#kisa x hiro
Today's Fluff is Kisa and Hiro
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superevilmeowmeow · 1 year
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the crepe episode will always b my fav ♡~
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matchingshoujo · 2 years
Hiro x Kisa Matching Icons (2)
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romancemedia · 7 months
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Anime Romances + A Lover's Quarrel
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v-67 · 5 months
It's 4:05
I was finally hoping Kyo and Tohru would talk and everything might make sense for them
And what do I see?
A haunted kyoko san
And I'm off to sleep rn
But if this goes in the direction it's going
I swear to god
I'll just be What the fuck
Will watch the rest tomorrow
No spoilers please
Fucking binged the series up until now, I thought okay last episode because I have to sleep and my last episode is what? A haunted kyoko san and it scares me to think of what do these possibilities mean
Will watch tomorrow
I'm angry
And I'm hurt
And I'm so full of emotions
Because this anime is doing all of this to me
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thetravelerkureno · 7 months
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Have some more Fruits Basket memes using the same template (because I'm unoriginal it's so versatile).
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(I'm only refering to the toxic ones but that wouldn't fit unfortunately)
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& what i wished happened -
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meltingpotimagines · 2 years
Fluffy Kisahiro Headcanons
Request: "hello I hope you are very well <3 I was wondering if you could also do fluff headcanons for hiro and kisa from fruits basket ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა they are my second favorite shipp but sadly I find very little about them unu, it would be everything, thanks :') )" - anonymous
Warnings: Mentions of food
A/N: It's a little shorter than I usually prefer to write, but since they're so young I wanted to keep it completely innocent and physical affection down to a minimum. I also apologize for taking so long. Life's a little hectic at the moment 😅
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gosh these two are so frickin cute
it's that perfect tsundere softy pairing and it sends me to the moon
plus the friends since they were kids trope
speaking of which
can you imagine them meeting as little kids
and hiro's like annoyed bc he's always annoyed he's being forced to play with this quiet girl
but he complies like a good boy and plays with her (begrudgingly)
and he notices somewhere along the line he stopped being so annoyed by her
and that he kinda actually likes spending time with her
and that she's kinda his best friend not that he'd admit to it
seriously i'm obsessed with the friends to crushes aspect
and imagine she's chilly one day
and he notices and copies what he's seen hatsuharu do a million times and gives her his jacket
when she thanks him with that cute smile, he blushes and turns away, quietly muttering that it's no big deal
i also believe that he's constantly copying what he sees hatsuharu and yuki do and i think it's hilarious
he's so awkward about it all but also so determined
i feel like he shares his food with her
like snacks and stuff
just kinda offers it silently, not even looking at her
she happily accepts and munches with that one smile on her face
yk that small one that's like just pure, genuine happiness
i really believe she knows it's the little things matter the most so she's always aware of the affection behind his actions
they totally share an umbrella if one of them forgets
it's just like a silent holding their umbrella over the other and the two of them continuing to walk
i also fully believe they understand each other well enough to be able to not always have to say what's on their mind
silence isn't uncomfortable either
i mean, he's a little awkward but that's just because he i s an awkward boy
she definitely slept on his shoulder at one point
usually she sleeps on haru's arm, but once she was more tired than she realized and dozed off, eventually slumping over onto hiro's shoulder
it surprised him, but he just adjusted to make sure she was comfortable
they're just relaxed with each other like that
he puts band-aids on her cuts and scrapes for her
he also picks out the pretty ones because he knew she'd like them but anyway
he definitely is always paying attention to her expressions and posture
he may not always know what to do, but he always wants to know how she feels in case he c a n help
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drgeoduck · 1 year
Kyo and Tohru are clingy. Hiro is annoyed. And envious.
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star-plush · 2 years
this scene was so cute😭
cr:kyoswrldd 🎀
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charislcarousel · 4 months
Fruits Basket Season 3 Ep 13 thoughts
AAAAA last ep I’ve been putting this off for years I’m not ready!!!
Not Uo and Hana with their dirty jokes😂
Aww Kyo realizing cats have no interest in him anymore
Not Machi punching Kakeru into NEXT WEEK
“If you call me Mama right now, I’ll forgive you.” SAKI WHAT WHY R U SO THIRSTY
Kyo comforting Tohru is EVERYRHING
“It’s the start of a new banquet, right?” Woaaat what a good quote, Kyo
“The evil one has fallen!” 💀
Ritsu’s hair!! So short!
