#knee length black sweatpants
luveline · 7 months
fem, 1.2k
You and Spencer aren't dating, but he thinks you might be in the before. 
"You're home!" you say, clambering at the door to slip out of your shoes. You throw yourself at him as soon as you're close enough, the salted caramel and sandalwood of your new perfume washing over him. "You're here! I missed you." 
Spencer tries not to blush. He wishes you weren't so close —his hair is lank from two days unwashed, his five o'clock shadow obvious and embarrassing. If you notice anything unappealing about him you don't give the slightest inclination, your arms crossing over his back as you drive your face into his neck. 
"I can't believe how much I missed you, Dr. Reid," you say warmly. 
"I missed you too." Morgan would laugh at him for being this earnest, maybe comment on his lack of charisma, but Spencer doesn't know how else to show that he's interested beyond sincerity. 
You step back but work your hands up his neck and into his hair, raking it away from his cheeks. "That's better. I can see you better now." 
Spencer thought he remembered only horrible things from being a teenager, but he remembers this feeling, sweaty-palmed, heart-racing want. You tilt his head gently one way and then the other like you're following the motion of a wave, fingertips scratching in his hair, the sensation stirring the very pit of his stomach. No trace of tiredness remains on your face, only spritely joy to see him. 
"That feels nice," he confesses. He's not weird about it, more friendly. 
Your aswering grin tells him he nailed the casualness he was aiming for. 
"You've been working hard," you say, tucking his hair behind his ears and dusting down his shoulders, "I can tell. You look tired." 
"You don't. Short shift?" 
"Is it weird that bad weather genuinely keeps people home? I guess they prefer their wives when it's cold." 
"No, really? Who could ever pick the woman they married over you and those silver shorts?" he teases, peeling out of his sweater.
The shirt underneath is rumpled, but he doesn't care about that. Anything to be seen between you has been seen. Spencer has, unquestionably, seen you half naked. You've seen him in his boxers, so you're just about square. "Idiots, all of them." 
You're staying with him again while a security company fits your apartment with the appropriate trappings. Or, that was the initial reason. Spencer went with you to assess after it was done, discovering black mould in the corner of your bedroom and spreading its evil way across the bathroom ceiling. 
What is that? he asked, knowing what it was, hoping you'd at least pretend to be concerned. 
That's fifty bucks off a month, Spence. Don't look so horrified. 
"I missed you," you say for the third time in as many minutes. "And I hoped you'd be home, so I brought Chinese food for two."
You and Spencer change into pyjamas, and it's cliche but whatever, you look beautiful undone —he's not stupid enough to lie to himself about how he feels when you're wearing your little outfits, but he prefers this side of you a thousand times over because you like it better. You wear your prized baseball tee, white with blue sleeves, and a pair of sweatpants pushed up high on one leg while you ice your sore knee. He sits cross legged opposite, jabbing his chopsticks into one of your crispy spring rolls just to watch you gasp. 
"Can I ask you something too personal?" 
You rub down the length of your naked calf, sighing as some of the tension releases. You're more bruise than girl lately, splodges of tender skin patterning the inside. "What don't you know about me, at this point?" you ask. 
Like it's a good thing. Like you're glad for it. 
"Are you making enough money?" he asks. 
You steal back your spring roll, answering him through rice paper and greens, "Kind of. Not tonight, but enough for dinner. I'll be okay." 
"Did you think about it?" 
You shovel through your waxy box of rice, shrugging. "I thought about it, but… it's not realistic. What office would take me? What drug store?" 
"I could loan you the money while you apprentice, and get some experience, you could go back to school–" He says it all in a rush and you still knock him down. 
"It's real sweet of you, Spence, it is, but I couldn't let you do that. That makes me your charity case, and not your friend." 
"What else do you do for the people you care about?" he asks. Let them stay at a job they don't like, even if they're good at it, one that puts them statistically at higher risk for femicide or assault? 
"I wouldn't need a loan, Spencer, I'd need more than you have," you say gently. "I'd have to start my life from scratch. How would I pay rent? You couldn't afford to keep us both." 
"You could stay with me again." 
You shake your head. "You're the best friend I've ever had, which is why I'm saying no." 
He doesn't get what you mean, but you finish your dinner and help him clean up. He more than trusts you to stay here alone while he's on a case, you've honestly left it in better condition than you found it, and he insists you sleep in his bed again while you're here. 
"Don't be silly," you say, throwing a sheet out over the couch. "This is your place. You need to sleep in your own bed." 
The disaster is that it smells like you. Spencer says goodnight to you reluctantly and leaves you on the couch with every throw blanket he owns, climbing into his own bed and pulling the comforter up to his nose. He imagines you here at night, your body wash still clinging to your skin from a late night shower, your hand tucked under his pillow. There are so many things he'd like to give you, if you'd just let him. 
He spends a quiet thirty minutes like that, missing the warmth of your skin and your casual touching, wishing he could offer you the fresh start you desire, even if it meant he wasn't involved. 
The couch springs creak as you toss and turn, the sound finding it's way down the short hall from the living room slash kitchen to his bedroom. Hesitant, Spencer shifts in bed, hitting that one coil in his mattress just right, the twang resounding.  
You appear in his doorway with your borrowed pillows crushed to your chest not long after that. You don't need to ask, Spencer doesn't need to answer. He can't give you everything that you want, but he can give you a quiet, comfortable night next to someone who loves you. 
Ever well-tempered, you slip into the sheets beside him and curl up toward him, your fingertips brushing his side. You don't look at him in the dark, but you mumble sleepily, fingers twitching, "Night, Spence." 
You're out like a light. 
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hachixko · 5 months
Lock the Door
Summary- You forget to lock the door one too many times.
“N-need to c-cum please” 
You whine digging your fingers into your boyfriend's thighs. Your legs are trembling as if threatening to close but Choso hooks them over his knees and slightly spreads his legs wider. Holding yours into place. He huffed a laugh as he watched your toes curl in your cute cream colored thigh highs. “I know, baby.” His voice is tired and low but gentle as he kisses your temple. He circles the pink vibrator against your clit a few more times before dragging it up and down your slit. When the vibrator meets your clit again it's soaking and he turns the setting up higher. 
Your back arches and he presses his other hand against your tummy, pulling you flush against his chest as he hums. Canting your hips up you try to push yourself more fully against the pulsing toy. You're unsure of how long you've been sitting infront the mirror. You fully naked save for thigh high socks. Your boyfriend is still dressed in gray sweatpants and a black shirt. Staring into the mirror you watch him kiss down your neck. Dragging his tongue against your pulse.Then he presses the vibrator directly on your clit and holds it there. Your legs kick out and hand weakly grabs onto his forearm. “W-wait-”
“But this is what you wanted, princess. Don't you want to cum?”
You're nodding your head dumbly as your mouth hangs open. Choso tuts pulling the vibrator away and you whine. Turn off the vibrator your boyfriend places it behind him before running his hands up and down your trembling body. Your mewling hands are scratching at his knees as you try to close your legs to get some sort of relief. If you look hard enough you swear your pussy is visibly pulsing with need. You mewl again and a hand comes down to deliver a hard smack against your clit. You pussy clenches. “Stop being so fussy baby” You huff and turn your head only to see Choso eying your reflection through the full body length mirror in front of you. “”Pleasepleasepleas-”
Choso still doesn't look at you. A hand is squishing your cheeks together and turning you back to your reflection. You watch as his long dexterous fingers reach your puffy clit before circling it gently. Tongue lightly tracing your earlobe before he gently brings it into his mouth. Dragging his teeth against it and you openly moan. He cups your pussy before dragging his thumb across the bud quickly and your so pent up that you can cum just like this if he lets you. But hes not going to let you. You fucked up today. Forgetting to lock the door to your apartment after spending all day with your man. 
Choso has told you at least eight times this week to keep the door locked, but everytime he comes in after his shift the door is left unlocked. Why does he need a spare key at this point? He felt as if the stress of your classes were the reason you have been so forgetful lately. In order to make you feel better he had taken you on a shopping trip before his shift today. Got you the new purse you've been begging him to get you for two weeks among other things. After walking you to the door and bringing everything inside he gave you a forehead kiss before sternly telling you to lock the door. So imagine how pissed he was when he came home at 11pm to see the door not only unlocked but fucking open. 
You're always a good girl for him. So what if you forgot to lock the door a couple times? What's the big deal? That was your response when he so rudely woke you from beauty rest. When you finally roused from your cranky half asleep state you realized it was too late. No amount of sorries were going to save you from your fuck up. Choso rarely gets angry and even on a rare occasion is that anger directed at you. It doesn't mean you haven't seen your man angry. You recognize when he's upset. The twitching of his right brow. Clenched jaw. Maybe veins becoming more pronounced on his neck. Which you do giggle at, but right before that is the raise of his slender eyebrow. The eyebrow raise that you dismissed because you were being a brat.
Now you're trapped between your boyfriend's legs being edged to death. You’ll be glad to have an orgasm, even a ruined one at this point. Choso who is usually so gentle and affectionate with you. Wiping your tears. Making you cum as many times as you want has turned into the polar opposite. Holding your legs open so wide. You feel exposed. The air on your cunt feels so much colder than usual because you're so wet. Surly its been over an hour. When will he let you-
A gasp is ripped from your throat when two of his long fingers slip into your pussy and kisses your tear stained cheek. “Cum” is all he utters into your ear before he's fingering you so hard and fast your eyes are rolling into the back of your skull. Mouth hanging open and no words are leaving those glossy lips. His palm rubs against your clit at the same time giving you the perfect friction to ruin his fingers and the carpet. Chosos glares down at your cunt as you squirt. Free hand on tummy holding you in place as he fucks your through your orgasm. He doesn't care about the mess you're making on him. 
“G-god please!” 
You're squealing trying to come down from your orgasm but your boyfriend doesn't let you. Your legs kick out and your hands move to stop him. Crying out that he should give a second. Both your wrists are caught in one as he ignores you. Shifting your body to his liking.
“Still not sorry mama? Gonna be a long night for you.”
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doumadono · 2 months
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Warnings: fem!reader, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, orgasm denial, light dom/sub, names calling, rough, unprotected p in v, creampie
Synopsis: on his birthday morning, Bakugo wakes up early, brimming with restless energy that he needs to release
A/N: the prompt was: very rough birthday morning with dom!Bakugo This is the final fic I wrote for my little event celebrating Bakugo's birthday. I hope you all enjoy it. Happy birthday, my sweet little gremlin!
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As the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, he stirred in bed, his eyes snapping open with a restless energy. His gaze landed on the figure lying next to him - it was you, your Y/H/C hair tousled on the pillow, and your delicate features softly framing your peaceful sleep.
Without a word, he rolled over and pinned you to the bed, his strong hands gripping your wrists as he stared down at you with fierce determination.
You gasped, your eyes fluttering open wide with surprise. "Katsuki…" you started, but he cut you off with a harsh kiss, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip as his tongue forced its way into your mouth.
You moaned softly, your body arching beneath him as you easily surrendered to his dominance.
He released your wrists, his hands roaming over your body as he tore off your silky nightgown with rough, impatient movements.
"Katsuki! That was my favourite nightgown!" You whimpered, your nails digging into his back as he kissed and bit his way down your exposed neck, his teeth leaving angry red marks on your soft skin.
When he reached your breasts, he took one nipple between his teeth and tugged, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your parted lips. He repeated the motion with the other nipple, his fingers teasing and pinching until you were writhing beneath him.
He was always rough during sex, but this morning, there was an edge to him that you had never seen before.
His hand moved lower, sliding between your thighs to find you already wet and ready for him. Bakugo growled in satisfaction, his fingers roughly stroking your clit as you cried his name out, your hips already bucking against the heel of his hand.
But he wasn't satisfied with just your pleasure. He licked around your navel, and then got off the bed, like nothing had happened seconds ago. "Get on your fucking knees, babe," he growled, his voice low and commanding.
You eyes widened for a moment before you obeyed his harsh command, dropping to you knees in front of him.
Katsuki towered over you, his hands roughly grabbing your hair as he pulled your head back. Bakugo leaned down, his lips met yours in a brutal kiss, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth once again. He then quickly pushed his black sweatpants down, his cock springing free and resting proudly against his abs, throbbing slightly as his piercing gaze swept over your naked form, so vulnerable before him.
Your eyes widened at the sight of his cock, your mouth watering at the thought of tasting him.
Bakugo grabbed the back of your head and pulled you towards his crotch, the red tip of his cock poking your lips which eagerly parted, allowing him to slide into your mouth. You moaned as you took him in, expertly teasing his cock with your tongue, swirling it around the sensitive head before taking him even deeper.
Bakugo let out a deep groan, his hips bucking as he fucked your mouth at steady pace.
The sound of wet, sloppy sucking filled the room, mixing with Bakugo's moans of pleasure. Your fingers found their way to Bakugo's tight balls, massaging them gently as you continued to suck his cock. Your hands reached up to grab Bakugo's ass, pulling him deeper into your mouth as you gagged on his dick. Your head bobbed up and down, taking more and more of his length into your eager mouth.
Bakugo's hands gripped your hair, guiding your movements.
You could feel his cock hitting the back of your throat, and you gagged slightly.
"Oh, fuck." Katsuki let out a string of curses as he felt the back of your throat hitting the head of his cock on and on, and when you licked the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft, he rolled his head back, sucking his lower lip into his mouth. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge, but he didn't want to cum yet, so he pulled out of your mouth and helped you to your feet.
Bakugo pushed you back on the bed. He parted your legs and his calloused fingers slid easily into your wetness, his thumb rubbing against your swollen clit. Your hips bucked involuntary as you felt the pleasure building inside of you.
Bakugo's fingers slid in and out of your drenched pussy, his thumb rubbing against your clit faster and faster. He dived between your legs, lapping at your clit, his intense crimson eyes fixed on yours, studying your reaction closely. Katsuki crushed his hungry mouth across your sex, his tongue pushing into you and lapping at your juices. He knew exactly how to tease you, exactly how to drive you insane.
"Katsuki," you moaned his name, arching your back and slipping your hand into his ash blonde hair, tugging at it in an attempt of bringing him closer to your pussy.
You could sense his smirk against your wet core as he pulled his fingers partway out, using them to open your entrance up further. His warm, flexed tongue plunged into you, aiming for depth, moving rhythmically as he tasted your juices with a satisfied hum. He swiped some of your wetness with his fingers, pulling them away from you entirely. Then, he grasped his stiff cock and began jerking himself while eating your pussy, spreading your wetness all over his throbbing shaft, grunting lowly.
"Fuck," you bit your lower lip so hard it drew blood – oh, he was so skilled at going down on you.
He was sucking harder and then nipping at your swollen clit with his sharp teeth.
You couldn't help the scream that erupted from your throat. "Katsuki!" With that, you came all over his mouth.
When he finally pulled away from your sex, his lips and chin glistened with your essence. Bakugo didn't seem phased by it, though. He theatrically licked his fingers clean and ran his tongue over his lips, capturing as much of your taste as possible. "Goddamit, babe, you taste incredible," he praised, and his cock throbbed at his words as if it sought to validate his declaration.
With a savage grin, he flipped you onto your stomach and yanked your hips up, your round ass in the air as he positioned himself behind you.
"Katsuki…" you started again, but he silenced you with a sharp smack on your ass, the sound echoing through the room. You could feel his cock sliding up and down your wet slit, teasing you before Bakugo finally thrust himself inside you. You cried out as he filled you completely, his rough movements sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your already exhausted body. You cried out, your fingers clenching the sheets as he began to move, each thrust harder and faster than the last.
He grunted with every thrust, his hands gripping your hips as he slammed into you over and over again. "Is this what you wanted, slut?" he snarled, his hips pounding into you with a ferocity that was almost painful. "You wanted me to fuck you rough like this on my fucking birthday, hmmm? To use ya like a fucking whore?" he slapped your ass several times, leaving a red mark in a shape of his hand on your left buttock.
"Yes," you moaned, your face completely buried in the pillow. "Use me for your pleasure, Kats," you begged.
You could barely keep up, your body shaking with overstimulation and pain as he took you roughly doggy style. You moaned and cried out, your voice hoarse as you begged for more, your body craving the intense pleasure he was offering. "More, more, more," you whined, pressing your cheek to his pillow.
