#ladykillers comic
heyitsjaki · 11 months
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💖🖤 Are you the pink GF or the goth GF?
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alexissara · 5 months
THE Comics Of The Year 2023
I'm Alexis Sara, and if you don't know me then you should know I am an Eisner [among several other award] winning comics writer and I eventually kinda left behind comics because of a massive feeling of burn out and a lack of hope for the industry. However, I utterly adore the medium and I do enjoy comics still even if mostly in indie form or Manga. Manga of the year is a separate post since I just read more Manga and I wanted to talk about more comics overall so this section is all non manga stuff from Webcomics to graphic novels to single issue type deals, everything I read is up for consideration.
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Extreme Venomverse #4 Necroko story 
This story makes me even more mad than I am every day about the state of the public domain. Stan Lee is dead, he doesn't need Spider-man money but Marvel will for many many many more years hoard the amazing ideas made by so many other people that relate to spider-man and even when Spider-man enters the public domain Disney will sue people for using any part of spider-man that doesn't come from the debut time and is still with in their copyright. So an amazing character like Nercroko is stuck at the whims of some editor to see if the creators can bring her back, for how long they can bring her back, they get to decide how gay she is allowed to be, how violent, if the story fits their brand image and if a random event has her erased from the timeline or something to fuel a mans pain or something. Which is to say fuck Marvel comics, don't buy their stuff but I read this story and it's really fucking good, 12/10 it's not really worth buying Extreme Venomverse cuz the other stories are mid but as fuck but this little short story if you could find it at retail value for a single issue of Venomverse #4 pick it up for sure. It's a venom magical girl who is gay, just great, perfect, brilliant, inspirational.
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IDW Sonic 
You expect to see the sapphics from me and there here, for real, but I really enjoy this series in general. Whisper and Tangle are my main draw but I did enjoy Sonic video games a lot when I was younger so the characters, designs, etc are always something I just like seeing. The IDW comics bring a great consistent art style that makes the world of sonic feel very alive, stylish an cool. The new characters are all people I want to show up as playable in new sonic games and the story lines all feel like they would be exciting to see in a video game. These comics are really well done and while it could be more explicit in allowing it's original characters to be queer [I understand main game characters not being able to have romance to give the game devs space] it's still a good time.
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I love when the lesbians are on an adventure, when they are poly, when they are silly, and we got it all here. Ladykillers is a silly D&D inspired webcomic that has these cute little dumbasses go on quests and get into trouble. It starts pretty one shotty and eventually gets into a continuous narrative. If you loved Bauldr's Gate but wished it was just about like three homoerotic girls getting into silly trouble, this one is for you.
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My Dragon Girlfriend
My Dragon Girlfriend every year is a top series for me. The release format of release makes each update a very small dose of a larger narrative but these little romances are all compelling and sweet and fun filled with silly little sapphics. While the newest couple added in is the one I am least compelled by I still enjoyed them. The art is really cute and sweet, the way emotion is portrayed is handled really well, Country really knows how to capture emotion within the medium and masters making good use out of all the little details.
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Grand Slam Romance
I don't like sports but if lesbian magical girls played soft ball I would have to convert to being the number ones sports girly. The messy lesbian drama here is so good and the jokes are really great, when I grabbed this I kinda worried it be YA toned which typically doesn't sit well with me but luckily this is in fact adult fiction for adults that just has a strong sense of whimsy. It's a really great read and I hope a lot more people check it out because it's super good and even has a follow up book coming out.
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These lesbians have issues and I am so fucking here for it. We got a trio of queer witches casting spells, fighting monsters, etc who are all also teachers for a school of other witches. One of the party turns into a demon if her seal is broken which causes her to get all violent and feral, one has a magical artifact tied to a bigger play happening across the universes of the world and the final is holding secrets she doesn't want to share. From there their issues run into each other, they deal with new problems they cause, their love lives get complicated and we find out the truth of all the messy lesbian fun that is unleashed between them. The translation is sometimes a little wonky but if you can forgive a self published self translation to English for sometimes saying words a little wrong but still understandably then damn there just isn't really a story like SpellAstra I've read.
