#ksjfks sorry
ash-and-starlight · 2 years
tsoa was fantastic for me as a young queer kid desperate for any representation outside of explicit yaoi and Basic Ass Teen Coming Out Stories but now that im older and know better its clearly not that good. like its *fine* and it definitely has a place in my heart because it was so important for me then, but theres so much better out there
Oh yeah I absolutely see your point, I definitely think part of what influenced my opinion on it is that I read it quite recently, after having had the luck of reading & seeing good queer books/movies/media in general. Like it’s not about the book itself which I understand can be very important especially to young queer kids but rather the whole imagery that has grown around it and publicizes it as THE Most Accurate Informed depiction of gay love and ancient greece which is just. not.
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userlando · 5 years
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he cut his hair! // credit to richmondbarbers on Instagram.
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turinn · 3 years
mm i actually think the carrd works just fine~ not very different from using a tumblr masterlist post so yup ^^
i guess it's not too different yeah. the main issue I have is bc if you're a mobile app user, clicking a link in a tumblr post will open the post in app. but clicking a link in a carrd will also open the post in app and then you have to back out of the in-app browser to go and read it, and then go and find the link again to get back to the masterlist. OR it will open in the in-app browser and if you use a different colour palette in the app for reading ease you're sitting there trying to read something on a background you really struggle with. and I don't want to be like. inaccessible I guess would be the word here? I like the carrd because I don't have to worry about carrd messing my links up 28 times a day or just. malfunctioning the way tumblr does BUT the accessibility that a tumblr post masterlist offers mobile users is something I think would be worth it. I'm rambling here sorry 😭
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naturallytom · 5 years
ally, 19 gc!
so my good friend ally ( @jobros-pleaseinteract ) and i (it was mostly her) made a discord gc for anyone named ally who’s 18+!! ally and i are 19, hence the name but anyone named ally/allie/alli/etc. (some variation of ally lmao there’s like 5 million different spellings) who wants to join can message me or @jobros-pleaseinteract !! 
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2henle · 5 years
stray kids - saviourjisung 🤩
hey bby i miss u 😗
jisung > seungmin = chan > changbin = hyunjin > felix > woojin = jeongin = minho
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oogaboogasphincter · 3 years
Kinktober Day 2
💜my kinktober masterlist
pairing: ezra x afab!reader
prompt: against a wall🤎suspension🤎threesome (prompt list by @the-purity-pen)
rating: E (explicit) 18+ only!
word count: 1,100+
warnings: pairing is in an established relationship, unprotected p in v sex (use protection irl please y’all), teasing, vaginal fingering, choking in both sexy and unsexy ways, one (1) spank, arguing between pairing, semi-hate fucking??💀, dark!ezra, reader is afab but no pronouns are used
author’s note: sorry this is two days late! this man makes me write such long pieces, his speech patterns and vocabulary must rub off on me lol. +i would argue that my response to day 1′s prompt was on the softer!side, but today’s is definitely rougher, so get ready ksjfks.
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gif by @anakin-skywalker​
“Take off your suit.”
Ezra is pissed. While on your daily hunt for aurelac deposits, you and him had come across a (rare) fellow prospector. From his stance alone, you could tell that he wasn’t a feeble man. His stride was dominant, aura menacing. He held several containers of aurelac in one hand, evidence of previous encounters with other travelers, encounters that surely went south for the party that attempted to go up against this man. 
Ezra had warned you to keep quiet, to let his equally intimidating demeanor handle the situation and hopefully drive the man away with his advanced vocabulary. According to Ezra, no one that he had come across in all of his vagabond years had enjoyed the mental gymnastics that are required to figure out his speech. The exceptions were you and his adopted daughter, Cee. 
You threw Ezra’s guidance out the window when the man came to meet the two of you. His eyes met Ezra’s first - but only for a moment - before ripping away to you. He hungrily tried to make out your frame from underneath your suit, baring his teeth in a suggestive grin. He introduced himself to you, ignoring Ezra’s presence, so you concluded that Ezra would only irritate him further instead of dispelling him. Turning your flirtation gauge to full blast, you had successfully convinced the man that neither you nor your partner wanted any trouble and were happy to part ways just as you had met. Bewitched by you, he had left without a problem.
“Take. Off. Your. Suit.”
You had ignored Ezra’s command the first time around. He’s stripping his protective gear off angrily, seams popping from his harsh pulls. He wasn’t controlling, but he was furious that you had disobeyed him when dealing with the man. Having experienced multiple situations that have gone very, very wrong, he is well aware of just how quickly things can turn fatal. To him, no risk was worth your life. He had been and still is perfectly willing to sacrifice his own existence, but he wouldn’t dare chance your beating heart.
