#kind of stands alone
leenfiend · 8 months
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based on the train chapter 95 of Observations by J-anon
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katnissmellarkkk · 5 months
ever since someone — and unfortunately i cannot remember who — reblogged one of my posts about haymitch and katniss’ relationship with the tags “they don’t have a father/daughter relationship, they have a mother/daughter relationship” i’ve never viewed their dynamic the same way.
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altraviolet · 6 months
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iced lemon pound cake vibes
heh. pound cake
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cookiecomics · 1 day
i really hate the phrase "you don't owe anyone anything" because while people aren't obligated to do a lot of different things people do in fact owe people things in a community!
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palossssssand · 5 months
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A short comic about Denchu, the last of the squad members who stayed behind in the domes, and Kanu, who went to the surface in search of the ones who went missing.
Text below in case my handwriting isn’t very legible!
Denchu: Please please please go through…
D: …
Kanu: zzzt…Denchu?
D: Kanu…!! Oh thank cod-
K: Perfect timing! I have something good to show, er, tell you!
D: -sniff- Oh yeah? Tell me all about it…How have you been? What’s new?
K: I just finished putting up my storefront sign!
D: Really?! That’s so great!! So, money hasn’t been too tight?
K: Nah, the folks here have been helpin’ me out. It’s been pretty smooth sailing.
D: I see. Seems like you’ve been doing well.
K: Yup.
K: And also! My beard’s finally coming in!
D: Aaah what!!! I’ll bet it’s soo cute…What I’d give to see you right now…
K: So, how about you? Still hangin’ in there?
D: Mm. Well, it’s been okay…
D: You have no idea how many times I’ve had to fix this thing.
K: Like…10?
D: More like 20. The damn parts are so fiddly.
K: Yeesh!
D: I don’t get that much time to work on this, y’know. I’m surprised it even went through.
K: Well, you know me. I fix mine up every now and then. I think I know how.
D: How’s the search for Kinoga, Trito, and Agara?
K: …
D: …Kanu?
K: Well, I haven’t seen or heard anything. I promise I have been keeping my eyes out, but, y’know, I’ve been so busy with the shop stuff-and I’m still workin’ on the new arm…so…
D: …Kanu…
D: You can’t go forgetting why you’re up there. They’re important to you, to us. If we don’t find out what happened…then…then.
K: …I know. Sorry, Denchu.
K: I wish you could come see…It’s been so nice up here, I mean, I think you’d love it-
D: Kanu.
K: Maybe you should join me and we can look together-
D: Kanu. I can’t.
D: I have to be here in case they come back. Or else there won’t be anything for them to come back to, okay?
D: Even if they don’t…I have to hope that they might.
D: I don’t get it, Kanu. It’s unlike them to just. Leave. Something must have *happened*.
D: It’s so lonely…I miss everyone so much…I don’t know how much longer I can hold out…
K: Denchu…you’d better not be crying again…I’m gonna feel bad about not being there to comfort you.
D: Well, I am…I can’t help it…-sniff-
D: Nobody higher up wants to listen to me…or investigate…and I know something’s wrong and…and…
D: I can’t do anything about it…!!
D: I feel like it’a a miracle that I’m even talking to you right now.
D: …Sorry.
K: It’s okay, Denchu.
D: I just…I missed hearing your voice. I don’t know when I’ll get to hearing it again.
K: Though, if it’s in a few months, it might get deeper again.
D: Kanu!
K: What! It’s true!
D: Ha ha ha
K: Oop. I’ve just got a shipment of new parts. I gotta go
D: Aw…
D: Okay…Well…I’ll talk to you hopefully soon. I’ll miss you.
K: Okay. Love you.
D: Love you too.
D: And…if you feel like you don’t know what to do…you know where I’ll be.
D: …
D: How am I supposed to leave the only thing I’ve ever known?
