#kikuchi sensei
hotwaterandmilk · 8 months
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He's right and he should say it. Kiddy deserved her happy ending and I'm so glad he gave it to her.
Happy birthday, Kiddy!
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fantastic-rambles · 2 years
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Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Ainosuke Shindo (ADAM), Tadashi Kikuchi
Warnings: Hanahaki Disease, Mild Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: A 5+1 fic. When Tadashi is struck by a strange disease, he does his best to conceal it from Ainosuke during a critical time in his master's career. [Written for Tadashi Kikuchi Week 2022 | Day 1: Hanahaki Disease]
Covering his mouth, Tadashi coughed quietly, his eyebrows drawing together slightly at the feel of something in his mouth. And even though he was trying to be unobtrusive, Ainosuke looked up from his work, frowning.
“Are you ill?”
“Maybe,” Tadashi admitted reluctantly, crossing the room to pick up his briefcase and pull out a mask. With his back turned to his employer, he also had the opportunity to glance at his hand, growing more confused when he noticed a few rose petals there. After slipping the mask on over his mouth, he turned to look at the other man, crossing his hands behind his back. “But it shouldn’t impede my duties, sir.”
“I should hope not. This is the most critical period for my proposal. I can’t have you getting sick during it,” Ainosuke snapped brusquely. He closed the folder that he was holding before holding it out to Tadashi. After carefully wiping off his hands with his handkerchief, Tadashi approached and accepted it, glancing at the contents.
“So this is for Takano-sensei?” he asked, and Ainosuke nodded.
“I’d like you to come back with a favorable answer.”
“I’ll do my best.”
After quietly excusing himself, Tadashi left the office.
“Are you sure that you shouldn’t stay home and rest?”
Tadashi shook his head as he held the car door open for Ainosuke. He could feel his master’s eyes lingering on the mask, which had become a permanent fixture over the past week. Whatever he’d caught was getting worse as he coughed more frequently, finding more petals trapped by the cloth while his chest was beginning to hurt. But it wasn’t bad enough to need a doctor yet, as strange as it was, and he still held out hope that it would eventually pass.
After all, Ainosuke’s plans were just getting started, and he needed Tadashi around to ensure that everything went smoothly. The younger man was the one with the ideas, but Tadashi was the one who saw them implemented to perfection.
Still looking doubtful, Ainosuke climbed into the car, accepting the finalized speech for the fundraiser from his assistant. As he began to study it, Tadashi slid into the driver’s seat. And when they pulled up outside the venue, he stepped out to open Ainosuke’s door, bowing as the man emerged.
“I wish you success tonight.”
“Of course.” Sounding confident, Ainosuke headed toward the entrance as Tadashi watched.
Tadashi breathed slowly and shallowly behind his mask as he prepared Ainosuke's schedule for the next week, trying to avoid yet another coughing fit that would distract his master from his own work.
He'd been meaning to see a doctor in his spare time, but spare time simply wasn't something that he had right now, not when Ainosuke's new initiative was finally moving forward. Even with the additional assistants who had been hired, Tadashi was spending late evenings with Ainosuke after they came home.
And when the itching of his throat grew too strong, he poured another cup of tea from the pot beside him, forcing the feeling down. Ainosuke was draining his own cup nearly as frequently as Tadashi was, and as his master set his cup down again, Tadashi quietly approached to refill it, glancing at Ainosuke's face.
To others, he might have seemed as fresh as always, but Tadashi had been with him long enough to spot the faint shadows under his eyes and the slight tightness of his lips that belied his own exhaustion.
His latest cup emptied the pot, so he excused himself quietly to return to the kitchen and brew another with fresh leaves.
While the crowd cheered, Tadashi knelt beside the car, his mask pulled down as he struggled to breathe between his coughs. It felt like there was something stuck in his chest, thorny vines wrapping around his lungs and stabbing his heart, and he stared at the mess of petals and flowers that he'd vomited. There were whole blossoms, large and perfect, other than the wetness that clung to them.
He didn't know how much longer he could keep his condition hidden from his employer. He'd been insisting that it was just a cold and that he'd get over it soon, but it had already been a month. The only consolation that he had was that it didn't seem to be contagious—or if it was, that he'd been careful enough that Ainosuke hadn't caught it.
But at least until he couldn't work, he would continue to support the other man to the best of his ability. With his breath rattling, he slowly straightened up despite the desire to stay curled up against the pain, wiping off his mouth.
Carefully, he disposed of the evidence before returning to his position as the skaters began to leave, chattering excitedly about Adam's race.
"You should get that checked out."
Tadashi had managed to park the car safely before he ended up bent over the wheel, coughing his lungs out like a patient with consumption. He could smell the sweet perfume of the flowers that were choking him, but he couldn't remove the mask and clear them out, not while Ainosuke was watching.
They remained like that for another minute until Tadashi could breathe again, his desperate gasps filling the silence.
"I will. I apologize… for whatever inconvenience… this causes," he rasped, his throat raw.
"It's more inconvenient if you can't do your work."
Tadashi nodded before exiting the car and walking around to open Ainosuke's door for him, following his master into the manor. He excused himself for a moment to slip into his bathroom and change his mask before heading to Ainosuke's room to help him prepare for bed. The familiar rhythms of their usual routine seemed to ease the tightness in his chest a little, even as he continued to cough. And when Ainosuke was finally settled, Tadashi softly bid him a good night.
But as he turned around to return to his own room, the floor rushed up toward him.
+ 1
He coughed, feeling the now-familiar sensation of velvety petals climbing up his throat. But unlike before, a voice he knew broke in harshly.
"You absolute fool!"
"Ainosuke-sama." Tadashi's hands rose to cover his mouth, but it was already too late, and his gaze fixed on his master before he took in the room around them. He didn't recognize it, but the white curtains and smell of antiseptic gave it away, making him flush. He'd embarrassed himself in front of his master, but he couldn't read any irritation in the other man's face.
"Do you even know what you have?" Ainosuke demanded, and Tadashi shook his head as he struggled to a sitting position. If he did, he would have had it treated already. And Ainosuke sighed.
"It's something called Hanahaki, and it's apparently caused by unrequited love. And it's cured by having it requited. So who do you love, Tadashi? I'll help you figure this out, one way or another."
Tadashi's blush deepened, and he shook his head. There was no way that he could admit the shameful truth. But Ainosuke sighed again.
"Tadashi, if it isn't cured, you're going to die. I don't want to look for another assistant."
Still, Tadashi shook his head. Compared to admitting it, he'd rather take his secret to the grave. Besides, Ainosuke had said that the cure was to have it requited: that was simply impossible. But Ainosuke's eyebrows snapped together, making Tadashi flinch. He hadn't seen Ainosuke this angry in a long time, if ever.
"Tell me. That's an order."
When he used that tone, Tadashi couldn't defy him. Even so, he still hesitated before dropping his eyes to the flowers that dotted his covers.
"You," he answered softly, his shoulders hunching. Other than his rasping breaths, the room was silent, though he couldn't help wondering if Ainosuke could hear his heart thumping painfully in his chest. And then Ainosuke's hand slipped under his chin, forcing him to look up at his master. But he didn't see disgust or frustration there, only something softer that he'd last seen when they were children.
"You fool," Ainosuke repeated, and Tadashi's eyes widened as the man closed the distance between them. He felt soft lips against his own, and the omnipresent pressure in his chest began to ease as he took his first real breath in over a month. "Unrequited? I've always loved you, too."
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yaoi-sekai · 2 years
STADIUM CHEER FOR LIVE ACTION MOB AND KIKUCHI!! THAT'S THE LOML KIKUCHI YOU BETTER TREAT HIM RI G H T!! Hatano get on his level 🤪 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA zettai bl continues to be glorious even in a completely different medium and with each episode (there are 3) mob's manic laughter continues to be even more menacing and!! and!! the bit at the hospital where the nurse stops mob from leaving but doesn't know how to call his name 😭😭😭😭
Indeed, although many plot points were changed, the drama is very entertaining and works well. It keeps the essence of the manga.
I'm still hoping for an anime. Sensei said there would be an announcement this weekend for Zettai BL so I'm crossing fingers.
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quickdeaths · 1 year
It was rather unusual for a kyudo competition to be cancelled due to the rain, but there was nothing that could be done about it. While archers were expected to compete in any and all conditions, if a judge couldn't make the competition due to car trouble in driving rain, then it simply would need to be rescheduled. Having received the message shortly before they'd planned to depart the school grounds, there wasn't much else for Shinobu to do, though returning home early was an entirely unpleasant thought.
With no interest in going home, and Anzu occupied for the afternoon, Shinobu decided to spend time in the Shujin Academy library, working on homework and reading for pleasure in-between assignments. Few students stuck around after classes, rushing off to clubs, part-time jobs, or simply to spend time with friends, which left the library quiet and largely empty - as she liked it. In nearly all cases, she preferred solitude to the company of others, particularly when something else held her attention.
Regrettably, her peaceful afternoon was soon disturbed by a girl sitting down at her side, reaching for the sleeve of the boy's uniform Shinobu wore. "Shinobu-kun?" The girl's eyes were wide, equal parts eager and oddly fearful. "I didn't know you'd be here. You usually run off so quickly after the final bell rings..." Shinobu could sense whatever quiet time she'd planned slip away, closing the book and regarding the girl with dark, expressionless eyes. "I often have obligations to attend to, Miss Kikuchi. Today, I do not."
Miss Kikuchi seemed to take that information in stride, fidgeting her hands in her lap. She was a 2nd-year, as Shinobu recalled, though they'd spoken perhaps only twice. "Oh, I see. Well, while we're both here..." Again, she fidgeted, her voice trailed off with whatever courage she'd summoned on short notice failing to hold throughout a conversation. If you have something to say, Miss Kikuchi, simply say it. If the question is as I expect, I'll accept it as I always do, but if you lack even the conviction to ask, you only waste my time and yours.