The urge to start an argument isn’t tickling the inside of your chest at the moment, so you do as he says, mind you, at a much calmer pace. The moment your clothes hit the floor of the pod, Ezra’s crowding you against one of the curved walls. His thick fingers find the sides of your neck, angry yet careful as he presses his fingertips hard against your skin. Heated blood pumping exhilarated centimeters under his touch, he demands, “Apologize.” 
You shake your head once in his grasp and his pupils constrict in aggravation at your motion, “No.”
Somehow, his fingers press deeper into your throat. The bark color of his irises grows brittle and slick wetness pools in the crotch of the panties you’re still wearing. The mutual heaving of your chests washes both of your spines in aroused warmth as he demands again, this time through gritted teeth, “Apologize.”
Your lips move before you can stop them, they bare your teeth to him in a taunting smile, “No.”
He can’t take any more of your blatant teasing, your irritatingly attractive disobedience. He switches the hand on your throat to his prosthetic one, lowering his other to pull your panties halfway down your thighs. Forgoing his usual spit to the fingertips in order to prep you, you’re entered swiftly by his explorative digits. The material of the pod walls is cold against your ass, making the heat radiating from your pussy that much more warm. Keeping your gaze locked on his, you are only allowed to watch his bicep move furiously as he fingers you roughly, while he questions your lack of an apology, “Why not?”
It’s difficult, almost impossible, to keep your eyes open with the pace he’s going at. From experience, you know what will come if your eyes can’t stay on his: his hand will come down on your ass until it is delightfully splotched with red. So, you look at him through slits, your explanation flowing out in one exasperated breath, “Because if I hadn’t done what I did then he would’ve killed us.” 
Ezra tuts at you, dissatisfied with your answer. His eyebrows knit together, “How can your certainty reach such heights when pertaining to a minutely possible outcome? I could’ve, would’ve, provided a considerably better sol-”
“Ezra?” His salt and pepper stubble is delectably prickly on your fingers when you cup his cheek. His fingers slow down, the dip of the inner corners of his eyebrows rising to a concerned slant, eyes melting from infuriated ice to puppy-dog puddles. You simply ask of him, “Shut up.”
His set of knuckles that sprout his fingers from his palm grind against your drenched folds with how deep he pushes his fingers back into you. Moans come from both of your throats like flowing taps at the way your walls clench around him, an orgasm impending. He says, “I’ll do as you say once you give me what I want.”
You quirk an eyebrow at him, glancing down at his unseen ministrations, “Aren’t you already getting what you want?” 
He knows he’s got you teetering on your peak when you start panting helplessly, “Oh, I think we’re both getting what we want, sweetheart.” 
His sneer of the pet name shoves you over the cliff and your scream boomerangs around the pod as you plummet into the depths of his pleasure. Ezra doesn’t waste any time in turning you around, pushing your cheek against the wall and pulling your ass to meet his hips. His cock stretches you out as he pushes in, even though it felt like his fingers had split you open and bore every corner of your soul to him. A screw in the wall creates an indent in the flesh of your face as he fucks into you hard, as he requests once again, “Say you’re sorry.”
You take advantage of the short time following an orgasm when you are able to form coherent thoughts and scoff at him, “Never. You’re just jealous of that guy.”
You try to make your voice deep and spit his words from earlier back at him, mocking his conviction that he didn’t feel any animosity towards the stranger, “How can you be so certain of such an unlikely scenario?” 
This tormenting earns you a slap on the ass and his hand around your throat again, his grunts loud in your ear with his chin resting heavy on your shoulder. The words that pour out of his mouth take you tenderly by the hand and lead you through the meadows of pleasure, past tempting bursts of pink astilbe, over alluring stalks of lavender, to a clearing of the blinding sunlight of an orgasm, “No other being could ever claim you like I do. Not another body could intertwine with yours as perfectly as mine does. Nothing else in this Universe could ever be loved as much as you love me, or as much as I love you.” 
You breathe out in agreement, “Never,” turning to slot your tongue inside his mouth. 
💘taglist: @pascalpanic
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italiano-biscotti · 6 years
Lo so che può sembrare una stronzata, ma sentire i miei litigare mi crea un' ansia assurda. Si tratta SEMPRE di mia madre che urla a mio padre tho. Tipo oggi mio padre ha avuto problemi col pc ed è venuto a casa a chiedere aiuto a mia madre? E lei ha subito iniziato a trattarlo e parlargli come se lui fosse un deficiente che non sa fare un cazzo e che non deve fare cose senza di lei perchè crea solo casini e problemi. E.....io non ho un buon rapporto con mio padre, fa schifo come padre, ma sentirla parlargli cosí mi fa accartocciare lo stomaco. Perchè sono le stesse cose che dice a me da quando sono nata e non lo so.....mi triggera, sento come se le stesse dicendo a me e non a lui. E poi non lo so li guardo, come coppia, in generale, e li trovo tristissimi. Cristo mio padre non può fare niente senza che mia madre gli faccia una testa cosí su quanto sia un inetto e che lei è migliore perchè sa fare le cose a differenza sua (quando soprattutto non è migliore di lui, anzi lei fa ancora piú schifo, è uno schifo di persona). E penso.... è questo che mi aspetta quando sarò adulta e magari vivrò con qualcuno? Non poter neanche chiedere aiuto alla persona che amo per paura che si giri e mi dica quanto sono stupida cretina deficiente e inutile? Mentre scrivo ste robe li sento ancora litigare e sento mia madre alzare la voce e vorrei solo prendere e andarmene via ma non posso.
