#knuckles fans we really winning this year
knuckleslove · 2 years
Just look at this. OMG. It’s resplendent.
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rineptune · 4 months
summary: angel dust catches the attention of an esteemed monarch from lust ring.
warnings: explicit dialogue and description, foul language, references to drugs, sex, and alcohol, please be mindful of the content you consume.
a/n: this is how my oc (yve) meets angel dust after ep 8, but you could imagine this as yn bcs it isn’t too detailed aside from the fact that yn (reader) is a hybrid between a scorpion and dragon demon. if this gets a certain amount of notes i might make a part 2 idk
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“what got dollface runnin’ around like a headless goose so early in the morning?”
“oh! a friend of hers is visiting, and i heard he’s the baddest boy,” niffty giggles, tracing her finger on a freshly honed kitchen knife she got from the kitchen. distracted by the enthusiasm for the arrival of the “baddest boy,” angel dust took the opening to discreetly pry the utensil from her hand and placed it by the shelf.
angel dust yawns, taking a seat on the lounge chair. “charlie’s friend’s comin’?”
“not just my friend, you guys!” charlie tells them in a haste, “my bestest friend— we go way back; ever since we were in diapers.”
“bestest isn’t really word used, babe.”
angel dust passively shrugged, turning to vaggie. “and have you ever met charlie’s ‘bestest friend’ before?”
“no, but he does call and listen to her ramblings weekly,” vaggie answered. “and i heard he helped fund the hotel’s initial renovations when charlie inherited the mansion from her parents.”
“oh? we talkin’ rich sugar daddy here?”
“is money the only thing that you heard?”
“mm, maybe,” angel dust replied.
it’s not until later, past lunchtime, that their show-and-tell activity was disrupted by the new guest.
“oh, yeah~ daddy!”
“and this is my favorite episode of my ‘interrogation turned ravage session’ series because it’s the last one we had to do for the whole franchise,” angel dust shared with a toothy grin. “my co-star’s dick was average at best, but he did the stamina, which made up for his lackin’ technique.”
“that’s a very nice insight, angel,” charlie smiles awkwardly, cowering behind the decorative pillow.
“can we, uhm, have the next presenter, please?”
“can’t we just turn the tv off?” vaggie rolls her eyes.
“hm. ‘interrogation turned ravage session?’ that series won an award for longest screentime per episode, if i recall,” a new voice says, eliciting a surprised scream from charlie as she jumped into her girlfriend’s arms.
“who the fuck are you?” husk rose from his seat.
there you stood, indifferent to their semi-shocked and confused gasps and murmurs.
“my apologies for suddenly entering your hotel without notice, lie-lie—” you bowed slightly. “you weren’t answering your phone nor heard our knocking on your front door.”
your eyes met his, though they didn’t linger too long because charlie almost tackled you to the ground.
angel dust is left stunned.
satan, who is this?
“yn! you’re late; we thought you weren’t coming!”
“the train got delayed at the border, but all is well as i’m already here, hm?”
introductions went like a breeze, and now it was angel dust’s turn to be greeted by you. he had to admit that you had the sex appeal. it’s only natural that he had to flirt with you.
“and this is angel dust! one of our guests,” charlie says.
“nice to meet you, handsome,” angel dust greets, imitating a claw with his hands as he lets out a soft, seductive growl.
“i’m thrilled to meet you in person, angel dust.”
you took his hand—delicately and with absolute care, if he may add—placing a soft kiss on his knuckles. the gesture sends a flurry of butterflies coursing throughout his whole body, rendering him speechless and flabbergasted for seconds.
“i— uh, yeah, nice to meet ya. fan of my work?” angel dust recalls how you mentioned his series won an award— and not just any reward— the lust-stringed award that was usually reserved for media made from lust ring.
he just so happened to win the award because of the landslide of votes this year.
you chuckle, shaking your head. “if i were to be honest, i had no clue what your name was until now, but i only heard of your published shows through my secretary.”
“oh,” angel dust smiled awkwardly. “shame.”
“ah, my apologies if this puts an awkward tension between us.”
“it’s fine, not everyone recognizes a star from this side of the pentagram,” he tells you, relaxing back on the couch.
charlie and the others were gone by now, possibly giving the two a moment as they went to their separate businesses.
“what’re you doin’ here anyways?”
“i just wanted to pay lie-lie a visit,” you answered. “she was insistent that i travel from divine downtown to pentagram to meet you.”
“me?” angel dust perks up a bit.
“all of you here in the hotel, i’m sorry if i didn’t make it clear.”
embarrassment creeps at the back of the conversation, and angel dust wishes that it wasn’t this awkward because dear satan, this demon was hot as fuck, but he’s far too polite and nonchalant to have come from lust ring.
but he thinks something is about to come of this.
something new.
something different.
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someone tell me how to continue this bcs i only have a vague idea in my head lol
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enpr-ss · 2 months
Hermitcraft charity stream 2022 Highlights:
- 25k goal being broken by the Australians even before the event started, and the jokes about ending the stream there and seeing them next year
- Getting Martyn to do the donation readouts is GENIUS. He makes it actually entertaining to listen to!
- Martyn listening to Ren the most lol
- The bell bringing back Techno money bell memories
- Basalt Assault being broken by too much boomification (as predicted by Bdubs)
- Doc falling into Dunk Tank in the final winner-take-all round
- All the goofy skins (especially Grian’s cursed skins) and IRL costumes (Pearl’s old man mask, and Tango’s millions of hats)
- Every time Etho is confused about his fanbase
- Grian finishing backwards because “it’s the only way he can see” with his built-in rear view mirror
- Pearl getting to keep her horse from Horse Course!
- “Coming in not least but last” - Bdubs
- Scar actually doing so well on all the games actually?! I didn’t realize he was second on Horse Course
- “While we were on our pee-pee break for the weak bladder people” - Doc
- Etho’s elytra glitching, with Cleo and Grian hitting him around
- Racers stealing other boats. Tango and Cub winning the race by a mile through switching drivers at the bubblevator
- Jevin fell down the powdered snow section LOL!
- Iskall fixing the Hermit Incentives redstone by just moving the dispenser and the button
- The speed at which Doc’s diamonds DISAPPEARED and then all the subsequent mocking just as a 5k soon came through
- Ren: “Nothing will calm your nerves more than Grian’s gong”
Grian: screaming “LALALALALAAAAAL” as he smashes the gong repeatedly (twice)
- Bdubs being spleefed by Tango (VIA PREINSTALLED REDSTONE) into a hole and Doc not caring because he doesn’t have any diamonds. And then Etho punching Tango into the same hole.
- Grian: “I need everyone to take a really nice deep breath in through the nose-”
Everyone: *exaggerated gasps and choking noises*
Grian: “We’re doing that again because everyone FAILED at breathing”
Doc’s panicked breathing and getting TNT to blow everyone up
Scar: “Can I get another dong real quick?”
Grian: “With a g, yes you can.”
- Scar made Panda Resue (lol) in ONE NIGHT?!?! But with no pandas lol
- Doc on strike until he gets his diamonds back
- Bucket rush more entertaining than expected and Scar absolutely killing it
- Hermits interpreting the 350k goal as returning Doc’s diamonds (THEN GRIAN RESTEALING THEM AND SETTING 400K AS THE GOAL FOR THE RETURN LOL)
- All the lore that I’m getting it discover as a new fan!!!
- How the hermits are perfectly quiet whenever another is explaining game rules or when Martyn is reading out donos.
- Impulse being absolutely on the ball with all the drumrolls
- Etho and his pvp player head + item collection mechanics
- Scar absolutely bowspamming yellow team, and Red Team continuing to kill for the spawn mechanics lol. ALMOST WINNING BY 1 POINT!!!
- Martyn with the stellar Battle Bane commentary!
- Scar donating on behalf on those who cannot donate, and apparently this is a common thing with him??? Amazing.
- The carts will have hermitcraft plaques!!
- Glasgow family’s 1k dono: Donated in memory of Technoblade.
- All the smooth backend operations by fans and others! Nothing broken amazingly.
- Doc still asking about the diamonds and Martyn announcing that he had them in a plot twist and logging out
- Only 1 week of prep??!! Insane
- $425k raised!!!! Incredible!!!!!
- Bro when Ren and Tango said Joe’s beard had legos and pinballs in it THEY WERE NOT JOKING. Omg. I genuinely thought the mechanical part was like part of his microphone set up. A SIX DOLLAR HUNTING KNIFE?!???? FROM THE GROCERY OUTLET??? WITH BRASS KNUCKLES??? FOR PIZZA???? This is my first time watching a Joe stream. is he always like this. His transparent facecam overlay is also cool; I like it better than the usual corner ones. HE ACTUALLY WENT WITH THE CRAYOLA SCISSORS??? No mirror only OBS??? His concern with accidentally hurting himself is not being able to talk and violating TOS LOL. HES GOING TO FILTER OUT THE BLOOD SO THAT TWITCH DOESNT BAN HIM. He’s doing it in the worst way possible as a commitment to the bit. He’s so hostile to capitalism it’s great. All after an 8 hour driver from Chicago. MUMBO COSPLAY LOL
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f1-giuki · 1 year
Hi babe!
Here's a prompt for lestappen and a little drink to get you away from contract law for a bit
“god, here- just hold my hand.”
🍹🍹 tagay tayo
DARLING BABY🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖 love you so much you have no idea🥺💖 Sorry if I'm late but these fucking exams are taking my will to live out of me😭😭😭😭
Now here's a little something for you👀👀
Max loves petrichor. He likes the rain falling softly over things in the summer, the soft gray clouds and the muted lights, cutting through the merciless heat. The thunder in the distance, softly rumbling, playing over his thoughts. He has had many fond memories linked to the rain, many karting wins, race wins, pole positions, championships and Champions League finals won by his favourite football team. Sports and the rain are a fan favourite.
But Max doesn't like the rain now. It's late night, two am or not too much after, and he is pacing nervously in a square metre space. He's in the Ferrari garage at the Circuit de la Sarthe, for his first ever actual 24h of Le Mans, and he's stressed as fuck. He's not supposed to be in the car for another few hours, but the torrential rain is pouring down the track and it's keeping him awake. He has slept for a while after his stint, the adrenaline falling down rapidly, but he woke up after a particularly loud thunder and he's been restless for the past fifteen minutes, worried for Charles, his teammate.
That's just one of the many strange things happening that early Sunday. Like the yellow circle with a familiar looking red bull painting nicely the side of the red car. A little partnership, as Christian called it when Max phoned him one stupid morning to ask him why the fuck did Ferrari offer him a deal to drive for them for the 2032 endurance championship?
The best kept secret in the world, because seeing Charles and Carlos' surprised faces when he appeared in Via Abetone Inferiore, Maranello, was the fucking funniest thing Max had ever seen. But that was over a year ago, now Max isn't laughing, he's biting his nails worried for Charles.
The Monegasque is managing the car beautifully, breezing past the other GT cars as if they weren't even there. He's born for it and Max shouldn't even worry about Charles. But it's Le Mans and it's raining at night.
"Cabrón, stop pacing, you're making me anxious!" Carlos says, slapping Max's shoulder. He knows the Spaniard will slap him in the face if he keeps on flapping his hands around. "Fifteen minutes and he'll be out of the car, we have this under control, go back to sleep," Carlos says and Max can't really argue with him. What is settling in his stomach is still not very good.
Carlos ignores him and keeps on preparing for the drive. A mechanic brings Max a warm infusion, to relax a bit, Max. He thanks him and drinks it, he quite likes the fact that Ferrari has both cans of Red Bull and infusions. One for each of his messy mental states.
"Ten minutes, Max, then he's all yours," Carlos says snickering when Max finishes his drink and plays with the paper cup. 
"Fuck off, Carlos," Max spits as his leg keeps bouncing.
He spends the next minutes with his eyes glued to the TV screen in the box, leaning on his chair. Carlos cracks his knuckles and mutters: showtime. The whole garage turns alive as Carlos grabs his seat and goes out to the lay-by. They load up the tank and Charles gets out. Carlos gets in and drives away. The Monegasque gets in the box among pats on the back and Max looks at him.
Charles looks happy, he'd jump around if he wasn't so tired. He sinks into the chair next to Max and looks at him with those smiley green eyes. He takes off his gloves and Max squeezes the little paper cup in his hands.