Miss Kikuchi shrunk in on herself, weakly drawing out her phone as if to exchange numbers, only to pass the phone over with a webpage open. "Anyway," she murmured, as though brushing past the earlier topic of faint conversation. "Did you hear about this? A lot of people were talking about it in the halls..." Peering over the top of their glasses, Shinobu wordlessly took the phone and scrolled through the page. "That message was posted all over the place at some artist's exhibit." Her voice seemed to have returned, eager as she was to brush past her weak moment. "The Phantom Thieves... They really are here to help, aren't they?"
Madarame-sensei. A distant and occasional acquaintance of her father, though not someone Shinobu knew personally. Pushing the phone back, Shinobu shrugged. "Were I to believe in them, I'd still find it a rather pointless endeavor." That the Phantom Thieves were a popular conversation topic at Shujin Academy was understandable enough, after what had happened with Coach Kamoshida. "The world's injustices are a fact of life, dealt with by all, and anyone who pretends to be able to realign the world in a better image is acting dishonestly. There are too many people and too many institutions devoted to upholding the world as it is to enact genuine change."
Perhaps Miss Kikuchi had simply meant it as a segue into another conversation, but Shinobu had quickly shut it down. If Miss Kikuchi had nothing interesting to talk about, it was better that she leave, and after a few more stilted words, eventually the younger girl departed with a bow and an apology for the intrusion, the question plain upon her face yet unasked. Yet, again, Shinobu was kept from her homework and her books by another person, someone walking with much more sureness to her steps than the hesitant, timid Miss Kikuchi. "Student Council President," Shinobu acknowledged. "Good afternoon."
"If I've missed some important bulletin regarding the library's hours, then I regret my lack of attentiveness." Typically, the library stayed open rather late for just such occasions, but it wasn't unheard of for school facilities to close early for whatever reason. "Need I vacate the library for some purpose or other, or is there something else that I can do for you?" What exactly that could be, Shinobu had no idea, but if the universe was set upon keeping her busy today, then no amount of grumbling or resistance would change it.
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regarding-stories · 1 year
When the books are even better: "Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki"
A few days I posted an article claiming the anime series for Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki was great. It covers the first three volumes of the light novel series. I was itching to go on. So I checked out the books - after finally finding a store willing to sell them to me digitally. (Capitalism these days is broken. I give you money, you give me convenience. Is that so hard? Sheesh.)
So I breezed through volumes 4-7 since day before yesterday.
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The writing is that good. The characters are richer. It had me hooked the whole time. I didn't even sleep that well...
Some spoilers will be necessary, but I'll try not to give everything away. You really should read these books.
What an anime can't transport
One of the funniest things in the books is how Tomozaki describes Kukuchi-san, the girl he started meeting and bonding over her interest in books and writing. Meeting her seems to be an outright spiritual experience for him. It's a bit much, but somehow it endeared me a lot. How could you possible put that scene-setting into an anime?
You can't.
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Someone on reddit had asked why fans of the books were so much more emphatic about Fuuta Kukuchi than people who only knew the anime. It's because her character is hard to transport.
And yes. She's shy. She hides her rich inner life. I find such female characters endlessly enthralling and empathize with them. I regret nothing.
But there's more to Kikuchi-san. She's a fully defined person - a person with a place she starts from, a character arc she struggles with, somebody who interacts with others to find her own place in life and not simply by somebody's side. The way her relationship with Tomozaki evolves in Volume 7 is beautiful and deep and works on several levels, including the novel and play she is writing. Given the many layers the story already has, this is nothing but astounding.
She's Tomozaki's guide and Tomozaki is hers. This is the second such dynamic he finds himself in after Hinami, his "game of life" sensei.
Challenging if you feel it
At the end of of Volume 7 I felt a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for how the story evolved and climaxed. Every character in it was needed. Whether it's Hinami, Kikuchi, Tomozaki, or Mimimi - they all have my heart.
It was a dynamic where someone I treasured was going to be hurt, and I was bracing myself.
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I was kind of anxious for that - how the heightened romantic situation would resolve. I was bracing myself for impact, knowing how badly I took such a choice in The Quintessential Quintuplets. Because again I love all of them!
But this is what separates the true masters from the rest. The situation honored everybody's feelings. And it was fair to all. The resolution of the romantic tension built over Volumes 6 and 7 wasn't random, and the characters impacted weren't clueless. And the stakes also hadn't been put so terribly high, either.
I will not spoil it, but these two volumes together tell a fascinating story with a wonderful resolution, rewarding ups and downs, and a lot of heart and soul.
It's funny that this series wasn't that romantic to begin with - but when it revved up its soul train, it turned it up to 11. How's that for an eclectic metaphor?
Characters and truths
What also was very rewarding - and a tad challenging - were all the truth bombs characters dropped in the author's stead. Yuuki Yaku seems to have a lot to say about what matters in life. But even more about the impact low self esteem and self-denigration has on oneself and on others. You may find it profound or not. But it hit home.
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A lot of characters get love in these stories. If you want to learn more about Tama-Hanabi, be prepared to see her at the center of her own volume. If you never get enough of the lively Mimimi, brace yourself for more contrast. If you want to see behind Hinami's curtains a bit more, you'll be teased mercilessly. And if Mizusawa is not speaking deep truth, he's the slick charmer he ever was. Heck, even Nakamura lets slip once in a while.
What I wasn't prepared for was how much I would also love puppy-dumb dude-bro Takei. Never change. (He gets that a lot.)
The series has several strengths. It grows its cast and its cast grows. As Tomozaki "levels up," so does his impact on the world around him. But more importantly - he's not just getting somewhere. In the process he finds himself - something Hinami can obviously not teach him. The story takes on soul after initially being bathed in purely mental brilliance. And it manages to transport complex social situations and a lot of interactions.
I have to read some more. Just a bit.
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spyxfan · 2 years
Unlucky Strike
From Girls’ Generation Scanlations: Kikuchi-sensei rejected a love confession. The boy cursed him, the next day on the train going to his new job, every man in the car wanted him… Butwhy were they harassing him?! If it wasn’t for the young Akane, who knows what, might have happened? From BangAQUA: Ever since Kikuchi sensei was cursed to be the destined lover of a man, he has been harassed…
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
Kikuchi-sensei book - partial translation
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
Ghost of Tsushima: Thoughts, Ideas and Hopes for DLC and Sequels
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So I recently Platinum’d Ghost of Tsushima, I finished the story last week after 30 entries of livestreams which saw a whopping viewership of at most 2 people including one asshole that decided to spoil the end of Act II before I got there because I was playing stealthy and the way I wanted to play. But then wrapped up the Achievements on my own time. After a bit of stewing I’m ready to talk gush about it, including what I liked, a small bit of stuff I disliked and stuff I would suggest for future DLC and Sequel(s)
Spoilers for the Game, unlike that Commenter on my Stream I will not Spoil you on this, it is truly something you should experience for yourself
Because Good Lord, What A Game. Easily my Game of the Year, which compared to all the big hitter titles released is amazing, I mean Crash Bandicoot could still blow me away and Cyberpunk, Watch Dogs, Godfall, AC Valhalla and Miles Morales in waiting but probably not in this way. It is a magnificent game, one made with fantastic care and beauty, but before I go all out, let’s get the negatives out of the way 出る杭は打たれる。: A Flawed Masterpiece Ghost of Tsushima is brilliant but not without its faults. Most of these faults are admittedly minuscule and fixable, but until they are fixed they remain flaws. The biggest disappointment for me with the game was the lack of Japanese lip syncing. I loved the Japanese track, it also highly appealed to me to hear One Piece’s Roronoa Zoro voice Jin, but you have to kinda avoid looking at the mouths because it doesn’t match up, the models still speak in English and it’s a heavy shame that can kill some immersion. I guess they didn’t have the finances for it, because they could’ve done the lip syncs at the same time as they did the English ones if they had the Japanese track too. Combat for the most part was great, aiming could be wonky at times and Jin’s attacks didn’t carry on to a 1 foot ledge, but my main gripe with combat was the Camera getting in the way. It was adjustable most times, but other times it was not. Doing standoffs in the tall grass was night impossible at the later stages without the knees giving us a tell, one standoff I had was completely obstructed by a tree - I’m not making it up, a tree was literally all I saw for the Standoff. You lose so much health for failing a standoff too, bit harmful in later levels. The remaining issues are probably more personal, I didn’t quite like some of the sword kit designs - the ones with fluffy sleeves and I didn’t really like the armor dye you get for 100%ing the achievements, some weapons seemed to lose their luster in later parts of the game (particularly the half bow and Explosive Arrow, the former was only good for killing the angry doggos and the latter only killed Mongols if near another explosive to stack), that one Masako quest mission where you have to follow and pick off Straw Hats one by one without being seen, but will fail if you pull a triple assassination before the outpost where Masako’s lesbian lover was leading them all to so there’s more Straw Hats to blow my cover! (it wasn’t difficult it just annoyed me that it failed me for killing them all early) and the completionist in me hates that there are empty slots in the arrow and blowgun sections, but they can be worked in what I’ll talk about a bit later down the line, alongside some minor loose threads. Also you killed my horse man!
