#lady elisabeth melly
pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
Lunae the Seventh
MGR story chapter one
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Goldie Potter stomped over to her lover’s room, absolutely furious. She swung open the door, and proclaimed loudly, “They’re making me be a bodyguard!” 
Her lover, Marigold Dia, looked up from her book. “And this is bad… because?”
Goldie flopped on the bed. “Because, Mari, they’re making me escort a noble from the outskirts of Marcain to the literal center of the city! Do you know how long of a walk it will be with a stuffy noble who won’t even respect me? All they’ll notice is my age and lack of a formal title and they’ll completely underestimate my skills, I just know it.” 
Marigold gave her a sympathetic look. “Well, you know you’re qualified, and quite frankly, if they think just because you’re part of the Junior Knights Association that you aren’t capable, they’re a poop-head. And anyways, if it makes you feel better, when we’re done, we can watch any movie you want.”
Goldie sat up. “Any movie? Even that new comedy that you think is going to be super cringey?” 
The sprite sighed. “Yes, even that.” 
At that moment, a girl with red hair popped in— Alice, the leader/general of the Junior Knights Association. “Ah, Goldie, there you are. You’re late. Lady Elisabeth is waiting for you.” 
As Alice pulled her out of the room, she saw Marigold giving her a thumbs up, and she smiled.
When they entered the lobby, the general pointed over to a girl in the corner. “That’s your assignment. Get her to the Xan Ruzian palace, and when she’s finished her business, come right back.”
Goldie looked closely at the girl. She looked to be about her age, maybe a year younger. She had tanned skin, brown hair, and honey-colored eyes. On her head was a golden circlet that looked similar to a flower crown. She had a swishy pastel pink dress and a colorful neon windbreaker. Upon noticing them, she waved, and came over to them.
“Hello there. I’m Lady Elisabeth Melly of Las. I assume you’re the one escorting me through Marcain?” 
Goldie quickly bowed, then nodded. “Yes, my lady. I assume a Space elemental will be here any minute to create the portal.”
Alice walked up to the lady, bowing. “My apologies, our knights aren’t usually this late. Di should be here soon.”
They stood there for a few moments, before a blue haired girl came running down the hallway. “So, so sorry,” she said, and took a second to catch her breath, before casting out her hand. 
A burst of blue light sprang out of it, and a portal appeared. Goldie noticed the girl starting to sway on her feet (Calinas and Xan Ruz were quite far apart), and quickly said, “Why don’t you and Dame Alice head back to the main building?” 
The girl nodded, and as they left, Goldie turned to Lady Elisabeth. Usually, she went through the portal first, and after affirming that yes, they were in the correct spot, would help them through. This time though, the noblewoman had already gone in, and was sticking her head out.
“Well, come on! I can’t be late!” The knight-in-training smirked. Maybe this trip might not be as bad as she thought.
When she exited the portal, she looked around. There was no city, just a plain field. She turned to Elisabeth, and before she could say anything, the brown-haired girl laughed.
“You’ve never been to Xan Ruz, have you?”
“No, my lady, I have not,” she said. She usually went around Calinas, and occasionally to Bin Bive, but that was it.
The lady smirked. “Well, don’t worry, and follow me.”
She started walking, and Goldie noticed they were going down; they must have been at a higher elevation than the rest of the area. As she walked started getting steeper, and she almost ran into the noblewoman. 
“My apologies my la—” 
“Tulu’s belt, I appreciate the gesture but please, if you say ‘my lady’ one more time I might be sick. Just call me Elisabeth.” she said.
Goldie nodded, and looked at where they had ended up. On their right was a medium sized cave, which Elisabeth was walking into.
“My— uh, Elisabeth, what are you doing?”
She looked back. “Marcain is in here!” Goldie was still confused, but thought her best option was to keep following her, so she did.
The cave wasn’t dark or damp like a usual cave, it was quite the opposite. It was well lit with torches on the walls, and beautiful murals that she wished she had time to look at. There was a nice scent in it as well, maybe some sort of spice?
After a few minutes, she finally realized what Elisabeth had meant by saying Marcain was in the cave.
Because Marcain was literally in the cave. The two were apparently standing on a balcony looking over the city. It was large, bright and bustling; there were large buildings carved into the cavern walls everywhere. She could see Xan Ruzians going about their daily businesses, going to markets and shops, talking with friends, and she could even make out a cute couple holding hands.
Elisabeth leaned against the railing, sighing happily. “Marcain is one of my favorite non-Lasian cities. It’s just so wonderful and exciting!” They kept staring down at it, but then remembered they had come here for a purpose, and kept going.
Apparently, at the end of the balcony was a very long set of stairs. Goldie looked at it in disdain, but knew she had to get to the city somehow, and kept walking.
About an hour later, they reached the palace. Goldie turned to the noblewoman. “Are you sure I can’t come in? I am assigned to protect you.”
“Yeah, and I mean no offense, but this is private business. Maybe you could wait outside?”
“Yes, of course.” 
As she went in, the blond leaned against the wall, hoping whatever the Lasian was doing would be quick.
A few minutes later, she heard one of the palace guards shouting out to her. “You! Girl! What are you doing?”
She sighed, this always happened at some point. 
“I’m Goldie Potter of Calinas’ Junior Knights Association. I’m here on assignment to guide and protect Lady Elisabeth Melly of Las.”
They laughed. “Sure. But then why aren’t you with her?” “Her business was private. She asked me to stay out here.” “Mhm. So if she has private business in the castle, why haven’t we been informed? And why haven’t we seen her?”
Goldie looked at them, confused. “You haven’t seen her?”
“No, I haven’t.” they replied. “And I’m starting to think you’re lying. Please leave before I make you.”
Goldie huffed, but walked off anyways. It probably wasn’t a good idea to get into a fight, especially when arrows aren’t the best weapon for hand-to-hand combat.
She decided to stay in the area, and just walk around the palace grounds. After her first round, she stopped abruptly. She felt something… almost like a tremor? 
And then she heard the crash. She turned her head quickly to where it was, and saw a huge chunk of rock falling from the top of the cavern. She gasped, then another chunk came down. And another. And another.
Screams filled her ears, people outside rushing and panicking. She tried to get to Lady Elisabeth, but she was blocked by the oncoming rush of palace workers.
Everything was happening so fast. She could almost completely see the sky now. Huge metal balls were raining down on the city.
A few feet away she saw one land. It was huge, almost three times bigger than her and at least twice as wide. It went right through the floor of the cave, and she saw cracks coming through the floor.
She started to run, trying to get out of the range of the cracks but they moved too quickly. They stopped for a second, and for a moment she thought everything was fine.
But then, another ball came down. It looked smaller, but still a decent size. As it landed on a little crack, she saw it widen, all of them widening.
And she screamed as she was plunged into the darkness below.
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Hey! Oh gosh, this is finally published!! I can’t believe it!!
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roachmattea · 3 years
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lady elisabeth melly, of las.
@pencilwritesshiz47 i may or may not have made a lil moodboard for elisabeth🥺👉👈i hope you like it!!! i am so excited for part two hehe-
everyone please go read + rebagle pencil’s amazing story!!! you won’t regret it!!!
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Interview: Rabea Weihser
Conchita Wurst : "For me as a man, this is very difficult to discuss"
Is drag cultural appropriation? Tom Neuwirth alias Conchita Wurst sits on the jury of the new Heidi Klum show "Queen of Drags" and must hear many allegations.
