#kk bakes
the-meme-monarch · 7 months
capn would sell his halloween candy for money i think
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piratespencil · 2 years
OH ALSO the fact that Chutney was saying shit like “recognize the alpha” and “the wolf works alone” without even being a werewolf is hilarious.
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Lol somebody like Jay Mars-
*Yes. I like Uncle Jay.
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your-bestamericangirl · 2 months
Midnight Love || ch. 3 - white ferrari
Paige Bueckers x Uconnwbb!reader
previous: ch.2 - golden || next: .4 - april || masterlist
a/n: not proofread sorry baes <3
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now playing: slow dancing in the dark by joji
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She was sat on her bed, the passing clouds cast fleeting shadows over her room, enveloping her in a familiar wave of frustration. Throughout (Y/n)'s life, there had been countless instances where she wished she could freeze time, if only for a moment. In her experience, time never seemed to align in her favour; nothing ever happened at the 'right time,' and she often had to work tirelessly to make things happen. Unfortunately, her life hadn't witnessed any miracles yet, and there seemed to be no signs of any on the horizon to rescue her.
Currently, the clock displayed 5:47 PM.
A river of clothing continued to spill out of (Y/n)’s wardrobe, forming several piles scattered across her floor. Various textures and colours now adorned every crevice of her room. What started as simple 'yes,' 'no,' and 'maybe' piles quickly multiplied into categories like 'yes-if-the-weather-stays-nice' or 'maybe-but-it-would-look-better-if-my-hair-was-up'. Defeated, (Y/n) slumped from her bed to the floor. Choosing an outfit wasn’t a decision to be taken lightly in this context.
5:50 PM
Now would’ve been the perfect moment for her first miracle.
As she stared at the chaotic array of clothing before her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping in. It wasn't just the prospect of selecting the right outfit; it was the nagging uncertainty about the evening itself, looming on the horizon like an unanswered question. After all, it wasn't like she was getting dressed up for media day, it was just the rest of the team. She found herself second-guessing the decision to go at all. With a heavy sigh, (Y/n) pushed herself off the floor, resolving to make a decision one way or another. As she stood there amidst the scattered clothes, (Y/n) tried to rack her brain for what had compelled her to agree to this outing in the first place.
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***That morning
"And good Lord, right then and there, I wished I could’ve just gotten killed earlier on when I was in that shark tank because my mom appeared, mad as hell, and was ready to slap the shit outta me-”
Absentmindedly, (Y/n) hummed in agreement as her eyes scanned the fully stocked shelves. The aroma of freshly baked bread from the nearby bakery section wafted through the air, making (Y/n)'s stomach growl in protest at its emptiness. For the past four aisles, KK had been recounting her so-called horrifying dream from the night before, all from inside their shopping cart. While the first 30 seconds had been captivating, (Y/n) soon realized that KK was far from done. This dream had been so 'emotionally and mentally impactful' that KK felt compelled to act out her car chase scene, resulting in her abandoning the cart. After the fateful crash, the two found themselves with a worker trailing them from behind, ready to intervene with KK’s boisterous antics if needed.
The restock of the week was greatly needed. With the pantry, kitchen, and fruit bowl left with nothing but dust, both girls’ moods had increasingly deteriorated from the day before. As KK continued to recount her experience, (Y/n) was left with the task of finding what they needed. “Mhmm, sounds traumatic speaking of that. What else do we need?”
KK gave her a look. “Yeah, it was. Thank you for your consideration.”
 “Always for you. But you didn’t answer my question—what else do we need?”
Realizing that KK couldn’t wring out any more sympathy from (Y/n), she shifted her focus from recounting her painful nightmare to recalling the items on the grocery list she conveniently left at home—a detail she kept from the older girl.
“Uh, okay damn. I think like… meat?” 
The cart suddenly jerked to a halt, catching KK off guard. She lurched forward, instinctively steadying herself on the shopping cart. The harsh fluorescent lighting overhead felt too intense for the early morning, casting stark shadows across the aisles. 
KK turned around to face her roommate, ready to berate her for the sudden maneuver. However, the words of distaste dissolved on her tongue as she beheld (Y/n)'s expression. The older girl stood before her, eyes closed, brows furrowed in the middle, teetering between disbelief and strained patience. KK would be grateful to come out of this conversation unscathed.
(Y/n)'s tone was short, “KK.”
“Yes, ma’am?”
With a deep inhale, (Y/n) gripped the shopping cart, her fingers tightening around the metal handle as she suppressed the urge to vent her frustration. Swallowing back all the profanities that came to mind, she managed a strained smile. 
“What type of meat?”
“You know, like, bruschetta… maybe some bacon-”
“Maybe?” (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, her patience waning.
KK chuckled, the sound bouncing off the fluorescent-lit aisles. “Nah, just kidding. We definitely need bacon. And also… Oh shit… Ice?”
(Y/n) blinked, the abrupt shift in conversation catching her off guard. “...Ice? KK, are you good? Because last time I checked, you were the one who brought up meat in the first place.”
In response, KK stood up from her position in the shopping cart, the metal rattling as she shifted her weight. “No look, it’s Ice.”
Following KK’s gaze, she then spotted Ice Brady in the next aisle. The 6’3 forward struggled to fit numerous bags of chips into her shopping basket, her arms stretched to their limits.
With a resigned sigh, (Y/n) began to maneuver the cart containing KK towards Ice's location. The wheels squeaked in protest against the linoleum floor, the rhythmic sound echoing in the bustling store. Despite her being a D1 athlete, she found herself growing weary of playing the role of chauffeur for her friend. Yet, as she glanced at KK’s expectant expression, she knew there was no escaping it.
“Ice Brady," KK sang, her arms outstretched in a theatrical gesture as the cart rolled to a stop. The spectacle drew the attention of nearby shoppers, who paused to witness the unfolding scene, transfixed by the unexpected drama. "Would you care for some assistance today?"
Ice, caught off guard by the flamboyant greeting, turned her attention from the bags of chips to KK's infectious smile. Amusement danced in her eyes as she surveyed the scene before her. With a nod of acknowledgment to (Y/n), who was still navigating the cart into a suitable parking spot, Ice responded, "I mean, if you hopped out of the cart, I could put my stuff in, but I wouldn’t want to trouble your highness."
“Oh!” KK’s hands came together in childish glee, pleased by Ice’s answer, “How considerate of you, but it's alright, I’ve been feeling courteous today.”