He growled in response, his movements becoming even more frenzied as he slammed into you again and again.
You could hear the sound of your flesh slapping together, the wetness of your sex filling the room. As you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, you reached between your legs to rub at your clit.
But Bakugo swatted your hand away, taking over the task himself. He reached around and found your clit, his fingers working it in time with his thrusts. "I'll decide when you come, bitch," he snarled, his fingers working furiously over your swollen bud as he continued to pound into you. He groaned as he felt you squeeze around him. Withdrawing, he moved back into your pussy with full force again and again. He sunk his teeth into the red mark he had made earlier where your neck met your shoulder and moved his body roughly against yours.
Your arousal was so great that it now coated the inside of your trembling thighs.
Bakugo let out a primal growl as he followed soon after, his hot, sticky cum eurpting deep within your pussy, filling you up to the brim, coating your spongy walls completely white with his semen. "Cum for me, slut," he rasped.
And so you came apart beneath him, your second orgasm tearing through you like a storm, your pussy clenching convulsively around his softening cock.
Finally, after a few more shallow thrusts, he pulled out completely and collapsed onto the bed beside you.
You reached up and pushed a few stray pieces of mussed hair off his forhead, and immediately tucked into his strong arms. "Happy birthday," you whispered, brushing your lips against his broad chest.
As you lay there together, panting and spent, Bakugo cradled you in his arms and sighed, his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath. "Thanks, babe."
You lay next to him, your body still trembling as you tried to process what had just happened. But even as the aftershocks of pleasure faded, you knew one thing for certain: you would never forget the rough birthday morning with your beloved boyfriend Bakugo.
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alanaaii · 7 months
Shopping w connie.☆
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!plug connie & ur just a spoiled brat.
nsfw. car sex.
“ma you know what you wearing friday?” You shook your head, scrolling on your phone. You and connie were suppose to go on one of your monthly dates this week but your closet just wasn’t giving. “I don’t have s-h-i-t in my closet.” You pull the blanket that you and connie shared on the couch. “that mean i gotta take you shopping?”
You knew what that meant—a full day with connie with no distractions. All about you you and you. Finally deciding to get up and start the day, you took a warm shower and got dressed. Sliding on some black leggings and an essentials hoodie. As you did your edges in the mirror, connie came behind you and snuck his cold fingers up your hoodie.
“connn your hands are cold” you whined as you shuffled to get his hands out. “I just wanna feel you mama”. You turn around and push his hands out. “you can feel on me when i get the stuff i want”. You was a big brat. “come on then” You and connie headed out to his all black tinted BMW. He opened the door for you as you hopped up into the passenger seat. He sat on his side and started the car and made his way to the mall.
Once y’all get there, one hand is entangled with connie’s surprisingly bigger hand and your cute pink purse in the other. “where to first ma?”
you pull connie to your favorite store.
Your eyes glowed as you saw the expensive shoes and clothes on the walls.
“pa do i have a limit?” You looked up at him, batting your pretty eyes. You knew connie would spend every last penny he had on you if it meant you would be happy. “go crazy”
And you did just that. Picking up any cute pair of jeans and putting some scandalous things for connie to see you in later. Once you were done you let the woman behind the counter scan all of your stuff. “girl i know your man love you”
All you could do was smile as connie took out a band and began to pay the total.
He grabbed your bags as you make your way out of the store. “thank you papi”. Standing on your tippy toes, you give him a small peck on his lips. “anything for you mama”.
The rest of the day consisted of you putting things in connie’s hands and him buying it.
As you two headed to the car connie was overloaded with bags. “damn ma you about to make me go broke” He huffed as he put the bags into the trunk. You were sitting in the passenger seat sipping your smoothie that you got from the food court.
As he got into opposite side, you put your hand on his perfectly tatted arm, softly rubbing it. “i’m sorry, everything was just soo pretty”. you pout. “let me make it up to you pa” You dragged your hand from his arm to his pants, feeling him stiffen at your touch. Since his car was heavily tinted nobody could see anything. (this is how you got away with everything ;) )
As you leaned into him you pressed your freshly glossed lips into his pink ones. Slowly pushing your tongue into his mouth. You snuck your hands into connie’s sweatpants and pulled out his already erected dick. His tip already moist from the precum you wrap your hand around his dick and pressed your thumb on his tip, circling it. You slowly break the kiss—a string of saliva still connecting you two.
Dipping your head down to spit on the tip before you wrap your mouth around it. Connie bit on his bottom lip, holding in his grunts. Bobbing your head up and down slowly—making those sloppy wet sounds connie adored.
Connie began to thrust his hips into your mouth. forcing you to take him down your throat, gagging on his length. “Fuck maa..jus like that..” He said in his deep raspy voice that had you weak in the knees. You feel him pulse. You knew he was close so you got on your knees and began to give him that gawk gawk combo using your hand and your mouth.
Connie slapped your ass before putting his hand in your leggings. he slid your panties to the side and rubbed your soaking wet cunt, satisfying the heat that was in your core. His long fingers prompting you go moan on his dick, the vibrations overwhelming connie. He couldn’t hold it. “‘m bout to cum ma”
He took his fingers out of you and grabbed onto your head, pushing your head down as he painted your mouth white. He groaned. “that’s my girl.”
you took one big gulp as the bitterness went away. You lifted your head up and looked at your phone camera. Ruined makeup, sweated out edges and all. “Come sit on it mama” He said lowly as he reclined his seat back.
Sliding your pants off but keeping your panties on, you move over to connie’s side and gently slid down on his dick. He grunt as he feels your gushy walls suck him in. You position yourself before you completely lose yourself. You hold onto connie’s shoulders to keep stable before starting to move. Up and down the sound of your ass clapping against connie’s thighs was like music to his ears. You desperately bounced on him, your juices dripping on the seat. (connie doesn’t mind.) You feel your cunt clench around connie as you felt his thumb rub your clit. This man knew how to make you orgasm quick. It’s like he knew every part of you like the back of his hand. Moaning his name, he put his hands around your waist and pushed you down onto him. “fuckkk”
“you gon’ cum on me mama? huh?”
You could feel your knees about to give up on you as your orgasm was coming. One final thrust and you came all over his dick. Your cum making a ring at the bottom of connie’s dick as you rode out your high. Connie press his lips onto yours to suppress your loud moans as you came down.
“i love you ma”
“i love you too con”
“another round at home?”
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nsharks · 5 months
bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part seventeen —other parts
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader words: 2.3k tags: death. blood. cannibalism mention. zombies of course. AFAB reader. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn't here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival.
Ghost wasn't bluffing about the rain.
The next two days are spent with a punching bag under a neverending drizzle. Well, a duffle bag filled to the brim with who-knows-what, hanging from a tree as your skin smacks into it repeatedly and wet hair sticks to your neck. According to Ghost, you hit about as hard as Blue does, and there's no point in sparring until that changes. 
He demonstrates before finding a comfortable tree to lean against and watch. The first few tries feel awkward until he reminds you to hold your stance. Once you dig your feet firmer into the mud, you start to catch on. You try to copy his movements. Knees, hands, elbows, feet. The rain soaks through the gauze on your hands, bunching it up, and the bag stings your unprotected fingers so much that your pinky starts to spasm.
You are struggling to hold the canister of water without wincing when Ghost appears behind you, grips your wrist, and says, "Why didn't you say anything?"
You pull away and tuck your hand to your breast. "It's not that bad."
His eyes sweep over the length of you before subtly narrowing. "You're bleeding. You should have said something."
When you glance at your fingers, you realize that he's right— the skin is split and oozing, but the rain waters the blood down to a light shade of pink. "Sorry, I guess. I didn't notice."
A callused finger reaches over to brush your knuckles before flipping your hand over, palm up, and tapping the heel of it. "Hit here from now on. It's less soft."
"Noted. Thanks."
Blue warms a bucket of water and soaks your hands that night. You listen to the sound of rain drumming against the plywood as you pray for it to stop by the morning, but of course, there's no one listening to you up there in the clouds because, by the time Ghost gets you up again, it's only gotten worse. Mist shrouds your ankles and the trees crackle and moan. He takes you back to the clearing and you know you won't be dealing with the duffle bag today.
"Let's see what you've learned."
He shucks off his jacket and you do the same despite the brisk temperature. Left in his shirt and sweatpants, the sheer size of him appears even more daunting. The black fabric soon becomes wet and sticks to his well-defined muscles, resembling a second skin. Ghost inclines his head and looks at you expectantly. Your heart races but you meet his stare, breathing deeply.
This time it's you who lunges first.
A swift kick to his ribs shoots the familiar burst of adrenaline through your veins. 
The flicker of confidence makes you greedy and you try it again, but he wrenches your ankle away and twists you into submission, pulling you flush to his chest. 
His breath hits your neck and warmth, not rain, prickles the skin. "She didn't hesitate. Good. But moves like that leave your stance vulnerable."
With a shove, you are released, and then he wipes the floor with you. Again. Everything turns into a blur of movement. The ground squelches beneath you. You try to focus more on offense, but the rain clumping your lashes and the way he darts so quickly makes that near impossible. Frustration builds in your chest the longer you two go at it. It is as if the past few days have done little to nothing. 
A bruising blow to your stomach almost makes you slip, but he catches you by the sleeve and draws you close, leaving you face-to-face. His eyes burn a trail over your forehead down to your nose and lips as you pant heavily, then snap back up to yours. 
"What happened to your confidence? Where is the girl who kneed my dick?"
You swallow and blink hard as you meet his thick gaze. "She's trying... but she's wet and can hardly see."
"Better than being dead." You place your hand atop his callused one and try to pry it off, but his grip tightens. "Stop holding back again."
Tension holds your teeth together. "Just because I wasn't a military sergeant like you doesn't mean I'm holding back."
"I was a lieutenant, not a sergeant."
"Does that change my point?"
His brow quirks and his hand drops. "You have quite the attitude when you're not scared of me." 
The stinging air turns your cheeks pink. "I was never scared of you."
"Blue's next lesson should be teaching you to lie better.”
Something about his tone causes a twinge in your chest. You back up and ready your fists. "Oh... Is she good at that?"
He stalks you with slow steps that scuff over the mud. "Pretty good at it. Though, she forgets who her old man is sometimes."
"What do you mean?"
"You think I didn't notice?"
Your mouth runs dry. Unspoken truths hang in the air; the antiseptic, the food she snuck. "I don't know what you're talking about."
His eyes roll to the side. "Relax. I would've killed you the moment I noticed if I wanted to."
"Why didn't you, then?" 
A glint of—something—passes through his eyes. "Perhaps I thought you could be useful. Turns out I was right. Now—" He changes the subject. "Don't hold back or you can enjoy the shed tonight."
All the color drains from your face. "What? You... you can't do that."
"Why not?" 
Your voice sharpens. "Because you made a fucking promise to me, Ghost. You said you keep your word."
His broad shoulders give a lazy shrug. "I do, but you thrive when you feel threatened. Thought you could use the motivation."
Anger curls your lips. "That doesn't mean you can just—" 
Mud. Mud everywhere. Freezing, sticky mud cushions your fall as he hits you without warning. You gasp. A flash of a memory shoots through your spine; the way he pushed you to the ground that first time you met. The crack of your bow. The helplessness. 
You ignore the ache as you push yourself to wobbling feet. It as if every hit from him makes itself known. Your anger deepens and you launch at him without thought, snarling. Your ankles hook around his torso as you grab hold of his wet shirt and cling to his back. One of your arms clamps over his neck and squeezes while the other blindly scratches at any piece of him you can find; his collarbones, the bridge of his nose, his scalp. 
A few heartbeats pound before he throws you back into the mud. This time, he joins you. Salty sweat and the taste of coppery soil brush the seam of your mouth as you wrestle beneath him. It turns messy, your hair tangling with knots and pine needles, but you don't have it in you to care. You spit in his face and dig the heel of your boot into his back, riding up his shirt. 
"Ah. There she is." His voice is rougher and only the slightest bit winded. 
The fight you give is silenced when he pins your hips down with his and grabs one of your wrists. The other you quickly slip under your back, out of reach. Again, he has you pinned, and that pisses you off even more.
"Fuck you," you snap breathlessly. "Get off of me."
"Bold choice of words to say to your landlord."
The rain seems to fade into the background and all you can see—feel—is him. It should terrify you, the pressure of his body, but your mouth opens again on its own accord. "Bold choice getting me into this position again. I guess you don't want any more kids."
A sharp exhale leaves his nose and you think it might be his version of a laugh. "Thanks for reminding me." He brackets your knees with his, rendering them immobile. "Now what?"
Now what. The mix of adrenaline and anger rushes between your ears and that thing you've relied on to survive for so long—instinct—decides for you. Your free hand scoops mud and smashes it into his eyes, stealing his vision. The time it takes for him to wipe it away gives you a shot at his face and you take it without abandon, slamming your hand hard into his nose. You can practically hear the crack. Blood blooms through the white of his mask. 
Your irises unfurl. "Shit. Ghost. I—"
He sits up and you scramble away on your butt. Like a tide, your emotions wash away and leave your face flushed. When he peels the balaclava over his nose, a trail of blood trickles down his lips and chin. He pinches the tip and flicks a clot of it to the ground.
"Is it— Did it break?"
He touches the bridge. "Minor."
The uncontrollable shaking returns to your hands, snapping his gaze to them. "Did they open up?"
Confused, you glance at the red skin across your knuckles before shaking your head. "No. I... I used the heel. Like you said."
"Good." A grumble of thunder brings his eyes to the sky before he stands up, mask still hiked over the bloody lower half of his face. He offers you a hand. "Smart use of the environment. Think we're done here."
It takes a long moment before you place your hand in his. The energy has swept through your body, leaving you numb, and there are no more sharp words left to share. With the grey sky, it is impossible to tell the time, but you figure it must still be early morning because Blue is not awake by the time you and Ghost return.
He is equally as filthy as you. Dark earth cakes the entirety of his body. He swipes his boots outside and you wordlessly do the same before following him into the quiet cabin. Everything is still except for your heart. It struggles to find a normal pace again.
"Let me look at it," you offer quietly.
He doesn't object, taking a seat at the table. The only evidence that the physical activity has affected him is the uptick in heat that rolls off his body. You move clinically to stand between his knees and ignore the awkward feeling that settles in the silence. You feel strange after getting so worked up. Like you don't know how to act. If you were confused around him before, you are more so now, so you focus on what you do understand— that his nose is most definitely broken.
For the first time, it is you looking down at him. 
"I'm going to touch it."
You will the trembling in your hands to stop and brush a fingertip along the bridge. His nose is strong. So is his jaw. An old scar indents the left of his mouth, deeper than the one on your brow. This isn't the first time you've seen part of his face— he does, in fact, have human needs like food and water—but the first time you've touched it. His skin is as warm as you remember. The tender swell in the bridge of his nose makes his eyes close for a moment.
"How's it feel?" 
He throws your words back at you. "Just peachy."
"Right. Um, have you broken it before?"
"Of course."
"I'm sorry," you finally say, but he seems far from interested in your apology.
"Don't be. I said not to worry about hurting me."
"I know, but that doesn't mean I enjoy doing it."
"Liar." He calls you out in a soft murmur. "It felt good, didn't it?"
It... did. Possibly even cathartic. The release of emotions is not something you allow often, but hitting Ghost in the face mimicked the exertion of chopping wood only tenfold. Carefully, you nod. "A bit."
"More than a bit."
"Fine," you concede breathily. You avoid his eyes and look over at the wall. "It felt really good." There is a pause before you look at his nose again, clearing your throat. "It's minor enough to just let heal, right?"
His brows lower. "I thought you were the nurse here."
"Nursing student," you remind him, teeth grazing your lip. "I don't remember getting to this lecture."
"Fucking hell." He inhales deeply through his mouth, lowering the fabric back down, before saying, "Just go bathe, Twix."
"What about you?"
"I'll go after."
You nod but linger for a moment in his presence. "Ghost." Your fingers curl at your sides. "Don't ever do that again. Don't ever threaten me with something I have earned."
Making a demand of him is so utterly foreign to you that the words taste strange. The whites of his eyes slide up to yours and something you don't recognize passes through them. "Duly noted." His brows lift. "Don't hold back again."
You exhale. "I won't."
