaction to lana being one of her best friends bc he 100% did not expect that and idk i think it could be very funny
it has been a MINUTE since i've written something for TPD so here you go! might not be the best, but i do prefer to be sent prompts rather than expecting me to write something off the top of my head dkjghdfkj other people have better ideas than me.
“Hmm?” Mia says from around her straw, taking big gulps of Diet Coke.
“Why is Lana Weinberger walking up to us at this very moment?”
She glances up at the blonde who’s making her way to that very table, as said by Michael. Lana’s face brightens when she catches Mia’s eye and she raises her hand in a wave.
“Oh, well, she’s my friend.”
“Your…friend? Jeez, Thermopolis, I must be dreaming. Has the definition of friend also changed while I was gone and somehow become a synonym of nemesis instead?”
Michael receives a look for that, especially since Lana is nearing them. “I’ll explain it all to you later.”
Lana stops in front of their table and puts her tiny pink bag on it. “Hey, geek. I knew I’d find you here. Mind if I join?” Before Mia can answer, Lana slides into the booth across from them. She nods at Michael. “Hey, other geek.”
Michael looks at Lana and then Mia, hoping someone will bring him up to date.
“Who else are you waiting on?” Lana says, oblivious to Michael’s surprise.
Sundays are still reserved for dim sum. It was Michael’s idea to continue them with Boris, Tina, Kenneth, and Lilly, and whoever else would like to come. He said he wanted to keep a tradition. When he imagined it, he certainly didn’t think Lana would be sitting in front of him, working a wad of lip gloss over her already glossed mouth.
“Everyone,” Mia says, sipping on her coke. “We got here early to reserve a table.”
“Mhm.” Lana pulls out her phone. “I’m telling Trisha to come.”
Michael turns his head towards Mia so fast, he may have given himself whiplash. Mia leans over and pats his knee affectionately. “Trisha from high school.”
“I know Trisha from high school,” Michael says seriously.
“Hey,” Lana interjects. “Just because you two are back together doesn’t mean you can make out in front of me alright? I’m currently in between boyfriends and I’m more sensitive than I look. No shoving your tongues in each other’s throats.”
In between boyfriends. She’s said it like it’s her career she’s talking about. Michael doesn’t say anything, but the confusion mounts exponentially. Trisha and Lana? Those are Mia’s friends? Were they really Lilly’s replacements? And judging by Mia’s calmness, they must have been good replacements.
“You know,” Lana continues, snapping on her gum. “If you really think about it, you two owe your romance to me. I’m the one who got you two together.”
Michael’s eyebrows rise. “How so?”
“Well remember in high school when I asked you two if you were going out? I put that idea in your heads.”
Neither Michael nor Mia make any move to correct her and tell her their feelings for each other existed way before that. Lana looks proud of herself as she begins texting rapidly again.
“You must be confused, geek,” she continues, typing away. “Wondering why we’re friends.”
It takes Michael sometime to realize that he’s being spoken to.
“I will say I’m pretty surprised by this friendship,” Michael admits. From the corner of his eye, he sees Lilly and Kenneth arriving, looking around for their table.
“Right, well, Before anyone comes, I got something to say,” Lana says, putting her phone down with a sudden thud. Her facial expression has completely changed and even Mia besides him has become still. She points one very manicured finger at him and narrows her eyes into slits, her mouth pursed. “So listen. If you ever hurt Mia again, you’re going to, like, fucking answer to me, do you understand?”
“Lana!” Mia cries. “Stop that! Michael, don’t listen to her. She doesn’t mean it.”
But despite Lana’s harsh words, Michael comes to understand this friendship and just why Lana was the replacement for Lilly, who was absent when Mia needed her the most. As he thinks about this, he relaxes into his seat and a smile even spreads across his face.
“I’m so sorry for her, Michael. I will totally–”
“No,” he says, shaking his head. “It’s okay. You’re absolutely right. Nobody’s getting hurt this time around.”
“Mhm. That’s what I thought,” Lana says, picking up her phone again. She’s back to smacking her gum. Her face is back to normal too. “Anyways, what are we having today?”
Lilly and Kenneth join. Then Tina and Boris. Half an hour later, Trisha comes with a very wild story about how her driver dropped her off four blocks back and how she’s had to walk in her new shoes all the way here. And when everyone seems relaxed around him, Michael realizes that a lot has changed since he’s been gone, but not all of those changes have been bad.
He’s absolutely going to bother Mia for the details of this peculiar friendship during the ride back to his loft though.
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mia: oh my god. what's wrong with you?
lana: everything.
lana: except for the way i dress.
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pega-chan · 4 years
rereading the Princess Diaries and um. are we not gonna acknowledge that Lana was taken advantage of by a senior and lost her virginity as a freshman?? and the creepy age gap between Mia (a freshman) and Michael (a senior)?? HELLO??