Your horse will accompany you on your entire journey - Ghost of Tsushima UI Message
Don’t you dare lie to me like that again Sucker Punch! Just because you’re named that doesn’t mean you can live up to it, we already lost one horse at the beach! Had to spend the final act with Not-Sora and Kaze with a hole in my heart never to be filled. But with that dealt with, let’s talk about some things I loved about the game
花は桜木人は武士 :  Living into a Legend With these games it is very easy to fall into the Elder Scrolls prototype of an array fun side quests and exploration and a so-so main story. Ghost of Tsushima though decided to have both the array of side quests and exploration and a great, complex and partly tragic story. There were many times I wanted to get back to the main story but held off because I wanted to be prepared. Long distances didn’t feel too bad to travel when the roads were uncharted either thanks to radiant battles, new settlements, vanity gear and side missions to ease you on the way. Additionally, the characters are for the most part fantastic, I cared for the safety of most of my allies and Jin himself, I wanted the Khan dead in a cerebral villain (albeit one whose final battle fell into cowardice) and I was open to the complexities of Ishikawa and Tomoe. I did feel that Shimura was being a tad ungrateful but I think it was intended for us to be frustrated to the edicts of the Samurai code - my frustration led me so much to deep dive to prove myself justified since the code was subjective and many agreed to aspects of ‘win no matter what’ and ‘do what protects the people the most’. Along with the main quest was paired with the character journeys of our allies as well as the Mythic tales which granted some extra strength and challenges to overcome in order to expand Jin’s arsenal. I particularly liked the observation and killing of leaders to learn new stances, as well as the widely acclaimed Stand-Off and the duels. The Arkhamverse fan in me did appreciate the focused hearing for stealth and that assassination speed could be upgraded. The idea of collecting vanity gear, armour dyes and equipment that are remains of the conflict showed that SP had completely immersed their plot into the world of Tsushima, with a great amount of exploration and nuances nodding to Japanese folklore And Tsushima is certainly stunning, it’s amazing that the PS4 can hold this much when we know how the PS5 is meant to be with ray tracing. The landscapes are beauteous which makes exploration and travel much more fulfilling, as well as the photo mode and the scenic builds to some of the major battles. What’s also wonderful is the calligraphy cutscenes for Mythic Tales and the loading screens, some wonderful artistry. Artistry which is added to by the brilliant uses of Haiku spots, Bamboo Strikes, Lighthouses, Shrines, Altars which you bow to, Fox dens where you can pet the Foxxos and even the Hot Springs for some ‘Man-Butt Action’, each positions that fit to Japanese media in soaking in a moment without killing any pace, especially added to the fact that each one contributes to a purpose. I will admit, I chose wrong at the end, I was thinking more of Shimura (said ungrateful uncle)’s honour rather than what Jin would what, feeling that Shimura would’ve done it himself had Jin not. But seeing the spare ending made me wish I chose that one and it’s something I’ll touch on later. But both endings are fitting and tragic for Jin’s journey from Samurai to the Ghost, being inspired by his allies and his connection to Yuna, there has been conflict throughout regarding the line of protection, honour and vengeance explored through other people’s tales that blend together perfectly with the main plot.  It is pretty political as well with the argument presented by Jin and Shimura’s conflict. Samurai while still romanticised were still shown to be bound to the blind loyalty towards the Shogun and Jito, you did not defy because it inspired others to think freely. Jin became a champion of a people by defending the people rather than listening to the jito - represented by the shogunate - and their stringent ideas that the Samurai who failed on the beach would be able to out-muster the force and brutality of the Mongol invasion regardless of the collateral and yet still call that honour. In the current climate in 2020, that hits a chord a little closer than expected. And the main story certainly has their stellar moments, the ups and downs really hit you - like killing my freaking horse! I had to lose Yuriko, Taka and Sora in a single playthrough. Losing Taka was inevitable, but still heartbreaking because of how much we struggled to save him and how much we want to still be Yuna’s friend, but then the highs just blow you away from the opening act, Ghost Stance, raiding Castle Kaneda and Shimura and the final raid at Port Izumi. Also did I mention that you can pet the Foxxos? Because that’s very important, also NPCs walk at your pace most of the time, which is a fantastic addition. I could probably go deeper but there’s other stuff I want to cover, but understand that the world and the story is wonderful and if you’re a fan of Assassin’s Creed, Arkhamverse and just Japanese culture in general this should tick your boxes. And hopefully there’s more to come.
石の上にも三年 : Strait to DLC The sad thing that happens when a good game is over is the void. Even if its days, having nothing left of the game to play is still a shame, and I know that Legends DLC is announced, but multiplayer involving fighting Oni as mythic legends isn’t my pace, I’m still not done with Jin and I feel like there are things we could still do. There are still 3 conflicts Jin’s story never resolved that could still be resolved now, each as multi-layered quests. The first is this ‘Ghost Army’ mentioned by the wagon guy in Omi, we are not leading this so who is? We may not be able to stop them but we could reduce the amount of people thinking we’re leading them to fight. The second is Daizo, if you don’t know that name it’s because the guy is never seen in the game, you only read about him in the Records of ‘Conversations with the Khan’. This Japanese Monk clearly has a thing for the late Khotun and he feels that the Ghost is being a dishonorable monster, this Khan lover is still at large and a confidant of Khotun, we could link with Norio in a quest to ensure he doesn’t rally or try to spread his appreciation of the Khan to others to try and complete Khotun’s work. The final conflict is one that eats me up: How did the Mongols Know About the Poison? Yuriko died showing me how to make the poisons, made more potent from her own herbal poisons which were crushed down, if she didn’t tell and I didn’t tell, who told? Because the Mongols drank the evidence and we could make a story of an Omi village traitor or even someone from Shimura’s camp leaking the info to the Khan to try and preserve ‘honour’. On top of these loose ends I’d very much like to see our allies again, even if they’re just at their home doing their own thing, as well as some other minor side characters like the Tadayori descendant Kaede, Flame Swordsman Bettomaru (who would’ve both been mighty useful with this Mongol affair beyond their sole missions) and the Yarikawa Archer Daikoku, I also would like to see confirmation on Jin and Yuna - there is clearly something there but that could be just me. What is also just me would be the suggestion of a shrine that can let you redo the Shimura decision, it’s not a too ‘out-there’ thing to do either considering we fought a Tengu. The shrine could be for Omoikane, Kami of wisdom and intelligence or Ame-no-Koyane, the ‘First in Charge of Divine Affairs’ which’d subject the player to a gauntlet of bosses past; Ryuzo, Kotun and Shimura, if the player goes against their initial decision, they will trade their ghost armour dye for the other and get a Charm of Pondering, if they stick to their guns they get both ghost armour dyes and a Charm of Strengthened Stance. In similar vein we could have a master Mythic Tale that stacks the duels of those tales into one for another special attack, weapon or armour. It’s also possible that we could add more duels, some remnants trying to avenge Khotun or even some Samurai sent by the Shogun in promise of becoming Jito. Likewise we can use this to complete the weapons set; for the Half Bow, take the Mongols’ poison arrows (which can be a reward for finding who leaked the poison to them) which can just eat at lesser enemies’ health and take a chunk of stronger enemies’ health before resolving out of it, as well as a sticky arrow that could slow enemies or weaken their armour, or a perfume arrow that can mess with the falcons and angry doggo’s senses. For the Long Bow we could have...okay I’m drawing a blank here but I’m not meant to do all the work XD For the Blowgun at least you could have a Blinding Dart to aid in stealth and a Panic Dart to increase chances of Terrify. We could even have a few more upgrades to our ghost weapons and stance combats, even increase the amount of kills Ghost Stance can yield. In addition to more Fox Dens, Shrines, maybe new resources to bolster upgrades, Sword Kits, Haikus, Banners, Flute Songs, dyes and so on. But I know what you’re thinking, we can’t put that all in Tsushima? We’ve covered the entire island and it’s unlikely that SP would make a fictitious island. And to that I say, I have that covered. In the Tsushima Strait between the island and the mainland there is Iki Island, part of the same prefecture and equally ravaged by the Mongols during the invasion, it’s also the base of pirates which can offer a stop point for a Tomoe reunion or simply travel via Umugi Cove. A small bit of expansion wouldn’t hurt, as long as Iki isn’t planned for something else that is.
能ある鷹は爪を隠す : Hopes for a Sequel Now part of me would be content if this was a one and done, the game shines perfectly on its own. But I would not turn one down. Though many would feel that Jin’s journey is done (I even heard a suggestion of Tomoe, I could see that but not right now, maybe for a third) but not me, there’s still a few glaring issues at hand. For one, the Shogun now wants you dead, new clans are moving in on you and there will probably be a new Jito regardless of the ending choice because of Shimura’s failure, Adachi will also need to look at another clan taking its land. There’s also the vacuum left behind by the clans’ subsidiaries; Nagao particularly but also Adachi’s rival clan Kikuchi, there’s easily possibilities to use canon Sō, Abiru, Shōni and Imagawa, there’s also room for Kikuchi Takefusa, who survived both Mongol invasions  . A sequel could offer some clan territorial tensions in that regard as the people of Tsushima side with the Ghost over the mainland. That conflict is one we have touched on in the end of the first, Jin has fought for his country’s safety so how will he act when his country wants him dead? The first was a story of sacrifice perhaps the next can be a story of maintaining his legend, inspiring the mainland Samurai and even redeeming himself in the eyes of the non-Tsushima natives. It’s also worth remembering that Komoda was the beginning of the invasion, and there was a second invasion 6 years later where Tsushima was attacked once more, the death of non-canon Khotun could spark other higher ups of Kublai’s ranks to avenge or clean up for Khotun, Kublai also had counsel from different nations to understand his enemy so we could have an even more vicious and cerebral enemy be made, or even a group of enemies led by advisors like Liu Kan or Yao Shu, maybe even Marco Polo if we move the time after the first invasion. In terms of gameplay we could also see Jin expand from Tsushima to Iki and maybe some more naval warfare, growing in his equipment (like Caltrops, Kusari-Fundo and Suntetsu) and maybe even his weapon, an Ono, Jitte or a Naginata to rotate with his not-yet-made Katana to combat with Samurai or the army of a Mongol threat, maybe even use the Bo-Hiya for ranged fire archery learned from the Hwacha. And like the Mass Effect games (or Dragon Ball Xenoverse if you wanna pick a franchise that didn’t end in a bitter aftertaste) you could have the option to transfer over some data from the PS4 save to the next one, which’d inevitably be on PS5 at the least - also don’t be surprised if this gets a PS5 remaster too, especially if it does win Game of the Year. What I suggested for DLC could be used here too, if there is a sequel with Jin I really, really hope that SP don’t opt for the route of killing Jin (or Yuna) off for effect, I was nervous about the current game ending with Hara Kiri and I’d rather not have that or a downer of a death for the legendary Ghost (I am a happy endings guy after all). An alternative route to go (other than following Tomoe to the mainland to rip off the Ghost) is to work backwards, call it ‘Ghosts of Tsushima’ working towards a story of a more ancient time, where a thief could become a samurai clan. A clan Sakai or Shimura origin would sell in that way too and avoid the idea that we have to start again from zero but still have the more ‘dishonorable’ stealth tactics.