It is at this moment you notice the appearance of Blue in the hallway, still dressed in an oversized shirt that acts as her pajamas. She looks between the two of you, rubbing her eyes, before narrowing them and pointing an accusatory finger. "I told you guys to tell me when things got more interesting."
You repel from between his knees like a magnet, facing her.
"It wasn't that interesting. Don't worry."
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quaintii · 1 year
Beg for Me.
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Warnings: breeding kink, fangs kink, bdsm, sub!Miguel, Dom-fem!reader, teasing, edging, dirty talking, smut smut smut, using Miguel for your own pleasure, etc
Summary: you and Miguel try out something different for once.
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You had Miguel strapped from his wrists on the bed frame and his legs on the corners of the bed with your webs, he couldn’t get out of them because your webs were extremely durable. You were enjoying this new view of him, it aroused you because you felt in complete control, you were finally capable of teasing him. Most of the time, Miguel usually had the upper hand during sex. You practically begged him to switch roles and try something new for the both of you. Miguel had some black loose sweatpants with a loose gray-shirt. “I mean seriously, what are you going to do? I look ridiculous right now.” He said, letting out a groan. “I mean I haven’t even started yet..so there’s more yet to come.” You said while heading inside the bathroom to change into kinky lingerie. Miguel loves it when you dress up all dolly for him, when he sees you exit the bathroom, he can’t remove his eyes off your body. “Ay mi reina,  are you trying to tease me now? That won't work on me, mi tesoro.” He smirks. 
You strut your way to the bed, palming his chest. “Y de que sabes eso tu, Miguel? Hoy te voy hacer mío..” (“And what do you know, Miguel? i’m going to make you mine.”)You place yourself on top of his lower abdomen, giving him slow, passionate kisses. You wanted to hear Miguel to beg for more taste of you, so you cut off the kiss. You lower your hips to his crotch, you begin slowly teasing him by straddling your hips against his. You let out small groans as you feel him hardening, you look in his low hooded eyes with his parted lips, just craving every inch of your pussy engulfing his cock. “Ya te quiero devorar, guapa…dios mio, no me puedo controlar cuando estoy contigo.” Miguel tries his best to buck his hips to get more friction to feel your soaked pussy. You continued humping him, clothed. 
His bulge rubbed on your clit simultaneously. Your breathing started heaving, wanting for more and wanting to give into complete submission but no, this time was different. You moved your body to his knees, removed his sweatpants to ankle length.
“God, you’re so fucking big, amor.” You slur as you kiss the head of his tip, making him shiver and groans which emit more arousal to your cunt. You sloppily lick his balls, cupping them into your hands and licking his dick up and down. “Mierda, ya basta con estos juegos..” He said while he stared down at you (Fuck, stop with these games..”)  “This is my turn to play, Miguelito.” You say and you take his length inside of your warm mouth. Miguel rolls his eyes back as you bob your head up and down on his cock, slurping him up like a popsicle. Hearing his groans makes your cunt beg for some friction so you grind your pussy on his legs. He bumps his lips on your cunt, making you moan. 
“Keep sucking my dick like that, mi tesoro.” He groaned. His cock kept twitching whenever your throat would suck him even deeper, your throat emitting moans tightened your mouth around his length. You feel his cock start twitching inside of your mouth, knowing he’s close so you remove your mouth from his length. “Fuck! Why did you fucking do that, I was getting close.” He said disappointedly. “Yo hago las reglas, mi vida. Me gusta usar tu cuerpo.” (I make the rules, my love. I love using your body.”) You remove your bra and underwear and settle your soaked cunt on top of Miguel’s mouth.
“Suck my pussy, Miguel. I want you to devour me, eat me out..fuck..” You moan as Miguel sucks your clit and licks your pussy, nibbling on the lips. You toy with your breasts,  mendling with your nipples which makes you more sensitive. 
Slurping sounds and moans are all that’s heard, you buck your cunt deeper onto Miguel’s face, riding it. His nose touches your clit, making you arch your back. He slides his warm tongue inside your cunt, eating you out like you wanted. You started riding his face so hard, he couldn’t breathe but couldn’t care less because he wanted to make you cum. “Mhmmf, fu-fuck Miguel, I’m a-almo-” You were cut off by a sharp snap which sends your blood rushing to your cunt, making you spasm and squish Miguel’s head more. His tongue still lapped on your cunt which made you become overstimulated, making you mumble over your words. 
You held your hands on the bed frame, holding yourself up and trying not to completely flop on top of Miguel. You feel another orgasm approaching, your hips impulsively riding back and forth to stimulate your clit more and ride out your orgasm. Your back arched as you keep your pussy spasm and pulse uncontrollably as you choke on your moans, a couple of tears streaming down your face. “Mhmmf..nghn..” You finally lay back and let your orgasm take over your body, making you numb. Miguel’s face was streaked with your juices. “Sabes tan rica, chiquita.” (“You taste so good, little one.”) He said as he licked his lips, savoring your juices. 
Miguel wants to take control over you, his animalistic side wants to devour you whole and have you beg and whine under his cock, deep inside your cunt. His cock is hungry for some attention, twitching uncontrollably because he desperately wants to feel your touch. 
His tip being red angry and the rest of his length deep brown. Pre-cum leaking out of his tip, you lick a bit of it off and he leans his head back on top  of the pillow. He’s so touch-deprived at this point. “Corazon, please let me fuck your fucking pussy already..” He said in short sighs. “Beg for it, bebe. I want you to fucking beg for me to suck your big cock inside of my wet pussy.” You say while you stare at him, only having lust in your eyes.
 “Por favor ma…quiero tu cono..te quiero saber todo tu cuerpo. Porfa cariño, yo ya no guanto.” (“Please ma, I want your cunt..I want to taste all of your body. Please sweetheart, I can’t take it anymore.”) Miguel said gruffly. “Lo que tu quieres, Miguel..” (“Whatever you want, Miguel..”)
You slam yourself on top of his cock, all of the air in your lungs leaving. The both of you moan and lean your heads back. Miguel bit his lips hard enough to draw blood. He seemed to harden and grow even more inside of your pussy, pulsing and twitching. He tries bucking his hips up to feel more of you but he can’t really make any movement so you lay your hands on his chest, moving your hips with a steady pace. Your plushy, soft walls mold into his cock. Your pussy melting and devouring all of him, his dick hitting that soft, gushy spot that had you wailing and moaning.
Making Miguel beg for you to cum around his dick, for the both of you to cum together. You both kept moaning, the atmosphere becoming hot as sweat droplets ran across your body and Miguel’s chest. You leaned onto his chest, making his dick reach deeper than ever. Your head leans back and your eyes go to the back of your skull, your mouth agape. SIlently crying as your moans keep choking on your throat. You grabbed a hold on his hair and the kiss was hungry, desperate. You kept eating each other's mouths off, your tongues swirling. You felt yourself coming to a close and you wanted Miguel to take control of you, to thrust his cum deep inside of your womb so you cut off your webs and Miguel immediately carried you chest to chest in a Nelson position. Your ankles resting on his shoulders as one of his hands landed on your hips, the other rubbing circles on your pussy. 
You couldn’t catch your breath as you kept letting out loud, strained moans. Tears trickling down your face, Miguel grabbing your chin to face him. The hot skin to skin contact makes you both groan in pleasure. Your cunt kept clenching around his cock whenever he would whine while nibbling on your ears and sinking his fangs in your neck. “Cum for me, princess. Cum with me, I want to pump my cum inside of you and make a baby of your sweet pussy. F-fuck, s’good babe…you’re s’tight around my cock.” He moaned into your ears, which finally made you explode with euphoric pleasure. Your body stood twitched and more tears came out of your eyes as the orgasm took over your whole system. Miguel still kept his pace as he thrusted a couple more times inside of your pussy, making your fingernails dig deep enough on his back, drawing out blood and leaving bruises for later. He finally came inside of your cunt, painting your soft, plushy walls, white.
A/N: Writing this literally made my pussy throb ☠️, hope you guys enjoyed this! Please leave more suggestions for me in my request box! I can do other characters too!! <3
Taglist: @thatfictionalmexicanwife
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fanficgirl429 · 6 months
Don’t Change (Mike Schmidt smut)
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Pairing: Mike Schmidt x fem!reader
Prompt: After a long day out, you want to change out of your dress but Mike has other plans
Warnings: sex (18+ only)
Mike's fingers laced with yours as the two of you followed his sister up the walkway to his front door.
“Did you have a fun birthday today?” you ask Abby as Mike unlocks the door.
“Yes,” Abby squeals, wrapping her arms around you and squeezing hard.
She lets out a yawn which Mike notices and tells her to get ready for bed.
“I’m going to change too,” you tell him as you follow him down the dimly lit hallway.
You had been wearing a sundress for the majority of the day and now you were ready to throw on a pair of sweats and a loose fitting t shirt.
He glances back at you and shakes his head no. His dark eyes go up and down your body as he lets out a small smirk. Clearly he has a certain thing on his mind.
Mike follows Abby into her room while you go across the hall into Mikes room. The queen sized bed is unkempt and blankets are thrown across the bed. Mike never made his bed.
The second your head hits the pillow you close your eyes, resting for a brief moment. Although it was a fun day celebrating Abby’s birthday, you were exhausted. The three of you had been on the move since this morning and now it was already after dinner. You knew that you would sleep good tonight.
“Good night Abby,” you hear Mike say.
The door to Abby’s room closes and a moment later Mike enters his room, closing the door behind him. You hear the lock turn and watch as your boyfriend walks to the end of the bed before climbing on top of you.
His body lightly presses against yours as he uses his elbows to prop himself up, making sure not to squish you.
He leans down and presses his lips against yours, kissing you quickly. Your lips move with his and he gently bites down on your lower lip. When you slightly part your lips, his tongue enters your mouth and tangles with yours. Mike lets out a soft hum as his body melts against yours.
His hand moves to the thin strap of your sundress and pushes the right one down your shoulder before doing the same to the left one. With the straps pushed down, the fabric of the dress easily moves down from your chest, revealing your black bra.
Mike hand moves along your bare skin towards your back, allowing him to unhook your bra. He expertly unhooks it and tosses it to the floor.
“That’s better,” he states, as his fingers begin to play with your nipple.
Once both are standing erect, he pushes your dress up, revealing your stomach and lacy underwear.
He scoots up to his knees and places gentle kisses along your stomach and down towards your core. His fingers hook into your underwear and he pulls them off of you.
You watch as he stands up and motions for you to scoot to the edge of the bed. You smile as you know exactly where this is leading.
When your legs are dangling off the bed, he kneels down and places soft kisses against the inside of your thighs. Your hands clench against the bed sheets as you wait for him to move towards your desired spot.
His lips move closer to your core and you let out a moan as his tongue slowly moves along your slit. When he reaches your sensitive spot, his tongue swirls around it and your thighs tighten against him.
“Mike…,” you moan.
You feel him smile as he continues to suck against your sensitive spot. He loved knowing that he could make you feel this way.
A knot forms in your stomach as your walls clench together. Your grip tightens on the bed sheets as an incredible feeling takes over your body.
Mike stands up and you see his erection pressing against his sweatpants. He reaches down and pulls them off, along with his boxers, revealing his length. It slaps against his stomach as he crawls onto the bed next to you.
Sitting up, you move so that you are next to him and he motions for you to sit on him.
You move your body so that you are facing your boyfriend, straddling him. His erecting is pressing against your core, with nothing blocking its way. Yow slowly begin to roll yours hips and Mike places his hands on your waist.
He reaches under your dress and his finger brushes against your sensitive spot before he grabs his length. He runs it along your slick folds before gently pushing it into you. Slowly yiu lower your body down, taking him in. From this angle, you can feel everything.
His hands return to your waist and he helps you keep a steady rhythm as you move up and down.
The room is silent except for the occasional soft moans that emerge from you and Mike.
Each thrust hits deeper than you’ve ever felt and it doesn’t take long before you feel your high quickly approaching.
“I’m close,” you breathe, staring down at Mike.
His grip becomes tighter and he helps you move quicker against him.
Your walls clench around him at the same time that he releases into you.
A loud moan fills the room and both of your eyes go wide before you let out a small chuckle.
“Don’t ever say I was too loud again,” you tease Mike and his cheeks turn a slight shade of red.
“You need to be on top more often,” Mike comments as you climb off of him and lay down next to him.
“We’ll if you're up for it, we can do round two in a few,” you say.
“I’m always up for it babe,” Mike tells you
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 2 months
after-workout snack
(cw: age gap 25/41; nsfw, mndi, smut, hard f*cking, smutty domesticity, fluff)
I get up from the couch, putting the book away I was just reading, and go to the kitchen. König has been rummaging in there for what seems like an eternity, prepping his after-workout meal (it really is more of a meal and not a snack, my god, this man can eat).
I pop my head in the door and there he is, in sweatpants and a simple black shirt with cut off sleeves. His long hair is still wet from the after-workout shower, swinging around as he navigates the small space between the counter and the kitchen isle. Well, it actually isn't that small, but his stature dwarfs even big rooms.
I come a few steps closer and of course, he hears me approaching. He shoots a look over his shoulder, the corners of his mouth turning up in a grin when he sees me. I automatically smile back, I just have to, when I see him like that, his smile changing his features, the intimidating looking scowl he always wears on his face dissipating into the smirky grin I have gotten so used to.
The pump from the workout makes his arms look even bigger than they actually are, letting him seem broader than he is, while the hulk of a man is just cooking himself something.
"You want some Eierspeis as well, Hexe?", he asks me, pulling his eyebrows up. He keeps sprinkling german words into his sentences and I learned the most important ones. Like the dozen pet names he calls me - his new favourite is "Hexe", meaning 'witch'.
And "Eierspeis" is just the Austrian word for scrambled eggs, and he eats a looot of those, so that he kind of perfected them over the years.
"Oh yes please.", I answer, coming closer yet.
He nods, "Coming right up!" and turns to huge fridge that is always stocked to the brim when he is on leave. He opens the door and bends forward to get the ingredients.
His thighs stretch and his butt - deliciously firm - gets pushed back, his cheeks filling the sweatpants just right, and an idea crosses my mind.
A giddy grin stalks onto my face as I take two huge steps in his direction. I grab his hips with my hands, my fingertips digging into the muscles, pulling him into me while I push my hips forward.
A tingle rolls down my spine, but I burst into laughter as my lap collides with his thighs, due to size difference, and his butt gets pushed against my tummy. He's already craning his head back, but I get on my tiptoes, barely containing my laughs, and hump him again.
"What are you doing, brat?", he asks me, his voice beaming, but I can hear the amusement in it.
He turns around and catches my wrists, right as I giggle: "Nothing!"
Before I can register what's happening, he already has turned me around and bent me over the kitchen isle. Pushing his hips up against my ass, stretching my wrists over my head, draping his chest over my body, until his face is nuzzling into my neck.
"Didn't I give you enough attention today?", he asks softly, but with an edge, pressing his groin up against me, humping me now, and I can feel him harden quickly.
"Apparently not.", I sigh, arching into his movements. Moaning when he rubs his dick against my clothed pussy, the friction driving me crazy.
He chuckles. "Seems like we need to change that.", he drawls, straightening back up and letting go of my wrists. He pushes my leggings down hastily, the panties getting caught in there as well, the fabric pooling around my knees, and pulls his dick out of his sweatpants.
He's dragging his length back and forth, between my butt cheeks that he is gripping with his strong hands, and I know his fingertips will leave marks. Teasing me like that, with languid strokes, not giving me what I want just yet.
I squirm underneath him, restlessly, the cool surface of the kitchen isle sending shivers down my body as I get pressed against it. "Please...", I say, quietly.
"Please what?", he asks, and I can hear the smirk in his words. Oh, he's enjoying this, getting me all needy for him.
He pulls back a little and spits, the sound blanking my mind, before I feel the wetness drip down my ass to my pussy. And I can’t even answer.
"Please what?", he repeats, his voice almost turning into a purr, while his dick slips between my thighs, warm and hard against the sensitive skin, his tip nudging my clit.
"Please, fuck me...", I plead desperately, my hips bucking up searching for more friction.
He doesn't drag it out any longer and slips into me. Holding onto my hip with one hand, the other grabbing my shoulder, as he slowly drives into me. The familiar stretch of his girth makes me shiver and moan, while my mind already screams for more. He lets me adjust to his size for a few moments before he pulls back and starts to fuck me hard. His dick pistoning in and out of my pussy, hitting that certain spot inside of me.