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hidekomoon · 4 years
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the princess diaries : lana weinberger
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sawthefaeriequeen · 4 years
The Princess Diaries book series does not get enough credit for having the geeky girl protagonist and the mean girl nemesis bury the hatchet in later books and become friends.
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I was inspired...
by that Meg Cabot quiz and wanted to put together my favourite books of hers but really it just turned into a list of which book from each of her series I re-read when I'm in a depressive mood.
PRINCESS DIARIES: Forever Princess
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The first Meg Cabot I ever read was the first Princess Diaries book. It's great and I still re-read it occasionally. But the series gets, uh, much worse. Mia leans into her worst traits and it gets to a point where her anxiety is so unrelatable that she spends a whole book obsessing over whether she's a "party girl". Yeah, not great.
Anyway, I stopped reading them at some point and then this book, the finale of the series, came out (spoiler: Meg's written like two more in the series since lol) and I decided to pick it up at the library.
Reader, I loved it. I'm a huge redemption arc, second chance love story fan, especially in YA where you really need to give characters space to make mistakes.
Mia arrives in this book much more grown up, with a more mature voice and a better understanding of people. And Michael is just perfect in it. Even Lana Weinberger gets a second chance. Would recommend, especially if you gave up on this series once it got so bad.
8.5/10 - fun and only a little confusing if you skipped out on the other books
MEDIATOR: Shadowland
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Kind of uncharacteristic for me to choose the first book in a series because I'm a sucker for a good ending but god, there's something amazing about early, unsocialized Suze, whose first instinct when she meets a ghost is to punch it. Like galaxy fucking brain.
Jesse is kind of a weird love interest all along honestly so I was never as into that love story so maybe that's why I'm happier to choose an early book. Although he is hot when he gets mad at her.
Anyway, apparently these are becoming a Netflix movie series? So yay! Especially since they'll at least do this first book.
My other favourite in the series is weirdly enough number 5, where Paul shows up and she punches him for trying to kiss her. Maybe I just like Suze punching people.
8/10 - probably would be higher if Suze punched Jesse when she met him tbh. He'd be so offended.
1-800-WHERE-R-U - Missing You
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Another redemption arc, second chance love story, this time with added PTSD!
I actually was never a huge fan of this series but I really do like this instalment. It was written, in typical Meg Cabot fashion, like five years after she ended the series. I think all of her characters just live in her head rent free and then every once in a while she forces them to pay rent by giving her a story.
Anyway, I think the love story here is very sweet and felt very real. Like yeah, she was 18 and shipped off to Iraq by the army to find missing people, no shit she's kind of broken. But her being able to start putting herself together here is lovely.
7.5/10 - fun and heart-warming but still features the sexual abuse of minors so watch out for that
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Here's a deep cut for you.
This is a pretty big category and there's a number of standouts (Jinx, All American Girl, Avalon High etc.) but this is the one I always come back to for comfort reading.
Katie Ellison manages to make out with three different hot boys (overlapping and cheating on them!) during this book and still comes out super likeable and with her true love. Now that is talented writing.
Katie also fucking hates driving, which I feel, and lives in a small town where you have to drive, which I also feel. She feels guilty over small lies but makes them anyway because it's convenient, which I feel. She then feels so guilty that she announces her various sins on stage in front of the entire town and oof do I feel that.
It's a redemption arc, second chance love (kind of) again, because that's what I like and that's what Meg writes. It just hits all the right spots for me.
9.5/10 - short and sweet and heart-warming
Anyway, I'm not covering the adult fiction because honestly I'm not caught up on it but I definitely like the Boy series better than the Size 12 series.
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cringekind · 4 years
Details You Miss If You’ve Only Watched The Princess Diaries Movies and Haven’t Read The Books
1. Mia is so well known for wearing platform doc martins that Lilly can recognize by her shoes
2. Mia is Tall. By the end she’s 5′10, but because of her shoes she easily stands at 6 feet
3. Everything about the Russian exchange student Boris Pelkowski, who is replaced by Jeremiah in the first movie
4. Mia wants to be a write, a journalist or a novelist, because she considers it her only skill
5. Mia writes a 400 pages smutty romance novel for her senior project
6. So much of the books are about sex, so much, more specifically the fact that Mia isn’t having it
7. Mia dates a boy named Kenny who is notable at first because he’s obsessed with ‘Japanese anime’ and has a figurine collection
8. She also dates a boy called JP, who is in all the books before she dates him as a background character that hates it when they put corn in the chili. Really that’s all he’s known for. To the point that Mia writes a short story about him where he commits not alive at the end over corn
9. Mia takes her diary everywhere, and writes in it AS conversations are happening, so much so that other characters comment on it quite a lot
10. Mia finds a law from the the black plague stating that Genovia is supposed to be a constitutional monarchy, like England, and accidentally kicks her dad out of a job