Tom Neuwirth just turned 31 years old. At 17, he reached the second place in the Austrian talent show "Starmania" and was a member of the boy band Jetzt Anders for a short time ! In 2012 he took part in the Austrian preselection for the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) for the first time in the guise of his art figure Conchita Wurst. The protest was big: Should a woman with a beard represent the country? Two years later he tried again and won the biggest singing competition in the world for Austria. Now Neuwirth has gotten rid of the long hair and released his third album "Truth over Magnitude". As of November 14, he will appear on the screen of the casting show "Queen of Drags" alongside Heidi Klum and Bill Kaulitz on ProSieben. Since the announcement, there has been strong criticism of this broadcast format - especially from the queer community. How does Neuwirth handle it? We meet him in October in a hotel in Berlin, he sits down and hums a happy fanfare.
ZEIT ONLINE: Mr. Neuwirth, you have short hair and now appear as Wurst, without Conchita. From the press release for your new album, we take that is now your "masculine-edged" contrast program. Does it always need an art figure that embodies a certain facet, or at some point you can sometimes say, "My name is Tom Neuwirth and that's all"?
Tom Neuwirth: I have the feeling that I am now as close to my private person as never before. Maybe last was when I was 17 and at Starmania. I constantly get the question: Is it him or her now? I then always entice myself to open a drawer to explain to people what is actually going on. In the end, it's just me, and sometimes with a wig, sometimes without, sometimes masculine, sometimes feminine.
ZEIT ONLINE: Without this glamorous costuming you are probably much more approachable, even for the fans.
Neuwirth: Of course, I notice that without the wig the situations in which people recognize me become more and more frequent. And I'm not sure how funny that is. Barbara Schöneberger once said that she would not be recognized on the street if she did not wear make-up. I'm trying that too. (laughs out loud)
TIME ONLINE: Not really, right?
Neuwirth: Of course it's a double-edged sword. I have understood in recent years: The lightness and the world in my head are not always compliant with a First Lady Conchita in a pencil skirt and well-shorn hair. What I'm doing now is part of my personality that I have not lived up to now in a female appearance. I've always danced to electro music privately and thought to myself: Why do not I make music that I like?
ZEIT ONLINE: Does Truth over Magnitude mean a musical cut or is it more in your production?
Neuwirth: I had created a President's wife and worked and lived according to this protocol. I lost myself after the song contest. Musically, of course, it's a different sound, although on my first studio album, I already had numbers that were relatively electronic. But they did not get that much attention. And so, yes: it was probably the larger cut optically. It was the bald spot. It freed me.
ZEIT ONLINE: With this bald head you were in February at the side of the Austrian Minister of Justice Josef Moser (ÖVP) at the Vienna Opera Ball. When you won the ESC as a bearded lady five years ago, especially conservative politicians made a derogatory remark. Heinz-Christian Strache, Vladimir Putin, Jarosław Kaczyński ...
Neuwirth: Everyone was there. Thanks for the attention. (Laughs)
ZEIT ONLINE: How do you assess the situation of trans people and homosexuals in Europe today? Could you do something with your presence?
Neuwirth: I think that something has changed in the media mainstream. Even when I talk to teenagers, I notice a sensibility that I did not know before - that's when I'm being reprimanded when I say something wrong. And that, I think, is a beautiful development. But I tend to forget that I live in a bubble too.
ZEIT ONLINE: We have to talk about the great mustard yellow lacquer stilettos you are wearing right now.
Neuwirth: You can tell that I'm from Los Angeles. I looked at myself today and thought: Ah, there is a bit left over!
ZEIT ONLINE: You were in California to shoot with Heidi Klum and Bill Kaulitz the new ProSieben show Queen of Drags. This is a format inspired by Ru Paul's Drag Race, a talent show for drag queens that is very successful in the USA.
Neuwirth: Let's say what it's like: Ru Paul's Drag Race has shown a growing generation that individualism is great. This has been consumed in my community for ten years. And that has also made us a bit stronger. But when I see a couple of two women or two men in Vienna, I think it's nice, but I still notice how special that is. And I believe, as long as that is still the case, we can not say that there is equality.
ZEIT ONLINE: The German audience knows Dragqueens rather in the form of Olivia Jones, Lilo Wanders or Mary from the jam advertising. They called them Tunten and always liked to bring them as birds of paradise in front of the camera, if it should be colorful or even slippery. So, if you've only seen this before, you may be wondering, what is Drag?
Neuwirth: We all make drag. We go out in the morning with our worklook, our working face, and that is already a form of metamorphosis. In this culture of stage performance, drag is a total work of art by a person who must have an incredible number of talents. In the most understandable sense, it is the illusion of a female figure.
ZEIT ONLINE: ... portrayed by someone born in the body of a man?
Neuwirth: Not mandatory. There are also women who make drag. There are also heterosexuals who make drag. There are no limits, and that's great. At Queen of Drags, we have guys who portray their version of a female illusion. This is sometimes very close to reality, with beard, others have rather created an alienesque being. I said to all my friends, they have to try dragging once.
ZEIT ONLINE: Why is that important?
Neuwirth: This mask you put on makes you uncompromisingly yourself.
ZEIT ONLINE: If you put them back then ...
Neuwirth: No. Quite simply said: You disguise yourself and this shield is a bit unrestrained. You have other conversations, you are safer in your skin. One alienates and then comes to himself. The next day, when the make-up is down, you may not be as sassy as last night. But you have learned something emotionally, and you take that with you. To see how far your own character is, how much fun you can have with you: this is one of the most beautiful experiences you can do.
ZEIT ONLINE: Cologne Carnivalists would probably say so synonymous. Is it important for this borderline experience to change into the opposite sex?
Neuwirth: No. But the illusion of the opposite sex is a bit stronger than, for example, a toadstool costume. Because, in this case, you get in touch with your female side, which is what many boys do not do, gay or heterosexual.
ZEIT ONLINE: Drag is really a pretty committed subculture. Were you traveling in this scene before you thought up Conchita Wurst?
Neuwirth: I think I was in Drag for the first time when I was 15. I went out and never felt better and more comfortable. The Drag scene in Austria is not really big, but I was looking for my stages somehow. I moderated or sang shows, danced wherever I was allowed to. When I took part in the preliminary round of the Song Contest for the first time in 2012, suddenly there were so many opportunities for me. And I was allowed to travel. Here in Berlin, I met and understood Barbie Breakout, Melli Magic and Gloria Viagra: Ah, that's the sisterhood that everyone is talking about. I love this drag community so much because we can all be a little bit more than we want. With all our emotions and sensitivities and our ego sense of being. But when the going gets tough, we stand up for each other.
ZEIT ONLINE: Every year at carnival time is discussed whether in view of the colonial history, children are still allowed to disguise as Native Americans. Miley Cyrus was scolded in 2013 because she was twerking, and actually only black women with round butts do. Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in for trouble because he went to the carnival 20 years ago with a dark face as Aladdin. If one wishes to continue this thought, one could also call drag a kind of cultural appropriation: men, who are generally in a stronger social position than women, play womanhood for entertainment. How do you see that?
Neuwirth: That's very interesting. And in certain parts that's probably true. I also found myself in situations when I worked with colleagues and the press afterwards wrote: I was great and she was vulgar. Then I realized: Oh, I'm still a white man. This imbalance prevails and it is absolutely right to think about it. It is true in part, it is an appropriation. But I think skin color is not a costume.
ZEIT ONLINE: What fascinates you about this appropriation of femininity?