義は険しい山よりも重く、死は大鳥の羽よりも軽い : Conclusion In the end, this game was worth the wait, worth the delays and worth the price tag. I feel like this will be one of the games I’ll fondly remember when thinking of the PS4, which has truly had a stellar library of awesome games like Spider-Man, God of War, the Crash, Ratchet & Clank and Spyro Remasters, DMCV, Jedi: Fallen Order and more. This truly ticked the boxes for the anime nerd within me and the history buff, even the Haikus spurred the poet in me a little too. If anyone hasn’t played this game, they should, and I hope that Sucker Punch realises that people like me want to see more. If it stands alone so be it, but I’m not ready to leave Jin or Tsushima just yet. いってらっしゃい
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tsukihoshi14 · 7 years
The man behind Yuzuru’s blades
At first I only wanted to find the video for this screenshot, which includes a text/email from Yuzuru to Toshinobu Yoshida-san, his blade-sharpening technician with cute emoji (I still haven’t found the original vid yet). 
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In here Yuzuru wrote:
“Good evening!  My training has ended now! (。ノω<。) Could you help me repair my blades tomorrow? There are two pairs, but I forgot one, I think my sister will bring [the other pair] to you.”
But then in the process I found out:
Yuzuru trusts him so much he sends his boots from Canada to Yoshida-san to get them sharpened once a month (2013) (x)(x) <- you can also read to see how good he is dealing with skating blades
Yoshida-san says that he and Yuzuru share secrets behind Yuzuru’s blade, and he’s very proud about it (I watched it a while ago so I don’t have the source right now)
Yoshida-san opens his skate shop right beside Ice Rink Sendai, plus he is Nanami-sensei’s husband!!! (this one was so shocking tbh :O) (x)
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Special Collab Event Translation - SK∞ the Infinity × A3! (8/14)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Masumi: …
Muku: Masumi-kun? You’re holding your board… Are you going out somewhere?
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Masumi: Practise. It’s my recent daily routine.
Muku: Wait, really!?
Masumi: I can’t lose to the local skaters, or to Rento and them. I’ll get even better and make Director think I’m cool.
Muku: Wow, that’s love…! Um! If that’s your plan, then I’d like to practise too. Is it alright if I come along?
Masumi: …Do what you want.
Muku: Ehehe, thank you very much. Where do you usually practise, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: Nowhere in particular. Wherever works.
Homare: …Oh my? Could you be going out to practise?
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Muku: Arisu-san!
Homare: If you are searching for a spot, then how about a gymnasium? When I met with my acquaintance, they told me we can practising skating there. I was considering going, but I haven’t had the chance. Since we all have the same goal, why don’t we pay that gym a visit?
Masumi: Anywhere is fine as long as we can practise.
Homare: Then it’s settled! I shall guide you.
Muku: Sure! Please lead the way!
Homare: It is here.
Masumi: …There’s so many people.
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Homare: There are. A boy seems to be holding some sort of press interview over there.
Miya: I still have a long way to go. I feel I’m lacking in experience compared to the top skaters. Experience expands my imagery for tricks. In that aspect, I’d like to go up against all sorts of opponents.
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Muku: That boy being interviewed must a famous skater. He looks so young though. That’s amazing…
Ainosuke: —.
Kikuchi: …
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Homare: Umu, it seems some higher-up has come to observe as well. We might not be able to practise today.
Masumi: It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. I’m just here to practise for her. If we can’t do that here, then I’ll look for another place.
Muku: Good idea.
Homare: We’ll do what we must. Let’s switch locations.
Izumi: Great job once again in today’s performance.
Masumi: Good work.
Tsumugi: We’ve finished changing our clothes and tidying up, so all that’s left is to return to the hotel.
Azuma: Right. Let’s take our time and relax at the hotel.
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Kumon: I’m going go practise at the park! You guys head back first!
Omi: After this…? We just finished with today’s show though?
Homare: Would it not be more prudent to rest?
Kumon: Don’t worry, don’t worry! We didn’t have a soiree today!
Kumon: Ah. You rest, Taichi-san. You’re always keeping me company, but I’ll be fine by myself!
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Taichi: Eh, hold on, Kyu-chan! I’m going too!
Izumi: Ah. Wait, you two…!
Muku: And they’re gone. Will they be alright…
Tsumugi: They also left to practise right after the show ended yesterday. I worry…
Izumi: …
Taichi: …
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Izumi: Taichi-kun.
Taichi: Director-sensei.
Izumi: …How is Kumon-kun doing?
Taichi: … Kyu-chan’s putting in lots of effort. But… I’m not sure if what I’m doing is right, or if I should keep going like this. I wonder if the fact I said Kyu-chan might be able to pull off an ollie is tying him down…
Izumi: …
Taichi: I mean of course I want Kyu-chan to succeed with his ollie! Kyu-chan is trying his best, and I’m gonna do everything I can too—. But the likelihood he can make it happen during the run of this show is… … …Hm, no. Forget what I just said. I’m going back to my room!
Izumi: Ah, Taichi-kun—. (He left…)
Izumi: (It looked like Taichi-kun feels responsible and is agonizing over it. The situation is quite serious…) (How should we resolve this?)
*knock, knock*
Azuma: Do you have a minute, Director?
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Izumi: Yeah, come in.
*door opens*
Azuma: …So you see, I got some admission stickers for “S” from an acquaintance. Through a top-secret channel. Here you go.
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Izumi: S? What’s that?
Azuma: “S” is an underground, top-secret skateboarding race that takes place in a closed down, abandoned mine. They hold these things called “beefs” there, and a huge number of spectators go crazy over them. We have tomorrow off, so why won’t we all go there to watch some skaters skate in a slightly different way?
Izumi: Skateboarding race battles, beefs… (But there’s still Kumon-kun and Taichi-kun’s issue…)
Azuma: The location might be a little bit dangerous, but it might be good kick in our motivation.
Izumi: (…Azuma-san has a point. We might be able to gain something from this.) Alright, sure. I’ll call everyone else!
Izumi: This is the venue for “S”…
Kumon: They hold beefs here, huh? So cool…!
Omi: It’s bustling with people.
Tsumugi: We can watch the “beef” from that monitor.
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Azuma: It looks like those two are the ones skating today.
Kumon: Ah! That guy…!
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Taichi: That’s the guy who was practising at the park!
Izumi: That boy?
Muku: I remember seeing that other boy too! He was getting interviewed at the gym we went to the other day…
Masumi: Oh yeah. I guess we saw him.
Homare: I never imagined he would be participating in this beef.
Tsumugi: Ah, it looks like the beef is starting.
*jumps and spins*
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*jumps and spins*
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Kumon: Their speed is amazing…!
Muku: These are real skaters…
Homare: Both of their skating is magnificent.
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Izumi: Woah, they flew…!
Tsumugi: It’s mind-blowing, huh? To think they can do something like that…
Gallery member A: Hey, is that guy’s feet fixed in place?
Gallery member B: He can skate like that?
Taichi: —. I see… that was what felt off the other day! That guy has fixings attached to his board that hold his feet in place!
Omi: I see. So you mean it’s been modified?
Azuma: Perhaps he’s an experienced snowboarder.
Kumon: …
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Azuma: They made it to the goal. Both of them were amazing.
Muku: My heart was racing…!
Homare: It was a photo finish, but it appears the boy with the blue eyes won.
Reki: Langa!
Langa: …Reki.
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*jumps and hugs*
Reki: You’re amazing!
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Langa: Woah?
Reki: That was amazing.
Taichi: That person who just rushed over—isn’t he the other guy who was at the park?
Kumon: You’re right…
Taichi: Those two really look like they’re having so much fun.
Kumon: …Yeah.
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bsd-bibliophile · 4 years
[Akutagawa] put up a fence round himself, and no one he disliked was allowed inside it. But to those he trusted, and in whom he saw something to like, he was very kind. He would go to any trouble for them. And once he admitted someone to his intimacy he was most reluctant to break with him, no matter how much of a nuisance he might be.
Kikuchi Kan, a close friend of Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, found in the introduction to Kappa
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This was written after Akutagawa-sensei passed away, and was printed in a collection of Akutagawa’s works called Akutagawa no Kotodomo.
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fantastic-secrets · 3 years
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Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Shindo Ainosuke (Adam), Kikuchi Tadashi (Snake)
Warnings: PWP, BDSM, Pet Play (obviously), Semi-Public Sex, Sex Toys, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, etc.
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: As Ainosuke's personal assistant, Tadashi strives to please his master while maintaining a professional appearance at work. And Ainosuke takes just as much pleasure in trying to put a crack in that stoic facade.
Tadashi walked sedately after Ainosuke, his expression as bland as ever while his master spoke with another representative on the bill that was currently under discussion. His steps were slightly smaller than usual, and he couldn’t focus on what the two men were saying, their voices an undercurrent to the blood pounding in his ears. Eventually, Ainosuke seemed to realize that his secretary was starting to fall behind, and he glanced over his shoulder at the dark-haired man with a slightly cruel twist to his charming smile.
“Do try to keep up, will you?” he asked, a reprimand in his voice, and Tadashi nodded, lengthening his stride while unobtrusively biting his lip to stifle a gasp as something shifted inside him. A faint touch of color brushed his cheeks as he rushed to catch up with the two men until he stood a few paces behind Ainosuke’s shoulder again, and his master nodded with apparent satisfaction before turning back to his companion. But the other man was still looking at Tadashi, and Tadashi forced himself to stare back with the dull green eyes of a dead fish.