It's a good thing that the kitchen isle is one of those built in ones, cause the force of his thrusts is shaking it. Only a little bit, the sturdy wood is not budging easily, but still.
My obscene moans and screams echo through the kitchen, intermingling with the sounds of skin slapping against skin.
I would've slumped into the cool marble counter if it hadn't been for his big hand holding me in place. My back is arched, my head turned up, as he pulls me into him, meeting his movements.
"Taking me so well, Liebes.", he drawls, my only answer a fucked-out whine, as I get pressed into the countertop again.
The swells of my ass are cushioning his hard thrusts. This position is always the most intense, with our size difference, and how deep his dick reaches like that, the tip bumping against my cervix, more than once, and it's making me lose my mind.
My eyes roll back, when I stretch around him again, my mouth turns into an O-shape-
"Fuck, König! Fuck..." The words spill out of my mouth and before I can tell him that I'll come, I already am, my thighs shaking hard.
"Yes, Liebes, oh, fuck, ja.", he breathes, not stopping to fuck me, not even getting slower. "Fuck, du fühlst di so guad an." (You feel so good) I don't understand what he's saying, just the way he says it, his voice breaking off into a deep sigh, grunting as he bottoms me out again and fills me up with his come.
His thrusts are getting slower and shallower as we're both coming down from our orgasm, and he bends down to press a kiss to my cheek, and I turn to the side to meet his mouth, my hand cradling his face.
In moments like this I always wanna say something, but it's hard to find the right words. So a kiss must suffice, telling him what I can't say out loud.
"Thank you, Sir.", I mumble against his lips.
"You're so very welcome, Hexe.", he says, giving me one more kiss, before he straightens up and pulls back, his dick slipping out. I can feel his come drip out of me before he puts my panties and leggings back into place. His hand stroking down my butt as I slide off the counter, slumping into him. He hums softly, pressing a kiss to the top of my head, and I relish the little hug, pulling his arm closer around me. Just a little moment before we break away.
König gets back to the workout meal, fetching some more stuff from the fridge, where I interrupted him so rudely before. I get a wet cloth and some cleaner, and wipe the kitchen isle down properly, before I sit down next to him. And just watch him prepare the scrambled eggs.
"I didn't plan for that second workout...", he says with a wink, cracking another egg into the pan, and I laugh, seeing that he already went through a whole carton.
"Me neither.", I shoot back, adding cheekily: "Gotta watch your cholesterol, old man."
He pulls up an eyebrow, the 'watch it' clear in the look he gives me. Leaning in again, he murmurs: "Oh, I have you to help me work it off again.", the tone in his voice telling me exactly how he plans on doing that.
"You do.", I say smiling, kissing his nose, the crooked bridge where it has been broken two times. He goes cross-eyed, following my movement, and that breaks his domineering expression. I laugh a little, pulling back. He grins at me, catching my chin to press a big loud kiss to my lips. "Ach, Hexe.", he says, sighing, but it's a content one, as he gets back to finally finishing up the after-workout snack.
~ More in the Masterlist ~
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nibeul · 6 days
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[id: It’s a drawing of a Boku No Hero Academia oc sitting with her elbow propped up on her knee and her knuckles to her cheek. She has brown skin and black, shaggy hair that is cut to chin length. Her notable features are a scar curving from the base of her nose around her left eye and ptosis in her right eye. She wears a white, long sleeve t-shirt and grey sweatpants. /end id]
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waynes-multiverse · 2 months
Video Games
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Female!Reader
Summary: It's been a long time, and Ben direly misses his wife. Only a video chat truly reveals how much. Accompanying one shot to Rehab
Warnings: 18+/NSFW, language & insults, human!Ben, long distance relationship, smut (masturbation f & m, dirty talk), angst
Word Count: 2.0k
A/N: I know you guys begged me for a happy ending, and I promise it's coming (maybe in form of a three parter? 👀), but yeah, this is clearly not it. Somehow, my fingers always go rogue on the keyboard when it comes to these two, no matter my good intentions.
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Transfixed green eyes are glued to the TV screen as Victoria Neuman gives yet another speech on another stage in another state on V-SPAN, yapping about some fucking policies Ben doesn’t give two shits about. He also could give less fucks about the president in general, his gaze focused on a young, beautiful woman standing by Neuman’s right side.
Yeah, he’s only enduring that shit show for her.
Y/N’s tight black pencil skirt makes his cock ache. It ends a few too many inches above the knees, too short for a Chief of Staff. Ben knows she’s only wearing it for him. It’s part of the sick game they’ve been playing.
That little piece of clothing could ride up any second and reveal her glistening pussy underneath to a whole audience, flashing conservatives and liberals alike. Ben has told her not to wear panties, and because she’s a good fucking girl, she has obliged his wishes. Y/N’s the best fucking wife, after all.
His eyes then flicker to the door down the hallway as he sits comfortably on the couch with a beer bottle in hand. It’s still shut tightly, the kid fast asleep. With the air clear, Ben’s hand slips into his sweatpants and palms his semi, jerking his fist up and down his hardening length.
He shuts his eyes for a heartbeat, imagining what her tight and soaked cunt feels like wrapped around him. Fuck, he misses her so goddamn much. He hates being alone, even though he’s not. He’s still got the kid, so it all trickles down to him fucking hating being without her.
There’s no cure for Y/N, and there’s no replacement for her, either.
Ben sets the beer down on the coffee table and frees his dick fully, shuffling the gray sweats down to his ankles. When Neuman finishes the last leg of her speech, he watches as Y/N eagerly begins to chew on her bottom lip, almost gnawing the goddamn thing bloody. She’s as fucking giddy as he is.
As soon as the president and her entourage leave the stage, Ben grabs his phone and opens her contact. His thumb brushes the little blue button with the camera symbol, his ears waiting to hear her sweet and sultry voice again as it dials.
Her bright smile is the first thing he sees. His heart beats so fast the friction causes a fire and melts the broken thing into a puddle. He can feel the heat in his cheeks as they involuntarily rise with a smile he can’t muzzle.
“Fuck, I’m so hard, baby girl,” he says and squeezes the throbbing cock in his fist.
Y/N laughs, shaking her head. “Hello, husband. I’m good, thank you for asking. How are you?”
“Like I said, fucking hard,” he reiterates, his deep voice raspy, impatient, and hungry. He rolls his green eyes. “C’mon, you really wanna chitchat about small talk? I know you’re fucking dripping for my cock under that tight little skirt.”
Y/N’s eyes widen scoldingly, but the flush of red in her cheeks makes him chuckle. “Ben! I’m still in the elevator. At least let me get to my hotel room first.”
“Perfect.” Ben smirks broadly, a mischievous glint in his forest green orbs. “Just push the red ‘Stop’ button and lemme rail that cunt there.”
“Charming as always,” another voice chimes.
“I’m not alone, you idiot,” Y/N informs him, giggling, and swings the camera till Victoria’s bitchy grin of amusement comes into view.
Ben rolls his eyes in open and shameless annoyance, scoffing. “Ugh, of course, that bull dyke’s with you…”
Victoria only smirks at his insult with crossed arms. “Unlike you, that never gets old, coot. How are those adult diapers suiting you?”
“You fucking hippie cuntzilla,” Ben grits angrily, his brow scrunching so much he’s close to a rage headache. “You couldn’t fucking handle all of me.”
“Trust me, I don’t want to,” Victoria huffs mockingly. “You know what they say – once the body goes, the mind follows, you dried-up dinosaur.”
“You fucking–”
“Okay, alright! Stop it you two. Enough with the insults,” Y/N steps in and pans the camera away from Neuman’s winning smirk and back to her. She sighs. “That’s my floor. We’re almost there.”
Ben still boils with fury, especially when he hears the two women exchange a few bullet points about a staff meeting before bidding their goodbyes. But by the time Y/N unlocks the door to her room, he’s simmered down enough and stroked his cock back to its full glory.
Y/N sets up her phone on her dresser, the lens focused on her as she takes a step back. A naughty smile curves her lips as she licks them and plays with the buttons on her blouse.
“Ready?” she asks and waits for him to switch the camera around.
Ben chuckles and aims the lens on his dick, standing proud and tall. “Look for yourself, baby girl.”
Y/N bites her lip at the sight of his cock – so fucking thick, long, and swollen. “Fuck, I’d kill to have you inside of me right now,” she coos and pops open the buttons of her blouse, one by one. Soon, the white silk material slips off her shoulders and leaves her standing in an all too-innocent white bra, her tits perfectly framed by delicate lace. Her hands then wander behind her back and unhook it, freeing two full breasts. She massages and gropes them, rolling her pert nipples between her fingers as she moans.
“Shit, you know that fucking turns me on when you talk like that,” Ben grunts, pumping his cock harder as it swells in his hand. “Show me that tight pussy of yours. Need to see it before I fucking come. Bet it’s real wet, huh?”
“Fucking drenched,” Y/N croons and opens the back zipper of her skirt. “Can feel it fucking run down my thighs. Thought all day about you. I didn’t wear any panties like I promised you.”
“Such a fucking good girl,” Ben praises her with a smirk on his lips. “Where’s that fucking feminism of yours now, huh?” he teases, chuckling. “Fuck, I wanna feel that slick on my fingers and lick it clean off.”
“This one, asshole?” Y/N giggles as her hand delves into her skirt and runs through her soaked folds. She pulls out her glistening fingers and sucks them into her mouth, tasting her own sweet arousal.
“Fucking shit…” Ben hisses, his cock twitching needily in his hand. All he wants is to eat her out and sink into her. “Pull that fucking thing off right now and get on the bed. Ass first,” he orders.
Y/N does as he says, the skirt falling down her smooth legs and revealing her bare pussy to him. She spins around and climbs on the mattress on all fours, wiggling her ass high in the air. She smirks over her shoulder at the camera when she hears his wanton growl before she lays down on her back and spreads her legs wide, her pink and wet cunt in full view.
“Fuck, look at you, baby. So fucking perfect. I’d love to fuck you stupid till you’re a drooling mess, you little cockslut,” Ben says and can feel himself riding closer to the edge. “Touch yourself for me. Flick that little clit till you tremble and scream for me to fill you.”
Y/N’s hand dives between her thighs, two fingers rubbing circles on her sensitive flesh. She mewls and whimpers with every touch. “Fuck, can I put a finger inside me?”
“Shit, yeah,” Ben groans enthusiastically. “Try three. Stuff ‘em in there. Real deep. Come for me, baby. Wanna see that pretty face you make.”
“Fuck, Ben! I need you… I want you… So bad… Want your cock to fuck me… Please… I miss you…” Y/N moans and cries as she works herself into a frenzy. The familiar tug in her belly threatens to implode with each stroke.
Ben’s already a goner when those last words reach him, fisting his cock so hard he’s glad he doesn’t have superpowers anymore. He might’ve broken it for good otherwise. Precum leaks from his red and swollen tip, slicking his aching dick with each jerk of his hand. He’d give anything to feel her mouth and ample lips around his length, but the memory of it suffices to make him explode for now.
Swiftly, he grabs a few tissues from the box next to him and blows his load inside of them while Y/N’s blissful screams fill his ears as her climax tears through her. A few more slow and lazy strokes milk the rest of his dick before his shoulders deflate, and Ben relaxes back into the comfort of the soft couch cushions.
Pantingly, they lie in silence for a minute and let their speeding hearts find calm again. Y/N then props up from the bed and saunters to the dresser to grab her phone before she plops back down on the mattress. She frames the camera on her face and smiles at him, her cheeks flushed with an afterglow.
Ben smiles, too, although there’s a twinge in his stomach and a pinch in his heart. He’s grown to love the perks of technology and the twenty-first century. If he couldn’t see her on that little screen in his hand every night, he would’ve gone mad a while ago.
But everything else still sucks. The fact he can’t touch her, hold her, and love her the way he wants to fucking sucks.
“You okay there, stud?” Y/N checks, even though the truth is written clear as day on his freckle-dusted face. She feels it, too – that sickening, torturous, and undeniable pull towards him. All she wants is to rest her head on his broad chest and beating heart with his strong arms wrapped around her, holding her so tight she can barely fill her lungs with air.
Ben’s tongue swipes over his chapped lips for a moment. He’s not someone who shares his emotions easily, and it’s only gotten harder for him without her near. But it’s too fucking much, and there’s no end in sight.
“No,” he admits with a tormented swallow. “It’s not fucking okay. I fucking miss you. You’re my goddamn wife. You’re supposed to be here, Y/N.”
“I know.” Y/N exhales a sympathetic sigh and tries her best to be there for him, even though she’s exhausted after an 80-hour work week. “I miss you, too. And the kid. So much. It’s not always gonna be this way. You know I can’t come home. I don’t wanna hurt anyone, least of all you.”
“I don’t fucking care anymore. It’s been six months. We’ll figure it out. Just come home, my love,” he all but begs in the four walls of his quiet house. For Y/N, he’d even go down on his knees. He just wants her here. He doesn’t care what it costs him, virility included.
“Ben…” Y/N bites her lip, her eyes pleading. “I’m making a difference here. I’m actually doing something good.”
“Fuck that! Fuck all of that shit, Y/N!” Ben yells and strains himself to lower his voice, not wanting to wake the boy. “I fucking love you. I’m sick and tired of those games. How many fucking times do I have to tell you that I miss you, huh? I don’t wanna do this anymore. I don’t wanna call you and hope you have time to pick up. I don’t wanna text you and wait hours for a fucking answer. I don’t wanna fuck you through a dumbass screen. I miss you. I miss my wife. I miss actual goddamn sex, for fuck’s sake!”
Y/N holds back the brimming tears in her eyes, her longing heart agreeing with his words. “I know. I miss all of that, too. Maybe it’s time. Maybe we should finally talk about it.”
Ben’s brow furrows. He doesn’t like the tone in her voice and the look on her face that’s full of heartbreak. “Talk about what?”
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I know, I know... "Wayne, why are you being so cruel, mean, and evil to us?" But I promise you those two will figure their shit out eventually. They've been through too much to let go now 💚
But man, do I love writing some Neuman/Ben banter. I wish they had actual screen time on the show. I feel like it would've been fucking hilarious 😂
This is not the end. Those two idiots will be back 😘
Jensen: @alwaystiredandconfused @xlynnbbyx @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @blackcherrywhiskey @deansbbyx @foxyjwls007 @ladysparkles78 @roseblue373 @zepskies @agalliasi @yvonneeeee @hobby27 @iamsapphine @globetrotter28 @mxltifxnd0m @lacilou @feyresqueen @suckitands33 @onlyangel-444 @syrma-sensei @perpetualabsurdity
Rehab Series: @nancymcl @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @sparkydonugh
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jakeysbaby · 9 months
Overwhelmed - l.h.s
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Parings - student!heeseung x studious!fem reader
Word Count - 986
Warning(s)- unprotected sex (don’t be a loner, rap your boner) | stress fucking | finger!ng l finger sucking l nicknames (love, pretty etc). l cussing | prais!ng l teasing | begging | breeding |dirty talk|. ~lmk if more~
Genre - | smut | student studious!y/n, bad boybf!Heeseung, smut. ~lmk if other~
You sigh, looking at the piles of work you had all stacked up. Student conical work, Class President work, grade lead work, home work, all sorts of responsibilities set up all on your desk.
It was hard doing all that, especially when you had a boyfriend that was the total opposite of you.
Heeseung wasn’t dumb…but wasn’t smart either. He didn’t get his homework done, he didn’t join any special clubs and most importantly, he was beyond popular. He had all the schools worth of fame. Heeseung was rich, had good looks, a good personality and a father who ran the school.
So really..did he need to follow all the rules?
You think all this to yourself, pen in your mouth as your legs are lifted up to fit the desk. As you zone out your door opens, startling you to the most. It was heeseung.
You scan his body slightly as he wore a black sweatshirt with string-long gray sweats. He was gonna be the end of you.
“Hey love, what are you doing” he asked, sitting on your bed while giving you a smile. “Oh, um nothing. I was just finishing up some work, It’s pilled up lately.” You look at him, lifting up your glasses to see him better. “Mm okay. would you like to eat something, my hard working girl? I’m gonna grab some food” he asks, laying down on your bed as you laugh at his silliness. “Not right now baby, I’m busy. I have to get this completed by tomorrow and if I take any breaks, I won’t be able to do that” you say, rubbing your temple in stress. You hated school responsibilities getting between your basic quality time. But since heeseung was beyond a perfect boyfriend, he didn’t mind at all. He was just glad you were his.