"What are you doing up?" Charles asks, his accent prominent, his Rs inexistent.
"Couldn't sleep," Max says as he passes his hands on his face. 
Charles takes off his helmet and his balaclava and looks at Max with his hair rumpled. Stupid Monegasque, stupid hair and stupid tired brain for making his heart beating wildly.
"Why?" Charles asks, simply. He puts his helmet down on his thighs. A mechanic brings him the same cup Max has destroyed in his hand. Charles thanks him in Italian and spreads his legs a bit wider, touching Max thigh with his knees. Max looks at the point where their bodies are meeting and then looks at Charles. The Monegasque smiles. Motherfucker. 
"Answer meeee," Charles says, sipping his beverage. Max's leg keeps on bouncing, but now he doesn't have an explanation. Charles is next to him. His brain is fucking weird, Max can't understand it.
"You…" Max says, trying to make his leg stop twitching. It's useless, so he flaps his hands around too.
Charles smiles at him, a mixture of endeared and surprised. "Me? Were you worried about me in the race? I can keep it in the lines with the rain, even if I'm not a maniac like you and Carlos!"
Max shakes his head and looks at where Charles' hand is resting on his red suit. "Hey, are you okay, Max? Fuck, you shake like a leaf, do you want me to call the doctor?"
Max shakes his head. He should really fucking sleep. Carlos' hypercar is shown on tv and Max tries to steady his breath. It's not very useful.
"God, here, hold my hand…" Charles says, opening his palm and pushing it in Max's face. The Dutchman blinks at it. Charles rolls his eyes and takes Max's hand in his. It's warm, not sweaty, and incredibly soft. Charles definitely uses expensive hand lotion.
"Yes, I do," Charles says and Max blushes a little, he said it out loud. "Don't worry, just try to focus on your breathing, Max, then we'll go and lay down a little, is it okay?"
"Yeah, thank you," Max croaks. Charles squeezes his hand and smiles.
Max feels his eyes get a bit heavier and he leans over Charles’ shoulder. The Monegasque lets him rest there and Max feels sleep coming to him once again. Max doesn't know if he's dreaming of it or it's really happening, but he feels a pair of lips on his hair, mumbling a good night, baby softly. He hums happily anyway.
It's going to be a long night… 
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fangirlstorycreator · 5 months
CK Terry Silver X Reader
Context: First you were enemies....but now he was about to be your lover...😏 Part 1??
You were so confused when you got a call from your cousin Johnny, especially when he asked you to come down and visit him in LA, you hadn't spoken to him in a long time. But when you guys did see eachother after a long time, it was like being around a brother, he was a funny and very simple guy, and he did make you laugh. He didn't say why he wanted you to come and visit him, just that it was an emergency. You booked some time from your work and made your way down to LA to see Johnny, you were booked up in a really nice hotel during your stay so you felt nice and comfortable, for some reason you could never sleep properly in someone elses house. After you got your things unpacked, you left the hotel and made your way to a coffee shop that Johnny told you about, it wasn't that far thankfully. You entered the coffee shop and see Johnny sat next to someone who looked a little familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Y/N!" Johnny shouted as be ran over to you, pulling you in for an enthusiastic hug. "Hey Johnny! It's great to see you too" "I'm so glad you came, we really need your help" "We?" He smiled and lead you over to the table, and that's when you recognise who is sat there. "Oh my god, Daniel Larusso!" "Hey Y/N, it's good to see you" He smiled and stood up to give you a hug too before you all took a seat at this little coffee table by the window. "Wow Daniel, it's been so long since I last saw you. What on earth is the reason your hanging out with this loser?" "Screw you Y/N, I ain't no loser!" "Maybe when you can win a karate fight against me, then I can call you something else. It's not my fault you can't take me" "Yeh yeh your so funny Y/N" You and Johnny shared a look and laughed, you guys were always playful together. "So Daniel, why are you hanging out with Johnny? The last time I saw you both together you were in that tournament" "Me and Johnny have had our differences and issues yes, but we've put that behind us and we are working together to keep miyagi do a float" "Oh I remember miyagi do, it was always a lovely environment there. So you've both taken it over?" "Yes, its had its ups and downs, but were trying" "That's great to hear. So? Why did you ask me to come down hear Johnny? What's going on that you need help with?" Johnny and Daniel share a concerned look, and Johnny looks back at you with a serious expression.
"Y/N, do you remember a guy called sensei John Kreese?" "Do I? He was an #sshole who acted like a psycho. Is he still around?" "Hey was...but it seems that he wasn't the one we had to worry about" "What do you mean?" "You see, Kreese brought back cobra kai when Daniel opened Miyagi do, and lots of sh#t happened that we don't really have time to explain. Let's just say, sh#t hit the fan! Anyway, Kreese needed help after his first attempt at reopening cobra kai didn't work, and that's where HE came into the picture" "I'm sorry, HE?" "Daniel sat up a little to face you. "Johnny is talking about a guy called Terry Silver, this guy made Kreese look like a picture of serenity, and Kreese is a god damn psychopath! He trained me years ago, and he tried to turn me into something I wasn't, he even trained me to a point where he made my knuckles bleed" "Oh my god that sounds awful! So this Terry guy came back and made everything worse for you guys?" Johnny nods "He did, he's planning on making cobra kai dojo's all over the valley, and we entered a tournament recently and we lost the chance to run miyagi do. His main dojo isnt far from hear, and he is running the place with a new sensei, and she is dangerous" "But I still don't know why you asked me down hear" "I invited you down hear to see if you could help us in our fight against Terry Silver. I've been in a fight with him myself, and f#ck me that old b#stard can kick! He's the strongest around and noone can take him down. That's why I invited you back Y/N....your the only one who can take him down" "What? Why do you think that?" "Y/N, you've trained your entire life to be the sensei you are today, and strangely, both you and Silver have trained and mastered the same karate style and had the same master. But you have way more experience that he does, he has only mastered that fighting skill, and he's dangerous. But YOU! You've mastered that style, plus you've mastered tae kwan do, capoeira, krav maga, kang soo do AND bojutsu! You even know weaponry! That's f#cking awesome! And Terry would shiver at the thought of you" "Daniel? What are your thoughts on this?" "We had discussed having a plan B for incase something was to go wrong and we needed help, even after we asked Chozen for help, he managed to figure out that we were trying to play him. But now, we have to think about the safety of our families, and that's where you as our plan B comes in. Your the only one strong enough and clever enough to face him, and you have the intellect to put him in his place if he tries to manipulate us"
"Daniel's right, I've never known anyone who can stop you physically or intellectually Y/N. I mean you can be a right pain in the ass! But your still our best hope at helping us. So the question is, will you help us?" "Before I give you an answer, I need more details about this Terry guy" "What do you want to know?" "Well firstly, Daniel you said that he taught you when you were younger, so he must be much older than us?" Johnny smirks and says "That ancient piece of sh#t has got to be in his late fifties maybe early sixties" "So quite a bit older then" "Don't let that fool you Y/N, he managed to kick my ass once when me, him and Kreese saw eachother in the old dojo. He may be old, but f#ck me he can kick!" "So he's very strong then? I like a challenge. So what exactly would I be doing?" Daniel takes a sip of his coffee then says "Its mostly for protection Y/N, he has threatened to hurt my family and has already tried with Johnny's. There is this charity event for some bonsai tree's tomorow, and unfortunately I've been told it's being held at Terry's home. All I would need you to do is come with me and Amanda, and if Terry tries any manipulation tactics, I would just ask for your support, to show him that he can't do anything when your around. Make him feel scared for once" "I can absolutely do that for you Daniel, from the way you've described him, I already know how he might behave. He's showing the rest of the world how (nice) he is while you guys see the real him, I know how to go about men like that. What time do you need me ready tomorow?" "Oh thank you so much Y/N, it's at 1.30. You can catch a lift with me and Amanda if you like?" "That's a kind offer Daniel, but I'm going to make my own way up there, I have an idea how I can play this, I'll just need the address"
The next day, you take a taxi up to the address you were given, prepared for anything that might happen there. You wore this beautiful mixed coloured dress that really accentuated your body shape, but little did everyone else know, this dress was hiding something amongst itself that only you knew about...something that would warn this Terry Silver, not to mess with you.
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You are lead through this very neat and tidy modern house, full of greys and silvers for decorations. Whoever this Terry was, certainly liked his style in a certain way. You followed many people who walked through the house to all meet by this enormous outside pool, were there were chairs already set up and little areas to get yourself a drink or a snack. "Y/N, your finally hear" Daniel said as he came and greeted you. "Hi Daniel, am I late?" "No not at all, I was just worried you had changed your mind about this while thing that's all" "No need to worry about that Daniel, I'm still more than happy to help you and your family" A lady had called out to everyone to take their seats, as everyone does, you sit beside Amanda, Daniel's wife as Daniel stands up at the front to talk to everyone. They start the bidding, and many people make lovely offers, you were planning on making an offer too, but you were just waiting for the right moment. The highest it had got to was $5000, and just before the lady accepted, a voice from a few seats behind you said "$30.000 dollars" Everyone was shocked at that price, and when you turned around to see who it was, you see this very handsome and quite sophisticated looking older gentleman. He wore a beautifully tailored suit, he had his silver hair in a neat and tidy pony tail, a smug look on his face, and the money to go with it? This had to be Terry Silver, and little did he know, you still hadn't placed a bit yet...
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"$30.000 from Mr-" "$45.000 dollars" You proudly say as you raise your card, everyone gasps in amazement, and it appears that you had cought Terry's attention too. "Sold! To the young lady in the 3rd row!" They clap for you as you stand up to speak at the front with Daniel, one of the ones clapping is Terry, with an amused smirk on his face, you definitely intrigued him. Daniel shakes your hand "Thank you very much miss L/N for your generous donation for all these bonsai trees" "Oh it's my pleasure Mr Larusso, I adore bonsai trees and I'm excited to be caring for these ones just like I have with many others I've had over the years" Everyone claps again before the auction stops and you, Daniel and the lady running it go somewhere private to take care of the money. About half an hour later, you and Daniel are back and meet up with Amanda who is enjoying a drink, you and Daniel have one too. A lady calls Amanda over to her so she politely leaves you both to say hello, so now it's just you and Daniel. "I can't believe you spent that much on those bonsai trees, plus, you went 15 grand over Terry's bid! I wasn't expecting that" "So that WAS Terry? I thought as much. Plus what I said about the bonsai trees was true, I've had many over the years. Charity will always have a helping hand from me" Daniel's face suddenly changed from happy to concern, and you were about to find out why.
"Good afternoon Daniel, it's a pleasure as always to see you again" "Terry...." "How are you enjoying my home?" "It's a house, I'm not that impressed" "That's what you say....oh how rude of me, I still haven't introduced myself to this lovely young lady hear" Terry says with a charming smile, holding his hand out to you. You smile back and give him your hand, to which he gives you a kiss on the back of it. "My name is Terry Silver"
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"It's nice to meet you, my name is Y/N L/N" "What a beautiful name, and I must say, I'm very glad you came to this auction today" Daniel looks wound up by this, he knows Terry is trying to manipulate you, but your one step ahead. "Oh really? And why would that be Mr Silver?" "Well, not only have I never met a woman more radiant as you, but you did something today that noone else has done....you've suprised me" "Have I indeed?" Terry chuckles, smirking at Daniel too. "You certainly have....would you care for me to show you around my home? I'm sure you would enjoy it" "Do you show all the ladies hear around your home Mr Silver?" "Oh no, just you Miss L/N....So?" "While that's a kind offer, I'm actualy in the middle of a conversation with Mr Larusso hear" "Ah yes, Daniel....I'm not sure your aware of this miss L/N, but Mr Larusso hear probably isn't someone you would like to associate with"
"Oh really?" You ask, acting in the way he'd expect you too. "Is there something about you I don't know Mr Larusso?" Daniel knows your acting, but he plays along with you. "I-" "Oh don't feel embarrassed to tell this lovely woman Daniel....you shouldn't feel too ashamed of your past. You see miss L/N, Daniel hear used to run a dojo, just like the one I run right now. But...I'm afraid Mr larusso's ego got the better of him, and he challenged me and the wonderful children in my dojo to a tournament. The poor children of miyagi do were pushed to the limit of what they could do, and they suffered for it. It's a shame Daniel wasn't the sensei they needed" Daniel's blood was boiling now, he wanted to hit Terry so much.