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mooshi-png · 3 years
congratulations you managed it i feel things for kisame now :')
your drawings are amazing like beautifully awesome uwu and the 'freak show' small comic had me wanting to bottle up kisame and keep him safely in my pocket <3
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KSJFKS T H A N K S - I saw this earlier right when I woke up and I’m sorry I’m a bit late 😂 I just wanted to draw a quick sketch to respond with so I don’t give a bland response cuz I’m awk as hell 🙌😎
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charles-edwin · 3 years
hi mj!! we're not mutuals and i don't follow word of honor but i LIVE everytime you reblog the sunbathing scene (i think that's the name lol) the ah xu ah xu ah xu lao wen lao wen lao wen one. i wanted to know what it was about so i looked up the clip on yt lol. whenever i see a gifset of it i think about how you always lose it and then check the url and you're the one who reblogged it ksjfks sorry this is out of nowhere lol
HI ANGEL!!! aldjakdjskd yes, the sunbathing scene!! 🥰🥰🥰 omg you looked up the clip on youtube!!!! sorry i made you go through that trouble!
i mean, it’s a very simple scene but i do believe it sums up the show’s core message!! that you don’t need the world, you just need someone whose name feels safe inside your mouth, someone to enjoy the little things in life with. considering the plot and the characters’ background, the scene feels like a gentle kiss to their foreheads (and mine lmao). and how it’s acted with so much adoration that can’t be said but can be felt. in this unforgiving life, they have found forgiving love!!!!
the act of calling each other in this scene is the same as walking into the place that makes you feel safest and think to yourself, “i’m home”.
so yes, this scene means the WORLD to me. it’s my own little “i’m home” moment ❤️💙
you think of me when you see it 🥺🥺🥺🥺 that is such an honor!! tho i’m aware i reblog it too much alsksksks i can’t help it, it makes me feel very alive!!! so i hope you don’t mind seeing the same scene at least ten times a week 🤣🤣🤣🤣
no, don’t be sorry!! i think that we should tell people how they impact our lives, even in the smallest ways, otherwise they’ll never know it.
so thank you so much for telling me about it!!! i get really happy when people associate me with word of honor in any way. not surprising, probably aksjksjdjs
have a wonderful week, friend!!!
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zittiebuonis · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you have a picture of Damiano’s leg with the tattoo? Is it Jim Morrison? I can’t find any picture where it shows clearly...
Sorry for my English...I’m Italian 🤣
I spent sooo long trying to find a clear picture, but I just couldn't ksjfk
If anyone has clear pics of Damiano's tattoos PLEASE let me know where to find them, I've been looking for ones of his arm forever
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augcst · 4 years
What does 👀💋👁 mean? Sorry I know they aren’t the right emojis
KSJFKS u mean 👁👄👁? Thats just me staring and heavily breathing <3
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prinzessinpluto · 5 years
FUN FACTS ABOUT OCTOPUSES!!! They eat their arms when bored (well not really bored, more stressed, but that too)! SECOND FUN FACT???? They are on the third position (after sharks and cats) on my favourite animals list (sorry, I just saw on your skz blog the 🐙 anon and I actually thought it was me, because I also love octopuses and wish everything the best for you)
... that's both incredibly cool and absolutely terrifying omg imagine you're watching an octopus and all of the sudden they just go OM NOM NOM skfjsk
haha yeah I had to think of you too when I got that ask 🖤 also it's so funny that you send this while I was answering your other ask cuz it looks like I was right about this fun fact thing ksjfks you're so cute🖤💞💕
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🍓 Jimin Jungkook Jhope Seokjin
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
NOOOOOOO i was afraid somebody was gonna send this in... and here we are, anon. -.- (jk,, lmao. i still love you)
I CAN’T KILL ANYONE so im just gonna do kiss, befriend, marry, with one category with 2 people, sorry, i just can’t bring myself to write down a name... i lov all of them... 
kiss: jimin!!! ^^ he’s so cute akdks
befriend: jungkook and seokjin... can you imagine... being friends with these two... i am both a meme and a pun master so i would literally fit right in. kslkfsa that would literally be so fun????
marry: y’all already knew i was gonna pick hoseok. like, can u imagine living with the Sun??? i’m crying right now. im imagining this ksjfks im dyING
thank u anonie for this ask ^3^
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