“Aw my precious is stressed isnt she?” He comes up to you, taking a strand of hair and putting it behind your ear. He was the sweetest ever. you Couldn’t ask for More when it came to him. Suddenly, he comes up to your ear length, sending shivers down your spine. “You want me to fix that?” Heeseung whispers, leaving You in utter shock.
He slowly begins to kiss your ear lobe, sensitivity hitting your cunt as he places his two fingers on your pant-clothed pussy. You gasp, a moan escaping your lips while you rap your two arms around his neck. “Hee..need to get this done..” you manage to get out as the problem of work hits you. “Shush lovely, Just relax” he says, getting on his knees and placing a few kisses on your hips.
He pulls off your sweatpants, seeing the pretty pink panties you had on and how they were all soaked. “prettiest pussy” he gets out before placing a few kisses on your clothed cunt. The pleasure was unexplainable when it came to him, especially when you were left as his cumdump.
He unclothes your cunt, revealing nothing but wetness. Heeseung looks up at you, a smirk placed on his lips as he begins to take his finger and slowly makes It’s way to your pre-fucked hole. “aw dont tell me you were already thinking about me before i came into the room” he teases, putting his middle finger in your cunt. A squirm leaves your lips as he keeps it there for a second but begins to move it eventually. “fuck..all soaked for you” you say as you through your head back, sounds of wetness coming from below the chair. His pace moves faster, moans leaving your mouth as the familiar knot builds up in your stomach. “mm! Hee cumming” leaves your lips as you clench around his one digit. He leaves a few kisses on your cunt before getting up. he looks at you with seducing eyes, as heeseung’s fucked finger enters your mouth, leaving him laughing at how cute you were. “Look at you, so done for it. Imagine how pathetic you’ll look after I fuck you non stop” leaves his mouth as he slides down his grey filled pants.
He was right, you were already done for it. You couldn’t imagine how much of a mess you’d be after his length destroyed you.
He takes off his boxers, cock already hard with pre-cum dripping off his tip. “Fuck my love” he cusses, embarrassment filling his checks “I ran out of condoms, you have any?” He looks away, shyness filling his whole body.
Surprising for a guy who told you he was gonna ruin you.
“Fuck me raw” you speak as confidence felt your words. “w-what?” He stutters, looking at you dumb. “Fuck. Me. Raw.” You smirk up at him, taking his hand and putting his large tumb in your mouth.
Heeseung wasted no time, stuffing his tip in you as you hold onto his biceps for support. Eventually, his whole length was in you , tears filling your eyes due to the painful pleasure. “s’good” heeseung moans as he fucks your cunt raw and full. “Hee fuck! m-more” you yell out, eyes rolling back with pleads leaving your innocent mouth. His pace fastens, mouth open while tears fall beneath your face, most amazing pleasure coming from his cock. The knot comes back, filling your stomach as your fingers dig into your boyfriends, beautiful skin. “m’cumming” you moan, skin slapping noises slowing down by the second. His warm, fresh cum fills your cunt, breeding you in the loveliest way possible. “Mm love you” he gently falls onto you, hugging your body as it was still on the chair. You kiss his temple while playing with his hair. “ you feel any better, my love?” His face all in your neck as he questioned. “Mmm. Way better” you say, placing kisses all on his precious body while playing with his hair.
Even if you were overwhelmed, you knew just who to go to.
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #10
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.4k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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He stares at you with dark orbs, looking down at you on your knees in front of him with widened eyes and opened mouth.
"Y/N," he drawls, eyes not budging an inch. "What are you doing?" he asks again, confusion written on his face even though he knows exactly what you were about to do.
It makes you embarrassed that he stopped you, but rather than to show it on your face, you frown in irritation.
"I was about to suck your dick. What does it look like?" you roll your eyes, snapping at your best friends that stare at you with a puzzled look, not surprised by your sharp tongue.
One thing Jungkook is used to, is your very straightforward and honest personality.
"Why?" he simply asks, eyes flickering to your face and hands that you hold to your chest.
He feels like an ass for slapping your hands away, but it was an automatic response to when his brain finally caught onto what you were about to do. There's a look of worry in his eyes when he eyes your hands, silently apologizing.
"What why?" you frown in confusion. "What kind of question is that? You don't want me to?" you cock your head at him, seeing him sharply inhale before he slowly licks his lips.
"No, it's not that I don't want to," he murmurs, "I just don't want you to do this just because you think you have to, you know, return the favor."
Jungkook is a very interesting human being, he has so many layers that you sometimes get lost in him. One second he's a hot man ready to devour you, making you cum with his tongue and fingers and the next one, he's timid and careful with his words, stopping you when it comes to his pleasure.
Bursting in laughter, your shoulders shake with amusement as he stares at you with a dumbfounded gaze.
"I'm not doing this to return the favor, I just want to suck your dick." you shrug, letting your hands rest against your knees as you don't move away from the position.
Jungkook's legs are awkwardly stretched out, not moving an inch as he stares down at you with furrowed brows.
"But this is supposed to be about you and your desires." he says, sounding as if he's reminding you of your deal that you forgot, but you haven't.
"And my desire is to suck your dick," you tell him bluntly, hands cupping his knees as you wait for him to pry your hands off him, but he doesn't move an inch. "So, can I do it or not?"
Fuck, one more minute and you'll start to feel like you're pressuring him into letting you suck his dick.
He takes his time, thinking it through but once he sees the impatience on your features, he coughs before straightening himself.
"Fuck, yeah." he says too quickly, ignoring your cheeky grin as you slowly move your hands to his belt.
He eyes your every move, biting onto his bottom lip when you unbuckle the belt. He helps you, sliding down his jeans as they pool around his ankles. Mindlessly, you stare at the evident bulge that's slowly creating underneath his black Calvin Klein boxers. You're not surprised by his choice of underwear, you got a fair amount of glimpse whenever he wore his sweatpants lower than usual. In your defense, you've never tried to look there purposely, it just happened.
And this motherfucker is handsome as fuck, it's hard to look away! 
He doesn't rush you, not letting out a snarky remark of you taking your time, he just stares at his hardening bulge while nibbling on his lower lip in anticipation. And when you finally hook your fingers under the hem of his boxers, he lifts himself enough to let you pull them off. You're trying your best not to stare right away, but it's incredibly hard and impossible when his length slaps against his stomach and it's right in your face. Gulping, you eye the little vein poking through the soft skin, slowly disappearing near where the reddened head is.
You're not surprised that his length isn't small at all. It's not abnormally big like the ones you can see in a porn, and there's an urge to laugh when you already compare his dick with your ex's. It's not too long, just the right length and neither too thick. Just the right size, maybe slightly bigger than you would've guessed.
"Can you stop staring at my dick?" Jungkook pleads, his voice whiny and maybe even embarrassed, something you don't get to see very often.
Funny enough that the reason behind his embarrassment is his own dick, it's perfect. But you don't say it out loud.
"It's right in my face, what am I supposed to do?" you roll your eyes, still not taking your eyes off his dick. "Did you get this hard from eating me out?" you wonder out loud, not noticing if he sported a hardened bulge before.
"No," he answers, your confidence slightly flattering but you don't let it show. "I—it's when you got on your knees." he embarrassingly admits, and your assumption proves to be right when you look up and notice the faint tint of his cheeks.
"Damn, all a girl has to do is get on her knees and you're already weak?" you joke, snorting when you notice his glare before he coughs.
"It's just been a long time."
You leave it at that, not wanting to make him embarrassed and risk him getting soft just from your teasing, you still want to taste him. Jungkook isn't the only one who has been in this position a long time ago — well, it probably isn't so long for him like it is for you, but still. You're nervous, not wanting to suck at this, no pun intended. However, there is excitement in the pit of your stomach, mouth salivating just from the thought of putting him in your mouth.
Fuck, will you be able to take all of him? What if you're going to mess up and it's not going to be pleasurable for him? He's going to regret not slapping your hands again.
Before your mind goes wild, you take him into your hand without a warning, surprising him when he feels your hand wrapping around his length. He sucks in breath, slightly jumping in his position before his mouth falls open. His length feels soft against your hand, almost vulnerable underneath your touch and some kind of dominance washes over you, liking how you swapped your positions. He's the one getting so affected by your touch, and it feels fucking great.
"Shit," Jungkook doesn't hide a moan, when your tongue meets the skin of his length as you lick a long stripe, making your way upwards to his tip. You kiss it, humming against his head in interest from how good it feels. "Fuck, Y/N."
Something about how he says your name, in this very specific and heated situation, boosts your confidence and you repeat the same thing. Third time, you make sure you lick his balls, slightly sucking them which makes him whimper as you see his thighs clenching.
All this time you thought it'd be hard to make him cum, you don't even know why, but it seems he's enjoying it very much.
"Wow, Jeon Jungkook is all vulnerable and squirming in his seat. I might take a photo." you joke, eyes mischievously sparkling with amusement as you look up at him, with hands slowly pumping his throbbing length.
His jaw clenches in annoyance, and if the poor guy wasn't getting his dick pumped, his reaction would be much more intense. You almost smirk in triumph when your thumb swipes across his tip, causing him to moan again. You take him into your mouth again, not expecting actual words leaving him, besides those angelic and hot moans.
"I should take one with my cock in your mouth." he spits, your eyes bulging out at his shameless comment before you start to choke around his length, quickly pulling away.
Looking up, you're met with Jungkook's cocky grin, his nose scrunching slightly like it always does whenever he laughs.
It's weird. The idea of him taking a photo of you with his cock in your mouth is somehow arousing, almost erotic as your imagination goes wild. You wonder what you look like. Do you look pretty like those porn stars?
You almost snicker at yourself, mentally reminding yourself that you shouldn't watch porn anymore and compare your sex life to it. Most of it is not even as real as they make it seem.
Not giving him the pleasure to react in any way, your mouth is wrapped around him again, taking him deeper as you try to relax your throat. Your hand wraps around the rest you can't take, slowly pumping him as you bob your head. Jungkook's occasional grunts are like a sweet melody to your ears, but even though you make him feel good, you know he's holding himself back. He might not even be able to cum from this. So you pull away, a strand of saliva connecting your lips and his glistening length. The sight itself is a piece of art to Jungkook's eyes and he almost fears you're about to stop, as much as selfish that sounds.
Completely clueless to his distress, you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as you peer through your eyelashes.
"You wanna fuck my throat?"
In a split second, Jungkook is choking on his own spit as he stares widely with his doe eyes. "Y-you want me to fuck your throat?" he asks assuredly, cursing when you nod.
"Just... go slow." you murmur, wondering if you won't gag around him.
The thought of gagging makes you uncomfortable, but you're willing to try it if it brings him pleasure and makes him cum.
"Has anyone fucked your throat before?" he asks, hissing when you start pumping him again, his length coated with your saliva making it easier for your fingers to comfortably slide against his skin.
"No." you reply simply.
"Are you sure? I mean... are you sure you want me to do it?"
Sighing, you lick your lips and look up at your best friend, who's staring right back at you. Something about him being so serious about this, yet affectionate and caring makes your heart jump. Why would Kiko let go of this man?
"Yeah, just be careful." you tell him, eyes silently pleading to him as his features relax before a faint smile makes its way onto his pink lips.
You open your mouth, taking him into the warmness of it as you bob your head a few times, trying to take him deeper and know your limits. Breathing with your nose helps, and you catch yourself holding your breath for the most of the time. It allows you to take him deeper, without your throat dangerously tightening around him and making you gag.
His hand slowly comes to your hair, holding the back of your head. He inhales, grunting when you swipe your tongue over his head and suck him. You stop, giving him a signal that you're ready.
"Ready?" he asks, voice breathless and needy as you hum around his cock in approval.
The first push he does, with the raise of his hips, is just a faint one making sure he's not thrusting all of his length into your mouth. With each push, he tries to push himself deeper until he sets a good pace, his length sliding in and out of your mouth.
It's an unfamiliar feeling, you're not the one who's receiving pleasure, yet you press your thighs together at Jungkook's soft moans and at the feeling of his length inside of your mouth. It's so erotic, unfamiliar and almost forbidden. Obviously, you know most of this stuff, not by experience but you're not an idiot. But you've never thought it could feel this good. When you moan around his length, the vibration shooting straight to it, he grunts and starts to thrust faster. With holding your breath, it's easier to control your gag reflex and with tears already spilling down your cheeks, you're not sure how much more you can take.
"Fuck, your mouth feels so good." Jungkook groans, desperately trying to reach his end with hips thrusting up into your mouth.
Humming, you want to tell him it feels so good, but you can't. You're not sure whether Jungkook notices or feels your hum, too fucked out and chasing his own high to pay attention to anything else.
"F-fuck, I'm coming!" he says all of a sudden, his hips stuttering as you feel his length throbbing inside of your mouth. "Y-you need to—Ah, no—Pull away." he stutters, voice quick and rushed.
But you stay in the same position, stubbornly wanting him to cum down your throat and when he realizes it, he shoots his cum inside of your mouth. He makes sure to slightly pull away, not wanting to cum at the back of your throat fully, wanting to give you the option to swallow it down. And you do, noting the salty taste but you're not disgusted by it, swallowing it all.
"Holy fuck." Jungkook curses, his back hitting the couch's back with an exhausted sigh.
You pull away, sitting onto your heels as you stare at his heaving chest. He opens his eyes, head turning your way as he stares at you with an indescribable gaze, in adoration almost.
"Come here." he says, hand stretching to you and you take it, a squeak of surprise leaving your mouth when he pulls you to him.
He kisses you, tasting himself on your mouth and tongue but he doesn't seem to care, and it makes you moan into his mouth. He's so shameless, not disgusted by anything that some of the men might be, but not Jungkook.
When you pull away, both of you breathing heavily, Jungkook flicks your forehead. "Now go show me the dress you bought for the wedding," he says, grinning at your glare before you stand up.
You barely manage to do so, when his hand slaps your ass cheek. Turning around, you're met with his cheeky grin before he bites his lower lip.
"Come on, princess. We need to match." he urges you, earning this way to see your middle finger before you go to your bedroom to show him the dress.
This man will be the death of you, for sure.
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Look headcannons | Creepypasta + mood boards!
This includes style and how I imagine their normal fits in this modern day. Also like race n whatnot.
Also, their everyday outfit is what they wear to kill their assignments! Their general aesthetics is like stuff they wear around the house or when they buy groceries or smthing. I’m sorry if I generally describe them the same way, but I promise how I vision them is different. Once I learn to draw it’s literally over for y’all.
Their everyday outfits are typically similar and nothing like their general aesthetic because of convenience reasons.
I don’t ever follow cannon so please don’t hate! Also don’t take the bodies too seriously! Y’all are beautiful just the way you are.
Jeff the killer
Face: triangle shaped face, slightly upturned nose with a slight curve from breaking his nose, hooded bright blue eyes, sharp jawline, thin lips. Unhealed but healing mouth scars, slightly discolored blotchy skin and unusually wide eyes. Wears guyliner. His mouth scars are like wide open btw. Super thin eyebrows tbh.
Physic: he’s got some boob, 5’11. Wide shoulders, a lil toned, but he’s got some squish. He’s got some MADDDD cake. His legs are hella muscular too.
General Aesthetic: lazy edge lord. Sweatpants, band tshirts, converse, slides. BLACK CROCS. Kinda pink sometimes tho, but that’s only cuz of Ben’s influence. He’s got a crazy collection of pajama pants tho (he has my kuromi pants from a secret Santa gift)
Everyday outfit: black ripped skinny jeans, black hoodie with a black turtleneck underneath. Wears some nice earrings tho and has an eyebrow piercing. Has a similar strap to EJ, but just on his thigh, it carries his knife and money. So yes he has a thigh strap.
Jane the Killer
Face: oval shaped face, bow shaped lips, high cheekbones, dark brown upturned eyes, upturned nose. Skin is a little patchy from the past burns, otherwise she is almost fully healed due to Slenders help. Has slight gashes on her cheeks but they’re mostly closed. Thicc arched eyebrows.