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Mage & Demon Queen 
After following this series for so many years it finally finished. This action comedy yuri series is fucking amazing from start to finish a fun time with some of the best jokes across all of comics for nerdy little sapphics like me. I do think near the end of the series we spend too much time with the men of the cast who simply were not the draw for me at all but they got a lot of panel time but outside of that small preference so much of this series is so perfect it's hard to even fault the parts that are a little less great.
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Pink Sugar 
What a fucking book, what a queer gift that this exists, that we live in a world where this is being released on webtoon [and a ton of other places] gives me hope for queer art and art in general. This story is lesbian in the deepest ways, with the diversity of lesbians that I want to see. Masc Non Binary Lesbians, bigger fem lesbians, trans lesbians, all falling in love with each other in these gloriously sweet ways. This series is truly queer in the most real sense. The presentation of the afterlife is innovative and fun. the comedy is great, the chemistry between all four of this polycule is great, the romantic moments are super sweet, the art's fantastic, the pacing is great and all of that lends to some really fucking heart breaking moments to as we get into the deep feelings of these dead women. This is one of the best stories being told right now and maybe ever. I love Pink Sugar, I beg of you to check it out. It's currently kickstarting a physical version if your reading this near release of this post then you should go back it. You can read it for free, if you like it, back it.
If you want to help me enjoy more art then consider checking out my Patreon or Ko-fi and giving me a little bit of cash so I can do more of this kind of writing but also like make lots of my own art, art is hard to make and costs money and like maintain my chronically ill and trans body also takes money so anything helps, thank you. If you want more details on any of these I do have reviews for many of the pieces of art above but you can also let me know you want more and maybe I'll write more.
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balu8 · 1 year
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Ladykiller #1 (Vol.2)
by Joelle Jones;Michelle Madsen and Crankl)
Dark Horse
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hadesisqueer · 2 years
Sometimes I'll read a Bumbleby fanfic or fan comic that portrays Yang as this suave ladykiller and I love those fics but it's like.
This is the the same person who said that Blake's bow went great with her pyjamas.
The same person who, when her crush caught her staring, decided to check her nails of her prosthetic hand. Which had no nails.
And the same person who, when Blake was like “is it bad?”, was like “NO NO IT'S GOOD GREAT EVEN” in sheer gay panic.
Ladykiller my ass. She is useless and I love her for it. Like, it's okay, Yang, we're all terrible at flirting, just keep trying <3
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byneddiedingo · 4 months
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Maggie Smith and Michael Palin in A Private Function (Malcolm Mowbray, 1984)
Cast: Michael Palin, Maggie Smith, Denholm Elliott, Richard Griffiths, Tony Haygarth, John Northington, Bill Paterson, Liz Smith, Alison Steadman, Jim Carter, Pete Postlethwaite. Screenplay: Alan Bennett, Malcolm Mowbray. Cinematography: Tony Pierce-Roberts. Production design: Stuart Walker. Film editing: Barrie Vince. Music: John Du Prez. 