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"So you see Miss L/N, I have this wonderful home and a dojo for the children who deserve a real sensei. To guide them and show them how to become the best of the best. I think you should choose your company more carefully...you don't want to befriend the wrong sort around hear" "Terry I swear-" "Oh ho ho! Sorry Daniel, did that strike a nerve? I apologises for bringing up your mistakes, I'm sure Miss L/N understands that not everyone is cut out to be a sensei" This was enough now, no more playing the unknowing lady, Terry was pushing his luck.
"I do believe your right Mr Silver, from what you have said about Daniel hear I do believe I need to be a better judge of character" Terry smiles and looks at Daniel with this manipulative little stare. "I suppose I should really spend more time with a man like you Mr Silver" "I couldn't agree more" "Yes....a man who thinks that he can con the world with his smooth words and intelligence" Daniel smiles, and Terry's face slowly drops from a happy smirk, to one of confusion. "I beg your pardon Miss L/N?" "Oh I am sorry, was I not being clear enough. Please allow me to make it clearer for you. Your a con man Mr Silver, a man who will go to any lengths to make sure his true persona is hidden from the rest of the world, because instead of people being impressed by the man you pretend to be, the real you would just bore the undying hell out of people. They would pity you, feel sorry for you, and not see the manipulative character you play when others are around you" Again Daniel smiles, he is loving every moment of this. "So your right, I should make sure I know who to not be around and accociate my time with, and you are the one that's definitely at the top of that list. I will not associate with a man who drives a poor young boy to the point of pain, shame and actualy bodily harm, just to help an old friend from the army days. Making a child's knuckles bleed is abusive and manipulative, every time you think of that I truly hope shame is etched in your mind. You lie and scheme your way though everything just so your can have things your way, so you can be in control. To the point where you threated and attack innocent people like Daniel hear, or Robbie Keen, or Johnny Lawrence! How does it feel knowing there is someone out there who sees through your lies? Through this facade?"
You ask with a smirk.....Terry is stunned at first, but it seems now he knows your not just some innocent person who's wondered into the wrong conversation. "Well well Miss L/N, I'm guessing there's more to you than meets the eye? Your not hear today by coincidence are you?"
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"Oh! So you can use your brain then?" You ask in a sarcastic way, making Daniel snort a little. Terry chuckles and runs his hand over his chin, looking around to make sure noone is close or looking over. "I should have known you were hear helping Daniel, he's never been able to truly defend himself" "Defending himself is one thing....when he has to protect his family that's another thing entirely.....you really think it's wise to threaten Daniel's family?" "I can do what I wish, I'm looking out for the future of my dojo" "Never have I ever heard more b#llsh#t than I have from what your spewing out of that poisonous mouth of yours" That took Terry by suprise, he's not used to being spoken to like this at all. "I do like you miss L/N....so why don't you do yourself a favour and stay out of this little disagreement me and Danny boy hear have together" "Aww, that's not going to happen I'm afraid, nice try though, very threatening. I was almost scared then, oh wait? Your threats mean nothing to me" Terry smiles and takes a step closer to you and Daniel, staring at you with those pale blue sapphire eyes. "You have no idea what a sensei like me can do, sensei's have many capabilities"
"Do they? Oh dear, maybe I should be more careful around someone who can fight.....hahaha! I'm sorry I couldn't keep a straight face there" Terry has no idea why your laughing, so Daniel says "Terry, YOU have no idea what sensei's are capable of....sensei's like Y/N" Terry's face changes "Your a sensei?" "You seem suprised by that Mr Silver? I know this dress doesn't exactly look like a GI-" "What are you trained in then? A little tae kwando?" You smirk and fold your arms at him, and Daniel says "She HAS mastered tae kwando Terry" "I knew it-" "Ah ah ah, not just that though. I'm guessing your old master didn't mention any other students he's taught then? Oh yeh, my mistake, he taught Y/N AFTER you" "You?.....Your master was-" "Master Kim Sung-Yung?" You say in response. "Yes that's right, he was my master. Oh! Correction, my first master. You see, once I had been fully trained by Master Kim Sung-Yung, I moved onto other forms of martial arts, like Bojutsu for example, oh that's my favourite by far" Terry starts to look a little nervous now, though he's trying to hide it. "What else was there? Oh yes, I've also mastered capoeira, krav maga. My skills in Kand Su Do are just one of the many skills I have......so if I were you....Terry....I'd be very careful, and choose YOUR company more carefully"
Check. Terry hasn't won this round, but he was going to try one last tactic. "Your a very strong and clever woman Y/N, I can't deny that. But you can't win against me, I've made a reputation hear, all these people hear are stupid enough to believe me. And why wouldn't they? I'm the man who gives to the community, offers lessons to children who need it, a shining example to the community. All these idiots hear would never believe you if you tried to say anything about me, neither of you have any proof, and I'll continue to do as I wish....noone is going to stop me" You can't help but chuckle, Daniel looks worried, but you give him a trustworthy look. "I see Terry....it seems there's really no tricking you is there?" "That's right" "And noone would believe me if I told everyone hear what you really think of them, and how cunning you are" "Absolutely" "You've got me there....(clearing your throat) Oh, I just have one question Terry, do you like my dress?" He smirks and looks you all over, like your a masterpiece. "It looks stunning on you, like it was made to be worn by a goddesses" "Oh my, your so kind" Daniel has no idea what your up to, but you give him a sly wink. "I'm so glad you like it Terry, I like it too. The colours, the material....oh! And this little part right hear....can you see this?" You say pointing to a very well hidden little shiny bead right inbetween your cleavage on the dress. "This Terry, is my little camera. I hope you don't mind that I'm wearing it, it complimented the dress you see" Terry's face drops, he's been caught out. "After my discussion with Daniel the other day, and my cousin. I thought it was necessary to bring this little camera along with me, and you walked into my trap beautifully"
Daniel cant help but smile smugly, finaly having the upper hand over Terry Silver. "Why don't you consider this a warning Mr Silver....you don't go near Daniel and his family, you stay away from my cousin and his family, oh did I mention Johnny Lawrence was my cousin? And I don't take to kindly to people assaulting my family members. So? Are you going to be a good boy and do as your told? Because if you misbehave, I might just have to release this little video of you admitting what you are really like. What you think of all these people, what you do to make everything go your way, and of course your threatening behaviour towards innocent people" Terry stares at you in stunned silence, unable to think of anything to say to you, you have him in the palm of your hand and he didn't like it. "Daniel, shall we have another drink? I can see champagne over there" "That sounds great" Daniel says to you, you smile as you both walk away from Terry, but you rest your hand on Terry's arm just before walking away, and whisper to him. "You've been used to being top dog around hear Mr Silver, well now there's someone who will happily knock you down if needs to be. I'm an understanding woman Terry, and consider this whole situation, me being kind. Because if you do anything to hurt anyone else.....I might just take after your slogan.....and I will show YOU no mercy. Do have a good day, you have got a lovely home" And just like that, you walk away towards Daniel and Amanda to have a drink, leaving Terry by himself. He's fuming and hates that he wasn't able to manipulate you or wind up Daniel, you were a whole other challenge.....a challenge he was happy to except. He turned around to look over at you and Daniel, anger was there, but it was replaced with something else....a smile? But why?....
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After everyone had left the charity event at Terry's house, you made your way back to Daniel and Amanda's home along with Johnny. Daniel was over the moon with how you handled Terry. "How in the hell did you manage to get a camera that small onto your dress Y/N?" "I have many talents Daniel, and if Terry pushes his luck, he'll find that out the hard way" Johnny smirks and runs his hand across his jaw line. "Am I the only one hear who wants to see that ancient piece of sh#t push his luck?" All three of you chuckle, before Daniel looks at you with sincere appreciation. "You know Y/N, I'm so thankful you agreed to help us with Terry, I think he's met his match with you. If today was anything to go buy, I'm really hoping he will stay away" "I hope so too, and if he doesn't....trust me when I say that I will bring Terry Silver to his knees...."
To anyone reading this story, I wanted to post it and let you decide if you want more. There is more to the story which I'm happy to write, I just wanted to post this part and find out if anyone would like to read anymore of this story, and of course I would write a steamy part too as it's an enemies to lovers idea. Just let me know and I'll see what I can do, thank you 💚
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dizzyduck44 · 22 days
A week on from Miami 🌴☀️🏎️
Let’s talk about how that may have been the most significant race week in about a year and a half. And no it’s not because I’m a Lando fan.
McLaren’s upgrades
Ok first we heard they won’t be significant, then Lando got given virtually a new car! Then we are told that what Oscar has is worth 2 tenths, what Lando has 4 tenths. Seems pie in the sky until Lando started sprint quali on medium tyres and suddenly it wasn’t bullshit! Lando won the main race and only lost fastest lap to his teammate. That car has pace and the drivers to unlock it. Also consider Lando won his first Grand Prix with a car he wasn’t happy about the setup on. There is more to come from that car. By the end of the weekend McLaren had fighting talk. They expect to be in the Championship mix before 2025 if not before.
Aston said they would, McLaren just knuckled down and did it!
Ferrari seem to be checking the wrong things!
Another weekend, another he pushed me/he gave me no room incident between the scarlet teammates. In the main race by lap 6 there is the usual squabble of let me try and pass (insert driver here) if my teammate can’t. Thing is around lap 10 Lando got a message telling him he was saving his tyres better than Oscar and the two Ferraris. So consumed with the fight to go forward, they forgot to look behind them and left the door open for Lando. Ferrari you have the car, the drivers, the knowledge. Just engage your brains. Right now there is a chance for Red Bulls to have mirrors full of scarlet and papaya. Don’t fuck it up!!
Fingers crossed the Imola upgrade package steps them forward as McLaren has done.
VisaCashapp RB’s, the paint job wasn’t the only thing with impact
Daniel’s first points in the sprint and another solid weekend and points in the main race again for Yuki show that their upgrades work. If Aston continue to flounder this is the team to watch step out of the “also ran” pack. Quietly just getting on with it.
Red Bull lost its vavavoom?
Not even sure where to start with this. Sprint race, no surprises. Quali, more of the same. Race, well. The Red Bull dominance is boring, because we have seen Max gets podiums with half a floor or a hole in his side pod. The RBs are the cockroach of the grid, unkillable. Bleeding every last bit of hope out of the other teams.
So the idea that floor damage meant Max couldn’t keep up with Lando after the safety car and that Checo never really looked in danger of a podium from the first corner is difficult to understand. Max complained about that car ALL weekend. Yes there are upgrades coming but to see the Red Bull not just hit hyper mode and check out was new.
Which leads me to my point why this was so important. This season is far more open than any we have seen for a while. After the 21 from 22 Red Bull show last year, they have already missed out on two wins this season. One due to a brake failure (see earlier cockroach comment) and another to an apparent lack of pace. (Where’d the pace go?)
More importantly two other teams have already taken the top step this year. Two teams that are showing the capability to fight back at last. I fully expect to see at least 7 different race winners this year.
And with Lando now a Grand Prix winner, can we all agree that with a decent midfield car, Yuki is in fact the most underrated driver on the grid and has been for sometime?
