wisdomfish · 2 years
Jesus did not come to judge the world, yet the world will be judged on account of Jesus. Remember that another word for judgment is decision. Now if Jesus said he is not the one doing the deciding (krino), but that decisions (krima) will be made on account of him, then who is making these decisions? We are. Every single one of us responds to Jesus one way or another.
Paul Ellis
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revtrev · 3 months
Negativity Fast Tips - 4 tips to not judge others unfairly
Today's Negativity Fast Tip. Learn 4 key tips to halt unfair judgment and foster fairness—boost your empathy and positivity! Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity https://revtrev.link/tips Join the negativity fast at https://revtrev.link/fast and find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity…
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ace-malarky · 1 month
In which the gates of the Mist being solidified has Repercussions on a world that doesn't want to lose its dragons, and the events of WereCreature Chronicles are set in motion
 To say Tsierre was worried was putting it lightly. He had felt the reverberations ricochet through the Mist and hit something. He had heard the dragons roar.
 Something had gone horribly, terribly wrong.
 “We have to do something.”
 Tsierre pulled his attention back to the gathering of nomesach before him.
 “It is not ours to intervene.” That was Hotre, resettling his wings against his back.
 “It ought to be. How long before we are threatened? Already the Bone Dragon is restless.” Keyahir blinked.
 “They do not always appreciate our help,” Tsierre said, breaking his silence. “It would be best to wait, perhaps, and be vigilant.”
 “Every year the plain grows smaller, and you want us to wait?” Keyahir snarled.
 “The NightGale–” started a quiet voice, overshadowed by Keyahir.
 “Something has happened beyond the Mist, we might be all that is left, and you want us to wait?” Keyahir scoffed.
 “The NightGale–”
 “We will go extinct waiting. We must do something.”
 “What would you suggest, Keyahir?” Hotre sounded tired. “Travel beyond the Mist is tricky, even for us. Even were we to go to Magicen and risk it all–”
 Hotre cut off as someone yowled, caterwauling into a shriek. A young nomesach – bright, kestrel barred wings, spotted back, heavy rudder of a tail that was fletched with feathers – stalked into the centre of the circle.
 Tsierre relaxed his tensed muscles, attempting to smooth his ruffled fur without being too obvious. “why do you interrupt now?”
 “Because the NightGale sent me with a suggestion, Nomesach Tsierre.” Now that she had everyone’s attention, her manners were impeccable. She sat, tail spread behind her and wings folded in, and dipped her head to him. “If you will hear it.”
 Keyahir scoffed at the slight hint of judgement in the nomesach’s voice.
 Hotre shot her a warning look. “Speak, then, Nomesach…?”
 “Nomesach Krinos. The NightGale suggests that we look for the Three.”
 “The Three!” Keyahir scoffed. “That is merely an old story.”
 “Given to us by the One Who Sings.” Krinos held herself more calmly than Tsierre would expect anyone of her age to. “I think it is time to listen.”
 “A story is still a story, no matter who tells it.” Keyahir stalked forward as if she sought to intimidate Krinos.
 “A story still has threads of truth, no matter who disbelieves it,” Krinos replied, and Tsierre almost laughed.
 Keyahir bristled and opened her mouth to snarl.
 “This infighting solves nothing.” Hotre cut across her. “Nomesach Krinos. Were we to search them out, travel still poses a problem.”
 Krinos inclined her head. “There are still aspects to work out, I admit. The NightGale suggested that the Three might be pulled in alone, and we only need to look within our own domain.”
 “And if they are not?” Tsierre asked. “Who would you ask to sacrifice themself?”
 “No one without volunteering myself.” Krinos tilted her chin up.
 A familiar gesture. One Tsierre had seen elsewhere.
 “Brave,” remarked Hotre.
 “Foolhardy,” spat Keyahir. “Still. Your keeper will remember you, if no one else does.”
 “She will remember you, too.”
 “Find one, and the others may follow,” Tsierre said, before Keyahir could descend into more squabbling.
 Krinos met his gaze and nodded.