Hiro cupping Kisa’s face makes me so soft
Momiji, cute as ever
His new dream🥰
Don’t worry Momiji I’ll be your amazing significant other
Kunimitsu, what’s with the “woah”?? The fact that Saki and Kazuma are talking and with each other😂 cus yeah that actually is the craziest age gap of this whole series
Ayame is still so funny I love him
Ooooooh we getting more Hatori and Maru content?👀
Maru’s sense of humor is great
Maru lamenting over the fact that she’s flat and Hatori saying “That’s no news” 💀💀💀
Yuki’s reminiscing is PRECIOUS
“I wanted to be loved and needed. And then you appeared and made it all come true.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 “You gave it to me. That’s how I’m standing here right now.”
He wanted a mother’s love all his life and she could give it😭😭😭😭
They all love her SO MUCH AWWWW
And that’s all SHE ever wanted!!!!
Awww her daughter and granddaughter look JUST like her
They’re old and happy aww
It’s over…
I waited like a decade for this and it’s finally over. So worth it. Loved every second.
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anime-ships-all-good · 9 months
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Kisa Sohma x Hiro Sohma
Fruits Basket
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superevilmeowmeow · 1 year
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mom, there are so many princes in the sohma family — not just yuki. yes, handsome, lovely, kind princes
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bloodofthefates · 5 days
x. “   shh ,   just  stay  still .   let  me  hug  you  for  another  few  minutes .   ” haru to kissaaa from @kisumshi
Kisa struggled against his hold on her at first, already emotional and agitated she had tried to worm her way out of Haru’s arms in an attempt to escape and run away. Again. She hadn’t wanted anyone to see her cry, it’s why she’d run away from home again after the disappointment she’d recognized in her mother’s eyes. Hiro tried to understand as best he could, but he had such a way about him like the other zodiac members that kept his true feelings from being hurt as easily as hers and he struggled to understand how sensitive and soft she could be. Kisa hated it sometimes, that she cried so easily whether she was sad or angry, any extremity of emotion giving way to such a visible and overt sign to others that made them want to coddle her more. Haru was different, he understood but she’d fought against the hug he’d forced on her because she was afraid the few trickles of tears down her cheeks would merely be just the opening of the floodgates. Feeling the tightness in the back of her throat expanding, she looked up at him with wide eyes before she went motionless in his hold in a thought of indecision. Still Haru held her, clinging to her as he whispered in her ear to help calm down such overwhelming feelings and in a split second she reached a decision of her own. Wrapping her own arms around him as best they could fit, Kisa clung to him and dug herself deeper in against his chest as she shut her eyes tightly and let herself cry. “Please don’t let go Haru.” She asked softly, her voice raspy from lack of use and the trembling of her lips from crying while trying to hold back long enough to speak to him again.
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ultraericthered · 10 months
Anime Update V2 57
Vinland Saga S2 - At long last, I return to this series and jump right into Episode 1 of its second season that aired earlier this year. This episode told the tragic tale of a man named Einar, who lost his homeland, his mother, and his sister in a horrific attack by marauding brutes who took him prisoner and sold him into slavery. At one point he tries to flee only to get found, recaptured, and brutally beaten. At another point we see old man Leif, looking to find his lost nephew among the slaves. At the end, Einar is sold to Ketil to work at his large, vast farm in southern Denmark, where he is introduced to another of Ketil's slaves: a moody, badly damaged young man with dirty blond hair...named Thorfinn. And thus, a connection is made!
Hunter x Hunter - New information regarding how the Chimera Ants operate in their different heirachies and their ongoing breeding patterns is given to us as the Hunters Association is now tasked with fighting and killing the Ants, hoping to slay the Queen before she can give birth to a King. We also got some neat fights of Gon, Killua, and Kite in that order against Chimera Ant footsoldiers sent after them by the big lion guy. And on the side, Colt and the other leading soldiers are discovering the secrets of Nen, continuing to be easily the most intriguing part of the show at this point and I await more from them.
Fruits Basket - First episode of the pair I watched was mostly set at school, with the first half delving into Machi's backstory, how the trauma messed her up, and her blossoming relationship with Yuki, and...OK, which female student council member had the parody "tragic backstory?" Because Machi's backstory just did not click for me AT ALL. I could get the idea behind it and wanted to appreciate it but the execution was absurd; it legit felt like something someone would make up to convey how Fruits Basket does traumatic past-based stories, yet we're meant to take it seriously. I like Machi, but her development with the backstory and romantic material just sucked. Ironically, the second half that put focus onto Yuki's biggest fangirl, Motoko Minagawa, actually landed better and got me more emotional and choked up! Yuki, you took for granted what you had in this girl and her wacky fangirl posse! The one weird part was Naohito having feelings for Minagawa the whole time. THAT'S what he meant when he declared Yuki "his rival" when they first met? C'mon now!