“So now you’re feeling ‘courteous’?” (Y/n) deadpanned as she made her way around the shopping cart across from Ice. As KK made her stellar attempt to climb out of the cart gracefully, (Y/n) stood behind her to help lift her out, “I’ve literally been pushing you around all morning, babes.” 
She then made her way over toward ice to give assistance with the various chip bags enough to feed a family for christmas dinner. 
“So,” KK started her smile towards Ice, selectively choosing to ignore her roommate’s comment “what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
“Y’know, working had to feed the kids, and all that. You guys sure eat a lot” 
“Wait,” KK gaped, “This is all for us?”
“Have you checked the group chat?” Ice questioned. In fact, they had not. Though she had been added days prior, (Y/n) had decided to keep her distance from that group chat. The two girls turned to look at each other, proceeded by KK quickly checking her phone.
Soon enough, her eyes ignited from within. “Hell yeah, party time,” she sang.
“K, you’re being dramatic, it’s literally just the team,” Ice laughed.
“Theres a hangout tonight?” (Y/n) questioned, her stomach forming knots at the thought of being in a room with all of the UConn Women’s Basketball team.
“Yup, everyone, including you two, are coming over."
(Y/n) glanced between KK and Ice, her expression shifting to one of mild apprehension. "Do I have a choice?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of resignation.
Both KK and Ice exchanged a knowing look before simultaneously replying, "Nope."
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6:15 pm
During her first official collegiate-level game freshman year, (Y/n) led her team to a resounding victory, later that night earning her the coveted title of 'The People’s Princess' of the NCAA.
Beneath the blaring lights of the stadium, (Y/n) was radiant. It was a moment she had long envisioned, the culmination of years of relentless dedication and unwavering determination. With her eyes gleaming and her words flowing with confidence, she effortlessly captivated the reporter and everyone in attendance. Her presence seemed to cast a spell over the crowd, drawing them in with her infectious smile and undeniable talent.
In the weeks that followed, (Y/n)'s reputation soared to new heights. However, amidst the high, a subtle unease began to gnaw at her. She quickly realized that the pedestal on which she had been placed came with its own set of challenges.
Despite her remarkable achievements on the court, she found herself confined by the weight of expectations. The public's perception of her became increasingly polarized, with praise often overshadowed by harsh criticism. She was both celebrated and scrutinized for her gentle demeanour, her commanding presence, and even her choice of attire.
The constant contrast between adoration and disdain left her feeling unsettled, she was constantly walking on a tightrope between two worlds. Over time, she became acutely aware of the need to separate her on-court persona from her everyday life, a process that had equally drained but benefited her.
Yet, as she immersed herself deeper into the complexities of her newfound fame, (Y/n) couldn't shake the nagging feeling that appearance had become everything.  In a world where perception was predominant, she grappled with the notion that her worth was measured not by her character or accomplishments, but by the image she projected to the world.
All this to say that unfortunately, (Y/n) had been second-guessing tonight’s event over and over again.  Only two individuals had truly seen beyond the facade she meticulously maintained: KK and, in a distant past, Paige.
As (Y/n)'s life flashed before her eyes, her gaze fixed on the door before her, its weathered surface worn by years of use. The soft hum of chatter from beyond the door drifted through the air, mingling with the faint scent of pizza and anticipation that hung in the hallway. Each groove in the wood seemed to whisper secrets, a silent witness to her inner turmoil.
She took a deep breath, her fingers tracing the edges of the doorframe. The cool touch of the wood against her skin sent a shiver down her spine, a tangible reminder of the reality awaiting her on the other side. What would they think of her? Did she look presentable enough? Doubts gnawed at her confidence, threatening to unravel the facade she had carefully constructed.
With a steadying exhale, (Y/n) pushed open the door, crossing the threshold into the unknown. The soft click of the latch echoed in her ears, signaling her descent into the realm of uncertainty.
The scene unfolded before her, intimate and genuine, a tapestry woven with the bonds of teammates. The UConn Women’s Basketball team occupied every corner of Ice’s condo, their laughter mingling with the warmth of the confined space. Despite the inviting atmosphere, (Y/n) couldn’t shake the feeling of being an intruder in this vibrant gathering.
With each step forward, (Y/n) sensed the weight of her decision. The events of this evening would undoubtedly shape her relationship with the team for the rest of the year.
Luckily, no one had noticed her entrance yet. As (Y/n) scanned the room, she searched for KK among the multitude of bodies, most of them towering over her. Despite her efforts, KK remained elusive. Frustration etched her features as uncertainty gnawed at her. She caught her reflection in a nearby mirror, regarding herself with unease.
With a sigh, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Lost in her inner turmoil, (Y/n) failed to notice the door behind her slowly swinging open.
As the door swung shut, the breeze proceeded to cause a shift among her hair. Shoving away all distractions, (Y/n) straightened her back, took a deep breath and prepared for her next step further into the house.
“You gonna move? Or do you need help, princess?” Paige's voice cut through the air, shattering (Y/n)'s concentration. All prior thoughts dissolved from her mind at those words, her focus instantly shifting to the unexpected encounter with Paige.
Despite the familiarity of seeing Paige's face plastered on banners around UConn, the proximity still rattled her. She had thought she'd grown accustomed to it, but the reality of facing Paige in person was an entirely different experience.
She had an image to maintain, (Y/n) wouldn’t shy away at simple words anymore.
With a subtle steeling of her resolve, she turned to face the taller girl, meeting Paige's gaze head-on. Though she found herself looking up at Paige, she refused to give any ground in their exchange.
The tension between them crackled in the air, each word laden with unspoken history and unresolved emotions. (Y/n)'s jaw tightened, but she refused to let Paige see any hint of vulnerability. She squared her shoulders and held Paige's gaze with unwavering determination.
"No need for assistance, thanks," (Y/n) replied evenly, her voice betraying none of the turmoil swirling inside her. "I can handle myself just fine."
Paige chuckled, taking a step closer to her. "Of course you can, Your Highness," she quipped, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "But it wouldn't hurt to let someone lend a hand every now and then."
(Y/n) bristled at the implication but forced herself to remain composed. "I'll keep that in mind," she replied curtly, stepping aside to let Paige pass.
Paige's lips quirked into a knowing smirk, but she didn't press the issue further. 
While Paige moved past her, (Y/n) couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that lingered in the air. Despite her best efforts to maintain her facade of confidence, there was a vulnerability in her interactions with Paige that she couldn't seem to shake.