 Tsierre watched her and knew where he recognised her motions from. She had told him, hadn’t she? And he had forgotten, because that was how it worked.
 He stepped down from his perch and raised his wings in an invitation.
 Krinos followed. They left the circle of nomesach behind. Hotre raised his voice to focus the discussion.
 Beyond the circle it was dark. Tsierre’s wings glowed, reflecting the moonlight back.
 “If you do this, the chances for your return are slim.”
 “Everything changes, Tsierre. Even us.”
 Tsierre dipped his head. “Even so.”
 “I would rather one than all.” Krinos tipped her head back. “Even if that one is me.”
 “It is not you that will suffer.”
 “No,” Krinos said, and smiled. “But as Nomesach Keyahir said, only the NightGale will remember.”
 “And you choose this, willingly?”
 “I will not let the world dissolve because I was a coward. It starts already.” She glanced back over her shoulder. “Magicen already breaks.”
 “No one has brought that news.” Tsierre blinked.
 “I think they try to fight it.” Krinos sat, her voice soft. “They are very brave.”
 Tsierre turned back to face her, sitting back on his haunches. “You are, too.” He looked at her – so young, so small, so steady – and his heart almost broke. “How many did you have to out argue for the – honour?”
 “None.” Krinos tilted one wing in a shrug. “The NightGale knows her name.”
 “The first of the Three.”
Tsierre dipped his head, let that sink in. “You and she?”
 “Leiri,” Krinos answered.
 Tsierre flicked his tail through the grass.
 “We are two sides, of a sort. So I know I will find her.” Krinos met Tsierre’s gaze. “I will not let us go extinct.”
 “Sister,” Tsierre said, unbidden. It fell out, instead of what he meant to say.
 Krinos blinked at him.
 “I was also the NightGale’s, once.”
 “And now you are Polinnedite’s.” She tilted her head. “Or Rhutren’s, perhaps.” The words had a teasing lilt to them.
 Tsierre shot her a narrow eyed stare for that.
 Krinos laughed and started to groom her wing.
 “As you will be Leiri’s,” he said eventually, half a breath too late to be a decent retort. He has had little practice at being an older brother, but he wanted.
 Krinos laughed at him.
 “How will you travel?”
 “The mage nest has already reached out with dire portents.” Krinos rolled her eyes. “As if they are the only ones aware.”
 “You debt yourself to them?” Tsierre frowned.
 “Oh, no.” Krinos gave him a wicked smile. “They debt themselves to we. Since they begged.”
 “Be careful how you play them,” Tsierre replied. “They are proud.”
 “Of course.” Krinos tilted her head, and there was that teasing light dancing around her eyes again. “Brother.”
 Tsierre couldn’t help himself; he barked with laughter and reached out to bat a paw against Krinos’ head.
 She pulled back out of the way and snapped at his paw in a playful manner, inviting him to follow.
 He was the nomesach of Polinnedite, who kept all knowledge. He ought to be amongst the nomesach, discussing the threat to the world, discussing what they might do to keep themselves alive in the face of it.
 Tsierre leapt after Krinos. They would not fall in one night There was time yet, and then his youngest sister would help to save them all.
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Steampunk Square by Dmitry Krino
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I love MCC afterparties
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el-cadejos · 2 years
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Scorpio Krínos
Happy anniversary to this Saintsona, because apparently I only draw them in May. Originally made for a collab with other StS fans, but ended up using a different drawing instead.