11. Mia is princess, not because her dad dies, but because he gets testicular cancer and can’t have any more kids
12. Mia can never become queen, because Genovia is a principality, meaning it’s ruled by a Prince or Princess
13. Genovia is smack dab in between the french and Italian border.
14. Lana Weinberger not only becomes Mia’s friend, but understands Mia better than Lilly does
15. Mia hangs out with a diverse group of friends, Tina Hakim Baba, Ling Su, and Shameeka, that are stolen from us in the movie. Plus Perin who is lesbian coded
16. Mia and Michael end up together
17. Michael is rich and famous for making a robotic arm that revolutionized the medical field, but to make it he had to move to Japan for over a year. Despite the fact that Michael does this to prove to the world that he’s good enough for Mia, it breaks them up for a couple years
18. The books pretend that whatever year the current one your reading was released in is always the year it was set in, which creates some funny references in retrospect
19. Mia is obsessed with Star Wars, she has special Padme underwear that she wears on her first day of high school because she considers them lucky. Though after revenge of the sith came out the references greatly slow
20. Mia also loves Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In general Mia is a huge nerd
21. Mia has a little brother names Rocky
22. At one point Mia lets Rocky cut her hair and ends up with a buzzcut for the entire book, and even though she’s upset she liked the buzzcut
23. It takes place in New York, not San Francisco
24. Books 2 and 3 came out after the first movie, and they DRAG it, talking about how inaccurate it is why can’t they even get Mia’s life right?
25. Grandmere. Clarisse, Julie Andrews character, is a manipulative bitch and does everything she can to get her way. She’s strict, though her love for Mia peaks through once in a blue moon
26. Mia speaks only french with Grandmere
27. I’m not trying to diagnose, but Mia probably has an anxiety disorder because she’s so well known for being anxious that Lilly her knowledge of what to do in a natural disaster (which comes from always be scared it might happen) to try and win her second student council election
28. Mia is a ditz and really unobservant. She fails math every year, the girl is just straight up bad with school stuff
29. Mia is a vegetarian, but briefly gives it up when she and Michael break up to drown her sorrows in beef
30. You know the writer neighbor in the movie? Well between a couple book she transitions! A transwoman that is an acknowledged and respected transwoman in a book published in the early 2000s, we love to see it
There’s so much more but I need to stop infodumping. I highly recommend the audiobooks, the first three are even read by Anne Hathway! It’s not the highest of literature but the books are so much fun and really different from the movies. If you need something to do during quarantine I highly recommend trying a scribd trial (its a audiobook rental service) and listening to them. They aren’t very long either, and I personally listen at 2x speed (I know, crazy) so most of the books only take around 3 hours to listen to.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
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Femslash February 2022
083. Humming - Mia Thermopolis/Lana Weinberger - archiveofourown.org/works/37323976
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dailycozydreaming · 5 years
BOOK REVIEW: Princess in Waiting by Meg Cabot
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Rating: 3 of 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟
Princess in Waiting focuses on Princess Mia, a fourteen-year-old American girl who recently found out she was the heir to the Genovian throne. We pick up with Mia in her first trip to Genovia as she spends her winter holiday making her debut. Starting off a new year, we follow Mia as she adjusts to being in a relationship and tries to find her hidden talent. Mia must attempt to balance her manipulative Grandmeres schemes with her caring boyfriend Michaels plans for their first date. I will admit that I found this installment to be a tad repetitive. Mia is so completely fixated on whether Michael loves her or is in love with her. Despite all evidence and reassurance that he wants to be with her, she can’t seem to simply accept that he loves her. Now I know at fourteen no one is their most secure, and spending almost a month apart straight of the bat could heighten insecurities. Yet it annoyed me that even once she was at school with him again she didn’t let it go. Lily continues to bother me, I just don’t think she is an example of a good friend. We see Mia start to question why she is in a Gifted and Talented class - she doesn’t see herself as having a clear talent. Lily then assures she does have talent but refuses to tell her what it is. Telling her supposed best friend that she needs to figure it out herself! Like your best friend is feeling insecure — have some compassion. That isn’t to say there wasn’t stuff I loved, one of the more minor moments was Mia telling Prince Rene to ask Lana Weinberger ( Mia’s high school nemesis) to dance. It was a moment that highlighted her kindness - despite not getting along with Lana, Mia ensured she would have a good time. I can’t wait to see if that changes things between them in the next book. Another plot point I loved was Michaels gift, we are teased throughout the whole book, knowing that gift is something special that Mia stole from the palace. It is truly a wonderful moment when she finally gives it to him — for me, it highlights some of why Michaels interested it, Mia. Because we see only from her point of view she often comes across as insecure and a tad vapid; moments like this show us otherwise. I found Princess in Waiting to be a little slower and less engaging, overall though it was a great installment in a fun series. I am eager to start on the next one. 
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