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un-pearable · 8 months
okay post sonic symphony post recap :D
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1st mezzanine sweep (could see both the orchestra + the singers excluding when they went in the audience at one point) + we were right next to the projector (cool!!!!) and some of the speakers (ouch)
setlist (as best i remember, i wasn’t writing it down, PLEASE correct me):
sonic 1
sonic cd
sonic 2
sky sanctuary
sonic mania
“welcome to 3D”
believe in myself/it doesn’t matter medley
chao garden
“three new ones”
rooftop run
aquarium park/planet wisp
frontiers medley w/ stuff from third DLC
i was so excitedly surprised to see the new visuals!!! they did a really great job combining the new origins cutscenes with gameplay and the timing was INCREDIBLE esp for a live show. infinite kudos and honestly i can appreciate them waiting two years to actually do this since the cutscenes really tied to first few medleys together
conductor absolutely CRUSHED IT dude was very understanding that the audience was going to be Losing It consistently and he made it work. so much love to that orchestra they did a stellar job and im so sad they’ll get overshadowed by the vocal parts (which. yeah obviously. but they did SUCH great work and the conductor did a great job directing the audiences applause to them)
felt bad they had to stop between every single medley for applause but such is life . also experiencing live audience reactions for stuff like the chemical plant zone drowning trap and amy being playable in the metal sonic race was amazing
enjoyed the sky sanctuary medley even though it took the place of the sonic 3k music overall, so much kudos to the video team that was SO cool (AND IT HAD THE FRONTIERS ANIMATED SPECIAL!!!!! YEAHHHH WIN FOR KNUCKLES FANS EVERYWHERE)
the believe in myself/it doesn’t matter one’s are always so sweet to me i love how they frame them using the cutscenes from each of their respective stories + the end card 🥺 now do that for everyone else’s themes!!!!!!!!!!
i’m definitely forgetting at least one bit in there but it was so delightful all around, the new arrangements were so fun, unleashed sweeps as always but one guy near me was SUPER passionate about aquarium park im glad he was happy. the frontiers medley ended w/ the new supersonic form and having not watched that trailer this was the BEST possible way to see that new content holy SHIT!!!!!!!!
intermission: that was the single most positive bathroom i’ve ever been in and i mean that in the least weird way possible. everyone was so so so excited and complimentary (ty to the person who liked my pins and whose fiancé liked the tails one. i like it a lot too :]) also kudos to the stunning wave cosplayer i saw she was killing it!!!!! molly whoever you were i hope you enjoyed the second half as much as i did
vocal tracks:
setlist (i actually did write this one down):
i am all of me
what i’m made of
open your heart
knight of the wind
escape from the city
(new!!) superstars intro theme
his world
reach for the stars
fist bump
endless possibility
(fake out ending)
break through it all
live and learn
the fake out of having only the orchestra on stage and then l having i am all of me just START even before johnny + jun got on stage. incredible. we were all so distracted i have to find a clip of the audible chaos when the music started going and everyone clocked it was SHADOW FIRST. anyway so so so funny they only showed cutscenes from shth . no gameplay. gee wonder why
interesting structure too, compared to the order of the OG one in 2021 (which focused more on ramping up to the classics + live n learn at the end) this order bookended some of the less popular songs (reach for the stars and the new superstars theme particularly) with the BIG names
you should have heard how much people lost it when johnny said “you are… what i’m made of” i’m so proud of you sonic symphony audience. we are all sonic heroes appreciators
oh also johnny + everyone’s clumsy attempts to name drop/imply song names in their inbetweens. hilarious. astounding. i’m glad we’re your knight johnny
^ re: prev i NEED a recording of that it was glorious. if anyone has one hmu
literally two minutes before the second half started i was telling my beloved friend i dragged along that all i needed to be happy was for them to have kept knight of the wind and it was the FOURTH SONG . WIN FOR JAY. 3 of my top fives within the first twenty mins of act 2. incredible
obviously escape from the city floored everyone. i think that got the most people singing but we were all already exhausted vocally it was very funny hearing what lines people mumbled. but it DID have the most call and response, with the biggest songs they would really just shut off the mics and let the audience sing a lot of lines it was so so fun
johnny took his leave from the stage (and complimented + thanked dave vives and also the fandom), said goodnight, and sometime around now tomoya ohtani was brought on (he deserved more applause and did eventually get it)
superstars theme was cool!!!! but right after city escape was funny bc . no one knows it. you go from most singable theme imaginable to everyone sitting as upright as possible and the half that wasn’t already recording to whip out their phones to capture it especially as they introduce it as “the first time this song has EVER played on this side of the ocean” lmao. hope you liked it london i’m glad you took us down a peg
his worrrrrrlddddd we all love it. we were all so tired. also we kept fumbling the lines bc we all like the zebra head version and rappings hard. i get it. video team did a fun job remixing the visuals for sonic + shadow + silver focus sections though it was really cool
reach for the stars really had people peetering out over the length partly bc we were all exhausted vocally and partly bc it’s sadly less iconic
i could not take fistbump seriously bc they had our beloved ian jr front and center for the whole video. it was glorious. they started w gadget for the opening bit and then bam ian jr everywhere. amazing . got a whole games worth of cutscenes with his beautiful face you did your creator (who was IN THE AUDIENCE) proud
good break before endless possibility though
possibilities are endless. ‘nuff said
jk the video was STUNNING and a lot of it was the opening cutscene which remains some of the best sonic animation ever to this day. and this song REALLY showcased how well the orchestra worked simultaneously with the band it was glorious . the use of the werehog transformation scene in time with:
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mwa. stunning choice. and once again damn the band’s vocalist (dave vives) CRUSHED IT. johnny gave him a shout out for being a worthy successor at the shows he can’t attend and it was so so so deserved y’all are in for a treat
around here my ears + voice started genuinely feeling weird. the sacrifices we make for an absolutely wild experience (it’s all fine now though dw <3)
at this point they thanked everyone for coming + the band walked off stage and they turned all the lights off for a joke. me knowing they wouldn’t leave w/o live and learn was skeptical <- totally forgot they had a whole other guest star who hadn’t done his signature contribution yet
“one more” chanting ensued and my bro says he thinks they definitely had someone planted to say that but like. they did way more than one more. no way that was an intentional phrase
the band returned!!!! KELLIN QUINN KILLED IT
it’s dead. it’s dead and gone . my hearing and also the ability to play sonic music it’s been forever changed . hearing those incredible songs from frontiers + a full live orchestra backing up the astounding vocals (HOW) was incredible. this is when i could feel the literal balcony shaking . my vocal chords are going to kill me tomorrow
obligatory “just one more” was undefeatable and ngl im so glad they did it second, the hype up with break through it all made it even better despite them going the opposite in the game . should have used the cooler going supersonic clip from the trailers rather in game though . no one is immune to undefeatable + the extending music video was crazy good
ANOTHER “one last one” in which johnny was called back on stage, pretended to not know what people were asking for/what he was supposed to sing, got the ENTIRE crowd yelling the name of the song, and then and he + kellin absolutely crushed live and learn
it’s live and learn. it’s the perfect end note ft. quinn’s unparalleled vocals. what more do you need
they showed the really funny still shot of shadow overlaid on the moon for the last shot of the video and i know it’s the actual ending but it lingered for like 15 seconds and i couldn’t stop laughing . they showed all the dialogue captions leading up to him dying so i though they were going to show him falling to earth but nah. stock render brain store ass pose
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still COOL AS HELL!!!!!!! they had us congratulate EVERYONE and all the individual band members and the orchestra and im so so so happy with how it went . one million thanks to these wonderful people they did a great job
a couple literally got engaged in the lobby. one group started belting sonic underground on like the third floor of the stairway. it was incredible. the oscar’s could never top this ty dolby theaterrr
absolutely incredible all around . special shout out to: the people lowkey cosplaying while still in formalwear (woman in a beautiful white dress wearing a rouge hairpiece i salute you. guy in blue suit and guy in orange suit you’re amazing. woman in the fanciest amy rose dress i’ve ever seen im in love). the people with awesome t-shirts i am among your ranks we love a fandom with cool shirt designs. people in full on cosplay i am so so happy for all the diversity in characters i saw. the line for merch that stretched all the way back into the theater at the end: what was the theater staff doing that was bonkers. the people handing out stickers that i missed i Will be stalking your online stores. all the people in normal formal wear carrying their plushies? amazing. the world is beautiful. goodnight everyone
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popcornforone · 5 months
A Frankie (Catfish) Morales Fan Fic
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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, & all that shiz. This is it. This is my Christmas Fic for the year. & I decided come September it was gonna be Frankie. I’ve always kinda wanted to do part of this myself, which you’ll all work out (I mean you know some of it I’d love to but we all know we don’t live in that world) so I wanted to share something sexy & romantic at the same time. & I think Frankie always gives those tropes.
Synopsis:- Circumstances mean both you & Frankie are off the grid so it’s time for you to both celebrate a Christmas neither of you had really planned.
Word count: 4100
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV sex, swearing, pleasure, oral, depression, mission gone wrong but no details, self doubt but not suicidal thoughts, wanting to belong, alcohol.talk about sobering up.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. All feedback is welcome. I hope you enjoy & I wish you all an amazing couple of days & all the best for 2024.
“Are you crying?” You turn to face your beautiful catfish as he cuddles you on the sofa. Christmas Eve night it’s tradition. It’s time to watch Love Actually. It’s as Andrew Lincoln starts doing his signs.
“No” he says. His shoulders shake slightly, his hat which covers his curls is pulled down his head a little. His breathing is sharp. Yea he’s getting emotional. Your hand goes into his hair removing his hat for a few seconds to ruffle it.
“To me you are perfect” you say to Frankie quoting the film, before your lips softly kiss his lips. They feel so soft & you hold his face as he kisses you back.
“Surely im meant to say that”says Frankie.
“But you don’t need to win me over” you smile & you pass him a tissue. “I just want you to hug me, the second the score kicks in for the airport scene” you sip in your hot chocolate & pull your blanket up over you again.”that’s when I blub, it’s pure love”
“As pure as ours?” He asks.
“You tell me baby? Would you run through an airport to declare your love for me?” Frankie pauses for about 3 seconds & then smirks.
“Wouldn’t need to baby,” he giggles” I have my license we don’t need an airport. We can escape when we want to” your thumb wipes his last tear away. He grabs your hand & softly kisses each knuckle.
“Such a romantic” your hand scratches his beard before you pull him in close for a tender kiss on the lips. Everything is right with the world each time you smooch.
The way frankie holds you as the score kicks in & you start blubbering at the airport scene, makes you feel like home. You wish you were at home, but due to Frankies last mission, hes had to all but disappear for 6 months, to make sure no one can track him down. He sent you the code word you’d agreed on if anything happened & you upped & left your entire life behind in 6hours. Frankie had always warned you this could one day be the case & that if the time came, it would prove if you were his or not, were you willing to change everything to be with him? His face 4 weeks ago, when he arrived at this little house you have next to the beach, & he saw you standing in the kitchen made him sob. The sex that night was phenomenal too, you lost your voice from moaning his name. You got married 5 days later. You’d proven you would give up everything for your man & he had been given the love & loyalty he had always craved for. You genuinely had just abandon everything & were happy to live off the grid until Frankie could return back home. He’s heard from Pope who thinks it should be the start of June by the time people stop looking for the people involved.
“You okay baby?” He strokes your shoulder as you just let your tears fall & land in his tshirt.
“Never better Frankie” you mumble. Your arms are wrapped around him & you hug him tightly. His tummy filled with the nice food you’ve eaten & is now full of the love you have for each other.
“My beautiful girl, you’re so beautiful when you cry, I mean not that I want to see you cry but I love that you are so comfortable being vulnerable with me.”
“Isn’t that what marriage is all about Frankie?” You ask “if you can’t accept me at my worse, you don’t deserve me at my best?”
“Maybe” he states & then softly chuckles “I thought marriage was about who does the washing up & having sex 3 times a week”
“We must be having another couples sex then” his comment made you smile, blush & feel aroused. The good thing about living off the grid & only having an emergency burner phone, is that there is no work & no distractions for either of you. Most newly engaged or married couples have a honeymoon period but Frankie has made love to you every morning & night since you both arrived. Afternoon sex after a beach swim or walk has also been a rather pleasurable experience. This little town just know you as the newbies & nothing else. You are his. He is yours.
As the credits start on the film, Frankie disguards his hat onto the coffee table & thrashes his head so his hair is free & messy just how you like it. You know what gonna happen. No words need to be said. Your lips find his, as you help each other undress on the sofa, hands tugging at clothes, exploring the familiar landscapes they have done for the last month. The way Frankie always gasps when you lick his nipples always arouses you. His hand slips inside your knickers to check. Those long fingers are sodden in seconds. The moan you make intoxicates him.
“That’s my girl” he says.
You watch in awe as he uses his teeth to remove your knickers. He uses them to wipe his already building sweat off his brow, it’s now sticky with something else. You slowly turn over & grip the end of the sofa nearest the small Christmas tree you have. Your bum presenting itself for your man. The way he teases you. So large & girthy his length. It collects all your slick. The way it brushes your enterance has you fluttering, ready to accept his pleasure.