As (Y/n) made her way further into the room, she found herself enveloped in a warm atmosphere. Smiles greeted her from every direction, genuine and welcoming, easing the tension that had knotted in her stomach.
“Damn, girl, I was just about to check if you had been kidnapped! What took you so long.” Exclaimed KK as she searched every inch of (Y/n). The younger girl’s gaze soon turned towards Paige suspiciously suddenly recounting the day prior, eyes snapping back and fourth. But then quieter KK added, “Hm, okay, I see, I see…”
A chorus of laughter bubbled up around them at KK’s dramatic statement, the sound infectious and light-hearted. (Y/n) couldn't help but smile in response, the weight of earlier uncertainties melting away in the warmth of their acceptance.
Any lingering tension between them dissipated in the face of the group's genuine warmth, replaced by a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
After making her rounds, (Y/n) went to sit by the couch, where a mini circle had formed as the team watched Azzi and Aubrey in their death match of Mario Cart. The room was filled with the rhythmic clicking of controllers and the occasional whoops and groans as players navigated their virtual karts through the colourful tracks. Azzi and Aubrey were locked in intense concentration, their eyes glued to the screen as they jostled for the lead. The competitive banter between them added to the lively atmosphere, punctuated by bursts of laughter and playful teasing from the rest of the team. (Y/n) leaned back, taking in the scene with a contented smile.
As the night progressed, (Y/n) found herself settling in, enjoying the easy connection of the team. Their genuine willingness to engage with her put her at ease, dispelling any lingering apprehension. After wrapping up a conversation with Ashlyn about her cats back at home, (Y/n) decided to take a brief respite. She excused herself and made her way to the kitchen, feeling a headache creeping in as result of the loud atmosphere. 
The cool touch of the glass along her fingers was well welcomed as (Y/n) took a sip of water. From her position in the kitchen, she had a comforting view of the apartment. As her gaze swept from Azzi and Aubrey fighting about wins and losses, to KK and Aaliyah filming their third tiktok of the night, her eyes landed on Paige. 
Obviously, people change as they grow up. Physically, Paige was taller. Her dark blond roots peaked out like a halo. But, the space between them seemed to grow as well. 
With a sigh, she turned to grab another sip of water. The kitchen, bathed in the soft glow of overhead lights, hummed with activity. The tiled floor gleamed underfoot, a testament to the cleanliness maintained in the shared space.
Unfortunately, right as she turned, she bumped into the one and only Nika Muhl.
“Oh, shit,” (Y/n) jumped, the water in her glass sloshing dangerously close to the brim.
Before she could react, the collision resulted in the water spilling on Nika, the droplets now flowing from Nika’s shirt onto the tiles below. (Y/n)'s heart sank at the sight
“I’m so sorry, let me help you,” she stammered, scrambling for a nearby towel, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Nika waved off (Y/n)'s apology with a chuckle, her easygoing demeanour putting her at ease. "Don’t worry about it, (Y/n). Accidents happen." Nika took the towel she offered and dabbed at her shirt, trying to contain the spill.
(Y/n) winced, feeling guilty. "I didn't mean to, I was just lost in thought."
Nika leaned against the counter, a small smile playing on her lips. "No harm done. Do you want to talk about whatever was on your mind?"
(Y/n) hesitated, not wanting to burden Nika with her concerns. But Nika's warm gaze encouraged her to speak up. "Yeah, I'm just trying to find my place with the team, you know? Sometimes it feels like I'm still the new kid."
Nika nodded in understanding, crossing her arms casually. "I get that. But trust me, (Y/n), you fit right in. Everyone likes you."
(Y/n) felt a warmth spread through her chest at Nika's words, and she couldn't help but blush. "Thanks, Nika. That means a lot."
Nika chuckled, nudging (Y/n) playfully. "Hey, don't mention it. And you know what? Even Paige couldn't stop talking about how excited she was when she found out you were joining."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise at the mention of Paige. "Really?"
Nika nodded, a knowing smile on her face. "Yep, really. It seems you’re quite the People’s Princess, (Y/n)."
Feeling a mix of emotions, (Y/n) leaned against the counter beside Nika, both of them watching the group outside the kitchen enjoying themselves. The sounds of laughter and chatter filled the air, creating a comforting backdrop to their conversation.
 However, (Y/n)'s attention was soon drawn to the sight of everyone getting up and preparing to leave. "Where is everyone going?" she asked, confusion evident in her voice.
Nika followed her gaze, her expression turning playful. "I guess it’s about that time now.” Nika then stood up to trail the team out of the apartment. “Team tradition."
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Now playing: white ferrari by frank ocean
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The night enveloped the surroundings in a tranquil embrace, casting a serene aura over the playground. The soft glow of the moon and stars illuminated the path ahead, casting gentle shadows on the playground equipment.
Amidst the laughter of her companions, (Y/n) found herself immersed in the peaceful ambiance of the night. As she followed behind the group, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. The cool night air brushed against her skin, carrying with it the faint scent of freshly cut grass and distant city lights.
With each step, (Y/n) felt a weight lifting from her shoulders, replaced by a quiet sense of serenity. She took in the sight of her newfound teammates friends ahead, their silhouettes dancing against the night sky, and allowed herself to be relax the moment, grateful for the new joys she would encounter with this team.
As they made their way onto the playground, the flash of red and blue metal bars pierced the air, bringing back memories of a time when playing D1 basketball was just a distant dream.
Following close behind, (Y/n) ended her destination at a swing set that shone silver and gold against the night sky. The chains groaned in response of her weight, their link rattling together, forming a melody long forgotten. As her world slowly swung on an axis, (Y/n) couldn’t help but finally be at ease. 
As (Y/n) allowed herself to sink into the comforting rhythm of the swing, she became aware of a presence nearby. Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted Paige making her way towards the swing set, her silhouette cutting through the darkness like a shadow. Despite the tension that often lingered between them, there was something oddly comforting about Paige's proximity in that moment. With a silent invitation, (Y/n) watched as Paige settled onto the swing beside her, the chains creaking softly in protest under their combined weight.
For a moment, there was only the soft whip of the wind that passed by (Y/n)’s ears, occasionally broken by the rattling chains and the laughter that drifted from the playground. Though things between the two girls were complicated, (Y/n) missed their time together. 
With a sigh, her eyes searched the distant lights above. Her mind filled in the blanks and connected the dots of the stars in the skies. Unbeknownst to (Y/n), Paige had been doing the same since she arrived.