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coffeenewstom · 2 months
Athener Kaffee-Tagebuch: Veneti Great Baggeion
Mein letzter Tag in Athen bricht an. Es ist ein Sonntag und ich beschließe ihn gemächlich anzugehen, habe ich doch in der vergangenen Woche sehr viel erlebt und bin vor allem auch sehr weit gelaufen. Deshalb liegt mein erstes Ziel, nachdem ich mich mit dem bereits beschriebenen Hotel-Frühstück gestärkt habe und meinem Kaffee- und Flüssigkeitshaushalt ausgeglichen habe, auch in der Nähe, genauer…
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amaurotine · 7 days
tea's wip compendium of creatures and specific names for creatures as used by the ancients (i didn't get all of them, but i did my best!)
okyupete (plural okyupetes): these things. also called an alkonost (visually identical to the alkonost mount)
oreias (plural oreiai): spriggan
abystoma: axolotl
ampelos: goobbue
ailouros (plural ailouroi): gaelicat. they were originally a familiar of an ancient named hippothoe.
gryps: griffin
petalouda (plural, petaloudai): morpho, and/or fluturini. it's a butterfly that sorta looks like a giant version of a morpho.
cubus (plural cubus): you already know what a cubus is i hope.
charybdis: winged snake gator doodads; the vanu vanu call them sanuwa.
batrachoi: the giant toads u see in ARR zones.
io: it looks similar to a behemoth but it's slightly different. idk. you encounter it in akademia anyder (io ousia.) it seems to be the original ancestor of the modern behemoth, as sidequest dialogue indicates that it is able to use the 'meteor' spell like the behemoth does.
lykaon (plural lykaones): giant red wolflike creature hermes kills in the msq. it is visually identical to the Managarm mount from what i could tell.
adonis: a specific variety of morbol with purple bits on it (see also: the purbols in the azim steppe.)
pegasos: pegasus
minotaur: minotaur
coneion: landtrap flower
eidos: slime (not to be confused with puddings or flans; these are literally just a bigger version of the slime minion.)
shark: shark (this is a generic term that is applied to anything shark-esque in nature, although many shark concepts have unique names, as seen below.)
speude bradeos: the specific name for the 2-legged shark that attacks during the msq cutscene; could possibly also be applied to the major general. it was originaly called a cladoselache but was renamed due to the way it moves.
hippogryph: hippogryph
monoceros: unicorn
ophion: a snake-themed hydra but its got 2 legs and some of them only have 1 head.
yggdreant: a treant-like creature; possibly an ancestor to the treants, or a variant of them. visually different than the classic treants seen in arr zones.
melanion (plural melanioi): coeurl (?) more specifically the giant green coeurl creatutes with horns, akin to coeurlregina in appearance.
mythos: yellow pansy flower.
archestratus: a type of edible flower.
lotis: a weird plantdragon-looking thing. eurydike is the specific name of a giant lotis.
orpheus songflower: identical to the moon grass plot furnishing
krinos (plural krinoi): an ancient predecessor to the nymeia lily.
akantha (plural akanthai): giant rotund plantmonster with teeth; it's literally the nullchu boss from saint mocainne's hard/chaochu in the azim steppe.
pneuma - sprite (the elemental sprites.)
phanopsyche: wamoura (moth-like creatures.)
morbol marquis: the giantmorbols you see in the hungering gardens. i think the regular term for 'morbol' is just 'morbol' but idk, the word 'morbol' is used in dialogue by elpis npcs.
keraunos (plural keraunoi): ixion (has the same abilities and appearance as the ixion boss, and there are multiple of them in elpis.)
agavoides: echevore. the're classed as seedkin and they look like a leafy bush and a hedgehog had a child together.
mandragora: mandragora
hippe: kelpy. according to observation notes, it's related to the hippokampos in pandaemonium.
aello: yol bird, but red.
aigokeros: aldgoat
kyklops: cyclops
daidalion: zu (bird; see also: the zu mount)
Notos-642 (final/official name unknown): stone mole
Notos-666 (final/official name unknown): paissa
Euros-310 (final/official name unknown): cactuar
zephyros-72 (official name unknown): nanka (it looks like the naughty nanka minion.)
medusa (plural medusae): jellyfish like things with serpentine parts akin to the narbrooi in the churning mists
bryon: korpokkur
abyssus: shoebill
harpuia (plural harpuiai): tsanahale.
ophiotauros (plural, ophiotauroi): these guys.
lykopersikon: tomatl. weird tomato-themed plantmonster that pops out of a rotund seed thingie. (appearance when approached. appearance when aggroed.)