“Frankkkkiiiiieeee” the e is drawn out, as he slowly pushes inside you. Your legs part a little more so you’re comfortable as he slow rocks into you.
“Oooh darling” his grip around your hips always starts gentle, but never ends that way. “Oooh so so good, so wet” you rock back into him as he slowly thrusts inside. His curls already sweaty. The look of desire spreading across his face. The noises you make get louder.
“Don’t stop frankie”
“I don’t plan to” the panting is starting, & a firm hand smack your tight arse cheek making you yelp & clamp around him. “Oooh don’t act so surprised girl” he smacks the left one “I know it gets you going” your hand start grabbing the arm of the sofa grips harder. Your other hand which is underneath you, it pleasuring your clit. Frankie usually would but when he’s taking you from behind, he likes to stroke your back. The goosebumps that form on your skin from him trailing down your spine always have you whimpering at the slow sensitive touch. He is right, you enjoy a good smack in the arse. He’s always been a bum guy more than tits. But you both know it’s the long tongue of your catfish that makes you crumble. His mustash always tickles but no man has ever made you squirt during oral before. Frankie makes it happen every time including the first time. You know on Christmas morning you will probably wake up to Frankie being inbetween your thighs lapping away. He enjoys it as much as you do. Says you are the best breakfast a man could ask for.
“Oooh fuck” you bite the back of your hand & stop pleasuring yourslef. Overstimation is happening. Frankie is pounding away.
“Tell me baby, tell me how good it is”
“Fuck it good, oooh fuck fuck fuck yes more”
“More?” He snarls & slaps your arse again. “damn” he feels like he is in your belly. So long & girthy. So deep inside. Your special spot probably needs a break it’s been hit so much, it needs to explode.
“Frankie please please please”
“Tell me baby” the noise of his thrusts have disappeared due tk the heavy breathing & both your volume as you moan.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m…I”
“My slutty wife, oh fuck”
Frankies words finish you off. You fully put all your energy back into his next thrust & then freeze. Thank god you’re gripping onto the sofa, because your thighs crumble & you drop slightly as your orgasm hits you. Frankie is almost instantaneous with yours.
“Jesus oooh fuck” he crys as he spills inside you, fill you up with his seed. His thumbs digging into your skin. There might be marks there in the morning. You think you’re going to go blind as you scrunch your eyes up. It always Feels extraordinary when you cum at the same time. It makes it so intense & phenomenal. Frankie growls & you collapse your head onto the arm of the sofa, trying to regain composure from your high.
“Baby” Frankie lifts you back up a few minutes later, himself also in an exhausted sweaty state. “Oooh baby” soft kisses fill you lips, filled with love. You only muster 2 words as you look at Frankie with a devilish smile.
“To bed?”…
You don’t turn in your sleep that often, not that you know of, but for some reason you have & you can feel a cooling matress next to you. But no flesh. You half open your eyes & then they fully open. Frankie is not beside you. The curtains are still pulled, the door is shut. Where is he? He’s in the bathroom you think but you can’t hear anyone walking around your small house. You slowly sit up to check he’s not anywhere in the room. Nope no Frankie. Usually if he’s up early especially considering your current circumstances, he leaves you a note or a message or he’s left you a cup of coffee for when you wake up. But no there’s nothing. You can’t even turn on your phone to see where he is. You’re off the grid. you can also see the burner phone sitting on his bedside table. You stretch getting out of bed & find a pair of long shorts & an oversized blue fluffy jumper to go & search for him around the property.
You search each room & the garden & look up & down the road looking for your man, but still no sign. This isn’t like Frankie at all, not since he’s been sober, but even with his issues he always told you what he was going to do or if he needed some him time. You head back inside & make yourself a flask of coffee, before then thinking about what you should do. It’s as you sniff the coffee brewing that you remember something. You put on your old running trainers, grabbing the flask & head through the lounge out of your house to go find him, you notice his hat is still on the table from last nights rampant escapades, so you put that on your head too, grab your keys & head to the beach.
People walk past you & wish you a merry Christmas before looking at the state of you. You’re wondering why so many people are up at 7am, but then you remember there’s a church at the top of your road. They are all going to go & bless Jesus but you just want to find your god of a husband. You are now regretting the shorts as a rushed choice of clothing. It’s not cold cold but the closer you get to the beach the breezier it gets. It’s a bit of a shock to the system but you are now fully awake. You walk the 7mins to the beach & start walking over the pebbles & rocks to get to the bay.
There he is. Your Catfish. Your husband. His shoes are off as he paddles in the incoming tide form the sea. He has also gone for shorts, his old jeans which he cut up a few years ago when he got engine oil down the bottom half of the legs. He’s got a grey jumper on underneath a big stripy woollen hoodie. His hair is a mess & his face looks like he’s conflicted. That’s him. That’s your Frankie.
“Frankie” you shout as you carefully but quickly manoeuvre your feet to get to him across the stony beach.
“Hey” it’s soft & a sigh follows it.
“Baby what are you doing, you left no note, you didn’t…” you see his shoulders, they are stressed & carrying the weight of the world the closer you get to him. You slow your steps down but you’re only a few meters away now. “Do you just need a minute”
“I’ve had a minute” he says as he steps out of the water onto the rocks to put his own trainers back on. “I think I’ve been here for at least 45 mins having a minute” it’s exasperated his tone.
“We can talk or not Frankie, you know I’m happy to do whatever.” He stands up & walks towards you, you see in those eyes that there’s still so much he wants to tell you but as much as you know your husband & have done everything for him, he doesn’t want to burden you with his struggles. He has now got to you & he takes his hat from your head, ruffles his own hair as he puts it on his own head, before he ruffles your still bed hair. Long, messy & mousey blonde.
“I just had so many plans, for us, for the next year, for this Christmas” he says. Sorrow ringing in his voice.
“It’s okay Frankie we…”
“No it’s not” he interupts. “We were going to do so much today, we were going to tell both our families we were going to get married, we were going to eat a fantastic feast sourrounded by those we love. But no I had to listen to the guys & go on the stupid fucking mission.” He kicks at a few stones as he turns a few bounce off the rocks. “Why can’t I catch a break”
“Shhh shhh shhh” you hold his face.”baby, this might not be what we had planned but we’re here & we’re making the best of it. There will be other Christmases but this one is more than unique” you look dead in his eyes & make intense eye contact. You both close your eyes & sigh, all the stress you’re hoping is leaving his body.”I love you frankie”
“I love you too” Frankie whispers your name against your lips before your lips meet. Soft & slow, taking in all of him. His hand is in your hair after he’s pushed it off your face a little. You could be kissing for just 5 seconds, 5minutes or 5 hours. Time stopped. Frankie realises as his lips slowly part yours that you are right. He needs to accept that this now is your Christmas. It might be away from home, in hiding & just the two of you, but you can still make it special.
“Sorry baby” Frankie whispers as your eyes flutter open. “I just feel like I’ve let you down, you didn’t even get a proper wedding”
“You could never let me down baby” you say before kissing him again “& who needs to spend 10grand on a wedding when you can get married with 2 random people as witnesses & a registra. It was perfect. Me & you.”
“I guess” he states, “that’s when we first came here. To this bay”
“Yes frankie” you giggle”it clearly left an impression”
“It did, I often sneak down here to get rid of the cobwebs in my brain & calm the stress”
“Does it work?” You ask as you sip you coffee, it’s getting colder in the flask.
“Try it?” He suggests. “Take 5 steps forward & close your eyes & just listen to the waves”
“Promise not to run off” you ask him as you step away from him.
“Never, I’m never leaving you again”
You stand completely still & face the sea & slowly close your eyes. The waves crashing into the rocks at the right of you, the way the salty beach air hits your face. Your own breathing being shallow. The warmth just about clinging to your flask & the fact your lips still taste of coffee. You stand in silence & feel the weight being lifted & a sense of calm rolls over you. It works Frankie was right.
You then feel Frankies own head rest in your shoulder. Your eyes stay shut.
“Forever” you mumble as your breathing hitches.
“Til death do us part baby” he whispers in your ear & the kisses pepper around the top of your shoulder & around your neck. This is the moment you realised you made the right choice. His hands wrap around you & you both just stand in silence. His own breaths are music to your ears better than any waves or music or bird song. You slowly feel at peace with everything.
“So…” Frankie says & you slowly open your eyes, cobwebs gone. “…I didn’t give you a proper Christmas wake up did I”
“Well I’m very awake now…”
“Ahhh I meant something more personal than running around trying to find me”
“Well this was a unique way to start Christmas day” you chuckle.
“Personal wasn’t the right word, I meant intimate” no one else is on the beach as Frankie seduces you with those words & he also slips his hand inside your shorts & his eyes light up when he touches flesh. You let out a short gasp as your mound receives its first touch of the day. He scoops you into his arms. “I’m not waiting another second.”
Frankie all but runs with you in his arms back to your house. People watch as you squark his name & he laughs.
“Merry Christmas” you each separately yell at people as he hurry’s you back into the house & kicks the door shut behind him a before he finally deposits you on the bed. The warmth of your house already feeling good to you both but what feels best to you is his hands dealing with your jumper.
“Oooh you were in a rush to find me,no underwear at all” Frankie says as he sucks licks your nipples. “You must love me” Your head rolls back.
“Oooh fuck baby” he takes his hat off & puts in on your head as you are sitting up. His hoddie & jumper are quickly taken off. His chest always looks magnificent. A few scars from his missions in the past. A little bit of hair. It forms a happy trial. He drops to his knees & you lift up once his hands are in your waist band. The long shorts are slowly removed. You keep your legs together, you know he likes to ask.
“Show me baby” he says as he licks his lips.”please, slowly” you part your things revealing yourself to Frankie. He always looks like an excited puppy when he sees what he gets to taste, it very quickly goes to a brooding desperate husband. “Ooh darling.” He’s panting. His erection growing. He wants to go slowly but he knows once he’s between your legs he will get his fill. “This is the sexiest you’ve ever looked, naked except for my hat & your trainers. So beautiful” his words have you wanting him more. “What did I do to deserve you”
“So much Frankie” you lean forward & caress his face. An impish look glances at him & his smile is one the devil would have. His two large hands push against your breast & you are now laying down, it means you legs open a little bit more & he slide towards your treasure.
“Oooh baby, come to daddy” he say & he slowly licks your clit. Such a large tongue just starting its magic. His tastebuds excited.
“Mmmmmmmm” you make noise but you’re not sure what it registered as. “Frankie…”
“Mmmm exactly” his large thumb takes over, your clit being pleasured has your hips already moving. You can feel yourself clamping already. “Oooh what a lucky man I am” he then parts your legs a little more. “But now you’re going to be my lucky wife…” Frankie does say something more but your too busy trying not to cum at this early stage of the session, to comprehend the end of the sentance. But then you moan.
“Oooh frankie, fuck” he’s buried his head inside you. Not just lapping at the residue or keeping you stimulated. That magnificent tongue is more than just pressing against your enterance, is popping inside your cunt. You feel so sexy. Frankie is the king of oral.
You thrust your hands into his hair, grabbing the pillow or your own breasts werent doing it for you. You tussle his curls as you moan & everything unravels. You push his head further down. The more you push the more pleasure he gives. His nose is rubbing too, making your own rhythm faster. Your pussy quivers at each sensation much like his taste buds must be as he licks.
“Fuck, oooh fuck” your panting. His mouth taking in your sex. Your arousal growing. Your thighs griping around him, hard, but not for much longer at his pace. They will soon be jelly. You will soon be cumming all over his lips. He enjoys the salty taste & you like to make out afterwards as he starts to make love with you. You’re always so sensitive after this & the way his girthy penis will push into you, will have you reaching multiple highs this morning. The way his thick curls feel in your hands as you rustle more, as you feel each motion getting you higher has you whimpering. The words no longer able to be heard. But he can tell from your body you’re close. He’s being squeezed between your legs. His entire face is sticky. Sweat & your arousal. He knows he’s going to get a better taste soon.
He then removes the hand that was griping your hip & slips a finger inside you.