Physic: pear shaped, more booty than her chest. 5’8, seems a lot taller. A bit bony, long armed and long legged. A little toned, tho her arms especially, she’s got some DEFINEEED arms.
General Aesthetic: elegant lady going to the art museum. Wears a lot of longer pleated skirts (either knee length or longer), long silk dresses, heels, occasional converse. Shirts are form fitting and typically elegant or professional. Loves silk, satin fabrics and the occasional velvet.
Everyday outfit: a black sleeveless turtleneck with black flared pants and black fingerless gloves. When it gets really cold she wears a dark red coat with grey fur on the lining. Has a thigh strap and a chest strap to carry her weapons.
Ben Drowned
Face: heart shaped face, male button nose, small lips, completely black eyes with blood running down them. Pale skin and hella sharp cheekbones. Sharp ass jaw too.
Physic: 5’9. Broad shoulders, a little scrawny. Defined chest and shoulders, his stomach hella toned, he doesn’t got much cake but a barely adequate one. No boobs for this guy either. No honka honka for him :(
General Aesthetic: a lil punk and a lil basic. Like he wears a lot of plaid and also a lot of baggy band tshirts, so not really but sort of. He’s got the emo hair, he wears green plaid skinny jeans with a graphic tshirt and black combat boots a lot. Or converse. He’s got a lot of facial piercings too. So he’s just barely punk. He’s getting there tho.
Everyday outfit: a light green baggy tunic that kinda has a deep V 😏 and some black baggy pants that the tunic is tucked into. His shoes are black combat boots. Across his waist he wears a brown leather belt that has a small compartment on his hip where he can put his shit in.
Face: downturned lips, tan skin, a clock for an eye. Her other eye is monoloid shaped tho and brown. Hair is dark brown and messy straight. Button nose definitely.
Physic: pretty boxy and muscular. 5’11. She doesn’t have much boob or butt since she’s so muscular. There is a slight contrast between her chest and her stomach, but not that much. She’s defined and toned.
General Aesthetic: it switches everyday. Sometimes she’s pretty tomboy and other times she’s 2000 emo. She wears converse, short shorts, low waisted pants that have the bedazzled butt pockets, cropped tshirts and tank tops. So maybe 2000s party girl?
Everyday outfit: black zip up hoodie with fur lining the neck, lowrise dark blue bootcut jeans, dark red tank top. Brown ankle boots.
Ticci Toby
Face: male version of a button nose, diamond shaped face, bow shaped lips, multiple face piercings (snakebites, eyebrow piercing), slight stache on his chin and above his mouth (he shaves). Fluffy brown hair. The gash on his mouth is basically healed. Very very pale skin, pretty hazel eyes u could get lost in forever. Average brown eyebrows.
Physic: almost concerningly skinny, like he just barely makes the mark of being healthy. It’s cause he forgets to eat. 6’1. His shoulders are broad but he’s like a triangle if anything. Not much cake :(
General Aesthetic: boring white boy. Nowadays he only wears turtlenecks and tank tops with some boring ass pants. Tho they are tight on him 😏 he left behind his old hoodie habit. He picked up motorcycling gloves and vans.
Everyday outfit: a black, long sleeved, form fitted turtleneck with a black back harness for his axe’s. Black skinny jeans and converse for convenience. He still wears his goggles and face mask!
Judge Angels
Face: triangle shaped face, her chin has a prominent point. Almond shaped black eyes, heart shaped lips. Olive toned skin, pretty tan. Has a prominent crack on her left canine tooth. Upturned nose, crooked smile. Blond straight hair that greatly contrasts her skin. Blond short eyebrows.
Physic: short and petite, 5’2. Lean, doesn’t really have much muscle, or at least doesn’t look it. Pretty flat chested and a normal ass. She has calves of steal tho.
General Aesthetic: white and messy, likes baggier clothing and more trashy punk looks. Like she wears Tripp pants, oversized tshirts, big hoodies. She doesn’t really wear makeup except for some shittily done eyeliner. Her hair is still blond but now it has the occasional black streak.
Everyday outfit: one of those baggy tops that have the cuts down the sides yk what I’m talking about? Anyways it’s white with a bunch of charcoal on it that she stole from Bloody painter. For bottoms she wears black knee high combat boots and a pair of black, low waisted, wide leg shorts. Obviously under the shirt she has a sports bra. She also wears fishnet gloves.
Face: Grecian nose, dark gray skin, almond shaped yellow eyes, a square shaped face, medium lips. I think his teeth are hella white tbh but he’s definitely got fangs of some sort. Thicc black brows.
Physic: pretty boxy, like he’s lean n all, but he is kinda straight up and down. Average cake, average waist, average muscle and tone. He’s still hawt tho, his hands 😩 6’3
General Aesthetic: helluva boss reject. Wears trench coats and boots and skinny jeans, business pants. The occasional hoodie. Doesn’t wear a beanie anymore. Or converse. Tho his wardrobe has lots of skulls. He kinda does a 360 with his wardrobe, going for more of an old school pirate vibe.
Everyday outfit: wears a long black trench coat that clips in the middle of his waist, black skinny pants, below the knee black boots, black button up (the last three buttons unbuttoned) are underneath his trench coat.
Nurse Ann
Face: diamond shaped face, button nose, mid/weaker jawline, thiccer lips, not a prominent cupids bow. Definitely pale/Greyish skin tone. Her hair is brown and is like boob length, also somewhat wavy.
Physic: curvy, kind of apple/pear shaped. She’s definitely well endowed with the bewbs and butt, has a more rounded stomach too, has thicc thighs and calves as well. 5’4.
General Aesthetic: fantasia 2000 princess type beat. I feel like she’s a huge fan of midnight blue and fantasy type of outfits. She loves dresses of any length with frill, lace and intricate designs. She loves puffy/billowed sleeves and mostly wears flats or boot heels. She’s also particular about silver star/moon designs.
Everyday outfit: I don’t think her outfit changed at all tbh, I think she still wears the black nurse costume and hat, tho I do think she’s added more weapons in her collection. I think she’s started focusing on needles and chemical injecting, tho she still uses her iconic chainsaw.
Bloody Painter
Face: oval shaped face, thin lips, bright blue almond shaped eyes, Grecian nose, a lil tan ngl, black messy hair (idk how to describe his haircut tho, it’s a lil long, straight and fluffy??)
Physic: kind of in the average or boney ratio. He has bony hands and forearms but aside from that he’s got medium sized shoulders and a slightly smaller waist. Ngl I feel like he does have some random curve at the bottom so some honka cake, but not much. 5’11
General Aesthetic: painter in despair. I think he likes Jean jackets, he’s like the male version of arthoe. He likes black/blue jeans, kinda looks like he came from the outsiders, wears baggy leather jackets too. Mostly sticks with tshirts with random bull on it. Also always has a brown satchel with him.
Everyday outfit: I feel like black cargo pants, black turtleneck and a black chest harness, probably combat boots too. On his chest he still has the smiley pin, but aside from that, for his assignments he goes pretty neutral and just for convenience. EJ totally helped him pick out his outfit too his first assignment.
Face: square shaped face, upturned nose, chubby cheeks, vintage shaped lips?? Idk how to describe it. I feel like her hair is a messy black Bob now, but like pretty messy I mean it. Kinda tan. Definitely has freckles.
Physic: 5’7, pretty boxy. The best I can describe her is like Audrey Hepburn built. Idk why I feel like her and A.H are so similar. She’s boney and relatively small like that.
General Aesthetic: a little vintage sometimes, like she switches decades a lot. She wears fashion trends from the 1950s to modern day, both feminine and masculine styles. So she wears dresses, miniskirts, jeans, colored turtlenecks. Really her closet is very alive. She has stolen from her assignments hella tho ngl.
Everyday outfit: a black miniskirt with a tighter grey turtleneck, red tights, black calf length boots. When it’s cold she has a cropped jacket with a fuzzy hood and insides.
Face: oval shaped face, tan skin, dark brown hair (short and messy,) dark brown eyes, uhhh mid-somewhat sharp jawline, straight nose.
Physic: strong, average short 5’9. Builds more bulk, has strong arms and shoulders but a smaller waist, he’s got some MADD V-line. He’s got a nice smackable amount of cake.
General Aesthetic: 😏😏😏. He wears flannels, darker colored skinny jeans, SOMETIMES THO he wears 70’s pants that are like right around the hips and like highwaisted and whatnot with a sleeveless cropped tshirt. He’s oddly vintage with stuff like that, but in a rock singer type of way. He only just started getting into this tho.
Everyday outfit: dark blue skinny jeans, black tshirt, tan jacket that has a LOTTA compartments.
Laughing Jill
Face: button nose, oval shaped face, high cheekbones, an average (a lil weak) jawline, pale skin, black irises. Thinner lips. Thin slightly arched eyebrows.
Physic: southern mommy. SORRY. 6’2 tho Bc shes mythical. I think she’s a wide hourglass too?? Like she is big chested and she def has a gyatt, she’s got tummy. She isn’t really defined at all.
General Aesthetic: Harley Quinn wannabe. Just likes the mix matches jumpsuit idea. Like she loves mixing and matching contrasting colors and especially black and white. She mixes in some lavender too. Is always wearing the most dangly earrings too.
Everyday outfit: an above the knee length skirt with a black petty coat underneath, a long sleeveless vest that goes to her mid calf and buttons together under her boobs. Her shirt is a plain white button up with puffy sleeves. For shoes she wears black heeled boots. Her hair is in a curly bun with a tiny off center hat.
Face: Roman nose, not that pale, diamond shaped face, pretty light brown eyes. Pretty strong jawline. Short black hair (dyed recently)
Physic: muscular, 6’2. Hes beefy. Like he’s got boob muscle, ass muscle. HE IS SCARRRY. Think like a smaller Miguel O’Hara almost. He’s less beefy than that, but like yk still beefy.
General Aesthetic: tbh think he went for a goth/alt vibe. He mixes feminine and masculine occasionally. Wears like long skirts sometimes, like a kilt almost?? Wears the fishnet tights as shirts, has multiple Spencer’s belts and necklaces.
Everyday outfit: black fishnet top with a black fitted tshirt over it, black baggy pants. Multiple finger rings. Multiple belts and waist bands.
Sally Williams
Face: circle shaped face, slightly downturned nose, wide green eyes. Small lips, lil bit of a chubby face. She does not eternally bleed from the head. Her hair is long and curly past her shoulders. She’s pretty dark.
Physic: a normal, average weighted 8 yr. 4’8.
General Aesthetic: she likes more vintage, boxy styled dresses from the twentieth century, like 1960s European box dresses inspired by Iggy and kids dresses from the 20s. She actually really likes the vintage youth outfits Bc of Shirley Temple. She LOVES Shirley Temple.
Everyday outfit: a pink and white designed dress that pleats at the bottom. Black Mary janes and white socks. She carries a small white clutch that slings across her torso. Her hair is in a long braid.
Laughing Jack
Face: pale as a mf, triangle shaped face, high cheek bones, cone nose, black hooded shaped eyes. Sharp ass jawline. Small forehead. Hair is shorter and more curly.
Physic: toned as an mf but SCRAWNY, like he’s dangly and flexible. It’s scary and arousing. He has no cake tho, no boobs either. He’s very lightly defined but that is IT. 6’9
General Aesthetic: likes the David Bowie Jareth Labyrinth aesthetic, kind of similar to EJ, but not really. He just also really likes poets shirts and vests. He loves dressing sort of Royal or regal. HE LOVES to wear baggy button ups but he NEVER buttons them up all the way 😏
Everyday outfit: I feel like his main outfit hasn’t changed much, the only thing I see him changing is the wraps around his waist possibly changing to a corset instead for his convenience.
(I’d like to remind that Lazari doesn’t have assignments as she is not a pasta, so her everyday wear is less convenient.)
Face: tan, dark brown straight hair (occasionally pink), square shaped face, Roman nose, bow shaped mouth, thicc brown brows.
Physic: depends on her age she changes physically. But she’s probably like average in all ages, just less lean and a little chubbier. Height ranges from 4’11 to 5’8
General Aesthetic: colorful and a little childish. She wears overalls and paints on her pants a lot. Think of her like 2019 in a nutshell. She wears mom jeans and Angel tops and bucket hats. Hates crocs tho. All of her jeans have some 90s cartoon character painted on them.
Everyday outfit: a black Spider-Man tshirt with black overalls cuffed at the bottom. Red converse, fun silly socks, her hair in a long braid.
Jason the Toymaker
Face: diamond shaped face, pale, Roman nose, shoulder length bright red hair. Bright green eyes. Kinda got that Jareth haircut. Sharp ass jawline. Thin nicely shaped eyebrows. The makeup does not come off.
Physic: triangle. Slutty man waist. Not that toned tbh but he has enough. HES GOT SOME NICEE BONEY HANDS. His arms have decent strength and buff ness, but it’s rlly not that obvious. 6’8
General Aesthetic: old clowncore ig. Or like fantasy 1800s boyfriend aesthetic. He wears mostly beige or rained colors tbh and then a dash of black and red. Otherwise he makes up his outfits in abstract shapes and styles.
Everyday outfit: his usual tbh, bro has not changed much.
Face: square shaped face, wide eyes, no cupids bow shaped lips. Completely black eyes. Completely white hair that goes just past her jaw. Messy hair. Has stitches on the side of her mouth.
Physic: broad shoulders, smaller breasted, not much of a different with her waist. Does have low hips, like a long torso with shorter legs. 5’9
General Aesthetic: crust punk. Wears shit that is torn up and dirty. Lots of DIY and ripped up tights. Low rise black skinny jeans. And cropped shirts that go like just under the boob.
Everyday outfit: cropped black ripped jacket, plain black tshirt and lowrise shitty ripped skinny jeans and black combat boots. Under her ripped jeans is her striped ripped stockings.
Homicidal Liu
Face: slightly upturned nose, still has the stitches on his face, green eyes. Lighter brown neck length hair. Kinda has like a slight wolfcut tbh. A lil tan.
Physic:I feel like he’s a lil buff. Like 5’9-5’10. Not as buff as Jeff. Has some thiccness tho mostly in his shoulders tho so he’s more toned than Jeff.
General Aesthetic: spider noir energy. He loves trench coats and business pants. No matter what he’s always wearing black gloves. He’s always wearing business shoes too.
Everyday outfit: black turtleneck and black trench coat with black pants and black knee boots. He has patches on his coat with holes in it, but they’ve been patched up with his striped scarf, same with his pants. His main fit is patched together with his old scarf.
Nina the Killer
Face: triangle shaped face, olive skin tone, button nose. Curly black hair (often straightened) with purple and pink streaks, thicc upturned lips. Her scar is healed, but still very open like Jeff’s. Her eye situation depends on her state of mind.
Physic: 5’4, pretty skinny and toned. Mostly proportionate. Aight sized boobs and butt, generally just dainty idk. Built like the girl from house of 1000 corpses.
General Aesthetic: risqué Monique Chabot in post war France. She wears short skirts, only cropped tshirts and small dresses. She does not get cold at all omg. A lot of times she’ll wear heals or platforms. Never flats or converse tho anymore.
Everyday outfit: platformed knee high boots, black tights with black thigh highs overtop, a black and pink plaid miniskirt, a black crop top that’s a random band tee. A fluffy cropped black jacket that’s zipped up halfway, for style purposes. Fluffy earmuffs if it gets cold and her hair in an emo high ponytail.
Face: oval shaped face, hella pale, Grecian nose, heart shaped lips tbh, almond shaped purple eyes. His hair is still the long pretty blue color as always, always up in a ponytail.
Physic: built exactly like LJ but more meaty, like he’s got more toning on his thighs and legs and stomach. Like he looks a lot healthier than LJ for sure. His outfit definitely makes his muscle pop a lot too 😏 6’6
General Aesthetic: he wants to be Ramona flowers, but he literally can’t Bc he can never find men clothes that is like hers.
Everyday outfit: tbh, his outfit has NOT changed like at all otherwise in color scheme. When his hair was a light green, his outfit became more warmer toned b4 he grew out of that phase and went back to his OG look.
Kate The Chaser
Face: square shaped face, round white eyes, black messy hair just barely past the shoulders, small lips, high cheekbones, Roman nose. No brows, they are drawn on.