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additionally, it should be noted that genus classifications such as 'seedkin, cloudkin, etc. seem to be used in dialogue by the ancient npcs in elpis as well (although the taxonomy of 'voidsent'/voidkin' probably would not have existed at this time, because the void only exists post-sundering as a result of the thirteenth not being properly rejoined.) creations start out with temporary names such as euros-310, zephyros-72, or notos-642, and while the first part (euros or notos) corresponds to the location of its testing within elpis (kallimelios zephyros and philomythes notos both being locations in elpis where these creatures are presumably tested/observed), i haven't been able to figure out what the numbers specifically correspond to. nomenclature is considered very important; each creation must be given a formal name (like those listed above) when submitted to the bureau of the architect for final approval after being tested at elpis.
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starfallpod · 8 months
Okay, okay, okay - anyone who's interested in playing around in the world of Starfall, either with OCs or with making other fanworks, check out this guide below for info on the world - and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know! I'd love to see what y'all can make of this!
So, you wanna play around in the world of Starfall?  Here’s a few tips and bits of information to use in creating characters and creating works.
Starfall is set in a secondary fantasy world - specifically in a continent now known as Falsten.  There is also a state called Falsten.  There is also the capital of that state, called Falsten.  Which is definitely not confusing for anyone.
Aside from the various Falstens, there are also 12 states, all of which used to be independent kingdoms and nations until they were “united” within the Falstenian Empire.  Again - definitely not confusing.
Those states, and some basic information on each, are as follows: 
Eriss: a state in south-central Falsten; known for being one of the most conservative states and the most ardent supporters of Falstenian rule; were historically known as the kingdom with the greatest military might and the most frequently engaged in warfare
Torland: a state in southern Falsten; people from this kingdom are broadly characterized as being dull and lazy, unenthusiastic participants of the Empire’s aims; were historically known as a kingdom of great passion where song, dance, and personal craft flourished
Duosoud: a state in northern Falsten; people from Dusoud are broadly characterized as being as harsh and isolated as their cold territory makes them; formerly a kingdom based strongly on ideas of community and interconnectivity, even across borders and distance; a cold and rather mountainous climate
Krinos: a state in southern Falsten; people from Krinos are broadly characterized as either criminally rich or just plain criminal, for their desperate poverty; in the past, they were accomplished travelers, traders, and explorers by sea; the mountain range at their northern border protects them from some degree of Falstenian interference, but leads them lacking in rainfall as well
Lenolem: a state in western Falsten; people from Lenolem are not broadly characterized as much of anything, thought to be such boring, simple folk that they tend not to garner much attention; still much as it was generations ago, a culture that places much value on family; known for its mild climate and fragrant tallgrasses that remind its natives of home
Virstraea: a state in northern Falsten; people from Virstraea are broadly characterized as uncultured and superstitious religious fanatics; in present day, they are one of the few major strongholds left of Solunistic beliefs, but there’s much more to them than just superstitions; heavily forested in a way that leaves some villages feeling isolated, and on friendlier terms with their fae neighbors on average
Liborotes: a state in northern Falsten; people from Liborotes are broadly characterized as uptight know-it-alls living in ivory towers; historically, Liborotes was known to host many of the finest educational institutions in the continent and had a cultural emphasis on education for all, but much of that has been stripped away in favor of Falsten’s values; known for its well-tailored landscaping and the clean lines of its architecture
Scortegia: a state in southern Falsten; people from Scortegia are broadly characterized as rural hicks; historically, they had a great sense of stewardship over the land and attempting to maintain peace with the fae; now largely have their resources and unique produce mined out for the rest of Falsten; has the widest variety of geography in its one state, with fields, fjords, and dormant volcanos rich with produce
Sattigary: an island state in southern Falsten; its people are more free-willed and independently spirited than the central empire would care to admit
Capribourg: a state in southern Falsten; people from Capribourg are broadly characterized as...kind of weird; they say it’s always business as usual in Capribourg till the sun goes does, and then it’s time for rituals and worshiping the Midnight Mother and plotting the downfall of Falsten; and maybe they’re not wrong
Aquette: a state in northern Falsten; people from Aquette are broadly characterized removed-from-reality snobs; Aquette was one of the only places where artistic development wasn’t actively staunched because Falsten appreciated their aesthetics and so it has become associated with the “fine arts,” particular in terms of food and dress
Mercen: a state in northern Falsten; people from Mercen are broadly characterized as pushovers who would give you everything down to the shirt off their back if you just asked; possibly stems from how Mercen was the only state to surrender to Falsten without any war touching their kingdom; climate is sun-soaked, if prone to a battering by heavy storms in autumn; has a lively fishing culture
Nestled at the center of these is the state of Falsten, the wealthy center of the empire, where the emperor as well as the defunct nobility of the former kingdoms make their livings.  Those who are loyal to the empire and consider the whole of the continent to be their undisputed territory refer to this state as “the Capital,” to help avoid confusion.  Those who are lacking in this loyalty or who still think of the states as independent are more likely to refer to it just as Falsten.