“Jesus” that makes a noise. It’s high pitched & breathy. The finger inside you, the one on your clit & the way his mouth tastes you has you gasping. Your hands dig into his head, thighs grip around him. He’s struggling now but he know it’s coming. You screech”Fuck fuck fuck” & you fall apart. He smiles not that you can see it as he tastes your cum. The clit is furiously rubbed by his thumb to keep your high going. He slurps & sucks away at the new sticky sensation in his mouth. Always his favourite meal. Your chest rises & falls, your nipples are hard, but the rest of your body relaxes in euphoria. He is the king of oral. No man has ever satisfied your cunt more than Frankie.
His head eventually rises after you’ve let go of his hair & you smile. What a mess your husbands face is, red from blushing & being excited. His hair a mess, those front few curls dripping with sweat. But it’s how slick his face is. It glistening like cake icing. You’re both proud of the mess you’ve made of him.
“Never gets old” he says as he unbuckles his belt & gets on top of you on the bed. The fingers that were inside you he trails over your breasts, especially around your erect nipples.
“One of my favourite joys in life” you managed to muster back. Your eyes are transfixed onto how sexy your husband looks right now.
“Mine too baby” his head is now above your, hoover. His hand removes his hat from your head, ending up on the floor. As you had hoped his lips meet yours & the way they feel & the way you can taste yourself on them has your heart pounding. Both your & his hands make quick work of his shorts & boxers. Just feeling his leaking length against your skin has you whinging into your kiss. Now your done with the clothes your hands go back to each other bodies. Touching all you want. He slowly moving up & down your body. He knows he’s doing it right. You both feel the sensation of his tip slowly gracing above your clit. The ultimate tease.
“Frankie” you moan & lift his head up slightly. This big brown eyes on that charming face look back at you. “I didn’t need anything for Christmas, i just wanted you to be happy.”
“& that my beautiful wife, I am.” Your body gives in & he slowly as his tongue finds your tonsils, exploring like it did your cunt earlier, fills you with his penis. You moan & feel full. The stretch is magnificent.
“Happy Christmas beautiful” Frankie says “the best gift of all was knowing you cared” & so continues your Christmas Day feast. It might not be your big planned day, but your circumstances, no matter how unfortunate they are, means you & Frankie can have some quality time together & multiple orgasms.
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xxmoonch1ldxx · 10 months
Ianthony one shot: Must be love on the brain (and it keeps cursing my name)
Ian and Anthony kiss. That's it, that's the plot.
Based on the prompt: "Fuck, can we do this again?"
Dedicated to @lilac-hecox even if she makes me suffer
"Fuck, can we do that again?"
Anthony's hot breath fanned against Ian's lips, making the smaller boy shiver. One moment, they had been writing the script for their next sketch, and the other, Anthony's lips were on him.
Ian didn't know how it happened.
He didn't really care, however.
"Shut the fuck up," was Ian's only muttered answer as his grip on Anthony's hair tightened, only to then smash their lips together again.
The younger's hands were lost in his sidekick's hair, messing them up entirely as his only way to hold on. Anthony's lips tasted like the beer he had drank and like the cherry lip balm he used, a taste Ian didn't think it was possible to get enough of. Anthony's hands were lost on his partner's skin, one buried in his neck while the other instinctively caressed his chest, although covered with a t-shirt. That simple touch made Ian quiver with desire.
Time seemed to have stopped, to slow down only to give way to this feverish exchange. Ian's hands were shaking where they gripped Anthony's hair, his knuckles white from the strenght he used, but none of them cared.
The only thing Ian could focus on was the feeling of those soft lips against his. His wicked tongue licking across them, not leaving any inch uncovered as he even bit his partner's lower lip slightly.
The small sting pushed Ian to quietly whine and part his lips, which allowed Anthony to finally make his way inside. His tongue, devious as always, did not repent anyhow; it licked every inch inside of Ian's mouth he could reach until Ian was putting in his hands.
Anthony's hand pushed Ian a bit more against the couch, half laying on top of him as he cupped the smaller man's jaw. This allowed them to deepen their exchange, tongues mingling together in a fight none of them could win. Winning wasn't what mattered at the moment, anyway; what mattered was the warmth surrounding them, the saliva connecting their lips and the hard press of a body against him. The slight burn of ratchy beard sliding across his skin.
It was phenomal, everything he had ever wished for; how had he never kissed Anthony like that before? Why had they been missing out on something so great all these years?
And Ian knew he would regret it a bit, he knew he would be horribly embarrassed by those little, soft sighs escape his mouth, but he couldn't help it. Against him, he could hear Anthony's own contented sighs and feel the fast beating of his heart against his chest.
God, Ian was melting alive. He was to never get up off this couch never again. He didn't even care if he couldn't breathe anymore; he didn't want it to stop.
Anthony did need to breathe, though, as Ian noticed once he slowly broke their passionate exchange.
Ian nearly went cross-eyed following the string of saliva still connecting them. Especially once Anthony's thumb swiftly broke it by caressing Ian's lips, glazed look in his hazel eyes before letting his hand rest on Ian's chest.
"Holy shit, man..."
Anthony's voice was nothing more than a whisper as he placed his forehead against Ian's. His heavy panting landed against Ian's lips, and yet, the most saccharine of smiles graced his face right at that moment.
White, straight teeth and dimples that Ian knew where there despite not even being able to see them caused his heart to summersault for the umpteenth time.
"Anthony," he panted himself, well aware of the deafening sound of his own heartbeat. He knew Anthony could feel it where his hand was splayed, and yet, he only smiled more.
"Your eyes are so pretty, have I once told you how gorgeous you are?"
Anthony's honey-like voice melted into Ian's ear, and he would have been fully ready to fall back into that passionate exchange had it not been for his partner bumping his eyes against the edge of his glasses.
Ian couldn't help the laugh that bumbled out of him. Anthony was covering his wounded eyes and he felt kind of bad, yet he was not able to stop giggling. Maybe it was because of the pure euphoria he felt, but he didn't stop until Anthony also joined him and they finished on the floor all over each other.
"God, you're an idiot," whispered Ian as fondly as possible.
Anthony was smiling.
"Hmm, but you love me."
And as he spoke, the taller man removed his partner's glasses before putting them on the coffee table. His hand instinctively went on Ian's cheek, caressing the strong cheekbone and the curve of hypnotizing blue eyes that had charmed him long ago.
"I guess I do," Ian stated with that smile he only gave Anthony. Those fond eyes he had tried for so long to hide, the ones who looked like the whole ocean and its marvelous treasures inside.
Anthony knew he would always have something to find out about Ian. And he loved that.
"Now shut up and kiss me again."
Anthony didn't need to be told twice.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 11 months
To the anon who asked about the Delanceys receiving a hug, I’m not sure if it’s quite what you were going for but it has been written and they do receive a hug! Enjoy :D
Any affection that you felt before going in gets conditioned out of you in The Refuge, Oscar took this as a fact.
Not that Oscar was ever it’s biggest fan to begin with, but it sort of hit him all at once as they limped home, resting on walls and laughing at whatever shite either of them decided to utter.
They didn’t really do affection, him and Morris, not how he saw Davey clinging to Les constantly, or the way Kelly hung off Crutchie like he was a lifeline.
Oscar glanced at his brother. Tonight Morris was covered in blood and bruises. Tonight Morris somehow looked the oldest he’d ever seen him, and the youngest he’d ever be again.
“You think he’s gonna be able to walk.” Morris asked, and maybe the way his lip was curled up at the edge would look vicious if it weren’t directed at him.
Oscar planted a hand on his shoulder, sticky with the smell of iron but Morris’s shirt was already spattered to hell anyway, and dragged him close as they both stumbled to the left.
“You see his knee? I’d be surprised if he could crawl off the street.”
“Ha. And we get paid for it, fuck.”
Oscar shifted his grip from his shoulder to the nape of his neck as he reached over with his other hand to ruffle his hair despite Morris’s groan and weak half-hearted attempts at pushing him off.
“We could go spit on the bitches grave,” Oscar said, “make it two for two in winning against our shit folks.”
“She’s dead already Os, think we won that years ago.”
He shrugged, and shoved him away, stumbling as he did so. They weren’t drunk, not even tipsy, at least not on alcohol. But adrenaline, exhaustion, pain and the fucking satisfaction of beating his Da’s face in was enough to emulate the feeling, he wouldn’t reject the burn of a cheap whiskey though if it was on offer.
“You’re boring.” He said, and Morris grinned at him from the wall he leant against on the other side of the alley that Oscar had pushed him too, head tipped back against it, catching his breath, and holding a hand to his lower ribs, grimacing as he wheezed out something like a laugh.
“N’ you’re a pain in the ass.”
“Yeah, you love me though.” And Oscar couldn’t remember the last time he had said that word.
“You’s the only family I got left, I ain’t got a choice.”
Oscar barked out a laugh. “Yeah, me neither.”
He didn’t mean to stare at him after that, but he did, it was easy when the street lamp illuminated him just enough to see his face busted and bruised, split lip swollen and bleeding, knuckles stained with blood he wasn’t sure would wash off. Grinning.
(And suddenly Morris, maybe six or seven on the floor of their family barn, not quite waking up when Oscar shook him felt so close and so far away)
Tonight Morris was covered in blood. Tonight Morris somehow looked the oldest he’d ever seen him, and the youngest he’d ever be again.
It was an impulsive decision when Oscar grabbed his shoulder, mindful of his beat ribs, and pulled him in for a rough hug. He flinched at first, at the abrupt nature of it, but Oscar didn’t let go.
After a long second, Morris hugged him back just as fiercely. It was something rough and uncomfortable and almost violent but they had never been raised with softness, would break it somehow if it were handed to them, even now.
“We fucking did it.” Oscar murmured, just above his ear.
And if he noticed the shuddering breaths Morris was taking that could’ve been sobs, he didn’t comment on it, just fisted his hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer.
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ladylooch · 4 months
Our Little Family [Miles Wood] Chapter 14- It's Almost Christmas Time
Authors Note from 👢 anon: Hey, guys. Have another little family on this fine Saturday, after miles came back flying from the flu. I hope you guys enjoy it. I couldn't remember, but then I did. We have smut and some little angst.
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It's almost Christmas time.
There isn't anything better than laying in bed after a long day with Lily, you guys did so many things today. She crawled and played all over the place, so you’re very tired right now. You still don’t know how you survived today. You're very much in need of a hot, long shower. Thankfully, after today you’re going to have Miles for the next three days, and that’s awesome.
The Avs game is in the background while you cuddle your baby. Not paying attention to the game at all, until you hear “they’re going, we have a fight !!” You lift your eyes, just in time to see Miles dropping his cloves. He had a big hit at the start of the period, and now he’s answering the bell.
It's still hot when he fights, but with Lily here, your feelings are a little different than they were before. It looks like he didn’t have any big bruises. So that’s a win. Before the game ends, you put Lily to bed, take a shower, and clean the mess from today.
By the time Miles gets home, you have an ice pack ready for him. You greet him with a kiss.
“There is an ice pack ready for you.” You tell him before kissing his cheek and moving to go to bed. Miles holds your hand, stopping you.
“Are you mad ?” He mumbles to you.
“Nope, I just know you like to be alone after a bad game or a fight to cool down. Just want to give you space.” You explain to him squeezing his hand, Miles nods. But he’s not a fan of this, even if he’s the one who asked this.
“Ahh, Lily is waiting for her daddy cuddles..” You tell him. “ And i’m going to wait for you in bad.” You smile, turning to peck his lips one more time.
This time, Miles let you go. He grabs the ice pack as you move upstairs to bed and catch up with your book. Miles takes his time, icing his face and knuckles. Then he goes for his baby cuddles. He needs that too. Having a family it’s different from everything he went through in his career. Moments like this right now and what happened in the kitchen with you, make Miles regret the way he reacted to the pregnancy, how he let his family say things about you and not defending you right away, the way he treated you for almost a year. The only thing you asked of him was his love, and yet it took him months to do that.
It’s not going to change what happened, but it’s going to help him to be better for his girls. He has the most gorgeous woman inside and outside, wanting to be with him. Just him, Miles.
Miles spends at least 20 minutes contemplating while he cuddles Lily, but now it’s time for his main girl. He’s a little surprise seeing that you’re still up, knowing your daughter- it was a long day.