The second episode brought Isuzu and Haru's subplot to its climax in a truly beautiful fashion, along with some payoff for Hiro and Kisa as well, and the best part of all was getting to see Haru grilling Akito for the truth, standing up to her, and coming just short of decking her in the face. Kureno helping Haru to go reunite with Isuzu and Akito starting to break down about this was icing on the cake. I might not be the biggest fan of Kureno but compred to Akito, Ren, Shigure and the head servant, he's a good lad who understands wrong and right.
Re:ZERO - Season 2 is a go for this too, as we're treated to a horrific Happy Ending Override where Rem has ended up vanishing from everyone but Subaru's memories again and a whole bunch of Crusch's soldiers got slaughtered by two new Archbishops of the Witch's Cult, a white haired Simon Laurent and a crazed beastman who talks like Erik Scott Kimerer doing Alexander Polinsky. For some reason, the effect went in reverse for Crusch, as now she's lost her memories of everyone else. The episode's last scene with Subaru and Emilia was nothing short of extraordinary for its pathos, it really got me. Things look to be taking a darker direction for this season, and y'know what? With a show of this quality, sign me the fuck up!
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works - Now this was a lot more interesting compared to what I'd been watching before. Lots more serious and involved discussion between Shirou, Saber, Rin, and Archer, a scene where Shinji reports to Kirei at his church and he even references his grandfather Zouken, Rin and Shirou staking out to confirm or put to rest any suspicions regarding their bespectacled classmate who lives at the temple, Rin alluding to the true connection she has with Sakura, and Shirou thinking back to Kiritsugu and why he's adopted the "hero of justice" ideals from him to the point of a stubborn, unhealthy Savior Complex. Good stuff to see get adapted.
Symphogear GX - I thought Hibiki's father seemed bad, and Tsubasa's father also seemed cold and unloving, but now we get the full truth about her birth...her grandfather is thought to be her biological father who impregnated his own daughter in law just to breed a worthy family heir and spite his two sons. DEAR GOD. Seeing how fucked up this clan is, it was unsurprising to learn that Tsubasa's father was wanting to protect his girl from dealing with it all. What was very surprising was the full extent of Carol's plan, which turned every triumph the girls had made against her Dolls upside down into defeats that only got Carol closer to her objectives, and how she accomplished so much just by spying through Elfnein's eyes. The two biggest delights here were more of Chris bonding with Kirika and Shirabe as their senpai and working together to kick ass, and the glorious return of none other than DR. VER! Extra batshit as ever and still claiming himself to be a hero, he's with Carol and the Autoscorers now! Can this possibly get any wilder? I sure hope so!
Eureka Seven - On errands with Eureka and her kids, Renton meets a kind elderly lady who turns out to be a Vodarac religion member and a suspected terrorist who Holland is after in order to turn her in and collect the bounty on her. The morality of what Gekkostate is doing suddenly gets a lot blurrier to Renton, and he and Holland now clearly have more than a few issues with each other even in spite of Holland coming through in the end to ensure the old lady evades the military after he's taken his pay. Eureka is still awesome, though!
Gintama - So this might've been my absolute favorite episode of Gintama yet. Just all the ways they played with the "whodunnit" mystery genre while also lampooning stalkers, selfish, dishonest and unloving boyfriends, and tight parental control without the child's input all in one hilariously twisty and turny episode kept me immensely engrossed and entertained from start to finish. Also, Otsu continues to be surprisingly amazing, and we even get the backstory for why Shinpachi became such a die-hard fan of her, with the one thing that distracted me is that suddenly she's singing in Japanese even in this dub; did the constant English singing of "Your Father's Bleep Bleep" face such backlash that they dared not attempt a dubover of Otsu's songs again? Ah well, that's no big loss at all!
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madzmationcreations · 2 years
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Happy Valentines Day everyone! 
I started this for Chinese New Year but did not have time to finish it.  So also happy year of the Tiger! I had been rewatching Fruits Basket and it felt like it was a good time to draw these two!
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