Aside from these human-run states, there are also swaths of land known “faewoods,” regardless of the exact geography of the land.  These are areas where the very land is infused with magic and where all types of fae make their livings.
And speaking of fae…
The Magic of Starfall
Aside from the magic of theatre, there are two primary forms of usable magic in this setting.  There are different terms for them, depending on who you ask, but they can be broken out like so:
Scripted Magic: the magic used by humans; also known as external magic; depends on inscribing runes - the base elements of the magical language - into physical items so that those items become a conduit of some intended magical effect; the word for a finished item of scripted magic is called a script (also definitely not confusing for people working in the theatre business); the use of a script requires both proper runic inscription on an item, and human contact with the script or incorporation of a chargestone infused with personal energies with the intent to use it
Inherent Magic: the magic that resides in fae and faebloods, including the plants and other geographical features of the faewoods; this magic lends itself to their unusual forms, as well as various degrees of control over the natural elements
Aside from these active forms, there is also Ambient Magic, which refers to the buildup of magic and other energies in concentrated areas - usually buildings that receive a lot of thoughtful attention, such as churches and theaters. While normally easy to miss for how little it affects daily life, if given years to build-up, ambient magic can result in explosive outcomes that require a medium’s touch to be handled.
Scripted magic is what powers the troupe’s illusions.  Scripts can take a wide variety of forms, from weapons, to clothing, to simple machines, to even food items (from those who are both skilled and brave enough to attempt to maintain the design of their runes in items that have been cooked, baked, fried, etc.)  This magic also comes in a wide variety of functions.  
Weapons often have simple effects, such as fire or electric shocks, that add to their harmfulness.  The troupe’s scripts tend to rely on manipulation or replication of sensory experiences, such as creating visual illusions or re-playing sound effects.  Some households, farms, and businesses use more complex scripts with multiple elements in place of modern appliances, or as a way of mechanizing processes.
However, aside from scripts being expensive themselves and also requiring maintenance from runeworkers on occasion, all script usage in the empire requires a script license - something which comes with its own fees.
Magic Licensing
As all script usage requires licenses, there are a number of magical licensing companies within the empire that work in the business of testing for and distributing these.  The largest and most ubiquitous of these, with agencies in every state, is called Continental Corporation - more commonly known as ConCorp.
ConCorp operates on two levels - one by providing stable licensing opportunities out of local agencies, and the other by sending their inspectors out into communities to identify and investigate major script usage issues.  These inspectors have the authority to confiscate illegal scripts and apprehend those they believe to be a danger to others based on mis-use of scripts and turn them over to the proper authorities.
ConCorp and other licensing companies are also responsible for issuing travel permits to fae who want to traverse empire territory.  