He just stands there looking at you. When you realize, you smile, putting your book aside. Without really saying the words about what you both need right now, you motion for Miles to strip from his suit. As he strips, you pull the blanket aside, opening your legs to give him some space. Miles settles between your legs. You cover both of you again. He has his head on your stomach, one of his hands starts to draw little circles on your hip, your hand moves to his hair, softly scratching his scalp or just running your fingers through. This comfortable silence is exactly what you need. You look down, Miles has his eyes closed, you think that he’s just enjoying the moment.
“I love you, Miles, and I promise you, I’ll do anything in my power to make you the happiest man alive.” You whisper softly to him.
Miles’s body goes limp against you, and you smile because that means he feels safe enough with you. You let Miles sleep on you until you need to use the bathroom and tend to Lily. Miles is not a fan of that. He groans, making faces, and he doesn’t want you to go. He settles on his side after you live the bed.
Lily is so much like Miles. She smiles at you as you pick her up for a diaper change. Now, she feels better and can go back to sleep. You sit with her in the chair and start to hum a lullaby. Lily holds your necklace, and she chats a little bit with you. Then the sleep catches up with her. She’s perfect. You feel so lucky right now. You wait until Lily is out before putting her on her crib.
As soon you hit the bed, Miles is pushing you flush against his body. It makes you chuckle and shake your head. But you love how eager he was waiting for you to be back in bed. Falling asleep with Miles home is the easiest thing.
You wake up facing Miles. It makes you smile right away. You reach your hand to touch the cut on his nose from his shenanigans last night. You can’t help close your eyes and remember waking up in bed with him after your first night together. You wanted to touch his face so badly, but you were so afraid of waking him up. You tried but pulled your hand before it touched his face. You didn’t know what to do, what was the rule here. You asked Miles to wait until you were ready. It had been a while since you were in a romantic relationship. Miles was so patient until you were ready, then he was gentle and sweet while his cock was inside you. You decided that you maybe you should get up and leave, but Miles made the decision for you. He wrapped his big arm around your waist holding you close to his body.
Now, almost three years later, he’s yours, and you share a baby. You look over your shoulder to check what time it is. Lily is still going to be out for an hour before you need to go into mom mode, so you’re going to get into fiancé mode. You move closer to Miles' body, and you reach for the little cut on his nose, brushing your thumb gently. Miles stirs a little, but he doesn’t wake up.
You move your thumb to his cheek, brushing along his cheekbone. Miles starts to open his eyes. He blinks a few times, taking you in. He smiles so bright when your face gets focused in front of him. God, you're so in love with this man.
Miles pulls you closer, wrapping his arm around your hips just like he did that morning three years ago. He slides his hand under your shirt as he kisses your nose before resting his forehead against yours.
You love sleepy Miles so much, but you have another thing in mind. Kissing his neck is the start. Miles hums, and you hope he understands what you want. He does, but he's going to take his time. He is still sleepy.
Miles wanders his hand under your shirt. He rests his hand on your ribs, brushing his thumb over your breast. Now it's your time to hum. You kiss his jaw, brushing your thumb over his cheekbone.
You look up and Miles look down at the same time. You both smile before closing the gap between your lips. The kiss is slow, without a care in the world. It's just a lazy makeout session with your man.
Miles moves his hand to your nipple. When he gently touches your bud, you can't help and jerk your hips forward. He moves his thigh, nudging you to open your legs for him. You do so. You grind against his thigh every time Miles squeezes or rolls your nipple in his fingers.
Miles smiles into the kiss, feeling you get yourself off on his thighs. He moves his hand to your pants to strip you out of them, and you help him. That's the only time your lips aren't together.
Once you're without pants and underwear, you help free Miles' cock just enough so he can get inside you. You lock your lips again as Miles slides inside you. You moan against his lips, it feels so, so good. His thrusts are long, slow and lazy. A lot of wandering hands between you two, and you love feelings his big biceps, so you spend some time there.
You still can’t believe this man is yours. Miles move your leg up before he rests his hand on your ass, your hand moves to his lower back and you scratch his lower back while he moves his cock deep inside you. Thankfully, his lips are on yours, muffing your moans.
Your orgasm is very close with the way Miles is moving his hips. He knows that, too. So he decides to move slower and deep inside you, hitting all the good spots. He makes your toes curl and your eyes roll. Your nails nigging on his lower back shows him that you’re getting there. Miles pulls out of the kiss to breathe, your hand moves to his biceps.
“Hmm, so warm and so wet.” Miles whispers against your lips.
That sends you over the edge. You dig yours nails on his biceps and Miles locks his lips on yours because you’re about to scream his name, and he can’t have you waking Lily before she’s ready.
You get so tight around him that Miles struggles to keep moving his hips. Two thrusts later he is cumming inside you. You hide your head in his chest, he kisses the top of your head as you curse. He’s so smiley, rubbing your back.
“Are you okay ?” He asks against your hair. You nod because that's the only thing you can do right now.
As much as you would love to stay in bed with him, enjoying this post blissful cuddles. You need to get up and get ready. Lily will be up soon. You need to be ready for her.
You kiss his chest as you pull him out of you. Miles pouts a little. He likes to be wrapped up in you.
You get up trying to hold as much cum in as possible, without making a mess on your way to the bathroom. Miles chuckles softly running his hand through his hair. You get cleaned up, brush your teeth and go get a change of clothes.
“Rest babe, I got her for now.” You say on your way to his side of the bed before kissing his cheek.
Miles holds your hand. It looks like he's going to say something, but he doesn't. He kisses your hand, letting you go. You gather both of your clothes to take to wash, the sheets need to be washed too. But that can happen once Miles is up for the day.
Before going to the laundry room, you check on Lily, and she is still asleep. You're very thankful for that. You take the clothes to the laundry room, starting a batch of clothes. While the clothes are getting washed, you start Lily's breakfast. For now, she'll get a bottle, and then when Miles is up, it's time for the family breakfast.
You check the clock, seeing the time you decide to go check on Lily. When you get there, she's playing with her mobile happily and quietly. She's so patient waiting for you.
You call for her, and she crawls to come closer for you to get her. She calls for you. That's the sweetest sound. You can't get used to this. You pick her up, giving her lots of kisses.
Lily giggles with the kisses. After a quick diaper change, it's time for her bottle. You guys sit on the couch in front of the tree. She gets so mesmerized by the lights that they're on a dimmer setting to not hurt her little eyes. She coos occasionally at you around the bottle. Just a quiet morning between you and your baby. That's exactly what you needed.
Lily finishes her bottle. She wants to explore and play. You put her down so she can be on the floor. She's getting close to start getting up to walk. It's adorable to watch that diaper butt in the air. You know she's close. You're just hopeful that it happens when Miles is at home.
You and Lily move to the kitchen. You put her in the bouncer saying that she needs to work on those little legs' strength so she can walk. She coos, and you laugh as you start breakfast. Mama needs her coffee.
Meanwhile, Miles is waking up upstairs. He takes his time. He stares at the ceiling, bringing his soul back to his body. Also, he thinks he was dreaming earlier, but then he checks under the cover and sees that he wasn't dreaming. That makes him happy.
He goes to the bathroom so he can look presentable for his girls.
Miles wants to sneak into the kitchen to surprise you, but he didn't see Lily there. As soon she sees him, she's saying Da, you turn around just in time to see him shush her. You shake your head laughing.
“Good luck next time, babe. I have a sensor motion kid now.” You tell him. Miles laughs as he kisses Lily's head.
Miles asks if the coffee is ready and you say that it almost is. He comes beside you, pinning you against the counter with his hips.
“So what was that ?” He asks, pointing up.
Your face goes through a journey before you drop your head.
“I'm sorry.” You reply, biting your bottom lip. Miles looks at you like you're crazy. He's lost more than he normally is.
“Why are you apologizing, honey ?”
“I don't know, I thought you didn't like it” You shrug.
“Are you crazy ? You know how I feel about waking up to you doing that to me.” You nod as Miles lifts your chin to look at him.
“Babe, you don't have to apologize for anything. I'm yours, you can do whatever you want to me. I'm your jungle gym and playground.”
“But you asked what happened.”
“Yeah, I did because it was different, good, different.”
“Maybe, this is the first time that you made love to me while finally being in love.”
“Yeah, and I want more. Love the feeling.”
You smile as you bring him in for a kiss. Lily coos and claps. She loves her parents showing love. Then she calls for Da. You chuckle, pecking his lips.
“Your #1 girl wants you.” You tell him softly.
“You're my #1 girl, but she's not that far behind.” Miles replies as he squeezes your ass before going to meet Lily.
You shake your head, smiling. You all have a family breakfast, update each other, and hear Lily talk. This is something that you always wanted, now you have it.
The rest of the day is pretty chill. Between naps and playtime, Lily is not used to having both parents at home. She is very excited to have both of you playing with her.
Watching Miles play with Lily is always something that makes your heart warm. He’s such a great dad. You never had any doubt about that, and now he’s becoming the man you knew was there all along.
Miles looks at you. You’re lost in your thoughts. He calls you to join them. You shake your head before moving closer to them. Lily babbles because she loves this so much. There's too much excitement for her, and she’s totally going to crash hard later.
That’s exactly what happens, Lily just stops playing, and she crawls into Miles’s lap and falls asleep. You smile softy watching your two loves.
“Are you sure, i’m your #1 girl ?” You ask Miles, jokingly.
‘Yep, you’re my girl, babe”.
You shake your head with a chuckle before leaning to kiss him.
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swaps55 · 2 years
Fugue - Chapter 8 - Half of Me
Pairing: mShenko
Rating: M
Tags: Angst, Grief, Major (Canonical) Character Death
Summary: Alchera, and the two-year gap.  
Chapter Summary: Kaidan treads water. And finds support in an unexpected place.  
Thank you everyone for your patience while I took time away from this story. It’s taken me a long time to figure this out, but I think we’re getting there now, thanks to the help of @pigeontheoneandonly.
Chapter 8: Half of Me | Read on Ao3
Eight weeks into his six weeks of mandated leave, Kaidan sits in Alma Ingram’s living room, drinking a cup of hot chocolate as the snow falls thick and steady outside.
It may be cold out there, but not in here. Between the fire crackling in the fireplace, the collection of mismatched but comfortable couches and armchairs, and over eight decades of photos and knickknacks covering every available wall and surface, not many places feel as cozy and lived-in as Alma’s does. 
A raided platter of fruit and cheeses sits on a coffee table, next to a plate of Safa’s homemade kolaches. Kaidan quickly learned not to eat much before heading here on Thursday evenings. All six of her weekly guests bake, cook, or worse, both, and given the next youngest person in the room still has about thirty years on Kaidan, they’ve had a lot more time to perfect their art. Last week, Ghislaine brought bannock that Kaidan’s still thinking about. If nothing else, his visits to Alma’s have jumpstarted his appetite again.  
“This time of year’s the hardest,” Safa says with a sigh, following Kaidan’s gaze out the window. He sits back in his chair, faraway look in his eye. “Sophie loved the snow.”
“Not Marlene,” Alma scoffs from her seat beside Kaidan on the couch. “Anytime she glimpsed a flake she threatened to move south. Once I actually filed some paperwork for a transfer to Peru just to call her bluff.”  
A few chuckles go around the room. For her second trip through her thirties, Alma’s still got an award-winning smirk.
“What about you, Kaidan?” she asks, gaze landing square on him. “Did Sam like snow?”
Kaidan steeples his fingers as visions of rachni acid steaming in the snow on the roof of Peak 15 run through his head. Why can’t we ever go anywhere nice? Shepard had asked, before pumping another shell into the closest corpse out of spite.
“Didn’t care for it,” he admits. “But he wasn’t a big fan of…weather, really.”
“Spacer, wasn’t he?” asks Ghislaine, attentive look on her face. She’d lost her wife three years ago, after being married for fifty-two, not that much longer than his parents.
“Yeah,” Kaidan says. “Didn’t get planetside much, except when we were working. We never really got the chance to just…go somewhere.” His throat tightens a little, and he presses his knuckles against his lips.   
Alma pats his knee, and directs the conversation elsewhere before handing him another kolache.