“Ursa Major,” Paige murmured, the name of the constellation unintentionally slipping from her lips.
At the sudden break in the comforting silence, (Y/n) glanced over to her, giving her full attention. 
"Is it still your favorite?" Paige asked, her voice soft with genuine curiosity, her gaze falling to the side to find (Y/n)’s surprised expression within the darkness.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) spoke softly, her mind filled with the countless nights they searched the sky together. An unexplainable wave of yearning and sadness washed over her senses, “it is.”
Paige then turned her attention back to the sky above, all while (Y/n) was still processing the fact that she remembered her favourite constellation.
“You still remember?” (Y/n) asked, the question slipping from her mind out to the world before she could stop herself.
Paige felt her blood rush scarlet. “Yeah, you know… how could I forget?”
Paige’s answer stunned her. She assumed that since they parted ways, Paige would’ve also tried to erase the memories from her mind. For (Y/n), it had been too much to remember.
Paige's response  lingered in the air, the weight of its meaning hanging heavy between them.
Paige hesitated, her gaze searching (Y/n)'s face for any sign of recognition. "Do you ever miss it?" she asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
(Y/n)'s heart skipped a beat at the question, her mind racing as she struggled to find the right words. "Miss what?" she replied, her voice barely audible over the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft glow of the stars.
Paige's gaze softened. "Us," she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
A whirlwind of emotions swept through (Y/n) at Paige's question. Her chest tightened, and her breath caught in her throat. The weight of their shared history pressed down on her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure.
Yet, amid the turmoil of conflicting emotions, a flicker of longing ignited within her.
She wanted to respond.
I’ve never stopped missing us. 
She hadn’t expected such a question from Paige. Though she had been hoping, deep down, she knew that Paige might not have the same space for her in her world. After all, a sun doesn’t need a moon to survive.
Over time, their dynamic had shifted, revealing that (Y/n) relied more on Paige than the other way around. But those words brought into question whether (Y/n) had been wrong about them all along.
Her eyes swept to the side to meet Paige’s expectant gaze, her eyes reflecting the silver moonlight.
Neither Paige nor (Y/n) had been expecting the answer to be spoken. At the revelation, the corners of Paige’s lips curved into the slightest smile. 
As soon as the conversation started, silence drifted between them, The two girls drifted back into their quiet comfort. Only now, they both shared the same information. Possibilities of the upcoming sprung up into (Y/n)’s mind. Things would be different then she expected, but maybe that was a good thing.
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(Deleted scene)
“Nah, Paige is occupied at the moment,” KK laughed, her voice carrying over the chatter of the group. With a deft swing from the monkey bars, she landed next to Aaliyah, where her phone was propped up to capture their talents. As they continued their antics, the live chat exploded with questions about (Y/n) after the idea of getting Paige on the stream was quickly shut down.
“Damn,” Aaliyah murmured, her eyes scanning the flood of messages, “y’all really love her, don’t you?”
A chorus of affirmative responses flooded the chat. Meanwhile, Azzi's voice cut through the background noise, calling both Aaliyah and KK over to witness her latest feat on the monkey bars. With a shared grin, the two girls left their spot, drawn by Azzi's infectious energy.
In the darkness of the night, the bottom right corner of the screen was illuminated just enough to make ou two silhouettes together on a swing set. The descovery sparked a flurry of speculation in the chat. Messages scrolled rapidly as viewers attempted to decipher the identities of the mysterious figures. Within moments, messages began pouring out as Paige and (Y/n) were finally identified.
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(Y/n) and Paige: Sparks Fly on Live Stream
Fans were treated to an unexpected sight during teammate KK Arnold's recent live stream, as basketball stars (Y/n) (L/n) and Paige Bueckers made a joint appearance. Their presence together immediately set social media abuzz, with fans reigniting dating rumors that have followed the pair for years. Despite both athletes maintaining silence on the matter, the resurgence of speculation has divided fans, with some eagerly shipping the duo while others advocate for their privacy. As (Y/n) and Paige continue to focus on their careers, fans remain captivated by the possibility of a romantic connection between the two athletes.
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a/n: yuhh chapter two done! sorry for the wait, it's been a tough week lmao! anyways, im begging you PLEASE LISTEN TO WHITE FERRARI WHILE READING THE NIGHT SCENE ITS SO GOOD
anyways, thanks for all the love and support you guys are the best, loving all the comments <333
also for future chapters, does anyone live in seattle? cuz mc is gonna be from there and i need a highschool that was good at basketball or just one in general. LOVE YALL SO MUCH SEE YOU NEXT TIME
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taglist: @kenzie-luvzz , @juphey , @h34rtsformilli , @pinkandlilacroses , @i-bribri-i , @thatonemarvelfan03 , @girlokwhatever , @ihrtthotdads , @kc88888888 , @nfleditsrjustbetteridk , @imsobabygiirl , @vi0lentb3rry , @sejus-wife , @katemlk , @littlelesbianinternujung , @ktaerssoi , @evangelinexo , @c999sh
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glwmcres · 25 days
— Paige Bueckers gf headcanons
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clingy gf?? like i can just see her all up on you some days especially after a long practice or losing a game
she has the worst photos of you… youre sleeping on her bed, hair all messy, mouth wide open?? shes got it and posted it on instagram stories
i can see her flexing on everyone about you. maybe yall went on a date or something and she wont stop yapping to her teammates about you
being late to practice because she doesnt wanna get out of bed with you :(
rests all her weight on top of you when cuddling, just needs to be close to your after a long exhausting day
“babe, i can’t breath”
“oh well”
stares at you with so much love in her eyes. could barely hide yalls relationship online, ESPECIALLY DURING A LIVE… she stares at you when you talk and its so obvious that she was deep in it for you
doing her hair PLEASE. i know she has that one hairstyle she wears all the time BUT, what about making her try out different ones just to play with her hair?
probably steals your clothes too. couldn’t find a hoodie for a month and then you joined kk’s live one day and paige was wearing it
username: paige is that my hoodie
“i don’t have your hoodie, what?”