“Is something wrong, Shimada-sensei?” Ainosuke asked, his tone entirely innocent, and Shimada turned to look back at his younger counterpart, blinking a little too quickly.
“Oh, nothing at all, Shindo-san. I was only concerned that Kikuchi-kun seems a little unwell. Would it not be better to give him the day off? He seems to be a good worker, so it would be unfortunate if something were to happen to him, right?”
“That’s what he says, Kikuchi-kun. What do you say? Do you need the day off?” Ainosuke called back carelessly, his voice infused with the hint of a challenge--something that only Tadashi could hear--and Tadashi bowed slightly, tensing at the feeling of something biting into his skin.
“Thank you for your concern, Shimada-sensei, but I am well.” Tadashi was glad that his voice remained steady, although Shimada didn’t seem to be entirely convinced. Still, he continued to walk with Ainosuke until they reached the younger man’s office, and Ainosuke paused with one hand on the doorknob, still chatting amiably while his other hand rested in his pocket. And Tadashi tensed again, the papers in his hand trembling slightly as he continued to stand ramrod straight, his eyes glazing over slightly while the conversation flowed around him.
“... look forward to working with you again.”
The two men shook hands, and Tadashi noticed Shimada’s eyes on him again, but then Ainosuke was pushing open his door and walking into the room. So Tadashi just inclined his head slightly in farewell before stiffly following his master inside and closing the door behind him. The light in the room faded as his master drew the curtains, letting only a sliver of the afternoon sun enter the room, and in the instant that the door snicked closed, Ainosuke was on him, whirling around to grab him by the hair and pull his head back, painfully.
Tadashi whimpered slightly as his legs trembled, but he didn’t respond as his master leaned forward, his breath hot against Tadashi’s ear.
“You were leading him on, weren’t you? Did you feel good when he noticed you, when he was oh-so-concerned about your health? You’re just like a bitch in heat: you’ll let anyone bend you over and fuck you if I’m not holding onto your leash, won’t you?”
“No,” Tadashi protested softly, wincing when his master tugged on his hair again. “Please, Master…”
“Please, Master,” Ainosuke mocked, shoving his secretary aside. Tadashi stumbled before collapsing onto the carpet, crying out desperately when the vibrator inside him shifted again, pressing up against his prostate while it buzzed and Tadashi flinched on the floor, shuddering and gasping and trying to hold himself back.
“You filthy dog.”
His master crouched over him, reaching out to pull off his tie before slowly unbuttoning Tadashi’s shirt and pulling the collar apart to reveal a leather band that encircled his neck. With agonizing slowness, he slipped each individual button out of its hole, letting the cloth fall open to reveal the thin red ropes that wrapped around Tadashi tightly and left marks where they had rubbed against his pale skin. The cords slipped even lower, under the waistband of his pants, and Ainosuke reached into his own pocket, pulling out a small remote.
"You look like that, and you're arguing with me?" he asked, his voice silky and cruel. "If Shimada-sensei had even touched you, you probably would have come all over yourself, wouldn't you?"
The vibrator suddenly thrummed harder inside Tadashi, who shook his head desperately, staring up at Ainosuke with wide, wet eyes.
"No. No, no, no," he whined. His thighs were twitching, and he tried to curl up around himself, only to be pinned down by his master's hand on his chest. There was nowhere for him to escape from that hungry, hot gaze, but Tadashi still squirmed as his flush spread from his cheeks down his neck and to his heaving chest.
It had been equal parts humiliating and exhilarating, following Ainosuke around all day with his body restrained and a vibrator in his ass. But he’d been able to manage, at least up to the point when his master had first turned it on while debate raged on the floor and he waited patiently outside with the other secretaries. It had started out slowly, a gentle teasing that he could mostly ignore. As much as he wanted to rush to the bathroom, somewhere away from other eyes, he forced himself to stay where he was, making small talk: he knew that his master would be exceedingly disappointed if he escaped--not just from the situation, but also from the range of the remote. And it had been worth it when he watched the representatives file out as they broke for lunch, watching Ainosuke’s eyes look around for him before he smiled in apparent satisfaction when he saw Tadashi right where he’d left him.
Ainosuke had turned it off then, for the walk back to the office and then to the car. And naively, Tadashi had thought that that was the end of it, that his master surely wouldn’t do anything in such an open, public space. But as he was placing his lunch order with the waitress, the toy jumped inside him, too sudden for him to stifle his gasp of surprise. It had startled the woman as well, but before she could ask if he was alright, he explained it away as having knocked his foot against the leg of the table, his cheeks pink with embarrassment while Ainosuke laughed softly and the vibrator fell silent. Tadashi had barely tasted his meal, tense with the expectation that his master would flick it on again. But Ainosuke had been as perverse as always, leaving him unmolested even when he was paying the bill and all the way back to the Diet.
And then Ainosuke had returned to the afternoon deliberations, and for the next few hours, Tadashi was forced to find a seat by the chambers with his folders laid over his lap, flinching slightly each time the toy came to life. There was no predictability to when his master would torment him, how intensely or for how long, and more than once, he’d had to dig his nails into his palms to distract himself from the sensations that rippled through his body. Even so, he waited for his master with a tense anticipation, holding himself up with a fragile veneer of self-control. Until Ainosuke had emerged in lively conversation with Shimada.
“Please,” Tadashi begged, his breath coming in desperate gasps as he writhed under Ainosuke, fighting against the waves of pleasure that sought to drag him under.
“Please what?”
“Come. Let me come,” Tadashi cried out, all traces of the steady, stoic assistant gone. He stood on the very edge of control, feeling the rope that bound him to reality slowly unraveling, thread by thread. But he couldn’t let go, not without his master’s permission, so he clung to it with desperate claws, his fingers biting into his master’s wrist. Through his watery vision, he saw Ainosuke bare his teeth in a slow smile, and then the movement stopped. Tadashi choked on a sob at the sudden feeling of emptiness, his hips thrusting against the air as he tried to not lose the feeling. And Ainosuke’s low chuckle was overlaid with the metallic clinking of a belt buckle.
“You’re so selfish, puppy. Do you really think that you deserve to come, when you haven’t done anything for your master?”
His voice had changed, gaining a more playful lilt beneath its sharp edges, and Tadashi’s harsh gasps were suddenly silenced by Ainosuke’s mouth pressed over his. Tadashi moaned into the kiss, his lips parting to allow his master’s tongue to snake into his mouth, lightly teasing and caressing. His body was still on fire, and he leaned up into his master, panting desperately into his master’s mouth as he kissed him back, wet and sloppy and demanding.
Cool, elegant fingers slipped under the lower edge of his collar, pulling it tighter around his throat and making Tadashi whimper softly as Ainosuke broke the kiss and drew away before tugging him up into a sitting position. His nose was nearly pressed against the fabric drawn tight over his master’s crotch, and his eyes were slightly glazed as he leaned forward, drawing his tongue along the warm metal of the zipper until he caught the end between his teeth before carefully drawing it down. He heard Ainosuke sigh softly as he was released from the confining cloth, and the fingers twisted in his collar let go, winding tightly into his hair instead, tugging and sending shocks down his spine.
The smell of his master’s musk, dark and arousing, encouraged him to press his mouth against the outline in Ainosuke’s underwear, and his master’s grip on his hair tightened while Ainosuke hissed. With deliberate slowness, Tadashi mouthed the thickening erection, nuzzled it with his nose, breathed in the deepening smell... and when he finally couldn’t wait any longer, he carefully sank his teeth into the waistband and began to draw it down, shivering when his master’s hot and heavy cock sprang free and brushed against his cheek.
“Good boy.” The soft praise made him shiver again, and Tadashi wrapped his tongue around the head of Ainosuke’s cock, drawing it into his mouth. His tongue rubbed firmly under the edge of the flared head and swirled around the tip, and then he was reaching up with his hand, encircling his master’s shaft before releasing Ainosuke with a soft, wet pop. His hand slid upward, the thumb gently caressing the sensitive tip while he dragged his tongue lower. After a moment when his head prickled more painfully, the hand in his hair let go, letting him trace the underside of his master’s cock and feel the heat burn his tongue and his lips until he settled at the root. And carefully, he began to lavish his attention on Ainosuke’s smooth, velvety balls.
"Fuck." Above him, Ainosuke swore softly, and Tadashi finally smiled as he continued to lick the heavy sac, his hand stroking his master in a steady rhythm. And then, when he’d covered every inch of it with his tongue and it was slick with his spit, he opened his mouth wide, his tongue reaching out to carefully guide the sensitive organs inside. Ainosuke groaned, low and dirty, making his own painfully hard cock twitch as he sucked on it lightly, running his tongue over the surface and along the slight cleft. He hummed contentedly as he rolled them around his mouth, feeling his master twitch under his hand, Ainosuke's breath finally starting to falter.
Tadashi continued to service his master, his mouth stuffed and his hand flicking up and down Ainosuke's shaft, twisting around under the head and firmly pressing down to his mouth until Ainosuke was making soft, needy sounds, his hips thrusting up into the circle of his fingers. Tadashi opened his mouth wide, letting his master tug himself free before guiding Ainosuke's cock into his mouth. His hand led the way, sliding down the thick length while his mouth trailed slightly behind, slowly swallowing his master and caressing him with his tongue until his nose was pressed against Ainosuke's hip. Just as carefully, he withdrew, enjoying the sounds of his master's pleasure and knowing that he was the one drawing them out. And then he finally began to fuck himself in earnest on his master's cock, bobbing up and down, choking a little each time the tip hit the back of his mouth and letting his throat clench around his master. The more vigorous movement caused the ropes binding him to rub against his skin, making him moan softly while his own hips twitched and drawing a chuckle out of Ainosuke.