Neuwirth: I was raised by strong women, I love women. The first almost 20 years of my life I listened almost exclusively to female singers, everything else I found boring. Empress Elisabeth or Maria Theresia were also such inspiring personalities, and that cultures inspire me is just as legitimate. But it is incredibly sensitive and difficult to handle properly.
ZEIT ONLINE: A flow of feminism criticized the Drag especially the representation of exaggerated female characteristics, while fighting for equal rights and reduce gender stereotypes. In modern societies, men become slightly more feminine and women more masculine. Why does the drag scene love the conservative female look?
Neuwirth: I breathe individualism. And I would find it terrible if suddenly we were all unified. I'm not concerned about gender roles. My point is that everyone recognizes his own color and paints himself with it. But why should not an overly feminine woman like Pamela Anderson be a feminist?
TIME ONLINE: This feminist current would now answer: she can not be a feminist because her looks are based on the satisfaction of the male sex drive. If she keeps dressing like that, she betrays women fighting toxic manhood.
Neuwirth: But why ... For me as a man, this is very difficult to discuss because I will never understand it authentically.
ZEIT ONLINE: This is the core of the discussion about cultural appropriation. The social or psychological pressure on marginalized people can not be understood from the outside. Do you have the right to disguise yourself as her?
Neuwirth: How could one find an answer to that? I put on clothes, because I find it stunningly beautiful. And not because I think about stepping on someone's neck ...
ZEIT ONLINE: ... or, if you agree with the image of those who may find it beautiful?
Neuwirth: Yes! I'm sorry, in my world it's all about me. I have only one life and I would like to have it as nice as it gets.
ZEIT ONLINE: The criticism of your participation in Queen of Drags must have met you. Especially drag queens have publicly lamented the sell-out of their subculture. Is not it also a kind of cultural appropriation by Heidi Klum, who is not a drag queen, to profitably use this subculture as an entertainment program?
Neuwirth: Maybe. I take this opportunity to bring the drag theme into mainstream and find that Heidi, even if she is not from that scene, has an absolute right to judge a performance. She comes from entertainment and is probably one of the most famous German-speaking people. Would this format have been achieved without her? Maybe not now, or maybe never. Or maybe on a slot, where nobody would have been interested. She is of course a multiplier and a very sensitive one. The criticism was incredibly loud, and I was a little bit confused, because our community always strives to be inclusive, inclusive and without prejudice towards people.
ZEIT ONLINE: I read a quote from the drag queen Dita Whip regarding the jury constellation: "Finally Conchita Wurst will sit next to the extrovert over the top Heidi and watch, powerless how Klum and ProSieben clog their pockets at the expense of queer culture."
Neuwirth: (laughs softly) I would not let that "powerless" stand. (laughs louder) I talked to my friends because I too needed to be sensitized, especially with regard to this cultural appropriation. I am relatively naive and draw my inspiration from everything I see and experience. I was told that financial enrichment was the main problem. And I can understand that for a while. I hope, but also that our Queens have careers according to this format and can do what they like most every day. I focus on that. Not that this statement is now total nonsense, but I think the truth is in the middle.
ZEIT ONLINE: Can I accuse you of opportunism?
Neuwirth: opportunism? I need a translator now, please.
ZEIT ONLINE: Once you said in an analogous sense: Maybe my career will last another 20 years, I just take everything with me. Let ProSieben pull you out of the car to bring credibility to the show?
Neuwirth: Oh, opportunism!
ZEIT ONLINE: There is money, attention, airtime. Is it justified to offend parts of the sisterhood? Or say, "Yo, run with me, that's the business"?
Neuwirth: I have received many such inquiries in the last few years. It took us until we got to the point of being able to realize this show. And I'm probably not an opportunist. I'm just fired up if anything interests me. I am a drag race fan and I come back from L.A. with a full heart. Of course it's a huge show and I love to be in the limelight, I love being in the spotlight. At the same time, I consider myself selective and do not do everything. I hoped that this project would be more personal to me than just a TV show. And that's what it actually has become. It was so much fun that I just hope it translates to the audience. It was just awesome.
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tg-fal · 5 years
Character Introduction via Old Art
I just want to introduce the Team we’re dealing with
I will draw them all (hopefully soon) with my improved art but for now, I can only offer art from 2014 or 15 or something ; 7 ;
For Starters: The Team’s name is 1.FC Lachshafen
Short explanation: 1.FC is short for 1.Fußballclub (so 1.Footballclub yeet). “Lachshafen” is the made-up town the team plays for. It translates to “Salmonharbor” in English. (As mentioned it’s up in the north of Germany and right at the North sea, by the way. So yes, it’s also partly a harbor although a very small one)
So now onto the 11 losers:
Mia Sommer
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Full Name: Mia Antonia Sommer
Age: 16
Birthday: 19. May
Height: 1.57 m
Position: Defense
Skills: Barely there
Tricot Number: 6
Due to her bad luck in pulling raffle tickets, Mia became the captain of the football club. She’s not very enthusiastic about it, as the sport doesn’t interest her at all and she also has not much of an idea about it. Mia’s interests are stereotypically girly. She likes pink, flowers and old Barbie movies. One thing that is consistently on her mind is the topic of love. Mia is awfully romantic and daydreams of roses, kisses and sunsets with the credits rolling over them. She strongly desires to experience all that herself, but at the same time her shyness keeps her from talking to boys her age. Mia is rather insecure and cares a great deal about what others might think of her. She’s easily nervous and can be a bit of a coward. She’s overall friendly and a caring individual however, who shows herself helpful towards her friends. Her dream is to become a famous singer in the future and she truly has a beautiful voice. 
Eric Parker
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Full Name: Eric Anselm Parker
Age: 17
Birthday: 7. February
Height: 1.83 m
Position: Attack
Skills: Great
Tricot Number: 3
Eric quickly gets recognized as best player by the team, which simultaneously earns him a ton of admiration by most of the teammates. He and his two friends came out of the neighboring town to join the team. As Eric is very reserved he rather stays around those two certain friends named Mariella and Lars. He’s not very talkative and does not make much effort to get to know the rest of the team. To some his aloof behavior makes him come across as arrogant, to other’s he’s intimidating. He’s quite oblivious to all of the admiration or other mixed emotions the team has about him. Eric is helpful though and does state his opinion here and there if he feels that it helps. He's not arrogant at all and actually very self-critical. Despite popular belief his greatest pleasure is not football, but music and his guitar. 
Polly Joslawski
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Full Name: Polly Angelina Joslawski
Age: 16
Birthday: 7. September
Height: 1.63 m
Position: Defense
Skills: Medium
Tricot Number: 17
Polly is Mia’s best friend who follows her to the small village. She’s a very energetic and joyful girl, who always tries to search for the bright side of everything as she is also very optimistic. Polly is very supportive towards her friends and often behaves like some sort-off cheerleader to them. She's great at cheering people up and giving them an encouragement-talk. She loves good jokes and makes many of them herself. She’s also rather hyperactive and very bouncy, not liking to sit still for long. Polly doesn’t care if you insult her and shows a very long temper when it comes to that. However, if you greatly insult or hurt any of her friends she becomes furious. It takes her a long time to reconcile with people who have greatly wronged people close to her. However when it comes to people who have wronged her, she can be way too forgiving. Her favorite animals are frogs.
