#kingdom the far reaches
smbhax · 2 years
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Thayer’s Quest (DVD)
”Thayer's Quest is a LaserDisc video game initially developed by RDI Video Systems in 1984 for their unreleased Halcyon console, and later released in arcades as a conversion kit for Dragon's Lair and Space Ace.[1] In 1995 it was ported to home consoles and PC under the title Kingdom: The Far Reaches. The arcade machine had a membrane keypad for controls instead of a joystick. To help players learn the daunting—for an arcade game—controls, a small holder containing instructional leaflets was attached to the cabinet.”
Rick Dyer’s company RDI Video Systems also developed Dragon’s Lair and Space Ace.
In 2006 I used a PS2 to play Digital Leisure’s DVD version of the game that I had found in an EB Games bargain bin in Seattle. Scene access times were pretty decent, and different choices can lead you to playing scenes in a different order from play to play, but at about 90% through found I was stuck because I had used a key item earlier that turned out to be required for a scene I encountered later. : P
I made these screen captures back in the day with an old video projector’s built-in 256-color floppy disc capture function, which is why they’re so color banded/dithered/distorted--the actual DVD video was smoother looking.
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anodymalion · 1 year
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goldensunset · 6 months
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O you, who at the world's far-off end dwell,
I know your wish- it is my wish as well.
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theophagie · 4 months
Dream drop distance scenario and cutscene director Masaru Oka we owe everything to you............
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daylighteclipsed · 1 month
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Okay, the side by side is pretty wild
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bladesofheart · 1 year
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asherlockstudy · 11 months
Me watching HotD 5th episode: This Crispin Cole is a sensitive guy who caught genuine feelings, why on earth is everyone trashing on the poor romantic dude?
Me watching HotD 5th episode ending: THE FUCK IS THIS ASSHOLE
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Big spoilers for totk
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
I've never liked the ReDead. Creepy, screaming, undead things. Though making them dance in Majora's Mask always amuses me. But. Ugh. ReDead.
The Gibdo were slightly better. Less creepy design, though if I'm remembering correctly they could have the bandages burned off and reveal the ReDead underneath in some of the games. Yeah.
But there's something particularly unnerving about the Gibdo in Tears of the Kingdom. The design is distinctly ReDead-esque, occasionally with pretty moth wings thrown in. And the hive-like behavior is unsettling. They're evil insects that either infest dead bodies or evolved to look like dead bodies. And both ideas are fascinating, but...
It is not making it any easier for me to navigate the poorly lit Lightning Temple when the Gibdo are smacking my 'creeped out' buttons. At least these guys don't scream. They just... unnaturally elongate their spines as they get closer to a victim.
Of course its the temple that actually looks like a real Zelda dungeon that has the horror elements in it. *sigh* Careful what I wish for, indeed.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
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The flying bike might be the best creation ever. Just hop on it and let’s fly from Kakariko to the highest sky islands
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Kingdom Hearts Lore is So Funny a.k.a. Uh-Oh Sisters I Looked At the Kingdom Hearts Tag For A Milisecond and Caught the Brain Rot Again
Imagine many hundreds of thousands of years ago you wake up bright and early in your undersea kingdom. It is another sunshiny day for you, King Triton, ruler of the vast oceans of the Land of Fairytales. You gain word as you sit down for breakfast that there’s a civil war breaking out somewhere on the overlands. 
Ah, yes, those silly mortals on that one island with the giant key-things and the tower. Whatever they’re quarreling over, you’re sure it has nothing to do with your territories. You resume your kingly duties. It’s a fine, effective day- Kelp productivity rates are up. Seashell imports are happening as scheduled...
A shadow sets in over the castle, and you frown and look up. Odd?... The sun doesn’t set for another three hours, and there’s no eclipse scheduled. It becomes obvious that this is not some regular lunar eclipse when a GIANT HEART-SHAPED MOON appears way above the waves in a blood-red sky. This is about when the shaking starts.
By the end of this crisis, your vast kingdom of oceans will have been cut down to the size of a Super Mario Galaxy planet, and about 1/20th of the country of Denmark. Beyond that is the vast empty darkness of space. What in the absolute fucking Poseidon just happened?