There are several major religions practiced within the Falsten Empire, including:
Nayitism: a monotheistic religion; worships the Lord who welcomes worthy souls into his embrace after a lifetime spent cultivating themselves as well as acting as stewards of his land; Nayitics seek guidance from the Lord’s saints, people who were known to have performed miracles in life and now safeguard any number of valued aspects of Falstenian life, from properly rotating crops keeping straight fences to ironing your shirts properly; the most popular religion amongst humans in the empire; priests at Nayitic churches are known as Keepers; its worshipers swear by the saints and by the Lord
Anshenism: a form of worship that focuses on honoring one’s ancestors, and what they contributed to your current state of being; Anshiens make offerings to their ancestors to give them comfort and sway in the afterlife; a popular religion in Lenolem, with pockets scattered across the empire; its worshipers swear by their various ancestors, often in combination with a particular body part; the more generations removed, the more egregious the swear
Solunism: considered more a superstition than a religion these days, Solunism is the ancient worship of celestial bodies; while the Moon and Sun were considered the greatest powers in this system, most of the daily worship was attributed to the “beings among the stars” - the patrons people saw amongst constellations; Solunism broadly fell out of practice amongst humans as the Empire rose to power and began installing its preferred forms of worship, but it still exists in the cultural consciousness, especially in the north; even people who don’t understand Solunism frequently swears by the stars and the Moon
Naming Conventions
Names in the world of Starfall are a combination of real-world names and fantasy ones.  Characters may be named most anything without specifically modern connotations and they will be at place in the world.  A trend in the empire currently is names based on herbs and edible plants (Basil, Mint, Thyme, Sage, etc.)
Starfall is set in a pre-industrial world, and so many professions are still handled by hand or with the assistance of simple machines - scripted or otherwise.  Characters can hypothetically make a living off any basic profession, although the strength of the economy and natural resources of where they work from will affect how comfortable a living that will be.  
Other Details/Collection of Terminology
Script: a physical item inscribed with runes capable of creating a specified magical effect
Rune: an individual character representing a concept; considered the building blocks of the magical language; correctly inscribing these either individually or in concert with other runes onto physical objects results in a script
Lets: the currency of the land
Fae: a broad characterization for the majority of inherently magical beings; fae take a wide variety of forms
Faeblood: people with both fae and human heritage who appear to belong to neither of the societies entirely; are born with unusual physical characteristics and are often in possession of unusual magical abilities that vary from faeblood to faeblood
Medium: a specialized position licensed for dealing with unusual forms of magic in the Empire - most typically, ambient magic which causes disruptions to daily life in older structures
Bolt: the Starfall in-world equivalent of a shot (as in, “I just watched Rhea down four party bolts.”)
Current Ruler: Emperor Benevolio Falstenious I, son of Empress Justicia Falstenious II
Responsibilities Within the Troupe
Management: There is currently one manager within the troupe who handles most of the more “mundane” duties, such as accounting, procuring supplies, and scheduling their performances around the continent. (Raybar)
Actors: While most members of the troupe can stand in for a bit part, the Actors with a capital A carry the bulk of their performances and are the most skilled with illusory spoken magic.  Their performances transform a regular stage to the near perfect illusion of the scene they’re meant to be portraying.  They also frequently handle infused items to add to the effects of the scene. (Dalyn, Rhea, Glenn, Mint, Thyme, Ravey, Ginger)
Puppeteers: Performers who work puppets, both scripted and unscripted, to add to the roles that can’t be filled by human forms within the plays.  The scripted elements of puppets can add to their mobility and allow them to create special effects just as much as the costumes and other scripts. (Koua)
Director: Usually a younger member of the troupe relied on to bring a fresh perspective to the older works performed by the actors and to help them from getting too set in their ways.  Will often serve as a stand-in for larger plays as well, and should be versed in handling scripted items. (Basil, Aster)
Propmasters: Responsible for inscribing the props used by the actors, as well as for helping with maintenance on the weapons and armor carried by security.  They also frequently help with mending the mundane items in camp, as well as ensuring the camp’s valuables are hidden and well-protected. (Aksol, Jyrsa, Vair)
Costumers: Similar to the propmasters, they work on tailoring and maintaining the costumes, scripted or otherwise, worn by the actors, as well as helping with the everyday outfits of the troupe. (Macalus, Velette, Kio, Viniccio)
Hair/Makeup: A position that only occasionally filled within the troupe.  The actors generally manage their own hair/wigs and makeup, but sometimes, they travel with a specialist in this area able to magically enhance their features.