Physic: a little thicc, broad shoulders and broad hips. I’d say a wide hourglass figure, but she’s like hella muscular. She has a proportionate amount of ass. 5’6
General Aesthetic: she wants to look like Siouxie, very 80s goth. Allison from the breakfast club energy. She loves wearing long skirts with big sweaters and doing the beehive hair. She loves scarves too and has a hella collection.
Everyday outfit: black wide legged jeans with a billowy maroon sweater and black combat boots. Sometimes she’ll add one of those long black detective jackets, but that’s off missions.
Eyeless Jack
Face: grey skin, Grecian nose, rectangle shaped face, high cheekbones, medium sized lips. Split tongue. Almond shaped black eyes. His hair is dark brown and somewhat long and wavy/curly. Medium thicc arched brows.
Physic: 6’7 and very strong. He’s not ripped like bulging, but he is definitely defined. He’s got ass and thighs, his waist isn’t as small as Dr Smileys, but there’s still a medium difference between his shoulders vs his waist.
General Aesthetic: he wants to be cottage core so bad, like the poets shirt and tunics. He does wear cream colored tunics and billowy pants. Tho sometimes on special occasions he dresses like a basic bitch. He’ll get out the tight business pants and black button up.
Everyday outfit: a black button up, black jeans and navy blue converse. He wears one of those chest strap things tho that carries his scalpel and other weapons. He wears a black leather jacket too <3
Dr Smiley
Face: pale, dark red eyes, tiny pupils. Shoulder length, fluffy black hair. Diamond shaped face, Roman nose, thin lips. Defined jaw. Johnnie Gilbert looking guy. Thin arched brows.
Physic: lean and tall. He’s got broad shoulders and an itty bitty waist fr. He’s bony af tho (except for the thighs,) he’s got NO cake. No junk in the trunk for him. 6’1
General Aesthetic: professional emo/dark academia. He’s ALWAYS wearing black turtleneck and dress pants. He always has a red satchel too.
Everyday outfit: he still wears his black medical mask and white doctors coat, underneath that though he wears a black short sleeved turtleneck, so his arms are out when he’s not wearing his coat 😏 his pants are just basic dress pants tho. Aside from the shirt, he wears basically the same thing he always has.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 3 months
soft dom!harry while his girl sucks on his cock???🥺🥺
words: 1.1k+
warnings: oral (m receiving), praising, kissing, cursing, 18+
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“Oh yeah…that’s it. Pretty girl, making me feel so good”
His words were fuel to your desire, his raspy voice a fire to your arousal.
Harry had been home after so long. Properly home. No rush of going to meetings, no phone calls when he was stuffing food into his mouth, nothing. Just your Harry who was looking at you like you were his world.
And that, you were.
He had eaten dinner in peace and calm and talked to you about his day. You had listened intently, having missed him for so, so long.
“You want to watch a movie after this?” he asked, taking the last bite before pushing the plate away, holding his stomach which was properly full after a long while.
“Um, yeah, sure” you nodded. 
It sounded like the perfect evening.
A few minutes later, Harry was on the couch, having turned the TV on and was selecting a movie for you to watch, while you put the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. He had offered to help, but you wanted him to rest.
Coming to sit with him and cuddle, you smiled as you saw that he had put on a rom-com.
Classic Harry.
A few minutes into the movie, and you were becoming restless. 
You were sitting with your back to your chest, his arm around your waist and thick thighs slung over yours. He had trapped you in, caging you into his body completely.
It seemed innocent at first. But there was a sex scene in the movie, and after it was gone, you could feel his cock stirring in his sweatpants, pushing at your waist.
Shifting to get more comfortable, you tried to get comfortable, but it was hard. He was hard too, and you wanted to have him in your mouth.
A few minutes more, and that was it. You grabbed the remote and paused the film, turning around and looking at him, straight into his green eyes. Though they were mostly black now,  his pupils dilated and face flushed.
“Why did you pause the movie?” he asked, acting innocent.
You licked your lips, getting up and turning around quickly, getting on your knees in front of him. 
“Oh…” he trailed off, and you smirked. You grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head with ease, and then, you grabbed the hem of his sweatpants. He lifted his hips up, and you pulled his boxers down too, and he chuckled.
“Cheeky little girl,” he teased.
You blushed, your eyes taking in his perfect naked body. He sat back, thighs spread and completely relaxed. Exactly how you wanted him to be. 
“You want me to guide you?” he asked, after you had been staring at him for a moment too long, specifically, his dick.
“Um…oh, okay” you nodded, and he brought his hand to your head, tangling his finger in your hair.
“Good. Now take me in your hands. Tease the tip”
You did exactly what he said, and brought your hands to him, taking hsi length in your hand, which was already leaking a drop or two of percum.
Your mouth watered at the sight of him, and you brought your tongue down, lapping at the pearly drop and taking it in. He closed his eyes, feeling the texture of your tongue on the sensitive tip.
You teased the little hole on the top, swirling your tongue on it once again, before trailing your tongue down to his frenulum. You then took a bold stripe to the base, 
“Oh god, Y/N,” he moaned as you continued to tease his cock with your tongue, his voice raspy. “You're so damn good at this.”
You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at his words, and it emboldened you to take him into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks and applied suction as you bobbed your head up and down, creating a delicious friction that had Harry gripping onto the couch tightly, his other hand tightening his grip on your hair.
“Good, yes, just like that, taking me all in” he whispered, and your throat contracted around the tip. You choked a bit, pulling out and coughing slightly.
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” he asked immediately, and you shook your head in no.
“No–no, you didn’t. It’s just–I’m too eager to please you. That’s all.”
He smiled down at you, and you blushed again. You were ready to take him in your mouth again, but he grabbed your chin, bringing his lisp to yours.
He kissed you, the taste of his percum, him, prominent on your tongue. The kiss was soft, no desperate tongues, and it was exactly what you needed.
“My pretty, pretty girl. So damn eager to suck me, yeah?” he asked, teasing you.
You nodded your head, now focusing your attention back on making him cum.
Taking him in your hand once again, your mouth took him in, bobbing your head up and down on him, your hands fondling his heavy balls. You swiped your fingers across the volume, and his cock twitched.
“Oh yeah, fuck. Do that again, you’re doing so fucking well–shit!”
You did it again, and his cock twitched again.
“So fucking good, good girl”
His praise went straight to your clit, your thighs pressing together as you continued taking him down your throat. 
“Look at you. Look so good” he brought his hand to your face, swiping a few tears that had escaped. You took him all the way in once again, your lips touching his pubic hair as your throat contracted around his dick, and he was ready to spill in your mouth. 
“Fuck, Y/n, good god…shit, can I–can I cum in your mouth, please?” he asked, and his voice was so pleading and desperate.
You nodded, and he let out a loud moan as spilled into your mouth. You sucked on the tip while he was at it, massaging his balls once again, making him shudder with how good it felt. He came so much, the pent up load from the hectic week cuming straight into your mouth. You swallowed every drop, feeling proud of yourself for making him feel so good. 
Your face was flustered, teary eyed and jaw aching. But to him, you looked the prettiest. He pulled you by your shoulders, making you sit on his lap and he kissed your forehead.
“My perfect girl. So good for me”
(requests are always open! Please like and reblog if you read! xoxo)
love you all 💌
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @harryhitties @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @hisparentsgallerryy   @storyschanging  @selluequestrian   @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove
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majestyjun · 1 year
ride soobin's thigh and hearing him call me his good girl 🥺
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# soobin + thigh riding !!
tw. f!reader, gamer!soobin, thigh riding, soobin likes boobs lol, praise. nsfw + minors dni !!
a/n. ahhh im so slow sorry ;; enjoy some sweet sooby <3 not proofread + written on phone
it’s terribly boring when soobin plays games for hours on end, spending more time talking to beomgyu (who’s across the hall) through a headset than with you. his eyes following an little sprite racing across the screen, flashing colors visible in the reflection from his glasses, headphones secure over his ears and trapping him in a tiny world of his own. if you’d known that his “a few more minutes” would worsen the soul sucking abyss of boredom and neediness, you’d have stopped him before he even started. and it should be universal knowledge that a girlfriend neglected for too long is going to stir up an inconvenience.
“soobin?” small footsteps padding over, a hand placed on his shoulder. “wait! i need a support, beomgyu, could you go over ther—hm?” briefly glancing up, his eyes flickering to yours as he pulls his headset off one ear before turning his attention back to the screen, “did you need something, sweethe—ah-choi beomgyu, hold them off!” and with that, beomgyu’s failure to do something had completely absorbed soobin. pouting, your mind began to wander with ideas of sabotage, until you realized the floor was softly rumbling beneath your feet. soobin’s leg was bouncing on the floor, anxiously shaking despite the fact that his long legs were spread wide open, man spreading as always. his sweatpants were slightly taut where his crotch was, and apparently he picked a pair of comfortable boxers, because his massive length was slightly visible. comfortable soobin seemed to turn you on more than anything; his soft hair ruffled from the headphones, heart-shaped lips lightly parted in his stupor, giving on and off chatter to beomgyu on the other side. loose t-shirt hanging off his slouching shoulders, pretty collarbones exposed, effortlessly attractive with his black framed glasses shielding his brown eyes from the screen in the low lighting. and of course, his long legs spread apart, almost begging for someone to take a seat. and so you did.
“—see if that wor—ah! sweetheart?” soobin begins, interrupting himself with a start as you climb on his thigh, knee brushing against his crotch as u kneel on the large gaming chair, hands resting on the crook of his arm. “soobin! too long, want attention.” you huff, pouting at his startled face, eyes widened and mouth slightly parted with confusion and shock at your sudden bold move. “oh! um—“ blinking back to reality (partially awoken by beomgyu’s sudden shout in his ear), a blush spreading across his cheeks as his fingers absent-mindedly click his mouse, “y-yeah, just give me a secon—no, now!” you insist, determinedly tugging his shirt sleeve with your small hands and pressing your weight further down on his thigh. three… two… one. a deeper shade of red flies across his face from ear to ear, as soobin feels the warmth of your soft folds against his thigh, your knee prodding his crotch more insistently. feeling him freeze, you smile sweetly as your fingers teasingly pull the neckline of your shirt down, exposing the tops of your breasts, no bra straps in sight. and almost instantly, his cock begins to harden against your knee, your boyfriend so easily turned on by the smallest of acts.
a jingle of defeat sounds from his monitor, a triumphant and pleasing noise to your ears as the round finally ends (no doubt aided by soobin’s near afk state). “binnie, you’re free now… aren’t you?” toying with your fingers, a sense of satisfaction glowing within as he scrambles to shut off his chat, tugging the headphones off his head in a hurry, typing an odd few words of farewell before taking your hands into his, hazy eyes gazing into yours. “turn around for me, pretty?” climbing off, you seat yourself back down, back to his chest, an arm wrapping around your waist as soobin nuzzles your ear, large hand traveling up your loose shirt and groping your breast, squishing the soft mound between his fingers, pervertedly admiring your slight squirming with a contented sigh. “hnng—binnie!” quiet mewls escape your lips, your hands finding his leg between your legs. “go ahead, pretty,” he whispers into your ear, his free arm sliding around your waist, “i’ve got you.”
a soft moan elicited as you rub your folds over his thigh, the soft material of his sweatpants against your cotton panties, providing a much needed stimulation. pressing more of your weight into his leg, erotic whimpers of pleasure mixed with higher pitched squeaks as soobin’s fingers brush over your clothed nipple, fingers gently kneading the soft flesh of your breast. pleasuring warmth spreading beneath your skin, his soft whines beside your ear as soobin presses small kisses to your neck, gentle as to not leave marks.
moving your hips with an erratic sense of need, a small pout forming when it’s not quite enough. “s-soobin,” you whimper, “am i d-doing okay?” “mhmm, doll, doing so well,” soft whispers against your skin, his large figure overshadowing yours as his chest rests against your back, chin resting in the crook of your neck, kisses decorating the sweet spot. his hand crawls under your oversized shirt, eliciting a hiccuping moan as his cold fingers cup your bare breast, grip around your waist tightening possessively as soobin tugs your closer to him, soft bangs brushing against your cheek as his kisses travel up to your jawline. your head tilts to find his lips, locking in a kiss dripping in sweet love, soft moans breathed before finding each other once more. the hand caressing your breast, soft lips against yours, arm around your waist guiding and grinding your hips against his thigh, chest pressed to your back; soobin’s touch everywhere, stimulating every sense of your body. heat spikes through your core as he twitches his leg, pressing deeper into your soaked cunt, slick dripping over his sweatpants through your panties.
“mmph—ah!” you mewl into his lips, his leg bouncing under your pussy, vibrations traveling through swollen, sensitive folds. “s-soobin! hnng—f-feels!” “shh, such a good girl,” he sighs into your lips, ravishing your high pitched whimpers as his fingers rub the sensitive nub of your nipple, pinching and tugging the small mound, electric shocks racing through to your core as he toys around with it, cold fingers against warm skin, heightening your senses. “know you’re close, doll,” he mumbles, before sliding his tongue past your lips, softly meeting yours in a saliva coated dance. the hand gripping your waist trails down, arm still hooked securely around your hip, guiding each rub of your cunt. long fingers press against your wet panties, cold pads eliciting lewd moans as they press against your clit, rubbing small circles against the sensitive nub. “ah—!binnie—i-i’m!” lips pressed against yours firmly, swallowing your erotic cries as the pressure in your core releases, coming undone on soobin’s clothed thigh. cum soaks through your underwear, juices staining his sweatpants, heat radiating off your body compared to his cold one, tensed with aftershocks of your orgasm. “good girl, so good for me.” quiet murmurs of praise breathed between kisses, sending shivers to your core, arm gently circling your waist to hold you closer. fondling your breast with a greater aggression, fingers squeezing tighter, soft gasps escaping as your sensitive folds rub against his clothed, hard length, precum leaking into a small wet spot, soobin nuzzling into your neck with breathy pants of need. “need your pretty cunt all for me, okay, sweetheart?”
uMM not my best work but sooby booby in my mind >< yes ik soobin probably would have cum in his pants but i feel like i make fun of him for that a bit much ahaha
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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Older!Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Part two to a request by @sweetsweetjellybean but the stories not that deep this could be read as a stand alone too. (Link to part one on my masterlist)
Summary: Steve can’t keep his hands off you after last night.
Warnings: 18 +! age gap Steve is in his early 40’s and reader is in her early 20’s. Steve is reader’s best friends dad and he’s a menace in this one, Fingering, dirty talk, breeding kink, un protected p in v sex although reader mentions birth control still (wrap it up!)
A/N: this is my Christmas/holiday present to you or whatever you celebrate, enjoy this kinda holiday fic. This was not suppose to be this long lol, but the whore in me came out for older!steve what can I say? you can blame @newlips for it. She said this would be the last nail in her Steve coffin so naturally I had to do it.
Word count 4.1k
The black lace set looked even dirtier in your hands after last night when you pulled it out of your suitcase. You hadn’t gotten much sleep after he left, your mind too busy replaying the way he split you open from behind and his low grunts of satisfaction vibrating against your ear. It was almost enough to have you touching yourself again with his cum still dripping from your walls. Still remembering his request before he casually greeted his daughter - your best friend, you slipped your red wrap around dress you’d bought especially for this trip over it. The thong left no trace of lines under the smooth material, you hoped he’d notice.
Sheer black tights cover the expanse of your legs leaving you some modesty making the length a little more family friendly, a little more casual, before you finally pad down the stairs to voices in the kitchen.
The smell of bacon hits your nose as you round the corner, the loud pops of the grease breaking over the sounds of his smooth voice as he asks his daughter the usual questions about plans after college. Sitting at the island your eyes catch your best friend’s first, her smile lighting up the room in a way that makes you feel a small pang of guilt deep in your gut. Her boyfriend next to her, lost in the sports section of the paper, just gives you a small wave and a quiet ‘hey’.
“Don’t you look cute for Christmas Eve! Is that a new dress?” The excitement in her voice made it obvious she wanted to change whatever subject was being talked about before you entered the room.
You could feel the heat of his eyes on you, his daughter's comment bringing his attention to your presence. Refusing to look at him you were too scared that one glance would give what had happened last night away.
“You know, after weeks in sweatpants studying till my brains went numb I just wanted to dress up a little.” Your lie sounds almost believable, but you know Steve doesn’t believe it. Not anymore.