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I've spent the past hour trying to get over the spikes surrounding the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower and I JUST walked over to get more trees and fucking. There's a fucking ramp on the ONE part of the hill I didn't walk go. I'm going to scream
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gotyouanyway · 1 year
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regallibellbright · 1 year
Bro’s playing Chrono Trigger, hopefully with intent to finish this time, I suspect.
I stalled out when playing DS during the final sidequests, but therefore functionally played the entire game and have been trying very hard not to spoil That Particular Plot Point. (If you have to ask you don’t know which it is.)
This led to me going “wait, how far in is he” after he got kicked out of Zeal the first time, which led me down the rabbit hole of the Chrono Compendium wiki, which does not just have theory pages but DISSERTATIONS on how time travel would have to work in these games. So now it’s 3:45 AM. I’m pleased with how I have spent this time.
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detective-piplup · 9 days
I’m being so normal so so so normal I promise
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yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
Yandere Fairytale Series:
Part 1 Part 2
Yandere Witch x Rapunzel Reader x Yandere Prince
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Vinicio had finally discovered his princess! He was so thrilled to live out his biggest fantasy of saving a damsel in distress! He’d make sure to pamper you for life once he was able to save you from this tower! But first he had to gain your trust… so he’d be an open book.
Vinicio had kept his promise to you. The lavender haired man smiled below your tower while he’d shout at you so you could hear him.
You genuinely enjoyed his company as he’d share stories with you of his kingdom and about the outside world. Vinicio made you curious of what lies beyond your tower in merely a day.
Vinicio began to visit you for the next two days before he told you he had to return to his kingdom. His company was refreshing and comforting since Hilda had been gone for so many days…
It was the weekend when Hilda returned to you. The young woman shouted for you to let down your hair so she could climb up
Hilda’s arms engulfed your form as she eagerly inhaled your scent. A big smile on her pretty face when she finally pulled away.
“I’m so sorry I took so long. I went a bit further than normal and I brought you a gift.” Hilda reached into her satchel and pulled out a small box wrapped in parchment paper. “It was a little expensive, but I wanted to make it up to you.”
You opened the gift and were in awe of the seashell comb inside the box. The little white comb was covered in seashells and pearls… “It’s beautiful, Hildy.”
Hilda blushed at the nickname before she shyly glanced to the floor. Her green eyes peaked up at your smile while her heart fluttered.
“It’s not as beautiful as you.” The two of you shared smiles before Hilda began to get around to cook with you.
To Hilda, this was the ideal life. To cook and cuddle with the woman she loved as the two of them were far away from civilization. Her mother, Agnes, had handpicked (your name) just for her! You were Hilda’s bride and she’d never let anyone steal you away! Not like your mother was taken from Agnes! No! Hilda wouldn’t let any man in your vicinity! She didn’t want to lose you to childbirth like Agnes lost your mother!!
Agnes had told Hilda of how your mother was her lover before your mother was swept away by a handsome noble who spotted her in the village. Of how that man’s friend sullied Agnes and created Hilda (a fact that didn’t stop Agnes from loving Hilda). Of how Agnes had tirelessly searched for your mother only to be too late… Agnes simply couldn’t bear to leave you in the care of the man who had ripped her lover from her.
Agnes didn’t want Hilda to go through the same pain she did so she used her magic to build this tower. A spell that aged her significantly, but it was worth it so Hilda could be happy. Hilda was so blessed to have Agnes as her mother and you as her lover (a fact you were unaware of). And now Hilda had to magic to protect you! The two of you will never starve or lose one another! Hilda had the abilities to give you a good life.
Yet you didn’t weep like you normally did when she returned from her trips… Hilda observed your chipper form in suspicion. Had you been in contact with anyone else- no. That wasn’t possible. No one has discovered this tower in over twenty years and Hilda would prefer to keep it that way.
It was another month before you saw Vinicio again (luckily when Hilda was gone again). This time the prince brought you a large bouquet of flowers. You believed they were called roses! Except Vinicio had kindly removed each thorn.
Vinicio excitedly chattered away with you as he shared that he was camping nearby in the forest. The prince shared his woes with you. Vinicio had been hounded by his parents to get married since he was the only heir to the throne, but he was insistent to find his own wife. “I want to marry for love, despite that being corny.”
Despite how the warning in men was instilled in you, you didn’t feel like Vinicio was evil. He was rather charming actually and he had such a trust worthy aura. You enjoyed his friendship… yet you were unaware that Vinicio was actively courting you.