Melanie Lieske
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Full Name: Melanie Lieske
Age: 17
Birthday: 16. March
Height: 1.78 m
Position: Defence
Skills: Bad
Tricot Number: 24
Melanie, usually called “Melly”, is a warm and caring young lady who also shows herself as rather selfless. She’s quite mature, well-mannered and usually stays out of unnecessary conflicts, rather searching for ways to solve them. She looks out for others and their well-being, offers help when she feels someone needs it while also making sure to not make them feel uncomfortable. She’s patient and has her temper under excellent control. However she is not afraid to scold and nag people here and there. All of this gives her a sort-off motherly vibe and she is generally well-liked by basically everyone. She tends to forget to look after her own well-being sometimes, however. She’s greatly passionate about gardening and baking. 
Emma Herbst
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Full Name: Elisabeth Emma Herbst
Age: 17
Birthday: 27. September
Height: 1.70 m
Position: Attack
Skills: Very Good
Tricot Number: 25
Emma is bold and daring. She is rather impatient and energetic and often acts without all too much thought behind it. Adding to that her temper is very short and it does not take all too long to make her snap, if you pull the right strings. She’s much of a tomboy and rather uninterested with most stereotypical “girlish” interests. She has a strong sense for justice though and his never afraid to speak up for what she believes is right. Emma also has a good sense for motivating people and get them to actually act instead of sulking in the corner. She herself hates not acting on problems immediately. She also hates the feeling of being chained down and is free-spirited. When she was a child she wanted to be a sailor and holds a fascination for the roaring seas to this day.
Mariella Caivano
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Full Name: Mariella Alexandra Dorotea Caivano
Age: 17
Birthday: 17. August
Height: 1.75 m
Position: Middle
Skills: Medium
Tricot Number: 34
Mariella is confident with herself and shows that a lot. To many she therefore comes across as highly arrogant but Mariella does not really care about what people think about her, if she’s not trying to impress them. She knows her skills and talents and how to utilize them. She was spoiled by her parents and is used to getting whatever she wants. Should a situation occur in which that is not the case, she will desperately try to flip it around in her favor. Sometimes she does fail to realize when things go too far however. She enjoys being envied but can become greatly jealous herself. While she’d never attack someone for no reason, she’s not someone pleasant to have as enemy. She aspires to be a make-up artist in the future. 
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Full Name: Patrick Karl “P.K.” Müller
Age: 17
Birthday: 23. February
Height: 1.90 m
Position: Middle
Skills: Medium
Tricot Number: 19
P.K. is a laidback and friendly young man, who has a good understanding on how to socialize. He is open and extroverted and not afraid to take the first step. He's an optimist who perfectly understands how to cheer people up and also pretty well-mannered. At the same time, he’s much of a jokester and always in for some good fun. He always stays true to himself and does not care the slightest what others may think about him. He has a long temper and it takes a lot to actually make him dislike someone. Although he will always stand up against unfair treatment against others. He's also helpful and a great listener. He wants to work for his family’s hotel in the future as a chef, as cooking is his greatest passion.
David Fischer
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Full Name: David Martin Fischer
Age: 17
Birthday: 27.April
Height: 1.83 m
Position: Goalkeeper
Skills: Very Good
Tricot Number: 1
David is P.K.’s cousin and despite being the same age, David is a lot less mature. He’s one of the more skilled members of his team and greatly annoyed by the team’s overall lack of skill. At the same time, he himself is quite cocky and arrogant and often acts all mighty and smug. He does not take any damaging of his pride lightly and is also rather easily jealous. He hates when others steal his attention. He’s also one to often voice his opinion without thinking about consequences or wether it’s appropriate or not. Combined with his rather short temper it makes him a person who easily runs into troubles. He can be a bit of an Elitist and hard to get along with first, but deep down he learns how to care about his team more and more and becomes a lot more loyal  and protective over them. He can be fun and also brave. Also he loves video games.
Lars Geist
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Full Name: Lars Geist
Age: 16
Birthday: 9. October
Height: 1.68 m
Position: Middle
Skills: Bad
Tricot Number: 15
Lars is antisocial and uncommunicative. He’s greatly uninterested in making new friends and rather stays safe in the small friend circle he already has. At the same time he’s greatly desperate to keep the friends he already has as his friends. Lars is always nodding along to whatever his two closest friends, Mariella and Eric, say and agrees with them on basically everything. As he is also crushing on Eric, he generally follows him around pretty much everywhere. He can be a bit possessive over the people close to him and is often jealous whenever they make new friends. This can even result in him becoming rather rude towards the new persons. Lars also lacks self-confidence and does barely ever stand up for himself. He loves painting. 
Maximillian Beckert
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Full Name: Maximillian Beckert
Age: 15
Birthday: 24. August
Height: 1.65 m
Position: Attack
Skills: Good
Tricot Number: 9
Maximilian is an optimistic young boy and pretty much the sunshine of the group. He hates seeing people being down and sad and often goes to make them feel better, even if he should not know them very well personally. He’s a great listener and a good shoulder to cry on. Maxi does care a lot about what others think about him though. Whenever he attempts to make friends he desperately tries to come across as hip and cool instead of just being his normal, much more charming self. This often results in some very awkward conversations. He does always stands up from failures however and takes it on a new with a smile. He owns a dog who he is very enthusiastic about and he would like to work with animals in the future. 
Annika Förster
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Full Name: Annika Luise Förster
Age: 15
Birthday: 3.March
Height: 1.50 m
Position: Middle
Skills: Bad
Tricot Number: 13
Annika is insanely shy and also greatly antisocial. Aside from her childhood friend Maximillian, she barely ever interacts with any member of the team and rather admires most of them from a far. She does not think very highly of herself and is also very soft-spoken. She would never stand up for herself and does not speak up if something bothers her, which some people do see as an invitation to walk all over her. Annika is actually very intelligent and well-read. She reads novel after novel and secretly writes herself, dreaming of being an author someday. Annika is pretty gloomy and melancholic but still caring and always there when Maxi needs her. 
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
The Fourth Arrives
MGR Chapter Six
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TW: Mentions of destruction and fire
Marigold was tired.
And she didn't mean the sleepy sort of tired (although she was that as well).
No, this kind of tiredness was different. It was more like feeling drained, like something had sucked the energy out of her.
At first, she had just thought it was the empty feeling that came after Goldie had been gone for three days with no contact. That would have made sense. But that feeling was different. Empty, and missing. But it was only a piece of her life's puzzle, while this... this was the puzzle itself.
So that left the only other possibility-- that she was magically drained. She had been blasting raw elemental power into the water to propel the boat for hours now, a task that should have been easy and effortless. But it seemed to be taking a toll on her, something that should only happen to elementists, who had limited powers. These things just didn't happen to sprites. And that worried her.
So, she tried not to think of it. She focused on moving the boat forwards, and if her mind wandered too far, she would just bring it back again.
It was during one of these times that Lauren spoke up, maybe at around 2 or 3 in the morning.
"There's someone here."
Lady Elisabeth sighed from the other end of the boat. "How in the world could there be a fourth person? That makes no sense."
Marigold had her back turned to them, but she could feel the stare Lauren was giving her from where she knelt.
"I dunno. There just... is one."
And if this were anyone else, Marigold would have dismissed it out of hand. Anyone would. But this was Lauren, who always seemed to know just when someone was sneaking up on her, to a point where it was kind of intimidating. So, if she said there was a fourth person, there was one.
The boat fell silent.
"Then what do we do about it?" Marigold finally asked.
Silence again.
"Well, uh, we should... wait, no... oh..." Lauren stammered, trying to come up with a response. Her instincts may have been great, but when she needed to come up with a plan on the fly? That was more Goldie's department.