dragging you out of bed so she can go buy trufru bc she ran out…
if you dont play basketball she is so forcing you to learn. bringing you to the court just so she can show you how to dribble and shoot a three pointer. she claims youre the best basketball player
if you wear make up i feel like she would help you get ready. like that one live with kate wanting to do jadas makeup ugh. would so help you and make sure to tell people she had done it
waking up in the middle of the night to her all up on you. cannot sleep in the same position at all. literal star fish position half the time. she’ll have her legs all up on you, an arm slung over your chest and all
if you ever wake up and have to pee, youre screwed!! paige is not moving off of you, she wants you in bed until it’s time for her to get up
her always wanting to help make dinner with you, especially if you love cooking/baking. she probably has a folder of recipes to use
back to the second bullet point, she has so many photos of you. has a folder named “my girl” or something cute and its photos and videos of you
makes you do tiktoks with her and kk… she’ll even kick kk out some of them so its just her and you
the fans go CRAZY over you. the amount of edits both of you get tagged in oh lord
she definitely has a folder full of edit of you because she thinks youre so pretty in them
would love getting into your interests as well. for example, you like reading?? she wants to buy every single book she sees just for you. she’ll sit there and let you go on and on about the book
i can imagine her wanting to do your nails too. but if you get them professionally done then she’ll send so many ideas for you to pick from
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this is all i can think of at the moment!! thank you so much for reading, please reblog for me<3
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raina-at · 23 days
Bakers, again. This takes place right after Sherlock won Bake Off.
John Watson’s Blog Entry, December 9th 2010, 2:55 am
Congratulations on winning Bake Off, Sherlock! I’m thrilled to have been in the final three with you and Molly. Recipes for all my bakes will follow, but for now let me just say: I couldn’t be happier!
@ janinelawyered agreed! What a night?
@ thenakedbaker where did you two go off to so suddenly? One minute we were all drinking champagne, the next minute you two were gone.
@ marym come on, you know where they went.
@ thenakedbaker shagging each others’ brains out probably
@ mollyhoopersblog Irene! That’s private!
@ thenakedbaker oh come on, with the amount of eye sex these two were having in front of the entire British public…
@ mollyhoopersblog Still. 
@ janinelawyered let’s just say I had a room next to them once and they didn’t leave much to the imagination.
@ thenakedbaker Do tell!
@ janinelawyered I really shouldn’t. But since you asked, let’s just say I got the distinct impression that a very good time was had by all.
@ thenakedbaker Details, Janine. I want details. 
@ janinelawyered Stop eavesdropping!
@ mollyhoopersblog how did it go? You know. The thing.
@ johnwatsonsblog Molly. He reads my blog. I’m not going to tell you anything.
@ mollyhoopersblog Just one word. Good? Bad? Middling?
@ johnwatsonsblog … good. Very, very good.
@ mollyhoopersblog I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!!!! 
@ johnwatsonsblog Don’t jinx it, though, all right? Leave him alone, I don’t want to scare him off again.
@ thescienceofbaking I’m not so easily deterred, thank you very much.
@ johnwatsonsblog I beg you, ignore all of them!
@ janinelawyered Oi, Baker of the Year, heard you had an interesting night!
@ johnwatsonsblog I want to stress that nobody heard anything from me! 
@ thescienceofbaking John.
@ johnwatsonsblog Yes.
@ thescienceofbaking I don’t care. 
@ johnwatsonsblog Really? 
@ thescienceofbaking John. Come back to bed. 
@ johnwatsonsblog All right. I’m deleting this entire thread, just so you all know. And mind your own business. 
@ thescienceofbaking John. Now.
@ johnwatsonsblog Coming. 
@ thenakedbaker I bet you are.
@ mollyhoopersblog IRENE!
Comment thread deleted December 9th, 3:34 am
Tags under the cut aa always, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @jrow @peanitbear @jolieblack @meetinginsamarra @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @friday411 @givemesherbet-blog-blog @salmonsown @weeesi @thalialunacy @thegildedbee @dapetty
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depressed-simmer · 4 months
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Amazon Fresh (functional) 🛒💚
Thanks to all the creators that made this build possible, specially JCTekkSims for creating Amazon Fresh Signs.
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to Insimnia and Somik and Severinka for creating functional food, as mentioned below:
💗 Insimnia: 
Edible Breakfast Cereal
Functional Candy & Chocolates
Functional Custom Bar
EDIBLE Lay's Potato Chips
Grocery Haul Set 5
Grocery Haul Oct 2022
Edible Chips Ahoy Cookies
more links on my Patreon.
NOTE: If you prefer the FAST option of each food, you need to download on the links above, and delete the SLOW version, BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH on your game.
💗 Somik_Severinka:
Functional Refrigerator for Beer Sale 
Functional Buffet with 18 dishes 
Realistic Cooking Mod 7.0 
Important Notes:
❌ Baby care (functional baby care can be downloaded here, by QMBiBi), Household Items, Fruits & Vegetables, Baking, and some Deli ARE NOT FUNCTIONAL. 
❌DECO SIMS NOT included.
❌I just realized I misspelled "Vegetables"...
The smallemptyplate file (if you don’t have it already), Grocery Shopping Day Custom Register AND Insimnia Eats 2.0 by Insimnia
SCCO "Any Ingredient" Cooking Tags Resource by SrslySims
Cookbook S&S 20.12 by Somik_Severinka
CREDITS: Depressed Simmer |  Littledica | KKB | Around The Sims 4 | Veranka | CoatiSims | 876simmer | Syboulette | KKS | PralineSims | Severinka | MXIMS | JEANCR874 | Clutter-Queen | NICKNAME | Scodee Yodee | Peacemaker | Sloxsims | Mel Bennett | Pilar | Ravasheen | JCTekkSims | SIMcredible | Yourdorkbrains | LeoSims | Flirtyghoul | Conceptdesign97 | LaSkrillz |SIMMINMYBESTLIFE | BrittPinkieSims | Mutske | Dreamteamsims | Ohmysims | SimmerKate | Descargassims | Pacosims | SERIALSIMMER | AggressiveKitty | brujah's Studio | BuffSumm | Gawdly Games| Soloriya | MXIMS | JEANCR874 | WINNER9 | Yourdorkbrains | Ladesire and more.