A Private Function begins with Joyce Chilvers (Maggie Smith) and her mother (Liz Smith) entering a darkened movie theater where a newsreel is playing. We watch the newsreel, about meat rationing in postwar Britain, as the two women make their way to their seats, with Joyce scolding her mum for not finding a seat of her own. Then the lights come up and the theater organ rises from the pit. Joyce is playing the organ with her mother awkwardly sharing the bench with her. It's a nifty way to introduce not only two of the movie's key characters but also the era in which the film is set and the core of the plot. The newsreel also includes footage of the preparations for the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Sir Philip Mountbatten, so we know that we're in November of 1947. The setting is a town in Northern England where the local dignitaries, led by the irascible, snobbish Dr. Swaby (Denholm Elliott, are preparing for a private function, a banquet, to celebrate the marriage of the future queen and prince consort. But how do you put on a banquet when everything, especially meat, is strictly rationed, and a diligent civil servant named Wormold (Bill Paterson) is enforcing the consumption laws with an iron hand? The banquet planners have found a way: They're raising an illegal pig. Eventually, Joyce and her meek chiropodist husband, Gilbert (Michael Palin), will get involved, especially after the would-be social climbing Joyce is not only frustrated by her inability to get around the rationing laws, but is also piqued by not being invited to the banquet. The only solution, it seems, is for Gilbert to commit pignapping and to hide the purloined swine in their home. The rest is farce in the manner of the British comedies made in the late 1940s and early 1950s, e.g., Kind Hearts and Coronets (Robert Hamer, 1949), The Lavender Hill Mob (Charles Crichton, 1951), and The Ladykillers (Alexander Mackendrick, 1955). It's raunchier and a good deal more scatalogical than those classic films, and it's sometimes edited a little choppily -- there are jump cuts where none are needed -- but it earns the comparison on the strength of fine comic performances by Maggie Smith, Palin, Elliott, and especially Liz Smith as the endearingly dotty Mother. ("She's 74," Joyce often interjects to excuse, explain, and even praise her parent's behavior.) 
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bornanuisance · 20 days
Webtoons I've read or am currently reading:
In no particular Order (except Nevermore, cuz its my favourite)
The remarried Empress
Im the Queen in this Life
Down to Earth
Monsters and Girls
The Interpretation of Shadows
Obsidian Pride
Lore Olympus
High Class Homos
Nerd and Jock
Emmy the Robot
Your Throne
For my derelict Favourite
Clinic of Horrors
The little Trashmaid
Bailin and Li Yun
The blind Prince
The Prince of Southland
Re: Trailer Trash
Litterbox Comics
Pixie and Brutus
Let's Play
Eldritch Darling
Castle Swimmer
Not even Bones
Unholy Blood
Meow Are you?
Internet Explorer
Goth Girl & the Jock
The recloseted Lesbian
Its Kind of a funny Story
Stray Souls
The Prep and Goth
Taking down John
Dark Water
And some more however I dont remember the names anymore...
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goldenfox3 · 9 months
Thinking about original comic Stewart with his shades and beautiful women line vs GX Stewart...I like to think the ladykiller thing was a phase from when he was still trying to figure out his racer persona and was more of a rich playboy cocky little shit since he had just left the surgeon profession in search of excitement lmao. He mellowed out with age (the cockiness lingers just not as bombastic) and experience and will get embarrassed if his "win to honour beautiful women everywhere" shtick is brought up now.
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mianmimi · 2 years
Random comics backstory time, because I spent way too much time thinking about that Victor Strange/MCU Mordo fanon. iirc Victor’s whole thing with Morgana Blessing was that he couldn’t compare to Stephen and Victor was always insecure about being the lesser Strange brother? That’s how I remember it, haven’t read that solo series in a long time.
It’d be nice to see the reverse in the MCU. Yeah, Stephen is an accomplished neurosurgeon and a genius, but when it comes to emotional intelligence and people skills Victor is the best. He is the hotshot athlete, the handsome one, the bad boy. Everyone knows he is trouble and Stephen is far more accomplished academically, but if pressed people would admit they like Victor best. Ouch. And I like the idea of Stephen repressing his bisexuality until late in his adult life, and maybe being openly bisexual in 90s Nebraska is the last straw and what has their parents kick Victor out and that's why he becomes a runaway. Maybe he even thinks about outing Stephen as revenge, but he doesn't want to do that to his big bro, so he just leaves. I told you I thought too much about this fanon lmao
Also, it’s never going to happen, but hear me out: Tom Hardy. Just look at them here. Stephen’s the dorky brother and Victor is the rebelious one. You could even have Stephen admit that he "stole" some of Victor’s traits for himself, and that’s why sometimes Stephen tries to play the playboy and fails lol
Victor being a ladykiller in love, suddenly meeting Mordo and being like my brother is a bigger idiot than I thought, and Mordo doesn’t even know they’re related until Victor shows him a picture or something. Vic has been his very own brand of vigilante in the comics and it can totally work with them meeting each other as they hunt the same sorcerer. Mordo offering his blood to Victor willingly to quench his thirst? UNF. Vic and Mordo meeting Stephen and Vic is like ‘sup Stevie, small world ain't it? arm possessively around Mordo’s waist. U N F.