"Is anyone there?" the noblewoman finally asked, and Marigold held her breath, hoping it was nothing malicious.
And then, after a moment, a response came. "Uhh... yeah?"
The voice was young, and they seemed to have a Calinian accent, so at least it (probably) wasn't some sort of terrible creature.
"Do you want to come out?" Marigold asked, stopping her blast, and turning around to face the direction of the voice. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you," she quickly added.
There was a beat of silence, and then, in the back corner of the boat, darkness seemed to lift, revealing a child.
Marigold held back a gasp. This was not just any child—this was Princess Amina.
In the light of the moons, she looked exactly like Marigold always imagined her, yet still totally different.
On TV she had always seemed so regal and fancy—always dressed in frills and makeup. She had always stood still next to her parents as they made important announcements, as if she were just there for decoration. And maybe she was.
But now, she was different. There wasn't a bit of makeup on her face, and she was just wearing a simple purple dress with sleeves that ended just past her elbows. Her jet-black hair was down, and there was something in her brown eyes that seemed so... adventurous.
She quickly raised her hand in a wave. "Hey."
"Sup," Lauren replied, and Marigold groaned internally. You couldn't just say "Sup," to a member of the royal family, could you!?
No one seemed to know what to say for a moment.
"So," Lauren started, and Marigold started praying that she wouldn't get any of them imprisoned. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh..." the princess said, looking down at the bottom of the boat. "I don't think you'd believe me. Heck, I kinda don't believe me either."
Lauren smiled. "Hey, it's alright. Just tell us."
The princess looked up at them. "I, uh, got sent here. By Time."
Marigold wasn't sure how to react to that. It seemed completely unlikely, but then again, she wasn't about to question the future leader of her country. Elisabeth, on the other hand, did not appear to have the same thoughts.
"I'm sorry, you what?" she said, and Amina shrugged.
"Hey, like I said, I don't get it either. All I know is that she told me to find you, and stowaway in this boat. And that I'm part of some solution or whatever. And I think you all are too? It's confusing."
Marigold just looked at her, confused. What was this girl talking about?
"So what are you going to do about that?" Lauren asked.
The young princess looked at her quizzically. "What?"
Lauren shrugged. "If you were sent here on some sort of quest by Time, you must have been told to do something, right?"
"Um... I mean, I got a wooden box?"
Lauren sighed. "Ok, uh, why don't you start from the beginning."
And so, she did. She started from the meeting that she overheard to the part where she sneaked onto their boat. And Marigold was speechless. Time had just shown up and given this girl a quest!? These things didn't happen.
But, then again, a lot of things were happening that really shouldn't be.
"So, what are you going to do now?" Elisabeth asked. "Like Lauren said, you must have some sort of plan."
Amina faltered. "I, uh, didn't think that far ahead."
"You could always come with us," Marigold said, looking at the other two. Elisabeth shrugged.
"Yeah, if you want to, you could," Lauren said, and Amina thought for a moment.
"Umm, sure. What are you all doing anyways?"
The three looked at each other. "Well," Marigold started, "We're going to rescue my lover, Goldie. She's stuck in Xan Ruz."
Amina nodded her head. "Alright then."
And so, they went back to what they were doing, with Marigold propelling the boat, Lauren steering, Elisabeth playing with something in her hands, and Amina sitting in a corner silently.
It took about an hour, but finally, Lauren shouted. "We're here!"
She quickly conjured a rope, tying the boat to shore, then hopped out, with the rest of the party following close behind her.
Elisabeth went up to the front. "Alright, the entrance to the city should be close. Just follow me."
Lauren looked a bit startled by having the control suddenly taken from her, but didn't say anything, just slowed her pace to match Marigold's.
As they walked across the field, Marigold wondered about Goldie. Was she safe? Was she fighting or hiding for her life?
And then the worries about the magically drained feeling she was getting popped back—what was going on? She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task ahead of her. She just needed to find Goldie. Then everything you would be alright.
"In here," Elisabeth called, and they started to walk though some sort of entrance. And then, suddenly, they all stopped.
Marigold looked up ahead, and gasped. "Oh, Her."
She had known it would be bad. But this?
Buildings were smashed, in, with plumes of smoke coming up from them. She could see small fires on the streets, and large metal orbs stuck in the ground, a few having cracks stretching out from them. There were large pieces of rubble from the top of the cave everywhere, and even as she looked, more pieces started to fall. 
But the worst part was its size. Marigold hadn't realized the city was this big— how on Izan was she supposed to find Goldie?
hope you liked the chapter!!!! trying to get on a sunday schedule, praying that my motivation cooperates heh
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
The Bunker
MGR Chapter 7
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TW: Cursing, (parent) death mention
As the group walked down the long set of stairs to the city below, Elisabeth couldn’t hear a thing. And she hated it. 
Well, maybe “hated” was the wrong word. But it made her feel uncomfortable. Of course, she knew that all of the citizens of Marcain had been evacuated after the attack, but it still felt like the calm before the storm— and who knew when the storm would strike.
Finally, they reached the bottom, and Marigold turned to face her. “Where do we go now?”
Her voice was soft and light, and the rhythm in it was like a heartbeat-- slow and steady. But now was not the time to focus on that— now was the time to find Goldie.
“I last saw her outside the palace, that at least gives us a place to start.” 
Marigold nodded. “Lead the way.”
As they walked down the streets of Marcain, Elisabeth kept looking around. Only four days ago they were bustling and busy with life, and now? They were deserted and destroyed. She sighed. Hopefully someone would fix it soon.
She thought back to the council meeting earlier that day (or was it yesterday? She couldn’t tell anymore), and how stupid everyone was being. Xan Ruz had suffered a major attack, and no communication had come out of the country since the odd message they had been given, which was quite concerning. And yet they wouldn’t even send a single person to check to make sure everyone was ok, just because of a stupid treaty from a stupid war. Sending someone wouldn’t even break it! 
But then, Elisabeth’s internal rant was put to a stop. “Look!” Princess Amina shouted. “A trapdoor!”
And so there was one. Next to where they had stopped was an alleyway, and at the back was a trapdoor with a few crates next to it.. The princess ran up to it. “I’m going to go down it. If your friend’s not there, maybe something or someone helpful will be!”
“Your highness, I really don’t think—” Marigold started, but Amina was already gone. 
Lauren stepped up to it next, and stepped onto the staircase inside
“Lauren, don’t you dare do this.” 
The knight shrugged. “Hey, someone has to protect the princess.”
Elisabeth looked at the staircase. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go down, but everyone else seemed to be, so why not.
She looked over to the sprite. “You coming?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Nope,” the noblewoman replied, and started to follow after the two.
Lauren had turned on her phone light, so she could at least see a little bit ahead of her, but there wasn’t much to see anyways, just old stone walls. It smelled musty, like no one had really been in here in a while, and the only sounds she could hear were the sounds of water dripping down onto the floor, and the clack of the princess’ boots. 
Finally, after a few minutes, they all stopped. In front of them was a large stone door. Amina reached out to try the handle, but she had no luck in opening it. 
“Let me try,” Lauren said, stepping up to the handle, but still, nothing happened. She knocked on the door. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
They stood in silence for a moment, wondering what in the world was about to happen next.
And then, the door creaked open.
In the doorway stood a girl. She was in her teens, with blond hair just above shoulder length and pale skin with a scar on her cheek. She was short, and was wearing a slightly ripped up T-shirt with a band logo that Elisabeth didn’t recognize, and an orange skirt with tears in a few places. 
“Hey,” Goldie said. “What’s up?”