"Such a good puppy. So good for me," Ainosuke whispered, and Tadashi moaned more loudly, his master's words echoing in his ears as the cords bit into his body while the wet spot on his underwear continued to grow. He struggled to focus on pleasuring his master as his own feelings threatened to swamp him, and then Ainosuke's hands settled firmly around his head, tangling in his hair and holding on to him while his master took over. The first thrust was rough and hard, driving into his throat and making Tadashi gag, but he relaxed as Ainosuke's hips snapped upward again and he forced Tadashi's head lower, demanding that he accept all of him... and Tadashi did. He kept his lips pressed tightly around his master's cock as his mouth was violated, his drool spilling over Ainosuke's member to ease the friction. Each thrust was wet and sloppy, accompanied by a primal grunt as Ainosuke increased the pace.
Panting and groaning, he shoved Tadashi's head down one last time, holding him against his crotch as his hips rotated, trying to push even deeper before his cock swelled and began to twitch, emptying himself down Tadashi's throat while his assistant struggled to breathe. And then it was over, and Ainosuke was pulling away, collapsing onto his couch and leaving Tadashi gasping, feeling empty. And yet, he was so close to bursting that tears of frustration pricked at his eyes while he crawled towards his master.
"Ainosuke-sama," he begged, his voice hoarse, and Ainosuke looked down at him, crouched at his feet. With deliberate slowness, he tucked himself away while Tadashi stared at him with wet, desperate eyes, his cheeks inflamed as his body shook with the effort of holding himself back, waiting for his master's permission. And when Ainosuke finally spoke again, his voice was steady and measured, but warm with approval. And just that was nearly enough to push him over the edge.
"I did promise, didn't I? This should be enough for you, right?" He raised his foot before pressing it down on the tent in Tadashi's pants. And Tadashi gasped again as sparks of pleasure radiated outward from the pressure. Unable to hold back, he began to hump the sole of his master's shoe, and his eyes widened when the vibrator turned on again, pressing up against his prostate while it stimulated him ruthlessly. His head tilted back, his mouth falling open as he cried out with the force of his release, tears of relief falling from his eyes. And then he collapsed as if he was a puppet whose strings had all been cut. He shuddered and sobbed at his master's feet until Ainosuke finally released him from the torture, the toy falling silent once more.
And then Ainosuke was also kneeling beside him, helping him up to his knees before pulling him into an embrace, rubbing one hand in small circles on his back above the rope while the other rested on the back of his head, pressing his face into his master's shoulder.
"Good boy, Tadashi. You did so good. I'm so proud of you, puppy." He continued to murmur soft reassurances while Tadashi shook in his arms, his breathing harsh and broken. Gradually, the warmth and affection sank into him, slowly bringing him back down as his tremors slowed before stopping, his frantic gulps of air settling into a more steady rhythm. But Ainosuke continued to hold onto him for a few minutes longer before carefully drawing back and tilting Tadashi's head up so that they could look at each other.
"Good?" Ainosuke asked, and Tadashi nodded, his cheeks still flushed but his eyes clear again. And his master leaned over to press a soft kiss against his lips before getting to his feet and helping Tadashi up. Carefully, Tadashi began to button his shirt up, shifting uncomfortably at the feeling of the mess in his pants. He felt his master's eyes on him as he walked over to their bags, pulling out a fresh pair of underwear and pants. When he stripped, more of the thin, scarlet cords were revealed, trailing over his hips and around his cock before riding up the cleft of his ass and disappearing under the edge of his shirt. But he quickly re-dressed himself before putting away the soiled garments and picking up the bag, taking a deep breath before he turned to face his master.
"Are you ready to go home?" he asked, once again the perfect, composed secretary.
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noirlevity · 3 years
Teacher/Student AU. [1]
   Ainosuke Shindo remembers one thing vividly the night he slipped away from his house to follow a crowd of skaters, it was the way Tadashi’s face lights up when he skates.
It is unbelievable someone gloomy & dull is a charming skater at night. Maybe it's the huge glasses that make him look mature than he actually was, or maybe it's the deadpan face he often wears as he discusses the most uninteresting subject ever that makes him seem boring.
“Kikuchi-sensei looks disinterested in us. It irritates me.” “But some of the girls love his coldness. What do you think Shindo-san?”   
Ainosuke smiles. Ever since he saw him skate that night, he couldn’t stop thinking about him. He gets the girls’ fondness for Tadashi’s aloof air. In fact, he knows the feeling all too well.  
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x0401x · 4 years
Jeweler Richard Fanbook Q&A
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Simple Questions for Seigi-kun (Parts 1 and 2)
Thank you very much for these questions from several people. We had Seigi-kun take a look at everyone’s questions right away and answer as many as he could! Not all of them can be published, but please enjoy Seigi-kun’s answers!
Q.: Seigi-kun looks good with black short hair, but is there any hairstyle that he looks up to? It does not seem to have changed much from when he was a child, but there is this impression that people often do college debuts, so here goes this simple question. The photo on the cover of volume 6 was wonderful. His set-back hair looked very good on him. (Black Short Hair-san)
A.: Hello! I guess it’s the first time I was told that my hair style looks good on me aside from Nakata-san and Richard; thank you very much! As for an image I look up to, huuum, there wasn’t any in particular when I was little, but nowadays, I look up to the two I just mentioned. They’re of different vectors and just really cool! Ah… this is embarrassing, so please keep it a secret. I have the feeling that they already know, though.
Q.: Any words you want to send to your past self from before meeting Richard? (Inu-san)
A.: “Nakata Seigi, you might be reckless, but you technically haven’t done anything wrong! Probably! Hum, you’re mostly thoughtless! But you’re not mistaken! If you see someone being attacked in a park, don’t hesitate to shout and go help him! Also, you might be compensated for doing your best at cooking. Good on you.”
Eh? There’s something from Richard too? “Seigi-kun, you are already passionate enough, but make sure to take a better look at your surroundings. Make sure to cherish yourself. Also, if you get invited to work at a TV station in Shibuya, make sure to just accept it.” Ah, yeah, yeah! I’m also counting on myself for that last one.
Q.: I am a college student just like Seigi-kun. When I have free time, I play video games, read books and talk about fun things with my friends. Seigi-kun, what do you do? Do you read books about gemstones and study after all? (Anzu-san)
A.: Hello! Indeed, during my free time when I didn’t have classes, there were times when I’d do self-study and learn about stones, but when I got together with my friends in the cafeteria or lounge, we’d get roused up over trivial talk. Everyone had a rough idea of the timing they should focus on their studies, so when I think about it nowadays, that might’ve been a “let’s make racket while we can” kind of mood. Looking back on it now, it was fun.
Q.: I am bound to fail every time I make sweets. If there is any trick to making sweets, please tell me. (Satou-san from the Heavens)
A.: Aah… I feel like someone’s already asked me a similar question. Ahem. T-That’s right! First things first, let’s try to stop treating “sweets” like they’re special! I guess this is the trick I can think of. They’re simply like an arithmetic test or a chemistry experiment; it just so happens that, if you mix up the set ingredients, a chemical reaction occurs and you reach the same results. If you lead it to the decided answer, you’ll manage to make something tasty, is all. Try to stick strictly to the recipe, and if it still doesn’t turn out right, I think it’s good to do a reflection on where you might’ve gotten it wrong. Eh…? If it doesn’t go well even then…? Aah… I’m gonna leave my phone number here, so if you have anything you want to eat… Eh? Richard, you want me to knock it off? That’s right. It’s not like I always have time. I almost did something irresponsible. Sorry. I’m cheering for you! See ya!
Q.: Where do you start washing your body from? (Yukinekoya-san)
A.: I’ve never thought about that~! It’s from the hair, but that’s with shampoo and doesn’t count as my body, so… *moves his body as if scrubbing it* I start washing from the neck and ears! But what’re you gonna do by asking that?
Q.: What’s your favorite meat? (Reihenbach-san)
A.: If its for Japanese curry, pork! If it’s for Sri Lanka’s curry, fish or chicken! If it’s for sukiyaki, cattle! I love all kinds of meat! But what flashes in my mind regarding “my favorite meat” is the meat and potato stew that Hiromi used to make, so I guess it’s gotta be beef. There wasn’t much meat in it, so I was able to taste it rather well.
Q.: I am a middle school teacher; Seigi-kun, who was the teacher that left the biggest impression on you? Please leave out Richard-sensei! (Kikuchi-san)
A.: Ah, that question is relatively easy to answer. It’s someone named Yamazaki-sensei, who was my class teacher in high school. He’s a graduate from the faculty of economics at Kasaba University, and he’d compliment me at random. Like, “You sure are working hard” or, “You’re so smart”. So I got cheeky, admired him, and when I told him I wanted to be like him, he said, “Then, how about you aim for my alma mater?” and I replied with, “Yes!”… Since Kasaba is a private institution, it was just a suggestion where I was getting ahead with my feelings, but though Hiromi made a bitter face, she wasn’t against it. Maybe she thought it was better than having her son say that he wanted to start working after graduating from middle school. Sensei was transferred when I was in my first year in university, but I hope he’s doing well.
Q.: Seigi-kun, if you were to compare Richard to an animal, which do you think it would be? (Himawari-san)
A.: If Richard were an animal… I wonder which. Richard feels a bit like an animal even now, so it’s hard, but I’d say human…? No, Richard is a human being. My bad, my bad. An animal with whooshy golden hair and blue eyes… I once had the feeling that the air about him is a bit like a creature named miacis, which I saw before in some illustrated reference book. It’s an ancient animal and seems to be the ancestor of dogs, cats and the like, and its exact appearance isn’t known anymore, but when I think of it as the origin of the beauty of all the animals I like, I wonder if he wouldn’t be something along those lines… Richard, Richard? Why won’t you look at me in the eye?