My gallery ID is "TotsNChildren"
@sssvitlanz 💖
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fastcardotmp3 · 4 months
dot's bookshelf ⁝ JANUARY '24
december recs | recs masterlist
new year, same deal! my favorite things I read this month (not including updates to past months' recs)! trying to organize it all a bit more moving forward but don't hold me to that! my heart is full of love for fan authors but my brain is sometimes Empty mwah
Don't forget to tip your writer in kudos and comments if you read and enjoy these! it's talking to each other about the works we create that makes this fandom world go round 🩵
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❄️ steddie
can't start a fire without a spark by @judasofsuburbia
6.5k | E | ex-FWB Steddie snowed into a cabin without heat and have to share a bed about it??? yeah yeah yes exactly nodding nodding etc HI. oh the sense of history and the realizing of why that history came to an end in the first place being this mutual want that they didn't realize was mutual, it's the perfect little idiots to lovers, lets get busy in front of a burning fireplace moment, you know?? yeah &lt;3
tell me something (give me hope for the night) by @kkpwnall
7.3k | T | nothing screams the perfect steddie like losing a chance together and then finding it again years later and making that chance a reality via the decision that trying is worth it and KK has rendered that so spectacularly here. LIKE. oh we haven't seen each other in years but now we have to share a car in a storm and a hotel room with only one bed and I cannot shake that I missed my chance but still I want to give us a chance? SHUT UP. perfection.
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❄️ ronance
i promise i'll take care of you if you promise to let me by @netflixnormalthings
7.1k | T | there is something so beautiful in the way this is crafted and the way we get to watch not just Nancy's restless hypervigilance in a post-Vecna world finally end up getting her hurt, but also her exhaustion in the aftermath finally allow her to welcome help. there's so much depth not just to Nancy in general but to her relationship with Barb and her grief over everything she lost that night, to the ways her burgeoning relationship with Robin is affected by all of it. I'm in love with this fic it was made specifically for ME probably!!!
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❄️ chronance (chrissy/robin/nancy)
Fireplaces over Fireworks by @yxlenas
1.8k | M | a Chrissy/Robin/Nancy new years slice of life fic which left me warm as a fireplace on the inside, this is such a beautiful look into a life shared between these three women and the ways they support each other in the aftermath of all their individual hardships. like the LOVE of it all is so baked into every word and the sense of a community around them that they're able to rely on to understand them is just immaculate.
i feel so fucked (at least i’m feeling) by @starryeyedjanai
6.1k | E | more chronance i've been BLESSED this month!!! this time of the 'porn with feelings' variety which is both such the perfect lesbian vampire sex moment AND a heart-wrenching Chrissy Cunningham character study in which we get to see her reclaiming agency over her desires. I'm obsessed, I'm over the moon, I've been given everything I could ever want READ NEOW.
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❄️ gen fic (Max & Steve)
Laughter's Medicine by @roguenancy
2.2k | G | it has been well documented that stories about Max getting Sibling'dTM by one of the older kids make me lose my mind and this is no exception. the study of max during this missing s4 scene, this dynamic between her and Steve as we see him be so casually emotionally intelligent in knowing how to take some of the pressure of being comforted off of her shoulders, it's all so impeccably done here and will blow you away from the JUMP actually
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sunkissed-zegras · 5 days
my second fav segment of my incorrect quotes is back!
paige : *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
nika : What did you do?!
paige : NOBODY DIED!
paige : Hey, how did my phone break?
nika : You were drunk yesterday.
paige : And?
aaliyah : You threw it.
paige : Why?
azzi : You turned on airplane mode and kept screaming “FLY DAMN YOU!”
paige : And why didn’t you stop me?!
kk: We were busy laughing our asses off.
gabbie : Oh kate , we have a visitor!
kate : Don't tell me it's caitlin.
gabbie : It's caitlin.
gabbie : How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on caitlin without her noticing?
kate : Hey, caitlin, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny.
caitlin: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser.
gabbie : ...
azzi : I baked you a pie!
paige : Really?! What flavor?
azzi : *pulls gun out of the pie* DEATH!
- 🪐
these always make me giggle even if they’re so outrageous JELPPPPP thank you for blessing us with more nonnie ‼️
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iwanthermidnightz · 10 months
Also on Katy in YNTCD, that was a shock to everyone because before that people assumed they still had beef. And I remember at the time, this corner of the internet took it as, see, don’t believe everything you read about taylor & beef. It feels like a soft launch of what may turn into the KK narrative…. Idk
And to go back a bit… around this time Karlie started hanging out with Katy more and more. Then all of a sudden Katy showed up in the YNTCD video.
And then days after the video came out, Karlie was on a cowboy themed ‘trip’ with Katy and Derek filmed Katy singing “one of these things is not like the other” and Karlie was shown smiling.
Then Taylor and Katy “bake cookies together” and later Taylor sends Katy a baby blanket (now I send their babies presents implications)
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Anyways, it all seemed connected. Before that I do remember certain people wanting to pit Taylor and Katy together. The first move was Katy sending an olive branch to Taylor on the first day of reputation tour and Taylor saying how much it meant to her.
It just goes to show no one knows for sure the state of relationships in Taylor’s life. The worse shouldn’t be assumed.
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spade-riddles · 6 months
Dunno if this has been mentioned before but Toe being the one stealing the recipe feels kinda off coz based on the Grammy situation he would have been the one stealing her baking award instead. At the beginning of KKs pregnancy T was posting about her baked buns. Could the stolen recipe actually refer to the public image of the kids supposed father? Was the OG plan that KK was gonna divorce and have kids alone coz J didnt want any and then jumped ship and claimed them coz it served his business image better? We always wondered how could T+K allow him to be associated with their kids.
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herohikara-wol · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2k23 - Day 4
Off the Hook (Modern Day Streamer AU)
“Welcome back Scions!” Hero beamed as he waved at his camera set up, the stream was live and his mod team was ready for the chaos. Hero was usually a cozy game streamer- if he wasn’t doing his baking streams, known for things like Animal Crossing or Stardew Challenge Runs. However, he could be convinced to do other styles of games- and one of his friends had talked him into trying something new. “No we are not taking a trip back to the farm today, we’re doing something special!” He already had the capture set up for the switch anyway.
So a few games of the new Splatoon wouldn’t hurt. “Alright chat, I want you to guess while I set up my switch. Mods, give ten thousand channel points to- let’s say- the first three correct guesses! I’ll help narrow the field though, it’s not an indie title and it’s got online multiplayer.” He actually was just waiting for the game to finish downloading, while keeping an eye on chat to see if his friend would show. Granted, he could just yell down the hall- but chat didn’t need to know they were living together now. It’d lead to rumors and unneeded speculation.
Especially since Zenos was supposed to be dating his lead moderator- Asahi.
Not that Hero wasn’t also dating Asahi, but there was this whole royal wedding fiasco that they had to resolve first and he didn’t want to make it public that they were a triad until it was resolved. Partially by suggestion of Zenos’ fathers. Specifically Regula, the biggest advocate for online safety and anonymity he knew. Partially because the pair of them have managed to keep their relationship out of the spotlight for years- hell, no one could even tell Varis had transitioned after having Zenos. The royal family knew how to keep secrets- even in an online era.