Marigold started to walk over to her, a smile setting into her face as she did. “Not much. You?”
She bent down to kiss her, and after a few moments, they pulled back. “Holy shit, I’ve missed you.” Goldie said, smiling.
“Language!” Marigold scolded, but Elisabeth could tell she didn’t really care.
Lauren stepped up to the couple. “Hey, this is sweet and really cute, but can I talk to Goldie for a moment?”
Marigold stepped back, and Lauren looked at Goldie. “You’re a bitch. The bitchiest bitch I have ever laid eyes on, you know that, right?” 
Goldie hugged her. “I’ve missed you too.”
And then, she looked right at Elisabeth, her expression unreadable. “Hey.”
Elisabeth looked at her shoes. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault you got stuck here, I should have come back for you, I—”
She let go of Lauren, and walked over to the noblewoman. “It’s fine. I would have gotten stuck in that hole whether or not you came back for me.”
And then her gaze set on Amina, and her eyes widened. “Your Highness! What a surprise! Uh, if I may ask, what are you doing here?”
The princess sighed. “It’s a long story.”
Suddenly, there was a crashing sound from behind Goldie that sounded something like tin hitting concrete. Elisabeth flinched slightly, while Goldie spun around. “You all ok in there?”
“Yeah, it’s just that El knocked over my bean-can tower. Again.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Mhm. Just like you didn’t do it on purpose last time, or the time before that. What a strange coincidence.”
Goldie nodded, and then turned back to face them. Marigold looked over at her lover. “Goldie, who were those people?”
“Oh! Yeah! Uh, one sec, lemme introduce you all. Come on in.”
She led the group inside, and Elisabeth looked around the small space, although there wasn’t much to see. 
“Everyone, this is Princess Eloise and Prince Aaron of Xan Ruz,” Goldie said, pointing to a girl with pink hair and a boy that looked somewhat similar to her. Eloise nodded, and Aaron gave the group a soft smile and a small wave.
“Aaron, Eloise, this is Lauren, Marigold, Lady Elisabeth of Las, and Princess Amina of Calinas.”
The rest of the group said a few assorted greetings, and then there was a moment of silence.
“How did you get down here?” Eloise asked. Elisabeth wasn’t sure what to make of her tone. It felt intimidating, yes, but there was fear in her voice. The Xan Ruzian princess was not someone who was supposed scared or shaken, but she was now. And she didn’t like it.
It was Amina who answered. “There was a trapdoor.”
“Wait, it wasn’t covered up?”
“Um, no? It was just sitting there, plain as day. Honestly, you might want to be more careful in the future.”
“I am— you know what, nevermind.”
“Yeah, nevermind is right,” Marigold chimed in. “Enough about how we got down here, tell us about how you got down here.”
“Only if you tell me your side of the story,” Goldie said.
“Alright, but you first.”
Silence filled the room, broken only by the occasional sound of Lauren sipping her coffee. How the brunette had gotten a hold of said coffee, Elisabeth had no idea, but she wasn’t focusing on that. She was focusing on Goldie’s story. The kings, dead? No wonder Calinas couldn’t send any help— the only government that was confirmed to be alive was in this room, and it had no Wi-Fi. She had checked.
And the “Fade”. When Eloise had explained that, there was a panic in Marigold’s eyes. It made her want to make sure she was ok, but she knew she couldn’t do that.
“We need a plan.”
Elisabeth turned towards the voice— Lauren’s.
“Our original plan was for me, Lady Elisabeth, and Marigold to find Goldie and get back to Calinas, but with the addition of three more people, we may need to adjust. Any ideas?”
“We’re definitely taking the twins back to Calinas,” Goldie said, and everyone but the twins nodded in agreement. 
“Hey, you can’t do that! Our people need us!” the prince said.
“I know,” Elisabeth said, not even realizing the words were coming out of her mouth, “But you can help them better if you’re safe, alive, and with people who can actually help you. And you won’t get any of that by staying here.”
Neither twin said anything, but she knew that they understood her.
“Your Highness, did you need to stay here? For your mission?” Lauren asked Amina, and the girl shrugged. 
“I don’t think so. I’m honestly just going to see where this takes me, and hope that something happens.”
“Well, at least that’s some sort of plan.” Lauren said. “So, unless anyone has any objections, we’re going to just head back to Calinas with everyone?”
The group let out various noises of approval, and Elisabeth stood up. “Come on, let’s go,” she said, and everyone started to shuffle out of the bunker behind her. 
As she walked up the stairs to the trapdoor, she thought about that feeling she had earlier, like the calm before the storm.
So where was the storm?
And then, as she opened the trapdoor to the world outside, she found it. Because surrounding the door were almost twenty armed soldiers, with uniforms and crests the likes of which she had never seen. 
At the front of the party was a man that appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties. He was wearing a uniform like the rest, but with a few more accessories— he must have been the leader. He had curly blue hair, light brown skin, and brown eyes that sparkled with malice. His face was twisted into a smirk, and the second Elisabeth saw it, she knew that getting back to Calinas wouldn’t be as easy as they had planned.
i cannot believe that i posted chapter six just two days ago!! and now, here we are, with chapter seven!! aaaaa!!
Anyways, please let me know:
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist
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If I should add any other trigger warnings.
also, please remember, reblogs are free, and if you don’t like it you can always delete the post later. it’d be a big help for my account, and thank you!!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
more mgr picrews!! with newer flags! and side comments because i can!!
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idk they’re tired (she’s always tired tho) but fae’s just,,, lookin at someone and is just like,,, well,,,, <3 
also it’s not the right jacket but hey she needed a jacket
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bro she looks like a sweet southern kinda conservative girl who will give u a cheerful smile all the time but yet she’s still so gay and so badass
honestly she’s based on a person like that tho soo
also fjfjsd her hair looks kinda red, it’s not really supposed to be. like it’s a lil red?? but more brown-gold, ya know?
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this woman is looking at u like she’s ur mom. and she’s right. she is ur mom. respect her. she has dangerous and deadly potions in her pockets and although she will hesitate to use them on you, her friends will not. be glad that she loves you. bc she does <3
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fun fact: she wrote a short story about the frog on her pocket. it’s adorable. said frog is named jeremy. respect jeremy or get bonked on the head by her ancestor’s sword. she will not hesitate.
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tis a day for vibing. that’s all she’s gonna do today. u wanna do something else? hA, no. just vibes. schoolwork gets burned in the kitchen at three in the morning because ~vibes~ and *not* bc she doesn’t want to do it /s 
also maybe come cuddles. cuddles are vibes. 
also this ladybug sweatshirt. a vibe. maybe that’s not how the word is used, but i don’t care. v i b e s
and yes i know the scar isn’t there, picrew didn’t have it. ;-;
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
An Apology in the Form of an Adventure
MGR Chapter Five
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TW: Arguing
Dame Lauren Baker stared at her screen, not listening as the broadcaster kept on talking. All she could think about were those words.
"Xan Ruz is no more."
What did that even mean? How could a country be “no more”? All she knew was that there was no way that could be a good thing. And her best friend was stuck there.
She wanted to panic. But she couldn't panic. Not in front of... her. She stared at the girl who had crashed on top of her only minutes ago. She was the reason Goldie was in this situation. She was the one who left her. She...
Lauren took a deep breath. Maybe Goldie was ok. She swiped out of the broadcast screen, and opened her phone app, quickly hitting Goldie's contact.
She put her phone up to her ear, her heart racing.