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mewtwo24 · 23 days
You know idk if it's just me being oblivious af but mxtx sure does enjoy putting her protags through the trolley problem when it comes to her works huh /j
#mdzs#mxtx#i say this not to be critical but because she really does prove how time and again#people want a scapegoat and an easy target to blame#and so much of her work is abt proving how faulty these philosophical absolutes are--nothing is that simple.#literally the arguments made to put everything on wwx (at least for now) appear to be faulty at best#i mean sure sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth but like ;;;;;;;; the kid is just doing his best wtf#everyone out here like WWX IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU except for lwj and i'm just like#1. hes literally like 16 yrs old or smth#2. whether or not he stepped in during the cave scene was kind of a non-question??????#the wens were so clearly going to engage in egregeious violence regardless of the rationalizations that came after#pointing fingers is legitimately pointless and fallacious logic#if mianmian wasnt targeted theres really no guarantee smth similar wouldnt have happened#furthermore working tg and refusing to play by wens' rules was p much the only feasible option#lwj was young and afraid and had lost so much but he still had enough clarity to insist on working tg#i also really love what he said abt suffering bc its just true.#the way he claps back to his uncle by saying that nobody would be spared violence and atrocity#the only choice they had was to try to band tg and mitigate the dmg--basically 'war is hell'#i find it such a stark and lovely contrast to the common perception of others abt him#that lwj stands alone and thinks of no one else; quite the contrary#he's v self-contained and v disciplined but he's not indifferent to suffering or apathetic#i think so much of the natural love that blooms between wwx and lwj is rooted in their mutual desire to do good#wwx wants to help--he loves to see people smile. he would do anything to protect the ppl he loves#lwj is honestly the same--he's just more abt structure and stability#wwx is more spontaneous and more attuned to the people around him#im a little shocked that people werent able to tell lwj was just as obsessed with him#just bc wwx is loud and mischievous about his interest doesnt really???? to me mask the ways lwj is so responsive. also i ????????#still don't understand the mental gymnastics of madame jiang insisting it was all wwx's fault when she literally targeted wen's mistress ->#in retaliation???????????????? all this 'pick your battles what the fuck is wrong with you wwx' and she goes and instigates their wrath??#i mean idk fellas i was just sitting there like 'you could have handled this so many ways and you picked the TNT option. wat.'
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minkufu · 2 months
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Rough sketchins. I at least have an idea for how I want these to look. I can already tell im gonna take way too long adjusting and redrawing each one of these.
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eggs-can-draw · 3 months
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Toddlers who say slurs
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bomberqueen17 · 4 months
On the way home from work I was thinking about Rochr and Iorveth in your fic and remembered a question I had for you: there is this scene in which Roche gives an overtired and insomniac Iorveth a blowjob in a secluded room, there are knives involved, I think Breniriel is guarding the door? Anyway, Iorveth finally falls asleep and it is implied that Iorveth has been adapting poorly to feeling save and thus somehow feelt safe enough with Roche to fall asleep but not his friends /family?? I don't think they were even talking at this point in your fic, what did I miss?
Have a nice evening /day!
Well, so like, that's the premise of the fic. I'm not saying this to be an ass, this is a genuine response, because it is sort of an honor to have someone thinking about your work beyond even the time it takes to read it, but: That is the premise of the fic.
And either it works for you, or it doesn't. That's just... how fiction works. Do i think that in real life two traumatized people would actually hit it off just like that? Do I think it would work? Do I think it would be healthy? Do I think it would lead to long-term happiness for either or both of them?
I won't answer that, I will just leave that to sit for a moment. My answer is immaterial anyway, because the author's intent is only marginally relevant in some circumstances.
This is fantasy, critically, more broadly than fiction (is it a broader category? I think so). Like... one of them is an elf, and has a shapeshifting dragon as his leige and protector. Some other fantasy elements are even less realistic, but the idea is that they're plausible, for the purposes of fiction.
So this is kind of how fiction works, and fantasy in general. Do you accept the premise of this story? Do you find it plausible, for the purposes of this fictional exercise, that, to bring it specifically back to this story, two characters who have long been enemies, would find something in common like this? Two people who have been on opposite sides but were in the same conflict, who went through many of the same things, who, crucially, commanded others during this awful cataclysm of violence, who had to warp their own moral centers not only to survive but also to potentially damn others by their tragic, inevitable actions. Who have in the past bitterly fought, physically injured one another, murdered one another's comrades, and worse... but in this new peacetime, find, strangely, unexpectedly, compellingly (precedentedly, in reality!) that their former foe is the only one who truly understands what they've been through. And they can trust this former foe the way they can't trust others, because this foe gets it, because this foe knows what's at stake, fully understands what happened, has the same sense of both the fragility of society and the preciousness of its little contracts. Iorveth knows Roche would stab him in the face, not the back, and that is a kind of trust. The whole underpinning of this ship is that in the video game there's a scene where one can best the other, and in each decision tree the loser says unhinged shit about how if they have to die they're perversely glad that at least it was the other who is doing it. Because that other understands what it's worth, and is a worthy foe.