Finally Asahi posted a message in his mod chat.
[GildedSAM: Zenos forgot your Splatoon Debut stream was today.]
[GildedSAM: So I’m moderating his stream right now.]
Oh, that would explain a lot. Okay, Hero could work with that. He’d watch Zenos’ VOD later just to see whatever he did. Hero wasn’t one for games like League or whatever competitive fighting game of the week Zenos was punishing people in, but he liked to watch Zenos play anyway. He never got tilted, even when losing, he just got excited for a challenge. Watching his smile spread when he found someone who made playing interesting was Hero’s favorite part of his streams.
[CensorshipNutkin: thx for the intel]
[CensorshipNutkin: u n fordola got it covered?]
[GildedSAM: Between me, Tsuyu, and Fordola we should have Zenos’ stream under control.]
[CensorshipNutkin: kk]
Hero sighed a bit, that meant his team would just be Thancred and Raha today. That was fine, his streams usually didn’t get crazy so two would be enough. “Alright bets are off, let’s get this started!” He switched to the game screen to show off the Splatoon logo, “I played the WiiU version way back when so I’m not totally clueless, but I wonder how it’s changed for the switch. I think I’ll miss Marina though, I loved her outfit. Maybe I'll cosplay her sometime.” He winked at his chat and grinned as the heart emojis poured in. “Also, fair warning, I was a splat roller guy before so prepare for me to make a lot of mess.”
Honestly the stream was going great for a while- until he wound up in one specific lobby. “Who the flip is this sniper? He’s stupid accurate and-” Hero paused for a moment, long viera ears turning to ear Zenos talking to his own stream. He could barely pick up the words, “effective on rollers- can’t have that,” before he quickly pulled up Zenos’ stream on his other monitor. “Chat I’m going to have to pause after this game.” He was going to beat Zenos within an inch of his life over this. It couldn’t be intentional, he knew they weren’t trying to get into each other’s games.
Shame someone in chat realized why he was angry before he had the chance to elaborate.
[WarriorOLight and GarlicPrince are in the same lobby. GP just sniped WoL from half the map!!!]
Fuck, whelp that cat was already out of the bag.
Suddenly his chat lit up with messages of support. Calls to kick his ass and run him down were rampant.
“Guys I’m not going to chase him down specifically, that’s unsporting of me.” He laughed a little, calming down for the moment. “I am, however, going to turn this whole flippin’ map pink and send him a clip when I win.” Not if.
Time to do what he did best, be a nuisance. Don’t get cooked, stay off the hook indeed.
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homestuck-stories · 1 year
Wait I want to request a thing for my best friend.
He adores karkat, sollux, and mituna. So If you could write something with any of them for him that would be lovely!
He loves cats and bees a ton, struggles with OCD and being half deaf (missing an ear). Hes an artist too and loves baking.
Just do whatever is easy but make it really sappy and romantic >:3c fluster him ♡
Hope this is ok to request! Thanks in advance!
—SOLLUX WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW. ARE YOU ON DRUGS? Some troll asked on Trollian. The notification arrived soon, being answered by another troll. —… no, iim not iin drug2. why are you a2kiing that riight now, KK? —LET'S SEE. YOU WERE REALLY SPECIFIC ABOUT WHAT YOU WANTED. YOU WANTED TO TALK WITH Y/N. I GAVE YOU HIS TAG. AND YOU IGNORED ME. I TALKED WITH HIM. THEY ACCEEDED TO TALK WITH YOU AND, AFTER PUTTING SOME WORK ON IT, I EVEN MAKE HIM AGREE INTO HAVING A DATE WITH YOU. BUT YOU HAVE TO GO NOW IF YOU WANT TO SEE HIM. The other troll tried not to panic. He knew how important it was to cause a good impression on you on the first date, so he said. —oh. 2o you 2ay that iim late. that make2 2en2e. yeah, ii 2hould go now. thank2 for remiindiing me two go talk wiith hiim, KK. ii dont know what iid do iif ii havent 2uch a good friiend —PLEASE DON'T BE DEPRESSIVE AND SWEET WITH ME. YOU ARE KINDA DISGUSTING. BUT YEAH, SAY THANKS. YOU HAVE TO BE THANKFUL I DON'T GO IN YOUR PLACE. THAT KID IS REALLY NICE AND HAS SOME GUTS, SO I FEEL HE COULD WORK AS A GOOD MATESPRIT. TA disconnected that moment, making his way to the place where you were waiting. He arrived as soon as possible for him and, when he arrived, he was so flustered. He wasn't expecting something so… Appropiate. You lacking a part of yourself (your ear) did make Sollux feel alright in a weird but good way. He was insecure because of his doom player condition, which made him half-blind and half-death in some weird way, so being able to see that his date was not perfect… Kinda fixed his vision. Not quite literally, since he was half-blind still. But it was the best he was gonna feel. At least, before talking with you. He approached while you were working on some art. It was a portrait of Nepeta and yourself surrounded by some cats. You both seemed kinda cute for him so it was time to talk for Sollux —hey. that look2 really cool, 2eriiou2ly. —… Huh?… Oh! It's you. Sorry, could you repeat what you said? Sollux was stupid. Or that's, at least, how he felt. Clearly he was half deaf and talking to him standing on kid's bad side was almost awful coming from someone who should understand his struggles. —… yeah, 2orry. ii wa2 2ayiing that… that your art look2 pretty cool. tho2e are really cool cat2 and ii have two admiit that iim 2orry for beiing late. —Oh, I know that you were, but I already came with my own plan. If you weren't coming, I was gonna keep drawing. I already planned everything so I wouldn't feel anxious if you couldn't assist. That sounded kinda bad and sad but then he remembered what KK said. "HE STRUGGLES WITH OCD. AND NO, I'M NOT TRYING TO MAKE ANY JOKES LIKE OLD CRUSTY DICK OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I'M TALKING ABOUT OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER." —2o… how are you? iim pretty bad wiith thii2, 2orry. probably iit2 better iif ii go. my lii2p ii2 makiing everythiing wor2e, iim probably the mo2t obnoxiiou2 troll you ever talked two —No, please! I planned everything because I would find kinda hurtful being alone when I want to spend time with you. Don't feel like you are bad at anything because the only thing you are not good at is making me feel uncomfortable!… Sollux was a little bit confused by your way of wording that, but soon recognized that you were trying to help. —okay… thank2 agaiin. and… ii want to 2pend tiime wiith you two. ii hope that wa2nt corny enough to 2care your a22 haha… You laughed because that sounded really cute. You shaked your head and said, with a smile —A little bit corny, yeah, but not enough. You have to try a little harder than that, sorry. So… I was doing this drawing because I wanted to improve my relationship with Nepeta and, well, I'm doing another one of Mituna. Do you have any request, something do you want me to draw for you? Something that will make you feel better. And that's how you and Sollux spent an evening together.