Lauren gasped. "Goldie! Goldie, are—are you alright? I—"
"You've reached Goldie Potter, and I'm not at the phone right now, sorry 'bout that. Anywaaaays, I'll call ya back when I can! Byeeeeeeeeee—"
She hung up. She tried to convince herself that Goldie's phone was just dead, but her mind kept jumping to other thoughts...
"I'm sorry."
Lauren looked over at the girl, her words breaking off her internal ranting.
"You should be."
The girl sighed and looked at her feet. "I know. I screwed up. I should have brought her with me. But you have to understand, I really tried! Everything was so crazy, and I just— I-I'm just so sorry."
And then, in that moment, Lauren had a choice. Forgive her, or not.
Almost subconsciously, she chose "not". The raging part of her took over, sending the rational part back. She started yelling again, but she wasn't even sure what she was saying until she found herself ranting about the girl helping them rescue Goldie.
She looked at the girl, her face full of fear. The girl shakily took a piece of paper and a pen out of her pocket, scribbled something on it, and handed it to her, mumbling, "My contact information." Then she walked off.
Lauren just stood there. She wasn't sure what to think, or what to feel. She looked at the paper in her hands. It was pink, with little flowers around the edges. Written on it in some of the fanciest writing she'd ever seen, were the words, "Lady Elisabeth Melly," and then an address and a phone number. She shoved it into her pocket but she didn't leave. She just stood there.
She wasn't sure how long it had been since the girl—Lady Elisabeth—had left, but when she heard footsteps the sky was a shade of purple so dark it ought to be black.
"Hey," a gentle called out. "It's late."
"She's still in Xan Ruz," Lauren responded, almost robotically.
"Goldie. She's still in Xan Ruz. A-and I called her, and she didn't answer. And I think someone's going to help us find her in three days if she doesn't come back but I don't even know—"
The person had come around to her by now, and she just sank into their arms, soon realizing that it was her friend, Marigold. She looked up at her, her eyes filled with tears. "M, I don't know what to do and I'm-I'm scared."
"Let's go home," she whispered, and slowly, they stared to walk back to the JKA.
"You double-checked the checklist, right? We do have everything?" The knight asked.
"For the last time, yes." The healer said, a bit exasperated although she still had a small smile on her face.
"Are you sure you're not lying to me?"
"Would I lie to you about a checklist?"
Lauren sighed. "I sure hope not."
Three days had passed since her encounter with the noblewoman. And since Goldie hadn't returned, they were heading out for Xan Ruz.
Unfortunately, the JKA leader Dame Alice, wasn't completely thrilled with a sector leader and a healer to go wandering off on an international rescue adventure, so the two had to sneak out.
"Ok, now when did Di say she'd be closing the portal?" Lauren asked, not wanting to be late.
"Uh, I think it was the 23rd hour? And it's the 22nd hour right now, so we're good." Marigold replied.
Lauren nodded, and peaked out her bedroom door. Thankfully, there was no one there, and she motioned to Marigold to follow her.
They tip-toed through from one end of the hallway to the other, stopping when they reached door 3. The brunette knocked on the door softly, and the blue-haired girl answered, yawning slightly. "Thank the gods you're here, this portal is a bit harder to keep open then I thought."
Lauren knit her brows. "But isn't the location pretty close to here?"
Di sighed. "Yeah, it does seem to be, but for some reason it's just... tiring. That could be from the strain leftover from opening that Xan Ruz portal, but something is still off..."
Lauren frowned. "Well, we'll look into that when we get back. But thank you for opening this."
Di smiled. "No prob boss," and the two stepped through the portal.
"We're outside the palace," the sprite remarked, staring at the building looming just yards away from them.
Lauren stared at it. It was quite huge, with many towers and high walls. The dark gray brick and numerous Calinas flags gave it a sense of majesty and elegance, but in the dark it felt frightening as well.
But Lauren wasn't paying attention to it, instead, she was trying to find the river where, according to Marigold, Lady Elisabeth had arranged a boat to be placed.
It took her a second, but she quickly found the brown wooden rowboat. It was modest, but it would work. She quickly dragged Marigold over to it, and climbed in.
She took a moment to take it all in—the feeling of the rough wood beneath her, the smell of the cool night air, and the gentle sounds of the river flowing. But it didn't last long—she had other things to attend to.
She opened her phone, as there wasn't enough light for her to see her watch. In bright white letters behind her lockscreen (A selfie of her, Goldie, and Marigold taken just a few months after she joined the JKA) was the time—22:19. She sighed. They had made it on time.
Marigold went over to the side of the boat, and quickly climbed in, splashing both of them. Lauren giggled, leaned over to the side of the boat, and cupped up some water in her hands. Then, quick as an arrow, she threw it at Marigold's back. The sprite turned around, her face in an expression of mock anger. She gasped, and took a bit of water in her hands, gently spraying Lauren with it.
They went on like this for a few minutes, although Marigold was far more wet than Lauren. When they were finally finished with their splash-fest, Lauren checked her phone's time again, frowning.
"What's wrong?" Marigold asked, concern lacing her voice.
Lauren showed the healer her phone, the time reading 22:24—Elisabeth was four minutes late.
"Oh," Marigold said, frowning slightly. "Don't worry, she'll be here soon."
Lauren sighed, but nodded. Not knowing what else to do, she looked up at the stars, smiling.
The stars had always fascinated Lauren. They were dots of mystery lining the sky, and she loved to find constellations and see if she could guess where the moons that weren't visible this time of month were.
At about 22:29, Marigold went out to see if she could spot Elisabeth, and it took another two minutes until she finally showed up.
Lauren rolled her sapphire-colored eyes. "You're late."
Elisabeth scowled. "For your information, it wasn't exactly easy getting out of the meeting. Although I doubt you'd understand that, as I assume that you got out without any trouble."
Lauren huffed. "Well, you know what happens when you assume, because it was actually quite a bit of a challenge getting out."
Elisabeth said nothing, and simply climbed into the boat.
Lauren looked up at Marigold, who seemed to be staring across the river. "M." No response. "M!" The sprite stayed silent. "M!!" That seemed to shock her out of whatever funk she was in, as she quickly climbed into the boat once again.
"You good?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah. I was just... thinking."
"Ok..." Lauren said. She quickly pulled out her sword, and cut the rope attaching them to the shore, and they started moving.
"We're coming for you, Goldie," she murmured as the current sailed them away. 
Eyyy finally got the chapter out!! yayyy!!
Anyways, please let me know:
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist
If I’ve made any spelling mistakes
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also, please remember, reblogs are free, and if you don’t like it you can always delete the post later. it’d be a big help for my account, and thank you
Taglist: @xonar-verse
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
do any of your characters have powers? if so, what are your favourites?
yeah!! (actually this is the basis of the universe)
In MGR (the continent that they live on), almost everyone has an element (a certain type of power like fire, wind, water, etc) . There are hundreds of them, so powers can vary, and some elements haven’t been discovered yet!
*Really quick, there are two types of Elementals (peeps with powers). Elementalists and sprites. Sprites are born with their elements and usually have the one that their parents had. Elementalists are humans with powers. They actually choose their elements somewhere between the ages of 3-7.
Lauren is a magic elementist! This means she can cast small/basic spells, conjure, and heal. She usually uses this for combat magic.
Amina is a night(/dark) elementist. She can make any area dark (and then return it to how it was originally, but not any lighter). She also has a special connection with the moons and the stars.
Marigold is a magic sprite! Being a sprite, she is a bit more powerful, and uses her magic to heal. (She also knows some basic combat stuff in case things get messy.)