“You’ll dress up for Christmas at my Dad’s but not to go out on dates? I’ll never understand you.” Cheeks burning from her comment, the cedar of his cologne alerts you of his presence behind you first. His hand on your lower back, second.
“You look lovely.” It’s almost a whisper as he leans over to set down the plate of steaming bacon, their grease soaking the paper towels underneath it much like the scene in the lace of your panties. Finally allowing yourself to meet his gaze you instantly regret it when your thighs clench together. The small smirk he gives before walking away tells you he caught it.
Breakfast was more than you’d bargained for, Jenny’s boyfriend’s attendance making the normal seating arrangement change. Sitting in your usual place next to her, you found yourself next to Steve who sat at the head of the table. His knee bumping into yours every so often you push the scrambled eggs around on your plate as you try to focus on the sound of her voice. Telling everyone a story you’ve heard a million times it’s hard for you not to fixate on him being so close. His proximity has you squirming in your seat, the throb between your legs making you needy for any kind of friction.
It takes you a minute to register that it’s his fingertips brushing across the material of your tights, his complete and undivided attention on his daughter while he answers whatever question she’d asked. Long fingers push the bottom of your dress up as they make their descent towards the heat radiating from between your legs. When he reaches the thin strap of your thong wrapped snuggly around your hip you press your thighs together to try to block his path. Eyes going big you look up from your plate only to be met with his perfect poker face as he listens to Jenny’s boyfriend talk.
You had no idea what the conversation was about. How could you?
Squeezing at your doughy flesh, his aggressiveness makes you part like the red sea. Sucking your bottom lip between your teeth you decide to take a sip of your orange juice, doing everything you can to act normal. Cheeks tingling with the heat of the sun when his fingers reach your dripping covered lips. Feeling how you’ve soaked through both layers, your slick easily coats his skin.
Snorting into your cup when he adds a little bit of pressure to your bundle of nerves, he tries to cover up his groan with a forced cough when he yanks his hand away. He wasn’t expecting it to feel like that. He’d hardly touched you.
Jenny’s too wrapped up in a small argument with her boyfriend to notice the weird behavior, something that happened all the time but you were more than thankful now for the distraction.
Pushing your seat back the need for air and space becomes all consuming, your body vibrating from how turned on it was. You needed to calm down.
“Let me start on the dishes, I can clean Mr. Harrington you cooked. Spend time with Jenny.” Not knowing that calling him that makes his cock twitch now, you pick up the half empty plates not daring to meet his eyes.
“You don’t have to do the dishes!” Jenny argues ignoring her boyfriend in mid sentence.
“Please, it’s the least I can do really. Besides I like cleaning, you know that.” Smirking at her, she was always giving you shit for how reorganizing your drawers and scrubbing walls was your way to decompress.
“This is true, but still I feel bad it’s my house too.” Jutting out her bottom lip in a pout you shoot her down quickly.
“Stop, I promise it’s okay.” Half way out of the dining room you catch his blown out eyes as they zero in on you. The realization he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him was doing things to you that you couldn’t describe, and before you let him bend you over the table in front of everyone you had to escape.
Once the dishes were done, you were in the zone. Organizing the ingredients he’d left sloppily about the kitchen you started the rounds of putting everything back in its proper place. Grabbing the dry ingredients you make your way to the giant walk-in pantry he had, always overwhelmed by how much he could keep in there. It was probably big enough to fit a small bed inside. Eyes scanning his somewhat put together shelves, the sound of their voices draw closer.
“It’s still in the trunk I swear that’s where I put it.” Jenny’s clipped tone catches your attention as her and her boyfriend walk past, him grumbling in response.
“I’m not going out there alone to look, you’re coming with me.” Smirking at how whipped she had him, you knew he was already tugging on his boots.
Reaching up on your tippy toes to put the flour up on the top shelf, the slam of the front door makes you jump at the same time Steve’s body presses flush against yours. Gasping when you feel his hard cock through his slacks push into the folds of your ass, his lips connect with your neck almost instantly. Big hands grabbing at every inch of your body as he ruts himself into you slow enough to feel every inch of him.
“Fuck - Steve, we’re gonna get caught.” The whine in your voice makes your protest sound feeble when he sucks on the delicate spot behind your ear just hard enough not to leave a mark.
Nose nudging against the back of your ear his voice comes gruffer than you were expecting. He wasn’t in control of himself right now.
“We have at least five minutes. Baby you were soaked at the table. Was all of that for me?” Hand reaching between your thighs he cups and palms at your already throbbing cunt. Your hips meeting the motion of his hand on their own accord finally getting a little of the friction you’d been needing since he fucked you last night.
“Mmmhmm I’m always like this around you..” Throwing your head back on his shoulder, the five o’clock shadow covering his jaw rubs rough against your cheek. “For years.”
Groaning low the movements of his hand picks up its pace at your confession, it feels good but it only makes the throb deep in your gut worse. You needed more.
As if reading your mind, he rips a hole in the crotch of your tights, a growl emanating from his chest as he does it. One hand roughly gripping your jaw to turn your head so he can collect your lips while the other moves your underwear to the side to push two fingers into your needy dripping mess of a hole.
His tongue catches your moans as he starts a slow pace, relishing in the way he feels the velvet of your walls constrict around him with every touch. The rocking of your hips making the soft flesh of your ass stroke him through his slacks.
“Want me to fill you up again huh?” Lips brushing against yours as he speaks he watches the way your eyes flutter open to meet his blown out gaze. Nodding dumbly you can’t find the words hanging in the back of your throat when he curls his fingers in a way that makes your face scrunch up and jaw go slack.
“Answer me pretty girl, I need to hear it.” The sounds of your slick squelching should be enough to embarrass you but it only makes it worse.
“Yes, please.” Grinding your hips against him, your desperation to cum takes over all self control. “I almost had to touch myself again last night, I kept it all inside.”
Fingers stopping their movements you feel his cock twitch at your words, moaning loud enough to get caught he adds the pad of his thumb to your swollen clit. The movements of his wrist return with a quickened pace to make sure you see stars when you cum.
The sound of the front door is almost lost on the both of you until the slam of their boots kicking off snow against the carpet breaks you apart. As quick and quiet as he was in there was just as quick and quiet as he was out. Shoving your dress back down, you grip onto the shelves for balance, your legs feeling more like jelly after being so close to the edge. Desperate to try to control your ragged breathing you close your eyes to focus.
“You’re still in the pantry?” Jenny’s voice snaps you back to reality, turning around you’re hoping she can’t tell how close you were to getting fucked moments ago.
“Yeah- uhh - sorry I was just being nosy. Seeing what kind of snack game we got going on for movie night later.” The shake in your voice makes you think she’s not going to believe you, silently preparing for the worst. You’re shocked when she pushes her way in, eyes scanning around.
“This is why we’re best friends. Always thinking ahead.” Smirking at you she nudges your shoulder with hers and you wonder if she can smell how close he had your to cumming.
The rest of the day was filled with stolen glances and light touches any chance he could get. The sneaking around made it that much more exciting and it made Steve feel like a teenager again. The thought of your tights ripped underneath your dress as you walked around pretending like everything was normal, like he didn’t have you on the verge with his fingers in the pantry this morning had him fighting the blood rushing to his lower half every time he saw you.
Dinner came and went without him trying to sneak a touch, but you were more than thankful for it. Your body had been painfully buzzing since the incident as you tried to calm yourself down. Your new found peace was short lived once it came around time to watch A Wonderful Life, a tradition you three did every year. Only this time much like the seating arrangement at the dining table you were forced to be next to Steve again. Jenny snuggled up to her boyfriend on the other side, you were hyper focused on Steve’s body heat next to you, the familiar buzzing of yours returning with a vengeance.
Hidden under separate blankets you try not to fidget too much, being this close to him already riling you up. His smell swirling around you only adds to the lust filled haze that hangs over your body. You peek at him from your peripherals to see his gaze focused on the black and white movie on the screen, the brightness dances and reflects off the specs in his eyes in a way that makes you sigh. Catching the sound he turns to look at you just for you to snap your head back to the screen. Holding his stare for a long time he’s silently daring you to break your facade. Chuckling to himself when you don’t you hear the leather of the sofa creak underneath him as he leans back deeper into the couch cushions, kicking his slipper covered feet on the automen.
The light snores of your best friend catch your attention from the other side of you, glancing over you see her passed out on her boyfriend's lap. His face gives you the impression he wasn’t too far behind her either when his eyelids would droop down every so often. The warmth of Steve’s hand under your blanket is almost enough to make you jump as you swallow your gasp. Turning back to him, he hasn’t moved an inch, his poker face from before stronger than ever as his hand makes its way back up to the place that needed him most.
Your hand meets his to stop him from moving any further, your eyes set in a warning glare when you shoot him daggers. His eyes move lazily from the screen to meet yours, a devilish grin spreading across his lips as he teasingly pushes his hand an inch higher. Your grip only tightens as you make eyes at him nodding your head in Jenny’s boyfriend’s direction. Biting his lip in a smile he slides it up further, hitting the place where your thigh meets your hip right as Jenny’s loud snore wakes herself up.
Ripping his hand away for the second time today, you started wondering if he wanted to be caught.
“That’s it, I’m falling asleep on the couch we’re going to bed.” Standing up in a stretch she eyes the little amount of space separating you from Steve. “Jesus y/n I didn’t mean to make you sit so close to my dad.” Laughing loudly she gestures at the newly open space as her boyfriend follows her lead with his own stretch.
Wasting no time to scoot as far away from him as you can, you’re sure your reaction is convincing enough when she snorts at your eagerness. Legs spread out in front of you to take up the whole half of the couch, you give a content sigh making a show getting comfortable for her benefit. Saying their good nights to Steve she ruffles your hair as they walk past you towards the stairs. Keeping your eyes locked onto the screen you can feel the way he’s staring at you. Like a predator stalking its prey.
You can hear the click of the bedroom door upstairs over the movie, the realization of your new found privacy is enough to make the air thicken and your mouth go dry. Your breathing picks up its pace when you feel the smoothness of his big hand wrap around your ankle. Rubbing soft circles with his thumb he uses it to pull you back to him, legs draped over his lap he discards his own blanket to the floor using yours as an added cover in case he was interrupted again. Fingers twitching at his sides all day, he was greedy to be inside of you.
Slapping a hand over your mouth to cover your squeal he can see the corners of your eyes crinkle revealing your smile hidden underneath.
“Steve!” You half whisper yell ignoring the shiver that runs up your spine as one of his big hands makes it way up you leg, the heat of your core taunting his finger tips.
“That’s Mr. Harrington to you.” He smirks with a playful glint his eyes.
Biting your lip to hide your smile, you spread your legs more silently begging for his touch despite your mock protests. You’ve wanted this since the moment you met him. Raising an eyebrow at your eagerness, his fingertips finally reach the soaked lace of your panties again. Throwing his head back with a groan, he lets out a shaky breath before pushing the offending material to the side for the second time that day.
Gasping when his fingers meet your slick, he runs a soft stripe up your folds with two fingers savoring the feeling of how wet and needy you already were for him. Dipping to collect more at your entrance he drags them back up to circle your swollen clit. He lets the pads of his fingers massage the bundle of nerves with enough pressure to have you gripping his wrist writhing underneath him.
“I know baby, you need to cum huh?” His mocking tone only sends more slick dripping down your walls. Eyebrows furrowed and eyes closed all you can do is nod feeling that familiar build return deep in your gut.
“Please, please St - Mr. Harrington.” Catching your mistake with a mischievous smile, your words are enough for him to stop his assault on your clit sliding two fingers in with ease searching for the spot he found that made you almost fall apart in the pantry.
The moan that leaves your mouth is loud enough for both of you to freeze, so caught up in each other the thought of Jenny just up the stairs comes back to reality. Holding your breath you listen for any sign of movement, his fingers slowly start to pump in and out of you when the coast becomes more than clear. Curling his them in a way that has your knees fold up, you can feel how hard he is when your foot brushes against him.
“Steve - fuck - I need you.” You weren’t above begging if you had to, but Steve doesn’t make you. Nodding his head eagerly, his other hand makes quick work of the button and zipper of his slacks. Pulling his fingers out of you to shimmy them down his hips, you clench at nothing from the loss of contact.
Grunting when you waste no time to straddle his lap, your eyes widen when you finally get to see his cock in the light. Thick and long, it curved slightly at the top with big veins running up the sides, his head was flushed pink as it leaked pushed up against the soft fabric of his sweater. He felt big last night but actually seeing it made you nervous.
“You can take it all baby, you did so good for me last night.” Grabbing your chin between his thumb and forefinger her brings your eyes to his. “You gonna be a good girl for me and make a mess all over me again?”
Nodding your head, the pad of his thumb catches your bottom lip pulling it down so you feel the tip of it hit your tongue. Without thinking twice you wrap your lips around his digit sucking hard enough to hollow out your cheeks. Cock twitching in response he lets out a low groan from deep inside his chest.
“Fuck, I need to bury myself inside that tight pussy honey.” Words coming from between clenched teeth, he roughly pulls his thumb from the wetness of your mouth, hissing when your teeth scrape against him.
Grabbing himself from the base of his cock, you find purchase on his broad shoulders, as he waits for you to lift yourself up enough for him to push your panties to the side, swiping his length through your leaking folds. He collects enough to cover his head before lines himself at your entrance, eyes connecting with yours looking for your consent. Taking a deep breath through your nose you nod your head before sinking down on him.
The new position has him stretching you in a way that has you whimpering mess trying to adjust to his size. Big enough to feel like he was splitting you in two, he lets you take him at your own pace. Fingers on your hips the strength of his grip has the material of your dress bunched up at your sides as you slowly take a seat. The feeling of him completely inside has you feeling a kind of fullness you thought was only reserved for the bad pornos you watched. The slow rock of your hips making you understand the obscene noises falling from their lips as you fought your own from coming out.
“Yeah? That feel good?” Nudging his nose with yours he kisses the side of your trembling mouth.
“God, it feels so good.” Whining into his open mouth, his lips turn up when he feels a shudder run through your body when he pushes his hips up hitting even deeper then before. “I want -“ Snapping them more harshly then before he punches the air out of your lungs.
“What do you want, honey?” His grip on your hips tightens enough to leave bruises as he slams you further down on his cock, the tip of it hitting your elusive g-spot that boys your age could never seem to find.
“Oh - fuck “ Tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, the intensity of your orgasm that was building was turning you into a blabbering cock drunk mess. “I want you to cum inside me so bad, I want all of it.” Finding the strength to grind down your hips your moment of control has your lips dipping to his ear “Every last drop.” Nipping at his earlobe. The quiet ‘fuck’ you hear in the only warning you get before he starts his brutal pace underneath you.
“Want me to fuck a baby into you? Is that what you want, honey?” Birth control was a beautiful thing but his words were still almost enough to make you cum on the spot. “Want to make me a daddy again don’t you? I saw you in the kitchen, you wanna be my good little housewife huh?”
“God - yes please. I - I need it, whatever you want, I’ll do whatever you want.” So close to getting what you wanted you could care less how pathetic you sounded.
The blunt end of your nails dig into the thick material of his sweater as you try to keep yourself up right. Lips pressed together in almost a kiss, you swallow each other’s quick breaths hoping that its enough to drown out your sounds. The grind of your hips finds a way to match with the speed of his thrusts, the intensity of his cock hitting your sweet spot with every push has you finally fall off the edge of the cliff you’d only just teetered over before.
“I’m - shit - I’m coming.” Smashing your lips into his when your walls constrict so tight around him to coax his own undoing out at the same time. He tries his best to muffle your cries as your body convulses almost violently, the spasm of your walls milking him into the most intense orgasm of his life.
Your fingers find their way into the sweaty hair at the nape of his neck, pulling slightly to lick inside his mouth as he paints your insides white with everything you’d been begging for. The motion of your hips never stops until you feel him start to leak out of you, coating your thighs and his with his sticky release. Thankful that the couch was leather you didn’t have to worry about explaining the mess that was sure to be left behind.
The sound of the toilet flushing makes you both freeze as you listen to the light pad of steps up stairs. Holding your breath you wait until you hear the click of the door shut again before exhaling it across his face. A lazy smile graces his handsome features, the afterglow of the long awaited orgasm kicking in.
“I think we need to talk about you coming to visit on your own sometime.”
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