Cooks: An essential part of the troupe.  While they may use scripted magic to add flare and emotion to their cooking on special occasions, their main duty is just to get through the day to day of making sure everyone can and does eat.  The manager is more beholden to their needs and concerns than anyone else in the troupe. (Centhy, Dalby)
Security: The troupe spends a significant amount of time on the road between towns, and not all roads are safe.  In fact, the less highly monitored ones they often take usually bring them closer to the “untamed” faelands and the dangers within.  Security usually relies on handling scripted weapons to help secure the troupe’s caravan on the roads and to intimidate those in larger cities who would take advantage of their members. (Leona, Hosse)
Apprentices: Workers who have begun to learn a specific trade from other performers and craftspeople within the group.  Sometimes, they rise to become full members of the troupe, and sometimes, they return to their hometowns or others after a circuit with the troupe, able to apply their skills more effectively.
Stagehands: Not just workers on the stage, they form the backbone of the troupe, handling a lot of manual labor in helping the caravans run smoothly, setting up camps, and getting materials to and from the theaters.  Often, they join the troupe as younger individuals hoping to escape their current lives, and those that are more proficient in magic often move to become apprentices once they’ve gained more confidence and inspiration, or they just move on once they feel they’ve come far enough away from where they were running. (Fel, Dots, Colden)
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captainskells · 2 months
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Here is another PC from the Theros campaign!
This is Kadmos, a minotaur druid that has an animal friend named Krinos that is not in the picture but that's fine because the often forgets about him until we need him for some reason. Once he spent half an hour trying to roast a raven for information only to be roasted back by the bird.
Don't touch the trees around their hometown.
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dofidid · 10 months
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So his name is Krinos, he was a fairy, stole a witch and got turned into a crow so basically he became edgy and grew more fond of shiny things
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entheognosis · 1 year
A crisis is a holy summons to cross a threshold. It involves both a leaving behind and a stepping toward, a separation and an opportunity. The word crisis derives from the Greek words krisis and krino, which mean “a separating.” The very root of the word implies that our crises are times of severing from old ways and states of being. We need to ask ourselves what is it we’re being asked to separate from? What needs to be left behind?
Sue Monk Kidd
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kxlinthesky · 10 months
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“Anyone can become a beautiful jewel. I will be your shepherd to guide you all toward your new, sparkling selves.”
A representative for a salon offering aid to women in difficult situations. They safeguard those in need by way of the parade. A kind individual, yet their voice carries a certain dignity that inspires devotion in all who hear it.
Affiliation: Salon
Occupation: Counselor
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: June 4th
Angel Type: Archangel
Likes: White lilies
Dislikes: The smell of animals
Hobby: Flower arrangement
Specialty: Musical performances
Character Relations
Mastema: His overabundance of curiosity is his downfall
Low: Foolish mutt
Click here for the official site
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manfrommars2049 · 1 year
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Steampunk Square by Dmitry Krino via ImaginarySteampunk
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thestarfishghost · 4 months
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800 before the end of December is looking nearly impossible smh but eyyy! 777~
NGL, I'm movie and ova grinding so hard. I usually manage to watch 100 new things a year, but this year I instead rewatched nearly 40 things. It's been a big year for nostalgia for me, but also for getting a few people into different things with me! Vampy has personally watched so much stuff with me this year? Oh my God??? It's been a blast! I have never felt more human than when Vampy and Kimchi enjoyed Dragon Maid along side me, I swear. I also got Vampy into Enstars by starting the anime together and I am delighted >:3 Made this in celebration actually >:3 @shut-in-magical-girl