-------------------------------------------------------- Hey! I hope your friend likes it! I'm sorry if I misunderstood anything about the request, and I'm sorry if I can't capture exactly Sollux's personality! I tried my best and I hope it's good enough to fluster your friend! <3
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
Im betting nico is more than willing to keep kevins no-english lie as long as kevin shares aaall the juicy stuff he hears they would be the kings of gossip
Ohh plss Kevin coming home after a day of snooping around (he still goes to clean and bake for people even if we'll, he has a rich boyfriend now cos he loves hearing people gossip kk), and Nico came home just before him and they prepare dinner together as Kevin tells.him the best gossip and they just VIBE!
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crispylilworm · 4 months
Top 5 Video Game Foods
The recent Watcher Top 5 Beatdown had me racking my brain and googling lots of pixel food images, love the different aesthetic, experience, and curiosity factors that went in to their lists. Though I'd share my own & would love to hear yours!
5. Sweetroll (Skyrim)
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4. Lantern Fruit (Subnautica)
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3. Creamy Heart Soup (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
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2. Peach Pie (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
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1. Brewster's Coffee (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
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Reasoning & honorable mentions below ^.^
5. I got into Skyrim late to the game, but my first character started as a Jean Valjean-inspired petty thief in the pursuit bread and cheese. Nothing looked quite as appetizing as those little sweetrolls. One of the many delightful discoveries I came across going in blind to an iconic game.
4. Red, plump, slightly bioluminescent - super versatile as either a food source or bioreactor fuel, but most of all a gorgeous addition to any base. Returning to base and taking a bite of a fresh lantern fruit was more just for roleplay than anything lol, but man do I want to have a taste in real life.
3. Figuring out recipes was one of my favorite parts of the unlimited exploration in the open-world Breath of the Wild, and nothing seemed tastier than the Creamy Heart Soup. I can just imagine how revitalizing it would be to slurp it down mid-battle. Something about video games making imaginary fruits just looks so tantalizing, and I'm always a slut for a good soup.
2. The craftable food update in New Horizons is what kept me around for nearly a 1,000-hour island. Something about how they would steam after you cooked and placed them just looked so good. The cute aesthetics of the food items could warrant its own top-10 list for me, and the Peach Pie was as good as it got. I got the Switch game in 2022 well after the pandemic peak. Neither me nor my friends had peaches on their islands, and I was not about to pay to trade with someone - I never actually attained this beauty. My island had lined fields of crops and a farmers market with baked breads and jarred goods, she would have been my star centerpiece.
1. This is mainly an experience-based choice for me, but I imagine the taste would be phenomenal as well. 10-year-old me was unaware of changing DS settings to play different dates, so the once-per-day cup of coffee was a cherished moment. At the time I did not even know what coffee tasted like lol. The thought of drinking a scalding hot beverage scared me but I did not want to disappoint Brewster by letting it cool past its peak flavor. And Saturday nights when KK Slider was there?? Highlight of my week. Honestly that whole atmosphere of having a tasty little drink and watching a local live performance is exactly the vibe a look for as 28-year-old still. I wish I could go back and see how many hours I put into Wild World, I literally COMPLETED that game before I had access to the internet to look up how to find things - it was my cozy place.
I had too much fun putting this together lol honorable mentions has no cap idc, also no proofreading we die like men!
Honorable mentions: Yeto's Soup (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) - it took so long to make it must be the heartiest soup ever, Rare Candy (Pokemon) - if it can make my pokemon level up imagine ME, Lobster Thermador (Sims 2) - max level cooking meal I didn't think was real lol, Goopy Carbonara (Sims 3) - what's so goopy about it?, Crab and Egg Chinese Style (Cooking Mama) - a food I want to try and cook myself, Dubious Food (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - what flavor is 'dubious' exactly?, Cheesy Meat Bowl (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) - food that could instantly cure a hangover, Golden Apple (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - does it even taste different?, Perfect Cherry (Animal Crossing: New Horizons) - I am allergic to cherries but I would risk it, Pink Cake (Stardew Valley) - so cute I NEED a taste, Light Faerie Sundae (Neopets) - faerie food looked tasty af the light sundae looked the best, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans (HP & The Chamber of Secrets PS2) - Harry seemed so excited to find those beans I need to know why, 'Johnny Silverhand' Cocktail (Cyberpunk 2077) - beer + chili + tequila sounds awful I want a taste, Big Bang Burger (Persona 5 Royal) - I want to taste of Okumura's finest, NukaCola (Fallout) - if it doesn't taste like Diet Coke nuclear apocalypse isn't worth it, Klawf al Ajillo & Pickled Toedscool (Pokeomon Scarlet/Violet) - I want to taste the forbidden meat o.O
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。・:*:・゚★ hellooooo 。・:*:・゚☆
(asking all my mutuals this)
questions from Your Annoying Tumblr Mutual !!!
ೃ⁀➷ song that's been on repeat recently?
ೃ⁀➷ any new movies and/or shows you've watched/started/finished?
ೃ⁀➷ thing you did this week that's made you proud of yourself (I, for one, am proud you made it through this week! that's already something!!)
ೃ⁀➷ most recent 'obsession'? (lmfao)
kk, that's all (for now) baiiii.ೃ࿐
(p.s. I'm sorry if I'm asking you stuff you might not want to answer)
(p.p.s. it's okay to ignore this !!)
(p.p.p.s. I'm honored to be ur mutual btw)
(p.p.p.p.s. I really am living up to that title)
(p.p.p.p.p.s. yeah okay that's it fr this time)
(p.p.p.p.p.p.s. tehe)
(p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. ur the best)
hey girl!!
You Belong with Me :D
Junior Bake Off
I got a good grade on a test!
The Inheritance Games
(p.s. noooo im honored!!)
(p.p.s im glad you're my friend :D)
(p.p.p.s tyyy love u <3)
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