actuallyadhd · 2 months
Hi, I think I may have symptoms of adhd? It wasn’t til a read an ask from another blog about medicine and symptoms for adhd that I started to ponder why I always struggled in social situations. I don’t lean on having long drawn out conversations where I’m on the receiving end. I don’t comprehend what people are saying in most social interactions. I just hear word jumbled up and can’t form a reply back because I can’t process fast enough. It’s gotten worse as I get older. I don’t know how I made it through college. I’m also schizoaffective w/ anxiety and depression at times. I’m not lazy but I seem to place objects all over the place and at the end of the day my home looks like a war zone. I don’t watch t.v at all . I use to read more content. I don’t even like reading my mail. I lose interest because i can’t follow along. I hate noises like when someone is in the kitchen going about the day. I don’t read much anymore because I have to read over a couple of times with sentences. When I do engage with someone I just act like I know what there saying and act like I’m listening. I do impulsive things and act and say things I regret. There is a part of the day where I can shut up and sit steal. I interrupt conversations because I’ll forget what I want to say. I have delayed reaction or response to what is being asked of me and it pisses me off when people expect me to answer them quickly .I hear voice hallucinations and you can probably hear me through my door talking with funny bones ( name of my hallucinations ). If all these things sound familiar could you confirm that I may be on to something where I could actually receive some help for . Thank you. This is my very first inquiry about the condition adhd. 
Sent March 3, 2024
A lot of this does sound similar to ADHD, yes. However, your other conditions could be causing those symptoms. It's also possible that those conditions are just making the ADHD symptoms harder to deal with. It is always worth talking with a professional about the possibility, to see if they agree that an assessment is warranted.
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kingofkingsschizo · 1 month
A shout out to those who are suffering from their mental illness today. A shout out to the ones who can’t escape and feel trapped. a shout out to those who have lack of support. A shout out to those who only want to feel normal. A shout out to those who are depressed and don’t know how to cope. A shout out to those who are psychotic. A shout out to those who have suicidal thoughts. A shout out to those who are scared and have anxiety about what tomorrow will bring. A shout out to those who can’t sleep. A shout out to those who fill the heavyweight of their symptoms. Hang in there it’s tremendously hard I know. Keep pushing.
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I think once said you were involved with an older person when you a lil bit younger. How old were you at the time and how old was he?
I was 19 and he was 49 and it was without a doubt the most toxic relationship I've ever been involved in! So when I speak critically of relationships with that kind of age gap, I'm speaking from experience
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kingofkingsschizo · 8 months
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Defiant Kat art.
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kingofkingsschizo · 2 months
If you are a schizo like me and need to work to make ends meat pick your job wisely. As a schizo that worked I noticed I couldn’t work full time. While I went to college I worked maybe 3 days out the week on the weekends. I had to learn to structure my life with my symptoms. I had sleep issues and because of the antipsychotics I had fluctuations in the time I could fall asleep or I would wake up real late afternoon. I worked at night because these were the hour I had peak energy. I also found out I couldn’t work high pressure jobs like being a line cook. While I worked I did have episodes on the job and I couldn’t be consistent even though I was a hard worker. I found out something, clerical jobs suited me better for some reason. As I got older I had earned enough credits through social security from working that increase my social security benefits and it was best for me to live within my mean off the fix income then all the stressors that I encountered working. One thing I forgot to mention was that I had extreme social anxiety but being in a small town that was highly vested in the tourism industry, service jobs like food and beverage restaurants and hotels were the only options to work. I forced myself every time I entered the employee entrance to swallow my anxious feelings and proceed with the responsibility and duties assigned to me. In retrospect I think it might have conditioned my tolerance level to function with anxiety. I now do things like music and art these things bring me happiness and it’s true if you find something you love doing you won’t have to work a day in your life. Good luck schizos, I say go for it and work and go to higher education because you want to not just because this what others suggest or expect you to do. Protect your sanity and peace always.
Wally aka DEFIANT
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kingofkingsschizo · 2 months
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I watch over my sheep my flock. I see you and I recognize your disparity . I was once homeless for a short time. It’s not easy. It’s not easy because you are cold and hungry and rely onthe generously of others to help you. To some you are someone to avoid. I don’t because you may suffer from a debilitating mental illness. It’s not your fault.
We need to be more compassionate and cognizant that these are human lives that society views as a burden. I see you and I recognize that your life matters. I left him some fresh clothes, but I will be back to feed him and give him fresh water.
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kingofkingsschizo · 4 months
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Check this turkey out I found today roosting on top of the fish market on pier 19 . Galveston, Tx. Plenty of shrimp boats and scraps to eat
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kingofkingsschizo · 7 months
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kingofkingsschizo · 7 months
The one thing I can do well as a schizophrenic besides art is remember my delusionas I was uncontrolled for 2 years and sometimes I was kinda stable and could function. Then there were times I could wake up from my sleep in be in complete delusion. Like when I walked to the beach in my underwear and walked far across town and back. I can remember in detail what the delusion was about. I remember they arrested me for spitting at a cop because I thought he was evil and after to kill me. I remember how I was in delusion. The sheriffs guard would command me to leave my cell . They would approach me hostile which heighten the delusion that they were out to kill me so I didn’t understand or comprehend what they were ordering me to do. I fought them like I was fighting for my life . They used excessive force on me which caused permanent damage to me spine. The guards didn’t understand either because they are by no means trained well enough when they go through the academy to recognize mental illness. I’m about to change all that in my city. I have filled an affidavit . It will be public what happened to me. I will exhort any and all energy out of me to make sure this crap doesn’t happen to any mentally ill person in my town . Thank you for reading
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kingofkingsschizo · 9 months
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kingofkingsschizo · 4 months
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It’s not your fault you feel fucked. On the contrary you are strong as hell !!!
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kingofkingsschizo · 2 months
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Bird art by DEFIANT
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kingofkingsschizo · 2 months
Just give me some small talk that is full of fun and politeness. I don’t wanna hear your long drawn out analysis of what’s going on in the news. Thats good you have an opinion I do too but I don’t care to debate shit with you.
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kingofkingsschizo · 5 days
Hey watermelon season is coming make sure you pick a sweet one
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kingofkingsschizo · 3 months
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Delusional mind 
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kingofkingsschizo · 7 days
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