iirc Victor did kill himself once, but he returned to life later because comics, so let’s pretend he and Mordo would have a happy ending. This fanon is taking over my brain. Stop me pls lmao I blame DS2 for being so bad we gotta come up with wild fanon to stay sane.
Whoa darling Nonny! This was amazing 😭 It’s like a summary on wiki about a show or comic that actually happened. And I mean in a good way 😉 Victor and Mordo really would have that unexpected love story tbh. And it’ll be interesting to see Mordo opening up to someone again after all the hurt he’s experienced. I’d like to think he taps back into that compassionate side of himself when it comes to Victor. 🥺 Mordo was such a kind and compassionate man and I think all the betrayal and disillusionment just burned him out. I wanna see him reclaim that quality instead of losing it altogether.
This was such a fantastic post. Thank you so much for sharing love!
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heyitsjaki · 11 months
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The Ladykillers trio in Fancy Dress!
Read Ladykillers on Webtoon Canvas | Support me on Patreon!
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johannadc · 2 years
I discovered today that Kate Beaton’s amazing comic strip about replacing brave ladykiller Watson with Stupid Watson was animated! 
I also discovered there was a t-shirt but it’s no longer available. :(
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nyt-crossword · 5 months
NYT Crossword 14 January 2024
Across Hints
Hurricanes and tornadoes NYT Crossword Clue
One of 12, biblically NYT Crossword Clue
”Way to go, me!” NYT Crossword Clue
Grape from France’s Côte-d’Or NYT Crossword Clue
Great ape? NYT Crossword Clue
Erotic artist? NYT Crossword Clue
5-Down’s pet NYT Crossword Clue
Ooze NYT Crossword Clue
Yesterday, in Spanish NYT Crossword Clue
___ Jam (record label) NYT Crossword Clue
”Let me be perfectly ___” (Pride slogan) NYT Crossword Clue
Guinness of “The Ladykillers” NYT Crossword Clue
Street magician? NYT Crossword Clue
Made, as a putt NYT Crossword Clue
Stockpile NYT Crossword Clue
Linger NYT Crossword Clue
Rock’s ___ Fighters NYT Crossword Clue
Toast with a raised stein NYT Crossword Clue
Bad thing to drop in polite company NYT Crossword Clue
Anthony Hopkins won this with only 16 minutes of screen time NYT Crossword Clue
Reply of disgust NYT Crossword Clue
One hitting the space bar? NYT Crossword Clue
Muscat resident NYT Crossword Clue
Leaves slack-jawed NYT Crossword Clue
Farmers? NYT Crossword Clue
Took big steps NYT Crossword Clue
Unplanned preview, perhaps NYT Crossword Clue
See here! NYT Crossword Clue
___ of Orleans, moniker for Joan of Arc NYT Crossword Clue
Supply, as elevator music NYT Crossword Clue
Switch hitter? NYT Crossword Clue
Zeno of ___, paradoxical thinker NYT Crossword Clue
Fastest train in the U.S. NYT Crossword Clue
Spot for a microphone NYT Crossword Clue
What might be drawn with a “C” in cartoons NYT Crossword Clue
Plans of study NYT Crossword Clue
Time’s 2023 Athlete of the Year NYT Crossword Clue
Appropriate NYT Crossword Clue
Hail, to Caesar NYT Crossword Clue
Warm touch NYT Crossword Clue
Gunpowder ingredient NYT Crossword Clue
Top pair NYT Crossword Clue
Animal tranquilizer? NYT Crossword Clue
Trash NYT Crossword Clue
Pan handle? NYT Crossword Clue
Communication with one’s hands, for short NYT Crossword Clue