That's it, that's the ship manifesto, LOL.
So-- that's the exercise of the story, trying to draw the reader along to find this as plausible-- I did not say realistic! Plausible-- as possible. The art lies in underpinning it with realistic detail here and there-- including that after many wars in real life history, the veterans of the conflict have found more in common with their opposing veterans than with the civilians of the side they fought for-- and so on and so forth. To make it vivid, to make it relatable, to make the fantasy compelling.
And if the premise doesn't work, then the story doesn't work. That's fine, not all art is for everyone. But that's how it is. Either you accept the premise, and it works, or you don't, and you go find something else that works better for you. This is no judgement on anybody, you or me or anyone, that's just how fantasy works. A reader brings as much to it as the author, and takes as much away, and while there's an element of skill on the part of the author, a large part of it is just going to be the reader's response. Things will or won't work for you and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just another of the ways fantasy works.
(I don't know if you've missed anything, I haven't reread that scene in quite some time because I'm still working on sequels and that takes up a lot of my energy and time; same reason I rarely respond to comments, I just don't have time to both do that and make new works. I do think the blowjob with knives is a separate scene from the passing out with knives but I don't recall exactly either. It's kind of a long story. If you think you missed something, try rereading it? But if that doesn't compel you, then it's really no skin off my nose if you don't! It's fine! I'm not offended, I just don't know how else to answer that question. I don't remember the scene that well. I wrote it like a year ago or more. But I'm well aware the premise of it doesn't work for everyone, which is why there are so many people writing so many different stories.)
LOL I have more to say on this topic because I got a faintly ridiculous comment on a story recently on kind of a loosely related concept, but this is getting long and I should address it separately. Suffice to say, you got a long reply here because I have been spending some time thinking about fiction, what it is and isn't, and how it works.
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turtletoria · 2 months
i feel like an incredible hater for this but i feel as i get older the more my tolerance for shipping decreases. like i went from an avid enjoyer to just tolerating ship art to now getting outright upset and fighting the urge to curse every time i see shipping content (this doesnt apply to my mutuals and friends who ship things because they can do no wrong ever)
#idk why it boils my blood like that. like genuinely it makes my online enjoyment really take a steep nosedive since 99.9% of any fandom-#content is shipping#maybe its the hater in me. maybe its the aroace tendencies in me. maybe im just antisocial and disagreeable. idk!#like shipping isnt morally bad or anything it just makes me so sad. idk#like ppl always prioritize romance over friendship and make fun of friendships as if they arent gay enough or smth and it rlly hurts me. id#like idk how to say it. everyone can have fun and stuff but it rlly makes me feel like im having fun wrong bc shipping looks fun but i cant#stomach it. like i miss having fun like that but i cant stand it anymore#like friendships r so devalued and even in frienship is magic type media friendships STILL take a backseat like whats up with that#like i hope this isnt coming across like a “i hate romance! i hate love!” kind of post but more so a why dont ppl focus on characters if -#they cant be romantically involved?#like i will alwaayyss be bitter abt willow from toh getting sidelined until she could be shipped with hunter like that pissed me off so bad#but like ur fave characters cant stand alone they neeeed to be romantically involved with someone for their love or dedication to be real#like love and dedication cant be genuine unless theyre romantically or sexually attracted? idk man#talking abt this is tricky bc u can fall into anti-sex/conservative rhetoric with this but i hope u can understand what im saying#like sex is great and romantic love is great but i wish the greater public would just have some freedom to explore concepts of dedication-#and trust that go beyond that framework. like there was a comment on reddit that framed aroace as the nonbinary of relationships and I-#thought that was really neat. yeah
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
i love the difference between jaiden and bobby’s relationship vs roier and bobby’s because with jaiden bobby’s very sweet, very willing to help, kind of the most perfect angel who just really loves his mom and with roier he’s just as willing and loving but he also dunks on roier whenever he can and does not hesitate to shoot him. kind of the most family ever
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majiburger · 6 months
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i think akashi is the first player we get with a tragic family backstory. all the other boys are just invested in the game, but his pressures don't end once he steps off the basketball court. i've heard people say knb has no redeeming "villains," but a domineering father, a possible mental disorder and the death of his mother preceding everything that happened at teiko seems understandable enough, no?