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That said, I have actually watched some actual shows too, such as the first season of Oreimo and the first two seasons of Kami Nomi! Those were actually really fun. The first season of Oreimo has some of the most impassioned speeches I've ever heard about the more ""controversial"" sides of anime. I did admittedly have a love-hate relationship with Kirino at first, but honestly, it was just because of the more wildly exaggerated tsundere tropes. They became easier to laugh off after awhile. I really relate to the way she loves the hobby, and I think it really helped me warm up to her more quickly. How she enjoys collecting and getting excited over it... I relate to that in those same ways lol specifically to her Meruru shrine lol (ik no one asked, but aside from Krino, my best girl is actually Saori. I look forward to seeing more of her every time an episode comes on! :3) Also, Idk why I skipped Kami Nomi for so many years, but I legit just left it on my P2W list for a decade lol. I've only had one other person ever recommend it to me as well;; and that was like 4-5 years ago now lol;; I slowed down with playing eroge and bishoujo games around,,, 2015/2016(?), but I used to play them religiously. Keima should probably not be someone I relate to... but here I am. Relating to him. While nowadays my main passion lies in the animation side of things, I still really find relatability and comfort within this specific Reference Humor genre of anime, so I've really enjoyed this series so far. I finished up Irregular Witch too :( First show from the current airing block that I've actually completed. Bittersweet, but I had fun with that one too. I'm going to especially miss seeing Phoenix every week. I find that I usually watch whatever comedies are airing when I do tune into the blocks as they air, and this one was a really nice companion piece for the heavier stuff I've been keeping up with. I watched a few other full series, but this next one is the last I'm mentioning for now. I might make more posts another time; we'll see. Two of my favorites that I got around to during my sick week are these two next mentions; first up is Wotakoi. I am devastated that there isn't more Wotakoi. Help. They covered pretty much all of the manga according to other fans, so it's unlikely more will come out of it. It always hurts a bit when something is fully finished, though. especially when I enjoyed it so much. I might read it just for the sake of wanting more of it. It was really straight forward and was honestly a breath of fresh air. There weren't any real love rivals or anything; just nerds figuring themselves out and their dynamics out. I literally just watched six weirdos make friends and fall in love with fairly no complications involved. I'm thriving. (Or maybe I'm just a lonely, nerdy adult who is tired of drama in my life. Maybe that's the only takeaway here lmao /lh) And then,,,, finally,,, Magical Witch Punie-Chan. I have... No words. It was amazing. I loved it. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. 4 episode OVA with an additional 4 episode Omake after. Wonderful if you like darker gag-humor series and want a short little trip. This one was weird but delightful, truly. P.S. I kept "Lyrical Tolkarev~ Kill Them All!~" as my discord status for like 3 days lol That theme song is going to live in my head rent free for the rest of my days. As for what I'm most excited for in 2024, there's probably, like, A LOT. But off of the top of my head, I can name the next Given project (PLEASEEEEEEEEECOMEOUTALREADYYESSSSGIVEITTOMEEEE JANUARY27THCANNOT COME FAST ENOUGHHH) and the second season of Bokuyaba (one of the only manga I have bothered with in 15 years, going to be so real right now;; I cherish this story). When these things come out, I know for a fact that my blog is going to briefly implode. Apologies about it ahead of time lol!;; I'll probably be saying more as the currently airing series all come to an end over the coming weeks. There's quite a few I don't want to end TT~TT so talking about them might be nice!
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dumbunnii · 5 months
finally have a chance to sit down and do this, thank u sm for tagging me @smoke-and-ichor <3 :,)
last song i listened to:
last movie/ tv show i watched:
the boy and the heron (we went to the 11pm showing and had to leave bc i kept falling asleep so idk how it ends </333)
sweet/salty/savory: oooo that’s hard. i think sweet but if umami was an option i would pick it in a heartbeat
relationship status: long term partner!
last thing i googled: “krinos tahini review”
current obsession: GNOSTIC LITERATURE!!!!! i’m so obsessed with the gnostic gospels rn
tagging @alittlespankandtickle @chronicallysoft @sensitive-to-t0uch @still-not-rly-sure @sophuckingkinky & anyone else who wants to participate :)
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