It’s his fourth time here, at his mother’s suggestion. Alma and Marlene had been longtime customers of the orchard, and Marlene had died not long after Kaidan enlisted in the Alliance. Spending time with people who know how it feels might help, his mother had told him. You won’t find a more supportive place than Alma’s on Thursday nights.
They’d indeed welcomed him with open arms, quite literally. Each one of them had hugged him, a stranger, like he was an old friend, tight, long, with a gentle squeeze before letting him go. The kindness of the act had been enough to bring him to tears, after which they’d gone around the room and talked about the unexpected places their grief had gotten the better of them.
“Heard their favorite song while I was out shopping,” George recounted. “I sat down on a bench and cried like a baby in a crowd of strangers.”
“Dinner party,” Ghislaine had added. “I thought of a joke she used to tell and lost it in front of a room full of people who thought I finally had my shit together.”
“Trying to change that damn lightbulb in the foyer on Monday,” Alma had said with a wrinkled nose. “Marlene had a gadget for getting the light without needing a ladder, but my hands are too arthritic to work it anymore.” She’d rubbed her knuckles. “You wanna feel like an idiot, try crying over a lightbulb.”
Kaidan still hasn’t been able to make a pot of coffee. Shepard always controlled the coffee pot on the Normandy and never made a drinkable cup in his life; having the freedom to brew it himself should be one of the positive things he can draw from all of this.
But he can’t. Here, he’s surrounded by other people who understand why.
Read from the beginning | Read the rest on Ao3 | The Fugue Playlist
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queeniecook · 1 year
"Full Circle" - Part 2
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And for the first time in years, I dreamed of a man that wasn't Brandon. Waking up after that made me feel hopeful. That maybe I could move forward. And let go of the hurt of the past.
As for my present, I was being presented with a celebrity star on the Starlight Boulevard in Del Sol Valley. I had become a Global Superstar. And finally reached the top of my career, becoming a Internet Superstar.
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I really couldn't believe it as I held the frame for the star in my hands at the ceremony. I'm pretty sure I gripped that thing so hard my knuckles turned white. I had started with pretty much nothing. I had worked and worked until I reached where I wanted to be, career wise. I didn't worry about money so much anymore. But I made sure not to live outside of my means. I was going to continue to work as long as I could. And receiving that star made me feel like I accomplished something. I'm going to be remembered.
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A lot of my fans showed up for the ceremony, which made me happy. I wasn't a celebrity that hung out in the hottest places all the time. I wasn't as accessible as some others. But I still had my fans.
I only wished Pak could have been there that day, but he had to work and couldn't get out of it. He had been working quite a bit after the night of our kiss, he was trying to get his own promotion in his career and I could totally understand that.
I signed some autographs and posed with some fans until I stopped dead in my tracks. I felt cold all over. I thought I was seeing things.
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But I wasn't. It was him. And he saw that I saw him. I wanted to run away, but I made myself stay. I had to get some answers. I needed them.
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So I approached him. "Brandon...what are you doing here?" I asked him, trying not to flip out in public. I had to remember that this was a public event. There was paparazzi buzzing around.
"I...heard about the ceremony. I live here now and I...wanted to see you have this moment." He told me. He looked scared. Like I was going to blow up at him. Maybe I would have years ago. But I knew I couldn't at that moment. I had to be smart. And I had to ignore anything in me that thought it was sweet of him to want to see my moment.
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"Well, you saw it. I'm a Global Superstar." I said, acting like seeing him was no big deal. But it was a huge deal. I wanted to cry right after I slapped him across the face.
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Brandon actually looked sad. "We should talk, Evie. I owe you...a lot of things." He said. I was shocked. "Obviously not here." He added, gesturing to all the people. He grabbed a small piece of paper from his pocket, grabbed my hand gently and placed the paper in it, before letting my hand go. "Call me when you want to set up a time."
And with that, he walked away. I couldn't stop myself from thinking that's what he's good at.
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I wanted to talk to him right away. Get the talk done and over with, but I had to stay for an award ceremony. I was nominated, but did not win. At that point, I kind of didn't care.
<-previous / next ->
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bartoonist · 2 years
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Battletoads-Boom Knuckles style: So I drew the Battletoads 2020 iterations in the Boom Knuckles inspired character design style from the Sonic Boom tv series about two days ago, to give them their own basic Sonic style-Shoes to go with their own matching eye colors where Rash the Green Battletoad with the shades could have red eyes (which I wish I had drawn for Rash in that sketch in hindsight of course), red gloves and red shoes, Zitz the Teal Battletoad could have purple eyes and shoes and keep his usual brown gloves of course, and Pimple the Brown battletoad could have green eyes and green shoes since his whole skin is brown anyway, and I gave them five fingered hands to help their sonic style designs standout from their four fingered hand designs for fun. I don’t really own an Xbox One or Series X/S since I’m not exactly an Xbox guy anyway, Although I did used to play some BattleToads games back when Rareware used to make multiplatform Games before their Nintendo exclusivity era and later transition to the ongoing Xbox Era that Rareware lives in today, yeah I also remember that one time I won an Xbox 360 Black Elite console at Bingo Prize winning game my family and I played through 14 years as my siblings and cousins and I played some Xbox Franchises and Xbox exclusives that we actually did enjoy playing throughout our Xbox 360, but I’m still more of a PlayStation gamer through and through, and sometimes a Nintendo gamer too but I hope you folks like my BattleToads Sonic style fan art sketch I did anyway. #battletoads #sonicstyle #fanart #traditionalsketch #battletoads2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNu-iMPlRx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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forjongseong · 2 years
Jay pouted and pretended to get all choked up, holding back tears. You laughed and smacked his arm, but then he grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
GIRL PLEASE let me extend my hand to him real quick too hehe
Hwiyoung smiled sheepishly as he tidied up his hair.
not me wiping my drool EXCUSE ME? Hwi, pls. i am here. CEOYN can have Jay!
“Thank you, Hwiyoung? You’re really thanking him? I planned everything and kept it a secret? Shouldn’t I be getting a thank you?”
he is so cute getting all angry T-T come here boo, let me hug you!!!!
“I saw your Pinterest board the other night when you were working,” Jay said as he closed the wardrobe and stood by the bed, staring at his choices.
okay not me pinteresting my favorite things too but too much quotes and cute couple works on there dhsajdajk my bf would never find my travel board djajdsaahahaha
“Can’t wait to make love to you under the stars.”
“I’ll put it on once we get there and I will never take it off. I promise.”
Jay wore his stupid grin on his face again and you just cackled, leaving the bedroom to go grab something from the kitchen.
“Koga,” you greeted him as he stood up to welcome you.
“I saw you and I thought it was you, but then maybe it was just someone who looked like you. I was contemplating to say hello but I just didn’t want to greet the wrong person. I didn’t mean to be a creep.”
My dude has a point tbh because i am the same hjaskdhajkda i never wanna say hi to the wrong person who looks like someone i know unless it is someone i know. sdfgdasda
“Careful,” you stated. “That could be you in a couple of years.”
“Your wife is very beautiful, Sir,” he said in a low voice.
“You’re getting used to it, aren’t you?” You asked, propping your chin on your hand.
“To what?”
“Getting mistaken as a married couple.”
“I kinda like it.”
Jay dodged it and laughed so hard he almost threw himself off the chair.
lololol the way i pictured this but with the boys around haahha
but the moment he placed his mouth on your neck you turned into putty.
we are weak for neck kisses, CANT HELP IT
Jay smirked before licking his lips. “Okay, Boss.”
e_e #notsusatall with our pls boss talk heheheheheh
“He recorded us kissing? Pervert.”
Jay’s breath hitched as he paused to look at you. “Did we have sex? Oh my God, did I ejaculate too soon?”
T_T i am done with 6.5 and holy shit HOLY SHIT???? let me cry because this was so fucking cute. jay for the fucking win.
Hwiyoung is AVAILABLE I forgot when but I think @yoursjaeyun is gonna make a spin-off of secretary!Hwi
not you relating to KOGA HAHDHADHAS no but fr sometimes I stare at a person too before greeting them but normally if I recognize them I am always right akjsdhakjshd
it's nice ISN'T IT this is my favorite part of the series so far and I am never gonna shut up about it and I am happy you finally got to read it!!!
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grayblacklight · 2 years
Something vaguely resembling a masterpost
I know, I can't believe it either, but it's finally in the Team Flashdark budget! How was our budget so low that we couldn't put up a proper masterpost? Sorry, but I swore not to talk about the potato incident.
Anyway, I am Gray Blacklight (he/him), certified non-supervillain and leader of the amazing, totally-not-a-criminal-organization Team Flashdark! Allow me to tell you a bit about myself and what to expect from my blog;
While I don't watch a lot of TV shows or movies, I do enjoy a lot of them. Even with a lot of the ones I don't like, I try to and often can understand why others do, which is something that I'm quite glad I can do - I love hearing people gush over things they love even if I don't care for the same thing. While I myself don't really like most DreamWorks movies, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate how great MegaMind is.
Of course, when I do enjoy a show or movies, I often adore them (Epithet Erased is one of the greatest things ever created and you should watch it). I am patently waiting for Gwain Saga 009 and find myself rewatching Spaceballs several times a year.
That said, what I really love are good video games, heck I kinda collect them.
I am a huge fan of pokémon, especially James, though the switch entries have really made me lose faith in new games. I can't really choose a favorite Pokemon, but I'm a sucker for cute things and am one of the few people who don't consider the babies a waste of data- hell, it was Pichu in Melee giving me a cuteness overload that got me to pick up pokemon X and give it a shot.
I really enjoy a lot of Nintendo games in general, with a particular fascination with retro games and how they do so much with so little. Many of my favorite games are for the DS, but I don't think newer or older games are necessarily better, with Splatoon and Deltarune being all-time favorites of mine, and having put way to much time into 30XX for a game that doesn't exist yet.
Still, with games like Mario kart DS, pokémon gens 4+5, Kirby super star ultra, earthbound, paper Mario the thousand year door, Mario and Luigi superstar saga, sonic 3 and knuckles, shantae, megaman zero 3, super Mario 64 DS, plants vs zombies 1, and so many more, I pity anyone who looked at specs of the latest consoles and assumed that there's no reason to look back.
I also love fan games and rom hacks of many kinds, (I wish I was better at getting them to work) and genuinely believe that the lack of support and respect creators and artists get is terrible. If I mention something that you haven't heard of, I hope you take a look, and always remember that artists are people with needs and wants- they need breaks and money and fun and health and sleep and food, and I hate that so many people choose to ignore that.
Anyway, aside from the reblogging, ranting, and shitposting I do on my main, I have some sideblogs that I make for fun:
The Epithet Erased GunSafety!!!!AU ( @epitheterasedgunsafetyau )(the extra exclamation points are to emphasize how important gun safety is) where I put my headcanons about my favorite show of all time and occasionally describe what things would be like if Molly was a gun safety enthusiast (and by extension the most powerful character in the show).
Hacker's Jpeg reviews ( @hackerjpegreviews ), on the other hand, is a Collab I do with Hacker Deltarune where you can submit your strongest Jpegs and we'll comment on them and give a rating using the same scoring system as Calvinball. I'm also going to make a poll tournament to determine the true strongest jpeg, whenever I get enough entries- I'm always taking submissions!
There's also SMB Super Showdown (@smb-super-showdown ), where I post intentionally stupid playground 'who would win' polls to quench the insatiable thirst for violence that I don't have because I am not evil, and to help the winners achieve GLOOORY!
And then there's The Rollinka Agenda (@therollinkaagenda ), which is just a normal ship-dedicated blog and definitely not an evil scheme to make Roll x Kalinka canon.
I also may record myself playing a game on YouTube, just for fun. I don't do it often and wish I did it more, but I rarely have the time these days, and my computer is fighting me every step of the way whenever I try to do something new with it- heck, sometimes it won't let me do things that I've done before.
Still, I hope some of y'all get a chuckle or two out of my stuff, It would make all this typing that I suck at worth it <3
(P.S. Before interacting, please know that if you are: anti LGBTQ+, racist, sexist, Zionist, anti abortion, against gun control, a map/proshitter/whatever the fuck pedophiles are calling themselves these days, or support the American government, I hope you lose a card game and get sent directly to super hell.)
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