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batsplat · 16 days
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Sepang 2006: After an exhausting race, Valentino Rossi brings a chair to the podium and sits down. Loris Capirossi joins him to sit on his lap.
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kanansdume · 1 year
I read a post recently discussing how great Tamora Pierce's Winding Circle Temple from her Circle of Magic series is both as a school and a home for the people who live there and oh boy did it give me Jedi vibes like nothing else. I'm going to straight-up admit I was more of a Tortall universe fan as a kid than an Emelan universe fan, but I recently went back and re-read all of the Circle of Magic books as an adult, so I still feel qualified to discuss this a little.
The post discusses how a religious Temple is actually such an interesting place to use as a location for the main characters' adoptive home, with the little routines and philosophies and general lifestyle woven into the worldbuilding. It's not just a school, although it very much is a place of learning, but it's a HOME. There are people who just come to the Temple to learn, of course, but a large amount of the people who are learning there also consider the Temple their home. And it's this community built of people who have CHOSEN to be there and/or have been cast out of other societies for things they cannot choose or change about themselves.
While Star Wars has not truly delved into what life is like in the Jedi temple (not in high mainstream canon at least), I've seen plenty of fans coming up with detailed headcanons about what life would be like in the Temple, what kind of holidays the Jedi might recognize or practice, what the classes would look like, what kind of food they'd eat and the routines and traditions surrounding their food. Because the Jedi Temple isn't just a boarding school, it isn't a university, it's a HOME and a community made up of people who have chosen to be here above anywhere else and those who were cast out of their own societies. The people who live there consider each other a family.
The adults at the Winding Circle temple aren't PERFECT, but they are genuinely good teachers who take care of the children they have adopted. They're responsible and loving simultaneously.
The Jedi all encourage their children to question things, to tease each other, to take responsibility for their own emotions and their own actions, but also simply to enjoy the moment as it happens rather than getting caught up in thoughts about the future or the past. They love each other and are perfectly capable of being playful, but they also ensure their children learn discipline and good mental health, as well.
Each main child character is raised relatively communally by the Temple, capable of being taught by just about anyone, but are also being housed with two specific Masters and then each taught their specific magical abilities by one teacher who has more of a specialty in their type of magic. We see a similar set-up among the Jedi who have the children brought up by Masters who are specifically assigned to taking care of their physical needs, but are eventually matched up to a Master who can help them hone their SPECIFIC skills, and all the while they are being raised pretty communally with access to every Jedi Knight, Master, and Padawan in the Order who might have something to teach them. The Winding Circle Temple takes a very adoptive/found family approach to their relationships, same as the Jedi do.
What's interesting is I don't know if I've ever seen as much discourse about Tamora Pierce setting her series at a religious Temple as I've seen aimed at the Jedi. I don't know that ANYBODY who's read Pierce's works in the Circle of Magic series would claim these characters not to be a family or that Winding Circle isn't their home or that it was repressive and abusive because they asked their members to take responsibility for their actions, especially when they have such large amounts of power at their disposal.
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novelconcepts · 7 months
Imagine them all dying, one by one. Imagine them all haunting one another, one by one. Jackie haunting Shauna. Nat haunting Misty. Van haunting Tai. Imagine them all dying, one by one, and the ranks of this ghostly team swelling. Nobody gets away clean. Nobody gets away safe. Nobody escapes. No return.
And Lottie. Lottie as the last, back in the Wilderness which never wanted to let any of them go. Lottie, back in the Wilderness, surrounded by the teenage specters of all the girls who never quite made it out. Lottie, taking the crown at last, letting the wild in.
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theheartchoice · 2 years
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Hello, Dean. My name is Castiel. 
Nice to meet you, Cas. 
#suptober22 day 3: digital 
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