Q.: Is there any time you laughed the most when you were with Richard-san? Alternatively, if there was any time where you ended up laughing without thinking, please tell me! I am rooting for you! (Heartbreak Akira-san)
A.: Eeh…? Is it okay for me to talk about this…? Ah, I’ve received permission, so I’ll say it. Erm, this is a story from when I was studying French; I suddenly felt like doing a prank when I couldn’t make any progress at all, so I asked Richard-sensei something nonsensical, like, “If you don’t mind, please say ‘steamed bun’ in a really French-like way; I think it’ll definitely sound French to me”. And then the answer that came at me was a perfectly French-styled “steamed bun”… I died of laughter. Sorry for being too descriptive with the details. If you have a French friend close to you, I think you should try to make the same request. I think it won’t sound like Japanese to you. It’s already a bit amusing just remembering it. Hey, Richard. You didn’t find it all that funny? Ah, it was funny when I rolled over laughing? Then I guess we can call it even.
Q.: What are the dishes and desserts that you want to try challenging yourself to make? (Tsugiumi-san)
A.: I get interested in the stuff that I think looks delicious, but they’re a little different from the things I decide to try my hand at making. Richard, is there anything you wanna eat? I’ve noticed this recently: I don’t have much will to make stuff only I want to eat, but if it’s something that someone important to me feels like eating, I suddenly get motivated. That’s why, if there’s… Ah, ah, why’re you punching the cushion?
Q.: Looking at Richard-san and Jeffrey-san, are there any moments or points in which you feel that they are similar? (Yoshimura-san)
A.: Yoshimura-san, hello. There are; from my perspective, there are many. There sure are, but… from the face that the person next to me is making, it seems better not to say too much about it. Let me put this one on hold.
Q.: What was your favorite school lunch menu? For lunch boxes, what were your favorite contents? (Nanatsuji-san)
A.: Hello! I used to like all the school lunch dishes, but as expected, curry was what made me happiest. As for lunch boxes, I’d mostly get an allowance to buy the sandwiches and lunch boxes I liked, and whenever I got more than 500 yen, I’d get to buy a large serving of hayashi rice and would be happy over it. After all, the servings have to be big for a school boy, if nothing else.
Q.: If you switched bodies with Richard upon waking up, what is the first thing you would do? (Sango-san)
A.: Eh...? How? Would it be magic or something? I’d probably think, “Is this a dream?” and go back to sleep. But why would I be in Richard’s body...? I wonder if my head would malfuction from talking too much about how beautiful he is and things would turn out like that. If I got cocky and tried to imitate Richard, I feel like he’d give me one hell of a cold look with those elegant eyes of his, so hum, I wouldn’t do anything, just sleep until the magic wore off. I also think that Richard would be happier when I have the face of Nakata Seigi rather than his own.
Q.: When did you get your growth spurt? (Middle Schooler-san)
A.: Does that mean the time when I got taller? I think it was either in my third year of middle school or first year of high school. It was neither too late nor early among my friends, so while not minding it much, I ended up surpassing Hiromi’s height.
Q.: Seigi-kun, hello.  ♪  Seigi-kun, what kind of fashion do you like? Where do you normally buy clothes? Also, have you changed your style or been influenced after meeting Richard? If you can, please tell us. (*^^*) (Yuriko-san)
A.: Hello! Fashion, huuh... To be honest, before I started working in Étranger, I used to feel like I only needed to keep my clothes as clean as necessary and that they were okay as long as they didn’t look sloppy, but as expected, once you enter a jewelry shop, the number of clothes with high collars increases. Then, I met Richard, and ever since I started working for him, my opportunities to wear a suit increased, but what he often tells me is, “Wear what you like however you like the most you can within the limits”, and speaking of which, I kinda seem to look up to suits with a large silhouette and felt hats, like the ones people used to wear in prewar days. I think this is probably the influence of an actor my Grandma liked. In the past, there was a black-and-white photo of him decorating the apartment where Grandma lived. It would’ve been great if I could’ve showed myself wearing a suit to Grandma.
Q.: Seigi-kun, hello! A question for you. Seigi-kun’s “senpai”, Vincent-san, is a user of Jeet Kune Do, but you are also a black belt at Karate, so I am very curious about what would happen if the two of you actually fought. Since you both master your own matrial arts, so I feel that I would be able to see a cool fight between you. Also, this is just my ponderings, but Seigi-kun, I want you to tell me, from your point of view, how strong you think Vincent-san is and what changes you have of winning. (Monaka-san)
A.: Hello! Erm, when you say “fight”, is it okay to interpret it as a head-on brawl? I think you probably do not practice any martial arts, Monaka-san, so I am going to answer based on that: martial arts abilities and fight abilities are completely different. See, the rules of each martial art are pre-determined, and if you fight within them, you won’t suffer serious injuries and you can decide who wins or loses, but there’s none of that in a brawl, so... Also, I believe both parties know that, if a person who did martial arts to some extent hits someone in earnest, it’ll result in something that can’t be undone, so I think they can’t bring themselves to throw fists with each other. But on the other hand, since we can tell to some degree that we both seem to have have this awereness, I think it’s okay if I so much as throw a paper ball at the back of his head. Vince-san might hit me back, and then I guess I’d fling a straw bag at him next. We might get along a bit better if we both let it out. Sorry that it’d be the light type! I hope this served as an answer.
Q.: A question for Nakata Seigi-kun! To be precise: is there anything that makes you go, “This is the one thing I want to tell Richard-shi!!”~? Even if it is something that is normally hard to say, you might be able to say it here. (*^^*) (Sui-san)
A.: “I’m happy when you eat my pudding; thanks! But I’m begging, for health reasons, that you’re at least careful not to eat too much...! I wanna be with you for a long time. Please. And... also... thanks for always. I’m so grateful to you that I can’t say it enough. It’d be great if I could.” This is it! Aah, that was embarrassing. Eh? “You’re always telling me that much”, you say? Is that so?
Q.: What is your favorite sweet? (Tanaka Milk Tea-san)
A.: That’s a difficult theme... I don’t seem to have any that I’m obsessed with, but anything looks delicious to me if it’s a sweet that Richard eats with relish, so I grow to like it. But when Richard doesn’t eat all of a sweet and leaves some of it, I go, “Could it be he left it for me because he thought I’d like it?” and they also turn out to be so, so tasty. Basically, I like everything. Unless I buy and eat it by myself.
Q.: Nice to meet you; as Seigi-kun faces people very straightforward and honestly, I read every volume while confirming over and over that I also want to live on facing people like that. Is there anything that the aforementioned Seigi-kun always puts in his bag? (Sumiyaki Yuuma-san)
A.: Sumiyaki-san, hello! Being told that I face people honestly is flattering. I do think it’d be great if I actually manage that, but the “honesty” I’m thinking about is my own concept of it, so it’s not like this honesty is something only comfortable for the other person. That’s why being told so makes me all the happier. Thank you. This is from after meeting Richard, but what I always have in my bag is candy. Royal-milk-tea-flavored ones. When I don’t have them, I pack in some other sweet, and just from thinking, “I’d give him this if he were here”, it kinda feels like having a fragment of him with me even when he’s not by my side, and it’s reassuring. It helps me out. Other than that, my phone. Thanks for the question!
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Crunchyroll, le novità in arrivo annunciate al Virtual Crunchyroll Expo
Anticipati altri sei nuovi anime in simulcast e aggiunti finalmente anche gli OVA di Food Wars!
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Nel corso dell’edizione 2021 della Virtual Crunchyroll Expo sono state svelate alcune novità che entreranno a far parte del ricco catalogo anime della piattaforma. Partiamo subito con i nuovi simulcast confermati in vista delle prossime stagioni televisive.
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Atteso adattamento del popolare terzo capitolo della trilogia sviluppata da Âge, che ha dato origine al celebre franchise sci-fi. Uscita in Giappone nel 2006, la visual novel è arrivata in Occidente solo da qualche anno, sbarcando per PC su Steam, tradotta in inglese.  
La storia del legame tra coloro che combattono in un mondo portato al suo limite. In uno degli innumerevoli universi paralleli che esistono nello spazio e nel tempo, l'umanità ha lottato per decenni un lunga guerra contro i BEETA, ostili invasori extraterrestri, usando delle macchine da guerra umanoidi chiamate Tactical Surface Fighters. È una storia di vita e di morte di un'umanità sull'orlo della sua estinzione...
La regia della serie è affidata a Yukio Nishimoto (The Galaxy Railways, Tsukiuta The Animation 2), mentre la sceneggiatura è curata da Tatsuhiko Urahata (Baki, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere). Il character design è ad opera di Takuya Tani (Ms. Koizumi loves ramen noodles, Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn) e le musiche sono composte da Evan Call (Schwarzes Marken, Violet Evergarden). L’adattamento è prodotto dagli studi FLAGSHIP LINE, YUMETA COMPANY (My Sweet Tyrant, Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna) e GRAPHINICA (Record of Ragnarok, Hello World),
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Serie animata tratta dalla light novel fantasy dal titolo “Saihate no Paladin”, scritta da Kanata Yanagino e illustrata da Kususaga Rin, giunta attualmente al 4° volume, che ha ispirato anche una versione manga curata da Mutsumi Okuhashi (Hai to Gensou no Grimgar).
In una città in rovina popolata dai morti, lontana dalla civiltà, vive un ragazzino umano chiamato Will. È stato cresciuto da tre non morti: l'eroico guerriero scheletro chiamato Blood, la mummia sacerdotessa chiamata Mary e il mago spettrale chiamato Gus. I tre hanno insegnato al ragazzo ciò che sanno e gli hanno dato tutto il loro amore.
Il ragazzo inizia un giorno a chiedersi: "Chi sono?". Will inizierà a scoprire i misteri dei non morti di questa città. Comprenderà l'amore e la pietà degli dei buoni, ma anche la paranoia e la follia di quelli malvagi. E una volta imparato tutto ciò, si cimenterà nella via che porta a divenire paladini.