Goldie is also a magic elementist, and uses it for the same purposes as Lauren.
Neither Elisabeth or Alice have elements, they’re just normal humans. But they do have other skills! Alice is one of the top fighters in the *continent*, and Elisabeth is a very skillful diplomat.
Red is a fire sprite! That means they can make small fires, and control most of them. Because of this, they’re also not that cold.  
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
Elisabeth’s Adventures
MGR Chapter two
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TW: food, death mentions
Lady Elisabeth Melly had not been planning to get stuck in the void. But then again, she hadn’t been planning to do a lot of this that had happened that day either.
She had been waiting outside the King’s throne room when… well, she wasn’t sure what exactly had happened. But whatever it was, it was loud, scary, and destructive, so a panic quickly spread over the castle.
She tried to find the girl that had escorted her there, she would be able to help, right? But the rush of palace workers was far too strong. She was bumped about, until she was just about a foot away from a portal.
Seeing no better option, she dived into it, ignoring the space elemental screaming “Stop! It’s unstable!”
That was probably how she ended up there.
She looked around the void for the first time since she arrived. It wasn’t really a void, per say, as it wasn’t empty space. There were stars and planets of all shapes and colors everywhere. It felt like she was in a little glass box, viewing the universe.
If it weren’t for the fact that she was stuck, she would have really liked it.
She sighed. She just wished she was home in Las with her family. She wasn’t even sure what time it was, but it felt like a meal time. Maybe she’d be dancing around her kitchen, making pasta. Her sister would bring in some herbs, and start decorating the place setting, and then come to help her. Mom would be making steak, and Mama would be prepping the ingredients for desert. 
Then, without warning, she felt something.
She had been sitting cross-legged on some sort of surface. But it felt like there was a hole below her, getting larger and larger until suddenly, she felt herself falling.
She felt like screaming, but she didn’t. She felt a wave of calm wash over her, even though a small voice in her head was still panicking. 
She was looking up at the sky, expecting it’s usual light lavender color. But instead, it was now a darker purple, signifying it was night. It had been midday when she leaped through the portal… had she really been in the void for that long? It had only felt like half an hour at most.
She looked back up at the sky. Was it just her, or was it getting farther and farther away? She tried to roll over to see how close the ground was.
It turned out to be really, really close.
She let out a small shriek as she crashed down onto another girl. They were face to face, and she looked at her.
The other girl had pale skin, brown hair in a messy braid, and some freckles. Circular glasses surrounded her sapphire-colored eyes, and she had an expression of shock upon her face. (Although Elisabeth would have been shocked if a girl fell out of the sky and onto her, so she understood.)
She quickly got up. “I am so, so sorry,” The girl was staring at her. 
“You fell out of the sky.”
“Y-yes, I did do that.”
“You fell out of the sky. And Tulu’s belt, that has got to be the most exciting thing to happen to me all day!”
“Oh. So you’re not mad?” 
The girl stood up. “No, not really. But how did you do that?”
Elisabeth shrugged. “I have no idea. One moment I was in the void, and the next—”
The girl looked at her in surprise. “You were in the void?!”
“Well, I was in Xan Ruz, but then I think someone, or something, started attacking us. I went through an unstable portal, ended up there, and then I was falling back to the ground.”
The girl looked at her for a second, as if trying to process what she just heard. She closed her eyes, and started to say something, then stopped. Her eyes blinked open.
“Did you see or hear of a girl named Goldie Potter?” she asked.
“Why, yes,” Elisabeth said, a bit puzzled. “She was actually the one escorting me into the city.”
“Well, where is she then? Why isn’t she with you?” she said, suddenly getting angry.
Elisabeth paused, not knowing what to say. “I don’t know,” she said, hesitantly.
“‘I don’t know’? You’re telling me you don’t know where a girl that should have been at your side the entirety of your trip is? That is one of my best friends you’re talking about! That is my right hand you’re talking about! That is my other best friend’s lover you’re talking about! That is—”
But she didn’t get to finish, as the sound of creepy music came out of her pocket. “The Calinas Emergency Alert,” she whispered, and pulled out her phone. Elisabeth came over to her side to watch it.
There was a live feed going on. A woman was voicing-over footage that appeared to be taken from a drone. 
“This just in. There have been not one, but six attacks today, each on one of Xan Ruz’s major cities, including its capital, Marcain. There have been a total of 77 deaths, 508 injuries, and about 300 missing. Now—” she stopped, gasping. Elisabeth and the girl gasped as well. The drone had just passed over a flagpole.
And on it, instead of the Xan Ruzian flag, was some other flag she hadn’t ever seen. A crackle was heard, and a gravelly voice rang out. 
“Xan Ruz is no more.”
Hey! Hope you like this! I know it’s really weird ;-;
But yeah, please let me know:
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist
If I’ve made any spelling mistakes
If I’ve made any grammar errors
Your general feedback
Your questions
If I should add any other trigger warnings.
Reblogs are way more helpful than likes, which don’t really do anything for me!
Thank you, and have a great day/night.
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
another mgr picrew because why not
this one is a bit simpler so some details and designs might not be as accurate, but i really like it!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
Lady Elisabeth Melly? do tell-
Lady Elisabeth Melly is one of my OCs! she is the daughter of the duchesses of Las (a region in the country of Calinas!) she’s part of the main five sent on a quest by ~Time~ herself to do some ~things~
She’s a human, but she doesn’t have an element (a power) unlike some humans. She’s very diplomatic and great at speeches and calming disputes! she’s also queer :D (although literally everyone of importance is)
(here’s chapter one of the story she’s in! it also features her apperence)
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
do the mcs in mgr have any big hobbies or talents?
goldie likes to prank, doodle, and she’s trying to figure out how to sew. it’s not going well but she’s trying.
marigold really likes to cook, but she also sings to herself! (well, she thinks it’s to herself. once, when she thought she was singing alone, she was actually singing to the whole sector. no one mentions it, but it’s just a thing they Know™)
lauren loves astronomy. she loves all science, and is working on a theory to how elements work and why they work, but astronomy is just,, her thing. she also knows how to work a spreadsheet or database like a pro, although she won’t share when, why, or how she learned.
elisabeth likes to play the ukulele, among other instruments (she’s learning tuba), and also likes to bake! she also really likes fashion and design, and always keeps on top of trends.
amina likes to create stories! she has intricate plots and when she tells them to people, everyone is always at the edge of their seats with excitement!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
👻 w/ any of the MGR characters (im curious if you even have an au for any of them fnsjs)
D.) send me 👻 to see an AU version of my oc 
did someone say mgr band au
[Photo ID: A photo of Elisabeth Melly from the MGR Band AU. She is wearing a short dress, leggings, and a jacket around her waist. She is smiling and making a peace sign.]
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anyways yes band au she is the lead singer in a band i’m currently calling The Quest! not to big off a difference between Band AU elisabeth and canon elisabeth, but band au elisabeth does have a shorter dress, wears leggings and sneakers (or well, normal shoes), and has a single flower in her hair instead of a flower crown!
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
Heya EliSabeth! Do you have a favorite constellation?
umm, i can’t really remember that many? ugh i haven’t learned these in four years but uh i think the one with hands?? um, uh, like the one where they hold hands and if you look at a star map thing you can barely tell that it’s two hands but the ancient humans did? oh, what’s it called... 
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pencilwritesshiz47 · 3 years
when elisabeth was five years old she walked up to her moms and asked if they could make pants illegal
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