It took four more months of Vinicio’s visits for you to lower your hair and let him into the tower to talk. Vinicio always kept a polite distance even as the two of you shared tea. You were so happy to hear about the outside world and be shown the wonderful world of books.
You had to hide your books under your mattress from Hilda (an action you felt guilty to do) but you adored the stories from the words. Why did Hilda keep you away from civilization? It seemed wonderful to be out in the world!
You shared your desire to see the world with Vinicio’s whose eyes went dark as he smiled at you. “If you want to see the world, I can take you. We can see it together.” And you made the mistake of accepting his offer.
Hilda, on the other hand, felt as if she was going insane… at least until she discovered a romance novel under your mattress when she changed your bed sheets. Hilda nearly went ballistic at the novel that detailed the make believe love between a man and a woman. Yet she refrained from acting out on her feelings of betrayal. No… she’d have to punish you.
Hilda wrapped her arms around you as you at the meal the two of you made together. A few tears fell down her face which made you do a double take. Yet you couldn’t even ask her what was wrong before she grabbed the shears off the table.
“I’m so sorry… but you can’t leave.” Hilda began to sob. “Whoever that man is, he is going to ask to marry him and he will take you far away… you will be locked up somewhere else. This is all for your own good.”
Your screams echoed throughout the forest as Hilda chopped off your long locks. The young woman sobbed the entire time as she cut each chunk to a shorter length. You had to learn that you couldn’t leave her. Hilda didn’t want you to suffer the same fate your mother did. This was all for your own good.
When Vinicio came by after a week, he was shocked to not see you greet him right away. “(Your name)? Can you let down your hair?”
He had no suspicions when your long locks were tossed out the window for him to grab. The prince quickly scaled up the tower with a big smile on his face. Today was the day he’d ask you to be his wife… his forever princess.
“(Your name), I was thinking all week about this but I think I’d like to marry you.” Vinicio shouted as he inched closer and closer to the balcony. “I’ll take you far from this tower and we can see the world together. You can have as many dresses as you want and we can eat all kinds of good food! Would you like that?”
Vinicio couldn’t help the dread that began to pool in his stomach when you didn’t respond. Why haven’t you responded? Were you okay?
Yet he was shocked when he came face to face with the wicked grin of Hilda once he reached the balcony. You loudly sobbed as you sat tied up in a chair with your own hair. Your poor hair in a messy, (hair length) style. Was this the witch who kept you locked up? Did she hurt you?
The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Hilda sprang into action.
Hilda’s Ending:
“I won’t let you take her!” The black haired woman threw herself forward and shoved Vicinio off the balcony. The man couldn’t even scream before he fell down the tower in shock.
You began to sob when you heard a loud, wet thud. There was no doubt in your mind that Vicinio had splattered all over the bottom of the tower… a sight you didn’t want to see of your poor friend.
Hilda turned to you with a thrilled look on her face. “He’s gone… we’re safe now. We can be together just like we’ve always been.”
The black haired woman knelt down beside you as she knelt down to cup your tear stricken face in your hand.
“Shhh. Don’t cry. I’ll explain everything, okay?” Hilda pressed her lips against yours in a tender kiss. “It’s better this way.”
Vicinio’s Ending:
Vicinio side stepped Hilda, which caused the young woman to nearly tumble off the ledge. Yet Vicinio had caught her and slammed her head into the balcony, knocking the witch unconscious.
Vicinio quickly ran over to you as he began to untie your binds made from your own hair. Vicinio pulled you into a tight hug as you cried into his chest.
“It’s okay… I’m here now.” Vicinio pressed a kiss on the top of your head. “I’ll make sure that witch is punished for her crimes.”
You froze when he said that. Witch? Hilda wasn’t a witch…
You gasped when Vicinio gave you a smile, yet the look in his eyes made your blood run cold.
“I’ll have her burned at the stake for hurting my precious princess.” Vicinio took your hands in his before he pressed tender kisses to each of your knuckles. “We can ride my horse back to my kingdom! I have a small group of my men down below to bring any of your belongings too. I can’t wait to be married!”
You trembled as Vivinio continued to babble on and on about your future marriage. Perhaps Agnes and Hilda had told some truth about men…
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