L’anime è in produzione presso lo studio CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND ENTERTAINMENT (Hatena Illusion, Tsukiuta The Animation 2) ed è diretto da Yuu Nobuta (High School Fleet, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear) e sceneggiato da Tatsuya Takahashi (I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level, Eromanga Sensei). Il design dei personaggi è invece affidato a Koji Haneda (Scared Rider Xechs, Yarichin Bitch-bu).
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Serie animata tratta dal manga ecchi sci-fi, scritto da Link e disegnato da Kotaro Shono, edito in Italia da J-POP Manga e conclusosi con il 12° volumetto.
Ambientato nel futuro prossimo, a Tokyo nel 2040. Reito, un ragazzo che soffre di una malattia incurabile, vuole incontrare di nuovo la sua amica d'infanzia Erisa, decide poi di ibernasi per curarla dalla sua malattia. Quando si risveglia cinque anni dopo, nel mondo è in atto una pesante trasformazione. Il MK (Male Killer), virus ha ucciso il 99,9% degli uomini del pianeta. Questo rende il mondo un harem composto da 5 milioni di donne per ogni 5 uomini.
Solo 5 uomini, "Number" sono resistenti al virus MK. Uno di loro è Reito che deve "accoppiarsi" per il bene di ciò che resta dell'umanità. Lo aspetta una vita da harem in questo mondo pandemico. Nello stesso momento, Reito resta coinvolto in una cospirazione globale. Potrà resistere alla tentazione di salvare il mondo?
L’adattamento è in lavorazione presso STUDIO GOKUMI e AXSIZ (Ms. vampire who lives in my neighborhood, Seiren) e alla regia troviamo Yuu Nobuta (High School Fleet, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear), mentre le sceneggiatura sta venendo curata da Tatsuya Takahashi (Domestic Girlfriend, Val x Love). Il character design è ad opera di Masaru Koseki (Happiness!, Demon King Daimao) e le musiche per la colonna sonora sono invece composte da Shigenobu Ookawa (Kurage no Shokudou, Miss Monochrome).
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Serie animata basata sulla light novel fantasy di Shinkoshoto, dal titolo “Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja”, giunta attualmente al 10° volume in patria. Dal 2017 ne viene serializzata online anche una versione manga, disegnata da Kansho e Hyoko.
La sua forza è limitata dallo stemma con cui è nato, Mathias il più potente saggio del mondo, decide che reincarnarsi è necessario per ottenere una potenza inarrivabile. Dopo la sua rinascita, il ragazzino scopre di essere nato con lo stemma perfetto per essere il combattente magico perfetto, alla prima prova! Sfortunatamente, il mondo in cui è nato ha degli standard atrocemente bassi in quanto a magia e tutti pensano che sia destinato al fallimento. Ora sta a lui provare quanto tutti sbaglino... alla maniera del saggio più potente del mondo!
L’adattamento è diretto da Noriaki Akitaya (Ms. vampire who lives in my neighborhood, ORESUKI: Are you the only one who loves me?) e sceneggiato da Hiroki Uchida (Gamers!, Merc Storia: Mukiryoku no Shounen to Bin no Naka no Shoujo). Il tutto sta venendo prodotto presso lo studio J.C.STAFF (DaMachi, Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma)
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Serie animata basata sulla light novel fantasy isekai dal titolo “Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu”, scritta da Enki Hakari e illustrata da KeG. L’opera ha debuttato nel 2014 e ad ora conta nove volumi publicati in Giappone. Dal 2017 ne viene serializzata online una versione manga, disegnata da Akira Sawano.
Un giorno, un ragazzo si è addormentato giocando a un videogioco... e quando si è svegliato si è trovato in un mondo di gioco nei panni di uno scheletro! Dotato delle armi poderose e dell'armatura del suo avatar, ma intrappolato nell'aspetto terrificante di uno scheletro, Arc si trova in un nuovo e fantastico mondo. Tutte le sue speranze di vivere una vita tranquilla sono dunque svanite, dopo l'incontro con una bellissima guerriera elfa che lo ha posto su una strada irta d'avventure e conflitti.
L’anime è in lavorazione presso gli studi STUDIO KAI (Super Cub, Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - Season 2) e HORNETS (Somali and the Forest Spirit). Alla regia c’è Katsumi Ono (Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV, Girly Air Force) e la sceneggiatura è invece in mano a Takeshi Kikuchi (Ragnastrike Angels). Il character design è ad opera di Tooru Imanishi (WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?, Super Cub), mentre le musiche sono composte da Eba (sigla di testa di No Game No Life, Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil) e Tsubasa Itou (Princess Connect! Re:Dive, Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls).
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L’action love story si basa sul manga “Koroshi Ai” di Fe, lanciato nel 2015 in Giappone e giunto attualmente al 12° volumetto.
La silenziosa e stoica Chateau Dankworth è una cacciatrice di taglie. Il suo obiettivo: Son Ryang-ha, un famigerato assassino noto per aver ucciso 18 ufficiali di alto rango in una sola notte. Ancora oggi, i suoi omicidi rimangono rapidi, efficienti e sanguinosi. Tuttavia, dopo che Son Ryang-ha riesce a sopraffare Chateau nel loro primo incontro, lui le rivela di essere sulle sue tracce da tempo. Il suo obbiettivo: il cuore della donna.
I tentativi di Son Ryang-ha di attirare le attenzioni di Chateau sono a dir poco unici. Le offre in dono i suoi attuali obiettivi, già legati e malconci, facendo di tutto per passare più tempo assieme. Con riluttanza, Chateau asseconda la sua corte, e così inizia il gioco d'amore fra i due assassini.
Per l’adattamento, PLATINUM VISION (Devils’ Line, Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life) ha riunito lo staff principale dietro alla serie di “Dr. Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist” (che potete già vedere sempre su Crunchyroll).
Alla regia dunque troviamo Hideaki Oba (The Fate of Arad), mentre la sceneggiatura sta venendo curata da Ayumu Hisao (Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life, Devils’ Line). Il character design è ad opera di Youko Satou (Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi, Saiyuki Reload Blast) e la colonna sonora è firmata da Kei Yoshikawa (Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, SaiKano: Another Love Song).
Ricordiamo, inoltre, che nel corso delle settimane passate, la piattaforma ha anticipato l’arrivo sempre nei prossimi mesi anche di altri titoli molto attesi:
Come al solito, gli episodi sottotitolati in italiano delle serie arriveranno in streaming ogni settimana seguendo la trasmissione in Giappone; gli abbonati premium potranno vedere da subito le puntate, che però dopo sette giorni saranno accessibili a tutti gratuitamente.
Durante l’evento c’è stato spazio anche per l’annuncio di qualche recupero.
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È infatti intenzione di Crunchyroll di portare in Italia tutti e cinque gli OVA di “Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma”, cominciando dai primi due intitolati “La disfida dei Takumi nei quartieri popolari” e “Erina al Dormitorio Stella Polare”, già disponibili gratuitamente sul catalogo.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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yuzusorbet · 4 years
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Continuing Kikuchi-sensei's book 'Strongly, beautifully,....
Chapter 4
4.5  Words to enter a switch
"You're alright, so just do carefully one by one," this was what I said to him before the free skate at PyeongChang Olympics.
"Have confidence, you can do it!"  I incited him with this before the short programme the previous day.
In actual fact, "Carefully one by one!" and "Have confidence!" are Yuzuru's own habitual phrases.   (t/n. In Japanese: 「一つ一つ丁寧に!」 and  「自信を持って!」)
2015-16 season, GP series NHK Trophy, it was his first time competing with  Boyang Jin (China) who had just moved up from junior level.  Yuzuru was very tensed.  Before the free skate, he murmured, "It's alright, do carefully one by one, here we go!"  and he flew into the rink. (translator's notes: At this comp, he set new world records for both SP and FS, becoming the first skater to break 200 points for FS and 300 points for total score.  He already broke 100 points for SP at 2014 Olympics.)
Since then, he has often said "Carefully one by one" before a performance.  As for "Have confidence!", not only before a competition but also during practice, he always says that to himself.
These 2 phrases are Yuzuru's favourite words to rouse himself.   Once they are said, the mood switches and the focus is on the performance.  That is why I said those words to him right before the short programme and free skating at PyeongChang, hoping to give him some extra composure and calm facing the competition.  Having words that can encourage himself is one strong point that Yuzuru has.
4.6  (not translating)
4.7  To moderate the tension before competing
Perhaps due to figure skating being a sport that demands expressiveness, Yuzuru can express emotions* very well. (*t/n. 喜怒哀楽 = literally "joy anger grief pleasure".)  He always has an abundance of expressions.  Frequently moving the facial muscles has a relaxing effect.  I don't know if that child is aware of it but his facial expressions are varied and colourful.
If an athlete whom I am taking care of shows an expression like he/she is worrying about something, I will get them to do 'enforced eyeball movements'.
Put a string from the back of the head to above both ears to the front.  Cross it about 25-30cm in front of the eyes and suspend a weight of about 3cm at that point.  First, fix your eyes on the weight, and with eyes staring at the weight, use your neck to turn your head side to side.  Next, move the weight from side to side, and the eyes follow the weight with the head turning as well.  Lastly, keep the head still and move only the eyes to follow the weight that is being moved side to side.
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This kind of training can be done in the warm-up before the '6-minute practice'.
People who see this may think we are doing a strange thing.  But this exercise is effective in easing tension in the brain.  If an incorrect method is used and over-relaxes the tension in the brain, concentration power will decline.  The person will not be able to give the fullest display of his abilities in the performance.  'Moving the eyeballs' training is like an exercise that leaves one thread of tension behind.
In my role as Yuzuru's trainer, I felt some difficulty in dealing with this tension.  I racked my brains and worried over a suitable state of tension for him, but Yuzuru said,  "I really like battling with my body that has become stiff with tension."   A rather difficult situation, isn't it?
(This is the end of chapter 4.  Next is chapter 5, last chapter of book.)
Translated by me from Akira Kikuchi-sensei's book (please buy it to show support, if you can)
1st photo: from NHK Trophy 2015  (original source unknown, sorry) 2nd photo: credit
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