Target of Y.A. fiction NYT Crossword Clue
Word with straw or swing NYT Crossword Clue
Big Apple figure NYT Crossword Clue
”Boy Wonder” of comics NYT Crossword Clue
With 117-Across, the Grim Reaper? NYT Crossword Clue
See 113-Across NYT Crossword Clue
Live content creators NYT Crossword Clue
They might be flagged as “Potential Spam” NYT Crossword Clue
Seasonal charity event NYT Crossword Clue
Cuts down to size NYT Crossword Clue
Down Hints
V on the N.Y.S.E. NYT Crossword Clue
Albatross, metaphorically NYT Crossword Clue
Hypnotized, say NYT Crossword Clue
Some closet organizers NYT Crossword Clue
”The Jetsons” boy NYT Crossword Clue
Crossed (out) NYT Crossword Clue
Online school closing? NYT Crossword Clue
Nurses NYT Crossword Clue
Dash’s partner NYT Crossword Clue
Ancient Romans made it from soot NYT Crossword Clue
Purchase for a golf course NYT Crossword Clue
Nexus: Abbr. NYT Crossword Clue
Peeved NYT Crossword Clue
Indigo Girls song with the chorus “Adding up the total of a love that’s true / Multiply life by the …” NYT Crossword Clue
Creditor’s security NYT Crossword Clue
Makes a misstep NYT Crossword Clue
Ready, with “up” NYT Crossword Clue
Wrinkle-faced dog NYT Crossword Clue
Cash in NYT Crossword Clue
Disney villain who’s the grand vizier of Agrabah NYT Crossword Clue
/ NYT Crossword Clue
Replies of disgust NYT Crossword Clue
Stoolie NYT Crossword Clue
Somewhat NYT Crossword Clue
Section of a syllabus NYT Crossword Clue
___ Griffin, civil rights pioneer NYT Crossword Clue
Meat jelly NYT Crossword Clue
Butler on “The Addams Family” NYT Crossword Clue
Japanese mushroom NYT Crossword Clue
”Pass,” in a casino NYT Crossword Clue
Quadcopter, e.g. NYT Crossword Clue
Concrete support NYT Crossword Clue
Straws in the wind NYT Crossword Clue
Sweet-talked NYT Crossword Clue
Origin of the words “cake” and “egg” NYT Crossword Clue
Actor George who wrote the 1994 autobiography “To the Stars” NYT Crossword Clue
Police accountability tool NYT Crossword Clue
Rapper ___ B NYT Crossword Clue
List NYT Crossword Clue
Demure NYT Crossword Clue
E.R. shout NYT Crossword Clue
Author Gaiman NYT Crossword Clue
0 notes
heroineimages · 10 months
Hi!! Thanks so much for the lovely comments you leave on my Ladykillers posts here—they’ve really brightened my day 😁 So glad you’re enjoying the comic!
I'm so glad you liked them! And thank you so much for your lovely comic! I only discovered Ladykillers a couple weeks ago, but it's fun and cute and quirky, and it's quickly become one of my favorite GL titles! Thanks and take care!
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aflashbak · 2 years
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viaov · 3 years
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Joelle Jones, Lady Killer
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calyroco · 3 years
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marvelman901 · 4 years
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Strangers 3 (1993) Written by Steve Englehart Penciled by Rick Hoberg Inked by Larry Welch The Strangers fought the Tntnt... . #strangers #superhero #ultraverse #90s #rickhoberg #tntnt #spectral #electrocute #tyrannosaur #naiad #torso #neuronne #togun #grenade #yrial #atombob #ladykiller #zipzap #comics #steveenglehart #larrywelch https://www.instagram.com/p/CAO2UNjhGtl/?igshid=10sraozi9htd5
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